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Evolutionary History of 7Sl Rna-Derived Sines in Supraprimates

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158 Update TRENDS in Genetics Vol.23 No.

Genome Analysis

Evolutionary history of 7SL RNA-derived SINEs in

Jan Ole Kriegs1*, Gennady Churakov1*, Jerzy Jurka2, Jurgen Brosius1
and Jurgen Schmitz1
Institute of Experimental Pathology, ZMBE, University of Munster, Von-Esmarch-Str. 56, D-48149 Munster, Germany
Genetic Information Research Institute, 1925 Landings Drive, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA

The evolutionary relationships of 7SL RNA-derived SINEs (Figure 1: B1 R). They descended from FLAM-A (or PB1)
such as the primate Alu or the rodent B1 elements have through PB1D with a characteristic deletion [17] that is
hitherto been obscure. We established an unambiguous lacking in the primate 7SL RNA-derived SINEs of the Alu
phylogenetic tree for Supraprimates, and derived intraor- family.
dinal relationships of the 7SL RNA-derived SINEs. As well In Scandentia, the tree shrew-specific chimeric Tu type
as new elements in Tupaia and primates, we also found II SINEs (composed of tRNA and 7SL RNA parts) share
that the purported ancestral fossil Alu monomer was with the rodents this diagnostic deletion in the left 7SL
restricted to Primates, and provide here the first descrip- RNA-derived part [11]. Nishihara et al. used this shared
tion of a potential chimeric promoter box region in SINEs. deletion to suggest a possible evolutionary scenario with a
more recent common ancestry of Tu type II and rodent B1
SINEs and, as a potential consequence, a sister group
Introduction relationship of the orders Rodentia and Scandentia [11].
Short interspersed elements (SINEs) are known to occur Because 7SL RNA-derived SINEs are specific for
throughout the genomes of eukaryotes. They originate Supraprimates, their evolutionary histories are also of
from retroposition of small RNAs such as 7SL RNA, tRNA particular interest. However, because the current evidence
or their derivatives featuring internal RNA polymerase III for ordinal relationships within Supraprimates is partially
promoters [1]. Active SINEs can cause hereditary diseases contradictory, the distribution patterns, and the evolution-
[2], enable genomic rearrangements [3] and be exapted into ary history, of 7SL RNA-derived SINEs might differ from
functional proteins [46]. SINEs originally derived from proposed scenarios. Some large-scale sequence data support
7SL RNA [7,8], a component of the cytoplasmic signal the Euarchonta theory combining Primates, Dermoptera
recognition particle [9], have been found in primates and Scandentia in one group [13,15], whereas other studies
[10], scandentians (tree shrews) [11] and rodents [12], indicate the placement of tree shrews with lagomorphs [21
all members of the placental mammalian clade Suprapri- 23]. Furthermore, similarities in lineage-specific 7SL RNA-
mates [13,14] (Euarchontoglires [15]), which also includes derived SINEs [11] support a clustering of Rodentia and
dermopterans (flying lemurs) and lagomorphs (rabbits). Scandentia, further confusing the issue. The phylogenetic
Assuming that 7SL RNA-derived SINEs arose in a com- position of lagomorphs within the placental tree is also
mon ancestor of these orders [16], they should also be equivocal, with some data supporting the monophyletic
present in the other two Supraprimate orders, but this group Glires, comprising rodents and lagomorphs
has yet to be demonstrated [17]. [15,24,25], and others placing lagomorphs as a sister group
The fossil Alu monomer (FAM) [16] was thought to to a clade Cetferungulata+Xenarthra+Afrotheria [22].
be the oldest common ancestor of all 7SL RNA-derived Thus, to analyze the evolutionary history of Suprapri-
SINEs [18]. Compared with human 7SL RNA, FAMs have mate-specific 7SL RNA-derived SINE retroposons, we chose
a large central deletion (Figure 1) [16] and are believed to first to resolve current controversies concerning the inter-
have given rise to subsequent monomeric sequences, ordinal relationships within the Supraprimate clade and
namely the primate-specific free right Alu monomer establish a robust evolutionary tree of this superorder.
(FRAM) [16], and to the free left Alu monomer (FLAM)
of the A-subtype (FLAM-A, or FLA) [19]. In primates Resolving the evolutionary tree of Supraprimates
FLAM-C is a descendant of FLAM-A, and its fusion to We searched genomic sequences of mouse, rat, guinea pig,
FRAM gave rise to the predominating dimeric Alu family of rabbit, tree shrew, chimpanzee, human and rhesus
7SL RNA-derived SINEs [20]. monkey with the local version of RepeatMasker (http://
The rodent proto-B1 element (PB1) is nearly identical to www.repeatmaster.org/) for phylogenetically informative
FLAM-A [18]. Rodent B1 elements are monomeric SINEs, retroposon presenceabsence data conclusively to accept or
but contain a diagnostic internal 29-bp duplication reject current hypotheses of Supraprimate evolution (see
Online Supplementary Material). We found 14 informative
Corresponding author: Kriegs, J.O. (kriegs@uni-muenster.de); genomic loci that unambiguously define two main
Schmitz, J. (jueschm@uni-muenster.de).
These authors contributed equally to this work.
branches within Supraprimates (Figure 2, and Online
Available online 20 February 2007. Supplementary Material), one MLT1A1 and four MSTD
Update TRENDS in Genetics Vol.23 No.4 159

