Ball Blue Book Canning Old
Ball Blue Book Canning Old
Ball Blue Book Canning Old
of CANNING and
Blue Booko/ Canning
and Preserving
Page Page
Crab Apples 29-30 Barrier 34
BakedCanned 29 Canned 32-33
Butter 28 O l i v e d Cherries 34
Canned 26 Maraschino 34
Chutney 28 Preserved 33
Cider Apple S a u c e 28 With Currants 34
Ginger 28 With Pineapple 33
Jelly 27
Marmalade 29 CHILI SAUCE 63
Pickled 27 CHOW CHOW 64-68
Preserves 27
Spiced 26 CHUTNEY
With Quince 25-27 Apple 28
Peach 22
Apricots and Pineapples 53
Boiled D o w n 31
ASPARAGUS 58 Sweet Apple 30
Vinegar 30
Pickled 70 CITRONPreserved 51-71
Preserved 70
C a n n e d , String 58 COOKERHOW TO M A K E 16
Canned, Lima 58 CORN
Pickled, String 58
Canned 57-58
BEETS 59-70 Sauce 66
With Tomatoes . 61
Canned 43
Cordial 44 CRAB APPLES
Jam 44 Cider Vinegar 30
Jelly 44 Butter , 29
Marmalade 44 Catsup 30
Preserves 44 Pickles 29
Preserved 29
Canned 71 CUCUMBERS 66
Catsup 67
B O I L I N G OR K E T T L E M E T H O D . . 14 Chow Chow 68
Pickled 66
BRUSSELS SPROUTS 59 Pickles, Oil 67
Pickles, R i p e 67
CABBAGE 59 Sweet Mangoes 64
Winter Dill 64
D e f i n i t i o n of C a n n i n g T e r m s 13 CURRANTS 39
M e t h o d s of 13-14-15-16-17-18 Canned 39
Principles of 9-10-11-12 Catsup 40
R u l e s for 6-7-8 Jelly 40
Sugarless 10 Preserved 39
When to Can 19 Relish 41
CARE OF F R U I T TREES, B U S H E S Spiced 39
W i t h R e d Raspberries 40-41
AND VINES 78 W i t h Cherries 34
With Black Raspberries 53
Canned . 59 EGGPLANT 59
Marmalade 62 E L D E R B E R R Y JELLY 71
Pickled 62
Wine 73
Crab A p p l e 30 FOREWORD 5
Currant 40 FIGS
Cucumber 67
Gooseberry 39 Marmalade 51
Sweet Pepper 65 Pickled 51
Tomato 62 Preserved 51
W i l d Grape 49 With Rhubarb 50
Mustard Pickle 66 Apple 28
With Pears 24
CELERY 68-70 Preserved 72
Page Page
Canned 37-38
Catsup 39 OKRA 59
Conserve 38-39
Marmalade 38 ONIONS 69
Preserves 38
Relish 39 ORANGES
With Rhubarb 38 Marmalade 53
W i t h Strawberries 37
Wild Orange M a r m a l a d e 52
Butter 47 PARSNIPSCanned 59
Canned 45
Catsup 47
Conserve 46 PEACHES 21
Jelly 46 Butter 22
Juice 46 Canned 21-22
Marmalade 45 Chutney 22
Pickled 47 Mangoes 23
Spiced 46 Pickled 23
Preserved 22
GRAPE FRUITMarmalade 52 PEARS 23
Butter 24
GREENS 59 Canned 23-24
Pickled 24
GUAVAS 52 Preserves 24
Marmalade 52 W i t h Ginger 24
Sweet Pickle 52 PEAS 58-59
Blackberry 44
Black R a s p b e r r y 42 PICCALILLI 69
Green G a g e 32
Kumquat 53 PICKLES
Red Raspberry 41
Strawberry and P i n e a p p l e 37 ApplesSweet 27 -
Vegetable Marrow 63 Barberries 70
Cauliflower M u s t a r d 66
JELLYGeneral Directions 54-55-56 CarrotsSweet 62
Apple 27 Celery 68-70
Blackberry 44 Crab A p p l e s 29
Black R a s p b e r r y 42 Cucumber 66
Black R a s p b e r r y and Currant 43 C u c u m b e r Oil 67
Currant 40 Cucumber, R i p e 67
Currant and R e d R a s p b e r r y 40 Dill, W i n t e r 64
Elderberry 71 Figs 51
Grape 46 Grapes 47
Mulberry 71 GuavaSweet 52
Persimmon 72 Lemon 53
Plum 31 Onions 69
Quince 25 Peaches 23
Pears, w h o l e 24
JELLY M A K I N G 54-55-56 StrawberriesSweet 36
String B e a n s 58
KUMQUATS 53 TomatoesRipe 61-68
TomatoesGreen 61
LEMONS 53-73 Walnuts 74
Watermelon 71
Cucumber Sweet 64 PINEAPPLES 44
Muskmelon 68 Canned 45
Peach 23 Preserved 45
Pepper 65 W i t h Apricots 53
W i t h Cherries 33
MEATS With Rhubarb 50
Birds 76 W i t h Strawberries 37
Poultry 76
Beef-Corned 76 PLUMS 31
Beef-Fresh 76 Butter 31
Canned 31
M E T H O D S O F C A N N I N G 13-14-15-16-17-18 Canned D a m s o n Plums 31
Conserve 31
MULBERRIES 70-71 D a m s o n P l u m Preserves 31
Jam (Green Gage) 32
MUSKMELON 68-72 Jelly 31
Page Page
Cold P a c k 16
QUINCE Steaming 18
Canned 25
Marmalade 25-29 Canned 60
Preserves, with Apple 25 Catsup 62
Marmalade 60
Pickles, Green 61
Canned 42
Jam 42 Pickles, R i p e 61-68
Jelly 42 Preserves 61
W i t h Currants 43 Soup 75
Marmalade 42 Spiced 60
Preserves 42 W i t h Corn 61
Asparagus 58
Canned 41 Beans 58
Jam 41 Beets 59-70
Marmalade 41 Brussels Sprouts 59
W i t h Currants 40-41 Cabbage 59
Carrots 59-62
R E D HAW BUTTER 74 Cauliflower 60
Celery 68-70
R E M E D I E S F O R P L A N T D I S E A S E S 83-89 Corn 57-58-66-68
Cucumbers 64-66-67
RHUBARB 47 Eggplant 59
Canned 50 Greens 59
Conserve 50 Mangoes 23-64-65-68
Marrow 62-63
Marmalade 50 Okra 59
With Figs 50
W i t h Gooseberries 38 Greens 59
With Pineapples 50 Onions 69
Parsnips 59
Peas 58-59
RUBBERS 20 Peppers 59-65
Pumpkin 59
SOUPS 75-76 Root 59
Squash 59
SOUTHERN FRUITS 51 Tomatoes 60-61
S w e e t Green T o m a t o Pickle 61
SQUASH 59 V e g e t a b l e S o u p Stock 75-76
Preserves and Conserve 62-63
Canned 35
Marmalade 36 VINEGAR
Pickled 36 Cider 30
Preserved 36 Clover B l o s s o m 73
W i t h Gooseberries 37 Honey 73
With Pineapple 37
WALNUTSPickled 74
S Y R U P D i r e c t i o n s for M a k i n g 10 WATERMELON 71-72
T h e a m o u n t t o be used is v e r y largely a m a t t e r of individual t a s t e .
T h e increased cost per j a r of f r u i t because of a n y increase in price
of sugar is v e r y slight, only a f r a c t i o n of a cent. T h e price of sugar
should therefore n o t determine w h e t h e r t o p u t u p f r u i t or n o t .
The three methods of using sugar, heat and the natural
fruit acid to make bacteria inactive or to kill them,
are called the Cold Pack Method, the Steaming Method,
and the Boiling Method. These methods are described
in detail under M E T H O D S OF CANNING.
BALL Jars are Green. The " G r e e n " keeps your fruits from fading.
Boiling or Kettle Method
This method is recommended for jams, preserves and
fruits where a large amount of sugar is used.
PLACE T H E F R U I T in a preserving kettle.
SCALD a new rubber and place it on the Jar. See that it rests flat
on the shoulder of the jar all around.
It is extravagant to use tin cans, which may be used but once, when you can get
glass jars for very little more money, and they will last for years. ^
Time Table for Cold Pack Canning
Fruits B l a n c h or Scald Process (Boil)
Apples 2 min. 20 min.
Apricots 16 min.
Blackberries 16 min.
Cherries 1 min. 16 min.
Cherries (sour) 16 min.
Currants 1 min. 16 min.
Gooseberries 1 min. 16 min.
Grapes 20 min.
Peaches /2 min. 16 min.
Pears min. 20 min.
Pineapples 3 min. 20 min.
Plums 16 min.
Quince I V2 min. 20 min.
Raspberries 16 min.
Rhubarb 2 min. 20 min.
Strawberries 15 min.
Vegetables Blanch or Scald Process (Boil)
Asparagus 7 min. 60 min
Beans 7 min. 120 min.
Beets 6 min. 90 min.
Carrots 6 min. 90 min.
Corn 10 min. 180 min.
Greens 10 min. 90 min.
Peas 7 min. 120 min.
Peppers (sweet) 10 min. 90 min.
Pumpkin 30 min. 60 min.
Squash 30 min. 60 min.
Sweet Potatoes 6 min. 90 min.
Tomatoes 2 min. 22 min.
Throw away all metal caps dented on the edge and all glass
covers t h a t are chipped, for they will not seal the Jars tight
enough to keep out air. The covers of BALL Mason Jars
are made from the purest zinc.
A Home-Made Cooker
A wash boiler with cover, or similar utensil.
A metal or wood rack to prevent the Jars from coming in contact with
the bottom of the boiler and to allow water to circulate beneath the
If sides and handles are provided on the rack, it can be used to lift the
Jars out; otherwise dip out some of the water and lift Jars out by hand,
using a towel.
Seal each jar quickly as soon as filled, and do not wait to fill several
before capping any one.
The Steaming Method
A steam cooker is necessary for the steaming method.
These can be bought for a few dollars, but the home-
made ones may be used. Any flat-bottomed vessel that
has a cover fitting moderately tight, and that is deep
enough to be covered after the jars are placed inside,
makes a good steamer. The steam cooker must be
provided with a false bottom of some sort so the jars
will not be broken by the fierce heat applied on the bottom. This
false bottom may be strips of wood, shingles, or excelsior.
Place the prepared fruit in BALL Jars, put the covers in place loosely
without the rubbers, and with the " I d e a l " Jar DO NOT put the top
wire or lever wire in final place, but leave them loose so as not to hold
the glass cover tight; stand the jars in a wash boiler (or other steam
cooker) on a false bottom and surround them with a few inches of
warm water. Boil the water until the fruit is well heated throughout.
