Icse Maths
Icse Maths
Icse Maths
Question 1:
A chord of length 6 cm is drawn in a circle of radius 5 cm. Calculate its distance from the centre
of the circle.
Solution 1:
Let AB be the chord and O be the centre of the circle.
Let OC be the perpendicular drawn from O to AB.
We know, that the perpendicular to a chord, from the centre of a circle, bisects the chord.
AC = CB = 3 cm
OA2 = OC2 + AC2 (By Pythagoras theorem)
OC2 = (5)2 (3)2 = 16
OC = 4 cm
Question 2:
A chord of length 8 cm is drawn at a distance of 3 cm from the centre of a circle. Calculate the
radius of the circle.
Solution 2:
Let AB be the chord and O be the centre of the circle.
Let OC be the perpendicular drawn from O to AB.
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Class X Chapter 17 Circles Maths
We know, that the perpendicular to a chord, from the centre of a circle, bisects the chord.
AB = 8 cm
AC = CB =
AC = CB =
AC = CB = 4 cm
OA2 OC2 AC2 (By Pythagoras theorem)
OA 2 4 3 25
2 2
OA 5 cm
Hence, radius of the circle is 5 cm.
Question 3:
The radius of a circle is 17.0 cm and the length of perpendicular drawn from its centre to a chord
is 8.0 cm. Calculate the length of the chord.
Solution 3:
Let AB be the chord and O be the centre of the circle.
Let OC be the perpendicular drawn from O to AB.
We know, that the perpendicular to a chord, from the centre of a circle, bisects the chord.
OA2 OC2 AC2 (By Pythagoras theorem)
AC2 17 8 225
2 2
AC 51 cm
AB = 2 AC = 2 15 = 30 cm
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Class X Chapter 17 Circles Maths
Question 4:
A chord of length 24 cm is at a distance of 5 cm from the centre of the circle. Find the length of
the chord of the same circle which is at a distance of 12 cm from the centre.
Solution 4:
Let AB be the chord of length 24 cm and O be the centre of the circle.
Let OC be the perpendicular drawn from O to AB.
We know, that the perpendicular to a chord, from the centre of a circle, bisects the chord.
AC = CB = 12 cm
OA2 OC2 AC2 (By Pythagoras theorem)
5 12 169
2 2
OA 13 cm
radius of the circle = 13 cm
Let A'B' be new chord at a distance of 12 cm from the centre.
OA ' OC' A 'C'
2 2 2
A 'C' 13 12 25
2 2 2
A'C' 5cm
Hence, length of the new chord = 2 5 = 10 cm
Question 5:
In the following figure, AD is a straight line. OP AD and O is the centre of both the circles. If
OA = 34 cm. OB = 20 cm and OP = 16cm; find the length of AB.
Solution 5:
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Class X Chapter 17 Circles Maths
BP 12cm
For the outer circle, AD is the chord and OP AD .
We know that the perpendicular to a chord, from the centre of a circle, bisects the chord.
By Pythagoras Theorem,
OA2 = OP2 + AP2
=> AP2 = (34)2 (16)2 = 900
=> AP = 30 cm
AB = AP BP = 30 12 = 18 cm
Question 6:
O is the centre of a circle of radius 10 cm. P is any point in the circle such that OP = 6 cm. A is
the point travelling along the circumference. x is the distance from A to P. what are the least and
the greatest values of x in cm? what is the position of the points O, P and A at these values?
Solution 6:
The least value of x will be when A is on OP produced, i.e. O, P and A are collinear.
AP = OA - OP = 10 - 6 = 4 cm.
The maximum value of x will be when A is on PO produced, i.e. A, O and P are collinear.
AP = OA + OP = 10 + 6 = 16 cm.
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Class X Chapter 17 Circles Maths
Question 7:
In a circle of radius 17 cm, two parallel chords of lengths 30 cm and 16 cm are drawn. Find the
distance between the chords, if both the chords are
(i) on the opposite sides of the centre,
(ii) on the same side of the centre.
Solution 7:
Let O be the centre of the circle and AB and CD be the two parallel chords of length 30 cm and
16 cm respectively.
Drop OE and OF perpendicular on AB and CD from the centre O.
OE bisects AB and OF bisects CD
(Perpendicular drawn from the centre of a circle to a chord bisects it)
30 16
AE 15cm; CF 8cm
2 2
In right OAE,
OE 2 OA 2 AE 2 17 15 64
2 2
OE 8cm
In right OCF,
OF2 OC2 CF2 17 8 225
2 2
OF 15 cm
(i) The chords are on the opposite sides of the centre:
EF EO OF 8 15 23 cm
(ii) The chords are on the same side of the centre:
EF OF OE 15 8 7 cm
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Class X Chapter 17 Circles Maths
Question 8:
Two parallel chords are drawn in a circle of diameter 30.0 cm. The length of one chord is 24.0
cm and the distance between the two chords is 21.0 cm; find the length of another chord.
Solution 8:
Since the distance between the chords is greater than the radius of the circle (15 cm), so the
chords will be on the opposite sides of the centre.
Let O be the centre of the circle and AB and CD be the two parallel chords such that
AB = 24 cm.
Let length of CD be 2x cm.
Drop OE and OF perpendicular on AB and CD from the centre O.
OE bisects AB and OF bisects CD
(Perpendicular drawn from the centre of a circle to a chord bisects it)
24 2x
AE 12cm; CF x cm
2 2
In right OAE,
OE 2 OA 2 AE 2 15 12 81
2 2
OE 9 cm
OF EF OE 21 9 12 cm
In right OCF,
x 2 OC2 OF2 15 12 81
2 2
x 9 cm
Hence, length of chord CD 2x 2 9 18 cm
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Class X Chapter 17 Circles Maths
Question 9:
A chord CD of a circle whose centre is O, is bisected at P by a diameter AB.
