Consti 2 Cases
Consti 2 Cases
Consti 2 Cases
Meanwhile, in the international scene, concern In 1992, the DOH issued Administrative Order
for the safety of blood and blood products No. 118-A institutionalizing the National Blood
intensified when the dreaded disease Acute Services Program (NBSP). The BRL was
Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) was first designated as the central office primarily
described in 1979. In 1980, the International responsible for the NBSP. The program paved
Society of Blood Transfusion (ISBT) formulated the way for the creation of a committee that will
the Code of Ethics for Blood Donation and implement the policies of the program and the
Transfusion. In 1982, the first case of formation of the Regional Blood Councils.
transfusion-associated AIDS was described in
In August 1992, Senate Bill No. 1011, entitled
an infant. Hence, the ISBT drafted in 1984, a
"An Act Promoting Voluntary Blood Donation,
model for a national blood policy outlining certain
Providing for an Adequate Supply of Safe Blood,
Regulating Blood Banks and Providing Penalties times more blood than the Red Cross and fifteen
for Violations Thereof, and for other Purposes" times more than the government-run blood
was introduced in the Senate.12 banks. The study, therefore, showed that the
Philippines heavily relied on commercial sources
Meanwhile, in the House of Representatives, of blood. The study likewise revealed that 99.6%
House Bills No. 384, 546, 780 and 1978 were of the donors of commercial blood banks and
being deliberated to address the issue of safety 77.0% of the donors of private-hospital based
of the Philippine blood bank system. blood banks are paid donors. Paid donors are
Subsequently, the Senate and House Bills were those who receive remuneration for donating
referred to the appropriate committees and their blood. Blood donors of the PNRC and
subsequently consolidated.13 government-run hospitals, on the other hand, are
mostly voluntary.14
In January of 1994, the New Tropical Medicine
Foundation, with the assistance of the U.S. It was further found, among other things, that
Agency for International Development (USAID) blood sold by persons to blood commercial
released its final report of a study on the banks are three times more likely to have any of
Philippine blood banking system entitled "Project the four (4) tested infections or blood transfusion
to Evaluate the Safety of the Philippine Blood transmissible diseases, namely, malaria,
Banking System." It was revealed that of the syphilis, Hepatitis B and Acquired Immune
blood units collected in 1992, 64.4 % were Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) than those donated
supplied by commercial blood banks, 14.5% by to PNRC.15
the PNRC, 13.7% by government hospital-based
blood banks, and 7.4% by private hospital-based Commercial blood banks give paid donors
blood banks. During the time the study was varying rates around P50 to P150, and because
made, there were only twenty-four (24) of this arrangement, many of these donors are
registered or licensed free-standing or poor, and often they are students, who need
commercial blood banks in the country. Hence, cash immediately. Since they need the money,
with these numbers in mind, the study deduced these donors are not usually honest about their
that each commercial blood bank produces five medical or social history. Thus, blood from
healthy, voluntary donors who give their true On May 20, 1998, prior to the expiration of the
medical and social history are about three times licenses granted to petitioners, they filed a
much safer than blood from paid donors.16 petition for certiorari with application for the
issuance of a writ of preliminary injunction or
What the study also found alarming is that many temporary restraining order under Rule 65 of the
Filipino doctors are not yet fully trained on the Rules of Court assailing the constitutionality and
specific indications for blood component validity of the aforementioned Act and its
transfusion. They are not aware of the lack of Implementing Rules and Regulations. The case
blood supply and do not feel the need to adjust was entitled "Rodolfo S. Beltran, doing business
their practices and use of blood and blood under the name and style, Our Lady of Fatima
products. It also does not matter to them where Blood Bank," docketed as G.R. No. 133640.
the blood comes from.17
On June 1, 1998, petitioners filed an Amended
On August 23, 1994, the National Blood Services Petition for Certiorari with Prayer for Issuance of
Act providing for the phase out of commercial a Temporary Restraining Order, writ of
blood banks took effect. On April 28, 1995, preliminary mandatory injunction and/or status
Administrative Order No. 9, Series of 1995, quo ante order.18
constituting the Implementing Rules and
Regulations of said law was promulgated by In the aforementioned petition, petitioners assail
DOH. the constitutionality of the questioned legal
provisions, namely, Section 7 of Republic Act No.
The phase-out period was extended for two 7719 and Section 23 of Administrative Order No.
years by the DOH pursuant to Section 7 of 9, Series of 1995, on the following grounds: 19
Republic Act No. 7719 and Section 23 of its
Implementing Rules and Regulations. Pursuant 1. The questioned legal provisions of
to said Act, all commercial blood banks should the National Blood Services Act and its
have been phased out by May 28, 1998. Hence, Implementing Rules violate the equal protection
petitioners were granted by the Secretary of clause for irrationally discriminating against free
Health their licenses to open and operate a blood standing blood banks in a manner which is not
bank only until May 27, 1998. germane to the purpose of the law;
2. The questioned provisions of the National 2. Does it not amount to deprivation of property
Blood Services Act and its Implementing without due process?
Rules represent undue delegation if not outright
abdication of the police power of the state; and, 3. Does it not unlawfully impair the obligation of
3. The questioned provisions of the National
Blood Services Act and its Implementing 4. With the commercial blood banks being
Rules are unwarranted deprivation of personal abolished and with no ready machinery to deliver
liberty. the same supply and services, does R.A. 7719
truly serve the public welfare?
On May 22, 1998, the Doctors Blood Center filed
a similar petition for mandamus with a prayer for On June 2, 1998, this Court issued a Resolution
the issuance of a temporary restraining order, directing respondent DOH to file a consolidated
preliminary prohibitory and mandatory injunction comment. In the same Resolution, the Court
before this Court entitled "Doctors Blood Center issued a temporary restraining order (TRO) for
vs. Department of Health," docketed as G.R. No. respondent to cease and desist from
133661. 20 This was consolidated with G.R. No. implementing and enforcing Section 7 of
133640.21 Republic Act No. 7719 and its implementing rules
and regulations until further orders from the
Similarly, the petition attacked the Court.23
constitutionality of Republic Act No. 7719 and its
implementing rules and regulations, thus, On August 26, 1998, respondent Secretary of
praying for the issuance of a license to operate Health filed a Consolidated Comment on the
commercial blood banks beyond May 27, 1998. petitions for certiorari and mandamus in G.R.
Specifically, with regard to Republic Act No. Nos. 133640 and 133661, with opposition to the
7719, the petition submitted the following issuance of a temporary restraining order.24
questions22 for resolution:
In the Consolidated Comment, respondent
1. Was it passed in the exercise of police power, Secretary of Health submitted that blood from
and was it a valid exercise of such power? commercial blood banks is unsafe and therefore
the State, in the exercise of its police power, can I am supporting Mr. President, the finding of a
close down commercial blood banks to protect study called "Project to Evaluate the Safety of the
the public. He cited the record of deliberations on Philippine Blood Banking System." This has
Senate Bill No. 1101 which later became been taken note of. This is a study done with the
Republic Act No. 7719, and the sponsorship assistance of the USAID by doctors under the
speech of Senator Orlando Mercado. New Tropical Medicine Foundation in Alabang.
The rationale for the closure of these commercial Part of the long-term measures proposed by this
blood banks can be found in the deliberations of particular study is to improve laws, outlaw buying
Senate Bill No. 1011, excerpts of which are and selling of blood and legally define good
quoted below: manufacturing processes for blood. This goes to
the very heart of my amendment which seeks to
Senator Mercado: I am providing over a period put into law the principle that blood should not be
of two years to phase out all commercial blood subject of commerce of man.
banks. So that in the end, the new section would
have a provision that states:
"ALL COMMERCIAL BLOOD BANKS SHALL BE The Presiding Officer [Senator Aquino]: What
PHASED OUT OVER A PERIOD OF TWO does the sponsor say?
ACT. BLOOD SHALL BE COLLECTED FROM Senator Webb: Mr. President, just for clarity, I
VOLUNTARY DONORS ONLY AND THE would like to find out how the Gentleman defines
SERVICE FEE TO BE CHARGED FOR EVERY a commercial blood bank. I am at a loss at times
BLOOD PRODUCT ISSUED SHALL BE what a commercial blood bank really is.
Senator Mercado: We have a definition, I
believe, in the measure, Mr. President.
SHALL BE MADE UNIFORM THROUGH The Presiding Officer [Senator Aquino]: It is a
GUIDELINES TO BE SET BY THE business where profit is considered.
