Innovation Blockchain Revolution
Innovation Blockchain Revolution
Innovation Blockchain Revolution
The Blockchain (R)evolution – The Swiss Perspective
Summary 06
1. What is Blockchain? 07
1.1 Technology on trend 08
1.2 The value of trust 08
1.3 Sample applications 09
1.3.1 Bitcoin 09
1.3.2 Smart contracts 11
2. Blockchain and the path to innovation 12
2.1 The technology-driven business innovation model 12
2.1.1 Early development phase 13
2.1.2 Standardisation phase 13
2.1.3 Value creation phase 13
2.2 Impact on key sectors of the Swiss economy 14
3. Switzerland’s positioning 17
3.1 Identification of business opportunities 20
3.2 Supportive legal environment 23
3.3 Controlled business process costs 24
3.4 Coordinated standardisation 24
3.5 Security and encryption 24
3.6 Controlling operational risks and vulnerabilities 26
3.7 Diverse stakeholder map 27
4. A look into the future 29
5. Appendix 31
High potential use cases II - Trading & Settlement 35
High potential use cases IV - Loyalty 37
6. Authors and main contacts 39
The Blockchain (R)evolution – The Swiss Perspective
White Paper: The Blockchain (R)evolution – The Swiss Perspective
Blockchain technology is very much a trending topic, and Deloitte Switzerland is pleased to be able to give you an insight into it
with this publication. We herein focus on how Blockchain is seen by the Swiss market, which offers the Blockchain community huge
potential as a place in which this technology can be developed and used, of which the prominence of Zug’s Crypto Valley provides
the most convincing evidence.
Rapid technological development, constantly changing customer behaviour and ongoing regulatory amendments are forcing
companies and organisations worldwide to conduct a critical review of their business models and business processes. Blockchain
technology presents a great opportunity to all Swiss companies needing to do this, as its distinctive characteristics – such as
decentralisation, irreversibility and smart contracts – mean it provides considerable support to this transformation.
We are seeking, by means of this White Paper, to help promote the development of Blockchain in Switzerland and to encourage
dialogue between entrepreneurs, service providers and all other parties with an interest in Blockchain.
You can find further perspectives on the topic of Blockchain on the Deloitte Innovations website where we regularly post
information about the latest developments on the Swiss market. We will be offering further articles by experts and their insights into
technological innovations, examples of real-life practice and regulatory issues, thus covering a wide and varied selection of subjects.
We look forward to receiving your feedback and suggestions.
Yours sincerely
1) 06
The Blockchain (R)evolution – The Swiss Perspective
What is Blockchain?
07 1)
The Blockchain (R)evolution – The Swiss Perspective
Integrated protection
The security mechanism makes it impossible for nodes in the network to alter
blocks that have already been validated.
Figure 1: Bitcoin as an example of how Blockchain works (Source: Deloitte University Press, Tech Trends 2016: Innovating in the digital era)
The Blockchain
Proposal (R)evolution
title goes here
– The
| Swisstitle
goes here
The Blockchain (R)evolution – The Swiss Perspective
Numerous industries are examining the potential applications of these digital contracts. For example, healthcare companies such as
Novartis and Pfizer have recognised the added value offered by these contracts. In particular, tests are being conducted on the use
of Blockchain-based electronic medical records(EMRs) (1) . Personal health records can be stored and managed via the Blockchain in an
EMR system. Personal health records are coded as digital assets and stored securely in the Blockchain under a pseudonym (e.g. digital
address and not a coded name). Users can allow doctors and other parties to view their medical records as required with their private
key. The records might contain information from a fitness tracker, vaccination status, prescriptions, previous treatments, doctors’
recommendations and proof of insurance. This anonymised health data will open up new sources of income for drug development for
pharmaceutical companies.
Source: 1)
11 5)
The Blockchain (R)evolution – The Swiss Perspective
Blockchain in
Q4 2016
Figure 2: Technology-driven business innovation model (prepared by the Deloitte Switzerland Blockchain Team for this publication)
The start of innovation development is was intended, as it later transpired, to expectations (phase 1.2) were converted
driven by a hype initiated by very high revolutionise communication between into realistic development progress (phase
expectations that the technology can people who were a long distance apart, with 2.1). This turning point in the standardisation
solve human problems. The Internet also the Internet itself serving merely as a means phase is also characterised by the balanced
went through this development process, to an end. Over the course of the three- interaction between the supply of and
for example. In part, this technology phase maturity process these initially high demand for the new technology.
