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Mining Truck

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Mining Truck

Engine Operating Specifications

Engine Model Cat 3516B EUI

Nominal Payload Capacity 177 tonnes 195 tons
Gross Power 1417 kW 1,900 hp Body Capacities
SAE J1995 Dual Slope 100% fill factor
Net Power SAE J1349 1320 kW 1,771 hp Struck 73 m3 96 yd3
Weights Approximate Heaped (SAE 2:1) 105 m3 137 yd3
Gross Machine 317 515 kg 700,000 lb Flat Floor 100% fill factor
Operating Weight
Struck 92 m3 102 yd3
Heaped (SAE 2:1) 121 m3 158 yd3
789C Mining Truck
Engineered for performance, designed for comfort, built to last.

Power Train Engine Power Train Transmission Engine/Power Train Integration

The Cat 3516B engine delivers the The Cat six-speed power shift The Cat Data Link electronically
power and reliability necessary to transmission and mechanical power combines engine, transmission, brake
perform in the most demanding train, matched with the electronic unit and operational information to optimize
applications. Designed for efficient injection 3516B engine, provides overall truck performance. Stored
operation, the 3516B offers excellent consistent power and efficiency for diagnostic data can be accessed via
fuel efficiency, lower emissions, peak power train performance. pg. 5 the Electronic Technician (Cat ET)
reduced engine noise and lower to improve troubleshooting and reduce
operating costs. pg. 4 downtime. pg. 6

Serviceability Monitoring System Truck Body Systems

The 789C is designed for quick and VIMS monitoring system provides A variety of Caterpillar designed
easy servicing. Simplified service and operators, service technicians and and built truck bodies ensure optimal
maintenance features reduce downtime, managers with vital machine health performance and reliability in tough
allowing the machine to spend less time and payload data to keep the 789C mining applications. Cat dealers can
being serviced and more time on the performing at peak efficiency and top help build an optimum hauling system
haul roads. pg. 11 production levels while lowering cost- to maximize truck payloads and extend
per-ton. pg. 12 body and truck wear life. pg. 14

Top Performance.
Developed specifically for high production
mining and hauling applications, the 789C
Mining Truck keeps material moving at high
volume to lower your cost-per-ton.

Reliable, Durable, Dependable.

Rugged construction and easy maintenance
procedures ensure long life with low
operating costs.

Structures Caterpillar Brake System Operators Station
Caterpillar truck frames are built to Cat oil-cooled, multiple disc brakes The ergonomic cab is designed for
optimize torsional load displacement. offer exceptional, fade-resistant braking operator comfort and ease of operation
Mild steel provides flexibility, durability and retarding for maximum to allow the operator to focus on
and resistance to impact loads. performance and productivity in all haul production. Controls and gauges
Castings and forgings in high stress road conditions. Integrated Braking are positioned within easy reach for
areas provide exceptional strength Control combines retarding and traction optimum efficiency and superior
and durability for long life. pg. 7 control into one system for optimum control. pg. 10
braking efficiency. pg. 8

Customer Support Safety

Caterpillar dealers provide unmatched Caterpillar sets the standard when
product support, anywhere in the world. it comes to safety in the design and
With industry-best parts availability and manufacturing of heavy equipment
a wide range of maintenance and for the mining industry. Safety is not
service options, Cat dealers have what it an afterthought at Caterpillar, but an
takes to keep your mining machines integral part of all machine and
productive. pg. 16 systems designs. pg. 17

Power Train Engine
The Cat 3516B EUI engine is built for power, reliability and efficiency for superior
performance in the toughest applications.

Single-Piece Piston Design.

New single-piece forged steel pistons
with integrated forged steel skirt are
more robust to withstand high engine
heat and pressure, enable enhanced
combustion, improve fuel efficiency,
and lower emissions. Corrosion resistant,
stainless steel top ring reduces ring,
groove and liner wear for greater
reliability and longer life.
Electronic Unit Injection (EUI).
The electronically controlled unit
injection fuel system senses operating
conditions and regulates fuel delivery
for optimum fuel efficiency. The proven
high-pressure fuel system provides
improved response times and more
efficient fuel burn with lower emissions
and less smoke.
Electronic Control Module (ECM).
Utilizes advanced engine management
software to monitor, control, and protect
the engine utilizing self-diagnosing
electronic sensors. The computerized
system senses operating conditions and
power requirements and adjusts engine
for peak performance and most efficient
operation and at all times.
Separate Circuit Aftercooler.
Allows the aftercooler circuit to operate
Engine. The Cat 3516B EUI Quad Altitude Compensation. Designed for
cooler than jacket water temperature
turbocharged and aftercooled diesel maximum operating efficiencies at
for a denser air charge and greater
engine delivers high power and altitudes under 2300 m (7,500 ft).
combustion efficiency.
reliability in the worlds most
High Torque Rise. The 23% net torque
demanding mining applications. Oil Renewal System. Optional oil
rise provides unequalled lugging force
renewal system extends engine oil
Design. The 3516B is a 16-cylinder, during acceleration, on steep grades
change intervals from 500 hours to
four-stroke design that uses long, and in rough underfoot conditions.
4,000 hours or more to increase
effective power strokes for more Torque rise effectively matches
machine availability and reduce costs.
complete fuel combustion and transmission shift points for maximum
optimum efficiency. efficiency and fast cycle times. Engine Protection. Computerized
system electronically protects the
EPA Compliant. The 3516B engine is Enhanced Life. High displacement, low
engine during cold starts, high altitude
compliant with U.S. Environmental rpm rating, and conservative horsepower
operation, air filter plugging, and high
Protection Agency Tier I emissions ratings mean more time on the haul
exhaust temperature.
standards. roads and less time in the shop.

Power Train Transmission
Cat mechanical power train delivers more power to the ground for greater productivity and
lower operating costs.

