Subchronic Exposure of Honeybees To Sublethal Doses of Pesticides: Effects On Behavior
Subchronic Exposure of Honeybees To Sublethal Doses of Pesticides: Effects On Behavior
Subchronic Exposure of Honeybees To Sublethal Doses of Pesticides: Effects On Behavior
113122, 2009
2009 SETAC
Printed in the USA
0730-7268/09 $12.00 .00
Centre de Recherches sur la Cognition AnimaleUMR CNRS 5169, Universite Paul Sabatier, 118 route de Narbonne,
31062 Toulouse cedex France
AbstractLaboratory bioassays were conducted to evaluate the effects on honeybee behavior of sublethal doses of insecticides
chronically administered orally or by contact. Emergent honeybees received a daily dose of insecticide ranging from one-fifth to
one-five-hundredth of the median lethal dose (LD50) during 11 d. After exposure to fipronil (0.1 and 0.01 ng/bee), acetamiprid (1
and 0.1 g/bee), or thiamethoxam (1 and 0.1 ng/bee), behavioral functions of honeybees were tested on day 12. Fipronil, used at
the dose of 0.1 ng/bee, induced mortality of all honeybees after one week of treatment. As a result of contact treatment at 0.01
ng/bee, honeybees spent significantly more time immobile in an open-field apparatus and ingested significantly more water. In the
olfactory conditioning paradigm, fipronil-treated honeybees failed to discriminate between a known and an unknown odorant.
Thiamethoxam by contact induced either a significant decrease of olfactory memory 24 h after learning at 0.1 ng/bee or a significant
impairment of learning performance with no effect on memory at 1 ng/bee. Responsiveness to antennal sucrose stimulation was
significantly decreased for high sucrose concentrations in honeybees treated orally with thiamethoxam (1 ng/bee). The only significant
effect of acetamiprid (administered orally, 0.1 g/bee) was an increase in responsiveness to water. The neonicotinoids acetamiprid
and thiamethoxam tested at the highest dose (one-tenth and one-fifth of their oral LD50, respectively) and fipronil at one-five-
hundredth of LD50 have limited effects on the motor, sensory, and cognitive functions of the honeybee. Our data on the intrinsic
toxicity of the compounds after chronic exposure have to be taken into account for evaluation of risk to honeybees in field conditions.
found in several honeybee brain neuropiles, where they act as experiments, acetonitrile for thiamethoxam) was 0.3% (v/v)
modulators of excitatory synapses [4,15]. In olfactory path- for oral and 10% (v/v) for topical applications in final solu-
ways, gabaergic interneurons contribute to shaping the neural tions.
representation of odors [16,17]. Contrary to nAChRs, GABA
and GluCl receptors are also found outside the central nervous Animals
system on the muscle membrane, where they regulate the ex-
The tests were performed all year-round in Toulouse, in the
citatory glutamate neurotransmission at the neuromuscular
south of France, on emergent honeybees (A. mellifera). In
junction [18,19].
September the hives received a single treatment against varroa
We have previously performed experiments on the biolog-
(Apivar; Laboratoires Biove, Arques, France), and for the
ical effects of acute sublethal oral or contact exposure of hon-
first month after treatment no sampling took place. Since 2004
eybees to acetamiprid and thiamethoxam. Thiamethoxam in-
the pesticides Gaucho and Regent TS have been forbidden in
duced no effect on behavioral functions, whatever the dose
France, thus minimizing exposure of honeybees to these pes-
and the delivery mode. Acetamiprid had an activating effect
ticides. Honeybees were collected from hives placed in con-
on behavior, which appeared as an increase in sucrose re-
trolled room temperature (23C). Working on emergent bees
sponsiveness and in locomotor displacements, but also induced
makes it possible to control their age and keep them alive
long-term memory impairment after oral absorption [20]. The
longer in laboratory conditions. The bees were caught on a
experiments conducted with fipronil in similar conditions
brood frame when emerging from the cells. They were caged
showed a slight decrease in sucrose responsiveness and olfac-
in groups of 40 individuals and maintained in darkness under
tory memory impairment after topically applied sublethal dos-
controlled conditions (40% relative humidity, temperature
es [21].
