Supercritical CO Extraction of Rice Bran Oil - The Technology, Manufacture, and Applications
Supercritical CO Extraction of Rice Bran Oil - The Technology, Manufacture, and Applications
Supercritical CO Extraction of Rice Bran Oil - The Technology, Manufacture, and Applications
Abstract: Rice bran is a good source of nutrients that have large amounts of phytochemicals and
antioxidants. Conventional rice bran oil production requires many processes that may deteriorate and
degrade these valuable substances. Supercritical CO2 extraction is a green alternative method for producing
rice bran oil. This work reviews production of rice bran oil by supercritical carbon dioxide (SC-CO2)
extraction. In addition, the usefulness and advantages of SC-CO2 extracted rice bran oil for edible oil and
health purpose is also described.
Key words: rice, rice bran oil, supercritical carbon dioxide extraction, phytochemicals, antioxidants
Correspondence to: Phumon Sookwong, Rice Chemistry Research Laboratory, Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science,
Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai 50200, THAILAND
Accepted February 15, 2017 (received for review January 26, 2017)
Journal of Oleo Science ISSN 1345-8957 print / ISSN 1347-3352 online
P. Sookwong and S. Mahatheeranont
2 Rice bran oil that uses supercritical fluid as the extraction solvent. The
Rice bran oilRBOis a hydrophobic liquid extracted technique is regarded as a green technology for extracting
from crude rice bran. RBO is composed of saponifiable sensitive or valuable natural compounds from complicated
lipids96and unsaponifiable compounds4. Typical- plant samples, and it has attracted considerable attention
ly, the saponifiable lipids include triaclyglycerols 47 recently in the food, pharmaceutical, and cosmetic indus-
monounsaturated fats, 33 polyunsaturated fats, and 20 tries20, 21. Carbon dioxideCO2is considered as a super-
saturated fats, glycolipids and phospholipids. Unsaponifi- critical fluid when it is above its critical temperature of
able lipids in RBO are tocopherols, tocotrienols, 31.1 and critical pressure of 7.38 MPa. This makes su-
-oryzanols, sterols and carotenoids14, most of which have percritical carbon dioxide SC-CO 2an ideal extraction
been reported for nutritional benefits such as antioxidative solvent for thermally sensitive compounds. A number of
and chemopreventive properties 13. RBO is the richest studies evidence that CO2 is a good solvent for extracting
source of natural oryzanols. RBO phytochemicals have lipid-soluble compounds and it enables a high level of re-
wide range of positive health properties, including hypolip- covery22. The hallmark characteristics of SC-CO2 are its
idemic, anti-atherogenic, and anti-diabetic properties15. At density, viscosity, diffusivity, heat capacity and thermal
present, RBO supplements are now being recommended as conductivity23. The high density provides better solubility
a good source of these bioactive compounds. of compounds and its low viscosity facilitates penetration
Regarding RBO preparation techniques, the most used into sample materials with less friction.
method is solvent extraction, where hexane is most com- For the working principle, CO2 is introduced at specific
monly used as the extraction solvent. Hexane is highly vol- pressure and temperature conditions. The conditions are
atile and considered toxic to animals and humans. Typical- adjusted to allow the CO2 to attain supercritical solvent
ly, conventional methods usually involve high temperature, properties for extraction of lipids from a sample. When a
which is partly responsible for the degradation of valuable sample is exposed to SC-CO2 under controlled conditions
substances. Also, the use of hexane as a solvent can lead to of temperature, pressure and time, lipids from the sample
product contamination with solvent residues16. Crude RBO are dissolved in the supercritical fluid. By regulating the
obtained from the solvent extraction method contains the system pressure, the dissolved lipids can then be separated
predominant triacylglycerolsmore than 80along with from the supercritical solvent24. As a result, targeted lipids
various impurities such as waxes, gums, phosphatides, free are successfully extracted from the sample without extrac-
fatty acids, and coloring substances. Nonetheless, oil re- tion solvent residue remaining.
finements are unavoidable processes required for RBO SC-CO2 extraction technology is now in focus within the
manufacture. These processes include settling or filtration food and health industries because of its advantages in
of bran fines, degumming, dewaxing, deacidification, terms of chemistry, environment and economy. Due to its
bleaching and deodorization 17. For instance, the high supercritical state, SC-CO2 is more effective in penetrating
content of free fatty acid in crude RBO requires neutraliza- porous solid materials than are liquid solvents, which con-
tion with alkali to eliminate the free fatty acid. This step tributes to better mass transfer and leads to faster extrac-
causes a decrease in the oil yield and waste water pollution tion. A study by Henning and co-workers24reported that
since a considerable amount of triaclyglycerols and soap the extraction time could be reduced from many hours
are emulsified together in the alkali solution. Thus, due to using solvent extraction to a few minutes of using SC-CO2
a number of processes necessary for RBO production, extraction. CO2 itself is non-flammable and non-toxic, so it
some bioactive compounds either deteriorate or separate can be safely used in food and health related products.
