Language Use As Part of Linguistic Theory: 1.1 Substance and Usage in Phonology
Language Use As Part of Linguistic Theory: 1.1 Substance and Usage in Phonology
Language Use As Part of Linguistic Theory: 1.1 Substance and Usage in Phonology
Language Use as Part of Linguistic Theory
1965) and paid little attention to language use in real time. The focus
on competence, or the structure of language, turned out to be
extremely productive. Structuralism provided linguists with a work-
shop of analytic tools for breaking down the continuous speech stream
into units, and these units into features; structuralism postulated hier-
archical relations among the units and assigned structures to different
levels of grammar, organizing language and the people who study it
into subelds phonology, morphology, syntax, and semantics.
The present work proposes to demonstrate that the focus on struc-
ture needs to be supplemented with a perspective that includes more
than just structure, a view that includes two other important aspects of
the language phenomenon the material content or substance of lan-
guage, and language use. The substance of language refers to the two
polar ends phonetics and semantics that language molds and struc-
tures, the two ends between which language forms the bridge. Lan-
guage use includes not just the processing of language, but all the social
and interactional uses to which language is put. For present purposes,
in the context of phonology, the frequency with which certain words,
phrases, or patterns are used will be shown to have an impact on
phonological structure. I will return to a discussion of these two aspects
of language and the role they play in past and future theories after
describing some recent developments in linguistics and related elds
that suggest a need for an enlarged perspective on language.
In the domain of morphosyntax, a substantial development beyond
structuralism has already taken place. The content of grammatical
categories has been studied as a substantive rather than a structural
matter, for example, in crosslinguistic studies of subject, topic, noun,
verb, tense, aspect (Comrie 1976, 1985, Dahl 1985), mood, and so on.
Also use is being studied as a prime shaper of syntactic structure
(Givn 1979, Haiman 1994, Hopper and Thompson 1984, and others)
and morphological structure (Bybee 1985, Bybee et al. 1994, DuBois
1985). So far, no comparable development has occurred in phonology,
but there are several indicators that it is time to open up the eld to
new questions and new sources of data and explanation.
Despite having looked carefully at matters of structure, having
dened and redened units such as phoneme and morpheme (or for-
mative), having shifted and reshifted levels such as phonemic and mor-
phophonemic, we nd that problems and questions still remain. Units
and levels do not submit to denitions that work for every case. We
still do not have strict denitions of even the most basic units, such as
Termites construct nests that are structured in terms of pillars and arches and
that create a sort of air-conditioned environment. The form of these nests
appears to arise as a result of a simple local behavioral pattern which is followed
by each individual insect: the pillars and arches are formed by deposits of gluti-
nous sand avored with pheromone. Pheromone is a chemical substance that is
used in communication within certain insect species. Animals respond to such
stimuli after (tasting or) smelling them. Each termite appears to follow a path of
increasing pheromone density and deposit when the density starts to decrease.
Suppose the termites begin to build on a fairly at surface. In the beginning the
deposits are randomly distributed. A fairly uniform distribution of pheromone
is produced. Somewhat later local peaks have begun to appear serving as stimuli
for further deposits that gradually grow into pillars and walls by iteration of the
same basic stimulus-response process. At points where several such peaks come
close, stimulus conditions are particularly likely to generate responses. Deposits
made near such maxima of stimulation tend to form arches. As termites continue
their local behavior in this manner, the elaborate structure of the nest gradually
emerges. (Lindblom et al. 1984: 185186)
Lindblom et al. point out that the importance of this notion for lin-
guistics is that structure can be explained without attributing a mental
blueprint to the creatures creating the structure that substance and
form are intimately related (see also Hopper 1987, Keller 1994). Note
further that in this example and others of emergence in complex
systems, substance and form are related via the process by which the
structure is created.
If we apply emergence to language, the substance and use interact
to create structure. The substance in question includes both phonetics
and semantics. Phonetic substance has always been included in the eld
of phonology. Only a few phonologists have ever proposed that
phonology is independent of phonetics (see Postal 1968). On the con-
trary, most phonologists see phonetics as motivating phonology (for a
recent statement, see Hayes 1999). They have perhaps not always been
serious enough about pursuing the phonetic facts, however. One promi-
nent feature of generative phonology has been its disdain for the low-
level phonetic properties of speech, properties that presumably border
on performance.
Semantics, on the other hand, has been considered irrelevant to
phonology. This would not seem to be such a serious allegation to level
at phonologists, except that phonological descriptions and theoretical
works are full of references to notions such as morpheme and word
boundaries both of which delimit meaningful units as well as to
specic grammatical categories or specic morphemes. Generative
phonologists and Optimality Theory phonologists have proceeded as
though the content of these categories did not matter. I have shown in
Bybee (1985) that the phonological fusion of morphemes reects their
degree of semantic fusion, and in the chapters of this book, I will
explore further the relation between grammatical and lexical units and
phonological structure. Generative theories have largely neglected
such topics: even though morphological decomposition has played an
important role in the development of generative theories from The
Sound Pattern of English to Lexical Phonology and Optimality Theory,
the semantic derivations that should parallel the phonological ones
have never been attempted.
