Major Depressive Disorder As A Nonlinear Dynamic System: Bimodality in The Frequency Distribution of Depressive Symptoms Over Time
Major Depressive Disorder As A Nonlinear Dynamic System: Bimodality in The Frequency Distribution of Depressive Symptoms Over Time
Major Depressive Disorder As A Nonlinear Dynamic System: Bimodality in The Frequency Distribution of Depressive Symptoms Over Time
Background: A defining characteristic of Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) is its episodic course, which might
indicate that MDD is a nonlinear dynamic phenomenon with two discrete states. We investigated this hypothesis
using the symptom time series of individual patients.
Methods: In 178 primary care patients with MDD, the presence of the nine DSM-IV symptoms of depression was
recorded weekly for two years. For each patient, the time-series plots as well as the frequency distributions of the
symptoms over 104 weeks were inspected. Furthermore, two indicators of bimodality were obtained: the bimodality
coefficient (BC) and the fit of a 1- and a 2-state Hidden Markov Model (HMM).
Results: In 66 % of the sample, high bimodality coefficients (BC > .55) were found. These corresponded to relatively
sudden jumps in the symptom curves and to highly skewed or bimodal frequency distributions. The results of the
HMM analyses classified 90 % of the symptom distributions as bimodal.
Conclusions: A two-state pattern can be used to describe the course of depression symptoms in many
patients. The BC seems useful in differentiating between subgroups of MDD patients based on their life
course data.
seems to be stronger in persons diagnosed with depres- The aim of this preliminary proof-of-concept study
sion than in healthy controls [14, 15]. This can be ex- was to investigate whether depression can be viewed as
plained by continuously accumulating effects, which a nonlinear dynamic system moving between two equi-
have been found to account for about one third of the librium states. We explored a longitudinal dataset for
variance of the depressive symptoms in young adults evidence of two discrete states, symptom-free versus
[16]. Moreover, internal or external influences, referred depressed, in patients with MDD. We hypothesised sud-
to as control parameters, can change the behaviour of a den jumps in the symptom curves and bimodality in the
system. Chronic stress, for instance, is a risk factor for symptom distributions of the individual patients.
depressed mood [17]. In a nonlinear system, the relation-
ship between the control parameters and the behaviour of Methods
the system is more complex. Small continuous changes of Original study
a control parameter can sometimes lead to large and rapid From 1998 to 2003, 267 patients diagnosed with MDD
changes in the behaviour of the system. The dynamic state participated in a randomised controlled trial with follow-
of the system explains this phenomenon; a system in equi- ups every three months during three years [20, 21]. The
librium will hardly respond to a small perturbation, while study protocol was approved by the Medical Ethics
a system near a transition will respond vehemently. In Committee of the University Medical Center Groningen
most people, a small disagreement or a bad joke will not (UMCG). All participants provided informed consent. A
change their mood lastingly. After a period of cumulative total of 397 patients were referred by 49 GP-practices in
hassles, however, the same trigger might have a stronger the North of the Netherlands. Inclusion criteria were: a
impact on their mood. history of depression, the absence of life-threatening som-
Some systems are more prone to rapid change than atic diseases, and receiving no psychotherapy. Patients
others [10]. The structure of these highly vulnerable sys- were excluded if they were pregnant, had dementia, had
tems is characterised by high homogeneity and high bipolar disorder, had a psychotic disorder and/or had a
connectivity. Homogeneity means that a system consists primary diagnosis of alcohol or drug dependence. The re-
of similar elements; connectivity means that connections ferred patients were interviewed using the Composite
between the elements allow mutual influence and strong International Diagnostic Interview (CIDI) to confirm the
positive feed-back loops. Highly homogeneous and con- presence of a major depressive episode and the absence of
nected systems can easily resist small perturbations. other psychopathology. Out of the 397 patients, 78 refused
When one of the elements fails, its function will be to participate and 52 met the exclusion criteria, resulting
taken over by one of the similar neighbours. Such a sys- in a sample of 267 patients (67.3 %). These patients were
tem, however, is less able to adapt to a continuously randomly allocated to four treatment arms: (1) care as
changing environment. Change will happen in leaps. usual (CAU) following national general practice
Given its episodic temporal structure, MDD is likely guidelines, (2) CAU plus psycho-education program
to be such a highly homogeneous and connected sys- (PEP), (3) CAU + PEP + cognitive behavioural therapy,
tem. The recent development of defining the symp- and (4) CAU + PEP + psychiatric consultation. Previous
toms of depression as highly connected nodes of a analyses of the data showed that when the treatment
network [7, 18] is in line with this, as high connectivity effects of three types of enhanced treatment for MDD
can explain the observed patterns of distinguishable epi- were compared with the CAU, none of the enhanced
sodes. Because activation as well as de-activation can treatment options outperformed CAU after one [20]
spread quickly through the network of symptoms, the net- or three years [22].