OP bisects CD
(Perpendicular drawn from the centre of a circle to a chord bisects it)
In right OPC,
CP 2 OC2 OP 2 15 9 144
2 2
CP 12 cm
CD 12 2 24 cm
(ii) Join BD
BP OB OP 15 9 6 cm
In right BPD,
BD 2 BP 2 PD 2
6 12 180
2 2
In ADB, ADB = 90
(Angle in a semicircle is a right angle)
AB2 AD 2 BD 2
AD 2 AB2 BD 2 30 180 720
AD 720 26.83 cm
(iii) Also, BC BD 180 13.42 cm
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Class X Chapter 17 Circles Maths
Question 10:
The figure given below, shows a circle with centre O in which diameter AB bisects the chord
CD at point E. If CE = ED = 8 cm and EB = 4cm, find the radius of the circle.
Solution 10:
r 2 r 2 8r 16 64
8r 80
r 10 cm
Hence, radius of the circle is 10 cm.
Question 11:
The figure shows two concentric circles and AD is a chord of larger circle.
Prove that: AB = CD
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Class X Chapter 17 Circles Maths
Solution 11:
Drop OP AD
OP bisects AD
(Perpendicular drawn from the centre of a circle to a chord bisects it)
AP PD . (i)
Now, BC is a chord for the inner circle and OP BC
OP bisects BC
(Perpendicular drawn from the centre of a circle to a chord bisects it)
BP PC . (ii)
Subtracting (ii) from (i),
Question 12:
A straight line is drawn cutting two equal circles and passing through the mid-point M of the
line joining their centres O and O
Prove that the chords AB and CD, which are intercepted by the two circles are equal.
Solution 12:
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Class X Chapter 17 Circles Maths
Question 13:
M and N are the mid-points of two equal chords AB and CD respectively of a circle with centre
O. prove that:
(i) BMN DNM .
(ii) AMN CNM .
Solution 13:
Drop OM AB and ON CD
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Class X Chapter 17 Circles Maths
Question 14:
In the following figure; P and Q are the points of intersection of two circles with centres O and
O. If straight lines APB and CQD are parallel to O O' ; prove that:
(i) O O' = AB , (ii) AB = CD
Solution 14:
Drop OM and O'N perpendicular on AB and OM' and O'N' perpendicular on CD.
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1 1 1 1
2 2 2 2
1 1
Now, OO ' MN MP PN AP BP AB ---------(i)
2 2
1 1
And OO ' M ' N ' M 'Q QN ' CQ QD CD -------(ii)
2 2
By (i) and (ii)
Question 15:
Two equal chords AB and CD of a circle with centre O, intersect each other at point P inside the
circle, prove that:
(i) AP = CP,
(ii) BP = DP
Solution 15:
Drop OM and ON perpendicular on AB and CD.
Join OP, OB and OD.
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Class X Chapter 17 Circles Maths
Question 16:
In the following figure, OABC is a square. A circle is drawn with O as centre which meets OC
at P and OA at Q. Prove that:
(i) OPA OQC, (ii) BPC BQA.
Solution 16:
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In OPA and OQC,
OP = OQ (radii of same circle)
AOP = COQ (both 90)
OA = OC (Sides of the square)
By Side Angle Side criterion of congruence,
Now, OP = OQ (radii)
And OC = OA (sides of the square)
CP = AQ (1)
In BPC and BQA,
BC = BA (Sides of the square)
PCB = QAB (both 90)
PC = QA (by (1))
By Side Angle Side criterion of congruence,
Question 17:
The length of common chord of two intersecting circles is 30 cm. If the diameters of these two
circles be 50 cm and 34 cm, calculate the distance between their centres.
Solution 17:
OA = 25 cm and AB = 30 cm
1 1
AD AB 30 cm 15 cm
2 2
Now in right angled ADO,
OD2 OA2 OD2 252 152
625 225 400
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OD 400 20 cm
Again, we have O ' A = 17 cm
In right angle ADO '
O'A2 AD2 O'D2
O'D2 O'A2 AD2 172 152
289 225 64
O'D 8 cm
OO ' OD O 'D
20 8 28 cm
the distance between their centres is 28 cm
Question 18:
The line joining the mid-points of two chords of a circle passes through its centre. Prove that the
chords are parallel.
Solution 18:
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Class X Chapter 17 Circles Maths
Question 19:
In the following figure, the line ABCD is perpendicular to PQ; where P and Q are the centres of
the circles. Show that:
(i) AB = CD,
(ii) AC = BD.
Solution 19:
In the circle with centre Q, QO AD
OA OD (1)
(Perpendicular drawn from the centre of a circle to a chord bisects it)
In the circle with centre P, PO BC
OB OC ..(2)
(Perpendicular drawn from the centre of a circle to a chord bisects it)
(1) (2) Gives,
AB CD (3)
Adding BC to both sides of equation (3)
Question 20:
AB and CD are two equal chords of a circle with centre O which intersect each other at right
angle at point P. If OM AB and ON CD ; show that OMPN is a square.
Solution 20:
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Class X Chapter 17 Circles Maths
Question 1:
In the given figure, O is the centre of the circle. OAB and OCB are 30 and 40
respectively. Find AOC . Show your steps of working.
Solution 1:
Join AC,
Let OAC OCA x (say)
AOC 180 2x
Also, BAC 30 x
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Class X Chapter 17 Circles Maths
BCA 40 x
180 30 x 40 x 110 2x
(Angle at the centre is double the angle at the circumference subtended by the same chord)
180 2x 2 110 2x
2x 40
x 20
AOC 180 2 20 140
Question 2:
In the figure, BAD = 65 , ABD = 70 , BDC = 45
(i) Prove that AC is a diameter of the circle
(ii) Find ACB
Solution 2:
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Class X Chapter 17 Circles Maths
Question 3:
Given O is the centre of the circle and AOB = 70 . Calculate the value of:
(i) OCA ,
(ii) OCA .