Senator Mercado: If the Chairman of the voluntary blood donation, here is a success story
Committee would accept it, we can put a of a hospital that does not buy blood. All those
provision on Section 3, a definition of a who are operated on and need blood have to
commercial blood bank, which, as defined in this convince their relatives or have to get volunteers
law, exists for profit and engages in the buying who would donate blood
and selling of blood or its components.
If we give the responsibility of the testing of blood
Senator Webb: That is a good description, Mr. to those commercial blood banks, they will cut
President. corners because it will protect their profit.
As to the first ground upon which the
WHETHER OR NOT SECTION 7 OF R.A. 7719 constitutionality of the Act is being challenged, it
AND ITS IMPLEMENTING RULES AND is the contention of petitioners that the phase out
REGULATIONS VIOLATE THE EQUAL of commercial or free standing blood banks is
PROTECTION CLAUSE; unconstitutional because it is an improper and
unwarranted delegation of legislative power.
According to petitioners, the Act was incomplete
WHETHER OR NOT SECTION 7 OF R.A. 7719 when it was passed by the Legislature, and the
AND ITS IMPLEMENTING RULES AND latter failed to fix a standard to which the
REGULATIONS VIOLATE THE NON- Secretary of Health must conform in the
IMPAIRMENT CLAUSE; performance of his functions. Petitioners also
contend that the two-year extension period that
IV may be granted by the Secretary of Health for the
phasing out of commercial blood banks pursuant
WHETHER OR NOT SECTION 7 OF R.A. 7719 to Section 7 of the Act constrained the Secretary
AND ITS IMPLEMENTING RULES AND to legislate, thus constituting undue delegation of
In testing whether a statute constitutes an undue
V delegation of legislative power or not, it is usual
to inquire whether the statute was complete in all authority to the Secretary of Health as to its
its terms and provisions when it left the hands of execution, to be exercised under and in
the Legislature so that nothing was left to the pursuance of the law.
judgment of the administrative body or any other
appointee or delegate of the Congress may validly delegate to administrative
Legislature. Except as to matters of detail that agencies the authority to promulgate rules and
may be left to be filled in by rules and regulations regulations to implement a given legislation and
to be adopted or promulgated by executive effectuate its policies.40 The Secretary of Health
officers and administrative boards, an act of the has been given, under Republic Act No. 7719,
Legislature, as a general rule, is incomplete and broad powers to execute the provisions of said
hence invalid if it does not lay down any rule or Act. Section 11 of the Act states:
definite standard by which the administrative
"SEC. 11. Rules and Regulations. The
board may be guided in the exercise of the
implementation of the provisions of the Act shall
discretionary powers delegated to it.39
be in accordance with the rules and regulations
Republic Act No. 7719 or the National Blood to be promulgated by the Secretary, within sixty
Services Act of 1994 is complete in itself. It is (60) days from the approval hereof"
clear from the provisions of the Act that the
This is what respondent Secretary exactly did
Legislature intended primarily to safeguard the
when DOH, by virtue of the administrative bodys
health of the people and has mandated several
authority and expertise in the matter, came out
measures to attain this objective. One of these is
with Administrative Order No.9, series of 1995 or
the phase out of commercial blood banks in the
the Rules and Regulations Implementing
country. The law has sufficiently provided a
Republic Act No. 7719. Administrative Order. No.
definite standard for the guidance of the
9 effectively filled in the details of the law for its
Secretary of Health in carrying out its provisions,
proper implementation.
that is, the promotion of public health by
providing a safe and adequate supply of blood Specifically, Section 23 of Administrative Order
through voluntary blood donation. By its No. 9 provides that the phase-out period for
provisions, it has conferred the power and commercial blood banks shall be extended for
another two years until May 28, 1998 "based on b) to lay down the legal principle that the
the result of a careful study and review of the provision of blood for transfusion is a medical
blood supply and demand and public safety." service and not a sale of commodity;
This power to ascertain the existence of facts
and conditions upon which the Secretary may c) to provide for adequate, safe, affordable and
effect a period of extension for said phase-out equitable distribution of blood supply and blood
can be delegated by Congress. The true products;
distinction between the power to make laws and
d) to inform the public of the need for voluntary
discretion as to its execution is illustrated by the
blood donation to curb the hazards caused by the
fact that the delegation of power to make the law,
commercial sale of blood;
which necessarily involves a discretion as to
what it shall be, and conferring an authority or e) to teach the benefits and rationale of voluntary
discretion as to its execution, to be exercised blood donation in the existing health subjects of
under and in pursuance of the law. The first the formal education system in all public and
cannot be done; to the latter no valid objection private schools as well as the non-formal system;
can be made.41
f) to mobilize all sectors of the community to
In this regard, the Secretary did not go beyond participate in mechanisms for voluntary and non-
the powers granted to him by the Act when said profit collection of blood;
phase-out period was extended in accordance
with the Act as laid out in Section 2 thereof: g) to mandate the Department of Health to
establish and organize a National Blood
"SECTION 2. Declaration of Policy In order to Transfusion Service Network in order to
promote public health, it is hereby declared the rationalize and improve the provision of
policy of the state: adequate and safe supply of blood;
a) to promote and encourage voluntary blood h) to provide for adequate assistance to
donation by the citizenry and to instill public institutions promoting voluntary blood donation
consciousness of the principle that blood and providing non-profit blood services, either
donation is a humanitarian act;
through a system of reimbursement for costs What may be regarded as a denial of the equal
from patients who can afford to pay, or donations protection of the laws is a question not always
from governmental and non-governmental easily determined. No rule that will cover every
entities; case can be formulated. Class legislation,
discriminating against some and favoring others
i) to require all blood collection units and blood is prohibited but classification on a reasonable
banks/centers to operate on a non-profit basis; basis and not made arbitrarily or capriciously is
permitted. The classification, however, to be
j) to establish scientific and professional
reasonable: (a) must be based on substantial
standards for the operation of blood collection
distinctions which make real differences; (b)
units and blood banks/centers in the Philippines;
must be germane to the purpose of the law; (c)
k) to regulate and ensure the safety of all must not be limited to existing conditions only;
activities related to the collection, storage and and, (d) must apply equally to each member of
banking of blood; and, the class.43
l) to require upgrading of blood banks/centers to Republic Act No. 7719 or The National Blood
include preventive services and education to Services Act of 1994, was enacted for the
control spread of blood transfusion transmissible promotion of public health and welfare. In the
diseases." aforementioned study conducted by the New
Tropical Medicine Foundation, it was revealed
Petitioners also assert that the law and its that the Philippine blood banking system is
implementing rules and regulations violate the disturbingly primitive and unsafe, and with its
equal protection clause enshrined in the current condition, the spread of infectious
Constitution because it unduly discriminates diseases such as malaria, AIDS, Hepatitis B and
against commercial or free standing blood banks syphilis chiefly from blood transfusion is
in a manner that is not germane to the purpose unavoidable. The situation becomes more
of the law.42 distressing as the study showed that almost 70%
of the blood supply in the country is sourced from
paid blood donors who are three times riskier
than voluntary blood donors because they are One, it was based on substantial distinctions.
unlikely to disclose their medical or social history The former operates for purely humanitarian
during the blood screening.44 reasons and as a medical service while the latter
is motivated by profit. Also, while the former
The above study led to the passage of Republic wholly encourages voluntary blood donation, the
Act No. 7719, to instill public consciousness of latter treats blood as a sale of commodity.
the importance and benefits of voluntary blood
donation, safe blood supply and proper blood Two, the classification, and the consequent
collection from healthy donors. To do this, the phase out of commercial blood banks is germane
Legislature decided to order the phase out of to the purpose of the law, that is, to provide the
commercial blood banks to improve the nation with an adequate supply of safe blood by
Philippine blood banking system, to regulate the promoting voluntary blood donation and treating
supply and proper collection of safe blood, and blood transfusion as a humanitarian or medical
so as not to derail the implementation of the service rather than a commodity. This
voluntary blood donation program of the necessarily involves the phase out of commercial
government. In lieu of commercial blood banks, blood banks based on the fact that they operate
non-profit blood banks or blood centers, in strict as a business enterprise, and they source their
adherence to professional and scientific blood supply from paid blood donors who are
standards to be established by the DOH, shall be considered unsafe compared to voluntary blood
set in place.45 donors as shown by the USAID-sponsored study
on the Philippine blood banking system.
