Leco Tga
Leco Tga
Leco Tga
for Organic, Inorganic
and Synthetic Samples
n High sensitivity
The very high sensitivity integrated balance en-
sures a high degree of precision even with small
ash residues.
Features & Benets
The TGA701 complies with standard AOAC, AACC, n Robust, compact design
ASTM, ISO and DIN methodology. Flexibility of
method parameters allows standard and cus- The extremely compact and robust design has stood
tomized procedures increasing versatility. The the test, especially in tough industrial environments.
software supports compliance to strict FDA regula- The instrument needs only a minimum of space.
tion (21 CFR Part 11) for a closed analytical system. The clear arrangement of display and control ele-
ments ensures safe continuous operation.
n Flexible analysis programs n User training, service courses
Customisable methods for your application to
LECO's philosophy also includes intensive applica-
manage data and graphs seamlessly. Each step
tion training matched to the personal needs of our
can be individually programmed with your analy-
instrument users after installation of the analyzer.
sis parameters:
In addition, we oer service courses for all instru-
n Start and end temperature (up to 1000C) ment types in our Technical Service Center. All
n Furnace ramp rate users are regularly invited to take part.
n Step end mode (timeout or constant weight)
n Furnace atmosphere (air, N2 , O2)
n Gas ow rate
n Number of test phases (steps)
n Method and step names
After method is set and named, the operator can
simply select it when this type of analysis is needed.
n Results documentation
The results can be printed, plotted or even pre-
sented in a statistical survey.
The on-screen weight loss plot can either be
based on time and/or temperature. In addition,
the TGA701 software allows analysis monitoring
in real time on the screen (see right).