work is observed in either one of two discernible states: When looking at patients dynamic development over
either most of the elements are activated and nearly all time (onsets and remissions), at least 499 switches from
symptoms are present, or most of the elements are deacti- an episode of depression to a healthy state and vice versa
vated and nearly all symptoms are absent. Consequently, were detected in the profiles of the 267 patients over
the transitions from a normal mental state to a state of three years, when using the DSM-IV criteria for a
depression and vice versa can take place rapidly. depressive episode [3].
If a system can adopt two separate states of behav-
iour, two discernible modes should be observable in Participants
the frequency distribution that displays the temporal Of the 267 participants, 178 patients had complete
behaviour of the system. If depression and normal symptom records for a 2-year follow-up period
mental state constitute two qualitatively different (104 weeks). These records formed the basis for the ana-
states, then one should find bimodality in the fre- lyses reported below. Although some patients were
quency distribution of the symptoms reported over followed for a longer period (up to 3 years), the cut-off
time (cf. [19]). of 104 weeks was chosen after inspection of the
Hosenfeld et al. BMC Psychiatry (2015) 15:222 Page 3 of 9
frequency distributions of responders on each of the distribution of the scores. The BC is the sum of the
time-points. The cut-off of 104 weeks resulted in the in- squared skewness of a distribution (s) and 1, divided
clusion of 178 complete cases (66.7 %), which seemed to by the sum of the kurtosis (k) and a correction factor
be an optimal trade-off between sample-size and follow- (C) [25, 26]: BC = (s^2 + 1)/(k + C) with C = (3*(n
up time. In contrast, a cut-off of 156 weeks, for instance, 1)^2)/((n2)*(n-3)). C varies between 3 and 4, de-
would have resulted in the inclusion of only 121 pending on the number of observations n, and cor-
complete cases (45.3 %). rects for the fact that the kurtosis of a normal
distribution equals 3 but is reported as zero [27]. In
Procedure the current study, n equalled 104 observations per pa-
At study entry, all patients participated in a face-to-face tient, leading to C = 3.089. The BC (range 01) for a uni-
interview. Every three months afterwards, they were form distribution equals 0.55. Accordingly, a BC < .55
interviewed by telephone with a computerized interview indicates unimodality, whereas a BC > 0.55 indicates
based on the depression section of the Composite bimodality. Highly skewed and two-peaked distributions
International Diagnostic Interview (CIDI) [23]. The with short tails have a high BC, while symmetric distribu-
presence of the nine DSM-IV criteria for depression, tions with only one peak and long tails have a low BC.
depressed mood, diminished interest, eating problems, The BCs of the individual patients can be ordered, com-
sleeping problems, psychomotor problems, loss of energy, pared and related to other variables. Note that the BC, a
guilt, cognitive problems, and preoccupation with death/ test for cross-sectional data, does not take into account
suicidal ideation, was recorded retrospectively for every temporal dependencies in a time series.
week in the preceding three months [3]. In addition, we conducted Hidden Markov Model
(HMM) analyses [28, 29], which enable detection of
Measures qualitatively different behavioural states in a one- or
In addition to the CIDI assessments described above, multidimensional time series of an individual system.
socio-demographic characteristics (e.g. work-status, social HMMs are based on three assumptions. First, the
status, education) were thoroughly assessed at baseline. process can be described by one or more discrete states.
During the baseline CIDI, the number of previous depres- Second, while there are serial dependencies over time,
sive episodes, the age of onset, comorbid disorders (dys- the state of a system depends only on its state at the pre-
thymia, social phobia, agoraphobia, panic disorder) and vious point in the time series, but not on any earlier
the presence of a lifetime suicide attempt were assessed. states. Third, the states cannot be observed directly.