Solution 3:
Question 4:
In each of the following figures, O is the centre of the circle. Find the values of a, b and c.
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Solution 4:
(i) Here, b 130
(Angle ate he centre is double the angle at the circumference subtended by the same chord)
b 65
Now, a b 180
(Opposite angles of a cyclic quadrilateral are supplementary)
a 180 65 115
(ii) Here, c Reflex (112)
(Angle at the cente is double the angle at the circumference subtended by the same chord)
c 360 112 124
Question 5:
In each of the following figures, O is the centre of the circle. Find the values of a, b, c and d.
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Solution 5:
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Class X Chapter 17 Circles Maths
Question 6:
In the figure, AB is common chord of the two circle. If AC and AD are diameters; prove that D,
B and C are in a straight line. O1 and O2 are the centres of two circles.
Solution 6:
Question 7:
In the figure, given below, find:
(i) BCD, (ii) ADC, (iii) ABC,
Show steps of your working
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Solution 7:
Question 8:
In the given figure, O is the centre of the circle. If AOB = 140 and OAC = 50; Find:
(i) ACB, (ii) OBC, (iii) OAB, (iv) CBA.
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Solution 8:
1 1
Here, ACB Reflex AOB 360 140 110
2 2
(Angle at the centre is double the angle at the circumference subtended by the same chord)
Now, OA = OB (Radii of same circle)
180 140
CAB 50 20 30
CBA 180 110 30 40
OBC CBA OBA 40 20 60
Question 9:
(i) CDB, (ii) ABC, (iii) ACB
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Solution 9:
(Angle subtend by the same chord on the circle are equal)
By angle sum property of a triangle,
ACB 180 49 43 88
Question 10:
In the figure, given below, ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral in which BAD = 75; ABD = 58
and ADC = 77. Find:
(i) BDC, (ii) BCD, (iii) BCA.
Solution 10:
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Question 11:
In the following figure, O is centre of the circle and ABC is equilateral.
(i) ADB, (ii) AEB.
Solution 11:
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Question 12:
Given: CAB = 75 and CBA = 50. Find the value of DAB + ABD.
Solution 12:
Question 13:
ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral in a circle with centre O. If ADC = 130; find BAC .
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Solution 13:
Here ACB 90
(Angle in a semicircle is right angle)
Also, ABC 180 ADC 180 130 50
(pair of opposite angles in a cy clic quadrilateral are supplementary)
By angle sum property of right triangle ACB,
BAC 90 ABC 90 50 40
Question 14:
In the figure, given below, AOB is a diameter of the circle and AOC = 110. Find BDC.
Solution 14:
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Join AD.
1 1
Here, ADC AOC 110 55
2 2
(Angle at the centre is double the angle at the circumference subtended by the same chord)
Also, ADB 90
(Angle in a semicircle is a right angle)
BDC 90 ADC 90 55 35
Question 15:
In the following figure, O is the centre of the circle,
AOB = 60 and BDC = 100 Find OBC.
Solution 15:
1 1
Here, ACB AOB 60 30
2 2
(Angle at the centre is double the angle at the circumference subtended by the same chord)
By angle sum property of BDC,
DBC 180 100 30 50
Hence, OBC 50
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Class X Chapter 17 Circles Maths
Question 16:
ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral in which DAC = 27; DBA = 50 and ADB = 33. Calculate:
(i) DBC, (ii) DCB, (iii) CAB
Solution 16:
Question 17:
In the figure given below, AB is diameter of the circle whose centre is O. given that: ECD =
EDC = 32. Show that COF = CEF.
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Solution 17:
Question 18:
In the figure given below, AB and CD are straight lines through the centre O of a circle. If AOC
= 80 and CDE = 40, Find the number of degrees in:
(i) DCE, (ii) ABC.
Solution 18:
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Class X Chapter 17 Circles Maths
Question 19:
In the given figure, AC is a diameter of a circle, whose centre is O. A circle is described on AO
as diameter. AE, a chord of the larger circle, intersects the smaller circle at B. prove that AB =
Solution 19:
Join OB,
Then OBA 90
(Angle in a semicircle is a right angle)
i.e. OB AE
We know the perpendicular drawn from the centre to a chord bisects the chord.
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Class X Chapter 17 Circles Maths
Question 20:
In the following figure,
(i) If BAD = 96, find BCD and BFE.
(ii) Prove that AD is parallel to FE.
Solution 20:
Question 21:
Prove that:
(i) the parallelogram, inscribed in a circle, is a rectangle.
(ii) the rhombus, inscribed in a circle, is a square.
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Solution 21:
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Class X Chapter 17 Circles Maths
Question 22:
In the following figure AB = AC. Prove that DECB is an isosceles trapezium.
Solution 22:
Here, AB = AC
DECB is a cyclic quadrilateral
(Ina triangle, angles opposite to equal sides are equal)
Also, B DEC 180 . (1)
(pair of opposite angles in a cyclic quadrilateral are supplementary
C DEC 180 [from (1)]
But this is the sum of interior angles
On one side of a transversal.
DE || BC
But ADE B and AED C [Corresponding angles]
Thus, we have, DE || BC and BD CE
Hence, DECB is an isosceles trapezium
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Class X Chapter 17 Circles Maths
Question 23:
Two circles intersect at P and Q. through P diameter PA and PB of the two circles are drawn.
Show that the points A, Q and B are collinear.
Solution 23:
Question 24:
ABCD is a quadrilateral inscribed in a circle, having = 60; O is the center of the circle. Show
Solution 24:
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Question 25:
The figure given below, shows a Circle with centre O.
Given: AOC = a and ABC = b.