33C). Pollen and sucrose solution (50% w/v) were provided
As neonicotinoids are strongly suggested to be systemic
ad libitum for the first week. The bees were then allowed to
[22], the xylem transport in the plant could result in the pres-
make a purging flight before returning to their cages, where
ence of tiny quantities of the molecules in nectar and pollen.
they were subjected to an 11-d exposure period. During this
Uptake of fipronil has also been demonstrated in the root of
period, the bees were fed with sucrose solution (50% w/v) and
sunflowers, leading to transport into leaves [23]. Pollen and
water. The feeders were changed daily with fresh solutions.
nectar foraging on plants treated with systemic insecticides
can lead to an accumulation of these products in the hive, and Exposure protocols
young honeybees can be exposed to repeated sublethal doses
of pesticides during their early life. The present study examines Two modalities of exposure were used: oral and contact
whether the rather limited behavioral effects we observed after exposure. For oral treatment, the sucrose solution used for
acute exposure to the three pesticides would be amplified by feeding the bees contained the test compound or contained the
repeated exposure. In the laboratory, we reproduced subchron- solvent (control). The volume of the test compound sugar so-
ic intoxication of young honeybees with sublethal doses of lution was adjusted daily to the number of survivors on the
acetamiprid, thiamethoxam, and fipronil and are now able to basis of a consumption of syrup estimated at 33 l/bee/d [25].
report the effects of oral and contact exposure on sensory Control groups ingested a sugar solution containing the ap-
perception of water and sugar, locomotor displacements, and propriate solvent. Individual contact exposure consisted of ap-
olfactory learning and memory capabilities. plying the solution containing the compound under investi-
gation or the solvent alone (control) to the thorax of the hon-
MATERIALS AND METHODS eybee. To do so, each honeybee was caught in the cage daily
The following experiments have been performed by two and maintained with an insect forceps while 1 l of the solution
examiners but not in blind tests. was applied to the thorax using a micropipette with a tip. After
the drop disappeared, which took several seconds, the hon-
Drugs eybee was released into a new cage where the treated bees
were gradually collected. Throughout the exposure period, the
Fipronil (98.5% purity), thiamethoxam (97% purity), and
mortality per day was evaluated in control and treated groups
acetamiprid (99% purity) all were purchased from Cluzeau
and has been presented as cumulative-death curves in the re-
Info Labo (Sainte-Foy-La-Grande, France). The three com-
sults section.
pounds were used at doses of one-fifth to one-five-hundredth
of the median lethal dose (LD50) that elicit sublethal effects
Behavioral assays
[20,21,24]. Based on previous studies [25] and our own ex-
periments, the doses used per bee were 0.1 and 0.01 ng (LD50 For each pesticide and for each dose, a control group re-
oral 48 h: 46 ng) for fipronil, 1 and 0.1 ng (LD50 oral 48 h: ceiving the solvent was tested. The behavioral assays were
5 ng; LD50 contact 24 h: 29 ng) for thiamethoxam, and 1 and conducted in parallel in the treated and in the control groups.
0.1 g (LD50 oral 72 h: 14.5 g; LD50 contact 24 h: 7 g) The numbers of animals for each group and for each experi-
for acetamiprid. Stock solutions of fipronil and acetamiprid ment are indicated in Table 1. At the end of the exposure period
were prepared in acetone (Sigma, Saint Quentin Fallavier, (11 d), honeybees were individually tested for locomotor ac-
France) in accordance with the European and Mediterranean tivity, water and sucrose responsiveness, and learning abilities.
Plant Protection Organism guidelines [26]. Thiamethoxam was Locomotor activity was evaluated in free-moving animals. Ex-
dissolved in acetonitrile (Sigma) in accordance with the man- periments to test water and sugar responsiveness and learning
ufacturers recommendations. For topical application, the stock were carried out in restrained honeybees. Honeybees were cold
solution was diluted with distilled water to obtain the specific anesthetized and individually fixed in plastic tubes and main-
concentration. For oral delivery, the specific concentration was tained with a drop of wax/resin mixture deposited on the back-
obtained after a final dilution in sucrose solution (50% w/v). side of the thorax. The antennae and the mouthparts were left
The proportion of solvent (acetone for acetamiprid and fipronil free.
