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Anonymous 10/24/2016 (Mon) 12:12:23 Id: 032269 [Preview] No. 20368 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
Endchan drawing functionality tested.
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Anonymous 10/24/2016 (Mon) 12:13:38 Id: e50ee9 [Preview] No. 20369 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
Find that deleted post with the key!!!
Anonymous 10/24/2016 (Mon) 12:16:36 Id: f39cea [Preview] No. 20370 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
(79.96 KB 598x734 cba1e021384bf390ddf61c8089acdb69da652bbe2bfcd2693319ed5e50d343a9.png)
I have this pic saved? is this what we were looking at?
Anonymous 10/24/2016 (Mon) 12:18:18 Id: f39cea [Preview] No. 20371 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
What post are we looking for?
Anonymous 10/24/2016 (Mon) 12:20:49 Id: 29b610 [Preview] No. 20372 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
I don't have the insurance files, so cannot test. Can anyone verify?
Anonymous 10/24/2016 (Mon) 12:26:40 Id: 29b610 [Preview] No. 20374 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>20375 >>20378
While I'm here, would like to mention The List.
h ttps://ww w.reddit.com/r/OPTheList/
My theory: The leaks are out there and select people are compiling for a media release.
Anonymous 10/24/2016 (Mon) 12:27:57 Id: f39cea [Preview] No. 20375 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>20376
Fuck this list, its just fucken stupid and will do more harm then good.. save it for the day of the rope.
If you want to do anything you are better off scaring mothers with pictures of the massive amount of immigrants in calais.
Anonymous 10/24/2016 (Mon) 12:29:21 Id: 29b610 [Preview] No. 20376 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>20377 >>20382
(52.23 KB 955x375 opthelist.jpg)
NSA, did you follow us here?
Pls go.
Anonymous 10/24/2016 (Mon) 12:31:39 Id: f39cea [Preview] No. 20377 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
where is the keys that got posts deleted?
Anonymous 10/24/2016 (Mon) 12:33:17 Id: e6177b [Preview] No. 20378 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>20379
Perhaps I'm misreading you. Why do you think this is relevant to WL insurance?
"The List" is a PsyOp from full chan to fuck with (((journos)))). The PGP stuff on the sub is just to scare the normies... isn't it?
Anonymous 10/24/2016 (Mon) 12:35:48 Id: 29b610 [Preview] No. 20379 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>20380
Nope, don't think so.
On FullChan, The List is probably a psy-op to DISCREDIT the real List operation by associating it with Pepe/Alt-Right.
Anonymous 10/24/2016 (Mon) 12:37:31 Id: 29b610 [Preview] No. 20380 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>20381 >>20384
Sorry, just in case I was unclear...
The List is THE LIST of people implicated in WL Insurance.
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Anonymous 10/24/2016 (Mon) 12:55:12 Id: e6177b [Preview] No. 20381 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>20382 >>20383
I am 90% certain someone was claiming to own the reddit ListCompiler account on the original thread. That entire sub is literally the same trolling they were
doing on twitter?
If keys, imgs and posts were being deleted in both insurance/key threads on fullchan, why would they allow all the (faux?)crypto stuff to remain on that
subreddit? If it was valuable it would have been disappeared?
Anonymous 10/24/2016 (Mon) 12:59:23 Id: f39cea [Preview] No. 20382 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>20384
The List is stupid LARPing, they posting keys and shit there to scare the journos that dig to find out who they are.
The crypto stuff on the key thread was actually important stuff and unrelated. that whole thread is gone now.
Anonymous 10/24/2016 (Mon) 13:00:14 Id: 032269 [Preview] No. 20383 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
Perhaps your correct if that's the case.
Here's a couple of pictures out of those threads, just to make sure they're in both places.
Anonymous 10/24/2016 (Mon) 13:26:30 Id: f309d9 [Preview] No. 20389 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>20390 >>20392 >>20409
I don't know what exactly we are missing / what got deleted, but I saved some pics from the fullchan threads you mentioned. looks like it's useless stuff but
should I post them here anyway? Pretty sure it's nothing tho
Anonymous 10/24/2016 (Mon) 13:28:47 Id: 3bdc26 [Preview] No. 20390 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
Might as well
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Anonymous 10/24/2016 (Mon) 13:29:16 Id: f309d9 [Preview] No. 20391 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>20393 >>20400 >>20411
(79.96 KB 598x734 cba1e021384bf390ddf61c8089acdb69da652bbe2bfcd2693319ed5e50d343a9.png)
just for documentation purposes.
h ttps://archive.fo/SfyVA
h ttps://archive.fo/CjDwm#selection-1437.0-1453.37
Anonymous 10/24/2016 (Mon) 13:29:31 Id: e6177b [Preview] No. 20392 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
Yeah, go ahead please.
Anonymous 10/24/2016 (Mon) 13:31:00 Id: f309d9 [Preview] No. 20393 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
the other pics I have are already here, so I think this is everything we got
Anonymous 10/24/2016 (Mon) 13:45:39 Id: f39cea [Preview] No. 20394 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>20410
I think a lot of newfags here and no one that was actually testing keys in otherchan.
prove me wrong, who here actually knows what was posted in the other thread? I think everyone here is lurkers who have no idea what happened
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Anonymous 10/24/2016 (Mon) 14:17:38 [Preview] No. 20395 [X] del >>21450
During the DDoS attack a few hashes and keys were posted on several sites for a few minutes and then deleted without a trace.
Additionally, the Wikileaks site showed "The Insurance files may have just been released" for a few minutes as well. (see h ttps://i.imgur.com/6IMYfUK.png)
I have begun trying some of the candidate keys. I could use some help. I think the least we can do is try them and keep track of the results and what has been
h ttps://file.wikileaks.org/torrent/2016-06-03_insurance.aes256.torrent
h ttps://file.wikileaks.org/torrent/wikileaks-insurance-20120222.tar.bz2.aes.torrent
h ttps://file.wikileaks.org/torrent/wlinsurance-20130815-A.aes256.torrent
h ttps://file.wikileaks.org/torrent/wlinsurance-20130815-B.aes256.torrent
h ttps://file.wikileaks.org/torrent/wlinsurance-20130815-C.aes256.torrent
Original pastebin:
h ttps://pastebin.com/evFHJ61L
Follow up:
h ttps://i.sli.mg/lck00e.jpg
New potential key: h ttps://pastebin.com/Aa5YxXsR
h ttps://ww w.google.com/#q=i1KQxBG6&filter=0
Strange thread:
h ttps://archive.is/AfyZh#selection-2615.65-2615.94
h ttps://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/94035612
OCR for Tweets (h ttps://imgur.com/pve7F5I and h ttps://i.sli.mg/VAeKEp.png):
h ttps://pastebin.com/V1Y9jTrd
"f22d 7304 8224 8ad6 48ab b7eb ceda f42d da46 2913 216c 9a0d fde0 5ea5 34a9 c372 07d6 db54 f3c2 7d4a"
Tweets (h ttps://pastebin.com/V1Y9jTrd)
Keys tried on wlinsurance-20130815-C.aes256:
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Anonymous 10/24/2016 (Mon) 14:23:28 [Preview] No. 20396 [X] del >>21450
Ongoing 8chan thread:
h ttps://8ch.net/pol/res/7946506.html
Posts on reddit:
h ttps://ww w.reddit.com/r/WikiLeaks/comments/58ohn7/possible_insurance_wikileaks_key_dump_please_look/
h ttps://ww w.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/58owaq/i_think_something_serious_is_happening_with/
h ttps://np.reddit.com/r/DNCleaks/comments/58ov84/possible_insurance_key_dump_please_help_the_donald/
Thread that was not deleted:
h ttps://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/94035612
Anonymous 10/24/2016 (Mon) 14:59:42 [Preview] No. 20398 [X] del
This key has been posted a few times as well:
+hTPwbyt 4eqfZ7H0 biD9vzQ6 xDFTNina Hs4Y/P6e AHfMIwr2 /JFUer5w m0XpoiiW /m7Dha+o FTaBDm9L LIqiOoDt pYBlPeoF l3AwP7V2 R/kE5d95 BR0llxpl
tR7j7bsZ Aa+OWvHs 9LdlvYWe Jm2fc2eO fmw+P2T9 Jj2vkIhT x982mqrY 28/9W2br iNjPIem0 m+LfsRZH NbJP5pQr rPPvZIv9 6obs30ux Wk0Sn96e eLM+dUxw
nY6/uyU9 8ncFGVqi kGjaKC4p V4PnA1dp cVDlRP4l FleH5mo6 zLKrFxuX +NQxy42i btdzUW6P VwRxLH9b eQPdxSov JfgM+CRd ap+mn1Pz NhOdJ0X5
VSpzcGC6 6PBWymk5 7bEVFnEj TcGw9iR0 fXE4fRgh 20evtFHG YAy23PEP GMBJ3n2t kQ3Fi1iQ 4fh3KRPt VKN1MyJG f+tWFss4 qz0RukGx IS896yLM ls280QTE
aExE3LDg PyQRpeGC TaWB/Zp7 Dtdqwlh4 jaMGjUJs wl6U1+YP ZXKK7D4o ThedZRjS H8Eacetg q+nLMto4 E5zeRRsW 88k7+17W 3LeZMh0P mniNrdrB
WA95Sdjr O4IWA46S tCIlix7N GU7VgZpK Ptf1wHUt R4eOy5WV i1KQxBG6 9Ixor7qV XgKxrM3j CmWNBBeD HmDqEWcA ViYEUmNj ygnCOiEA EoqRqslD
aqc79b6z jAfT+qFd ErfPBh4s PpsQSP5T NeRWxu8g WMh2Mfee z8bL+K4K MX61QtE4 Hax31kAA Bzi1D1O1 DmKVD7l1 xFnT/aYh V7wJCLuS Rv4A9LNX
mVkPvH6B hBGZhgcm NU4q49bA I5LpNxB/ Xhd1+e6o ic60LqwL lyrt0C2A qkhDgO+B EPdAl//r XLE7ox1O gnYqHK7g 07wByYBm 900bThH3 8SNxbaCz
abNqdAqw RiZYQkj9 8M0eUfbB qVuKFE0D XWVlDWyc APl1KsJS YbFp5ln6 mxrgN1Ja 0Vo3nmn0 qC2y1WbI hoFslL39 vHWZq6n3 9CgswX4W VrtAwPYv
GJ9S5NxU V8Ptp75w pMsa5/mc kDhaf+Kf nOwtUm5s 1VHjH0vj UMjhGjkq nwvH4FpQ zF3TSqi8 luOd9riQ D/b4iCIP HBVTwDiw 5SQ34YAW zAAduu9/ zhmDUT/V
kZHYW3tp HeDUejp7 3XJntbY0 spPle1pk 0LJh0U+Q h2P0Tab5 fUVEI5AR OcQF8WNp ML/5tcEm Y6HR7n1T AhgAa7fW LSlkwz0a g+RheDb1 w7T2CcID
1IJyJv2P s3GQtYU7 OH6wft0U EM3Cj6ka Ph0gkJz8 faNFm5Vl Da8vJAKw CnjUGca7 rER1Lr6Y JTHqwQVT BKFYmUvk 7y60zMoz 8V/CbXVL jjxkabk+ xEj0HHdR
XBrLxZrW b6yh+Unp dd5fla+l 3nZ8612J z4p8yjVs VlUDJt7Z kiTbP0VA 4AuPfDlO 7l3ky4cS 2IYy+esV hMczakbh af8PKWo+ ujPXWJ5V sgNWyDfJ lo6YrvLs
m6d/ZUY5 52+z3sGt DeFBY3/B 7+oOrzGw Cv3wz/oo TBC2thOL HZs6grZd pmc7BWmD StUT/d+c LHZtSx4x 6g40dQoc ciJl5X6q cdqw9d/b NIxIaFnn beCn8cwC
1lNDLfW0 U2hvWdjM N2FmFu8M LkEA+uqJ AQukecCo HjB4Ugo7 vndya25j bTJVC218 +6TPQ9Kl wqTwyUty mte7lKot H24RC2jP JriqbMvd E9i5x5ak JKZQtMVr
O83gN5gK 7guJBk3m salVlSO4 qWwQ9uci
Anonymous 10/24/2016 (Mon) 15:03:52 Id: 3bdc26 [Preview] No. 20399 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
Found this twitter in one of the 8/pol/ threads.
h ttps://twitter.com/9CB9D65F54ED858
Anonymous 10/24/2016 (Mon) 15:10:41 [Preview] No. 20400 [X] del
In hex:
In hex:
In hex:
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Anonymous 10/24/2016 (Mon) 15:58:20 [Preview] No. 20402 [X] del >>20404
Hash: SHA512
Version: Keybase OpenPGP v2.0.58
Comment: h ttps://keybase.io/crypto
Anonymous 10/24/2016 (Mon) 16:13:13 [Preview] No. 20404 [X] del
Why is jewinvader's public key important?
Anonymous 10/24/2016 (Mon) 16:27:14 [Preview] No. 20406 [X] del
The third image seems to be legit. See: h ttps://ww w.google.com/#q=bd0f03fff493e329989f4ce661798a29ca2e85f1613072d12539cd5b4264da1f
OTRTOKEN: bd0f03fff493e329989f4ce661798a29ca2e85f1613072d12539cd5b4264da1f
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Anonymous 10/24/2016 (Mon) 19:31:27 Id: e73b0c [Preview] No. 20420 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>20421 >>20423
(1.23 MB 1004x8627 screenshot-twitter.com 2016-10-24 12-27-39.png)
This was mentioned on 8ch and plebbit a couple days ago, dunno if it's important but it might be. It would be somewhat safe to release keys or other
important info on an obscure twitter account.
h ttps://twitter.com/9CB9D65F54ED858/with_replies
Anonymous 10/24/2016 (Mon) 19:54:27 Id: fd7166 [Preview] No. 20421 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>20423
(135.27 KB 1054x974 brdsrntbl.png)
Here's a guy who interacts with this account.
What am I looking at? A "bitcoin bot" maybe? I'm sorry, i'm
not a techie.
Anonymous 10/24/2016 (Mon) 20:25:12 Id: cc3b15 [Preview] No. 20423 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
I did some searching, doing an accidental search I found this:
h ttps://ww w.reddit.com/r/Hypothesizing_A858/
>/u/fragglet and I have had contact with the person behind A858. Some of you may already know about this and I apologize for how long it has taken us to
release this info. It has been a big point of discussion among the mods over the past week or so and we have finally decided to handle it. We won't be releasing
any information about the people behind A858 other than it was a project funded by an unknown (to us) company for an unknown (to our contact) purpose.
>The person we spoke with said that he was paid to post code puzzles using encryption or various methods of text manipulation. He said that creating puzzles
is a difficult thing to do because you never really know how hard it is to solve for others until you put it out there. Along with the puzzles, he said the majority of
posts contained random data that was encrypted. Even if we used the right key to decrypt them we wouldn't have noticed.
The company would occasionally request posts be made to draw interest to the project. This would include the Stonehenge, April Fool's post, and various
others found on the wiki. He says that all of the TeamW posts were made for the same purpose even though it didn't seem to bring more interest.
>He didn't answer many questions about specific posts but he did discuss the dogecoin addresses. He says that people were meant to donate to it and any
users who solved puzzles would receive the dogecoin for it. Of course this didn't work out, nobody wanted to give money to an unknown person.
>He has said that the company paying him no longer wanted to fund the project and shut it down. It sounds like there will not be a reboot and the project is
completely finished even though it remains mostly unsolved.
>This brings me to the final point where we discuss what we will be doing with this subreddit. For now the subreddit will remain open. There is a good amount
of discussion and information here so we don't want to remove any of that.
>It has been a good run, but everything has to end sometime. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. The other mods and I will answer what we can.
>Thank you all and thank you A858 for an enjoyable few years.
I feel this is a dead end with regards to the DMS. But the company might be related to the subject of this thread. For what purpose? Maybe to test security of their
DMS keyparts or whatnot...
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Anonymous 10/24/2016 (Mon) 21:09:37 [Preview] No. 20425 [X] del >>21450
There is a key that has been posted numerous times on 8chan, 4chan, reddit and here that gets deleted immediately. Was someone able to take a screenshot?
My account is:
Please add me if you have any information.
Anonymous 10/24/2016 (Mon) 22:17:02 [Preview] No. 20434 [X] del
I'm trying to add you.
Anonymous 10/24/2016 (Mon) 22:29:23 [Preview] No. 20436 [X] del >>20437 >>20440
Can someone post this on 4chan? We need as many people trying these as possible and no one seems to give a flying fuck.
Anonymous 10/24/2016 (Mon) 22:32:10 Id: fd7166 [Preview] No. 20437 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>20438
for fuck's sake, no. Whatever is killing the posts in 4 and 8 could come here with the masses.
Anonymous 10/24/2016 (Mon) 22:36:04 [Preview] No. 20438 [X] del >>20441
Well then let's get organized in some way. I've been trying keys for two days alone and only have space for insurance file A.
Anonymous 10/24/2016 (Mon) 22:54:02 Id: c8b895 [Preview] No. 20440 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>20443
I don't possess the files, unfortunately, so cannot test.
Recommend everyone download Tox and communicate there. Everything else is being censored/deleted.
Anonymous 10/24/2016 (Mon) 22:56:58 Id: c8b895 [Preview] No. 20441 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>20444
If anyone gets hold of the key(s), my recommendation:
Send transactions on the Bitcoin blockchain and attach the key(s) as a message (using OP_RETURN).
If your transaction doesn't get through (in the case that they have the capability to censor the blockchain) post them in reverse and then link to transaction.
Anonymous 10/24/2016 (Mon) 22:57:32 [Preview] No. 20443 [X] del
You can still look into the posts that were deleted.
I wasn't able to get Tox to work without killing my connection.
Anonymous 10/24/2016 (Mon) 23:00:18 [Preview] No. 20444 [X] del >>20450
Is there anything else we can do beside archive.org and google cache to try to find the deleted posts?
Anonymous 10/24/2016 (Mon) 23:30:01 [Preview] No. 20446 [X] del
(13.50 KB 712x103 ins.png)
Why is no one
talking about pic
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Anonymous 10/24/2016 (Mon) 23:33:22 Id: e73b0c [Preview] No. 20448 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>20452 >>20453
Shit, I went way down in the catalog to check out the early JA threads for keys and this one h ttps://8ch.net/pol/res/7933031.html is still in the catalog but is
deleted somehow. Plugged the url into archive.is and there are NO RESULTS. I fucking personally archived all JA threads along with everyone else who did so.
Best to save this to your HD. Also why does archive.is redirect to archive.fo now?
Anonymous 10/24/2016 (Mon) 23:37:17 [Preview] No. 20450 [X] del
Maybe look in the logs because deleted posts are usually part of a ban.
Anonymous 10/24/2016 (Mon) 23:37:29 Id: e73b0c [Preview] No. 20451 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
(485.36 KB 892x2515 screenshot-8ch.pl 2016-10-24 16-36-24.png)
thread on other bunker, might be useful info
h ttps://8ch.pl/pol/res/24004.html
Anonymous 10/24/2016 (Mon) 23:37:54 Id: 08810d [Preview] No. 20452 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
Goddamn, imagine they got Julian, shutdown twitter and shit, and then deleted the evidence while everyone cried that not trusting WL twitter was CTR concern
Anonymous 10/24/2016 (Mon) 23:40:03 Id: bc3ccf [Preview] No. 20453 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>20454
h ttps://web.archive.org/web/20161022203236/h ttps://8ch.net/pol/res/7933031.html
Anonymous 10/24/2016 (Mon) 23:42:47 Id: 08810d [Preview] No. 20454 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>20456
What's in there that's worth deleting? That's strange
Anonymous 10/24/2016 (Mon) 23:46:25 Id: bc3ccf [Preview] No. 20456 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>20457
It's hard to tell, there's a couple of threads that had posts deleted. The key was allegedly posted on this thread for example: h ttps://8ch.net/pol/res/7962287.html
Anonymous 10/24/2016 (Mon) 23:54:54 Id: 08810d [Preview] No. 20457 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
Seems we're drowning in possible fakes. Potentially intentional disinfo campaign to make people miss the real keys.
Anonymous 10/25/2016 (Tue) 00:00:32 Id: bc3ccf [Preview] No. 20458 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
h ttps://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/93319969/
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Anonymous 10/25/2016 (Tue) 01:08:52 Id: 3c5558 [Preview] No. 20462 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>20464
Pretty sure those are CTR trips on cuckchan.
Anonymous 10/25/2016 (Tue) 01:29:17 Id: e73b0c [Preview] No. 20464 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>20465
(1.20 MB 892x4258 screenshot-8ch.pl 2016-10-24 18-24-21.png)
That's been posted everywhere and each time it's immediately written off as ID's for halfchan. Could be. But are we sure? Pic related is .pl thread where it
showed up. Same type of replies happened on 8ch when it appeared there. I just don't want anything discounted at this point. Thread:h
I'm currently checking all the long forgotten bunkers and /pol/ alternates for keys. Nothing yet aside from what I posted.
Assange wrote down on a scrap of paper: ACollectionOfHistorySince_1966_ToThe_PresentDay#. "That's the password," he said. "But you have to add one extra
word when you type it in. You have to put in the word 'Diplomatic' before the word 'History'. Can you remember that?"
I think we can all agree that that's a secure encryption key.
EDITED TO ADD (9/1): WikiLeaks says that the Guardian file and the insurance file are not encrypted with the same key. Which brings us back to the question:
how did the encrypted Guardian file get loose?
