Sahay 2003
Sahay 2003
Sahay 2003
assume adequate product availability would provide assets and expertise for ongoing
be jointly developed. operations (Gattorna, 1998).
In view of the growing importance of
Collaboration with third party and fourth collaboration, of increased level of
party logistics providers involvement, and of the associated risks, this
Collaboration between companies and third research paper is an attempt to understand
party logistics (3PL) providers will focus on three aspects of customer-supplier
joint planning of logistics activities. With involvement in Indian organizations:
regard to transportation services, (1) Does the involvement vary across
collaboration will improve equipment different supply chain processes. Is this
utilisation by enabling the consolidation of involvement a function of the sector?
inbound, interfacility, and outbound (2) How do Indian organizations compare
shipments among business partners. This can with the rest of the world in terms of
be accomplished through electronic sharing of customer-supplier involvement?
information on shipment plans and (3) How do organizations decide on the
availability of transportation resources. degree of involvement of the partners?
Packaging is another potential area for In an attempt to understand the above, this
logistics collaboration. Collaboration with paper focuses on examining the customer-
3PLs providing distribution centre (DC) supplier involvement existing in the different
services would focus on the productive use of organizations with respect to two variables
facilities, labour and equipment. This process and sector.
involves electronic sharing of inventory
replenishment plan so that receipts do not
overload a DC's receiving function or storage
The research: customer-supplier
capacity. Electronic visibility into the collaboration
availability of distribution centre resources
would support this type of collaboration. This paper is based on the feedback received
While outsourcing 3PL is now accepted from over 160 organizations spread across the
business practice, fourth party logistics (4PL) geography of India and including
is emerging as a breakthrough solution to organizations from sectors that were as varied
modern supply chain challenges. The 4PL as FMCG (fast moving consumer goods) to
organisation is one of the intermediate stages automotive to chemical to engineering.
along the logistics spectrum that combines the Instead of viewing the supply chain
benefits of outsourcing and insourcing. It is collaboration at a macro level, it was broken
usually established as a joint venture or long- down into 12 different processes. The
term contract between at least two parties, respondents were asked to indicate the
consisting of the primary client(s) and at least involvement of both customers and suppliers,
one other partner, which contributes the in different processes on a scale of 1 to 5, with
start-up capital for the venture and also 1 indicating low involvement and 5 high. This
Supply chain collaboration: the key to value creation Work Study
B.S. Sahay Volume 52 . Number 2 . 2003 . 76-83
Supply chain collaboration: the key to value creation Work Study
B.S. Sahay Volume 52 . Number 2 . 2003 . 76-83
total capital blocked in raw material and suppliers, with over three-quarters of the total
finished goods inventory is Rs.15,000 crore, respondents indicating a low level of supplier
which can be reduced by having greater involvement. Here, however, the customer is
customer involvement. more involved in 64 percent of the cases, and
the supplier more involved in 55 percent of
FMCG the cases. Only in 27 percent of the cases is
Within this sector, the level of customer there a higher involvement by both the
involvement is higher than that of the entities. This sector is characterised by
Supply chain collaboration: the key to value creation Work Study
B.S. Sahay Volume 52 . Number 2 . 2003 . 76-83
intense competition and such a low level of . There is a higher degree of customer
participation by the suppliers and customers involvement (65 percent) as compared to
is bound to be catastrophic. As expected, the that of the suppliers (42 percent) in the
customer is more involved in distribution demand management process. However,
management (60 percent), and product there is no clear division between the
development (64 percent) and has no different quadrants, indicating that more
involvement in export-import. or less, there is an equal participation of
customers and suppliers.