Based on the foregoing, the Legislature never
intended for the law to create a situation in which Three, the Legislature intended for the general
unjustifiable discrimination and inequality shall application of the law. Its enactment was not
be allowed. To effectuate its policy, a solely to address the peculiar circumstances of
classification was made between nonprofit blood the situation nor was it intended to apply only to
banks/centers and commercial blood banks. the existing conditions.
We deem the classification to be valid and Lastly, the law applies equally to all commercial
reasonable for the following reasons: blood banks without exception.
Having said that, this Court comes to the inquiry In serving the interest of the public, and to give
as to whether or not Republic Act No. 7719 meaning to the purpose of the law, the
constitutes a valid exercise of police power. Legislature deemed it necessary to phase out
commercial blood banks. This action may
The promotion of public health is a fundamental seriously affect the owners and operators, as
obligation of the State. The health of the people well as the employees, of commercial blood
is a primordial governmental concern. Basically, banks but their interests must give way to serve
the National Blood Services Act was enacted in a higher end for the interest of the public.
the exercise of the States police power in order
to promote and preserve public health and The Court finds that the National Blood Services
safety. Act is a valid exercise of the States police power.
Therefore, the Legislature, under the
Police power of the state is validly exercised if (a) circumstances, adopted a course of action that is
the interest of the public generally, as both necessary and reasonable for the common
distinguished from those of a particular class, good. Police power is the State authority to enact
requires the interference of the State; and, (b) the legislation that may interfere with personal liberty
means employed are reasonably necessary to or property in order to promote the general
the attainment of the objective sought to be welfare.47
accomplished and not unduly oppressive upon
individuals.46 It is in this regard that the Court finds the related
grounds and/or issues raised by petitioners,
In the earlier discussion, the Court has namely, deprivation of personal liberty and
mentioned of the avowed policy of the law for the property, and violation of the non-impairment
protection of public health by ensuring an clause, to be unmeritorious.
adequate supply of safe blood in the country
through voluntary blood donation. Attaining this Petitioners are of the opinion that the Act is
objective requires the interference of the State unconstitutional and void because it infringes on
given the disturbing condition of the Philippine the freedom of choice of an individual in
blood banking system. connection to what he wants to do with his blood
which should be outside the domain of State
intervention. Additionally, and in relation to the Moreover, in the case of Philippine Association
issue of classification, petitioners asseverate of Service Exporters, Inc. v. Drilon,50 settled is
that, indeed, under the Civil Code, the human the rule that the non-impairment clause of the
body and its organs like the heart, the kidney and Constitution must yield to the loftier purposes
the liver are outside the commerce of man but targeted by the government. The right granted by
this cannot be made to apply to human blood this provision must submit to the demands and
because the latter can be replenished by the necessities of the States power of regulation.
body. To treat human blood equally as the While the Court understands the grave
human organs would constitute invalid implications of Section 7 of the law in question,
classification. 48 the concern of the Government in this case,
however, is not necessarily to maintain profits of
Petitioners likewise claim that the phase out of business firms. In the ordinary sequence of
the commercial blood banks will be events, it is profits that suffer as a result of
disadvantageous to them as it will affect their government regulation.
businesses and existing contracts with hospitals
and other health institutions, hence Section 7 of Furthermore, the freedom to contract is not
the Act should be struck down because it violates absolute; all contracts and all rights are subject
the non-impairment clause provided by the to the police power of the State and not only may
Constitution. regulations which affect them be established by
the State, but all such regulations must be
As stated above, the State, in order to promote subject to change from time to time, as the
the general welfare, may interfere with personal general well-being of the community may
liberty, with property, and with business and require, or as the circumstances may change, or
occupations. Thus, persons may be subjected to as experience may demonstrate the
certain kinds of restraints and burdens in order to 51
necessity. This doctrine was reiterated in the
secure the general welfare of the State and to case of Vda. de Genuino v. Court of Agrarian
this fundamental aim of government, the rights of Relations52 where the Court held that individual
the individual may be subordinated.49 rights to contract and to property have to give
way to police power exercised for public welfare.
As for determining whether or not the shutdown defiance of the court.55 There is nothing
of commercial blood banks will truly serve the contemptuous about the statements and
general public considering the shortage of blood information contained in the health advisory that
supply in the country as proffered by petitioners, were distributed by DOH before the TRO was
we maintain that the wisdom of the Legislature in issued by this Court ordering the former to cease
the lawful exercise of its power to enact laws and desist from distributing the same.
cannot be inquired into by the Court. Doing so
would be in derogation of the principle of In sum, the Court has been unable to find any
separation of powers.53 constitutional infirmity in the questioned
provisions of the National Blood Services Act of
That, under the circumstances, proper regulation 1994 and its Implementing Rules and
of all blood banks without distinction in order to Regulations.
achieve the objective of the law as contended by
petitioners is, of course, possible; but, this would The fundamental criterion is that all reasonable
be arguing on what the law may be or should doubts should be resolved in favor of the
be and not what the law is. constitutionality of a statute. Every law has in its
Between is and ought there is a far cry. The favor the presumption of constitutionality. For a
wisdom and propriety of legislation is not for this law to be nullified, it must be shown that there is
Court to pass upon.54 a clear and unequivocal breach of the
Constitution. The ground for nullity must be clear
Finally, with regard to the petition for contempt in and beyond reasonable doubt.56 Those who
G.R. No. 139147, on the other hand, the Court petition this Court to declare a law, or parts
finds respondent Secretary of Healths thereof, unconstitutional must clearly establish
explanation satisfactory. The statements in the the basis therefor. Otherwise, the petition must
flyers and posters were not aimed at influencing fail.
or threatening the Court in deciding in favor of the
constitutionality of the law. Based on the grounds raised by petitioners to
challenge the constitutionality of the National
Contempt of court presupposes a contumacious Blood Services Act of 1994 and its Implementing
attitude, a flouting or arrogant belligerence in Rules and Regulations, the Court finds that
petitioners have failed to overcome the
presumption of constitutionality of the law. As to
whether the Act constitutes a wise legislation,
considering the issues being raised by
petitioners, is for Congress to determine.57
No costs.
This is a petition1 for Prohibition with Prayer for
Preliminary Injunction assailing the
constitutionality of Section 4(a) of Republic Act
(R.A.) No. 9257,2 otherwise known as the
G.R. No. 166494 June 29, 2007 "Expanded Senior Citizens Act of 2003."
CARLOS SUPERDRUG CORP., doing Petitioners are domestic corporations and
business under the name and style "Carlos proprietors operating drugstores in the
Superdrug," ELSIE M. CANO, doing business Philippines.
under the name and style "Advance Drug,"
Dr. SIMPLICIO L. YAP, JR., doing business Public respondents, on the other hand, include
under the name and style "City Pharmacy," the Department of Social Welfare and
MELVIN S. DELA SERNA, doing business Development (DSWD), the Department of Health
under the name and style "Botica dela (DOH), the Department of Finance (DOF), the
Serna," and LEYTE SERV-WELL CORP., Department of Justice (DOJ), and the
doing business under the name and style Department of Interior and Local Government
"Leyte Serv-Well Drugstore," petitioners, (DILG) which have been specifically tasked to
vs. monitor the drugstores compliance with the law;
DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL WELFARE and promulgate the implementing rules and
DEVELOPMENT (DSWD), DEPARTMENT OF regulations for the effective implementation of
HEALTH (DOH), DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE the law; and prosecute and revoke the licenses
(DOF), DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE (DOJ), of erring drugstore establishments.
