Involvement in Community Extension Program of Business Administration Students in One Higher Education Institution in The Philippines
Involvement in Community Extension Program of Business Administration Students in One Higher Education Institution in The Philippines
Involvement in Community Extension Program of Business Administration Students in One Higher Education Institution in The Philippines
1, February 2016
differences with other programs directed towards a including intervention programs to reduce social
similar goal of helping the community [11]. isolation between the wealthy and the needy. It
It enhances various sectors of the no-academic increases different sectors of the community to tighten
community to deepen their concern to the needs of the and deepen their concern to the needs of the
others and a strong desire to commit themselves to community and a strong desire to commit themselves
uplift the quality of life of the community. Maintain to uplift the quality of the life of the community [6].
harmonious relations with the community and On its 49 years of existence, the Lyceum of the
establish cooperative endeavors with the government Philippines University- Batangas together with the
and non-government groups and individuals, helps different academic departments, administrative
harness community resource and share school personnel and students organization have been
resources to identify the needs and engage the involved in providing Community Extension Services
community towards self-reliance [6]. to the community [15]. Finally, in 1998, the
Fletcher and Major [14] found out that those Community Extension Office was created to
students that volunteered or are doing volunteer work institutionalize all the community extension activities
are doing it because of the activity being related to of the school where the students, faculty members,
their careers sooner or later. It shows that some and administrative staffs could share their resources
students volunteer depending on the course they are and their expertise and be part of the schools social
taking but it has to be that what they will be doing is involvement program.
also related to what they are studying. It might be that The community extension program, the entire
case because doing volunteer activities that are related academic community is not only provided
to the course the students are taking could be opportunities to be aware of, and understand the needs
considered as experiences that will help them in their and problems that are relevant on both local and
future undertakings. Doing things related to their national levels, but also opportunities to involve itself
respective courses could also provide greater in activities designed to develop the community and
knowledge for them with regard to their craft and so the less privileged. The program therefore serves as an
they may also have real world or realistic experience instrument by which the institution instills in the mind
when it comes to their courses. of its own community specially its beneficiaries, the
Moreover, Community Extension program also concept of social responsibility. Moreover, the
holds problem that make it difficult for students. program serves as a springboard for a closer linkage
Tapscott [11] has mentioned three problems that come between the school and the community [6].
with community extension programs. First is poor
organization. The coordination of some activities CBA COMMUNITY EXTENSION
proves to be not well organized that the activity fails Community extension is an expression of a deep
or there would be logistics problems that would hinder sense of commitment of the people involved in the
the activity from being a success. Second is the academe. Academic people are more aware and more
ingratitude to the benefactors. There would be cases socially skilled than the other sectors in the
where in the people students are helping would community. Through community extension program
complain and have a bad attitude towards the people they will not only excel in line of academic but also in
who are helping them. And lastly, safety issues. The committing themselves outside the school.
lack of safety precautions makes it problem in doing Community Extension Program has unique
community services. perspectives and relationships formed between
The common problems that people encounter institutions of higher learning and local communities
which are distance, isolation, and coordination of that those using or developing service learning
services; lack of infrastructure and resources; initiatives should be aware of and use.
recruitment of service professionals; limited skill base From the Narrative Report in the College of
of service accountability and outcomes; and poorly Business Administration in 2012 noted that the
define roles for local government [12]. extension services in private higher education
Furthermore, the focus of this extension program institutions vary according to the vision and mission
is to promote activities in the area of social, of the college. The project on extension service
environmental and life course development with an focuses on community development. It adopted a
emphasis on: promoting social integration in later life, depressed barangay to become a community of
-ISSN 2350-7756 | E-ISSN 2350-8442 |
Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, Vol. 4, No. 1, February 2016
Rubio et al., Involvement in Community Extension Program of Business Administration Students
purposive individuals. The residents of the place were business management lecture to all resident of the said
victims of the eviction. As such, they practically lost site.
their sense of direction self-worth towards The lecture focused in sharing information in
maintaining a decent life. However, with the help of basic knowledge about entrepreneurship and business
the college, the residents were helped by giving those management. Student Governor of CBA Student
gifts and other material things they will be needed and Council, Mr. Romeo Macaraig Jr. discussed about
giving them enough foods. The college has the heart entrepreneurship wherein 6 basic skills were
to help people who are in need. explained to the resident.