The time required varies widely with different fruits; in general about
half an hour is necessary if quart jars are used, and more than twice
as long with two-quart jars. When the fruit is well heated throughout,
remove one of the jars, stand it on a plate, fill the jar to overflowing
with a boiling syrup, and seal it at once. (See directions on page 10
for making the syrup.) Proceed likewise with the other jars.
Steaming causes all fruits to shrink, but some much more than others.
For these fruits more syrup is required to fill the jars to overflowing.
Some housewives prefer to use the fruit in one jar to fill the others;
but if this is done, great care should be taken to prevent the fruit
from cooling, or it may become infected with bacteria.
The Steaming Method should be used for fruits only, never use it for
vegetables. The Cold Pack Method is the only safe way of canning
You cannot get first class canned fruit from second class fresh fruit.
Time Table for Scalding,
Blanching and Sterilizing Vegetables and Fruits
Hot- Water- Steam
Products Scald Water Pressure
Seal Pressure Cooked
by or Bath 5 t o 10
Outfits 10 t o 15
Groups Blanch Outfit Pounds
214 Pounds
at 212
Special V e g e t a b l e s Minutes
iy2 22 18 15 10
3 120 90 60 40
3 120 90 60 40
5 180 120 90 60
Corn Field 10 180 120 90 60
Pod Vegetables
5-10 120 90 60 40
5-10 120 90 60 40
Okra 5-10 120 * 90 60 40
Peppers 5-10 120 90 60 40
Green Vegetables
Cabbage 5-10 120 90 60 40
Brussels Sprouts 5-10 120 90 60 40
Cauliflower 3 60 40 30 20
R o o t and T u b e r V e g e t a b l e s
Carrots . 5 90 80 60 40
Parsnips 5 90 80 60 40
Salsify 5 90 80 60 40
Beets 5 90 80 60 40
S w e e t P o t a t o e s and all R o o t s 5 90 80 60 40
Lima Beans 5-10 180 120 60 40
Peas 5-10 180 120 60 40
Greens 15 120 90 60 40
S o f t Fruits
Apricots 1-2 16 12 10 5
Blackberries No 16 12 10 5
Blueberries. . . t v No 16 12 10 5
Cherries No 16 12 10 5
Currants No 16 12 10 5
Dewberries No 16 12 10 5
Figs 1-2 16 12 10 5
Gooseberries / 1-2 16 12 10 5
Grapes No 16 12 10 5
Huckleberries No 16 12 10 5
Peaches No 16 12 10 5
Plums No 16 12 10 5
Raspberries No 16 12 10 5
Strawberries No 16 12 10 5
Citrus Fruits No 16 12 10 5
Fruits w i t h o u t Sugar S y r u p No 30 20 12 10
H a r d Fruits
Apples 1-2 20 12 8 6
Pears 1-2 20 12 8 6
Quinces 1-2 20 12 8 6
Cold Pack Method. Before using this recipe, read care- Canned
fully full directions for Cold Pack Method on page 15. Peaches
Remove the skin, cut in halves, removing stones, drop
into cold water to keep from turning yellow. Blanch
one and one-half minutes in boiling water, then plunge
in cold water. Pack closely in hot jars. Fill to over-
flowing with hot syrup. Put rubbers and caps in posi-
tion, not tight. Sterilize in hot water bath for twenty
minutes. When done, remove immediately one jar
at a time, tighten top and stand upside down to cool.
Syrup Method. Peel the Peaches, cut them into halves, Canned
and remove the seeds. Drop them into boiling water Peaches
in a granite kettle, and let them boil slowly without
stirring until a silver fork will pierce them. In another
granite kettle make a thin syrup, using enough sugar to
sweeten the peaches. Remove the peaches from the boil-
ing water and drop them carefully into the boiling syrup.
Allow them to simmer for five minutes. Place them
in BALL Jars that have been sterilized in boiling water,
fill the jars to overflowing with the boiling syrup, and
seal them immediately, using new rubbers.
Peach Wash the peaches and remove the ' ' f u z z " by rubbing
Butter them with a damp cloth, but do not peel them. Place
them in a granite kettle, add a little water, and stew
them until they are very tender. Run them through
a fruit press or colander to remove the pits and skins.
Put the pulp into a clean preserving kettle and sweeten
it to suit the taste. Boil it until it is very thick and of
a rich color, stirring it constantly. Pour it into carefully
heated BALL Jars while it is boiling hot, and seal them
at once with new rubbers. Peach butter is ordinarily
considered better if it does not contain spices. Use
great care in making the butter; stir it constantly and
vigorously, so it will not burn.
Peach Peel the peaches and remove the stones. Add a pint
Chutney of vinegar to each four quarts of peaches and cook them
until they are soft. Add another half pint of vinegar,
Tell your f r i e n d s to send for a copy of this b o o k ; we h a v e one for each housewife.
half cupful of chopped onions, half a cupful
of sugar, a quarter of a pound each of raisins
and white mustard seed, two ounces of
scraped ginger root, one ounce each of red
peppers and garlic. Mix the ingredients
well and add another pint of vinegar. Cook
the mixture fifteen minutes. Seal in BALL
Pint Jars. Peach chutney is used as a catsup.
Rub freestone peaches with a damp cloth Peach
to remove the " f u z z , " c u t them into halves, and remove Mangoes
the stones. Make a mixture of equal parts of white mus-
tard, nutmeg, ginger and celery seed, and fill the cavities.
Tie the halves together and place them in BALL Jars.
Fill the jars three-fourths full of peaches. Then fill to
overflowing with boiling vinegar and seal them at once.
Whole cloves may be added if desired.
Make a syrup of two quarts of best cider vinegar and Pickled
six pounds granulated sugar. Place this in a kettle with Peaches
a spice bag containing one tablespoonful of whole cloves
and one-quarter pound of stick cinnamon. Pare and
halve the peaches, leaving in an occasional stone for
flavor. Cook the peaches in the syrup until tender,
then place in glass jars. Fill jars with the vinegar syrup
and seal. The peaches may be left whole if preferred.
Pears should be well ripened before they are preserved.
Those not ripened may be kept for several weeks if
wrapped in tissue paper and stored in a cool, dry place;
this makes it possible to extend the time of canning and
spread the work over a longer time. Pears are one of
the standard fruits everywhere, and because of their
high food value, should appeal to the housewife. The
small sugar pears are best for preserves and Bartlett
pears for canning.
Cold Pack Method. Proceed jus't the same as with Canned
peachesCold Pack Method, page 21. Pears
Steaming Method. Select perfect pears, wash them Canned
thoroughly, peel and halve them, remove the cores, Pears
and drop the fruit at once into cold water to prevent
discoloration. When the peeling is finished, pack the
halves as closely as possible in BALL Jars, and proceed
as directed for peaches.
It is not troublesome to sterilize your Jar, cap and rubber, and unless you do it,
your fruit is nearly sure to spoil.
Canned Boiling Method. Pare and halve the pears
Pears and remove the cores, but leave the stems,
as they add to the appearance. Drop the
fruit as soon as peeled into cold water to
prevent discoloration. Make a syrup by
using sugar and water in proportion of a
pint of sugar to a quart of water. Skim the
syrup as soon as it boils; then drop in the
pears and cook them slowly until they are
tender. Transfer them to BALL Jars with
a silver fork, fill the jars to overflowing with the boiling
syrup, and seal them at once.
Pear Use the small sugar pears if they can be secured. Wash
Preserves and peel the pears, cut them into halves, and steam
them until a straw can readily be passed through
them. Drop the pears into a heavy boiling syrup
and boil them until they are a rich red color, skimming
the syrup as often as is necessary. A few slices of
lemon improve the flavor. Dip the pears out carefully,
place them in BALL Special Wide-Mouth Jars, and
boil the syrup until it begins to jell around the edges.
While it is still boiling hot pour it into the jars until
they overflow, and seal them at once.
Pear Wash the pears and without peeling boil them until
Butter they fall to pieces. Put them through a colander to
remove the cores and seeds. Add half as much sugar as
there is pulp, and spice the mixture to suit the taste.
Cook the mixture slowly until it becomes smooth and
thick, stirring it carefully to prevent burning. Seal
the butter in BALL Jars.
Whole Peel three pounds of pears, and cut out the blossom
Pickled ends, being careful to leave the stems. Boil the pears
Pears in a quart of water until they can be easily pierced by
a straw. Remove the pears and add to the juice one
and a half pints of sugar, one pint of vinegar, a stick
of cinnamon, a little ginger, and some whole cloves.
Boil this syrup five minutes; then place the pears in it
and continue the boiling until the syrup is thick. Dip
the pears out carefully and place them in BALL Jars.
Boil the syrup five minutes longer, remove the spices,
fill the jars to overflowing with the boiling syrup, and
seal them immediately, using new rubbers.
Ginger Four pounds of pears, peeled, and cut small; four pounds
Pears granulated sugar, juice of four lemons, and the grated
Call for the BALL "Perfect Seal" rubbers and get a quality that is safe.
yellow rind of two lemons. Two ounces of
preserved ginger, cut very fine. Cook all
together over a slow fire until it thickens.
Seal in BALL Jars.
Quinces should be fairly well ripened before
they are preserved. The troublesome "fuzz"
may be removed by wiping the quinces with
a damp cloth.
Cold Pack Method. Rub the 4 'fuzz" from the quinces Canned
with a damp cloth. Peel, quarter and core the quinces, Quinces
and place them in BALL Jars. Proceed as directed
under peaches. (Page 21.)
Boiling Method. Pare the quinces and slice them into Canned
quarters. When enough are prepared for two or three Quinces
jars, put them into a kettle, cover them with water, and
boil them until they are tender. Proceed as with peaches.
Make a syrup of three parts of sugar to one part of Preserved
water. Let this come to a boil. Drop into it quinces Quinces
which have been pared and halved. When the quinces and Apples
are cooked tender, remove from the kettle and put in
half as many peeled and quartered apples. When these
are cooked tender, put the two fruits in a jar in alternate
layers and fill up the jars with boiling syrup. The
quinces will require considerably more cooking than
the apples.
Remove the 4 'fuzz" with a damp cloth. Cut the quinces Quince
into small pieces, put them into a preserving kettle, Jelly
cover them with water, and boil them until they are
soft. Proceed according to the directions given for
Apple Jelly; see page 27.
Cut and quarter unpeeled quinces. Put in kettle and Quince
just cover with water. Let cook until tender. Press Marmalade
through a sieve. Measure and add an equal part of
sugar. Cook this slowly until quite stiff, being careful
to stir frequently to keep from burning.
Apples are probably used more than any other fruit.