The Blockchain (R)evolution – The Swiss Perspective
For example, the Internet developed Peer Electronic Cash System6” and thus the respective capabilities on their own
from the hype into a value-creating entered the first phase, known as early in order to claim the full added value for
innovation with increasing experience and development. This was the trigger for themselves.
acceptance in the deployment and use of three years of hype, although the public
the new technology by customers. From at large did not recognise the potential of The cooperation between technological
the almost endless variety of ideas, more Blockchain technology until five years later supply and demand (turning point)
targeted potential applications, known as (2013). promotes standardisation and makes it
use cases, are pursued in more detail in more likely that the technology will gain
phase 2.2. These use cases are the result This hype boosts risk appetite, financed by broad acceptance. The active involvement
of prioritising ideas with the greatest funds from venture capital companies. This of authorities, supervisory bodies and
possible potential for offering social and in turn allows companies to push ahead politicians is crucial during this phase.
economic added value. Concentrating on with the development of technological Blockchain technology has recently moved
use cases means that capital can be spent prototypes. out of the hype phase and is currently at
in a more targeted manner and reduces the start of the standardisation phase
the risk for companies. The Internet only 2.1.2 Standardisation phase in the business innovation model. The
revealed its added value for users with the The level of venture capital companies’ proof of this is twofold: companies are
advent of a growing number of applications investment in new technologies reflects increasingly taking on a participatory role,
and business models, thus taking it into market interest and the potential of the and there are also signs of growing interest
the fifth phase of this model. The key technology. Companies also monitor among authorities and politicians.
factors in the development of innovative which technologies attract investments so
technologies such as Blockchain are the they can adapt their strategy accordingly 2.1.3 Value creation phase
opportunities that the technology offers and focus on those offering the greatest Driven by standardisation and the first
for creating long-term added value and potential. Companies initially take on an successful use of the technology, the
who the beneficiaries of these are. The observational role (passive), which develops value creation phase gives rise to renewed
example of the Internet showed that user over time into a participatory one (active). euphoria, albeit watered down. Companies
confidence coupled with economic benefit The decision to take an active role in the develop a greater risk appetite regarding
is fundamentally important for a successful further development of the technology investment in the technology, resulting
business model innovation, although other comes when a company concludes that the in economies of scale for technology
factors such as security and robustness technology has an impact (be it positive or providers and growing acceptance in the
also have a role to play. negative) on earnings in the entire industry wider society.
in which it operates. To reduce their risk
2.1.1 Early development phase exposure, some companies decide to The successful use of the technology leads
Every technology evolves in the way shown enter into a collaboration (consortium) to it being combined with established and
in Figure 2. Blockchain technology was with technology service providers, industry new technological trends with the aim of
launched in 2008 with the publication peers and/or start-ups. Companies with a creating new entrepreneurial value. The
of the white paper “Bitcoin: A Peer to strong capital base often decide to develop nature of the technology and the impact
on the value creation mechanism also
has a significant influence on the extent spectacular success with the iPad. horizontal axis measures the impact on
of the change. The use of technological As for Blockchain, it is realistic to assume costs and earnings. Sample questions in this
innovations in the design of new values and that the technology will only deliver long- respect include “What opportunities does
service offerings, such as Uber or AirBnB term success when there is lasting positive this technology open up? Is there scope
in the sharing economy, has thus triggered confirmation of the perceived benefits, for new sources of income? Does it create
major value distortions in the industries economic and regulatory conditions and risk potential for cost savings?” The vertical axis
concerned, while other technologies appetite of the players involved during the measures the transformative impact in each
have had a rather minor impact on value hype period. Other external factors such sector. Transformative in this context refers
creation. Blockchain is expected to have as the positioning of competing developers to the impact of the technology on how
a substantial impact and that the ways in in both the public (other countries business is conducted and on corporate
which DLT may change the value creation courting FinTech firms) and private sectors strategy. One sample question in this regard
process in traditional industries are not yet (companies experimenting with Blockchain is “Does Blockchain influence or change
fully clear. on both the supply and demand side) also the execution of internal and external core
have a significant impact and increase the processes and procedures?”
This is underlined by the fact that complexity of development.
