Excellence of Maula Ali A.S
Excellence of Maula Ali A.S
Excellence of Maula Ali A.S
In the Light of Hadiths
Compiled by:
Askari Hasan
Holy Shrine of Maula Ali (r.a), Najaf-e-Ashraf, Iraq
In the name of Allah, the most Merciful and Beneficient
Name: Ali
Title: al-Murtada
Hazrat Ali (a.s) was the cousin of our Holy Prophet Mohammad
s.a.w.w. He was born in the Sacred House (Ka'bah). Providence
alone had a hand in bringing his mother towards the Ka'bah. When
his mother came to Ka'bah, she felt weighed down by intense pain
of pregnancy. She (Rest one's weight on one's knees) knelt down
before the Holy Structure and prayed humbly to Allah. 'Abbas ibn
'Abd al-Muttalib (r.a), saw 'Ali's (r.a) mother praying to Allah. No
sooner had she raised her head from supplication, then the wall of
the Sacred House (kabah) split by a solemn miracle. Fatimah binte
Asad (r.a) entered the Ka'bah and that portion returned to its
normal position. 'Abbas (r.a) and his companions flocked (Move as
a crowd or in a group) at the gate of the Sacred House which was
locked, and tried to open it, but in vain. They then decided to give
it up, considering the miraculous nature of the event and the
Divine Will in action.
The news of this miraculous incident soon spread like wild fire in
Mecca. 'Ali (r.a) was born within the Ka'bah with his eyes closed
and his body in humble prostration before the Almighty. Fatimah
binte asad (r.a) stayed in the Ka'bah for three days and as the
fourth day approached she stepped out, carrying her gem in her
arms. To her great surprise, she found the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.w)
awaiting to receive the newly-born child in his anxious arms.
Imamate feeling the subtle touch of prophethood, 'Ali (r.a) opened
his eyes and saluted the Divine Prophet: "as-Salamu 'alayka ya
Rasula'lldh" (Peace be on you, O Messenger of Allah). 'Ali's (r.a)
birth in the Ka'bah is unique in the history of the world. Neither a
prophet nor a Divine saint was ever blessed with such an honour.
He was brought up under the care and affection of the Holy Prophet
(s.a.w.w). As Ali (r.a) says: "The Holy Prophet brought me up in his
own arms and fed me with his own morsel (A small amount of solid
food; a mouthful). I followed him wherever he went like a baby-
camel following its mother. Each day a new aspect of his character
would beam out of his noble person and I would accept it and
follow it as a command. " (Nahju 'l-balaghah). Ten years in the
company of the Holy Prophet Mohammad s.a.w.w had kept him so
close and inseparable, that he was one with him in character,
knowledge, self-sacrifice, forbearance, bravery, kindness,
generosity, oratory and eloquence.
From his very infancy, he prostrated before God along with the
Holy Prophet (s.a.w.w). As he himself said: "I was the first to pray
to God along with the Holy Prophet." " 'Ali presented in the
footsteps of the Holy Prophet," says al-Mas'udi, "all along his
childhood." Allah created him pure and holy and kept him steadfast
on the right path. Though 'Ali (r.a) is undisputably the first to
embrace Islam when the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.w) called upon his
listeners to do so, yet by the very fact that since his infancy (the
early stage of growth or development) he was brought up by the
Holy Prophet (s.a.w.w) and followed him in every action and deed
including prostration (sajdah) before Allah, he can be said to be
born a Muslim, just like the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.w) himself. 'Ali (r.a),
at all times, accompanied the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.w) to help and
protect him from his enemies. He used to write down the verses of
the Holy Qur'an and discuss them with the Prophet as soon as they
were revealed by the Holy Messenger, the Gabriel. (a.s)
