This document discusses various preconditioning methods that can be used for iterative methods for solving linear and nonlinear equations. It mentions that Jacobi preconditioning and preconditioners based on classical stationary iterative methods may be somewhat useful for partial differential equations but are not expected to have dramatic effects. It also describes incomplete factorization preconditioners where a sparse Cholesky factorization is applied but small elements of the factors are discarded. Additionally, it discusses polynomial preconditioning where a polynomial is used to estimate the spectrum of the matrix A and improve clustering of the preconditioned system's spectrum near 1.
This document discusses various preconditioning methods that can be used for iterative methods for solving linear and nonlinear equations. It mentions that Jacobi preconditioning and preconditioners based on classical stationary iterative methods may be somewhat useful for partial differential equations but are not expected to have dramatic effects. It also describes incomplete factorization preconditioners where a sparse Cholesky factorization is applied but small elements of the factors are discarded. Additionally, it discusses polynomial preconditioning where a polynomial is used to estimate the spectrum of the matrix A and improve clustering of the preconditioned system's spectrum near 1.
This document discusses various preconditioning methods that can be used for iterative methods for solving linear and nonlinear equations. It mentions that Jacobi preconditioning and preconditioners based on classical stationary iterative methods may be somewhat useful for partial differential equations but are not expected to have dramatic effects. It also describes incomplete factorization preconditioners where a sparse Cholesky factorization is applied but small elements of the factors are discarded. Additionally, it discusses polynomial preconditioning where a polynomial is used to estimate the spectrum of the matrix A and improve clustering of the preconditioned system's spectrum near 1.
This document discusses various preconditioning methods that can be used for iterative methods for solving linear and nonlinear equations. It mentions that Jacobi preconditioning and preconditioners based on classical stationary iterative methods may be somewhat useful for partial differential equations but are not expected to have dramatic effects. It also describes incomplete factorization preconditioners where a sparse Cholesky factorization is applied but small elements of the factors are discarded. Additionally, it discusses polynomial preconditioning where a polynomial is used to estimate the spectrum of the matrix A and improve clustering of the preconditioned system's spectrum near 1.
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Of these costs, the application of the preconditioner is usuallythe larger. In
the remainder of this section we brieflymen tion some classes of preconditioners. A more complete and detailed discussion of preconditioners is in [8] and a concise surveywith manyp ointers to the literature is in [12]. Some effective preconditioners are based on deep insight into the structure of the problem. See [124] for an example in the context of partial differential equations, where it is shown that certain discretized second-order elliptic problems on simple geometries can be veryw ell preconditioned with fast Poisson solvers [99], [188], and [187]. Similar performance can be obtained from multigrid [99], domain decomposition, [38], [39], [40], and alternating direction preconditioners [8], [149], [193], [194]. We use a Poisson solver preconditioner in the examples in 2.7 and 3.7 as well as for nonlinear problems in 6.4.2 and 8.4.2. One commonlyused and easilyimplemen ted preconditioner is Jacobi preconditioning, where M is the inverse of the diagonal part of A. One can also use other preconditioners based on the classical stationaryiterativ e methods, such as the symmetric GaussSeidel preconditioner (1.18). For applications to partial differential equations, these preconditioners mayb e somewhat useful, but should not be expected to have dramatic effects. Another approach is to applya sparse Choleskyfactorization to the matrix A (therebygiving up a fullymatrix-free formulation) and discarding small elements of the factors and/or allowing onlya fixed amount of storage for the factors. Such preconditioners are called incomplete factorization preconditioners. So if A = LLT + E, where E is small, the preconditioner is (LLT ) 1 and its action on a vector is done byt wo sparse triangular solves. We refer the reader to [8], [127], and [44] for more detail. One could also attempt to estimate the spectrum of A, find a polynomial p such that 1zp(z) is small on the approximate spectrum, and use p(A) as a preconditioner. This is called polynomial preconditioning. The preconditioned system is p(A)Ax = p(A)b and we would expect the spectrum of p(A)A to be more clustered near z = 1 than that of A. If an interval containing the spectrum can be found, the residual polynomial q(z) = 1 zp(z) of smallest L norm on that interval can be expressed in terms of Chebyshev [161] polynomials. Alternatively q can be selected to solve a least squares minimization problem [5], [163]. The preconditioning p can be directlyreco vered from q and convergence rate estimates made. This technique is used to prove the estimate (2.15), for example. The cost of such a preconditioner, if a polynomial of degree K is used, is K matrix-vector products for each application of the preconditioner [5]. The performance gains can be verysignifican t and the implementation is matrix-free.