EDITED TO ADD (9/1): Spiegel has the detailed story.
h ttps://ww w.schneier.com/blog/archives/2011/09/unredacted_us_d.html
Anonymous 10/25/2016 (Tue) 02:10:38 Id: e73b0c [Preview] No. 20468 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>20470 >>20477
h ttps://slapphappe.wordpress.com/tag/acollectionofdiplomatichistorysince_1966_tothepresentday/
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Anonymous 10/25/2016 (Tue) 02:14:04 Id: e73b0c [Preview] No. 20470 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>20472
(519.81 KB 1338x3971 screenshot-slapphappe.wordpress.com 2016-10-24 19-11-24.png)
screenshot and the link they provided to the forum where decrypting it is discussed is 404: h
Anonymous 10/25/2016 (Tue) 02:18:42 Id: e73b0c [Preview] No. 20472 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>20486
(259.43 KB 1338x641 screenshot-web.archive.org 2016-10-24 19-16-36.png)
That link that's 404 led to GLP. Not the exact post which it
didn't archive but I guess I'll be looking there.
Anonymous 10/25/2016 (Tue) 02:25:37 [Preview] No. 20476 [X] del >>20478
h ttps://web.archive.org/web/20110924075020/h ttps://simontay78.com/personal-thoughts/how-to-open-wikileaks-insurance-aes256-file/
Anonymous 10/25/2016 (Tue) 02:26:14 Id: e73b0c [Preview] No. 20477 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
(914.87 KB 1338x2716 screenshot-web.archive.org 2016-10-24 19-24-34.png)
dead link from this blog was archived. might be old news but wtf here it is h ttps://web.archive.org/web/20101211084611/h
Anonymous 10/25/2016 (Tue) 02:27:34 [Preview] No. 20478 [X] del >>20481
>h ttp://
>It works!
Anonymous 10/25/2016 (Tue) 02:31:41 [Preview] No. 20481 [X] del
Already deleted.>>20478
Anonymous 10/25/2016 (Tue) 02:33:37 [Preview] No. 20482 [X] del
h ttps://warosu.org/g/thread/19750305
Anonymous 10/25/2016 (Tue) 03:02:27 Id: 8c5934 [Preview] No. 20486 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
That particular glp thread from 2010 was def deleted and not cached.The url is h ttp://ww w.godlikeproductions.com/forum1/message1148625/pg1 if anyone
knows an alt cache.
Has steg on the pic of JA's recently deceased friend been tried? Odd that it was posted w/out comment. I wish I could steg but I can't. If I could I'd try any pics
tweeted by JA around that time.
Anonymous 10/25/2016 (Tue) 03:05:42 [Preview] No. 20487 [X] del >>20488 >>20490
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Anonymous 10/25/2016 (Tue) 03:11:30 [Preview] No. 20488 [X] del
Nvm that has been mentioned already.
Anonymous 10/25/2016 (Tue) 03:35:24 [Preview] No. 20490 [X] del >>20492
I remember someone saying that Bradly manning had shit that went back to the 1700s and maybe the key (Going out on a limb here) would be:
Anonymous 10/25/2016 (Tue) 04:31:46 Id: 6d577c [Preview] No. 20492 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>20499
I'm searching the BTC blockchain for any keys of 64byte length.
However, there are several 64byte keys in the blockchain, sometimes occurring in sequence. Take this sequence for example:
From block 435225 @ 2016-10-21 08:27GMT.
Anyone give me a clue as to what size I should be looking for? I don't think transactions are definitely sequential and there's no promise for their inclusion in a
Anonymous 10/25/2016 (Tue) 05:41:36 [Preview] No. 20501 [X] del
h ttps://wlchatc3pjwpli5r.onion
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Anonymous 10/25/2016 (Tue) 05:42:28 Id: 6d577c [Preview] No. 20502 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>20503
Are you on a Unix OS?
If I write a Bash script that permutated these keys and added them together to bruteforce, would you run it?
I've collected quite a few of these. And I do feel pretty convinced that Assange would've been clever enough to think of storing on the Blockchain.
Anonymous 10/25/2016 (Tue) 05:44:03 [Preview] No. 20503 [X] del >>20504
I can run it but I only have file A. We need to get a couple of people together to try on all 4.
I think file A and the latest one (88GB) are the most likely to be unlocked with the keys floating around.
Anonymous 10/25/2016 (Tue) 05:51:03 Id: 6d577c [Preview] No. 20504 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>20505
Able to clue me in on what keysize I'm searching for?
How many bits/bytes? Also, how long does a decryption attempt take?
Anonymous 10/25/2016 (Tue) 05:57:33 [Preview] No. 20505 [X] del >>20506
It takes a few minutes. I don't know how big the key will be. I'm not sure there's a way to know.
Anonymous 10/25/2016 (Tue) 06:03:43 Id: 6d577c [Preview] No. 20506 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>20507
Fuck. Was hoping it was a bit quicker.
Still collecting them from the chain. But I'm thinking JA would probably shoot an "incoming" type message preceding it. Haven't seen anything of the sort yet.
Anonymous 10/25/2016 (Tue) 06:09:49 [Preview] No. 20507 [X] del
I think if the key went out, it probably happened on Oct 16.
Anonymous 10/25/2016 (Tue) 06:59:06 [Preview] No. 20510 [X] del >>20512 >>21077
Just read this:
> If anyone gets hold of the key(s), my recommendation: Send transactions on the Bitcoin blockchain and attach the key(s) as a message (using OP_RETURN).
Once on the blockchain, it'll be INSANELY difficult to reverse/censor. If your transaction doesn't get through (in the case that they have the capability to censor the
blockchain) post them in reverse and then link to transaction.
> Maybe this is what Snowden was doing when he tweeted that hash?
h ttps://ww w.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/4wxyhj/snowden_tweets_private_key_hash_then_deletes_it/
> ffdae96f8dd292374a966ec8b57d9cc680ce1d23cb7072c522efe32a1a7e34b0
h ttps://blockchain.info/en/tx/eeaa12abdf522cb4915225825172a619e4b6ccfd273c2e5020a1fc800410dbff?show_adv=true
h ttps://blockchain.info/tx/158e90644c141005e0e3179177a836732541df147ecf52596a7d652df09ed308?show_adv=true
> Can someone look into this? Maybe try it with the recent Wikileaks hashes too?
If someone posts potential keys I can try them.
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Anonymous 10/25/2016 (Tue) 07:06:58 Id: 6d577c [Preview] No. 20512 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>20513
I have a whole list of 64byte strings recovered, but I might be wasting your time... no idea what size the key would be.
Six digit stuff is the block that these are in.
The further I go though, the more I think these are for something else (too many of them - or alphabets are trying to poison the signal).
By my calc... Keys WL is using are aes256. 256bits = 32bytes. These are too big?
Anonymous 10/25/2016 (Tue) 07:08:05 Id: 6d577c [Preview] No. 20513 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
Note: Plenty of 40byte keys in the Blocks... could it be one of these?
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Anonymous 10/25/2016 (Tue) 07:19:51 [Preview] No. 20516 [X] del >>20517
(55.40 KB 548x864 530d3ec358664ae9d4ccc75b54e275d80f070c29a77dfbb6e8e7863f84e601cb.jpg)
We should also OCR these keys:
h ttps://web.archive.org/save/_embed/h
Anonymous 10/25/2016 (Tue) 07:25:31 Id: 6d577c [Preview] No. 20517 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>21077
Anyone with a copy of the Bitcoin blockchain on their PC?
Should scan the file for those keys.
Anonymous 10/25/2016 (Tue) 07:45:34 Id: 6d577c [Preview] No. 20518 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>20522 >>20564
Part 1:
64 Byte Strings (and some other interesting looking ones) from Block 434745 to 435225.
If someone would be so kind as to write a script that could run through these, that'd be great.
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EUK lNMf02M+Tie64ec77yKry0oYBXAa9Fkr2O0q/0OSbsg=
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Anonymous 10/25/2016 (Tue) 07:45:53 Id: 6d577c [Preview] No. 20519 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>20520 >>20522 >>20564
Part 2:
EUK GXvKEWdme7AtnrzmNLouW9NVSDoZucaGXMF4dnZfTpk=
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Anonymous 10/25/2016 (Tue) 07:47:28 Id: 6d577c [Preview] No. 20520 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
These have been sifted by hand, so there might be some missing.
I don't have good bandwidth. But I definitely think the DMS being in the blocks is an avenue definitely worth investigating.
This is the best way to persist information that is small though (keys). Just praying that Assange had thought to do it.
Anonymous 10/25/2016 (Tue) 08:38:12 [Preview] No. 20524 [X] del
Look into how this user found transactions based on Snowden's hash h ttps://ww
I just finished a script that will try all the passes you posted today. I'll let it run overnight and will let you know of the results.
Anonymous 10/25/2016 (Tue) 08:51:10 [Preview] No. 20525 [X] del
The insurance file was apparently posted and then deleted on these two threads:
h ttps://web.archive.org/web/20161019170505/h ttps://8ch.net/pol/res/7881571.html
h ttps://8ch.net/pol/res/7962287.html
Does someone know of another way to find snapshots/cache of the older posts?
Anonymous 10/25/2016 (Tue) 09:05:33 Id: e73b0c [Preview] No. 20526 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
h ttps://archive.fo/K2oGX
h ttps://archive.fo/jBS6q
h ttps://archive.fo/vr16Q
h ttps://archive.fo/koTtO
Something must have been up with archive before because somehow these popped up and I'm pretty sure I searched those before.
Anonymous 10/25/2016 (Tue) 09:28:52 Id: e73b0c [Preview] No. 20527 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
Probably bullshit but just in case it isn't h ttps://archive.fo/0YMBk funny that it got bumplocked right away
Anonymous 10/25/2016 (Tue) 09:30:41 [Preview] No. 20528 [X] del
I made the script. If someone sends me candidate files I can compiled them all and leave it running.
Anonymous 10/25/2016 (Tue) 10:21:53 Id: e73b0c [Preview] No. 20529 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>20532
(189.69 KB 1126x574 screenshot-8ch.net 2016-10-25 03-20-47.png)
h ttps://8ch.net/pol/res/7972025.html#q7973312
Anonymous 10/25/2016 (Tue) 10:25:24 Id: e73b0c [Preview] No. 20532 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
oh shit, nvm. that was copy pasta from jim stone's site.
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Anonymous 10/25/2016 (Tue) 20:09:24 [Preview] No. 20564 [X] del
Ran all of these on file A. No luck.
Anonymous 10/25/2016 (Tue) 20:45:47 Id: 81409d [Preview] No. 20568 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>20570 >>20572
Hash: SHA1
Assume assange has been captured.
More info
:signature packet: algo 1, keyid 885FA2173E4FF188
version 4, created 1477392585, md5len 0, sigclass 0x01
digest algo 2, begin of digest 92 ba
hashed subpkt 2 len 4 (sig created 2016-10-25)
subpkt 16 len 8 (issuer key ID 885FA2173E4FF188)
data: [4094 bits]
Anonymous 10/25/2016 (Tue) 21:14:57 Id: 5914b4 [Preview] No. 20572 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>20573
>It was posted today.
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Anonymous 10/25/2016 (Tue) 21:22:05 Id: 5914b4 [Preview] No. 20575 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
(27.27 KB 318x342 redditor cap.png)
thank you
Anonymous 10/25/2016 (Tue) 21:25:07 [Preview] No. 20576 [X] del >>20758 >>21450
eta numeris 392D8A3EEA2527D6AD8B1EBBAB6AD
sin topper D6C4C5CC97F9CB8849D9914E516F9
project runway 847D8D6EA4EDD8583D4A7DC3DEEAE
7FG final request 831CF9C1C534ECDAE63E2C8783EB9
fall of cassandra 2B6DAE482AEDE5BAC99B7D47ABDB3
To hex:
65 74 61 20 6e 75 6d 65 72 69 73 20 33 39 32 44 38 41 33 45 45 41 32 35 32 37 44 36 41 44 38 42 31 45 42 42 41 42 36 41 44 0d 0a 73 69 6e 20 74 6f 70 70
65 72 20 44 36 43 34 43 35 43 43 39 37 46 39 43 42 38 38 34 39 44 39 39 31 34 45 35 31 36 46 39 0d 0a 70 72 6f 6a 65 63 74 20 72 75 6e 77 61 79 20 38 34
37 44 38 44 36 45 41 34 45 44 44 38 35 38 33 44 34 41 37 44 43 33 44 45 45 41 45 0d 0a 37 46 47 20 66 69 6e 61 6c 20 72 65 71 75 65 73 74 20 38 33 31 43
46 39 43 31 43 35 33 34 45 43 44 41 45 36 33 45 32 43 38 37 38 33 45 42 39 0d 0a 66 61 6c 6c 20 6f 66 20 63 61 73 73 61 6e 64 72 61 20 32 42 36 44 41 45
34 38 32 41 45 44 45 35 42 41 43 39 39 42 37 44 34 37 41 42 44 42 33
Anonymous 10/25/2016 (Tue) 21:58:13 Id: 5914b4 [Preview] No. 20583 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>20584 >>20589 >>20590 >>21077
(110.61 KB 1154x320 blockchain.png)
for you guys looking into the blockchain idea. I found this old article interesting. Maybe it could shine a light on how to
interpret what you are seeing in the different blocks.
>h ttp://ww w.righto.com/2014/02/ascii-bernanke-wikileaks-photographs.html
just throwing this out there as an idea in case you hadn't thought about it - have you tried using the bitcoin file
h ttps://blockchain.info/tx/691dd277dc0e90a462a3d652a1171686de49cf19067cd33c7df0392833fb986a?show_adv=true
Can someone try to download it and see if they can get the message out of it?
Anonymous 10/26/2016 (Wed) 00:02:48 Id: 5914b4 [Preview] No. 20594 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>20597
also.. there are a lot of unspent outputs on the 10-17. Could there be something there?
Anonymous 10/26/2016 (Wed) 00:11:08 [Preview] No. 20596 [X] del
John Kerry hash creates a real bitcoin address when used as a private key:
h ttps://twitter.com/wikileaks/status/787777344740163584?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw
h ttps://blockchain.info/address/1D7f2VtZz7HHmdhpgn82nDhfu1b3PN5TaU
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Anonymous 10/26/2016 (Wed) 00:11:56 [Preview] No. 20597 [X] del
Definitely. We need to use the cablegate example as a test, as soon as we are able to get the message out of it, then we should start doing it on the new
Anonymous 10/26/2016 (Wed) 00:37:49 [Preview] No. 20601 [X] del
Posting some info on how to get bitcoin addresses from hashes.
Example, Snowden's tweeted hash:
To get two addresses out of it, you do (in Python):
from pybitcoin import BitcoinPrivateKey
pk = BitcoinPrivateKey('ffdae96f8dd292374a966ec8b57d9cc680ce1d23cb7072c522efe32a1a7e34b0', compressed=True)
pk = BitcoinPrivateKey('ffdae96f8dd292374a966ec8b57d9cc680ce1d23cb7072c522efe32a1a7e34b0')
And you get: 1EnDZkT8Thep9sfbAy5gwg23EHhZw7tYwg
Then you can find the address here: h ttps://blockchain.info/address/1EnDZkT8Thep9sfbAy5gwg23EHhZw7tYwg
Working now on trying to download transaction information and get messages out.
Anonymous 10/26/2016 (Wed) 01:21:35 [Preview] No. 20607 [X] del >>21077
Alright guys, finally figured it out. We might have to go into the bunker at this point.
wnload the following transactions with Satoshi Nakamoto's downloa
d tool which
can be found in transaction 6c53cd987119ef797d5adccd
Free speech and free en
terprise! Thank you Satoshi!
Anonymous 10/26/2016 (Wed) 01:35:44 Id: 2e3d06 [Preview] No. 20609 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>20611 >>21077
This is fucking excellent.
You have no idea how much I fucking love you guys.
Are we certain they're using the Bitcoin Blockchain (i.e. the hashes INTENTIONALLY link to transactions)? Or could these just be coincidental resolves?
Is it worth mentioning this on /r/bitcoin to encourage further investigation?
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Anonymous 10/26/2016 (Wed) 01:40:45 [Preview] No. 20610 [X] del
Lord Almighty, did we "cracked the code"?
Anonymous 10/26/2016 (Wed) 01:44:11 [Preview] No. 20611 [X] del >>20614 >>21077
No. We can't tell anyone. We have to be discrete because we want to make sure the information is not deleted. We have to check ourselves first and there are
plenty of leads right now.
Anonymous 10/26/2016 (Wed) 02:10:38 Id: 2e3d06 [Preview] No. 20614 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>20616
Thinking about this, I agree, but for different reasons.
I'm very concerned about JA at this point and am worried that (what's left of the WL team) are trying to wheel-and-deal to ensure his safety.
Anonymous 10/26/2016 (Wed) 02:10:40 [Preview] No. 20615 [X] del
h ttps://blockchain.info/tx/6ad9a4728d3a06dc6452324f67cf5dea9a8bc5b286089e6a04b884135b9dafe0
Anonymous 10/26/2016 (Wed) 02:11:33 [Preview] No. 20616 [X] del
If JA is truly in trouble and they are truly trying to silence him, this might be his last way to communicate with the world.
Anonymous 10/26/2016 (Wed) 02:17:56 Id: 2e3d06 [Preview] No. 20619 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>20620 >>20621
This is pretty sensitive.
Should we move to other channels?
GPG Encrypted cock.li?
Anonymous 10/26/2016 (Wed) 02:24:10 Id: 2e3d06 [Preview] No. 20620 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>20622
Tox me here:
Anonymous 10/26/2016 (Wed) 02:25:49 [Preview] No. 20621 [X] del
Yes. Anyone have any ideas for a safer way to communicate? We could at the very least use an onion link but we don't want people to follow us there.
Anonymous 10/26/2016 (Wed) 02:26:54 [Preview] No. 20622 [X] del >>20625 >>20629
Tox doesn't work for me on this computer for some reason. It makes me lose my connection. Right now my computer's fan is going crazy and everything is
getting slow. I might already be fucked.
Anonymous 10/26/2016 (Wed) 02:31:50 [Preview] No. 20623 [X] del >>20624
Signal App?
Anonymous 10/26/2016 (Wed) 02:35:53 [Preview] No. 20624 [X] del >>20625
How's encrypted IRC? We'd still need a way to get the pass to each other. PK Encryption? Could we sign/post messages here if we wanted to?
Will it work through a VPN?
Anonymous 10/26/2016 (Wed) 02:44:37 [Preview] No. 20626 [X] del
Gliph is app on iOS or Android. Create a closed private chat that is invite only. Can share username here and invite only.
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Anonymous 10/26/2016 (Wed) 02:47:10 [Preview] No. 20628 [X] del >>20629
Works on desktop browser as well on that website.
Anonymous 10/26/2016 (Wed) 02:49:09 Id: 2e3d06 [Preview] No. 20629 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>20632
It's a sign-up service?
Can we just Tox it?
I'll give you access to NordVPN proxy to test if you need it.
Anonymous 10/26/2016 (Wed) 02:49:17 [Preview] No. 20630 [X] del
Open for any other ideas...
Anonymous 10/26/2016 (Wed) 02:51:56 Id: 6d577c [Preview] No. 20631 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>20664 >>20665
Download Tox.
Add groupbot:
Send me a message at:
... for group and password.
Only concern atm is who owns the Groupbot. Whoever owns it will be able to read the password when joining.
However, I should be able to verify that only the correct number of people are in the chat (based on who's messaged me).
Anonymous 10/26/2016 (Wed) 02:54:37 [Preview] No. 20632 [X] del >>20634 >>20665
BE CAREFUL ANONS! We need to make sure this info doesn't get lost forever. We should also make sure JA is as safe as can be.
Anonymous 10/26/2016 (Wed) 03:11:51 Id: 6d577c [Preview] No. 20637 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
This is why I'm hesitant to make any of this publicly known at this point.
Guy might be getting held hostage. WL's weird tweets might be to placate threats on both sides.
Anonymous 10/26/2016 (Wed) 03:12:32 Id: fc47cd [Preview] No. 20638 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>20665
Make sure all this makes it to archive and or capped
I'm willing to assist
Anonymous 10/26/2016 (Wed) 03:13:58 [Preview] No. 20640 [X] del >>20641
Agreed. Archives are no longer reliable. arc hive.is redirects to .fo now and some folks have found archived pages missing ever since the DDoS. No longer
Possible they are compromised and need to assume everything is sketchy at this point.
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Anonymous 10/26/2016 (Wed) 03:15:07 Id: 6d577c [Preview] No. 20641 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>20643
Is there an IPFS archiving service?
Anonymous 10/26/2016 (Wed) 03:21:08 [Preview] No. 20643 [X] del >>20645
Not that I know of. Screen caps probably the best option at this point.
EVERYONE, DO NOT MAKE THIS PUBLIC until these anons get the time to do their work. The last thing we need is CTR up our bums and everyone getting v&.
Anonymous 10/26/2016 (Wed) 03:25:58 Id: fc47cd [Preview] No. 20645 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>20646 >>20647 >>20665
If we can't get into a bunker together, maybe there is a way to compartmentalize the jobs and report back here somehow?
I have all the insurance files now on my machine and still seeding them.... I could try pswds manually as ppl find them for instance.
Anonymous 10/26/2016 (Wed) 03:29:07 [Preview] No. 20646 [X] del
I have all the files as well, but don't really know how to use them. I also do have screen grabs of a bunch of other potential hashes/BTC codes from several
accounts I found on other sites with similar threads.
Those might be the best priority to start.
Anonymous 10/26/2016 (Wed) 03:29:47 Id: 2e3d06 [Preview] No. 20647 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>20648 >>21077
43000 unconfirmed transactions in the mempool.
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Anonymous 10/26/2016 (Wed) 03:52:22 [Preview] No. 20655 [X] del >>20656 >>20657 >>20731 >>21077
i think alphabets are on our side this time
Anonymous 10/26/2016 (Wed) 03:53:03 [Preview] No. 20656 [X] del >>20657
I think the alphabets are probably the ones that originally leaked the info. That is their only play to help fix this mess.