They may be preserved fresh for a long time but the
loss from decay is so large after a few weeks that the
Apple Wash, peel, quarter, core, and chop fine two quarts of
Ginger sour apples, put them in a pan, and add three pints of
brown sugar, the juice and rind of one and a half
lemons, half an ounce of ginger root, a little salt, and
enough water to keep the apples from burning. Cover
the mixture and cook it slowly for four hours, adding
water as it is needed. Seal the apple ginger in
BALL Jars.
Plums are best when allowed to ripen well before pick-
ing. They remain in good condition for a week or more
after leaving the trees. The Damson plum is a small,
blue plum, and it makes a very rich, fine-flavored sauce.
Cold Pack Method. Proceed as with Peaches. Cold Canned
Pack Method, page 21. Plums
Measure out a pint of sugar and a pint of water for Canned
each quart of plums, and make a syrup. Wash the Plums
plums and drop them whole into the boiling syrup.
Cook until soft; then seal them with the boiling syrup
in BALL Jars. The plums are less likely to burst if
they are pricked with a fork before they are dropped
into the syrup.
Use slightly underripe plums. Follow the directions Plum
given for Currant Jelly; see page 40. Jelly
Follow the directions given under Apple Butter, see Plum
page 28; or Peach Butter, see page 22. Butter
Wash and stem the plums, measure them, and put Canned
them into a kettle with one-half pint of sugar to every Damson
one pound of fruit and let them stand over night. In Plums
the morning heat slowly and let simmer until the fruit
is soft and tender. Seal in BALL Jars, using new
rubbers. The plums are less likely to boil to pieces if
a few are cooked at a time.
Measure out equal amounts of plums and sugar, and Damson
put them in layers in a stone crock or granite kettle. Plum
Set in a moderately hot oven and cook for three hours Preserves
without stirring. Seal the preserves in BALL Jars.
Remove the stems from a peck of Damson plums, and Plum
add five pints of sugar, the juice and rind of three Conserve
Unlike strawberries, cherries should not be preserved
until they are dead ripe. If allowed to hang on the tree
for a week or two after they are apparently ripe, they
almost double in size, turn a rich red color, and become
much sweeter. Cherries do not have to be preserved
immediately after picking to obtain good results.
They remain in good condition twenty-four or even
thirty-six hours after leaving the trees.
The application of too much heat changes the flavor
of cherries; they become strong and bitter even when
heated for only a short time. Fortunately, however,
the large amount of acid in cherries makes continued
heating unnecessary. The flavor is improved if sugar
is added in the preserving process, though it is not
necessary for preservation.
Cherries may be canned with or without the seeds.
If the seeds are left in, the fruit has a peculiar spicy
flavor that many people like. Cherry seeders are
now so cheap and so efficient that it does not pay to
seed cherries by hand.
Canned Cold Pack Method. Wash and seed the cherries.
Cherries Place them in hot BALL Jars and shake them down
carefully. Fill each jar to overflowing with hot syrup
prepared under directions page 10. Put rubber and
top in place and screw down top part way. Set the jars
in a wash boiler on a false bottom, surround with
boiling water and let boil until they are thoroughly
heated through. This will take from sixteen to twenty
minutes. Remove the Jars one at a time and seal tight.
Invert to cool and test.
Do not pick fruit for jelly making the day after a rain; it contains too much water.
Steaming Method. Wash and seed the Canned
cherries. Place them in BALL Jars and Cherries
shake them down carefully. Put the covers
in place loosely without the rubbers, see the
jars in a wash boiler on a false bottom, sur-
round them with a few inches of warm
water and boil them until the cherries are
heated through. Remove one jar, put on it
a new rubber, fill it to overflowing with a
heavy boiling syrup, and seal it at once.
Proceed likewise with the other jars.
Wash, drain, and seed the cherries and run them Cherry and
through the meat grinder. During this process they Pineapple
lose a great deal of juice; but in making marmalade Marmalade
this is desirable, as long-continued cooking makes the
flavor strong, and removing part of the juice helps to
remedy this. Peel and slice the pineapple and run it
through the meat grinder. Mix with the ground
cherries a fourth to a third as much ground pineapple.
Place the mixture on the fire and add two-thirds as
much sugar as there is fruit and juice. Cook the mix-
ture slowly until it becomes almost thick, stirring it
constantly to prevent burning. Pour the marmalade
Don't just order "Jars" Specify the BALL Jars, whether you wish "screw top,"
"glass top," or "wire top."
into BALL Ideal Jelly Glasses and cover
it with melted paraffine. A considerably
smaller proportion of pineapple may be
used if desired.
Preserved To four quarts of seeded cherries add one
Cherries quart of stemmed currants and five quarts
with of sugar. After the sugar dissolves, cook
Currants the mixture slowly for thirty minutes. Put
the preserves into BALL Ideal Jelly
Glasses and cover them with melted paraffine.
Olived Fill jars with cherries, only the perfect ones with
Cherries stems. Boil together vinegar and salt in the propor-
tion of one cupful of vinegar to two level tablespoonfuls
of salt. Pour this liquid over the cherries after it has
cooled, filling the jars to overflowing. Seal securely.
Olived cherries serve as good appetizer.
Maraschino Seed the cherries, saving all the juice, measure them,
Cherries and then measure out an equal amount of sugar. Drain
the cherries in a colander and set them on ice. Put
the juice and sugar into a preserving kettle and make
a thick syrup; add the cherries and let the mixture
simmer for fifteen minutes. Drain off half of the
syrup and add an equal amount of Maraschino, keep-
ing the kettle covered to prevent the evaporation of
the volatile liquor; bring the mixture quickly to the
boiling point. Remove it from the fire and at once
seal in BALL Jars.
Barrier Stew and seed the amount of cherries you wish to
Cherries preserve by this recipe. Drain thoroughly in a col-
ander. Press the cherries down in an earthen jar
and cover with vinegar. Let stand twelve hours.
Then measure cherries and add equal amount of sugar.
Let stand for ten days, stirring each morning. On
the tenth day remove the product to hot sterilized
glass jars and seal. These are delicious with meats
or in salads.
Because of their delicacy, strawberries are one of the
most difficult fruits to can so as to preserve their natural
color, shape and flavor. A very slight pressure breaks
the skin, and then bacteria quickly enter and cause
softening and decay. It is highly important, therefore,
Don't waste time wrapping paper around your Jars of tomatoes. BALL Gree^
Jars are sufficient protection.
that strawberries for preservation be fresh-
ly picked and canned as soon as possible
after picking. The amount of acid is largest
when they are slightly underripe and the
berries are also firmest then. They should
not be stemmed until after they are washed,
as they then lose less juice.
Cold Pack Method. Proceed as with Cherries, page 32. Straw-
Boiling Method. Wash and stem firm, fresh straw- Canned
berries. Weigh them and to every pound of fruit add Straw-
one-half pound of sugar. Put berries and sugar in pre- berries
serving kettle and heat up slowly, shaking kettle
occasionally to keep from burning. When the mixture
starts to boil let it cook slowly for fifteen minutes. Fill
sterilized jars to overflowing with mixture and seal
Pare the pineapples and pick them into small pieces Strawberry
with a silver fork. Boil the pieces in a little water until and Pine-
the pineapple is tender. Make a heavy syrup and drop apple Jam
in the pineapple while it is boiling. Continue the boil-
ing for ten minutes. Then drop in firm, slightly under-
ripe strawberries that have been washed and stemmed.
Continue the boiling very slowly ten or fifteen minutes
longer. Seal the jam in BALL Jars.
Gooseberries are so firm that no special care is needed
in handling them. They usually remain in good con-
dition even if allowed to stand for a week after picking.
They are better, however, if preserved sooner. They
contain so much acid that they may be canned by
either the cold pack, boiling, or steaming method. Unless
sugar is added the canned product is very sour.
Cold Pack Method. Proceed as with Cherries, page 32. Goose-
Steaming Method. Prepare the berries and place them Canned
in BALL Jars. Place the covers on* the jars loosely Goose-
without the rubbers, stand the jars in a wash boiler on berries
a false bottom, surround them with a few inches of
warm water, and steam them until the berries are
There is something the matter with your method if your fruit spoils
(Old English Recipe.) Five pounds of Gooseberry
gooseberries, large English preferred. Four Conserve
pounds of sugar. One and one-half pounds
seedless raisins. Juice and chopped rind of
four oranges. Boil about forty-five minutes
or until it is of the consistency of jam. Seal
in BALL Jars to prevent mold.
Stem, wash and mash five quarts of goose- Gooseberry
berries. Put them into a preserving kettle Catsup
with six cupfuls of granulated sugar, one quart of vinegar,
and one ounce each of ground nutmeg, allspice, cloves
and cinnamon. Boil the mixture until it is quite thick,
stirring it constantly. Seal the conserve in BALL Jars
while it is still boiling hot.
Stem and wash one quart of gooseberries, add one cup- Gooseberry
ful of sugar, and boil the mixture twenty minutes. Add Relish
two tablespoonfuls of vinegar, and season with allspice,
cinnamon, and cloves to suit the taste. Seal the relish
in BALL Jars while it is still hot.
Currants should be handled carefully and preserved as
soon as possible after picking. They contain so much
acid that little heat is necessary to preserve them.
They may be canned with or without sugar, but are
generally considered better when sweetened. Currants
contain a great deal of the substance called pectin,
which causes boiled sweetened juice to become jelly,
so they are used a great deal in jelly making, both alone
and in combination. Many forehanded housewives
always can a quart or two of currants to use in making
mince meat.
and Red Follow the directions for Currant Jelly. Use any
Raspberry- proportion of currants and raspberries desired.
Currant Boil together for two hours one and a half quarts of
Catsup brown sugar, three quarts of currants, two tablespoon-
fuls of cinnamon, one tablespoonful of cloves, and one
pint of good cider vinegar. Seal the catsup in BALL
Jars while it is hot.
Red Raspberries
Red Raspberries, like the black, are liable to
contain small worms, and must therefore be examined
carefully. They also deteriorate very quickly after
picking and should be canned at once. They lose their
juice and shape so easily that great care must be used
in washing them. This is best done by placing them in a
colander and lifting them gently in and out of water
several times, without allowing them to stand, and
then draining them well.
Follow the directions given for Black Raspberries, Canned
for Boiling Method (page 42), and directions for Red
Cherries, Cold Pack Method, page 32.
Wash and drain the berries, crush them thoroughly,
place them in a wide-bottomed granite pan, and bring Red
them quickly to a boil. Run the mass through a fruit Raspberry
press to remove all seeds. Measure the pulp and juice Marmalade
and place it in a clean granite pan with three-fourths
as much sugar. Bring the mixture to a boil and then
allow it to simmer for ten minutes. Pour the marma-
lade into BALL Ideal Jelly Glasses and cover it with
melted paraffine.