GOVERNMENT (DILG), respondents. The antecedents are as follows:
(a) the grant of twenty percent (20%) discount Article 8. Tax Deduction of Establishments.
from all establishments relative to the utilization The establishment may claim the discounts
of services in hotels and similar lodging granted under Rule V, Section 4 Discounts for
establishments, restaurants and recreation Establishments;5 Section 9, Medical and Dental
centers, and purchase of medicines in all Services in Private Facilities[,]6 and Sections
establishments for the exclusive use or 107 and 118 Air, Sea and Land Transportation
enjoyment of senior citizens, including funeral as tax deduction based on the net cost of the
and burial services for the death of senior goods sold or services rendered. Provided, That
citizens; ------ the cost of the discount shall be allowed as
deduction from gross income for the same
The establishment may claim the discounts taxable year that the discount is
granted under (a), (f), (g) and (h) as tax granted; Provided, further, That the total amount
deduction based on the net cost of the goods of the claimed tax deduction net of value added
sold or services rendered: Provided, That the tax if applicable, shall be included in their gross
cost of the discount shall be allowed as sales receipts for tax purposes and shall be
deduction from gross income for the same subject to proper documentation and to the
taxable year that the discount is provisions of the National Internal Revenue
granted. Provided, further, That the total amount Code, as amended; Provided, finally, that the
of the claimed tax deduction net of value added implementation of the tax deduction shall be
tax if applicable, shall be included in their gross subject to the Revenue Regulations to be issued
sales receipts for tax purposes and shall be by the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) and
subject to proper documentation and to the approved by the Department of Finance (DOF).9
provisions of the National Internal Revenue
Code, as amended.4 On July 10, 2004, in reference to the query of the
Drug Stores Association of the Philippines
On May 28, 2004, the DSWD approved and (DSAP) concerning the meaning of a tax
adopted the Implementing Rules and
deduction under the Expanded Senior Citizens system, necessitates that prior payments of
Act, the DOF, through Director IV Ma. Lourdes B. taxes have been made and the taxpayer is
Recente, clarified as follows: attempting to recover this tax payment from
his/her income tax due. The tax credit scheme
1) The difference between the Tax Credit (under under R.A. No. 7432 is, therefore, inapplicable
the Old Senior Citizens Act) and Tax Deduction since no tax payments have previously occurred.
(under the Expanded Senior Citizens Act).
1.2. The provision under R.A. No. 9257, on the
1.1. The provision of Section 4 of R.A. No. 7432 other hand, provides that the establishment
(the old Senior Citizens Act) grants twenty concerned may claim the discounts under
percent (20%) discount from all establishments Section 4(a), (f), (g) and (h) as tax
relative to the utilization of transportation deduction from gross income, based on the net
services, hotels and similar lodging cost of goods sold or services rendered.
establishment, restaurants and recreation
centers and purchase of medicines anywhere in Under this scheme, the establishment concerned
the country, the costs of which may be claimed is allowed to deduct from gross income, in
by the private establishments concerned as tax computing for its tax liability, the amount of
credit. discounts granted to senior citizens. Effectively,
the government loses in terms of foregone
Effectively, a tax credit is a peso-for-peso revenues an amount equivalent to the marginal
deduction from a taxpayers tax liability due to the tax rate the said establishment is liable to pay the
government of the amount of discounts such government. This will be an amount equivalent to
establishment has granted to a senior citizen. 32% of the twenty percent (20%) discounts so
The establishment recovers the full amount of granted. The establishment shoulders the
discount given to a senior citizen and hence, the remaining portion of the granted discounts.
government shoulders 100% of the discounts
granted. It may be necessary to note that while the burden
on [the] government is slightly diminished in
It must be noted, however, that conceptually, a terms of its percentage share on the discounts
tax credit scheme under the Philippine tax granted to senior citizens, the number of
potential establishments that may claim tax Tax Due x x x x x x
deductions, have however, been broadened.
Aside from the establishments that may claim tax Less: Tax Credit -- ______x x
credits under the old law, more establishments
Net Tax Due -- x x
were added under the new law such as:
establishments providing medical and dental As shown above, under a tax
services, diagnostic and laboratory services, deduction scheme, the tax deduction on
including professional fees of attending doctors discounts was subtracted from Net Sales
in all private hospitals and medical facilities, together with other deductions which are
operators of domestic air and sea transport considered as operating expenses before the
services, public railways and skyways and bus Tax Due was computed based on the Net
transport services. Taxable Income. On the other hand, under a tax
credit scheme, the amount of discounts which is
A simple illustration might help amplify the points
the tax credit item, was deducted directly from
discussed above, as follows:
the tax due amount.10
Tax Deduction Tax Credit
Meanwhile, on October 1, 2004, Administrative
Gross Sales x x x x x x x x x x x x Order (A.O.) No. 171 or the Policies and
Guidelines to Implement the Relevant Provisions
Less : Cost of goods sold x x x x x x x x x x of Republic Act 9257, otherwise known as the
"Expanded Senior Citizens Act of 2003"11was
Net Sales x x x x x x x x x x x x issued by the DOH, providing the grant of twenty
percent (20%) discount in the purchase of
Less: Operating Expenses:
unbranded generic medicines from all
Tax Deduction on Discounts x x x x -- establishments dispensing medicines for the
exclusive use of the senior citizens.
Other deductions: x x x x x x x x
On November 12, 2004, the DOH issued
Net Taxable Income x x x x x x x x x x Administrative Order No 17712 amending A.O.
No. 171. Under A.O. No. 177, the twenty percent social services available to all people at
discount shall not be limited to the purchase of affordable cost."14
unbranded generic medicines only, but shall
extend to both prescription and non-prescription Petitioners assert that Section 4(a) of the law is
medicines whether branded or generic. Thus, it unconstitutional because it constitutes
stated that "[t]he grant of twenty percent (20%) deprivation of private property. Compelling
discount shall be provided in the purchase of drugstore owners and establishments to grant
medicines from all establishments dispensing the discount will result in a loss of profit
medicines for the exclusive use of the senior
and capital because 1) drugstores impose a
mark-up of only 5% to 10% on branded
Petitioners assail the constitutionality of Section medicines; and 2) the law failed to provide a
4(a) of the Expanded Senior Citizens Act based scheme whereby drugstores will be justly
on the following grounds:13 compensated for the discount.
2. Previously, pursuant to its mandate 5. On July 18, 2001, the DPWH acting thru
under R.A. 2000, DPWH issued on June 25, the TRB, issued Department Order No. 123
1998 Department Order (DO) No. 215 allowing motorcycles with engine
declaring the Manila-Cavite (Coastal Road) displacement of 400 cubic centimeters
Toll Expressway as limited access facilities. inside limited access facilities (toll ways).
(h) Drive any bicycle, tricycle, Section 3 of the same Act authorizes the
pedicab, motorcycle or any vehicle (not Department of Public Works and
motorized); Communications (now Department of Public
Works and Highways) "to plan, designate,
x x x x12 (Emphasis supplied) establish, regulate, vacate, alter, improve,
maintain, and provide limited access facilities for
On 5 April 1993, Acting Secretary Edmundo V. public use wherever it is of the opinion that traffic
Mir of the Department of Public Works and conditions, present or future, will justify such
Highways issued DO 74: special facilities."
SUBJECT: Declaration of the North Luzon Therefore, by virtue of the authority granted
Expressway from Balintawak to Tabang and the above, the Department of Public Works and
South Luzon Expressway from Nichols to Highways hereby designates and declares the
Alabang as Limited Access Facilities Balintawak to Tabang Sections of the North
Luzon Expressway, and the Nichols to Alabang
Pursuant to Section 2 of Republic Act No. 2000,
Sections of the South Luzon Expressways, to be
a limited access facility is defined as "a highway LIMITED ACCESS HIGHWAYS/FACILITIES
or street especially designed for through traffic,
subject to such rules and regulations that may be
and over, from, or to which owners or occupants
imposed by the DPWH thru the Toll Regulatory and over, from, or to which owners or occupants
Board (TRB). of abutting land or other persons have no right or
easement or only a limited right or easement of
In view thereof, the National Capital Region access, light, air or view by reason of the fact that
(NCR) of this Department is hereby ordered, their property abuts upon such limited access
after consultation with the TRB and in facility or for any other reason. Such highways or
coordination with the Philippine National Police streets may be parkways, from which trucks,
(PNP), to close all illegal openings along the said buses, and other commercial vehicles shall be
Limited Access Highways/Facilities. In this excluded; or they may be free ways open to use
connection, the NCR is instructed to organize its by all customary forms of street and highway
own enforcement and security group for the traffic."
purpose of assuring the continued closure of the
right-of-way fences and the implementation of Section 3 of the same Act authorizes the
the rules and regulations that may be imposed by Department of Public Works and
the DPWH thru the TRB. Communications (now Department of Public
Works and Highways) "to plan, designate,
This Order shall take effect immediately.13 establish, regulate, vacate, alter, improve,
maintain, and provide limited access facilities for
On 25 June 1998, then DPWH Secretary
public use wherever it is of the opinion that traffic
Gregorio R. Vigilar issued DO 215:
conditions, present or future, will justify such
SUBJECT: Declaration of the R-1 Expressway, special facilities."
from Seaside drive to Zapote, C-5 Link
Therefore, by virtue of the authority granted
Expressway, from Zapote to Noveleta, of the
above, the Department of Public Works and
Manila Cavite Toll Expressway as Limited
Highways hereby designates and declares the R-
Access Facility.