Chronic pesticide exposure and honeybee behavioral functions Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 28, 2009 115
Table 1. The numbers presented in this table represent the number of honeybees used for each experiment. For controls, the values are in italics. Asterisks
indicate in the corresponding behavioral assay that at least one value or one parameter shows a significant difference compared to control
Size of groups Oral Topic Oral Topic Oral Topic Oral Topic Oral Topic Oral Topic
Treated 17* 16* 36 23 56 32 65 49 58 44 34 29
Controls 17 16 37 21 56 33 59 49 55 40 35 31
Treated 27 27* 56 32 65 49 30 30 25 22
Controls 29 29 56 33 59 49 30 30 27 24
Water experiments
Treated 34 32* 38 35 40 36 26 26 27* 26
Controls 33 32 38 35 40 36 29 33 28 28
Sucrose experiments
Treated 27* 30 32* 25 28 32 27 30 25 22
Controls 29 30 28 27 24 33 30 30 27 24
Learning experiments
Treated 25* 30* 30 23* 33 29* 29 30 25 25
Controls 28 30 28 22 32 29 30 30 27 24
Fig. 1. Percentages of honeybee mortality recorded during 11 d of exposure to fipronil, 0.1 ng (A) and 0.01 ng (B), after oral and topical
treatments. Controls received the solvent. Number of subjects in each group is indicated in parentheses. Statistical comparisons of the curves:
For fipronil, 0.1 ng/bee, oral versus control p 0.003; topic versus control p 0. 011; for fipronil, 0.01 ng/bee, oral versus control p 0.758,
topic versus control p 0.893, as determined by the KaplanMeier test.
sugar, the honeybee was discarded. The number of animals the values were compared between control and treated groups
that were excluded from the statistical analysis for the pre- for acquisition (from the second to the fifth trial) and for each
viously mentioned reasons was equivalent in control and treat- retention test (at 1, 24, and 48 h) using Fishers exact test.
ed groups and represented less than 5% of the total number. Within-group comparison for level response to conditioned
odorant versus new odorant was performed using McNemars
STATISTICAL METHODS test [29]. For each of these tests, a p value of less than 0.050
Comparison of the mortality curves between the control was considered significant. All the statistical tests were per-
and treated groups was performed with the KaplanMeier test. formed with SPSS12 software (SPSS Science, Chicago, IL,
Locomotor activity was evaluated through analysis of three USA).
relevant parameters: the path length during the 3-min obser-
vation period, the duration of immobility, and the time spent
in each level of the box. Students t tests were performed for All honeybees in the treated and control groups consumed
mean comparison between treated and control group values the syrup distributed daily. The consumption of the total
after variance comparison with Levenes test [28]. The mean amount ensures that honeybees were exposed orally to pesti-
water consumption per day per bee was calculated as the total cides. Attacks between animals were visible in fipronil-treated
amount of water consumed each day in each group divided by honeybees at the dose of 0.1 ng/bee and at the end of the 11
the number of surviving honeybees, and this calculation does d of exposure at the dose of 0.01 ng/bee. These attacks were
not allow error bars to be represented on the figure. The daily associated with frequent behavior of wing fluttering accom-
values of consumed water were compared between the treated panied by the emission of alarm pheromone.
and the control groups with a Students t test. Figures repre-
senting the proportion of bees releasing a PER in response to Mortality
water, sugar solution, or olfactory stimulation do not include Cumulative mortality curves were established for each pes-
error bars, which is the general practice for this type of data, ticide, for each dose and for each modality for the 11-d ex-
as standard errors or standard deviations do not accurately posure period. Fipronil (0.1 ng/bee, oral and contact) induced
reflect the variability for proportions. Responsiveness to water the death of all the animals one week after the beginning of
was compared between control and treated groups at 1 and 3 treatment. Mortality increased significantly compared to con-
h with a chi-square test. The comparisons between the groups trol, from day 3 of fipronil oral exposure (Fig. 1A, p 0.003),
for sucrose responsiveness were conducted using Fishers exact and from day 5 when fipronil was topically applied (Fig 1A,
test, which directly yields a p value. For olfactory learning, p 0.011). At the dose of 0.01 ng/bee, fipronil induced 25
Chronic pesticide exposure and honeybee behavioral functions Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 28, 2009 117
Locomotor activity
Topical treatment of fipronil at the dose of 0.01 ng/bee
produced only the effect of spending more time in immobility
(Students test, t 2.631, p 0.011, df 58). The path
length and vertical displacements in the box decreased in treat-
ed animals, but the difference between the treated animals and
the controls was not significant in either case. No effect of
fipronil was observed at the same dose after oral treatment.
