RPP Sem 1 20162017
RPP Sem 1 20162017
RPP Sem 1 20162017
Nama Pensyarah (Lecturers name) : Dr Alvin John Lim Meng Siang (S1,S2,S3),
Prof. Dr. Devapriya Chitral Wijeyesekera (S3,S4,S5)
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Adnan bin Zainorabidin (S7)
Nama (Name) : Dr. Alvin John Lim Meng Siang Nama (Name) : Dr Aziman Madun
To provide sufficient knowledge and understanding of the subject so that the students are capable of analyzing
the strength and compressibility of various soils, as well designing suitable foundations and retaining structures.
Foundation is an important element of sub-structure that transfers loads from superstructure to the ground or
subsoil. A proper design of foundations will ensure the stability of the superstructure such as buildings and
geotechnical structures such as retaining walls and excavations. This course introduces students to the
procedures and methods of data collection for foundation design purposes, types and design of foundations as
well as improvement methods to the weak soils. Scopes of study includes theory of bearing capacity and design
of shallow and deep foundation, types and design of retaining structures, soil investigation procedures and soil
1. Design shallow and deep foundations as well as various types of retaining structures [PLO10
2. Organize appropriate site investigation methods and instruments according to information
collected in the phases of feasibility study, reconnaissance and preliminary investigation of a
site [PLO2 P4].
3. Prepare the design of foundation buildings and selected geotechnical structures which also
involve ground improvement method [PLO5 A4].
Student needs to do individual assignment and also a group project (maximum of five students per group)
where the topics of the assignment and project will be given by the lecturer.
1. Kuiz (Quiz) : 5 %
2. Tugasan (Assignment) : 5 %
3. Ujian (Test) :
Test 1 : 10 %
Test 2 : 10 %
4. Projek (Project) : 20 %
5. Lain-lain (Others) : - %
6. Peperiksaan Akhir : 50 %
(Final Examination)
Jumlah (Total) : 100 %
1. Joseph E. Bowles; Foundation Analysis and Design; The McGraw Hill Co. ; 1996
2. Manfred R. Haunsmann ; Engineering Principles of Ground Modification; McGraw Hill; 1990
3. Shamser Prakash; Pile Foundations in Engineering Practice;Jon Wiley and Sons , Inc.;1990
4. Braja M Das; Principles of Foundation Engineering; Brooks/Cole Publishing Co.;2007
5. A. Brinton Carson, P.E.; Foundation Construction; McGraw Hill Book Co.; 1990.
(2) Pelajar yang tidak memenuhi perkara (1) di atas tidak dibenarkan menghadiri kuliah dan menduduki
sebarang bentuk penilaian selanjutnya. Markah sifar (0) akan diberikan kepada pelajar yang gagal
memenuhi perkara (1). Manakala untuk mata pelajaran Hadir Wajib (HW), pelajar yang gagal memenuhi
perkara (1) akan diberi Hadir Gagal (HG).
Students who do not fulfill (1) will not be allowed to attend further lectures and sit for any further
examination. Zero mark (0) will be given to students who fail to comply with (1). While for Compulsory
Attendance Subjects (Hadir Wajib HW), those who fail to comply with (1) will be given Failure
Attendance (Hadir Gagal HG).
(3) Pelajar perlu mengikut dan patuh kepada peraturan berpakaian yang berkuatkuasa dan menjaga disiplin
diri masing-masing untuk mengelakkan dari tindakan tatatertib diambil terhadap pelajar.
Students must obey all rules and regulations of the university and must discipline themselves in order
to avoid any disciplinary actions against them.
(4) Pelajar perlu mematuhi peraturan keselamatan semasa pengajaran dan pembelajaran.
Student must obey safety regulations during learning and teaching process
Dilampirkan (Attached)
Bil. Hasil Pembelajaran Kursus Kaedah Penyampaian Pentaksiran
(No.) (Course Learning Outcomes) (Method of Delivery) (Method of
Design shallow and deep foundations Lectures and Turorials Quizzes,
as well as various types of retaining Assignments,
structures C5 Project and
Organize appropriate site Lectures, Tutorials and Project
investigation methods and Problem-Based learning
instruments according to information
collected in the phases of feasibility
study , reconnaissance and
preliminary investigation of a site
Proposed the design of foundation Problem-Based Learning Project
and selected geotechnical structures
which also involve ground
improvement method
Jumlah (Total) 1 1 1