Induction Heating
Induction Heating
Induction Heating
Chapter 1
so-called eddy currents dissipate energy and bring about heating. The basic
components of an induction heating system are an induction coil, an alter-
nating-current (ac) power supply, and the workpiece itself. The coil, which
may take different shapes depending on the required heating pattern, is con-
nected to the power supply. The flow of ac current through the coil gener-
ates an alternating magnetic field which cuts through the workpiece. It is this
alternating magnetic field which induces the eddy currents that heat the work-
Because the magnitude of the eddy currents decreases with distance from
the workpiece surface, induction can be used for surface heating and heat
treating. In contrast, if sufficient time is allowed for heat conduction, rela-
tively uniform heating patterns can be obtained for purposes of through heat
treating, heating prior to metalworking, and so forth. Careful attention to coil
design and selection of power-supply frequency and rating ensures close con-
trol of the heating rate and pattern.
A common analogy used to explain the phenomenon of electromagnetic
induction makes use of the transformer effect. A transformer consists of two
coils placed in close proximity to each other. When a voltage is impressed
across one of the coils, known as the primary winding or simply the "pri-
mary," an ac voltage is induced across the other coil, known as the "second-
ary." In induction heating, the induction coil, which is energized by the ac
power supply, serves as the primary, and the workpiece is analogous to the
The mathematical analysis of induction heating processes can be quite com-
plex for all but the simplest of workpiece geometries. This is because of the
coupled effects of nonuniform heat generation through the workpiece, heat
transfer, and the fact that the electrical, thermal, and metallurgical proper-
ties of most materials exhibit a strong dependence on temperature. For this
reason, quantitative solutions exist for the most part only for the heating of
round bars or tubes and rectangular slabs and sheets. Nevertheless, such treat-
ments do provide useful insights into the effects of coil design and equipment
characteristics on heating patterns in irregularly shaped parts. This informa-
tion, coupled with knowledge generated through years of experimentation in
both laboratory and production environments, serves as the basis for the prac-
tical design of induction heating processes.
This book focuses on the practical aspects of process design and control,
an understanding of which is required for the implementation of actual induc-
tion heating operations. The treatment here is by and large of the "hands-on"
type as opposed to an extended theoretical discussion of induction heating or
equipment design. Chapters 2 and 3 deal with the basics of induction heat-
ing and circuit theory only to the degree that is required in design work. With
this as a background, subsequent chapters address the questions of equipment
selection (Chapter 4), auxiliary equipment (Chapter 5), process design for
common applications (Chapter 6), control systems (Chapter 7), and coil
design and fabrication (Chapter 8). The concluding chapters address the ques-
Introduction 3
The birth of electromagnetic induction technology dates back to 1831. In
November of that year, Michael Faraday wound two coils of wire onto an
iron ring and noted that when an alternating current was passed through one
of the coils, a voltage was induced in the other. Recognizing the potential
applications of transformers based on this effect, researchers working over
the next several decades concentrated on the development of equipment for
generating high-frequency alternating current.
It was not until the latter part of the 19th century that the practical appli-
cation of induction to heating of electrical conductors was realized. The first
major application was melting of metals. Initially, this was done using metal
or electrically conducting crucibles. Later, Ferranti, Colby, and Kjellin devel-
oped induction melting furnaces which made use of nonconducting crucibles.
In these designs, electric currents were induced directly into the charge, usually
at simple line frequency, or 60 Hz. It should be noted that these early induc-
tion melting furnaces all utilized hearths that held the melt in the form of a
ring. This fundamental practice had inherent difficulties brought about by the
mechanical forces set up in the molten charge due to the interaction between
the eddy currents in the charge and the currents flowing in the primary, or
induction coil. In extreme cases, a "pinch" effect caused the melt to separate
and thus break the complete electrical path required for induction, and induc-
tion heating, to occur. Problems of this type were most severe in melting of
nonferrous metals.
Ring melting furnaces were all but superseded in the early 1900's by the
work of Northrup, who designed and built equipment consisting of a cylin-
drical crucible and a high-frequency spark-gap power supply. This equipment
was first used by Baker and Company to melt platinum and by American
Brass Company to melt other nonferrous alloys. However, extensive appli-
cation of such "coreless" induction furnaces was limited by the power attain-
able from spark-gap generators. This limitation was alleviated to a certain
extent in 1922 by the development of motor-generator sets which could supply
power levels of several hundred kilowatts at frequencies up to 960 Hz. It was
not until the late 1960's that motor-generators were replaced by solid-state
converters for frequencies now considered to be in the "medium-frequency"
rather than the high-frequency range.*
*Modern induction power supplies are classified as low frequency (less than approximately
1 kHz), medium frequency (1 to 50 kHz), or high or radio frequency (greater than 50 kHz).
4 Elements of Induction Heating: Design, Control, and Applications
As can be surmised from the above discussion, induction heating finds its
greatest application in the metals-processing industries (Table 1.1). Primary
Introduction 5
100 Cd I ~. I~- T- O)
Q (O
r,.- O3 CO
'T l 90%
80 O3 85% 84% 85%
m 75%
(3 O
I.Ll O3
/ / \ , / I
Spark- Motor- 540 Hz Early solid state 180 Hz Variable-
gap generator tuned
generators sets solid state
Motor- Integral
generator motor-
540 Hz Early
cO state
(3 tuned
(/) solid
O state Present
Fig. 1.2. Change in cost of induction heating power supplies since 1948
(from R. W. Sundeen, Proceedings, 3gth Electric Furnace Conference,
Houston, TX, AIME, New York, 1982, p. 8)
6 Elements of Induction Heating: Design, Control, and Applications
uses fall into the major categories of heating prior to metalworking, heat
treating, welding, and metal melting. While these are the most common uses,
a variety of other operations, such as paint curing, adhesive bonding, and
zone refining of semiconductors, are also amenable to induction heating meth-
ods. Each of these applications is briefly discussed below.
Melting. Induction processes are frequently used to melt high-quality steels and
nonferrous alloys (e.g., aluminum and copper alloys). Advantages specific to
induction melting as compared with other melting processes include a natu-
ral stirring action (giving a more uniform melt) and long crucible life.
Adhesive Bonding. Certain automobile parts, such as clutch plates and brake
shoes, make use of thermosetting adhesives. As in paint curing, induction
heating of the metal parts to curing temperatures can be an excellent means
of achieving rapid bonding. Metal-to-nonmetal seals, widely used in vacuum
devices, also rely heavily on induction heating.
Tin Reflow. Electrolytically deposited tin coatings on steel sheet have a dull,
matte, nonuniform finish. Heating of the sheet to 230 °C (450 °F) by induc-
tion causes reflow of the tin coating and results in a bright appearance and
uniform coverage.
4 5 6 7 8
v I I I I I
(J 2--
10 15 20
Bar section, cm
Chapter 2
10 Elements of Induction Heating: Design, Control, and Applications
sleeve, to vary. In his experiments in the mid-1800's, Faraday found that such
a variation in flux induces a voltage. For the present example, the voltage,
or electromagnetic force, induced in the sleeve, Esleeve, is given by
E~te~v¢= - N (Aq,a/At)
where N is the number of turns in the coil and A ~ / A t is the rate at which
the flux is changing, in webers (Wb) per second. The above equation is known
as Faraday's Law.
It has been pointed out above that the magnetic field strength associated
with an electric current varies with the magnitude of the current. Thus, for
an ac current in a conducting wire or a solenoid coil, the maximum and min-
imum values of the magnetic field strength occur at the same times as those
of the current (Fig. 2.4). At a peak or a valley of the current or magnetic
field, Aq,J A t is equal to zero. By examining Fig. 2.4, it is apparent that
12 Elements of Induction Heating: Design, Control, and Applications
A ~ , / A t is greatest when the curve for coil current versus time passes through
zero. For this reason, the voltage induced in the thin sleeve is greatest when
the coil current passes through zero. Moreover, because o f the minus sign in
Faraday's Law, the induced, or eddy, current associated with the induced volt-
age is opposite in sign to the coil current. Note also that the induced current
paths in the sleeve mirror the coil current paths, as can be deduced from the
right-hand rule.
For the thin-sleeve case, it is rather easy to determine the magnitude o f the
eddy currents and the heating rate from the expression for the induced volt-
age, Eslecve. The magnetic flux is first found in terms o f the coil current, Ic,
and the coil geometry in an approximate m a n n e r using Amp~re's Law. For
a solenoid coil, the required relationship* is:
~s = (#oIcn)(xro2)
*This relationship is based on the flux inside the coil in the absence of the sleeve. When the
sleeve is placed in the coil, the flux within the sleeve is reduced. Thus, ~, calculated from the
equation is an upper limit.
Theory of Induction Heating 13
(a) = Copper
(b) ~ Iron
Fig. 2.3. Effects of (a) nonmagnetic and (b) magnetic bars on the field
of magnetic induction (i.e., magnetic flux) within a solenoid coil carry-
ing an electric current (from C. A. Tudbury, Basics of Induction Heat-
ing, Vol 1, John F. Rider, Inc., New York, 1960)
where a is the sleeve diameter), and A is the cross-sectional area of the sleeve
(equal to the product of sleeve thickness times sleeve length). The power dis-
sipated by the eddy currents is then equal to Esleeve Rsleeve, or Isleeve Rsleeve,
where Isleeve = Esleeve/Rsleeve , f r o m Ohm's Law.
For the thin-sleeve case, the induced eddy currents assume a fixed magni-
tude depending only on the coil current and geometry. In contrast, when a
solid bar is placed inside the coil, the behavior is somewhat more complex.
This situation is best visualized by imaging the solid bar to consist of a
number of thin, concentric sleeves (Fig. 2.5). The field of magnetic induction
14 Elements of Induction Heating: Design, Control, and Applications
I j Coil current
Ma.gnetic ~ ~
Fig. 2.4. Qualitative variation of the current and the strength of the
associated field of magnetic induction with time for a solenoid coil ener-
gized by an ec supply. The eddy current induced in an electrically con-
ductive sleeve placed in the induction coil is also shown.
is strongest in the space between the inner diameter of the coil and the outer
diameter of the outermost sleeve. A certain a m o u n t of flux passes through
the outermost sleeve, inducing eddy currents. The question now arises as to
whether the magnetic field strength is greater or smaller within the outer
sleeve, relative to the external field. This depends on whether the induced cur-
rent in the outer sleeve tends to reinforce the field or not. If it strengthened
the field, a higher voltage would be induced in the sleeve, causing a higher
current. This would result in a still stronger field, a higher voltage, etc., a sit-
uation which certainly cannot happen. Thus, the magnetic field strength is
reduced within the outermost sleeve. Because of this, the current induced in
the second sleeve from the surface is smaller than that in the outermost sleeve,
the induced current in the third sleeve is smaller than that in the second, and
so forth. In general, the magnitudes of the induced currents decrease continu-
ously from the surface irrespective of whether the bar is made of a magnetic
or a nonmagnetic material. This p h e n o m e n o n is known as "skin effect."
Mathematical determination of the current distribution over the cross sec-
tion of a bar, let alone a more complicated geometry, is a difficult task, a dis-
cussion of which is beyond the scope of this book. For the simplest case which
can be a n a l y z e d - that of a solid round b a r - t h e solutions demonstrate that
the induced current decreases exponentially from the surface. The most impor-
tant result from such solutions is that they allow us to define an effective
depth of the current-carrying layers. This depth, known as the reference depth
or skin depth, d, depends on the frequency of the alternating current through
the coil and the electrical resistivity and relative magnetic permeability of the
workpiece; it is very useful in gaging the ability to induction heat various
materials as well. The definition of d is:
8 100 ~
¢r 0.1 -
The concept of reference depth allows us to define two other very impor-
tant quantities in the technology of induction h e a t i n g - n a m e l y , equivalent
resistance and electrical efficiency. The equivalent resistance Req is the work-
piece resistance which if placed in a series circuit with the induction coil would
dissipate as much heat as all the eddy currents in the actual workpiece. In
other words, the power dissipated in the workpiece would be equal to 12. Req.
For a solid round bar, it turns out that the equivalent resistance is equal to
the product of N 2 and the resistance of a sleeve o n e reference depth thick
located at the surface: Req = p~'aKRzN2/A, where a is the outer diameter of
the sleeve (or solid bar), A is the cross-sectional area of the sleeve (= d. w),
and KR2 is a factor (Fig. 2.8) to account for the variation of electrical path
Theory of Induction Heating 17
P o w e r density, W/in. 2
10 3 10 4
10 3
I 100
10 2
O c5
JE J t-
10 I
~ . o ~
10 2 10 3 10 4
Power density, W/cm 2
j v
0 0.6
09 0.5
0.2 l
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
Ic2Req Req
7/- i2Rc + 12Req Rc + Req
This equation demonstrates that, for a given equivalent resistance, the effi-
ciency r/increases as the coil resistance Rc decreases. Because copper has the
lowest resistivity of all common metals, it is the typical choice for the con-
struction of induction coils. On the other hand, for a given value of Rc, effi-
ciency can be increased by increasing Req. Once the material and workpiece
geometry are fixed, all the terms in the relation defining Req, except KR2, are
specified. Figure 2.8 shows that KR2 is a function of bar diameter over ref-
Theory of Induction Heating 19
erence depth, a/d. Careful inspection of this plot reveals that KR2 increases
rapidly for values of a / d up to approximately 4. Above this value, there is
little increase in KR2 for big increases in a/d. Because a is a fixed number
for a specific application, the value of a / d is determined by the reference
depth d. Thus, an increase in a / d requires a decrease in d. Referring to the
equation for reference depth (d ~ x/~#f), it is seen that increased frequen-
cies are needed for higher values of a/d. This has practical significance inas-
much as the cost of induction power supplies increases with frequency.
The trend shown in Fig. 2.8 for KR2 versus a/d forms the basis for the
definition of a "critical" frequency. This is the frequency above which rela-
tively little increase in electrical efficiency can be gained by increases in fre-
quency. Viewed from a different perspective, it is the frequency below which
induction heating efficiency drops rapidly. For a round bar, the critical fre-
quency is that at which the ratio of workpiece diameter to reference depth is
approximately 4 to 1. For a sheet or slab heated from both surfaces, the crit-
ical ratio of thickness to reference depth is 2.25 to 1. Figure 2.9 shows criti-
Diameter, mm
0.25 2.54 25.4 254
~.•• i. I II I I I I
X \ \
~,~ ~,
. Steel at 815 °C (1500°F)
~ ~ ~ Brassat500°c(930°F)
~k ~,~, Brass at 20 °C (70 °F)
Copper at 500 ° C (930 oF).
~!V~ C°pper at 20 °C (70 °F)
Steel at 500 °C (930 oF)
-? lO~ Steel at 25 °C (75 ° F)
~ ' ~ ~~/ (/ ~/ "/ / ' ~ k I I I I I I 1
-.~ k
, ,
V\ \ \\\ \
0.001 0.O1 0.1 1.0 10
Diameter, in.
Fig. 2.9. Critical frequency for efficient induction heating of several
materials as a function of bar size (from A. F. Leatherman and D. E.
Stutz, "Induction Heating Advances: Application to 5800 F," NASA
Report SP-5071, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Wash-
ington, 1969)
20 Elements of Induction Heating: Design, Control, and Applications
cal frequency as a function of diameter for round bars. Figure 2.10 shows
efficiency of heating as a function of this critical frequency; note the similarity
between this plot and the plot in Fig. 2.8. Here, the changes in heating effi-
ciency above and below the critical frequency are apparent. Below the criti-
cal frequency, efficiency drops rapidly because less current is induced due to
current cancellation. Current cancellation becomes significant when the ref-
erence depth is such that eddy currents induced from either side of a work-
piece "impinge" upon each other and, being of opposite sign, cancel each
For through heating, a frequency close to the critical frequency should be
chosen. In contrast, for shallow heating in a large workpiece, a high frequency
is selected. This is the situation for surface heat treatment of steels. In these
instances, there is no concern about critical frequency because the workpiece
diameter will typically be many times the reference depth.
10 m~zl
(.3 znl
O.O1 t
/ 10 100 1000
% of critical frequency
The expression given above for electrical efficiency 7/in terms of the induc-
tion-coil resistance and the resistance of the workpiece as reflected in the coil
circuit, or equivalent resistance, is a general one for all geometries. The major
difficulty in evaluating this expression lies in the determination of the equiv-
alent resistance Req. Because Req is a function of geometry, its value can be
estimated only for a limited number of particularly simple shapes. These are
(a) a short, stubby round bar, (b) a hollow tube, and (c) a rectangular slab.
The equation for the equivalent resistance of a short bar is identical to that
for a long bar except for a factor Ks2 (Fig. 2.11): Req = pTro~N2KR2KsJd •w.
The Ks2 factor takes into account the "fringing" of the magnetic field at the
bar ends, which becomes important when the length-to-diameter ratio be-
comes small. The expressions for a long, hollow tube and a rectangular slab
are similar to that for a long, solid bar except for the definition of KR~, for
which the values shown in Fig. 2.12 and 2.13 are employed.
A type of workpiece which is being heated increasingly by induction now-
adays is thin sheet. In this case, two pancake-type inductors are used to set
up an alternating magnetic field perpendicular to the sheet, rather than par-
allel to it, as it would be for a solenoid coil surrounding the sheet. Known as
transverse-flux induction heating, this method allows the use of less-expensive,
low-frequency power supplies in order to obtain reasonable heating efficien-
cies. A precise relationship for Req for this heating geometry is difficult to
derive because of the complex nature of the current paths in the sheet and the
dependence of Req on the size of the air gap. As discussed by Semiatin et al,*
however, the following expression is thought to give a reasonable first approx-
*S. L. Semiatin et al, "CMF Reports-Rapid Annealing of Sheet Steels," Center for Metals
Fabrication, Columbus, Ohio, 1986.
22 Elements of Induction Heating: Design, Control, and Applications
bl/l" = 0
09 I _.~....'-5,
0.8 b i l L = 0.2 ~
~ ~
07 _~"~ f~
~ 0.5
cs 0.4
~ o.3
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1,0
a bl
t ' t
Fig. 2.11. Workpiece shortness correction factor used for calculating
workpiece resistance as reflected in induction-coil circuit for short, solid
round bars (from C. A. Tudbury, Basics of Induction Heating, Vol 1, John
F. Rider, Inc., New York, 1960)
3.4 --
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
least 4 to 1 or at least 2 to 1 for parts which are basically round or flat, respec-
f ~
o.6 J
0.5 / , I I I
0.4 I im
I:E I/ L ,j t, w , j
I~ "1 I~ /I
0.3 / ,- i. o o ° o © o ° o ° o
0.2 I R2e q = Ld2 KR2N12 - ooooeooooo
,- T d
0.1 J
0 1 2
3 4 5 6 7
I I I I I I 1 I
ing. The amount of power that is needed for a given application is also an
important consideration. If the workpiece is regularly shaped and is to be
through heated or melted, the calculation is straightforward. However, if it
is to be only selectively heated so that the remainder of the workpiece is a heat
sink for the generated heat, calculation of the power needed may be difficult.
The latter calculation is not considered here; guidelines for surface heating
for the purpose of surface heat treatment of steel are given in Chapter 6.
For through-heating applications, the power density should be kept rela-
tively low to allow conduction from the outer layers (which are heated more
rapidly by higher current densities) to the inner layers. There will always be
a temperature gradient, but this can be minimized by careful selection of
induction heating parameters. Neglecting the temperature gradient, the ab-
sorbed power depends on the required temperature rise AT, the total weight
to be heated per unit time W, and the specific heat of the material c. The
power PI to be supplied to the load is then given by PI = WcAT.
To determine the total input power needed from the power source which
supplies ac current to the induction coil, the power lost from the workpiece
due to radiation and convection and the loss in the coil itself due to Joule
heating must be added to P1. Heat loss by convection is usually small and is
neglected in calculations of power requirements for typical rapid-heating
Theory of Induction Heating 25
*C. A. Tudbury, Basics of Induction Heating, Vol 1, John F. Rider, Inc., New York, 1960.
Elements of Induction Heating Copyright © 1988 ASM International®
Stanley Zinn, Lee Semiatin, p 27-45 All rights reserved.
DOI: 10.1361/eoih1988p027
Chapter 3
28 Elements of Induction Heating: Design, Control, and Applications
where f is frequency.
*In actual induction heating installations, the tank-circuit elements (other than the induc-
tion coil itself) are frequently contained in a separate enclosure apart from the power supply.
This enclosure, most often called the "heat station," may frequently contain a load-matching
transformer as well and may be adjacent to or remote from the power supply itself.
Tuning of Induction Heating Circuits and Load Matching 29
Capacitor Inductor
where E is the applied electromotive force and I is the current flowing through
the circuit. The impedance Z is defined as x/(XL -- Xc) 2 + R 2. Thus, E =
IZ, an equation which expresses the ac equivalent of Ohm's Law for resistors
in dc circuits.
At resonance in a series circuit containing an inductor, a capacitor, and
a resistor, the inductive and capacitive reactance are equal and the over-all
circuit impedance Z appears as a pure resistance. As the resistive component
of such a series circuit is decreased, the circulating current will be higher
(Fig. 3.4). In addition, when the resistance is low, the current drops rapidly
as the operating frequency varies from the resonant frequency.
The ratio of inductive reactance to the resistance of the circuit is sometimes
called the quality factor, or Q(Q = XL/R = 27rfL/R). Circuits having higher
values of Q therefore produce higher currents in the system. The values of Q
for a resonant circuit typically range between 20 and 100. The Q factor also
offers a comparison between the total energy in a tuned circuit and the energy
dissipated by the resistance in a circuit. Because no energy is dissipated in a
pure inductance or capacitance, keeping the resistance as low as possible will
reduce the losses. In induction heating, therefore, because nearly all the resis-
tance of a resonant circuit is in the induction coil, its resistance should be kept
low, thus ensuring m a x i m u m efficiency.
30 Elements of Induction Heating: Design, Control, and Applications
V L = IX L
V R = IR
V c = IX c V
(a) (b)
L = lOOph
0.9-- C = lOOppf
0.7-- J
0.5-- to
0.3 ~ / R = 100~
viewed across these elements alone is equal to zero. Note also that low power
factors correspond to high values of Q.
( R
Fig. 3.5. A simple parallel resonant (tank) circuit consisting of a sup-
ply voltage E and a capacitor in parallel with an inductor and a resistor
across the L-C circuit, and the line current is very small. Also, the power fac-
tor as viewed across the voltage terminals is nearly unity.
Tuning Capacitors
Capacitor banks often are employed to tune induction heating circuits
to obtain a resonant frequency close to the power-supply frequency.* Gener-
ally, such devices are of two types: oil-filled, multiple-tap units (Fig. 3.6) for
operation at 10,000 Hz or lower; and ceramic or solid dielectric capacitors
(Fig. 3.7) used in newer equipment operating at frequencies generally above
50 kHz.
Because of their use in tuning induction heating circuits, capacitors are usu-
ally rated in terms of the reactive power (kVAR) which they can provide in
such applications, rather than in farads. Capacitors are generally tapped for
step selection, and are connected in banks of multiple units (Fig. 3.8) for spe-
cific required kVAR ratings, at low and medium frequencies. At high frequen-
cies, capacitors generally have fixed ratings, and total tank capacity is adjusted
by connecting or removing units as required.
Increasing tank capacitance lowers the resonant frequency, and, with sub-
sequent decreases in capacitive reactance and tank impedance, the current
increases. Accordingly, the current-carrying capability of a capacitor must be
increased as the frequency decreases. Capacitors for use at l0 kHz are rated
as high as 2000 kVAR. It is essential that the proper ratings be used for the
specific system. Reactive power is given by the formula PR = V 2 / X c =
27rfCV 2, so the kVAR rating must be reduced for a specific capacitor by the
*Note that at resonance, X L -~- 2 r f L = 1/2xfC = Xc, thereby defining the resonant fre-
quency fo = 1/27r L~/-LC.If the resonant frequency fo is set as the power-supply frequency and
L is determined by the inductance of the heating coil or an auxiliary tank coil, then tuning
involves selection of the proper capacitance.
Tuning of Induction Heating Circuits and Load Matching 33
Fig. 3.7. Typical ceramic capacitors used to tune induction heating cir-
cuits (source: Lindberg Cycle-Dyne, Inc.)
34 Elements of Induction Heating: Design, Control, and Applications
Cables to
E generator
~,~_ -
Typical 9 ~- Collector
300 kVAR ,..~
rating 10 kHz 460V < /I ~..
140 mm
(51/2in.) ~ I
(Cooling water
connections not shown)
The power factor of the coil(s) is generally low, and the current lags in
phase. Because the capacitor is used to correct the power factor to unity, it
must be capable of drawing a leading current which is equal to the lagging
component of the current drawn by the inductance. The capacitors operate
at rated output voltage and the resultant reactive power (kVAR) of the capac-
itor must usually be several times the rated kW power of the supply.
The example shown in Fig. 3.9 will serve to illustrate the use of capacitors
in tuning. Consider the case in which the coil-heating power requirement (i.e.,
true power) is 200 kW. Assume that 2000 kVA are being drawn from the
power supply during the initial setup; thus the power factor is only 0.1 (lag-
ging). To estimate the capacitance required to achieve a unity power factor,
the reactive power is first estimated as ~/20002 - 2002 = 1990 kVAR. Thus,
capacitors which provide 1990 kVAR of leading reactive power must be added
to the tank circuit.
In power supplies such as motor-generators, it is frequently beneficial to
have a slightly leading power factor-i.e., a capacitive reactance which slightly
exceeds the inductive reactance. In the above example, to obtain a power factor
Tuning of Induction Heating Circuits and Load Matching 35
. ~ ] 1 1990 kVAa
66 kVAR
Cos ¢ = 0.95
Ep Np
Es Ns
Here, Np and Ns denote the turns in the primary and secondary, respectively.
The current that flows in the secondary winding as a result of the induced
36 Elements of Induction Heating: Design, Control, and Applications
Ep 0
O~ Es i ~> R L
Ep is primary voltage (V); Ip is primary current (A); Np is
number of primary turns; Is is secondary current (A); Ns
is number of secondary turns; Es is secondary voltage (V); RE
is load resistance (fl).
Fig. 3.10. Electrical circuit illustrating the analogy between the trans-
former principle and induction heating
voltage must produce a flux which exactly equals the primary flux. Because
the flux is proportional to the product of the number of turns and the cur-
rents in the windings, the relationship between the primary current Ip and the
secondary current Is is:
NpIp = Nsls
Np Is
Ns Ip
Hence, when the voltage is stepped up, the current is stepped down, and
vice versa. It should be borne in mind, however, that these equations apply
only to transformers with perfect coupling between the primary and secondary
windings. In reality, coupling is not perfect, and the voltage and current ratios
will each be slightly less than the turns ratio.
When a transformer is used for load-matching purposes, the impedance of
the secondary is adjusted to match that of the electrical load, and the primary
impedance matches that of the source. Usually, this involves reducing a high-
voltage line supply to a lower-voltage, higher-current one. Because impedance
is equal to E/I, the impedance ratio between the primary and secondary
(Zp/Zs) can be calculated by means of the equation:
Ze N2
Thus, the impedance ratio is equal to the square of the turns ratio.
Tuning of Induction Heating Circuits and Load Matching 37
(a) (b)
*In an autotransformer, the coils are both magneticallyand electricallyconnected. One sec-
tion of the two windingsis common to both the primary and secondary. Used when the desired
output voltage is approximately 50% or more of the input voltage, this type of transformer
offers low losses and less expensiveconstruction. Thus, matching of high-impedancecoils that
require low transformer ratios most frequently relies on an auto-transformer.
1"Inan isolation transformer, the primary and secondary windingsare coupled solely by the
magnetic flux. The efficiency of energy transfer is related to the distance between the wind-
ings as determined by the voltage difference between the two (and hence the insulation
required) and the efficiency of the transformer core material. Matching of a low-impedance
induction coil, which requires a large transformer ratio, usually makes use of an isolation trans-
38 Elements of Induction Heating: Design, Control, and Applications
C1 C2
?) ?)?)
Ca Coil
( 0
because the impedance would change dramatically if the part were not in
place. Accordingly, balancing should be p e r f o r m e d using short, low-power
tests so that minimal heat is produced in the workpiece during setup and so
that conditions for comparison therefore remain almost static.
Metering on fkxed-frequency systems generally consists of a kilowatt meter,
an ammeter, a voltmeter, and a k V A R or power-factor meter. These meters
sometimes are read in percentages o f their maximum ratings to simplify tun-
ing. When the system is tuned properly, an increase in the output o f the sys-
tem will reflect increases in both current and voltage simultaneously. An
increase in one and a decrease in the other are indicative of improper balance.
During the actual tuning operation, such as that for a motor-generator sys-
tem, the field is slowly increased so that the meters begin to indicate. If the
power factor is lagging, capacitance must be added to the tank circuit.* If the
*Note that this assumes a parallel resonant tank circuit. If the power factor is lagging, the
lagging component of the current I 2 (in Fig. 3.5) is too great, and the leading component, or
the current through the capacitor, must be increased. Because this leading component is equal
to E/Xc, Xc must be decreased. Therefore, the capacitance must be increased.
40 Elements of Induction Heating: Design, Control, and Applications
power factor leads, capacitance must be removed. The power must be off
while changes are made in the capacitor bank.
When the power factor has been corrected as close to unity as possible,
power should be increased until either the voltage or the current reads the
maximum permissible. Readings of all meters should then be taken. If, as
machine power is increased, the voltage reaches a m a x i m u m before the cur-
rent does, the primary-to-secondary ratio of the transformer is too high. The
ratio must be adjusted, or turns must be removed from the work coil based
on the equation:
When the work coil is modified, the first operation must be a readjustment
of the power factor (i.e., the circuit containing the coil must be retuned),
because the inductive components of the tank have been changed. Then, once
again, comparative readings should be taken.
If little or no indication occurs during a start-up procedure, it is indicative
of an excessive amount of capacitance. All of the capacitor taps should be
disconnected and slowly added again until a meaningful set of readings is
During setup of a motor-generator, the tank circuit is usually tuned to pro-
vide a slightly leading power factor. This helps to compensate for the reac-
tance of the armature windings of such systems and enables rated voltage to
be drawn from the power supply.* Operating with a slightly leading power
factor also prevents exceeding the field-current rating when operating at rated
voltage and power.
When magnetic materials go through the Curie temperature, power-factor
changes may be considerable as the material loses its permeability (and coil
inductance drops). The system may indicate a considerably lagging current
at the completion of this change. It may then be necessary to connect addi-
tional capacitors to the tank at this point via contactors, possibly operated
by a timer if the operation is highly repetitive.
In tuning of a fixed-frequency system during progressive heating operations,
readings and adjustments should be made with the part moving through the
coil at its normal speed.
*C. A. Tudbury, Basics of Induction Heating, Vol 2, John F. Rider, Inc., New York, 1960.
Tuning of Induction Heating Circuits and Load Matching 41
~,,- ~, X c
In practice, no-load and full-load readings are taken at each tank tap. The
tap with the greatest difference between no load and full load is the most
appropriate connection for the system. Once selected for a coil/part combi-
nation, it will always be the same. The same approach is also used in selec-
tion of the appropriate primary-to-secondary ratio if an RF power output
transformer is used to connect the coil to the power supply.
Because the difference between no load and full load is proportional to the
power into the part, it is important to try to maintain as low a no-load reading
as possible. Generally the no-load reading should be at most 30 to 40% of
the maximum allowable plate current. However, the physical constraints
of the coil generally dictate this condition. When a high no-load reading
occurs, the number of coil turns can be increased or the transformer turns
ratio can be decreased.
In performing the tuning procedure it is best to use reduced power. How-
ever, once the power level is set, it should not be changed during this test.
Further, the grid adjustment for these conditions should be maintained in
accordance with machine specifications. Once tuning has been accomplished,
the system should be run at full power to determine actual heating-rate and
plate-current readings.