Figure 1. Illustration of 7SL RNA and the derived SINE sequence regions. All sequence positions (numbers on top) correspond to those of human 7SL RNA (top, solid black
bar). All presented 7SL RNA-derived sequences probably arose by two independent events. A FAM retroposon evolved from a 7SL RNA sequence and gave rise to the FRAM
part of Alu SINEs (blue bars). Independently an SP FLAM (PB1) sequence evolved from a 7SL RNA sequence and eventually gave rise, through the SP-D (PB1D) element
to all other 7SL RNA-derived SINE elements (red bars). A and B denote the two RNA polymerase III promoter-box elements. L, M and R refer to the left, middle and right
parts, CL to the chimeric left part, of dimeric 7SL RNA-derived SINE elements. The tRNA-derived part including the promoter B box is not related to 7SL RNA and is shown in
a dashed-enclosed box. SP refers to the suggested new terminology for Supraprimates. By realigning the right 7SL RNA-derived parts of Tu types I and II, we identified the
same diagnostic deletion as described for the left 7SL RNA-derived part of Tu type II [11].

long terminal repeats (LTRs) retroposons inserted in Lagomorpha, Dermoptera and Primates. To test this, we
independent genomic loci of human and tree shrew. One performed multiple computational searches of available
of these loci, containing an LTR element, was amplifiable genomic and trace sequences of various Supraprimate
in the flying lemur as well. The elements in these loci species.
are clearly absent in the mouse, rat and dog genomes, and In human, we identified 17 complete copies (see Online
although two of the loci could be detected in rabbit trace Supplementary Material) of a sequence related to a PB1D-
sequences, no retroposons were present in either case, like monomer, containing the diagnostic deletion common
thereby establishing the monophyly of Euarchonta. to Rodentia and Scandentia. Sixteen of these copies are
Nine additional independent retroposed elements (2  also conserved at orthologous positions in chimpanzee and
MLT1A0, MLT1A1, 4  L1MA5, L1MA6 and ORR1E) were rhesus monkey. This is the first time such an element has
present in orthologous genomic loci in mouse, rat and rabbit, been found in Primates. None of these elements were
whereas the orthologous target sites were empty in human, flanked by perfect direct repeats, suggesting that they
chimpanzee, rhesus monkey and dog. These data, along with are relatively old, no longer active SINEs, which might
two other retroposon markers [25], clearly group the Lago- explain why they were not previously identified.
morpha and Rodentia in a common clade, Glires. PB1D elements were thought to be rodent-specific; how-
ever, it might be appropriate to designate them as Supra-
Elucidating the evolutionary history of 7SL RNA-derived primate-specific elements. We propose SP-D, SP for
SINEs Supraprimates and D for the diagnostic deletion at pos-
Placing the tree shrew in the Euarchonta clade, however, itions 6473. Accordingly, FLAM-A (PB1)-like sequences
apparently contradicts one current hypothesis of 7SL should be named SP-SINEs.
RNA-derived SINE evolution [11] that makes use of a In available genomic trace sequences of Tupaia belan-
common diagnostic deletion (positions 6473) in Rodent geri we found a previously unknown 7SL RNA-derived
B1 and scandentian Tu type II SINEs to suggest a sister monomeric SINE that was present in high copy number
group relationship of Rodentia and Scandentia [11,17]. By (300 copies) and is similar to the rodent PB1D10, which
contrast, our support for the separate Euarchonta and we designate as Tu type-m (for monomer) (Figure 1, and
Glires clades, coupled with the common deletion in Roden- Online Supplementary Material). Flanking short direct
tia and Scandentia, suggest that there is a common ances- repeats were detected in 57 examples (see Online Supple-
try of all 7SL RNA-derived SINEs. Thus, one would also mentary Material) and indicate recent activity of the cor-
expect to find some SINE sequences with this deletion in responding master gene.
160 Update TRENDS in Genetics Vol.23 No.4