Mechanical Power Train. The Cat

mechanical drive power train and power
shift transmission provides unmatched
operating efficiency and control on
steep grades, in poor underfoot
conditions, and on haul roads with high
rolling resistance.
1) Transmission. The Cat six-speed
planetary power shift transmission is
matched with the direct-injection 3516B
diesel engine to deliver constant power
over a wide range of operating speeds.
Robust Design. Designed for the higher
horsepower of the 3516B engine,
the proven planetary power shift
transmission is built tough for long
life between overhauls.
Long Life. A dedicated oil tank and
circuit provides cooler, cleaner oil for
maximum performance and longer
component life.
Transmission Chassis Control (TCC).
TCC uses electronically transferred
engine rpm data to execute shifts at
preset points for optimum performance,
efficiency and clutch life.
2) Lock-Up Torque Converter. Combines
maximum rimpull and cushioned shifting
of torque converter drive with the
efficiency and performance of direct Steering System. Hydraulic steering Wheels and Rims. Cast rear wheels and
drive. Engages at approximately control system is designed for Cat center-mount rims are mounted
7.2 km/h (4.5 mph), delivering more exceptional smoothness and precise using studs and nuts to minimize
power to the wheels. control. A separate circuit prevents maintenance and maximize durability.
cross contamination for long life.
Lock-Up Clutch. Quickly releases and
re-engages to reduce power train torque Supplemental Steering. Supplemental
loads for smoother shifting, long life steering system uses pressure
and a more comfortable ride. accumulators and allows up to three
90 degree turns in case of engine failure.
Smooth Shifting. Individual clutch
modulation provides smooth clutch
engagements to optimize performance
and extend clutch life.
3) Final Drives. Cat final drives work as 2
a system with the planetary power shift 3
transmission to deliver maximum power
to the ground. Built to withstand the
forces of high torque and impact loads,
double reduction final drives provide
high torque multiplication to further
reduce drive train stress.

Engine/Power Train Integration
Electronically combines critical power train components to work more intelligently and to
optimize overall truck performance.

1 Engine Control Module (ECM)

2 Sensors
3 Electronic Unit Injector (EUI)
ET 4 Integrated Braking Control (IBC)
5 Transmission/Chassis Control (TCC)
6 Transmission
7 Wheel Sensor
8 Brakes
9 CAT Data Link

2 9

6 8
1 7

Cat Data Link. Electronically integrates Body-up Reverse Neutralizer. Downshift Inhibitor. Prevents engine
machine computer systems to optimize Automatically shifts the transmission overspeeding by keeping transmission
overall power train performance, to neutral if the hoist lever is activated from downshifting until engine speed
increase reliability and component life, while transmission is shifted in reverse. reaches the downshift point.
and reduce operating costs. Body-up Shift Inhibitor. Prevents the Electronic Technician (Cat ET).
Controlled Throttle Shifting. Regulates transmission from shifting above the Cat ET service tool provides service
engine rpm during shifting to reduce pre-programmed gear without the body technicians with easy access to stored
power train stress and clutch wear fully lowered. diagnostic data through the Cat Data
by controlling engine speed, torque Overspeed Protection. The transmission Link to simplify problem diagnosis
converter lock-up and transmission control electronically senses engine and increase machine availability.
clutch engagement for smoother shifts conditions and automatically up-shifts Diagnostic Capability. Critical data from
and longer component life. one gear to prevent overspeeding. the electronic engine and transmission
Directional Shift Management. If overspeeding occurs in top gear, controls, including transmission shifting,
Regulates engine speed during directional the lock-up clutch is disengaged. engine speed and fuel consumption,
shifts to prevent damage caused by high Programmable Top Gear. Transmission provides service technicians with
speed directional changes. top gear maximum can be set using the enhanced diagnostic capability to
Neutral Coast Inhibitor. Prevents Cat Electronic Technician service tool to reduce downtime and operating costs.
transmission from shifting to neutral help the operator maintain speed limits. Integrated Braking Control (IBC).
at speeds above 6.5 km/h (4 mph) to Anti-Hunt Function. Minimizes shifting Integrates Hydraulic Automatic Retarder
protect the transmission from operating by not allowing the transmission to up Control and Traction Control into one
with insufficient lubrication. or down shift immediately after a shift system for optimum performance and
has occurred. This prevents gear hunting efficiency.
when operating near a shift point and
minimizes transmission shifting for
increased component life.

Rugged Cat structures are the backbone of the 789C mining trucks durability.

Box-Section Design. The 789C frame

uses a box-section design, incorporating
two forgings and 21 castings in high
stress areas with deep penetrating and
continuous wrap-around welds to resist
damage from twisting loads without
adding extra weight.
Steel Structures. Mild steel used
throughout frame provides flexibility,
durability, and resistance to impact loads,
even in cold climates. Additionally, mild
steel facilitates easy field repair.
Castings. Castings have large radii
with internal reinforcing ribs to
dissipate stress in areas of high stress
concentration. Castings move welds to
lower stress areas for greater frame life.
Serviceability. The open box-section
frame design allows easy access to
power train components, reducing
overall removal and installation time,
and lowering overall repair costs.
The raised and pinned body allows
excellent access to the transmission.
Suspension System. Designed to Front. Front cylinders with preset
dissipate haul road and loading impacts caster and camber are mounted
for longer frame life and a more to the frame and serve as steering
comfortable ride. kingpins for a tight turning radius
with excellent maneuverability and
Cylinders. Four independent self-
low maintenance.
contained, oil pneumatic, variable-
rebound suspension cylinders are Rear. Rear cylinders allow axle
designed to absorb shocks in the most oscillation and absorb bending and
severe applications. twisting stresses caused by rough,
Integral Four-Post ROPS Cab. uneven haul roads rather than
Durable Design. Rugged cylinders
Resiliently mounted to the main frame transmitting them to the main frame.
utilize large diameter bore and low
to reduce vibration and sound, the
pressure nitrogen/oil design for long
integral ROPS is designed as an extension
life with minimal maintenance.
of the truck frame. The ROPS/FOPS
structure provides five sided protection
for the operator.

Caterpillar Brake System
Reliable braking with superior control gives the operator the confidence to focus
on productivity.

