Summary and Analysis Eliminating
Summary and Analysis Eliminating
Summary and Analysis Eliminating
By David Byrne
August 15, 2017
In Eliminating the Human David Byrne brings onto our notice how recent development and innovation
has an unspoken agenda of a world with less human interaction and its not a bug but a feature to do so.
David Byrne claims if not aimed at consciously, eliminating the need to deal with humans is the outcome
in most cases. This is not the path we chose for and also is not the only alternative.
David Byrne shows his concern as how these apps and ai makes things continent but work totally
opposite to the human nature of interaction by removing the human part away to make deals
frictionless. He also questions, if for the sake of simplicity and efficiency we can eliminate interaction
with real humans.
David Byrne also shows his concern about an imbalance that can take place between the people who
know technology and the once who dont, as most would now rely on technology instead of human
David Byrne talks about Antonio Damacios (neuroscientist at USC) conclusions on a study he did
on a patient who lost his emotions where he found out that we think decision-making is
rational and machinelike, its our emotions that enable us to actually decide.
David Byrne concludes by saying that Interaction, cooperation, and collaboration with others
multiplies opportunities of surprise and innovation, whereas an algorithm can remove that
feeling of surprise entirely. Our behaviour is fun and interaction is its core. Being social is how
we prosper.
Eliminating the Human by David Byrne focuses on reduction of human interaction, being an
unconscious but key feature to most of the upcoming technology.
An engineer believes human as an element that slows down the technology because of the
emotional side humans have and hence, is inefficient for the technology, so to increase the
efficiency and make deals frictionless removal of human interaction is the key feature.
David Byrne arises a key concern that how there could be an imbalance of power between the
folks that rely on tech and the once who develop it and as there is a total elimination of the
human interaction the decision making of the user now only depends on the options tech can
give. For example, earlier we used to go to a music store to buy music, where these stores were
a source of public interaction with mixed opinions and hence there was always something new
to the user, but with all these apps enabling easy download no such interaction persists and
hence the whole process has gone boring.
Human is a social being, society is the source of innovation and happiness, as our little accidents
make our day to day life fun. Emotions on the other hand are key to decision making.
Hence, if we Remove humans from the equation, and we are less complete as people and as a
society. Living together is how we prosper and survive.