Thiamethoxam and acetamiprid had no significant effect on
the three parameters of locomotor activity compared to con-
Fig. 2. Honeybees behavioral response to water after fipronil exposure
trols, regardless of dose (0.1 and 1 ng/bee for thiamethoxam (A) or acetamiprid exposure (B). (A) Water consumption measured
and 0.1 and 1 g/bee for acetamiprid) or exposure route (oral daily in fipronil-treated and control groups. The total water volume
delivery or topical application). In all cases, honeybees seemed per day was divided by the number of survivors in each group, giving
less active than controls in the box and spent less time in the the mean water consumption per day per bee. See text for statistical
analysis. (B) Water responsiveness evaluated after chronic oral ex-
sixth upper level of the box and more time in levels 1 and 2. posure with acetamiprid (0.1 g/bee). *** p 0.001 (2 test). PER
The time spent in immobility was increased, and the distance proboscis extension reflex.
covered was reduced in treated honeybees. None of these dif-
ferences were significant. We never observed honeybees trem-
bling on the floor, fallen backward, or displaying abnormal respectively). Oral exposure to a dose of 0.1 ng/bee and contact
movements of wings, legs, or body. exposure to thiamethoxam (0.1 and 1 ng/bee) had no effect
on sucrose responsiveness (see Fig. 3B for contact 1 ng/bee).
Water consumption and water responsiveness Acetamiprid 0.1 g had no effect on the response rates of
A significant increase of the volume of water consumed by honeybees to the ascending concentrations of sucrose solutions
honeybees topically treated with fipronil was observed (Stu- for oral and topical treatment (data not shown). At the dose
dents test, p 0.0001), and this response was obvious during of 1 g/bee, topical treatment induced a nonsignificant increase
the first week of treatment (Fig. 2A). No effect was observed of responses to sucrose concentrations (Fig. 3C). We note that
on water responsiveness after fipronil oral treatment. Thia- this is the only case where the response curve of treated an-
methoxam induced no effect on water consumption and re- imals exceeded that of control bees.
sponsiveness. Acetamiprid given orally induced an increase in
water responsiveness (0.1 g/bee) at 1 h (2 test, p 0.0002) Olfactory learning
and at 3 h (2 test, p 0.0006) (Fig. 2B) but had no effect Fipronil (0.01 ng/bee) absorbed orally or applied topically
on water consumption. for 11 d had no effect on learning performance. An example
of the result for oral intoxication is given in Figure 4A. The
Sucrose responsiveness conditioned PER level was approximately 60% in each group.
Oral exposure to fipronil (0.01 ng/bee) induced a decrease Comparison of performance in the control group between the
in sucrose responsiveness with a significant difference for the 1-, 24-, and 48-h memory tests revealed a decay of memory
0.3 % sucrose concentration (Fig. 3A; Fishers exact test, p with time. This observation was valid for the control groups
0.042). Topically applied fipronil had no significant effect (Fig. of thiamethoxam and acetamiprid experiments as well (see Fig.
3A). Oral thiamethoxam (1 ng/bee) induced a decrease of hon- 4B and C). No effect of fipronil on the response to CS com-
eybees sucrose responsiveness to 3 and 10% sucrose concen- pared to controls was observed, regardless of the time of the
trations (Fig. 3B; Fishers exact test, p 0.001 and 0.008, test. This indicated no memory impairment induced by fipronil
118 Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 28, 2009 Y. Aliouane et al.
Fig. 3. Sucrose responsiveness of honeybees after oral or contact exposure to insecticide compared to controls. The nature and the dose of the
insecticide are indicated in the figure. The performance is expressed as the percentage of proboscis extension reflex (PER) to antennal stimulation
with sucrose solutions of increasing concentrations recorded in each group. Number of subjects in each group is indicated in parentheses. * p
0.050 (Fishers exact test).
1, 24, and 48 h after learning. At these times the honeybees tioned response to a new odorant for long periods. The same
were also tested for a new odorant. Control honeybees re- effect was observed with fipronil 0.01 ng/bee after topical
sponded significantly more to the CS than to the new odorant exposure (data not shown). Oral treatment of thiamethoxam
(McNemars tests, p 0.002 and 0.031 for tests performed at (0.1 and 1 ng) induced a slight and nonsignificant decrease of
1 and 24 h, respectively). This was also the case for treated performance during learning and in retrieval tests (data not
honeybees at the 1-h test (McNemars test, p 0.031). For shown). Only with topical application did we observe a sig-
later retrieval tests (at 24 and 48 h), the response levels to the nificant decrease of learning performance or retention level.