Follow the directions for Red Raspberry Marmalade, Red Rasp-
but remove only three-fourths of the seeds. berry Jam
In canning, blackberries must be heated longer than
raspberries. The underripe berries are not so good as
the ripe ones. Blackberries may be handled with ease;
they keep well for thirty-six hours after picking.
Cold Pack Method. Proceed as with Cherries, page 32. Black-
Boiling Method. Make a thin syrup of water and sugar, Canned
using enough sugar to sweeten the berries as for table Black-
use. While the syrup is boiling drop the berries into it berries
and boil them rapidly until they are heated through.
Put a new rubber on a BALL Jar and fill it to over-
flowing with berries and juice, dipping from the part
of the preserving kettle where the boiling is most rapid.
Then dip a large spoonful of berries not juice
Again we say, you must sterilize the Jar and cap and rubber.
from the hottest part of the kettle, stack
them on top of the already overflowing jar,
place over them a perfect cover, press the
berries down, and seal the jar. Proceed
likewise with the other jars. Pressing down
a spoonful of berries into the overflowing jar
forces out all remaining air and insures the
killing of all bacteria on the fruit, rubber,
and cover. Avoid boiling the berries more
than enough to heat them thoroughly,
as otherwise they lose their color and become slightly
Blackberry Follow the directions for Black Raspberry Marmalade;
Marmalade see page 42.
Blackberry Follow the directions for Black Raspberry Jam;
Jam see page 42.
Blackberry Follow the directions for Currant Jelly; see page 40.
Blackberry Follow the directions for Preserved Strawberries
Preserves (either method); see page 36.
Blackberry Boil together for fifteen minutes a quart of blackberry
Cordial juice, a pint of white sugar, and a tablespoonful each
of cloves, allspice, cinnamon, and nutmeg. While the
liquid is boiling, pour it into BALL Pint Jars and seal
them at once, using new rubbers.
There are several ways of preparing pineapple. In
each the process is best begun by peeling the fruit
and removing the eyes with a pineapple eyer. The
pineapple may then be sliced; or it may be sliced
first and then each slice peeled and the eyes removed.
The former method is easier. The pineapple may be
picked to pieces with a silver fork, beginning at the
small end; it may be ground; or it may be cut into
small dice with a silver knife or scissors. For most
purposes pineapple is thus diced.
Pineapple may be bought fresh throughout the year
in most markets, but as the price is high much of the
time, it is true economy to can a good supply early
in the Spring when the price is lowest. The pineapple
flavor is pleasing to most people; and it is so strong
that a large amount of cheaper and more weakly
BALL Jars are made in green glass; this color protects the fruit from fading.
flavored fruit can be combined with a little
pineapple to make an economical com-
Cold Pack Method. See Peaches, page 21. Canned
Boiling Method. Cut the pineapple into Canned
dice, using a silver knife or scissors. Pro- Pineapple
ceed as with Peaches, Boiling Method.
Peel the pineapple and remove the eyes. With a silver Preserved
fork remove small pieces until the core is reached, Pineapple
beginning at the small end. When enough pineapple
is thus prepared, place it in the preserving kettle, and
add three-fourths as much sugar. Allow this to stand
until it forms a syrup. Then cook the mixture slowly
until the pineapple becomes transparent. Transfer to
BALL Jars, fill them to overflowing with the boiling
syrup, and seal them immediately.
Pineapple and Cherry Marmalade. See page 33.
Pineapple and Rhubarb Marmalade. See page 50.
Grapes are at their best when fully ripened, though
for jelly they should be picked slightly underripe, and
for green grape jelly, pick just as they have begun to
turn color. Grapes are best washed by holding the
separate bunches in running water. Grapes are rather
widely grown, and stand transportation so well that
they should form one of the staples in the housewife's
store of canned goods. Their food value is high among
fruits. Good use can also be made of wild grapes when-
ever they are available.
Steaming Method. Pick firm grapes from the bunches, Canned
wash them carefully, and pack them as closely as Grapes
possible in BALL Jars without crushing them. Proceed
as under Peaches, steaming until grapes are heated
through. This method preserves the flavor of fresh
grapes, and requires little work.
Wash the grapes carefully, removing all stems and Grape
imperfect fruit, and drain them in a colander. Separate Marmalade
the pulp from the skins. Heat the pulp to the boiling
point in the preserving kettle, and cook it slowly until
Sterilizing your Jars, caps and rubbers means boiling them, and it must be done
just before using them.
through a sieve fine enough to keep back the
seeds. Add the sieved pulp to the skins
with four pounds of sugar, one pint of vin-
egar, one nutmeg grated, one-half table-
spoonful of ground cinnamon and one
teaspoonful of ground cloves. Let the
whole simmer for two hours. Seal while hot.
The nutmeg may be omitted.
Rhubarb contains a very large amount of acid, so
it is easily preserved. It may be canned by either the
steaming method, cold pack or boiling method. Rhu-
barb may be combined with almost any other fruit.
If you buy the BALL Jar you will have the strongest jar made. Call for it.
Cold Pack Preserves Fruits Meats ami
High Grade "Perfect Sea!"
'Vegetables NaturalformFlavor and Color
Rubbers Packed with all
Ball Jars. Made especially
for Hot and Cold Pack
Perfect Mason
-v Fruit Jars
Have been on the mar-
ket for many years and
have a c q u i r e d their
good name and popu-
larity by real superi-
ority over other jars.
Made from the b e s t
materials by the
Owens Process, which
process distributes the
glass more evenly and
forms the Jars m o r e
p e r f e c t l y than any
other method. We own
the exclusive right to
make Jars by the
Owens Process; so they
cannot be duplicated
by others.
Packed with
BaU Perfect Seal Rubbers
Made Especially for Hot Pack Approved by United States
and Cold Pack GfddC Agricultural Department
T H E C O L D P A C K M E T H O D requires firm, elastic rubbers; if too soft they will They must be of proper width, size and thickness.
blow out in the processing; if not sufficiently elastic, they will break. G R A Y IS T H E N A T U R A L C O L O R of Rubber. The use of coloring matter adds to
They must be made of a compound that will stand boiling and not deteriorate.
They must be free from spongy and porous places that would admit air. the cost without improving the quality.
The "Ball Perfect Seal" Rubbers packed with all Ball Jars e m b o d y all these features.
Young rhubarb makes the best preserved
product; in addition, it need not be peeled.
No special care is required in handling
This can be made from the bruised and soft figs by Fig
mashing the fruit well. After bringing the fruit to a Marmalade
boil in a little water, add equal parts of sugar and cook
for an hour. Stir all the time to avoid burning.
Fig and Rhubarb Preserves. See page 50.
For five melons take two and a half pounds of sugar Preserved
and half a teaspoonful of powdered alum. Peel the Citron
melon. Cut into slices and boil until tender in a little Melon
water to which the alum has been added. Drain and
rinse in cool water. Make a syrup by boiling together
the sugar and juice of two lemons with grated rind of
half the lemons. A little ginger root may be added if
desired when this syrup is hot. Put the sliced melon
in it and cook for a few minutes. Fill BALL Jars to
overflowing and seal.
Sour or Wash and peel the oranges. Let the yellow rind soak
Wild in salt water over night. In the morning pour off the
Orange salt water and bring the rind to a boil in enough fresh
Marmalade water to cover it well. When this has boiled up well
pour off the water and reserve this rind until ready
to add to the pulp. After removing the juice and pulp
from the orange, chop the shells and cook until tender.
Then add juice, pulp and yellow rind, measure and add
equal parts of sugar and cook all together until the prop-
er consistency. This can be stored in BALL Ideal
Jelly Glasses or small jars.
H e l p t h e H . C. L. by canning m o r e i n s t e a d of letting it b e w a s t e d .
bag in the kettle with fruit to boil. When
enough flavor has been boiled out to suit
your taste, remove the bag. The mint
flavor is used chiefly in crab apple and
grape jelly.
Jellies may be colored by using vegetable
coloring. Different colors of jelly in the
same glass or "layer jelly" may be had by
mixing the coloring in only a part of the
jelly, pouring first a half-inch of uncolored
into the glasses and letting it harden a trifle, and then a
half-inch of colored and so on.
Jelly contains so much sugar that bacteria cannot
work in it. Molds, however, find jelly a good feeding-
ground. As molds require a constant supply of oxygen,
the jelly can be protected by covering it with melted
paraffine as soon as it has cooled. The paraffine soon
hardens and shuts out the air and also dust. Store
jelly in a cool, dry place.
Vegetables differ from fruits in that they contain
very little acid and considerable proteid. Therefore
they are more difficult to can; both the absence of
acid and the presence of proteid are favorable to
bacteria. Moreover, the bacteria are often of the
particular kind that are very resistant to heat.
Two methods of preserving vegetables are com-
monly used. One way is to use them in making
relishes, catsups, pickles and the like. In these, spices
and vinegar are always used. Both spices and vinegar
protect from bacteria, the vinegar because of the
acid it contains, and the spices for other reasons.
The other method for preserving vegetables in com-
mon use is the Cold Pack Method. Vegetables can-
not be canned in any other way with as great cer-
tainty of success (with the exception of tomatoes,
which contain considerable acid). Some bacteria are
almost sure to be introduced into the jars, even if all
the bacteria in the vegetables to be preserved are
Many women think that tomatoes can be preserved
more easily in tin cans than in glass jars. This is a
Green vegetables in summer, and canned, in the winter from your own garden.
mistake. The chances are better in the
glass jars, as the bacteria that cause
tomatoes to spoil cannot live in a moder-
ately strong light. There is a still more
important reason, however, for using glass
jars. The acid in the tomatoes is liable to
attack the metal of the cans and form
products that are poisonous when taken
into the stomach. The use of BALL Jars
eliminates this danger.
As was said under General Directions for Cold Pack
Method on page 15, this method is the only sure way
of preserving all kinds of vegetables. In canning
vegetables where not otherwise specified the recipe for
Canned Corn may be used but in every case the canner
should read carefully the general directions for the Cold
Pack Method, page 15, before undertaking to can any
vegetable. The study of these directions is essential to
Cold Pack Method. Select sweet corn ears of nearly Canned
uniform size and proper ripeness. If too ripe, the corn Corn
will color while processing. If not ripe enough, much
food value is lost. Remove husk, silk, shanks, tips
and any injured or defective places. Blanch the corn
in boiling water or steam chest for from five to ten
minutes (time depends on degree of ripeness). Remove
ears from boiling water and plunge into cold water
for one minute, cut only enough corn from the ears
at a time to fill one Jar. Pack in hot BALL Jars (J^-
inch from top). Fill to overflowing with boiling water,
adding one teaspoon salt for each quart jar. Put rubber
and cap in position, not tight, and set the Jar in cooker
immediately. Proceed with each Jar in same manner.
Process the corn three hours in home-made water bath
outfit, see page 16. See time table page 18, for other
types of cookers. When the product has finished cooking
remove one Jar at a time, fasten cover down tight and
set away to cool.