Figure 2. Phylogenetic tree of Supraprimates showing distribution and evolution of 7SL RNA-derived SINEs. The retroposed elements in the blue panel represent single
retroposed insertions that group the species of the Euarchonta clade, whereas those in the beige panel depict single insertions that group the species of the Glires clade.
Bold lines on the branches of the tree depict SINEs generated from recently active master genes, whereas the dotted lines symbolize SINEs from inactive master genes. The
SINEs depicted before the main branching point of the tree were active before this divergence and hence are found as molecular fossils in both branches of Supraprimates.
The lack of genomic information concerning SP-D elements in the flying lemur and the rabbit is indicated by question marks. Animals in red silhouettes host probably
recently active 7SL RNA-derived SINEs with SP-D as a common ancestral form. The fates of SP-D-related sequences are shown as red lines. 4.5SH denotes the SINE
offspring of a 7SL RNA-derived 4.5SH master gene.

We did not identify any complete PB1D-like elements in tion!FAM-deletion!FLAM [16]) or one with independent
the rabbit. The sequence divergence is probably too great to events acting on 7SL RNA (7SL RNA-deletion!FAM;
recognize clear PB1D-like sequences in the small amount 7SL RNA-deletion!FLAM) are equally parsimonious.
of rabbit genomic data that is available as trace sequences. Our finding that FAM elements are probably restricted to
Although the phylogenetic position of dermopterans Primates supports the second of these scenarios and contra-
implies the presence of 7SL RNA-derived SINEs, search- dicts the notion of a FAM progenitor for all 7SL RNA-derived
able genomic data are not yet available to test this pre- SINE forms. Furthermore, the presence of FLAM-A (PB1)-
diction. Although no FLAM (PB1)-like sequences have yet and PB1D-like sequences in species of both major branches
been discovered in Dermoptera and Lagomorpha species, of Supraprimates indicates that the common ancestor of all
our new human data support the conclusion that they are 7SL RNA-derived SINEs was probably a FLAM-A (PB1) or
distributed throughout all Supraprimate orders. subsequent PB1D-like form. We propose that FAM, rather
Quentin proposed that FAM was the progenitor of all than being a progenitor for all 7SL RNA-derived SINEs, is a
other 7SL RNA-derived SINEs [16]. This implies that not primate-specific monomer that gave rise to FRAM mono-
only FLAM (PB1)-like elements should be present in all mers, whereas SP-SINEs contributed the left part of the Alu
Supraprimate genomes but also their presumed common dimer. This would then make SP-D the progenitor of both B1
progenitor, FAM. Interestingly, in spite of extensive elements in Rodentia and the 7SL RNA-derived Tu-type
BLAST searches, not a single FAM sequence was detected SINE parts of Scandentia (Figure 2).
in tree shrew, rabbit or guinea pig genomic trace sequences Our discovery of a new SP-D-like monomeric SINE form
or in mouse and rat full genomes. Fragments of FAM-like in Scandentia suggests that the Tu type I and II SINEs
sequences that were occasionally identified by RepeatMas- evolved from dimers of Tu type-m (Figure S1 in Online
ker did not include sequences overlapping the FAM- Supplementary Material). These elements were originally
specific diagnostic deletion (positions 98238). Assuming thought to be derived from tRNA and 7SL RNA parts [11];
they are found to be absent in flying lemurs as well, FAM however, with the benefit of updated trace sequences we
sequences seem to be restricted to Primates (Figure 2). find that the 50 end of the tRNA has a greater sequence
Inasmuch as the central deletion of FLAM overlaps the similarity to Tu type-m (70%, 51 nt) and the 30 end is 75%
central deletion of FAM (Figure 1), two possible evolutionary (41 nt) identical to tRNAGly, suggesting that the first 92 nt
scenarios, one with successive deletions (7SL RNA-dele- is a chimeric sequence rather than a completely tRNA-
Update TRENDS in Genetics Vol.23 No.4 161

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21 Schmitz, J. et al. (2000) The complete mitochondrial genome of Tupaia
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