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Rogers Fire Department 2016 - SOP 616 - Water and Ice Rescue 201611101303523940

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Rogers Fire Department Standard Operating Procedures

Policy Title: Water and Ice Rescue

Policy Number: 616 Volume: Special Operations
Approved By: Tom Jenkins Last Updated: January 2016
CFAI Reference: 5E.4 CAAS Reference: 202.02.01
Revision Summary: Created April 2011
Formatted May 2012
Revised July 2013 (Rescue 5 Staffing)
Revised February 2015 (Rescue Boat 5)
Revised January 2016 (Apparatus Naming and CAAS)


The purpose of this policy is to give general guidelines to be used by rescue

personnel conducting a water rescue. Rescue personnel must use judgment,
experience, and training to adapt to the specific situation.


According to federal regulations and standards, the Rogers Fire Department

Special Operations Team (SOT) shall act and perform as the citys swift water
rescue response unit and provide:
Technical expertise
Appropriate equipment
Response for the protection of life, property, and the environment

In addition, all personnel assigned to the Field Operations Division will be trained
and prepared to support this effort.

Water Rescue Assignment

The City Wide Tour Commander (CWTC) shall evaluate incidents dispatched
that may have the potential of being a swift water rescue incident. Besides the
CWTC, any company officer may call for a water rescue response in the event
they find themselves in a situation requiring additional resources and expertise.
The 1st alarm assignment for a water or ice rescue inside the city includes the
2 Closest Fire Companies
Closest Medic Unit
Ladder 1
Ladder 5 with Rescue Boat 5
Rescue 2
Battalion 1

The standing orders for these first alarm companies are as follows:
1st-In Engine Company: Establish Investigation Group. Perform scene
assessment, immediate control actions, and locate witnesses and
maintenance personnel. Upon arrival of the SOT, establish Upstream
2nd-In Engine Company: Report to Rescue Group. Be prepared to perform
support/supply functions.
Medic Unit: Establish Medical Group
Ladder 1: Establish Downstream Division. Responsible for downstream
Rescue 2, Ladder 5, Rescue Boat 5: Establish Rescue Group. Crew
should be prepared to perform victim rescue/recovery functions.
Battalion 1: Incident Command

It is the responsibility of Ladder 5 to respond with Rescue Boat 5. If Ladder 5 is

unavailable, the CWTC shall ensure that another company responds to Station 5
to respond with the boat. The Rescue Boat 5 unit is made up of the rescue
boat itself, trailer, and pull vehicle. The department maintains this is a ready and
intact resource at all times. Rescue Boat 5 should be driven by the Ladder 5
firefighter. The unit shall respond in tandem with Ladder 5 in an emergency

All technical rescue incidents shall have a structured intervention system. This
system, under NIMS, shall be group based and have the responsibilities listed in
this document. In large multi-strategy incidents, a rescue branch may be
enacted. Most incidents will involve an ICS setup similar to the chart below.

Safety Officer
(As Assigned)

Investigation Rescue Group Downstream Medical Group

Group Rescue 2 Division 1st-In Medic
1st-In Engine Ladder 1

2nd-In Engine Ladder 5 with

Boat 5


1. All personnel participating in a water rescue operation shall wear at a

minimum a personal flotation device within 25 feet of water, work gloves, and a
helmet - no structural firefighting gear,including fire helmet at any time.

2. Immediate assessment and resource allocation is critical to a successful


3. In swift water operations, no rescuer shall be attached to a fixed line.

4. Crews must maintain strict continuity and PAR during water rescues.

Tactical Considerations

Phase I: Scene Arrival and Assessment

Upon arrival at a water rescue operation and prior to the arrival of SOT
response teams, first response personnel should undertake an initial
assessment and initial strategy. These potential scenarios exist:
The victim is not in immediate danger of drowning, but special
skills will be required to remove the victim/s from the water.
The victim is struggling to keep from going under water or has
already submerged, but there is still a rescue/resuscitation
The victim reportedly has been carried downstream and
intensive search efforts are required to locate victim/s for
The operation is a body recovery. If a body recovery is
confirmed, slowing all incoming units to a non-emergency
response is suggested.

