Nebulized Epinephrine For
Nebulized Epinephrine For
Nebulized Epinephrine For
Question Every winter I see infants with flulike symptoms and wheezing. I frequently diagnose them with
bronchiolitis based on their presenting symptoms. Would it be prudent to send those infants to the nearest
emergency department for treatment with nebulized epinephrine?
Answer Nebulized epinephrine should not be routinely used in infants with bronchiolitis. It is an option to
consider in those with severe symptoms. If it is given and there are no signs of improvement, further doses
are discouraged. Ongoing studies of epinephrine combined with other agents (eg, hypertonic saline, oral
dexamethasone) are needed to confirm their benefit.
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Vol 62: december dcembre 2016 | Canadian Family Physician Le Mdecin de famille canadien 991
Child Health Update
in infants with bronchiolitis is conflicting,13 and some In another large Canadian study, 20800 term and
research suggests it might reduce length of hospital stay healthy infants (6 weeks to 12 months of age) with mod-
for children hospitalized for more than 3 days.7 It was erate bronchiolitis who visited 8 pediatric EDs during the
suggested that a combination of epinephrine and hyper- peak respiratory syncytial virus season received nebulized
tonic saline might be of benefit to admitted children. epinephrine and oral dexamethasone (group 1), nebu-
Among 185 term and healthy infants (younger than lized epinephrine with oral placebo (group 2), nebulized
age 24 months) with moderate bronchiolitis admitted to placebo with oral dexamethasone (group 3), or nebulized
a Spanish hospital, investigators administered nebulized placebo with oral placebo (group 4). The 2 nebulized treat-
3% hypertonic saline with either a 3-mL epinephrine or ments administered 30 minutes apart consisted of 3 mL
3-mL placebo (ie, sterile water) combination.14 Infants of 1:1000 epinephrine or saline. The oral treatment con-
improved significantly earlier in the epinephrine group sisted of 1 mg/kg of dexamethasone (maximum 10 mg)
(P=.029 and P=.036 on days 3 and 5, respectively), and or placebo given after the first nebulized treatment in
length of hospital stay was significantly shorter in the the ED, followed by once-daily doses of dexamethasone
epinephrine group compared with those receiving pla- (0.6 mg/kg) or placebo for 5 days. Infants receiving epi-
cebo (mean [SD] of 3.9 [1.9] vs 4.8 [2.3] days; P=.011). nephrine and dexamethasone had lower ED admission
On the contrary, in a small study from Tunisia15 with 94 rates compared with those receiving placebo by day
term infants (up to 12 months old) with a first episode of 7 (RR=0.65; 95% CI 0.45 to 0.95; P=.02; unadjusted anal-
moderate acute bronchiolitis, length of hospital stay in ysis). However, after adjusted analysis owing to multi-
infants who received a combination of 2 mL of epineph- ple comparisons, the RR of ED admission by day 7 in the
rine and 2 mL of 5% hypertonic saline every 4 hours was group receiving epinephrine with dexamethasone com-
similar to those who received hypertonic saline alone or pared with the group receiving placebo was no longer
with saline placebo (mean [SD] of 3.5 [2.0], 3.6 [1.7], and significant (95% CI 0.41 to 1.04; P=.07). Nebulized epineph-
4.5 [3.8] days, respectively; P=.316). rine or oral dexamethasone alone did not reduce the rate
While the Spanish study provides a compelling of admission compared with placebo in both unadjusted
argument to use a combination of epinephrine and and adjusted analysis. Nebulized epinephrine seems to
hypertonic saline, it is premature to recommend such have only a transient effect on preventing ED admission.
treatment, and larger studies repeating these findings Further studies are needed to confirm this result.
are needed to endorse such therapy.
Nebulized epinephrine for outpatients Nebulized epinephrine should not be used in hospital-
While findings among admitted infants show a lack of ized children except if used as a rescue agent for severe
sufficient response to nebulized epinephrine, emer- diseasemarkedly increased respiratory rate, retrac-
gency department (ED) research investigated the ben- tions, and decreased oxygen saturation. For children
efit of early epinephrine therapy in the ED. A Cochrane seen in the ED, evidence does not support the effec-
review11 included 5 studies16-20 with 995 children who tiveness of nebulized epinephrine in infants with bron-
received nebulized epinephrine versus saline placebo. chiolitis. For children with severe illness, providers can
Cumulative evidence documented a significantly lower administer a dose of epinephrine and carefully moni-
admission rate at day 1 after the ED visit among those tor for possible improvement. If there are no signs of
receiving epinephrine (relative risk [RR] of 0.67; 95% CI improvement, further doses are discouraged. The combi-
0.50 to 0.89), a benefit lost by day 7 after the ED visit nation of epinephrine with other agents (eg, hypertonic
(RR=0.81; 95% CI 0.63 to 1.03). Out of those 5 stud- saline or oral dexamethasone) needs further research in
ies, 219,20 declared admission rate as a primary outcome order to confirm any benefit.
while the other studies used clinical score as the primary Competing interests
None declared
outcome and admission rate as the secondary outcome.
When nebulized racemic epinephrine was com- Dr Ran D. Goldman; e-mail
pared with albuterol and saline placebo in the treat- References
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AM, et al. Clinical practice guideline: the diagnosis, management, and pre-
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24 months with a diagnosis of bronchiolitis were ran- Pediatrics 2015;136(4):782.
2. Mansbach JM, McAdam AJ, Clark S, Hain PD, Flood RG, Acholonu U, et al.
domized to receive 5 mg of nebulized racemic epi- Prospective multicenter study of the viral etiology of bronchiolitis in the
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Child Health Update
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Do you have questions about the effects of drugs, chemicals, radiation, or
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tonic saline with epinephrine in bronchiolitis. Tunis Med 2014;92(11):674-7. fax at 604 875-2414; they will be addressed in future Child Health Updates.
16. Anil AB, Anil M, Saglam AB, Cetin N, Bal A, Aksu N. High volume normal saline
alone is as effective as nebulized salbutamol-normal saline, epinephrine-normal Published Child Health Updates are available on the Canadian Family Physician
saline, and 3% saline in mild bronchiolitis. Pediatr Pulmonol 2010;45(1):41-7. website (
Vol 62: december dcembre 2016 | Canadian Family Physician Le Mdecin de famille canadien 993