Corn on the Cob. Blanch in boiling water five to ten Canned
minutes, according to ripeness, size, and freshness; Corn
plunge quickly in cold water. Pack, alternating butts
and tips; add just a little boiling water and one level
teaspoonful of salt to each quart. Place rubber and
top and partially tighten. Process three to four hours
in hot-water bath; one and one-half hours, water-seal
Do not be wasteful by using tin cans which are good for one year only when Gla^^
Jars will last many years and the first cost is but little more.
and spiced to suit the taste, and seal the
jars at once.
Shell the peas which should be young and Canned
fresh. Proceed as with corn, page 57. Peas
A cloudy appearance of the liquid when
peas are keeping well shows they were
roughly handled in the blanching or cold
Prepare vegetables as for table cooking. Okra,
Blanch in boiling water or live steam for from five to Green
ten minutes. Remove and dip quickly in cold water. Peppers,
Pack in hot BALL Jars, fill Jars to overflowing with Cabbage
boiling water. Add level teaspoonful salt to each and
quart. Put rubber and cap in position, not tight, process Brussels
for two hours in home-made water-bath. See time-table, Sprouts
page 18, for time in other outfits. When done remove
one Jar at a time and fasten top tight.
Prepare and cut into convenient sections. Blanch in Pumpkin,
boiling water three minutes. Cold-dip. Pack closely Squash,
in hot Jars. Fill to overflowing with boiling water. Eggplant
Level teaspoon salt to each quart. Put rubbers and
caps in position, not tight. Process for two hours in
home-made water-bath. When done, remove one Jar
at a time and fasten top tight. Set away to cool.
Grade for size, color and degree of ripeness, wash Root
thoroughly, use vegetable brush. Scald or blanch in Vegetables,
boiling water long enough to loosen skin. Dip quickly Carrots,
in cold water. Scrape or pare to remove skin. Pack Parsnips,
whole vegetable or cross sections in hot Jars. Fill to Beets
overflowing with boiling water. Level teaspoon salt
to quart. Place rubbers and tops in position, not
tight. Process one and a half hours in home-made
hot-water bath. Remove Jars one at a time, tighten
tops and cool.
A large number of cultivated and wild greens are edible Greens
and if canned by this method will make a succulent and
valuable food for the winter and spring. Among the
wild greens are pepper cress, sour dock, pusley, dande-
lion and others. Can the greens the day they are
picked. Wash, clean, and sort carefully, letting no
foreign weed or vegetable matter remain. Place the
greens in a crate or cheesecloth and blanch in live
steam for fifteen minutes. A regular home steamer
may be used for this purpose. Keep the steam up all
Peel and slice a peck of ripe tomatoes, and add six green Chili
peppers chopped fine, six onions chopped fine, two Sauce
tablespoonfuls of cinnamon, two teaspoonfuls of cloves,
one tablespoonful of salt, two cupfuls of brown sugar
and five cupfuls of vinegar. Boil the mixture two hours
and seal the chili sauce in BALL Jars.
Chop fine a peck of ripe tomatoes, drain them, and add India
three cupfuls of chopped celery, two cupfuls of chopped Relish
onions, and half a cupful of salt. Let the mixture stand
two hours; then add two pints of vinegar, three cupfuls
of brown sugar, half a cupful of white mustard seed,
two red peppers chopped fine, one tablespoonful of
ground cinnamon, one tablespoonful of allspice, and
half a tablespoonful of cloves. Mix the ingredients
well and seal the relish in BALL Jars without
cooking it.
The Green Jar helps to preserve the natural color and flavor of the fruit.
Chow Chop together two quarts of green tomatoes,
Chow twelve small cucumbers, four green peppers,
a small head of cabbage, six onions, and a
quart of string beans. Let the mixture
stand in a covered enamel pan over night.
In the morning put the mixture into a pan
with alternate layers of salt, using a cupful
of salt, and reserving enough for the last
layer. After this has stood twelve hours,
drain it. To a gallon of vinegar add a
tablespoonful each of celery seed, mustard, allspice,
pepper, and cloves; heat the mixture to the boiling point,
add the vegetables, and cook them until they are tender.
Seal the chow chow in BALL Jars.
Remove the seeds and chop very fine twelve sweet red Pepper
peppers, twelve green peppers, and twelve very small Hash
onions. Add three tablespoonfuls of salt and allow the
mixture to simmer for ten minutes; then drain it and
add a quart of vinegar and a cupful of brown sugar.
Let the hash come to a boiling heat; then pour it into
BALL Pint Jars and seal them. Pepper hash is ex-
cellent for sandwiches.
Remove the seeds from a bushel of peppers, peel and Ripe Sweet
seed a dozen ripe cucumbers and peel half a peck of Pepper
apples. Add six stemmed and seeded small peppers, Catsup
The quicker you can vegetables after gathering the better success you will have.
run all through a meat grinder, and add a
quart of salt. Let the mixture stand
twenty-four hours; then squeeze it through
a cotton sack, a quart at a time. Mix to-
gether and bring to a boiling heat three
quarts of cider vinegar, four pints of brown
sugar, two ounces of ground mace, and
three ounces of ground cinnamon. Boil
half a pint of white mustard seed and a
fourth of a pint of celery seed in half a pint
of vinegar for an hour. Pour both mixtures over the
catsup, stirring it all the time. Boil the catsup until it
is tender and then seal it in BALL Jars.
Corn Cut fine one large head of cabbage, let it stand over
Sauce night, and in the morning drain off the water. Boil a
dozen large ears of corn and cut off the corn. Chop
fine three green and three red peppers. Dissolve
two tablespoonfuls of mustard in vinegar. Mix all
the ingredients together, and cover the mixture with
vinegar. Add two tablespoonfuls of salt and a pint
of vinegar, and boil the whole for half an hour. Seal
the sauce in BALL Jars while it is still hot.
If you fail to sterilize your Jar, and the cap and rubber, your
fruit is pretty sure to spoil.
Jars and place in the bottom of each a slice
of red pepper, a slice of green pepper, and a
little horseradish washed, scraped, and cut
into pieces. Pack the jars full of the cucum-
bers, and on top of each scatter a few cloves,
black mustard seed and white mustard seed.
Add a small lump of alum and half a pint of
brown sugar to a gallon of the best cider
vinegar and bring it to a boiling heat. Fill
the jars to overflowing with the boiling
vinegar and seal them at once. It is well to go over the
jars a second time before they are sealed and refill them
to overflowing. Pickles preserved in this way keep for
years. The commercial vinegar at the present time is apt
to be treated with acid and if used clear will " e a t u p "
the cucumbers. It is therefore wise to dilute all vinegar,
not home-made, with one-quarter to one-third boiling
Pare very thin, six large, fresh cucumbers, chop fine, Cucumber
add a scant tablespoonful of salt, and let them Catsup
drain in a colander about an hour. Add two small
onions or one large one chopped fine, one teaspoonful
of white pepper, and a pint of vinegar. Stir the in-
gredients together well, and seal the catsup in BALL
Jars. Let it stand at least a month before using it.
This catsup keeps for years. It is made without cook-
ing, and it retains so perfectly the taste of fresh cucum-
bers that any one fond of cucumbers likes it.
Slice fifteen medium-sized cucumbers thin without Cucumber
paring them, place them in a large jar with alternate Oil
layers of salt, and let them stand all night. In the Pickle
morning rinse them and pour over them a mixture of a
fourth of a teaspoonful of pulverized alum dissolved
in a little vinegar, a cupful of olive oil, a quarter of a
pound of whole black mustard seed, an eighth of a
pound of white mustard seed, and one and a half tea-
spoonfuls of celery seed. Place the mixture in BALL Jars
and fill them to overflowing with cold vinegar. Slice a
few onions, place them in ice water for three hours, add a
few slices to the top of each jar, and seal the jars.
Pare ripe cucumbers, cut them into strips, remove the Ripe
seeds and soak them in a weak brine for twelve hours. Cucumber
Pour off the brine and scald the pickles in water con- Pickles
taining a little alum until they are clear. Wash them
in water and drain them well. Make a syrup of one
It is extravagant to use tin cans, which may be used but once, when you can get
glass jars for very little more money, and they will last for years.
gallon of vinegar and two quarts of sugar;
add some stick cinnamon, nutmeg and
mace. Boil the cucumbers in this syrup
until a straw will pierce them; then seal
them in BALL Pint Jars.
Cucumber Make a brine strong enough to float an egg
Chow and soak in it for twenty-four hours a hun-
Chow dred small cucumbers, two heads of cauli-
flower, one quart of small white onions,
one quart of string beans, one quart of green tomatoes,
one pint of radish pods, one pint of nasturtium seeds,
and twenty-five martinis. At the end of twenty-four
hours drain off the brine. Scald three quarts of vinegar,
a little red pepper, a quarter of an ounce of turmeric
powder, three tablespoonfuls of black pepper, and a
little brown sugar. When this mixture has cooled,
add three green peppers, some horseradish root, a
quarter of a pint of mixed mustard, and a quarter of
a pound of white mustard seed. Stir the two mixtures
together thoroughly and seal the chow chow in BALL
Ripe Pare and weigh ripe tomatoes and put in jars and
Tomato just cover with vinegar. After standing three days,
Pickle pour off the vinegar and add five pounds of sugar to
every seven of tomatoes; spice to taste and pour over
tomatoes. Cook the mixture slowly for five hours,
pack in glass jars while hot and seal.
When using the boiling method be sure the fruit is boiling hot when filling the jar.
pods, each prepared by remaining in salt
water in separate jars for twenty-four hours.
You may also add green beans if desired.
These should be partly cooked before put-
ting in salt water. For spice use cinnamon
bark, whole cloves, chopped horse radish,
cayenne pepper (sparingly) and white mus-
tard seed. Prepare three times as much
tomatoes and four times as much cabbage
as of other articles for filling. The amount
of filling prepared must necessarily depend on the number
of melons to be stuffed. After all ingredients for filling
have been put through the brine, chop them separately,
then mix together. Fill the melons full of the mixture,
sprinkling on the cayenne pepper last. Then take the
section of the melon that was removed and fasten it
with a needle and thread at each end to the melon
itself. Place the melons in stone or glass receptacles
and cover with a weak cider vinegar. The next day,
drain off the vinegar and boil it, adding one pint of
sugar to each gallon; pour boiling hot over the mangoes
and seal the cover on the receptacle with wax or
Beets for Boil the beets in water until they are tender, and then
Winter put them into BALL Jars. Measure out equal parts
Use of good cider vinegar and water, and add a little sugar
and salt. Heat this mixture, pour it over the beets
while it is boiling hot, and seal the jars at once.