When certain loads such as small copper parts are being heated, it is often
found that there is very little difference between the no-load and full-load
readings. This is due to the fact that the resistivity of the material is low. It
may also be physically impractical to add more turns to the coil. In these
cases, it is sometimes practical to utilize a poor impedance match so as to
increase the current in the work coil. Under these conditions, the no-load cur-
44 Elements of Induction Heating: Design, Control, and Applications
rent is extremely high and will result in excess power being dissipated in both
the tube and tank circuit. This loss, however, if within power-supply limita-
tions, may be negligible in cost, compared with the increase in power to the
workpiece and the resultant increase in heating rate.
For a specific part, if a small no-load/full-load differential occurs, and the
part geometry permits, the number of coil turns may be increased to increase
the heating rate. For example, if the maximum permissible plate current is
4 A and the no-load and full-load currents for a three-turn coil are 1 and
2 A, respectively, the part will draw 1 A. In this instance, approximately six
turns can be added to the coil without exceeding the generator capacity.* It
should be noted that if these additional turns are within the same surface area
heated by the original coil, the power density will increase and the surface will
heat at a higher rate, producing a greater temperature differential from the
surface to the core of the part. If however, the additional turns are used to
heat a larger area, the power density will stay the same but the throughput
in terms of material per unit time will increase. In this same manner, the addi-
tional turns could be used in separate coils to heat multiples of the original
part simultaneously, also increasing throughput. At some point, however, the
impedance of the coil becomes so large that it cannot match the output of the
power supply, and the heating rate decreases. Further, unless the system is
matched by means of an output transformer, the voltage across the coil must
be increased as the coil impedance increases. This can create a hazard to the
operator and arcing from the coil to the part as well.
When the equipment is running at full power, a condition may develop in
which the machine overloads or trips out due to excessive plate current. This
indicates that the part is drawing power in excess of the power-supply rating.
The coil-to-part coupling may then have to be decreased (greater distance
from coil to part), or the number of coil turns may have to be decreased. Fur-
ther, some modification may be made to the lead structure to correct this con-
It is also important to note that when magnetic materials are heated above
the Curie point, the power from radio-frequency supplies may decrease sig-
nificantly because of radical changes in coil/part impedance. As with the
motor-generator system, some technique may occasionally be necessary to
retune the system so as to deliver higher power to the now nonmagnetic load.
One such technique is construction of a series loading-coil arrangement
(Fig. 3.15). The coil is closely coupled to the work so that it draws full power
above the Curie temperature. This would ordinarily overload the system at
temperatures below 760 °C (1400 °F). The loading coil, in series with the
work coil, presents a high impedance to the generator, at the low tempera-
*This is based on the fact that each increment of three turns will increase the load current
Tuning of Induction Heating Circuits and Load Matching 45
)er shunt
ture, so that full power is supplied to the coil. Above the Curie temperature,
the shorting bar eliminates the loading coil. It is important that the power be
off during the brief period when the solenoid is activated to short the load-
ing coil.
Elements of Induction Heating Copyright © 1988 ASM International®
Stanley Zinn, Lee Semiatin, p 47-75 All rights reserved.
DOI: 10.1361/eoih1988p0047
Chapter 4
Induction Heating
Power Supplies
Besides the induction coil and workpiece, the induction generator (source
of ac power) is probably the most important component of an over-all induc-
tion heating system. Such equipment is typically rated in terms of its fre-
quency and maximum output power (in kilowatts). The discussion in this
chapter addresses the selection of power supplies in terms of these two fac-
tors as well as the operational features of different types of sources. Auxiliary
equipment, such as the cooling and control systems that are needed for all
induction generators, is described in Chapters 5 and 7.
There are essentially six different types of power supplies for induction
heating applications, each designed to supply ac power within a given fre-
quency range. These six types are line-frequency supplies, frequency mul-
tipliers, motor-generators, solid-state (static) inverters, spark-gap converters,
and radio-frequency (RF) power supplies. At the present time, the spark-gap
oscillator is no longer in use, and the solid-state power supply has all but
replaced the motor-generator. The ranges of frequencies and power ratings
presently available are summarized in Fig. 4.1.
48 Elements of Induction Heating: Design, Control, and Applications
o 1 MW
. PPY-eq~iT, ~~ii /,~quencysystems
100kW su
systems ~~k~k ~ k ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
10 Hz 100Hz 1 kHz 10 kHz 100kHz 1 MHz 10MHz
Fig. 4.1. Ranges of power ratings and frequencies for induction gen-
erators (from J. Davies and P. Simpson, induction Heating Handbook,
McGraw-Hill, Ltd, London, 1979)
lowest possible frequency that will accomplish the job is usually the best selec-
tion from an economic viewpoint. Typical frequency selections for a number
of specific applications are summarized in Chapter 6.
Power requirements for induction heating are also dependent on the spe-
cific application. In through-heating applications, the power needed is gen-
erally based on the amount of material that is processed per unit time, the
peak temperature, and the material's heat capacity at this temperature. Power
specification for other operations, such as surface hardening of steel, is not
as simple because of the effects of starting material condition and heat con-
duction to the unhardened core. Nevertheless, guidelines in such situations are
available (Chapter 6).
When guidelines for power requirements, such as those in Chapters 2 and
6, are given, it should be emphasized that these often refer to the power actu-
Induction Heating Power Supplies 49
ally transferred into the workpiece and not necessarily to the power drawn
from the power supply. Power losses are of three forms:
• Coupling losses between the coil and the workpiece. As discussed in Chap-
ter 2, the percentage of the power supplied to the coil that is transferred
to the workpiece is a function of the resistivity and permeability of the
workpiece material, the coil geometry, and the distance between the work-
piece and the coil.
• Power losses between the output terminals of the power supply and the coil.
These losses are associated with improper tuning of, and I2R losses in, the
appropriate tank circuit, imperfect impedance matching between the power
supply and the workpiece/induction coil, and transmission losses between
the power supply and the induction coil.
• Power losses within the power supply due to conversion of line frequency
to higher-frequency ac.
It should also be emphasized that the method of rating power level for
induction power supplies varies. For example, motor-generators are rated in
kilowatts (rated current times rated voltage times power factor) at the out-
put terminals of the generator. Because solid-state power supplies were ini-
tiaUy direct replacements for motor-generators, manufacturers have continued
this rating practice. Therefore, power output and efficiency ratings of solid-
state inverters relate to power supplied at the output terminals. In terms of
over-all efficiency and power delivered to the load, this neglects losses in trans-
mission lines, losses in heat stations (due to improper tuning, for example),
and the inefficiency of power transfer from the coil to the workpiece. Thus,
the common practice of rating solid-state power-supply efficiencies at 90 to
95% refers solely to the power-supply conversion efficiency and not to the
"line-to-load" energy transfer.
In radio-frequency systems, by contrast, IEEE Standard No. 54 defines the
test used to determine power output. This standard describes the use of a cal-
orimeter method for determining power into a load (Fig. 4.2). In practice, a
water-cooled steel load is inserted into an induction work coil until the meters
on the power supply indicate that it is operating at maximum rated voltage
and current. The temperature of the water into and out of the load is moni-
tored as well as the flow of water through the load. By this means, the power
put into the load is readily calculated. The output power of the RF supply is
then taken to be at this value, and the efficiency is computed as a "line-to-
load" (over-all) efficiency. Figure 4.3 shows a typical data sheet used for
rating RF power supplies. Because of the different manners in which power
ratings are given for low-to-medium-frequency versus RF generators, equiv-
alent ratings for the two types of systems are usually obtained by multiply-
ing the quoted output power for low-to-medium-frequency units by a factor
of approximately 0.65 to 0.70.
It is difficult to generalize on over-all efficiencies of different types of power
50 Elements of Induction Heating: Design, Control, and Applications
- - B - - m
Heating coil
u _..
.-2- 2_
In Out
supplies, let alone those of the same generic class, because many factors vary
from part to part and from system to system. However, it is safe to assume
that line-to-load efficiencies for low- and medium-frequency solid-state sys-
tems generally run between 60 and 65% and that those for RF (vacuum-tube)
generators typically range from 50 to 55%.
With this as an introduction, the design and characteristics of each of the
various types of power supplies are discussed next.
Plate Voltage KV DC
Plate Current AMPS DC
Grid Current AMPS DC
Filament Volts V AC
Load Inlet Temperature °F
Load Outlet Temperature oF
Load Flow GPM
KW Output KW
Frequency HZ
Enclosure Temperature °F
Generator Inlet Flow GPM
Generator Flow Temp In °F
Generator Flow Temp Out °F
Temperature Valve Setting °F
"Load Reference Mark"
Line Voltage
Line Current
Plate Voltage KV DC
Plate Current AMPS DC
Grid Current AMPS DC
Frequency HZ
Line Voltage V AC
Line Current AMPS AC
Fig. 4.3. Test data sheet for recording performance of an RF power sup-
ply with a calorimeter (source: Ameritherm, Inc.)
accordingly. When coil impedances are high, the coil can be connected directly
across the power lines.
The basic line-frequency system (Fig. 4.4) consists of a tapped transformer
primary with the secondary wound to provide approximately the voltage
required at the coil. The primary taps, operated by means of manual rotary
switches (Fig. 4.5), permit adjustment of work-coil voltage to the specific load
requirements. Power-factor-correction capacitors are placed across the pri-
mary windings of the transformer. Because currents in the system are large,
it is desirable to keep the transformer and capacitor bank as close to the coil
as possible. Accordingly, the heat station is generally mounted directly adja-
cent to the coil. When large-capacity systems are used, power-factor capacitors
are sometimes mounted directly beneath the work area (Fig. 4.6) in order to
reduce floor-space requirements.
52 Elementsof InductionHeating:Design,Control, and Applications
2_ 3_ ._•__Main
I JII(. Power-factor-
( correctioncapacitors
I~_ Ioooopoooooprimaries
o o-o0o#o-0oo oo-o-tYo'O
~1 ~nR~O0000-O000-O-O'Secondari
~ es]
----I( I(
. ~co~arse~ J 44fine L'~ ~ l
3 ~ Secondaries
Fig. 4.4. Circuit diagrams for line-frequency heating systems using (a)
single primary tap switching (high coil impedance) and (b) coarse/fine
tap control (low coil impedance) (from J. Davies and P. Simpson, Induc-
tion Heating Handbook, McGraw.Hill, Ltd., London, 1979)
Fig. 4.5. Tap switch used in adjusting voltage on the primary of a line-
frequency induction heating system (source: American Induction Heat-
ing Corp.)
Fig. 4.6. Capacitor bank for a 3-MW line-frequency power supply; capa-
citors are located in a chamber beneath the induction coils (source:
American Induction Heating Carp.)
'- I -
Arc-control ~
material ~ J~
Fixed contact t =:
=, -1 Metal ends
Fig. 4.7. Vacuum and air break contactors used for line-frequency induc-
tion heating (from J. Davies and P. Simpson, Induction Heating Hand-
book, McGraw-Hill, Ltd., London, 1979)
Frequency Multipliers
Frequency multipliers are used to obtain multiples of the line supply, most
often 180 and 540 Hz. Like line-supply installations, they are used primar-
ily for large heating and melting applications.
56 Elements of Induction Heating: Design, Control, and Applications
Fig. 4.8. Laminated core and primary winding for an induction unit used
to expand bearings: (a) "split-yoke" system and (b) production bearing
heater (from C. A. Tudbury, Basics of Induction Heating, Vol 2, John
F. Rider, Inc., New York, 1988; Read Electric Sales and Supply)
I;]V/,Ird~ V,,,J
Large bearings are placed on the Workpieces equal in size to, or Small workpieces (with or without
angled support surface, with the broader than, the distance between bore) can also be placed on top of the
largest possible yoke through the the contact pillars may be placed pillars. If only one workpiece has to
bearing bore and resting on the directly on the pillars with no yoke be heated, place a yoke of near equal
contact pillars. Maximum bearing required. size on the other pillar and connect to
width, 110 m m , largest yoke.
For flanges with large outside Should the workpiece have a very Large rings can also be heated in a
diameters, the contact pillars can be small bore or no bore at all (e.g., horizontal position using a rest with
raised using a pair of yokes, pulleys, plates, etc.) adaptor yokes the largest yoke in position.
can be used.
For long pieces, the working space can be increased by using a pair of support yokes, Combinations of various yokes may
or the space can be raised by combining suitable yokes in a vertical position. be used for workpieces with stepped
bores, such as couplings, pulleys, etc.
Fig. 4.9. Adjustment of the laminated care structure for heating bear-
ings of different sizes; note that the flux path must form a complete
loop (source: SKF Industries, Inc.)
A motor-generator is a rotary-driven system composed of a motor coupled
to a generator. The motor and the generator can be individual units with a
58 Elements of Induction Heating: Design, Control, and Applications
Fig. 4.13. One stage of the McLouth steel induction slab heating facil-
ity, rated at a total of 210 MW, used to preheat slabs as large as
30 cm by 152 cm by 8 m (12 in. by 60 in. by 26 ft) to the roiling tem-
perature of 1260 °C (2300 °F) (source: Ajax Magnethermic Corp.)
slots o f the stator, there are two windings.* One, called the field winding, is
connected to an external source o f direct current and forms a magnetic field
around the rotor. When the rotor rotates, alternating currents are induced in
the second, or output, winding. These currents result from changes in the
magnetic flux in the slots (where the stator windings are located) as the rotor
sweeps past them.
*Formally, when both sets of windings (field and output) are on the stator, the equipment
is called an inductor-alternator. Some motor-generators have the output windingson the rotor,
rather than on the stator.
60 Elements of Induction Heating: Design, Control, and Applications
Steel slab
Fig. 4.14. "Ross" coil used in the heating of steel slabs (source: Ajax
Magnethermic Corp.)
employed to control the field. The regulators change the field voltage as the
output voltage varies, to maintain a stable output.
Motor-generators have high inertia and thus require considerable power to
attain operating speeds. Accordingly, when starting, excessive motor inrush
currents required are brought to lower levels through the use of a reduced-
voltage starter. Moreover, the power needed to spin the heavy rotor is the
same, whether at light load or full power. For this reason, system efficiency
is low when the generator is loaded lightly (i.e., when only a fraction of its
rated power is drawn).
The motor-generator is a fixed-frequency supply. Hence, the tank circuit
containing the load must be tuned. Because they operate at a fixed frequency,
motor-generators of the same frequency can be connected in parallel to
increase system capacity. Generally, to do this, the units must be exactly the
same in terms of voltage, poles, etc., to prevent one generator from "hogging"
the load or possibly even feeding another.
Since the motor-generator is a fixed-frequency device, it also operates sim-
ilarly to the motor-generator that supplies voltage to a standard power line.
Thus, several separate and independent induction heating work stations can
be connected to a single motor-generator and operated on a simultaneous
basis. They can be connected or disconnected from the supply at will. How-
ever, the stations must be tuned as closely as possible to the generator fre-
62 Elements of Induction Heating: Design, Control, and Applications
quency, and provision must be made to prevent the total connected load at
any time from exceeding the generator rating.
A typical heat station operated from a motor-generator (Fig. 4.17) usually
comprises power-factor-correction capacitors and an autotransformer or iso-
lation transformer for impedance matching (Fig. 4.18). When an isolation
transformer is used, the capacitors are connected in parallel with the primary.
The transformer primary is tapped to provide a range of voltage adjustments.
When an autotransformer is used (with high-impedance coils) the capacitors
are generally connected in parallel with the work coil. With very-high-
impedance coils, it is sometimes possible to match the generator output
impedance without the use of an intermediate transformer. In either case, pro-
vision is made to add or subtract capacitance for proper frequency matching.
It should be noted, though, that since power-factor correction makes use of
discrete values of capacitance, it is not generally possible to tune the system
exactly to the resonant frequency of the motor-generator. Because of this, it
is generally advantageous to adjust the power factor initially so that it is in
Fig. 4.17. Heat station for use at low and medium frequencies with
an impedance-matching transformer (source: American Induction Heat-
ing Corp.)
Induction Heating Power Supplies 63
Solid-State Inverters
With the development of high-power silicon-controlled rectifiers (SCR's)
having rapid turn on/turn off times, it became possible to provide an equiv-
alent to the motor-generator system. While eliminating a number of basic dis-
advantages, not the least of which is inefficient operation, the solid-state
inverter provides some new and unique operational capabilities.
The first development in this field was that of the swept- (or variable-) fre-
quency inverter. With this system (Fig. 4.19a), line voltage is converted to
direct current and then is applied by means of a capacitive voltage divider to
an SCR (dc-to-ac) inverter circuit. The system utilizes internal commutation
to turn off the SCR's in the inverter circuit. A feedback circuit from the res-
onant tank, together with power- and voltage-control signals, is fed to a local
64 Elements of Induction Heating: Design, Control, and Applications
Internal \
I// ~/I Powercontrolby
Inverter -T g III ill dc voltage
oscillator whose output signal then controls the inverter firing rate. The system
then operates at a frequency along the straight portion of the tank's resonant-
frequency curve, but not at the resonant frequency. By offsetting the firing
rate of the oscillator from the resonant frequency of the tank, the unit can
be made to operate at any point along this curve. It can be seen on this curve
that a slight shift in frequency will cause a large change in power output.
Therefore, controlling the local oscillator firing rate within these limits pro-
vides a wide range of power output control. It should be noted, however, that
as the Q value of the circuit changes, the shape of the resonant-frequency
curve changes. For high-Q circuits, the slope of the curve is sharp, and a small
change in frequency provides a wide range of power control. For circuits hav-
Induction Heating Power Supplies 65
ing low Q values, the necessary frequency shift to achieve a comparable power
adjustment becomes wider and therefore sometimes impossible to achieve.
The other common solid-state inverter, known as the load-resonant or
current-fed inverter (Fig. 4.19b), also utilizes a dc power source. However,
this inverter is provided with an SCR rectifier for voltage control. The SCR
inverter uses no local oscillator but derives its commutating effect directly
from the resonant tank circuit. Thus, it is load-resonant. In actuality, for rea-
sons based on the operational characteristics of the SCR's, the system is usu-
ally operated with a slightly leading power factor and thus an operating
frequency slightly higher than the load-resonant frequency. Because power
output control of the load-resonant inverter is done by means of SCR's in the
dc supply, the Q value of the load is not a factor in this respect. The system
continues to operate at a frequency slightly above that of the tank circuit.
In both types of solid-state inverters, the system frequency in essence is
tuned to the load, whereas in motor-generators the load is tuned to the fixed
frequency of the generator. It should be remembered that with motor-
generators, as the work-coil inductance changes during heating, especially for
ferrous loads passing through the Curie temperature, the tank circuit must be
returned to optimize power transfer. On the other hand, with a load-resonant
solid-state system, the resonant frequency of the tank changes, even when
going through the Curie point, as determined by the load. The swept-
frequency inverter, if set for a constant power output, also will shift its fre-
quency as the load is heated. Thus, either solid-state system compensates
automatically for changes in the load when passing through the Curie tem-
perature, unlike the motor-generator.
Both types of solid-state systems can operate with either a series or paral-
lel tank circuit. The parallel circuit is most commonly used because it permits
remote mounting of the tank circuit (heat station) with minimum losses in the
transmission lines. The transmission voltage used is limited to the inverter
voltage unless a transformer is applied at the power source. With a series cir-
cuit, the coil voltage is a function of the Q value of the circuit and can be
quite high, necessitating the use of high-voltage capacitors for tuning. Fur-
ther, since the inductance of the transmission line becomes part of the tank
inductance, the distance from the power supply to the work coil is limited for
reasons of efficiency.
Figure 4.20 compares the relative over-all efficiencies of motor-generators,
swept-frequency inverters, and load-resonant inverters. The low efficiency of
the motor-generator is due to the high inertia of the rotor, windage losses, and
similar problems produced by the mechanical system. These must be over-
come, even for the lightest loads, since the generator must always operate at
rated speed regardless of output power. The low efficiency of the swept-
frequency inverter at light loads is due to the fact that it is operating at a low
point on the resonant-frequency curve.
Because solid-state inverters were initially designed to replace motor-gen-
66 Elements of Induction Heating: Design, Control, and Applications
90 ~~aLoad-resonant
60- / ~ ~itrlralternator
I I I i
20 40 60 80 100
Output powerconstant load impedance,%
erators, the power ratings of these systems were based on standard motor-
generator rating t e c h n i q u e s - t h a t is, power is rated at the terminals of the
generator, neglecting the losses in the heat station, coil, etc. For this same rea-
son, power-supply frequencies were also chosen to match those of available
motor-generator sets to reduce confusion. However, solid-state power-supply
frequencies are really not limited because the generators are either load-
resonant or controlled by a local oscillator. Thus, a frequency can be selected
which is optimum for the application. In effect, all solid-state generators are
actually variable-frequency inverters. For a specific piece of equipment, appar-
ent power at the terminals will vary with frequency. Therefore, power sup-
plies generally are designed to operate within a specific frequency range.
Further, heat-station capacitors must have sufficient kilovar capacity to han-
dle the frequency range used, and magnetic components (transformers and
reactors) must be rated for operation at these frequencies as well.
Induction Heating Power Supplies 67
Spark-Gap Converters
Although no longer produced commercially, the spark-gap converter was
one of the earliest means of providing high-frequency ac power in the radio-
frequency region. It was used primarily in metal melting, in particular for pre-
cious metals.
In its simplest form (Fig. 4.21), the spark-gap converter includes a step-up
transformer (T0 which increases the line voltage to a higher level, which is
subsequently impressed across the spark gap. The spark gap is in parallel with
a capacitor (Cl) and the primary of transformer T2. This is an output trans-
former; its secondary is connected to the work coil. In operation, as the pri-
mary voltage rises in each half-swing of the 60-Hz line current, the voltage
across the gap also rises until it exceeds the breakdown level. This voltage is
also equal at that instant to the voltage impressed across the series circuit
formed by the capacitor and the output transformer primary. The capacitor
charges to this peak voltage. When the voltage exceeds the breakdown level
of the gap, the low-resistance arc that has formed discharges the capacitor
through the gap, passing an oscillating current through the combination of
the capacitor and the transformer primary. As the capacitor discharges, the
voltage across the gap decreases until the arc can no longer be sustained. On
the reverse half-cycle of the 60-Hz line current, the cycle is repeated with the
current in the circuit going in the reverse direction.
In later developments of the system, vacuum tubes were used to increase
stability, and the gaps were contained in a hydrogen atmosphere to reduce the
need for constant maintenance.
Frequencies generated by this system are generally in the range of 80 to
200 kHz. However, many frequency components are produced simultaneously
so that the output is not purely sinusoidal. Efficiency of these systems is rather
low--on the order 15 to 50°70 line-to-load.
Radio-Frequency (Vacuum-Tube) Power Supplies
Operational Characteristics. The operation of a radio-frequency (RF) power sup-
ply is best understood with reference to the parallel resonant tank circuit con-
Low-frequenCYinput ~.E1 Sparkgap ,_j 0
I Primar1 ouuo
l I
Fig. 4.22. Simplified electrical tank circuit for a radio-frequency oscil-
lator (from E. May, Industrial High Frequency Electric Power, Wiley,
New York, 1950)
Induction Heating Power Supplies 69
Flat caused by
grid drawing
portion C
of curve
-8 -6 -4 0
J ] Currentflows
No plate current Class A all the time
I Current flows
Class B half the time
Current flows
~ ~ lessthan
half the time
Grid is
cut off
@ LA
Anode/~ I Tank ~ L I
( ~ CG ~ Work -L
Filamen . ~ R ~ r i d ~ .__~ LG I Lw , i, capac'tor
Fig. 4.24. Circuit diagram for a simple vacuum-tube-typehigh-frequency
generator (from Induction Heating, American Society for Metals, Met-
als Park, OH, 1946)
dc anode C pb
O. .. I
(a) !
C pb C pb
(b) -- (c) "~"
Ip =10A
l Work coil
= 3 turns
NP = 30 turns
NL = 3 turns
t Work coil
I = 100A
(b) Ip = 10 A
(as in sputtering systems), the frequency will shift within the above limits dur-
ing operation. Unlike the motor-generator, which tends to hold the voltage
constant, the RF generator tries to maintain a constant circulating current in
the tank circuit.
Although all RF power supply ratings are in terms of "power into a calori-
metric load," they will not necessarily all respond similarly to a particular
coil/part combination. A power rating refers to the capability of an individual
system to supply the rated power to this load. It does not refer to the ease with
which it can deliver that power. Typically, if the supply can deliver 10 kW to
the test load with a 2.5-cm (1-in.) coupling distance, as compared to a power
supply that requires the coil to be within 1.3 cm (0.5 in.) of the load to deliver
the same power, its "loadability" is superior.
Loadability refers directly to the current in the tank circuit and thus the cur-
rent in the work coil. Tank-circuit current, IT, can be calculated from the
formula IT ~ 0.75 Ep/Xc, where Ep is the dc voltage applied to the tank and
Xc is the capacitive reactance of the tank capacitor at resonant frequency.
The ratio of tank kVA to the kW rating of the generator is defined as the
loadability and may be used to compare competitive power supplies.
Transmission losses between the work coil and the tank circuit can be con-
Induction Heating Power Supplies 73
Fig. 4.27. Remote tank circuit for use with an RF power supply, includ-
ing work coil, output transformer, and tank capacitors (source: Lind-
berg Cycle-Dyne, Inc.)
74 Elements of Induction Heating: Design, Control, and Applications
supply enclosure. The primary is connected between the plate of the tube and
the tube filament to derive a frequency signal. A secondary winding provides
a voltage which is 180 ° out of phase to drive the grid.
a wide range of power outputs. Unlike the inverters used at 50 kHz and
below, these units do not have SCR's, but are instead powered by MOSFET
(Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor) output devices.
A solid-state RF supply is similar to an SCR inverter in that line voltage
enters the system through an isolation transformer which then produces a dc
voltage level that is adjustable through an SCR voltage control. This filtered
dc output is the input for the solid-state RF supply's power boards. The MOS-
FET's on each board and the boards themselves are connected in parallel. A
sensing circuit in the cable leading to the tank circuit feeds the tank resonant-
frequency signal to the microprocessor. The MOSFET's are driven at this
frequency by the microprocessor. The software will also adjust the system
operating frequency in response to the change in tank resonant frequency that
results when the temperature of a magnetic load rises above the Curie point.
As does the load-resonant inverter, the solid-state RF system operates at the
peak of the resonant curve, and its efficiency is therefore similar.
The software for these microprocessor-driven systems can be modified to
provide constant current, constant power, or constant voltage, depending on
the conditions required for the particular application. The software also per-
mits interrogation of the system through a computer-keyboard interface.
Elements of Induction Heating Copyright © 1988 ASM International®
Stanley Zinn, Lee Semiatin, p 77-84 All rights reserved.
DOI: 10.1361/eoih1988p077
Chapter 5
Besides the power supply, other auxiliary pieces of equipment are required
in most induction heating installations. These include systems for cooling the
power supply and induction coil, power-timing devices, temperature-control
devices, and materials-handling systems. The first two types of equipment are
discussed in this chapter. Temperature monitoring and control are addressed
in Chapter 7, and materials-handling concepts are described in Chapter 10.
78 Elements of Induction Heating: Design, Control, and Applications
are water cooled are at various voltages above ground. In an RF system, for
instance, the plate of the oscillator tube is generally several thousand volts
above ground, yet must be cooled with water. To accomplish this, water is
carried to the tube through a length of nonconductive hose, passed through
the tube cooling channel, and then returned to ground through a similar hose
column. In essence, this hose column is a high-resistivity path with water as
the conductor. At a 10-kV level, approximately 5 m (16 ft) of hose must be
used on each side of the column to provide a sufficient length of water path
to prevent the water from carrying current and thus dissipating additional
heat. This presupposes that the resistivity of the water is sufficiently high.
Another consideration in a water-cooling system regards the regulation of
the water temperature to a level above the dew point in the area or cabinet
where the system operates. A temperature below this point will result in con-
densation on the cooled components. Condensation, particularly in high-
voltage areas, can cause arcing between components of differing voltages and
the resultant failure of these components. In addition, any technique that
reduces water consumption will provide an economic means of cutting water
and sewage costs.
In perhaps the simplest type of cooling system (Fig. 5.1), water is passed
from a tank, through a pump, to the induction heater, with the return path
going back to the pump. Raw water from the tap is passed through a
temperature-control valve whose sensor is in the output waterline of the gen-
erator. Because additional tap water is added to the system, an overflow pipe
passes the excess to a drain.
In operation, cooling water is added to the system from the tap as the exit
water temperature exceeds its limits. Thus, tap water is added only on tem-
perature demand, reducing input water requirements. This system also main-
. Pump
Generator [ ~ ~_~ Thermalcontrol
l~lrr I / Water
Outlet I~,/) I inlet
"~ F--r" Stopcockfor
' ' setting flow
Z Tank (95 to 380 L, or
Overfl ! ~ Sight drain 25 to 100 gal)
Fig. 5.1. Simple water-cooling system designed to control temperature
with minimum water throughput (from F. W. Curtis, High Frequency
Induction Heating, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1950)
Auxiliary Equipment for Induction Heating 79
tains the ambient temperature of the generator above the dew point. However,
it does not protect the system from a water-supply problem of low resistiv-
ity or excess solids content.
Water-Cooling Systems
Distilled water, tap water, and deionized water have all been used in cooling
systems for induction heating equipment. Deionized water is "hungry" and
will attack the zinc in brass fittings, which after much use may become
spongy. In contrast, distilled water will not attack brass. Tap water, on the
other hand, if high in resistivity and reasonably clean, will, in effect, become
equivalent to distilled water after several passes through the equipment.
If solids are contained in tap water, they have a tendency to plate out on
the walls of the component being cooled. This results in the buildup of an
insulating layer along the coolant path, similar to boiler scale, which gradu-
ally reduces the heat-exchange capability of the system. Thus, although pres-
sure, flow, and input water temperature are maintained, the system could
overheat. Table 5.1 covers a typical specification for water quality for an
induction heating generator. Solids-content limits in parts per million are gen-
erally considered for cases in which constant flow brings contaminants into
the system on a continuous basis. However, once the system is sealed, addi-
tional solids are not brought into the cooler, and the tap water becomes sim-
ilar to distilled water.
When the cooling system is used in a plant where temperatures may go
below freezing for any period of time, the coolant should be composed of a
mixture of water and ethylene glycol to prevent freeze-up. A 40% solution
of ethylene glycol is satisfactory in most localities. It should be noted, how-
ever, that most antifreeze solutions, although they are ethylene glycol based,
should not be used. Unlike pure ethylene glycol, the additives in antifreeze
reduce the resistivity of the coolant and thus cause problems in hose columns.
Table 5.1. Typical cooling-water specification for an induction heating power supply
• Minimum pressure differential, 207 kPa (30 psi)
• Maximum inlet water temperature, 35 °C (95 °F)
• pH between 7.0 and 9.0 (i.e., slightly alkaline)
• Chloride content < 20 ppm
Nitrate content < 10 ppm
Sulfate content < 100 ppm
CaCO3 content < 250 ppm
• Total dissolved solids content < 250 ppm;
no solids to precipitate at T _ 57 °C (135 °F)
• Resistivity _> 2500 at 25 °C (77 °F)
• Must contain a magnetite eliminator and corrosion inhibitor
• Antifreeze (50°7o maximum), "uninhibited" ethylene glycol
80 Elements of Induction Heating: Design, Control, and Applications
Vapor-Coolant Systems
When requirements for coolant exceed 45 L / m i n (12 gal/min), many instal-
lations now make use of vapor-cooled systems. These are (in the smaller sizes)
air-to-water heat-exchange systems. Packaged in a single unit, or with the
exchange unit separate from the pumping station, they offer a method of
reducing water consumption.