A. Secure responsible party or witness

Command should locate witnesses as soon as possible after
arriving on scene. This will help in identifying and locating victim/s,
determining causes and problems, and establishing
search/rescue/recovery operational action plans.
B. Assess the need for additional resources
Command should immediately begin assessing the need for
additional resources.
C. Assess the hazards
A thorough assessment of all scene hazards must be completed as
soon as possible. All personnel should be briefed on the hazards
that are present. Hazards associated with water rescue operations
include: volume, velocity, and temperature of water, floating debris,
unusual drop-offs, hydraulic effects, and depth of water.
D. Decide on "Rescue" or "Recovery"
Based on the conditions present and the hazards to rescuers,
Command will have to make the decision to operate in the rescue
or recovery mode. If Command determines that the operation will
be run in the rescue mode, rescue should begin as soon as
resources are available.
E. Decide on an action plan
Command should establish an action plan as soon as possible. The
step-by-step plan should be communicated to all personnel
involved in the rescue.
Phase II: Pre-Rescue Operations
A. Group/Division Responsibilities for Water Rescue
The Upstream Division (Preferably the 1st-In Engine after
completing investigation) shall be responsible for spotting floating
debris that is approaching the rescue group and notifying
The Downstream Division (Preferably Ladder 1) shall deploy with
throw bags for use in the event that victims are washed
downstream from the rescue area.
The Rescue Group (Preferably Ladder 5, Boat 5, and Rescue 5
crew) shall be responsible for performing the rescue/recovery
B. Make the general area safe
Secure a perimeter around the hazard area and prohibit non-
emergency personnel from approaching in or around the water.
Consideration should be given to the use of a helicopter for the task
of aerial recon for victim search and hazard spotting.
C. Make the rescue area safe.
Personnel working in the rescue area (waters edge) shall have
personal protective equipment (PPE), including personal flotation
device (PFD), gloves, and a water rescue helmet, or appropriate
SCUBA gear during dive rescue/recovery operations.
D. Pre-Rescue/Recovery.
The Rescue Group Supervisor shall be responsible for consulting
with the Incident Commander to formulate a rescue plan and shall
see that necessary equipment is gathered to operate according to
the action plan. The Rescue Group Supervisor shall assign
personnel to conduct the rescue, and support personnel to support
the rescuers, during the actual rescue phase.

Phase III: Rescue Operations

All personnel shall be briefed on the rescue plan prior to its
implementation. Rescue operations should be conducted from low-risk to
high-risk. Rescues should be conducted with the least amount of risk to
the rescuers necessary to rescue the victim. The order of water rescue
from low risk to high risk will be:
1. Talk - If possible, talk the victim into swimming to shore or assisting the
rescuers with his/her own rescue. If a victim is stranded in the middle of a
flash flood, this will not be prudent.
2. Reach - If possible, the rescuer should extend his/her hand or some
other object, such as a pike pole, to remove the victim from the water.
3. Throw - If the victim is too far out in the water to reach, rescuer(s)
should attempt to throw the victim a throw bag or some piece of positive
flotation (i.e., PFD, rescue ring). Downstream personnel should be in
position during the actual rescue operation. If the victim is able to grab the
throw bag, the rescuer can pendulum belay or haul the victim to the
nearest bank. Care should be taken to assure the victim will be belayed to
a safe downstream position.
Note: Personnel that have had operational level water rescue training
should be able to conduct the above rescues without the help of the
Special Operations Team (S.O.T). If the victim cannot be reached by
either of these methods, Command should consider stopping the
operation until units of the S.O.T. arrive.
4. Row - If it is determined that a boat based operation shall be used to
affect rescue, Command has the option of using the larger rescue boat
(Boat 5), or using the smaller OceanID inflatable boat. If using the smaller
non-powered boat, the IC should assign a company on the opposite bank
to assist the Rescue Group in establishing an anchor for a rope system.
The company on the opposite bank will be made aware of the action plan.
The Rescue Group Supervisor will be responsible for seeing that the rope
system used for the boat based operation is built safely and correctly. A
minimum of a 2-point tether should be built for swift-water operations. The
Rescue Group should consider personal protective equipment (PPE) for
5. Go - If it is not possible to row (boat base operation) to the victim, it may
become necessary to deploy a rescuer into the water to reach the victim.
This is a very high risk operation. Only rescuers with the proper training
and equipment should be allowed to enter the water. Prior to the rescuer
actually proceeding into the water, he/she shall discuss the action plan,
including specific tasks and objectives, hazards and alternate plans. The
rescuer shall never be attached to a life line without the benefit of a quick-
release mechanism. The rescuer should take PPE of at least a PFD to the
victim. Members shall not do a breath-hold surface dive in an attempt to
locate a victim beneath the surface of the water.
6. Helo - At times the use of a helicopter is the most reasonable method of
reaching the victim. Helicopter operations over water are considered high
risk operations. Command should consult with the Rescue Group
Supervisor and the pilot to determine the risk/benefit of the use of a
helicopter. The Incident Commander will have the final say on the use of
a helicopter for water rescue operations. The pilot will have the final say
on how the helicopter will be used.

Vehicle in the Water

Many problems associated with a vehicle in the water can be avoided if

rescuers first carefully evaluate the situation and develop a definitive plan
before attempting any rescue. Considerations include:
1. Risk/benefit
2. Rescue versus body recovery
3. Question witnesses
4. Where and in what condition are the victims?
5. Is the vehicle partially submerged?
6. Is the vehicle fully submerged? (The chance of an air pocket existing
is very slim.)
7. What is the likely condition of the vehicle based on mechanism of
8. What are the water conditions? (swift, cold, warm)

Assessing the Victim

Once the rescuer(s) have reached the victim, they should do an
immediate assessment of the victim; a quick assessment of the ABC's and
the exact method of entrapment. If the victim is conscious, the rescuer
should determine if the victim can assist in his/her own rescue. If the
victim is unconscious, a rapid removal is warranted. The victim should be
brought to shore as soon as possible.

Phase IV: Termination

Command should begin termination as soon as possible after the victim
has been removed from the water. This shall include securing all the
equipment used for the rescue and personnel accountability. Members
should not become part of a towing operation to remove vehicles from the
water. One company should stand by for rescue if a tow truck driver insists
on retrieving the vehicle.

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