Opd3e LP 02 04 1
Opd3e LP 02 04 1
Opd3e LP 02 04 1
34 Families
4. Whats the most common age for men and women in Application
your culture to marry? Problem Solving
5. Is divorce common in your country? Do people remarry? 1. Provide students with a situation. Have them
6. Who helps single parents take care of their children in brainstorm solutions and choose the best one.
your country? A woman doesnt like her mother-in-law. The mother-
Discussion in-law wants to move into the womans home. Her
husband thinks its a good idea. What should the
Write questions on the board. Give students a few
woman do?
minutes to think and make notes on their answers. Call
on volunteers to share their ideas with the class. Possible 2. Group students. Have each group write a
questions: conversation between the woman and her husband.
1. In an arranged marriage, the parents choose a husband Ask a reporter from each group to read the
for their daughter or a wife for their son. Do arranged conversation to the class.
marriages exist in your country? What do you think Expansion
about them?
Classroom Families
2. Is it common for young married couples to live with
1. Seat students in groups of five or six. Tell them
their in-laws in your country? What do you think about
they are now a family and they need to decide on
that tradition?
the family relationships of the group (i.e., choose a
3. How is life in the U.S. good for families? What are some father, mother, grandparent, etc.). Tell them that each
problems for families in the U.S.? student needs to understand his or her relationship
M u lt i l e v e l D i s c u s s i o n to everyone else in the group.
2. Go over language for introducing people. This is my
To help these students meet their objective, use ____, Carlos. Id like you to meet my ____, Sue.
the feedback time from the Discussion questions as an
opportunity to give a mini-presentation on language 3. Have each group come to the front of the class. Have
that these students might need to answer the questions group members take turns introducing their family
in writing. members to the class.
Family Descriptions
For more communicative practice 1. Use the family words to review previously learned
Use Classic Classroom Activity - People Drawing vocabulary for physical descriptions or clothing.
Dictation. Have students turn to a previously studied page; e.g.,
Describing People (pg. 32), Describing Hair (pg. 33),
Evaluation or Everyday Clothes (pgs. 8687).
Have students cover the wordlist on pgs.3435 and 2. Make statements about the pictures using family
write five sentences about the family relationships in the words. My son-in-law has a beard. Have students
picture. Collect and review their work. point to the correct person. Make four or five
M u lt i l e v e l E v a l u at i o n statements; then have students say the information
back to you. Your son-in-law has a beard. Your
For these students, draw a simple family tree daughter has red hair. Draw your family on the
on the board representing target vocabulary. Give the board.
students a list of terms. Have them match the people in
the family tree with the terms. 3. Group students and have group members take turns
talking about their family members in the picture.
Ask these students to choose two questions from
the Discussion activity and write their responses. 4. Have a group artist draw a family. Have group
reporters tell the class about the family. The sister has
long, straight hair. The brother has short, curly hair.
To create customized tests
Use the OPD Assessment Program.