NASA-STD 8739.4A
Approved: 2016-06-30
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Superseding NASA-STD-8739.4
Washington, DC 20546
With Change 6
Document Approval
Status Description
Revision Date
Baseline 1998-02-08 Initial Release
- Page iii: Update URL for accessing NASA
Technical Standards. The correct URL is
- Page iii: Update references to NASA 5300.4(3J-1)
and NASA 5300.4(3M) to NASA-STD- 8739.1 and
NASA-STD-8739.2 respectively.
- Page iv: Insert Revisions page and renumber
Table of Contents accordingly.
- Para 2.1 Change citation for NHB 8060.1 to NASA-
STD-6001 and change citation for NHB 1700.1(V1)
to NPR 8715.3.
- Para 3.2 Delete NHB from Acronym List and Add
NPR to acronym list
- Para 4.3 No. 4: Change sentence to Crimping.
Stranded wire shall be used for crimping. Crimping
of solid wire is prohibited. Crimping of solder tinned
stranded wire is prohibited.
- Para 5.7: Change address for training center to:
GSFC, Training Center, Code 300.1, 7000 Columbia
Gateway Dr., Columbia, MD. 21046
Change 1 2006-01-27 - Para 6.8: Change sentence to read: All materials
used in vacuum or low pressure shall not release
greater than 1.0 percent total mass loss (TML) and
0.1 percent collected volatile condensable material
(CVCM) when tested in accordance with ASTM-E-
- Para 6.8: Change NHB 8060.1 to NASA-STD-
6001 in the second sentence.
- Para 7.3 No. 11 Change NHB 8060.1 to NASA-
- Para 9.7: Change tape may be applied to bundle
to shall be applied to bundle.
- Para 14.1 Change NHB 1700.1 to NPR 8715.3
- Para 18.2 No. 6.c: For the Insulation Resistance
(IR) Test, change for a minimum of 1 minute, or as
specified in the test procedure to until a stabilized
reading is attained not to exceed 1 minute, or as
specified in the test procedure.
- Appendix C Update the address for submitting
changes to NASA Technical Standards
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Document Approval
Status Description
Revision Date
- Page v: Insert Revisions page entries
- Page ix: Revise Table of Contents to reflect
insertion of new Chapter 19 and renumbering of
existing Chapter 19 to Chapter 20
- Page xi and xii: Revise list of Figures to reflect
insertion of new figures as a part of the new Chapter
Change 2 2006-08-23 - Page xii: Revise List of Tables to reflect insertion
of new tables as a part of the new Chapter 19
- Pages 19-1 through 19-14: Inserted new Chapter
on Splicing
- Pages 20-1 through 20-10: Renumbered original
Quality Assurance Provisions Chapter to
accommodate the new Splicing Chapter
Correct page number formatting problem and add
Change 3 2006-09-05 page numbers (no content changes)
Update references, add requirement tags, and
Change 4 2008-07-25 revalidate
Editorial corrections to paragraphs 6.4, 12.3.4.c,
13.7.3, 18.2.6.b, and footnote #1 to Table 12-1.
Change 5 2009-11-24 Addition of SMA TA note on cover and VCS note
Editorial corrections to Foreword and paragraphs 9.5
and 15.1. Format Page numbers. Add reference to
Change 6 2011-03-29
NASA-STD 8709.22 in paragraphs 2.1.2 and 3.2.
- Editorial corrections to adopt current NASA
Standard format.
- Synchronized requirements with NASA-STD-
- Added and removed documents from reference
- Unused acronyms deleted.
Revision A 2016-06-30
- Corrected applicability statement.
- Supersede the training chapter with the current
requirements found in NASA-STD-8739.6.
- Update definitions for Accessory, Connector and
- Defer to NASA-STD 8709.22 for definitions for
Repair and Rework.
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Document Approval
Status Description
Revision Date
- Remove definitions for Solder Cup Terminal and
Tab Terminal.
- Defined high voltage applications as those
supporting voltage in excess of 200VACRMS or
- Removed requirement for magnetic survey for uses
of high strength copper alloy wire.
- Added a requirement to specify wire dress and lay
in drawings.
- Include launch vehicles in applications where spiral
wrapped sleeving is prohibited.
- Remove contradictory rules regarding pull test
- Remove ambiguous, duplicate information from
Table 12-1 for crimp pull acceptance criteria.
- Remove requirements related to crimp process
development and include only pre-production
process verification pull testing requirements.
- Require that instructions are provided to operators
when outgassing connector subcomponents (e.g.
grommets and gaskets) are to be removed during
cable assembly.
- Synchronized requirements with adoption of J-
- Remove requirement to record break type for
passing crimp test samples for contacts and crimp
ring quality control testing.
- Remove limitation of requirement to inspect
captured solder cup interconnects to hermetic
connector and extend it to all connectors with
captured solder cup contacts.
- Require process controls to ensure full solder fill of
solder contacts.
- Defer to engineering documentation for required
torque values.
- Added requirement to bake expanded foam
insulated cable following cleaning.
- Prohibit use of aqueous cleaning on silver-plated
copper wire.
- Removed requirement to protect finished
harnesses with bubble wrap.
- Require venting of packaging used to store
assemblies containing fluoropolymer insulation.
- Added metric units to splice pull values
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DOCUMENT HISTORY LOG ................................................................................................... 2
TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................................................. 6
LIST OF APPENDICES .............................................................................................................. 8
LIST OF FIGURES ...................................................................................................................... 9
LIST OF TABLES ...................................................................................................................... 11
1. SCOPE .......................................................................................................................... 12
1.1 Purpose ........................................................................................................................... 12
1.2 Applicability .................................................................................................................. 12
4. REQUIREMENT ......................................................................................................... 19
4.1 General ........................................................................................................................... 19
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WIRE VISUAL AIDS AND ILLUSTRATIONS ............................................... 88
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Figure 8-1. Line Drawing of Typical Harness Layout .................................................................. 26
Figure 8-2. Typical Harness Board Hardware and Fixtures ......................................................... 27
Figure 9-1. Starting Stitch ............................................................................................................. 29
Figure 9-2. Spot Tie (Typical) ...................................................................................................... 29
Figure 9-3. Closing Stitch and Single TapeIllustration ............................................................ 30
Figure 9-4. Alternate Closing Stitch and Single TapeIllustration............................................. 30
Figure 9-5. Running Lockstitch .................................................................................................... 30
Figure 9-6. Flat Lacing Stitches .................................................................................................... 31
Figure 9-7. Securing Fabric Braid Sleeving ................................................................................. 32
Figure 9-8. Starting Lock .............................................................................................................. 33
Figure 9-9. Forming Ending Pigtail .............................................................................................. 33
Figure 9-10. Braiding at a Breakout or Y Intersection ................................................................. 34
Figure 9-11. Spiral Wrap Sleeving ............................................................................................... 35
Figure 9-12. Plastic Strap Orientation .......................................................................................... 36
Figure 9-13. Illustration of Shrink Sleeve Installation (Typical) .................................................. 39
Figure 9-14. Installation of Long Lengths of Sleeving to Achieve Controlled Dimensions ........ 40
Figure 9-15. Sleeving Installation (Typical) ................................................................................. 41
Figure 11-1. Terminating Overall Shield in RFI Adapter (Typical)............................................. 44
Figure 11-2. Example of Individual Shield Termination Using a Heat Shrinkable Solder Sleeve
....................................................................................................................................................... 44
Figure 11-3. Individual Shield Termination Using a Two-Piece Crimp Ring .............................. 45
Figure 11-4. Example of Group Grounding of Staggered Shields................................................ 46
Figure 11-5. Group-Grounding of Individual Shield Terminations.............................................. 47
Figure 11-6. Large Compression Ring Grounding (Typical Applications) .................................. 48
Figure 11-7. Floating Shield Termination .................................................................................... 49
Figure 11-8. Conductor Exposure for Individual Shield Termination Types ............................... 50
Figure 12-1. Crimp Joint Tensile Failure Categories.................................................................... 53
Figure 13-1. Typical Push Test Tool ............................................................................................ 58
Figure 13-2. Application of Retention Tool for Gripping Wire (Typical) ................................... 58
Figure 15-1. Visual Examination Inside the Socket Contact for Flux Residue ............................ 61
Figure 19-1. Pre-Tinned Conductors ............................................................................................ 67
Figure 19-2. Soldered Conductors ................................................................................................ 67
Figure 19-3. Individual Shield Termination with a Lap Splice and Solder Sleeve ...................... 67
Figure 19-4. Sleeving over Soldered Connection ......................................................................... 68
Figure 19-5. Double Sleeving over Soldered Connection ............................................................ 68
Figure 19-6. Pre-Tinned Conductors ............................................................................................ 68
Figure 19-7. Lashing of Pre-Tinned Conductors .......................................................................... 68
Figure 19-8. Soldered Connection ................................................................................................ 68
Figure 19-9. Pre-Lash End Type Splice ........................................................................................ 69
Figure 19-10. Lash End Type Splice ............................................................................................ 69
Figure 19-11. Soldered Lash Splice .............................................................................................. 69
Figure 19-12 Sleeved Lash Splice ................................................................................................ 69
Figure 19-13. Solder Sleeve Prior to Flow ................................................................................... 70
Figure 19-14. Fully Melted Solder Sleeve .................................................................................... 70
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Table 7-1. Bend Radii for Completed Interconnecting Cable or Harness .................................... 24
Table 9-1. Spot Tie, Plastic Strap, and Stitch Spacing Dimensions ............................................. 29
Table 9-2. Distances from Connectors or Connector Accessories to Beginning of Harness Ties 31
Table 9-3. Selection Guide for Use of Polyolefin and Polyvinylidene Fluoride Sleeving [in mm
(inches)] ........................................................................................................................................ 38
Table 11-1. Shield Termination Control for Group Grounding .................................................... 46
Table 11-2. Shield Termination Control (Refer to Figure 11-8) .................................................. 49
Table 12-1. Crimp Tensile Strength 1 ........................................................................................... 53
Table 13-1. Pull Force 1 ................................................................................................................ 56
Table 13-2. Contact Retention Test Forces................................................................................... 57
Table 19-1. Crimp Tensile Strength Values for Wire-in-Line Junction (i.e., Jiffy Junction)
Devices.......................................................................................................................................... 78
Table 19-2. Splice Body Retention Values for Wire-in-Line Junction (i.e., Jiffy Junction)
Devices.......................................................................................................................................... 79
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The purpose of this NASA Technical Standard is to set forth requirements for interconnecting
cable and harness assemblies that connect electrical, electronic or electromechanical
1.2 Applicability
1.2.1 This standard is approved for use by NASA Headquarters and NASA Centers,
including Component Facilities, and Technical and Service Support Centers, and may be cited in
contract, program, and other Agency documents as a technical requirement. This Standard may
also apply to the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, other contractors, grant recipients, or parties to
agreements to the extent specified or referenced in their contracts, grants, or agreements.
