Sub6 Soakaway-System PDF
Sub6 Soakaway-System PDF
Sub6 Soakaway-System PDF
A soakaway system normally includes screens, a catch pit, a septic tank, soakaway pit and
trenches, and the associated dung channels. Farms which can achieve very high levels of dry removal
of solid waste, and low levels of water use (ie. chicken and small duck farms), will not normally require
septic tanks. Septic tanks will invariably be required for pig farms where any effluent is generated.
Figure 1 below is a schematic diagram showing the general arrangement of the components of a
soakaway system.
Septic Tank
(for pig farms)
i) Dung Channel
Design Considerations:
Maintenance Requirement: Settled / screened solids and fallen leaves in the dung channels
should be removed after every washing of livestock structures,
and be properly disposed of in accordance with the Code of
Practice for Livestock Waste Management.
ii) Screen
Design Considerations:
(a) Openings should be sufficiently small to retain the solids but large enough to allow
the wastewater to pass through.
(b) Screenings can be easily removed on a regular basis.
iii) Catch-pit
Purpose : To collect wastewater from dung channels and to facilitate removal of solid matters.
Design Considerations:
Maintenance Requirement: Removal of trapped solids and grits after every washing or
hosing down operation.
Design Considerations:
(a) Sufficiently large to provide a minimum capacity for 3 days storage of wastewater,
and to hold all the sludge likely to accumulate between desludging. The required size
is therefore determined by the amount of water used during washing, the solids content
of the wastewater entering the tank (and therefore the amount of solids remaining after
dry muck-out) and the frequency of desludging. Table 1 illustrates how the required
capacity for a pig farm can be affected by different operational practices. For example,
if the amount of water used in a pig farm is 15L/pig/day, with 80% of solids removed
during dry muck-out, and the tank is desludged once every 3 months, the required
capacity is about 0.15m3 per pig. Nevertheless, a septic tank should not be smaller
than 2.5m3 to enable ease of maintenance.
(b) Well vented with a vent pipe to avoid accumulation of methane or other obnoxious gases.
(c) Leak-proof.
Table 1 Size of Septic Tank for Pig Farms with Different Operational Practices
Maintenance Requirement: Periodic sludge removal, at least once every 6 months but
once every 3 months is normally expected.
Design Considerations:
(a) Soakaway pit should be sufficiently large to avoid flooding and overflow. The minimum
capacity of the pit should accommodate all the wastewater produced during one washing
or in one day, whichever figure is the greater.
(b) Permeability of Soil. If the percolation rate is too high, the wastewater might drain into
the nearby watercourses before any effective treatment. If it is too low, the pit/trenches
might soon clog up and wastewater would overflow. A site percolation test should be
conducted to determine the soil permeability. Table 2 illustrates the maximum allowable
loadings of soakaway pits and trenches. The common simplified procedures of percolation
test for determining the absorption capacity of soil are given below:
Excavate a hole 300mm square to the proposed depth of the pit and trench.
Fill the hole with approximately 150mm of water and allow it to seep away
completely; no need to measure the time.
Refill the hole with water to a depthof 150mm and observe the time, in minutes,
for water to seep completely away.
6 or less 31 23
12 38 29
30 51 38
60 72 53
1. T his table is only applicable to small inland duck farms or those poultry or pig farms intending to carry out dry muck-
out of livestock waste.
2. A septic tank is required for pig farms.
(c) Sufficient Soakaway Area. A reasonable percolation rate which is neither too high
nor too low is about 60 minutes for water to fall 150mm. With such a percolation
rate, a pig farm using 15L/pig/day of washwater and removing 80% of solids during
dry muck-out requires a minimum soakaway trench area of 0.9m2 for every pig (ie.
0.75m of trench if it is 1.2m wide). Table 3 illustrates how this requirement can be
affected by differing operational practices. For a chicken farm using 0.4L/chicken/
week of washwater and achieving 97% removal of solids, a minimum of about 0.4m2
of trench is required for every 100 chickens (ie. 0.33m of trench if it is 1.2m wide).
Table 4 illustrates how this requirement can be affected by different operational
practices. Similarly, a duck farm generating 1,000L/day of wastewater requires 72m2
of trench (ie. 60m of trench if it is 1.2m wide). Table 2 illustrates how this requirement
can be affected by different soil percolation rates.
Table 3 Soakaway Trench Area Requirement for Pig Farms with Different Operat ional Practices
T he above is based on
1. a soil pe rcolation t ime (ra te) of 60 min utes fo r wa ter to fall 15 0mm (NB. t he t ren ch area re quir eme nt m ay
be reduce d if th e p erc olat ion ra te is incr ease d, pro rat a t o t he r equire ment s shown in Ta ble 2; on the oth er
hand, the tre nch are a would ne ed t o be in cre ased if the pe rcolation r ate is slo wer. );
2. a septic tank is provided; and
3. a wash wat er usage ra te o f 1 5L/p ig/day. (NB. the tre nch are a re quireme nt c an be r educed slightly by re ducing
th e am ount of washwa ter used.)
Table 4 Soakaway Trench Area Requirement for Chicken Farms w ith Different Operat ional Practices
T he above is based on a soil percolation time (rate) of 60 minutes for water to fall 150mm. (NB. the trench area requirement may
be reduced if the percolation rate is increased, pro rata to the requirements shown in Table 2; on the other hand, the trench area requirement
would need to be increased if the percolation rate is slower.)
(d) A soakaway pit or trench should be located sufficiently far away from building
foundations, watercourses and wells, in order to safeguard public health and maintain
the structural integrity of nearby buildings. A safe distance is generally 30m from
watercourses and wells, and 3m from structures.