CS and the new odorant were not different in fipronil-treated For a dose of 0.1 ng/bee, the learning curve of topically treated
animals, indicating a problem of generalization of the condi- animals was not different from the control curve, and the
Chronic pesticide exposure and honeybee behavioral functions Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 28, 2009 119
Fig. 4. Olfactory learning and memory performances of honeybees exposed to insecticides compared to controls. Performances during training
(left) and memory tests (right) are expressed as percentage of proboscis extension reflex (PER) to conditioned stimulus (CS) recorded in each
group. (A) Honeybees treated orally with fipronil and control honeybees were conditioned to one odorant (CS) during training and were tested
for CS and a new olfactory stimulus (NS) at 1, 24, and 48 h. * p 0.050 (MacNemars test for within-group comparison of response to CS
and NS). (B and C) Honeybees exposed topically to thiamethoxam (0.1 and 1 ng) and control honeybees were conditioned to respond by a PER
to a coffee flavor during training and memory tests. Number of subjects in each group is indicated in parentheses. * p 0.050 (Fishers exact
test for between-group comparison).
1-h retention level was equivalent in the two groups, with a more differences between the two groups (Fig. 4B). At the
performance approximately of 50%. The memory test per- dose of 1 ng/bee, topical application of thiamethoxam induced
formed 24 h after learning showed a significant decrease in a significant decrease in learning performance for the third and
performance in the treated group compared to controls fourth trials (Fishers exact tests, p 0.025 and 0.033, re-
(Fishers exact test, p 0.020), but at 48 h, there were no spectively). At the end of the learning session, control bees
120 Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 28, 2009 Y. Aliouane et al.
reached 70% response rate, whereas thiamethoxam-treated the foraging profile of the honeybee. Inside the honeybee col-
bees reached only 50% response rate. Consequently, memory ony, division of foraging labor correlates directly with sucrose
performance of the latter was lower than that of controls at 1, responsiveness. Pollen foragers respond to lower concentra-
24, and 48 h, but the difference was not significant (Fig. 4C). tions of sucrose than do nectar foragers [31]; they perform
Acetamiprid induced no effect on learning and memory (data better on associative learning assays [32], and they display
not shown). At the end of the learning session (fifth condi- increased walking activity compared to nectar foragers [33].
tioning trial), all the animals gained a conditioning level of Therefore, induced modifications of one (or all) of these func-
60%. During the retention tests, the response level to the CS tions by pesticide intoxication may have repercussions on hon-
was lower in treated honeybees than in controls at each point eybee foraging, leading to a perturbation of foragers activity
in time, but the difference was not significant. In control and and, as a consequence, a disruption of nectar and pollen hoard-
treated bees, the response rate to the new odorant was low and ing. Contrary to what was observed after acute treatment [21],
significantly different from the response rate to the conditioned fipronil chronically applied to the thorax affected locomotor
odor. activity. The exposed honeybees stayed in the lower part of
the apparatus, and the time spent in immobility was signifi-
DISCUSSION cantly increased. None of the relevant parameters (time spent
Repeated exposure of honeybees to fipronil at the dose of in each level, duration of immobility, and number of displace-
0.1 ng/bee (LD50/50), defined as sublethal in our previous ments) were different from their counterpart control values for
work [21], induced complete mortality in individuals exposed other treatments regardless of dose and delivery method. We
for one week. This effect on mortality was not observed after previously observed an activating effect of neonicotinoids at
neonicotinoid exposure. Sustained exposure to fipronil (LD50/ low doses on locomotor activity. Acetamiprid in acute topical
500) or to neonicotinoids (1/5 LD50 1/100) induced treatment at doses of 0.1 and 0.5 ng/bee increased locomotor
limited behavioral modifications. Chronic sublethal doses of activity [20], but in the present experiment this effect was not
acetamiprid induced no greater effect than at acute doses [20] observed. Imidacloprid (LD50: 1020 ng/bee) in acute topical
on water responsiveness and induced less effect than at acute treatment at doses of 2.5, 5, 10, and 20 ng/bee induced an
doses on locomotor activity, sucrose responsiveness, and ol- inability of the honeybees to move in the apparatus. However,
factory memory. The experiments with thiamethoxam show an increase of locomotor activity was induced by the lowest
that repeated exposure to a dose that has no behavioral effect dose of 1.25 ng/bee [27]. These results are in agreement with
when applied in acute conditions [20] results in the appearance the fact that at low doses these compounds act as agonists of
of some behavioral deficits. We may conclude from these ob- the cholinergic system and induce excitation, whereas at higher
servations that acetamiprid seems to be the least toxic of the doses they evoke a toxic effect. However, repeated exposure
three molecules for honeybees after repeated exposure to sub- to low doses of acetamiprid did not transform motor excitation
lethal doses. into significant immobility and decreased displacements. Thia-
We reported a mean mortality level of 21% for acetone and methoxam, which, along with imidacloprid, belongs to the
12% for acetonitrile in control animals orally or topically treat- nitroguanidine neonicotinoid group, did not induce this acti-
ed with the solvent. Comparison to the mortality level (10%) vating effect after acute [20] or chronic exposure (present
reported in nontreated animals for a 10-d observation period study).