Typically, vapor-cooled systems (Fig. 5.2) utilize a mist of water sprayed
onto the fins of an air-to-water heat exchanger. This water is lost as a vapor
or mist of steam, but because of the high heat input per unit weight of water,
the system requires only about 1 °7o of the normal water usage of a conven-
Cooled-liquid outlet
tional water-cooling system. The system still isolates the equipment coolant
from the water used for the mist spray. However, during constant use, solids
are deposited on the fins from the vapor, reducing their energy-transfer capa-
bilities. Therefore, provision must be made to wash down the system occa-
sionally to remove these solids. Further, because the mist contains no ethylene
glycol, the sump for the excess spray must be heated in the winter months.
Figure 5.3 shows a schematic representation of a typical system. Here, the
heat exchanger is m o u n t e d outside the building, and the pumping station is
adjacent to the induction heaters. This system, dependent on proper sizing,
can operate more than one installation at a time. In many cases, the system
will also act as a cooler for other processes, furnaces, etc. in the same area.
The primary advantage of a vapor-cooled system as compared with a water-
base system results from the fact that the former is a closed system. Water
towers can be "open" in that the cooling of the water is performed by expos-
ing it to air. In addition to impurities absorbed during this exposure, chem-
icals such as algicides must usually be added to the coolant. Because these can
Air out
Air in
Vent cooler
valves at Drain
Optional / ni doorsSUmp'tank
Control of induction heating systems can be on an open-loop or a closed-
loop basis. Closed-loop systems make use of a control signal (most often tem-
perature) in a feedback circuit to regulate the operation of the induction
Air in
Air out
Air in
Drain in
station l Air in
Ekey To oscillator-
valve grid-
bias resistors
Fig. 5.5. Circuit schematic for a grid-trigger system used for high-speed
operation of an RF power supply (from J. Davies and P. Simpson, Induc.
tion Heating Handbook, McGraw-Hill, Ltd., London, 1979)
Chapter 6
86 Elements of Induction Heating: Design, Control, and Applications
k~ ',.oe~
~q ,,4 ~q ¢5e4
. . . . . . . . P".- . . . . . . e~ " "P"..
o - o o
v"~O0 ~'10
~rC ~q
,'-~eq ,..~eq
¢'~ , ~ . , I "~. ,,-,., , ~ ,,-.~ o 0 ~ ,~ ,.-.~ ~ ~-.~ ,~.~ ,,-.~ , , - ~ , . , ~ ~ , - - ~ t~q ,,-.~ , ~ , . - ~ ,~.~ ,~.~ ,~,~ ~ - ~ , ~ ~--,
•N . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~.o . . . . . .
~N .~ . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . ~ . ~ . ~r 0 . . . . .
. ~ . . . . . . ~ . . . . . ~ - - ~ ~ . . . . .
OO . . . . .
J~ ~o
,m ~o ~ O ~
W q~.
90 Elements of Induction Heating: Design, Control, and Applications
Diameter, mm
Diameter, in.
Fig. 6.1. Relationship between diameter of round steel bars and mini-
mum generator frequency for efficient austenitizing using induction
heating (from F. W. Curtis, High FrequencyInduction Heating, McGraw-
Hill, New York, 1950)
malizing or hardening operations) are depicted in Fig. 6.3. From these curves
it is apparent that, for a given power-supply frequency and tube geometry
(OD, ID), the efficiency is higher for heating below the Curie temperature.
This is a result of the smaller reference depth below the Curie temperature.
Similarly, the increase in efficiency with increased frequency for a given geom-
etry and temperature range are associated with higher OD-to-d ratios as for
the induction heating of solid bars. Two other trends are not so o b v i o u s -
those related to the effects of outer diameter and wall thickness for a given
Process Design for Specific Applications 91
Round-bar diameter, mm
5, 70
~ 6C
,g 5c O°F)
o ie
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Round-bar diameter, in.
Fig. 6.2. Coil efficiency for induction heating of round bars as a func-
tion of bar diameter, size of air gap between coil and bar, and induc-
tion power-supply frequency: (a) 60 Hz and 1 kHz; (b) 180 Hz and
3 kHz; (c) 10 kHz (from G. F. Bobert, "Innovative Induction Systems
for the Steel Industry," Prec. Energy Seminar/Workshop on New Con-
cepts in Energy Conservation and Productivity Improvement for Indus-
trial Heat Processing Equipment, Chicago, March, 1982)
frequency and temperature range. With regard to the effect of outer diame-
ter at a fixed wall thickness, it should be noted that the reference depth is the
same irrespective of OD but that the equivalent resistance scales linearly with
OD. Thus, a greater fraction of the power goes into the workpiece (when
reflected through the coil circuit) as the OD increases. Such behavior is
entirely comparable to the data in Fig. 6.2 for solid bars. The effect of wall
thickness at fixed OD and frequency is more difficult to understand. As the
wall becomes thinner, the over-all workpiece resistance increases. However,
its equivalent resistance as reflected in the coil circuit tends to decrease, as can
92 Elements of Induction Heating: Design, Control, and Applications
Round-bar diameter, mm
"~ 60
I/ ~
(up B,c
to 705Be,ow
cI urle.
°C or 1300 °F)
A/C = Above Curie
(over 705 °C or 1300 °F)
i i I
40 ~ Coil ID = bar OD +
A = 38 mm (1.5 in.)
B = 51 mm (2.0 in.)
30 • C = 64 mm (2.5 in.)
D = 89 mm (3.5 in.)
E = 127 mm (5.0 in.)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8 9 10
11 12
be inferred from the data in Fig. 2.12. Hence, efficiency goes down with
decreasing wall thickness. For the case of an infinitely thin-wall tube, there
is actually no workpiece and no heat dissipated in the workpiece, thereby lead-
ing to zero efficiency.
Critical frequencies for through heating of slabs and sheets depend on coil
geometry. The relationships given earlier in this section pertain solely to flat
workpieces heated by solenoid (i.e., encircling-type) coils. A plot of the critical
frequencies of a number of metals for such induction heating arrangements
is shown in Fig. 6.4. The similarity between this plot and that for round bars
(Fig. 2.9) is evident. Note, however, the slightly lower values of fc for the
sheet geometry. For example, the value of fc for a 2.54-mm- (0.1-in.-) diam
round steel bar heated to 815 °C (1500 °F), which is above the Curie temper-
ature, is approximately 10 6 Hz; but the fc value for a 2.54-cm- (1.0-in.-)
thick sheet heated to the same temperature is only 250,000 Hz.
Process Design for Specific Applications 93
Round-bar diameter, mm
0 6.4 12.7 19.1 25.4 31.8 38.1 44.5 50.8 57.2 63.5 69.9 76.2 82.6
90 -mmmmmm
80 C
°7' 10 kHz A/C / ~ v
>~ 70
® 60
r- / ~ L ~ B/C = Below Curie
o 5o (up to 705 °C or 1300 °F)- •
o ~/~ A/C = Above Curie
(over 705 °C or 1300 °F)
1 i i
40 ~' I CoillD = b a r O D +
A A = 38 mm (1.5 in.)
B B = 51 mm (2.0 in.)
30 C = 64 mm (2.5 in.)
c I D = 76 mm (3.0 in.)
0 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.0 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.0 2.25 2.50 2.75 3.0 3.25
Round-bar diameter, in.
The critical frequency for a sheet material is lower when it is heated from
one side only. This can be done using inductors such as pancake coils which
set up fields of magnetic induction whose flux is perpendicular to the sheet
surface, rather than parallel to it as with a solenoid coil. Such an arrangement
is often referred to as transverse-flux induction heating. Figure 6.5 gives the
required frequency for efficient heating utilizing a special inductor of this type
designed to provide maximum temperature uniformity across the strip width.
Heating of steel sheet 2.54 m m (0.1 in.) thick to 815 °C (1500 °F) using a
transverse flux inductor requires a frequency of approximately 2000 Hz, which
is two orders of magnitude less than that required if a solenoid coil is
employed. The ability to use a much lower frequency impacts heating costs
in two ways. First, the higher-frequency (RF) power supply that would be
94 Elements of Induction Heating: Design, Control, and Applications
0.9 60 Hz, magnetic(belowCurie)
0 . 7 0 ~
0.7 --
0.1 0.10
I°~ 5 I
01 2 3 4 6 8 10 t2 14 16 18 20 22 24
Outer diameterin inches
1.0 ¸B
0.8-- 60 Hz, nonmagnetic(aboveCurie)
E 0.6-- 0.20
uJ 0.5-- 0.10
0.4 ;-- 0.05
(5.3i-- o
0.2-- 0.60 Note: Numberson
0.50 curves indicate
0.40 thicknessof wall
0.1 in inches.
0 1 2 3 4 6 8 10 12 14 t6 18 20 22 24
Outer diameterin inches
180 Hz, nonmagnetic (above Curie)
0.7 B
-. tubers on
0.2 -- H/ / f curves indicate
0160X//¢ / !hickness of wall
1 2 3 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
Outer diameter in inches
1.0 m
~z 0.5-
/ 0.025 Note: Numbers on
0.2-- curves indicate
thickness of wall
0.1-- in inches.
0 I t/i x I I I I I I I
1.0 2.0 3.0 4 5 6 7
Outer diameter in inches
960 Hz, nonmagnetic (above Curie)
C 0.6
1.0 2.0 3.0 4 5 6 7
Outer diameter in inches
Fig. 6.3. continued
slab materials, coil design should be considered as well as efficiency and eco-
Selection of Power Rating for Through Heating
During selection of power rating for induction through heating, two
f a c t o r s - material throughput and required temperature uniformity-should
be evaluated. The first of these, material throughput, determines the over-all
power rating because:
Required power = (kilograms/hour throughput) x (kilowatt hours/kilogram)
x (efficiency factor)
Process Design for Specific Applications 97
Thickness, mm
0.254 2.54 25.4 254.0
0.01 0.1 1.0 10
Thickness, in.
Thickness, in.
0.004 0.039 0.394- ;.94
0.1 1.0 10 100
Thickness, mm
Fig. 6.5. Relationship between required generator frequency and sheet
thickness for transverse-flux induction heating of aluminum and fer-
ritic steel alloys (from R. Waggott, et el., Metals Technology, Vol 9,
December, 1982, p 493)
ferred to the workpiece) and by thermal losses due to radiation and convec-
tion. These factors were discussed in Chapter 2.
Requirements on temperature uniformity must also be considered in selec-
tion of power rating. Temperature uniformity during through heating is influ-
enced, however, by both power-supply frequency and power density. Low
frequencies enhance uniformity by providing large reference depths, or depths
of current penetration. For this reason, frequencies as close as possible to the
critical frequency should be selected. Lower frequencies lead to low heating
efficiencies. Use of high frequencies is more expensive from an equipment
standpoint and mandates the use of soaking time after the heating cycle to
allow for heat conduction from the shallow-heated zone to enable tempera-
ture equalization.
Power density, or power per unit of surface area, has a similar effect on
Process Design for Specific Applications 99
Temperature, ° C
0 93 204 316 427 538 649 760 871
~ ).242
982 1093 1204
0.10 y ).22
Aluminum ,/~/ Nickel 0.198
0.08 / / St~Titanium / 0.176
J3 0.07 f / 0.154
7: =.--
0,05 / ~ ~ 0.110 ~
I 0.04 0.088 -~
0.02 Z ~
/ ~ ~ Copper (brass below 870oc or 1600oF) 0.066
G°ld (leadbel°w315° C °r 600° F ) - - 0044
0.01 ~ ~ 0.022
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200
Temperature, ° F
Fig. 6.6. Heat content (i.e., heat capacity) above 20 °C (70 °F) et several
different metals as a function of temperature (from C. A. Tadbary, Basics
of Induction Heating, Vol i, John F. Rider, Inc., New York, 1960)
100 Elements of Induction Heating: Design, Control, and Applications
I~, Fi 0
.=_ z
,1~ ¢1:) KI
.~=~ .=
~,) ~ °1-~
Process Design for Specific Applications 101
t"~- ,,--~
C.,I t ' ~
• ',"~
===~= n i
'~ ec'a e¢'~ • ¢"1 • -"~
'"~. I =~ een :e :~
;e Ii
• E
• ~ /~ '~ "~'~°°~"
~.s /
.I ~,,a / ~oo .ooo
•--- ~ . ~ / ~ ' ~ "-
"='=~ /
I_ i °°'~"°°°
. . . . . . .
> ' ai ,=,, / =
== -~ I~ / ! i~! ! i !~
=.,==/ ''='' "=
i. I .+ ~ i:~ 0il " ~I
~iI~ ,,,,i
t~ // • ~o I::; I= • A
~(: Cooling
/ J" Power
Note that, following an initial transient, the surface-to-center
temperature differential is constant during the heating cycle.
After heating, however, the surface cools more rapidly, lead-
ing to a temperature crossover.
Fig. 6.7. Schematic illustration of the surface and center temperature
histories of a bar heated by induction (from C. A. Tudbury, Basics of
Induction Heating, Vol 1, John F. Rider, Inc., New York, 1960)
be close to the critical frequency, and the value of a / d thus will be approx-
imately 4 to 1.
• Using the value of thermal conductivity for the metal being heated (Fig.
6.8) and a / d , estimate the induction thermal factor KT (Fig. 6.9).
• The power per unit length of the bar is calculated as the product of KT
and the allowable temperature differential between the surface and center
(Ts - To). Multiplying this by the length of the bar yields the required net
power (in kilowatts), to which the losses due to imperfect coupling and
radiation must be added.
In Fig. 6.9, it can be seen that the KT curves drop rapidly above a / d ratios
of four to six. This trend demonstrates that lower power levels are needed at
high a / d ratios to maintain the same temperature uniformity as that at the
a / d ratio corresponding to the critical frequency.
To illustrate the above procedure, consider the through heating of a steel
bar 152 m m (6 in.) long by 102 m m (4 in.) in diameter to a surface temper-
ature of 980 °C (1800 °F) and a center temperature of 870 °C (1600 °F).
Selecting a 540-Hz generator, the a / d ratio is found to be approximately four.
Process Design for Specific Applications 103
Temperature, oC
6.0 0
~ 1 93 204 316 427
649 760
_ Copper
5.0 -- 0.36
_ Gold /
°" 4.0 0.28 o.
~ 3.0 -- 0.21
t- "10
O Titanium O
f- 2.0 0.14 l--
Stainless steel -- _
Ol 0
1200 1400
Temperature, ° F
The average value of the thermal conductivity for carbon steels when heated
to hardening temperature is about 0.050 W / m m . °C (0.70 W/in.. °F). From
Fig. 6.9, KT is found to be equal to 0.00113 W / m m . °C (0.016 W / i n . - ° F . )
Thus, the power required is (0.00113)(110)(152) = 19 kW. This corresponds
to a power density (power per unit of surface area) of 19/(152) (102)7r =
0.00039 k W / m m 2 (0.25 kW/in.2). If the temperature differential were to be
cut by a factor of two, the power rating and the power density would be sim-
ilarly decreased. There is, however, a lower limit to which the power can be
decreased. This is determined by the heating time itself. The heating timeis
equal to the amount of energy needed divided by the rate of energy input, or
power. For the above example, the workpiece weighs approximately 9.66 kg
(21.3 lb), which, using data from Fig. 6.6, requires (21.3)(0.082) -- 1.75 kilo-
104 Elements of Induction Heating: Design, Control, and Applications
watt hours to heat to 925 °C (1700 °F). Therefore the heating time will be
either 328 s (for a surface-to-center temperature differential of 110 °C, or
200 °F) or 656 s (for a temperature differential of 55 °C, or 100 °F) when
the power rating is halved.
In actual induction through-heating operations, power densities somewhat
higher than those suggested by calculations such as the ones above are often
used when a soak or dwell period precedes forming, quench hardening, or
another operation. As suggested by the schematic illustration in Fig. 6.7, tem-
0.15 0.0107
o.12 ~ k 0.oo85
0.11 -- 0.0078
\ o
,, o.1o o.oo 1 °
° ~ Th( ,rmal conductivity F:
._= (k), W/mm • °C (W/in. • °F) E
~ 0.09 ~ ~'~ ' 0.0064 ~
~ h.....= 0.43 (6.0)
0.08 • ~
0.36 (5.0)
0.0057 ~
0.07 ~ • ~ - 0.005
== \ ~,..= ~.
0.06 ~ 0.28 (4.0)- 0.0043
= ~._ =
"o 0.05 0.0036 "o
--¢ - - ~ '" ~ ,,,----- 0.21 (3.0)
0.04 ~ ~ 0.0028
0 o
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22
Diameter/reference depth (a/d)
Fig. 6.9. Induction thermal factor for round bars as a function of ratio
of bar diameter to reference depth (a/d) and thermal conductivity (from
C. A. Tudbury, Basics of Induction Heating, Vol 1, John F. Rider, Inc.,
New York, 1960)
Process Design for Specific Applications 105
Surface Hardening
Surface hardening of a steel part consists of raising a surface layer of the
part to a temperature (denoted by Ac 3 or Accm, depending on carbon con-
tent) at which it will be transformed to austenite and rapidly cooling the part
to produce a hard martensitic structure in this region. Design of surface
hardening treatments demands consideration of the workpiece material and
its starting condition, the effect of rapid heating on Ac 3 or Accm tempera-
ture, property requirements, and equipment selection.
• Medium-carbon steels, such as 1030 and 1045, used for automotive shafts,
gears, etc.
• High-carbon steels, such as 1070, used for hand tools
• Alloy and stainless steels used for bearings, automotive valves, and
machine-tool components
• Tool steels, such as M2 and D2, used for cutting tools and metalworking
Cast irons (e.g., iron-carbon alloys which contain more than 2 wt °7o car-
bon) can also be induction hardened and tempered. Despite the inability to
obtain a uniform austenite phase during the hardening operation, induction
is still readily applied to many cast iron parts, such as cast crankshafts, to
obtain hard, wear-resistant surfaces (55 to 60 HRC) and to avoid distortion.
Frequency and power density are selected by use of guidelines similar to those
for steels (discussed below), based on the size of the part and the case depth
needed. Shallow cases require high frequencies and power densities, and deep
cases require lower frequencies and power densities. The principal difference
between hardening of steels and hardening of cast irons lies in the need to con-
trol temperature more closely for the latter materials. For steels, the austenitiz-
ing temperature can be varied over a fairly wide range without measurably
affecting the hardening characteristics, provided that long soaking times and
austenite grain growth are avoided. In contrast, temperature control is very
*S. L. Semiatin and D. E. Stutz, Induction Heat Treatment of Steel, ASM, Metals Park,
OH, 1986.
Process Design for Specific Applications 107
important for cast irons because the carbon content of the austenite phase for
a given alloy increases with temperature.
Starting Material Condition. The starting material condition can have a marked
effect on response to induction hardening. The Ac3 or Accm temperature
increases with coarseness of microstructure as well as with heating rate, as
shown in Fig. 6.10 for 1042 steel. In particular, at a given heating rate, higher
austenitizing temperatures are required for coarser microstructures. Such a
behavior has a large effect on surface hardening response. For example, if the
same induction heating parameters (e.g., power density, frequency, and heat-
ing time) were used for surface hardening of a given steel in three different
starting conditions, the final case depths would vary even though the thermal
histories of the three bars would be similar. It is apparent that such differ-
ences are caused by the different austenitizing temperatures for the various
conditions. An example of this effect is shown in Fig. 6.11 for 1070 steel bars
that were heated to a set temperature and quenched immediately. The results
illustrate the fact that steels with a starting quenched-and-tempered micro-
structure tend to develop much deeper hardened cases than identical alloys
induction heat treated under identical conditions, but containing an annealed
microstructure. For the particular experiments used in deriving the data in
Fig. 6.11, bars 2.54 cm (1 in.) in diameter were heated to 925 °C (1700 °F)
Rate of h e a t i n g , ° C / s
1900 J 1038
1800 982
1700 927
J .- ized 0)
E j ~
1600 v
J f 871 I--
..--" " " Quenched and
~ ~ ~ ""= tempered
1500 816
Ae 3
1400 760
50 100 200 500 1000 2000 5000
Fig. 6.10. Effect of initial microstructure and heating rate on Ac3 tem-
perature for 1042 steel (from W. J. Feuerstein and W. K. Smith, Trans.
ASM, Vol 46, 1954, p 1270)
108 Elements of Induction Heating: Design, Control, and Applications
1 Quenchedand
50 tempered
L Normalized
"0 30
S 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10
Distance below surface, in.
Fig. 6.11. Effect of starting microstructure in 1070 steel bars on
surface-hardening response using a 450-kHz induction generator oper-
ated at a power density of 2.5 kWlcm 2 (15.9 kWlin. 2) (from T. H.
Spencer, at el., Induction Hardening and Tempering, ASM, Metals Park,
OH, 1964).
in 1 s and water quenched. At this heating rate, the Ac3 temperatures were
found to be approximately 910 °C (1670 °F), 855 °C (1570 °F), and 815 °C
(1500 °F) for the annealed, normalized, and quenched-and-tempered micro-
structures, respectively. It is thus apparent that the quenched-and-tempered
bars were austenitized to a greater depth than the bars with the other micro-
structures and were, therefore, hardened to a greater depth.
The starting microstructure is also an important consideration in induction
hardening of cast irons. It is important that carbon in the alloy will readily
dissolve in the iron at the austenitizing temperature because of the short times
inherent in induction processes. For example, the combined carbon in pearlite
is readily soluble, and high percentages of pearlite (usually around 50 to 70%
in gray iron and nodular iron) in the matrix are desirable; for this reason, cast
irons are often normalized prior to hardening to obtain a pearlitic structure
and to improve austenitizing response. Sufficient pearlite to give a combined
carbon content of 0.40 to 0.50% is usually adequate to provide the hardnesses
needed in cast iron parts. The combined carbon behaves essentially the same
as carbon in steel of similar carbon content. On the other hand, graphitic car-
bon in the form of large flakes (gray cast iron) or large nodules (nodular cast
Process Design for Specific Applications 109
iron, also often known as ductile iron) remains essentially unchanged during
heat treatment. As another example, in nodular cast irons which have been
previously quenched and tempered, the carbon in the matrix is in the form
of many fine nodules. When this microstructure is induction heated to harden-
ing temperatures, the carbon dissolves and diffuses rapidly, enabling quick
austenitization and excellent hardening response.
750 °C (1380 ° f
< 40
1 10 1O0 1000
Time, s
Fig. 6.12. Effect of aaatenitizin9 temperature en rate of austenite for-
mation from pearlite in a eutectoid steel (from G. A. Roberts and R. F.
Mehl, Trans. ASM, Vol 31, 1943, p. 613)
1 10 Elements of Induction Heating: Design, Control, and Applications
0.30 ... 1550 to 1600 (845 to 870) 1650 to 1700 (900 to 925)
0.35 .. 1525 to 1575 (830 to 855) 1650 (900)
0.40.. 1525 to 1575 (830 to 855) 1600 to 1650 (870 to 900)
0.45 .. 1475 to 1550 (800 to 845) 1600 to 1650 (870 to 900)
0.50 .. 1475 to 1500 (800 to 845) 1600 (870)
0.60 .. 1475 to 1550 (800 to 845) 1550 to 1600 (845 to 870)
>0.60 .. 1450 to 1510 (790 to 820) 1500 to 1550 (815 to 845)
(a) Free-machiningand alloy grades are readily induction hardened. Alloy
steels containing carbide-forming elements (e.g., niobium, titanium, vana-
dium, chromium, molybdenum,, and tungsten) should be austenitized at
temperatures at least 55 to 100 °C (100 to 180 °F) higher than those in-
Process Design for Specific Applications 111
tr 50
~ 40
~_ 3o o Alloy steels
• Plain carbon steels
0 0.20
0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00 1.20 1.40 1.60
Carbon content, %
continuous induction heating cycles. However, they are still below the tem-
perature at which undesirable austenite grain growth occurs rapidly. The rec-
o m m e n d e d austenitizing temperatures are at least another 100 °C (180 °F)
higher in alloys with strong carbide-forming elements (e.g., titanium, chro-
mium, molybdenum, vanadium, or tungsten) than they are in carbon steels.
These increases are a result of large increments in the transformation temper-
atures of alloy steels.
a strength which equals or exceeds the applied stresses everywhere through the
cross section. Thus, case B can be expected to provide better service prop-
The data in Fig. 6.14 suggest a means by which case-hardness patterns can
be designed to meet service demands as specified by the applied stress pat-
terns. For this purpose, the data in Table 6.7 give useful conversions between
hardness and tensile and torsional yield strengths. The former conversions are
important in bending fatigue, and the latter in torsional fatigue.
If hardness control were the only attractive feature of surface induction heat
treatments, they would not be as popular as they are. What makes induction
particularly useful is the fact that the process also introduces compressive
residual stresses into the part surface. These residual stresses arise primarily
from the density difference between the hard martensite layer and softer
Hardness, HRC
(965) 52
•~ (689) 40
Case depth B
c (552)
r- Case depth A
~ 60
(414) 20
O 40 10
0 10 20 30 40 50 40
Surface Center
Bar diameter position, %
interior layers. The magnitude of the residual stresses varies with the depth
of hardening. It has been found in hardening of shafts, for example, that the
level of the surface compressive residual stresses increases with the hardened
depth. In addition, the depth to which the compressive residual stresses pene-
trate is usually about equal to the depth of the hardened layer.
The combination of a hard surface, compressive residual stresses, and a soft
core results in excellent wear and fatigue resistance. Improvement in resistance
to bending fatigue as a function of case depth in comparison with furnace
treatment is shown in Fig. 6.15.
Xcase(Cm) = ( 5 . 8 / ' ~ ) +
Xcase(in.) = (2.3/x/f) +
70 483
60 414
50 345 ~
40 276 t..
-£= ¢-
30 207 ~
Z 0
20 138
10 69
0.01 0.1 1 10
Millions of cycles to failure
Power density also effects the depth of hardening.* For a given heating time
and frequency, the case depth increases with power density. Because of this
complicating factor, the usual practice in selection of frequency is to refer to
tables (such as Table 6.8) that have been derived from years of experience
with typical systems, rather than to use the above equations. Likewise, power
densities for specific applications are also best determined by reference to
nomographs derived from experience. An example is given in Table 6.9.
The information in Tables 6.8 and 6.9 is useful in selecting frequency and
power density for surface hardening. However, there remains the problem of
selecting heating time. In surface hardening, if the time is too long, the work-
piece may reach austenitizing temperature at locations deeper than are nec-
essary for the desired case thickness.
Two methods are available to establish the heating time for surface harden-
ing operations. One involves a trial-and-error procedure in which the power
and heating time are varied until the needed hardness and hardened depth are
obtained. The hardened depth is determined metallographically by section-
*A theoretical treatment of the combined effects of heating time and power density is given
in W. T. Shieh, Metallurgical Transactions, Vol 3, 1972, p 1433.
Process Design for Specific Applications 1 15
ing and acid etching. If the case is too shallow, the power input should be
decreased and heating time increased. Conversely, if it is too deep, the power
should be increased and the heating time decreased. Metallography will also
show the presence of various microstructural constituents, such as martensite,
which can be used as an indication of proper or improper austenitization.
A second method of determining o p t i m u m surface hardening parameters
is through the use of nomographs such as those shown in Fig. 6.16 and 6.17.
Figure 6.16 gives the relationship among generator frequency, applied power
density, heating time, and hardened depth for steel shafts which are austeni-
tized at temperatures between 850 and 900 °C (1560 and 1650 °F) using a
single-shot induction heating method; this is a technique in which the entire
area to be hardened is heated at one time by a coil which remains stationary
relative to the part. F r o m the figure, it is apparent that, for a given power
density and heating time, shallow case depths require higher frequencies, or,
at a fixed frequency, shallow case depths need higher power densities for
shorter times. Figure 6.17 is a similar nomograph designed for surface harden-
ing by a scanning method. In induction scanning processes, the coil moves rel-
ative to the part, thereby heating it in a progressive mode. This allows power
supplies with low power ratings to be used for parts larger than would nor-
mally be possible. The curves in Fig. 6.17 give the approximate relationship
between power density and heating time in the coil (coil length divided by scan
rate) for various case depths. Note that different sets of curves apply depend-
ing on the power-supply frequency. Irrespective of which set is used, however,
the greatest operating efficiencies are obtained by using conditions close to
the steeper parts of the curves.
100 (64.5)
50 (32.2)
20 (12.9)
E t-
0.5 10 (6.45) O
5 (3.2) G0
0.1 2 (1.3)
0.3 0.5 1 2 5 10 20
Hardened depth, mm
equating the wall thickness to the reference depth of steel above the Curie tem-
perature. With this criterion, the usual frequency selections are 10,000 Hz for
wall thicknesses up to 0.50 cm (0.20 in.), 3000 Hz for thicknesses between
0.32 and 0.95 cm (0.12 and 0.38 in.), and 1000 Hz for thicknesses over
0.95 cm (0.38 in.).
Localized heating through the thickness of the entire HAZ is provided by
means of a split-return coil and flux concentrator in the form of a laminated
core. The required power is then a function of the material flow rate (deter-
mined by the pipe speed, HAZ width, and wall thickness), the annealing tem-
perature (which determines the heat content of the material), and the coupling
efficiency. The calculation is simplified by reference to charts such as that
shown in Fig. 6.18, which gives a factor by which the product of the line
speed, HAZ width, and wall thickness should be multiplied to obtain the
power in kilowatts. The derivation of Fig. 6.18 assumes a typical annealing
temperature and air gap between the inductor and pipe.
1 18 Elements of Induction Heating: Design, Control, and Applications
(25.8) Hardened case depths:
I 5 mm (0.2 in.)
3.8 mm (0.15 in.)
2 mm (0.08 in.)
•~ 20
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Time in coil, s
• 50
~ (19.4) rdenedcase[depths:
"~ • ~ 3.8 mm (0.15 in.)
== 20 ) ~.~.._ p
(~ (12.9)
~ 2.
Io! '
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Time in coil, s
Fig. 6.17. continued
} (12.
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2
Time in coil, s
Fig. 6.17. continued
thus a small channel in the refractory vessel which surrounds the coil. This
channel forms a continuous loop with the metal in the main part of the fur-
nace body. By convection, the hot metal in the channel circulates into the
main body of the charge in the furnace envelope to be replaced by colder
metal. Unlike coreless induction melting, a source of primary molten metal
is always required for start-up of the channel furnace. However, the major
advantage of these units, which cover applications ranging from 1 to 50 tons,
is the lower power input which can be tolerated for the furnace size. Surface
turbulence within the main metal bath is considerably smaller, making this
furnace more acceptable when gas pickup and volatile metal loss is a problem.
Induction melting units of both types are primarily used for refining and re-
melting of metals such as aluminum, copper, brass, bronze, iron and steel,
and zinc. In addition to their use in the casting industry, channel-type induc-
tion melting furnaces are also currently being used for superheating and refin-
ing of blast furnace iron used subsequently in the basic oxygen furnace (BOF).
Superheating involves heating of molten pig iron to a temperature consider-
ably above its melting point. By doing this, more scrap steel can be melted
in the BOF using the superheat contained in the charge from the induction
Pipe thickness, mm
E >-
~ 0.20
30 0.15
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
due consideration of the metal to be heated. Lining materials are either acidic,
basic, or neutral in nature. Acidic linings are suitable for high speed tool
steels, plain carbon steels, low-alloy steels, cast irons, and nonferrous metals.
Basic linings are used for stainless steels, high-manganese steels, and any steels
in which special slag reactions are to be carried out. Basic refractory material
is preferred for nickel-iron alloys. Lining materials commonly used are high-
silica quartz (acidic), magnesite compounds (basic), and alumina or zirconia
(neutral). Refractory installation and other furnace design features are dis-
cussed in more detail in Davies and Simpson.*
*J. Davies and P. Simpson, Induction Heating Handbook, McGraw-Hill, Ltd., London,
122 Elementsof Induction Heating: Design, Control, and Applications
• Cost: Equipment cost increases with frequency. With the advent of high-
efficiency solid-state power supplies, the expense of medium-frequency
equipment relative to line-frequency systems is not excessive.