(i) Find the relationship between a and b
(ii) Find the measure of angle OAB, is OABC is a parallelogram
Solution 25:
(i) ABC Reflex COA
(Angle at the centre is double the angle at the circumference subtended by the same chord)
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b 360 a
a 2b 180
(ii) Since OABC is a parallelogram, so opposite angles are equal
Using relationship in (i)
3a 180
a 60
Also, OC || BA
60 OAB 180
OAB 120
Question 26:
Two chords AB and CD intersect at P inside the circle. Prove that the sum of the angles
subtended by the arcs AC and BD at the centre O is equal to twice the angle APC.
Solution 26:
Given: two chords AB and CD intersect each other at P inside the circle. OA,
OB, OC and OD are joined.
To prove: AOC BOD 2APC
Construction: Join AD.
Proof: Arc AC subtends AOC at the centre and ADC at the remaining
Part of the circle.
AOC 2ADC (1)
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BOD 2BAD .(2)
Adding (1) and (2),
2 ADC BAD .(3)
But PAD,
From (3) and (4),
Question 27:
In the given figure, RS is a diameter of the circle. NM is parallel to RS and MRS = 29.
(i) RNM,
(ii) NRM.
Solution 27:
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RMS 90
(Angle in a semicircle is a right angle)
RSM 90 29 61
(By angle sum property of triangle RMS)
RNM 180RSM 180 61 119
(pair of opposite angles in a cyclic quadrilateral are supplementary)
(ii) Also, RS || NM
NMR MRS 29 (Alternate angles)
NMS 90 29 119
Also, NRS MS 180
(pair of opposite angles in a cyclic quadrilateral are supplementary)
NMR 29 119 180
NRM 180 148
NRM 32
Question 28:
In the figure, given alongside, AB CD and O is the centre of the circle. If ADC = 25; find
the angle AEB give reasons in support of your answer.
Solution 28:
Join AC and BD
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Question 29:
Two circle intersect at P and Q. through P, a straight line APB is drawn to meet the circles in A
and B. Through Q, a straight line is drawn to meet the circles at C and D. prove that AC is
parallel to BD.
Solution 29:
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Question 30:
ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral in which AB and DC on being produced, meet at P such that PA
= PD. Prove that AD is parallel to BC.
Solution 30:
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Question 31:
AB is a diameter of the circle APBR as shown in the figure. APQ and RBQ are straight lines.
(i) PRB, (ii) PBR, (iii) BPR.
Solution 31:
Question 32:
In the given figure, SP is bisector of RPT and PQRS is a cyclic quadrilateral. Prove that SQ =
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Solution 32:
Question 33:
In the figure, O is the centre of the circle, AOE = 150, DAO = 51. Calculate the sizes of
the angles CEB and OCE.
Solution 33:
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1 1
ADE Re flex AOE 360 150 105
2 2
(Angle at the center is double the angle ate the circumference subtended by the same chord)
(pair of opposite angles in a cyclic quadrilateral are supplementary)
BED 180 51 129
CEB 180 BED (straight line)
180 129 51
Also, by angle sum property of ADC,
OCE 180 51 105 24
Question 34:
In the figure, given below, P and Q are the centres of two circles intersecting at B and C ACD
is a straight line. Calculate the numerical value of x.
Solution 34:
1 1
ACB APB 150 75
2 2
(Angle at the centre is double the angle at the circumference subtended by the same chord)
(Straight line)
BCD 180 75 105
1 1
Also, BCD reflex BQD 360 x
2 2
(Angle at the center is double the angle at the circumference subtended by the same chord)
105 180
x 2 180 105 2 75 150
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Question 35:
The figure shows two circles which intersect at A and B. The centre of the smaller circle is O
and lies on the circumference of the larger circle. Given APB = a.
Calculate, in terms of a, the value of:
(i) obtuse AOB,
(ii) ACB
(iii) ADB.
Give reasons for your answers clearly.
Solution 35:
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Question 36:
In the given figure, O is the centre of the circle and ABC = 55. Calculate the values of x and
Solution 36:
AOC 2ABC 2 55
(Angle at the centre is double the angle at the circumference subtended by the same chord)
x 110
ABCD is cyclic quadrilateral
(pair of opposite angles in a cyclic quadrilateral are supplementary
y 180 55 125
Question 37:
In the given figure, A is the centre of the circle, ABCD is a parallelogram and CDE is a straight
Prove that: BCD = 2ABE.
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Solution 37:
(Angle at the centre is double the angle at the circumference subtended by the same chord)
And BED ABE (alternate angles)
BAD 2ABE (i)
ABCD is a parallelogram
BAD BCD . (ii)
(opposite angles in a parallelogram are equal)
From (i) and (ii),
Question 38:
ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral in which AB is parallel to DC and AB is a diameter of the circle.
Given BED = 65; Calculate:
(i) DAB, (ii) BDC
Solution 38:
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Question 39:
In the given figure, AB is a diameter of the circle. Chord ED is parallel to AB and EAB = 63.
(i) EBA (ii) BCD
Solution 39:
(i) AEB 90
(Angle in a semicircle is a right angle)
Therefore EBA 90 EAB 90 63 27
(ii) AB || ED
Therefore DEB EBA 27 (Alternate angles)
Therefore BCDE is a cyclic quadrilateral
Therefore DEB BCD 180
[pair of opposite angles in a cyclic quadrilateral are supplementary]
Therefore BCD 180 27 153
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Question 40:
The sides AB and DC of a cyclic quadrilateral ABCD are produced to meet at E; the sides DA
and CB are produced to meet at F. If BEC = 42 and BAD = 98; Calculate:
(i) AFB (ii) ADC
Solution 40:
Question 41:
In the given figure, AB is a diameter of the circle with centre O. DO is parallel to CB and DCB
= 120.
(i) DAB, (ii) DBA, (iii) DBC, (iv) ADC.
Also show that the AOD is an equilateral triangle.