1.2.2 This standard applies to critical work, as defined by NPD 8730.5. Critical work is any
task that if performed incorrectly or in violation of prescribed requirements poses a credible risk
of loss of human life; serious injury; loss of a Class A, B, or C payload (see NPR 8705.4); loss of
a Category 1 or Category 2 mission (see NPR 7120.5); or loss of a mission resource valued at
greater than $2M (e.g., NASA space flight hardware, Government test or launch facility).
1.2.3 Use of the term supplier applies to any entity that is manufacturing hardware in
accordance with the requirements herein including NASA Centers and NASA contractors.
2.1 General
The documents listed in this section contain provisions that constitute requirements of this
Standard as cited in the text. Use of more recent issues of cited documents may be authorized by
the responsible Technical Authority. The applicable documents are accessible via the NASA
Standards and Technical Assistance Resource Tool at or may be
obtained directly from the Standards Developing Organizations or other document distributors.
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This Standard establishes requirements for (enter specific purpose from Scope) but does not
supersede nor waive established Agency requirements found in other documentation. Conflicts
between this Standard and other requirements documents shall be resolved by the responsible
Technical Authority.
AC Alternating Current
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DC Direct Current
GHz Gigahertz
IR Insulation Resistance
OD Outside Diameter
PTFE Polytetrafluoroethylene
RF Radio Frequency
RH Relative Humidity
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3.2 Definitions
The definitions listed below are in addition to those listed in NASA-STD-8709.22, Safety and
Mission Assurance Acronyms, Abbreviations, and Definitions.
Backshell: Are a connector accessory that are installed onto the rear connector
accessory threads of plug or receptacle connectors to provide mechanical protection to
the individual harness wires entering the back of the connector.
Barrel (Contact Wire Barrel): The section of contact that accommodates the stripped
Breakout: The separation of a conductor or group of conductors from the main body of
wires in a harness.
Bubble Pack: A laminated plastic sheet that is formed with patterned air entrapment
("bubbles"). The bubbles provide excellent cushioning for anything enclosed between
layers of the material.
Cable, Shielded: One or more insulated conductors covered with a metallic outer
covering, usually a metal braid.
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Certification: The act of verifying and documenting that personnel have completed
required training, have demonstrated specified proficiency, and have met other
specified requirements.
Connector, Body: The main portion of a connector to which contacts and other
accessories are attached.
Connector, Grommet: An elastomeric seal used on the cable side of a connector body
to seal the connector against contamination and to provide stress relief.
Connector, Insert: The part of a connector that holds the contacts in position and
electrically insulates them from each other and the connector body.
Contact: The conductive element in a connector or other terminal device that mates
with a corresponding element for the purpose of transferring electrical energy.
Contact, Crimp: A contact whose crimp barrel is a hollow cylinder that accepts the
conductor. After a conductor has been inserted, a tool is used to crimp the contact
metal firmly onto the conductor.
Contact Retention: The axial load in either direction that a contact can withstand
without being dislodged from its normal position within an insert or body.
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Drain Wire: A wire that runs linearly along a foil shield wire or cable and is used to
make contact with the shield. Grounding of foil shields is done with drain wires.
Ferrule: A short metal tube used to make crimp connections to shielded or coaxial
Fillet: A smooth concave buildup of material between two surfaces; e.g., a fillet of
solder between a conductor and a solder terminal.
Grommet: An insulator that covers sharp edges of holes through panels and partitions
to protect wire insulation from cut-through damage.
Harness: One or more insulated wires or cables, with or without helical twist; with or
without common covering, jacket, or braid; with or without breakouts; assembled with
two or more electrical termination devices; and so arranged that as a unit it can be
assembled and handled as one assembly.
Insertion Tool: A device used to install contacts into a contact cavity in a connector
Interfacial Seal: A sealing of mated connectors over the whole area of the interface to
provide sealing around each contact.
Joint: A termination.
Outgassing: The release of a volatile part(s) from a substance when placed in a vacuum
Radio Frequency: The frequency spectrum from 15 kHz to 100 GHz. Cables are
seldom used above 18 GHz.
Repair: The action on a nonconforming product to make it acceptable for the intended
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Soldering: The process of joining clean metallic surfaces through the use of solder
without direct fusion of the base metals.
Strain Relief: A connector device that prevents the disturbance of the contact and cable
Stress Relief: The formed portion of a conductor that provides sufficient length to
minimize stress between terminations.
Tines: Tines are the members of a contact retention system that capture or "lock"
removable crimp contacts into the contact cavities.
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Wire Dress: The arrangement of wires and laced harnesses in an orderly manner.
4.1 General
4.1.1 When there is a conflict between the requirements of NASA-STD-8739.6 and those
herein, the requirements in NASA-STD-8739.6 shall take precedence.
4.1.3 Special controls shall be developed for process parameters and equipment settings that
influence product compliance with critical performance and quality requirements.
6.1.2 Lighting. Light intensity shall be no less than 1077 lumens per square meter (lm/m2)
(100 foot-candles) on the surface where cabling and wiring are being assembled, inspected, or
6.2.1 The tool and equipment selection, use and control requirements of NASA-STD-8739.6
shall apply. See NASA-STD-8739.6 for metrology and calibration requirements.
6.2.2 The suppliers process documentation for tool and equipment use and control shall be
available for review and approval prior to processing mission hardware.
a. Either precision mechanical tools or thermal strippers shall be used for insulation
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c. The tools shall not nick, ring, gouge, or stretch conductors or remove plating so that the
base metal shows. Superficial scraping of conductors is acceptable providing conductor base
material is not exposed.
d. The cutting edges of wire trimming tools shall be maintained sharp and free from nicks
and indentations.
When Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) control is required during workmanship operations defined
herein, ESD Control shall be in accordance with Chapter 7 of NASA-STD-8739.6.
6.5.1 Specifications used to order connectors may require special instructions to ensure
grommets and gaskets are a non-outgassing type. When connectors cannot be special-ordered to
exclude grommets and gaskets which do not meet project outgassing requirements in their as-
delivered condition, instructions shall be provided to the Workmanship operator for removing or
replacing those connector subcomponents.
6.5.3 In order to satisfy the crimp contact pull and crimp ring testing requirements in
paragraph 12.3 and 13.7, respectively, for connector types which are sold without sufficient
spare contacts or crimp rings, suppliers will need to purchase extra contacts or crimp rings. The
number of extra parts will be determined by the number of shifts or production periods in which
a given type of contact or crimp ring is used. Lot traceability for contacts obtained for crimp
testing shall be maintained between the contacts used in the connector and the contacts used for
pull testing.
6.5.4 For nickel-plated wire, or silver-plated wire in applications above 150 C, nickel-plated
crimp barrels are preferred.
6.5.5 Materials not conforming or not required for the operations involved for the processes
described herein shall be removed from the work area or tagged non-usable.
6.6.1 The requirements of 6.7 of NASA-STD-8739.6 apply for the selection of solvents.
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7.1 General
7.1.1 Harness design shall make provision for all Project performance requirements as they
apply to each harness section as well as the following:
a. Installation stress and final lay (e.g., ease of bending, flexibility in twisting, stress relief).
b. Electrical isolation.
d. Thermal management.
f. Voltage drop.
g. Repairability and reliability (e.g. redundancy, not using connector contact locations, spare
pin requirements, arc tracking).
a. Use of constraints that locate similar connectors built into interconnecting cables and
harnesses so they cannot be interchanged.
The following considerations shall be taken in any interconnecting cable or harness design and
incorporated into the design as applicable:
7.2.1 Properties of wire insulation, electrical contacts, lacing tape, braid sleeving, plastic
strap, wrap sleeving, and plastic tubing (processibility, flammability, arc tracking resistance,
vacuum stability, resistance to heat, cold flow, etc.) shall be appropriate for the application.
7.2.2 Plastic straps should have metal tangs that lock securely into the "ribbed" portion of
the straps when appropriate for the application.
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7.2.3 Tin-plated parts (e.g., terminals, crimp barrels, etc.) shall be fused or alloyed with tin-
lead plating. See NASA-STD-8739.6 for lead-free (Pb-free) control requirements.
7.2.4 Methods for identifying cables, connectors, and wires shall be provided.
7.2.6 High Voltage (HV) circuits carrying potentials in excess of 200VACRMS, or 300VDC
through environments that support arcing shall be terminated in single-contact, high voltage
7.2.8 American wire gage (AWG) 24 wire size and larger is preferred for conductors in
interconnecting cable and harness assemblies, including coaxial or triaxial cables.
7.2.9 High strength copper alloy shall be used for AWG 24 and smaller conductors.
7.2.10 Torque values applicable for connectors, backshells, and other hardware shall be
7.2.11 Harness designs and routing shall provide support and protection to harnesses and
cables so that they are protected from abrasion, cold flow, cut through, vibration, chafing,
flexing, and sharp edges.
7.2.13 Semi-rigid coaxial cable shall be preconditioned using thermal cycling prior to
preparation for connectorization. This procedure should also be considered for longer runs of
flexible coaxial cable.
7.2.14 Line voltages shall be confined to connectors with sockets to preclude exposing voltage
points when connectors are disconnected.
7.2.15 Specifying the use of sealing plugs and unused contacts in environmental connectors.
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7.2.18 The length of lay for each twisted layer shall be between 8 and 16 times the outer
diameter of the harness.
7.2.19 The bend radius data given in Table 7-1 shall apply for bending that occurs in the
installed interconnecting harness or cable.
7.2.21 The use of solder sleeves (where wire insulation temperatures permit), hand soldering,
or crimp rings are acceptable for terminating individual shields.
7.2.22 Concern for placement of power and ground lines in contact assignments for system
7.2.24 Selection of metal braid shielding should be sized as appropriate per application.
7.2.27 Associated materials, parts, and hardware shall be selected to enable the cable and
harness to meet performance requirements.
7.2.28 Provision shall be made for stress relief in wires entering connectors from harnesses
(e.g. connector backshells, encapsulation, and stress relief boots).
7.2.29 Support of wiring, wire bundles, and harnesses shall be used to minimize shock and
vibration induced stress.