Blockchain is trusted to offer the potential
to create new and comprehensive The current focus of Blockchain technology
transaction platforms and therefore is primarily on using the Blockchain to
change the core of current value creation in validate, execute and store transactions,
established companies such as banks and which is why development is being driven
insurers. In the following section we will mainly by companies in the financial
examine how going through these phases industry. However, the transformational
is likely to affect Swiss firms in particular, impact of Blockchain, as calculated by
and how Switzerland can evolve in a way us and presented in the matrix below,
that enables it to take on the role of a stretches to all sectors of the Swiss
progressive innovator. economy, albeit to varying extents.
2.2 Impact on key sectors of the The positioning calculated for an industry
Swiss economy in this matrix distinguishes between four
The success of an innovation depends on different groups (observers, experimenters,
a diverse range of factors and the interplay opportunists and pioneers) and calls
between them. Seemingly simple factors for different approaches for Swiss firms
such as the timing of the launch can be depending on which quadrant they fall into.
unexpectedly critical. Microsoft launched
some early tablets that never made the The impact of Blockchain technology is
breakthrough, whereas Apple achieved identified on the basis of two criteria. The
The Blockchain (R)evolution – The Swiss Perspective
Experimenters Pioneers
Financial services
Logistics Insurance
Pharma Healthcare
Mechanical engineering and electronics
Public administration
Observers Opportunists
Financial impact
of Blockchain
low high (revenues/costs)
Figure 3: Technology impact analysis matrix (prepared by the Deloitte Switzerland Blockchain Team for this publication)
The Blockchain (R)evolution – The Swiss Perspective
These two decision criteria give rise to This efficiency gain results in considerable
two fundamental strategies, the “pioneer” cost savings, reduces the risk for the
strategy and the “observer” strategy. parties involved and means that the capital
The impact matrix for the key
in question is available almost immediately
industries in the Swiss economy
The “observers” are sectors or companies and can feed back into new business and
is based on a structured method
in which the operational impact of transactions. The pioneer strategy should
that distinguishes between two
Blockchain technology can be classified also be pursued if using the technology
dimensions and ten parameters to
as low. The impact on or threat to these offers considerable strategic competitive
enable the current positioning to
sectors from Blockchain technology advantages or has the potential to
be evaluated.
(as things stand) is low, and market significantly impact operational business
competitors will not gain a decisive processes. Experimenters are under little
The data for this were obtained
competitive advantage by using the pressure to focus more closely on the
through interviews with Deloitte
technology. Another indication that the technology due to the limited impact on
experts from these industries.
observer strategy should be preferred is net profit in the short term. However, they
This provides a snapshot, with
if using Blockchain technology has only a could nevertheless decide to engage with
the volatility of the assessment
minor impact on a company’s costs and the technology in order to secure long-term
taken into account by highlighting
earnings. benefits like those sought by pioneers. One
the currently visible trend in each
such example would be companies from
industry. The detailed results
By contrast, the pioneer strategy is the Engineering industry, who are already
can be found in Figures 7 and
characterised by a high strategic and experimenting with the technology since it
8 in the appendix. The matrix
operational impact coupled with a similarly could lead to synergies with their current
compares the operational impact
major impact on costs and earnings. priorities such as the Internet of Things or
of Blockchain technology with the
Blockchain technology allows pioneers to robotics.
impact on revenues and costs. The
realise enormous savings on the cost side.
individual parameters for each
A primary example would be the clearing By contrast, opportunists identify
industry are evaluated on a scale
and settlement of a financial services short-term impacts on their finances
from 0.0 (low) to 3.0 (high) and
provider’s securities transactions, a very from selected effects that are not part
aggregated to determine the final
labour-intensive and time-consuming of their core business. One possibility
cumulative value (more detailed
task within a bank that currently takes for opportunists would be to enter into
evaluations and derivations can
three days to complete. Using Blockchain a partnership with other companies or
be found in the appendix). The
technology reduces the workload to a conduct small-scale feasibility studies in
resulting matrix is a key indicator
minimum, allowing transactions to be order to familiarise themselves with the
of the impact that Blockchain will
settled and completed in minutes technology.
have on the various industries.
(currently around ten minutes).
The Blockchain (R)evolution – The Swiss Perspective
Switzerland’s positioning
Blockchain technology will continue to develop, characterised above all by increasing maturity and a growing number of participants
contributing ideas, prototypes and initiatives to this evolution. It is therefore important for Switzerland to conduct a critical appraisal of its
own position, examine its strengths and weaknesses and define a clear positioning strategy. As the most competitive country in the world7
and the leader in numerous economic sectors, due in no small part to its strong position as a driver of innovation, Switzerland possesses
characteristics that make it a suitable candidate to press ahead with the further development of Blockchain. The Swiss Confederation
should aim to become the central global contact for Blockchain opinion leaders, start-ups and related firms at the cutting edge of
Blockchain innovations. The diagram below illustrates Switzerland’s innovative qualities.