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Solution 41:
Question 42:
In the given figure, I is the incentre of ABC. BI when produced meets the circumcircle of
ABC at D. BAC = 55 and ACB = 65; calculate:
(i) DCA, (ii) DAC, (iii) DCI, (iv) AIC
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Solution 42:
Question 43:
A triangle ABC is inscribed in a circle. The bisectors of angles BAC, ABC and ACB meet the
circumcircle of the triangle at points P, Q and R respectively. Prove that:
(i) ABC = 2APQ,
(ii) ACB = 2APR,
(iii) QPR = 90 BAC
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Solution 43:
Join PQ and PR
(i) BQ is the bisector of ABC
(Angle in the same segment)
(ii) CR is the bisector of ACB
(Angle in the same segment)
(iii) Adding (i) and (ii)
We get
180 BAC 2QPR
Question 44:
Calculate the angles x, y and z if:
x y z
3 4 5
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Solution 44:
Question 45:
In the given figure, AB = AC = CD and ADC = 38. Calculate:
(i) Angle ABC
(ii) Angle BEC
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Solution 45:
(i) AC = CD
ACD 180 2 38 104
ACB 180 104 76 (Straight line)
Also, AB = AC
(ii) By angle sum property,
BAC 180 2 76 38
(Angles in the same chord)
Question 46:
In the given figure, AC is a diameter of circle, centre O. Chord BD is perpendicular to AC. Write
down the angles p, q and r in terms of x.
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Solution 46:
Question 47:
In the given figure, AC is the diameter of the circle with centre O. CD and BE are parallel. Angle
AOB = 80 and ACE = 10.
(i) Angle BEC,
(ii) Angle BCD,
(iii) Angle CED
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Solution 47:
Question 48:
In the given figure, AE is the diameter of the circle. Write down the numerical value of ABC
+ CDE. Give reasons for your answer.
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Solution 48:
Question 49:
In the given figure, AOC is a diameter and AC is parallel to ED. If CBE = 64, Calculate
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Solution 49:
Join AB,
ABC 90
(Angle in a semi circle)
ABE 90 64 26
Now, ABE ACE 26
(Angle in the same segment)
Also, AC || ED
DEC ACE 26 (Alternate angles)
Question 50:
Use the given figure to find:
(i) BAD,
(ii) DQB
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Solution 50:
Question 51:
In the given figure, AOB is a diameter and DC is parallel to AB. If CAB = x; find (in terms
of x) the values of ;
(i) COB, (ii) DOC, (iii) DAC (iv) ADC.
Solution 51:
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Question 52:
In the given figure, AB is the diameter of a circle with centre O. BCD = 130. Find:
(i) DAB
(ii) DBA
Solution 52:
i. ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral
mDAB = 180 DCB
= 180 - 130
= 50
ii. In ADB,
mDAB + mADB + mDBA = 180
50 + 90 + mDBA = 180
mDBA = 40
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Question 53:
In the given figure, PQ is the diameter of the circle whose centre is O. Given ROS = 42,
Calculate RTS.
Solution 53:
Join PS.
PSQ 90
(Angle in a semicircle)
(Angle ate the centre is double the angle at the circumference subtended by the same chord)
SPT 42 21
In right triangle PST,
RTS 90 21 69
Question 54:
In the given figure, PQ is a diameter. Chord SR is parallel to PQ. Given that PQR = 58,
(i) RPQ, (ii) STP
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Solution 54:
Join PR.
(i) PRQ 90
(Angle in a semicircle)
In right triangle PQR,
RPQ 90 PQR 90 58 32
(ii) Also, SR || PQ
PRS RPQ 32 (Alternate angles)
In cyclic quadrilateral PRST,
STP 180 PRS 180 32 148
(pair of opposite angles in a cyclic quadrilateral are supplementary)
Question 55:
AB is the diameter of the circle with centre O. OD is parallel to BC and AOD = 60. Calculate
the numerical values of:
(i) ABD, (ii) DBC, (iii) ADC.
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Solution 55:
Join BD.
1 1
(i) ABD AOD 60 30
2 2
(Angle at the first is double the angle at the circumference subtended by the same chord)
(ii) BDA 90
(Angle in a semicircle)
Also, OAD is equilateral OAD 60
ODB 90 ODA 90 60 30
Also, OD || BC
DBC ODB 30 (Alternate angles)
(iii) ABC ABD DBC 30 30 60
In cyclic quadrilateral ABCD,
ADC 180 ABC 180 60 120
(pair of opposite angles in a cyclic quadrilateral are supplementary)
Question 56:
In the given figure, the centre O of the small circle lies on the circumference of the bigger circle.
If APB = 75 and BCD = 40, find:
(i) AOB, (ii) ACB, (iii) ABD, (iv) ADB
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Solution 56:
Join AB and AD
(i) AOB 2APB 2 75 150
(Angle at the centre is double the angle at the circumference subtended by the same chord)
(ii) In cyclic quadrilateral AOBC,
ACB 180 AOB 180 150 30
(pair of opposite angles in a cyclic quadrilateral are supplementary)
(iii) In cyclic quadrilateral ABDC
ABD 180 ACD 180 40 30 110
(pair of opposite angles in a cyclic quadrilateral are supplementary
(iv) In cyclic quadrilateral AOBD,
ADB 180 AOB 180 150 30
(pair of opposite angles in a cyclic quadrilateral are supplementary
Question 57:
In the given figure, BAD = 65, ABD = 70 and BDC = 45. Find:
(i) BCD (ii) ACB
Hence, show that AC is a diameter
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Solution 57:
Question 58:
In a cyclic quadrilateral ABCD, A : C = 3 : 1 and B : D = 1: 5; Find each angle of the
Solution 58:
Let A and C be 3x and x respectively
In cyclic quadrilateral ABCD,
A C 180
(pairs of opposite angles in a cyclic quadrilateral are supplementary)
3x x 180
x 45
A 135 and C 45
Let the measure of B and D be y and 5y respectively
In cyclic quadrilateral ABCD,
B D 180
(pair of opposite angles in a cyclic quadrilateral are supplementary are supplementary)
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y 5y 180
y 30
B 30 and D 150
Question 59:
The given figure shows a circle with centre O and ABP = 42
Join AP.
