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Compressor Modelling 2

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9th International Conference on Compressors and their Systems IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 90 (2015) 012040 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/90/1/012040
R&D Laboratory Gas dynamics of turbo machines Peter the Great St.Petersburg
Polytechnic University, Polytechnical st. 29, St.Petersburg, Russia

Abstract: The Universal Modeling method is in constant use from mid 1990TH.
Below is presented the newest 6th version of the Method. The flow path configuration
of 3D impellers is presented in details. It is possible to optimize meridian
configuration including hub/shroud curvatures, axial length, leading edge position, etc.
The new model of vaned diffuser includes flow non-uniformity coefficient based on
CFD calculations. The loss model was built from the results of 37 experiments with
compressors stages of different flow rates and loading factors. One common set of
empirical coefficients in the loss model guarantees the efficiency definition within an
accuracy of 0.86 % at the design point and 1.22 % along the performance curve. The
model verification was made. Four multistage compressors performances with vane
and vaneless diffusers were calculated. As the model verification was made, four
multistage compressors performances with vane and vaneless diffusers were
calculated. Two of these compressors have quite unusual flow paths. The modeling
results were quite satisfactory in spite of these peculiarities. One sample of the
verification calculations is presented in the text. This 6th version of the developed
computer program is being already applied successfully in the design practice.

b - blade non-dimensional height
c absolute velocity, m/s
cu tangential velocity, m/s
c velocity in view of a blade blockage factor, m/s
c velocity in a blade row throat, m/s
D - diameter, m
D2 - impeller diameter, m
Dh - hub non-dimensional diameter
D0 - impeller inlet non-dimensional diameter
i3 - incidence angle
lbl - non-dimensional length of a blade
lm bl - non-dimensional length of a blade in meridian plane
Lm - non-dimensional axial length of impeller
limp - non-dimensional length in meridian section
- solidity of the vane cascade
- Mach number
kRTt inl
m - mass flow rate, kg/s
Re - Reynolds number

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Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd 1
9th International Conference on Compressors and their Systems IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 90 (2015) 012040 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/90/1/012040
u D pt inl
Reu 2 2
inl RTt inl
Rh - hub non-dimensional radius of curvature
Rs - shroud non-dimensional radius of curvature
Sbl - non-dimensional blade surface area
So - non-dimensional average area of hub and shroud
Vinl - inlet flow rate, m /min
X (i ) - empirical coefficient in the math model
z - number of blades
- absolute flow angle
v - vane angle (to tangential direction), 0
- relative flow angle
bl - impellers blade angle to tangential direction, 0
bl - non-dimensional blades thickness
v - non-dimensional vanes thickness
- flow coefficient
2 - angle of a shroud straight part
3 - densities ratio at inlets of VD and of an impeller
4 - densities ratio at outlet of VD and of an impeller inlet
u - velocity coefficient
RTt inl
k 1
out - pressure ratio
- blade blockage factor
p 2 - polytrophic head coefficient
i - work coefficient
T cu 2 / u2 - loading factor
- angle of blade generatrix inclination to radial direction, 0
- polytropic efficiency
- flow rate coefficient

1 impeller blade row inlet
2 impeller outlet
3 - vaned diffuser inlet
4 - vaned diffuser outlet
av average
bl blade
calc calculated
corr - corrected
cr - critical
des design
exp experiment

9th International Conference on Compressors and their Systems IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 90 (2015) 012040 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/90/1/012040
h hub
init initial
imp impeller
inc - incidence
mean mean
max maximum
opt optimum
out outlet
s shroud

The complex of computer programs for gas dynamic design and flow path optimization named
Universal Modeling method is in constant use from mid 1990TH [1, 2]. The results of application
and the process of the Method improvement are presented at conferences since 1995 [3]. Math model
is the set of algebraic equations for calculation of head loss and mechanical work transmitted to gas.
By means of 4th version math model several dozens of successful gas dynamic designs were created
and realized by compressor manufacturers of Russia, Ukraine and Poland. The disadvantage of the
model was that to calculate a stage performance with good accuracy an individual set of empirical
coefficients must be applied. Different sets for stages with different design flow rate and loading
factors were necessary. The problem was overcome in 5th version of the math model [4, 5]. The
presented 6th version extends 5th version advantages on stages with 3D impellers and vaned diffusers
(VD). Below is presented the main features of the 6th version of the Method.