The bookkeeping tutorial, a community extension The researchers realized that many things are
training program of the Lyceum of the Philippines possible if you have faith in sharing on what we learn
University-Batangas for the fourth year high school from theories that LPU-Batangas thought us and
students of Marian Learning Center and Science High reaching simple families and community in SHL Site
School located at Alangilan Batangas City. The forty for them to improve livelihood through business
hours accounting tutorial to Marian Learning Center means. After these activities researchers felt happy
and Science High School in line with the vision of and satisfied that in our little on ways we shared
Lyceum of the Philippine University-Batangas as knowledge in our chosen field.
center of academic excellence in Southern Tagalog
Area, and producing God fearing, self-reliance and M ETHODS
environment conscious and globally competitive Research Design
students (CBA Narrative Report, 2012). The study used descriptive method of research.
The importance of accounting in the students Descriptive research seeks what is of data and not
daily lives in the purpose of Lyceum of the why it so one can only describe what is prevailing,
Philippines University-Batangas were emphasize and develop inferences but cannot explain why of
during the orientation which was held on the first day. dynamics of the variables. It involves the description,
Students expectation was also discussing and a short recording, analysis, and interpretation of the present
career guidance symposium was also done by the nature.
Lyceum of the Philippines University-Batangas by
CBA faculty. The enthusiasm of the student to learn
The participants of the study were the students of
was evidence by their religiously attending the 10 the College of Business Administration. From the
day-4-hour session. The student was very eager to total population of 1,231 at 20%, 252 were selected to
learn accounting as evidence by asking relevant
be the respondents of the study. The respondents were
question that is being discussed (CBA Narrative
chosen based on the objective of the study and were
Report, 2012).
distributed proportionally according to year level and
In addition, CBA also participates in different
program of the college using stratified proportionate
environmental enhancement like tree planting, coastal
clean-up, alay lakad (run for a cause) which mostly
held in LPU High School Restoration Village where Instrument
our Dean, Dr. Maribeth G. Buenviaje also participated To gather information and data, the researchers
together with the faculty members and students. adopted a standard questionnaire from the College of
In Lyceum of the Philippines University- International Tourism and Hospitality Management.
Batangas, a micro financing program was carry out as The questionnaire is composed of four parts. Part I
an extension service provided by its business college- included the profile of respondents in terms of year
CBA. As a program focusing on financial assistance level, program, affiliation to organization and
with non- bearing interest to help the poor residents of community extension programs participated, Part II
the universities adopted community in Brgy. Wawa assessed the level of participation of students to
Batangas City, it hopes to build entrepreneurial skills community extension program of CBA, Part III
of the residents. determine the benefits in participating community
College of Business Administration administers extension programs of the department and Part IV
community service at SHL Site Sico, Batangas in identify the problems encountered by students in
connection with cooperative variety store. The CBA participating the community extension programs.
Department conducted an entrepreneurship and
-ISSN 2350-7756 | E-ISSN 2350-8442 |
Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, Vol. 4, No. 1, February 2016
Rubio et al., Involvement in Community Extension Program of Business Administration Students
and Bachelor of Science in Business Computer environment followed by Gift Giving (WM 40.87%)
Management has the lowest number of students in and the third is Feeding Program (WM 23.81%) and
which few students was interested in taking up in the lowest rank is pamumuhanang
Computer Management. pangkabuhayan/micro financing (WM 40.0%) for it is
In addition, the affiliation to organization shows the only community engagement. Program where the
that most of the students in College of Business benefits is for lifetime. It helps to improve the
Administration are member of an organization they livelihood of the beneficiaries.