• Stirring action: The stirring action in a pool of liquid metal increases as the
frequency is decreased. This agitation is desirable in recarburizing steel
scrap or absorbing finely divided materials such as cast iron swarf, turn-
ings, etc., with a minimum of metal loss. An excessively high frequency
may produce insufficient stirring for proper alloying. On the other hand,
excessive stirring often leads to shortened refractory-lining life and refrac-
tory inclusions in the metal.
• Starting: It is often difficult to start melting in an induction furnace when
using a low frequency. For example, the melting rate is low in a line-
frequency system (because of the poor ratio of particle size to skin depth)
until 50 to 60% of the charge has been melted. To improve this situation,
a small molten pool of 15 to 20% of the previous charge is left in the fur-
nace. With medium frequencies, starting is not a problem.
• Efficiency: The poor starting at low frequencies reduces the efficiency of
melting. This is partially offset by the dependence of converter efficiency
on frequency. Modern solid-state systems, with automatic optimization of
frequency and high efficiency, make medium frequencies increasingly
\ .
~ n g axis
Fig. 6.19. Schematic illustration of a coreless induction melting furnace
Process Design for Specific Applications 123
• Size of charge: Low frequencies are not suitable for small sizes of scrap
because of the low ratio of particle size to reference depth until the melt
has progressed sufficiently to absorb these materials into the molten metal.
If there is a need for constant use of finely divided materials, starting with
an empty furnace is preferable to using a medium-frequency furnace.
• Number of coil turns: The voltage induced in the workpiece or melt by
induction heating is proportional to the ac frequency, the number of turns,
and the strength of the field of magnetic induction (see Chapter 2). Hence,
to maintain a given voltage, the number of coil turns must be increased if
a lower frequency is employed. Thus, a low frequency requires a large num-
ber of turns with small conductors and small water passages. This leads to
the increased risk of clogging and higher coil maintenance. A high fre-
quency requires a large number of volts per turn and thus may lead to pos-
sible problems with arcing or electrical insulation.
Based on the above factors and on years of experience, it is possible to spec-
ify optimal frequencies for coreless induction melting as a function of furnace
capacity. A useful summary of this information is given in Fig. 6.21.
124 Elements of Induction Heating: Design, Control, and Applications
Furnace capacity, Ib
2.2 22 220 2205 22,045 220,460
10,000 10 kHz
4.2 kHz
3 kHz
looo 1 kHz
O" 180 Hz
150 Hz
u_ 100 -
60 Hz
5 0 Hz
I I I Uncertain
10 100 1000 10,000 I00,000
Furnace capacity, kg
A = recommended frequency regime. B = acceptable fre-
quency. C = furnace frequencies which have been used but
which do not provide good results. D = unusable furnace fre-
Fig. 6.21. Selection of power-supply frequency for coreless induction
melting furnaces as a function of furnace size (source: Inductotherm)
Process Design for Specific Applications 125
1000 80 kW ~ ~7 / !205
I .,f/ I
~j , ,7~ , "p , - . - 1544
700 600 kW- f .f
E i i/ / /
350 kW # ;'7. ~ ~ 441 °
200 I / ~ ~/
3ookw, / ~ 7 ~ "
100 20 kW
]/ V/
I /1O0kW I 220
A/ /
70 /Air / 154
/ Normal
50 i" maximum 110
J / time
40 / / 88
! Approximate
,// multiplier for
cast iron to
1500 °C (2730 OF), 0.78
2O 44
10 22
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180
Melting time, min
Fig. 6.22. Relationship among furnace capacity, melting time, and power
requirements for coreless induction melting of irons and steels (Source:
Radyne, Inc.)
126 Elements of Induction Heating: Design, Control, and Applications
Furnace manufacturer A:
tapping temperature 1450 °C (2640 °F)
t- 550
E O ~'O~ O Furnace manufacturer C:
~. O tapping temperature 1500 °C (2730 °F)
o 8
500 m
Furnace manufacturer B:
tapping temperature 1450 °C (2640 oF)
450 - -
5 10 15 20 25 30
Furnace capacity, t
the ratio of power to furnace capacity must be kept low when this kind of
equipment is used. For example, if an output of 2.5 tons of molten steel per
hour is obtained from a 6-ton-capacity furnace supplied with 1500 kW of line-
frequency power, then the same output can be obtained from a 3-ton, 150-Hz
Process Design for Specific Applications 127
furnace of equivalent power rating. Typical power ratings for coreless fur-
naces o f several different frequencies are given in Table 6.10.
*"Molten heel" refers to the molten pool left in the furnace after tapping.
tW. A. Parsons and J. Powell, "Design and Operational Factors Affecting Energy Con-
sumptions," Electric Melting and Holding Furnaces in Iron Foundries, Proceedings of Con-
ference Held at University of Warwick, March, 1980, p 18-1.
128 Elements of Induction Heating: Design, Control, and Applications
• Use as a storage vessel. When metal is melted during off-peak hours for use
during the day, capacity usually must be l a r g e - on the order of the require-
ments for an entire day.
• Charging from another vessel. As mentioned above, charging from an arc
furnace, cupola, or coreless induction furnace is quite c o m m o n . In these
cases, the capacity must be the same or greater than that of the other
• Use as a melting vessel. The size here depends on working needs, of course.
edges is not deleterious. On the other hand, the edges of aluminum, copper,
and brass strip should be free of oxides because very large voltages are
required to break down the contact resistance in these situations. When this
barrier is suddenly broken, inconsistent welding results are obtained.
Faming. The forming of strip prior to induction welding is somewhat different
from the processing which precedes electric-resistance welding. In the latter
" 6001 I I I I I I I I
CL q
Semidrum or bath
100 I O Horizontal drum
Z~ • Vertical drum
13 Pouring furnace
0 20 40 60 80
Furnace capacity, t
situation, the strip is formed into a somewhat oval configuration, after which
two welding electrodes on either side of the seam come into contact with the
edges, thereby pressing them together during the actual welding process. The
current path is through the seam from one electrode to the other.
Best results in induction welding are realized when the strip is formed such
that the mating edges of the strip are parallel to one another at the first point
of contact. Thus, a forming sequence which leads to a basically round pro-
file with a slightly flattened portion at the seam is very desirable. This shape
is usually achieved by overforming of the strip edges during the initial stages
of the forming operation.
Seam Guide. A seam guide is a thin blade positioned immediately after the
forming stands and before the welding station. Its purpose is to keep the weld
positioned at the top so that excess weld bead on the outer surface of the tube
is easily removed downstream by trimming tools. Tool steel seam guides are
c o m m o n , but they cause sparking and deterioration of strip edges prior to
welding. Ceramic blades avoid these problems and have the added advantage
of being electrically nonconducting, thus eliminating the flow of induced eddy
currents between the strip and the blade.
Squeeze Rolls. Following forming, squeeze rolls are used to press the edges of
the strip together with a well-controlled force and to shape the tube into its
final welded form. Various arrangements of squeeze rolls are available to per-
form these functions, each with its advantages and disadvantages. These
arrangements, some of which are depicted in Fig. 6.25, include:
Work Coil and Impeder. The inductor for tube welding is usually a simple sole-
noid coil (Fig. 6.26). With such a coil, the induced.eddy currents form a com-
plete circuit by flowing around the back of the tube and then along the open
vee-shape edges to the point where the tube weld bead ends. The currents are
more highly concentrated at this point than anywhere else, with the result that
more heat is developed here. This makes it possible to weld the edges together
without wasting a large amount of energy elsewhere.
The number of coil turns and the coil geometry are determined by the gen-
erator used (and thus considerations related to the tuning of the appropriate
tank circuit) and by the production requirements. Guidelines for clearance
between the coil and the tube are given in Fig. 6.27. Both the over-all coil
Process Design for Specific Applications 131
/- ,%
(a) (b)
Fig. 6.25. Squeeze-roll arrangements for induction tube welding: (a) two-
roll; (b) two-roll with supplementary roll; (c) three-roll (from J. Davies
and P. Simpson, Induction Heating Handbook, McGraw-Hill, Ltd., Lon-
don, 1979)
Induction ~
coil \~._ ~J~,L..-
\ n I1 ~ , , ~ " ~ -
57 51 45 38 32 25 19 13 6 0
20 508
16 406
14 356
\ 305
I- 8
\ 203 f.-
\ 152
\ 102
length and the distance between the weld point and the nearest part of the coil
should be approximately equal to the internal diameter of the coil. If the
inductor is a relatively long distance from the weld point, most of the current
returns through the wall of the tube and not through the weld point, result-
ing in decreased efficiency and a wide heat-affected zone. Similarly, if the
inductor is relatively close to the weld point, the current through the weld
Process Design for Specific Applications 133
point is high, but because of the low resistance of the short path, the total
power input into the tube is small, again leading to low working efficiencies.
In order to obtain good heating efficiencies, it is necessary to use an
impeder. An impeder is a flux concentrator placed inside the tube which
improves the heating pattern. When the impeder is placed under the open vee,
the current that would otherwise tend to spread out over the surface of the
tube is caused to concentrate at the edges. The increased current density at
the edges increases their temperature, and thus efficiency is greatly improved.
Impeders are made of ferrite or powdered iron to reduce eddy-current losses
in the impeder. They should be placed as close to the vee opening as practi-
cal and should be held in a fixed position to prevent current variations. Often
they are enclosed in a nonconducting tube so that they can be water cooled.
The downstream end of an impeder is placed near the weld point, because this
is where the induced eddy currents reverse direction. Impeder lengths for weld-
ing steel tubes of various sizes are listed in Table 6.11.
When nonferrous materials are welded, impeders are usually not needed.
It has been found that the increased welding speeds obtained with impeders
in these cases do not warrant their use because of the typically low power con-
sumption for such materials.
X .o o . 5 p l
2.5 ~ ~ ~ ~ t 98.4
_ \\\\\ X I , , /
\\\\X\ \ o
{=2.0 X X X X ~ "~ Diameter, mm /
1.5 59.1 ~-
~ 1.0 39.4
O. ~ ~ 200kW 250kW /
i kW 150 kW180 kW 0017911
I I I I I I I I I I /o
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Wall thickness, mm
For other outer diameters, the welding speed should be multi-
plied by the correction factor given in the inset. For other met-
als, the speed should be multiplied by 1.4 (aluminum), 1.1
(brass), 0.8 (copper), or 0.9 (stainless steel).
Fig. 6.28. Welding speed as a function of wall thickness and input
power for fabrication of 25-ram- (1-in.-) diam steel tubing (from Induc-
tron, Ltd.; and J. Davies and P. Simpson, InductionHeating Handbook,
McGraw-Hill, Ltd., London, 1979)
Power Selection. For a given wall thickness and tube OD, selection of the
power rating of the induction generator determines the welding speeds that
can be achieved. As in other situations, the product of the mass flow rate (of
the material that is heated) and the heat content imposes a lower limit on
power requirements. The actual power needed is difficult to determine the-
oretically, however, because of coupling losses and losses associated with heat-
ing of the tube away from the fusion zone. Thus, it is easiest to refer to charts
such as the one in Fig. 6.28 to determine the interrelationship of tube geom-
Process Design for Specific Applications 135
etry, tube speed, and power-supply rating. Note that this figure applies only
to generator frequencies between approximately 400 and 500 kHz.
1 ~__o oo .... • • • •
•m "Zz ~ < ~
U •~ ~ . . . . . . . . . ~
~ ~ +
" ~ ~ ~ 0
- ~ ~ . •
~ ~ ~ ' ~
Process Design for Specific Applications 137
Thickness of joint, mm
I ......
10.5 105 v
I I (724)
v (72.4)
. 9.0
¢~ (62.1)
\ Silver alloy
7.5 75
(51.7) (517)
e-- 60
(414) ~"
4.5 45
if) (31.0) 310) >
3.0 30
(20.7) -- 207)
1.5 15
(10.3) 0 103)
0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.010 0.012 0.014
Thickness of joint, in.
O = Length of overlap = 3T
T = Thickness of thinner member
F o ~
I !'
Lap joint
Butt joint
Normal cross-sectional Scarf joint Joint area = 3A
area = A
Fig. 6.30. Basic brazing joints: lap, butt, and scarf (from J. Davies and
P. Simpson, Induction Heating Handbook, McGraw-Hill, Ltd., London,
Butt joint
Butt-lap joints
Fig. 6.31. Modified brazing joints (from J. Davies and P. Simpson, Induc-
tion Heating Handbook, McGraw-Hill, Ltd., London, 1979)
P r o c e s s D e s i g n for S p e c i f i c A p p l i c a t i o n s 139
° [
--o.~ ~.-_ I~I .2 "
•- ~,
~ 8 ~
o ~o-~ ~.- ~'
'~ o _eo0~
- i~ ~.~- 0 -==
• ~ ,.," m
0 0 O
ill,. (.9 t-
i! d
~Ec~ ~ E
0 -Eo~
~- ~~° - -
(..9 o
I I I I'~-I
c o.~
"o "6 ~.~ o
.~ O~
~ E
0 r" ~ U)
-- >'-- 0 ~0 ~
O D.~
~_~--~ ~ I " c
o.,~ c._
~ 0
.,- ® • -8 .F: .o
0 Z ~
0 --~- o
140 Elements of Induction Heating: Design, Control, and Applications
10 6.5
9 ~ 5.8
8 ~// 5.2
7 4.5
6 " -- 3.9
~V ~opper
5 •
\ 3.2 O9
0 2.6 0
O. rl
\ \ 1.9
2 " 13
-- sS~aei(ms~g
el n e t i c ~ ~ ~
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Fig. 6.33. Recommendedpower-density ranges (between broken lines)
as a function of heating time for radio-frequency soft soldering at
188 °C (370 °F) (from J. Davies and P. Simpson, Induction Heating
Handbook, McGraw-Hill, Ltd., London, 1979)
Power densities for induction soldering and brazing are similar to or slightly
lower than those for surface heat treating of steel, mentioned earlier in this
chapter. This is because of the somewhat lower temperatures involved in the
former processes. Guidelines for power-density selection are given in Fig. 6.33
and 6.34. These should be considered only as approximate values, the best val-
ues being determined by actual trials. Improper selection of power level is a
frequent source of difficulty. Often it is a result of excessive power density,
which leads to nonuniform temperatures in the joint area. Improper power-
level selection is especially troublesome when one of the materials being heated
has poor thermal conductivity (e.g., stainless steel).
Process Design for Specific Applications 141
30 19.4
2O 12.9
#'/ r ~pper
9.7 r
nO lO
/ 6.5
~ass and bronze //
/ 3.2
o 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Heating time, s
Fig. 6.34. Recommended power-density ranges (between broken lines)
as a function of heating time for radio-frequency silver soldering at 700
°C (1290 °F). (From J. Davies and P. Simpson, Induction Heating Hand-
book, McGraw-Hill, Ltd., London, 1979)
Elements of Induction Heating Copyright © 1988 ASM International®
Stanley Zinn, Lee Semiatin, p 143-183 All rights reserved.
DOI: 10.1361/eoih1988p143
Chapter 7
Fundamentals of Process
The above components of the control system must all operate in real time.
That is to say, they must be capable of instantaneous measurement or
144 Elements of Induction Heating: Design, Control, and Applications
response during the heating operation. Because they are electric based, this
requirement is usually readily met. Selection of these process-control elements
is discussed in this chapter. Attention is also focused on several other control
techniques which are being implemented increasingly in industry. These
include nondestructive inspection (NDI) methods and process simulation on
computers. The first of these includes electromagnetic sorting of induction
surface hardened parts, and lends itself readily to real-time control as well.
Process simulation of induction heating is useful in the design stage as well
as in establishing process parameters which lend themselves to automatic con-
trol. As such, any discussion of control technology for induction heating
would be incomplete without some mention of this ever-expanding field.
Methods of monitoring temperatures during induction heating have been
reviewed extensively in the technical literature.* The most common techniques
make use of thermocouples and radiation detectors. Despite the widespread
use of each method, several major problems should be considered before a
final selection is made. These include problems of poor workpiece surface
condition, contact resistance, and response time for thermocouples. With radi-
ation devices, emissivity variations are the major case of concern.
Although thermocouples are not suitable for all applications, they provide
good accuracy, measurement capability over a very broad temperature range,
ruggedness, reliability, and low cost. Thermoelectric thermometry is a mature
technology whose principles have been known since the early 1800's. It is
based on the well-known relationship between a difference in junction tem-
peratures and the resulting voltage (emf). In practice, the reference junction
is held at a constant known value by various m e a n s - e . g . , an ice bath, a
controlled-temperature furnace, or an electrical method of simulating a known
temperature. The temperature of the heated junction is determined by mea-
suring the voltage and referring to calibration tables for the particular ther-
mocouple materials. Thermocouples are of two basic types: contact and
noncontact (or proximity).
Contact Thetmoconples. There are various types of contact thermocouple
arrangements the use of which permits accurate temperature measurements
at fast response times. The simplest and probably the most reliable technique
*N. V. Ross, Proc. Sixth Biennial IEEE Conference on Electric Heating, IEEE, New York,
1963, p 29. J. B. Wareing, High Temperature Technology, 1983, Vol 1, No. 3, p 147. S. Zinn,
Heat Treating, September, 1982, Vol 14, No. 9, p 28. H. Pattee, "State of the Art Assessment
of Temperature Measurement Techniques", unpublished report, Battelle's Columbus Labora-
tories, Columbus, Ohio, 1984.
Fundamentals of Process Control 145
Billet stop
on both the part and the thermocouple itself. The open-prod thermocouple
is not capable of measuring temperatures of metals harder than the thermo-
couple elements themselves. These harder metals include steels, titanium
alloys, and nickel alloys. In these instances, noncontact thermocouples are
.~,~ z o 0 ~ o o 0 o
.9,~ .~cS
+1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1
+1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1
~F 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
~r~ ~0 0
0 O
L o
Fundamentals of Process Control 149
• The part being heated should be used to shield the thermocouple and its
lead wire. For example, the thermocouple can be passed down the bore of
a tubular part.
• Thermocouple and extension wires should be kept as far as possible from
power-supply leads, induction coils, and transmission lines. Wires should
be run at right angles to conductors if practical.
• Shields, if used, should be kept as far away as possible from conductors
so that they will not be induction heated. A shield should be grounded at
the point where its leads are closest to the active conductors. Shields should
also be grounded only in one location to prevent the formation of ground
• Typically, a 0.1-#F (microfarad) capacitor should be run to ground from
each of the metering system's input terminals to bypass any interference
from the induction power supply.
Radiation Detectors
The other popular means of rapid temperature measurement in induction
heating applications relies on the use of radiation detectors. These devices pro-
vide a noncontact method of measuring and controlling the temperatures of
hot surfaces during heating. In comparison with thermocouples, radiation
detectors provide the following advantages:
Optical Pyrometers. Optical pyrometers were among the first instruments used
for noncontact temperature sensing. In practice, the operator looks at the
incandescent body through a telescope-type device that contains a wire fila-
ment in the same optical plane as the observed body. The intensity of light
from the filament is adjusted until the filament disappears against the back-
ground. The current to the filament is measured, and temperature is obtained
from a calibration of filament current versus the temperature of a black body.
150 Elements of Induction Heating: Design, Control, and Applications
Optical pyrometers are portable and versatile, but most are not highly accu-
rate. The readings from such instruments must be corrected to reflect the
emissivity of the workpiece. The emissivity of a metal depends on many fac-
tors, the most important of which is the condition of the workpiece surface.
Unfortunately, these factors vary with temperature and heating conditions.
In addition, smoke and water vapor in the air affect optical pyrometer read-
ings. Because of such variables, use of fixed correction factors are not usu-
ally feasible. Nevertheless, at very high temperatures, typical of many
induction heating applications, they are usually considered accurate enough
for process control.
Of the three types, the two-color pyrometer is surely the most accurate. As
are the other types of pyrometers, it is readily adaptable for measuring of tem-
peratures in induction heating systems using a variety of optical systems for
focusing and, as mentioned above, using fiber optics.
Fundamentals of Process Control 1 51
0 1 2 3 4
Wavelength, pm
Fig. 7.2. Spectral-radiancy curves for (a) a black body at three dif-
ferent temperatures and (b) tungsten and a black body at 2000 K
(3600 °R) (from D. Halliday and R. Resnick, Physics, Wiley, New York,
E 30
Cavity radiator
0 K (e = 1.0)
at 2000 K (e -- 0.26)
0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0
Wavelength, pm
*In actuality, the emissivitye is defined as the ratio of the total radiancy of a heated object
(f RxdX, integrated over the entire wavelength range) to the total radiancy of a black body
heated to the same temperature. However, the ratio of the Rx's at specific wavelengths is
often taken as being equal to a constant (= e) irrespective of X; this is a reasonable assump-
tion for most engineering applications.
F u n d a m e n t a l s of Process Control 153
1200 °C
(2190 ° F)
0 l,
60.0 900 o C
(1650 °F) 2
I-- I--
600 o C
(1110 °F)
20.0 - -
300 ° C
(570 o F)
0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0
Wavelength of pyrometer, pm
Fiber Optics. Fiber optics are frequently used in conjunction with pyrometers
to measure temperature.* The size and composition of such probes vary with
application. Generally, they are less than 5 mm (0.2 in.) in diameter and can
be fitted with lenses to sight through a gap in the induction coil at a very local-
ized area. Long-focal-length lenses are also frequently employed to provide
adequate distance between the workpiece and fiber optic and thus prevent
overheating of the latter. Fiber optics capable of withstanding temperatures
of approximately 500 °C (930 °F) are available. At higher temperatures,
probes may be equipped with air jets to keep them cool and free of workpiece
*J. Hansberry and R. Vanzetti, Industrial Heating, Vol 48, No. 5, May, 1981, p 6.
Fundamentals of Process Control 155
eter's view of the part and prevent its full resolution. The temperature of the
obstructing, cold coil turns would then be averaged with that of the hot part.
To overcome this problem, a piece of paper with a mark on it is held against
the coil turns. The sensor is then focused on the mark to provide the smallest
possible focal spot at a point between the coil turns. The spot size at the part's
surface will be larger by an amount dependent on its distance from the coil's
inside diameter. The sensor will measure the part temperature over this slightly
larger spot. For the technique to work, instrument optics must be capable of
providing a focal spot at the coil that is smaller than the spacing between
Other Temperature-MeasuringTechniques
Thermocouples and pyrometers are the most widely used devices for tem-
perature measurement in industrial heating situations. Other techniques are
currently under development and may find some use in the future. These
methods include those based on ultrasonics, eddy-current detection, and real-
time measurement of coil current or impedance during induction heating.
Each of these is briefly discussed below.
Laser pulse /kx -..,.~
304 SS
(a) (b)
~ ngth L
Transit time T m =/"
~L V(r)
Fig. 7.4. Tomographic reconstruction of the ultrasonic velocity-tem-
perature distribution in a solid bar: (a) schematic velocity-temperature
curve for a uniformly heated bar, (b) schematic illustration of equip-
ment setup, and (c) diagram illustrating method of data analysis (from
R. Mehrabian and H. N. G. Wadley, Journal of Metals, Vol 37, No. 2,
February, 1985, p 51)
158 Elements of Induction Heating: Design, Control, and Applications
Here, tm is used as a lower limit on the integration because this is the time at
which the case first begins to form. PA is the power density into the work-
piece, or a quantity proportional to a factor of II where b varies from 1.54
to 2.0 during the transition from the f to the p stage. Using a value of 2.0 as
an approximation, a bilinear correlation between energy input per unit area
~ ~ dt and case depth ~case was found in the experiments carried out
by these authors, as shown in Fig. 7.6.
*J. D. Verhoeven,H. L. Downing, and E. D. Gibson, Journal of Heat Treating, Vol 4, No.
3, June, 1986, p 253.
160 Elements of Induction Heating: Design, Control, and Applications
- 2OO
- 15o
-- 100 o
-- 50
tp t
*G. Mordwinkin, A. L. Vaughn, and P. Hassell, Heat Treating, Vol 18, No. 11, Novem-
ber, 1986, p 34; P. A. Hassell and G. Mordwinkin, Industrial Heating, Vol 53, No. 12, Decem-
ber, 1986, p 17.
Fundamentals of Process Control 161
Sl I 1 I ...]127
¢- - 3 76 .c"
"0 nO
G 2 51 G
<C <
of I I l
0 1 2 3
Energy-input parameter, A2s x 10-s
Fig. 7.6. Case depth obtained by induction surface hardening of a steel
bar as a function of ~'lZdt, where I, and t denote induction coil cur-
rent and time, respectively (from J. D. Verhoeven, H. L. Downing, and
E. D. Gibson, Journal of Heat Treating, Vol 4, No. 3, June, 1986, p 253)
162 Elements of Induction Heating: Design, Control, and Applications
Capacitance Amplitude
t CT1
bank ~ frequency
_/vL II
current) -I~,-~,Phase
Ca )acitance
t Phase
t'' l
I Matching
MG set
(constant Amplitude
voltage) ~'~D~frequency
Fig. 7.7. Use of current (CT) and potential (PT) transformers to obtain
induction heating "signatures" for systems utilizing (a) a constant-
current (solid-state) power supply and (b) a constant-voltage (motor-
generator) power supply (from G. Mordwinkin, A. L. Vaughn, and
P. Hassell, Heat Treating, Vol 18, No. 11, November, 1986, p 34)
Control modes for induction heating systems may be either open loop or
closed loop. Open-loop systems are the simpler of the two. In these systems,
temperature control is obtained by regulating precisely the power input to the
heating line while maintaining a fixed dwell time (single-shot induction heat-
ing) or feed rate (scanning induction heating techniques). By these means,
every workpiece or portion of a workpiece receives a controlled amount of
energy (kilowatt-seconds).
Closed-loop control systems make use of the electric signals developed by
devices such as thermocouples and pyrometers in conjunction with a special
controller. The controller compares the measured temperature with one preset
on the controller. The temperature difference is then used to activate a power-
control device attached to the induction power supply. Power regulation may
then be direct (of the o n / o f f type) or proportional through the use of con-
tactors, silicon-controlled rectifiers (SCR's), or saturable-core reactors, among
other devices.*
On/Off Control Mode. Many single-shot induction heating applications, such as
preheating and heat treating, involve heating to a given temperature prior to
further processing. The requirements of the temperature-sensing device and
controller include accurate indication of workpiece temperature, minimum
overshooting of the present temperature, and development of a signal that
activates the operations following heating. For such applications, a
temperature-monitoring device and a two-position (on/off) controller are
sufficient. As its name implies, an on/off-type control mode calls for full
heating power or none at all. During heating, the power remains fully on until
the preset, or setpoint, temperature is reached and then switches off. Addi-
tion of timers and suitable relays, however, permits maintenance of temper-
ature about the setpoint value for a period of time.
Proportional-Type Control Mode. Many progressive heating applications require
a closely maintained temperature for a long period of time. Examples include
hardening and tempering of steel bars and annealing of wire and strip, oper-
ations often carried out by induction scanning techniques. The growth of sin-
gle crystals of germanium or silicon by very slow withdrawal of the seed
crystal from a melt maintained within very close temperature limits is another
important application in which tight temperature controls are required. In
these and similar situations, another type of control mode, called proportional
control, is usually employed.
Proportional control uses three types of actions (proportional, rate, and
*Anon., LepelReview, Vol 1, No. 3, 1960, p 1; Anon., IndustrialHeating, Vol 51, No. 3,
March, 1984, p 29.
164 Elements of Induction Heating: Design, Control, and Applications
When a proportional control mode is in use, the control signals from the
various actions (proportional, rate, and reset) are added to obtain a final
output signal from the temperature controller, which in turn drives the power-
control device on the induction power supply. The exact type of output sig-
nal varies according to the type of temperature controller. However, there are
three broad types: position proportioning, time proportioning, and current
Position-proportioning controllers provide a variable dc voltage which can
be used in controlling an RF oscillator. Time-proportioning controllers pro-
vide a continuous pulsed output signal of constant amplitude; proportioning
comes from the ratio of on time to off time or, more specifically, from the
number and width of the output pulses. This type of controller can be used
with induction heating power-supply contactors, silicon-controlled rectifiers,
and RF power supplies. Current-proportioning controllers produce a contin-
uous dc output signal whose magnitude is determined by the deviation of the
measured temperature from the setpoint temperature. They can be used with
saturable-core reactors and SCR's, for example.
A typical setup using a position-proportioning controller and an RF power
supply is shown schematically in Fig. 7.8. In operation, a deviation of work-
piece temperature (A) from the setpoint changes the position of the controller
slidewire (B), resulting in an error signal (a low-current, dc signal) applied
across the position-proportioning controller (C). Here the error is continu-
Fundamentals of Process Control 165
Error signal
from control
Heating coil
ously analyzed, and a corrective action required to restore the specimen tem-
perature to the setpoint is applied through proportional, rate, and reset
functions. The output from the proportioning controller is then fed into a
converter and amplified to drive a servomotor (D) to regulate the power of
the radio-frequency induction generator. Power regulation in the generator
can be accomplished by a thyratron bias arrangement employing either phase
shifting or variation of the grid voltage in accordance with the operation of
the servomotor through a potentiometer.
Induction power-supply contactors can work in response to on/off as well
as time-proportioning signals from a temperature controller; in essence, they
consist of large mechanical relays with heavy-duty contacts that open or close
the circuit between the power line and the induction heating generator. Silicon-
controlled rectifier devices are relatively small for the amount of power they
can control and are available in different forms. They can produce full-power
pulses for lengths of time proportional to the signal from the control
Saturable-core reactors are used to control the voltage input into radio-
frequency induction power supplies and hence the power available to the
induction heating coil. Basically they consist of an iron-core transformer that
regulates power flow by controlling the magnetic field in its iron core. This
166 Elements of Induction Heating: Design, Control, and Applications
Although temperature control is surely the most important control aspect
of an induction heating installation, other aspects of process regulation are
also important. These include control of part sequencing, part handling and
positioning, and electric demand. Often, a sophisticated control device is used
in modern induction installations to monitor these latter functions as well as
to carry out temperature control. The names of some of these systems do not
indicate that they are computers, but in a broad sense they all perform tasks
of information handling in accordance with programmed instructions. Some
of the more common systems include the following*:
• Programmable controllers. These units were originally designed to replace
hard-wired, relay logic control devices. They have analog control capability
(as is needed for temperature control) and tabular and sequential logic pro-
grams, and can manage other systems.
• Loop controllers. These devices can be made as single-loop or multiple-loop
units with a shared display. They perform the same functions as analog
controllers, but can also be programmed for adaptive control, computation,
and interactive modes with time-dependent or sequential setpoints.
• Distributed control systems. These devices are designed to locate control
and data handling at various processing sites with an operator's interface
at a remote central location. Graphical displays of process equipment,
trending of process variables, group displays of the real-time parameters
of interrelated process functions, and simplified alarm tracking and ac-
knowledgment are some of the unique characteristics of distributed control
• Minicomputers. These machines have large memories and are used for
sophisticated programs for optimizing, process modeling, scheduling, and
management planning. Personal computers are finding a place at the lower
end of this category.
At first, digital machines such as those listed above were used to do the
same control jobs performed by the analog devices that they replaced; it was
*J. E. O'Neill and J. A. Moore, Industrial Heating, Vol 52, No. 10, October, 1985, p 11.
Fundamentals of Process Control 167
quickly found that they did these tasks better. The digital devices do not drift,
they have excellent resolution, and their displays are more readable than those
of analog units. An operator has more confidence in an integer or decimal
value read on a display than in a number that must be defined by interpola-
tion of a pointer position between divisions of a scale.