Pistons. The Caterpillar two-piece piston

design combines the service, secondary,
parking brake, and retarding functions
in the same system. The primary piston
hydraulically actuates both service and
retarding functions. The secondary
piston is spring-applied and held in
the disengaged position by hydraulic
pressure. If hydraulic system pressure
drops below a specified level, the
spring-applied secondary piston
automatically applies the brakes.
Parking Brake. Oil-cooled, spring-
applied, hydraulically released parking
brake is applied to all four wheels for
superior parking capability on all grades
up to 15 percent.
Hydraulic Automatic Retarder Control
(HARC). Hydraulically activated automatic
Integrated Braking System. The Cat Brake Design. Cat oil-cooled disc retarder control system electronically
oil-cooled braking system delivers brakes are designed with large discs controls retarding on grade to maintain
reliable performance and control in and plates for reliable, adjustment-free optimum engine rpm and oil cooling.
the most extreme haul road conditions. operation and performance. Brakes are Additional braking may be applied
The integrated system combines the completely enclosed and sealed to using the manual retarder or the brake
service, secondary, parking brake and prevent contamination and reduce pedal. HARC is deactivated when
retarding functions in the same robust maintenance. the operator applies the brake or
system for optimum braking efficiency. accelerator controls.
Long Life. An oil film prevents direct
Cat Data Link. All control modules contact between the discs. This design
communicate via the Cat Data Link and absorbs the braking forces by shearing
work together as an integrated system the oil molecules and carrying heat
to maximize production efficiency and away to extend brake life.
extend component life. 1 Parking/Secondary Piston
Oil-Cooled Multiple Disc Brakes. 2 Service/Retarding Piston
2 3 Friction Discs
Caterpillar four-wheel, forced oil-cooled,
4 Steel Plates
multiple disc service brakes are
1 5 Actuating Springs
continuously cooled by water-to-oil 6 Cooling Oil In
heat exchangers for exceptional, non- 7 Cooling Oil Out
fade braking and retarding performance.
Optional Extended Life Disc Brakes.
Extended life friction material has double
the wear life of standard brakes and is 7
twice as resistant to glazing for more 3

consistent braking power with less noise.


5 6

HARC 1 Service Brake Sensor TCS
1 2 2 Engine Sensor
4 HARC Switch
5 Brakes
6 Service Brakes 6
7 Axle Speed Sensor
8 TCS 7


5 6

HARC vs. ARC. Faster Speeds. HARC allows the Traction Control System (TCS).
operator to maintain optimum engine Electronically monitors and controls
Less chance for engine overspeed
speeds for faster downhill hauls and rear wheel slippage for greater traction
Smoother engagement greater productivity. and enhanced truck performance in poor
underfoot conditions. If slippage exceeds
No loping Superior Control. Automatic brake
a set limit, the oil-cooled disc brakes
modulation offers a smoother ride and
Less demand on air system engage to slow the spinning wheel.
better control in slippery conditions,
Torque is then automatically transferred
Reduces operating costs allowing the operator to concentrate
to the wheel with better traction.
on driving.
HARC Production Advantages.
Differential Action. Normal differential
Ease of Operation. HARC increases
action provides superior manuevering
operating ease, resulting in greater
and control in slippery conditions.
2000 operator confidence with less fatigue.
Integrated Braking Control (IBC).
Engine Speed (rpm)

Engine Overspeed Protection.

1500 Combines Hydraulic Automatic Retarder
Automatically activates HARC when
Control (HARC) and Traction Control
engine speed exceeds factory preset
System (TCS) into one integrated brake
1000 levels, regardless of operator inputs,
control system for optimum efficiency,
to avoid potentially damaging engine
performance and reliability.
500 overspeeds.
Fuel Efficiency. The engine provides
Four Corner Retarding. Four corner
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 additional retarding by running against
Time (Seconds) retarding with 60/40 percent split
compression on downhill hauls. During
(rear/front) in braking effort provides
With Hydraulic Automatic Retarder Control retarding applications the engine ECM
superior control in slippery conditions.
(average speed, 1950 rpm) does not inject fuel into the cylinders
Balanced front to rear brake torque
With Manual Retarder Control for exceptional fuel economy.
(average speed, 1730 rpm) provides exceptional braking performance
and minimizes wheel lock-up, especially
during retarding.

Operators Station
Ergonomically designed for operator comfort, superior control, and high productivity.

5) Steering Column. Comfort wheel with

tilt and telescoping steering provides
a comfortable driving position.
6) Transmission Console. Ergonomic gear
shift lever with backlit gear indicators
optimize efficiency.
7) Parking Brake Reset Valve.
Parking brake cannot be released when
air system is drained until valve button
is reset.
8) Storage Compartment. Located under
the trainer seat for a safe, uncluttered
5 4 working environment.
9) Trainer Seat. Full-size, fully padded
10 11 trainer seat features a backrest, wide hip
and shoulder room, and seat belt for
secure travel. Air-suspension, optional.

10) Operator Window. Powered operator
3 window and sliding trainer seat window
offer simple operation and an
1 unobstructed view.

7 8 11) Operator Controls. Easy to reach

turn signal, high beam, intermittent
windshield wiper and windshield
washer controls are designed for
optimum efficiency and comfort.
12) Heating/Air Conditioning. Efficient
design provides fresh, pressurized,
Ergonomic Layout. The 789C operator 1) Air Suspension Seat w/ Three-Point temperature-controlled air circulation
station is ergonomically designed for Operator Restraint. Ergonomically for a comfortable working environment
total machine control in a comfortable, designed, fully adjustable air suspension in any climate.
productive and safe environment. seat with adjustable armrests provides
All controls, levers, switches and gauges optimal driving comfort. A wide, Radio Ready. Cab is prewired with power
are positioned to maximize productivity retractable 3-point seat/shoulder belt converter, speakers, wiring harness,
and minimize operator fatigue. provides a secure, comfortable restraint. antenna, and provision for add-on
communication systems.
Quiet Cab. Integral, sound-suppressed 2) Hoist Lever. Four-position, low effort
ROPS/FOPS cab is resiliently mounted electronic hoist control system with
to the mainframe to isolate the operator fingertip control is mounted next to
from sound and vibration for a quiet, the operators seat for ease of operation.
secure and comfortable ride.
3) Secondary Brake Pedal.
Viewing Area. Designed for excellent Conveniently located on the floor for
all-around visibility and clear sight lines easy operator control.
to the haul road. The large viewing area 2
4) Monitoring System. The VIMS system
enables the operator to maneuver with
features an easy-to-read display and
confidence for high productivity.
easy-to-use operator input keypad for
precise machine status information.

Less time spent on maintenance means more time on the haul roads.