• Advanced data governance &
regulation • High proportion of SMEs
• Modern data storage • Very competitive economy at
Data security &
infrastructure protection Innovation global level
• High global server security rating centre • Good access to equity &
• First-class local data encryption venture capital
providers • Very attractive for start-ups
Figure 4: Swiss Blockchain ecosystem (prepared by the Deloitte Switzerland Blockchain Team for this publication) The diagram shows that a wide range of aspects and
stakeholders have an impact on Blockchain technology and conversely are also affected by the change that this technology entails, from consumers and producers to lawyers,
government representatives and regulators. We call this the Blockchain ecosystem for stakeholders. It is vitally important that all interest groups are involved in the dialogue at local,
cantonal and federal level and pursue a common goal.
17 7)
The Blockchain (R)evolution – The Swiss Perspective
The most recent communiqué8 from the to build “trust in the code”. Blockchain
Federal Council is already a clear move in eliminates the intermediaries from the
“Switzerland has always
this direction, as it announced plans to relax transaction process, creating a gap in
FinTech legislation and give firms greater business transactions that must be filled been open to blockchain
freedom in line with the UK. by developing new settlement processes
technology and crypto-
in the digital world. Swiss legislators and
Government representatives and
regulators must lay the foundations for currencies. There are no
regulators will play a key role in establishing
establishing Switzerland as a Blockchain
Blockchain as a fundamental enabler of alternative locations that
hub, while other interest groups
change in the Swiss economy and must
encourage and drive open debate. Their
must nonetheless also work to drive offer these opportunities
development and remove obstacles in
role will be less that of an innovator and in the same way.”
order to achieve this objective.
more that of an intermediary promoting
the usability and acceptance of the Taylor Gerring, , Director
We have identified a total of seven focal
technology in day-to-day transactions. of Technology, Ethereum
points for the country’s positioning going
This intermediary role can extend to forward, which will give Switzerland
various tasks: the maximum opportunity to assume
international leadership over the long term
1. Educating the population about the
by ensuring that all players in the Swiss
potential applications of Blockchain and
ecosystem pull together.
the benefits of the technology both for
individual companies and for the Swiss
economy as a whole
2. S
teering open debate through
Identification of business opportunities
forums with company and industry
Supportive legal environment
3. W
orking with representatives from the
legal profession to adapt and issue laws
Controlled business process costs
and regulations to promote this new
Coordinated standardisation
8) 18
The Blockchain (R)evolution – The Swiss Perspective
The Blockchain (R)evolution – The Swiss Perspective
3.1 Identification of business insurance, for example, as automated The following specific sample applications
opportunities Blockchain processes assisted by smart are currently being examined by Swiss
Swiss firms can take advantage of contracts can issue improved expert players. Following a two-year experimental
Switzerland’s security, neutrality and opinions based on historic claims and phase with Blockchain technology, UBS is
reputation to underline the competitiveness reduce the potential for fraudulent claims9. planning to implement a DLT-based trade
of the location with regard to Blockchain finance system for rationalising import-
technology. Resident companies must utilise Pilot Blockchain projects are also being export transactions at a global level.11
this advantage and quickly identify areas conducted in other industries such as
where Blockchain can be used, enabling utilities, however. Some are focusing on the Another use case is the redesign of the
them to position themselves accordingly at creation of DLT-based trading platforms for process for settling over-the-counter
a global level. distributing solar energy between various equities with the aid of Blockchain
parties, with transactions authenticated technology.12 This is being investigated
The financial and insurance sectors, in which automatically and invoicing carried out by a consortium comprising the Lucerne
Switzerland is excellently positioned, offer by the technology. Others are working University of Applied Sciences and Arts,
a particularly large number of possible DLT on solutions for integrating Blockchain Zürcher Kantonalbank, SIX, Swisscom and
applications, as do the energy sector and technology into smart urban innovations in other players.
the services sector. Claims management order to optimise energy management in
can be simplified in property and casualty cities10.
Increasing the efficiency and reducing the risk of financial transactions through Blockchain
The vision shared by UBS, Deutsche Bank, BNY Mellon and other financial institutions is to develop a digital currency that is linked
to central bank accounts and tied directly to a fiat currency(1) . They created the Utility Settlement Coin (USC), a series of cash
cryptocurrencies with a version for each of the major real currencies such as the US dollar, euro or Swiss franc(2) . Blockchain technology
enables transactions to be settled quickly and integrated into regular markets such as Switzerland.
