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Madina Company Profile

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Company Profile

Innovative, tailored solutions to

meet our customers engineering
and training needs. www.madinagulf.com
Operational Local identity,
Excellence global connections
Madina Group WLL is one of the Qatars premiere engineering, Established in 1997, Madina Group WLL is one of the
procurement, construction and maintenance company with Madina Groups four companies; each offering innovative,
the in-house capability, management expertise, and multi- tailored solutions that exceed our customers needs.
skilled workforce to provide safe, innovative and cost effective The Madina Group companies, Al Darwish United Company WLL Interserve Plc is one of the
engineering solutions to the highest international standards. consisting of Madina Group is a leading business group in the worlds foremost support services
WLL, Qatar International Safety State of Qatar. They own and/or and construction companies,
Madina Group WLL leverages its international expertise to Centre (QISC), Qatar Inspec- sponsor a number of construc- operating in the public and
tion Services (QIS), and Severn tion related companies with private sectors in the UK and
develop cutting-edge engineering solutions that improve our Glocon Qatar, are four of the diverse roles throughout Qatar. internationally. We offer advice,
many companies jointly owned These include mechanical, design, construction, equip-
customers operations integrity. Our core focus is operational by Al Darwish Group (51%) civil construction, electrical, ment and facilities management
excellence, via the provision of high quality services, delivered and Interserve Plc (49%). Other reinforcement, laboratory services for societys infrastruc-
Qatar-based companies owned services, formwork, material ture. Interserve is based in the
without harm to people or the environment. by Al Darwish United Company supply, fire, real estate, etc. UK. It has a workforce of over
WLL and Interserve Plc include 50,000 people worldwide.
Gulf Contracting Company
(GCC), Interspace, SpaceMaker,
Al Manjara and How United
Services (HUS).

Ingenuity People & Systems
at Work People are our greatest asset
We have recruited a talented workforce from across the world, utilizing our unique
home-country manpower sourcing and competency assurance processes. Once in
At Madina Group, we believe in putting Qatar we provide extensive training, integrating each new employee into an existing,
ingenuity to work. Being inquisitive, highly motivated team. The result is a self driven and result oriented work force.
putting our clients at the heart of what We invest in our people through a range of training programmes including vocational subjects, leadership
and HSSE through our group company Qatar International Safety Centre (QISC). In line with our vision of
we do and asking the right questions becoming the Qatars employer of choice, we provide our employees a dynamic work atmosphere and
is the first step in arriving at the best excellent accommodation, amenities and recreational facilities.
answer for each client.
Ingenuity isnt about being overly smart, complex
or making things more complicated than they need
to be. Its about having the confidence to wonder
whether the current way is the best way and to
always do better for our customers.
Quality is our Our Priority is
Brand Ambassador Health, Safety, and
Ensuring quality of our products and services is of
paramount importance to the Madina Group WLL. In order
to ensure our customers quality expectations are exceeded,
the Environment
our integrated management system is designed to ensure we Health // We focus on building a team environment that
both understand our customers core needs and the pro- fosters a healthy and enjoyable work environment. Our
cesses associated with the delivery of our quality products accommodation, amenities and medical facilities are designed
and services exceed the requirements of the various core ISO to ensure our employees have the infrastructure and support
and other relevant certifications. We continuously monitor to maintain both a healthy body and mind.
the effectiveness of our quality processes and procedures Safety // We have successfully implemented behavior-based
via customer satisfaction feedback, robust quality KPIs and safety programmes, our workforce consider safety as their
departmental audits. first priority at all times and our state-of-the-art HSSE training
centre ensures our workforce receive the best HSSE training
Our certifications and accreditations include: and competency assurance in the industry.
ISO 9001, ISO 14001, and OHAS 18001 Bureau Veritas Certifications
Environment // We are committed to saving energy and
ASME Stamps: PP, U, R, NB, A, and S
natural resources by encouraging low consumption and a
NBBI Stamps:
company-wide focus on recycling. In partnership with our
LEEA Certification for Lifting Services customers, we look for new and innovative ways to deliver
ECITB and CITB Certification for Vocational Training products and services to reduce their impact on the
OPITO and NEBOSH Certification for Offshore and HSSE Training environment.