Also, the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) [24] was Using the R-package depmixS4 [30], we fitted two
administered to assess depression severity. At 6-month Hidden Markov Models, a 1-state model and a 2-state
follow-up, 153 of the 178 patients (86.0 %) filled in the model, to each of the individual time series presuming
BDI again and 148 patients (83.1 %) filled in the BDI after that the number of symptoms was binomially distributed
1 year. These follow-up measurements were used to inves- (n = 9, p freely estimated). To compare the model fit of
tigate recovery. the two models, we applied the Bayesian Information
Criterion (BIC). Moreover, for each patient, we defined
Statistical analysis the distance between the estimated modes as the abso-
For each patient, we displayed the number of depressive lute value of the difference between them.
symptoms per week in a time-series plot over 104 weeks
and plotted the frequency distribution of the symptoms, Results
i.e., collapsed over measurements, as a histogram of 104 Sample Characteristics
scores. We inspected the time series plots broadly, The sample (Table 1) included 122 women (69 %). Age
applying the three categories fluctuating symptoms ranged from 17 to 69 years (M = 43.4, SD = 11.5). At
around a mean, continuous decrease and/or increase study entry, 135 patients (76 %) used antidepressant
of the symptoms, clear sudden jumps visible. Simi- medication. Forty-six patients (26 %) received care as
larly, we categorised the histograms as either unimodal usual from their general practitioners, 71 patients (40 %)
with a mode at the middle of the scale or as unimodal participated in a psycho-educational prevention program
with a mode at one end of the scale or as bimodal. (PEP) only, 30 patients (17 %) received PEP and psychi-
The systematic coding of the plots was conducted by the atric consultation, and 31 patients (17 %) received PEP
first author. The time series plots were coded independ- and cognitive behavioral therapy. The mean Beck
ently from the histograms. No other information was Depression Inventory score was 19.7 (SD = 9.2), indicat-
used for coding. ing moderate depression severity [24]. The median num-
Moreover, for every patient, we computed a bimodality ber of previous episodes was 2 and the mean age of first
coefficient (BC), which reflects the form of the depression onset was 31.9 years (SD = 13.0). Of the
Hosenfeld et al. BMC Psychiatry (2015) 15:222 Page 4 of 9
Table 1 Characteristics of the original sample and the final symptoms (N = 18,512, BC = .63). Many of the patients
sample recorded only a few symptoms most of the time, which
Original sample Final sample corresponded to the rapid improvements observed dur-
(N = 267) (N = 178) ing the first months of the intervention [22].
Age, mean (SD) 42.8 (11.3) 43.4 (11.5)
Time-series plots
For each patient, we displayed the number of depressive
Female, n (%) 171 (64 %) 121 (68 %)
symptoms per week as individual time-series plots.
Years of education, mean (SD) 12.5 (3.7) 12.5 (3.5) Inspecting these plots (Fig. 1), we discovered three main
Married/cohabiting, n (%) 172 (64.4 %) 117 (65.7 %) patterns. In 7 % of the plots, the number of symptoms
Paid employment, n (%) 161 (60.3 %) 109 (61.2 %) fluctuated within a narrow range. In 38 % of the plots, the
Number of chronic somatic 1 (0.5-1.5) 1 (0.5-1.5) number of symptoms continuously decreased as well as
diseases, median (IQR) increased over time. In the majority of the plots (56 %),
Treatment arm, n (%) one or more clear sudden jumps from many symptoms to
Usual care by general practitioner 72 (27 %) 46 (26 %) nearly no symptoms or vice versa appeared.
Psycho-education (PEP) 112 (42 %) 71 (40 %)
Psychiatric consultation + PEP 39 (15 %) 30 (17 %)
Inspecting the histograms that displayed the number of
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy + PEP 44 (16 %) 31 (17 %) symptoms over 104 weeks for the individual patients, we
Psychiatric Characteristics identified 31 % of the distributions as unimodal either
Beck Depression Inventory, mean (SD) 20.1 (9.4) 19.7 (9.2) with modes near the extremes of the scale (8 %) or with
Number of previous episodes, 2 (04.5) 2 (04) modes in the middle of the scale (23 %). The majority
median (IQR) (69 %) of the histograms either contained two separated
Age at first onset, mean (SD) 31.3 (13.2) 31.9 (13.0) modes or was severely skewed. With the exception of
Antidepressant use, n (%) 198 (74 %) 134 (75 %)
the unimodal distributions around the middle of the
scale, all distributions reflected the existence of two dis-
Previous suicide attempt, n (%) 27 (10.1 %) 17 (9.6 %)
tinct states, symptom-free versus depressed.