Anonymous 10/26/2016 (Wed) 03:55:40 Id: 29b610 [Preview] No. 20657 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>20658 >>21077
I pray that you're correct and that many of them are men of good conscience.
At this point it's a race against time. Anons, we're counting on you to get this info safely. It's the only way to save our country (and maybe the world).
I know it might be asking a lot, but this is probably way more important than sleep right now.
Anonymous 10/26/2016 (Wed) 04:06:16 [Preview] No. 20659 [X] del
(10.35 MB 320x240 dontgiveup.mp4)
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Anonymous 10/26/2016 (Wed) 05:54:26 [Preview] No. 20665 [X] del
(72.35 KB 202x345 nr.png)
Come on everyone. Don't let them intimidate you. We are in this situation because too many people refuse to take action. I will not allow
these people to scare me into stopping. We are almost there. There is no one else that can do this. Every single leaker has traded in
their life so that the public can know the truth. The least we can do is try to find their final messages. It might save their lives. It might stop
something horrible from taking place.
Think about how the internet has changed. There is a paid army of users that have completely censored and destroyed our ability to
communicate. CTR will not stop if we sit idly and let them conquer the entire internet.
f = open('unchecked.txt','r')
from binascii import unhexlify
data = b''
for ff in f.readlines():
chunks = ff.split(' ')
for c in chunks:
if 'O' not in c and '\n' not in c:
data += unhexlify(c.encode('utf8'))
print data
h ttps://blockchain.info/tx/3a1c1cc760bffad4041cbfde56fbb5e29ea58fda416e9f4c4615becd65576fe7
N 10 REM The variables in life
20 ' life the lifespan of a creature
30 ' mates the number of mates a creature needs to breed
230 LIFE = 5
240 MATES = 0
250 MOVE = 1
260 FOODTYPE = 1
270 F2BREED = 10
280 A2BREED = 1
290 F# = 10
300 C# = 5
305 CMUTA = 5
310 EPERYEAR = 1
320 REM
330 GOSUB 360
350 REM
360 REM placing creatures
370 COLOR 5, 6, 0
380 CLS
390 COLOR 14, 0, 0
400 FOR I = 1 TO C#
520 NEXT I
540 REM
550 REM This places the food
560 COLOR 2, 0, 0
570 FOR I = 1 TO F#
590 Y = INT(RND * 21)
600 IF Y < 15 THEN GOTO 590
610 X = INT(RND * 61)
converted by Web2PDFConvert.com
640 FY(I) = Y 'This saves the foods y
650 FX(I) = X 'This saves the foods x
660 PRINT CHR$(5)
670 NEXT I
680 REM
690 REM Starts trapping
700 ON KEY(1) GOSUB 1480
710 KEY(1) ON
910 A = C#
920 C# = 1
930 GOSUB 360
940 C# = A
950 NEXT I
960 REM
970 REM moves the creatures
980 FOR I = 1 TO C#
1000 A = INT(RND * 5)
1060 NEXT I
1070 REM **
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1070 REM **
1080 REM is the creature on food
1090 FOR I = 1 TO C#
1100 FOR A = 1 TO F#
1110 IF CY(I) = FY(A) THEN YES = 1
1120 IF CX(I) = FX(A) THEN YES = YES + 1
1130 IF YES = 2 THEN GOSUB 1180
1140 NEXT A
1150 NEXT I
1160 GOSUB 1170
1165 GOTO 1250
1170 REM giving the creature food
1180 CF(I) = CF(I) + 1
1190 COLOR 2, 0, 0
1200 LOCATE FY(A), FX(A)
1210 PRINT " "
1220 FY(A) = 0 'DELETEs the foods y
1230 FX(A) = 0 'DELETEs the foods x
1250 REM dos it die
1260 FOR I = 1 TO C#
1270 IF CF(I) < 9 THEN GOSUB 1300
1280 NEXT I
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1490 END
)h m8]b \ ' BS P ?5 4nA KU
Anonymous 10/26/2016 (Wed) 07:15:11 [Preview] No. 20668 [X] del
does anyone know if it's possible to put data into the input field of the blockchain? only looking at the output part for now...
Anonymous 10/26/2016 (Wed) 07:35:24 [Preview] No. 20669 [X] del >>20670 >>20674
First key found in a block incoming.
h ttps://blockchain.info/tx/08654f9dc9d673b3527b48ad06ab1b199ad47b61fd54033af30c2ee975c588bd
h ttps://threatpost.com/en_us/blogs/ami-firmware-source-code-private-key-leaked-040513
30 82 04 A3 02 01 00 02 82 01 01 00 ED 71 D6 3F 21 FF 0B 45 63 A4 3D 87 1D 22 44 8F C9 B5 84 08 29 5B 59 DC 0F 30 D2 A9 4F 52 E1 F2 97 51 0B B5 95
D9 DB A9 78 D9 5B 76 1E 96 8A C3 E2 AB 18 71 BC B0 1D 58 EC F2 C9 36 44 03 BA 05 A7 74 77 95 37 75 80 97 38 16 CC EC 38 96 47 1E 77 EE FD 1E 28 E1
60 27 8F 86 C0 01 8F B9 DA 66 BA E3 99 B1 1D 4B AC 2B 32 C8 7A CD F4 5C FA 89 49 05 68 A0 89 D1 2A 57 1C 9B 7B E0 A1 9C 9B 9E 04 86 49 E9 59 75 67
EB 0F 72 CB 56 81 56 26 67 28 E0 9C 94 D4 31 E4 80 65 20 4E 9A AA FA 9D 42 5E 06 E5 B9 A5 A1 1F 10 38 32 75 2B 42 B1 49 2F 0E 34 30 0F F9 32 D9 E3 9B
17 E8 94 34 37 B3 9F E6 C6 B3 14 6B F6 2D C8 68 51 A3 90 F9 BF F7 91 30 65 ED AF A1 D5 2B CE D6 74 25 DB 36 0A 33 F7 37 C0 CF BE CB 06 C7 F9 95 79
65 23 B4 0D AE C8 52 F6 A4 25 DC 60 D5 74 A7 65 DE BB 1E E1 EF 3B 02 03 01 00 01 02 82 01 00 02 02 25 7D 71 37 2C 0C 3B DF 31 6F 5E CD 61 BB BE F4
07 18 33 E9 59 90 3A 9C AA 1B 7E 82 9A A0 A7 AB AA D2 B0 0A CB 5D DA 9A 29 63 8D 62 03 ED CB 91 5B 95 3D 5D AB FC 8A E7 34 26 7E 5A C8 61 B0 87 3E
AA 5C C6 B9 FE 0D 73 BB EB 54 EB 33 27 77 27 91 57 DB A1 54 63 E1 45 E8 2D 30 89 B2 3C 38 E1 20 A0 01 39 C3 A2 0B 3D 96 34 54 6D CE 3C B2 5E 6B
AD 22 9D 49 F8 B9 FD 8D 5B 05 62 ED 64 B0 EF 55 A0 28 00 CD 57 CD 49 E7 FD A4 1A C1 04 C9 BE E8 32 21 C8 A8 08 8F 89 24 69 4B C9 F0 85 D6 2C F2
C9 B0 3F 0D 4B 38 8C E5 84 FD 79 2B C0 68 90 D7 C5 5D F9 B9 13 D3 EE CD 43 21 C8 59 3D D0 39 4D BB 46 5E 0E F7 03 BE 02 88 D7 C4 58 90 A0 3A E4
87 B0 D7 04 3B 46 D3 E8 1E 8F 44 31 D6 79 55 EC 53 92 CD 21 3B 99 85 42 60 0D 83 96 9D 56 08 64 A5 48 D1 CA 7E 35 CD C5 BB CE FB 7F A1 02 81 81 00
F8 AF 7E 27 1D CA 29 BA DF 42 99 A8 1D 4B 5C E6 88 DB 97 4F BD 1D E5 65 0F 63 18 96 8E D3 C3 86 DD 43 C1 D2 44 A3 BD 45 2D B6 3B D1 FC 3A 5D EC
9F 9C 22 F7 9D CE 67 A0 DA CE DF 0D C7 1A 14 91 CE 67 62 EC 58 AB 98 22 69 1F 66 86 9B 7A BB 62 40 E2 DD 73 29 E4 3B E2 DC 2F 5C 34 3D D3 A3 7A
5E F9 86 64 BA 1B 79 93 BA D1 FE 2C 44 9C 51 56 F3 34 D0 8F 34 82 90 B2 1A 97 FA E2 39 37 C8 CB 02 81 81 00 F4 6D B4 70 F8 92 25 20 0A 74 42 84 03 7E
7D F9 E2 33 3A AB 29 2F CA 34 A0 3A 8A A2 44 38 90 40 CC 99 70 94 3C 78 E6 35 54 A1 23 14 77 CD F1 C3 E6 DB A0 EE E9 20 D7 C2 83 F5 5B C2 49 A4 4E
78 67 E7 91 C6 6E BB 1D 3C 11 80 ED 5E 47 8D E5 11 2A 89 F2 90 80 8A FF 2E 24 D3 34 94 02 CB 5F FE FF B2 0B 8C 09 83 61 C3 DE E0 19 8B 93 52 84 94
04 E7 89 3B 27 C1 A5 47 6A 7B E6 80 F9 B0 55 51 02 81 81 00 E0 58 D9 93 0A 51 DE 11 A2 E6 1F 5E C5 86 BE 79 8F 4F A3 12 A1 86 BD F2 CC CD D6 59 C4
E2 0F CB B4 03 33 70 B0 D1 92 A7 3D 14 E0 A4 90 4A 4B 7F 73 82 55 1D 53 B4 E8 51 F9 F3 94 D0 86 24 E6 17 9F C0 2F 43 0E BF 46 D1 0C 4A F2 A0 4E D5
8B 04 99 8A D0 C2 DB 30 F6 41 B3 E7 D9 E3 9B 3F 39 84 E4 F7 70 A1 A0 2F B7 1F 69 F3 95 BC 73 ED 1D 88 36 82 18 00 89 1B 9C D3 C0 20 09 8A 5A 9A 13
BF 02 81 80 52 DC 71 E4 2E 50 14 E7 D4 C3 6E DD 23 F6 18 AC C2 83 0D 6B 82 CD E1 A5 8F 7F E9 09 73 49 1D 95 EA 06 46 44 EA 6F 2D D3 7C 7A 17 D3
53 7D EC 6C B5 F1 54 90 49 55 C9 EE F6 1F 12 59 3D EF C6 6E 49 03 16 C7 07 38 C5 83 5C 87 B1 70 59 9F 7F BD 1F 07 9E C4 5F DF 3E FC 9C 9D 40 E0
C0 45 C3 A8 45 74 4D 37 CE ED CC 11 C3 97 82 F1 6F 22 F5 30 DC AC C5 37 D9 95 6A FB 57 DC E2 DA 6C 4A DB D1 02 81 80 25 C0 FA 2D 19 3D 45 94 B6
25 CC 95 AB A9 EA BD 3E 23 97 9F B1 F7 F4 CF FD 4E BA 06 F3 AB C3 C8 B7 6D 6D 8D 1D 08 C9 2D 93 9D 9D 41 01 FE 9D 24 46 F9 1E 18 CC 0E 8C 02 64
F1 78 BD B3 E2 A3 D6 03 38 90 02 E9 D0 91 76 B0 C6 B6 25 4D 4C F7 E8 85 CA 29 CD 77 92 3D EC 76 00 8C E1 8D E7 8D 9E 82 40 4E EE DA BB A5 81 E0
73 BB 13 CE D2 D8 14 80 2A C5 65 96 68 E2 73 C5 CA 63 30 F2 67 7C 25
Anonymous 10/26/2016 (Wed) 07:37:58 [Preview] No. 20670 [X] del
(758.73 KB 500x281 14180.gif)
Anonymous 10/26/2016 (Wed) 08:09:11 Id: e81109 [Preview] No. 20673 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
In how many hours is Kim's happening?
Anonymous 10/26/2016 (Wed) 08:09:13 [Preview] No. 20674 [X] del
tested on wlinsurance-20130815-A.aes256
not working
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Anonymous 10/26/2016 (Wed) 08:22:06 [Preview] No. 20675 [X] del >>20702
(40.86 KB 320x224 codec.gif)
Bitcoin addresses from Kerry
Anonymous 10/26/2016 (Wed) 08:27:54 [Preview] No. 20676 [X] del
Anonymous 10/26/2016 (Wed) 08:29:03 [Preview] No. 20677 [X] del >>20801
Someone should download all transactions for this address, there is something definitely there.
h ttps://blockchain.info/address/1EMBASSYyhoYZiv1cHFpPRM5fnSXk6C7Gp
Look at this transaction:
h ttps://blockchain.info/tx/80d6665a369b354db692e2990e9c0d76e7c9229dbf4828bddde1e16589229d51
> (decoded) EligiusV2 mmtm; Z Cx K< / /ss32/
Does that mean anything to anyone here?
Anonymous 10/26/2016 (Wed) 08:35:15 [Preview] No. 20678 [X] del
what the fuck is up with hotelgo24...
h ttps://blockchain.info/address/1HoTELox2gnCNKRzw4iN8oGLUKSpLy6uaS
Anonymous 10/26/2016 (Wed) 08:54:57 [Preview] No. 20680 [X] del >>20681 >>21077
remember, alphabets are on our side this time
h ttps://archive.is/RffAd
Anonymous 10/26/2016 (Wed) 09:02:33 [Preview] No. 20681 [X] del >>20683
>remember, alphabets are on our side this time
whats an alphabet in this context?
Anonymous 10/26/2016 (Wed) 09:05:13 [Preview] No. 20682 [X] del
(179.34 KB 840x960 reminder.jpg)
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Anonymous 10/26/2016 (Wed) 09:07:20 [Preview] No. 20683 [X] del
three letter agencies
Anonymous 10/26/2016 (Wed) 10:48:34 Id: 1494ab [Preview] No. 20685 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>20749
(230.37 KB 1187x806 KimDotcom - Youve got mail!.png) (615.63 KB 720x1280 YHqWvdfX03k6upGP.mp4)
My body has never been more ready.
Anonymous 10/26/2016 (Wed) 10:59:49 [Preview] No. 20686 [X] del >>20687 >>20738
Tox 869E0D8CD6AAFC16EB791B50904B9ADD3FEA1D3C0F9E59D263D97F8841EA92392ADE2631ECE6
Post a summary of what you've got so far? Or add me to the tox group
Anonymous 10/26/2016 (Wed) 11:28:35 [Preview] No. 20688 [X] del
This transaction has a 7zip file in it.
h ttps://blockchain.info/tx/5c593b7b71063a01f4128c98e36fb407b00a87454e67b39ad5f8820ebc1b2ad5
file -b returns
7-zip archive data, version 0.3
It can't be opended for some reason. Maybe we can fix it with a hex editor. Maybe we have to combine a few transactions.
Anonymous 10/26/2016 (Wed) 12:24:36 Id: 87951e [Preview] No. 20689 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>20690
Nobody is talking about this yet. Somebody get the word out! God speed you glorious faggots!
Anonymous 10/26/2016 (Wed) 12:53:07 [Preview] No. 20690 [X] del
There's probably a reason this isn't spoken about and putting this out prematurely could endanger Assange greatly.
WikiLeaks are probably using this as a bargaining chip.
Anonymous 10/26/2016 (Wed) 12:55:33 Id: d17f6a [Preview] No. 20691 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>20711 >>20731
All you fuckers coming in here
we are actually getting shit done. We don't need a bunch of lurkers and needless bumps.
Anonymous 10/26/2016 (Wed) 17:41:52 Id: 5914b4 [Preview] No. 20702 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
I haven't been able to verify that these BTC addresses are the correct output from the Tweeted hashes, but I did look at each one and all 6 have 'no transactions'.
My Python is fucked so I'll have to spend some time today trying to figure out why the hell my Python keeps throwing segmentation errors.
Did other anons make it into a bunker yet? on Tox?
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Anonymous 10/26/2016 (Wed) 18:55:00 Id: 5914b4 [Preview] No. 20710 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>21077
OpSec guys!!!!
I can't get on here through my desktop. Someone has blocked me from being able to even do DNS lookups to this backup. I'll try and get onto the Tox group and
elaborate more.
Anonymous 10/26/2016 (Wed) 18:57:32 Id: be19da [Preview] No. 20711 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>20714
(593.00 KB 1200x675 1477180121960.png)
I just linked to it on 4chan...
Yes, this was linked a few times on 8ch already. Please don't do that people.
The alphabets are not one person and there might be a few good guys but the safest stance is to assume they're not on our side. Info is coming out
now in the Oregon trial re: Bundy/Malheur Wildlife and there was a shit ton of FBI there, so far 22. One was holed up in the cabin with them under a
fake name, handing out guns and running the firing range. He's Swiss and his fake name was Killmen. The same guy in charge at Waco was
involved in Oregon. The guy driving the truck when Lavoy Finicum was murdered was FBI. Oregon Live has the details. Let's hope there are a few
rogue honest alphabets but the majority are dirty fuckers.
Anonymous 10/26/2016 (Wed) 23:37:01 [Preview] No. 20732 [X] del >>20733
anyone try it?
Anonymous 10/26/2016 (Wed) 23:45:31 Id: e73b0c [Preview] No. 20733 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>20738
the anon clarified who "streetprohpet" is in the other thread
>All of the past fake leaks that have been pushed here and on twitter have originated from this faggot named 'Streetprophet'. All claim to either be the missing
emails or some damning evidence of pics and video. If you do some more digging he's just some anonymous faggot that's likely schizophrenic. Though he
could be trying to infect anons' computers as well. Just be cautious when you see the uploader name or any username related to that.
Guys, sage this thread from now on and I'll bump a few other threads in the catalog. Just so this one doesn't look too active.
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Anonymous 10/27/2016 (Thu) 00:05:34 [Preview] No. 20738 [X] del
Anonymous 10/27/2016 (Thu) 00:12:46 Id: e73b0c [Preview] No. 20739 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
There's a new thread on 8ch saying that the Podesta emails are disappearing from WL.
4nonymous 10/27/2016 (Thu) 00:13:05 Id: e52a55 [Preview] No. 20740 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>20741 >>20751
(1.25 MB Index-of-_file_WL.pdf) (26.85 KB 508x524 1428735146664.jpg)
So what justification do you all have for doubting that this is the unencrypted folder:
h ttps://file.wikileaks.org/file/
All I see in this thread is a lot of cringey heroism with paranoia dialed to 9.
And at this point, which of the "insurance files" are you even looking for? I startpage'd it and got 3 different files of 3 different sizes discussed at 3 different times.
Anonymous 10/27/2016 (Thu) 00:19:39 [Preview] No. 20741 [X] del
h ttps://file.wikileaks.org/torrent/2016-06-03_insurance.aes256.torrent
h ttps://file.wikileaks.org/torrent/wikileaks-insurance-20120222.tar.bz2.aes.torrent
h ttps://file.wikileaks.org/torrent/wlinsurance-20130815-A.aes256.torrent
h ttps://file.wikileaks.org/torrent/wlinsurance-20130815-B.aes256.torrent
h ttps://file.wikileaks.org/torrent/wlinsurance-20130815-C.aes256.torrent
4nonymous 10/27/2016 (Thu) 02:43:06 Id: e52a55 [Preview] No. 20749 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
And it was fucking nothing
sage 10/27/2016 (Thu) 03:01:45 [Preview] No. 20751 [X] del >>20752
h ttps://archive.fo/file.wikileaks.org
It's just the main directory of 10 years of leaks. As you can see here there's an archive.is snapshot from 2015. We found out 3 new files, but nothing really new.
4nonymous 10/27/2016 (Thu) 03:22:59 Id: e52a55 [Preview] No. 20752 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
I see.
Anonymous 10/27/2016 (Thu) 03:58:23 [Preview] No. 20758 [X] del >>20759
I suspect that these are codes of some sort. For instance, "sin topper" could refer to the first local maximum of sin(x), which occurs at x = pi/2. So the idea could
be to take the first N bits of the binary expansion of pi/2, and then somehow combine that with the string "D6C4C5CC97F9CB8849D9914E516F9." Note that the
binary expansion of pi/2 is identical to the binary expansion of pi, just bitshifted to the right by 1 place. I don't know if anyone here has tried this.
Where are the truly savvy crypto people talking about this? Tox?
Anonymous 10/27/2016 (Thu) 04:03:49 [Preview] No. 20759 [X] del >>20856
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Anonymous 10/27/2016 (Thu) 07:25:35 [Preview] No. 20765 [X] del >>20766
(69.81 KB 50x50 Meryl_Discovered_by_KaitoKiddo1412.gif)
everyone head into the
bunker, we need help down
Anonymous 10/27/2016 (Thu) 07:43:44 [Preview] No. 20766 [X] del >>20768
Anonymous 10/27/2016 (Thu) 07:49:00 Id: 9ceb96 [Preview] No. 20767 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>20769
You guys are idiots, DMS did not go off. So blind.
Anonymous 10/27/2016 (Thu) 07:49:40 [Preview] No. 20768 [X] del
Anonymous 10/27/2016 (Thu) 07:49:59 [Preview] No. 20769 [X] del >>20784
how did you shills get in here so quickly
Anonymous 10/27/2016 (Thu) 08:24:49 [Preview] No. 20772 [X] del
Anonymous 10/27/2016 (Thu) 09:31:35 Id: 7453cc [Preview] No. 20776 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>20778 >>21077
Man in the mask picture who is infecting everywhere.
Less of the Cato Fong.
The best way to stop us falling down the rabbit hole is to draw us a map.
I am beginning to think since I left these forums in 2009 that the skill level has gone super remedial.