1 Expressway, C-5 Link Expressway and the R-
Pursuant to Section 2 of Republic Act No. 2000, 1 Extension Expressway Sections of the Manila
a limited access facility is defined as "a highway Cavite Toll Expressway to be LIMITED ACCESS
or street especially designed for through traffic, HIGHWAYS/FACILITIES subject to such rules
and regulations that may be imposed by the or access to the limited access facilities, are not
DPWH thru the Toll Regulatory Board (TRB). inconsistent with RA 2000.
In view thereof, the National Capital Region RA 2000, otherwise known as the Limited
(NCR) of this Department is hereby ordered, Access Highway Act, was approved on 22 June
after consultation with the TRB and in 1957. Section 4 of RA 2000 provides that
coordination with the Philippine National Police "[t]he Department of Public Works and
(PNP), to close all illegal openings along the said Communications is authorized to so design any
Limited Access Highways/Facilities. In this limited access facility and to so regulate, restrict,
connection, the NCR is instructed to organize its or prohibit access as to best serve the traffic for
own enforcement and security group for the which such facility is intended." The RTC
purpose of assuring the continued closure of the construed this authorization to regulate, restrict,
right-of-way fences and the implementation of or prohibit access to limited access facilities to
the rules and regulations that may be imposed by apply to the Department of Public Works and
the DPWH thru the TRB. Highways (DPWH).
This Order shall take effect immediately.14 The RTCs ruling is based on a wrong premise.
The RTC assumed that the DPWH derived its
The RTC held that Section 4 of RA 2000 authority from its predecessor, the Department of
expressly authorized the DPWH to design limited Public Works and Communications, which is
access facilities and to regulate, restrict, or expressly authorized to regulate, restrict, or
prohibit access as to serve the traffic for which prohibit access to limited access facilities under
such facilities are intended. According to the Section 4 of RA 2000. However, such
RTC, such authority to regulate, restrict, or assumption fails to consider the evolution of the
prohibit logically includes the determination of Department of Public Works and
who and what can and cannot be permitted entry Communications.
or access into the limited access facilities. Thus,
the RTC concluded that AO 1, DO 74, and the Under Act No. 2711, otherwise known as the
Revised Rules and Regulations on Limited Revised Administrative Code, approved on 10
Access Facilities, which ban motorcycles entry March 1917, there were only seven executive
departments, namely: the Department of the renamed from Departments to Ministries. Thus,
Interior, the Department of Finance, the the Department of Public Works, Transportation
Department of Justice, the Department of and Communications became the Ministry of
Agriculture and Commerce, the Department of Public Works, Transportation and
Public Works and Communications, the Communications.
Department of Public Instruction, and the
Department of Labor.15 On 20 June 1964, On 23 July 1979, then President Ferdinand E.
Republic Act No. 413616 created the Land Marcos issued Executive Order No. 546 (EO
Transportation Commission under the 546), creating a Ministry of Public Works and
Department of Public Works and a Ministry of Transportation and
Communications. Later, the Department of Communications.17 Under Section 1 of EO 546,
Public Works and Communications was the Ministry of Public Works assumed
restructured into the Department of Public the public works functions of the Ministry of
Works, Transportation and Communications. Public Works, Transportation and
Communications. The functions of the Ministry
On 16 May 1974, Presidential Decree No. 458 of Public Works were the "construction,
(PD 458) separated the Bureau of Public maintenance and repair of port works, harbor
Highways from the Department of Public Works, facilities, lighthouses, navigational aids, shore
Transportation and Communications and protection works, airport buildings and
created it as a department to be known as associated facilities, public buildings and school
Department of Public Highways. Under Section 3 buildings, monuments and other related
of PD 458, the Department of Public Highways is structures, as well as undertaking harbor and
"responsible for developing and implementing river dredging works, reclamation of foreshore
programs on the construction and maintenance and swampland areas, water supply, and flood
of roads, bridges and airport runways." control and drainage works."18
With the amendment of the 1973 Philippine On the other hand, the Ministry of
Constitution in 1976, resulting in the shift in the Transportation and Communications became
form of government, national agencies were the "primary policy, planning, programming,
coordinating, implementing, regulating and d. Regulate, whenever necessary,
administrative entity of the executive branch of activities relative to transportation and
the government in the promotion, development, communications and prescribe and
and regulation of a dependable and coordinated collect fees in the exercise of such
network of transportation and communication power;
systems."19 The functions of the Ministry of
Transportation and Communications were: e. Assess, review and provide direction to
transportation and communications
a. Coordinate and supervise all activities of research and development programs of the
the Ministry relative to transportation and government in coordination with other
communications; institutions concerned; and
Under Section 1 of EO 546, the Ministry of Thus, DO 74 and DO 215 are void because the
Public Works (now DPWH) assumed the public DPWH has no authority to declare certain
works functions of the Ministry of Public expressways as limited access facilities. Under
Works, Transportation and Communications. the law, it is the DOTC which is authorized to
administer and enforce all laws, rules and 1. Administrative Order No. 1 dated February 19,
regulations in the field of transportation and to 1968, issued by the Secretary of the then
regulate related activities. Department of Public Works and
Communications, is hereby amended by deleting
Since the DPWH has no authority to regulate the word "motorcycles" mentioned in Section
activities relative to transportation, the 3(h) thereof. Therefore, motorcycles are
TRB27 cannot derive its power from the DPWH to hereby allowed to operate inside the toll
issue regulations governing limited access roads and limited access highways, subject
facilities. The DPWH cannot delegate a power or to the following:
function which it does not possess in the first
place. Since DO 74 and DO 215 are void, it a. Motorcycles shall have an engine
follows that the rules implementing them are displacement of at least 400 cubic
likewise void. centimeters (cc) provided that:
DPWH Secretary Simeon A. Datumanong issued The RTCs Decision dated 10 March 2003
DO 123 on 18 July 2001. DO 123 reads in part: declared DO 123 unconstitutional on the ground
that it violates the equal protection clause by
SUBJECT: Revised Rules and Regulations allowing only motorcycles with at least 400 cubic
Governing Limited Access Highways centimeters engine displacement to use the toll
ways. The RTC reasoned that the creation of a
By virtue of the authority granted the
distinction within the class of motorcycles was
Secretary of Public Works and Highways
not based on real differences.
under Section 3 of R.A. 2000, otherwise
known as the Limited Access Highway Act, We need not pass upon the constitutionality of
the following revised rules and regulations the classification of motorcycles under DO 123.
governing limited access highways are hereby As previously discussed, the DPWH has no
promulgated for the guidance of all concerned: authority to regulate limited access highways
since EO 546 has devolved this function to the
DOTC. Thus, DO 123 is void for want of authority We emphasize that the Secretary of
of the DPWH to promulgate it. the Department of Public Works and
Communications issued AO 1 on 19 February
On the other hand, the assailed portion of AO 1 1968.
Section 3 of RA 200029 authorized the issuance
Section 3. On limited access highways, it is of the guidelines. In contrast, DPWH issued DO
unlawful for any person or group of persons to: 74, DO 215 and DO 123 after EO 546 devolved
to the DOTC the authority to regulate limited
access highways.
(h) Drive any bicycle, tricycle, pedicab,
We now discuss the constitutionality of AO 1.
motorcycle or any vehicle (not motorized);
Administrative issuances have the force and
xxxx effect of law.30 They benefit from the same
presumption of validity and constitutionality
Petitioners assail the DPWHs failure to provide enjoyed by statutes.31 These two precepts place
"scientific" and "objective" data on the danger of a heavy burden upon any party assailing
having motorcycles plying our highways. They governmental regulations. The burden of proving
attack this exercise of police power as baseless unconstitutionality rests on such party.32 The
and unwarranted. Petitioners belabor the fact burden becomes heavier when the police power
that there are studies that provide proof that is at issue.
motorcycles are safe modes of transport. They
also claim that AO 1 introduces an unreasonable The use of public highways by motor vehicles is
classification by singling-out motorcycles from subject to regulation as an exercise of the police
other motorized modes of transport. Finally, power of the state.33 The police power is far-
petitioners argue that AO 1 violates their right to reaching in scope and is the "most essential,
travel. insistent and illimitable" of all government
powers.34 The tendency is to extend rather than
Petitioners arguments do not convince us. to restrict the use of police power. The sole
standard in measuring its exercise is
reasonableness.35 What is "reasonable" is not assemble. The exercise of police power involves
subject to exact definition or scientific restriction, restriction being implicit in the power
formulation. No all-embracing test of itself. Thus, the test of constitutionality of a police
reasonableness exists,36 for its determination power measure is limited to an inquiry on
rests upon human judgment applied to the facts whether the restriction imposed on constitutional
and circumstances of each particular case.37 rights is reasonable, and not whether it imposes
a restriction on those rights.