Tailored Innovative Solutions www.madinagulf.com

Our Business
Engineering // Manufacturing // Construction //
Maintenance // Turnaround Management

Our Markets Our Services

Oil & Gas - Offshore and Onshore Project and Programme
Chemicals and Petrochemicals Management

Fertilisers Engineering

Metal and Minerals Procurement

Power Generation Fabrication

Water and Waste Treatment Mechanical Site Works

Electrical and Instrumentation
Site Works
01 Lifting and Rigging
02 03
Surface Preparation & Coating
Bolt Torquing and Tensioning
Industrial Cleaning
NDT and Inspection
Valve Services
Commissioning Support
01// T
 otal E&P WP1 Platform Construction
works at North Field, Qatar Skilled Manpower Supply
02// E
 SDV Replacement: Dolphin Energy Ltd,
DOL2 Platform Turnaround Campaign

03// S
 heet rolling in progress at Doha
Fabrication Shop

04// P
 ig Launcher - Receiver Skid:
Fabricated offshore module for Maersk Oil
Qatar is getting transported to port from
Doha workshop
Our Business Our Business

Engineering Manufacturing Construction Maintenance Turnaround

Madina Group brings together The Madina Group WLL Our Construction division offers We work in partnership with Madina Group WLL understands that turnarounds differ from regular
the very best in international Manufacturing team operates in greenfield and brownfield site leading international and national maintenance and project work due to their unique characteristics
engineering expertise to provide covered workshops located in installation and construction oil and gas companies to deliver and volatility. We assist global energy companies to form long-term
safe, efficient, cutting-edge Doha and Ras Laffan Industrial services, delivered by a compe- innovative maintenance, reliability, turnaround protocols, then to plan and execute these safely within
solutions for our clients. Now, City. Totaling over 33,000 square tent, multi-skilled, and highly asset integrity and management a defined budget and schedule. We ensure asset operators achieve
thanks to our recent partnership meters, our two workshops trained workforce, supervised by solutions. Our total solution turnaround objectives, including increased asset reliability and reduced
with HadenFreeman Ltd, we give us the flexibility to take experienced project management philosophy is structured to cost of ownership.
have become one of the largest on large-scale and complex teams. Our experience includes minimise interface management
companies in Qatar to offer manufacturing orders. projects during construction, on issues thereby ensuring seamless Our turnaround teams efficiently interface with maintenance and project teams for
in-house, end-to-end services to live process plants and offshore integration of the entire spectrum the most effective utilization of the shutdown time window. We have worked on many
Collaborating with our engineering of the largest, most complex plants across MENA and Europe and have extensive
the oil, gas, petrochemical and teams and our clients, we fabricate to platforms where we consistently of plant maintenance disciplines. knowledge of process systems and key equipment. Our total solution philosophy is
process industries. our customers exact specifications, with deliver to project milestones, Our excellent long term relationships structured to minimise interface management issues and thereby ensures seamless
keen precision, to the finest quality and safely and on time. integration of all shutdown activities.
Madina Group has experience and with third party service providers and
deliver on time, safely.
expertise in Feasibility Studies, Front End suppliers enable us to meet the most
Our success rests in our meticulous Our focus is to provide our customers with the highest quality turnaround manage-
Engineering Design, Detailed Design and Our equipment fleet ensures we deliver difficult of challenges in service and
planning and project management ment service without harm to people or our environment. Safety is of upmost
Engineering. This fits perfectly with our products to our customers safety, delivery deadlines. Our unique recruit-
processes. Our excellent long term importance in everything we do and we are proud of our safety records.
current offering and allows us to deliver conveniently and on time. ment, competence assurance and
relationship with third party service
the complete package, from concept to training processes have helped us to
providers, specialist engineering consul-
commissioning. Our integrated engineering department
tants and suppliers enable us to meet
form a quality team of maintenance Capabilities
has the capability to do basic and professionals who currently deliver
the most difficult service and delivery Turnaround Planning
Our team of highly skilled multi discipline detailed engineering for a variety of robust asset integrity services to the
deadline challenges. Emergency Response Teams
engineers, designers and consultants to static equipment, process piping and worlds leading energy companies.
Doha, add further value to our already steel structures. Our expertise has allowed us to win jobs Positive Isolation and Flange
demonstrable offering. Our capabilities Management
provide a single, efficient, integrated
on the most complex projects in Qatar Capabilities
source for all turnkey projects and
Products and the mobility of our teams allow us Provision of Enabling Services:
the flexibility to take on projects of large Fully Outsourced Routine Scaffolding and Insulation Removal
consolidates Madina Groups position Tanks or small scale. Maintenance Industrial Cleaning
as the partner of choice for all future Pressure Vessels Refurbishment Services NDT and Inspection
projects in the region, requiring an end
to end solution.
Columns Capabilities Emergency Response Teams Onsite Weld Repairs
Onshore and Offshore Modules Static Equipment Maintenance Onsite Hot Tapping, Line Stopping,
Containers (Custom-built and Turnkey Project and Construction Rotating Machinery Maintenance and Machining Services
Capabilities Standard) Management Onsite Piping Repairs, Modifications, Onsite Piping/Tubing Repairs,
Cranes Consultancy and Testing Modifications, and Testing
Engineering Consultancy
Baskets and Lifting Devices Equipment Installation Onsite Hot Tapping, Line Stopping, Coating Repairs
Process Engineering
Marine Equipment Tank Construction and Testing (onsite) and Machining Services Valve Refurbishment And Retro-Fitting
Mechanical Engineering
Lifting and Rigging Gear Piping Systems Industrial Cleaning and Catalyst Lifting and Rigging Services
Electrical & Instrumentation
Structural Erection Handling Heat Exchanger Tube and Tube
Lifting and Rigging Solutions Inspection Services Bundle Replacement
Control Systems Engineering
Civil & Structural Engineering
Services Surface Preparation & Coating Integrity Management and Condition Static and Rotary Equipments
Services Based Monitoring Dismantling,
Layout & Piping Design Lifting and Rigging Loft Totally Overhauling and Erection
Scaffolding Electrical and Instrumentation
Safety, Project & Construction Managed Solution or Rentals Maintenance and Testing Electrical and Instrumentation Works
Management Insulation Services
Pipe Spool and Steel Structure Re-Commissioning and Startup
Process Safety & Regulatory Electrical and Instrumentation Works
Fabrication Assistance
Compliance Testing, Commissioning and Start-up
Machining Services
HAZID, HAZOP, CHAZOP & Process Load Testing
Safety Review / Audit Surface Preparation & Coating