The new, 6th version expands the 5th version model achievements [4, 6, 7, 5, 8] on 3D impellers and
vaned diffusers. Calculation algorithm used in the 6th version suggests more detailed calculation of
head losses in 3D impellers. An important part is the more accurate definition of the hub/shroud
surfaces and blades surface area. Blades surface area is of the same order as hub/shroud surfaces area
unlike 2D impellers. It is important to calculate blades surface area precisely.
The previous, 4th version treated the problem in the very simplified way [9]. As it is shown at Figure 1
(left) only three geometry parameters specified a meridian shape: non-dimensional impeller inlet
diameter D0 , non-dimensional hub diameter Dh ,outlet height of blades b2 . Not universal empirical
formulas were applied to surface area calculations. Hub and shroud non-dimensional area in 4th model:

Sh s
Sh s 1 D12 1 2 8 (1)

Blades surface area is defined as the product of blade length lbl and average blades height of an

Sbl 0,5lbl b1 b2 (2)

The empirical formula for a blade length:

1.15 1 0.5 D0 1.5 Dh

lbl (3)
4 sin bl 1 sin 2

9th International Conference on Compressors and their Systems IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 90 (2015) 012040 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/90/1/012040

Figure 1. 3D impeller meridian section by the 4th program version (left) and the 6th version (right)

This approach does not allow estimate accurately friction losses on all surfaces of an impeller. It
also does not give an opportunity to optimize geometric dimensions of the 3D impeller by candidates
Figure 1 (right) demonstrates the set of geometry parameters that completely describe an impeller
meridian shape in 6th version. This set is identical to one used for Q3D non-viscid calculations in the
design process [1]. These parameters are: D0 , Dh , b2 , a non-dimensional axial length of the impeller
Lm , hub and shroud curvature radius Rh and Rs , the angle of a shroud straight part 2 . Position of the
blade leading edge is determined too by the parameter lm bl / limp . The inlet blade height b1 and diameter
D1 are calculated from the set of geometric quantities and is not user-defined.
The surface area of a blade in 6th version is:

i lmi bi
Sbl (4)
0 sin bl i cos

Figure 2. Schematization of blade angle along blade meridian length

To calculate blade area, it is necessary to know the function bl f lm . The analysis of blade angle
variation with the length for several versions of 3D impellers is made, and as a result the schematic
linear approximation is proposed. The 3D impellers designed in accordance with [1], in most cases,

9th International Conference on Compressors and their Systems IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 90 (2015) 012040 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/90/1/012040
have firstly an increasing blade angle, a middle part with practically constant angles and descending
angles near the outlet:
- the initial portion lm init / lm = 0 0.45, assuming a linear angle increase from bl1 to bl max ;
- middle portion from lm mean / lm = 0.45 - 0,75, assuming constant blade angle bl max =1.35 bl 2 ;
- outlet portion from lm outl / lm = 0.75 1.0, assuming a linear angle decrease from bl max to bl 2 .
The graphical view of such schematization is shown in Figure 2.
To calculate the blade surface area an impeller meridian length is divided into 40 sections. Figure 3
demonstrates position of a blade surface generatrix on a conical surface a-a.

Figure 3. Blade meridian cross section (left) and blade generatrix position on a conical surface a-a

The angle of an inclination of a generatrix to a meridian plane on a surface a-a is not the
independent design parameter. The angle varies along blade length and its value at a leading edge is
equal 45 - 550 sometimes. Big increases blade surface area and a blade blockage factor. It is taken
into account in a simplified way - the angle average value is assuming to be equal to 200 for all 3D
In accordance with loss model the friction force is proportional to average area of hub and shroud
surfaces S0 0.5 Sh S mean . The equation for calculations is:

So 4 bl
S0 lm bl 2 1 D av z (5)
2 sin bl av

CFD calculations of stages with different 3D impellers have demonstrated that correct calculation
of surface area is important. For instance, 3D impellers with slightly excessive number of blades are
much less effective than could be expected.