did not prioritized any other organization but they This explains that the most of the respondents are
make it a point that they can help the organization aware on the different programs that the community
specially involved in a community wherein they can extension offered. The College of Business
exercise their social aspect followed by others in Administrations effort on producing plans for the
which those students was not an officer either a programs that are community based through peoples
member of any organization. It figures out that there participation, taking into consideration the changing
are still some students who are not involved in needs of the society and the individuals are well
organization of the college and last is the officer that observed.
few students was active in an organization that they According to the study of Ludwig [10] some
are willing to divide their studies and involving in community service activities relate to their
different organizations. environment. These programs are usually planting
activities. Clean up activities are also parts of the
Table 2. Distribution of Respondents According to environment programs together with the reduce, reuse
Community Extension Programs Participated and recycle campaigns. Aside from environment
Indicators f % Rank programs, helping those in needs is also a big part in
Gift Giving 103 40.87 2
community services. This includes donations and
Alay Lakad 47 18.65 4
feeding programs. Helping kids with school and
Charity Day 20 7.94 7
Bookkeeping 9 3.57 9 teaching them is also part of this.
Tree planting 136 53.97 1 Table 3. Level of Participation of Students in
Coastal Clean up 42 16.67 5 Community Extension Program
Feeding Program 60 23.81 3
Indicators WM VI Rank
Accounting Tutorial 7 2.78 10
Conducting seminars 22 8.73 6 1. Active in participating Com-Ex
2.93 O 9
Red Cross Blood Letting 17 6.75 8 program at your school.
2. Does your college persuade you to
Pamumuhanang 3.11 O 6
Pangkabuhayang/Micro 1 0.40 11 participate in any Com-Ex program?
Financing 3. Dissemination of information
2.92 O 10
regarding Com-Ex is well conducted.
Table 2 shows the list of community extension
4. The program bears no threatening
program of the college. Based from the data presented activities and procedures.
3.05 O 8
there are various community extension activities that 5. The Com- Ex program ensures safe
the students can participate to. This explains that the 3.27 O 3
and sure delivery of service
most of the respondents are aware on the different 6. The Com-Ex program is able to
3.23 O 4
programs that the community extension offered. The improve the lives of the beneficiaries
College of Business Administrations effort on 7. I become more aware of
3.29 O 2
producing plans for the programs that are community environmental and health concerns
based through peoples participation, taking into 8. I do choose to participate in
consideration the changing needs of the society and Community Extension projects rather 3.07 O 7
than participating in graded NSTP.
the individuals are well observed.
9. I am ready to participate in
As shown on the result, the highly participated Community Extension program anytime.
3.13 O 5
com-ex program items are tree planting (53.97%) 10. I am willing to help people without
activities because of the well implementation of 3.40 O 1
expecting anything in return.
saving mother earth programs. These well- Composite Mean 3.14 O
implemented programs lifted the awareness of the Table 3 displays the level of participation of
residents about the importance of protection of the College of Business Administration in Community
-ISSN 2350-7756 | E-ISSN 2350-8442 |
Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, Vol. 4, No. 1, February 2016
Rubio et al., Involvement in Community Extension Program of Business Administration Students
Extension Program of the college. Results showed that and appreciation. Results showed that students often
students participated in the community extension perceived benefited in participating community
program of the college often as indicated by the extension program in terms of recognition and
composite mean of 3.14. appreciation as indicated by the composite mean of
Ranked no. 1 is the students are willing to help 3.21.
without expecting anything in return (3.40), Ranked First in rank is, it helps the student to develop
number 2 is the students become aware of their leadership skills having a weighted mean of 3.33.
environmental and health concerns (3.29). To help Second is it helps to improve their self-worth and
others without expecting anything in return is the everyday living with a weighted mean of 3. 32.
heart of community extension program. It awakens the Putting individual in a group awakens the
volunteerism in oneself. The students become more leadership skills he has in himself. Participating in this
aware of the environment and health care. kind of activities where one is needed to work in a
Participating in this kind of activity helps to open up group will help the students to gain their self-
the minds of individual, becoming aware in the confidence to act in behalf of everyone. Through
outside world. community extension programs, the students learned
Furthermore, Ranked no. 9 is students are active to speak their minds to everyone, sharing ideas and
in participating Community Extension program (WM improve their public speaking.