Anonymous 10/27/2016 (Thu) 09:41:20 [Preview] No. 20777 [X] del >>21077
(184.91 KB 580x591 van.jpg) (184.91 KB 580x591 van.jpg)
if your connection is strange and you cant see certain sites anymore, you are about to get v&
dont worry tho, it seems they are helping some of us
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Anonymous 10/27/2016 (Thu) 09:45:38 [Preview] No. 20778 [X] del >>20779
>Less of the Cato Fong
Anonymous 10/27/2016 (Thu) 09:50:11 [Preview] No. 20779 [X] del
h ttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Burt_Kwouk
Anonymous 10/27/2016 (Thu) 10:04:31 Id: 7453cc [Preview] No. 20780 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
h ttps://ww w.youtube.com/watch?v=u_qMpoKh3pU
Anonymous 10/27/2016 (Thu) 12:42:34 Id: 8dd590 [Preview] No. 20784 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
How do you explain the audio when Assange was live last night then? The video is posted above, what's your explanation behind it if Assange is dead or
Anonymous 10/27/2016 (Thu) 13:01:24 Id: 29a8c1 [Preview] No. 20785 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
(28.34 KB 480x433 39bdfdad339c60a04b099a9e3b2c237550b4ccc68be4c9e33fc5fbf52b998eb0.jpg)
Anonymous 10/27/2016 (Thu) 13:10:48 Id: 7453cc [Preview] No. 20786 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
Some have gone to the buncker but as the veracity of the person requesting has not been established it is a matter of personal taste if you wish to go.
As for JA welfare no one can tell. It is strange that the BBC can not send someone up the street to check on his welfare. I conclude either he is dead and they will
keep it silent until after the election or he is alive and they have been told not to report on it until after the election.
The radio could easily be faked but the transcript of the show appears to make sense and I am hopeful it is genuine.
However none of us are skilled enough to make a proper judgement so we will have to wait it out.
I think we also have to start thinking of strategy for when Hillary Wins. Apathy after the event will be our biggest weakness and she will be shutting things down
Anonymous 10/27/2016 (Thu) 14:47:38 Id: 508f85 [Preview] No. 20793 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>20802 >>20809 >>20871
Assange was captured. They want to keep it out of media. So that it does not threaten hillary campaign.
Assange was going to kill himself if they removed him from embassy by force. Rather than be torured for life in the United States. Assange was drugges by his
guest before being removed a few hours later.
There are pictures of a man being removed from the embassy with a gitmo bag over his head.
The equador government was threatened with assassination and then with trade sanctions and they caved.
The US govt does not understand the assange key drop mechanism. They were talking about replacing him with body double, to cause double about whether
Ether he was captured.
The wikileaks reddit has been seizes. Links to wikileaks are on sitewide reddit spam list now. Archieve.is was redirected to new site. 8chan and 4chan are
under enemy control. There were several DNS domain seizures and IP address hijacking attacks at network backbone level.
I only know fragments of what happened. They have system for real time website interception and real time modification of content of pages and social media.
This has been deployed.
The existing internet is completely compromised.
Some of the attacks are wide targeted like DNS. Other attacks are to shut down individual users.
Some of the attacks are deployed at the cable modem level. Inside of cable modem firmware. Some of them are crude like dropping DNS packets. Others are
cable modem level redirection of specific IP address for a single server to another IP, to enable man in the middle attacks.
This is a military level cyberwar being conducted by group controlling the infrastructure on the home turf.
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Anonymous 10/27/2016 (Thu) 14:51:28 Id: 508f85 [Preview] No. 20794 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
The clinton campaign believes that the key drop will be delayed as long as people believe assange is still alive.
They are usng uncertainty to create confusion and create delays for tactical reasons.
Several alt media people have been kidnapped and black vanned. Information about it is being censored from social media.
Very dark times. Do not rely on social media and expect coordinated disinformation campaign to make reality unknowable and create uncertainty.
Anonymous 10/27/2016 (Thu) 15:07:31 Id: 6fda83 [Preview] No. 20796 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
Archive.is doesn't direct anywhere except archive.is for me, so I don't know what you guys are talking about there.
Anonymous 10/27/2016 (Thu) 15:42:40 Id: 7453cc [Preview] No. 20798 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
(2.38 MB 3968x2976 P6150004.JPG)
The two over paranoid writers above have zero information.
There are people all over making it difficult to communicate but not at secret service or military level.
4chan and others appear to be behaving differently. Wikileaks twitter page is definitely not performing as normal.
However life moves on for normal for most of us and very few of us have anything to worry about.
I see no police man outside my house and I live in Japan. A country they can keep you detained for a month with no
contact with the outside world just for fighting in a bar.
I am suspicious of what has happened to JA and if I was in London I would be knocking on the door of the Embassy
and seeing how the staff re-act. You are not breaking any laws by asking about his welfare. Don`t film, don`t record
and act like a sensible person and they will not do anything.
I would advise anyone who does this to respect the staff of the Embassy as they have been very good to all of us by keeping him safe for so long. Be polite and
do not cause them any problems. If you think they are getting stressed then walk away and leave them be.
The messages above are pointless. As I said before what people need to think about is what happens if Hillary wins.
I think for all of us it should be a concerted effort to end this siege of JA and allow him some freedom. Allow him to live a normal life as he has done enough for
the freedom of speech and it is time for him to retire and leave up to the younger generations.
Anonymous 10/27/2016 (Thu) 17:37:51 Id: a05bef [Preview] No. 20801 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
normal bitcoin stuff, not related
h ttps://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Eligius
Anonymous 10/27/2016 (Thu) 17:41:38 Id: a05bef [Preview] No. 20802 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
Based on what evidence? You can make all the (paranoid) assertions you want but we're not going to buy it unless you can back at least some of them up.
Anonymous 10/27/2016 (Thu) 20:01:26 [Preview] No. 20805 [X] del
someone's posting a bitcoin primer on the bunker
dont link to it here, i might just copy paste it here
Anonymous 10/27/2016 (Thu) 20:22:00 Id: b4893b [Preview] No. 20807 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>20828
Its not paranoid. It is reality. That is what happened.
Why would criminals leave evidence or give you the information required to form an unambiguous picture of reality.
Study disinformation and counter intelligence operations and phychological operations. Secrecy is a weapon and is used in very specific ways for very specific
Some people cannot talk because they are under threat. They wont compromise their safety and there is no longer any uncensored channel for communication.
Any informatiom is taken down or muddied with doubt and strategic uncertainty.
There were hundreds of people in embassy live streaming on twitter after internet was cut. It only takes five minutes for any of them to verify Assanges status. Yet
verification was denied.
Assange has fiber optic ground line as well as 3G and shortwave communications.
Go ask the wikileaks people directly. People are too lazy and stupid to get primarily source material.
The wikileaks twitter after being taken over released a cut video that was four years old, to "prove" Assange was still alive. They did a hasty and poorly executed
disinformation operation after Assange was captured, to delay the dead drop.
They would also use SIGINT and bribery and threats. To identify and rapidly capture or eliminate the key holders. To prevent required number of key holders from
publishing the key parts.
Assange was not the only one whose internet was cut. This was a well orchestrated international operation. Internet was cut to over twelve wikileaks associated
people. They presumably have been captured also.
Why is everyone focused on Assange and has not contacted the parents and spouses of the wikileaks members whose communications were cut.
Enumerate all possibilities. Evaluate all evidence. Weigh the evidence for each state of reality. Contradictions do not exist in reality.
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Anonymous 10/27/2016 (Thu) 21:35:14 [Preview] No. 20809 [X] del
where did you see these pictures
Anonymous 10/27/2016 (Thu) 21:36:43 [Preview] No. 20810 [X] del
that key must be out there. that ddos was probably to stop it from getting out. lets find that shit.
Anonymous 10/27/2016 (Thu) 21:43:07 [Preview] No. 20811 [X] del >>20814
(71.13 KB 640x667 life.jpg)
I lost the onion for the bunker
after computer died.
Anonymous 10/27/2016 (Thu) 21:51:47 Id: 88e992 [Preview] No. 20812 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
(5.79 KB 300x300 drawfagsOriginalContent.png)
Anonymous 10/28/2016 (Fri) 00:44:30 [Preview] No. 20822 [X] del >>20831 >>20870
looks like the phone calls were legit
h ttps://web.archive.org/web/20161017101519/h ttps://bigstory.ap.org/article/6f997f97c5f140a29f385ea05f1b642c/wikileaks-assanges-internet-link-severed-
h ttps://ww w.youtube.com/watch?v=536IK7YhsGw
h ttps://ww w.youtube.com/watch?v=A_jhLcvoZqc
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Anonymous 10/28/2016 (Fri) 00:58:13 [Preview] No. 20823 [X] del >>20824
(33.02 KB 639x480 scul.jpg)
dont give up guys
Anonymous 10/28/2016 (Fri) 01:04:45 Id: e088d8 [Preview] No. 20824 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
(598.67 KB 750x420 1471418022434-1.webm)
Don't give up guys!
Anonymous 10/28/2016 (Fri) 01:17:10 [Preview] No. 20827 [X] del >>20871
(22.23 KB 560x420 block.gif)
h ttps://support.blockchain.com/hc/en-
h ttps://ww
Anonymous 10/28/2016 (Fri) 01:44:34 Id: e73b0c [Preview] No. 20828 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>20829
>Why is everyone focused on Assange and has not contacted the parents and spouses of the wikileaks members whose communications were cut.
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Anonymous 10/28/2016 (Fri) 02:17:32 Id: e73b0c [Preview] No. 20830 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
(34.10 KB 680x509 1ecbb1f79c172e92b42f799d771d323f0c61fd4c2e9045e00bbbbc853f16e5e2.jpg)
If you think that would be her response to this then you know less than zero about that woman. Considering she hasn't spoken out extremely loudly and on every
available platform like she has a long history of doing then I'll assume she's on a gag order too. And silence on her part after a direct question about the well-
being of her son would prove that. Unless your kike buddies got her too. KYS
Anonymous 10/28/2016 (Fri) 02:23:13 Id: 8557aa [Preview] No. 20831 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>20843
The phone calls were not legit.
People inside Clinton campaign said they would kidnap him and replace him by a body double.
There is voice morphing software developed by military that is almost perfect. It does not prove anything.
Without iris biometrics and finger prints and DNA test, there is not way to confirm.
This is just dirty tricks.
Contact the wikileaks administrators and people behind the curtain. Contact their parents and friends. Verify if they are captured.
Anonymous 10/28/2016 (Fri) 03:15:11 Id: 7453cc [Preview] No. 20834 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>20836 >>20837 >>21588
Admins note the paranoia experts details and keep them for after the election.
In the good old days you would already be receiving pizza. Wait for the 9nth as you won`t bee wanting to open you door or mouth from then on.
Anonymous 10/28/2016 (Fri) 03:24:03 [Preview] No. 20836 [X] del >>21077
yeah send a pizza to people trying to stop a 20 year old war and making the truth public instead of to the CTR shills that are censoring the internet and making
every place online a giant clusterfuck. bet it makes you feel like youre really cool and badass. you wanna be a badass? send a fucking pizza to the state
department or john kerry, tell him its from russia. youll be crying inside a blackbag in no time. so why dont you just shut the fuck up now. you cant make fun of
people on the internet in a torture basement.
Anonymous 10/28/2016 (Fri) 03:24:29 Id: fc47cd [Preview] No. 20837 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
WTF?!? Threats now?
And here I was just about to ask a rhetorical question of if the other anon was an alphabet. But you can't be that stupid to threaten while a board is being
monitored can you?
>the shitposting is good
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Anonymous 10/28/2016 (Fri) 03:47:33 Id: 7453cc [Preview] No. 20839 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>21077
I have lived a long enough and fruitful life. Black bag me if you wish. I am not at all worried about vangelist talk.
The last time I ever got proper worried was on the outskirts of shanghai when a business meeting went sour and I had to be driven back separately to my
bosses. Being taken in a car surrounded by people you don`t know, in a place with no real inhabitants is scary.
The shitposting above is why Hillary will win and you lots of kindergarten cops will go back to school and pledge allegiance to your Union Jack.
I think maybe your needed back a 4cheese with the rest of the ineffectuals.
Anonymous 10/28/2016 (Fri) 03:55:57 Id: cbc0fd [Preview] No. 20840 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
dont let the globalists scare you guys. were doing this shit one way or the other. theres no fucking stopping this train. were in too deep to back out.
Anonymous 10/28/2016 (Fri) 04:20:52 [Preview] No. 20841 [X] del
h ttps://ww w.youtube.com/watch?v=Kp0uDRZI_pg&t=2m18s
Anonymous 10/28/2016 (Fri) 05:49:06 Id: 6b9741 [Preview] No. 20843 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
I agree.
All he has to do is make a PGP-signed message.
Anonymous 10/28/2016 (Fri) 06:01:29 Id: 7453cc [Preview] No. 20844 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>20845
Or just wait until after the election.
Anonymous 10/28/2016 (Fri) 06:02:56 Id: 6b9741 [Preview] No. 20845 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
Anonymous 10/28/2016 (Fri) 06:06:26 Id: 7453cc [Preview] No. 20846 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
I did actually write to T.May the British Prime Minister a couple of days ago but no reply yet.
You can only really do that if you are a British Voter as you would need to give a proper address for a proper reply.
I would advise any norms to write to their MP or T.May and request and answer. Especially anyone who lives in the constituency of JC as JA has given him plenty
of support in the past.
Anonymous 10/28/2016 (Fri) 06:10:15 Id: 7453cc [Preview] No. 20847 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
Or Just send a note to our Monarch. You will 100% get a reply wherever you are in the world. It will be a polite and diplomatic reply.
The Queen,
Buckingham Palace,
Anonymous 10/28/2016 (Fri) 06:12:08 Id: 7453cc [Preview] No. 20848 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
A side note to the SW1A 1AA.
When I am requested by a site to give an English post code this is my favoured response. It works for places like BBC iPlayer.
Anonymous 10/28/2016 (Fri) 06:45:01 [Preview] No. 20850 [X] del
we need help decoding this stuff. was everyone scared away?
Anonymous 10/28/2016 (Fri) 06:47:14 Id: 7453cc [Preview] No. 20851 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>20853
I have no decoding ability. Once you have anything that can be uploaded and distributed then I can help.
Anonymous 10/28/2016 (Fri) 06:48:44 Id: 7453cc [Preview] No. 20852 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>20854
Just send it to:
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Anonymous 10/28/2016 (Fri) 06:50:34 [Preview] No. 20853 [X] del
there are things you can do right now.
you can download the blockchain
you can look for transactions that seem to have messages in them
you can find people that are good at coding and telling them to join
you can push the progress we have into the blockchain or anywhere else were it cannot be deleted
Anonymous 10/28/2016 (Fri) 06:52:28 [Preview] No. 20854 [X] del
use tox
Anonymous 10/28/2016 (Fri) 06:56:34 [Preview] No. 20856 [X] del
Anonymous 10/28/2016 (Fri) 06:58:48 Id: 7453cc [Preview] No. 20857 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>20858
As all forms of communication are user traceable it is better to be hidden in the open.
tox and onion are exploitable portals and therefore no longer secure.
Anonymous 10/28/2016 (Fri) 07:00:15 [Preview] No. 20858 [X] del
what do you suggest
Anonymous 10/28/2016 (Fri) 07:12:45 [Preview] No. 20859 [X] del >>20862 >>21077
Jean has likely been compromised (all links sent to me lacked SSL).
Let KimDotCom know. He is loud. I cannot post to Reddit and am also probably now compromised.
Anonymous 10/28/2016 (Fri) 07:21:16 [Preview] No. 20860 [X] del
people need to start posting the insurance files into the blockchain as soon as possible and download the current blockchain into external drives
time is running out
Anonymous 10/28/2016 (Fri) 07:39:48 [Preview] No. 20862 [X] del >>21077
I will not be pursuing this any further.
If anyone wants this investigation to continue, they will have to do it themselves or involve others. KimDotCom would be a good person to inform. He has
contacts and would likely know if releasing this information would jeopardize Assange or WikiLeaks safety. In the event it doesn't, he is loud.
Alphabets, you should defect or subvert from within. What you are doing is treasonous and a betrayal of your people.
Anonymous 10/28/2016 (Fri) 07:39:57 Id: 7453cc [Preview] No. 20863 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
As I come from the St Max side of the political arena and because I am over 40 I prefer not to direct people in one way or another.
I would suggest that firstly no one should focus to heavily on the election day. This is a way of rushing people into making mistakes. It is not an important date:
1. Trump wins: Anything found after that will help him secure his presidency.
2. Hillary wins: Anything found after that will undermine her presidency.
So work slowly and carefully and focus on a good result rather than a quick fix. We have seen the media do not like to publish anything against their agenda so
information distribution is actually more important.
I would suggest everyone to face to face contact with friends they can trust. Pass on information via face to face in a long chain. A slower process but a more
secure one than online.
Those who are happy to publish should publish openly. Why hide.
If you have done something worth hiding about then pass on and let someone else publish.
It wont be the big mouth loud fags that will fight. It will be the general everyday people. The BMF`s will run and hide as that is what they are good at.
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Anonymous 10/28/2016 (Fri) 07:44:45 [Preview] No. 20864 [X] del >>20885 >>21077
import sys
import pycurl
import struct
from binascii import unhexlify, crc32
import urllib2
transaction = str(sys.argv[1])
data = urllib2.urlopen("h ttps://blockchain.info/tx/"+transaction+"?show_adv=true")
dataout = b''
atoutput = False
for line in data:
if 'Output Scripts' in line:
atoutput = True
if '</table>' in line:
atoutput = False
if atoutput:
if len(line) > 100:
chunks = line.split(' ')
for c in chunks:
if 'O' not in c and '\n' not in c and '>' not in c and '<' not in c:
dataout += unhexlify(c.encode('utf8'))
Download the following transactions with Satoshi Nakamoto's download tool which
can be found in transaction 6c53cd987119ef797d5adccd76241247988a0a5ef783572a9972e7371c5fb0cc
I'm assuming you already did the example on Jean's latest code dump >>24140 Let's try to do a few more.
First, let us download a transaction that generates a file. A nice example is the original Bitcoin paper. It can be found in transaction
Once it is done you will be able to see a pdf was generated in that directory.
Note that the transaction that generates the Bitcoin paper is related to the transaction that describes the Wikileaks cable dump, the cable dump itself, and many
other transactions that have other content. Some has yet to be completely decrypted. These transactions are all related because they have common addresses
involved or the money resulting from the transaction was used.
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involved or the money resulting from the transaction was used.
Now, if you look at the addresses involved, you can see one at the bottom, below Wikileaks. It does not show 'Escrow'. Go to that address and see its
transactions. You will then find another message. Keep doing this and you'll eventually find the cable dump again.
Using this method we've found several transactions that involve Wikileaks that we don't quite understand.
One good strategy is to generate a file from a transaction and then look at its 'magic numbers' to figure out what it could be.
For example, the Bitcoin paper transaction.
If you do
'file -b output'
You will get:
'python script.py 7379ab5047b143c0b6cfe5d8d79ad240b4b4f8cced55aa26f86d1d3d370c0d4c > output'
'file -b output'
you should get
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Anonymous 10/28/2016 (Fri) 07:47:15 Id: f958ff [Preview] No. 20867 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
import sys
import pycurl
import struct
from binascii import unhexlify, crc32
import urllib2
def txdecode(transaction):
data = urllib2.urlopen("h ttps://blockchain.info/tx/"+transaction+"?show_adv=true")
dataout = b''
atoutput = False
for line in data:
if 'Output Scripts' in line:
atoutput = True
if '</table>' in line:
atoutput = False
if atoutput:
if len(line) > 100:
chunks = line.split(' ')
for c in chunks:
if 'O' not in c and '\n' not in c and '>' not in c and '<' not in c:
dataout += unhexlify(c.encode('utf8'))
f = open(txlist, 'r')
alldata = b''
for l in f.readlines():
l = l.rstrip('\n')
alldata += txdecode(str(l))
print alldata
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Anonymous 10/28/2016 (Fri) 07:47:30 Id: f958ff [Preview] No. 20868 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
h ttps://8ch.net/pol/res/7962287.html
Post where a 'key' was posted and deletions started taking place:
h ttps://web.archive.org/web/20161024220842/h ttps://8ch.net/pol/res/7933031.html
h ttps://web.archive.org/web/20161022203236/h ttps://8ch.net/pol/res/7933031.html
New leads and alphabets showing up:
h ttps://endchan.xyz/pol/res/20366.html
Link to original insurance file in case anyone wants to test that one:
h ttps://wikileaks.org/wiki/Afghan_War_Diary,_2004-2010
h ttps://web.archive.org/web/20100901162556/h ttps://leakmirror.wikileaks.org/file/straw-glass-and-bottle/insurance.aes256
h ttps://file.wikileaks.org/torrent/2016-06-03_insurance.aes256.torrent
h ttps://file.wikileaks.org/torrent/wikileaks-insurance-20120222.tar.bz2.aes.torrent h ttps://file.wikileaks.org/torrent/wlinsurance-20130815-A.aes256.torrent
h ttps://file.wikileaks.org/torrent/wlinsurance-20130815-B.aes256.torrent
h ttps://file.wikileaks.org/torrent/wlinsurance-20130815-C.aes256.torrent
also someone suggested, "take the last 32 or so bytes in the file, flip them, save it and then run 'file -b' on it."
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Anonymous 10/28/2016 (Fri) 07:52:52 Id: f958ff [Preview] No. 20869 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
'strings file | head -1'
you obviously have no idea how bitcoin works, they can't "change the blocks"
oh stfu there is no progress you guys just started learning how to use the blockchain, you haven't discovered anything new
you guys will get nowhere because the key is not released yet. on nov 8 his internet will be restored.
