The Chosen
The Chosen
The Chosen
The two stat choices for the Chosen let you choose
between being a brooding leader (Cold 2 & Volatile 1) or
an impassioned warrior (Volatile 2 & Hot 1). Either way,
risk and responsibility are common themes.
The Chosen
The world needs you. It needs someone brave enough to walk blindly into
the darkness, and to shine a light for all the lost souls out there. They need a
champion. They cant do it alone.
Theres just that one nagging worry, the one that rears its head at the worst
Credits possible moments: what if youre not good enough?
Hot -1 Cold 2 Volatile 1 Dark -1 Sex When you have sex, heal all of your wounds, and cure all of
your Conditions. If they disgust you, give them a String. If
Hot 1 Cold -1 Volatile 2 Dark -1 Move you disgust yourself, give them a String.