2.93) and ranks no. 10 is the dissemination of Moreover, the students through community
information regarding Community Extension Program extension programs says that it helps them to
is well conducted (2.92). It indicates that although improved their self-worth and everyday living. It
there are lots of students participating in community improves their confidence and self-reliance. They feel
extension programs, students find it difficult to join in confident to suggest what is in their minds and act
such activities. Students are willing to join but there without a doubt. Being engage in community
are lacks of information regarding the subject. extension program will helps an individual to face
Regardless of their eagerness to join there some different scenarios. There are circumstances that the
hindrances that make it difficult for them to be an activities will encounter some problems along the way
active member. and somebody need to fix it. Decision making is a
Information has a very vital role in group activity burden to someone because their actions and the result
like community extension programs to have of the event will correspond according to ones
cooperation and to gain more participants. Tapscott decision. Facing different challenges helps an
[11] has mentioned three problems that come with individual to gain experiences that will become his
community extension programs. One of this is the bases for his action, making himself productive and
poor organization. The coordination of some activities trusted decision maker.
proves to be not well organized that the activity fails. Furthermore, extension/workers are given
recognition and the students become competent and
Table 4. Benefits of Participating Community reliable with the weighted mean of 3.06 and 3.12,
Extension Programs in terms of Recognition and respectively. Out of five benefits this two resulted last.
Appreciation It shows that students are participating in activities
Indicators WM VI Rank like community extension program not to benefit
1. Extension/workers are given themselves for having grade incentives and such but
recognition 3.06 O 5 to help not only himself but the community itself.
2. The students are competent and The community extension program, the entire
reliable 3.12 O 4
3. It helps to improve their self-worth
academic community is not only provided
and everyday living 3.32 O 2 opportunities to be aware of, and understand the needs
4. More productive and capable of and problems that are relevant on both local and
making decisions 3.21 O 3 national levels, but also opportunities to involve itself
5. It helps the students to develop in activities designed to develop the community and
their leadership skills 3.33 O 1 the less privileged. The program therefore serves as an
Composite Mean 3.21 O instrument by which the institution instills in the mind
Table 4 presents the benefits of participating of its own community specially its beneficiaries, the
community extension program in terms of recognition concept of social responsibility. Moreover, the
-ISSN 2350-7756 | E-ISSN 2350-8442 |
Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, Vol. 4, No. 1, February 2016
Rubio et al., Involvement in Community Extension Program of Business Administration Students
program serves as a springboard for a closer linkage programs and services that are community based
between the school and the community [6]. through peoples participation, taking into
consideration the changing needs of the society and
Table 5. Benefits of Participating Community the individual [6].
Extension Programs in terms Personality
Indicators WM VI Rank Table 6. Benefits of Participating Community
1. Helped boost my Extension Programs in terms Social Awareness
confidence 3.31 O 3.5 Indicators WM VI Rank
2. It helps me to reflect to 1. Provide insights into the factors
my doings. 3.34 O 2 most directly shaping youth
3. I gain trust to my 3.28 O 2
attitudes and involvement in their
decisions in life. 3.31 O 3.5 communities
4. It awakens the spirit of 2. It helps to encounter different
volunteerism in me. 3.35 O 1 3.22 O 5
5. Desired outcomes had 3. It helped in promoting
been achieved. 3.27 O 5 3.31 O 1
cleanliness to the community.