Anonymous 10/28/2016 (Fri) 08:36:35 [Preview] No. 20872 [X] del
whoever gets the keys first, unlock the files and immediately push the entire content into the blockchain. there will push a lot of garbage to confuse people. there
will a lot of posts with fake keys everywhere. the only way to do this is to push the decrypted files directly in there in the same way the cables were posted.
they are already here. there are many factions. not everyone is against you. a lot of people want to help you. they want the public to do this. dont give up. trust your
Anonymous 10/28/2016 (Fri) 10:19:50 [Preview] No. 20874 [X] del
jean is gone? what the FUCK man. this isnt fair.
Anonymous 10/28/2016 (Fri) 10:35:34 [Preview] No. 20875 [X] del
remember heartbleed. it is a bug in openssl.
Anonymous 10/28/2016 (Fri) 12:43:24 Id: 646f3c [Preview] No. 20876 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
This is disinformation shill. Lots of name calling, hostility and "do nothing".
When people give you information whose purpose is to get you to "do nothing", it is shilling. "Someone else will do that for you. Everything is ok".
People are being picked up in vans and disappeared, for posting content on 4chan/8chan, that is making it into the media and impacting the Hillary campaign.
Her internal people are completely demoralized by the leaks. They are taking severe measures to get rid of the people influencing public opinion against Hillary.
The FBI and CIA have orders under Operation Mockingbird to take out the alternative media. They were going to do a full purge, within first month of Hillary
presidency to consolidate control. They are working overtime right now and the time-line is accelerated.
We are in a war. This is a war.
The enemy wants you to do nothing and just wait. Instead of analyzing all evidence, digging and determining what is true and what is possibility.
The enemy will discredit anyone who suggests a version of reality that contradicts the version they are trying to promote. They will even create false evidence and
use disinformation.
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Anonymous 10/28/2016 (Fri) 13:12:17 Id: 7453cc [Preview] No. 20877 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>20879
h ttps://ww w.nytimes.com/aponline/2016/10/28/world/europe/ap-eu-sweden-assange-.html
There are other news sites reporting this as well as the twitter feed. Too early to find any credible links to the statements.
Anonymous 10/28/2016 (Fri) 13:18:52 Id: 7453cc [Preview] No. 20878 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>20880 >>21077
I think if the CIA/FBI have started picking people off and putting them into vans then there would be at least one link you could give about the story.
You don`t even provide and infowars link!
Send a van to Osaka for me. I am one of only 15 white faces in my local town so reasonably easy to spot. I normally go shopping at Daiei at noon. The one next
to the Alzar building.
Anonymous 10/28/2016 (Fri) 13:19:05 Id: 6a4beb [Preview] No. 20879 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
I archived your url: h ttps://archive.is/vawAz
Anonymous 10/28/2016 (Fri) 19:36:52 Id: cdc117 [Preview] No. 20880 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>21077
The US govt literally sends out vans to kidnap 12 year olds for shit posting on 4chan.
That is how they stopped the anon operations. Anon almost took out the US govt. There was a huge panic and they were hacking all the email servers and
spearfishing high level people.
But ignore it. They do not have enough vans. They are out of vans. They are fighting against 15 million people. Its so futile.
Anonymous 10/28/2016 (Fri) 21:31:23 [Preview] No. 20885 [X] del >>21077
she did it
h ttps://ww w.foxnews.com/politics/2016/10/28/fbi-letter-to-congress-on-clinton-email-probe.html
ignore the shills there is still work to do this is only the information that was found so far
Anonymous 10/29/2016 (Sat) 01:23:50 Id: 4090b6 [Preview] No. 20892 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
>posting python scripts with no code tags and no indentation
You fucking idiot.
Anonymous 10/29/2016 (Sat) 03:38:46 Id: 7453cc [Preview] No. 20897 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>20953 >>20960
Unless new information is posted my personal opinion is that JA is still alive at the Embassy.
The three coded tweets are more likely to do with a request to attend the funeral than anything else. That being the case the dead man switch has yet to be
I also think the radio call in was genuine. If so the important message was that they have about 50,000 emails being released by an algorithm. We are up to
35,000 and with a drip feed of just over a thousand a day I think it will done done just in time for the election.
If trump wins then it is likely that the JA situation will be resolved quite quickly. If Hillary wins then we all need to do are best to resolve it for her.
Personally I think she will win and be dead within the 1st year of office. Wishful thinking I know.
Anonymous 10/29/2016 (Sat) 06:30:35 [Preview] No. 20918 [X] del
(4.91 MB 1280x720 e.mp4)
Anonymous 10/29/2016 (Sat) 09:13:49 Id: 311f4e [Preview] No. 20953 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>21074
Why doesn't JA sign something with his PGP key if he's still alive?
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Anonymous 10/29/2016 (Sat) 09:49:35 Id: 68f16b [Preview] No. 20960 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
>Unless new information is posted my personal opinion is that JA is still alive at the Embassy.
We dont need "opinions". If he was still at the embassy, one of several thousand people would just go to the embassy and then go out and say "He is still alive, I
saw him yesterday".
He has been removed from the embassy. With a gitmo bag over his head. Remember the CIA extraordinary rendition flight that shut down the London airport.
They will not release information about it, until after the election, because it has the potential to cause protests of hundreds of thousands of people if it gets into
the media.
The wikileak staff is also MIA. All twelve staff members are radio silent and have not been heard from.
Contact the wikileaks staff, stop focusing on Assange.
If someone appears in the embassy who says they are Assange, get their iris and finger print biometrics to verify its not a body double. They said they may use a
body double.
Anonymous 10/29/2016 (Sat) 14:10:39 Id: 7453cc [Preview] No. 20967 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
4cheese a paranoid fellow.
Anonymous 10/29/2016 (Sat) 20:34:59 Id: 1c5fd6 [Preview] No. 20977 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
Idiots everywhere here, so blind. Keep wasting your time
Anonymous 10/30/2016 (Sun) 10:29:01 Id: 2a7107 [Preview] No. 21021 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>21077
(199.95 KB NSClusterAug22.pdf)
Nice little list of names.
Anonymous 10/31/2016 (Mon) 18:41:28 Id: a05bef [Preview] No. 21074 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
JA is too quiet. This likely means no longer at embassy. Alive/Dead and under his own free will or captured are the questions.
Anonymous 10/31/2016 (Mon) 20:39:22 [Preview] No. 21077 [X] del >>21133 >>21280 >>22026
do people not realize what took place in this thread...
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Anonymous 11/01/2016 (Tue) 18:37:35 [Preview] No. 21100 [X] del >>21109 >>21114 >>21116
(5.35 KB 320x180 rnu.jpg)
address from snowdens tweet
python jean.py > 43eede089698c539f96a47f05d3488670aeb01f94795db4d26cb91c42a17b8e6
file *
43eede089698c539f96a47f05d3488670aeb01f94795db4d26cb91c42a17b8e6: data
5ec3c483b129ed280264463123f9f46c6016b0a6cf6d612761967713eebccfb6: data
eeaa12abdf522cb4915225825172a619e4b6ccfd273c2e5020a1fc800410dbff: data
we need to merge these files in some order that allows us to read the contents of the db
Transactions look empty on b lockchain.info. They must have already gotten to them and cleared them out...
Anonymous 11/02/2016 (Wed) 02:14:33 Id: 96b27d [Preview] No. 21116 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>21124
Same. The three significant transactions didn't have any content.
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Anonymous 11/02/2016 (Wed) 05:15:00 [Preview] No. 21124 [X] del
it means download a copy of the entire transaction history in case it gets cleared
03bec42e5d718b0e5b3853243c9bcf00dd671a335b0eb99fd8ca32f8d5784a9476 OP_CHECKSIG
running that through the script should still generate a dbase file
.]q [8S$< g3[ 2 xJ v
nov2: DBase 3 data file (244019549 records)
Anonymous 11/02/2016 (Wed) 14:21:11 Id: 5914b4 [Preview] No. 21133 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>21154
(71.13 KB 640x667 life.jpg)
please enlighten...
Sorry Jean for falling off and out of the onion and Tox. It got a bit to weird to fast for me.Getting blocked from
backupchan and then the threats. (probably just shitlords roleplaying, but I got other ppl to worry about!)
I still check in every few days now that I'm able to get back into here. Would love any updates that can be posted here.
A Bitcoin Private Key can be generated from any hash of the right length. And there's no reason to give out the Private Key over the Public Key (checking one of
the addresses BTC was sent to from this gives a "scam" account that claims to double your Bitcoin... do a Google search on it and you'll find a corresponding
pastebin for it.).
Also, the transactions that give the Database File headers are most likely false positives imo. They're not big enough to truly contain any DB data.
However, if the DMS did trigger, I do feel confident it'll be in the blockchain.
If anyone has a full INDEXED node (txindex=1 in bitcoin.conf), the following script might be useful:
h ttps://paste.ofcode.org/BGbWMQyfxG44xNujEbV5Pb
Run it with the following command to search blocks after Oct 15th (up until Nov 3rd):
python ./block-data-finder.py blocks 434362 437105
A folder called "data" will need to be created prior to running.
You must change the rpcuser and rpcpass in the script (near the top).
You MUST be running a full node with txindex=1 in bitcoin.conf
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Anonymous 11/03/2016 (Thu) 03:48:07 [Preview] No. 21180 [X] del >>21205
Incredibly likely. This is a hash turned into a Private Key (you can do this with ANY hash of the correct size).
A Private Key gives the user ownership of a particular account (in this case, many users now "own" this account).
Scammer tactic:
>Snowden releases hash.
>/r/Bitcoin realize hash can be turned into Private Key.
>Scammer deposits BTC into this account.
>Scammer then sends BTC from that account into this account hoping to con coins out of people who stumble upon that link (scam publicity).
Do a Google Search for this receiving Address: 1aa5cmqmvQq8YQTEqcTmW7dfBNuFwgdCD
You'll find a few hits for "Bitcoin Doubler" (SCAM).
Again, there's absolutely no reason to post a Private Key. Once this "Private Key" (which is just a hash with the correct number of bytes) is public, anyone can do
anything they like with it. It is more likely that others made the transactions, not Snowden (there are no transactions prior to this Hash, turned Private Key, going
>h ttps://paste.ofcode.org/BGbWMQyfxG44xNujEbV5Pb
That's interesting. Cert was definitely valid when I made that post.
Here's another:
h ttps://codepaste.net/inhg6t
If the cert becomes invalid for that too...
Anonymous 11/03/2016 (Thu) 05:00:07 Id: ba2900 [Preview] No. 21185 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>21186 >>21237
>no ones clicking that shit shill
That site doesn't even support https, I clicked through the error and got a 404.
h ttps://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmWNCnt1Fds9argz4h4D88gie2g1qPFosLMLNkddgqQ9jh/block-data-finder.py
Anonymous 11/03/2016 (Thu) 05:25:43 [Preview] No. 21186 [X] del >>21187
It definitely did support https when I submitted it. The link was copy and pasted from the address bar and I received NO invalid cert errors (I would've noticed, I'm
using TBB).
Another thing worth investigating might be the Litecoin Blockchain as I'm pretty sure Litecoin and Bitcoin share the same address formats.
The code should be easily
Anonymous 11/03/2016 (Thu) 05:27:24 [Preview] No. 21187 [X] del
... adaptable to scan this if anyone is running a full Litecoin node.
I imagine the only thing that would need changing is the RPC server.
Anonymous 11/03/2016 (Thu) 07:27:54 [Preview] No. 21192 [X] del >>21228
Assange: 'I feel sorry for Clinton as a person' - Exclusive interview with John Pilger (TEASER) - Duration: 27 seconds.
h ttps://ww w.youtube.com/watch?v=OPNXWM90hew
Anonymous 11/03/2016 (Thu) 16:33:32 [Preview] No. 21205 [X] del >>21208 >>21219 >>21268
because software from the 80s was not required to have backdoors and skeletonkeys by nsa
the real question is why would a scammer encode valid dbase3 data into a transaction
oct 21st was the date of the ddos when the keys were allegedly released
there is a lot of talk on onion boards that a lot of the insurance files have been unlocked
with information found on transactions by addresses related to the cable dump
Anonymous 11/03/2016 (Thu) 17:37:55 [Preview] No. 21206 [X] del
anyone know how to find transactions with 'escrow's in them
Anonymous 11/03/2016 (Thu) 18:05:38 Id: ba2900 [Preview] No. 21208 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>21210
>the real question is why would a scammer encode valid dbase3 data into a transaction
They didn't. It's just some skiddie thinking he's leet for knowing how to run `file` on the kali/tails livecd he downloaded and being too clueless to recognize
obviously invalid output.
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Anonymous 11/03/2016 (Thu) 18:13:13 [Preview] No. 21210 [X] del >>21213 >>21216 >>21217
skiddie this
Anonymous 11/03/2016 (Thu) 18:41:50 Id: 83b301 [Preview] No. 21213 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
woa dude r u tryn 2 hak me
Anonymous 11/03/2016 (Thu) 20:19:03 Id: ba2900 [Preview] No. 21216 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
Next you're going to try and repeatedly convince everyone the 16 bytes or whatever in each of those contain two hundred and fourty four million database entries
each, right?
When did fucking 8/pol/ find this thread
Anonymous 11/03/2016 (Thu) 20:20:54 [Preview] No. 21217 [X] del >>21218
h ttps://blockchain.info/tx/7379ab5047b143c0b6cfe5d8d79ad240b4b4f8cced55aa26f86d1d3d370c0d4c?show_adv=true
Anonymous 11/03/2016 (Thu) 20:30:37 [Preview] No. 21218 [X] del >>21219
has a giant gpg file
Anonymous 11/03/2016 (Thu) 22:34:26 [Preview] No. 21219 [X] del >>21220 >>21221 >>21378 >>21401
Scraping yesterday, I found a few GPG Sub-Keys around blocks 383000 to 383100.
There IS plenty of deliberately placed data in the blockchain, but the DBase3 stuff is just non-sense, a false-positive (look at how many records are allegedly
contained in such small transaction sizes. You'd need several hundred MB's worth committed to the chain for a DB that size).
I won't say for certain that those transactions don't mean anything, but considering Snowden's was a hash turned Private Key (not Public Key), I doubt they do.
Anyone could've made those transactions.
Would love to see those onion threads you mention. I cannot find anything about it in "Outer Heaven".
Has anyone explored the Litecoin Blockchain yet? Blockchains really are the best way to have small information persist forever and I have few doubts that, if the
DMS did trigger, this is how the keys would be distributed as a fail-safe to censorship.
Anonymous 11/03/2016 (Thu) 23:30:27 [Preview] No. 21220 [X] del
posts the transaction numbers or lets start an onion thread. everyone that gets close disappears.
Anonymous 11/03/2016 (Thu) 23:34:19 [Preview] No. 21221 [X] del
onion threads with meaningful info were deleted when shit got real
Russia not behind Clinton leaks Assange interview with John Pilger (Courtesy Darthmouth Films) - Duration: 5 minutes, 6 seconds.
h ttps://ww w.youtube.com/watch?v=4D92Gc7f6Lk
Anonymous 11/04/2016 (Fri) 02:26:49 [Preview] No. 21228 [X] del >>21229
its too late shill. we already got to the keys
Anonymous 11/04/2016 (Fri) 02:34:24 [Preview] No. 21229 [X] del >>21230 >>21233
Any hints? I've been on this thread since it started, but went dark last week when people started disappearing...
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Anonymous 11/04/2016 (Fri) 02:41:53 [Preview] No. 21230 [X] del >>21231
follow the address that spends the money in the cable dump. every transaction theres only one address that has the funds not 'escrowed'.
this is the other angle h ttps://web.archive.org/web/20130428035200/h ttps://ww w.openssl.org/docs/crypto/EVP_BytesToKey.html
h ttps://web.archive.org/web/20150921141747/h ttps://security.stackexchange.com/questions/29106/openssl-recover-key-and-iv-by-passphrase/29139
all the pizza shit being posted everywhere and that was tweeted by wikileaks is nothing compared to whats in those fucking files. remember to download the first
file ever posted too.
Anonymous 11/04/2016 (Fri) 02:43:44 [Preview] No. 21231 [X] del >>21232
Got it. Thanks.
Anonymous 11/04/2016 (Fri) 02:45:12 [Preview] No. 21232 [X] del
and try to the find the onion threads
Anonymous 11/04/2016 (Fri) 02:49:41 [Preview] No. 21233 [X] del >>21237 >>21446
AES decrypts in blocks 256 bytes at a time. take one of the insurance files, copy the first 256 bytes, make a new tiny file and use the key on that. if the data is
compressible or has runs on zeros or consant values or has some known values in it, then the key is right
Anonymous 11/04/2016 (Fri) 02:54:05 [Preview] No. 21234 [X] del >>21235
h ttps://wikispooks.com/w/images/9/96/Full-Disclosure.pdf
Anonymous 11/04/2016 (Fri) 02:55:35 [Preview] No. 21235 [X] del >>21237
PDF??? Not sure if I want to click it.
Anonymous 11/04/2016 (Fri) 05:31:46 [Preview] No. 21237 [X] del >>21241
From that PDF:
>The attacker has control of the hidden firewall, it is easy for the attacker to
>simply block traffic based on specific ports or based on destination address or
>network route, for example, the government can block port 8333 at source
>and therefore block all Bitcoin transactions.
>A coordinated attack on the Bitcoin network is possible by blocking ports of
>Minors around the world. Reducing the hash rate and blocking transactions.
Around the same time as the DDOS attacks, can anyone verify that Bitcoin maintained an average transaction rate (i.e. evidence that Bitcoin wasn't shutdown)?
Anyone have the UTC time of the DDoS attacks?
I know the mempool was flooded a day or two afterwards (40000 transactions as opposed to the usual 4000 or so), but this could've been an attack to thwart
and discourage adoption of Bitcoin 0.13.1 (SegWit) by those that don't support it. (The timing here is suspicious.)
This is a good approach to take. Anyone got a script to check for NULL bytes or test compressed size vs decompressed size? These insurance files are likely
compressed anyway, so after attempted decryption, a "file -b" should reveal sensible headers.
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Anonymous 11/04/2016 (Fri) 07:17:56 [Preview] No. 21241 [X] del >>21256
Pt 1/2:
# Settings
rpcserver = "h ttps://username:password@localhost:8332"
data_folder = "data"
crc_verification = 0
ignore_data = 1
rawTx = server.getrawtransaction(transaction)
tx = server.decoderawtransaction(rawTx)
data = b''
for txout in tx['vout'][0:-2]:
for op in txout['scriptPubKey']['asm'].split(' '):
if not op.startswith('OP_') and len(op) >= 40:
data += unhexlify(op.encode('utf8'))
os.rename(file_path, destination_folder+'/'+transaction)
except Exception, e:
Anonymous 11/04/2016 (Fri) 07:21:57 [Preview] No. 21242 [X] del >>21254
Endchan fucks tabs. Code here:
h ttps://codepaste.net/fizwqb
Anonymous 11/04/2016 (Fri) 18:25:15 [Preview] No. 21254 [X] del >>21264
empty paste
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Anonymous 11/04/2016 (Fri) 18:42:24 [Preview] No. 21256 [X] del
i think the checksum could prevent us from finding some files. i dont think the cable dump passes the test since they are split into multiple pieces throughout
138 transactions.
Anonymous 11/04/2016 (Fri) 18:43:32 [Preview] No. 21257 [X] del
everyone should be using the onion link for this thread h ttps://s6424n4x4bsmqs27.onion/pol/res/20366.html
emails on machine Anonymous 11/04/2016 (Fri) 18:56:14 [Preview] No. 21258 [X] del >>21259 >>21261
SOMEBODY get the emails off this machine - related to election
team viwer ID: 245 366 202
teamviwer pass: n8as75
Compromised Machine: h ttps://pastebin.com/SiWhBnKK to login - serious, lots of emails on here
Anonymous 11/04/2016 (Fri) 19:16:47 Id: ba2900 [Preview] No. 21259 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
Not biting. Give more details than that.
Anonymous 11/04/2016 (Fri) 19:36:35 [Preview] No. 21261 [X] del
guess were in the right track
Anonymous 11/04/2016 (Fri) 22:12:28 [Preview] No. 21264 [X] del >>21265
Needs JS unfortunately.
I can repost on another paste service if anyone knows one that doesn't block Tor?
Anonymous 11/04/2016 (Fri) 22:23:07 [Preview] No. 21265 [X] del
just post it here directly. you can post the hex if youre worried about the formatting
Anonymous 11/04/2016 (Fri) 23:22:35 [Preview] No. 21267 [X] del >>21268 >>21270 >>21271
h ttps://ww w.documentcloud.org/documents/3213878-Binder2.html
not a drill
Anonymous 11/05/2016 (Sat) 00:26:44 [Preview] No. 21268 [X] del
(281.90 KB 1322x178 dbase.png)
Anonymous 11/05/2016 (Sat) 00:45:24 [Preview] No. 21270 [X] del
(1.24 MB 1111x873 man.png)
>released on oct 17
day assange goes missing
>cyber attack on east cost
predicting the ddos of oct 21st
>congress in emergency
session to pass anti-terrorism
>orders from the "fucking
fall of cassandra confirmed
al qaeda literally means 'the
reports on threat today h ttps://twitter.com/i/moments/794531965823229953
>assange talking about trump 'not being allowed to win'
what the fuck is about to happen
Anonymous 11/05/2016 (Sat) 00:54:19 [Preview] No. 21271 [X] del
this might be the deadman switch or the keys might be in that statement somehow
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Anonymous 11/05/2016 (Sat) 03:38:11 [Preview] No. 21278 [X] del
'Clinton & ISIS funded by same money' - Assange interview w/John Pilger (Courtesy Darthmouth Films) - Duration: 2 minutes, 47 seconds.
h ttps://ww w.youtube.com/watch?v=k9xbokQO4M0
'Trump wont be permitted to win' - Assange interview with John Pilger (Courtesy Darthmouth Films) - Duration: 5 minutes.
h ttps://ww w.youtube.com/watch?v=JQ7lYRnF1F8
Anonymous 11/05/2016 (Sat) 06:57:27 Id: be2e70 [Preview] No. 21280 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>21282
The flaw in OpenSSL that leaks the AES sub-keys is hilarious. NSA put that there, to assist them in decryption and brute forcing encrypted files.