(i) APB 90
(Angle in a semicircle)
BAP 90 ABP 90 42 48
Now, PQB BAP 48
(Angle in the same segment)
(ii) By angle sum property of BPQ,
QPB PBQ 180 PQB 180 48 132
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Question 60:
In the given figure, M is the centre of the circle. Chords AB and CD are perpendicular to each
If MAD = x and BAC = y:
(i) express AMD in terms of x.
(ii) express ABD in terms of y.
(iii) prove that: x = y.
Solution 60:
In the figure, M is the centre of the circle.
Chords AB and CD are perpendicular to each other at L.
MAD x and BAC y
(i) In AMD ,
But in AMD,
x x AMD 180
2x AMD 180
AMD 180 2x
(ii) Arc ADAMD at the centre and ABD at the remaining
(Angle in the same segment)
(Angle at the centre is double the angle at the circumference subtended by the same chord)
ABD 180 2x
ABD 90 x
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y DAC 90
DAC 90 y
We have, DAC = ABD [Angles in the same segment]
ABD 90 y
(iii) we have, ABD 90 y and ABD 90 x [proved]
90 x 90 y
Question 61:
In a circle, with centre O, a cyclic quadrilateral ABCD is drawn with AB as a diameter of the
circle and CD equal to radius of the circle. If AD and BC produced meet at point P; show that
APB = 60.
Solution 61:
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Question 1:
In the given diagram, chord AB = chord BC.
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Question 2:
In ABC, the perpendicular from vertices A and B on their opposite sides meet (when produced)
the circumcircle of the triangle at points D and E respectively.
Prove that: arc CD = arc CE
Solution 2:
Given: In ABC, the perpendiculars from vertices A and B on their opposite sides meet (when
produced) the circumcircle of the triangle at points D and E respectively.
To prove: Arc CD = Arc CE
Construction: Join CE and CD
Question 3:
In a cyclic-trapezium, the non-parallel sides are equal and the diagonals are also equal. Prove it.
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Solution 3:
Question 4:
In the following figure, AD is the diameter of the circle with centre O. chords AB, BC and CD
are equal. If DEF = 110, Calculate:
(i) AEF, (ii) FAB
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Solution 4:
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Question 5:
In the given figure, if arc AB = arc CD, then prove that the quadrilateral ABCD is an isosceles
trapezium (O is the centre of the circle).
Solution 5:
In the figure, O is the centre of a circle and arc AB = arc CD
To prove
ABCD is an isosceles trapezium.
Construction Join BD, AD and BC.
Proof Since equal arcs subtends equal angles at the circumference of a circle.
ADB DBC [ arc AB = arc CD]
But, these are alternate angles.
AD || BC
ABCD is a trapezium
Arc AB = Arc CD [Given]
Chord AB = Chord CD
ABCD is an isosceles trapezium
Question 6:
In the given figure ABC is an isosceles triangle and O is the centre of its circumcircle. Prove
that AP bisects angle BPC.
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Solution 6:
ABC is an isosceles triangle and O is the centre of its circumcircle
To prove
AP bisects BPC
Chord AB subtends APB and chord AC subtends APC at the
Circumference of the circle.
But chord AB = Chord AC
AP is the bisector of BPC
Question 7:
If two sides of a cyclic quadrilateral are parallel; prove that:
(i) its other two sides are equal.
(ii) its diagonals are equal.
Solution 7:
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ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral in which AB DC. AC and BD are its diagonals.
To prove
(i) AD BC
(ii) AC BD
(i) AB || DC DCA CAB [Alternate angles]
Now, chord AD subtends DCA and chord BC subtends CAB
At the circumference of the circle.
DCA CAB [proved]
Chord AD = Chord BC or AD = BC
(ii) Now in ABC and ADB ,
AB = AB [Common]
ACB ADB [Angles in the same segment]
BC AD [Proved]
By Side Angle Side criterion of congruence, we have
ACB ADB [SAS postulate]
The corresponding parts of the congruent triangles are congruent.
AC BD [c.p.c.t]
Question 8:
The given figure shows a circle with centre O. Also, PQ = QR = RS and PTS = 75. Calculate:
(i) POS, (ii) QOR, (iii) PQR.
Solution 8:
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POQ QOR ROS [Equal chords subtends equal angles at the centre]
Arc PQRS subtends POS at the center and PTS at the remaining
Parts of the circle.
POS 2PTS 2 75 150
In OPQ, OP OQ [radii of the same circle]
OPQ QP 50 180
OPQ OQP 180 50
2OPQ 130
Similarly, we can prove that
And in ORS, ORS OSR 65
(i) Now POS 150
(ii) QOR 50 and
(iii) PQR PQO OQR 65 65 130
Question 9:
In the given figure, AB is a side of a regular six-sided polygon and AC is a side of a regular
eight sided polygon inscribed in the circle with centre O. Calculate the sizes of:
(i) AOB, (ii) ACB (iii) ABC
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Solution 9:
(i) Arc AB subtends AOB at the centre and
ACB at the remaining part of the circle.
Since AB is the side of a regular hexagon,
AOB 60
(ii) AOB 60 ACB 60 30
(iii) Since AC is the side of a regulare octagon,
AOC 45
Again, Arc AC subtends AOC at the center and
ABC at the remaining part of the circle.