into unusable oil fractions. For instance, vitamin E Since SC-CO 2 solvent can be easily removed from an
erols and tocotrienolsis concentrated mainly in deodor- extract, repetition of the extraction can be done rather
ized rice bran scum oil but not in commercial rice bran quickly. By depressurizing SC-CO2, extracted compounds
oil 18. Degumming and dewaxing has been reported to are easily purified with minimal loss of volatile compo-
remove 1.1 and 5.9 of -oryzanols from the original nents. During extraction, a fluid continuously flows
crude oil19. through the sample, resulting in complete extraction of
In order to achieve the best benefit of rice bran phyto- targeted compounds25. The physical properties of extrac-
chemicals, the technology that can sustain the nutritive tion fluid, such as density, diffusability, and viscosity, can
value of rice bran functional compounds needs to be con- be manipulated by changing extraction temperature and
sidered. pressure. Doing this enhances or depresses the ability of
the SC-CO2 to extract targeted compounds26. At optimum
conditions, overall extraction efficiency and selectivity of
the specific compounds can be improved. The extraction is
3 Supercritical carbon dioxide extraction employed at relatively low temperature, which would
Supercritical fluid extraction is a separation technology reduce loss of thermally labile compounds27. The process
J. Oleo Sci. 66, (6) 557-564 (2017)
Supercritical CO2 Extraction of Rice Bran Oil the Technology, Manufacture, and Applications
of supercritical fluid extraction normally reduces the use of found that the influence of increasing pressure 2 to 4
organic solvents28. In larger scale SC-CO2 extraction, de- MPaon RBO solubility was greater than that of increasing
pressurized SC-CO2 after sample extraction can be recycled temperature60 to 80. The finding was explained by
and reused, thereby minimizing waste generation and re- the effect of greater diffusion of SC-CO2 in rice bran matrix
ducing operating cost. The technology can be up-scaled and increased vapor pressure of oil with the increased
relatively easily from an analytical scale to preparative, temperature. At lower pressure, the density of SC-CO2 is
pilot plant, and industrial scales29. Despites its advantages, considerably decreased, which causes lower diffusion of
SC-CO2 extraction has some limitations that need to be SC-CO2 into RBO36. Considering as an alternative to the
considered. To achieve the highest extraction efficiency, conventional solvent extraction method of RBO, RBO
extraction time must be long enough to allow solvent to derived from SC-CO2 extractiontesting range of 4080
penetrate into solid particles and for solutetarget com- and 1525 MPacontained fatty acid profile consisting of
poundsto diffuse from inside to the solvent. Phase equilib- oleic acid3951, linoleic acid2838, and palmitic
rium of the solvent-solute system is rather complicated, acid 2022, which was comparable to RBO derived
making design of extraction conditions difficult30. Another from compressed liquefied petroleum gas extraction having
disadvantage of SC-CO2 extraction technology is the re- oleic acid3548, linoleic acid3044, and palmitic
quirement for high pressures to maintain the solvent in su- acid192237. The study by Kuk and Dowd 32used
percritical state. This results in higher capital costs for SC-CO2 at 62 MPa and 100 to obtain a maximal oil yield
plants and operating costs31. Typically, SC-CO2 extraction of 20.4. This is comparable to hexane extraction at 69
technology is used where there are significant advantages and 0.101 MPa that yield 20.5 oil. Although the both ex-
e.g., recovery of high value functional compounds, when traction methods could provide RBO with not much differ-
conventional extractions are inappropriate, and need treat- ence in yield and antioxidant activity, CO2 as solvent is
ments of toxic wastes. considered as generally recognized as safeGRAS, this
Recently, SC-CO 2 extraction has been employed to being the main advantage of using it instead of other com-
extract RBO for health purpose. A study by Kuk and pressed gases37. In general, the amount of free fatty acids
Dowd32reported that the concentration of -oryzanols in palmitic acid, oleic acid, and linoleic acidin SC-CO2 ex-
SC-CO2 extracted RBO was higher than in RBO derived tracted RBO is much less than that obtained from hexane
from hexane-Soxhlet extraction. Another study showed extraction, indicating that SC-CO2 has lower affinity to free
that RBO extracted using SC-CO2 contained high levels of fatty acid than hexane32. When rice bran is extracted with
tocopherols and tocotrienols, suggesting that the oil as a SC-CO2, the constituents of the selective fractions obtained
good source of natural vitamin E33. However, although at different pressures differed38. Oil fractions obtained at
SC-CO2 has shown some potential for extraction of high higher pressure had less free fatty acid, waxes and unsa-
quality RBO, understanding the influence of extraction pa- ponifiable matters. The contents of iron and phosphorus
rameters as well as material preparation are factors to be were found very low in SC-CO2 extracted oil. The color was
considered in achieving the best benefits from rice func- also significantly lighter than that of hexane-extracted
tional compounds. RBO38.