Anonymous 11/05/2016 (Sat) 10:00:10 [Preview] No. 21282 [X] del >>21284
lets fuck the shit out of it boys
we can openssl flaw was used to some in another thread
the blockchain scraping is looking good
we should have teams look into these leads and report here. we have only 4 days left.
(unless you want to unlock them anyway even if assange is alive. frankly i dont think people are ready for whats in those files)
Anonymous 11/05/2016 (Sat) 10:21:21 [Preview] No. 21284 [X] del >>21285 >>21309
posting EVP_BytesToKey just in case it gets cleansed from the internet and archives
EVP_BytesToKey - password based encryption routine
#include <openssl/evp.h>
int EVP_BytesToKey(const EVP_CIPHER *type,const EVP_MD *md,
const unsigned char *salt,
const unsigned char *data, int datal, int count,
unsigned char *key,unsigned char *iv);
EVP_BytesToKey() derives a key and IV from various parameters. type is the cipher to derive the key and IV for. md is the message digest to use. The salt
paramter is used as a salt in the derivation: it should point to an 8 byte buffer or NULL if no salt is used. data is a buffer containing datal bytes which is used to
derive the keying data. count is the iteration count to use. The derived key and IV will be written to key and iv respectively.
A typical application of this function is to derive keying material for an encryption algorithm from a password in the data parameter.
Increasing the count parameter slows down the algorithm which makes it harder for an attacker to peform a brute force attack using a large number of candidate
If the total key and IV length is less than the digest length and MD5 is used then the derivation algorithm is compatible with PKCS#5 v1.5 otherwise a non
standard extension is used to derive the extra data.
Newer applications should use more standard algorithms such as PKCS#5 v2.0 for key derivation.
The key and IV is derived by concatenating D_1, D_2, etc until enough data is available for the key and IV. D_i is defined as:
D_i = HASH^count(D_(i-1) || data || salt)
where || denotes concatentaion, D_0 is empty, HASH is the digest algorithm in use, HASH^1(data) is simply HASH(data), HASH^2(data) is HASH(HASH(data))
and so on.
The initial bytes are used for the key and the subsequent bytes for the IV.
We can easily implement this with python code. or we could even possibly find it already in the open source implementation.
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Anonymous 11/05/2016 (Sat) 10:23:02 [Preview] No. 21285 [X] del
We can already get the salts by using the strings command right?
Anonymous 11/05/2016 (Sat) 19:10:47 Id: 051933 [Preview] No. 21302 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>21305
Get TOX group together. Or Tor/board is safer.
We need to contact the wikileaks admin and staff. The 13 people who are now missing.
They should know the protocol. There is no reason to guess about this.
Anonymous 11/05/2016 (Sat) 19:34:21 Id: f5873d [Preview] No. 21303 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>21305 >>21334 >>21407 >>21446
I will tell you a secret.
To decrypt the insurance file. Make sure to archive this before it disappears.
The EVP_BytesToKey key derivative algorithm uses md5. It is trivial to break the key for the first block.
h ttps://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007%2F11814948_13
It is not clear if they are using PBKDF1 or if this is disinformation or recent change.
Anonymous 11/05/2016 (Sat) 20:39:27 [Preview] No. 21305 [X] del >>21407 >>22416
theres a bitmessage channel. fuck tox.
i think we could easily implement a sat solver
Anonymous 11/05/2016 (Sat) 22:33:51 [Preview] No. 21306 [X] del >>21307
Secret World of US Election: Julian Assange talks to John Pilger (FULL INTERVIEW) - Duration: 24 minutes.
h ttps://ww w.youtube.com/watch?v=_sbT3_9dJY4
Anonymous 11/05/2016 (Sat) 22:58:38 [Preview] No. 21307 [X] del >>21308 >>21335 >>21336
dont believe the shills. the video interview does add up. he doesnt even mention gavins death. he talks about old leaks and the new ones he mentions 'libya tick
tock' and the 'citibank' email are not in the leak. today the deleted emails were supposed to come out and they didnt. things are not looking good. we need to get
into an onion bunker right now and either unlock the files are contact wl and tell them theres a vulnerability in them.
Anonymous 11/05/2016 (Sat) 23:00:04 [Preview] No. 21308 [X] del
the only two questions that would show it was set in the present are the are the one about the fbi this week and the one about the internet being cutoff. he
answers something unrelated on both.
Anonymous 11/05/2016 (Sat) 23:20:42 Id: ba2900 [Preview] No. 21309 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>21310
>posting EVP_BytesToKey just in case it gets cleansed from the internet and archives
Just in case... a standard manpage shipped with every copy of openssl on earth suddenly disappears?
Are you the same dipshit from a few days ago that posted that unusable python script with all formatting stripped out, and the same fucking idiot who thinks
/usr/bin/file is an infallible steganography-breaking oracle?
Mate, you are retarded and actively dangerous. Stop drowning this thread with your inane shitposting and go do something more useful like play in traffic with a
blindfold on.
Anonymous 11/05/2016 (Sat) 23:34:08 [Preview] No. 21310 [X] del >>21311
shilling this hard
look at the source code
> * Note that str is NULL >if a key was passed on the >command line, so
> * we get no salt in that >case. Is this a bug?
> */
Anonymous 11/05/2016 (Sat) 23:36:52 Id: ba2900 [Preview] No. 21311 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
"shilling"? I'm calling out your TOTAL COMPUTER ILLITERACY because YOU ARE MISLEADING PEOPLE.
This is not a game. If people die because the computer told you 30 bytes from the blockchain is actually a 250MB database and your worthless noise caused
something important to get skipped over here, THAT IS ON YOUR FUCKING HEAD.
Anonymous 11/05/2016 (Sat) 23:39:45 [Preview] No. 21312 [X] del >>21313
Assange busts Russian spy myth in exclusive interview about leaks - Duration: 2 minutes, 51 seconds.
h ttps://ww w.youtube.com/watch?v=hPYlmDv10Cg
Anonymous 11/05/2016 (Sat) 23:47:18 Id: ba2900 [Preview] No. 21313 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
fuck right off
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Anonymous 11/06/2016 (Sun) 00:54:21 [Preview] No. 21316 [X] del >>21334
h ttps://github.com/openssl/openssl/blob/master/crypto/evp/evp_key.c#L74
Anonymous 11/06/2016 (Sun) 04:38:35 [Preview] No. 21334 [X] del
remember to try it on the first insurance file posted on 2010
Anonymous 11/06/2016 (Sun) 05:03:03 Id: 82828b [Preview] No. 21335 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>21336
Assange in the interview references Hillary's false statement about 17 agencies, which she made Oct 19th
Anonymous 11/06/2016 (Sun) 05:14:51 Id: 82828b [Preview] No. 21336 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
Also, the Citibank picking Obama's cabinet revelation was revealed Nov 2nd:
h ttps://twitter.com/search?q=citibank%20from%3Awikileaks&src=typd&lang=en
Anonymous 11/06/2016 (Sun) 05:30:01 [Preview] No. 21337 [X] del >>21338
bu bu but he was blackbaged and gitmoed on October 17th...
Anonymous 11/06/2016 (Sun) 06:34:38 Id: 82828b [Preview] No. 21338 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>21341
I believed that too. I'd like to hear someone's theory as to why he didn't PGP sign something.
My only guess is he wanted to use the intrigue to signal boost his interview *shrug*
Anonymous 11/06/2016 (Sun) 07:12:35 [Preview] No. 21340 [X] del >>21408 >>21409
ignore the shills. the keys went out on oct 21 and thats why they ddosd the east coast. look at mannings statement. she talks about the ddos. the insurance files
were unlocked on oct 27. keys are in the blockchain and insurance files can be opened by exploiting the openssl vulnerability found last week.
Anonymous 11/06/2016 (Sun) 07:23:24 [Preview] No. 21341 [X] del >>21342
Has anyone compiled a UTC timeline of events that have taken place?
12 October: Wikileaks announces: now publishing on a schedule created by our new impact maximizing publishing algorithm the "Stochastic Terminator"
12 October: Mike Cernovich tweets about getting info that 33K deleted emails exist
15 october (morning): WikiLeaks releases Hillary Clinton's Goldman Sachs transcripts.
15/16 october (dawn): Wikileaks DNS Server was suddenly pointed elsewhere (not confirmed)
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Anonymous 11/06/2016 (Sun) 08:12:37 [Preview] No. 21343 [X] del >>21344 >>21383
18 October: Ecuador admits to 'restricting' Assange communications over US election.
19 october: Craig Murray posts on his blog that went to see Julian Assange for a whisky in the Ecuador Embassy (.) I left Julian after midnight. He is fit, well,
sharp and in good spirits.
20 october: Cryptome tweets Wrong building for Assange's EC bolt hole. Orator perch still waving flag. 5129'56.62" N 009'40.51" W
20 october: Wikileaks annouces We have a suprise in store for @TimKaine and @DonnaBrazile.
20 and 21 october: Wikileaks tweets with many spelling mistakes HELP HIM code.
21 October: Dyn DDoS cyberattack
21 October: Wikileaks tweets Mr. Assange is still alive and WikiLeaks is still publishing. We ask supporters to stop taking down the US internet. You proved
your point.
21 October: Wikileaks tweets: The Obama administration should not have attempted to misuse its instruments of state to stop criticism of its ruling party
21 October: Wikilekas posts photo of Armed policed outside Embassy
24 October: Wikileaks annouces poll: Thousands keep demanding Assange proof of life. Not unreasonable. He's in a tough spot and is WikiLeaks best
known validator. Preference? Video option won.
24 october: Wikileaks announces that While in London for #SHOCircus, Mark Halperin attempts to interview #wikileaks' founder julian assange (Video with
Assanges reply: Everything about what the MSM is missing about Podesta leaks).
24 october: Assange lawyer @BarnsGreg gives interview to ABC Radio National2 (Australia), and states that spoke with Assange yesterday. (interview link
not working anymore)
Anonymous 11/06/2016 (Sun) 08:12:59 [Preview] No. 21344 [X] del >>21345
25 October: CISL Conference schedule and posters change (Announcement of Assange live connection from London
25 October: Pamela Anderson tweets photo with toy "For Julian's cat"
26 October: Assange speaks at CISL (Argentina) phone call.(edited)
26 Oct 2016: (9: 25 am): Kim DotCom insinuating wikileaks has the deleted emails
26 Oct 2016: (12:07 pm): Kim DotCom again insinuating wikileaks has the deleted emails
26 Oct 2016: (12:42 pm) Kim DotCom telling Gowdy and Trump how to legally obtain deleted 33k emails
26 Oct 2016(4:15 PM): Kim DotCom restating legal way to obtain emails so that when the release comes from wikileaks, to convict Hillary, congress /
prosecutors can get valid evidence for US .gov
26 Oct 2016: Wikileaks tweets about Pardon for Manning and about Obama lying about Hillary's server - Podesta leaks starting to show Obama name.
27 october: WikileaksTaskForce tweets: The video from #Assange's talk at @CISL_Argentina is legit. It was scheduled sometime ago. #CISL2016
28 october: Wikileaks annouces that Sweden has rejected Mr. Assange's request to be escorted by police to the funeral of Gavin MacFadyen on Monday.
28 october: Wikileaks releases statement from Mr. Assange about swedish decision.
30 October: Wikileaks announces We commence PHASE 3 of our US election coverage next week.
31 October: Wikileaks publish a poll: Who will US president Barack Obama pardon (for distributing documents marked classified) on his way out of office?
Chelsea Manning/Hillary Clinton/Julian Assange/Edward Snowden 3 nov: Kim tweets "Relax. Julian Assange is not dead. He's very busy analyzing extremely
sensitive leaked emails 20 hrs/day".
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Anonymous 11/06/2016 (Sun) 08:13:53 [Preview] No. 21345 [X] del >>21346
July 5 Manning attempts suicide.
h ttps://ww w.aclu.org/news/chelsea-manning-faces-new-charges-indefinite-solitary-confinement-related-suicide-attempt
July 6 Unnamed Army official contacts media and says manning is hospitalized.
h ttps://ww w.fightforthefuture.org/news/2016-07-06-chelsea-mannings-legal-team-responds-to/
July 11 Manning's legal team posts statement confirming suicide attempt.
h ttps://twitter.com/chasestrangio/status/752620585067347970
July 28 AM Manning is charged for suicide attempt and other offenses (including owning this book h ttps://ww w.versobooks.com/books/2027-hacker-hoaxer-
whistleblower-spy). Investigation begins.
h ttps://ww w.aclu.org/news/chelsea-manning-faces-new-charges-indefinite-solitary-confinement-related-suicide-attempt
Sept 22 Manning's disciplinary board takes place. Manning is punished with 14 days of solitary confinement. Charge documents: h
h ttps://shadowproof.com/2016/09/23/army-solitary-confinement-chelsea-manning/
Oct 7 @SaveManning posts that three planned calls have been missed. Others tweet that Manning has been missing since Oct 4.
h ttps://twitter.com/SaveManning/status/784465289773580288
Anonymous 11/06/2016 (Sun) 08:14:20 [Preview] No. 21346 [X] del
Oct 10 6PM Simulated prison breakout begins.
Oct 11 6AM Manning is released from solitary confinement after 7 days. "everything returned to normal". "deep cleaning" begins.
h ttps://ww w.documentcloud.org/documents/3213878-Binder2.html
h ttps://twitter.com/xeni/status/785952795216273412
Oct 15 Manning dictates statement regarding the accident over the phone.
h ttps://ww w.documentcloud.org/documents/3213878-Binder2.html
Oct 17 Statement is sent to the Inspector General of the Intelligence Community Investigations Division.
h ttps://ww w.documentcloud.org/documents/3213878-Binder2.html
Oct 27 Last day alleged attackers who posed as guards are seen at the facility by Manning.
h ttps://ww w.nytimes.com/2016/11/05/us/chelsea-manning-tried-committing-suicide-a-second-time-in-october.html?_r=1
Nov 4 New York Times and AP stories are posted. Wikileaks tweets.
h ttps://ww w.nytimes.com/2016/11/05/us/chelsea-manning-tried-committing-suicide-a-second-time-in-october.html?_r=1
h ttps://globalnews.ca/news/3048066/chelsea-manning-attempts-suicide-in-prison-for-second-time-this-year/?sf41166446=1
h ttps://twitter.com/wikileaks/status/794665702594580480
Anonymous 11/06/2016 (Sun) 08:31:11 [Preview] No. 21348 [X] del >>21349 >>21384
This interview with Pilger took place last week (Nov 3) at the Ecuadorian Embasy. He's clearly still there and not in custody. He couldn't sign anything because
he doesn't have internet access obviously. The stories that he was gitmoed are false, and planted by western intelligence. If the keys have unlocked the
insurance files, then someone should post them unlocked on rapidshare or some other upload site.
Anonymous 11/06/2016 (Sun) 08:36:14 [Preview] No. 21349 [X] del >>21362 >>21409
they have been posted you fucking idiot. they keep getting deleted. go back to reddit before you get doxxed and banned.
Anonymous 11/06/2016 (Sun) 20:06:43 [Preview] No. 21358 [X] del
Link it then
Anonymous 11/06/2016 (Sun) 20:10:14 [Preview] No. 21359 [X] del >>21377
In the interview Pilger clearly states . "We are in the final week of the election". Placing the interview last week. And as another person pointed out, other
statements were made that place this interview after Nov 2. It looks like it was done on Nov 2 or Nov 3, and ediited in two days and sold to RT.
Anonymous 11/06/2016 (Sun) 20:11:36 [Preview] No. 21361 [X] del >>21368
Dox me. Show me your klingon warrior might.
Anonymous 11/06/2016 (Sun) 20:12:46 [Preview] No. 21362 [X] del >>21368
Dox me. Show me your skills.
Anonymous 11/06/2016 (Sun) 21:07:30 [Preview] No. 21368 [X] del
you ctr guys are not very creative huh
Anonymous 11/06/2016 (Sun) 22:26:26 [Preview] No. 21377 [X] del
ok then theres nothing to worry about. leave the thread.
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Anonymous 11/06/2016 (Sun) 22:32:35 [Preview] No. 21378 [X] del
is there anyway to check if they are encrypted w the public key on the wikileaks submission site?
Anonymous 11/07/2016 (Mon) 00:18:32 Id: 228fe5 [Preview] No. 21383 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>21385
>21 October: Wikilekas posts photo of Armed policed outside Embassy
You should add that the tweet said the photo was taken Tuesday (the 18th)
Anonymous 11/07/2016 (Mon) 00:24:20 Id: 228fe5 [Preview] No. 21384 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
Please link to the source stating when the interview took place
Anonymous 11/07/2016 (Mon) 00:31:17 [Preview] No. 21385 [X] del
(70.98 KB 1130x736 changeip.png)
inb4 someone gets tired of waiting for a pgp signed message from
assange and dumps the keys into the blockchain
Anonymous 11/07/2016 (Mon) 07:06:40 [Preview] No. 21404 [X] del
(29.19 KB 941x594 YTiLX0E.png)
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Anonymous 11/07/2016 (Mon) 08:07:35 [Preview] No. 21406 [X] del
curl h ttps://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails//get/\[52481-52992\] -o "#1.eml"
curl h ttps://wikileaks.org/dnc-emails//get/\[27515-44053\] -o "#1.eml"
Anonymous 11/07/2016 (Mon) 09:10:30 Id: c2d6cf [Preview] No. 21407 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>21412
i think we could easily implement a sat solver
I will get government grant and we have computer cluster. The insurance files will be decrypted within five years in worse case.
There are also methods with genetic algorithms. The "Slow" way can take 2 years but can be decentralized and done in parallel. CUDA does not work well for
If there is known plaintext in the file or we know something about the format, then it is only human time to implement the ad-hoc stuff.
Anonymous 11/07/2016 (Mon) 09:14:46 Id: c2d6cf [Preview] No. 21408 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
However, they twelve wikileaks admins are kidnapped or gone. We do not know where they are. They have the information about how to combine the information
to decrypt the files.
Assange was told he was going to be removed from the embassy. He threatened to kill himself if removed from the embassy. I am sure he triggered the drop.
Someone needs to create a website, where people can put in candidate keys and test decryption on a small block.
Anonymous 11/07/2016 (Mon) 09:17:06 Id: c2d6cf [Preview] No. 21409 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
>they have been posted you fucking idiot. they keep getting deleted. go back to reddit before you get doxxed and banned.
Pale Moon is the best browser, for anti-finger printing. They will block you from accessing any website using cloudflare, until you switch to a browser/VPN that
they can track or finger print you with.
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Anonymous 11/07/2016 (Mon) 09:59:29 [Preview] No. 21412 [X] del >>21413 >>21425 >>21440 >>21446
no need for five years.
>The process by which the password and salt are turned into the key and IV is not documented, but a look at the source code shows that it calls the OpenSSL-
specific EVP_BytesToKey() function, which uses a custom key derivation function with some repeated hashing. This is a non-standard and not-well vetted
construct (!) which relies on the MD5 hash function of dubious reputation (!!); that function can be changed on the command-line with the undocumented -md
flag (!!!); the "iteration count" is set by the enc command to 1 and cannot be changed (!!!!). This means that the first 16 bytes of the key will be equal to
MD5(password||salt), and that's it.
if (data == NULL)
return (nkey);
for (;;) {
if (!EVP_DigestInit_ex(&c, md, NULL))
goto err;
if (addmd++)
if (!EVP_DigestUpdate(&c, &(md_buf[0]), mds))
goto err;
if (!EVP_DigestUpdate(&c, data, datal))
goto err;
if (salt != NULL)
if (!EVP_DigestUpdate(&c, salt, PKCS5_SALT_LEN))
goto err;
if (!EVP_DigestFinal_ex(&c, &(md_buf[0]), &mds))
goto err;
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Anonymous 11/07/2016 (Mon) 10:13:54 [Preview] No. 21413 [X] del
post your bitmessage address here if you want to joint the effort to do this. should be possible to unlock it in a day.
Anonymous 11/07/2016 (Mon) 16:58:37 [Preview] No. 21425 [X] del
this is more than enough information to unlock all the files. has anyone unlocked any news besides insurance.aes256
Anonymous 11/07/2016 (Mon) 21:40:42 [Preview] No. 21438 [X] del
no one has answered since oct 16. the wikileaks chat is completely dead.
they just posted a video (read: NOT A RETWEET) posted by another person and accidentally put a link to the persons profile h
seems like a random fan girl is running the account h ttps://twitter.com/m_cetera
podesta 33 started at 53000. podesta 32 ended at 52481. they skipped 518 that are online 52481-52999. emails 56253-57153 have been online for a while and
theres no announcement. something has been extra sketchy since last nights ddos.
wikileaks still shows 27515 emails for the dnc but in reality there are 44052 (16537 emails are not indexed). the election is tomorrow...
Anonymous 11/07/2016 (Mon) 22:28:11 Id: d74487 [Preview] No. 21440 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>21441 >>21442 >>21644
>if ((nkey 0) && (niv 0))
I can't decide what's more depressing, the fact you keep shitting up this thread with unusable copypasta like this ad nauseum or the fact only one person's
calling you out on it.