Pickled Soak nice, large bunches of barberries in salt and water
Barberries for a few hours. Remove from the water and pour
scalding vinegar over them. Spice them if preferred.
Place in BALL Jars and cover with hot vinegar.
These will keep their color and are handsome for
Pare off the rind, remove the seeds, and cut the citron Citron
into thin slices. Measure the fruit, put into a pre- Preserves
serving kettle with enough water to cover it, and boil
it for an hour. Remove the citron and to the water add
as much sugar as there was fruit. Boil the syrup until
it is thick, replace the citron, add one sliced lemon for
each quart of fruit, boil the preserves twenty minutes
longer, and seal them in BALL Jars. Some prefer after
slicing to let soak over night in a weak brine.
Select a good, ripe watermelon, cut off the green rind, Water-
and cut the fleshy rind remaining into slices. Soak the melon
slices in weak salt water or lime water, over night, and Pickles
in the morning drain off the water. Make a liquid by
boiling together sugar, weak vinegar and spices, using
one and a quarter pounds of sugar and two sliced lemons
for each pound of rind. Boil the sliced watermelon in
this water until it is tender; this usually takes about an
hour. Seal the pickles in BALL Jars.
Glass jars are more sanitary and more economical than tin cans.
The BALL Blue Book of Canning and Preserving
You must use a good quality rubber. Those packed with BALL Jars are of the
right kind. Ask for them.
very frequently. Make a thin syrup. Pour
over the ginger roots and let stand for five
days. Place the ginger in BALL Jars
and boil down the syrup until very thick.
Spices may be added if desired. Pour the
thick syrup over the ginger and seal.
Save the trees on your home place by giving them the necessary care.
caused the jars to run over, but that the
liquid does not stand at the top. With the
contents of one jar fill the others level full
each morning. After all fermentation
ceases empty the wine out, wash the jars in
hot water, put the rubbers in place, refill
the jars to overflowing, and seal them. This
makes a very mild wine.
Poultry Kill fowl a n d clean a t once. W a s h carefully a n d when cool c u t i n t o
and sections. Boil until m e a t can be r e m o v e d f r o m bones; r e m o v e f r o m
boiling liquid a n d p a c k t h e m e a t closely in B A L L J a r s . Fill j a r s with
Game p o t liquid a f t e r it h a s been c o n c e n t r a t e d one-half; a d d level tea-
Birds spoonful of salt per q u a r t of m e a t for seasoning. P u t r u b b e r s a n d
c a p i n t o position a n d a f t e r sterilizing, seal t i g h t a n d i n v e r t j a r s t o
Fresh Use strictly fresh beef a n d c u t i n t o c o n v e n i e n t pieces for handling
(about % p o u n d in weight) r o a s t or boil slowly for one-half h o u r .
Beef C u t i n t o small pieces, r e m o v e bone gristle a n d excessive f a t a n d p a c k
directly i n t o B A L L Glass J a r s . Fill w i t h g r a v y f r o m roasting p a n or
p o t liquid c o n c e n t r a t e d t o one-half its v o l u m e . P u t r u b b e r s a n d c a p
i n t o position a n d a f t e r sterilizing seal t i g h t a n d i n v e r t j a r s t o cool.
R e m o v e t h e beef f r o m t h e brine, a f t e r it h a s been p r o p e r l y corned
Corned for t h e required time, a n d soak for t w o h o u r s in clear w a t e r , changing
Beef t h e w a t e r once. Place in a wire b a s k e t a n d boil slowly one-half h o u r .
R e m o v e a n d plunge i n t o cold w a t e r , t a k i n g off excessive f a t , b o n e
a n d gristle. C u t i n t o small pieces a n d p a c k closely i n t o B A L L Glass
J a r s . P u t r u b b e r s a n d c a p i n t o position a n d a f t e r sterilizing, seal
t i g h t a n d i n v e r t j a r s t o cool.
Spring A f t e r cleaning, season a n d f r y as t h o u g h p r e p a r i n g for t h e t a b l e .
Cook u n t i l m e a t is a b o u t t h r e e - f o u r t h s done. Roll u p t i g h t a n d
Chicken, tie string a r o u n d chicken. D r o p this h o t partially-fried chicken
Fried into h o t glass j a r . P o u r liquid f r o m t h e griddle or f r y i n g p a n i n t o
t h e j a r . P l a c e r u b b e r s a n d caps i n t o position n o t t i g h t . A f t e r
sterilizing, seal t i g h t a n d i n v e r t j a r s t o cool.
I n a similar w a y a n y fowl or wild g a m e m a y b e p r e p a r e d b y f r y i n g ,
oven b a k i n g , roasting or stewing. M e a t P r o d u c t s , which m a y b e
canned this w a y include beef, pork, h a m b u r g steak, sausage,
r a b b i t , venison, squirrel a n d all t y p e s of sea food. All m a y be
packed a f t e r cooking t h r e e - f o u r t h s done in a n y desired w a y . P r o d -
ucts should be packed while h o t a n d t h e h o t liquids, gravies,
dressings, etc., should be poured over t h e m .
D u r i n g t h e p a s t few years t h e r e h a s been a rapid increase in de-
s t r u c t i v e insects. T h i s condition h a s been b r o u g h t a b o u t p a r t l y
b y t h e i m p o r t a t i o n of insect pests f r o m o t h e r p a r t s of t h e world,
pests which h a v e t h r i v e d in their new home u n h a m p e r e d b y t h e
inroads of t h e p a r a s i t e s t h a t k e p t t h e m in control in their original
h a u n t s . T h e n we h a v e our n a t i v e insects, w h i c h ^ i n c e t h e t r e m e n d o u s
decrease in forest area h a v e t u r n e d their a t t e n t i o n t o orchard a n d
garden. T h e s e infested o r c h a r d s a n d gardens h a v e passed t h e
infection along i n t o new t e r r i t o r y so t h a t a t t h e p r e s e n t t i m e de-
s t r u c t i v e insects in i n j u r i o u s n u m b e r s are f o u n d in n e a r l y every
h o m e a n d commercial o r c h a r d a n d garden.
T h e s e insects m u l t i p l y so rapidly t h a t unless t h e y are checked a n d
b r o u g h t u n d e r control t h e y will in t i m e either entirely d e s t r o y or seriously handi-
c a p t h e d e v e l o p m e n t of all f r u i t a n d shade trees. T h e r e is only one possible remedy,
a n d t h a t is to spray. I t is therefore now no longer a question of t h e advisability
of spraying, b u t it is a n absolute necessity t o spray all f r u i t trees a n d bushes.
B y t h e use of t h e proper insecticide or fungicide a t t h e right time, practically all
of t h e insects a n d f u n g u s diseases which affect f r u i t s a n d vegetables, as well as shade
trees a n d flowers, can be controlled.
I t is now simply a question of how t o do this spraying m o s t efficiently, thoroughly
a n d economically.
T o help our friends in looking a f t e r t h e f r u i t s on their home place we give h e r e in
concise f o r m i n f o r m a t i o n regarding these various p l a n t troubles a n d t h e various
kinds of spraying m a t e r i a l a n d t h e t i m e in which t h e work should be done.
Spraying, if d o n e carefully a n d thoroughly, will assure one perfect f r u i t a n d in m u c h
larger q u a n t i t i e s , i n s t e a d of inferior a n d insect-infected f r u i t a n d w i t h only occa-
sional crops, so t h a t all t h e work a n d expense created will b e a m p l y repaid.
Insecticides a n d fungicides are primarily t o p r e v e n t i n j u r y . T h i s is especially t r u e
of fungicides.
T h o r o u g h n e s s is more t h a n half t h e b a t t l e , a n d in applying poisons aim t o cover all
p a r t s of t h e p l a n t liable t o a t t a c k , a n d when using c o n t a c t insecticides hit as m a n y
insects as possible. I t is necessary t o know w h e t h e r a pest chews its food; for if
it does n o t , c o n t a c t insecticides or other m e a n s m u s t be employed.
Biting or chewing insects devour or e a t a w a y portions of a p l a n t , a n d t h e poison,
in order t o be effective, should be applied where it must be eaten, or t h e insect go
h u n g r y . This, if thoroughly done on t h e a p p e a r a n c e of a pest, should give m o s t
excellent results, since y o u n g caterpillars usually succumb t o poisons m u c h m o r e
quickly t h a n older ones.
Sucking insects, as a rule, produce a wilting or discoloration of small areas a n d
sometimes considerable curling of t h e leaves; for example, certain p l a n t lice. Such
a t t a c k s should be checked a t their inception b y t h e use of c o n t a c t insecticides. Some
p l a n t lice are so well p r o t e c t e d b y a woolly secretion t h a t it is exceedingly difficult
t o h i t t h e m w i t h a spray.
Certain scale insects are v e r y resistant t o t r e a t m e n t and, as a rule, sprays for t h e
destruction of these l a t t e r m u s t either be used v e r y strong (in winter) while p l a n t s
are leafless a n d therefore n o t s u b j e c t t o h a r m ; or t h e application m a y be more
dilute a n d applied a t t h e t i m e t h e y o u n g scale insects are crawling actively a n d
before t h e woolly secretion appears, m a t s down, a n d f o r m s a protective covering
or scale.
Leaf miners a n d borers in f r u i t , stems a n d roots, feed within t h e p l a n t tissues a n d
ordinarily can n o t be controlled b y poisonous or other applications.
Save the trees on your home place by giving them the necessary care.
T h e r e is usually some t i m e in t h e life history of these pests w h e n
t h e y are more easily a t t a c k e d , a n d knowledge of this o f t e n renders
it possible t o keep t h e m within bounds. Underground feeding
kinds, t h o u g h hidden f r o m view, m a y sometimes be reached w i t h
a c o n t a c t insecticide.
I. Insecticides
Arsenate of lead is one of t h e best poisons which can be used for
t h e destruction of insects. T h e r e are a n u m b e r of excellent b r a n d s
on t h e m a r k e t . A s t a n d a r d p a s t e a r s e n a t e of lead should contain
15% of arsenic oxide, n o t over % % being w a t e r soluble. T h e r e are
on t h e m a r k e t excellent b r a n d s of d r y or powdered a r s e n a t e of lead containing
approximately twice as m u c h poison as t h e p a s t e . T h e s e p r e p a r a t i o n s are valuable
in proportion t o their poison c o n t e n t .
Sweetened poison, consisting of 3 oz. a r s e n a t e of lead, 1 p i n t of cheap molasses and
4 gals, w a t e r (or 5 lbs. poison, 3 gals, molasses, 100 gal. water) sprinkled lightly on
the foliage when t h e flies a p p e a r (usually early June) is v e r y effective against cherry
fruit flies a n d will p r o b a b l y prove of value w i t h o t h e r f r u i t flies.