Composite Mean 3.32 O 4. It helps to prevent and not to be
indulged with vices (drugs, 3.24 O 3.5
Table 5 presents the benefits of participating gambling)
community extension program in terms of personality. 5. Members and community have
3.24 O 3.5
Results showed that students often perceived been educated.
benefited in participating community extension Composite Mean 3.26 O
program in terms of personality as indicated by the
composite mean of 3.32. Table 6 shows the benefits of participating
Regarding the result being gathered on how does Community Extension Program in terms of Social
participation in Community Extension Program Awareness. Results showed that the students often
affects the personality factors of a student is based on acquired Social Awareness in participating the
ladderized procedure from highest to lowest, at its community extension program as indicated by the
peak with the weighted mean of 3.35 which indicates composite mean of 3.26.
the spirit of volunteerism be awaken, which simply Given in the table are the benefits of participating
means that they practice charity exemplary as a community extension programs in terms of social
student. awareness. Participating in the community extension
Another connotation which is secondly in line as programs helped the students in promoting cleanliness
its indicator is that it helps them to reflect to their to the community has the highest weighted mean of
doing which garnered 3.34 averages that relates to 3.31. In connection, individuals participating in this
their self-implication on what theyve done in such kind of activities will help to preserve our
activities. environment. In addition, cleanliness has been
Moreover, on the data given above having the considered one of the important factors by which to
similar weighted mean of 3.31 that indicates that, it judge a civilizations or societys development.
helps them boost their confidence and gain trust to Moreover, it has been followed with the weighted
their decision making, which involves heighten up of mean of 3.28 stating that providing insights into the
self-esteem. factors most directly shaping youth attitudes and
Lastly, gaining 3.27 weighted mean concerning involvement in their communities [13].
the desired outcomes be achieved. It shows that Thus rank 3 with both weighted mean of 3.22
community extension program is an activity where which says that it helps the students to prevent and not
can effect ones decision in life. Through influencing to be indulged with vices like drugs and gambling and.
the decision making, the individual improve their Members and community have been educated. The
rational thinking and resulted for more productive and program supports for positive parental training by
efficient outcomes. modeling, teaching, and reinforcing positive behavior.
The Community Extension Program works Ludwig [10] noted that some community service
through self-support, self-reliance and self-sustaining activities are related to environment. These programs
principles. There should be intended efforts to plan
-ISSN 2350-7756 | E-ISSN 2350-8442 |
Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, Vol. 4, No. 1, February 2016
Rubio et al., Involvement in Community Extension Program of Business Administration Students
are usually planting activities. Clean up activities are help an individual to work in a group and to enable the
also parts of the environment programs together with respondents to familiarize in their workplace. Through
reduce, reuse and recycle campaigns. Aside from involving in community extension program, it helps
environment programs, helping those in needs is also an individual to improve their interaction between the
a big part in community services. This includes co-workers in a group. It can be posited that the
donations and feeding programs. Helping kids with major factor of Community Extension Program in
school and teaching them is also part of this. terms of Unity is based on the community knowledge
And lastly to help encounter different and involvement. With respect to their dissimilarities,
personalities with the weighted mean of 3.22. It can people can work together and get along. Unity in a
be executing that the Social awareness often benefited community empowers young people to achieve
through community extension programs. Engaging success and fulfillment by awakening in them an
oneself in activities like community extension understanding of their unique purpose and potential.
program helps an individual to encounter different (Community of Unity, 2016). Without it everyone will
personalities where they will become familiarize on be looking down on each other and causing a lot of
how to act in response. conflicts and arguments. It guides the morality in the
The community Extension program affect the society.
social awareness of the students and beneficiaries. The On the other hand, the least in rank is the items,
focus of this extension program is to promote members work together on complimentary goals and
activities in the area of social, environmental and life members interact primarily to exchange information
course development with an emphasis on: promoting and to communicate with the weighted mean of 3.23.
social integration in later life, including intervention It shows that the students and the members often
programs to reduce social isolation between the interact with each other.
