Birth Injuries To The Baby
Birth Injuries To The Baby
Birth Injuries To The Baby
The passage from the safety of the uterus to the outside world is made hazardous
by the following:
The skull has to mould to facilitate passage through the pelvis and there
may be cephalopelvic disproportion (CPD) - a mismatch between the size of
the fetal head and the capacity of the maternal pelvis. It may represent a
large head in a normal pelvis or a normal head in a restricted pelvis.
Malposition increases risk, whilst malpresentation necessitates Caesarean
Contractions tax the reserve of the placenta.
The lungs and circulation undergo great changes.
Figures for major (but not fatal) birth trauma in the UK are not routinely collected.
For fatal outcomes a national intrapartum-related confidential enquiry reported and
reviewed 37 cases in which birthweight was in excess of 2,500 grams for the year
American and Canadian papers found that birth trauma occurred in 2% deliveries
and brachial plexus injury in 0.5 to 2.0 per 1,000 live births.
Risk factors
Risk factors for birth trauma include:
A large infant (especially if weighing more than 4,500 g).
Cephalopelvic disproportion (CPD).
Instrumental delivery (especially mid-cavity forceps or ventouse delivery for
deep transverse arrest).
Breech delivery (vaginal delivery, or emergency caesarean section during
labour are associated with small, but significant risk of short-term increase
in morbidity and mortality).
A premature baby (small head and incompletely formed skull - precipitate
delivery can cause "champagne cork popping" - risking intracranial
Shoulder dystocia (a skilled midwife or obstetrician will reduce the risk).
Skull injuries
Bleeding between the periosteum and scalp is usually associated with use
of ventouse extraction.
77% follow instrumental delivery and 40-50% overlie a skull fracture or
brain haemorrhage.
It usually appears within 12-72 hours of birth as a soft, fluctuant mass
within the scalp, especially over the back of the head.
It can spread slowly and be unnoticed and present as hypotension.
The spread is not restricted by suture lines.
As with cephalohaematoma, management is conservative but check for
Caput succedaneum
These may result from operative delivery, including cutting the baby with
the scalpel blade at LSCS. Great care is needed in cutting the last layer of
the uterus, even in an emergency.
Cuts need closing and dressing. Topical antibiotic may be indicated.
Fractured clavicle.
Fractured humerus.
Subluxation of cervical spine.
Cervical cord injury.
Facial palsy.
Occasionally, phrenic nerve paresis.
Erb's palsy
The position of the hand is said to be reminiscent of a porter who is turning away
but is holding out his hand behind him for a tip.
Klumpke's paralysis
Central damage to the facial and vagus nerves causes an asymmetrical face
on crying, with swelling and smoothness of the affected side and drooping
of the side of the mouth.
Peripheral damage causes paralysis to the eye, forehead or mouth only.
Most cases soon start to recover but full recovery may take months.
The eye must be protected with a covering and synthetic tears.
If there is no improvement after 7-10 days, investigation is required.
Phrenic nerve damage can cause paralysis of half of the diaphragm, leading
to breathing difficulties with significant mortality. Ultrasound or X-ray
shows an elevated hemidiaphragm but this may be absent in the early
stages. Screening may show immobility.
Abdominal bleeding
This presents with shock, pallor and a distended abdomen, possibly bluish
in colour.
Check for anaemia.
Diagnose with paracentesis.
Causes include hepatic laceration and rupture of spleen, so this is serious.
Factors within labour are complex, but processes such as uteroplacental vascular
disease, reduced uterine perfusion, fetal sepsis, reduced fetal reserves and cord
compression can be involved alone or in combination producing fetal distress.
Gestational and antepartum factors modify the fetal response to them.
Even though cerebral palsy is strongly associated with a low Apgar score 5
minutes after birth, the majority of babies with low scores DO NOT develop
cerebral palsy. The majority of cases are now thought to be a consequence of
postpartum insults to the fetus.
Good maternity care will reduce the risk of an adverse outcome to both mother and
Caesarean section
Fear of fetal damage and the vast cost of litigation have led to an increasing rate of
Caesarean section that is now around 24% in the UK as a whole with significant
geographical variation. In some parts of the world the figure is higher.
There is debate as to whether the current rising rate of Caesarean section has gone
too high. The World Health Organization has suggested that, in developed
countries, the figure should not be above 15%. Skills in the use of Kielland's
forceps and assisted breech delivery are being lost as LSCS is more readily
A major contributor to perinatal mortality and morbidity is prematurity. Prevention
of this is important and analysis of figures for outcomes should exclude babies
below a certain weight.
Weight is a more reliable parameter for risk assessment than gestational age.