Cracking The GMAT
Cracking The GMAT
Cracking The GMAT
Melody Mareus, Editorial Direetor
Briana Gordon, Senior Editor
Rebeeea Lessem, Editor
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reeognizes The it Reviewas avaluabIe reS9uree
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and graduate sehool.
Katie O'Neill, Direetor, Produetion Editorial
The Prineeton Review, '. . Tighe Wall, Produetion Editor
2315 Broadway
New York, NY 10024 Print Production
E-mail: editorialsupport@review.eom Suzanne Barker, Direetor, Print Produetion
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Copyright 2007 The Prineeton Review, Ine. Ryan i, Produetion Staft
Effie Hadjiioannou, Produetion Staff
AII rights reserved. PubIished ' the United States
Random House, Ine., New York, and simultaneously Research & Development
' Canada Random House of Canada Limited, Kris Gamaehe, AVP, Retail Produets
Toronto. Trieia MeCloskey, Exeeutive Direetor, Graduate Programs
Christine Parker, Exeeutive Direetor, HS Programs
ISBN 978-0-375-76611-4 Joy Grieeo, Exeeutive Direetor, Sehool-Based Produets
ISSN 1936-4040 Vanessa Coggshall, Senior Direetor
Judene Wright, Senior Direetor, Programs
GMAT is registered trademark of the Graduate
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endorse this book. ! Hoyt, VP of Sales and Marketing
Liz Wands, Exeeutive Direetor, Field Sales
Editors: Melody Mareus, WendyVoelkle Jeftrey Meanza, Direetor of Graduate Programs, Field Sales
Produetion Editor: Katie O'Neill Christy Jehn, Direetor of Seeondary Sehool Programs, Field Sales
Produetion Coordinator: Kim Howie Erin Elizabeth Stoekdill, Manager of High Sehool Programs, Field Sales
Illustrations : The Produetion Department of The Heetor, Creative Direetor
Prineeton Review Irina , Senior Graphie Designer
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Random House PubIishing m
987 6 5 4 3 2 1 Russell, PubIisher
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2008 Edition Ellen L. Reed, Produetion Manager
Alison Skrabek, Assoeiate Managing Editor
Ou GMAT couse is much than clever techniques and powerful computer
score reports; the reason ou results great is that ou teachers so much
about their students. Thanks to all the teachers who have made the GMAT couse
so successful. but in particular the group of teachers and development people
who helped get it off the ground: Alicia Ernst. Meltzer. Paul Foglino. John Shee-
han. Mark Sawula. Nell Goddin. Teresa Connelly. and Phillip .
Thanks also to Editorial Director Melody Marcus. Editors Briana Gordon and
Wendy Voelkle. Production Editors Katie Q'Neill and . Tighe Wall. and Production
Coordinator Kim Howie.
Special thanks to Adam Robinson. who conceived of and perfected the Joe Bloggs
approach to standarized tests and of the other successful techniques used
The Princeton Review.
Foreword '" VII
Part 1: Orientation........ 1
Introduction........................................... 3
2 How to Think About the GMA 11
3 Cracking the System: Basic Principles 15
4 Cracking the System: Intermediate Principles 23
5 Cracking the System: Advanced Principles 31
6 Taking the GMAT 41
Primarily " glad because you've heard good things about The Princeton
Review. Ou tutors and teachers carefully chosen and supported, and ou tutor-
ing and classroom couses continue to produce unmatched gains in GMAT scores.
And we attract people like Geoff Martz, who is of the most insightful and artic-
ulate instructors I've met, to make sure this book reflects everything we've learned
about the t8St and the best ways to for it.
" also glad because it means you're going to raise you GMAT score, and you're
going to do it without memorizing dozens of math theorems the complete rules
of English grammar. The information needed to do well this test is surprisingly
limited, and we'lI concentrate small number of crucial concepts.
Students who feel that their standardized test scores do not reflect their college
grades business acumen SlJSpect that there's to mastering of
these tests than just honing rusty math and verbal skills. At their root, these tests
trying to measue you 10. They do so with of tricks, of which lead you
to wrong answers (called, fittingly, distracters). Some of ou techniques address those
tricks; I think you'll find them fun and useful every standardized test you take.
Despite Geoff's great skill, this book can't mold itself around your strengths
and weaknesses as effectively as our instructors online programs. For this
reason, we've created supplementary online tools that you access at, you've registered the serial number at the back of
you book. Using the online exams, we help you spend you time wisely to
achieve the best results possible.
John Katzman
Founder and
Foreword I vi i
N ow Playing: The Princeton Review
I dit! f ll di, ig!-tid ' istllts-jt tlle
About the Author
Geoff Mart'Z. attended Dartmouth College and Columbia University before
joining 1he ri Review in 1985 as teacher and writ:er. Geoff headed
the development t:eam that designed 1he ri Review's GMAT course,
now taught in more than50 cities around the country. is t:he author or
coauthor of Cracking the , Paying for College Without Going Broke, and
Cracking the GED.