Consumer durables . The customers are relatively less involved
Very interesting results have been observed in in the process of manufacturing
this sector. The participation is either very management 61 percent have low
low (50 percent) or very high (50 percent). involvement and 39 percent have high
This sector is characterised by cut-throat involvement. As against this, the
competition. In the recent past, there is a suppliers' involvement is equally spread
growing dominance of the MNCs, and the out.
input costs in general are on the rise. In such a . A total of 69 percent of the respondents
situation, it is important for organizations to have indicated a high level of customer
realise that participation is dependent on the involvement in the product development
complexity and criticality of the various process.
processes. Using the portfolio approach to . Inventory management is seen more as an
decide this would not only result in internal process with little customer
considerable savings, but also improve sales. participation. However, in their attempt
to lower their inventories, organizations
Engineering have involved more suppliers (57
This sector is characterised by heavy basic percent).
industries, which are more into engineer to It is evident that the success of customer-
order type of products. This calls for a great supplier relationships depends on the
degree of flexibility of operations. However, frequency of interaction between the partners.
only 26 percent of the respondents have Once firms realise the importance of involving
indicated that there is a high customer their customers and suppliers, the level of
involvement in different processes. This is commitment can also be determined. This
even lower than that of the suppliers (32 involves the level of dependence that one
percent). Also, the low involvement of party perceives that they have on other, and
suppliers in demand management (63 the amount of investment that they make in
percent) is difficult to fathom. Since these the relationship in time and resources.
industries are either located close to the However, it is difficult for firms to determine
source of inputs or consumption, how frequently they should interact. There is
transportation becomes a very critical aspect no ``one-size-fits-all'' rule applicable to
of the supply chain. However, it is surprising determine this.
to note that transportation is a low priority Figure 6 proposes a matrix-based
process for supplier involvement (61 percent). framework, on the two dimensions of
criticality and complexity of processes. firms can better utilize their resources. This
Criticality and complexity exist on a calls for a higher involvement of suppliers.
continuum in varying degrees. Since all the The involvement of customers need not be as
processes are not of equal significance, the high as the products are functional products.
involvement level should also not be equal for
all the processes. In-house involvement
This kind of involvement is suitable for
processes that are high on criticality but low
Portfolio matrix on complexity. With the lower degree of
complexity, the supplier involvement need
This matrix divides the supply chain not be high, as the process is performed in-
processes/activities into different categories house. However, since this process is critical,
based on complexity and criticality. the customer preferences should be taken care
Complexity refers to the difficulty in of. This calls for higher customer
performing the operations because of involvement.
interlinkages with the other processes.
Criticality is the importance of the particular Convenience involvement
process to the overall supply chain. For a less critical and complex process, the
Based on these two parameters, four involvement should be ``convenient''. This is
customer-supplier involvement zones have applicable to secondary processes, which do
been identified. These are: not directly affect the supply chain
(1) strategic involvement; performance. These processes are mostly
(2) outsourcing involvement; internal to the organization and hence,
(3) in-house involvement; and require little involvement from the customer
(4) convenience involvement. or supplier.
Each of these zones has a different level of A drawback of this framework is the
customer-supplier involvement in the various subjectivity involved in determining the
activities. criticality and complexity of the processes.
However, to deal with this, a list of processes
Strategic involvement with priorities can be made, which can then
For activities which involve a higher degree of be standardized across the organization. This
complexity of operations and are critical for would, however, be specific to the
the attainment of supply chain objectives, organization only.
there should be strategic involvement. The
suppliers with whom the strategic
partnerships are to be formed should be Conclusion
chosen after careful consideration. These
suppliers would provide the requisite Although there has been a growing awareness
flexibility to the operations so that the supply about the importance of supply chain
chain becomes more responsive to changing collaboration as a strategic tool, and
customer preferences. By involving organizations have already made some
customers, trends can be studied and used to progress, a lot of work remains to be done.
help the organization in focusing on what The driving force of effective SCM is
products to continue and what additional collaboration. Strategic SCM demands
features to incorporate. collaboration among all participants in the
value chain, whatever their size, function, or
Outsourcing involvement relative position. Suppliers and customers are
This kind of involvement is advised when the two very crucial components of the chain.
complexity of the operations makes it Customer-supplier involvement calls for
unprofitable for the organization to carry commitment and trust over an extended time
them out on its own. This leaves the period and includes the sharing of
organization to focus on its core processes, information, risks and rewards. Their
leaving the complex supply chain activities to effective involvement in the supply chain is a
firms which specialize in those processes. must. However, not all the processes require
Since the criticality is low, by outsourcing, the same amount of involvement.
Supply chain collaboration: the key to value creation Work Study
B.S. Sahay Volume 52 . Number 2 . 2003 . 76-83