Numerical Analysis of Stability of Thin-Walled Composite Column With Open Cross-Section
Numerical Analysis of Stability of Thin-Walled Composite Column With Open Cross-Section
Numerical Analysis of Stability of Thin-Walled Composite Column With Open Cross-Section
Hubert Debski
Department of Machine Design
Lublin University of Technology
Nadbystrzycka 36
20618 Lublin, Poland
In the paper a numerical analysis of both critical and postcritical state of a thinwalled
channelsection simply supported beam under axial compression. The beam was made of
carbonepoxy symmetrical composite prepared with a prepreg technology using 8 layers
of unidirectional band. The numerical simulations were performed with Finite Elements
Method (FEM) in Abaqus and Ansys environment and an analyticalnumerical method
based on the Koiter theory of conservative systems stability. The value of critical load
was estimated according to the TsaiWu stress criterion. The performed calculations
enabled critical state identication, as well as deformation states and eort analysis of
the laminate structure in postcritical state.
Keywords: Finite Elements Method, carbonepoxy laminate, postcritical deformation
states, thinwalled composite columns.
1. Introduction
Polymeric composites the laminates are currently one of the most developing ma-
terials group applied in contemporary thinwalled structures. This yields from an
advantageous set of physicalchemical and mechanical properties, particularly high
strength in relation to low mass density of the composite material [1, 2]. From a wide
group of laminates mainly those having epoxy matrix reinforced with glass, carbon
or kevlar bres nd applications. Exceptionally advantageous strength characteris-
tics of a laminate can be obtained by utilization of advanced forming techniques of
polymeric composites, such as autoclaving [3].
In the process of creation of complex composite materials optimization of the
construction in accordance with its operational loading circumstances has an im-
portant meaning. This applies above all to the thinwalled loadcarrying structures
30 Debski, H.
exposed to the load able to cause a loss of stability of an element or the whole struc-
ture. A modern tool in this eld is numerical analysis based on Finite Elements
Method (FEM) [49]. In this article a numerical FEM analysis of a thinwalled
composite beam with open crosssection and axial compressive loading was per-
formed. The calculations were carried out within the range of critical, as well as
postcritical load for the structure supported with articulated joints. The results
of the numerical analysis enabled the estimation of buckling modes and critical
load values corresponding to them. Moreover, the postcritical behaviour of the
structure became possible. For the purpose of the laminate eort estimation the
TsaiWu stress criterion [10] was used. The paper contains a comparison of the
numerical buckling analysis of the thinwalled open crosssection composite beam,
performed both in Abaqus and Ansys software and a verication of these results by
the analyticalnumerical method.
nition of the planestress orthotropic material, what allowed for description of the
laminate characteristics along particular directions, related to bre orientation [11,
12]. The scope of the numerical calculations covered also an attempt to evaluate the
possibility of the composite damage appearance in critical state according to the
Tsai-Wu criterion. This needed an indication of some additional material character-
istics, such as: FT U tensile strength, both in the 00 and in the 900 direction; FCU
compressive strength in both directions (00 and 900 ) and FSU shear strength
in the 450 ply interface. These properties, given in Tab. 1, were determined in
experiments carried out by the authors of this article.
Composite Layup
The linear buckling analysis procedure was exploited for simulation of the beam
behaviour within the critical range. This procedure enabled determination of the
critical load, as well as instability mode. Verication of the obtained results was
performed by the analyticalnumerical method [13], based on the general asymp-
totic Koiter theory of conservative systems stability [14]. Calculations within the
postcritical state had a form of static nonlinear analysis of the structure be-
haviour, in which the rst bucklingmode imperfections were initiated. In case
of the Abaqus computer program, the postcritical analysis, taking into account
geometrical nonlinearity was run using the incrementaliterative NewtonRaphson
method. In case of the Ansys code, the calculations were conducted in accordance
with the ArcLength procedure (Ricks Method). The value of failure load for the
laminate material was determined with the TsaiWu stress criterion.
Table 2 Values of the critical load for the rst buckling mode
Computational tool Abaqus Ansys Analyticalnumerical
(FEM) (FEM) method
Critical load [N] 2977.2 2946.3 2848.3
beam, in which the critical value of the damage parameter was reached determine
the structures regions susceptible to damage, i.e. where the probability of damage
is high, at least for some plies. Exemplary stress maps in the composite layers and
the TsaiWucriterion map are shown in Fig. 4.
Figure 3 States of the structures deformation: a) rst buckling mode, b) postcritical deformation
Figure 4 Eort of the composite beam: a,c) stress pattern in plies, b,d) TsaiWu criterion
34 Debski, H.
Analysis of the stress state and the TsaiWucriterion maps allows for localization
of the regions and plies experiencing the highest eort. In the analyzed case the
highest stress levels, as well as the damage parameter equal to 1 were obtained in the
8th ply (Fig. 4a, b), i.e. in the outer layer of the channel section, where the bre
orientation was 0o (parallel to the beam axis). On the contrary, the lowest stress
levels and the damage parameter values were observed in the middle ply (No. 4,
see Fig. 4c, d), having the 90o bre orientation angle. The calculated distribution
of the composite material eort conrmed the appearance of the maximal eort in
the 0o plies, in which bres were oriented along the loading direction.
The performed analysis allows for a comparison of the results obtained with
dierent simulation methods (FEM, analytical-numerical method), as well as with
dierent numerical tools (Abaqus, Ansys). In Table 2 values of the critical load
gained with the above mentioned methods were collected. Fig. 5 presents a com-
parison of postcritical forcedisplacement equilibrium paths for the node placed in
the point of the maximal amplitude of deformation of the wider channel sections
Analysis of the numerical outcomes leads to the conclusion, that in case of critical
state the beams buckling modes obtained with dierent simulation methods were
compatible. However, the quantitative conformity of the critical force values was
at the level of 95.7% (see Table 2). Nonlinear analysis showed a convergence of
postcritical equilibrium paths of the structure Fig. 5.
A baqus A -N A nsys
Forc e P [N]
0 2 4 6
Displacement w [m m]
The presented numerical analyses indicate both qualitative and quantitative com-
patibility of the results obtained with the exploited methods and numerical tools,
what conrms the adequacy of the formulated numerical models. The acquired out-
comes allow for critical, as well as postcritical state analysis of composite beams
subjected to axial compression, by providing wide possibilities of deformation states
and material eort observation up to the very moment of failure. This enables iden-
tication of the regions particularly jeopardized to laminate damage and lets one
determine the level of failure load in connection with the critical force. The analy-
sis of the postcritical equilibrium path makes the structures stiness assessment
after stability loss possible, taking into account the laminates ply sequence. Thus,
the obtained results deliver a signicant information in the process of forming and
optimizing composite structure in the context of its loading.
An article written under the ministerial research project no. N N507 241440
nanced by the National Science Centre.
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