Past month comorbid psychiatric
disorders, n (%)
Bimodality coefficients
Dysthymia 22 (8.2 %) 13 (7.3 %)
To summarise the patterns discovered in the time-
Social phobia 41 (15.4 %) 22 (12.4 %) series plots and histograms, we computed a BC for
Panic Disorder 34 (12.7 %) 19 (10.7 %) each patient. These BCs ranged from .20 to .98
Agoraphobia 22 (8.2 %) 18 (10.1 %) (mean = .65, median = .63, SD = .17), confirming that
SD Standard deviation, IQR interquartile range unimodal, uniform, and bimodal distributions were
present in the current sample. The majority (66 %) of
distributions was bimodal (BC > .55). The distribution
patients, 9.6 % reported a previous suicide attempt in their of the BCs did not significantly deviate from normal-
lifetime. Percentages comorbid psychiatric disorders in the ity (Kolmogorov-Smirnov-Z = 0.877, df = 178, p = .43).
month prior to baseline ranged from 7.3 % for dysthymia No statistically significant relationships were found
to 12.4 % for social phobia. The study sample did not dif- between the BC and age (r = .11, N = 178, p = .15),
fer notably from the original sample (n = 267) with respect gender (t = 0.426, df = 176, p = .671), treatment (F =
to socio-demographic and psychiatric characteristics 0.260, df = 3, p = .854), or antidepressant use (t =
(Table 1). Of the patients with a 6-month BDI follow-up, 0.389, df = 176, p = .698), respectively.
21.1 % showed an increase or no change in BDI score,
66.2 % showed a reduction of at least 25 % and 42.1 % Comparison of the bimodality coefficients and graphs
showed a reduction of at least 50 % compared to the base- Overall, the BCs for the individual patients effectively
line BDI-score. Of the patients with a 1-year BDI follow- summarised the patterns of the symptoms over time.
up, 18.2 % showed an increase or no change, 69.7 % Low BCs corresponded to flat or smooth curves in the
showed a reduction of at least 25 % and 49.2 % showed a time-series plots, while high BCs indicated on-off pat-
reduction of at least 50 % compared to baseline. terns. Similarly, low BCs were found for the unimodal
The number of symptoms reported by the 178 patients frequency distributions, while high BCs appeared with
during the 104 weeks ranged from 0 to 9. At the group skewed of bimodal frequency distributions.
level, the frequency distribution of the number of symp- A few time-series plots appeared as nearly flat lines
toms was positively skewed with a mode of zero either at the bottom or at the top of the symptom scale;
Hosenfeld et al. BMC Psychiatry (2015) 15:222 Page 5 of 9
Fig. 1 Time-series plots, histograms, and bimodality coefficients for seven MDD patients
the distribution of the symptoms was unimodal at the we found that a 1-state model best fit the data in only
extremes of the scale, with BCs between 0.20 and 0.54. 18 individuals (10 %), whereas the 2-state model outper-
The patients who reported these unchanging symptom formed the 1-state model for 160 individuals (90 %). In
levels seemed to remain in a single mood state. They all patients who were best described by 2-state models,
might be viewed as potentially highly bimodal individ- high probabilities to remain in the previous state (p > .87)
uals who did not go through any phase transition during indicated stable states. The classification by HMM was
the two years of observation. positively related to the BC (rho = .33, N = 178, p < .001).
In order to illustrate the relationships between the Distributions with a high BC were classified as bimodal,
BCs and the graphs, we blindly selected one case at the distributions with a low BC as unimodal.
5th, the 10th, the 25th, the 50th, the 75th, the 90th, and the Additionally, the distance between the estimated modes
95th percentile, respectively, of the BC distribution. The in the 2-state model varied between 0 and 7.98 symptoms
individual graphs of these seven cases, ordered by the and was clearly related to the outperforming model, re-
BC, are displayed in Fig. 1. Obviously, the BC is able to spectively (rho = .52, N = 178, p < .001). Distributions with
order the time-series plots and the histograms in a com- small distances between the estimated modes were best fit
prehensible manner. by the 1-state model, whereas distributions with large
distances were best fit by the 2-state model. In general,
Hidden Markov Models the distance between the estimated modes was also associ-
To each of the individual time series, we fitted two ated with the BC (rho = .44, N = 178, p < .001). Small
Hidden Markov Models (HMM). Comparing the BIC, distances between the modes corresponded to low
Hosenfeld et al. BMC Psychiatry (2015) 15:222 Page 6 of 9
BCs, while large distances corresponded to high BCs. also play an important role. These variations are a
Detailed information about the results of the HMM potentially important source of between-person hetero-
analyses for the seven prototypical patients can be geneity and might indicate the involvement of different
found in Table 2. underlying mechanisms.