Our Facilities
Corporate Office
Our corporate office is located in central Doha and our Senior Management,
Engineering, HSSEQ, Estimation and Project Management teams are located here

The Madina Group has facilities in both Ras Laffan and Doha covering an area
of 33,750 square meters:

Doha Works Ras Laffan Works

Our Doha fabrication facility is located in the Madina Group was the first contractor to set up
Industrial Area, in the south west corner of Doha, fabrication workshops within Ras Laffan Industrial
and is home to our state-of the art workshops, City (RLIC). Our facility includes two state of the art
warehouse, valve refurbishment facility and train- covered workshops, an isotope storage area, an
ing centre. This facility caters primarily for larger inspection centre, a storage yard, training centre,
projects and to meet the needs of our customers and satellite offices.
operating in the Doha and Messaieed regions.


02 03 04

Major Equipment
Welding Machines Hydraulic Test Bed and Test Pumps
Metal cutting, rolling and forming machineries Air Compressors
CNC-Profile cutting Machine Diesel Generators and Transformers
Grinders and Drilling Machines Trucks, Hiabs , Forklifts and Cranes
Blast and Surface Preparation & Coating Booths Overhead Cranes
05 01// Corporate office building at C-Ring Road,
Bolt Torquing and tensioning equipments N
 DT, PWHT, RT and 3D Scanning Doha

Tube Bundle Puller
02// Doha Works: Fabrication shop at Street
No. 44 & 45, Salwa Industrial Area, Doha

03// Doha Works: The well equipped workshop

consists of overhead cranes and heavy
fabrication machinery

04// Site facilities: Cranes and heavy construction


05// Ras Laffan Works: Fabrication shop and

offices at West Support Services area,
Tailored Innovative Solutions www.madinagulf.com Ras Laffan Industrial City (RLIC)
Responsibility Awards & Praises
Sustainability is fundamental and at the heart of everything we do. It is at the heart
of our values, and is key to the delivery of our strategy. In our view, a sustainable
business is a successful business. Flexible and highly successful
We see sustainability as a combination of three elements: From MEED Business Close-up,
August 2012
Social // Economic // Environmental