Servicing Ease. Easy access to daily

service points simplifies servicing
and reduces time spent on regular
maintenance procedures. Enhanced
serviceability and 500-hour service
intervals are designed to increase
machine availability and productivity.
Maintenance Platform. Provides access
to engine, air filters, steering hydraulic
tank, and battery compartment.
In-Frame Access. Permits easy access
to major components for easy servicing
and removal.
Ground-Level Access. Allows convenient
servicing to tanks, filters, drains, and
engine shutdown. Ground-level VIMS
data port permits easier downloading
of information.
Autolube. Automatic lubrication
system reduces maintenance time by
automatically lubricating necessary
components on a regular basis.
Fast Fill Service Center. Optional
Wiggins fast fill service center features
high speed fuel and oil exchange.
Oil Renewal System (ORS). Optional
on-board engine oil management
system is designed to increase
availability and productivity by extending Air Filters. Radial seal air filters are On-Board Diagnostic Systems.
oil change intervals and reduce oil easy to change, reducing time required The VIMS system continuously
disposal labor and costs. ORS meters for air filter maintenance. monitors all critical machine functions
and injects used engine oil from the and components to help locate faults
Sealed Electrical Connectors. Electrical
crankcase into the engines fuel return quickly for faster repair. Electronic
connectors are sealed to lock out dust
line. New oil is manually added as a Control Systems provide diagnosis of
and moisture. Harnesses are braided for
part of daily maintenance. engine, transmission, brake, and chassis
protection. Wires are color coded for
systems. Service Technicians utilize
Scheduled Oil Sampling. SOSSM easy diagnosis and repair.
the Electronic Technician service tool
sampling valves speed sampling and Cylinder Heads. Individual cylinder (Cat ET) to program and troubleshoot
analysis reliability. heads are interchangeable for easy these systems.
Pressure Test Points. Disconnect valves removal and visual inspection of
are conveniently located throughout internal parts.
the hydraulic systems for easy
pressure testing.

Monitoring System
Vital machine health and payload data keeps the 789C performing at peak production levels.

1 Gauge Cluster
2 Message Center and Keypad
3 ADEM III Engine Control Module
11 4 CAT Data Link
5 Action Alarm
6 Action Lamp
1 2 7 Payload Lamps
8 Payload Display (optional)
10 12 9 Radio System (optional)
10 Data Port (VIMS-PC)
11 Service Lamp
13 12 Diagnostic Connector (ET)
13 Integrated Brake Control (IBC) Module
9 14 Transmission/Chassis Control (TCC) Module
14 15 Road Analysis Control (RAC) Module (optional)
7 6

8 15

VIMS Monitoring System. Intelligent Machine Management. Service

Caterpillar designed machine monitoring technicians or mine personnel can
system provides critical machine health download data and generate reports for
and payload data in real-time to keep the better machine management. Data can
789C performing at top production levels. be used to improve effectiveness of
scheduled maintenance programs,
Integrated System Monitoring. Sensors
maximize component life, improve
located throughout the machine systems
machine availability, and lower
enable the VIMS system to quickly
operating costs.
exchange and monitor information
from all machine systems for efficient,
high performance operation.
Advanced Diagnostics. VIMS monitoring Gauge Cluster. Conveniently located
system simplifies troubleshooting, gauge cluster maintains a constant
reduces downtime, and lowers operating display of vital machine functions,
costs by identifying abnormal conditions including:
before they cause extensive damage. engine coolant temperature
Data Access. Monitoring and diagnostic brake oil temperature
information is stored on-board until it
can be downloaded for analysis. Data air system pressure
can be accessed through the message fuel level
center, transmitted via optional radio or Speedometer/Tachometer Module.
downloaded onto a computer for Monitors three systems: engine speed,
detailed analysis. ground speed, and gear indicator.

Production Management. Production External Payload Indicators. External
Management enhances truck/loading lights on both sides of the truck signals
tool effectiveness, improves fleet loading tool operator when to cease
productivity and helps extend the life of loading for optimum payloads without
truck frames, tires, rims and power train overloading. Optional external payload
components, while lowering operating displays with digital numeric monitors
and maintenance cost. are available to replace the standard
red/green indicator lamps.
Payload Management. Max Payload
Speed Manager is a feature that aids Road Analysis Control (RAC). Optional
in managing the Caterpillar 10/10/20 system monitors haul road conditions
Overload Policy. Based on target by measuring frame rack, pitch, and
payload weight and overload settings, bias to improve haul road maintenance,
the VIMS system logs and warns the cycle times, tire life, and fuel efficiency.
operator when the truck reaches
VIMS-PC. VIMS-PC, the off-board
overload after 2nd gear reweigh.
reporting software program, allows
The truck will be limited to 2nd gear
service personnel to download a
at 1,750 rpm, and the automatic retarder
Keypad. Provides operator or service complete record of machine health and
speed setting is reduced to 1,750 rpm
technician immediate access to current productivity data to a laptop computer
until the load is dumped.
machine information, gauge values, for diagnosis and analysis. Easy-to-use
and stored data through the message Payload management enables the software enables service technicians
center display. manager to enhance truck/loading tool and mine management to generate
effectiveness and productivity levels health and payload reports for more
Message Center. Displays messages by preventing overloads that can cause effective machine management.
requested by operator and advises damage to component life and affect
operator of abnormal machine conditions. VIMS Supervisor. Optional software
operator safety.
allows mine management to easily
Alert System. Three-category warning The chart below illustrates the benefit manage and interpret VIMS data for
system alerts operator of abnormal of managing payloads with VIMS optimum fleet management and
machine health conditions. production management tools. productivity.
Category I. Machine or system needs
Payload Weight Distribution
Category II. Requires operator to
evaluate and correct situation before
continuing work.
Percentage of Total Loads

Category III. Immediate shutdown

required to prevent serious damage
to machine or system.
Data Storage. The VIMS system stores
payload information, which is used to
manage production. The system stores
up to 2,400 production cycles for a
complete record of payload weight, Payload Weight (Tons)
cycle times, distances and actual
dates/times. It also allows storage of
maintenance data such as Events, Trends, Recommended Payload Range With Production Management

Histograms, Cumulatives, Snapshot and Inefficient Payload Ranges Without Production Management

Dataloggers. This data allows the user

to identify potential problems before
they occur, utilizing the efficiency of
Preventative Maintenance.