7.2.30 Excessive flexing or pressure on the harness over sharp or rough edges shall be
7.2.31 Harness and cable protection shall be added in areas where sharp or rough edges are
present and abrasion could occur.
7.2.32 The use of splices in a harness design should be minimized as much as possible. The
simplest and most reliable wiring design is one that results in the routing of a dedicated,
continuous, and unbroken conductor from point to point. The following shall be incorporated
into any splice design:
7.2.33 Shrink sleeving over the splice area shall be protected from cold flow and abrasion.
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7.2.34 Splices shall be covered with a single layer of heat-shrinkable tubing or insulation
material that meets or exceeds the minimum electrical isolation specified in the engineering
documentation. Additional layers of tubing and insulation may be added to splices to increase
electrical isolation or to provide additional environmental or mechanical protection.
7.2.35 Splices shall be staggered to minimize buildup of the wire bundle diameter.
7.2.36 Splices shall not be located in areas of the cable where flexing may occur or in bend
radii where the primary insulation may be compromised.
7.2.38 Splices shall be identified and fully defined on the associated drawings including type
and location.
7.2.39 Heat shrinkable soldering devices shall not be used in the vicinity of sensors, optics, or
other devices whose performance can be degraded by surface contamination.
7.2.40 The solder alloy and the flux type in heat shrinkable soldering devices shall be selected
for the type of wire being spliced.
7.2.41 Splices shall not be installed where adjacent components, wires, solder joints,
structures, etc. cannot be adequately shielded or otherwise protected from a heat source during
the splice installation.
OptimumBend Minimum
Radius BendRadius
Individual coaxial cable. 10 x OD 1/ 6 x OD
Polyimide (Kapton) insulated 15 x OD 10 x OD
Overall harness (with coaxial cable or
10 x OD 6 x OD
AWG size 8 or larger).
Overall harness (with AWG size 10 or
10 x OD 3 x OD
smaller without coaxial cable).
Overall harness (with polyimide insulated
15 x OD 10 x OD
wires included).
1/ Outside Diameter
8.1.1 Layout and fixturing shall be provided for all complex interconnecting cables and
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8.1.2 Permanent bends and offsets shall be built into harnesses so that the final wire dress
will not be under continuous stress and tension after installation.
8.1.3 Connector backshells shall accommodate bends and offsets in wire harnesses, as
appropriate, to avoid continuous stress.
8.1.4 The layout shall be designed to limit the amount of bending, pulling, and other handling
a harness will receive during installation.
8.2.1 A full-sized, three-dimensional (3-D) form layout fixture shall be provided for all
complex interconnecting cables and harnesses to ensure proper routing, wire lengths, connector
configurations, support requirements, and access requirements of the wiring harnesses. The form
layout fixture may be limited to partial installations which contain the complex wiring harnesses.
Typical harness board layout and typical hardware and fixtures are shown in Figures 8-1 and 8-2,
8.4.1 The supplier shall establish and implement procedures to protect interconnecting cables
and harnesses from damage and degradation.
8.4.2 Connectors not being actively assembled shall be individually protected by wrapping
them in bubble pack or other physical covering.
8.4.3 At the end of the work shift, protective covering shall be spread over the harnesses in
8.4.4 Harnesses not in active fabrication (those in temporary storage) shall be covered by
protective covering.
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9.1.2 Fabrication methods and assembly techniques that assure the production of high quality
interconnecting cables and harnesses shall be used.
9.2.1 When engineering documents specify the use and type of lacing, the following
requirements shall apply.
9.2.3 When knots are staked (see Figure 9-7), the necessary compounds, as well as any
special design requirements, shall be specified.
a. Harnesses laced with single tape shall initially be tied with a starting stitch.
b. Single-tape starting stitches shall be the same as a spot tie with a running end or as shown
in Figure 9-1 View A.
c. Starting stitches for double lacing shall be as shown in Figure 9-1 View B.
9.2.5 Spot Ties. Spot ties shall consist of a clove hitch followed by a square knot as shown in
Figure 9-2 or other non-slip knots. See Table 9-1 for spot tie spacing.
a. Single or double lacing tape shall be terminated with a closing stitch as shown in Figure
b. Lacing shall be terminated at every major breakout or branch and at the extremity of the
harness (Major breakouts normally contain a large percentage of the wire volume, such as 25
to 30 percent or more).
c. The stitching shall terminate close to the extremity of the harness but shall not stress the
wire terminations.
d. Closing and starting stitches at branches and breakouts shall be next to the breakout. An
alternate closing stitch method is shown in Figure 9-4.
e. Single or small multiple breakouts of two or three wires need not have closing and
starting stitches, but may have running lockstitches on each side (Figure 9-5).
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Table 9-1. Spot Tie, Plastic Strap, and Stitch Spacing Dimensions
Maximum Distance
Harness Diameter
Between Harness Ties
mm (Inches)
mm (Inches)
6.4 (0.25) or less 19.1 (0.75)
12.7 (0.50) 38.1 (1.50)
25.4 (1.00) 50.8 (2.00)
Larger than 25.4 (1.00) 76.2 (3.00)
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9.2.7 Running Lockstitch. Continuous lacing shall be achieved using running lockstitches as
shown in Figure 9-5.
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a. Lacing stitches and spot ties shall be placed as detailed in Table 9-1.
b. A tie or stitch shall be placed immediately before and immediately after any breakout of
the wire or cable from the harness. Dimensions from the connector or connector accessories
to start of harness tie are given in Table 9-2.
Table 9-2. Distances from Connectors or Connector Accessories to Beginning of Harness Ties
9.2.9 Flat Stitching. Flat stitching shall utilize either of the stitches pictured in Figure 9-6.
a. Lockstitching shall terminate with a closing stitch before each large breakout or branch of
the harness.
b. The lacing shall start anew with a starting stitch on the opposite side of the breakout on
each branch.
9.3.1 Prewoven fabric (unvarnished) braid sleeving to be installed over the wire harness shall
be slightly oversized so that it can be slid over the bundle.
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9.3.2 Braided sleeving shall be snugly dressed down over the wire bundle.
9.3.3 Continuous braid sleeving shall be secured at the ends by plastic cable straps, spot ties,
clamps, heat shrinkable sleeving, or a potting material.
9.3.5 Sleeving shall be trimmed and terminated at a breakout but shall not be punctured or
slit to provide openings for breakout.
9.3.6 After installation, braided sleeving shall be secured or treated in one of the following
ways to eliminate fraying or unraveling.
9.3.7 Braided sleeving may be secured by a spot tie or plastic cable strap. The end of the
braid shall be tucked under and secured with a spot tie or plastic strap (Figure 9-7). The end of
the braid may be secured by connector clamps, other hardware, or potting.
9.3.8 The ends of glass braids may be bonded using an adhesive. Excessively frayed glass
braid material shall be trimmed away prior to application of the adhesive.
9.3.9 When the adhesive used to bond the ends of glass braid is dry, the braid shall be
secured by spot tying or other means so that it does not slip on the wire bundle.
9.3.10 Polyamide (nylon) braids (for use on ground service equipment) may have their ends
sealed by use of a "hot knife" or similar instrument.
9.4.1 Fabric braids woven directly on interconnecting harnesses or cables may be loose or
tight, as necessary to produce the degree of flexibility required. The braid shall be smooth and
shall provide coverage that leaves no gaps through which the wires can be seen.
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9.4.4 Braids applied tightly shall not terminate so close to connectors that they stress wires
attached to solder cups.
9.4.5 Spot ties, plastic straps, lacing, and other temporary holding means shall be removed
from wire bundles prior to braid application.
9.4.6 Flat tapes may be left under braid if the tape has a low profile. Typical braiding
techniques are shown in Figures 9-8, 9-9, and 9-10.
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9.5.1 Spiral wrap sleeving shall be installed to make firm contact with the wire bundle.
9.5.2 The ends of the spiral wrap shall be trimmed to eliminate sharp edges or points that
might damage the insulation.
9.5.3 The sleeving may be butted or applied as an open spiral, but shall not be overlapped
(Figure 9-11).
9.5.4 When spiral sleeving is applied, the ends of the wire bundle shall be secured by the tie
wraps or by other means (see paragraphs 9.2 and 9.3).
9.5.5 Spiral wrap sleeving shall not be used on mission critical or flight hardware including
launch vehicles.
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9.6.1 Installed straps shall be locked to prevent them from loosening or opening.
9.6.2 Straps shall be placed on both sides of a breakout; otherwise, spacing between straps
shall be as required by Table 9-1.
9.6.3 The "ribbed" side of a strap shall always be placed against the wires.
9.6.4 Straps shall be tightened so that they do not slide back and forth on the assembly;
however, they shall not be so tight as to cause noticeable indentation or distortion of the wires in
the harness. Proper strap orientation is shown in Figure 9-12.
9.6.5 Plastic straps are usually installed by tooling. Tooling shall be tension-controlled to
meet the strap-tightening requirements previously stated.
9.6.6 Surplus strap ends shall be trimmed flush at the back end of the strap head (this is done
automatically by most tooling).
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9.7.1 Metal braid shielding can either be woven directly over a core or obtained in prebraided
form and installed by sliding it over the wire bundle. To prevent potential damage (cold flow) of
the underlying wire insulation, a separator (e.g., a tape) shall be applied over the wire bundle to
give the wire continuous protection.
9.7.2 Prewoven braiding shall be tightened down to contact the wire bundle.
9.7.4 Prewoven metallic braid shall be cleaned in a suitable solvent to remove contamination
prior to installation over the harness (see Chapter 15).
9.8.1 Insulation sleeving shall be installed on all terminations that are not otherwise insulated
or potted, except those at ground potential (e.g., overall shield and coaxial cable terminations).
9.8.2 Insulation sleeving shall be installed to meet the dimensional requirements of the
applicable drawing or specification.
a. The heat-shrinkable sleeving selected shall be larger than the maximum diameter of the
object being covered, and after shrinking it shall provide a tight fit over the object in the area
of maximum diameter. This will cause the sleeving to have a tight mechanical grip on the
item it covers. A guide for selecting sleeving sizes is given in Table 9-3.
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c. Sleeving may have a slight surface crazing, but it shall be free of cracks, punctures, and
charred or burned areas.
9.8.4 Tubing. Tubing shall be secured by spot ties or otherwise restrained to prevent them
from sliding back and forth over the wire bundle.