By automating processes, a coin such as this has the potential to reduce risk factors such as counterparty, settlement and market risk
and improve capital efficiency while at the same time reducing costs(3) . This will revolutionise, speed up and significantly improve the
payment and processing of trading transactions between financial institutions. It will also reduce the capital-intensive loan collateral
requirements for banks by avoiding short-term liquidity bottlenecks in real currencies. This means banks can increase the frequency of
their trading activities and make better use of their capital. The high level of transparency and auditability of the Blockchain also offers
considerable advantages for regulatory authorities such as the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority. As soon as the regulators
can be convinced about the concept, the USC will be tested under real market conditions. This underlines the desire but also the need for
financial institutions to review and recast their current approach.
12) 20
The Blockchain (R)evolution – The Swiss Perspective
The consortium’s goal is to develop an open system standard for the Swiss financial centre to simplify the settlement of over-the-counter
trading(1) . ). Trading in unlisted Swiss securities is currently conducted bilaterally between financial institutions, making it frequently
complex, risky and time-consuming. Redesigning the process with DLT speeds up the delivery and payment of the securities. In the best
case scenario this even occurs in real time. Using Blockchain technology could also significantly reduce the costs and risks involved in
settling over-the-counter securities transactions.
In addition to the consortium, the standard is also to be made available to all other interested financial institutions and the supervisory
authorities. The high level of transparency would give regulators better oversight of the legal compliance of over-the-counter trading(2) .
21 13)
The Blockchain (R)evolution – The Swiss Perspective
The SBB, Switzerland’s largest rail company, believes in the future of bitcoin and started selling the online currency in November 2016.
The SBB allows its customers to withdraw bitcoin at any of the more than 1000 ticket machines throughout the country(1) . To purchase
the digital currency, which is based on DLT, customers need a Swiss mobile phone number, a security code for identification and a bitcoin
wallet (2) .
The SBB, one of the biggest public sector companies, has thus created Europe’s largest network of ATMs for bitcoin withdrawals(3) . The
extensive network offers permanent and rapid access to the digital currency. By selling bitcoin, the SBB has strategically expanded its
service portfolio and taken up a pioneering role in the digital age. To secure this position over the long term the rail company should not
only sell bitcoin but also integrate blockchain technology more heavily in its service offering and combine it with existing services. The
obvious move towards paying for travel tickets or other SBB products directly via a bitcoin wallet offers enormous potential. The payment
process could also be coordinated with numerous partners such as Snow ’n Rail, while the supply chain could be completely revolutionised
through the use of smart contracts.
15) 22
The Blockchain (R)evolution – The Swiss Perspective
23 18)
The Blockchain (R)evolution – The Swiss Perspective
3.3 Controlled business 3.4 Coordinated standardisation links to Blockchain should therefore be
process costs Technological innovations, particularly efforts towards the active shaping and
The dynamic nature of their activities those that become established over a rapid adoption of a uniform standard.
means that Blockchain companies, long period and impact numerous players
especially start-ups that are still in their in various sectors, rarely appear in a 3.5 Security and encryption
infancy, have to maintain rigid controls standardised form. One example from One proverbial key element of Blockchain
on their finances. For Switzerland, which the not all too distant past is the battle with a special connection to Switzerland
is known globally as a high-cost country, between Blu-ray and HD DVD, which ended is encryption in particular and security in
this presents a challenge in respect of its when the former established itself as the general. The best known application of
positioning in the Blockchain environment, de facto standard in 200820. Blockchain technology – as the basis for
as it means that these companies are cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin – has
extremely analytical regarding investment The absence of a uniform industry attracted a great deal of attention due to its
in separate infrastructures and any mid or standard can delay the operational security-related features, and this means
back office functions. They will only choose implementation of an innovation or even that Switzerland, with its tradition as a
Switzerland as a location if these outgoings prevent it entirely, as private sector players neutral and stable location offering strong
are offset by appropriate added value in attach risk profiles to their investments protection for personal and economic
other areas. and would struggle to justify committing rights, is excellently positioned to establish
capital and human resources under itself as a global Blockchain hub.