Since RBO is known to have a rather high acid value,
conventional RBO extraction requires a deacidification
process for refinement of RBO. Regarding RBO manufac-
4 SC-CO2 extraction of RBO turing, free fatty acid in edible RBO is restricted not to
Considering extraction of edible RBO, the ideal extrac- exceed an acid value of 0.2, which is equivalent to 0.1
tion method should result in total recovery and high purity free fatty acid. In India, refined RBO can have a maximum
of the isolated lipids without harmful chemical residue. acid value of 0.5, which is equivalent to 0.25 free fatty
Due to the inherent variability in chemical and physical acid39. A study by Chen et al.39reported that SC-CO2 under
properties of rice bran components, many substances can the conditions of the pressure of 20 to 30 MPa and tempera-
be extracted by SC-CO2. Manipulation of the extraction ture from 70 to 90 was able to allow deacidification or RBO
conditions, especially temperatures, pressures, extraction up to 97.8.
time, and co-solventsso-calledmodifiersis necessary In addition to being used for total fat quantification, the
to obtain maximum extraction efficiency of RBO. Optimal extraction parameterspressure, temperature, time, and
temperature and pressure are very important since they modifier in supercritical fluid extraction can be manipulat-
influence the extraction yield and the extract composi- ed to selectively extract particular compounds from sample
tion34. Extractions using only SC-CO2 normally yield good matrices into the oil fraction. The study by Sarmento s
recoveries of non-polar lipids35. group 33investigated the influence of temperature
The solubility of RBO in SC-CO2 as affected by tempera- 2560and pressure1520 MPain extracting RBO to
ture and pressure was studied by Tamita et al. 36. They obtain fractions enriched with tocopheol and tocotrienol.
J. Oleo Sci. 66, (6) 557-564 (2017)
P. Sookwong and S. Mahatheeranont
In the experiment, tocols from the extracted oil varied phytosterolsmostly -oryzanols, and vitamin A. The po-
from 35 to 940 mg/100g oil, suggesting that the amount of larity of SC-CO2 can be improved by adding co-solvents
tocols in RBO is sensitively affected by operational condi- with polarity, including methanol, ethanol, isopropanol or
tions and that optimal conditions for the highest tocol even water. Among available co-solvents, ethanol is the
amounts were 20 MPa and 40. It has been evidenced that preferable choice for food applications since ethanol is
regular RBO that is commercially refined using conven- generally recognized as safeGRAS. A study by Ramsay
tional caustic refining contains only a small amount of and co-workers43demonstrated that the addition of 5 wt
-oryzanols, that high oryzanol RBO, commercially refined ethanol to the SC-CO2 solvent stream could improve oil
using special technique, contains about 0.6 -oryzanols, yield from 17.98 to 18.23, implying that more polar com-
and that SC-CO2 processed RBO contains 1.78 oryzanols. pounds, including antioxidants, are better extracted by in-
This difference suggests that SC-CO2 as a technology for creased polarity of the solvent than by carbon dioxide
production of a phytosterol-enriched vegetable-oil alone. A previous study by Sookwong et al.44also evidenced
extract40. A study by Wang et al.41employing SC-CO2 ex- that using 10 wt ethanol as the co-solvent could improve
traction as a technology for preparing -oryzanols from overall extraction of rice bran bioactive compounds includ-
powdered rice bran reported that total RBO yield was ing tocopherols, tocotrienols, -oryzanols, and xantho-
18.1 and the extraction efficiencies of -oryzanols and phylls. The study was aimed to optimize operational condi-
triglycerides were 88.5 and 91.3 respectively. The con- tions for the highest antioxidants, and the optimized
centration of -oryzanols and triglycerides in SC-CO2-ex- conditions were 60 min, 43, and 37.4 MPa with 10
tracted RBO was higher than that in Soxhlet-hexane ex- ethanol as a modifier44. However, there was a report indi-
tracted oil41. cating that excessive use of modifier, such as 10 to 30,
In general, higher concentrations of the targeted com- could negate the recovery of oil extract45.