This a n d o t h e r poisons are t o be p u t where t h e y m u s t be e a t e n if t h e p l a n t is a t t a c k e d
by insects, a n d on nothing soon t o be e a t e n for h u m a n food.
Paris green a n d London purple are t w o of t h e oldest a n d m o s t widely used insecti-
cides. P a r i s green m a y be employed a t t h e r a t e of one p o u n d , w i t h a n equal a m o u n t
of recently slaked lime, t o 100 gallons of w a t e r . L o n d o n p u r p l e m a y be used in t h e
same w a y . R e p e a t e d applications of either of these poisons will i n j u r e m o s t foliage
unless lime is employed. B o t h P a r i s green a n d L o n d o n p u r p l e can be a d d e d t o
Bordeaux m i x t u r e a n d used w i t h s a f e t y . T h i s p r e p a r a t i o n is a combined insecticide
a n d fungicide.
Poisoned bait can f r e q u e n t l y be employed t o good a d v a n t a g e in destroying such
pests as cutworms, a r m y worms, a n d grasshoppers. I t is p r e p a r e d b y dipping fresh
clover or o t h e r a t t r a c t i v e leaves in poisoned w a t e r a n d d i s t r i b u t i n g in infested
localities. A m a s h composed of 20 p o u n d s of b r a n , one p o u n d of P a r i s green, t w o
q u a r t s of cheap s y r u p or molasses a n d t h r e e oranges or lemons a n d t h r e e a n d one-
half gallons of w a t e r is a m o s t satisfactory b a i t . M i x t h e b r a n a n d poison while d r y
and squeeze t h e f r u i t i n t o a vessel containing t h e s y r u p or molasses a n d w a t e r , add-
ing also t h e finely chopped or g r a t e d remains of t h e f r u i t . M i x t h e sweetened,
flavored liquid a n d t h e poisoned b r a n a n d sow t h i n l y in infested fields. T h e above
q u a n t i t i e s are sufficient for five acres. T h i s m a s h is v e r y effective in destroying
a r m y worms. F o r t h e l a t t e r , spread t h e b a i t r a t h e r thickly where t h e pests are a b u n -
d a n t . These poisoned b a i t s should n o t be placed where domestic animals, such a s
r a b b i t s a n d chickens, can gain access t o t h e m .
Contact Insecticides
C o n t a c t insecticides are employed almost exclusively against sucking insects; t h a t
is, those f o r m s which d r a w their n o u r i s h m e n t f r o m t h e underlying p l a n t tissues and
are, therefore, n o t i n j u r e d b y inert poisons lying on t h e leaf surface.
Kerosene emulsion is one of t h e m o s t widely employed of these. I t m a y b e p r e p a r e d
b y dissolving one-half p o u n d of h a r d soap in a gallon of boiling w a t e r a n d adding
t h e r e t o 2 gallons of kerosene. M i x vigorously b y passing it t h r o u g h a spray p u m p
for five t o t e n m i n u t e s . T h i s p r e p a r a t i o n m a y be diluted four t o twenty-five t i m e s
before applying. B e t t e r results can p r o b a b l y be o b t a i n e d in sections where lime or
h a r d w a t e r occurs, b y using 1 gallon of sour milk in place of soap.
You can have a safe and sure jar by always getting the BALL brand.
A v e r y satisfactory emulsion is m a d e b y t a k i n g 1 p a r t of t h i s stock
m i x t u r e t o 9 of w a t e r . T h e strong emulsion is employed m o s t l y for
scale insects, while t h e weaker d i l u t i o n s m a y be used against such
insects as p l a n t lice, cabbage worms, c u r r a n t worms, a n d o t h e r
forms h a v i n g soft bodies. Some v e r y good oil emulsions, in a f o r m
r e a d y for use, h a v e been placed on t h e m a r k e t u n d e r various t r a d e
n a m e s . D o n o t use oil emulsions on d o r m a n t sugar maples.
Whale oil soap solution can be employed in m u c h t h e same m a n n e r
as kerosene emulsion. T h e m a x i m u m s t r e n g t h for s u m m e r use on
foliage is 1 p o u n d t o 4 gallons of w a t e r . A n extremely s a t i s f a c t o r y
dilution for m a n y of t h e more common pests is 1 p o u n d t o 6 or 7
gallons of w a t e r .
Ivory soap used a t t h e r a t e of a five-cent cake t o 8 gallons of w a t e r is a v e r y con-
venient solution a n d h a s been employed w i t h great success in controlling insects,
p l a n t lice, etc., on house p l a n t s .
White hellebore (fresh) used a t t h e r a t e of 1 ounce t o 3 gallons of w a t e r , is a valuable
internal poison as well as an efficient c o n t a c t insecticide. I t m a y , therefore, be
employed against b o t h classes of insects, a n d is f r e q u e n t l y used where t h e applica-
tion of a n arsenical poison is inadvisable.
Pyrethrum or insect powder (fresh) m a y b e used a t t h e r a t e of 1 ounce t o 3 gallons
of w a t e r . I t m a y be applied dry, diluted w i t h flour, a n d should t h e n be mixed
several h o u r s before it is used. I t is a c o n t a c t insecticide only.
Tobacco d u s t a n d tobacco w a t e r are o t h e r valuable insecticides. T h e d r y d u s t h a s
been used m o s t successfully in destroying t h e woolly aphis infesting t h e roots of
apple trees. T o b a c c o w a t e r m a y be p r e p a r e d b y steeping tobacco s t e m s in h o t w a t e r
for several h o u r s a n d diluting t h e liquid f r o m t h r e e t o five times. One p o u n d of t h e
s t e m s should produce 2 gallons of excellent tobacco w a t e r .
A concentrated, standardized tobacco solution such as nicotine sulphate, 4 0 %
nicotine, is a v e r y efficient insecticide. I t is p a r t i c u l a r l y valuable against p l a n t lice,
p e a r t h r i p s a n d pear psylla. I t can be used in combinations w i t h a r s e n a t e of lead
a n d a lime-sulphur wash or t h e B o r d e a u x m i x t u r e .
Lime-sulphur washes are a m o n g t h e cheapest a n d m o s t effective insecticides as well
as exceedingly valuable fungicides.
T h e r e are a n u m b e r of good commercial lime-sulphur washes on t h e m a r k e t ! T h e y
usually t e s t 33 B e a u m e a n d are valuable in p r o p o r t i o n t o their density, t h a t is,
t h e a m o u n t of material in solution. T h e usual s t r e n g t h for t h e w i n t e r wash is 4.5
Beaume, while for t h e s u m m e r spraying of apple foliage it should r e a d a b o u t 1
Table of Dilutions*
G a l l o n s of w a t e r t o o n e gallon of l i m e - s u l p h u r w a s h .
35 9 Gallons 45 Gallons
34 8% G a l l o n s 43^ Gallons
o 8% Gallons 41 y2 Gallons
o 8 Gallons 40 Gallons
31 7% G a l l o n s 37% Gallons
o 7 M Gallons 36 M Gallons
o 6H G a l l o n s 34 M Gallons
o 6Gallons 32M Gallons
27 6 Gallons 31 Gallons
26 5% G a l l o n s 29y2 Gallons
o 5M Gallons 27% Gallons
24 5 Gallons 26 Gallons
Do not lose the work of years of nature by neglecting your trees at the time
they need a little attention.
Remedies and Preventives for Plant Enemies and Diseases
By E. PORTER FELT, State Entomologist, New York
The amateur should have little difficulty in recognizing the trouble and deciding upon the most efficient means of checking it. The directions
must necessarily be very brief. Be sure and heed the remarks and cautions.
* Apple (1). Wormy fruit Late summer and Whitish caterpillar Codling m o t h . . . . Poison, preferably Put in blossom end of apples
fall arsenate of lead.. within a week after bloom
Apple Irregular, hard or rot- Summer and early Small maggot . . . .
Railroad worm. . . Spray as for cod- Destroy early infested fruit every
ting trails in fruit. . . fall ling moth, possi- three days.
bly effective
of F r u i t
Apple Young fruit deformed Spring Red bugs, plant Red bugs, aphids Spray before and Red bug is locally abundant.
lice after blossoming The tobacco extract can be
with nicotine sul- added to the San Jose Scale and
phate Codling Moth sprays.
Apple Young leaves and Early spring C a t e r p i l l a r s Casebearers P o i s o n , y o u n g Spray tips of young leaves in
blossoms destroyed.. incases leaves badly infested orchards.
Apple Young leaves and Early spring Brown caterpillar. Bud moth Poison Treatment as above.
blossoms destroyed..
Apple Stripped branches Early spring Bluish caterpillar. Tent caterpillar . . Poison Remove and crush caterpillars
with large tents when in nest.
Apple Young leaves eaten or Early spring L o o p i n g c a t e r - Canker worms Poison Poison is preferable to the use of
browned pillars. sticky bands.
Apple Terminal leaves eaten, Spring and f a l l . . . . Hairy caterpillars. Brown-tail moth . . Poison in spring Collect and burn winter nests.
(1) Apple: This tree is very badly injured by gipsy moth (see shade tree insects).
*General treatment for orchard fruits: Apply lime-sulphur wash just before buds swell (for fungus, scale insects and blister mite); poisoned
lime-sulphur wash or Bordeaux when young leaves appear (for bad infestations of casebearers, bud moth and early leaf feeders; add nicotine sulphate
40% nicotine, % pint to 100 gallons, if red bug is present); repeat the latter within a week or ten days after the bloom falls (for codling moth, leaf feeders
red bug, and fungus); give another application a week or ten days later to insure thorough work if necessary. The same general directions apply to peach,
pear, plum, and quince, the curculio affecting the latter being controlled in the same way as the plum curculio. Peach and plum are very sensitive
to arsenic.
Apple Leaves brown and Summer and early Hairy, yellowish Fall web-worm Poison in summer Remove nests and crush cater-
looselv wehhed fall cateroillars . . . pillars.
Apple Leaves stripped from Summer and f a l l . . Y e l l o w or r e d Y e l l o w - n e c k e d Poison in summer Crush clustered caterpillars.
hranches marked caterpil- and red-humped
on C a r e
Curled, sticky leaves. Early spring and Apple plant lice... Nicotine sulphate Spray when green leaf tips appear
or kerosene or before leaves curl.
Apple Dead limbs, red-spot- Spring to fall Gray and black San Jose s c a l e . . . . L i m e - s u l p h u r Spray before or as buds open in
terl fruit harlr louse wash spring.
Apple Poor growth, limbs Spring and fall. . . Brown scale insect Apple bark louse. Kerosene emulsion, Apply in early June when young
scalv lime-sulphur are crawling.
of F r u i t
Apply as above.