Truck Body Systems
Cat designed and built for rugged performance and reliability in the toughest mining

Custom Body Options. Tail extensions,

sideboards, tumblebars, rock boxes, and
rock shedders are available to maintain
rated payload, reduce spillage, and
improve hauling efficiencies.
Sideboards are designed to maximize
or attain gross machine weight.
Tail extensions are used to help
retain the rear portion of the pile
and limit load spillage on haul roads,
extending tire life.
Target Payload Strategy. Your Caterpillar
Dealer can help you manage to target
payload to maximize equipment life
and utilization, ensure safe operation,
increase productivity, and lower
Underloading increases costs due
to lost payloads, underutilizes
equipment, and drives cost-per-ton.
Overloading or surpassing maximum
gross machine weight, causes
excessive wear on frame and
components such as brakes, tires
and drivetrain, reducing component
life and increasing maintenance
costs and repairs.
Body Design. Cat truck bodies are
Cat Truck Bodies. Caterpillar offers Electronic Hoist Control. Provides the designed for optimal strength, capacity,
three specific body styles and custom operator with better control of the load and durability. Wear surfaces are
body options to help customers obtain when dumping, including over-center equipped to handle even the toughest
the lowest cost-per-ton hauling solution. load control and modulated control impact and abrasion over the long haul
throughout the operating range. without diminishing capacity.
Dual Slope
The automatic body snubbing feature
Five-Sided Beams tie in the sidewall
Flat Floor reduces impact on the frame, hoist
and floor junctions add increased
cylinders and operator.
Mine Specific Design (MSD II) body rigidity and strength.
Fast Hoist Cycle Times. Two-stage hoist
Body Selection. Selection of the proper Wide Ribs in body floor provide
cylinders provide fast dump cycle times
body depends on material and haul road increased durability and impact
of 18.9 seconds for raise and 17.3 seconds
conditions. The better the match of support.
for lower.
body to application, the greater the
Body Liners. A variety of liner options Full-Length Stringers create strength
efficiency. Your Cat dealer can help
and rigidity throughout the bed.
you select the right body system for are available to save weight and extend
your site specific application. the body systems life. Wear surfaces Box Section Beams offer increased
and liners are equipped to handle tough durability in the floor, sidewall, top
Body/Chassis Integration. Caterpillar
impact loads while resisting abrasion. rail, corner, and cab canopy areas.
truck bodies are designed and matched
Wear plates deliver long life in high
with the integrated chassis system for
wear areas.
optimum structural reliability, durability
and long life.

1 2 3

1) Dual Slope Body. The dual slope 2) Flat Floor Body. The flat floor design 3) Mine Specific Design (MSD II) Body.
body design with V-shaped floor with slight incline delivers excellent The lightweight MSD body is based on
provides excellent load retention, payload capacity, high dump clearances the flat floor design and is customized
maintains a low center of gravity, and smooth, controlled dumping. to maximize payload potential and
reduces shock loading, and maintains minimize cost-per-ton. Each MSD body
Flat floor design provides consistent
optimum load distribution on steep design begins with a detailed mine site
wear characteristics on body tail.
inclines and in challenging haul road profile to develop a body suitable for
conditions. 12 degree forward body slope a mines individual needs.
provides good load retention on
Reinforced, rolled steel top rail
better maintained haul roads.
increases body strength and protects
the body from damage caused by 400 Brinell steel on surfaces
the loading tool or falling material provides excellent wear.
8 degree V reduces shock loading
and centers the load.
7.5 degree forward body slope and
16 degree ducktail slope helps retain
loads on steep grades.

Customer Support
Caterpillar dealers have what it takes to keep mining haul trucks productive.

Preventive Maintenance Programs

Diagnostic Programs, such as
Scheduled Oil Sampling and
Technical Analysis
Rebuild and Reman Options
Customer Support Agreements
Application Awareness. Operating and
maintenance costs are influenced by
many application and site-specific
factors, such as: material density,
loading position, payload, grades,
speeds, haul road design, and
maintenance. To optimize total cost
of ownership and productivity, your
Cat dealer can provide you with a
fundamental understanding of the
effects application characteristics
and operating techniques have on
maintenance and operating costs.
Operation. With todays complex
products, equipment operators must
have a thorough understanding of
machine systems and operating
techniques to maximize efficiency
and profitability. Your Cat dealer can
arrange training programs to help
operators improve productivity,
decrease downtime, reduce operating
costs, enhance safety, and improve
Commitment Makes the Difference. Product Support. Cat dealers believe
return on the investment you make in
Cat dealers offer a wide range of superior products deserve superior
Cat products.
solutions, services and products that help support. When Cat products reach the
you lower costs, enhance productivity field, they are supported by a worldwide Technology Products. Cat dealers offer
and manage your operation more network of parts distribution facilities, a range of advanced technology
efficiently. Support goes far beyond dealer service centers, and technical products such as VIMS monitoring
parts and service. From the time you training facilities to keep your equipment system and MineStar information
select a piece of Cat equipment until up and running. Cat customers rely on management system. These products
the day you rebuild, trade or sell it, the prompt, dependable parts availability include radio data communications,
support you get from your Cat dealer and expertise through our global dealer machine monitoring and diagnostics,
makes the difference that counts. network, ready to meet your needs 24/7. fleet management, and haul road
maintenance software all designed
Dealer Capability. Cat dealers will Service Support. Every piece of Cat
to improve fleet efficiency, increase
provide the level of support you need, equipment is designed and built to
productivity, and lower costs.
on a global scale. Dealer expert provide maximum productivity and
technicians have the the knowledge, operating economy throughout its www.cat.com. For more complete
experience, training and tooling working life. Cat dealers offer a wide information on Cat products, dealer
necessary to handle your repair and range of service plans that will services, and industry solutions, visit us
maintenance needs, when and where maximize uptime and return on your on the web at www.cat.com.
you need them. investment, including:

Caterpillar mining machines and systems are designed with safety as their first priority.

Product Safety. Caterpillar has been and

continues to be proactive in developing
mining machines that meet or exceed
safety standards. Safety is an integral
part of all machine and systems designs.
SAE and ISO Standards. The 789C
is designed to many national and
international standards.
Integral ROPS Cab. Resiliently mounted
to the main frame to reduce vibration
and sound, the integral ROPS structure
is designed as an extension of the truck
frame. The ROPS/FOPS structure provide
five sided protection for the operator.
Ladder/Secondary Egress. A wide,
stationary ladder that allows easy access
to and from the machine. The ladder
on the right side of the machine permits
secondary access or emergency egress.
Brake Systems. Four corner oil-cooled
braking system provides excellent control.
The service brakes and retarding system
are actuated by modulated hydraulic
pressure, while secondary and parking
brake functions are spring applied and
hydraulic released. This system assures
braking in the event of complete
hydraulic failure.
Steering System. A twin double-acting
cylinder steering system is designed to
deliver precise control under all loading
and underfoot conditions. The steering
hydraulic system is separate from the
main hydraulic system to prevent cross-
contamination and overheating from
other sources.
Engine Shutoff Switch. A secondary Overload Policy. Safety is integral to Wide-angle mirrors
engine shutoff switch is located at maintaining the highest productivity in
Body raised indicator
ground level. mining machine operation. Caterpillar's
10/10/20 Overload Policy assures that Body retaining cable
Electrical System Disconnect. A battery steering and braking systems have
disconnect switch, located directly Guard rails
sufficient capacity to perform, even
above the front bumper, provides ground at 20% overload. Reverse neutralizer when dumping
level lockout of the electrical system.
Standard Safety Features. Low interior sound level
Slip resistant surfaces SAFETY.CAT.COM.
Retractable, 75 mm (3 in) wide
orange seat/shoulder belts with
three-point operator restraint