pounds were obtained using longer extraction times. As mentioned earlier, by controlling extraction variables,
However, when the solubility of any targeted compounds in physical and chemical properties of SC-CO2 can be altered
a sample reached phrase equilibrium with SC-CO2, the in- and differ solubility of targeted compounds. Experimental
crease in extraction efficiency slowed down. This suggests designs using response surface methodologyRSMbased
that the optimum extraction time needs to be considered on the central composite design CCD have been employed
in regard to extraction efficiency and operational cost per- to evaluate desired variables related to RBO extraction
formance. There was a study on solubility of -oryzanols in e.g., extraction efficiency, yield, and concentration of tar-
SC-CO2 taking advantage of this principle42. The study geted compounds. RSM is an effective combination of
demonstrated that at the beginning of SC-CO2 extraction, mathematical and statistical technique useful for investi-
both the oil and the -oryzanol extraction rates were con- gating complex processes where numerous factors and
stant. However, later the oil extraction rate sharply de- their interaction affect the desired response46. CCD is a
clined, though -oryzanol extraction rate was almost con- factorial or fractional factorial design with center points
stant, resulting the last extraction fractions to contain augmented with a group of axial points that is commonly
higher concentrations of -oryzanols than the very first used in response surface designed experiments. For appli-
fractions. The findings suggest the possibility of producing cations, a number of researchers have employed RSM and
a -oryzanol-rich fraction through a process wherein the CCD methodology on SC-CO2 extraction of RBO. It has
-oryzanols is not extracted together with oil, but is ex- been used for supercritical extraction of RBO with high
tracted in later steps after most of the oil fraction is ex- -oryzanol content14, 41. Operation parameters were opti-
cluded42. In addition, SC-CO2 extraction can be used with mized for the highest oil recovery47, for oil with highest
other preparation techniques to obtain maximum amount antioxidants44, and for the best operation processes of
of targeted compounds. For instance, the work by Chen et RBO deacidfication39.
al.14studied the use of SC-CO 2 as a tool for extracting Together with the process optimization, sample prepara-
-oryzanols from the raw material powdered rice bran. tion is another critical factor for extraction of high quality
SC-CO 2 extraction at 35 MPa and 40 for 4 h yielded RBO. Generally, particle size of sample affects lipid recov-
17.5 oil with 85 extraction efficiency of -oryzanols. ery due to sample surface area directly exposed to SC-
With combination of a normal-phase medium-pressure CO248. A sample with high moisture content tends to mini-
column partition fractionation, -oryzanols were success- mize its contact with SC-CO 2, and moisture acts as a
fully concentrated up to 37 wt of RBO14. barrier to the diffusion of SC-CO2 inside the sample and the
Since SC-CO2 is relatively highly non-polar, species of diffusion of lipids outside the sample49. Different varieties
polar lipids may remain unextracted. Therefore, rice bran of rice bran also affect the quality of RBO. Sookwong et
samples containing antioxidants with functional polar al.44extracted RBOs from various rice bran samples, in-
groups may be difficult to extract. Rice bran antioxidants cluding pigmented and non-pigmented glutinous and non-
normally include vitamin E tocopherols and tocotrienols, glutinous varieties, using SC-CO 2, and found that the
J. Oleo Sci. 66, (6) 557-564 (2017)
Supercritical CO2 Extraction of Rice Bran Oil the Technology, Manufacture, and Applications
amount of bio-functional compounds in the extracted safety study by Choi et al.55was conducted using three
RBOs was rather variety dependant and that pigmented short-term mutagenicity assays, including bacterial reverse
rice bran tended to provide RBO with greater amounts of mutation assay, in vitro mammalian chromosomal aberra-
vitamin E and xanthophylls. Considering using pigmented tion test, and in vivo micronucleus assay. The results
rice as a raw material, Nakornriab and co-workers50could demonstrated that SC-CO2-RBO can be considered as a
quantify trans--carotene3341 ppm, quercetin1.08 non-genotoxic material based on the in vivo and in vitro
2.85 ppmand isorhamnetin0.050.83 ppmas character- results.