Benefits of digital control devices include the following:
• Control from multiple recipes. Values of setpoint temperature, heating
times and rates, and soak times are readily adjusted.
• Better control of sequential operations, allowing manpower reductions and
preventing human error.
• Automatic collection and analysis of operating data, permitting rapid detec-
tion of out-of-specification operations.
• Centralized control.
Several examples will serve to illustrate the flexibility of integrated control
Heating of Steel Slabs
Probably the largest megawattage use of induction is for the reheating of
steel slabs prior to hot rolling. The facility at McLouth Steel, designed by
Ajax Magnethermic Corporation, illustrates the controls required to operate
such a process. The plant is designed to reheat up to 600 tons per hour of steel
slabs whose incoming temperature varies between ambient and 815 °C
(1500 °F).* Slabs are delivered by crane to one of six heating stations from
a continuous casting machine or the slab storage yard. Prior to being loaded
into the induction heaters, the slabs are checked for surface defects. Then they
are moved sequentially on transfer cars through three induction heating sta-
tions fed by 20-MW, 10-MW, and 5-MW line-frequency power supplies. The
total time from slab delivery to arrival at the rolling mill is 54 min.
Because of the complexity of the slab heating system, an automated control
system for the operation is mandatory. The over-all control scheme (Fig. 7.9)
makes use of equipment for slab-handling control (digital), heater control
(digital), static power switches (SCR's), slab-temperature controls (analog),
and a process computer (digital). Because of the multiple lines and heating
stations, the static power-switching controls are among the most important
features. The heaters draw different loads, and, because temperature control
demands switching of heaters off and on, phase-balance control among the
different lines is essential. The application of a process computer for this kind
of control is excellent because of its abilities to gather, store, and analyze com-
plex data; to make rapid decisions; and to perform routine functions consis-
Tv ]
monitoring Instrumentation
Handling Slab- (V, A, and MW)
control ~ kW'h I I
F--I metering I
I I signal I i
I Logging I
I Capacitor
To and from
balance Slab-
Annun- I Ground Yl relay Protective
ciator detec- system circuits
system tion
tently. The ease with which the computer performs its slab-tracking, logging,
phase-balance control, and demand-limit functions demonstrates the power
of computer control in a time-sharing system.
Surface Hardening
Surface hardening of steel parts represents an operation in which many vari-
ables control final case depth and hardness and service characteristics. A
numerically controlled (NC) system designed by Inductoheat (IPE Cheston)
illustrates the state of the art for such applications.* This system can be used
for parts as diverse as knuckle pivot pins, differential main shafts and drive
*R. N. Stauffer, Manufacturing Engineering, Vol 78, No. 5, May, 1977, p 44.
Fundamentals of Process Control 169
gears, transmission input and idler shafts, and rear-axle stub shafts. As many
as 20 variables are controlled during a hardening-and-quenching cycle typi-
cally lasting 2 min. These include heating time, quenching time, scanning
speed, power level, and part-rotation rate. The equipment can also be pro-
grammed to eliminate automatically the heating and quenching operations in
those areas which are not to be hardened and to increase the scanning speed
in these regions.
During setup of the induction hardening machine, control parameters are
recorded on a special instrument panel. Once correct operation has been ver-
ified, this information is transferred to an NC tape which is read on a con-
troller that incorporates solid-state timers and power-level controls. With this
system, control of the hardness pattern from one run to the next is so good
that quality-control checking can be eliminated. In previous systems, moni-
tors that measured actual kilowatt-seconds of energy input were utilized; the
machine was shut down at the end of a cycle if the energy level was not within
a predetermined range. The accuracy and consistency obtained with the newer
NC equipment eliminate the need for such monitoring.
The equipment also contains other automation features. For example, an
externally mounted, multiple-position switch allows fast changing of auto-
transformer ratios when different parts or induction coils are installed on the
machine. Air-operated upper tooling centers facilitate part loading and un-
loading. In addition, indexing and scanning of parts through the single-turn
coils are done automatically with a drive on the part-holding fixture.
*F. Hugo, R. Schumann, W. Zenker, H. Bittenbrunn, and J. Mosch, Metallurgy Plant and
Technology, Vol 8, No. 1, 1985, p 42.
170 Elements of Induction Heating: Design, Control, and Applications
Electric-Demand Control*
A final example of the use of process-control equipment relates to the con-
trol of electric demand in induction heating processes. Most commercial elec-
tric rate structures include two c o m p o n e n t s - e n e r g y use and demand. The
energy charge is based on the total kilowatt hours consumed, but the demand
charge reflects the peak rate of energy consumption (i.e., the maximum power
in kilowatts) drawn from the line. A reduction of energy usage will obviously
lower the energy charge, but will not necessarily affect the demand charge.
The converse is also true: it is possible to lower the demand charge without
reducing the total energy consumed. Significant demand charges can be saved
by coordinating the cyclical nature of certain electrical loads in order to
smooth out the total plant demand profile. This is very readily done with a
programmable controller or similar device. The controller program allows the
electricity consumption in the plant to be tracked and higher demands to be
forecast before they happen, and thus loads can be shed and restored with-
out sacrificing over-all operations.
It should be realized that demand charges can be lowered only if the fol-
lowing conditions are met:
• The user's electric consumption rate has shown some degree of fluctuation
or power peaks, such as those shown in Fig. 7.10.
• The precise time is known for shedding and restoring of loads.
• Significant loads are available for shedding during periods of high demand,
without adversely affecting operations.
As an example, in a melting shop with several furnaces the melting oper-
ation closest to completion receives priority (to prevent overheating), while
those at the beginning of their cycles can be shed temporarily. Such schedul-
ing, and simultaneous monitoring and forecasting of electric demand, are eas-
ily carried out by programmable controllers.
With the rising interest in flexible manufacturing and automation, induction
heating equipment is increasingly becoming a part of larger manufacturing
systems. Because induction heating is electric based, it is readily incorporated
into processing schemes which make use of digital computers and controllers.
This section briefly reviews the state of manufacturing control as it could
apply to induction heating systems.
*W. H. Sampson, Industrial Heating, Vol 49, No. 7, July, 1982, p 10.
Fundamentals of Process Control 171
Peak demand
E m
a m
4 Noon 4 8 Midnight
E m
I IIIll ,,,
-llllll 4 8 Noon 4 8 Midnight
Fig. 7.10. Comparison of electrical load profiles without (left) and with
(right) demand control (from W. H. Sampson, Industrial Heating, Vol 49,
No. 7, July, 1982, p 10)
system failures and shutdowns, the control system that is most frequently
implemented is a type known as "distributed." As discussed by McCurdy,*
there are two major ideas behind distributed control. These are:
1. Each process in a manufacturing system is handled by an individual control
device that is capable of operating independently. For example, the oper-
ation of an induction heating unit can be monitored and controlled by a
separate programmable controller that will continue to do its job irrespec-
tive of what happens to other controllers, computers, etc., in the plant.
2. The individual controllers are connected through a c o m m o n communica-
tions network. At the controller, or "baseboard," level, this network is
known as a LAN (local area network). The LAN allows a host computer
to gather information as required or to specify processes to be performed.
I Mainframe
~ Broadband
modem Broadbandcoax
Baseband Broadband
level modem
I Microcomputer I
E highway
module Datahighway(localareanetwork)
E / PLC . . ~
] E]
HT system I celIHT I Forge
II Finishing
Fig. 7.11. Data.highway network for a system utilizing bath baseband
and broadband levels of communication (from G. F. Bobatt, Heat Treat.
ing, Vol 18, No. 5, May, 1986, p 18)
planning, production dispatch, cell control and reporting, and direct numer-
ical control communications are typically carried out at the broadband level.
*R. G. Blocks, Microprocessors in Heat Treating, unpublished book used in ASM course,
174 Elements of Induction Heating: Design, Control, and Applications
With the advent of automation and the demand for controlled-quality prod-
ucts, increasing emphasis is being placed on nondestructive techniques for
evaluating final product properties. Methods which allow for real-time feed-
back control of the actual induction heating process are of special interest.
Several of these methods, pertinent to induction hardening processes, are dis-
cussed in this section.
Electromagnetic sorting processes make use of the dependence of magnetic
properties of ferromagnetic steels on hardness, case depth, microstructure,
residual stresses, etc. to verify proper heat treatment. These magnetic prop-
erties include permeability, coercive force, saturation, and remanence, each of
which relates to phenomena during magnetization, as illustrated in Fig. 7.12.
These drawings depict the relationship between magnetizing force (H) and the
flux density of the field of magnetic induction (B). When a virgin specimen
is used, the flux density B increases rather rapidly upon initial application of
a magnetizing force H (Fig. 7.12a). Eventually it reaches a point at which any
increase in H leads to no increase in B. The flux density at this latter stage
denotes the saturation point. When the magnetizing force is reduced to zero
(Fig. 7.12b), some residual magnetism is retained; this is referred to as rema-
nence. When the magnetizing force is reversed and gradually increased in
value, the flux continues to decrease (Fig. 7.12c). The value of H at which
Fundamentals of Process Control 175
B+ (flux density) B+
~a a
(maximum flux- ?r-
saturation Ob = residual /
point) magnetism (B,) ¢
H- H+ H+
O 0
(magnetizing (magnetizing
force) force)
(a) (b)
B- (flux density) B-
B+ B+
b///• a b ~ a
Oc = coercive
force (Hc) e
Of = coercive
(c) -(d) "I I" force (He)
B- B-
Fig. 7.12. Representative magnetization curves for a ferromagnetic
material (from R. C. McMaster, et el., Metals Handbook, 8th Ed.,
Vol 11, ASM, Metals Park, OH, 1976, p 93)
176 Elements of Induction Heating: Design, Control, and Applications
Test coils
tioning and examination) of samples with shallow and deep cases. This
method is useful for steels with cases as deep as approximately 20 m m (0.8 in.).
Another technique, which is probably the most c o m m o n nondestructive
inspection test for hardness and case depth by electromagnetic means, uses
a bridge-comparator system. The phenomenon which underlies this applica-
tion is the fact that the magnetic permeability of a piece of steel is a function
of material condition, such as the hardness level. The magnetic permeability
is defined as the ratio of B to H. From the hysteresis loop, it can be seen that
this ratio can assume values up to some maximum denoted by/~max.
Bridge-comparator tests rely on various types of bridge circuits, nearly all
of which are modifications of the simple inductance bridge (Fig. 7.13). The
bridge includes reference and test coils which are identical in size and num-
ber of turns. For most applications, the bridge is energized by ac current at
a frequency between 60 and 1000 Hz. Lower frequencies are typically used
to check average or core hardness whereas higher frequencies are employed
to discriminate between parts of different case depths.
When steel components are used as the cores of the coils, the over-all
impedance (or inductance) measured across each of the coils depends on the
magnetic characteristics (i.e., magnetic permeability) of their cores. For iden-
tical cores, the impedance of each arm will be the same, points P and Q will
be at the same potential, and the indicator will yield a null reading. During
the actual inspection operation, a reference component, or "standard," is
Fundamentals of Process Control 177
Depth of case, mm
'10 3O
0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07
placed in one of the coils. The part, whose case depth or over-all average
hardness is to be checked by comparison with the standard, is placed in the
other coil. Dissimilarity in hardness patterns, and therefore impedance val-
ues, across the coils will produce a voltage difference across the indicator. This
difference can be used to detect a difference in hardness or case depth through
a suitable calibration based on destructive evaluation of several test samples.
Figure 7.14 shows a typical calibration curve for induction case hardened 8640
Many commercial sorting bridges also compare the hysteresis loops of the
standard and test specimens on the assumption that, if they are completely
alike, the values of B will be equal at all points in the ac cycle. Any instan-
taneous difference in the forms of the loops will result in phase displacements
of the currents through the legs of the bridge which can be readily detected
by an oscilloscope or similar equipment.
*W. R. Hain, Heat Treating, Vol 18, No. 8, August, 1986, p 35.
tA. Krilov, N D T International, Vol 37, No. 6, June, 1979, p 125.
Fundamentals of Process Control 179
aspects of the process. The important equations and some sample simulation
results are briefly discussed below.
Problem Formulation
Simulation of induction heating processes includes input of required data
and numerical solution of a set of differential equations subject to appropriate
boundary conditions. Specifically, this comprises the following*:
• Definition of part shape and size. This operation can be done by hand or
by use of engineering drawings that are stored in a computer memory bank.
In addition, the part geometry must be broken into a number of discrete
slices or elements to enable solution by techniques such as the finite-
difference and finite-element methods. The discretization must be done with
care to avoid elements which are too coarse (leading to solution errors) or
too fine (causing high computation cost). Many times, elements of vary-
ing sizes are used, with the finer ones placed in regions in which higher cur-
rent densities or temperature gradients are expected.
• Specification of coil shape.
• Input of material properties. This input falls under the categories of elec-
trical and thermal properties. Electrical resistivity and relative magnetic per-
meability comprise the former, and thermal conductivity and emissivity are
the more important parameters in the latter group. Resistivity and thermal-
conductivity data as functions of temperature are readily available. The per-
meabilities of ferromagnetic irons and steels depend on local magnetic fields
and must be taken into account. At high temperatures, radiation heat losses
can be significant; therefore, the emissivity, which depends on surface con-
dition (and thus on temperature through its effect on surface condition),
must be included in the input data. Lastly, phase transformations and their
kinetics must be described in the material data base. These data should
include the effect of heating rate as well as the effect of temperature on
phase changes, which affect other physical properties also.
• Method of determining eddy currents set up in the workpiece. This is prob-
ably the most difficult part of the simulation program. Methods of eddy-
current calculation include analytical techniques, approximate analytical
results, and numerical methods. Analytical techniques are available only for
very simple geometries.I" Calculations of eddy currents and magnetic fields,
which are important in areas other than induction heating, are receiving
ever-increasing attention in the technical literature.~ Most treatments of
eddy currents in magnetic media assume that hysteresis losses can be ne-
glected with respect to eddy-current losses. Sample calculations for a cylin-
drical geometry* suggest that the hysteresis losses can account for as much
as 10°70 of the total l o s s e s - a n amount which is not insignificant, partic-
ularly in steel heat treating applications.
• Thermal calculations. Determination of the temperature distribution within
the workpiece, given the distribution of heat sources due to eddy currents
or hysteresis, is a relatively standard problem in numerical analysis. The
temperature dependence of the material properties must be included. Sev-
eral simplifying approximations often used are that the eddy-current heat
source is uniformly distributed in the sample at low frequencies and is local-
ized at the surface at high frequencies.
• Boundary conditions. Boundary conditions have to be specified for both
the electromagnetic and thermal portions of the problem. The most diffi-
cult of these involves the heat-transfer conditions at the workpiece surface.
This is primarily a result of uncertainties associated with emissivity and
radiation losses.
During computation, the eddy-current and temperature fields are calcu-
lated, subject to the boundary conditions, for a number of successive incre-
ments in time. For steels which undergo phase transformations (for example,
during heating prior to hot working or during austenitization), the compu-
tation must also involve simultaneous estimation of the phase boundary within
the workpiece.
Simulation of Surface Hardening
Computer results for surface hardening will serve to illustrate the power of
process-simulation methods. The results are taken from the work of Melan-
der,t who simulated static as well as scanning induction surface hardening of
round bars of a steel similar to AISI 4142. Eddy currents were described using
Maxwell's equation, and heat transfer was simulated using the one-dimen-
sional (static hardening) or two-dimensional (scan hardening) heat-conduction
equations with boundary conditions consisting of prescribed heat fluxes on
the workpiece surface.
Phase transformations during the heating cycle were calculated with the use
of isothermal transformation (reaustenitization) diagrams and a "staircase"
model to account for the actual continuous heating involved in the induction
experiments. The data were quantified using the expression due to Avrami~
and Johnson and Mehl§:
Vk = 1 -- e x p [ - b k ( T ) " t nk(T)]
*J. D. Lavers, M. R. Ahmed, M. Cao, and S. Kalaichelvan, IEEE Trans., Magnetics, Vol
21, 1985, p 1850.
tM. Melander, J. of Heat Treating, Vol 4, No. 2, December, 1985, p 145.
~M. Avrami, J. Chem. Phys., Vol 7, 1939, p 1103.
§W. A. Johnson and R. F. Mehl, Trans. AIME, Vol 135, 1939, p 416.
Fundamentals of Process Control 181
Vmartensite = 1 - exp[-7(M~ - T) a]
? / y/ ~ , ~ Measured | ou-
0 20 40 60 80
(a) Time, s
Depth, in.
100 0 0.08 0.16 0.24 0.31 0.391000
-7 I I
I i
80- 1 ~ - 800
~'~ •- ~ ~ . g ' • ~ K/ Martensite >
60- ; -- • MeasuredHV 600 -r
~ C
.~ "0
40 - • 400
o T
20 -- ~ 200
o I I ~-I--- 1
2 4 6 8 10
(b) Depth, mm
Depth, in.
0 0.08 0.16 0.24 0.31 0.39
1000 I I I I 145
o o ~
-500 - ~ ~ - Calculated ~ 73
-73 (~
-1000 - -145
-1500 J - -218
-2ooo I I 1 I -29o
0 2 4 6 8 10
(c) Depth, mm
1000 1830
r = 1 8 . 6 mm (0.73 in.~alculated _ 1470
.... Measured _ 6
600 / 1110
(0.59 in.)
400 - - l 750 E
200 390
0 10 20 30 40
Time, s
Depth, in.
0 0.08 0.16 0.24 0.31 0.39
100 1000
80 -- ~1
- - 8OO
- - Calculated
• rl Measured HV >
r" -- 600 I
4O-- b -- 400
20- -- 200
0 \ I I I
0 2 4 6 8 10
Depth, mm
Depth, in.
0 0.08 0.16 0.24 0.31 0.39145
500 - - -- 73
0 0
-500 -73
-1000 Measured -- -145
-1500-- -218
-2000 I I I I -290
0 2 4 6 8 10
Depth, mm
Chapter 8
In a sense, coil design for induction heating is built upon a large store of
empirical data whose development has sprung from theoretical analyses of
several rather simple inductor geometries such as the classical solenoidal coil.
Because of this, coil design is generally based on experience. The objective of
this chapter is to review the fundamental electrical considerations in design
of inductors and to describe some of the most common coils in use. The
actual construction of coils and the selection of power-supply leads are also
186 Elements of Induction Heating: Design, Control, and Applications
Ip Is
Ep Es RE
3. Because the flux is most concentrated close to the coil turns themselves and
decreases farther from them, the geometric center of the coil is a weak flux
path. Thus, if a part were to be placed off center in a coil, the area closer
to the coil turns would intersect a greater number o f flux lines and would
therefore be heated at a higher rate, whereas the area of the part with less
coupling would be heated at a lower rate; the resulting pattern is shown
schematically in Fig. 8.2. This effect is more pronounced in high-frequency
induction heating.
4. At the point where the leads and coil join, the magnetic field is weaker;
therefore, the magnetic center o f the inductor (along the axial direction)
is not necessarily the geometric center. This effect is most apparent in
Fig. 8.2. Induction heating pattern produced in a round bar placed off
center in a round induction coil
Coil Design and Fabrication 187
single-turn coils. As the number of coil turns increases and the flux from
each turn is added to that from the previous turns, this condition becomes
less important. Due to this phenomenon and the impracticability of always
centering the part in the work coil, the part should be offset slightly toward
this area. In addition, the part should be rotated, if practical, to provide
uniform exposure.
5. The coil must be designed to prevent cancellation of the field of magnetic
induction by opposite sides of the inductor. The coil on the left in Fig. 8.3
has no inductance, because the opposite sides of the inductor are too close
to each other. Putting a loop in the inductor (coil at center) will provide
some inductance. The coil will then heat a conducting material inserted in
the opening. The design at the right provides added inductance and is more
representative of good coil design.
Because of the above principles, some coils can transfer power more readily
to a load because of their ability to concentrate magnetic flux in the area to
be heated. For example, three coils which provide a range of heating behaviors
are the following:
• A helical solenoid with the part or area to be heated located within the coil
and thus in the area of greatest magnetic flux.
• A pancake coil where the flux from only one surface intersects the work-
• An internal coil for bore heating, where only the flux on the outside of the
coil is utilized.
Cancellation Inductance
fl, i
Fig. 8.3. Effect of coil design on inductance (from F. W. Curtis, High
Frequency Induction Heating, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1950)
188 Elements of Induction Heating: Design, Control, and Applications
In general, helical coils used to heat round workpieces have the highest val-
ues of coil efficiency and internal coils have the lowest values (Table 8.1).
Recall from Chapter 2 that the coil efficiency, ~/, is the fraction of the energy
delivered to the coil which is transferred to the workpiece. This should not
be confused with over-all system efficiency.
Besides coil efficiency, design considerations with regard to heating pattern,
part motion relative to the coil, and production rate are also important.
Because the heating pattern reflects the coil geometry, inductor shape is prob-
ably the most important of these factors. Quite often, the method by which
the part is moved into or out of the coil can necessitate large modifications
of the o p t i m u m design. The type of power supply and the production rate
must also be kept in mind. If one part is needed every 30 s but a 50-s heat-
ing time is required, it is necessary to heat parts in multiples to meet the
desired production rate. Keeping these concurrent needs in mind, it is impor-
tant to look at a wide range of coil techniques to find the most appropriate
Low-Frequency Heating
Low-frequency induction heating is generally desired for through heating
of metals, particularly those with large and relatively simple cross sections.
Typical applications are round or round-cornered square (RCS) stock for
forging or extrusion and slabs for hot rolling. In these cases, coil design is
often quite simple, usually consisting of a solenoid coil or a variation of it that
matches the basic workpiece cross-sectional shape (e.g., square, rectangular
trapezoidal, etc.).
Low-frequency coils often have many turns. Accordingly, the coil usually
forms the total tank inductance, and an autotransformer may be used to
match the high coil impedance to that of the induction generator. In any case,
Coil Design and Fabrication 189
(c) (d)
Fig. 8.4. Typical configurations for induction coils: (a) multiturn, sin-
gle place; (b) single-turn, single-place; (c) single-turn, multiplace; (d) multi-
turn, multiplace (from F. W. Curtis, High FrequencyInductionHeating,
McGraw-Hill, New York, 1950)
the coil or transformer inductance must be high in order to reduce the number
o f tank capacitors needed to tune the resonant circuit at the operating fre-
quency. Generally, the lower the frequency, the larger the coil or the greater
the number o f turns.* When low-inductance coils are occasionally required,
isolation transformers can be used to match the coil impedance to that of the
induction generator. However, these occasions are considerably fewer at the
lower frequencies. In a practical sense, coils o f this nature are generally pur-
chased as part o f an over-all system, with total responsibility for operation
resting with the system supplier.
Medium-to-High.Frequency Coils
Simple solenoid coils, as well as variations o f them, are also often relied
on in medium-to-high-frequency applications such as heat treatment. These
include single- and multiple-turn types. Figure 8.4 illustrates a few of the more
c o m m o n types based on the solenoid design. Figure 8.4(a) is a multiturn,
single-place coil, so called because it is generally used for heating a single part
at a time. A single-turn, single-place coil is also illustrated (Fig. 8.4b). Fig-
ure 8.4(c) shows a single-turn, multiplace coil. In this design, a single turn
interacts with the workpiece at each part-heating location. Figure 8.4(d) shows
a multiturn, multiplace coil.
*A computer program that can be used to calculate the required coil turns, tank-circuit
capacitance, and transformer ratio for load matching and circuit tuning is given in Appen-
dix D of S. L. Semiatin and D. E. Stutz, Induction Heat Treatment of Steel, ASM, Metals
Park, OH, 1986.
190 Elements of Induction Heating: Design, Control, and Applications
9 /
Area to be
in po
,°, r 0
Fig. 8.6. Coil modificationsfor localizedheating(from F. W. Curtis,High
Frequency Induction Heating, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1950)
Internal Coils
Heating of internal bores, whether for hardening, tempering, or shrink fit-
ting, is one of the major problems most commonly confronted. For all prac-
tical purposes, a bore with a 1.1-cm (0.44-in.) internal diameter is the smallest
that can be heated with a 450-kHz power supply. At 10 kHz, the practical
m i n i m u m ID is 2.5 cm (1.0 in.).
Tubing for internal coils should be made as thin as possible, and the bore
should be located as close to the surface of the coil as is feasible. Because the
current in the coil travels on the inside of the inductor, the true coupling of
the maximum flux is from the ID of the coil to the bore of the part. Thus,
the conductor cross section should be minimal, and the distance from the
coil OD to the part (at 450 kHz) should approach 0.16 cm (0.062 in.). In
Fig. 8.7(a), for example, the coupling distance is too great; coil modification
improves the design, as shown in Fig. 8.7(b). Here, the coil tubing has been
flattened to reduce the coupling distance, and the coil OD has been increased
to reduce the spacing from coil to work.
More turns, or a finer pitch on an internal coil, will also increase the flux
density. Accordingly, the space between the turns should be no more than
one-half the diameter of the tubing, and the over-all height of the coil should
not exceed twice its diameter. Figures 8.7(c) and 8.7(d) show special coil
192 Elements of Induction Heating: Design, Control, and Applications
Toodeep 1 I Minimum
( Keepclose Flattubing
~~ ~ma~~. i
(d) :0 (e~ ~h
Fig. 8.7. Induction coils designed for internal (bore) heating (from F. W.
Curtis, High FrequencyInductionHeating, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1950)
designs for heating internal bores. The coil in Fig. 8.7(d) would normally pro-
duce a pattern of four vertical bands, and therefore the part should be rotated
for uniformity of heating.
Internal coils, of necessity, utilize very small tubing or require restricted
cooling paths. Further, due to their comparatively low efficiency, they may
need very high generator power to produce shallow heating depths. In the case
of trunnion cups used on universal joints, the pattern shown in Fig. 8.8
requires three turns of 0.32-cm (0.13-in.) square tubing on a small bore, uti-
I 4 (1in.)
lizing 60 kW of power. Because of the high currents utilized during the heating
cycle as well as the heat radiated from the workpiece surface, more cooling
than can be obtained using the normal coil water supply is required here. In
a case of this nature, it is best to provide a separate, high-pressure water sup-
ply for the coil to achieve a satisfactory flow rate.
Coil Characterization
Because magnetic flux tends to concentrate toward the center of the length
of a solenoid work coil, the heating rate produced in this area is generally
greater than that produced toward the ends. Further, if the part being heated
is long, conduction and radiation remove heat from the ends at a greater rate.
To achieve uniform heating along the part length, the coil must thus be mod-
ified to provide better uniformity. The technique of adjusting the coil turns,
spacing, or coupling with the workpiece to achieve a uniform heating pattern
is sometimes known as "characterizing" the coil.
There are several ways to modify the flux field. The coil can be decoupled
in its center, increasing the distance from the part and reducing the flux in
this area. Secondly, and more commonly, the number of turns in the cen-
ter (turn density) can be reduced, producing the same effect. A similar ap-
p r o a c h - altering a solid single-turn inductor by increasing its bore diameter
at the center-achieves the same result. Each of these techniques is described
and illustrated in this section.
In Fig. 8.9(a), the coil turns have been modified to produce an even heating
pattern on a tapered shaft. The closer turn spacing toward the end compen-
sates for the decrease in coupling caused by the taper. This technique also per-
mits "through the coil" loading or unloading to facilitate fixturing. A similar
requirement in the heat treatment of a bevel gear is shown in Fig. 8.9(b).
Here, because of the greater part taper, a spiral-helical coil is used. With a
pancake coil, decoupling of the center turns provides a similar approach for
!iii~. . . . . . . ::."
(b) More intense heat at
small end
(:E ~D
T r~L-r~-Q_ o ~ _ D - O -O
Because the heating pattern is a mirror image of the coil, the high flux field
adjacent to the coil turns will produce a spiral pattern on the part. This is
called "barber poling" and can be eliminated by rotating the workpiece during
heating. For most hardening operations, which are of short duration, rota-
tional speeds producing not less than ten revolutions during the heating cycle
should be used.
If part rotation is not feasible, heating uniformity can be increased by using
flattened tubing, by putting an offset in the coil, or by attaching a liner to the
coil. Flattened tubing should be placed so that its larger dimension is adja-
cent to the workpiece. The offsetting of coil turns (Fig. 8.10) provides an even
horizontal heating pattern. Offsetting is most easily accomplished by anneal-
ing the coil after winding and pressing it between two boards in a vise. A coil
liner is a sheet of copper which is soldered or brazed to the inside face of the
Coil Design and Fabrication 195
( )J )
Fig. 8.10. Induction coil with an offset used to provide heating uni-
coil. This liner expands the area over which the current travels. Thus, a wide
field per turn can be created. The height (i.e., axial length) of this field can
be modified to suit the application by controlling the dimensions of the liner.
When a liner is used, the current path from the power supply passes through
the connecting tubing (Fig. 8.11). Between the two connections, the tubing
is used solely for conduction cooling of the liner.
In fabricating coils with liners, it is necessary only to tack braze the tub-
ing to the liner at the first and last connection points, with further tacks being
used solely for mechanical strength. The remainder of the common surfaces
between tubing and liner can then be filled with a low-temperature solder for
maximum heat conduction, because the coil-water temperature will never
exceed the boiling point of water, which is well below the flow point of the
solder. This may be necessary because the copper may be unable to conduct
heat fast enough from the inside of the coil.
In multiturn coils, as the heated length increases, the number of turns gen-
erally should increase in proportion. In Fig. 8.12(a), the face width of the coil
is in proportion to the coil diameter. In Fig. 8.12(b), the ratio of the coil
diameter to face width is not suitable; the multiturn coil shown in Fig. 8.12(c)
provides a more acceptable heat pattern. Multiturn coils of this type are gen-
erally utilized for large-diameter, single-shot heating, in which the quench
medium can be sprayed between the coil turns (Fig. 8.12d).
When the length of the coil exceeds four to eight times its diameter, uni-
form heating at high power densities becomes difficult. In these instances,
single-turn or multiturn coils which scan the length of the workpiece are often
preferable. Multiturn coils generally improve the efficiency, and therefore the
scanning rate, when a power source of a given rating is used. Single-turn coils
are also effective for heating of bands which are narrow with respect to the
part diameter, particularly for ferrous materials.
The relationship between diameter and optimum height (i.e., axial thick-
ness) of a single-turn coil varies somewhat with size. A small coil can be made
with a height equal to its diameter because the current is concentrated in a
comparatively small area. With a larger coil, the height should not exceed one-
half the diameter. As the coil opening increases, the ratio is r e d u c e d - i . e . , a
196 Elements of Induction Heating: Design, Control, and Applications
5.1-cm- (2-in.-) ID coil should have a 1.91-cm (0.75-in.) maximum height, and
a 10.2-cm- (4-in.-) ID coil should have a 2.5-cm (1.0-in.) height. Figure 8.13
shows some typical ratios.
Coil leads
Coil liner
Fig. 8.11. Method of inserting a liner in a coil to widen the flux path
Coil Design and Fabrication 197
, \
I i I I
I , ~--I--I ~1
Gear Coil
I 1' ,,
I t II
(b) Single turn, (c) Multiturn,
bad good
,, ,/, , II
J '
Locating stud
1_ Gear
Spray-quench ring
and slow power transfer are utilized. Coupling distances can be looser in these
c a s e s - o n the order of 0.64 to 0.95 cm (0.25 to 0.38 in.). For nonferrous
materials, coupling should be somewhat closer, usually between 0.16 and
0.32 cm (0.06 and 0.13 in.). It is important to remember, however, that pro-
cess conditions and handling dictate coupling. If parts are not straight, cou-
pling must decrease. At high frequencies, coil currents are lower and coupling
must be increased. With low and medium frequencies, coil currents are con-
siderably higher and decreased coupling can provide mechanical handling
advantages. In general, where automated systems are used, coil coupling
should be looser.