The resulting recommendations for such circumstances. It is therefore in the
action are therefore on two levels: firstly, interests of all parties to reach agreement Many investment firms have
Switzerland (in the form of representative as quickly as possible so that development already recognised the potential of
institutions at communal, cantonal and of the technology can continue through to cryptocurrencies and made a significant
federal level) must demonstrate that it integration into actual day-to-day business. portion of their investments in Switzerland,
is willing to help develop a Blockchain to the extent that the term “Crypto
cluster by maintaining and expanding For Switzerland this means once again Valley Zug” is now long established in the
excellent framework conditions in the that it must actively seek to become part industry jargon22. It is for precisely these
financial sector too (such as the availability of this development process. The recently reasons that these companies which are
of venture capital, cooperations between announcement by the International experimenting with Blockchain technology
universities and companies). Secondly, Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) of opt for Switzerland as their domicile23.
these locational advantages that are the establishment of a technical committee
relevant for Blockchain companies (chiefly for the development of Blockchain One security risk, for example, is the loss
excellent infrastructure, high level of standards offers a good example of of the private Blockchain key. The public
education, good network of international this; Australia was rewarded for its and private key approach is a standardised
contacts) must be aggressively emphasised pioneering role to date with the chair of feature of Blockchain implementations.
and reiterated on a regular basis by means the committee, while Switzerland is only
of specifically tailored media releases. involved as an observer21. One area of The public key is not secret and known
focus for all Swiss-domiciled players with to outsiders, but the private key belongs
22) 24
The Blockchain (R)evolution – The Swiss Perspective
exclusively to its creator. Best practice for side you have the visible public Blockchain
avoiding this risk is to store the key locally with a valuable network in terms of
offline so that unauthorised persons are transparency and security, while on the
unable to access it, and Switzerland offers other are the private Blockchain solutions
optimal conditions for this. One such that offer greater flexibility with regard to
example is xapo, which offers local offline data protection and access. Within this
storage in a military bunker in the canton entire spectrum of public and private
of Uri24. Blockchains lies the solution of centralised
data challenges, audits and analysis.
The combination of preventive measures
like this and specific examples of active With possibilities such as the ability to
cases from the financial world such as compare accounting entries between
cum-ex fraud25 clearly demonstrates that two trading partners (without sacrificing
companies must attach great importance data protection), this approach promises
to the security and auditability of their to significantly reduce the auditing work
Blockchain activities. Switzerland offers a required for financial transactions. We
locational advantage over other countries expect this to have a substantial impact on
in terms of security. Cum-ex trades are a the role of the Chief Information Security
good application, as a Blockchain solution Officer (CISO) in companies, as a growing
would in all probability have prevented the number of technology decisions will need
underlying practice of multiple tax refunds, to be taken on the basis of security factors
since the chain would have highlighted and risk tolerance.
refunds that had already been made and
rejected any other repayments. This gives rise to various concrete
recommendations for action for
In this context, specific system security Switzerland. It makes sense to aggressively
documentation and audit standards emphasise the country’s history of strong
become vital elements for further protection for law and security in external
Blockchain adoption. communication. It is also important to
During development there is a definitive understand the specific requirements of
need for public accountability. On one potential companies which are interested
in basing their headquarters in Switzerland,
25 24)
The Blockchain (R)evolution – The Swiss Perspective
and show them how this can be achieved. Swiss companies are therefore advised
The secure storage facilities in central to familiarise themselves as soon as
Switzerland are a perfect example to use possible with ongoing decentralisation
for this. and its implications for day-to-day
business. Incidents such as the hack of the
3.6 Controlling operational risks Decentralised Autonomous Organisation
and vulnerabilities (DAO)27 show that there are a host of
The preceding sections have already dealt unforeseen but potential risks that
with various risk types connected to the companies can only tackle by training
technology-driven business innovation and deploying employees who are alert
model. Another important factor that to these risks and equipped with the
can also hinder the spread of DLT are necessary tools.
individuals and their proprietary views
on the operational implementation of
Blockchain technology.
26) 26
The Blockchain (R)evolution – The Swiss Perspective
3.7 Diverse stakeholder map in the process. While the questions that Given the range of challenges involved,
Technological advancement and all players need to answer and their the successful long-term positioning
technology adoption are defined to a common goal are identical – to ensure required to ensure that players are able
large degree by the number and type that Switzerland is positively positioned in to respond to even the most detailed
of stakeholders in the environments the global Blockchain environment – the questions concerning growing data
concerned. The map of parties with procedure is not necessarily coordinated. volumes, data types, transaction details
relevance to Blockchain has become The cantons and the federal government and nodes can only be secured through an
disparately more complex than previously, pursue different interests, for example institutionalised round table. The issues
for example during the Internet’s regarding the location of certain regulatory that need to be resolved include whether
development into a mass medium. The bodies, while the trade associations of regulators or consortia define standards
diagram below shows the groups that various industries may disagree on the best for the various industries and who takes
are relevant for Switzerland with regard approach for attracting new Blockchain- responsibility for the execution of smart
to Blockchain and need to be involved based firms. contracts.