istic phytochemicals found in SC-CO2 extracted oils from Regarding physiological benefits of SC-CO2-RBO, only a
the black rice bran, as determined using high-performance few studies have been conducted and reported. A study by
liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization-mass spec- Ismail and co-workers56investigated whether a -oryzanol-
trometryLC-ESI-MS. These findings are congruent with rich fraction prepared by SC-CO2 extraction could regulate
other studies that showed that pigmented rice has superior the expression of antioxidant and oxidative stress related
nutrition value compared to ordinary white rice51, suggest- genes in stressed rat s liver. The results showed that the
ing pigmented rice bran to be a good source of RBO with SC-CO2-RBO could up-regulate some antioxidant genes,
the finest functional constituents. such as Hao1, Apo E gene, SOD1 and CAT, and down-regu-
late some oxidative stress genes, such as Ubb, Stip1,
Nfkbib, and Oxsr1, which was possibly due to the presence
of antioxidants including -oryzanols and tocols56. The
5 Usefulness,
advantages and applications of SC- findings suggest physiological potency of SC-CO2 extracted
CO2 extracted RBO RBO as dietary antioxidant supplement. There was a study
This part of the review describes some usefulness as well on the safety and efficacy of SC-CO2 extracted RBO in the
as advantages of RBO extracted with SC-CO2. It was re- treatment of androgenic alopecia57. The results showed
ported by Balachandran et al.52that RBO extracted with that the SC-CO2-RBO significantly increased hair density
SC-CO2 had an oil yield comparable to that extracted with and hair diameter in male subjects with no adverse effects,
hexane 22.5. The SC-CO2 oil contained little amount of suggesting a promising use of SC-CO2-RBO in the function-
phosphatides, wax and pro-oxidant metalsFe and Cu, al cosmetics and pharmaceutical industries 57. Another
and the color quality of the oil was far superior to that of study by Posuwan et al.58evaluated the influence of long-
hexane-extracted oil. The RBO phytochemical contents term supplementation of SC-CO2 extracted RBO from pig-
under the optimum conditions of 50 MPa, 60 for 90 min mented rice branRiceberryinto streptozotocin-induced
were up to 1,800 ppm of tocols, 19,000 ppm of sterols, and diabetic rats. The results showed that the Riceberry bran
11,000 ppm of oryzanols52. On the other hand, the stabili- oil could decrease malondialdehyde and restored superox-
ties of RBOs obtained by SC-CO2 extraction and hexane ide dismutase, catalase, glutathione peroxidase, coenzyme
Soxhlet method were studied during accelerated shelf-life Q and ORAC levels in the rats, as regenerative changes of
storage 53. Compositionally, unsaponifiable matters and the pancreas, kidneys, heart and liver were observed58.
-oryzanols of SC-CO 2 samples were higher than from These findings suggest physiological benefits of pigmented
hexane Soxhlet extraction, but the amount of tocopherol SC-CO2-RBO, on diabetes by decreasing oxidative stress
was lower. After storage for 42 days at 70, the peroxide and recovering organ histology.
value, free fatty acid percentage, conjugated diene and p-
anisidine values of the Soxhlet extracted RBO were higher
than those of SC-CO2 extraction. Thus, the SC-CO2 RBO
samples showed better stability than those RBO samples 6 Perspective and conclusions
obtained from Soxhlet extraction53. Besides its stability in We have reviewed the importance of RBO as a good
terms of edible oil, the physiological safety of SC-CO2 ex- edible oil for cooking and as a good source of rice bran
tracted RBO has also been evaluated. Choi et al.54assessed phytochemicals. The phytochemicals have been reported
the safety of SC-CO2 extracted RBO by 3-4,5-dimethylthi- for their health benefits such as anti-oxidative, neuropro-
azol-2yl-5-3-carboxymethoxyphenyl-2-4-sulfophenyl tective, anti-hypercholesterolemic, anti-angiogenic proper-
-2H-tetrazoliumMTSassay in mouse leukemic monocyte ties, and so forth. However, conventional RBO manufacture
macrophage cell line RAW264.7 as well as the single-oral- mostly relies on solvent extraction as the method for ex-
dose toxicity in Sprague-Dawley rats. The cytotoxicity tracting lipids from the rice bran material. This results in a
assay revealed no inhibitory effects on cell viability and no complex mixture of lipid classes that requires processes of
significant changes were observed in any clinical symp- oil refinement. The refinement processes generally employ
toms, even at the estimated average lethal doseALDat chemicals and high temperature that can separate, deterio-
more than 10,000 mg/kg, implying that oral administration rate and degrade functional substances, thereby diminish-
of SC-CO2-RBO was considered as deemed safe54. Another ing the nutritive value of RBO. To overcome these prob-
J. Oleo Sci. 66, (6) 557-564 (2017)
P. Sookwong and S. Mahatheeranont
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