wealthy and the needy. It increases different sectors of Based from the study of Tapscott [11] that
the community to tighten and deepen their concern to experiences in community service have factors that
the needs of the community and a strong desire to may shape them. It is significant to look into the
commit themselves to uplift the quality of the life of characteristics of the program that is implemented and
the community [6]. the beneficiaries of such program as well. The
program is design or built can have its effects on how
Table 7. Benefits of Participating Community the student will construct his experiences as well as
Extension Programs in terms of Unity the programs differences with other programs
Indicators WM VI Rank directed towards a similar goal of helping the
1. Group process has been community.
improved. 3.29 O 2
2. Community knowledge of and Table 8. Summary Table of the Benefits of
involvement with group has Participating Community Extension Programs
increased. 3.31 O 1
Indicators WM VI Rank
3. It helps to develop the spirit of
obedience and respect. 3.28 O 3 1. Recognition and
4. Members work together on Appreciation 3.21 O 4
complimentary goals. 3.23 O 4.5 2. Personality 3.32 O 1
5. Members interact primarily to 3. Social Awareness 3.26 O 3
exchange information and to 4. Unity 3.27 O 2
communicate. 3.23 O 4.5 Overall Composite Mean 3.26 O
Composite Mean 3.27 O Table 8 shows the summary table of the benefits
of participating community extension programs of the
Table 7 shows the benefits of Participating college. Results showed that the students are often
Community Extension Programs in terms of Unity. recognize the benefits in participating Com-Ex with
These results showed that the benefits are often the overall composite mean of 3.26.
observed as indicated with a composite mean of 3. 27. In every activity that the students may participate,
Community involvement is a very important personality (3.32) is one of the things that can be fully
aspect of revitalization for any community, no matter
what size. Participating in this kind of activity will
-ISSN 2350-7756 | E-ISSN 2350-8442 |
Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, Vol. 4, No. 1, February 2016
Rubio et al., Involvement in Community Extension Program of Business Administration Students
developed because a lot of things will be encountered A weighted mean of 2.88 is ranked first. The
and experienced followed by unity (3.27). students generally agreed that the budget for
Social Awareness obtained a weighted mean of notarization of the waiver is the most frequent
3.26 which ranks number 3 implies that students of problem they encountered involving the funds. In
the College of Business Administration who belong to contrast, the fund raising to cover up the expenses is
any year level and from different programs have the least in the rank with the weighted mean of 2.65. It
viewed the benefits they acquired in participating the reflects that a certain organization conducting the
community extension programs in different community extension program has the designated
perspectives. It shows that they have different budget in their hands for the needed materials for
perception when it comes to joining community them not to conduct additional activity like fund
extensions but with the same intention of wanting to raising.
help with other people through community
development. Table 10. Problems Encountered by Students in
Conversely, the least in rank, the item recognition Participating Community Extension Programs in
and appreciation with a weighted mean of 3. 21. It terms of Location
shows that the students are not into recognition when Indicators WM VI Rank
doing Com-Ex programs. The foundation of this 1. Safety o f the p lace is not
program begins with the individual, in that personal observed. 2.50 O 4.5
abilities to influence others are affected by the unique 2. The d istance of location is too far
personality of the individuals [16]. These factors are from the school. 2.56 O 1.5
reflected in skills, interest and abilities which are 3. The precautionary measures are
not conducted before the
ultimately help an individual to reach leadership
participants proceed to the given
potential. location. 2.52 O 3
Community Extension Services Program is a 4. The location does not correspond
program generated by a deep sense of mission to to what Co m-Ex program will be
improve the community in the content of community conducted. 2.56 O 1.5
building, the character, therefore, is one of social 5. Weather is not well to conduct
responsibility primarily sized at the communitys Com-Ex program. 2.50 O 4.5
upliftment from its identified needs. It is this social Composite Mean 2.53 O
character of the program that characterizes the Table 10 shows the problems encountered by the
relevance of schools educational program. students in participating community extension
programs in terms of location. Results showed that
Table 9. Problems Encountered by Students in Part icipating students often encountered a problem in terms of
Community Extension Programs in terms of Funds location as indicated by the composite mean of 2.53.
Indicators WM VI Rank The data presents that the students agreed for the
1. Budget for notarization of waiver distance of location is too far from the school together
is not provided. 2.88 O 1 with the the location does not correspond to what
2. Budget for transportation fee is community extension program will be conducted
not provided. 2.76 O 2 ranked first in the list with the weighted mean of 2.56.