ABC 22.5
Question 10:
In a regular pentagon ABCDE, Inscribed in a circle; find ratio between angle EDA and angle
Solution 10:
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36 [central angle is a regular pentagon at O]
36 36 72
ADE : ADC 36 : 72 1: 2
Question 11:
In the given figure, AB = BC = CD and ABC = 132 . Calcualte:
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Question 12:
In the figure, O is the centre of the circle and the length of arc AB is twice the length of arc BC.
If angle AOB = 108, find:
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Solution 12:
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Question 13:
The figure shows a circle with centre O. AB is the side of regular pentagon and AC is the side
of regular hexagon.
Find the angles of triangle ABC.
Solution 13:
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BAC 228 114
Similarly, we can prove that
ABC 60 30
ACB 72 36
Thus, angles of the triangle are, 114, 30 and 36
Question 14:
In the given figure, BD is a side of a regular hexagon, DC is a side of a regular pentagon and
AD is a diameter. Calculate:
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BOD 60
Since DC is the side of a regular pentagon,
COD 72
In BOD. BOD 60 and OB = OD
Or, ADC 54
(ii) BDO 60 or BDA 60
(iii) Arc AC subtends AOC at the centre and
ABC at the remaining part of the circle.
180 72
(iv) In cyclic quadrilateral AECD
AEC ADC 180 [sum of opposite angles]
AEC 54 180
AEC 180 54
AEC 126
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Question 1:
In the given circle with diameter AB, find the value of x.
Solution 1:
ABD ACD 30 [Angle in the same segment]
Now in ADB ,
BAD ADB ABD 180 [angles of a triangle]
But, ADB 90 [ Angle in a semi-circle]
x 90 30 180
x 180 120
x 60
Question 2:
In the given figure, O is the centre of the circle with radius 5 cm. OP and OQ are perpendicular
to AB and CD respectively. AB = 8 cm and CD = 6 cm. determine the length of PQ.
Solution 2:
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25 OP 2 16
OP 2 25 16
OP 2 9
OP 3 cm
Similarly, in right OCQ,
OC2 OQ2 CQ2 [Pythagoras theorem]
5 OQ 2 3
2 2
25 OQ2 9
OQ 2 25 9
OQ 2 16
OQ 4cm
Hence, PQ OP OQ 3 4 7 cm
Question 3:
The given figure shows two circles with centres A and B; and radii 5 cm and 3 cm respectively,
touching each other internally. If the perpendicular bisector of AB meets the bigger circle in P
and Q, find the length of PQ.
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Solution 3:
25 MP21
MP 2 25 1
MP 2 24
MP 24 4 6 2 6 cm
PQ 2MP 2 2 6 4 6 cm
PQ 4 2.45 9.8 cm
Question 4:
In the given figure, ABC is a triangle in which BAC = 30. Show that BC is equal to the radius
of the circumcircle of the triangle ABC, whose centre is O.
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Solution 4:
Question 5:
Prove that the circle drawn on any one of the equal sides of an isosceles triangle as diameter
bisects the base.
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Solution 5:
Question 6:
In the given figure, chord ED is parallel to diameter AC of the circle. Given CBE = 65,
calculate DEC.
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Solution 6:
Join OE.
Arc EC subtends EOC at the centre and EBC at the remaining
Part of the circle.
EOC 2EBC 2 65 130
Now in OEC, OE OC [radii of the same circle]
But, in EOC ,
OEC OCE EOC 180 [Angles of a triangle]
2OCE 130 180
2OCE 180 130
2OCE 50
OCE 25
AC || ED [Given]
DEC 25
Question 7:
Chords AB and CD of a circle intersect each other at point P such that AP = CP.
Show that: AB = CD
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Solution 7:
Question 8:
The quadrilateral formed by angle bisectors of a cyclic quadrilateral is also cyclic. Prove it.
Solution 8:
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Question 9:
If two non-parallel sides of a trapezium are equal, it is cyclic. Prove it.
An isosceles trapezium is always cyclic. Prove it.
Solution 9:
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Construction draw DE BC
DCBE is a parallelogram [by construction]
DEB DCB [Opposite angles of parallelogram]
Also, DEB EDA DAE [Exterior angle property]
In ADE, DAE DAE . (1) [since AD = BC = DE Or AD = DE]
Also, DEB EDA 180 . (2)
From (1) and (2),
C A 180
Hence ABCD is cyclic trapezium
Question 10:
D and E are points on equal sides AB and AC of an isosceles triangle ABC such that AD = AE.
Prove that the points B, C, E and D are concyclic.
Solution 10:
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DE || BC
ADE B [corresponding angles]
But B C [proved]
Ext ADE = its interior opposite C
BCED is a cyclic quadrilateral
Hence B, C, E and D are concyclic.
Question 11:
In the given figure, ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral. AF is drawn parallel to CB and DA is
produced to point E. if ADC = 92, FAE = 20; determine BCD. Give reason in support of
your answer.
Solution 11:
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B 92 180
B 180 92
B 88
Since AF || CB, FAB B 88
But, FAE 20 [given]
88 22 108
But, Ext. BAE BCD
BCD 108
Question 12:
If I is the incentre of triangle ABC and AI when produced meets the circumcircle of triangle
ABC in point D. If BAC = 66 and ABC = 80. Calculate:
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1 1
But, DAC BAC 66 33
2 2
DBC 33
(ii) Since I is the incentre of ABC, IB bisects ABC
1 1
IBC ABC 80 40
2 2
(iii) BAC 66 and ABC 80
ACB 180 80 66
ACB 180 156
ACB 34
Since IC bisects the C
1 1
ICB C 34 17
2 2
Now in IBC
40 17 BIC 180
57 BIC 180
BIC 180 57
BIC 123
Question 13:
In the given figure, AB = AD = DC = PB and DBC = x. determine, in terms of x:
(i) ABD, (ii) APB
Hence or otherwise, prove that AP is parallel to DB.