Maula Ali (r.a) is the gate of knowledge city (Prophet Mohammad s.a.w.w)
4. Al-hakim reported that Anas Ibn Malik (r.a) reported that the
Holy Prophet Mohammad s.a.w.w. said to Ali (r.a) :you shall
inform my nation (ummah) about the truth and what they
dispute about after me (Al-Hakim,Al-Mustadrak part 3,p.122)
6. Abu Naem recorded that Ibn Masood (r.a) said “The Holy Quran
has outward and inward meanings, and Ali (r.a) has the
knowledge of both (Abu Naem, Hilyat al-Auliya. Part 1pg. 65)
9. Al-Bukhari also reported that Saad said :The Prophet said to Ali
(r.a) :Are you satisfied to be to me like Harun a.s to Musa a.s
(Sahih-Bukhari, part5 p.24)
10. Imam Ahmad in his Musnad recorded that Ibn Abbas (r.a) said
in a hadith the Hazrat Mohammad s.a.w.w and the people
departed for military operations in Tabook .Ali (r.a) said to him:
I will depart with you. Hazrat Mohammad s.a.w.w. said to him:
No Ali (r.a) became sad. The Mohammad s.a.w.w said to him:
Are you not satisfied to be to me like Harun a.s to Musa a.s,
except that you are not a prophet? It would not be proper that
I leave unless you are my successor.” (Imam Ahmad, Al –Musnad,
part 1, p.131)
11. Al-Hakim in his Mustadrak recorded that Ibn Abbas (r.a) said in
a hadith the Hazrat Mohammad s.a.w.w and the people
departed for military operations in Tabook Ali (r.a) said to him:
I will depart with you Hazrat Mohammad s.a.w.w said to him:
No Ali (r.a) became sad. The Mohammad s.a.w.w said to him:
Are you not satisfied to be to me like Harun a.s to Musa a.s,
except that you are not a prophet? It would not be proper that
I leave unless you are my successor.”(Al-Hakim, Al-Mustadrak,
part3, p.133 )
12. Abū Yazīd al-Awdī has related it on the authority of his father
that (once) Abū Hurayrah (RA) entered the mosque. The
people gathered round him. One young man (from among
them) stood up and said: I make you swear by Allāh and ask
you: Have you heard the Messenger of Allāh (s.a.w.w) say that
one who has me as his master (maula) has ‘Ali (r.a) as his
master (maula). O Allāh! Befriend him who befriends him (‘Ali
r.a), and be his enemy who is his enemy. At this he said: I bear
witness that I have heard the Messenger of Allāh (s.a.w.w) say
this: One who has me as his master has ‘Ali (r.a) as his master.
O Allāh! Befriend him who befriends him and be his enemy
who is his enemy.”( Ibn Abī Shaybah, al-Musannaf (12:68 # 12141);
Haythamī, Majma‘-uz-zawā’id (9:105, 106))
13. Zayd bin Arqam (r.a) has narrated that ‘Alī (r.a), asking people
to bear witness, said: I make you swear if anyone of you heard
the Prophet (s.a.w.w) say: O Allāh! One who has me as his
master (maula) has Ali (r.a) as his master (maula). O Allāh!
Befriend him who befriends him (Ali r.a) and be his enemy who
is his (Ali r.a) enemy. So on this occasion sixteen men stood up
and bore witness.”(Imam Ahmad bin Hambal narrated it in Al-Musnad
14. Sufyān bin ‘Uyaynah (in praise of Ali (r.a)) relates it from Sa‘d
bin Abī Waqās (r.a) that of the four qualities of Ali (r.a) if I
possessed anyone of them, I would have held it dearer than
such and such, even the red camels. (The four qualities were
as follows :) (First quality) He was blessed with the flag (on the
occasion of the battle of Khaybar; (second quality is) the
Prophet’s saying about him (that they are related) as Harun
(a.s) and Musa (a.s) (were related); (third quality is) the
Prophet’s saying about him that one who has me as his master
(has Ali(r.a) as his master). (The sub-narrator) Sufyān bin
‘Uyaynah did not remember the fourth quality.”( Ibn Abi ‘Āsim
related it in as-Sunnah (p.607 # 1385),The Ghadir Decleration,Hadith
17. It is narrated by Ali (r.a) that the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.w) was
standing under a tree at Khum and he was holding Ali’s hand.