3. Budget for foods/drinks is not
It exhibits that organizer of the activity does not
provided. 2.74 O 3
4. Budget for materials/logistics is prepare well the location to correspond to the planned
not provided. 2.69 O 4 activity. In addition, with the weighted mean of 2.52
5. There is no fund-raising to cover the precautionary measures are not conducted before
the expenses. 2.65 O 5 the participants proceed to the given location, ranked
Composite Mean 2.75 O third. It displays that there are instances where the
Table 9 indicates the problems encountered by community extension programs are incapacitating in
the students in participating community extension ensuring the safety of the participants for the lack of
program in terms of fund. This results showed that the precautionary measures.
said problem is often observed as indicated with a
composite mean of 2.75.
-ISSN 2350-7756 | E-ISSN 2350-8442 |
Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, Vol. 4, No. 1, February 2016
Rubio et al., Involvement in Community Extension Program of Business Administration Students
Table 11. Problems Encountered by Students in mentioned three problems that come with community
Participating Community Extension Programs in extension programs. First is poor organization. The
terms of Logistics coordination of some activities proves to be not well
Indicators WM VI Rank organized that the activity fails or there would be
1. There is no act ion program to logistics problems that would hinder the activity from
guide the program. 2.47 S 3.5 being a success. Second is the ingratitude to the
2. The organization involve does benefactors. There would be cases where in the people
not provide their participants the students are helping would complain and have a bad
needed materials to avoid injuries. 2.46 S 5 attitude towards the people who are helping them.
3. The needed materials are And lastly, safety issues. The lack of safety
incomplete. 2.53 O 2
precautions makes it problem in doing community
4. The needed materials are not in
good shape. 2.47 S 3.5 services.
5. Participants are not coming
regularly for the extension Table 12. Summary Table of the Problems
activities. 2.56 O 1 Encountered by Students in Participating Community
Composite Mean 2.50 S Extension Programs
Table 11 shows the problems encountered by the Indicators WM VI Rank
students in participating community extension 1. Funds 2.75 O 1
programs in terms of logistics. Results showed that 2. Location 2.53 O 2
students are sometimes encountered a problem in 3. Logistics 2.50 O 3
terms of logistics as indicated by the composite mean Overall Composite Mean 2.59 O
of 2.50.
Furthermore, the students gave a unifying Table 12 presents the summary table of the
perception on the problem encountered by the students problems encountered by the students in participating
in participating community extension in terms of community extension programs. Results showed that
logistics [17]. The participants are not coming the students are often encountered a problem in
regularly for the extension activities ranked first with participating Community Extension Program with the
a weighted mean of 2.56, followed by the needed overall composite mean of 2.59.
materials is incomplete with the weighted mean of One of the problems encountered by the students
2.53. Moreover, there is no action program to guide in participating Community Extension Program is
the program and the needed materials are not in good funds, the highest ratings with the weighted mean of
shape both garnered a weighted mean of 3.5. And 2.75 followed by location and logistics.
lastly, the organization involve does not provide their Extension participants throughout the world face
participants the needed materials to avoid injuries got the difficult challenges are program preparations,
the lowest rating with an average weighted mean of active involvement of the participants, control over
2.46. resources and provide facilities and equipment. The
The community extension program is an activity respondents noted that funds is a very sensitive task,
involving the environment where the students are because most of the times, funds are not properly used
expose to different circumstances. Logistics must due to lack of transparency, and they can only acquire
conform to the requirements of what the community their budget from students fund raising or sometimes
extension program will be conducted. It is a must that from the excess of previously acquired budget from
materials are all in good shape to ensure the safety of latter activities.The reason why there are some
the students and the beneficiaries. Pre-meeting work projects that are not executed well.