The sixth version uses a new algorithm for calculation the parameters in vaned diffusers. The
vaneless part of greater or lesser extent is located before vaned diffuser. This is done to reduce the
negative impact of uneven flow after impeller for vaned diffuser. Mechanical considerations are
obvious. In this element, the approach presented in [4, 5, 6, 7, 8] is applied with some modifications in
case of 3D impeller. Some equations of the mathematical modeling for the vane part of the diffuser are
presented below.
Flow coefficient at vanes inlet is:

3 (6)

4 3 D3 b3 X (i) 3

9th International Conference on Compressors and their Systems IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 90 (2015) 012040 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/90/1/012040
The math model empirical coefficient X (i ) takes into account a boundary layer blockage factor.
The blade blockage factor is a geometry parameter:

3 1 K 3 (7)
D3 sin v 3

The coefficient K 3 is different for vanes of different shape airfoil type or other.
The non-incidence inlet condition and incidence losses are determined with taking into account
vanes load. The crucial factor is a direction of a streamline that goes to a critical point on a blade
surface. Near a vane cascade a critical streamline deviates to a suction side of vanes where pressure is
less. The scheme of this streamline behavior is presented in Figure 4.

Figure 4. Velocity triangles at VD inlet

The critical streamline increases its velocity tangential component on cu 3 under an influence of
vanes load. Non incidence condition is:

v3 3cr (8)

The angle of a critical streamline is defined by the formula:

3 cr arctg (9)
cu 3 cu 3

To calculate a critical streamline deviation the scheme from [1] is applied:

2 cu 3 D3 cu 4 D4
cu 3 (10)
zVD ( D4 D3 )

If a critical streamline direction does not correspond to vane inlet angle then incidence losses take
place. The analogy with sudden expansion losses is used. The losses are proportional to difference of
vectors c3cr and c3 (velocity of inlet flow turned to direction of vanes) - Figure 4:
c3 inc cu 3 cu 3 (11)
tg v 3

9th International Conference on Compressors and their Systems IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 90 (2015) 012040 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/90/1/012040
Formula for calculating efficiency losses incVD due to incidence inlet is similar to the
corresponding formula in 4th version [10]:

X (i )
incVD X (i )(1 X (i)(u 2 c3) ) (12)
2 T

The exit angle 4 of the flow differs from the blade angle v 4 on a deviation angle 4 :

4 v 4 4 (13)

Deviation angle 4 , according to [4, 11] is defined by the formula:

v 4 v3
4 (14)
l / t av

The optimum solidity of the vane cascade according to [12] is defined by the formula:

l D3
zVD (15)
tav opt v 4
2.73sin v3

Measurements of flow structure at diffuser exit demonstrated sufficient non-uniformity. Kinetic

energy of flow is bigger than by 1D calculation (1D representation corresponds to uniform flow).
Kinetic energy influences head loss in the following element return channel or scroll. Calculations
by ANSYS CFX programs of a performance of the stator of the medium specific speed centrifugal
stage have presented information on flow structure [9, 13]. The values of c4 3D were averaged by energy
m 0.5c423 D dm 0.5c42 at nine flow rates, i.e., at nine incidence angles i3 v 3 3 . The same
element was calculated by 6th version computer program and c41D values at the same conditions were
defined. The ratio of the calculated by CFD velocity c4 3D to velocity by 1D mode c41D is presented in
Figure 5 black square. Coefficient K nu takes into account flow non-uniformity at a vane cascade

c43 D
K nu
c41D . (16)

Minimum of K nu corresponds to zero incidence angle i3 .

The corrected value of non-dimensional velocity c4 corr is used in formula for head loss calculation
in the element after vaned diffuser:

c4 corr 4 / sin 4 Knu (17)

Presented in Figure 5 calculations were approximated by the formula:

9th International Conference on Compressors and their Systems IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 90 (2015) 012040 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/90/1/012040
K nu 1.16 20 sin3
3 (18)

The Eq. (18) approximates results of the numerical experiment data satisfactory in the practically
important part of the performance.

