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The Chosen

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Playing the Chosen

Powerful, embattled, masochistic, and unsafe. The

Chosen is stuck in a battle that they cant win alone,
and must decide when to put their friends at risk
by asking for help. Their life is full of ideological
quandaries and high-stakes showdowns.

The two stat choices for the Chosen let you choose
between being a brooding leader (Cold 2 & Volatile 1) or
an impassioned warrior (Volatile 2 & Hot 1). Either way,
risk and responsibility are common themes.

Introducing the Chosen into a game changes the scope

of the story, asking the MC to step forward with a
big, bad villain before Backstories are even over. While
the Chosen still feeds into turmoil between main
characters, they shift some of the games focus toward
more external plots.

If youre the MC, introduce big, bad villains for

the Chosen to pit themself against. Ask interesting
questions about these foes, and build on the answers
that the players give you. Look for opportunities to
create foes who are woven into the rest of the story:
maybe the high school principal is a demon, or the
Infernals dark power is out for the Chosens blood.

The Chosen
The world needs you. It needs someone brave enough to walk blindly into
the darkness, and to shine a light for all the lost souls out there. They need a
champion. They cant do it alone.

Theres just that one nagging worry, the one that rears its head at the worst
Credits possible moments: what if youre not good enough?

This is a Skin for Monsterhearts 2, available at buriedwithoutceremony.com

This skin designed by Avery Alder
Identity Eyes: unwavering eyes, Chosen Moves Take the Blow
When you leap into the way
Choose Two:
Name: Ajani, Ariel, Caleb, disquieting eyes, radiant eyes, and take the blow instead of
Dominic, Gabriel, Jackson, wounded eyes, blue eyes someone else, roll with Volatile.
Morgan, Raidah, Susie, Victoria Growing Pains On a 10 up, you take the harm
Origin: destined, soul survivor, When you fail to protect your instead of them, but reduce it by
Look: buff, popular, normal, marked by trauma, friends, mark experience. 1. On a 7-9, you take the harm
outcast, haunted marked by the supernatural, instead of them.
doing whats necessary Mercy
When you decide to spare Light the Way
someone you have reason to kill,
Your Backstory
Whenever your friends follow
take a String on them. your commands or your lead,
they add 1 to their rolls.
You have two friends who you rely on Final Showdown
for monster-slaying or crime-fighting Spend 4 Strings on a side
support. Take a String on each. character to kill them. They are
totally and irrevocably dead.
Theres someone who knows that
youre the Chosen one, and wants you
To The Books
dead. Describe them. The MC will give
When the chips are down and
them a name and two Strings on you.
your enemies seem unbeatable,
you can turn to your friends for
Darkest Self Harm research help. Doing so counts
as Gazing Into the Abyss. Add 1
to your roll for each friend who
None of your friends can help.
Theyre not strong like you Experience really dives into the work, even
when it gets monotonous. On
are. You need to chase down
the biggest threat imaginable, Add +1 to one of your stats. a 10 up, in addition to other
immediately and alone. Any Take another Chosen move. results, the visions show you your
challenges or dangers that you Take another Chosen move. enemys secret weakness and you
encounter must be faced head on, Take a move from any Skin. gain a String on them.
even if they might kill you. You Take a move from any Skin.
escape your Darkest Self when You have Unholy Allies.
someone comes to your rescue
or you wake up in the hospital, Conditions
whichever comes first.

Hot -1 Cold 2 Volatile 1 Dark -1 Sex When you have sex, heal all of your wounds, and cure all of
your Conditions. If they disgust you, give them a String. If
Hot 1 Cold -1 Volatile 2 Dark -1 Move you disgust yourself, give them a String.

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