HSE LTI FREE General Appreciations

Health We focus on building a team environment that fosters Qatar Shell GTL Contractor of the Quarter Q3 2012
a healthy and enjoyable work environment. Our accommoda-
tion, amenities and medical facilities are designed to ensure Oryx GTL Certificate of Excellence for achieving Zero TRIR
our employees have the infrastructure and support to maintain Oryx GTL Takreem Awards
both a healthy body and mind. Worker Welfare Dolphin Energy HSSE Excellence Award for 2011
We have a fully equipped Company Clinic with doctor & nurse A happy employee is a productive and safe employee.
approved by the Supreme Council of Health. Employees Employee welfare is our top priority. We have a great mix of
can avail free medical treatment from our clinic located at variety of nationalities which makes up our workforce. We
Street #44 of Salwa Industrial Area. The medic also conducts adhere to Qatars national standards and regulations of quality Shutdown Appreciations
frequent medical checkups at camps and other company to ensure our workers comfort in their home away from home.
locations. We also have a first aid room with available first aid We provide industrys best accommodation, recreation and Dolphin Energy DOL1 Shutdown 2012
responders at our Ras Laffan facility. medical facilities for our staff and labour force. Qatar Shell Pearl GTL Pit Stop May 2012
Safety Safety is our top priority in everything we do and it We also invest heavily in training, up skilling and providing Ras Gas Shutdown Appreciation 2009, 2010, 2011
is embedded in our culture at every level of the organization. In higher education support to our employees.
December 2012, we have completed a major milestone of 25
Million Manhours with Zero Lost Time Injury.
Community Service
We have successfully implemented behaviour-based safety
programmes, our workforce consider safety as their first We are heavily involved in community awareness work
priority at all times and our state-of-the-art HSSE training including topics related to road safety, fire safety, health and
centre ensures our workforce receive the best HSSE training hygiene. Our group company, Qatar International Safety
and competency assurance in the industry. Centre has conducted number of community training
campaigns to spread awareness on various HSE topics.
Environment We are committed to saving energy and
natural resources by encouraging low consumption and a We take active participation in national events as well as social
events conducted by our clients. Our team were successful in
If we build a true spirit of partnership,
we can achieve great results.
company-wide focus on recycling. In partnership with our
customers, we look for new and innovative ways to deliver delivering a message of safety and responsible driving through
products and services to reduce their impact on the various games and activities to hundreds of Qatar Petroleum
employees and their families who attended the Ras Laffan
environment. The agreement between Maersk and Madina, commiting to provide a
family day in November 2012
best-in-class benefits package for offshore staff.
- Maersk Oil News Letter, Q4, 2012

Tailored Innovative Solutions www.madinagulf.com

Value Chain

Our Experience DESIGN

- Specify
- Engineer
- Consult
- Deliver

- Project Manage
- Fabricate
- Test
- Procure
- Construct
- Commission
- Deliver

- Fabricate
- Integrated
- Hard FM
- Operate
- Repair
- Deliver

- Consult
- Project Manage
- Dismantle
- Transfer

Our Clients Major Projects

End-to-End Service
Our Major clients are oil and gas Qatar Shell 5+1 Year Multidisci- 5 Year Multidisci- 6+2 Year Turnaround 3 Years HSSE Training
companies operating in Qatar. We have plinary Maintenance plinary Construction Main Mechanical Services Call-Off
Services Contract Services Contract Services Contract Contract
multiple long-term framework contracts
with operations support, construction, Dolphin Energy 4 Year Multidisciplinary 3 Year Offshore Shut- 3+ 1 Year Workshop Repair of 25 Ton, 36
maintenance and turnaround scope with Construction Services
Framework Contract
down Works Turnkey
Management and
Operations Support
Offshore ESDV Valves