The Blockchain (R)evolution – The Swiss Perspective
The Blockchain (R)evolution – The Swiss Perspective
29 30)
The Blockchain (R)evolution – The Swiss Perspective
for such Blockchains can only be joined industry, but Blockchain is also picking up
by invitation, meaning that participants speed in other industries as well. Examples Deloitte Blockchain
must be known and vetted in advance. of this include the supply chain, container activities
The private Blockchain concept will drive shipping and healthcare sectors, and also
acceptance and implementation of this public services. This trend will spread to To keep pace with the topic,
new technology. This is particularly true other industries as Blockchain technology Deloitte will provide ongoing
for industries in which strict compliance, becomes increasingly mature. information about the further
regulated activities, data protection and development of Blockchain and
specialist knowledge are prerequisites for Blockchain is a highly dynamic technology. its areas of application in form
settling contracts and doing business. The In addition to an increase in activities of perspectives on our website.
Hyperledger project33 is a key example in all sectors, Deloitte expects to see We will also be analysing the
of this trend. The project is a global open further innovations and surprises that will impact on Switzerland’s key
source collaborative initiative to advance confirm Blockchain’s potential. In view of industries and drawing up specific
cross-industry DLT and is hosted by the the factors highlighted above, all these recommendations for how they
Linux Foundation. The collaboration developments offer a host of opportunities should respond.
includes leaders in financial services, for Switzerland to expand its profile as an
the Internet of Things, supply chains, internationally competitive and innovative We look forward to engaging
manufacturing and technology. A key centre. in dialogue with all parties
aspect of the project is the protection of interested in Blockchain and to
privacy through identity and membership receiving feedback on this white
services that offer a private Blockchain. paper. We are happy to discuss
not only potential developments
Two groups of innovators have formed on but also specific problems and
the technology supply side: infrastructure proposed solutions, for which
providers (platforms and frameworks) Deloitte offers a global portfolio
on the one hand and software providers of professional services.
on the other. These two groups are
currently driving innovation and permitting
demand-driven business innovations.
Another unique feature of the Blockchain
ecosystem is the formation of consortia
from the software supply side and the
demand organisations with the aim of
speeding up the generation of business
33) 30
The Blockchain (R)evolution – The Swiss Perspective
Transformational impact of Blockchain technology on strategy and operating processes
01. Organisation 02. 03. Governance 04. Data & technology
Cumulative effect Trend
(people) Processes (stakeholders & legal) (security)
Mechanical engineering
0,5 1,8 2,3 1,7 6,3 Upwards
and electronics
Figure 7: Transformational impact of Blockchain technology on strategy and operating processes (0 = low, 3 = high) (prepared by the Deloitte Switzerland Blockchain Team
for this publication)
01. New markets 02. Transaction- 03. Security and 05. 06. Participants in the
04. Legal Cumulative effect Trend
& customers driven encryption Standardisation value chain
Mechanical engineering
0,8 0,6 1,5 0,7 1,0 1,3 6 Flat
and electronics
Figure 8: Financial impact of Blockchain technology (revenues/costs) (0 = low, 3 = high) ) (prepared by the Deloitte Switzerland Blockchain Team for this publication)
The Blockchain (R)evolution – The Swiss Perspective
FX market ACH/Intermediary
Figure 9: Payment settlement – traditional model compared with an ideal Blockchain solution (Source: Deloitte (2015), The Future of Financial Services Infrastructure.
