Natural Coagulant For Waste Water Treatment
Natural Coagulant For Waste Water Treatment
Natural Coagulant For Waste Water Treatment
Pravara Journal of Science & Technology 2017; 1(1)
suspended solids, settleable solids, sulfide, the use of chemical coagulants (Choy,
chloride and chromium. Untreated tannery 2014).
effluents when discharged directly into the A coagulant is a substance which in
water bodies or into the open lands cause solution, furnishes ionic charges opposite to
irreversible damage to the environment. those of the colloidal turbid particles present
Coagulationflocculation is one of the most in water. Coagulants neutralize repelling the
important physicochemical treatment steps charges on the colloidal particles and
employed in industrial wastewater treatment produce a jelly- like spongy mass called a
to reduce the suspended and colloidal flock. Flocculation causes considerable
materials responsible for turbidity of the increase in the density and size of
wastewater. During the last decade, more coagulated particles resulting in an effective
interest has been given on the use of natural rate of settling of the particles in a solution
coagulants in treating industrial wastewater or in the wastewater (Ellis, 1988). In order
(Tasneembano and Arjun, 2013). to treat water the natural coagulants proved
The dairy industry is generally considered to to be effective one. Surjana Seed is a seed of
be largest source of food processing. These tropical plant of Moringa oleifera from
industries wastewater is characterized by family of Moringaceae. Moringa oleifera
high COD, BOD, nutrients etc. Such commonly known as drum stick is the
wastewater is to be treated natural known species which grows quickly even at
coagulants and then tests are to be carried to low altitudes, generally used as medicine,
check the water characteristics like BOD, vegetable and sources of vegetable oil. In
COD, pH and turbidity, etc. The initial pH, Indian region the Surjana is easily available
Turbidity, COD are 7.41. 289.5 NTU, 10000 (Patel, 2013).
mg/l respectively (Chidanand and Manika A number of seed extracts have been known
2015). An important concern of the to flocculate particles resin water and the
environmental industries, is to lower the following procedure has been used and
coagulants and flocculants cost and at the which if developed may yield divides. It
same time to improve the characteristics of include; 1) Extract the seeds from the plant
the produced sludge to be safely utilized. To fruit. 2) Dry seeds for up to three days. 3)
overcome this problem the use of natural Grind the seeds to a fine powder. 4) Prepare
coagulants are attempted to treat such kinds a mixture of water and ground seed material
of wastewater. (the volume of water depend on the type of
Natural Coagulants seed material used) in case of Moringa
Choy et al. indicated turbidity in general is a oleifera , add 100 cm3of water for each seed;
measure of water cloudiness induced by for peach or bean seeds, add water to each
suspended and colloidal matters and is also 0.3 to 0.5 g of ground material. 5) Mix this
one of the major criteria in raw water solution for 5 to 10 minutes: the faster it is
monitoring to meet the stipulated water stirred, the less time is required. 6) Finally,
quality guidelines. Reduction of turbidity is after the sediments settle, decant the treated
often achieved using chemical coagulants water, testing it for pH, color and turbidity.
such as alum. The use of alum is widely But with wetland system, water hyacinth is
associated with potential development of the most popular plant used in
health issues and generation of voluminous phytoremediation (Yongabi, 2010). It has
sludge. Natural coagulants that are available been reported that Moringa oleifera seeds
in abundance can certainly be considered in reduces bacterial count in wastewater by at
addressing the drawbacks associated with least 99% Wetland treatment system using
Pravara Journal of Science & Technology 2017; 1(1)
totora have been observed as efficient at seed have been found to act as coagulant
removing nutrients and oxygen demanding because natural seeds are naturally occurring
substances from effluent. It has been seen to polyelectrolytes (bio colloids).
remove parasites, total and faecal coliforms Palm oil is one of the most important
from inflows by 88-99% (Yongabi, 2010). vegetable oil. The extraction and
purification process create a lot of waste and
Maize (scientific name: Zea mays) is is known as palm oil mill effluent (POME).
commonly known as corn in many Kaladevi and Preetha et al. showed the
countries. The Maize seeds are easily and efficiency of natural coagulants for the
abundantly available in Indian region. The treatment of POME with cacti species and
seed of maize plant may be washed with zeamaize. Temperature, initial pH, mixing
water to remove dust and were dried in an time, mixing speed and coagulant dose were
oven at 60 2C. The dried seed were the constant parameters throughout the
crushed and powdered and sieved through experiment. Further treatment efficiency
200 m nylon sieves and used as coagulant. was determined by pH, conductivity,
Researchers had tried to utilize maize seeds alkalinity, Turbidity, hardness, TDS, TSS,
as coagulant aid (Patel, 2013). oil and grease, BOD and COD of the sample
are estimated by standard method. The work
Chitosan is cellulose like biopolymer widely indicated that both these traditional plants
distributed in nature, especially in marine may contribute the treatment efficiency with
invertebrates, insects, fungi, and yeasts. Its respect to their potential characteristics
deacetylation of chitin [poly--(1 4) -N- (Kaladevi and Preetha, 2013).
acetyl-Dglucosamine, is readily soluble in Bentonite is a natural material that contains
acidic solutions, which makes it more essential compounds such as aluminium,
available for applications. Chitosan is a iron and clay materials which are useful for
yellow colored powder, non-toxic, the treatment of wastewater. Moreover,
biodegradable, linear cationic polymer of bentonite is cheaper than several other
high molecular weight with a number of chemicals and it fulfils the economic
applications including chromatography, benefits of the operators as well as
water treatment, additives for cosmetics, environmental concerns (Syafalni et al.
textile treatment for antimicrobial activity, 2013).
novel fibers for textiles, photographic Muthuraman and Sasikala investigated the
papers, biodegradable films, biomedical ability of three plant materials, seeds such
devices, improvement of quality and shelf - as Moringa oleifera, Strychnos
life of food and microcapsule implants for potatorum and Phaseolus vulgaris, to act as
controlled release in drug delivery. Also, it natural coagulants was tested using synthetic
is utilized for recovery of suspended solids turbid water formulated to resemble the
in processing wastes from poultry, eggs, drinking water. An improved and alternative
cheese and vegetable operations (Patel, method for the extraction of the active
2013). For the textile industry effluent coagulant agent M. oleifera, S.
treatment the Surjana Seed Powder, Maize potatorum, P. vulgaris seeds was developed
Seed Powder and Chitosan showed and compared with the conventional water
prominent results. Table 1 shows that there extraction method. In the new method the
was continuous removal with increases in seeds were extracted using different solvents
coagulant doses up to 30.0 g l-1, which may of NaCl and NaOH to extract the active
be due to increases of substantially. Natural coagulant agent from natural coagulants. In
Pravara Journal of Science & Technology 2017; 1(1)
Surjana Seed
Coagulant Maize Seed Powder Chitosan
Dose (g/ l)
COD Color COD Color COD Color
5 26.62 9.99 20.73 8.00 13.24 5.14
Pravara Journal of Science & Technology 2017; 1(1)