9.8.5 Insulation tubing shall extend beyond the wire or cable insulation or jacket,
respectively, a minimum of two times (2X) the diameter of the larger of the two. See 19.2.6 for
this requirement as applied to splices.
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Table 9-3. Selection Guide for Use of Polyolefin and Polyvinylidene Fluoride Sleeving [in mm
I.D. Cable Sleeving
As Supplied Diameter Size
(After Heating)
0.30 to 0.70
1.2 (0.046) 0.6 (0.023) 1.2 (3/64)
(0.01 to 0.026)
0.71 to 1
1.6 (0.063) 0.8 (0.031) 1.6 (1/16)
(0.028 to 0.038)
1.01 to 1.40
2.4 (0.093) 1.2 (0.046) 2.4 (3/32)
(0.039 to 0.54)
1.41 to 2.00
3.2 (0.125) 1.5 (0.061) 3.2 (1/8)
(0.055 to 0.077)
2.01 to 2.80
4.7 (0.187) 2.4 (0.093) 4.8 (3/16)
(0.078 to 1.109)
2.81 to 4.00
6.4 (0.250) 3.2 (0.125) 6.4 (1/4)
(0.110 to 0.156)
4.01 to 5.50
9.5 (0.375) 4.7 (0.187) 9.5 (3/8)
(0.157 to 0.218)
5.51 to 7.90
12.7 (0.500) 6.4 (0.250) 12.7 (1/2)
(0.219 to 0.312)
7.91 to 11.10
19.1 (0.750) 9.5 (0.275) 19.1 (3/4)
(0.313 to 0.437)
11.11 to 15.90
25.4 (1.000) 12.7 (0.500) 25.4 (1)
(0.438 to 0.625)
15.91 to 22.2
38.1 (1.500) 19.1 (0.750) 38.1 (1-1/2)
(0.626 to 0.875)
22.21 to 31.80
50.8 (2.000) 25.4 (1.000) 50.8 (2)
(0.876 to 1.250)
31.81 to 44.50
76.2 (3.000) 38.1 (1.500) 76.2 (3)
(1.251 to 1.750)
44.51 to 63.5
101.6 (4.000) 50.8 (2.000) 101.6 (4)
(1.751 to 2.500)
1/ The 2:1 shrink ratios shown apply to commonly used polyolefin sleeving (AMS DTL-23053/5
and /6) and polyvinylidene fluoride sleeving (PVDF) (AMS DTL 23053/8). Other shrink sleeving
such as fluorinated ethylene propylene (FEP) (AMS-DTL-23053/11), polyethylene terephthalate
(PET) (AMS-DTL-23053/7), and extruded polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) (AMS-DTL-23053/12)
have different shrink ratios, and the applicable specification should be consulted.
9.9.1 After the sleeving has been placed over the object to be covered, it shall be heated and
shrunk using a hot air gun, an oven, or radiant heating.
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9.9.2 The degree of heat used and the exposure time will depend on the size and type of
sleeving. A typical shield termination is shown in Figure 9 13. Sleeving coverage dimensions
are given in this figure. If a tight fit is required for the minimum diameter, additional sleeving
may be required.
9.10.1 Long lengths of shrinkable sleeving installed over interconnecting harnesses and cables
shall provide protective coverage of the designated area without leaving residual stress in the
9.10.2 The sleeving shall be in contact with the interconnecting harness or cable along its
length. One method of controlling endwise shrinkage (reduction in length) of the sleeving
during installation is shown in Figure 9-14.
Note: Medium to long lengths of harnesses/cables with shrink sleeving are extremely
difficult to bend and coil without damage.
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9.11.1 Shrinkable parts shall meet the following requirements (see Figure 9-15 for typical
sleeving installation):
c. The shrinkable sleeving shall firmly grip the item over which it has been installed.
d. The shrinkable part shall be free of cracks, punctures, blisters, and burned areas.
9.11.2 When shrinkable parts are installed, the gripping section of the part is shrunk first (For
example, the gripping-end section of a connector backshell boot is shrunk over the connector
before the smaller cable-gripping end is heated).
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10.1.1 Insulated wires shall be prepared in accordance with the following requirements:
a. After removal of the insulation segment, the remaining conductor insulation shall not
exhibit any damage such as nicks, cuts, crushing, or charring.
d. After removal of the conductor insulation, the conductor shall not be nicked, cut, or
scraped to the point that base metal is exposed.
e. Conductors that were reduced in the cross-sectional area shall not be used.
f. The lay of wire strands shall be restored as nearly as possible to the original lay if
10.1.2 The following requirements apply to tinning of conductors for solder cups:
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a. The portion of stranded wires that will eventually become a part of the finished solder
connection shall be coated with tin-lead solder and cleaned prior to attachment. Additional
flux may be used.
b. The flux shall be applied so that it does not flow under the insulation except for traces
carried by solder wicking.
c. Flux shall be removed with cleaning solvent applied so that its flow under the conductor
insulation is minimal.
e. Solder wicking shall not extend to a portion of the wire which is required to remain
f. Solder build-up or icicles within the tinned wire area shall not affect subsequent assembly
g. The length of untinned strands measured from the end of the tinned portion to the
beginning of the wire insulation shall not be greater than 1 wire diameter.
a. Soldered Connections.
(2) The contour of the conductor shall not be obscured at the termination end of the
(3) The insulation clearance shall be less than two wire diameters, including insulation,
but in no case shall permit shorting between adjacent non-electrically common
(4) Insulation clearance shall be referenced from the first point of contact of the
conductor to the terminal.
b. Crimped Connections.
(1) The minimum insulation clearance for all crimped connections shall be 0.25mm
(2) The maximum insulation clearance for conductors 20AWG and smaller shall be
0.75mm (0.03in.).
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(3) The maximum insulation clearance for conductors 18AWG and larger shall be
1.25mm (0.05in.).
10.2.1 Jackets over shields may be stripped by either thermal or mechanical means.
10.2.2 Nicked shield strands shall not exceed 10 percent of the total number of strands.
10.3.2 Conductors shall not be nicked, gouged, necked down, or severed during stripping.
10.3.3 After removal of the insulation segment, the remaining conductor insulation shall not
exhibit any damage such as nicks, cuts, or crushing. Scuffing from mechanical stripping is
11.1.1 Interconnecting cables and harnesses shall be designed and constructed to minimize
electromagnetic couplings between wires within the assembly that are sensitive to induced
interference. The following cable styles are listed in order of increasing RFI/EMI control:
twisted pair, shielded wire, single-braid coaxial cable, double-braid coaxial cable, triaxial cable,
twisted-shielded quadrax cable. For harnesses, grounded copper braid is the most effective RF
11.1.2 On RF signal cables, both the inner conductor and outer conductor braid shall be
electrically continuous (Figure 11-1).
11.1.3 Cable and harness shields shall be mechanically terminated (e.g. crimp rings,
compression band).
11.1.4 Cable and harness shields shall be electrically grounded in accordance with the
manufacturing instructions (e.g. pigtail, conductive backshell).
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S tr ip 6 .4 - 8 .3
(.2 5 0 -.3 2 5 )
S tr ip 6 .4 - 8 .3
(.2 5 0 -.3 2 5 )
Figure 11-2. Example of Individual Shield Termination Using a Heat Shrinkable Solder Sleeve
11.2.1 An individual shield that is terminated using two-piece crimp rings (ferrules) to attach
grounding wires to the shield braid is shown in Figure 11-3. The inner crimp ring (ferrule) shall
be sized so that any inward distortion caused by crimping will not affect the insulated wires it
11.2.2 The end of the grounding wire shall be flush with the outer ferrule, and shall not
overhang the inner ferrule.
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11.2.3 The grounding wire detachment force from the crimped sleeve shall meet the
requirements of paragraph 13.7.
11.3.1 When grounding wires of individual cable shields are grounded to one point, they shall
be spliced to a common grounding wire.
11.3.2 No more than four conductors plus a drain wire shall be terminated in one splice (see
Figure 11-4 and Figure 11-5).
11.3.3 For ordinary RFI/EMI protection, the shield shall be terminated within 100mm (4
inches) of the center conductor termination for the x-distance, and the combined length of shield
grounding wires shall not exceed 190mm (7.5 inches) for the y-distance. For interference
sensitive circuits, preferred lengths are 20 and 115mm (.75 inches and 4.5 inches). See Table 11
1 for the x and y distances. When this does not provide adequate isolation, RFI/EMI connector
backshells may be necessary.
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11.4.1 Individual shields and overall shields may be grounded using large compression rings.
Shields should be dressed across the inner collector ring either forward towards the connector
(Figure 11-6B) or backwards away from the connector (Figure 11-6C). Grounding wires shall
exit the front or rear of the compression ring as required by design, and shall be formed in
accordance with Figure 11-6A.
11.4.2 Grounding exiting the side of the compression ring away from the rear of the connector
shall be dressed beneath the compression ring when terminating to a connector pin (Figure 11-
6D). The outer compression ring shall be crimped securely over the shields and inner collector
ring (Figure 11-6E).
11.4.3 The grounding wire detachment force from the crimped sleeve shall meet the
requirements of paragraph 13.7.
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11.5.1 The outer jacket shall be trimmed to expose the shielding braid.
11.5.2 The braid shall be folded back over the outer jacket as illustrated in Figure 11-7.
11.5.3 Combing the braid is optional. Heat-shrinkable sleeving shall be installed over the trim
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Exposed wire beyond a shield termination is subject to induced RFI/EMI interference. Any
excessive length of grounding wire may act as an antenna in picking up interference. Distances
to terminations and maximum lengths of grounding wires attached directly to an individual
shield are given in Table 11-2 and illustrated in Figure 11-8. Shield terminations shall be
staggered behind the connector/accessory 13mm (0.5 inch) minimum and 100mm (4 inches)
maximum to assure minimum buildup of the wire bundle diameter in the shield termination area
(see Figure 11-5).
Nature of Circuit Recommended Max
mm (Inches)
Length mm (Inches)
Interference sensitive1/ 20 (0.75) 40 (1.5)
Ordinary interference
100 (4.0) 150 (6.0)
1/ It may be necessary to use conductive adapter backshells that provide full isolation to secure
better RFI/EMI protection for extremely sensitive circuits.
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12.1.1 Crimped connections shall be inspected 100 percent in order to verify compliance with
this standard.
12.2.1 For manual crimping operations prior to wire insertion, the assembler shall examine the
crimp contacts for the conditions in 12.2.2.