[30] indicates that acetone enhances mortality of individuals We observed modifications of behavioral response to water
in our experiments and can be considered partly responsible after treatment with pesticides. Fipronil induced an increase
for the mortality of fipronil-treated (0.01 ng/bee) and aceta- in water consumption during the exposure period. Oral ace-
miprid-treated (1 g/bee and 0.1 g/bee) animals. tamiprid treatment (0.1 g/bee) induced the enhancement of
Oral thiamethoxam delivered at the highest dose (one-fifth water responsiveness, and a nonsignificant increase of sucrose
of the LD50 corresponding to 30 g/L) had no significant responsiveness was induced by topical acetamiprid (1 g/bee).
effect on mortality. Similarly, chronic oral exposure of hon- These modifications were previously observed after acute ex-
eybees to either imidacloprid or its plant metabolites induced posure to acetamiprid [20]. Acetamiprid exposure of honey-
no lethal effect at concentrations of 20 and 40 g/L [26]. bees could modify the hive equilibrium, shifting nectar for-
Acetamiprid 1 g/bee (one-tenth of the LD50) induced the agers with a high sucrose threshold to pollen foragers with a
highest observed mortality level (30%), but this level was not low sucrose threshold. Only oral exposure with thiamethoxam
statistically different from that of the control group. Oral fi- at the highest repeated dose (1 ng/bee) induced a partial de-
pronil at a dose of one-fiftieth of the LD50 (0.1 ng /bee, 3 crease of sucrose responsiveness. The same dose in acute treat-
g/L) induced complete mortality after one week of treatment. ment had no significant effect [20]. Fipronil had no obvious
This result is in agreement with the 40% mortality obtained effect on sucrose responsiveness, only a tendency to a decrease
with 2.2 g/L fipronil in the subchronic exposure study con- after oral exposure, an observation reminiscent of the one ob-
ducted by Decourtye et al. [25]. By contrast, acute contact served after acute treatment [21]. We observed that sucrose
with the dose of 0.1 ng/bee induced no additional mortality responsiveness was decreased in emergent control bees com-
compared to controls in the 24 h following the treatment [21], pared to foraging adult bees [20,21], a difference that can be
indicating that fipronil at a sublethal dose becomes lethal on related to age and foraging experience [34]. The difference is
repeated exposure. It is noteworthy that no significant mortality clear for weak sugar concentrations up to 3% and can explain
was obtained in conditions of chronic exposure when the dose the fact that sucrose responsiveness of young bees was less
was decreased to 0.01 ng/bee, which corresponds to a dose of affected by acetamiprid and fipronil than in foragers.