Overview of Blockchain and its transformative potential)
The Blockchain (R)evolution – The Swiss Perspective
One of the fundamental prerequisites for transactions in bitcoin or other digital their transactions in a shared Blockchain
using Blockchain in international payment currencies. Existing solutions are only database (triple entry accounting). The
settlement, however, would be the partially based on Blockchain, however, as change could be introduced on a gradual
definition of uniform standards and thus current processing capacities and speeds basis, with Blockchain technology initially
the removal of one of the main obstacles are nowhere near sufficient. According to used to guarantee the integrity of existing
at present. Further standardisation could, as at the beginning of June systems.
generate significant advantages regardless 2016 the processing time for a Blockchain
of the technology used. Secure and fast transaction was 9.8 minutes and thus a
payment settlement systems that do not long way from real-time settlement.
use Blockchain technology are already
available. For example, Switzerland’s Accounting34
SIC payment settlement system has Regulatory requirements designed to
allowed real-time transactions since 1987. guarantee the reliability and veracity of
Converting a payment settlement system accounting entries are particularly high,
is enormously costly and time-consuming which may be a factor in the comparatively
due to the high number of transactions low level of digitisation in this area. The
that are now executed, and conversion current system is based on multiple entries
becomes even less attractive the more and duplications to preclude the possibility
developed an existing system already is. of fraud as much as possible and frequently
From today’s perspective, the greatest involves manual work steps. The basic
advantages of Blockchain-based systems standard is still the system of double entry
could therefore lie in the modernisation accounting, which was first introduced
of less efficient systems, such as those during the Renaissance in the 15th
in developing countries, and in the century. Third parties then have to verify a
impetus that Blockchain could provide for company’s accounts.
standardisation in international payment
settlement. Blockchain technology could automate
this process, at least for standard
Blockchain is already used in payment transactions. Instead of double entry
settlement, and not just to settle accounting, companies would also enter
External Audit A
Wirtschaftsprüfung B Company A Company B
External verification
Figure 10: Accounting – traditional model compared with an ideal Blockchain solution (Source: Deloitte (2015), The Future of Financial Services Infrastructure. Overview of
Blockchain and its transformative potential)
The Blockchain (R)evolution – The Swiss Perspective
+ T+ 0
Decentralized System
T+ 0 Trade Validation
Client Exchange Broker
+ Trade Asset
Matching, Affirmation Validation Verification
& Confirmation Exchange Central Counter Party Broker Client Client
(Counterparty 1) (Counterparty 2)
Escrow Settlement
T+ 2 Settlement Instructions
Central Counter Party Custodian
Figure 11: Securities transactions – traditional model compared with an ideal Blockchain solution (Source: Deloitte (2015), The Future of Financial Services Infrastructure.
Overview of Blockchain and its transformative potential)
The Blockchain (R)evolution – The Swiss Perspective
Contract Creation
Decentralized System
• Trade-off exists between the level of guarantee of fulfilment and • Self-executing automated contracts provide high-level of guarantee of
transaction costs/speed fulfilment at low costs
• The degree of reliance and efficiency is dependent on third-party • Build on the strengths of the Blockchain technology (i.e. unbiased,
intermediaries’ capabilities programmable, immutable, and immediate)
Figure 12: Smart contracts – traditional model compared with an ideal Blockchain solution (Source: Deloitte (2015), The Future of Financial Services Infrastructure. Overview
of Blockchain and its transformative potential)
The Blockchain (R)evolution – The Swiss Perspective
• Reward balance is updated, maintained and settled through a • Transaction parties, including clients and merchants are connected to a
central loyalty management system Blockchain system
• Requires complex connectivity with merchants, leading to • Allows for efficient validation, granular management of point earning/
inefficiencies and latency in updating reward balances redemption, and instant settlement
• Ability to deliver points in real time for immediate • No need for a centralized platform; Blockchain
gratification and redemption is stored in every merchant on their exisiting
Real Time Decentralized
• Real-time use of loyalty points on products, infrastructure
services and recognition • Redundancy allows for high availability
• Points get different “colors” depending on how • Third party integration is facilitated to improve
Colored Tokens they get awarded, allowing for more granular time to market
for Points reward models, redemption rules, and expiry • Able to integrate with new form of payments
management including crypto currencies
Figure 13: Customer/loyalty cards – traditional model compared with an ideal Blockchain solution (Source: Deloitte (2015), The Future of Financial Services Infrastructure.
Overview of Blockchain and its transformative potential)
The Blockchain (R)evolution – The Swiss Perspective
The Blockchain (R)evolution – The Swiss Perspective
Lyndon Lyons
Senior Manager, Consulting, Zürich
+41 58 279 6971
Andreas Bachmann
Manager, Consulting, Zürich
+41 58 279 7329
Markus Koch
Partner, Head of Strategic Development C&IP
+41 58 279 61 33
Special note
We would like to thank Alexander Spahn, Thierry Hediger, Max Krack, Thomas Kleinhans and Dennis Brandes
for their valuable contributions to this white paper.
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