Wh i t i s h s c a l e Scurfy bark louse. Kerosene emulsion,
Poor growth, limbs Sorine to fall
scurfv insect lime-sulphur
A white, woolly Kerosene emulsion Force insecticide through woolly
Poor growth, sickly
foliacre nlant louse covering.
or whale oil soap
Band from May to July, cut out
Spring and fall. . . Tar paper bands..
White legless grub R o u n d - h e a d e d
apple borer borers.
Summer Minute mite Blister mite Spray before buds open.
co u
'S *
\ I
L i m e-s u l p h u r Spray swelling buds; 2 weeks be-
Brown spots on leaf..
w a s h or Bor- fore blossoms open; after they
Growing season... Canker or blight.. B u r n i n f e s t e d Cut well below infection to avoid
Dead spots on bark . .
narts carrying disease.
i s
Fire blieht Keep pear blight Not very injurious to apple; self-
Spring and summer
cut out
t limiting.
Self-boiled lime- First application when shucks
Apricot.. . . Fruit rotten, covered
with brown, pow- sulphur w a s h . . . . are falling, 2 others at 10-day
rlerv mold intervals.
Cherry . . . . Black knots on limbs Summer Fungus Black knot Cut out and burn Keep black knots cut out of near-
in winter by plum and cherry trees.
Cherry . . . . Maggoty fruit Summer White m a g g o t . . . . CherryflyJSweetened poison Apply in early June.
Cherry.... Fruit rotting with Summer Fungus Brown rot Same as for apri- Peach, apricot, also affected.
on C a r e
Cherry.... Reddish-brown spots Summer Fungus Leaf spot Self - boiled lime- Four applications, first as shucks
on falling leaves . . . . sulphur w a s h . . . . fall.
Cherry.... Leaves, reddish, wrin- Summer Witches'bfoom .. C u t a n d b u r n Make 2 applications,firstjust as
kled, curled; witch- witches' brooms; buds swell,
es' broom on leaves. lime-sulphur
Cherry.... Leaves curl, a white Summer Fungus Powdery mildew.. P o t a s s i u m Often serious on nursery stock.
of F r u i t
Citrus Blackened, sticky fo- Growing season.. . Small sucking in- WhiteflyFumigation Treat as above.
Fruits. . . liage sect
Citrus Yellow streaks on Growing season.. . Minute mite Red spider Lime-sulphur More injurious in dry seasons.
Fruits... leaves wash 1-50
*Peach . . . . Bored trunks Fall and spring. . . White caterpillars Peach borer Dig out borers Mound or band base of trees from
June to September.
*Peach is very subject to San Jose scale; see under apple. tArsenate of lead 3 oz., cheap molasses 1 pint, water 4 gal.
Peach Buds destroyed Early Spring Small caterpillar.. Peach twig borer . L i m e - s u l p h u r Spray before the buds open.
wash or kerosene
Peach Shot holes in bark. . . Spring and sum- Small, black bee- Fruit tree bark Burn the infested Do this in winter or early spring.
mer ties beetle branches
on C a r e
Peach Curled leaves Summer Plant disease Peach leaf c u r l . . . L i m e - s u l p h u r Apply before buds burst.
w a s h or Bor-
Peach Sickly, yellowish trees Summer . Plant disease Peach yellows... . Cut and b u r n . . . . Keep infected trees from con-
tact with healthy trees.
Peach Rotting fruit Summer Plant disease Brown rot Lime-sulph. wash Apply before buds open.
or cop. sulph. so-
of F r u i t
*Pear Young fruit gnarly, Spring Yellowish maggot Pear midge Destroy infested Use Lawrence pears as trap.
maggoty fruit
Pear Skeletonized leaves.. . Summer Slimy caterpillar.. Pear slug Poison or dust.. . . Apply when slugs are abundant.
Pear Leaves sticky, black.. Spring and summer Jumping l o u s e . . . . Pear psylla Lime-sulphur wash Scrape rough bark, use nico-
Pear Buds sticky, blossoms Spring Small, slender, Pear thrips Lime-sulphur as Watch for sticky buds; give
blasted black fly buds are burst- several sprayings with tobacco
ing; nicotine sul- if necessary,
phate as blos-
soms separate. . .
Pear Brown foliage on dy- Spring and summer Bacterial disease.. Pear blight Cut 6-10 in. below Cut out old cankers, disinfect
ing branches affected part and and remove blighted blossoms
burn promptly.
*Plum . . . . Crescent-shaped cuts Spring Small weevil Plum c u r c u l i o . . . . Poison or collect.. Jar daily or every few days for 2
in fruit to 3 weeks after fruit sets.
Plum Brown scales on limbs Fall and spring.. . Brown, oval scale. Plum scale Kerosene emulsion Spray after leaves fall and re-
peat before buds open.
Plum . . . Rotting fruit Summer Plant disease Brown rot Cop. sulph solu- Cop sol. before buds swell;
1UI 8
" t i o n a n d Bor- weak Bord. to swelling buds
deaux and after fruit has set; am.
cop. carb. every 6-8 days
when fruit is grown.
Plum Fruit badly deformed, Spring Plum pockets Spray with Bor- Other applications of little value.
on Care
Plum Leaves curl, a white Summer Fungus Powdery mildew.. P o t a s s i u m sul- Not often as serious as on
mealy mold Ph,lde' } oz' to 3 cherry
gal. water
Plum Gnarly growths on S u m m e r a n d Fungus Black knot Cut and b u r n . . . . Apply Bordeaux in early spring.
limb winter..
of F r u i t
Ouince Blighted, wilting tips. Spring and summer Pear blight Fire blight Cut and burn af- More serious on quince than
^ fected tips apple.
Ouince Reddish brown spots Summer and f a l l . . Fungus Leaf and fruit spot L i m e - s u l p h u r Spray as for apple scab.
on leaves and fruit.. w a s h or Bor-
Ouince Rotting fruit with Summer and f a l l . . Fungus Black rot L i m e - s u l p h u r Prune, cut out and disinfect
yumce.... minu imples can _ wash before buds cankers.
kers on limb Pen
Quince Yellow spots on leaves Summer and fall... Fungus Rust Destroy nearby
and a mealy rust on cedar trees
a n d Vines
Small Fruit Troubles
Currant (1) Fruit reddens and Summer Small m a g g o t . . . . Currant fly Pick up and des- Allow fowls to run among the
drops troy infested fruit bushes. Try sweetened poison,
see under cherry.
Currant. . . Leaves discolored.... Spring and fall. . . Plant louse Currant a p h i s . . . . Tobacco solution Apply early before leaves curl.
on C a r e
or k e r o s e n e
Currant... L e a v e s irregularly Spring Reddish or yellow 4-lined plant bug. Tobacco solution Burn egg-bearing currant tips.
brown spotted and black bug . . . or kerosene emul-
sion for young . . .
Currant. . . Leaves stripped Spring and summer Spotted cater- Currant w o r m . . . . Poison or hellebore Use hellebore after fruit is half
pillars grown.
of F r u i t
Currant. . . Wilting tips June White borers Currant stem bor- Burn infested tips. Cut well below affected part of
ers cane.
Currant... Leaves brown spotted Spring and summer Fungus Leaf blight Ammoniacal cop- Bordeaux after fruit is picked.
per carbonate. .
Grape Tips of shoots webbed Summer Whitish caterpillar Grape plume moth Crush caterpillars Apply poison if pest is abundant.
Grape Buds destroyed Early spring Grevn beetle Steelyfleabeetle. Paint buds with Spray with poison 10 to 14 days
poison later.
Grape Clusters wormy Summer and f a l l . . Small caterpillars. Grape berry moth. Spray with poison Keep surroundings clear of brush
in June and weeds.
Grape Vines sickly, roots Summer Brown beetle and Grape root worm. Spray foliage with Serious enemy of European
badly scored white grubs sweetened poison vines.
in June
Grape Light specked leaves . Summer Whitish hoppers. . Leaf hopper Spray young with Destroy pupae by cultivation.
tobacco solution.
Grape Galled leaves Summer Small plant louse. Grape phylloxera . Plant resistant Destroy winter shelters.
vines, flood for
10 days
(1) Currant is badly injured by San Jose scale (see fruit trees). (2) Nicotine sulphate. 40% nicotine is very good.
and Vines
Grape Dark spotted shoots.. Summer Fungus Anthracnose C o p p e r s u l p h . 1st before buds open, 2nd 3
solution and Bor- to 4 days later; burn dis-
deaux eased wood.
Grape Whitish growth on Summer Fungus Downy mildew. . . Bordeaux Spray when leaves are fully ex
leaves panded.
Grape Dark spotted f r u i t . . . Summer Fungus Black rot Bordeaux ammon- 1st to fully expanded leaves;
iacal cop. carb'te after fruit sets in 2 to 3 weeks
intervals till three-fourths grown.
Then 2nd every 7 to 14 days.
Raspberry Wilting tips Spring White m a g g o t . . . . Raspberry cane Poison ineffective. Cut and burn infested shoots.
and Black- maggot
Raspberry Leaves riddled Spring Greenish larvae. . . Blackberry sawfly. Poison or hellebore Apply to expanded leaves and
and Black- again 2 to 3 weeks later,
Raspberry Stems gray, cracked.. Summer Plant disease Anthracnose Fungicides ineffec- Cut and burn badly infested
and Black- tive canes.
Raspberry Orange - colored spots Summer Fungus Red rust Burn i n f e s t e d Affection not amenable to treat-
and Black- on leaves plants ment.
*Strawber- Newly set plants dying Spring Grub at roots . . . . White grub Dig out and de- Set plants on new ground.
ry stroy
Strawberry Folded, brown leaves. Spring and summer Greenish or brown- Strawberry leaf Spray with poison Burning over beds just after
ish caterpillar. . . roller in early M a y . . . . picking also very effective.
Strawberry Dead patches in bed . Spring and summer Grub in* crown... . Crown borer Destroy infested It is unsafe to reset an old straw-
plants berry bed.
Strawberry Bare spots in b e d . . . . Spring and summer Plant lice Strawberry root Set only uninfested Burn over old beds in early
louse plants spring.
Strawberry Leaves blighted Spring and summer Fungus Leaf blight Bordeaux Apply when growth begins,
when fruit sets and after
*Strawberry troubles are largely avoidable by adopting the one-crop system and never replanting old beds. There should at least a year of other
cropping intervene, preferably more, before the land is again set to strawberries.
A Word for the BALL Jars
O r d e r f r o m your d e a l e r t h e B A L L J a r .
A Word for the BALL Jars
BALL Jars are made from Green glass because the contents are
better protected from the light which bleaches and fades the
natural color of the fruit.
The machinery for making all these various things is also designed
and built in th$ BALL works.
All of this insures that the Jars and trimmings being made
under one management will be more perfect fitting than could be
expected where the glass is produced by one maker, and the
metal, or some other parts, by other makers, neither being able
to know just what is necessary to make his product fit the product
of the other.