majority of the national and international Contract

We walk with ENERGY in its journey
oil and gas companies. We have exper- from source to the customers
Ras Gas 3+1 Year Procurement 5 year contract Design, Procurement, EPIC of structures,
tise and capability to deliver our services Construction/ for provision of fabrication and supply piping and E&I works
both onshore and offshore. Installation Plant operations supporting of High COD settling for Helium debottle-
upgrade small project manpower tank as per API 650 necking project
works including Chiyoda Al Mana
We work extensively with Petrochemical, shutdown works ROAD
Fertilisers and Chemical companies and TRANSPORT
offer our full range of services. Madina Oryx GTL 3 +1 Year Call-off 3 +1 Year Call-off 3 +1 Year Call-off EPIC contract of
Contract for Onsite Contract for Provision Contract for Offsite replacement of buried
Group is expected to play a key role Mechanical Services of supervision, skilled Fabrication Services product lines, by pass & MARINE
in Qatars downstream petrochemical manpower lines relocation and STORAGE
expansions in years to come.
Wax holding drum & PIPELINES
Maersk Oil Provision of supervi- Fabrication and HP Compressor Pig Launcher & DOWNSTREAM
We also serve other process and indus- sion, skilled manpower Supply of Frames Suction Cooler Skid Receiver Skid

trial clients including Steel, Aluminium,

& equipments on for Dropped Object and DOP Structure UPSTREAM
monthly rental long Protection Structures End to End capability that covers the
Industrial Gases and Shipyards. term contract entire lifecycle of process asset
We support large EPIC and EPICM
Total E&P Qatar Provision of supervi- WP1 (Al Khalij field Supply of Various Supply and Installation
companies in local project imple- sion, skilled manpower Block 6 offshore Pressure Vessels - Of module offshore
& equipments on Platform) Up grada- Sump Vessel, structures, piping and
mentation by providing procurement,

Project Life-Cycle
monthly rental long tion, Construction of Knock-Out Drum and pig launchers in DP3
fabrication, construction, testing, term contract top deck Closed Drain Drum offshore Platform
inspection, commissioning and training
Qatar Vinyl EPIC for 3rd Incin- Provision of supervi- Procurement , Con- New boiler and pipe
services. Company erator sion, skilled man- struction / Installation rack installation
power & equipments of Civil, Mechanical,
Our client list spreads to sectors like on monthly rental and E& I works of HCI
long term contract storage And loading
education, medical, hospitality and faculties project
Qatar Petroleum Replacement of Procurement , NDT services for NGL Overhauling of Severn
Tank 2401 FB at QP construction and 2 (2004)and NGL 4 Glocon Valves during DESIGN
refinery, Mesaieed Installation Of 6 (2003) Shutdowns NGL-4 Shutdown
PCRs (plant change (2005)
request) mechanical
& E&I works in QP

Qatar Gas Call-off contract for DCS Upgrade Fabrication of Pipe Fabrication of Pipe
Provision of supervi- Invensys Spools for Qatar Gas Spools for ras gas Exp.
sion, skilled manpower 3&4 Onshore Project Project (Train 6 &7
& equipments 3 years (Utilities, offsite and EPC) GAMA Qatar REPLACE BUILD
contract off plot) GAMA
Key Qatar Steel Provision of supervi-
sion, skilled manpower
& equipments on
Procurement, Fab-
rication, Supply and
Installation Of Piping
Annual plant shut-
downs 2009, 2010,
2011 & 2012
monthly rental long & Supports & shut-
= Client term contract down works on DR2
Plant modification

= Ongoing Projects Punj Lloyd Piping works package Fabrication of

for QSTec Ras Laffan pipelines for Qatar MAINTAIN OPERATE
Polysilicon Plant Petroleum Strategic
= Completed Projects Pipeline Contract

Tailored Innovative Solutions www.madinagulf.com

Corporate Office
3rd Floor, Al Darwish United Building,
C-Ring Road, New Salata Area
PO Box 20459, Doha, Qatar
Tel: +974 - 4406 2000
Fax: + 974 - 4406 2005
Email: madina@madinagulf.com

Doha Works & Training Centre

Street 44 & 45, Salwa Industrial Area
PO Box 20459, Doha, Qatar
Tel: +974 4460 0818
Fax: +974 4460 3143
Madina Group WLL Email: madina@madinagulf.com
QISC Training Centre Email: training@madinagulf.com

Ras Laffan Works & Training Centre

CE52, West Support Services Area
Ras Laffan Industrial City, Ras Laffan, Qatar
Tel: +974 4490 3460
Fax: +974 4490 3461
Madina Group WLL Email: raslaffan@madinagulf.com
QISC Training Centre Email: training@madinagulf.com www.madinagulf.com

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