The coupling distances given above are primarily for heat treating appli-
cations in which close coupling is required. Coupling for through heating of
billet stock (prior to hot working) must be increased significantly because
198 Elements of Induction Heating: Design, Control, and Applications
12.7mm 25.4mm
12.7mm "~'
- I -
I ('/2 in.)
/ I
I ~ 1"~mm (%in.)
Effects of Part Irregularities on Heating Patterns. With all coils, flux patterns are
affected by changes in the cross section or mass of the part. As shown in
Fig. 8.14, when the coil extends over the end of a shaftlike part, a deeper pat-
tern is produced on the end. To reduce this effect, the coil must be brought
to a point even with or slightly lower than the end of the shaft. The same con-
dition exists in heating of a disk or a wheel. The depth of heating will be
greater at the ends than in the middle if the coil overlaps the part. The coil
can be shortened, or the diameter at the ends of the coil can be made greater
than at the middle, thereby reducing the coupling at the former location.
Just as flux tends to couple heat to a greater depth at the end of a shaft,
it will do the same at holes, long slots, or projections (Fig. 8.15). If the part
contains a circular hole, an additional eddy-current path is produced which
will cause heating at a rate considerably higher than that in the rest of the
part. The addition of a copper slug to the hole can be used to effectively cor-
Coil Design and Fabrication 199
When the coil overlaps the edge (left), overheating will occur
on the end surface. Coil placement should be slightly below the
edge (right) for a more uniform heating pattern.
Fig. 8.14. Effect of coil placement on the heating pattern at the end
of a workpiece (from F. W. Curtis, High FrequencyInduction Heating,
McGraw-Hill, New York, 1950)
Fig. 8.15. Localized overheating of sharp corners, keyways, and holes
most prevalent in high-frequency induction heating (from F. W. Curtis,
High FrequencyInduction Heating, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1950)
Elements of Induction Heating: Design, Control, and Applications
Fig. 8.16. Control of the heating pattern at a hole through use of cop-
per slugs (from M. G. Lozinskii,Industrial Applications of Induction Heat-
ing, Pergamon Press, London, 1969)
rect or eliminate this problem. The position of the slug (Fig. 8.16) can con-
trol the resultant heating pattern. In addition, the slug will minimize hole
distortion if the part must be quenched following heating. For slotted parts
heated with solenoid coils (Fig. 8.17), the continuous current path is inter-
rupted by the slot, and the current must then travel on the inside of the part
to provide a closed circuit. This is the basis for concentrator coils, which are
discussed below. It is of interest to note, however, that with the slot closed,
the applied voltage of the work coil causes a higher current to flow. This is
due to the fact that the resistive path, now around the periphery of the part,
is considerably shorter. The increase in current then produces a considerably
higher heating rate with the same coil.
Cog Design and Fabrication 201
I ~ F ~ Mu/litiyrn I ~ ~ ~
Flux Diverters
When two separate regions of a workpiece are to be heated, but are close
together (Fig. 8.18), it is possible that the magnetic fields of adjacent coil
turns will overlap, causing the entire bar to be heated. To avoid this problem,
successive turns can be wound in opposite directions. By this means, the inter-
Heat i
mediate fields will cancel, and the fields that remain will be restricted. It
should be noted that, as shown in Fig. 8.18, lead placement is critical. Hav-
ing the return inductor spaced far from the coil leads would add unneeded
losses to the system. Another example of a counterwound coil is shown in
Fig. 8.19; the coil in Fig. 8.19(b) is the counterwound version of the one in
Fig. 8.19(a). This type of coil can be used effectively in an application in
which the rim of a container is to be heated while the center remains relatively
Another technique that can be utilized in the above circumstances involves
the construction of a shorted turn or "robber" placed between the active coil
turns. In this case, the shorted loop acts as an easy alternative path for con-
centration of the excess flux, absorbing the stray field. It is therefore some-
times called a flux diverter. As for the active coil turns, the robber must be
water cooled to dissipate its own heat. Figure 8.20 shows a typical installa-
tion using robbers to prevent heating of specific areas of a camshaft during
hardening. A typical construction is shown in Fig. 8.21.
The use of shorted coil turns to prevent stray-field heating is also used effec-
tively on very large coils where the end flux field might heat structural frames.
Figure 8.22 shows a coil for graphitizing of carbon. It is approximately
96.5 cm (38 in.) in diameter and contains a 122-cm- (48-in.-) long active heat
zone. There are, in addition, four shorted turns at each end of the coil which
act as robbers and thus restrict the stray field.
Flux robbers or flux diverters can also be used in fabricating test coils when
it is desired to determine the optimum number of turns empirically. In these
situations, a few additional turns are provided that can be added or removed
(a) (b)
Fig. 8.19. Design of pancake coils to provide (a) uniform, or over-all,
heating or (b) peripheral heating only (from F. W. Curtis, HighFrequency
Induction Heating, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1950)
Coil Design and Fabrication 203
Fig. 8.21. Typical construction of a water-cooled flux robber
.~ads .~[~
L J L_ _J t
Good Sawslots
Fig. 8.23. Design of multiplace inductors (from F. W. Curtis, High Fre-
quency Induction Heating, McGraw.Hill, New York, 1950)
~.~ generator
I I i I
Leads to
power source -"'L
\ Braze
F- Holes for
@ -ill
0 __jj o
~, m i
• • | | •
somewhat greater in thickness than the depth of the recess for easy removal.
Special coil shapes are easily configured. It is important to note that, because
of the less-than-optimal cooling technique, coil inserts are particularly well
adapted to processes requiring short heating times or those in which they are
also cooled by the quenching medium.
In machining of coil inserts, care must be taken to relieve sharp corners,
unless it is desired to have a deeper heating pattern in these locations. Fig-
ure 8.28 shows the effect of sharp corners on a closely coupled part. Flux
from both inductor sides couples to the corner, which, due to a lack of mass,
tends to overheat relative to the rest of the pattern. Decoupling of the coil
from these locations provides the desired pattern but tends to reduce over-all
efficiency, thus slowing the heating rate and resulting in a deeper case. Reliev-
ing or decoupling of only the corners is a better alternative, particularly when
a solid inductor is used, and the relief can be machined as required.
208 Elements of Induction Heating: Design, Control, and Applications
Tapped holesfor plastic sheet . , ~ / Plastic
~ / , / 0 ~ plate
i o,;
Fig. 8.26. Single-turn,multiplaceinductorwith individualcoils of copper
tubing (from F. W. Curtis, High FrequencyInduction Heating, McGraw-
Hill, New York, 1950)
, _1 I " ,,
• Inductor
i Quench
, f
~ Qringuench
ber to keep the copper resistivity low. The quenchant is sprayed from perfo-
rations in the beveled face onto the workpiece as it exists from the inductor.
The beveled face normally is at an angle of 30 ° to the vertical so that there
is some soaking time between the end of induction heating and the quench-
ing operation. This delay time helps to increase uniformity. Proper choice of
the spray direction also reduces the a m o u n t of fluid runback on the shaft,
which could cause variation in bar temperature and result in uneven hardness.
Well-directed quench spray holes are required inasmuch as "barber poling"
can occur due to erratic or misdirected quenchant that precools the part ahead
of the main quench stream.
Split Coils
Split coils are generally utilized as a last resort for applications in which it
is difficult to provide a high enough power density to the area to be heated
without very close coupling and where part insertion or removal would then
become impossible. Typical examples of such situations include hardening of
journals and shoulders in crankshafts. In these cases, the split-coil design
would also include the ability to quench through the face of the inductor, as
shown in Fig. 8.30. Typical methods of hinging split inductors are shown in
Fig. 8.31.
It should be noted that with a split inductor good surface-to-surface con-
tact must be made between the faces of the hinged and fixed portions of the
coil. Generally these surfaces are faced with silver or special alloy contacts that
are matched to provide good surface contact. Clamps are used to ensure clo-
sure during heating. Often, high currents at high frequency pass through this
interface, and the life of the contact is generally limited due to both wear and
Coolant for the coil chamber of a split inductor is carried by flexible hoses
that bypass the hinge so that excessive heating does not occur in the movable
section during the cycle. The quench chamber is fed by a separate hose
arrangement. The face of the quench chamber is closest to the work during
heating, and therefore carries most of the current. Accordingly, it must be
sufficiently thick to preclude either melting or distortion during the heating
With split coils it is also frequently necessary to provide some means of
locating the part in the coil to maintain the proper coupling distance. Ceramic
pins or buttons are frequently secured to the face of the inductor. These pins
contact the part during the heating cycle and establish rigid relative positioning
between part and coil. However, they are subject to thermal shock during the
heating and quenching cycles and suffer mechanical abuse as well. Therefore,
they should be designed for simple replacement as required. Figure 8.32
depicts an arrangement for the use of either ceramic or metal pins that com-
pensates for these problems. Here, the ceramic pin is approximately 0.64 cm
212 Elements of Induction Heating: Design, Control, and Applications
(0.25 in.) in diameter and 1.3 cm (0.5 in.) long with a 0.69-cm (0.27-in.) head
diameter. The rubber packing absorbs the clamping stress. A threaded tube
passes through the chamber, and a screw presses the pins against the shaft.
In Fig. 8.32(b), a 0.32-cm (0.125-in.) nichrome pin is used with a ceramic tube
as an insulator. Being in compression, the tube undergoes comparatively high
loads without breaking. The metal pin provides longer life in these conditions
than the ceramic pin.
Concentrator Coils
When transformers are not available or when extremely high power den-
sities are required, it is sometimes necessary to utilize an induction coil as the
secondary of a current transformer. That is to say, the turns of a primary coil
are used to induce high currents in a copper ("concentrator") secondary that
is connected to, or serves itself as, the coil which heats the workpiece. For
instance, when a complex assembly must be held in a fixture for brazing, it
is sometimes simpler to have each fixture include its own coil and inductively
couple the energy to the coil.
Figure 8.33 shows an example in which a multiturn pancake coil is con-
nected to the power supply and in turn inductively couples its energy to the
concentrator secondary or work coil. The work coil is an integral part of the
Coil Design and Fabrication 213
f /I
Fig. 8.31. Diagram (a) and schematic illustration (b) of a split inductor
used for heating crankshaft journals (from M. G. Lozinskii, Industrial
Applications of Induction Heating, Pergamon Press, London, 1969)
secondary, and the current is forced to travel through the active portion of
the coil to complete its return path. In operation, the secondary/coil combi-
nation is mounted to the fixture and the secondary passes beneath the primary
pancake coil as the combination moves on a conveyor. Heat is generated in
the workpiece as the secondary passes through the flux field of the primary.
In Fig. 8.34, the transformer secondary moves through the primary. The sec-
ondary, inside the major flux field of the primary, couples energy to the coil
even while it is in motion. This is an ideal way to energize the coil while pro-
viding reciprocating motion.
214 Elements of Induction Heating: Design, Control, and Applications
/j~_~ [
(a) (b)
(a) l-ceramic pin; 2,3-rubber packing; 4-screw; 5-threaded
tube. (b) l -nichrome pin; 2-ceramic tube; 3-rubber packing;
4-screw; 5-threaded tube.
Fig. 8.32. Design of metal and ceramic pins for fixing the position of
a split inductor on a crankshaft journal (from M. G. Lozinskii, Indus.
trial Applications of Induction Heating, Pergamon Press, London, 1969)
k L--
Fig. 8.33. Schematic illustration of inductively coupled primary and sec-
ondary coils (source: Lepel Corp.)
Coil Design and Fabrication 215
secondary Primaryturns
Preplacedalloy Press-fitted
ring steel cover
/ / ooooo
Plate-type ~ J
induction coil J
Fig. 8.35. Schematic illustration of a concentrator-type induction coil
used for induction soldering (source: Lepel Corp.)
216 Elements of Induction Heating: Design, Control, and Applications
to melt high-temperature alloys off the ends of bars in vacuum to make spe-
cial powders.
Butterfly Coils
One of the most difficult heating challenges is the creation of an even heat-
ing pattern at the end of a bar or shaft. Patterns developed with a pancake
inductor produce a dead spot at the center due to field cancellation in this
The butterfly coil (Fig. 8.38), so named because of its appearance, utilizes
two specially formed pancake coils. The current paths of the adjacent sides
are aligned so that they are additive. The "wings" of the butterfly may be bent
up to decouple their fields from the shaft, or, if heat is required in this loca-
tion, they may be coupled with the shaft itself. In winding this coil, it is
important that all center turns be wound in the same direction so that they
are additive. Further, only these turns should couple directly with the part to
produce the desired pattern; part rotation is required to provide uniform heat-
ing on the end of the part.
Fig. 8.36. Circular (a) and slotted (b) concentrator coils; arrows indi-
cate direction of current flow (from E. May, Industrial High Frequency
Electric Power, Wiley, New York, 1950)
Coil Design and Fabrication 21 7
Split-Return Inductors
If a narrow band of heat is required and heating must be accomplished
from one surface only as in weld-seam annealing, the split-return inductor
offers distinct advantages (Fig. 8.39). With this design, the center runner of
the work coil carries twice the current of each of the return legs. The pattern
on the workpiece, being a mirror image of the coil, produces four times as
much heat under the center leg as in each of the return loops. With proper
balancing, the high-heat path can then be extremely narrow while the heat
produced in each of the return legs is insufficient to affect the remainder of
the part.
Tapped Coils
Induction coils can be provided with taps to allow for differences in heated
length. A typical application is a forging coil for heating "off the end" of
a bar, in which provision must be made to adjust the length being heated
(Fig. 8.40). Taps are brazed to the work coil at locations where a water-cooled
strap can be moved from tap to tap. The active portion of the coil is then
between the power-supply connection and the tap. Water cooling, however,
should be maintained through all portions of the coil, both active and in-
Fig. 8.37. Concentratorcoil for melting the end of a superalloy bar used
in production of metal powder in a vacuum (source:LindbergCycle-Dyne,
218 Elements of Induction Heating: Design, Control, and Applications
Transverse.Flux Coils
In heating of parts that have a long longitudinal axis and a thin cross sec-
tion, a circular coil wrapped around the workpiece produces a heating pat-
tern (Fig. 8.41) that, due to coupling distances, is effective only at the edges.
In transverse-flux heating, however, the coil is designed to set up a flux field
which is perpendicular to the sheet or similar part. In this way, the path of
the eddy currents is changed so that it is parallel to the major axis of the work.
For example, in the manufacture of items such as hacksaw blades, the steel
moves between the turns of the coil and the eddy-current path is a circular
one across the flat of the blade. For heating of wide sheet materials, specially
designed transverse-flux inductors have become available in recent years also.
These inductors usually contain laminated iron cores with a series of wind-
Coil Design and Fabrication 219
ings along the length of the strip which induces a circulating current that flows
across the width of the strip and returns on itself along the edges under adja-
cent pole faces. In this type of arrangement, coil sections are placed on both
sides of the strip to force the magnetic flux to pass transversely through the
through for cooling
Induced eddy ~ I~
currents follow ~ /f~" ~ Io I
(a) parallel to coil I ol I"1\ ,N I°_ I
currents and are I ~1 L~\ /L~ I~ I
most intense I ~1 ~"~ Y/ I- I
under center leg I I ~ I I
Return circuit for
Sprocket wheel . / / ~ eddy currents spread
~.~'/ ~,~ over two relatively
//~ ~ ~ large areas
// ~ ' ~lduCedeCUrrg~tt~enOt
// ~l for material to reach
/ ~ hardening temperature
¢" =, JlloJ V
Area to be
(b) hardened
(a) Split-return coil for annealing of seam welds in pipe or tube.
(b) Split-return inductor for hardening of surfaces of large
sprocket teeth one tooth at a time (welding fixture not shown).
Fig. 8.39. Two types of split.return coils (from C. A. Tudbury, Basics
of Induction Heating, Vol 1, John F. Rider, Inc., New York, 1960)
220 Elements of Induction Heating: Design, Control, and Applications
strip as opposed to the typical longitudinal flux pattern developed with a coil
which encircles the strip.
Fig. 8.40. Tappedforging coils for heating off the end of a bar (source:
American Induction Heating Corp.)
Coil Design and Fabrication 221
Fig. 8.41. Illustration (a) of one type of transverse coil for heating a
thin section; sketch in (b) indicates the current path in the workpiece
(from F. W. Curtis, High FrequencyInduction Heating, McGraw-Hill, New
York, 1950)
The best method for parallel coil construction makes use of a wide bus
arrangement, as shown in Fig. 8.42. With identical coils mounted to the bus,
this method permits rapid, simple replacement of individual sections as
required, and fabrication of the individual sections is easily accomplished. A
second technique, which ensures an even current distribution, comprises the
interwinding of several coils as shown in Fig. 8.43. Here, an even current dis-
tribution is ensured in that each coil receives its current from the same point
in the bus.
Fig. 8.42. Photograph of parallel coils on a bus used to reduce coil volt-
age in heating of moving wire (source: Lindberg Cycle-Dyne, Inc.)
parallel coil (Fig. 8.44) of the type used in the electronics industry for heat-
ing a disk-type graphite susceptor. While it might be simpler to utilize a pan-
cake inductor in which the coupling of the inner turns is changed in order to
control the heating pattern, a parallel construction is frequently chosen to
maintain a lower coil voltage, because the operation is performed in a
hydrogen-filled bell jar. Because each of the turns is in essence an individual
inductor, a series inductance (i.e., tuning stub) is placed in each parallel leg.
This inductance is provided with a shorting bar which, by virtue of the fact
that it is movable over the series inductor length, provides an adjustable
inductance. The various series inductances may be used to drop the actual us-
able voltage on each turn, and thus can be used to adjust or "characterize"
Conveyor/Channel Coils
Often when power densities are low and heating cycles not extremely short,
parts can be processed by use of a turntable or conveyor in a continuous or
indexing mode. The coil must then be designed to permit easy entry and exit
of the part. The simplest conveyor or channel coil used in these situations is
a modification of the hairpin inductor (Fig. 8.46). With the indexing tech-
224 Elements of Induction Heating: Design, Control, and Applications
nique, in which the part is at rest in the coil during the heating cycle, the ends
of the hairpin can be decoupled to prevent overheating of the ends. These
raised portions or bridges also facilitate passage of the part through the coil.
When a wide heating zone is to be produced on the part, coupling over a
greater area can be effected through the addition of a liner to the coil turn
(Fig. 8.47), or more ampere turns can also be produced with a multiturn chan-
nel inductor (Fig. 8.48). Channel-coil liners may also be configured to pro-
duce specialized heating patterns where greater heat densities are required in
specific areas (Fig. 8.49).
During design o f heating operations utilizing channel coils, there is a "fill
J Coil
r __
Work {
L_J ! I
Fig. 8.46. Typical channel coil used to heat the edges of discrete lengths
of rectangular bar stock; end of coil is decoupled by bending to pre-
vent overheating of ends (from F. W. Curtis, High FrequencyInduction
Heating, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1950)
Coil Design and Fabrication 225
Liner ~
Fig. 8.48. Multiturn channel coil used to increase the ampere turns cou-
pled to an induction heated workpiece (source: Lindberg Cycle-Dyne Inc.)
226 Elements of Induction Heating: Design, Control, and Applications
Solder ring
, , / 0 \ I, (;)
- j~ ~ Leads
Condenser can
Fig. 8.49. Multiturn channel coil with a liner added to control the heat-
ing pattern (from F. W. Curtis, High Frequency Induction Heating,
McGraw-Hill, New York, 1950)
0 0 Direction of travel
Fig. 8.50. Development of the heating pattern in parts moved through
a channel coil
Coil Design and Fabrication 227
Selection of Tubing
In addition to the I2R loss due to its own resistivity, the coil surrounds the
load and absorbs additional heat through radiation and convection from the
heated surface. Therefore, it is essential that the tubing selected for the work
coil have a sufficient cooling path to remove this heat. Otherwise, the resis-
tivity of the copper will increase due to the temperature increase, thus creating
greater coil losses. In some instances, such as large coils, it may be necessary
to break up the individual water paths in a coil to prevent overheating and
possible coil failure. Figure 8.51 shows a coil used for a line-frequency appli-
cation which has a number of manifolded water paths to prevent steam for-
Another factor in the selection of tubing for induction coils relates to the
fact that the current in the work coils is traveling at a specific reference depth
which depends on the power-supply frequency and the resistivity of the cop-
per. Accordingly, the wall thickness of the coil tubing should be selected to
reference-depth limits similar to those used for induction heating of copper.
Suggested wall thicknesses for various frequencies are shown in Table 8.2.
However, copper availability must be considered, and often wall thicknesses
less than twice the reference depth are used with only a nominal loss in over-
all coil efficiency. In coils for low-frequency operation, particularly those used
at 60 Hz, the large depth of penetration requires tubing with a particularly
heavy wall. Because the current flows on the ID face of the coil (i.e., adja-
cent to the workpiece), coils for such applications are generally fashioned of
heavy, edge-wound copper with a brazed cooling path at the outer edge to
reduce cost. Specially drawn tubing (Fig. 8.52) is also available with an off-
set extruded cooling path.
Square copper tubing is also commercially available and is frequently used
in coil fabrication. It offers a considerable advantage in that it couples more
flux to the part per turn than round tubing (Fig. 8.53). Moreover, it is more
easily fabricated in that it will not collapse as readily on bending. It is also
easily mitered (Fig. 8.54) to create sharp, close bends as required. If only
round tubing is available, it can be flattened in a vise or other simple device
(Fig. 8.55) to adjust the resultant thickness dimension. This flattening can be
done with minimal decrease in dimension of the water-flow path.
Coil Forming
In fabrication o f copper coils, it must be noted that the copper work
hardens with increasing deformation. Thus, most fabricators anneal the tub-
Water path
Fig. 8.52. Heavy-wall tubing used in construction of induction coils
Coil Design and Fabrication 229
ing every few bends to relieve this condition by heating the tubing until it is
bright red, then cooling it rapidly in water. These intermediate anneals pre-
vent fracture of the tubing during fabrication.
In some forming operations, it may be desirable to fill the coil with sand
or salt to preclude collapse of the tubing. In addition, there are several low-
temperature alloys (with melting points below 100 °C or (212 °F) that are nor-
mally used to perform this same function. When the coil is completed, it is
immersed in boiling water. The alloy then flows out freely and can be reused
at another time. With any of these techniques, once filled, the tubing acts as
a solid rod during forming and can be simply cleared on completion.
i I I
45 ° 45 °
1 ii
i ii
i IL
Fig. 8.54. Mitering of square tubing to provide right-angle bends in an
induction coil
in filling pinhole leaks, but will not fill the water path in brazing of small-
diameter tubing.
Most power-supply terminals utilize rather large tubing. Thus, it is fre-
quently necessary to join small-diameter tubing to larger tubing at some point.
Figure 8.56 shows a simple technique for accomplishing this. The larger tubing
is crimped after inserting the smaller-diameter stock, and the joint is closed
To suit
9.5 mm (% in.)
Tube nuts
4.8 mm (3/16
\ / /
\ / /
Squeeze in vise \ / /
Braze (% in.) 1
Coil to suit
Bracing of Coils
Because electric currents flow in both the workpiece and the coil, mag-
netomotive forces between the two are developed. The magnitudes of the
forces depend on the magnitudes of the currents. If sufficiently large, the
forces may cause the part to move in the coil. If the part has a large mass,
however, the coil will tend to move relative to the workpiece. The turns may
232 Elements of Induction Heating: Design, Control, and Applications
also tend to move relative to each other, it is important, therefore, that the
coil turns be suitably braced to prevent movement and possible turn-to-turn
shorting. Furthermore, coil motion relative to the part must be prevented to
avoid undesirable changes in the heating pattern.
Much of the acoustic noise generated during low-frequency operations also
occurs due to coil vibration, much as a speaker coil and magnet structure
work in an audio system. Bracing and physical loading of the coil to restrict
its movement will aid in reducing this condition. On very large, high-current
coils, the magnetomotive force exerted can be extremely large, and if proper
bracing is not provided, the coil may gradually work harden and finally fail.
With such coils, care should thus be taken to place braces from end board to
end board so that the coils are in compressive loading, thereby minimizing
these effects.
Typical bracing techniques are illustrated in Fig. 8.58. In Fig. 8.58(a), brass
studs are brazed to every other turn. These studs are then secured to insula-
tor posts to hold them in a fixed relation to each other. Nuts on each side of
the stud at the insulator allow adjustment for characterization of the heating
pattern. In Fig. 8.58(b), the insulation has been contoured to hold the turns
relative to each other after the end turns are secured with studs. Figure 8.59
shows construction of a 3-kHz coil used in the forging industry. The insula-
tor boards are notched and hold the turns in rigid location.
The insulation used for bracing applications must meet the criteria for the
coil design. In addition to the installation being capable of withstanding the
heat radiated from the workpiece, its electrical capabilities must permit it to
Coil Design and Fabrication 233
(a) J (o)
-- (b)
Cutoff Cement
i Braze
Glyptal ~ ( : ~ )
withstand the voltage between the mounting studs or the turn-to-turn voltages
of the coil. This is of particular concern when using high-voltage RF coils
where up to 12,000 V may be impressed across the total coil. It may be nec-
essary in these instances to provide slots between the stud locations in the insu-
lator boards to increase the creepage path between the studs. It may also be
necessary to increase the heat-resistant characteristics of the insulation by fac-
ing the area exposed to the heated surface with a sheet of high-temperature
For purposes of rigidity, cleanness, and protection, it is sometimes desir-
able to encapsulate work coils in a plastic or refractory material. The same
kind of care with respect to voltage and temperature characteristics must be
taken with these materials as with insulating boards. For low-temperature
induction heating applications, epoxy encapsulation of the coil is quite com-
mon. For heating of steel billets, coils are usually cast in a refractory cement
to prevent scale from the part from falling between the turns (Fig. 8.60). In
coating of coils with refractory materials, care must be taken to match the pH
of the refractory to that of the material being heated; for example, an acidic
refractory is required for the ferrous scale which drops off during high-
temperature heating of steels. On larger, low-voltage installations, such as
those encountered in line-frequency heating, the individual turns are typically
wrapped with fiberglass tape and then varnished. This permits close spacing
of coil turns. The coil in Fig. 8.61 is a 60-Hz forging coil being fabricated of
offset tubing having one heavy wall which is faced toward the billet. Note the
multiple water exits which will provide the parallel water paths.
234 Elements of Induction Heating: Design, Control, and Applications
Design Considerations
All coils represent an inductance to the tank circuit. However, in practice,
the working portion of the coil may in fact be only a small portion of the
inductance presented to the tank. Between the output terminals of the gen-
erator or heat station and the heating portion of the work coil, there may be
a considerable distance of output lead. This distance can be minimized
through use of a remote heat station. In any case, however, some finite dis-
tance exists between the heat-station terminations and the actual coil. Design
and construction of these work-coil leads can be a major factor in determining
job feasibility.
The effect of lead construction on system performance can be best under-
stood with respect to the tank circuit of which it is a part (for example, see
Fig. 8.62). The coil/load inductance is represented by L 2. Each lead connect-
ing the tank capacitor to the coil has its own inductance (L1, L3). If the volt-
age in the tank, ET, is impressed across the total of these inductances, then
some voltage drop appears across each. The full voltage will thus never appear
across the work coil. Nevertheless, if the inductance of the coil (L2) is at least
approximately ten times the total inductance of the leads (LI plus L3), a
m a x i m u m of 10% of the total voltage will be lost in the leads. Any loss less
than this can be considered nominal.
Coil Design and Fabrication 235
Coils for low-frequency applications often have many turns, a large cross-
sectional area, and thus fairly high inductance. Hence, the comparative lead
inductance is small. As the frequency increases, coils often become smaller
in size, and their inductance and inductive reactance decrease. As the distance
between the heat station and coil increases, therefore, these lead inductances
can become critical.
Several coil designs which illustrate the effect of lead design are shown in
Fig. 8.63 and 8.64. In Fig. 8.63(a), a coil with leads far apart is depicted.
The space between the leads presents an inductance almost equal to that of
the coil. Thus, a major portion of the voltage will not appear in the work-
Fig. 8.62. Schematic circuit diagram indicating the inductance of the
coil leads and induction coil itself: Li,L3-1ead inductances; L2-induc-
tion-coil inductance; Cl-tank capacitance; Ex-tank voltage
ing area. A better design (Fig. 8.63b) minimizes this gap and thus improves
heating efficiency. Figure 8.64 also shows single-turn, multiplace coils with
an extremely poor and an improved lead design.
Another factor to consider is the interaction of the leads with nearby metal
structures. Because all leads have some inductance, they can act as work coils.
Thus, a conductor placed within their field will be heated. Leads placed adja-
cent to metal structures will tend to heat them. In addition to unwanted heat,
this loss reduces the power available to the load. It is important that lead-to-
lead separation be minimized and proximity to metallic structural members
be considered. Whenever possible, duct housings, trays, or conduits must be
of low-resistivity or insulating materials, such as aluminum or plastic.
(a) (b)
Fig. 8.63. Effect of coil-lead spacing on lead inductance; closer spac-
ing, as in (b), reduces lead inductance and thus power losses (from
F. W. Curtis, High FrequencyInduction Heating, McGraw-Hill, New York,
CoilDesign and Fabrication 237
i Excessivineductance
Fig. 8.64. Lead construction for multipiace inductors; lead design in (b)
is preferable because of lower lead inductance (from F. W. Curtis, High
Frequency Induction Heating, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1950)
238 Elements of Induction Heating: Design, Control, and Applications
As the coil inductance increases (e.g., as the number of turns or the coil
diameter increases), lead length becomes less critical, and plain copper tub-
ing leads then become more practical. However, larger coils also require
higher terminal voltages. These leads must also be kept as close as possible
to each other while maintaining sufficient spacing to prevent arcing. However,
good practice still dictates that coil leads be kept to a minimum length and
that copper tubing sizes be used that are consistent with frequency, current,
and cooling requirements.
Rigid leads, whether tubing or bus, built to the above guidelines are inher-
ently more effective than flexible, water-cooled cable. In some cases, however,
it is absolutely necessary to use flexible connections. There are several vari-
ations in flexible leads, but it must be kept in mind that the inductive lead
losses in flexible cables are usually much greater than those for rigid connec-
tions. The most c o m m o n flexible lead is generally used in applications simi-
lar to tilt-type induction melting furnaces and consists of a water-cooled,
spiral-wound inner conductor (similar to BX cable, but made of copper) with
an outer insulating covering. These leads are used in pairs with one for each
lead connection. Not only must they be sized for current and frequency, but
the insulation must be capable of handling the voltage rating of the system.
To keep lead inductance to a minimum, four flexible cables should be used
where possible (with similar polarities opposite), and the flexible leads should
be tied together with insulating straps.
Coaxial leads are also available and may be rigid or flexible. They consist
of an inner conductor and an outer sheath or housing which is also used as
the return conductor. This outer sheath is generally at ground potential. In
addition to providing an extremely low-inductance lead, the outer ground acts
to eliminate possible strong radiation or inductive coupling to adjacent struc-
Coil Design and Fabrication 239
Fig. 8.66. Semiflexible coaxial cable used to transmit power between
medium- or low-frequency power supplies and heat stations: (a) cross
section of coaxial cable and (b) cable "broken out" for assembly (source:
American Induction Heating Corp.)
240 Elements of Induction Heating: Design, Control, and Applications
Rigid coaxial lead is generally quite expensive and is usually limited to those
applications where it is imperative to transmit high power at high frequency
over some distance. A more recent development is the semiflexible solid co-
axial cable (Fig. 8.66). It is used to connect medium- and low-frequency gen-
erators to remote heat stations. Composed of an outer layer of heavy copper
conductor and an inner core of many small-gage wires, it can be pulled like
regular cable and requires no conduit.