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b. Number of Indenters. Each crimp tool shall have four or more indenter blades
(preferably double-indenter blades).
c. Calibration Adjustments. The calibration adjustments shall be accessible only when the
tool is disassembled.
e. Sealing of Adjustable Tools. All adjustable crimp tools shall be set, sealed or locked, and
verified prior to use.
b. Tools with a sealed setting and sealed locator or position. If the tool is broken or
damaged, or if the seal is broken, the tool shall be removed from service.
a. The following requirements apply for crimp process development when there is no
recommended tool setting for the contact-conductor combination:
(1) For each new crimp process where a crimp tool setting must be determined for a
contact-conductor pair (or a crimp ferrule-conductor combination), a three-sample pull
test at each of the different crimp tool settings considered for use are required using the
force and pull strength criteria in Table 12-1.
(2) The crimp tool setting that produces the maximum number of fray breaks and breaks
outside the contact or crimp ferrule shall be used for assembly (see Figure 12-1).
(3) If multiple settings provide identical tensile strengths for a crimp joint, the setting
selected shall be the one that provides more wire breaks than wire pullouts.
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b. The following requirements apply for the production quality control test:
(1) The crimp tools and each contact-conductor, or crimp ferrule-conductor, combination
to be used in a production run shall be tested at the start and at the end of each work shift
or production run, whichever is shorter, using crimp pull testing. The test prior to a shift
or production run can be skipped if the test had been done at the end of the prior shift or
production run and no change to the tools has occurred since the last pull test. The test at
the end of the shift may be skipped if it will be done at the start of the next shift or
production run and no change to the tools will occur prior to the next test.
(2) The record of successful pull testing shall be traceable to the contact or ferrule, wire,
crimp tool, crimp setting used and the production run or shift.
(3) Hardware produced prior to the failed pull test shall be identified as suspect and
evaluated prior to use to assure it is defect-free.
(4) Production shall not proceed until there are zero failures out of three samples tested.
c. The following requirements apply for the Test Method and Failure Categories:
(1) The crimp contacts or ferrules shall be placed in a tensile-testing device with
appropriate fixtures, and sufficient force shall be applied to pull the wire out of the
assembly or to break the wire or crimped item.
(2) The head travel speed of the tensile device shall be 25.4 6.3 mm (1.0 .25 in) per
minute. The holding surfaces of the tensile device clamp may be serrated to provide
sufficient gripping and holding ability.
(3) Crimp pull strengths shall meet the values in Table 12-1. Wire pull out, wire breaks
at the crimp, and contact rupture which occur below the minimum pull strength value are
considered test failures.
(4) For those contact-conductor crimp connections not contained in Table 12-1, the
tensile strength of the crimp connection shall be no less than 60 percent of the tensile
strength of the wire. Reference the manufacturers datasheet for wire tensile strength.
(5) For crimp ferrule-conductor combinations the wire pulled shall meet the tensile
requirement for a single wire of the same gauge being tested in its properly sized
(6) Examination of Test Samples. Each individual test sample shall be inspected to the
requirements of 12.3.5.c(3) and the observations should be recorded and maintained for
passing units and shall be recorded for failing units.
(7) The pull strength and break or release condition for test failures shall be recorded.
d. Alternative quality control systems may be used for assuring crimp production lots when
they are approved in advance in accordance with 1.4.3 or 1.4.4.
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Note: All categories are acceptable if separation occurs above minimum tensile strength
per 12.3.5.c.(3).
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Note: Breaks at the entrance of the contact wire barrel, caused by conductor cutting
because the contact is not held squarely in the tester jaws, shall not be preferred breaks.
13.1.2 During contact insertion operations, should part of the tip of a contact insertion tool
break off, all pieces of the tip shall be accounted for.
13.1.3 The mating surfaces of all unmated connectors shall be protected by covers during
storage, handling, and installation of interconnecting cables and harnesses.
13.2.1 Crimp contacts are assembled to conductors outside of the connector and are
subsequently installed into the connector body. When a connector is properly assembled,
contacts are captured inside the connector. Retaining clips are one means of securing contacts in
place inside connector cavities. When retaining clips are present, contacts shall be fully seated
and locked into place by the clip.
13.2.2 Terminal junctions shall not have unwired contacts installed in unused cavities.
13.3.1 Wire shall be bent only in flexible, unwicked parts of the conductor to maintain stress
relief for solder dipped conductors. In all instances, stranded conductors will experience solder-
wicking during attachment. The conductor will be rigid up to the point where the wicking stops
and flexible beyond it. Wire movement concentrates stress at the point where wicking stops and
normal harness handling can produce conductor fatigue and failure.
13.3.2 Solid conductors shall be assembled in contacts by soldering, and cleaned and inspected
in accordance with the latest revision of IPC J-STD-001FS.
13.3.3 Contact mating surfaces and solder joints shall be cleaned to remove flux residue
following the soldering operation.
13.4.1 Connectors with Non-Removable Solder Cups. When solder connections cannot be
visually inspected due to their position out of the line of sight, alternative quality control
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measures shall be taken to ensure that the solder joints are defect-free in accordance with the
defect and inspection criteria of J-STD-001FS. Examples are interim visual inspection, x-ray
inspection and process controls that drive minimum conductor insertion into the cup and solder
fill and fillet conditions.
13.4.2 For environmental and hermetic connectors that have unremovable soldered contacts,
solder joints, contact surfaces and the rear of the connector shall be cleaned to remove flux
residue following soldering.
13.4.3 Plastic sealing plugs shall be used in all unwired contact cavities of environmental
connectors for high humidity and moisture environments.
13.4.5 Grommet Sealing. When an insulated wire diameter is smaller than the grommet hole,
the wire insulation diameter shall be increased by using heat shrinkable sleeving.
Note: Care should be used when using shrink sleeving. The outer diameter of the sleeving
should be small enough to allow use of extraction/insertion tools.
13.5.1 During assembly (torquing backshells, securing cable clamps/tongs, etc.), strain relief
members shall not be stressed or forced to rotate.
Many types of RF connectors and coaxial contacts are available. Electrical performance,
together with other considerations, affects the selection of the connector and coaxial cable.
Depending on the requirements, assembly procedures vary from normal shop practice for cables
operating at less than 1 gigahertz (GHz) to precision techniques for those operating up to 18
GHz. See Appendix B for a discussion of frequently encountered workmanship problems related
to the assembly of RF connectors and coaxial contacts. The following practices shall be
b. Special tools necessary for the fabrication shall be specified on the assembly procedures.
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13.7 Process Controls for Two-Piece Crimp Rings and Stub-Type Splicing Devices
13.7.1 The crimp tools and crimped ring conductor(s) combination to be used in a production
run shall be tested at the start and at the end of each work shift or production run, whichever is
13.7.2 Test results shall be recorded and maintained for each applicable crimp tool, crimped
ring conductor(s) combination, and production period or shift.
13.7.3 Number of Test Samples. Three or more test samples shall be prepared and tested for
each crimp tool and crimped ring conductor(s) combination, at the intervals specified in 13.7.1.
13.7.4 Test Method. The sample crimp rings and stub-type splicing devices shall be placed in
a tensile-testing device with appropriate fixtures, and sufficient force shall be applied to pull
each individual wire to the value specified in Table 13-1 without movement or pulling of the
wire from the crimped ring or breaking of the wire or the crimped ring. The head travel speed of
the tensile device shall be 25.4 6.3 mm (1.0 .25 in) per minute. The holding surfaces of the
tensile device clamp may be serrated to provide sufficient gripping and holding ability.
13.7.5 The tensile strength of the crimp test sample connections shall be in accordance with
Table 13-1.
13.7.6 For those crimped ring conductor(s) combinations not contained in Table 13-1, the
tensile strength of the crimp connection shall be no less than 60 percent of the tensile strength of
the wire.
13.7.7 Records of the observations of the passing test samples should be recorded and
maintained and for failing samples shall be recorded and maintained.
13.8.1 Visual Examination. One hundred percent visual inspection shall be conducted for
acceptable soldering, proper identification, and freedom from damage.
13.8.2 Contact Seating. Each contact in connectors utilizing retention clips or tines shall be
push or pull tested 100 percent for seating.
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13.8.3 Contact seating testing shall be limited to one push or pull test per contact insertion.
a. In applications in which the engaging (mating) ends of the pins or socket contacts are
accessible, contact retention testing to the requirements of Table 13-2 shall be performed.
b. Push testing shall utilize a tool that minimizes chafing, scraping and bending of contacts
and applies a controlled, preset pressure to the contact before releasing the force. A typical
tool design is shown in Figure 13-1.
c. Socket testing probes shall be undersized compared to mating-pin diameters and shall not
cause a mating cycle to take place.
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a. On terminal junctions and certain insertable crimp-contact connectors, contacts are not
exposed for push testing. Pull force contact retention testing to the requirements of Table 13-
1 shall be performed only on devices in which the contact engaging (mating) ends are not
b. Pull force testing shall be performed by pulling on the wire terminated in the contact as
illustrated in Figure 13-2.
c. The wires to be pulled (except for shielded wire) shall be free of ties, cable clamps, or
any wire-harness shielding devices within 127 mm (5 inches) of the terminal junction sealing
grommet surface (see Figure 13-2).
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d. When the wire breakout to the terminal junction is less than 127 mm (5 inches) in length,
then ties and clamps may be removed only to the point where the wires leave the main
e. The wire shall be pulled perpendicular to the wire exit face of the connector device.
Note: When the wire is pulled at any angle exceeding 5 from the perpendicular, the
contact may bind inside the connector and give a false reading.
f. The wire shall not be pulled to a force in excess of 80 percent of the specified minimum
crimp tensile requirement in order to avoid damage to the wire/contact crimp joint.
g. When a shielded wire is being pulled, the wire shall be gripped between the rear of the
connector and the shield termination.
13.8.7 Solder Contacts. All solder contacts that have float shall be free of flux and other
contamination and should be checked to assure they have normal float characteristics after
soldering and cleaning.
13.8.8 Coaxial Cable Requirements. Coaxial cables shall pass electrical requirements (e.g.,
voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR), insertion loss, and other performance tests specified on the
engineering documentation).
a. Verify proper strip length and assembly of center conductor into contact.
c. Verify that the center contact location meets requirements for proper mating.
13.8.10 Torque applied to connector backshells, strain relief clamps, etc., shall be as specified
in the engineering documentation.
a. The identification marking shall be capable of passing all environmental testing that may
be required for the projected use and remain legible.