Engine Transmission

Engine Model Cat 3516B EUI Forward 1 11.6 km/h 7.2 mph
Gross Power SAE J1995 1417 kW 1,900 hp Forward 2 15.7 km/h 9.8 mph
Net Power SAE J1349 1320 kW 1,771 hp Forward 3 21.3 km/h 13.2 mph
Net Power ISO 9249 1335 kW 1,791 hp Forward 4 28.7 km/h 17.8 mph
Net Power 80/1269/EEC 1335 kW 1,791 hp Forward 5 38.9 km/h 24.2 mph
Bore 170 mm 6.7 in Forward 6 52.6 km/h 32.7 mph
Stroke 190 mm 7.5 in Reverse 10.5 km/h 6.5 mph
Displacement 69 L 4,211 in3 Maximum travel speeds with standard 37.00-R57 tires.
Power ratings apply at 1,750 rpm when tested under the
specified conditions for the specified standard
Ratings based on SAE J1995 standard air conditions of 25 C Final Drives
(77 F) and 100 kPa (29.61 Hg) barometer. Power based on
fuel having API gravity of 35 at 16 C (60 F) and an LHV of Differential Ratio 2.35:1
42 780 kJ/kg (18,390 BTU/lb) when engine used at 30 C (86 F). Planetary Ratio 10.83:1
No engine derating required up to 2300 m (7,500 ft) altitude Total Reduction Ratio 25.46:1
Complaint with U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Tier 1 Double-reduction, planetary, with full floating axles.
emissions standards

Weights Approximate
Effective Cylinder Stroke Front 105 mm 4 in
Gross Machine Operating Weight 317 515 kg 700,000 lb Effective Cylinder Stroke Rear 93 mm 3.5 in
Chassis Weight 99 020 kg 218,300 lb Rear Axle Oscillation 5.6
Body Weight Range 26 800- 59,000-
29 950 kg, 71,500 lb
Chassis weight with hoist, body mounting group and tires. Brakes
Body weight varies depending on how body is equipped.
Brake Surface Front 81 693 cm2 12,662 in2
Brake Surface Rear 116 283 cm2 18,024 in2
Operating Specifications Standards SAE J1473 OCT90
ISO 3450:1996
Nominal Payload Capacity 177 tonnes 195 tons Gross Machine Operating Weight is 317 515 kg (700,000 lb).
Body Capacity (SAE 2:1) 105 m3 137 yd3
Maximum Capacity Custom
Top Speed Loaded 52.6 km/h 32.7 mph Body Hoists
Steer Angle 36
Turning Diameter Front 27.5 m 90 ft 2 in Pump Flow High Idle 731 L/min 193 gal/min
Turning Circle Clearance 30.2 m 99 ft 2 in Relief Valve Setting Raise 17 238 kPa 2,500 psi
Diameter Body Raise Time High Idle 18.9 Seconds
Body Lower Time Float 17.3 Seconds
Body capacity (SAE 2:1) with Dual Slope Body.
Body Power Down High Idle 15.6 Seconds
Refer to the Caterpillar Mining Truck 10/10/20 Overload
Policy for maximum gross machine weight limitations. Twin, two-stage hydraulic cylinders mounted inside main
frame; double-acting cylinders in second stage.
Power raise in both stages; power down in first stage.
Automatic body-lower modulation reduces impact on frame.

18 789C Mining Truck specifications

Approximate Weights Dual Slope Service Refill Capacities

Gross Weight Empty 140 852 kg 310,525 lb Fuel Tank 3222 L 851 gal
Chassis 102 285 kg 225,500 lb Cooling System 663 L 175 gal
Body 27 045 kg 59,625 lb Crankcase 291 L 77 gal
Full Liner 9453 kg 20,840 lb Differentials and Final Drives 583 L 154 gal
Tail Extension 771 kg 1,700 lb Steering Tank 130 L 34 gal
Side Boards 1297 kg 2,860 lb Steering System 189 L 50 gal
(Includes Tank)
Includes common arrangement, 100% fuel, starting system,
seats, fan arrangement, exhaust system, tires, rims and Brake/Hoist Hydraulic Tank 531 L 140 gal
4% debris allowance. Brake/Hoist System 909 L 240 gal
(Includes Tank)
Torque Converter/ 224 L 59 gal
Approximate Weights Flat Floor Transmission Sump
Torque Converter/Transmission 76 L 20 gal
Gross Weight Empty 135 670 kg 299,100 lb System (Includes Sump)
Chassis 102 240 kg 225,400 lb
Body 30 018 kg 66,200 lb
Grid Liner 1500 kg 3,300 lb ROPS
Rear Third Liner 1905 kg 4,200 lb
ROPS Standards
Includes common arrangement, 100% fuel, starting system,
seats, fan arrangement, exhaust system, tires, rims and ROPS (Rollover Protective Structure) for cab offered
4% debris allowance. by Caterpillar meets ISO 3471:1994 ROPS criteria.
FOPS (Falling Objects Protective Structure) meets
ISO 3449:1992 Level II FOPS criteria.
Weight Distributions Approximate

Front Axle Empty 47% Sound

Rear Axle Empty 53%
Front Axle Loaded 33% Sound Standards
Rear Axle Loaded 67% The operator sound pressure level measured according to
work cycle procedures specified in ANSI/SAE J1166 MAY90
is 76 dB(A) for cab offered by Caterpillar, when properly
installed and maintained and tested with doors and
Capacity Dual Slope 100% fill factor
windows closed.
Struck 73 m3 96 yd3 The exterior sound pressure level for the standard machine
Heaped (SAE 2:1) 105 m3 137 yd3 measured at a distance of 15 m (49 ft) according to the test
procedures specified in SAE J88 APR95, mid-gear moving
operation is 89 dB(A).
Hearing protection may be needed when operating with
Capacity Flat Floor 100% fill factor
an open operator station and cab (when not properly
maintained or doors/windows open) for extended periods
Struck 92 m3 102 yd3
or in a noisy environment.
Heaped (SAE 2:1) 121 m3 158 yd3

Steering Standards SAE J1511 OCT90
Standard Tire 37.00-R57 (E4) ISO 5010:1992
Productive capabilities of the 789C truck are such that, Gross Machine Operating Weight is 317 515 kg (700,000 lb)
under certain job conditions, TKPH (TMPH) capabilities of
standard or optional tires could be exceeded and, therefore,
limit production.
Caterpillar recommends the customer evaluate all job
conditions and consult the tire manufacturer for proper
tire selection.