Anonymous 11/07/2016 (Mon) 22:54:47 [Preview] No. 21441 [X] del >>21631
thats the actual source code for openssl you fucking idiot
Anonymous 11/07/2016 (Mon) 23:03:17 [Preview] No. 21442 [X] del
If you are truly looking at this post and not realizing how it has the answer on how to unlock any file encrypted with openssl then I'm just going to assume you've
been either larping and not knowing shit about code or just trying to shill the hell out of this.
Anonymous 11/08/2016 (Tue) 06:59:07 [Preview] No. 21446 [X] del >>21469
this works. you can just read the salt and then do this. no way I'm trying that 400GB one though.
Anonymous 11/08/2016 (Tue) 09:21:43 [Preview] No. 21449 [X] del >>21450
late to the party. found this on 4chan - nuked within seconds by mods, not sure if its anything
eta numeris 392D8A3EEA2527D6AD8B1EBBAB6AD
sin topper D6C4C5CC97F9CB8849D9914E516F9
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Anonymous 11/08/2016 (Tue) 21:59:40 [Preview] No. 21466 [X] del >>21467 >>21469
nothing matches
Anonymous 11/08/2016 (Tue) 23:48:22 [Preview] No. 21472 [X] del >>21474
anyone know how to test with blake2?
Anonymous 11/08/2016 (Tue) 23:57:34 [Preview] No. 21473 [X] del
they don't seem to salted. honeypot?
Anonymous 11/09/2016 (Wed) 00:19:24 [Preview] No. 21474 [X] del
US - a0430f3becc722b01b7320c8e084087db5b4dde5cf4617473986df657e514f64fdc3fe2be5cd2bb1
UK - 8b1e7ebe3167233ea5c6d28798682378e2a2ac0d135df468f781d3a70de76963761156c58194f10e
EC - d8c5748cb5e99a39bd9620421ae97ad1f2b23a295429ede436e3614173a4eb9808087d23aacbc480
Anonymous 11/09/2016 (Wed) 00:25:23 [Preview] No. 21475 [X] del
file 2016-11-07_WL-Insurance_UK.aes256 2016-11-07_WL-Insurance_UK.aes256: GPG symmetrically encrypted data (AES256 cipher)
Anonymous 11/09/2016 (Wed) 00:25:50 [Preview] No. 21476 [X] del
gpg --verify 2016-11-07_WL-Insurance_UK.aes256 gpg: verify signatures failed: unexpected data
Anonymous 11/09/2016 (Wed) 01:05:44 [Preview] No. 21477 [X] del >>21486
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Anonymous 11/09/2016 (Wed) 06:13:29 [Preview] No. 21486 [X] del
I agree, but what do you know?
Anonymous 11/09/2016 (Wed) 06:20:33 [Preview] No. 21487 [X] del
(1.55 MB 269x271 fa249d35a068ce2973cab8b1567f08ebedefe3f27966207a1167791c44d3fb5e.gif)
It be nice if they host this place along with wikileaks on i2p
after some one makes a better garlic routing anonnet that is i2p just decides o hay lets only send out one clove
and have it be slow as shit and less anon...
You know the don't take credit for your anon work meme as a real person, it would really keep the owners of
these servers hidden...
Anonymous 11/09/2016 (Wed) 10:57:14 [Preview] No. 21498 [X] del >>21499 >>21565
should we make bitmessage channel?
Anonymous 11/09/2016 (Wed) 11:05:52 [Preview] No. 21499 [X] del
h ttps://github.com/metamarcdw/PyBitmessage-I2P
idk fam
Anonymous 11/09/2016 (Wed) 11:07:15 [Preview] No. 21500 [X] del
>wow surely i typed a = in what's wrong with this chan...
in other news we are running out of obscure chans
Anonymous 11/09/2016 (Wed) 17:10:50 [Preview] No. 21565 [X] del
yes but we can't post it here.
Anonymous 11/09/2016 (Wed) 18:27:45 [Preview] No. 21588 [X] del >>21589
(14.48 KB 450x275 download.jpg)
>Admins note the paranoia experts details and keep them for after the election.
>In the good old days you would already be receiving pizza. Wait for the 9nth as you won`t bee
wanting to open you door or mouth from then on.
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Anonymous 11/10/2016 (Thu) 02:14:06 Id: d74487 [Preview] No. 21631 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>21632
Demonstrate how to do anything useful whatsoever with what you've posted
Bearing in mind it will never compile because you're an imbecile that can't use code tags and half the fucking punctuation got formatted out.
Anonymous 11/10/2016 (Thu) 02:18:08 [Preview] No. 21632 [X] del
why would you copy paste code from a post here when it's in an open source library... no one's going to show you how to use it. word is out that people are
unlocking the files and they are doing everything they can to found out how and who.
Anonymous 11/10/2016 (Thu) 02:20:45 [Preview] No. 21633 [X] del
Those new insurance files were probably posted so that the people that cracked the old ones can do it again and doxx themselves with whatever shit they
bundled into them
Anonymous 11/10/2016 (Thu) 04:33:48 [Preview] No. 21637 [X] del >>21638 >>22144
h ttps://archive.fo/vEpae
h ttps://file.wikileaks.org/torrent/saudi-database.torrent
saudi-database.torrent 09-Nov-438498967 06:00 86167
h ttps://file.wikileaks.org/file/saudi-database.zip
something's up with this file. went up on oct 21st during the ddos.
Anonymous 11/10/2016 (Thu) 04:34:39 [Preview] No. 21638 [X] del
Anonymous 11/10/2016 (Thu) 09:01:15 Id: 768b50 [Preview] No. 21644 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>21683
You have to give more information. Its not helpful.
Anonymous 11/10/2016 (Thu) 09:05:50 Id: 768b50 [Preview] No. 21645 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>21646 >>21720
The bitmessage channel is
Hit "Add Channel", create name for channel and set that address. It will broadcast to everyone in the channel.
Anonymous 11/10/2016 (Thu) 09:31:31 [Preview] No. 21646 [X] del
(8.46 KB 433x50 fffff.png)
Anonymous 11/10/2016 (Thu) 19:31:41 [Preview] No. 21683 [X] del >>21711
the code is open source. you can go look at it. if you are not familiar with cryptography or computers no one will spoon feed you this information.
Anonymous 11/10/2016 (Thu) 22:51:55 Id: 0ae4aa [Preview] No. 21699 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
Can't tell if LARPing or morons.
Anonymous 11/11/2016 (Fri) 02:07:17 Id: 1d0fad [Preview] No. 21711 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>21712
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Anonymous 11/11/2016 (Fri) 05:31:56 [Preview] No. 21720 [X] del >>21780 >>21801
Channels require a name along with an address.
name is
Anonymous 11/11/2016 (Fri) 15:10:41 [Preview] No. 21781 [X] del >>21786 >>21801
(42.55 KB 411x351 reeeeeee1.png)
Anonymous 11/11/2016 (Fri) 15:11:16 [Preview] No. 21782 [X] del >>21801
(9.32 KB 500x91 reeeeeeeeeeeeee2.png)
Anonymous 11/11/2016 (Fri) 16:02:43 Id: 8557aa [Preview] No. 21786 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>21787 >>21801
Chan name: 7379ab5047b143c0b6cfe5d8d79ad240b4b4f8cced55aa26f86d1d3d370c0d4c
Address: BM-2cSzLCJFsW9oHdWiGJnXpuehnvMfgbefAK
Anonymous 11/11/2016 (Fri) 16:12:56 [Preview] No. 21787 [X] del >>21801
same error and yes my connections are working
Anonymous 11/11/2016 (Fri) 18:33:10 [Preview] No. 21801 [X] del
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Anonymous 11/13/2016 (Sun) 02:18:45 [Preview] No. 21868 [X] del >>21874
(487.85 KB 500x333 white.bmp)
the pre-commitment hashes don't match and nobody cares? from fullchan:
Anonymous 11/13/2016 (Sun) 05:31:32 [Preview] No. 21874 [X] del >>22020
by the way, all previous insurance files were posted with their hashes and they all match
h ttps://wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Wiki_Backups
h ttps://wikileaks.org/wiki/Afghan_War_Diary,_2004-2010
Anonymous 11/15/2016 (Tue) 02:05:18 [Preview] No. 22020 [X] del
this is blowing up now on plebbit
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Anonymous 11/15/2016 (Tue) 04:00:34 [Preview] No. 22026 [X] del >>22037 >>22072
(193.23 KB 636x950 dow.png) (28.45 KB 401x401 fiddle.jpg)
>h ttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dow_Jones_Industrial_Average#Components
>Goldman Sachs
>JPMorgan Chase
>h ttps://twitter.com/wikileaks/status/793535230506364928
>NEW book: Hillary Clinton: the Goldman Sachs speeches with an introduction by Assange & annotations
h ttps://ww w.cnbc.com/2016/11/10/us-markets.html
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Anonymous 11/15/2016 (Tue) 18:40:52 [Preview] No. 22061 [X] del
don't get demoralized. they are going after his legacy now. it's very likely that he had a shady upbringing and he could have very well been a plant this entire time
(even if he didn't know it). however, the important thing is that all leaks were real and that there is a lot of evidence showing that the leaks were not only stopped
but that all these insurance files could potentially be unlocked by someone who could continue the work wikileaks started. its a race against time at this point.
they are going to try to discredit wl. those latest files could be the first dump of disinfo. soon it will be impossible to tell what's real.
Anonymous 11/15/2016 (Tue) 20:45:16 [Preview] No. 22064 [X] del
expect the blockchain to get hammered again today. everyone should download the bitcoin and litecoin blockchains if they haven't.
Anonymous 11/15/2016 (Tue) 23:32:04 [Preview] No. 22072 [X] del >>22073 >>/undefined/
(82.54 KB 600x430 arpanet.png)
>On October 1, 2016 ICANN ended its contract with the United States Department of Commerce National
Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) and entered the private sector.[50]
h ttps://ww w.youtube.com/watch?v=cYrh5h9acg8
Anonymous 11/15/2016 (Tue) 23:36:41 Id: ec54f4 [Preview] No. 22073 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>22074
The ceo of the xyz domain is a kebab kid who deals directly with major kikes and is noted as the youngest ICANN operator.
>The most remarkable part of our unprecedented growth has been the advanced level of abuse mitigation to enforce XYZs zero-tolerance abuse policy. In
partnership with many of the industry leaders in the security sector, our Anti-Abuse Team is able to proactively monitor, detect in near-realtime, and suspend
domains that are being used for spamming, phishing, malware, or other forms of abusive activities. The result is less than 1% abuse in the entire .xyz zone, and
a lower abuse score than well-established domain extensions like .com, .net, .info, .biz, and .us, according to Spamhaus.
They say it's just about preventing spam but this feels like Cloudflare jewry. Correct me if I'm just being a paranoid idiot.
I know this doesn't mean Endchan is directly compromised but it's a potential weakess.
Anonymous 11/15/2016 (Tue) 23:42:11 [Preview] No. 22074 [X] del >>22075
(34.59 KB 800x559 darpachief.jpg)
this war was lost before it
even started...
we have to build a new
internet. there is no other way
Anonymous 11/15/2016 (Tue) 23:47:52 Id: ec54f4 [Preview] No. 22075 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>22076
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Anonymous 11/16/2016 (Wed) 00:02:25 [Preview] No. 22080 [X] del >>22081 >>22082 >>22087
Depends on the contents. If it really will start a war, I don't think that's good for anyone, but if there is information that could potentially put away the criminals, we
need to start cleaning this up. If it implicates the top of the government, then we need to start lower.
Think state government and 2nd amendment. A well regulated militia... National Guard is controlled by states and governors, not Federal government.
They are heavily armed and many have security clearances and contacts to make sure this information doesn't die.
Selectively leak the information to National Guard units who have strength in numbers and firepower to ensure the information doesn't die.
National Guard can also be Deputized in a state to perform state law enforcement if necessary. They are not subject to posse comitatus if not under federal
control. If the federal government tried to control the national guard, the governor MUST consent and relinquish control.
Once we have the information, we use this channel to enforce the laws and take down the corruption.
Anonymous 11/16/2016 (Wed) 00:05:40 [Preview] No. 22081 [X] del >>22087
Forgot to mention. Use a Military Police unit.
Anonymous 11/16/2016 (Wed) 00:09:15 [Preview] No. 22082 [X] del >>22085
the information was already given to FBI and NSA and DoJ. they all said it was too dangerous to make public. FBIAnon talked about it.
Anonymous 11/16/2016 (Wed) 00:12:25 Id: 516583 [Preview] No. 22083 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
Anonymous 11/16/2016 (Wed) 00:28:11 [Preview] No. 22084 [X] del
h ttps://conservativedailypost.com/breaking-julian-assange-dead-ecuadorean-embassy-raided-minutes-ago/
Anonymous 11/16/2016 (Wed) 00:41:53 [Preview] No. 22085 [X] del >>22086
FBI, NSA and DOJ are compromised. Isn't it clear that they are complicit?
Anonymous 11/16/2016 (Wed) 00:45:14 [Preview] No. 22086 [X] del >>22087
then who the hell would help? dhs?
Anonymous 11/16/2016 (Wed) 00:59:37 [Preview] No. 22087 [X] del >>22088
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Anonymous 11/16/2016 (Wed) 01:55:16 [Preview] No. 22092 [X] del
(8.90 MB 400x225 THEYRECOMING.gif)
Anonymous 11/16/2016 (Wed) 02:05:35 Id: 658bc7 [Preview] No. 22093 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
I have no idea where to go so I guess I'll sit here and watch. So much fun.
Anonymous 11/16/2016 (Wed) 04:38:45 [Preview] No. 22095 [X] del >>22098
This is true, but there's no guarantee that Assange ever took part in "The Family's" activities (him and his mother were on the run from them). His mother's ex-
boyfriend at the time was the member.
They ran a Mental Institution in Kew, Melbourne, Australia, that used to dose patients with LSD. Had ASIO contacts and notable psychologists in their rank
(national and international). Gave children members (usually blonde) LSD and locked them in basements as ritual.
The "mother" of the cult was Mary Anne Brynne (from memory). Most older members (as in, nursing homes) have a photo of her by their bed and always tend to
remark "Isn't she beautiful!?" when someone asks about her.
She never saw jail and, though they're apparently non-operative anymore, I can guarantee you that this isn't quite true (same shit under a different name - i.e.
rebranding after controversy).
As an interesting side-note, they even had a well-known Yogi join their cult.
Whether Assange was associated or not is irrelevant. Focus on what he has leaked and given us.
The true history of the World is the history of war between secret societies.
Anonymous 11/16/2016 (Wed) 04:39:56 Id: a02e9a [Preview] No. 22096 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
I think he is dead
Anonymous 11/16/2016 (Wed) 04:40:14 [Preview] No. 22097 [X] del
(122.11 KB 1000x563 raiden.jpg)
h ttps://ww
Anonymous 11/16/2016 (Wed) 04:44:00 [Preview] No. 22098 [X] del >>22101
(45.24 KB 820x461 kub.jpg)
if the people on this thread go all
the way, all secret societies will
be exposed
Anonymous 11/16/2016 (Wed) 04:49:10 Id: a02e9a [Preview] No. 22100 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
tfw Ian MR NIGGER DEBIAN died suspicious last year like this as well
Anonymous 11/16/2016 (Wed) 04:50:13 Id: 92639c [Preview] No. 22101 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>22102 >>22103
this is roleplaying lol
maybe A secret society, but "all of them" from a psyop-like source like WL? Doubt it
Anonymous 11/16/2016 (Wed) 04:51:02 [Preview] No. 22102 [X] del
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Anonymous 11/16/2016 (Wed) 05:06:19 [Preview] No. 22103 [X] del >>22105
I don't want to detract from the topic of this thread, but briefly:
Secret Societies (or "societies with secrets") anchor around ideology. Ideas precede and determine reality*. At the top (Kether), is where the ideology is
concepted at its vaguest (as archetype). At the bottom (Malkuth) is where it is implemented in the material. Biblical Genesis - or BRAShTh - is a description of
this cycle).
The stages of initiation are easements into an order's highest conception, which are determined by those graded as "The Master Of The Temple". Each "aeon"
is simply the archetype which is most predominant at a particular point of time.
* This actually isn't entirely true. The process is cyclical, but it's easier to understand it this way in practice.
Anonymous 11/16/2016 (Wed) 05:17:51 Id: 92639c [Preview] No. 22105 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
you're speaking kikebabble. Just because they believe in it doesn't make it true. And the way you talk, you're one of them
Anonymous 11/16/2016 (Wed) 05:49:16 [Preview] No. 22106 [X] del >>22107
(13.83 KB 400x300 frog.jpg)
to everyone that got here because this is leaking on plebbit and halfchan:
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Anonymous 11/16/2016 (Wed) 06:12:41 [Preview] No. 22112 [X] del
(116.69 KB 774x809 globalists.jpg)
you can even help if youre just a shitposters that cant into computers
use the shilling and censorship against them. shitpost all over the place every single thing youve gathered. all the shit
leads all the stupid theories. everything. but then take note at which things gets slid which things get deleted which
sites are not allowed to have archives which files are hard to download which torrents suck which hashes are
replaced and so on. that way the enemy can end up telling you what they are hiding. their disinfo doesnt work because
there are people here that know how to code and test things. there are things you simply cant fake that have been
discovered and written here. the autisim is too great here. disinfo doesnt do shit.
visit sites from different proxies of different parts of the world. see what can be seen and what can not. see what
google doesnt pick up. if you were in tox or bitmessage chats with good intel. just dump it here in binary or someshit
so that they cant google it. everyones v& anyway so it doesnt matter.
check when the blockchain gets attacked. its always after we find something. check when bitmessage gets flooded
and turns slow. keep track of these things. the timing the dates. you can by trial and error find what is sensitive. if you
are a tech person maybe make tutorials to help others like jean used to do. make honeypots for the shills and
globalists trying to stop this. track their ips. doxx the shit out of them. find whois for sites that get redirected for no
reason. find similar patterns. see if you can catch the fuckers that are taking over wl and other sites. keep track of shitty
mods that are clearly shills. fucking have to fight back using their same techniques. theres not enough vans for all of us.
Anonymous 11/16/2016 (Wed) 08:14:49 [Preview] No. 22119 [X] del >>22122 >>22129 >>22135 >>22415
(248.33 KB 1000x728 JimBentonComic-Lazy.jpg)
The same bot seams to be unnaturally spamming on about
four different chans.
I smell (((Them))) making an shitty plotting attempt to jail us.
Anonymous 11/16/2016 (Wed) 11:28:20 Id: 3ff271 [Preview] No. 22122 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>22128
spamming what, exactly?
Anonymous 11/16/2016 (Wed) 15:16:51 [Preview] No. 22126 [X] del
Just arrived here and I'm not sure what's going on, care to explain ?
It is my understanding that we discovered some PGP keys in the blockchain but how do we know it's related to WL or JA, did we manage to decrypt something
yet with those or the ones that we were able to retrieve during the DDOS attack ?
Anonymous 11/16/2016 (Wed) 15:54:06 [Preview] No. 22128 [X] del >>22135 >>22415
The usual stuff the bot spams cp/malware/spam.
It must just be a broken bot it just posted about 17 times here at the same exact moment posting the same thing then stopped, It also posted the same thing
somewhere else 7 times at the same exact moment then stopped. It's probably nothing dough because it hasn't seemed to continue,
Must of been glitched but I would still check up on it, it's mainly spamming cp probably to falsely evidence to jail us.
Anonymous 11/16/2016 (Wed) 15:57:37 Id: 2fe0b9 [Preview] No. 22129 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>22131
I noticed the same on polish cripplechan this morning. Theirs was worse, it had pictures
Anonymous 11/16/2016 (Wed) 16:18:34 [Preview] No. 22131 [X] del >>22132
But every were ive seen it, it's posted with pics?
Which one of these fed bots hasn't?
Anonymous 11/16/2016 (Wed) 16:25:07 Id: 2fe0b9 [Preview] No. 22132 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>22133
The most recent shit here was just text links, unless the pics were deleted by mods swiftly. .pl chan has no such moderation and gets drowned in the filth
Anonymous 11/16/2016 (Wed) 16:45:01 [Preview] No. 22133 [X] del
CO must of setup a filter then...
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Anonymous 11/16/2016 (Wed) 18:45:56 Id: bc3ccf [Preview] No. 22135 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>22157
(32.08 KB 758x440 bestasuka.jpg)
They are trying to stop the progress. Fresh bunker thread
on the way.
Anonymous 11/16/2016 (Wed) 19:18:19 [Preview] No. 22137 [X] del >>22138
sage sage 11/16/2016 (Wed) 19:22:14 [Preview] No. 22138 [X] del >>22139
le code
int main()
return 0;
sage sage 11/16/2016 (Wed) 19:23:20 [Preview] No. 22139 [X] del
tabs are a no go in the
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Anonymous 11/16/2016 (Wed) 20:39:21 [Preview] No. 22143 [X] del >>22157 >>22183
(39.57 KB 1092x548 PHASE3.jpg)
We need to make a new bunker thread (on an onion link of course) that has:
CODE: all the code that has been written so far and how to use it
ARCHIVE: links to all threads were keys and sensitive information was posted and deleted as
long as any copies they have of those threads
INDEX: all the information about the unindexed and missing emails as well as all the changes that have been made to file.wikileaks.org/file
BACKUPS: torrent backups for all insurance files, blockchains (lite and bitcoin), file.wikileaks.org/file and all progress
TIMELINE: complete timeline of all that's happened including DDoSs and deletions
this is important
>NOTE: When we release pre-commitment hashes they are for decrypted files (obviously). Mr. Assange appreciates the concern.
Wikileaks just confirmed they are compromised.