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c. Connector identification may be placed directly on the connector or on the cable near the
d. In all cases, identification shall resist abrasion, either as applied or with the aid of an
e. All temporary identification shall be removed from each completed harness by the end of
the fabrication process.
f. Marking tape used to position and locate harnesses and cables may be either permanent
or temporary in nature.
15.1.1 Interconnecting cable and harness assemblies shall be clean and free of contamination
prior to installation in the mission hardware system (e.g. aircraft, instrument, spacecraft).
b. Practices for mission assemblies shall include assembly in a clean environment and the
use of protective plastic sheeting or other coverings over harnesses not undergoing active
15.2.1 Particles and debris shall be cleaned from the harness or cable assembly by vacuum-
removal methods.
15.2.2 Selection and use of solvents for cleaning harnesses shall comply with the requirements
of NASA-STD-8739.6.
15.2.3 Brushing with solvent shall be used as required to remove other contamination.
Aqueous solvents should be avoided when cleaning assemblies containing silver-coated copper
wire to reduce the risk of corrosion (i.e. cuprous oxide formation at silver/copper interfaces in
the presence of moisture known as red-plague).
15.2.4 Cable and harnesses that contain foamed or expanded structure insulation shall be
baked after cleaning with alcohol to ensure entrapped volatile substances are liberated before
electrical testing is performed. Use of 60C in air for 2.0 hours minimum is recommended.
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b. Flux residue, solder splash, metal flakes, moisture, and other contaminants that may
jeopardize the integrity of the connector system shall be cleaned from contact surfaces of
pins, sockets, and connector bodies (See Figure 15-1).
d. The internal surfaces of dust covers and connector covers shall be cleaned by solvent
brushing before the covers are fitted onto cleaned connectors.
e. If necessary, connectors that were subjected to frequent mating and demating operations
during fabrication and test shall receive additional cleaning prior to the final mating.
f. Visual examination of the contact surfaces of connectors shall not reveal the presence of
contaminants such as metal flakes or large dust particles.
15.4.1 Coaxial connectors shall not have accumulated contaminants such as metal flakes, dirt,
moisture, and other foreign materials.
15.4.2 The connector interface shall be cleaned by brushing with solvent, vacuum procedures,
or a combination thereof until the contaminants have been removed.
Figure 15-1. Visual Examination Inside the Socket Contact for Flux Residue
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16.1.1 Interconnecting harnesses and cables often receive their maximum stresses when they
are moved, handled, or installed in their permanent locations. Harnesses should be handled with
considerable care and attention.
16.1.2 Prior to installation, large harnesses shall be kept on their own wiring board or
otherwise protected from damage or misuse.
16.1.3 After the cleanliness of the connector has been verified visually, it shall be protected
with a clean dust cover until it is ready for final mating.
16.1.4 All unmated connectors shall be protected with clean dust covers (connector caps).Bags
or containers used to store assembled harnesses containing fluoropolymer insulated wire (e.g.
Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE), Fluorinated Ethylene Propylene (FEP)) shall be vented to
prevent corrosion of metal surfaces from fluorine outgassing.
16.1.5 Overstressing and excessive flexing of wires shall be avoided during connector
cleaning and mating and demating operations. This is especially important for solder-type
Although most electrical connectors are considered to be durable, each of them has a finite life.
During testing and system checkout, certain connectors may be subject to frequent mating and
demating. When this situation exists, wear and potential damage can be reduced by the use of
connector-savers. Connector-savers transfer the wear from the flight connector to non-flight
jumper harness connectors. It also prevents uncontrolled (and possibly damaged) test equipment
connectors from mating directly with the mission hardware.
17.1.1 Any connector, including connector savers, mating with flight hardware shall be in
accordance with engineering documentation.
17.2.1 The following practices and precautions shall be exercised in mating and demating
a. Verification that the circuit has been de-energized shall be performed prior to connector
mate and demate operations (not applicable to circuits containing batteries).
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b. Prior to mating, connectors shall be examined for contamination, and pin, socket,
grommet and connector body damage.
c. All flight qualified, AC/DC power interface and test equipment connectors that mate with
flight and support equipment connectors shall be protected against damage and
contamination during mating and demating operations, and when they are in a demated
e. Harness connectors mated to test tees or breakout boxes shall be provided with stress
relief to restrict flexing of connectors and cables.
f. Mate and demate operations between the flight hardware, support equipment connectors,
system test equipment, and also in final assembly shall be performed by authorized personnel
g. The use of connector savers is recommended (see 17.1). A connector saver can be a short
harness jumper that has a mating interface connector to engage the unit. The other end of the
harness has the same interface as the unit. Connector savers shall be clearly marked.
17.2.2 Interfacial seals, which are not bonded to the connector shall be examined and, if
necessary, replaced with new, clean seals prior to final mating.
17.2.3 Use of a log of mate and demate operations and of occurrences of bent pins is
recommended for all connectors that are part of mission hardware.
17.2.5 Electrostatic discharge (ESD) protective caps shall be installed on exposed connectors
of harnesses that are attached to ESDS hardware.
17.3.1 The torque value use when mating coaxial connectors shall be defined in the
engineering documentation. The connector datasheet or manufacturers application notes are the
recommended primary source for this torque value.
17.3.2 When mating coaxial connectors, the cable assemblies shall be held such that only the
connector coupling is rotated.
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18.1.1 Completed interconnecting harnesses and cables shall be verified as meeting all
applicable functional, electrical, and design requirements.
18.2 Testing
18.2.1 All cable assemblies shall meet the Continuity, Dielectric Withstanding Voltage
(DWV) and Insulation Resistance (IR) test requirements in this chapter as a precondition for
their acceptance and installation in mission hardware. See paragraph 18.2.2 for exceptions
applicable to coaxial cable.
18.2.2 Acceptance testing procedures shall be made available to the procuring Agency for
review and approval prior to use.
18.2.3 Coaxial cable assemblies shall be given continuity, isolation, dielectric withstanding
voltage (DWV), insertion loss, Voltage Standing Wave Ratio (VSWR), and time domain
reflectometry (TDR) testing in accordance with and as specified in the engineering
18.2.5 Records of all acceptance testing shall be complete and traceable to the cable or harness
assembly being tested.
18.3.1 Hand test probes shall not be used directly in the cable or harness connectors.
18.3.2 When performing acceptance or post-installation testing the order of the tests shall be
continuity, DWV and IR to mitigate the risk of overstress due to continuity defects and to detect
latent defects that may have been excited to near-failure by the DWV test.
18.3.3 Continuity. Interconnecting cable and harness assemblies shall be tested for point-to-
point electrical continuity.
18.3.4 Dielectric Withstanding Voltage (DWV). The following procedures and parameters
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a. The interconnecting cable or harness assembly shall withstand the application of a 1050
50 Root Mean Square (RMS) voltage, a 60 Hz 1500 75 DC voltage, or the DWV or high
potential (Hi-Pot) voltage defined by the connector, cable or wire datasheet, whichever is the
least, applied as follows.
b. The test potential shall be applied for at least 5 seconds at a rate of no less than 500V per
second until the desired test potential is reached.
c. For the dc test, the time of application of the test potential may be reduced to the time
required for steady state current to be established. There shall be no evidence of electrical
breakdown or arc-over.
(1) Each conductor and all other conductors in the cable or harness assembly.
(5) Between the shield and the connector body, except when the two are connected to
each other.
e. Leakage current shall not exceed 1 milliampere when applied voltage is maintained for
not more than 1 minute.
f. Following the testing, the connectors shall be visually inspected for degradation due to
the test.
Note: Cable or harness assemblies with a large capacitance, (e.g., long runs generally
over six feet, a long cable, or a harness incorporating shielding) should be tested using
the dc potential option to avoid erroneous indications of failure.
18.3.5 Insulation Resistance (IR). The insulation resistance shall be measured using a voltage
of 500 + 50/-0Vdc until a stabilized reading is attained not to exceed 1 minute, or as specified in
the test procedure and in accordance with the following:
a. IR shall be measured:
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(5) Between shields and connector body except when the two are connected to each
b. The IR for any measurement made shall be greater than 100 megohms.
19.1 General
Splices may be configured as a simple splice, having one conductor joined to another conductor,
or as a complex splice with one or more conductors joined to one or more other conductors.
Splices may be completed using crimping or soldering processes.
19.2.2 Soldered splice terminations shall comply with the solder joint quality requirements of
IPC J-STD-001FS in the Solder Connection Defects paragraph.
19.2.3 When the design of the splice piece parts allow it, the solder connections shall be
inspected prior to and after shrink tube heat application.
19.2.4 Following soldering and prior to installing insulation sleeving, all areas that will be
under insulation sleeving shall be cleaned with an approved solvent. Heat shrinkable soldering
splices are exempt from this requirement.
19.2.5 Cleaning solution application shall be controlled to minimize propagation to other areas
of the harness or cable being spliced.
19.2.6 The tubing or insulation used for splices shall completely encapsulate the splice body
and extend over the wires insulation a minimum of two times (2X) the diameter of the largest
wire in the splice. When multiple layers of tubing or insulation are used, each additional layer
shall overlap the underlying layer by no less than two (2) diameters of the largest wire in the
splice at each end.
19.2.7 The types of splices in this section are considered standard. The requirements of
NASA-STD-8739.6 for non-standard configurations apply for uses of other approaches for
Solder-style splices are primarily designed for the termination of a single conductor to a single
conductor, but may be used for the termination of multiple conductors (i.e., a branch or fan-out
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circuit), providing the splice design is appropriately configured/sized to accommodate all the
conductors without modifications. Solder-style splices produce a smaller, more compact splice
termination, with significant weight reductions over crimp-style splices.
A lap splice is where the conductor ends are laid parallel to, and overlap each other, and are
terminated with a solder joint (see Figures 19-1 and 19-2). This configuration can be used to join
two wires or to electrically terminate a cable or harness RFI/EMI shield.
Figure 19-3. Individual Shield Termination with a Lap Splice and Solder Sleeve
b. For terminated shields the drain wire conductor shall be pretinned and the shield shall not
be pretinned.
c. The conductors shall be parallel to, and in contact with each other at least three (3) wire
diameters, but not more than six (6) wire diameters.
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g. A solder fillet shall be formed on both sides of the conductors for the entire length of the
area where they overlap.
h. After soldering, the conductors contours shall be discernible (see Figures 19-3 and 19-4).