may include collecting data, laying out the agenda, One of the major roles of the
determining the group process to follow, and possibly individuals( facilitators, extension educators and
having a couple of alternatives in case flexibility is participants), was the issue of raising funds for
also required to to plan a guideline to follow for community developments. To provide more support in
smooth flow of the activity. implementation and evaluation of programs and
Community Extension program holds problem services. The fund should be capable of being used for
that make it difficult for students. Tapscott [11] has specified purposes at any time. It would be capable of
-ISSN 2350-7756 | E-ISSN 2350-8442 |
Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, Vol. 4, No. 1, February 2016
Rubio et al., Involvement in Community Extension Program of Business Administration Students
being used in any manner the organizations prefers i.e aforementioned profile variables is rejected. This
for strengthen program resources, and attract funds, means that significant difference exists and that
thus allowing sustainability or expansion activity, respondents have assessed the benefits of joining such
strengthen the quality of project and staff performance, programs differently.
make service more accessible and meet actual
community needs. Table 13. Difference on the Assessment of the
Furthermore, the respondents agreed that locations Community Extension Programs when Grouped
and logistics are the least problems that will affect the according to Profile Variables
operations and performance of the student to Profile Variable Fc p-value
participate. In conducting a Community Extension Benefits
Program, the participants have the collaborative Year Level 2.538 0.041*
efforts, ability to engage in different activities, provide Program 3.129 0.026*
the community needs and prepare the program Affiliation to Organization 0.085 0.919
productively. Location is important in setting up Problems
Community Extension Program. Event venues are Year Level 4.579 0.001*
locations where events are taking place. The extension Program 1.235 0.298
educators, staff and participants may select the perfect Affiliation to Organization 2.327 0.100
venue to ensure safety of every individuals.
To sum up, logistics is a challenging and Legend: *Significant at p-value < 0.05
important activity because it serves as an integrating
Moreover, the profile variable year level shows
or boundary spanning functions. It ensure that
significant difference on the perceived problems in
organization provide their participants the needed
involving oneself in the community extension
materials, if it is complete and in good shape. It also
implies the safety of participants and beneficiaries. programs of the department.
When it is done internally, participants become This means that students of the College of
involved in reflection, action, empowerment and Business Administration, either first, second, third or
fourth year level and from the different programs of
active involvement in decision making throughout the
the college have viewed the benefits they acquired in
program. Appropriate and effective collaboration of
participating the community extension programs in
the students, facilitators and extension educators my
different perspectives. Moreover, they have
lead to successful outcomes.
Community Extension program holds problem experienced different level of difficulties of joining
that make it difficult for students. Tapscott [11] has such endeavors when it comes to funds [19].
mentioned three problems that come with community Based on ComEx Report 2012 that the community
extension programs. First is poor organization. The extension program, the entire academic community is
not only provided opportunities to be aware of, and
coordination of some activities proves to be not well
understand the needs and problems that are prevalent
organized that the activity fails or there would be
on both local and national levels, but also
logistics problems that would hinder the activity from
opportunities to involve itself in activities designed to
being a success. Second is the ingratitude to the
benefactors. There would be cases where in the people develop the community and the less privileged. The
students are helping would complain and have a bad program therefor serves as an instrument by which the
attitude towards the people who are helping them. institution instills in the mind of its own community
specially its beneficiaries, the concept of social
And lastly, safety issues. The lack of safety
responsibility. Moreover, the program serves as a
precautions makes it problem in doing community
springboard for a closer linkage between the school
and the community. Furthermore, as the school
Based from Table 13, the computed F values of
the profile variables year level and program were utilizes the community extension program activities, it
greater than the critical value and the resulted p-value simultaneously operationalizes its mission.
were less than 0.05 level of significance, thus the null
hypothesis of no significant difference on the benefits CONCLUS ION AND RECOMMENDATION
Majority of the respondents are freshman, BS
of participating the community extension programs of
Business Administration students were member of
the college when grouped according to the
-ISSN 2350-7756 | E-ISSN 2350-8442 |
Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, Vol. 4, No. 1, February 2016
Rubio et al., Involvement in Community Extension Program of Business Administration Students
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-ISSN 2350-7756 | E-ISSN 2350-8442 |
Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, Vol. 4, No. 1, February 2016
Rubio et al., Involvement in Community Extension Program of Business Administration Students
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-ISSN 2350-7756 | E-ISSN 2350-8442 |
Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, Vol. 4, No. 1, February 2016