We find that AO 1 does not impose unreasonable
restrictions. It merely outlines several None of the rules outlined in AO 1 strikes us as
precautionary measures, to which toll way users arbitrary and capricious. The DPWH, through the
must adhere. These rules were designed to Solicitor General, maintains that the toll ways
ensure public safety and the uninhibited flow of were not designed to accommodate motorcycles
traffic within limited access facilities. They cover and that their presence in the toll ways will
several subjects, from what lanes should be used compromise safety and traffic considerations.
by a certain vehicle, to maximum vehicle height. The DPWH points out that the same study the
The prohibition of certain types of vehicles is but petitioners rely on cites that the inability of other
one of these. None of these rules violates drivers to detect motorcycles is the predominant
reason. The purpose of these rules and the logic cause of accidents.39 Arguably, prohibiting the
behind them are quite evident. A toll way is not use of motorcycles in toll ways may not be the
an ordinary road. The special purpose for which "best" measure to ensure the safety and comfort
a toll way is constructed necessitates the of those who ply the toll ways.
imposition of guidelines in the manner of its use
and operation. Inevitably, such rules will restrict However, the means by which the government
certain rights. But the mere fact that certain rights chooses to act is not judged in terms of what is
are restricted does not invalidate the rules. "best," rather, on simply whether the act is
reasonable. The validity of a police power
Consider Section 3(g) of AO 1, which prohibits measure does not depend upon the absolute
the conduct of rallies inside toll ways.38 The assurance that the purpose desired can in fact
regulation affects the right to peaceably be probably fully accomplished, or upon the
certainty that it will best serve the purpose the existence of definitive studies to support its
intended.40 Reason, not scientific exactitude, is use. Indeed, no requirement exists that the
the measure of the validity of the governmental exercise of police power must first be
regulation. Arguments based on what is "best" conclusively justified by research. The yardstick
are arguments reserved for the Legislatures has always been simply whether the
discussion. Judicial intervention in such matters governments act is reasonable and not
will only be warranted if the assailed regulation is oppressive.42 The use of "reason" in this sense is
patently whimsical. We do not find the situation simply meant to guard against arbitrary and
in this case to be so. capricious government action. Scientific certainty
and conclusiveness, though desirable, may not
Neither do we find AO 1 oppressive. Petitioners be demanded in every situation. Otherwise, no
are not being deprived of their right to use the government will be able to act in situations
limited access facility. They are merely being demanding the exercise of its residual powers
required, just like the rest of the public, to adhere because it will be tied up conducting studies.
to the rules on how to use the facility. AO 1 does
not infringe upon petitioners right to travel but A police power measure may be assailed upon
merely bars motorcycles, bicycles, tricycles, proof that it unduly violates constitutional
pedicabs, and any non- limitations like due process and equal protection
of the law.43 Petitioners attempt to seek redress
motorized vehicles as the mode of traveling from the motorcycle ban under the aegis of equal
along limited access highways.41 Several cheap, protection must fail. Petitioners contention that
accessible and practical alternative modes of AO 1 unreasonably singles out motorcycles is
transport are open to petitioners. There is specious. To begin with, classification by itself is
nothing oppressive in being required to take a not prohibited.44
bus or drive a car instead of ones scooter,
bicycle, calesa, or motorcycle upon using a toll A classification can only be assailed if it is
way. deemed invidious, that is, it is not based on real
or substantial differences. As explained by Chief
Petitioners reliance on the studies they gathered Justice Fernando in Bautista v. Juinio:45
is misplaced. Police power does not rely upon
x x x To assure that the general welfare be motorized. Not all motorized vehicles are created
promoted, which is the end of law, a regulatory equal. A 16-wheeler truck is substantially
measure may cut into the rights to liberty and different from other light vehicles. The first may
property. Those adversely affected may under be denied access to some roads where the latter
such circumstances invoked the equal protection are free to drive. Old vehicles may be reasonably
clause only if they can show that the differentiated from newer models.46 We find that
governmental act assailed, far from being real and substantial differences exist between a
inspired by the attainment of the common weal motorcycle and other forms of transport sufficient
was prompted by the spirit of hostility, or at the to justify its classification among those prohibited
very least, discrimination that finds no support in from plying the toll ways. Amongst all types of
reason. It suffices then that the laws operate motorized transport, it is obvious, even to a child,
equally and uniformly on all persons under that a motorcycle is quite different from a car, a
similar circumstances or that all persons must be bus or a truck. The most obvious and troubling
treated in the same manner, the conditions not difference would be that a two-wheeled vehicle is
being different, both in the privileges conferred less stable and more easily overturned than a
and the liabilities imposed. Favoritism and undue four-wheeled vehicle.
preference cannot be allowed. For the principle
is that equal protection and security shall be A classification based on practical convenience
given to every person under circumstances, and common knowledge is not unconstitutional
which if not identical is analogous. If law be simply because it may lack purely theoretical or
looked upon in terms of burden or charges, those scientific uniformity. Moreover, we take note that
that fall within a class should be treated in the the Philippines is home to a host of unique
same fashion, whatever restrictions cast on motorized modes of transport ranging from
some in the group equally binding the rest. modified hand-carts (kuliglig) to bicycle
"sidecars" outfitted with a motor. To follow
We find that it is neither warranted nor petitioners argument to its logical conclusion
reasonable for petitioners to say that the only would open up toll ways to all these contraptions.
justifiable classification among modes of Both safety and traffic considerations militate
transport is the motorized against the non-
against any ruling that would bring about such a to the manner of using the toll way, a subject that
nightmare. can be validly limited by regulation.
Petitioners complain that the prohibition on the Petitioners themselves admit that alternative
use of motorcycles in toll ways unduly deprive routes are available to them. Their complaint is
them of their right to travel. that these routes are not the safest and most
convenient. Even if their claim is true, it hardly
We are not persuaded. qualifies as an undue curtailment of their
freedom of movement and travel. The right to
A toll way is not an ordinary road. As a facility
travel does not entitle a person to the best form
designed to promote the fastest access to certain
of transport or to the most convenient route to his
destinations, its use, operation, and
destination. The obstructions found in normal
maintenance require close regulation. Public
streets, which petitioners complain of (i.e.,
interest and safety require the imposition of
potholes, manholes, construction barriers, etc.),
certain restrictions on toll ways that do not apply
are not suffered by them alone.
to ordinary roads. As a special kind of road, it is
but reasonable that not all forms of transport Finally, petitioners assert that their possession of
could use it. a drivers license from the Land Transportation
Office (LTO) and the fact that their vehicles are
The right to travel does not mean the right to
registered with that office entitle them to use all
choose any vehicle in traversing a toll way. The
kinds of roads in the country. Again, petitioners
right to travel refers to the right to move from one
are mistaken. There exists no absolute right to
place to another. Petitioners can traverse the toll
drive. On the contrary, this privilege, is heavily
way any time they choose using private or public
regulated. Only a qualified group is allowed to
four-wheeled vehicles. Petitioners are not denied
drive motor vehicles: those who pass the tests
the right to move from Point A to Point B along
administered by the LTO. A drivers license
the toll way. Petitioners are free to access the toll
issued by the LTO merely allows one to drive a
way, much as the rest of the public can. The
particular mode of transport. It is not a license to
mode by which petitioners wish to travel pertains
drive or operate any form of transportation on
any type of road. Vehicle registration in the LTO
on the other hand merely signifies the
roadworthiness of a vehicle. This does not
preclude the government from prescribing which
roads are accessible to certain vehicles.
G.R. No. 187836 November 25, 2014 MAYOR ALFREDO S. LIM, VICE MAYOR
ALFREDO S. LIM, in his capacity as mayor of RODERICK D. V ALBUENA, JOSEFINA M.
the City of Manila, Respondent. SISCAR, SALVADOR PHILLIP H. LACUNA,
RAFAEL P. BORROMEO JOCELYN DAWIS- x-----------------------x
and joined by their parents RICHARD AND
C. RAMOS represented and joined by their
mother DONNA C. RAMOS, minors JAZMIN Challenged in these consolidated petitions2 is
SYLLITA T. VILA AND ANTONIO T. CRUZ IV, the validity of Ordinance No. 81873 entitled "AN
represented and joined by their mother ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO.
enacted by the Sangguniang Panlungsod of II TO COMMERCIAL I," and Ordinance No.