789C Mining Truck specifications 19

All dimensions are approximate. Shown with Dual Slope Body.


10 15
1 9

7 8

5 6



Dual Slope Flat Floor Dual Slope Flat Floor

1 Height to Top of ROPS 5495 mm 18 ft 5495 mm 18 ft 13 Centerline Front 5430 mm 17 ft 9 in 5430 mm 17 ft 9 in
2 Overall Body Length 11 630 mm 38 ft 2 in 11 630 mm 38 ft 2 in Tire Width
3 Inside Body Length 8154 mm 26 ft 9 in 8154 mm 26 ft 9 in 14 Engine Guard 1195 mm 3 ft 11 in 1195 mm 3 ft 11 in
4 Overall Length 12 177 mm 39 ft 11 in 12 177 mm 39 ft 11 in Clearance
5 Wheelbase 5700 mm 18 ft 8 in 5700 mm 18 ft 8 in 15 Overall Canopy Width 7674 mm 25 ft 2 in 7974 mm 26 ft 2 in
6 Rear Axle to Tail 3617 mm 11 ft 10 in 3617 mm 11 ft 10 in 16 Outside Body Width 6940 mm 22 ft 9 in 7558 mm 24 ft 10 in
7 Ground Clearance 1173 mm 3 ft 10 in 1173 mm 3 ft 10 in 17 Inside Body Width 6500 mm 21 ft 4 in 7112 mm 23 ft 4 in
8 Dump Clearance 1330 mm 4 ft 4 in 1562 mm 5 ft 2 in 18 Front Canopy Height 6150 mm 20 ft 2 in 6182 mm 20 ft 3 in
9 Loading Height 5206 mm 17 ft 1 in 5715 mm 18 ft 9 in 19 Rear Axle Clearance 1225 mm 4 ft 1225 mm 4 ft
Empty 20 Centerline Rear Dual 4622 mm 15 ft 1 in 4622 mm 15 ft 1 in
10 Rear Sidewall Height 1067 mm 3 ft 6 in 960 mm 3 ft 2 in Tire Width
11 Inside Body 2613 mm 8 ft 7 in 2650 mm 8 ft 8 in 21 Overall Tire Width 6926 mm 22 ft 8 in 6926 mm 22 ft 8 in
Depth Max
12 Overall Height 11 902 mm 39 ft 1 in 11 950 mm 39 ft 3 in
Body Raised

20 789C Mining Truck specifications

Retarding Performance

To determine retarding performance: Add lengths of all cooling capacity. The following charts are based on these
downhill segments and, using this total, refer to proper conditions: 32 C (90 F) ambient temperature, at sea level,
retarding chart. Read from gross weight down to the percent with 37R57 tires.
effective grade. Effective grade equals actual % grade minus NOTE: Select the proper gear to maintain engine rpm at the highest
1% for each 10 kg/t (20 lb/ton) of rolling resistance. From this possible level, without overspeeding the engine. If cooling oil
weight-effective grade point, read horizontally to the curve overheats, reduce ground speed to allow transmission to shift to
with the highest obtainable gear, then down to maximum the next lower speed range.
descent speed brakes can properly handle without exceeding

Typical Field Empty Weight

154 244 kg (340,000 lb) Load
176 900 kg (390,000 lb) Load

Gross Weight
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 lb x 1000

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 kg x 1000

30% 25%


Effective Grade

1st Gear

2nd Gear

3rd Gear

4th Gear
5th Gear 5%
6th Gear

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 km/h

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 mph

Continuous Grade Length

789C Mining Truck specifications 21

Retarding Performance

Typical Field Empty Weight

154 244 kg (340,000 lb) Load
176 900 kg (390,000 lb) Load Gross Weight
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 lb x 1000

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 kg x 1000

30% 25%


1st Gear

Effective Grade

2nd Gear

3rd Gear 10%

4th Gear
5th Gear
6th Gear

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 km/h

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 mph
Grade Distance 450 m (1475 ft.)
Typical Field Empty Weight
154 244 kg (340,000 lb) Load
176 900 kg (390,000 lb) Load Gross Weight
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 lb x 1000

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 kg x 1000

30% 25%

Effective Grade

1st Gear

2nd Gear

3rd Gear 10%

4th Gear
5th Gear
6th Gear

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 km/h

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 mph
Grade Distance 600 m (1975 ft.)

22 789C Mining Truck specifications

Retarding Performance

Typical Field Empty Weight

154 244 kg (340,000 lb) Load
176 900 kg (390,000 lb) Load Gross Weight
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 lb x 1000

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 kg x 1000

30% 25%


Effective Grade
1st Gear 15%

2nd Gear
3rd Gear
4th Gear
5th Gear
6th Gear 5%

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 km/h

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 mph
Grade Distance 900 m (2950 ft.)
Typical Field Empty Weight
154 244 kg (340,000 lb) Load
176 900 kg (390,000 lb) Load Gross Weight
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 lb x 1000

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 kg x 1000

30% 25%

Effective Grade


1st Gear

2nd Gear
3rd Gear
4th Gear
5th Gear
6th Gear 5%

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 km/h

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 mph
Grade Distance 1500 m (4900 ft.)

789C Mining Truck specifications 23


To determine gradeability performance: Read from gross horizontally to the curve with the highest obtainable gear, then
weight down to the percent of total resistance. Total resistance down to maximum speed. Usable rimpull will depend upon
equals actual percent grade plus 1% for each 10 kg/t (20 lb/ton) traction available and weight on drive wheels.
of rolling resistance. From this weight-resistance point, read

Typical Field Empty Weight

176 900 kg (390,000 lb) Load

37.00-R57 Tires
Gross Weight
20 30 40 50 60 80 100 150 200 300 500 kg x 1000

50 70 100 150 200 300 600 700 1000 lb x 1000

kg x lb x
1000 1000
90 200
1st Gear 30% 20%
25% 15%
50 100 1st Gear 10%
2nd Gear
30 8%
3rd Gear
50 6%

(Grade plus Rolling)

20 4th Gear

Total Resistance
15 5th Gear 4%

6th Gear
10 20

5 10


Torque Converter Drive

Direct Drive
1 2
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 mph

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 km/h

24 789C Mining Truck specifications

Standard Equipment
Standard equipment may vary. Consult your Caterpillar dealer for details.