While substance has found its way into phonology from both the
phonetic and semantic end, use has been systematically excluded from
structuralist theories altogether.As mentioned earlier, distinctions such
as langue versus parole (de Saussure) and competence versus perfor-
mance (Chomsky) were specically designed to set up a mental object
that is separate from the uses to which it is put and to designate the
mental object as the proper domain for linguistics. Of course, there is
some value in distinguishing mental representations from the social
activities upon which they are based, but totally excluding factors of
use from consideration ignores the potential relation between repre-
sentation and use. It is certainly possible that the way language is
used affects the way it is represented cognitively, and thus the way it
is structured.
In fact, a good deal of progress in morphology and syntax has been
made in explaining specic phenomena by making just this assump-
tion. It has been shown that syntactic structures are the result of the
conventionalization of frequently used discourse patterns (e.g., DuBois
1985, Givn 1979), and that grammatical morphemes develop from
lexical morphemes in particular constructions through increases in the
frequency of use and through extension in use to more and more con-
texts (Bybee et al. 1994, Haiman 1994). Greenberg (1966) has demon-
strated that markedness effects are directly related to frequency of use,
with unmarked members of categories being the most frequent, and
Tiersma (1982) has shown that this hypothesis also explains cases of
local markedness in morphology. Psycholinguists have long known that
high-frequency words are accessed faster than low-frequency ones, and
I have argued that high-frequency irregular morphological formations
tend to maintain their irregularities precisely because of their high
frequency (Bybee 1985, Hooper 1976b). In all of these ndings we have
a dynamic aspect language structure is becoming or remaining
because of the way language is used. Thus the emphasis on the static,
synchronic language as the object of study has given way to the view
of language as slowly, gradually, but inexorably mutating under the
dynamic forces of language use.
Very little attention has been given to phonology in this usage-based
approach to language, yet these same ideas can be applied to phono-
logical phenomena with very interesting results. It is the purpose of this
book to explore the phenomena that have traditionally been studied
as phonology, reevaluating structural notions in terms of use and sub-
stance. The successes of structuralism in its various guises are not being
discarded. Rather structural notions will rst be empirically evaluated
to ascertain their viability, then the basis of such notions will be con-
sidered, and the role that substance and especially, use, plays in the phe-
nomena will be discussed. The phenomena discussed here point to a
deep involvement of phonology with lexicon and grammar, and a role
for both token and type frequency in shaping phonological structure.
A dynamic view of language is taken here, one that integrates both
synchronic and diachronic sources of explanation.1
The phonological theory developed here is quite different from Natural Generative
Phonology (NGP) (Hooper 1976a). For while NGP had very concrete lexical represen-
tations, much involvement of morphology and the lexicon with phonology, and the same
view of the relation of synchrony to diachrony, it was a structuralist theory and provided
no means of representing the impact of language use on language structure.
and more accessible, and thus more productive than those apply-
ing to fewer items. This is in contrast to modular approaches in
which representations and rules or constraints are all static and
xed, and in which all rules or representations in the same com-
ponent have the same status (for instance, all being equally acces-
sible no matter how many forms they apply to).
2. Mental representations of linguistic objects have the same
properties as mental representations of other objects. Of course,
this is the simplest assumption we can make that the brain
operates in the same way in different domains. One consequence
of this assumption is that mental representations do not have
predictable properties abstracted away from them, but rather
are rmly based on categorizations of actual tokens. As
Langacker (1987) and Ohala and Ohala (1995) have pointed
out, if predictable properties are taken away from objects,
they become unrecognizable. (See Chapter 2 for further
3. Categorization is based on identity or similarity. Categorization
organizes the storage of phonological percepts. What form this
categorization takes is an interesting question and one that can
be approached through phonetic and psychological experimen-
tation as well as through analogies with ndings in other percep-
tual domains. From structural linguistic analysis we can already
identify many different types of relations among linguistic objects
for example, the relation between two phonetic tokens of the
same word, that between tokens of the same morpheme in dif-
ferent words, and that between two similar phones in different
words in the same or different contexts.
4. Generalizations over forms are not separate from the stored
representation of forms but emerge directly from them. In
Langackers terms, there is no rule/list separation (see Chapter
2). Generalizations over forms are expressed as relations
among forms based on phonetic and/or semantic similarities. New
forms can be produced by reference to existing forms, but most
multimorphemic words are stored whole in the lexicon.
5. Lexical organization provides generalizations and segmentation
at various degrees of abstraction and generality. Units such as
morpheme, segment, or syllable are emergent in the sense that
they arise from the relations of identity and similarity that
organize representations. Since storage in this model is highly