Comparing the results of the two different bimodality
Discussion analyses, BC and HMM, we found that different propor-
The present study provides evidence for the idea that tions of the sample (66 % and 90 %, respectively) were
depression can be modelled as a nonlinear dynamic sys- classified as bimodal. Although the results of the two
tem moving between two equilibrium states. We found analyses were positively associated, the two methods led
that, in a majority of 178 patients with MDD, the symp- to different decisions regarding bimodality for several in-
toms of depression were closely inter-related during a dividual distributions. We made two observations: first,
period of 104 weeks. At each measurement point, these the HMM analyses detected bimodality, even if the dis-
patients reported either many symptoms or nearly no tances between the estimated modes were rather small.
symptoms at all, while the probability to remain in a Second, several cases with a high BC were classified as
given state, depressed or non-depressed, was high. Con- unimodal by the HMM analyses. The symptom distribu-
sequently, decreases as well as increases of their symp- tions of these cases were heavily skewed, but did not
toms over time happened rapidly. The minority of the contain a visible second mode. Both observations
sample reported the depression symptoms to vary more matched the finding that, in general, mixture distribu-
or less randomly around a mean or to change gradually. tions are more sensitive to small distances between the
These patients did not seem to switch as abruptly estimated modes than the BC, but less sensitive to small
between mental states. These findings suggest that the proportions at large distances [25, 26].
dynamics of depression over time differ across patients, For further exploration of bimodality in MDD pa-
with many patients showing more or less abrupt transi- tients, we would recommend the BC. First, the BC is re-
tions from one state to the other and others showing lated to non-trivial distances between the modes, and
more continuous variation in depression severity over thus, possibly to clinically relevant features. Second, the
time. On the one hand, these results support the trad- BC is robust against unequal proportions in the modes
itional all-or-nothing distinction between depression and and obviously corresponds to the time series plots and
health. On the other hand, the results show that bimo- the histograms. Apparently, it allows arranging patients
dality is a matter of degree and that in many patients on a scale that describes the probability that their symp-
continuous temporal variations in depression severity toms emerge and disappear rapidly. Third, the BC does
not depend on parameter estimation or on the choice of
a basic distribution, but can be computed with a simple
Table 2 Goodness of fit for the 1- and 2-state Hidden Markov
formula. With the help of the BC, one might be able to
Models for seven patients
distinguish subgroups of MDD patients and to explore
ID Model 1 2 2 - 1 logl AIC BIC nfree BC
whether they display an increased chance of recurrence
A 1 4.87 158.89 319.77 322.42 1 .36
of depression, of recovery, or even of experiencing a
2 4.87 4.87 0.00 158.89 327.77 340.99 5 (hypo)manic state.
B 1 4.94 164.52 331.05 333.69 1 .43 Nonlinear dynamic systems move from one state to
2 4.94 4.94 0.00 164.52 339.03 352.25 5 another under the influence of a small set of control var-
C 1 4.21 210.47 422.93 425.58 1 .53 iables; during a phase transition, it is possible to identify
those variables that control the system [5]. Therefore,
2 3.26 6.81 3.55 158.53 327.06 340.28 5
one might first speculate on which variable is involved
D 1 5.87 300.57 603.14 605.78 1 .63
in a nonlinear dynamic model for depression as a split-
2 3.02 7.73 4.71 175.20 360.39 373.62 5 ting control variable, that is, which force is responsible
E 1 5.53 306.42 614.83 617.48 1 .75 for the different degrees of bimodality we found. When
2 0.17 6.65 6.48 150.89 311.77 325.00 5 we explored some possibly associated variables like age,
F 1 0.58 147.10 296.20 298.84 1 .90 gender, treatment and medication, we did not find any
associations with the BC. Another candidate for the
2 0.00 2.20 2.20 72.26 154.51 167.73 5
splitting control variable might be the structure of the
G 1 1.20 311.46 624.91 627.55 1 .94
network of depression symptoms itself [7, 10]. If depres-
2 0.03 7.18 7.15 51.94 113.89 127.11 5 sion is assumed to form a network of highly connected
Note. mean number of symptoms per mode, 2 1 = distance between the symptoms containing strong positive feed-back loops,
modes, logl log likelihood, AIC Akaikes Information Criterion, BIC Bayesian
Information Criterion, nfree number of freely estimated parameters, BC
depression can be expected to undergo sudden phase
Bimodality Coefficient transitions. This has already been demonstrated in a
Hosenfeld et al. BMC Psychiatry (2015) 15:222 Page 7 of 9
NetLogo simulation [31, 32], in which the degree of con- the intervention, might have been the ones who pro-
nectivity in a network of depression symptoms influ- vided the incomplete records. Third, partly due to the
ences the form of its time series. With high connectivity, selection procedure, the study sample ended up being
the symptom network produces time-series plots with relatively small. Fourth, the study was conducted among
clearly rectangular patterns. Thus, in an individual pa- primary care patients and the results may not be directly
tient, the degree of connectivity of the symptom network generalizable to more severely affected patients with po-
would explain the value of the BC. High connectivity tentially more complex comorbidity and/or treatment re-
would bring about the sudden jumps in the symptom sistance. Finally, the current analyses were conducted
curves and bimodality in the frequency distributions. under the rather strict assumption that the symptom sum
Furthermore, one might wonder which control vari- score could be seen as a unidimensional representation of
able is responsible for the switch of the system from one underlying depression severity and that between-person
state to the other. This variable presumably represents a differences could be quantified in terms of variations on
perturbing force, such as perceived stress, conflict, or this dimension.