Figure 5. Non-uniformity coefficient versus the incidence angle i3

Black square CFD/6th version calculations, solid line simulation by eq. (18)


Test results of 38 model stages were used for 6th version loss model identification (9 basic stages
and their variants). The range of the main parameters of the model stages: des = 0.028 0.080, T des
= 0.52 0.65, Dh = 0.25 0.373, D4 = 1.428 1.615, M u = 0.60 0.86, Reu = 4.8 106 6.9 10 6 .
All stages consist of an impeller, vaneless or vaned diffuser and return channel. The basic stages were
tested with varied hub ratio, vaneless diffusers (VLD) width, blade trailing edge configuration. Each
test consisted of six different flow rate regimes. Thus, the identification process was made on the base
of 228 empirical efficiency values.
The identification process consists of search of empirical coefficients values that satisfy the condition:

exp calc
d av 0 (19)

After identifying the average error in calculating the maximum efficiency for all stages with vaned
and vaneless diffusers which is equal to 0.007. Average calculation error for six points on efficiency
performance curves is 0.028. Average calculation error for five points (except the highest flow rate
regime) is 0.013. Several model stages test performance curves and results of their simulation by the
6th version model are presented at Figure 6.
Verification of a mathematical model was made by comparison of calculated efficiency
performance curves with measured ones for several industrial compressors designed by the Universal
modeling method and by other designer design procedure is unknown. Test data are presented by
manufacturers as results of official plant tests. There is one sample below.
The flow path scheme drawings of two pipeline booster compressors 16 MW with a delivery
pressure of 7.45 MPa and pressure ratio = 1.7. The designs of both compressors were made in due
time by 4th version of the Method. Two-stage compressor flow path was places in the body of the
standard pipeline compressor with = 1.44. The elevated pressure ratio was achieved by increasing of
impeller diameters and loading factor des =0.82. Low flow rate coefficient and big loading factor
limited the efficiency by level of 80% - that is good for given non-dimensional parameters Figure 7.

9th International Conference on Compressors and their Systems IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 90 (2015) 012040 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/90/1/012040

Figure 6. Five model stages test performance curves and results of their
simulation by the 6th version model, dashed line test, solid line - simulation

Figure 7. Performance curves of the 16 MWt four-stage pipeline booster compressor with VLD (air
plant test). Solid line test, dashed line 6th version Math model calculation

Figure 8. Performance curves of the 16 MWt two-stage pipeline booster compressor with VD (air
plant test). Solid line test, dashed line 6th version Math model calculation

The four-stage compressor with the same dimensional parameters has optimal non-dimensional
parameters. The loading factor at the design flow rate is slightly less than 0.5. The optimal design
flow rate coefficient of stages with 2D impellers lies in range 0.050 0.080. Kinetic energy and
surface area corresponds to minimum loss of a head in this case. Design flow rate coefficients of the
compressor stages lie in this range. According to the official test maximum efficiency is 87.6%.
Calculated and measured performance curves are compared at Figure 8.
Simulation results are good in main part of performances. Maximum flow rate corresponds to a
compressor operation with low pressure ratio. Compressors do not operate at these regimes in practice.
Poor simulation result at the maximum flow rate has no practical significance.

9th International Conference on Compressors and their Systems IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 90 (2015) 012040 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/90/1/012040
The analogy results were obtained for three more centrifugal compressors with significantly different

The new 6th version of the math model demonstrated ability to predict centrifugal stages and
compressors gas dynamic performances with good accuracy. Precise calculations of stages and
compressors with quite different design flow rate coefficients and loading factors are made by one
common set of the empirical coefficients. Elevated power of modern PC opens way to further
improvements of math modeling. One of evident ways is Q3D approach for modeling of 3D impellers
that is inside visible future of the authors.

Work is performed with support of a Grant of the President of the Russian Federation for young PhD

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