A third type of coaxial cable is the water-cooled type generally used at radio
frequencies (Fig. 8.67). It consists of a low-inductance, braided inner conduc-
tor which runs through a water-cooled tube and an outer return braid which
is also water cooled. This construction is generally utilized with medium-to-
high-inductance coils because its construction does not greatly minimize induc-
tance but does provide flexibility. This last type of lead is most common when
the operator must physically move the coil from part to part as in bottle
Elements of Induction Heating Copyright © 1988 ASM International®
Stanley Zinn, Lee Semiatin, p 241-252 All rights reserved.
DOI: 10.1361/eoih1988p241
Chapter 9
To a large extent, the induction coil and its coupling to the workpiece deter-
mine the precise heating pattern that is developed. However, it is often desir-
able to modify this pattern in order to produce a special heating distribution
or to increase energy efficiency. At other times, the high heating rates char-
acteristic of induction are needed for processing of nonconductors. Three
broad methods of accomplishing such objectives are described in this chap-
ter. They make use of devices known as flux concentrators, shields, and sus-
ceptors. Flux concentrators and shields are used to modify the field of
magnetic induction (thereby shaping the heating pattern) or to prevent aux-
iliary equipment or certain portions of a workpiece from being heated, respec-
tively. Susceptors are materials which are readily heated by induction and
which subsequently are used to heat electrically nonconductive materials
through radiation or conduction heat-transfer processes.
242 Elements of Induction Heating: Design, Control, and Applications
flux field set up during induction heating and thus to modify the resultant
heating pattern. The means by which this is accomplished is illustrated in
Fig. 9.1. Here, it can be seen that a flux concentrator in the form of a perme-
able iron core causes distortion of the flux field surrounding the induction
coil. The permeable material presents an easier path for the flux lines; thus,
they concentrate in the permeable material. By concentrating the field and
providing a better path, stray flux can be used to advantage. Because the volt-
age generated in an induction heated workpiece is proportional to AO/At, or
the time rate of change of the number of lines of flux passing through the
part, a greater number of flux lines leads to a higher voltage and therefore
larger eddy currents in the workpiece.
In many cases, the flux field surrounding a conductor may produce heat
where it is not desired. For instance, the field at the end of a coil (which is
effective at distances up to 1½ times the coil diameter) may heat the parts of
an adjacent loading mechanism. As another example, stray flux may heat the
center boss on a gear blank while the teeth are being hardened. Similarly,
when separate and independent coils are placed adjacent to each other, as in
a long forging line, the end-effect fields of the coils might cause interaction.
It then becomes necessary to provide a means of cancelling or shielding these
fields from the affected parts or from each other. Devices known as shields
are used for this purpose.
Flux C o n c e n t r a t o r s , Shields, and S u s c e p t o r s 245
Flux field
around a
pancake coil
around a
pancake coil
with a flux
Shield Design
Shields are flat or formed pieces of sheet metal whose thickness is not less
than four times the depth of penetration of the shield material at the partic-
ular frequency used in the induction heating application. Because of its thick-
ness, the shield will absorb the total field to which it is exposed.
As discussed in Chapter 2, the depth of penetration is proportional to the
square root of the electrical resistivity. Therefore, highly conductive materials
(e.g., copper and aluminum) are used as shield materials even at low induc-
tion heating frequencies. At 10 kHz, copper sheet which is 2.5 m m (0.10 in.)
thick is sufficient to act as a shield. At 450 kHz, copper as thin as 0.61 m m
(0.024 in.) can be used reliably.
The power absorption into a shield from the electromagnetic field is a func-
tion of its permeability and resistivity. Copper, with a permeability of # = 1,
will absorb approximately 30 to 50 times less power than mild steel in the
same field. However, some power is always absorbed, and water cooling of
the shield may be necessary under some circumstances.
Along I-I
The short pattern in (a) can be widened, as in (b), by increas-
ing the number of concentrator laminations. An even wider con-
centrator pattern (c) provides deeper heating at the edges of the
Fig. 9.4. Effect of flux-concentrator design on induction heating pat-
terns (from M. G. Lozinskii, Industrial Applications of Induction Heat-
ing, Pergamon Press, London, 1969)
Flux Concentrators, Shields, and Susceptors 247
A susceptor is a material which is heated as a result of its presence in the
induction field, then passes its heat to the workpiece by conduction, convec-
Fig. 9.5. End plate on an induction coil used to heat forging preforms
that acts as a shield to prevent interaction of the magnetic field with
an adjacent coil (source: American Induction Heating Corp.)
248 Elements of Induction Heating: Design, Control, and Applications
\"-k Itj r , J /
Fig. 9.6. Shield used to protect the hardened surface of a gear while
the shoulder on the gear is being tempered (from M. G. Lozinskii, Indus-
trial Applications of Induction Heating, Pergamon Press, London, 1969)
Fig. 9.8. Split shields used to reduce stray magnetic flux at the ends
of a large induction coil; laminations on the vessel wall act as flux
diverters (source: American Induction Heating Corp.)
250 Elements of Induction Heating: Design, Control, and Applications
Fluxdiverter Stainlesssteelvessel
(runsfull length
of v(
end ofat ~ 7
vessel) ~'
~ ~ / ~ / / / _ / ~ , RFI gasket
~ ' ~ RFI gasketon
(b) I I bare metal
Fig.9.10. Design of shields for RF applications to prevent radio-
frequency interference (RFI).Joints or seams that interlock (a) are
preferable to lap joints (b)
Flux Concentrators, Shields, and Susceptors 251
oo ooooo /
Induction coil Ceramic pipe
I I Fluid flow
Susceptor I I
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Fig. 9.12. Illustration of the application of susceptors for heating elec-
trically nonconductive fluids flowing through ceramic or glass pipes.
The susceptors are heated by induction, and the fluid by conduction
of heat from the suscaptors
Chapter 10
Materials Handling
254 Elementsof InductionHeating:Design,Control,and Applications
Part Stationaryinductioncoil
\ /
- l l l
Phosphorbronzespnng (c)
(a) Support
Inductioncoil ~ ~
Continuousq, nch~ ID'~I:I
a r t.. . i Pu/her
(a) Continuous movementthrough a channel-typecoil. (b) Peri-
odic movement through a solenoid coil. (c) Continuous move-
ment under a pancake coil.
Fig. 10.1. Material-handling arrangements involving a fixed coil and
moving parts (from H. U. Erston and J. F. Libsch, LepelReview, Vol 1,
No. 16, p 1)
able because the quality and quantity of the air supply used to power pneu-
matic drives may not be consistent.
Frequently, automatic handling involves another important requirement,
namely the delivery of the part in the correct position at the correct instant
in time. Among the delivery techniques are automatic conveyors with ingen-
ious pickups, magazine feeds, and rotary tables. Tooling for a specific appli-
cation can often be constructed about a standard unit using conventional
movements such as:
• Geneva driver. This type of indexing machine, electrically or air operated,
is most useful for heavy workpieces requiring large-diameter rotary stations.
• Barrel-cam driver. This is a high-speed, motor-driven indexing device that
has nearly zero blacklash. It has better accuracy and acceleration charac-
teristics than the Geneva driver. If the required heating time is to be longer
than the dwell time of the constantly turning indexing cam, an electromag-
netic clutch should be used in conjunction with the programmer.
• Air-operated ratcheting-type indexing turntable. Positive stopping of this
/ Inductioncoil I~---~i '
~~'t~ Part Part
x\ ~ _l~
~ng~ Holding
i r~l.~/~r~
fixture \ i.~1~
"X~t.~ i
Indexing Liftingmechanism
mLi (b) turntable
RFelectrical ,~
contact ~Xr~\
Double-endedslidingfixture Split-ty~:ingedcoil \ v~(~\
StationaryinductioncoilPa~ - \\
(a) Part movement into a fixed coil. (b) Coil movement over
parts on an indexing turntable. (c) Double-ended sliding f'Lxture.
(d) Split-type hinged coil.
Fig.10.2.Indexing arrangements for handling-fixture design (from
H.U. Erston and J. F. Libsch, Lepel Review, Vol 1, No.16,p 1)
Materials for Handling Fixtures
Automation of induction heating processes usually involves continuous
feeding of parts into or through the induction coil and auxiliary equipment.
Typically, this involves handling of individual pieces in some sort of fixture.
Because the electromagnetic field extends beyond the coil, fixtures made of
electrically conducting materials (e.g., steel) may be heated also, leading to
a costly loss of energy. For this reason, fixture materials such as aluminum,
which heats less readily and which is easy to cool, and nonconducting mate-
rials are frequently used. Some typical selections for these types of applica-
tions are listed in Table 10.1.
In some induction heating applications, such as end heating of bars, parts
can be held in place far from the coil, thereby permitting irons and steels
256 Elements of Induction Heating: Design, Control, and Applications
Table 10.1. Structural materials for induction heating fixtures (from H. U. Erston
and J. F. Libsch, Lepel Review, Vol 1, No. 16, p 1)
Material Characteristics and comments
Diamonite(a) Aluminum oxide; very hard, dimensionally stable; standard
and special shapes; resists high temperatures
Epoxy Fibre Coil-mounting supports; good electrically; also useful for
Glass FF91(b) soft soldering to about 230 °C (450 °F)
Transite II(c) Work-table tops; heat resistant; avoid for coil supports
(electrically poor)
Mycalex, Various grades; useful for high-temperature coil supports;
Supramica(d) special shapes available
Silicone rubber Molds accurately; flexible; useful for soft soldering to 315 °C
(RTV)(e) (600 °F)
Fired Lava(f) Easily machinable before firing; good heat resistance; less
strength than Diamonite
Nonmagnetic Metals(g)
Aluminum alloys Fixture base plates, work tables; useful for soft soldering
(does not bond)
Brass (free Supporting screws, locators adjacent to coils, sinks, etc;
machining) corrosion-resistant pins; quench and recirculating tanks
Titanium Useful for positioning of parts to be silver brazed; does not
Nichrome Excellent high-temperature strength; oxidation resistant;
used for locating and holding of parts
Inconel alloys Useful for locating parts, radiant (susceptor) heating of thin
Magnetic Metals(g)
Low-carbon steel Structural members; cabinets; work tables
Alloy steel Moving parts of fixtures subject to wear
Stainless steel Moving parts of fixtures subject to wear and corrosion
(a) Diamonite Products Div., U.S. Ceramic Tile Co. (b) Formica Div., American Cyanamid
Co. (c) John-Manville Co. (d) Mycalex Corp. of America. (e) Dow-Corning Co. (f) American
Lava Corp. (g) Materials listed are available from a number of manufacturers.
Materials Handling 257
Controlled Induction
atmosphere coil Ceramic tube
im~,~ , Air-operated pushrods
, II
Ceramic jig
with part
Out I -- ~,r-o~era,(e,eva,or~~ In
(a) Brazing of brass watchband clips without flux in a forming-
gas atmosphere. (b) Fixture using an elevator-pushrod arrange-
Fig. 10.3. Methods for continuous movement of parts through a con-
trolled atmosphere during induction heating (from Anon., LepelReview,
Vol 1, No. 10, p 1)
Materials Handling 259
Pyrex tube
II I/ll
i~ I I J L I1 InductiOncoil ~ ~ support tube
Induction coil
/ \ Gas retainer secondary Gas retainer
Gas outlet Insulation pedestal
~/,J//~///~,//~" Sttubing
i nIess
Copper tube
Glass tube
brazing /
I~ Induction
Gas inlet \
Brazed joint
Nickel can
(a) Coil and fixture forming a chamber for an argon atmo-
sphere. (b) Quartz tube-conical coil arrangement for providing
a localized protective atmosphere. (c) Atmosphere introduced
through a support fixture. (d) Single-turn induction coil and
retainer plates providing an atmosphere chamber for brazed
Fig. 10.4. Adaptations of coils and holding fixtures for introduction or
containment of controlled atmospheres (from Anon., Lepel Review,
Vol 1, No. 10, p 1)
260 Elements of Induction Heating: Design, Control, and Applications
In most cases, the over-all handling system must be flexible enough for
heating of billets or bars with greatly differing transverse dimensions. In the
case of circular billets, for example, it is usually required that one unit be
capable of heating stock whose diameter varies by a factor of two to three.
At the same time, it must be capable of heating billets of various lengths.
Feed Mechanisms
Loading and discharging equipment is usually selected on the basis of billet
or bar geometry. In contrast, a number of different mechanisms can be used
to perform the same feeding task. These include continuous, walking-beam,
and billet/bar end heaters.
As their name implies, continuous feed devices (Fig. 10.6) are used to heat
the entire length of a series of bars or billets. The stock is pushed through a
series of coils by variable-speed pinch rolls. Semiautomatic and fully auto-
matic systems are also available. With semiautomatic feeds, bars or billets are
pushed from a manually loaded magazine, for instance, by a hydraulic or
pneumatic cylinder. They are pushed end-to-end through the induction coils
(b) I ) I "~
, /
/, l
Fig. 10.7. In-line (a) and transverse (b) walking-beam feed devices
(sources: Indnctoheat, Westinghouse Electric Corp.)
and, upon exiting, move to the forging, extrusion, or other station under the
force of gravity. In a fully automatic system, loading and unloading of work-
pieces is done automatically.
Walking-beam feeding of bars or billets (Fig. 10.7) is accomplished with-
out touching of consecutive pieces. At the loading end, individual workpieces
are placed on a loading vee by a hydraulic pusher, magazine, or other means.
A second device then loads the billet or bar onto the walking beam, where it
is "walked" through the line by a series of lifting, horizontal transfer, and
lowering motions into consecutive vees in the guidance system. Each motion
is actuated through a dependable mechanical-linkage system. The last billet
comes through by itself, eliminating shutdown scrap. Walking-beam feeds
are of two basic designs. In an in-line heater (Fig. 10.7a), the bar or billet
axis is parallel to the feed direction. With a transverse walking-beam heater
(Fig. 10.7b), the material feed is transverse to the axis.
Materials Handling 263
(b) ~ ~ ~
Fig. 10.8. Oval-coil (a) and conveyor-type (b) bar.end heaters
:.'.'..-~'.. ......
bo o " m • i
.'. BIO
~ I ~ f t
. 0 .. .t , " - .'.'' ,
R~ J s
• °- Oo ° - ° o ° ° . a o
• ° .° • , . • , ,o
ever, handling devices can be broken into two major categories: those de-
signed for continuous parts of regular cross section, and those for discrete
parts which typically preclude continuous in-line feeding. Several typical han-
dling schemes are discussed next and illustrated with examples. It should be
borne in mind, however, that the kinds of equipment for induction heat treat-
266 Elements of Induction Heating: Design, Control, and Applications
ment are innumerable. New fixtures are constantly designed to fit new and
unique applications.
For parts of regular cross section such as round bars and tubes, materials-
handling systems very similar to those described above for induction heating
prior to hot working are employed. These systems include loading, feeding,
and other equipment. The only major exceptions pertain to added stations
needed for quenching or air cooling or to integration of austenitizing and
quenching stations, for instance. Several examples discussed below illustrate
typical setups of continuous induction heat treatment lines.
Outfeed / Infeed
conveyo , conveyor
' - - -
F:uOt;~o/ai ~ Materialflow
H RFcontrol
I~L~achine°/ operating
- -~ , H20quench / ~i and fault
I control I Part-presentfiberoptics
I( Temperingsection ,~ Hardeningsection
Fig. 10.10. Automated, quadruple-head, skewed-drive roller system used
for in-line induction hardening and tempering of automotive parts (from
E. Balogh, Heat Treating, Vol 14, No. 9, 1982, p 33)
AC relaypanel
DCrelaypanel I Main
SCR / Triplers
TrrannSftra~ind Triplers~ [=] [=7 D D D D ~/"
/ Controlpulpit ~ 180-cycle
qqqqq -- heating stations
le0-cycle ~ I
temperingcoils 180-cycle Coolingbed heatingcoils
heatingstations andexittable Entrytable
Pipe enters from the right, is austenitized, quenched, drained,
and tempered. Following tempering, the pipe is transferred to
cooling beds for air cooling.
Fig. 10.11. Schematic illustration of equipment used for in-line induc-
tion through hardening and tempering of pipe-mill products (from R. M.
Storey, Metal Progress, Vol 101, No. 4, April, 1972, p 95)
Continuous Heat Treatment of Line Pipe. Probably the largest application of induc-
tion through hardening and tempering is for piping or tubular goods used for
oil wells and gas pipelines. In a typical installation, such as that at Lone Star
Steel* (Fig. 10. l 1), processing is conducted on a continuous line on which the
steel is austenitized, quenched, tempered, and finally cooled to room temper-
*R. M. Storey, Metal Progress, Vol 101, No. 4, April, 1972, p 95.
268 Elements of Induction Heating: Design, Control, and Applications
Floor level
Air knives
ature at successive stations. In this system, pipes are loaded onto an entry
table and fed onto the conveyor as soon as the heat treatment of the pipe pre-
ceding it is completed. As each pipe passes through the austenitizing station
(consisting of five coils), it is rotated on skewed rollers to ensure temperature
uniformity. Also, because only a small portion of the pipe is heated at one
time, distortion is readily controlled.
After austenitizing, the pipe enters the quench ring several feet down the
line. Upon drawing the water off, it then moves to the tempering station. Fol-
lowing tempering, the pipe continues along the conveyor to cooling beds. It
is rotated during the entire cooling cycle to ensure straightness and lack of
stock is fed from a payoff reel through a stitcher, which allows continuous
processing of consecutive coils without line shutdown. The sheet is then
guided through the inductor at a constant speed by a set of drive rolls. The
inductor is mounted on wheels to allow automatic alignment of the sheet
within it. The drive rolls also provide front and back tension to help main-
tain sheet flatness. After being heated, the sheet is quenched and then dried
by a set of air knives. U p o n exiting the line, the material may be coiled, fed
into a leveling line, or routed to a subsequent processing station for coating
or some other operation. Because the gage may vary, and to account for small
variations in sheet speed, the line is also fitted with thickness and speed mon-
itoring devices whose signals are fed into a controller which adjusts the induc-
tor power to maintain the desired temperature.
*H. B. Osborne, Proc. Eleventh IEEE Conference on Electric Process Heating in Industry,
IEEE, New York, 1973, p 59.
270 Elements of Induction Heating: Design, Control, and Applications
moves over the rotating part, heating it to the desired temperature. A guide
shoe on the inductor maintains the proper air gap between the inductor and
the part to ensure uniform heating and to minimize distortion. The rotating
center at the spline end automatically compensates for thermal expansion as
the shaft is heated by applying a fixed load. After being heated, the workpiece
is indexed to a quenching station for the actual hardening operation. The
fourth, and final, station is another quench which removes any residual heat.
Following these operations, the shaft is unloaded by a walking beam onto a
conveyor which then transfers it to the tempering unit, which may be a sim-
ilar induction-based unit or a gas furnace.
Fully automatic, horizontal shaft hardening by scanning methods is also
popular. Some of these devices allow loading and scan hardening of multi-
ple workpieces without operator assistance. This is made possible by careful
design of walking-beam feeding systems and parts chucking in the heat treat-
ing equipment.
indexing Turntables. A popular machine for automated handling and heat treat-
ing of small parts is the rotary indexing turntable. Parts are loaded into an
elevated hopper that feeds the machine along an inclined steel track. Various
fixtures can be designed to locate the parts when they are dropped onto the
table as well as to hold them in place. This is particularly important for main-
tenance of precise distances between the part and an induction coil or an ejec-
tor (which may be used to push the parts into a quench tank) at various stages
Remote quench
Power supply
1 /
!I V
Power supply
',\ I
Input-output conveyor
Fig. 10.13. Schematic illustration of an automated heat treatment cycle
including two vertical induction scanning units, a quench station, and
a part-handling robot (from P. J. Miller, Heat Treating, Vol 14, No. 5,
May, 1982, p 40)
Materials Handling 271
during the processing sequence. Often the first stage in such a turntable con-
sists of some sort of checking device. It detects improper loading and is elec-
trically interlocked so that indexing can be stopped if a mislocated part, which
might damage the induction coil, is present. These machines often have very
high o u t p u t s - s o m e t i m e s as high as several thousand parts per hour.
Indexing devices also find use in tooth-by-tooth hardening of gears.
Rotary Tables. Rotary tables, without indexers, also find application in induc-
tion heat treating of small parts. In this instance, a number of parts are usu-
ally loaded into a groove or nest on the periphery of the table and their ends
are heated by a channel-type coil as the table rotates. One application, the
hardening of 20-mm armor-piercing projectiles,* is illustrated in Fig. 10.14.
The table is water cooled from beneath. The overhead induction coil is flared
outward at its lower edge to prevent excessive heating and thus hardening of
the lower portion of the projectile.
As the table carries the projectiles from beneath the coil, they are tipped
into a tank which provides an agitated water quench. The agitation also causes
the parts to be transported along a helical ramp toward a discharge opening
onto a second chute. Here, the projectiles are dropped into a perforated barrel
revolving in a soluble oil. This likewise has a helical partition which finally
elevates and drops the workpieces by gravity into a tray for stress relief in a
batch furnace.
Ejector finclers I [
Rotating joint I
Water out I
Stationary bench Heating coil
\ I
• "~"" .......... ,, 'l~-
~L''I ~,,
. ~ , ~ , ~ Induction
""~1 ~ coil
Fig. 10.15. Nest fixture used in induction soldering when the preform
is difficult to hold in place; the nest also permits component alignment
prior to joining if preassembly is inconvenient (from J. Libsch and
P. Capolongo,Lepel Review, Vol 1, No. 5, p 1)
Figure 10.15 depicts a ceramic or fiberglass nest used to position solder pre-
forms employed in joining of the components of capacitor cans by induction
heating. The small nest is designed to fit into the inductor and to provide
proper positioning of the parts to be joined by a close fit with the capacitor-
can contour.
Several concepts for carrying out multiple soldering operations sequentially
or simultaneously are shown in Fig. 10.16 and 10.17. Figure 10.16 shows a
turntable with a conveyor-type coil used to join parts on which solder and flux
have been previously placed. The components are moved continuously through
the coil at a previously determined speed in order to bring the joint area to
soldering temperature. Alternatively, the turntable may be set up with an
indexing fixture in cases for which the heat must be localized. With this type
by spring-
loaded pins
/ Tube
ring / coil
lange X
Steel spring
Split Inconel
~ Thermal
Gold ring
and setting
Weld I ~,
S'r o ing
conta~ station
hoists, and charging buckets that are required for materials-handling pur-
poses. A simple large charge may require very large and expensive handling
equipment that might be in use only a few minutes each hour. It is therefore
preferable to charge induction furnaces with two or more buckets which can
be stored until the furnace is ready to accept them.
As discussed by Alexander,* there are several major problems associated
with the charging of either coreless or channel furnaces. These problems com-
prise the following:
• The risk of refractory damage due to heavy metals hitting the furnace lin-
ing. Very heavy solid charge materials should be placed carefully into the
furnace bath and usually require handling by either an open magnet or
some form of sling or caliper device to ensure that they are lowered into
the molten metal rather than dropped. The same is true if the furnace is
empty. Heavy scrap should be lowered to the bottom carefully to prevent
damage to the refractory lining. To prevent wash of the lining when charg-
ing a furnace with molten metal, a layer of dry, solid scrap should be placed
in the bottom first.
• Metal splashing due to materials being dropped into a molten metal bath.
Because of this hazard, very little charging is done by hand or by opera-
tors in cranes directly over an induction furnace. Use of a tilting bucket on
the end of a mobile crane is the preferred method. Typically, this involves
loading of scrap into a chute which leads down to an opening in the fur-
nace. An alternative device is the drop-bottom bucket, consisting of a heavy
shell with a lifting yoke at the top and petal-type or clamshell doors at the
bottom. The doors are opened by the crane operator or by gravity when
the bucket is placed on the furnace.
• Explosions due to water or oil entrapped in the charge material and car-
ried below the surface. Preheating of the charge to a temperature between
260 and 315 °C (500 and 600 °F) eliminates this problem.
To avoid these and other problems, conveyors and special drying equipment
for scrap are being used increasingly in induction furnace charging operations.
Conveyors may be of the vibrating type, the fiat-stroke type, or the belt type.
Charge materials can be spread out uniformly and charged at a given, con-
stant rate to prevent the furnace from being overfilled. Rotary barrel driers
for preheating and drying of scrap prior to loading onto a conveyor are also
increasing in popularity.
With the increase in factory automation, the use of robots in induction
heating is becoming more widespread. The main elements of a robot are gen-
erally a pick-and-place mechanism and its associated controls.* These con-
trois can be a part of the robot package itself (programmable robot) or can
be derived from software contained in a remote or integrated CAM (com-
puter-aided manufacturing) system. The main advantages of programmable
robots include easy setup and the ability to unload parts from a variety of
devices such as conveyors, in-line bar feeders, etc.; such devices are used in
machining, inspection, and various types of induction heating and heat treat-
ing cells. In contrast, parts must be palletized in CAM-controlled robots. This
disadvantage is often outweighed by high production rates, easy start-up, and
good reliability. The main features of robot design, irrespective of whether
it is programmable or CAM controlled, are its drive mechanism, its arm con-
struction and motions, and its precise method of control and programming.
These features are discussed by Faber and Welch and by Bobart.1-
*M. R. Faber and G. P. Welch, Industrial Heating, Vol 53, No. 7, July, 1986, p 24.
tG. F. Bobart, "Part Handling Systems and Process Control," Lesson 8, ASM Induction
Heating Homestudy Course, ASM International, Metals Park, OH, 1986.
Materials Handling 279
• One-arm robots usually have no rotational capability and are used in low-
production situations.
• Two-arm robots generally are used in medium-to-high-production applica-
tions, particularly in induction heat treatments involving integral or sub-
merged quenching.
• Three-arm robots are used in high-production multistage heating/heat treat-
ing or in heat treating using multiple zones. A schematic illustration of a
three-arm robot with 90 ° wrists and gripper rotation is shown in Fig. 10.20.
Often the end "effector" of a robot arm is designed with several grippers
or hands in order to load and unload several parts at a time. Hands are usu-
ally custom designed for the application and can be cam, cylinder, or elec-
trically actuated. The gripping action is typically achieved by stationary,
moveable, or self-aligning jaws or fingers; by electromagnetic pickup plates;
or by vacuum cups.
The application also determines the kind of motion that the robot arm (or
wrist) must perform. These motions may rely on cylindrical, spherical, revo-
lute (jointed), or rectangular (Cartesian) coordinate systems.
*M. R. Faber and G. P. Welch, Industrial Heating, Vol 53, No. 7, July, 1986, p 24.
I"G. F. Bobart, "Part Handling Systems and Process Control," Lesson 8, ASM Induction
Heating Homestudy Course, ASM International, Metals Park, OH, 1986.
280 Elements of Induction Heating: Design, Control, and Applications
Power supply
(50 kW, 10 kHz)
Position sequence
Open grippers ~
Close grippers.
Dwell. Raise. l i Wrist 'A'
Rotate wrist
'A' 90° Rotate arm 90 ° T
f l m ' ~ .....~ / Pick-and-place
Entry conveyor
f • ~,'\ - '
Lower ~ F
Open gripper at 45 °
to reject part t
Lower to
repeat cycle
Fig. 10.20. Robot design including three arms, 90 ° wrists, and grip-
per rotation (from M. R. Farber and G. P. Welch, Industrial Heating,
Vol 53, No. 7, July, 1986, p 24)
Chapter 11
Special Applications of
Induction Heating
282 Elements of Induction Heating: Design, Control, and Applications
Fig. 11.1. Polyethylene assembly with a steel ring insert that is joined
using induction heating (source: Lepel Corp.)
localized heating conditions. To accomplish this, a susceptor (Chapter 9),
which becomes a part of the final assembly, is often used. For example, inser-
tion of a wire ring in a special cavity of the assembly permits the use of induc-
tion for local heating of the area to be joined. Toilet-tank floats have been
made in this manner (Fig. 11. I) by using a steel wire ring inserted where the
two float halves join. Placing the wire ring in an induction field causes it to
heat rapidly. This in turn melts the adjacent rims of the plastic hemispheres,
causing them to form a plastic-to-plastic bond. In this technique, proper joint
design ensures that the metal ring is fully encompassed by the plastic at the
completion of the operation, precluding subsequent rusting of the wire. If it
is desired to heat the plastic more slowly, a gap can be left between the ends
of the metal ring.
In a similar approach, the application of localized heat to thermoform-
able plastics may be employed to create a mechanical bond. Typically, the tang
of a metal kitchen utensil such as a knife or a fork (Fig. 11.2) is heated to
the flow temperature of the plastic handle to which it is to be joined. The
heated tang is then inserted in the predrilled or premolded handle, melting the
adjacent material and forming a strong mechanical bond on cooling. If holes
or ridges are provided on the tang, greater mechanical strength can be ob-
tained through the ability of the plastic to flow into these areas. Twisted wire-
handle brushes, similar to bottle brushes, are assembled in this manner as
well. The plastic is deformed on contact with the heated wire, causing it to
match the ridges in the twisted wire handle.
At other times, the metal susceptor does not remain a part of the final
assembly but is used solely as a means of supplying heat to a plastic preform
which is to be shaped. As an example, catheters for medical treatment are
Special Applications of Induction Heating 283
Fig. 11.2. Application of induction heating for attaching knife and brush
handles (source: Lepel Corp.)
formed of inert plastic tubing and must have specific shapes at their ends so
that they can be coupled to intravenous or similar types of apparatus. In these
instances, a stainless steel forming die is fabricated with internal channels for
water cooling (Fig. 11.3). In operation, the die is heated by an induction coil
on an automatic forming machine. When the die is raised to the forming tem-
perature of the plastic, the tubing is mechanically pressed against it. Thereby,
the tubing assumes the shape of the die. The induction power is turned off
and the die water cooling system is activated to cool the plastic and thus set
it in its new shape. Because these dies are normally rather small, most
machines of this type heat and form multiple parts simultaneously.
In some instances, it is not possible to insert a metal ring or preform into
an assembly where the deformation is carried out. The technique described
above for forming of catheters can then be utilized with a movable die. In this
case, the die is heated by induction. When it is at proper temperature, it is
then moved through the coil and pressed into the assembly to deform the plas-
tic. Induction heating is preferred to resistance heating of the die because of
284 Elements of Induction Heating: Design, Control, and Applications
Work coil
~, r
t//11/1////1/~ Water cooling
0 0 0 0 0
Fig. 11.3. Schematic illustration of induction heating method used to
form catheter ends on tubing
its capability for rapid heating. Unlike resistance, it can provide the die with
a high recovery heating rate for high-production applications. Typically, glass
lenses are staked in a lens tube (Fig. 11.4) using a die that is slightly larger
than the ID of the plastic tube.
0 0
Induction coil
0 Die (up position)
0 0
0 0
0 0
Die (staking
Plastic lens-
support tube
Plastic Coatings
Application of plastic coatings (epoxy, vinyl, nylon, teflon, etc.) on met-
als results in parts with attractive combinations of strength and wear resis-
tance, thermal and electrical insulation, corrosion resistance, and aesthetic
qualities. Typically, the coating material is in powder form and is suspended
in a fluidized bed by an air-flow system (Fig. 11.5). The material to be coated
is raised to the temperature necessary for reflow of the coating material by
induction methods, and, as it is passed through the bed, the powder melts on
the surface of the part. The thickness of the coating is dependent on the metal
temperature among other variables. When induction heating is used in such
applications, only the surface of the metal need be brought to temperature,
as compared with standard oven techniques, in which the entire mass is
heated; thus, efficiency is greatly improved.
During coating of thin materials, temperature is lost in transporting the
material from the oven to the bed containing the plastic. Because the induc-
tion coils being water cooled are at low temperature, they can therefore be
placed directly in the bed. The material is then heated in the coating medium
with no subsequent heat loss during transport, and coating can be closely con-
trolled. Again, if localized coating is required, as on the handles of hand tools,
scissors, etc., the heat and thus the coating can be restricted to a specific area.