Figure 19-4. Sleeving over Soldered Figure 19-5. Double Sleeving over Soldered
Connection Connection
A lash splice (see Figure 19-7) is a soldered splice identical to the lap splice (see Figure 19-2)
except for the addition of a single strand wire winding (overlash) that binds the conductors
a. The conductors to be spliced shall be pre-tinned (see Figure 19-6), parallel to, and in
contact with each other at least three (3) wire diameters, but not more than six (6) wire
e. The wire used to lash the conductors together shall be a solid wire.
f. The wire used to lash the conductors together shall be wrapped a minimum of 6 turns and
the wraps shall not extend past the end of either conductor (see Figure 19-7). An alternative
configuration for the lash splice is the Lash End Type Splice (see Figures 19-8 and 19-9).
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g. The wire lash shall be either an open spiral (no more than 2 lashing wire diameters
between turns) or closed (each wrap is in contact with its adjacent wrap).
h. The wraps shall not overlap and the ends of the wrap shall be trimmed flush prior to
soldering to prevent the ends from protruding through insulation.
Figure 19-9. Pre-Lash End Type Splice Figure 19-10. Lash End Type Splice
i. A solder fillet shall be formed on both sides of the conductors for the entire length of the
area where they overlap and all turns of the wire used to lash the conductors together (see
Figure 19-8).
j. After soldering, the conductors contour need not be discernible, however the ends of the
conductors and the contour of the wire used to lash the conductors together shall be
discernable (see Figure 19-11 and Figure 19-12).
Figure 19-11. Soldered Lash Splice Figure 19-12 Sleeved Lash Splice
a. The solder ring shall be centered over the stripped conductors to be spliced and the
sealing rings are over the wires insulation prior to heating (see Figure 19-13).
b. The equipment (e.g., heat gun) used shall be capable of providing uniform heat of the
type (e.g., IR, convection) and temperature range recommended by the manufacturer of the
solder sleeve.
(2) That outline of the ring is no longer discernible (see Figure 19-14).
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(3) That the insulation sleeving conforms to the profile of the wires being spliced.
(4) That the sealing rings are in intimate contact with the outer circumference of the
insulation of the wires being spliced.
d. After heat application, the connection shall comply with the inspection requirements of
Figure 19-13. Solder Sleeve Prior to Flow Figure 19-14. Fully Melted Solder Sleeve
The soldered western union/lineman splice is a splice where each conductor is wrapped around
the other conductor prior to soldering (see Figure 19-15).
b. There shall be at least 3 turns around each conductor and the wraps shall be tight with no
gaps between adjacent turns (see Figure 19-17).
c. The wraps shall not overlap and the ends of the wrap shall be trimmed flush prior to
soldering to prevent protruding ends.
d. The conductors shall not overlap the insulation of the other wire (see Figure 19-17).
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Figure 19-16. Initial Wrap for Western Figure 19-17. Completed Wrap for Western
Union/Lineman Splice Union/Lineman Splice
e. The solder quality shall comply with all the requirements of IPC J-STD-001FS for a
solder termination.
g. The solder shall fillet between connection elements over the complete periphery of the
connection (see Figure 19-18).
The solder ferrule splice (see Figure 19-20) is fabricated using a crimp ferrule.
b. The ferrule selected for use shall fit over the inserted tinned wires, but not over the wire
insulation with a maximum insulation clearance equal to the diameter of the ferrule.
c. The minimum insulation clearance shall ensure that insulation does not interfere with the
natural formation of the solder fillet.
d. The maximum protrusion from the end of the ferrule shall be one wire diameter of the
largest wire in the wire bundle.
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e. The minimum protrusion from the end of the ferrule is even with the end of the ferrule
and visible after soldering.
f. The solder shall fill the ferrule and be visible at both ends.
h. The conductors shall be pre-tinned, parallel to, and in contact with each other as indicated
in figure 19-19.
j. The ferrule to be used shall be pre-tinned using a solder pot or solder iron.
k. The wires shall be secured (i.e. with a spot tie or similar means) to prevent movement
during soldering.
l. When applying heat to solder the splice it shall be done away from the wire insulation.
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Crimping wires into contacts or crimp ferrules is a method for splicing wires together without
soldering. When crimping multiple wires into a contact or ferrule, the total circular-mil-area
(CMA) of all the wires must be calculated into an Equivalent Wire Size (EWS) in order to select
the properly sized contact or ferrule.
a. The tooling verification process and the completed termination shall comply with all the
requirements of this document for a crimp termination except as specified herein for jiffy
junction devices.
b. The contact/wires size and crimp tool setting combination shall be developed and verified
using the same requirements as for any machined contact (see 12.3.5).
c. The crimp ferrule or contact shall be sized equivalently with the calculated Equivalent
Wire Size (EWS) or the next larger EWS if the calculated value does not exactly match a
single wire size.
19.10.1 The following requirements apply for crimped splices of the modified contact type:
a. The appropriate crimping tool and positioner shall be used based on 19.11.1.c below.
c. The wires being spliced shall be inserted into the barrel parallel to each other (see Figures
19-20 and 19-21).
d. All wires being spliced together shall be seated against the bottom of the barrel (see
Figure 19-23.
e. The pin section of the contact shall be removed at its base and be free of burrs (see Figure
f. Cuts extending into the crimp barrel body or distortions of the crimp barrel body shall be
cause for rejection.
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g. Shrink sleeving shall be installed over the termination and shall extend at least 2 crimp
barrel diameters beyond the end of the contact and beyond the insulation of the wire that has
the greatest insulation gap (see Figure 19-25).
Figure 19-22. Stripped Wire Bundle Prior to Figure 19-23. Wires Crimped Within
Insertion Contact
Figure 19-24. Contact Trimmed and Figure 19-25. Contact Covered With Shrink
Deburred Sleeving
The crimp ferrule splicing method is used for splicing wires together without soldering. Splices
using the crimp ferrule method may be of the end-type or parallel type. End type splices (see
Figure 19-26) are used to terminate two or more conductors in a pig-tail configuration.
Parallel splices (see Figure 19-27) are used to dress and terminate multiple conductors, of the
same or different gauges, in a parallel configuration.
a. The tooling verification process shall comply with all the requirements of this document
for a crimp termination.
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b. The size of the crimp barrel shall be based on the manufacturers specifications.
c. For the end type splice the wires being spliced shall be inserted into the barrel parallel to
each other and all wires shall be seated against the bottom of the barrel.
d. For the parallel type splice the wires shall be inserted into the ferrule parallel to each
e. The wire ends shall be at least flush with the ends of the ferrule and shall not extend more
than two wire diameters beyond the end of the ferrule.
f. Proper insulation spacing shall be maintained to prevent insulation from being crimped.
i. Crimp tool indenters shall be symmetrical and centered on the crimp barrel.
Note: This type of crimped connection will typically be installed with a crimp tool with 2
indenter blades instead of the normal 4 indenter blades.
The butt splice (see Figure 19-28) is one of the simplest and most often used of the crimp splices,
and obtains its name from the alignment of the conductors in the crimp barrel. The crimp is
available in both an insulated and uninsulated version. The splice provides a very small diameter
profile when installed in a harness.
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a. The conductor(s) shall be stripped per 10.1 and trimmed to length to allow full insertion
into the crimp barrel, such that the conductor ends are visible in the wire inspection hole.
b. For single conductor configurations the butt splice contact shall be sized and selected
according to the conductor-crimp combinations listed in MIL-DTL-22520G [Table III], or as
specified by the crimp contact manufacturer.
Figure 19-30. Butt Splice Prior to Crimp Figure 19-31. Properly Crimped Butt Splice
d. The conductor(s) shall be fully inserted in the crimp barrel, parallel to each other, and
without modification to the conductor(s) or crimp barrel (see Figure 19-30).
e. Conductor insulation gap(s) should be approximately equal, and shall comply with the
insulation gap requirements specified in 10.1.11.b for each conductor size.
f. The contact shall be crimped to the conductor per the contact manufacturers
recommendations or engineering documentation.
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g. Indentions shall be symmetrical and centered along the longitudinal axis of the crimp
h. Single crimp indents shall be located opposite of the barrel weld (see Figure 19-31).
i. Pre-insulated contacts shall be assembled and crimped per the contact manufacturers
recommendations or engineering documentation.
j. Crimp indentions shall be symmetrical and properly located within each crimp zone (as
specified in the crimp manufacturers data sheet or engineering documentation).
k. Insulated crimps with integral strain relief shall exhibit proper crimping of the strain
relief feature.
Wire In-Line Junction Device splices apply crimp contacts to conductors that are installed in a
common splice tube (Jiffy Junction) (see Figures 19-33 and 19-34). The following requirements
apply for in-line Jiffy Junction type splices:
a. The tooling verification process and the completed termination shall comply with all the
requirements of this document for a crimp termination.
Figure 19-33. Crimped Contact Outside Figure 19-34. Crimped Contacts Inserted
Junction Device Into Junction Device
c. The crimp tensile strength (i.e., pull test) values shall be in accordance with Table (19-1).
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g. On terminal junctions and certain insertable crimp-contact connectors, contacts are not
exposed for push testing. Contacts shall be properly installed and retained (i.e., locked-
in/seated) within the cavities and withstand the axial (i.e., contact retention) loads specified
in Table (19-2), without dislodging or damaging the contact, wire sealing grommet, cavity, or
the contact retention mechanism. Note: pull test is performed between the bodies of the
junction, and not the wires.
Table 19-1. Crimp Tensile Strength Values for Wire-in-Line Junction (i.e., Jiffy Junction)
Tensile Strength
Contact (Newtons) Pounds, Minimum
Wire Size Base Conductor Material
(AWG) w/Nickel Plating Socket
Pin Contacts Contacts
22 26 Copper (13.5) 3 (13.5) 3
26 Copper Alloy (13.5) 3 -
24 Copper (22.3) 5 -
24 Copper Alloy (22.3) 5 -
22 Copper (35.6) 8 (35.6) 8
22 Copper Alloy (35.6) 8 -
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Table 19-2. Splice Body Retention Values for Wire-in-Line Junction (i.e., Jiffy Junction)
20.1.1 Workmanship. Workmanship shall be of a level of quality adequate to assure that the
processed products meet the performance requirements of the engineering documentation and
criteria delineated herein.
20.1.4 Inspections shall be made at appropriate points during assembly, at the completion of
assembly, and after installation to establish that the appropriate requirements have been met.
20.1.5 Inspection may include visual inspection, mechanical measurements, electrical testing,
and other methods as deemed necessary.
20.1.6 Inspection and testing points shall be specified on the applicable planning documents.
20.1.7 Visual inspection of all connections shall be performed in-process and after final
assembly, as appropriate.
