(Resa2016) Afar (Quiz 1)
(Resa2016) Afar (Quiz 1)
(Resa2016) Afar (Quiz 1)
p_4 _
- 20.,14 29_5
Installment sales P 365 500 P417,800 P610,750
Gross profit rate - 36% 39% 40%
The balances on the Installment Accounts Receivable controlling accounts at the beginning and enci , of 2005 were:
. 2015 .
From sales rnade in: 3anua 1 _
December . 31
2013 P 17 400
2014, . _ 205 400 P 25,800
2015 S 305 520
P240 000 FF capital (30%) P 200,000
Other assets 360 000 GG, caeital 30% ... , 170,000
PP, capital (40%)....2.,... 230,000
Using installment method, compute the realized gross profit in 2016:
A. P 2,200 C. P12,506
- B. 10,575 D. 25,275
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