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Solution 13:
Question 14:
In the given figure; ABC, AEQ and CEP are straight lines. Show that APE and CQE are
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Solution 14:
Given In the figure, ABC, AEQ and CEP are straight line
To prove - APE CQE 180
Construction join EB
Proof in cyclic quad ABEP,
APE ABE 180 . (1)
Similarly, in cyclic quad BCQE
CQE CBE 180 . (2)
Adding (1) and (2),
APE ABE CQE CBE 180 180 360
But, ABE CBE 180 [Linear pair]
APE CQE 180 360
APE CQE 360 180 180
Hence APE and CQE are supplementary.
Question 15:
In the given figure, AB is the diameter of the circle with centre O.
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Solution 15:
Arc AC subtends AOC at the centre and ADC at the remaining part
Of the circle
AOC 2 32 64
Since AOC and BOC are linear pair, we have
64 BOC 180
BOC 180
BOC 180 64
BOC 116
Question 16:
In a cyclic quadrilateral PQRS, angle PQR = 135. Sides SP and RQ produced meet at point
A : whereas sides PQ and SR produced meet at point B.
If A : B = 2 : 1; find angles A and B.
Solution 16:
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Question 17:
In the following figure, AB is the diameter of a circle with centre O and CD is the chord with
length equal to radius OA.
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Solution 17:
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Question 18:
In the following figure, ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral in which AD is parallel to BC.
If the bisector of angle A meets BC at point E and the given circle at point F, Prove that:
(i) EF = FC (ii) BF = DF
Solution 18:
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Class X Chapter 17 Circles Maths
Question 19:
ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral. Sides AB and DC produced meet at point E; whereas sides BC
and AD produced meet at point F.
If DCF : F : E = 3 : 5 : 4, Find the angles of the cyclic quadrilateral ABCD.
Solution 19:
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Class X Chapter 17 Circles Maths
3x 4x 7x
Now, in cyclic quad ABCD,
Since, B 180
[since sum of opposite of a cyclic quadrilateral are supplementary]
7x 8x 180
15x 180
x 12
A 3x 3 12 36
B 7x 7 12 84
C 180 A 180 36 144
D 8x 8 12 96
Question 20:
The following figure shows a circle with PR as its diameter.
If PQ = 7 cm and QR = 3RS = 6 cm, find the perimeter of the cyclic quadrilateral PQRS.
Solution 20:
In the figure, PQRS is a cyclic quadrilateral in which PR is a diameter
PQ = 7 cm
QR = 3 RS = 6 cm
3 RS = 6 cm RS = 2 cm
Now in PQR,
Q 90 [Angles in a semi circle]
PR 2 PQ2 QR 2 [Pythagoras theorem]
7 2 62
49 36
Again in right PSQ, PR PS RS
2 2 2
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Class X Chapter 17 Circles Maths
85 PS2 22
PS2 85 4 81 9
PS 9cm
Now, perimeter of quad PQRS PQ QR RS SP
7 9 2 6 cm
Question 21:
In the following figure, AB is the diameter of a circle with centre O.
If chord AC = chord AD, Prove that:
(i) arc BC = arc DB
(ii) AB is bisector of CAD.
Further, if the length of arc AC is twice the length of arc BC, find : (a) BAC (b) ABC
Solution 21:
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Class X Chapter 17 Circles Maths
(i) The corresponding parts of the congruent triangle are congruent.
BC = BD [c.p.c.t]
Arc BC = Arc BD [ equal chords have equal arcs]
(ii) BAC BAD
AB is the bisector of CAD
(iii) If Arc AC = 2 arc BC,
But ABC BAC 90
3BAC 90
BAC 30
ABC 2BAC ABC 2 30 60
Question 22:
In cyclic quadrilateral ABCD; AD = BC, BAC = 30 and CBD = 70; find:
(i) BCD (ii) BCA (iii) ABC (iv) ADC
Solution 22:
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Class X Chapter 17 Circles Maths
Question 23:
In the given figure, ACE = 43 and CAF = 62 ; Find the values of a, b and c.
Solution 23:
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Class X Chapter 17 Circles Maths
Question 24:
In the given figure, AB is parallel to DC BCE = 80 and BAC = 25.
(i) CAD (ii) CBD (iii) ADC
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Class X Chapter 17 Circles Maths
Solution 24:
Question 25:
ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral of a circle with centre O such that AB is a diameter of this circle
and the length of the chord CD is equal to the radius of the circle. If AD and BC produced meet
at P, Show that APB = 60
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Class X Chapter 17 Circles Maths
Solution 25:
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Class X Chapter 17 Circles Maths
Question 26:
In the figure, given alongside, CP bisects angle ACB.
Show that DP bisects angle ADB.
Solution 26:
Given In the figure, CP is the bisector of ABC
To prove DP is the bisector of ADB
Proof Since CP is the bisector of ACB
But ACP ADP [Angle in the same segment of the circle]
DP is the bisector of ADB
Question 27:
In the figure, given below, AD = BC, BAC = 30 and CBD = 70.
(i) BCD (ii) BCA (iii) ABC (iv) ADB
Solution 27:
In the figure, ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral
AC and BD are its diagonals
BAC 30 and CBD 70
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Class X Chapter 17 Circles Maths
Question 28:
In the figure, given below, AB and CD are two parallel chords and O is the centre. If the radius
of the circle is 15 cm, fins the distance MN between the two chords of lengths 24 cm and 18 cm
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Class X Chapter 17 Circles Maths
Solution 28:
Given AB = 24 cm, cd = 18 cm
AM = 12 cm, CN = 9 cm
Also, OA = OC = 15 cm
Let MO = y cm, and ON = x cm
In right angled AMO
2 2 2
152 122 y 2
y 2 152 122
y 2 225 144
y 2 81
y 9cm
In right angled CON
2 2 2
152 x 2 92
x 2 152 92
x 2 225 81
x 2 144
y 12cm
9 cm 12 cm
21 cm
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