20.1.8 Quality Assurance has the responsibility to verify compliance with all requirements of
this document. Specific functions are as follows:
20.1.9 Verify that all tests, inspections, and measurements, including contact retention tests,
specified by this document have been performed.
20.1.10 Verify that all personnel who assemble or inspect hardware in accordance with this
document have been trained and certified to the applicable requirements herein.
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20.1.11 In-process surveillance of all assembly operations to verify that all processes and
procedures implementing the requirements of this document are current, approved, adequate, and
being properly implemented.
20.1.12 Verify that contacts, connectors, and conductors have been inspected prior to being
20.1.13 Verify and monitor that the facility cleanliness, environmental conditions, and lighting
requirements of Chapter 6 of this Standard are being met.
20.1.15 Verify and monitor that procedures defining cleaning, drying, handling, and packaging
are approved and their requirements are followed.
20.1.17 Inspect that crimp terminations are in accordance with Chapter 12 of this Standard.
20.1.18 Inspect that soldering processes and soldered interconnects are in accordance with IPC
20.1.19 Inspect that solder sleeve terminations were fabricated and installed as directed by
engineering documentation.
20.1.20 Verify installation processes and acceptance/rejection criteria for solder sleeve
termination devices were defined and approved.
20.1.21 Verify that other processes such as potting and molding, necessary to fabricate a cable
or harness, are defined by the engineering documentation and approved including accept/reject
criteria for non-standard configurations.
20.2.1 Quality assurance representatives shall verify that all required documentation is current
and approved.
e. Torque requirements.
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g. Connector mate and demate log and bent pin log when applicable.
d. Calibration system.
g. Compounds and special design requirements used for staking of lacing knots.
20.3.1 The Quality assurance representative shall verify that the following documentation has
been approved in accordance with 1.4 by the procuring NASA Center prior to implementation:
d. Repair records.
f. Approved solvents.
20.4.1 Tools and Equipment. Tools and equipment shall be verified for conformance to the
applicable requirements found in paragraphs 6.3, 6.6, and 12.3.
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20.4.2 The Quality assurance personnel shall verify that special tooling is identified on
assembly procedures.
20.4.3 The Quality Representative shall verify that all materials conform to the requirements
of paragraphs 6.8 and 6.9 and that material controls shall are implemented to ensure that only
conforming materials are used.
20.5.1 Acceptance Criteria. Acceptance criteria are described in Chapters 1 through 18,
Appendix A and the following:
a. Stripped Conductor:
(1) The insulation shall be uniform and shall exhibit no damage except slight
discoloration when thermal strippers have been used.
(3) Strands shall be twisted together in the original lay, or as nearly as possible to the
original lay.
(4) Shield strands shall be clean. The number of nicked shield strands shall not exceed
10 percent of the total number of strands.
b. Shield Terminations:
(2) The wire insulation and shrink sleeving shall be free of punctures, cuts, and nicks.
(4) The solder inside the solder sleeve shall show evidence of proper flow and fillet to the
ground wire and shield braid.
(6) The insulation sleeving shall be uniformly shrunk and provide proper covering of the
(8) The solder fillets along the interfaces shall have a smooth, concave appearance.
c. Crimped Connections:
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(2) Crimp indents properly located in the correct area of the contact.
(5) The clearance between the wire insulation termination and the crimp contact barrel is
between .25mm (.01 in) to .75mm (.03 in) for wire sizes AWG 20 and smaller, and
.25mm (.01 in) to 1.25mm (.05 in) for wire sizes AWG 18 and larger.
(1) Properly tied clove hitch and square or other non-slip knot.
(2) Pin/sockets meet retention force requirements and are not damaged.
(4) Length of wire twist is between 8 and 16 times the outer diameter of the harness.
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(12) Heat shrinkable sleeving or nonconductive tape extends at least 5.1 mm (0.2 inch)
beyond exposed metal.
(20) Routing does not expose cables and harnesses to abrasion, cold flow, or cut-
(22) Protective separator applied over wire bundle beneath metal braid shielding, if
(23) Connector backshells and strain relief clamps are tightened as specified by
engineering documentation.
(24) High strength copper alloy is used for AWG 24 and smaller conductors.
f. Coaxial Cables:
(1) Proper strip length and assembly of center conductor into contact.
(5) Connector backshells and strain relief clamps are tightened as specified by the
engineering documentation.
g. Solder Sleeves:
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(2) The solder fillets along the interfaces shall have a smooth, concave appearance.
(3) Solder sleeves shall not be damaged. Slight discoloration resulting from the heating
process is permissible.
(4) Solder sleeves shall cover all exposed metal in the spliced area.
(5) There shall be no protruding wire strands from under or through solder sleeves.
20.5.2 Rejection Criteria. The following are unsatisfactory conditions and shall be cause for
a. Stripped Conductor:
b. Shield Terminations:
(2) Nicked shield strands exceeding 10% of the total number of strands.
c. Crimped Connections:
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(7) Crimp indents not located in the correct area on the contact.
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f. Coaxial Cables:
(1) Improper strip length and incorrect assembly of center conductor into contact.
(3) Center contact location does not meet requirements for proper mating.
(5) Connector backshells and strain relief clamps are not tightened as specified by the
engineering documentation.
g. Solder Sleeves:
(1) The solder connection is not visible through the insulation sleeving.
(2) Solder fillet(s) having an uneven and broken flow and/or a convex appearance.
(3) Solder fillet not visible at the interfaces of the stranded wire to shield braid, or
stranded wire to stranded wire.
(4) Solder fillet is along only one side of the stranded wire to shield braid, or stranded
wire to stranded wire interface.
(5) Solder sleeves do not cover all the metal exposed by the splice installation.
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All wires dressed with even bends to
terminate in solder cups.
Figure A-1
End wire on the right is taut with no stress
Figure A-2
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A.2 Wiring: Connectors, Cabling, and Harnessing Stress Relief Shrinkable Sleeving
On Solder Cups
Sleeving on wire covers solder cup and
provides support over wire insulation
(see controlling specification)
Sleeving is fully shrunk over the insulation,
wire, and solder cup.
Sleeving is sufficiently rigid to provide stress
relief and prevent wire bending at the solder
Figure A-3 joint.
The sleeving is not fully shrunk and permits
wire bending and flexing at the joint.
Figure A-4
The sleeving is not fully shrunk.
Figure A-5
Sleeving does not grip at least half of the cup
barrel below the opening.
Figure A-6
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1. Insulation has been removed from the
conductor with no visible damage to the wire
2. Normal lay of wire, if disturbed, shall be
retwisted to the original wire lay.
Figure A-7
Minor burnishing and indentation; base metal
not exposed.
Figure A-8
1. Wire strands are gouged and scraped
exposing base metal.
2. Original lay of stranding has been
straightened and distorted.
Figure A-9
Wire strands show evidence of a nicked
condition caused by stripper blades.
Figure A-10
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Wire lay undisturbed; no visible damage to
wire strands.
Figure A-11
Wire strands combed straight. If retwisted to
original lay, may be acceptable.
Figure A-12
Excessive retwist.
Figure A-13
Wire strands retwisted in excess of normal
lay and overlapped.
Figure A-14
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Insulation stripped by thermal stripping shall
have minimum edge flash with no damage to
the wire strands.
Figure A-15
Mechanical or thermal stripped insulation
irregularity is acceptable if it does not exceed
1/4 of the outside diameter of the wire with
Figure A-16
Edge flash, due to improper stripping, should
not exceed 1/4 of the outside diameter of the
wire with insulation.
Figure A-17
Burned or charred insulation, as shown, is
the result of improper application of heat.
Figure A-18
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1. Complete wetting of the tinned area has
resulted in a bright, thin, and even tinning of
the strands
2. Tinning has reached insulation, but wicking
is minimal.
Figure A-19
Traces of solder wicking under insulation, but
the contour of the stranding is easily
Figure A-20
Length of tinning is determined by type of
termination; however, it should be sufficient
to prevent separation of strands when wire is
wrapped around a terminal.
Figure A-21
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1. Conductors secured with a plastic strap.
2. When tightened correctly, strap will not
move laterally along the bundle under normal
handling but can be rotated in place.
Figure A-22
Strap is too tight and is deforming the
insulation on the wire.
Figure A-23
Strap is too loose and will slip easily along
the bundle with normal handling.
Figure A-24
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Figure A-25
Figure A-26
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Care should be taken when seating contacts
in the crimping tool. The tool indentors
should crimp the contact midway between
the shoulder of the insulation support and the
inspection hole. The wire is visible in the
inspection hole.
Figure A-27
If the wire is not stripped back far enough or
incorrectly seated in the contact, the wire will
not be visible in the inspection hole, as
Figure A-28
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Failure to properly seat contact in crimping die, or use of incorrect crimping tool will result in
improperly crimped contacts. Crimping over the inspection hole or on the radius of the shoulder
as shown in Figures A-29 and A-30 is unacceptable.
Figure A-31
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NASA-STD-8739.4A 2016-06-30
This appendix provides information about problem areas and failures that result from poor
connector design, faulty assembly instructions, or wrong choice of materials for certain types of
coaxial cable assemblies.
B.1.1 Plastic Jacket Layer in the Compression System. Certain manufacturers' RF-connector
designs or assembly instructions allow the jacket to be in the clamping system. For example, the
metal clamp nut presses against the teflon cable jacket, which presses against the metal braid,
which presses against the metal cable barrel of the connector. The problem encountered with
this arrangement is that after torquing, the teflon jacket cold-flows, and the connection becomes
loose. Intermittent circuits and system failure can result. Either this type of connector should
not be used, or the plastic jacket should be trimmed back so that only metal-to-metal
compression exists (see Figure B-1). If the connector design is such that satisfactory metal-to-
metal compression cannot be achieved after torquing, the connector should not be used.
B.1.2 Inadequate Center Conductor to Center Contact Solder Joint. Certain manufacturers
recommend that the center conductor be tinned, and that this tinned conductor be placed in the
center contact. Then, the solder joint between the center conductor and center contact is made by
reflowing the tinning in the center contact. Invariably, this makes an insufficient solder joint
(see Figure B-2). A sufficient solder joint is made by placing a small length of rosin core solder
in the contact wire well, e.g., 3.17mm (0.125 inch) length, 0.38 mm (0.015 inch) diameter. The
center conductor is inserted into the wire well and the contact is heated to melt the solder and
position the contact on the center conductor.
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Figure B-1. Illustration of Proper Trimback of Jacket to Isolate it from the Clamping System
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