Manila (Sangguniang Panlungsod) on 14 May 81195 entitled "AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING
The creation of a medium industrial zone (1-2) AND PROVIDING FOR THE
and heavy industrial zone (1-3) effectively lifted ADMINISTRATION, ENFORCEMENT AND
the prohibition against owners and operators of AMENDMENT THERETO."
businesses, including herein intervenors
Chevron Philippines, Inc. (Chevron), Pilipinas The Parties
Shell Petroleum Corporation (Shell), and Petron
Corporation (Petron), collectively referred to as Petitioners allege the parties respective capacity
the oil companies, from operating in the to sue and be sued, viz:
designated commercial zone an industrial zone
prior to the enactment of Ordinance Petitioners
No. Residence Suing capacity aside
80274 entitled "AN ORDINANCE in Manila residents of Ma
THE Samson S. Not mentioned Manila
SOUTHWEST AND ESTERO DE PANDACAN Alcantara in the petition; One of the petitione
IN THE holding office in Atienza (G.R. No.
of the City of Sta. Mesa Incumbent City Cou
Manila City of Manila
Vladimir Alarique T. Pandacan OneMinors
of theMarian
in B.
v. Paco Citizens, real estate
abigao) Atienza
Taran, Richard taxpayers
Kenneth B. Taran, represented
and Officer
* The allegation is inaccurate. SJS joined by their parents
Richard and
Alcantara is actually one of the counsels for Marites Taran
petitioner SJS in G.R. No. 156052. The
Minors Czarina Alysandra C. Tondo Citizens, real estate
petitioners in that case are the SJS itself,
Ramos, Cezarah Adrianna C. taxpayers
Cabigao and Bonifacio S. Tumbokon
Ramos, and Cristen Aidan C.
Ramos represented and joined
G.R. No. 187916 by
their mother Donna c. Ramos
yor Jose L. Atienza, San Andres Former Mayor Syllita
Minors Jasmin of T.Manila;
Vila and Sta. Ana Citizens, real estate
tienza) Secretary of Department
Antonio T. Cruz IV, represented of taxpayers
and joined by and theirNatural
Resources (DENR)
Maureen C. Tolentino
M. Abante Sta. Ana Citizen and taxpayer;
member of the House of
Respondents Sued in their capacit
s M. Isip-Garcia San Miguel Incumbent City CouncilorG.R. Nos. 187836 and 187916
of the
City of Manila
Former Mayor Alfredo S. Lim (Mayor Lim) Incumbent Mayor o
orromeo Paco Incumbent City Councilor of the the time of the fi
City of Manila present petitions
s Sued
in their capacity asPhilippines, importing, distributing and marketing o
Inc. (CHEVRON) products in the Philippines since 1922
Pilipinas Shell Petroleum manufacturing, refining, importing,
Corporation (SHELL) and marketing of petroleum produ
G.R. No. 187916
Francisco Domagoso (Vice-Mayor Vice-Mayor and (PETRON)
Petron Corporation Presiding manufacturing, refining, importing,
Officer and marketing of petroleum produ
of the City Council of Manila Philippines
Koa Principal author of City
They claim that their rights with respect to the oil
Ordinance No. 8187
depots in Pandacan would be directly affected by
im, Jesus Fajardo, Louisito N. Chua, Personal and officialthecapacities
outcome of these cases.
A. Melendez, John Marvin Nieto, as councilors who voted and
Valeriano, Raymondo R. Yupangco, approved City Ordinance The Antecedents
Maceda, Roderick D. Valbuena, 8187
These petitions are a sequel to the case of Social
Siscar, Phillip H. Lacuna, Luciano M.
Justice Society v. Mayor Atienza,
Carlo V. Lopez, Ernesto F. 8
Jr. (hereinafter referred to asG.R. No. 156052),
nilo Victor H. Lacuna, Jr., Ernesto G.
where the Court found: (1) that the ordinance
y H. Lacuna-Pangan, Ernesto M.
subject thereof Ordinance No. 8027 was
, Erick Ian O. Nieva
enacted "to safeguard the rights to life, security
and safety of the inhabitants of Manila;"9 (2) that
The following intervenors, all of which are
it had passed the tests of a valid ordinance; and
corporations organized under Philippine laws,
(3) that it is not superseded by Ordinance No.
8119.10 Declaring that it is constitutional and
valid,11 the Court accordingly ordered its
Nature of Business immediate enforcement with a specific directive
on the relocation and transfer of the Pandacan Pandacan was unofficially designated as the
oil terminals.12 industrial center of Manila. The area, then largely
uninhabited, was ideal for various emerging
Highlighting that the Court has soruled that the industries as the nearby river facilitated the
Pandacan oil depots should leave, herein transportation of goods and products. In the
petitioners now seek the nullification of 1920s, it was classifiedas an industrial zone.
Ordinance No. 8187, which contains provisions Among its early industrial settlers werethe oil
contrary to those embodied in Ordinance No. companies. x x x On December 8, 1941, the
8027. Allegations of violation of the right to health Second World War reached the shores of the
and the right to a healthful and balanced Philippine Islands. x x x [I]n their zealous attempt
environment are also included. to fend off the Japanese Imperial Army, the
United States Army took control of the Pandacan
For a better perspective of the facts of these
Terminals and hastily made plans to destroy the
cases, we again trace the history of the
storage facilities to deprive the advancing
Pandacan oil terminals, aswell as the intervening
Japanese Army of a valuable logistics weapon.
events prior to the reclassification of the land use
The U.S. Army burned unused petroleum,
from Industrial II to Commercial I under
causing a frightening conflagration. Historian
Ordinance No. 8027 until the creation of Medium
Nick Joaquin recounted the events as follows:
Industrial Zone and Heavy Industrial Zone
pursuant to Ordinance No. 8187. After the USAFFE evacuated the City late in
December 1941, all army fuel storage dumps
History of the Pandacan
were set on fire. The flames spread, enveloping
Oil Terminals
the City in smoke, setting even the rivers ablaze,
We quote the following from the Resolution of the endangering bridges and all riverside buildings.
Court in G.R. No. 156052: For one week longer, the "open city" blazed
a cloud of smoke by day, a pillar of fire by night.
Pandacan (one of the districts of the City of
Manila) is situated along the banks of the Pasig
[R]iver. Atthe turn of the twentieth century,
The fire consequently destroyed the Pandacan The 36-hectare Pandacan Terminals house the
Terminals and rendered its network of depots oil companies distribution terminals and depot
and service stations inoperative. facilities.1wphi1 The refineries of Chevron and
Shell in Tabangao and Bauan, both in Batangas,
After the war, the oil depots were reconstructed. respectively, are connected to the Pandacan
Pandacan changed as Manila rebuilt itself. The Terminals through a 114-kilometer underground
three major oil companies resumed the operation pipeline system. Petrons refinery in Limay,
of their depots. But the district was no longer a Bataan, on the other hand, also services the
sparsely populated industrial zone; it had depot. The terminals store fuel and other
evolved into a bustling, hodgepodge community. petroleum products and supply 95% of the fuel
Today, Pandacan has become a densely requirements of Metro Manila, 50% of Luzons
populated area inhabited by about 84,000 consumption and 35% nationwide. Fuel can also
people, majority of whom are urban poor who call be transported through barges along the Pasig
it home. Aside from numerous industrial [R]iver ortank trucks via the South Luzon
installations, there are also small businesses, Expressway.13 (Citations omitted)
churches, restaurants, schools, daycare centers
and residences situated there. Malacaang Memorandum of Agreement (MOA)
Palace, the official residence of the President of dated 12 October 2001 between the oil
the Philippines and the seat of governmental companies
power, is just two kilometers away. There is a and the Department of Energy (DOE)
private school near the Petron depot. Along the
walls of the Shell facility are shanties of informal On 12 October 2001, the oil companies and the
settlers. More than 15,000 students are enrolled DOE entered into a MOA14 "in light of recent
in elementary and high schools situated near international developments involving acts of
these facilities. A university with a student terrorism on civilian and government
population of about 25,000 is located directly landmarks,"15 "potential new security risks
across the depot on the banks of the Pasig relating to the Pandacan oil terminals and the
[R]iver. impact on the surrounding community which may
be affected,"16 and "to address the perceived
risks posed by the proximity of communities, The owners and operators of the businesses
businesses and offices to the Pandacan oil thus affected by the reclassification were given
terminals, consistent with the principle of six months from the date of effectivity of the
sustainable development."17 The stakeholders Ordinance within which to stop the operation of
acknowledged that "there is a need for a their businesses.
