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Minutes 12

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TSU Minutes-October 3rd 2017

President: Jessica Del Fierro

Secretary: Jordan Zanni
Attendance: Jessica Del Fierro, Hannah Meyers, Jordan Zanni, Jocelyn Kim, Erika Ford,
Eve Middleton-Meyers, Linnea Perry, Evan Medd, Dominique Hat, Amanda Sum,
Mraria Escolan, Howard Dai, Garvin, Montserrat Videla,

Motion to open: 5:30. Motion passed by Evan, Dom, Marina

Jessica Del Fierro (President)

Motion to pass biweekly meeting schedules starting now
Motion passed: Jordan, Marina, Dominique
Jess is now the Student-Faculty liason, was asked by Steven.
No time to run the Continuing Conversations salon, will be in discussion with the
directors of Directing Projects and the politics they are interested in, so that at the
Crit we can talk about the technique, the show itself. The salons can be about the
political screams. Salon about the process.
Core for the semester historically has gone to the Gala. Need to make sure we get
the receipts.
We have a meeting on October 15th in the afternoon.
Need to organize a clean up of the spaces. Mainstage/Playmaking/Clowning.
Deadline to clean up your stuff will be Friday next week. Will email these groups
of people and the professors. Mid-semester Purge. Happening before Directing
Projects. Will send out a Doodle poll for the day we do this.
Faculty are discussing space renovations, redoing the walls. Covered in plywood
so we can stick stuff on them
Do we formalize representatives and give them access to the locked spaces?
Do we want a storage unit for our stuff to be kept in the lounge?
Diversity Committee meeting happening Friday led by Steven. Jess will be going.
Give her any points to bring up at the meeting.

Marina Buston (Treasurer)

Dominiques cheque is in the mail reimbursing her for last years R+J Gala
Where do we discuss political nature of our work?
Not allowed to submit pictures and copies of receipts like we used to.
Annie and Pascals grant cant be submitted until November (?) Needs to be
solved. Might have to wait a month until Annie is back to get her receipt.
Will call about a credit card system/way of paying for events not on student bank

Dominique Hat (Event Coordinator)

Dominique will talk to someone in Mainstage (Howard Dai) and get their show
details and what will be best for their Gala.
Dominique, Evan, Montsy want to organize the Crit, with Jessica DF as the top
consultant on the event
Separation of Crit questions from question box and discussing them into the right
Will begin looking for a venue for Gala in one week.

Evan Medd (Vice President)

Is it worth putting a call out for Directing Project assignment actors?
Will figure it out with Ker tonight.
Do we want salons not specifically linked to the Crit as discussed in weeks prior?
Where will be able to store our stuff when the faculty members take over the
closet spaces of the studio rooms?
Who is our key-stone faculty member for these discussions of storage and space?

Open Floor:
Maria- How are meeting minutes posted? Jordan gave Maria instructions on how
to view them on the SU website.

Motion to close: 5:55pm. Motion passed: Evan, Marina, Jordan

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