Digitoxin Therapeutic drug monitoring
Order information
Analyzer(s) on which cobasc pack(s) can be used
20753599 322 Digitoxin (200 tests) System-ID 0753599
Preciset TDM II System-ID 0768294
03375781 190 Calibrators A-F (6 1 5 mL)
Diluent (1 10 mL)
OnLine Digitoxin Controls
System-ID 0766658
20766658 322 Level I (2 5 mL)
System-ID 0766666
Level II (2 5 mL)
System-ID 0766674
Level III (2 5 mL)
Digitoxin Therapeutic drug monitoring
Pipetting parameters Follow the applicable government regulations and local guidelines for
quality control.
Diluent (H2O)
R1 105 L 6 L Controls should be assayed within 2hours after placing on-board the
Sample 4.5 L 6 L instrument.
SR 38 L 6 L Calculation
COBASINTEGRAanalyzers automatically calculate the analyte
Total volume 165.5 L concentration of each sample. For more details, please refer to Data
Analysis in the Online Help (COBASINTEGRA400plus/800 analyzers).
COBAS INTEGRA 800 test definition
Conversion factor: ng/mL 1.31 = nmol/L
Measuring mode Absorbance
Limitations - interference
Reaction mode R1-S-SR See the Analytical specificity section of this method sheet for information on
Wavelength A 659 nm substances tested for cross-reactivity in this assay. There is the possibility
that other substances and/or factors may interfere with the test and cause
Reading cycle blank/test 45/98 erroneous results (e.g., technical or procedural errors).
Unit ng/mL Specimens with assay values greater than the highest calibrator (65ng/mL,
85nmol/L) are flagged by the system. To obtain a specimen digitoxin
Pipetting parameters concentration value if this occurs, dilute the original specimen manually with
the PrecisetTDMII diluent (0ng/mL), reassay, and multiply the result by
Diluent (H2O) the appropriate dilution factor.
R1 105 L 6 L Certain samples have been observed to cause nonspecific microparticle
Sample 4.5 L 6 L aggregation in the COBASINTEGRA Digitoxin assay. As a precaution,
samples flagged as <3.0ng/mL (<3.9nmol/L) TEST RANGE on all
SR 38 L 6 L COBASINTEGRA analyzers should be re-assayed and the absorbance
unit change (A) obtained. Refer to the COBASINTEGRA systems User
Total volume 165.5 L Manual, Operation-Results for instructions regarding how to access raw
Calibration data. The observed A of the sample should be compared to the A of the
0ng/mL calibrator. Samples with absorbance unit changes(A) of 0.023
Calibrators Preciset TDM II above the 0ng/mL calibrator rate should be retested by another established
method before reporting digitoxin results.
Calibrators A-F
Uzara, potassium canrenoate and spironolactone were identified to cause
Calibration mode Logit/log 4 falsely elevated digitoxin values at concentrations of the recommended
Calibration replicate Duplicate recommended daily dose.
Hydrocortisone does not interfere at concentrations of the recommended
Deviation low/high <10%at7.5ng/mL(9.8nmol/L) daily dose, however, at higher doses, as administered in life-threatening
Calibration interval situations, hydrocortisone may cause elevated digitoxin values.
COBAS INTEGRA 400 plus Each cobasc pack, every 1week and The manufacturer of Digoxin Immune Fab (Antibody fragment therapy) has
stated that no immunoassay technique is suitable for quantitating digitoxin
analyzers as required following quality control in serum from patients undergoing this treatment.4
procedures As with many mouse monoclonal antibody-based immunoassays, the
COBAS INTEGRA 800 Each lot, every 12weeks and as COBASINTEGRA Digitoxin test may experience interference with samples
analyzers required following quality control containing human anti-mouse antibodies (HAMA). Samples suspected of
containing HAMA (e.g., from patients with history of mouse monoclonal
procedures antibody exposure) should be tested by an alternate method.
A calibration curve must be prepared using the Preciset TDMII calibrators. Serum/plasma
Calibrators must be placed from the highest concentration (F)first, to the
lowest (A)last, on the CAL/QC rack. This curve is retained in memory by Criterion: Recovery within 10% of initial value at a digitoxin concentration
the COBASINTEGRA systems and recalled for later use. of 12.3ng/mL (16.1nmol/L).
Traceability: The Preciset TDMII calibrators are prepared to contain known Icterus:5 No significant interference up to a bilirubin concentration of
quantities of digitoxin in normal human serum and are traceable to USP 325mol/L or 19mg/dL.
reference standards. Hemolysis:5 No significant interference up to a hemoglobin concentration of
Note 621mol/L or 1000mg/dL.
Calibrators should be assayed within 2hours after placing on-board the Lipemia:5 No significant interference up to a triglycerides concentration of
instrument. 1112mg/dL.
Total protein: No significant interference up to a total protein concentration
Quality control of 12g/dL.
Quality control Roche-TDM OnLine Digitoxin Specimens containing bilirubin, triglycerides, and/or hemoglobin at levels
Controls above those listed above should be diluted with the Preciset TDMII diluent
(0ng/mL), assayed, and the results multiplied by the appropriate dilution
Control interval 24hours recommended factor.
Control sequence User defined For diagnostic purposes, the results should always be assessed in
Control after calibration Recommended conjunction with the patients medical history, clinical examination and other
For quality control, use control materials as listed in the Order information ACTION REQUIRED
section. In addition, other suitable control material can be used. Special Wash Programming: The use of special wash steps is mandatory
The control intervals and limits should be adapted to each laboratorys when certain test combinations are run together on COBASINTEGRA
individual requirements. Values obtained should fall within the defined analyzers. Refer to the CLEAN Method Sheet for further instructions and for
limits. Each laboratory should establish corrective measures to be taken if the latest version of the Extra wash cycle list.
values fall outside the defined limits. Where required, special wash/carry-over evasion programming must
be implemented prior to reporting results with this test.
Digitoxin Therapeutic drug monitoring
Digitoxin Therapeutic drug monitoring