Thermosetting materials can also be applied electrostatically to the base
metal, as is done in the manufacture of coated anchor chains. Unlike the
methods described above, the dry powder is given a negative charge as it exits
Epoxy layer
Induction coil
Fig. 11.5. Setup for epoxy coating of tool handles in a fluidized bed
using induction heating (source: Lepel Corp.)
286 Elements of Induction Heating: Design, Control, and Applications
from a spray gun and is attracted to the positively charged metal being coated.
The part is passed through an induction heating coil of proper frequency with
a suitable power density, which results in heating of the powder and excel-
lent flow characteristics.
In each instance, the thermal conductivity of the coating plays an impor-
tant role in the process. Because heat is transferred to the powder by conduc-
tion from the metal surface, the extent of heat transfer from the substrate to
the powder decreases as the powder thickness increases. Coating thickness is
therefore limited by the properties of the plastic itself.
Similar techniques are employed in insulating electrical conductors using
polyemide film or tape. The high-temperature resistance of the polyemide
film, which is applied in the form of high-integrity tape heat sealed to the con-
ductor, permits thinner insulation than was previously possible. In this case,
because the material will not bond directly to copper, one or both sides of the
tape are coated with a fluorocarbon resin to provide a heat-sealable surface.
The over-all arrangement of equipment for continuous processing of insulated
conductors is shown in Fig. 11.6 and 11.7. It consists of equipment for
continuously transporting the conductor and tape; an arrangement for me-
chanically and chemically cleaning the conductor; dual-lead tape-wrapping
machines; an RF induction generator with infrared temperature control; and
Radiant Induction Transport ~ Air-blastdryer
Water, heaters heater \ I ~. / Detergentbath ,,,.
quenc~ ~ ~ \ t'~ ~ / / Wirebrush straigVVh;eners
Wind~up ~ /' / I ~,~ Un~t~n~ng
Fig. 11.7. Schematic diagram o| the processing line for induction cur.
ing shown in Fig. ! 1.6 (source: I.epel Corp.)
Special Applications of Induction Heating 287
Salvage Operations
When coated materials have exhausted their useful life, the base-metal
structure may still have considerable value and can be salvaged. Printing rolls,
vibration eliminators, and doffer disks on cotton machinery are typical of
assemblies that can be usefully and economically salvaged with induction heat-
ing. For example, Fig. 11.8 depicts a coil that is used to heat 152-cm- (60-in.-)
diam printing rolls for this process.
In practice, the part is placed in a work coil (Fig. 11.9), and the heat pro-
duced solely on the surface of the metal breaks the bond at the interface
J insert
I - I
case \~'[ r~ r~ll~ 1
Rubber...~ ~11~ I~11~
I,n,ng ~ / / ] r~
between the materials. The parts can then be easily separated. Short process-
ing times prevent appreciable heating and, when rubber is the second mate-
rial, deterioration of the nonconductive coating is minimal, allowing both
parts to be saved for reuse.
In the case of printing or drive rolls, the assembly can be heated on a pro-
gressive basis, and the coated cover can be split with a skiving knife follow-
ing the coil. The covering material is thus easily removed, leaving an
essentially clean surface that can be recoated. Rubber linings on brass, alu-
minum, and steel parts can all be reclaimed with this process.
system uses a single RF generator operating two alternate remote tanks and
bonds both sides of the assembly in approximately 12 s. A similar approach
is utilized in the automotive industry where insulation panels are bonded to
body parts. The induction coil is on flexible leads. The adhesive to be cured
is preplaced on the stamped metal panels. The insulation is put in place, and
the adhesive is activated and then cured by induction heating of the metal
panel at the bond location. In addition, hot melt adhesives can be preplaced
with this technique, allowing them to be located in an earlier operation and
then activated when bonding is desired.
Joining of plastic assemblies using metallic-particle gaskets is similar to plas-
tic bonding using metal rings, described earlier in this chapter. The major dif-
ference in the present case is that a gasket formed of the base plastic is used
rather than a solid metal susceptor (Fig. 11.12 and 11.13). However, the gas-
ket material does contain a dispersion of ferrous particles which serve essen-
tially the same purpose. When placed in the induction field, the ferrous
particles heat, in turn melting the plastic gasket material in order to complete
the bond. The number, size, and dispersion of metallic particles in the gas-
ket material are closely controlled. The operating frequency of the induction
generator is generally 3 to 5 MHz because of the small size of the particles.
Since the current through the coil at these high frequencies is not great, the
Before welding
L During welding After welding
Fig. 11.12. Illustration of a typical plastic-to-plastic welding applica-
tion using a metallic-particle gasket (source: Emabond, Inc.)
Special Applications of Induction Heating 291
The food, drug, and chemical industries require easily assembled tamper-
proof seals that assure users of their products that no contamination has taken
place between the manufacturing site and the place of purchase. Induction cap
sealing is a unique process in which an aluminum disk or seal is bonded to
a product container. These seals can be used with most caps and correspond-
ing containers to provide hermetic bonds suitable for use with foods, drugs,
beverages, alkalis, most acids, oils, organic solvents, and corrosion inhibitors
in liquid, powder, or pellet form. These seals meet the requirements of the
Food and Drug Administration and can be used on containers made of glass,
polyethylene, PVC, and most other thermoplastics, and are suitable for use
with screw-type, snap-on, child-resistant, and other custom closures.
Like most conventional lining materials, such inner seals are supplied in
coiled strips or special shapes, and are handled by conventional cap-lining
equipment. Most have the same basic components: a pulpboard backing, a
wax coating, aluminum foil, and a heat-sealable polyester film coating. This
four-part disk is inserted in the product cap. The container is filled, and the
cap is tightened. The capped container is then passed through a medium- or
high-frequency induction field (Fig. 11.14). The field penetrates the cap and
heats only the outer edge of the foil, melting the polyester coating beneath
it. As the product leaves the induction field, the coating cools, bonding the
foil to the lip of the container. When the cap is removed, the waxed pulp-
board remains in the cap to permit resealing after the foil seal has been
removed or punctured. The consumer removes the closure and then peels off
the foil seal to gain access to the product.
Cap-sealing operations are usually continuous, utilizing a channel coil in
a conveyorized processing system. However, low-production operations can
be accomplished using single-turn coils at the ends of flexible leads. In some
cases-particularly with large-diameter seals, for which the heat toward the
middle of a channel coil might be a p r o b l e m - t h e part can be indexed on a
conveyor and the coil lowered into position for the bonding operation.
Tubes for toothpaste, hair conditioner, etc. are also formed from laminated
materials on automated systems (Fig. 11.15). In these operations, however,
the sheet material is wrapped on a mandrel with the end of the sheet over-
lapping the front. A narrow sealing band is required, which could be pro-
duced with a split inductor. However, a single-turn hairpin loop utilizing a
powdered-ferrite core, as shown in Fig. 11.16, is also highly effective. In oper-
ation, the side of the coil is insulated and is mechanically pressed against the
seal area. This places the two sides of the seal in close physical contact while
minimizing the coupling distance from the coil. Sealing times on the order of
0.1 s are achieved with a 3-kW generator operating at 450 kHz.
~ Screwcap
Barrier cap
Barrier cap
~ Seam
ductor materials, silicon solar cells, and vacuum tubes are but a few of the
products which make use of this heating technique. These and other appli-
cations are described next.
coil further refine the product. In operation, a multiturn coil, with sections
counterwound to provide repetitive narrow zones (Fig. 11.17a), produces the
same effect as multipass heating but in a single pass. The degree of refining
is related to the number of passes through the molten zone, within practical
limits. Purities achieved have been reported to be within one part per billion
of electrically active impurities.
In processing of germanium at 950 °C (1740 °F), the material is generally
carried through the coil in a carbon susceptor or boat. During zone refining
of silicon (or gallium arsenide), however, the carbon from a graphite suscep-
tot or boat can contaminate the product. Hence, a process known as float-
zone refining (Fig. 11.17b) is utilized. In this technique, a balance between
the temperature of the molten zone in the rod and its surface tension must
be maintained; thus, no boat is required to support the molten zone. In float-
zone refining, the material can be passed through the coil, or the coil can be
moved along the rod. The molten zone, at 1450 °C (2640 °F), in effect con-
centrates the impurities at the ends of the rod. Because of the extremely high
resistivity of silicon, it cannot be heated with 450-kHz current until it has been
raised in temperature. If a frequency in excess of 3 MHz is used, the mate-
rial may be heated directly. However, preheating of the silicon by a resistance
method can be used to permit power-supply operation at 450 kHz. Due to the
fact that control of zone length is critical, and proper surface tension on the
molten zone must be maintained, automatic closed-loop control of temper-
ature and power is used for this process.
J Seal area
Aluminum/polyethylene to aluminum/polyethylene lap joint
Fig. 11.16. Bonding of aluminum/polyethylenejoints (such as for tooth-
paste tubes) with a high-frequency induction coil and ferrite flux
Special Applications of Induction Heating 295
induction coils
Moltenzone (in series) Protective
Quartztube / ~ atmosphere
oooo/ Direction of
~Y/'/////.~/ 7.,/_.///.~. ,J~ ~- m o v e m e n t of
-- Tube
Protective o Seed
atmosphere o
(~ Coil
I1! Crystal
~ Molten zone Thermocouple
with high o Multiturn coil
t', III o Protective
Silicon refining and Radiation
crystal growing pyrometer
Crystal pulling
Fig. 11.17. induction heating techniques used in processing of semi-
conductors (from J. Davies and P. Simpson, Induction Heating Hand.
book, McGraw-Hill, Ltd., London, 1979)
296 Elements of Induction Heating: Design, Control, and Applications
graphite boat. The rest of the boat contains purified germanium; as the boat
is pulled through an induction coil, a single crystal of the desired purity is
The float-zone refining technique for silicon, also called the Czochralski
crystal growing method, is another common technique. Essentially it is a float-
zone method. However, one end of the rod is a perfect crystal of the proper
purity. Moving the rod through the coil, or the coil along the rod, in the
proper direction and at the proper rate causes the material from the molten
zone to solidify and assume the proper crystalline orientation.
Epitaxial Deposition
• The frequency (450 kHz) of the power supply is chosen on the basis of the
thickness of the susceptor for most effective heating. To prevent field can-
cellation, the susceptor thickness must be at least three times the reference
depth. It is desirable to keep this thickness to a m i n i m u m consistent with
efficient heating in order to minimize the cooling time following process-
ing. However, some thickness greater than the reference depth is required
to minimize thermal gradients in the substrate (wafer).
• Power requirements are not determined by the mass of the susceptor as
much as by radiation losses from its free surface. At 1350 °C (2460 °F),
this radiation loss is 40 W / c m 2 (250 W/in. a) for a total loss of approxi-
mately 69 kW for a susceptor of the above dimensions. An additional 10%
allowance for loss to the hydrogen gas must also be made.
Special Applications of Induction Heating 297
old' =~o
o iz II 0
0 n II 0
0 ~L..~/0
(a) b
f/~LO o o o o
(b) o o o o
| |
0/ l ll,',lr~\,',\ ~u / o
gl p//Ultg\U\~l I~
Fig. 11.18. Induction systems for epitaxial deposition and CVD coat-
ing of semiconductors (from S. Berkman, V. S. Ban, and N. Goldsmith,
Hetereepitaxial Semiconductors for Electronic Devices, G. W. Cullen and
C. C. Wang, eds., Springer-Verlag, New York, 1978, p 264)
the over-all surface. With this technique, it is possible to treat the susceptor
wall (for induction purposes) as a portion of a tube; thus, a frequency of only
10 kHz satisfactorily heats a susceptor of this size without the problem of field
Because more power is drawn from an induction generator while bringing
the susceptor to temperature, a large portion of the heating capacity is left
unused. One means of more fully utilizing a motor-generator system is by
employing multiple heating stations which can utilize the excess power. How-
ever, this is not possible with most solid-state power supplies, which can oper-
ate only one heating station at a time.
If this were not provided, the heated air would vent through the molten sol-
der, preventing an optimal peripheral seal. At the completion of the solder-
ing operation, the vent may be used to introduce a protective atmosphere
before it is sealed. The soldering of the periphery of a semiconductor flat pack
can also be done using induction heating. Because the area to be heated is
greatly restricted, a metallic susceptor is heated by the induction coil. The sus-
ceptor is then pressed against the flat pack to effect a seal. The die (suscep-
tot) is designed to contact the assembly only at the periphery of the cover.
Sometimes it is necessary to open a hermetically sealed assembly for re-
pair or removal of the contents. The metal case may be easily destroyed if
a torch or iron is used, because only one seal area can be heated at a time. By
use of an induction coil, however, the assembly can be heated throughout the
full joint area with the same advantages (rapid, even heating) realized in the
initial sealing operation. Under these conditions, the assembly can be safely
opened, and the case can generally be salvaged for reuse.
Completed ribbon
Inducti ;rucible
olten silicon
Fig. 11.20. Hermetic solder sealing of electronic case assemblies
(source: Lepel Corp.)
expansion and contraction, leading to cracking, have been solved through the
use of an intermediate material called Kovar ®, which can be fused to the glass
and soldered to the base-metal assembly. Induction is used to provide even
heating around the joint between the two materials so that the expansion and
contraction are uniform. A lead-tin alloy is generally used as a low-temper-
ature solder, and a liquid noncorrosive flux or reducing atmosphere removes
the surface oxides. In some instances, where assemblies require slow cooling
to prevent cracking due to residual stresses, the parts to be assembled are
mounted on a graphite susceptor whose thermal mass retards the heat dissi-
pation on cooling.
Glass Melting
In manufacture of glass for production of optical lenses and special glass
components, the molten glass must be kept free of contaminants. For this rea-
son, it is generally melted in a platinum crucible. It is also important that the
glass be kept free of the products of combustion. Hence, the platinum cru-
cible is induction heated. Because platinum has a low resistivity, low frequen-
cies in the range of 1 to 3 kHz can be used with very thin platinum crucibles,
reducing costs considerably.
In some melting operations, induction is also utilized to control the flow
of glass from the "spigot" of a melting tank. There is a relatively narrow tem-
perature range over which the glass begins to flow freely. By utilizing a plat-
inum or molybdenum "spigot" within the coil of a low-power induction
heater, the spigot temperature can be regulated to start or stop glass flow,
much as a stopcock controls the flow from a pipe.
Lens Blocking
When optical lens blanks have been received from a casting system, they
must be ground to specific contours depending on their ultimate application.
This operation is performed by mounting the blank(s) on a cast iron or steel
block which is used as a fixed base in grinding or polishing equipment. This
block is coated with pitch. The pitch is then heated to a soft condition, uti-
lizing an induction coil to heat the metal base. The blanks are locked in place
as the base cools and the pitch solidifies. This heating operation generally
takes a matter of minutes as compared with the long oven soaking times previ-
ously required. Depending on the mass of the base, power supplies for this
application range from small RF generators to multiple blocking stations oper-
ated from a central motor-generator or solid-state supply.
Fiber-Optic Manufacture
Production of fiber-optic waveguides for telecommunications has become
a major technology. It is estimated that most of the world's communications
will be carried on optical fibers by the year 2000.
In its simplest form, an optical waveguide is a glass tube that has been
coated on its inner or outer surface with an oxide layer that prevents light
Special Applications of Induction Heating 303
from passing through its walls. This tube is then drawn into a fiber as small
as 125 #m (5 mils) in diameter. In one process, the glass preform, approxi-
mately 25 to 50 m m (1 to 2 in.) in diameter, is filled with a gaseous form of
germanium or silicon. An induction power supply operating at 2 to 5 MHz
is connected to a work coil that is passed at a controlled rate over the
preformed tube. A gas plasma is created which oxidizes approximately 85%
of the germanium or silicon, evenly distributing the coating over the inner sur-
face of the preform and producing a light pipe or light conductor. The treated
tube is then placed in a vertical chamber known as a draw tower (Fig. 11.22),
where it is maintained in either an inert atmosphere or a vacuum. Here, the
glass is heated by radiation from an induction heated susceptor to a temper-
ature at which it becomes electrically conductive (815 °C, or 1500 °F). The
susceptor is removed, and an RF generator operating at 2 to 5 MHz then cou-
ples its energy directly into the now-conductive glass, raising it to the re-
quired final temperature which, depending on the material, can be as high as
2500 °C (4530 °F). The tubing is drawn from the narrow molten zone at a
controlled rate to the final diameter to produce the finished optical waveguide.
Tin Reflow
In the manufacture of tinplate, tin is electrolytically deposited on steel sheet.
It is desirable to "flow-brighten" the tin coating by heating it to a tempera-
ture above its melting point (230 °C, or 450 °F). This causes the tin surface
to melt and flow into a uniform, tightly adhering layer. Pinhole voids in the
plating are also reduced by this means.
The tin-reflow operation is generally performed with wide coils wound
around the strip as shown in Fig. 11.23. Due to the fact that the strip is usu-
ally of thin-gage material (0.18 to 0.36 mm, or 0.007 to 0.014 in.), RF heating
is generally used. However, for thicker materials, 10-kHz heating has been
utilized. Strip in widths up to 1.5 m (60 in.) has been processed by this tech-
nique. Strip speeds can reach 610 m/min (2000 fpm).
:oaxial cables
ng coil
,,king and
•ding of
Paint Curing
In recent years, paints that cure almost instantly when heated to an elevated
curing temperature have come into wide use. Coatings of this type are espe-
cially suitable for strip-type products which require the material to be rolled
into coils immediately after painting. Typical of these products are steel tape
measures (Fig. 11.24). Steel strapping and banding of the types used on pack-
ing crates and in related packaging applications are also now largely protected
by this type of coating.
The use of induction heating produces heat at the interface between the
metal and the coating, as compared with the surface curing performed in
ovens. In a conventional oven, the outer surface of the coating is heated and
cured first, trapping the volatile compounds between the surface and the base
Inductioncoil ._.~1 I-~
(1 of 5) . .
/ /
l Fromcoatingarea
metal. In extreme cases, the coating spalls, or porosity, which weakens the
coating, is developed. By contrast, the induction heating technique cures from
the inside out, eliminating volatile elements through the uncured coating and
achieving a much stronger bond between coating and base material.
In a typical high-speed induction curing line, the heating portion of the sys-
tem occupies approximately 3 m (10 ft) of line length. Material moves at a
maximum speed of approximately 180 m/min (600 fpm). Line speeds are lim-
ited only by the mechanical capabilities of the facilities. Because the only heat
produced in the process is that which occurs in the metal, working conditions
are cool and quiet, and maintenance costs are negligible. Automatic line-
temperature feedback control adjusts the heating-equipment power level to
maintain a constant curing temperature regardless of line speed. Scrap due
to improper curing is virtually eliminated. By-products of the induction curing
process are limited to vapors and solvents which are evaporated from the paint
during the process.
In a typical system for curing of paint on wide (1.5-m, or 60-in.) steel strip,
the material moves vertically through the coater and the induction heating sec-
tion. The latter consists of two induction coils, each controlled independently.
This gives the line the needed flexibility to cope with the variety of coatings
the plant handles. Typically, most of the solvents are evaporated when the
strip passes through the first coil; the second coil heats the strip to curing tem-
perature. The solvents are collected by a blower system and ducted to a unit
on the plant roof. This unit mixes large amounts of ambient air with the
solvent-saturated mixture in the required ratio, which can be adjusted. Some
of the solvents and particulate matter condense and collect at the bottom of
an inner shell from which they are removed. Upon exit from the induction
line, the strip is air cooled and then passed over water-cooled rolls prior to
coiling at a temperature close to ambient.
In recent years, line-frequency induction heating of vessels has come into
use in the chemical, paint, plastics, and related industries. The greatest use
of such heating methods is probably in the manufacture of synthetic resins.
Typical holding capacity and power requirements for this application are given
in Table 11.1.
In a typical setup, a coil wound around the outside of the metal vessel
(Fig. 11.25) induces low-voltage, high-current flow within the vessel wall when
energized at line frequency. The wall acts as a single, short-circuited secondary
turn, causing the vessel to heat, which in turn rapidly transfers heat to the ves-
sel contents. Any tank can be successfully heated by induction provided it is
constructed from a metallic or electrically conductive material. In line-fre-
quency heating, the tank is generally constructed from 6-mm (0.25-in.) or
thicker mild steel plate which may be internally clad with stainless steel or
Special Applications of Induction Heating 307
glass as process requirements dictate. Solid stainless steel vessels or vessels with
external jackets can also be efficiently heated.
With induction heating of vessels, it is possible to achieve input power den-
sities much higher than those of other heating systems. Inputs on the order
of 60 k W / m 2 (20,000 Btu/ft 2. h) are easily obtained. The only limitation is
the absorption capacity of the product or process. By comparison, the max-
imum operational power density of electrical-resistance heaters is usually lim-
ited to approximately one-tenth that of induction systems to reduce element
burnout. Another advantage of induction heating is the fact that heat is gen-
erated uniformly within the vessel wall. There are no hot spots which can
cause local overheating of the contents or deterioration of the tank. In addi-
tion, there are no entry and exit temperature gradients as are normally
encountered in vessels heated by noninduction methods. Induction heating
also results in minimal thermal inertia because only the vessel wall and con-
tents are at elevated temperatures. This in turn gives rapid control response
with minimum temperature overshoot. Because the vessel wall is the heat
source in the induction heated system, the over-all temperature gradient is sig-
nificantly lower than with other methods. For example, the typical maximum
temperature differential between the batch and the vessel wall is 20 °C (35 °F)
while heating to temperature and 5 °C (10 °F) during holding at the set point.
Coupled with the low thermal inertia, this allows extremely close control of
process temperature.
308 Elements of Induction Heating: Design, Control, and Applications
Heaterterminalboxf Inductionheating
Vacuum Melting
Probably the most basic vacuum induction process involves metal melting.
Figure 11.26 illustrates a small laboratory setup utilizing a 20-kW, 10-kHz
power supply capable of melting 2.3 kg (5 lb) of iron or steel. For melting
of nonferrous materials, graphite crucibles are common. The crucible is held
by means of insulating material in the work coil which is connected to the
power supply by a rotary vacuum feedthrough assembly called a coax. This
enables the crucible to be tilted manually when the melt has been made, thus
pouring the metal into a mold which is also in the chamber. Provision is also
made for the addition of alloying materials to the crucible during the melt-
310 Elements of Induction Heating: Design, Control, and Applications
ing process. A remotely removable cover on the crucible conserves heat during
the melting operation. Some larger systems feature air locks so that the cru-
cible may be charged with additional material for melting without breaking
the vacuum seal. In addition, some systems contain additional air locks so that
preheated molds can be introduced into the main chamber, filled with mol-
ten material, and then removed, also without breaking the vacuum seal.
Directional Solidification
Directional solidification is another popular vacuum melting process. It
is frequently used in the manufacture of superalloy blades for jet engines
(Fig. 11.27). In this technique, the mold is supported on a pedestal whose
movement is closely controlled. The mold rests vertically in the pouring posi-
tion within an induction heating coil whose power supply is separate from that
of the induction melter. When the mold is filled from the crucible, the ped-
estal slowly lowers the unit out of the mold heating coil. Then, similar to the
process of crystal growth for semiconductors, the slow controlled cooling cre-
ates a single crystal or columnar grain structure in the shape of the m o l d -
i.e., a turbine engine blade. The creep strength of this structure at the high
service temperatures which it undergoes is superior to that of the normally cast
or forged product.
Levitation Melting
Minimal contamination of melted metal is obtained by a melting technique
known as levitation melting, which is frequently carried out in vacuum. Gen-
Bucking plate
Flux lines
Fig. 11.28. Induction coil used for levitation melting of metals (source:
Lepel Corp.)
312 Elements of Induction Heating: Design, Control, and Applications
Water cooling
F////////A V///////M
T ()
(k plate
(3 (~ Levitation
() O
() ( ) Extra coaxial
() ~-~ turn
0 ()
Typical parameters:
8 -- 30 to 45°
d -- 9.5 to 19 mm (3/8to 3/4 in.)
vides a good electrical match and good levitation in a 10-kW system. Cop-
per tubing 3.2 mm (0.13 in.) in diameter provides the best compromise
between the high turn density needed for maximum magnetic field strength
and field gradient and the current-carrying capacity which is limited by
cooling-water flow rate.
Levitation melting systems have been used successfully for melting alumi-
num, copper, iron, chromium, and their alloys, primarily to produce high-
purity materials free of crucible contamination. Typical melts of 5 to 15 g
(0.18 to 0.53 oz) have been melted and cast in less than 1 min. Melting in
vacuum or in a protective atmosphere is completed as desired.
In addition to melting of reactive materials, uses of levitation melting
• Solidification studies
• Liquid slag and refractory reaction studies
• Melt purification and homogenization.
Levitation melting has also been performed aboard the space shuttle, pro-
viding an opportunity to work in an almost perfect vacuum and thus produce
ultrapure materials for testing. In addition, working in a weightless condition
permits the creation of special alloys that cannot be produced under the influ-
ence of the earth's magnetic and gravitational fields because of the high den-
sities of their components. The properties of these alloys are presently being
Elements of Induction Heating Copyright © 1988 ASM International®
Stanley Zinn, Lee Semiatin, p 315-323 All rights reserved.
DOI: 10.1361/eoih1988p315
Chapter 12
316 Elementsof InductionHeating: Design,Control, and Applications
range from $100 to $200 per kilowatt for 60-to-1000 Hz generators, from $200
to $300 per kilowatt for 3-to-10 kHz generators, and from $300 to $400 per
kilowatt for radio-frequency (RF) generators. A typical gas-fired furnace costs
$6000 to $7000 per million Btu/h capacity. This corresponds to approximately
$25 per kilowatt. Frequently, furnaces are only about one-fourth as efficient
as induction heating units; hence a furnace comparable to an induction sys-
tem, in terms of useful energy supplied to the part, would cost about $100 per
Energy Costs
Energy costs are determined by the base fuel cost and the over-all efficiency
of the heating system. On the average, electricity costs about 3.5 times as
much as natural gas in recent years (Fig. 12.1). However, heating-system effi-
ciencies can mitigate this difference in fuel cost. Efficiency is the ratio of
energy used for actual heating to the energy supplied to the system. For induc-
-~_ 6
§° 4
0 I I
1960 1970 1980
Fig. 12.1. Ratios of the price of electricity (per contained Btu) to the
prices of the indicated fossil fuels (per contained Btu) paid by manufac-
turers (from C. C. Borwell, "Industrial Electrification: Current Trends,"
Research Memorandum ORAU/IEA-83-4 (M), Institute for Energy Anal-
ysis, Oak Ridge Associated Universities, Oak Ridge, TN, February, 1983)
Economics 317
tion heating, system efficiencies of 55 to 85°/o are typical. For gas furnaces,
in which heat losses through doors, walls, etc. are common, typical efficiencies
are 15 to 25%; with special insulation methods, which, of course, increase the
furnace cost, it is reported that these efficiencies can be increased to perhaps
40 to 50%. In any case, it is obvious that the higher efficiencies of induction
units can often offset the high cost of electricity.
Besides the energy used during the actual processing of material, the energy
required during idle periods should also be taken into account. With induc-
tion systems, start-up is instantaneous. In addition, standby power (needed
during short delays in production) is rather small, amounting to much less
than 1 kVA for line-frequency and solid-state equipment. For RF tube-type
power supplies, filament power is generally shut off when delays exceed
30 min. In comparison with induction units, furnaces must be idled at fairly
high temperatures even when not in use during off shifts. Thus, considerable
energy is still used during these periods. The effects of utilization level on
energy costs for several means of heating prior to forging are illustrated in
Fig. 12.2. In this plot, data are given for a typical motor-generator induction
system as well as for a direct-resistance heating method. Not shown is the
trend for solid-state induction power supplies, which lie between "whole-piece"
induction heaters and direct-resistance units.
100 Lypical
O 80--
60-- • furnace
-1- :iency = 18%)
pical induction
40-- - r-end heater
J induction
20-- heater
ct resistance heater
O ~
0 20 40 60 80 100
Operating output capacity, %
Labor Costs
Induction systems require less labor for both operation and maintenance
than do comparable furnace-based heat treating systems. This is because the
widespread use of reliable solid-state power generators, and the fast response
and controllability of induction heaters, make these systems very amenable
to automation. On the other hand, furnace heat treating processes normally
require a considerable amount of labor for loading, unloading, and handling
of the steel to be processed. In addition to requiring fewer operators, auto-
mation also allows the use of less-skilled operators with a minimal amount
of training. The use of automatic as opposed to manual operation in a single-
shot induction application has reduced labor requirements as much as 50 to
80% in some instances. Taking all these factors into account, a general rule
of thumb for cost-analysis purposes is that induction heat treating usually
requires one-half the labor needed for furnace processes with an equivalent
production rate.
Maintenance Costs
Induction-based heating systems normally require considerably less main-
tenance than gas-fired furnaces. Total system rebuilding is not a typical
requirement for induction equipment as it can be for gas furnaces. An annual
allowance of approximately 2 to 3% of the installation cost should be bud-
geted for repair of coils and other maintenance. When mechanical handling
or poor maintenance procedures decrease coil life, this figure can approach
4%. By contrast, the refractory linings of gas furnaces are subject to severe
service conditions and may deteriorate rapidly, particularly when furnace tem-
peratures are cycled. The cost of relining is not inconsiderable, and lost pro-
duction time during the repair operation can become an expensive factor.
320 Elements of Induction Heating: Design, Control, and Applications
*J. Stott, Metallurgia and Metal Forming, Vol 44, No. 5, May, 1977, p 212.
Economics 321
Energy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $8.34 $12.70
Production labor . . . . . . . . . . 0.93 1.25
Maintenance labor . . . . . . . . 0.33 0.44
Scale loss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.75 2.33
Scrap loss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.75 2.33
TOTAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $13.10 $19.05
Natural Gas
Energy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5.93 $9.20
Production labor . . . . . . . . . . 1.87 2.49
Maintenance labor . . . . . . . . 0.67 0.89
Scale loss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.00 9.34
Scrap loss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.00 9.34
TOTAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $22.47 $31.26
(a) Cost per ton of product in 1977 dollars. (b) Cost per ton
of product in 1980 dollars.
n u m billets prior to extrusion using induction and gas furnaces were esti-
mated. The analysis showed the cost of the former method to be about twice
that for the latter when the cost elements o f fuel, thermal efficiency, and cap-
ital equipment were included. Because a l u m i n u m does not scale, this cost
driver was not included for a l u m i n u m extrusion. Despite the apparent cost
penalty for induction, however, it was estimated that the excess cost of induc-
tion heating could be recovered if a production time savings of only 5 min per
shift could be realized. In fact, a time savings o f 30 min per shift was real-
ized by using induction. In addition, the analysis demonstrated that the dif-
ference in equipment cost between the induction unit and the gas furnaces
could be offset by the substantially smaller floor space required by the induc-
tion equipment.
*S. L. Semiatin and D. E. Stutz, Induction Heat Treatment o f Steel, American Society for
Metals, Metals Park, OH, 1986.
322 Elements of Induction Heating: Design, Control, and Applications
*F. H. Reinke, "The Different Applications of Induction Heat Treatment with Particular
Respect to Energy Demand," Proc. World Electrotechnical Conference, Moscow, June 21-25,
tR. Creal, Heat Treating, Vol 14, No. 9, September, 1982, p 21.
Economics 323
Tube Welding
The use of high-frequency induction and resistance heating for tube welding
also appears very attractive from a cost viewpoint. Not only is the cost per
unit of product considerably less with these techniques than with submerged-
arc welding (SAW) and fluxed-cored arc welding (FCAW), but production
rates are more than an order of magnitude greater (Table 12.3), thus giving
rise to substantially lower labor costs.*
*H. N. Udall, "Energy Saving Through High Frequency Electric Resistance Welding,"
unpublished paper, Thermatool Corp., Stamford, CT, 1984.