entrapment. Depending on the architecture and the
current state of the individual system, the same amount Recommendations for further research
of perturbation can cause either a small or a large effect. Ideally, our results should be replicated in larger samples
We would expect that no single control variable will be of patients with MDD, by preference in a multi-centre
able to explain the switch to or from an episode of study. Mood recordings from healthy controls might fur-
MDD for all individual patients. Most probably, idiosyn- ther contribute to insight in the dynamics of depression.
cratic control variables will be identified for different Keeping the participants motivated to record their mood
persons. In our study, we cannot exclude the possibility continuously and reliably should be a major aspect of
that the repeated interviews have triggered the switches the study design.
from one regime to the other in some individual pa- Furthermore, it might be useful to register the symp-
tients. This might mean that even repeated interviews toms of depression prospectively, at the moment at which
may function as a perturbing force in MDD. they are experienced and even more frequently than only
once a week so that the risk of study artefacts will be mini-
Limitations of the study mized. Small hand-held devices have already been used in
The current study was intended as a preliminary proof- order to record symptoms or mood scores several times a
of-principle study and several limitations should be kept day [33]. Similar applications for cell phones might further
in mind when interpreting the presented results. First, facilitate registration. A validation study comparing retro-
the bimodality pattern we discovered in part might re- spective with prospective recordings of depression symp-
flect artefacts stemming from the data-collection toms might reveal systematic recall errors.
method. All information about the symptoms was re- In order to validate the BC further, one might use it to
corded retrospectively over three-month periods. Pos- distinguish time series generated either by a model with
sibly, the participants of the study reported the onset or a model without alternating stable states. For this test,
and remission of the symptoms as more or less simul- the NetLogo model [31] might provide the necessary data.
taneously only because it is easier to recall and to report Importantly, bimodality alone cannot prove that alterna-
simple patterns than more differentiated or random tive stable states exist in a system, because it might only
ones. Alternatively, the patients might have reported a indicate a sharp response of the system to a control par-
two-state pattern because it fitted their expectations ameter near a threshold value [34]. The demonstration of
about depression. Three of the four treatments, however, other indicators of nonlinear dynamics, in particular the
included the instruction to monitor the onset of depres- demonstration of hysteresis, would strongly support the
sion symptoms. All patients who received enhanced hypothesis that MDD is a nonlinear dynamic system.
treatment were encouraged to keep diaries about the The term hysteresis refers to the fact that the shift of
symptoms they experienced and might have consulted the observed behaviour towards or away from an at-
these diaries when responding to the interviewers. Ac- tractor happens at different places on the continuum
cordingly, one would expect that the subgroup of pa- of the control variable. Hysteresis in MDD would
tients receiving care as usual presented the least mean that for the recovery of individual patients it is
differentiated symptom curves. Nevertheless, we found necessary that stress be reduced below the stress-level
no differences between the symptom patterns of the four cut-off that triggered the shift to the depressed state.
treatment groups. Second, we included only complete
cases in our analyses. Possibly, the missing values in the Conclusion
original dataset were systematically missing values. Finally, adopting the model of a nonlinear dynamic
Those patients, for example, who did not recover during system for depression in individual persons might lead
Hosenfeld et al. BMC Psychiatry (2015) 15:222 Page 8 of 9
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Competing interests
termination of depression. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2014;111(1):8792.
The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
10. Scheffer M, Carpenter SR, Lenton TM, Bascompte J, Brock L, Dakos V, et al.
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