one-five-hundredth of the LD50. Contact thiamethoxam (0.1 ng/bee) induced a decrease of
We report limited effects of the three pesticides on the memory 24 h after learning followed by a recovery at 48 h
motor, sensory, and cognitive functions of the honeybee. The that rules out long-term memory impairment. Learning per-
behavioral functions we have taken into account are linked to formance was decreased in bees treated with thiamethoxam at
Chronic pesticide exposure and honeybee behavioral functions Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 28, 2009 121
the dose of 1 ng/bee, but there were no significant repercus- americana neurons, thiamethoxam failed to activate the neu-
sions on olfactory memory. No effect of fipronil was observed ronal nAChRs, a result already found by Nauen et al. [40] on
on learning performance and olfactory memory, a result al- Heliotis virescens neurons. Both studies report as a certainty
ready found in honeybees chronically consuming a higher dose that thiamethoxam does not interact with the nicotinic recep-
(0.075 ng/bee) [25]. However, fipronil induced an impairment tors. Nevertheless, the biological effect of thiamethoxam is in
of odorant response specificity; this is shown by the fact that, most cases comparable to other neonicotinoid insecticides
after long postlearning periods, treated honeybees responded [41]. The toxic action of thiamethoxam is then related to its
indiscriminately to the learned odorant and the new one, a rapid conversion to clothianidin, a metabolite compound that
phenomenon known as odor generalization. Data in the lit- binds to insect nAChRs with high affinity and is considered
erature have shown that each of the odorants we used as CS a full agonist of these receptors [40]. However, we failed to
(1-hexanol or 1-nonanol) induces a low response level to the find any relevant biological effect of thiamethoxam on the
other one [35]; thus, in our experiments, the two odorants honeybee after acute sublethal treatment [20], and we observed
should be perceived as dissimilar by bees. The lack of odorant- only a limited impairment of sucrose sensitivity and olfactory
specific memory suggests that fipronil favors increased odor learning after chronic treatment (present study). No explana-
generalization. This effect was not observed after acetamiprid tions can be put forward for these results, as bioassays in
treatment, as honeybees still discriminated between known and honeybees have shown comparable toxic effects of imidaclo-
unknown odorants. These results suggest that cholinergic and prid, thiamethoxam, and clothianidin, with LD50 values in-
gabaergic pathways do not support the same role in olfactory duced by contact treatment ranging from 18 to 30 ng/bee [41].
processes. Anatomical and physiological evidence indicates In our evaluation of the sublethal toxicity, we cannot es-
that the olfactory message is conveyed from the antennae to timate the no-observed-effect-concentration for fipronil. At a
higher brain centers through activation of cholinergic neurons. concentration of 0.3 g/L (corresponding to the oral dose of
Modifying the excitatory level of the cholinergic pathways 0.01 ng/bee), at least one behavioral parameter was statistically
with acetamiprid treatment seems to have no major effects on different from the control value (Table 1). By contrast, ace-
olfactory perception. Inhibitory local circuits within the an- tamiprid and thiamethoxam have no or limited effect when
tennal lobe are necessary for building up odorant-specific sig- applied chronically at sublethal doses. Therefore, the no-ob-
nals. It has been suggested that GABA and GluCl receptors served-effect-concentration for the behavioral assays are 3
play this role [4,16]. Fipronil blocking of these receptors can mg/L and 3 g/L for acetamiprid and thiamethoxam, respec-
be responsible for the olfactory generalization. tively. Hence, fipronil appears to be the most toxic of the three
The effects of the low doses of fipronil after subchronic molecules tested. The evaluation of the pesticide risk to hon-
exposure can be linked to sensitization of receptors following eybees (the hazard ratio) will be a combination of the intrinsic
prolonged stimulation. In cockroach thoracic ganglion neu- toxicity of the molecules as we have attempted to define it
rons, the repetitive activation of GluCl receptors by the major and the exposure of bees to the compounds in natural con-
metabolite of fipronil, fipronil sulfone, decreases the 50% in- ditions, which will depend on their status (larvae, workers,
hibitory concentration values, indicating that the receptors are foragers) in the hive.
more sensitive to the inhibitor [36]. Receptor sensitization can
be responsible for the death of animals that have undergone AcknowledgementThis research benefited from financial support of
repeated exposure at the dose of 0.1 ng/bee and for the be- the European Community in the framework of the Apiculture Program
havioral effects we reported at the dose of 0.01 ng/bee (in- 2007, Agreement 07-09, between Viniflhor, the Centre National de la
Recherche Scientifique, and the University Paul Sabatier. The authors
creased water consumption, decreased mobility, odor gener- are grateful to J.C. Sandoz and E. Lebourg and to V. Raymond-
alization). Although all neonicotinoid insecticides act selec- Delpech and P. Haas-Hammel.
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