Anonymous 11/16/2016 (Wed) 23:40:18 [Preview] No. 22157 [X] del
Anonymous 11/16/2016 (Wed) 23:50:12 [Preview] No. 22158 [X] del
Stop using Pastebin.
We IPFS now.
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Anonymous 11/17/2016 (Thu) 01:19:20 [Preview] No. 22163 [X] del
(9.79 KB 274x274 hurryup.jpg)
guise are unlocking theshit out of these things
and getting vanetd get in the bitmessagenao
Anonymous 11/17/2016 (Thu) 01:19:30 [Preview] No. 22164 [X] del >>22181
(9.79 KB 274x274 hurryup.jpg)
guise are unlocking theshit out of these things
and getting vanetd get in the bitmessagenao
Anonymous 11/17/2016 (Thu) 03:29:48 Id: 85bd1a [Preview] No. 22181 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>22371
I completely lost it
Anonymous 11/17/2016 (Thu) 04:03:53 Id: 501072 [Preview] No. 22183 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
Put on IFPS. And make torrents. We need torrents of the torrents.
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Anonymous 11/17/2016 (Thu) 04:27:47 [Preview] No. 22188 [X] del
(80.00 KB 835x1300 youlost.jpg)
they just switched it again. its now 01-Jan-1984 00:01 again.
these people suck at opsec and walked directly into our trap.
thank you for confirming that you are reading this thread and
worried about what we found.
Anonymous 11/17/2016 (Thu) 04:49:45 [Preview] No. 22189 [X] del >>22190
77 68 65 72 65 3f 20 20 49 6e 20 61 20 62 75 6e 6b 65 72 3f
Anonymous 11/17/2016 (Thu) 04:57:22 [Preview] No. 22190 [X] del
(2.70 MB 4896x3264 ayy.jpg)
69 6e 61 77 6f 6f 64
Anonymous 11/17/2016 (Thu) 06:53:27 Id: 466f96 [Preview] No. 22193 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>22198
(154.59 KB 400x654 1395905589727.jpg)
Some timeframes
h ttps://ghostbin.com/paste/zwde6
Anonymous 11/17/2016 (Thu) 10:03:13 Id: 3ff271 [Preview] No. 22198 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>22224
When/if you guys find the keys post them here.
I want to look at the abyss.
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Anonymous 11/17/2016 (Thu) 15:12:04 [Preview] No. 22206 [X] del >>22209 >>22212 >>22276
(175.83 KB 565x845 wl1.png) (220.45 KB 641x874 wl2.png) (198.48 KB 669x854 wl3.png) (190.18 KB 675x837 wl4.png)
Anonymous 11/17/2016 (Thu) 16:13:37 Id: 3ff271 [Preview] No. 22212 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>22217
Explain to me like I'm a retard.
He's trying to leak something to them, and they're trying to make it so that he does in a way so that they can ID him, is that it?
Anonymous 11/17/2016 (Thu) 16:27:21 Id: 1a53a5 [Preview] No. 22213 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
I think the failed logon gave demicon the location or IP of Wikileaks
Anonymous 11/17/2016 (Thu) 16:44:46 Id: d4493a [Preview] No. 22217 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
Not sure here either, last screenshot they ask to use official submit on website so why this is conspicuous is a question?
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Anonymous 11/17/2016 (Thu) 17:39:31 Id: bdafc2 [Preview] No. 22224 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>22390
(54.29 KB 485x749 fir45.jpg)
no keys yet
but we are trying to figure out if WL is compromised
someone got them to try to log into his gmail account (very bad opsec)
h ttps://ww w.ceddit.com/r/WikiLeaks/comments/5dd5tw/_/da42ivw
we got IP from him, it was tor exit node, only thing that is strange is that his google notification says its from ukraine,
while geoIP says its from UK
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Anonymous 11/18/2016 (Fri) 07:19:50 [Preview] No. 22310 [X] del >>22311
(This is purely a work of fiction. Any resemblance to real persons or events are purely coincidental.)
"If the password is ever released ("Whatever happens, even if there's video; it was murder"), the files are encrypted via OpenSSL file encryption. "
The Great Wizard of Leaks had been exposing the corruption of the Kings and Rulers for a long time. But one day after exposing their treasonous actions in
foreign lands, they decided that he had gone too far. As a result, The Great Wizard was forced to take refuge in a castle that the Kings and Rulers did not control.
The Great Wizard resided here for five years and continued to cast spells that upset the people's tyrannic rulers.
However, on October 15th in the Current Year, the Rulers had had enough and decided to unplug the source of the Great Wizard's power (the Internet), thereby
preventing him from interfering with their rigged election which favored the Great Witch of the West (aka: The Cunt). Despite this, The Cunt still lost to the
Almighty Knight Sir Trumpador Maximus Decimus Meridius III, who claimed he had plans to bring peace to the Lands and "drain the swamp" that gave The Cunt
and her cronies their power. Although sensible people were not all trusting of Trumpador, most of them realized that he still represented their best hope.
Things started looking better in the West, but there were still some problems.
Well known and generally despised Gargoyle $oros was trying to sow seeds of division amongst the people in order to regain control. He had managed to split
the people of the land broadly into two opposing groups, The Left and The Right, exploiting their fears by exaggerating everything unkosher that Knight Sir
Trumpador Maximus Decimus Meridius III had said. The Gargoyle even went so far as to fund civil rebellions, using the same techniques of subversion that
were used in other lands to the East to overthrow Governments that the Gargoyle did not like. "Divide and conquer!" he had told The Cunt and her cronies. "It is
far easier to conquer a land if the citizens are divided and cannot put up a unified resistance!"
Meanwhile, The Great Wizard may have had his own woes. Since his source of mana (Internet) was cut, the people had not heard from him and his group of
apprentice wizards (belonging to a noble order known as WizardLeaks). They had become seemingly incommunicado. Rumor has it that their order was
infiltrated by treasonous goons working on behalf of The Cunt and the Gargoyle and it was entirely possible that the Great Wizard himself had been captured.
The King and his Alphabet Stooges may have been clever here though. Instead of letting the people know that the Great Wizard had been illegally abducted, they
may have chopped previously unreleased interview footage to make it appear as though the Great Wizard was still alive and well. This is not confirmed, but the
people have good reason to speculate.
The Great Wizard always knew that his capture was a possibility and thus dispersed gold to the people which could only be unlocked with a key that would
automatically release if his Wizardly Magic was to cease.
On October 22nd in the Current Year, this may have occurred. The well-established MagiRealm known as Readit and the sensitive town of Twithurt were
attacked and brought down while the keys were allegedly getting dispersed. Most mentions of the alleged keys on Readit and Twithurt were also removed.
Some citizens that frequented the horrible lair known as Forchan, believed to be the dwelling place of the notorious hacker known as Forchan, also reported that
The King's Alphabet Stooges were even removing the alleged keys from there.
They started wondering where else The Great Wizard may have hidden the keys to this gold. A place where the Alphabet Stooges would have a hard time
removing it.
After much thought, some citizens agreed that the most likely place was in a thing called the "Blockchain" that resided in the MagiRealm. This would be hard to
for the Evil Alphabet Wizard's to censor as it is mostly controlled and determined by the people themselves.
The question is: Are you a bad enough dude to help rescue The Great Wizard?
A completely fictional timeline of events follows below.
IPFS Link:
h ttps://gateway.ipfs.io/ipfs/QmWoDedTC5rmxpUsgap7GCfXcrqZfaHV9ZBTegRSMLNraG
Anonymous 11/18/2016 (Fri) 08:05:08 Id: bdafc2 [Preview] No. 22311 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
(59.18 KB 858x536 yhITCB9.jpg) (105.23 KB 777x861 u6Og7xW.jpg) (67.96 KB 478x700 f736f393f7e5db1a09a672ec56e0c349.jpg)
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Anonymous 11/18/2016 (Fri) 23:00:49 [Preview] No. 22359 [X] del >>22366 >>22389
(754.19 KB 662x429 image.png)
Anonymous 11/19/2016 (Sat) 01:22:17 [Preview] No. 22365 [X] del >>22371 >>22377 >>22386 >>22388
(61.24 KB 500x655 notfbi.jpg)
People are begging to find the suppressed emails and you can help:
h ttps://ww w.reddit.com/r/DNCleaks/comments/5cljkp/work_in_progress_wikileaks_the_missinglosthidden/
Also, users are not reading certain emails because they think it is SPAM. This is incorrect. They embedded their
communications into emails that look like SPAM so that users never read them. Don't fall for this.
This strategy was used on this thread: h ttps://8ch.net/pol/res/8281601.html There is SPAM larper used to hide real information.
The larper says 15 staff (it's 14) and immediately makes other users not read further. Pay attention to the thread and you will
see that a user with a Tor ID is posting provable facts that lead to unlocking the files and finding the suppressed leaks.
I will post more information again soon. One important thing is to push a list of provable testable facts and code into the
blockchain (Bitcoin, Litecoin, and more). We won't be able to spread it without this. Code to allow normies to do this is being suppressed. Updates on this later.
Anonymous 11/19/2016 (Sat) 01:43:28 [Preview] No. 22366 [X] del >>22367 >>22371
This can be easily checked.
python jean.py tx_number
h ttps://gateway.glop.me/ipfs/QmSU67Ei3TerNe32CcZTgd48jKqsVvBTgera1qBWFjKK9V/jean.py
python jean2.py tx_list.txt
h ttps://gateway.glop.me/ipfs/QmafUK8hYKztKD3hNNzF4EsW3N5nUcNvHZ4auEidjLkqJd/jean2.py
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Anonymous 11/19/2016 (Sat) 04:20:21 [Preview] No. 22371 [X] del
start here
let us know if you need help
Anonymous 11/19/2016 (Sat) 05:40:51 [Preview] No. 22377 [X] del >>22388
h ttps://twitter.com/wikileaks/status/799829999314468864
>we want PGP signer message as proof of life
tl;dr Many people are asking for PGP signed message as proof of Assanges life.
We DON'T have knowledge of any PGP key that is owned strictly by Assange.
We have two keys that might be owned by WikiLeaks: Editorial Office Key and High Security Signing Key(this one might be fake, there is no proof of WL or
Assange ever owning it).
0x92318DBA 2015-04-10 WikiLeaks Editorial Office High Security Communication Key (You can contact WikiLeaks at h ttps://wlchatc3pjwpli5r.onion and h
ttps://wikileaks.org/talk) <contact-us-using-our-chat-system@wikileaks.org>
This one is controlled by Editorial Office. PGP message signed by it doesnt mean Assange signed it. It might even been compromised if servers and assets
were taken over.
This key matches h ttps://wikileaks.org/#submit_wlkey (that is only public proof that this key is owned by WikiLeaks. Or current admin of wikileaks.org)
0x73C81E1B 2015-04-10 WikiLeaks High Security Signing Key (The key is available to view at h ttps://wikileaks.org/wl-high-security-signing-key. You can contact
WikiLeaks at h ttps://wlchatc3pjwpli5r.onion and h ttps://wikileaks.org/talk.) <contact-us-using-our-chatsystem@wikileaks.org>
For this one we have no proof it was ever used by Assange or WL. I havent found any mention of it on internet. Its also not signed WL Editorial Office key, so they
havent show they trust it.
On link h ttps://pgp.mit.edu/pks/lookup?op=vindex&search=0x93ED732E92318DBA you can see I managed to sign 0x92318DBA WikiLeaks Editorial Office with
my fake key I created. (239D778D 2015-04-10 Fake Wikileaks key for testing fake creation time (Created in Oct 19 2016) <Fake@fake.com>)
My key is even higher than "WikiLeaks High Security Signing Key".
If I would use same credentials as WikiLeaks High Security Signing Key, there would be no way to tell which key is more "High Security". Only differnce would be
in fingerprint. But because h ttps://wikileaks.org/wl-high-security-signing-key is 404, there is no way to tell which fingerprint is legit.
I havent found any sources with key that would be used exclusively by Assange. (just one from some mailing list from 1996, probably not used anymore)
Anonymous 11/19/2016 (Sat) 10:13:06 [Preview] No. 22386 [X] del
h ttps://ww w.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/5dqufl/blockchain_experts_the_world_needs_your_help_the/da6t6qn/
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Anonymous 11/19/2016 (Sat) 10:14:29 Id: eecbf2 [Preview] No. 22387 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>22388 >>22389
(210.02 KB 766x1776 wikileaksconfirmed.gif)
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Anonymous 11/19/2016 (Sat) 21:44:57 [Preview] No. 22417 [X] del >>22480
[chan] wikileaks
[name] BM-2cVFHKC263sXfXYF7JU3n4FPLY9HD5H7SC
[chan] wikileaks
[name] BM-2cVFHKC263sXfXYF7JU3n4FPLY9HD5H7SC
[chan] wikileaks
[name] BM-2cVFHKC263sXfXYF7JU3n4FPLY9HD5H7SC
[chan] wikileaks
[name] BM-2cVFHKC263sXfXYF7JU3n4FPLY9HD5H7SC
Anonymous 11/19/2016 (Sat) 22:12:42 [Preview] No. 22419 [X] del >>22425
h ttps://8ch.net/pol/res/7933031.html
h ttps://web.archive.org/web/20161022203236/h ttps://8ch.net/pol/res/7933031.html
h ttps://8ch.net/pol/res/7962287.html
h ttps://web.archive.org/web/20161029143658/h ttps://8ch.net/pol/res/7962287.html
h ttps://8ch.net/pol/res/7946506.html
h ttps://web.archive.org/web/20161030073742/h ttps://8ch.net/pol/res/7946506.html
h ttps://8ch.net/pol/res/7931897.html
h ttps://web.archive.org/web/20161023211637/h ttps://8ch.net/pol/res/7931897.html
h ttps://web.archive.org/web/h ttps://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/93319969
h ttps://web.archive.org/web/20161019170505/h ttps://8ch.net/pol/res/7881571.html
h ttps://archive.fo/K2oGX
h ttps://archive.fo/jBS6q
h ttps://archive.fo/vr16Q
h ttps://archive.fo/koTtO
>Something must have been up with archive before because somehow these popped up and I'm pretty sure I searched those before.
>Probably bullshit but just in case it isn't h ttps://archive.fo/0YMBk funny that it got bumplocked right away
Anonymous 11/19/2016 (Sat) 23:44:14 [Preview] No. 22425 [X] del
Can people stop using archive.is jfc
504, they've had it.
Anonymous 11/19/2016 (Sat) 23:54:29 [Preview] No. 22428 [X] del >>22432
h ttps://np.reddit.com/r/WikiLeaks/comments/5dtl6y/wikileaks_made_some_interesting_transactions/
Anonymous 11/20/2016 (Sun) 02:34:32 [Preview] No. 22432 [X] del
They just emptied their wallet. 68471.13 US Dollars in one day gone.
We should check if the same is happening with Litecoin.
If we track down where the money goes, we can find who took over WL.
h ttps://np.reddit.com/r/WikiLeaks/comments/5dtl6y/wikileaks_made_some_interesting_transactions/
h ttps://blockchain.info/address/1HB5XMLmzFVj8ALj6mfBsbifRoD4miY36v
h ttps://ltc.blockr.io/address/info/LQ3B36Yv2rBTxdgAdYpU2UcEZsaNwXeATk
someone make a tor irc before they kill the bitmessage channel.
Anonymous 11/20/2016 (Sun) 02:47:07 [Preview] No. 22434 [X] del
please post all links that include the treat in here (no onions though): h ttps://8ch.net/pol/res/8180723.html#q8302237
it is in multiple places. they are trying to scare us but they are revealing which sites they are monitoring.
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Anonymous 11/20/2016 (Sun) 02:52:25 [Preview] No. 22435 [X] del >>22437
Suggestion regarding distribution:
Previous replies have noted that those attempting distribution have been V&. Moving forward, a 2 prong attempt should be made:
1) If you should come across any keys which successfully open wikileaks insurance files, queue up the printer. The first thing you should do is print off
thousands of copies of the keys and how you can use those keys to open the WL insurance files. Print them up, and scatter them in an extremely public location
(i.e. Times Square or the most population dense location in your vicinity).
You don't have to be the one to physically distribute the information, but ensure that whoever you have distributing, make sure that the connection and contact is
made in person/offline. If you have access to the keys, trying to distribute on the system controlled by them is playing into their hands.
Beyond printouts, locate ham operators in your area. Ask them to send one unauthorized message containing the DMS keys. This will be broadcast worldwide,
and will be impossible to contain.
2) Once distribution is made to thousands in your area via printouts, attempt distribution online. If those with something to hide have the capabilities available
described above this post; it is in our/your best interest that the information is distributed in the classical manner via hard copy. Once that step is accomplished,
do battle in their domain. Use your skills to distribute in the most efficient digitally manner.
Note: The first American Revolution was started in bar rooms, with an insurrectionist pamphlet titled "Common Sense" that swayed the public opinion. If they
control the digital sphere, let's push it out in the old-school dumb method.
TL:DR: Go old school.
Anonymous 11/20/2016 (Sun) 02:57:57 [Preview] No. 22437 [X] del >>22439
remember that you can send a fax online. get a burner email address, make a fax account, send faxes.
Anonymous 11/20/2016 (Sun) 03:01:05 [Preview] No. 22438 [X] del
(10.28 KB 255x226 wake.jpg)
h ttps://christopherkullenberg.se/irc-
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Anonymous 11/20/2016 (Sun) 04:18:36 [Preview] No. 22456 [X] del >>22458 >>22459 >>22476
Not sure if this helps but posting anyways
wlinsurance-20130815-A.aes256, keys/7FG-final-request.key, 6f46 30e1 c6f3 385d wlinsurance-20130815-A.aes256, keys/eta-numeris.key, f22d 7304 8224
8ad6 wlinsurance-20130815-A.aes256, keys/fall-of-cassandra.key, 07d6 db54 f3c2 7d4a wlinsurance-20130815-A.aes256, keys/project-runway.key, da46 2913
216c 9a0d wlinsurance-20130815-A.aes256, keys/sin-topper.key, 48ab b7eb ceda f42d wlinsurance-20130815-B.aes256, keys/7FG-final-request.key, fde0
5ea5 34a9 c372 wlinsurance-20130815-B.aes256, keys/eta-numeris.key, 52f3 436e 82db 1fde wlinsurance-20130815-B.aes256, keys/fall-of-
cassandra.key,ca1c c808 dfbd 0d23 wlinsurance-20130815-B.aes256, keys/project-runway.key, a10a 3571 a17b 8898 wlinsurance-20130815-B.aes256,
keys/sin-topper.key, b1a0 64d4 0004 8865 wlinsurance-20130815-C.aes256, keys/7FG-final-request.key, 998a f677 3d20 33da wlinsurance-20130815-
C.aes256, keys/eta-numeris.key, 5aec a6e6 5de9 dfdb wlinsurance-20130815-C.aes256, keys/fall-of-cassandra.key, 197f 378d 63b0 3e54 wlinsurance-
20130815-C.aes256, keys/project-runway.key, acb3 a582 a477 75c6 wlinsurance-20130815-C.aes256, keys/sin-topper.key, d0f1 6154 a193 8905
Anonymous 11/20/2016 (Sun) 04:54:30 [Preview] No. 22458 [X] del
Did this work?
Anonymous 11/20/2016 (Sun) 04:57:03 [Preview] No. 22459 [X] del
see h ttps://web.archive.org/web/20161030073742/h ttps://8ch.net/pol/res/7946506.html
Anonymous 11/20/2016 (Sun) 05:37:58 [Preview] No. 22460 [X] del
h ttps://ww w.reddit.com/r/WhereIsAssange/comments/5dtsnc/blockchaininfo_most_widely_used_site_to_check/
h ttps://np.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/573lis/it_looks_like_blockchaininfo_has_been_dns_hijacked/
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Anonymous 11/20/2016 (Sun) 07:21:16 [Preview] No. 22464 [X] del >>22469 >>22476
(97.54 KB 704x528 physical_0901.jpg)
Anonymous 11/20/2016 (Sun) 08:12:32 Id: 0d7216 [Preview] No. 22469 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>22471 >>22472
Link doesn't work. Do you have another one?
Anonymous 11/20/2016 (Sun) 08:20:26 [Preview] No. 22471 [X] del
h ttps://8ch.net/pol/res/8180723.html#q8192699
Anonymous 11/20/2016 (Sun) 08:22:07 Id: 8b919c [Preview] No. 22472 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
link works fine
Anonymous 11/20/2016 (Sun) 08:35:28 [Preview] No. 22476 [X] del >>22480
You've found the keys almost a month ago and still haven't managed to use one of the nearly endless possibilities to post them?
That seems extremely unlikely. Much more so if writing a tutorial takes you a month.
>>22456 is pretty much as short as it needs to be, though some comments would of course be nice.
So, could someone who's not trying to be edgy cool with inflationary use of "v&" pray tell what progress is actually made?
Anonymous 11/20/2016 (Sun) 08:46:00 [Preview] No. 22480 [X] del >>22546
get on the BM >>22417
dont expect people to hand you everything. if you want to see the progress you have to help.
Anonymous 11/20/2016 (Sun) 09:00:41 [Preview] No. 22546 [X] del
Call me a normie or a plebbit fag but I can't be bothered minding my OPSEC long enough to sit in a chat, let alone abuse the blockchain. I'm already annoying
people by reading this stuff at all.
I would guess, since we do not know what situation Assange is currently in, that you want to get things out asap, not prepare some silly anonymous tier OP for
ages, which assuming you do have the keys, is the only thing I can imagine you'd need help with at this point in time.
I'm here if you need help pushing public outlets, otherwise you're welcome to tell me why I'm wrong, but I do not currently have the time for your BM.
inb4 nice try CIA.
You wanna go public, you gotta accept the fact people who you dont want to see stuff, will see it and engage countermeasures one way or another. Get over
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