Air Line Dryer (2) Electrical System, 12-volt to 24-volt

Air Starter, Vane-type Engine Caterpillar 3516B EUI Diesel Engine
Alarm, Back-up Air Cleaner with Precleaner (2)
Alternator (105-amp) Elevated Low Idle Control
Automatic Lubrication System (Lincoln) Ether Starting Aid, Automatic
Automatic Retarder Control Multi-Point Oil Pressure Sensing
Batteries, 93-amp-hour, Low-maintenance, 12-volt (2) Turbocharger (4)/Aftercooler
Body Mounting Group Fast-fill Fuel System, Wiggins
Body Retaining Cable Ground Level
Brake Release Motor for Towing Battery Disconnect
Brake System Engine Shutdown
Oil-cooled, Multiple-disc, Front and Rear VIMS Dataports (2)
Parking Lighting System
Secondary, Emergency Back-up Lights, Halogen
Cab, ROPS/FOPS Direction Signals and Hazard Warning (Rear Halogen)
Air Cleaner Service Indicator External Payload Lights, red/green
Air Conditioner Headlights, Halogen, with Dimmer
Ashtray LH Ladder Light and Service Deck Lights
Cigarette Lighter Stop and Tail Lights (LED)
Coat Hook Under-hood Light
Diagnostic Connector Oil Change System, Quick Service
Electric Engine Control Fault Indicator Reservoirs (Separate)
Electric Window (Operator Only) Brake/Converter/Hoist
Entertainment Radio Ready Steering
Glass, Tinted Transmission
Heater/defroster: 11 070 kCal (43,930 Btu) Rims, Center Mounted for 37.00-R57 Tires
Horn Rock Ejectors
Insulated and Sound Suppressed Steering, Auxiliary Quick Connect for Towing
Dome Courtesy Light Tie Down Eyes
Mirrors, Right and Left Tow Hooks, Front
Quad-Gauge Panel Tow Pin, Rear
Air Pressure Traction Control System
Brake Oil Temperature Transmission
Coolant Temperature 6-speed, Automatic Power Shift
Fuel Level Body-up Shift Inhibitor
Seat, Air Suspension, 3-point Operator Restraint Controlled Throttle Shifting
Seat, Passenger, Non-suspension Directional Shift Management
Seat Belts, 3-point, 75 mm (3 in) wide retractable Electronic Control and Downshift Inhibitor
Speedometer Lock-up Torque Converter
Steering, Automatic Supplemental Neutral Coast Inhibitor
Steering Wheel, Tilt, Padded, Telescopic Neutral Start Switch, Reverse Shift Inhibitor
Storage Compartment Programmable Top Gear
Sun Visor Reverse Neutralizer during Dumping
Tachometer Vandalism Protection Locks
Transmission Gear Indicator VIMS Monitoring System with Max Payload Speed Manager
VIMS Keypad
VIMS Message Center with Universal Gauge
Windshield Wiper and Washer
Driveline Guard
Dumping, Auxiliary Quick Connect for Buddy Dumping

789C Mining Truck specifications 25

Optional Equipment
With approximate changes in operating weights.
Optional equipment may vary. Consult your Caterpillar Dealer for specifics.
kg lb kg lb
Bodies see chart below Heater, fuel
Body extensions (dual slope): recirculation type, non-electric 2 5
Tail 770 1,700 Heater, engine coolant and oil
Sideboards1 1300 2,866 120-volt external power source 2 5
Body heat (exhaust) 36 80 Hub odometer km (miles) 7 15
Body and tail extension liners2 Muffler 227 500
Full-length liner 7633 16,828 Oil Renewal System 7.7 17
Tail extension liner3 338 745 Prelube system 11 25
Brake oil recirculating (custom) 127 280 Rim, spare for 37.0-R57 tire 1542 3,400
Brakes, extended life disc Road Analysis Control (RAC) 6 13
Display, external payload LED, LH/RH 64 141 Starting system
Fuel tanks Air (TDI Turbine) 5 10
850 gal/3222 L 1197 2,640 Air (IR Turbine) 23 50
1,000 gal/3785 L 1383 3,050 Variable speed fan, Rockford 259 570
Vessels EU 0 0
Wiggins (custom) 40 88
Increases capacity to 120 m3/157 yd3
Minimum yield strength 900 mPa/9000 Bar/130,500 psi; 400 Brinell steel
Use with full liners when tail extension used

Weight/Payload Calculation

Flat Floor Dual Slope

Chassis 1
69 853 kg 154,000 lb 69 853 kg 154,000 lb
Body Mounting Group 816 kg 1,800 lb 862 kg 1,900 lb
Tires (6) 37.0-R57 18 370 kg 40,500 lb 18 370 kg 40,500 lb
Rims (6) 29-57 9253 kg 20,400 lb 9253 kg 20,400 lb
Total Weight 98 293 kg 216,700 lb 98 339 kg 216,800 lb

Debris Allowance (4% of Total Wt.) 3900 kg 8,700 lb 3900 kg 8,700 lb

Body Weight 2 30 018 kg 66,200 lb 27 045 kg 59,625 lb
Liners (optional) 3 1905 kg 4,200 lb 9453 kg 20,840 lb
Tail Extension (optional) 771 kg 1,700 lb
Side Boards (optional) 1297 kg 2,860 lb
Gross Machine Weight (Empty) 134 173 kg 295,800 lb 140 852 kg 310,525 lb

Includes: common arrangement, 100% fuel, starting system, seats, fan arrangement, exhaust system
Flat Floor with grid liner
Flat Floor with optional rear third liner. Dual Slope with optional full liner.

26 789C Mining Truck specifications


789C Mining Truck specifications 27

789C Mining Truck

For more complete information on Cat products, dealer services,

and industry solutions, visit us on the web at www.cat.com

2007 Caterpillar
All Rights Reserved
Printed in U.S.A.

Materials and specifications are subject to change without notice.

Featured machines in photos may include additional equipment.
See your Caterpillar dealer for available options.

AEHQ5653-01 (11-07) CAT, CATERPILLAR, SAFETY.CAT.COM, their respective logos, Caterpillar Yellow
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Replaces AEHQ5653 herein, are trademarks of Caterpillar and may not be used without permission.

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