He said: O people! Don’t you bear witness that Allah and His
Messenger (s.a.w.w) are even nearer than your lives? They
said: Why not! (Then he added: Don’t you bear witness) that
Allah (swt) and His Messenger are your masters. They said:
Why not! He said: One who has me as his master (maula) has
this (Ali) as his master (maula).”(Ibn Abi ‘Asim related it in as-
Sunnah (p. 603 no.1360) ;The Ghadir Decleration)
Chief of Paradise
18. Anas bin Mālik (r.a) narrates: I heard the Messenger of Allāh
(s.a.w.w) say: we, the children of ‘Abd-ul-Muttalib, will be the
chiefs of the people of Paradise, that is, myself, Hamzah, Ali,
Jafar, Hasan, Husain and Mahdi.”( Ibn Mājah narrated it in as-
Sunan, b. of fitan (turmoils)Part4,p.455 (Hadith no.4087)
20. Narrated Sahl Ibn Saad (r.a): Hazrat Mohammad s.a.w.w said,
“Tommorow I will give the flag to man with whose leadership
Allah will grant victory. “so the people kept on thinking the
whole night as to who would be given the flag.The next
morning the people went to Allah’s Apostle(Rasool s.a.w.w)and
every one of them hoped that he would be given the flag.The
prophet s.a.w.w said , “where is Ali r.a bin Abu-talib? “The
people replied, “He is suffering from eye trouble,O Allah’s
Apostle . “He said, “Send for him and bring him to me. “So
when Ali r.a came ,the Prophet s.a.w.w spat in his eyes and
invoked good on him ,and he became alright as if he had no
ailment .The Prophet then gave him the flag .’Ali r.a said, “O
Allah Apostle S.a.w.w! Shall I fight them (i.e enemy) till they
become like us ? “The Prophet said, “Proceed to them steadily
till you approach near to them and then invite them to Islam
and inform them of their duties towards Allah which Islam
prescribes for them ,for by Allah ,if one manis guided on the
right path through you ,it would be better for you than a great
number of red camels.(Sahih Bukhari,Volume 5,Book 57,no.51)
21. Narrated Sahl Ibn Saad (r.a): Hazrat Mohammad s.a.w.w said,
“Tommorow I will give the flag to man with whose leadership
Allah will grant victory . “so the people kept on thinking the
whole night as to who would be given the flag.The next
morning the people went to Allah’s Apostle(Rasool s.a.w.w)and
every one of them hoped that he would be given the flag.The
prophet s.a.w.w said , “where is Ali r.a bin Abu-talib? “The
people replied, “He is suffering from eye trouble,O Allah’s
Apostle . “He said, “Send for him and bring him to me. “So
when Ali r.a came ,the Prophet s.a.w.w spat in his eyes and
invoked good on him ,and he became alright as if he had no
ailment .The Prophet then gave him the flag .’Ali r.a said, “O
Allah Apostle S.a.w.w! Shall I fight them (i.e enemy) till they
become like us ? “The Prophet said, “Proceed to them steadily
till you approach near to them and then invite them to Islam
and inform them of their duties towards Allah which Islam
prescribes for them ,for by Allah ,if one man is guided on the
right path through you ,it would be better for you than to
posses the most valuable of the camels.(Sahih Muslim, Book
Hadith Al-Muqatalah
26. Jabir ibn Abdullah r.a reported that the Messenger of Allah
s.a..w.w said: “ O people ,I have left for you that which if you follow
you will never go astray :the book of Allah (Quran)and members of
my House who are my Itrah (close relative and progeny).”(Al-
Tirmizi,Sunan Al-Tirmizi,part 5 ,p.328 hadith no.3874 ,The brother of prophet
mohammad the Imam Ali ,p.31)
27.Zaid ibne Arqam r.a reported that the Prophet Mohammad
s.a.w.w said on the day of Ghadeer Khum : I am about to be
summoned by Allah,and I shall respond.Certainly,I have left for you
the two most valuable legacies(a gift of personal property by
will).One of them is bigger than the other :The book of
Allah(Quran),and my Itrah ,members of my house.Beware how you
will treat both of them after me.They will not part from each other
until the Day of Judgment(Qiyamat).(Al-Tirmizi, The brother of Prophet
Mohammad the imam Ali ,p.32)
• Hazrat Ali(r.a) by Prof Masoodul Hasan
• Al-Mustadrak al-hakim
• Al-Bukhari
• Ibn Majah
• Ya nabi al-muwaddah
• Musnad Ahmad bin hambal
• Sahih Muslim
• Sahih Tirmidhi
• Ibn Hajar sawaiq-e-Mohriqqa
• The Ghadir Decleration by Prof Dr.Tahirul Qadri
• Imam ali a.s
• The Brother of Prophet Mohammad s.a.w.w Imam Ali by
Mohammad Jawad chirri
• Al-Sayooti-Al-Dharr-Al-Manthur
• Tarikh Baghdad
• Ibn Abi asim
• Majma-uz-zawaid
• Abu name,Hailyat-al-Auliya