comprehensive study to address the economic,
social, environmental and security concerns with Nevertheless, the oil companies weregranted an
the end in view of formulating a Master Plan to extension of until 30 April 2003 within which to
address and minimize the potential risks and comply with the Ordinance pursuant to the
hazards posed by the proximity of communities, following:
businesses and offices to the Pandacan oil
(1) Memorandum of Understanding
terminals without adversely affecting the security
(MOU)20 dated 26 June 2002 between the
and reliability of supply and distribution of
City of Manila and the Department of
petroleum products to Metro Manila and the rest
Energy (DOE), on the one hand, and the oil
of Luzon, and the interests of consumers and
companies, on the other, where the parties
users of such petroleum products in those
agreed that "the scaling down of the
Pandacan Terminals [was] the most viable
The enactment of Ordinance No. 8027 and practicable option"21 and committed to
against the continued stay of the oil depots adopt specific measures22 consistent with
the said objective;
The MOA, however, was short-lived.
(2) Resolution No. 97 dated 25 July
On 20 November 2001, during the incumbency 200223 of the Sangguniang Panlungsod,
of former Mayor Jose L. Atienza, Jr. (Mayor which ratified the 26 June 2002 MOU but
Atienza) nowone of the petitioners in G.R. No. limited the extension of the period within
187916 the Sangguniang Panlungsod enacted which to comply to six months from 25 July
Ordinance No. 802719 reclassifying the use of 2002; and
the land in Pandacan, Sta. Ana, and its adjoining
areas from Industrial II to Commercial I.
(3) Resolution No. 13 dated 30 January Unknown to the Court, during the pendency of
200324 of the Sanguniang Panlungsod, G.R. No. 156052, and before the expiration of the
which extended the validity of Resolution validity ofResolution No. 13, the oil companies
No. 97 to 30 April 2003, authorized then filed the following actions before the Regional
Mayor Atienza to issue special business Trial Court of Manila: (1) an action for the
permits to the oil companies, and called for annulment of Ordinance No. 8027 with
a reassessment of the ordinance. application for writs of preliminary prohibitory
injunction and preliminary mandatory injunction
Social Justice Society v. Atienza (G.R. No. by Chevron; (2) a petition for prohibition and
156052): mandamus also for the annulment of the
The filing of an action for mandamus Ordinance with application for writs of preliminary
before the Supreme Court prohibitory injunction and preliminary mandatory
to enforce Ordinance No. 8027 injunction by Shell; and (3) a petition assailing
the validity of the Ordinance with prayer for the
In the interim, an original action for mandamus
issuance of a writ of preliminary injunction and/or
entitled Social Justice Society v. Atienza, Jr.
temporary restraining order (TRO) by Petron.27
docketed as G.R. No. 15605225 was filed on 4
December 2002 by Tumbokon and herein Writs of preliminary prohibitory injunction and
petitioners SJS and Cabigao against then Mayor preliminary mandatory injunction were issued in
Atienza. The petitioners sought to compel former favor of Chevron and Shell on 19 May 2003.
Mayor Atienza to enforce Ordinance No. 8027 Petron, on the other hand, obtained a status quo
and cause the immediate removal of the order on 4 August 2004.28
terminals of the oil companies.26
The Enactment of Ordinance No. 8119 defining
Issuance by the Regional Trial Court (RTC) the Manila land use plan and zoning regulations
of writs of preliminary prohibitory injunction
and preliminary mandatory injunction, On 16 June 2006, then Mayor Atienza approved
and status quo order in favor of the oil companies Ordinance No. 8119 entitled "An Ordinance
Adopting the Manila Comprehensive Land Use
Plan and Zoning Regulations of 2006 and
Providing for the Administration, Enforcement Mayor Atienza to immediately enforce Ordinance
and Amendment thereto."29 No. 8027.33
Pertinent provisions relative to these cases are Confined to the resolution of the following issues
the following: raised by the petitioners, to wit:
(a) Article IV, Sec. 730 enumerating the 1. whether respondent [Mayor Atienza]has
existing zones or districts in the City of the mandatory legal duty to enforce
Manila; Ordinance No. 8027 and order the removal
of the Pandacan Terminals, and
(b) Article V, Sec. 2331 designating the
Pandacan oil depot area as a "Planned Unit 2. whether the June 26, 2002 MOU and the
Development/Overlay Zone" (O-PUD); and resolutions ratifying it can amend or repeal
Ordinance No. 8027.34
(c) the repealing clause, which reads:
the Court declared:
SEC. 84. Repealing Clause. All ordinances,
rules, regulations in conflict with the provisions of x x x [T]he Local Government Code imposes
this Ordinance are hereby repealed; upon respondent the duty, as city mayor, to
PROVIDED, That the rights that are vested upon "enforce all laws and ordinances relative to the
the effectivity of this Ordinance shall not be governance of the city." One of these is
impaired.32 Ordinance No. 8027. As the chief executive of
the city, he has the duty to enforce Ordinance
7 March 2007 Decision in G.R. No. 156052; No. 8027 as long as it has not been repealed by
The mayor has the mandatory legal duty to the Sanggunian or annulled by the courts. He
enforce has no other choice. It is his ministerial duty to do
Ordinance No. 8027 and order the removal of the so. x x x
Pandacan terminals
On 7 March 2007, the Court granted the petition
for mandamus, and directed then respondent
The question now is whether the MOU entered 13 February 2008 Resolution in G.R. No.
into by respondent with the oil companies and 156052;
the subsequent resolutions passed by the Ordinance No. 8027 is constitutional
Sanggunianhave made the respondents duty to
enforce Ordinance No. 8027 doubtful, unclear or The oil companies and the Republic of the
uncertain. x x x Philippines, represented by the DOE, filed their
motions for leave to intervene and for
We need not resolve this issue. Assuming that reconsideration of the 7 March 2007 Decision.
the terms of the MOU were inconsistent with During the oral arguments, the parties submitted
Ordinance No. 8027, the resolutions which to the power of the Court torule on the
ratified it and made it binding on the Cityof Manila constitutionality and validity of the assailed
expressly gave it full force and effect only until Ordinance despite the pendency of the cases in
April 30, 2003. Thus, at present, there is nothing the RTC.36
that legally hinders respondent from enforcing
Ordinance No. 8027. On 13 February 2008, the Court granted the
motions for leave to intervene of the oil
Ordinance No. 8027 was enacted right after the companies and the Republic of the Philippines
Philippines, along with the rest of the world, but denied their respective motions for
witnessed the horror of the September 11, 2001 reconsideration. The dispositive portion of the
attack on the Twin Towers of the World Trade Resolution reads:
Center in New York City. The objective of the
ordinance is toprotect the residents of Manila WHEREFORE, x x x
from the catastrophic devastation that will surely
We reiterate our order to respondent Mayor of
occur in case of a terrorist attack on the
the City of Manila to enforce Ordinance No.
Pandacan Terminals. No reason exists why such
8027. In coordination with the appropriate
a protective measure should be
35 agencies and other parties involved, respondent
delayed. (Emphasis supplied; citations
Mayor is hereby ordered to oversee the
relocation and transfer of the Pandacan
Terminals out of its present site.37
13 February 2008 Resolution in G.R. No. Ordinance No. 8119 can be considered a general
156052; law as it covers the entire city of Manila.
Ordinance No. 8027 was not impliedly repealed
by Ordinance No. 8119 xxxx
The Court also ruled that Ordinance No. 8027 x x x The repealing clause of Ordinance No. 8119
was not impliedly repealed by Ordinance No. cannot be taken to indicate the legislative intent
8119. On this score, the Court ratiocinated: to repeal all prior inconsistent laws on the subject
matter, including Ordinance No. 8027, a special
For the first kind of implied repeal, there must be enactment, since the aforequoted minutes (an
an irreconcilable conflict between the two official record of the discussions in the
ordinances. There is no conflict between the two Sanggunian) actually indicated the clear intent to
ordinances. Ordinance No. 8027 reclassified the preserve the provisions of Ordinance No. 8027.38
Pandacan area from Industrial II to Commercial
I. Ordinance No. 8119, Section 23, designated it Filing of a draft Resolution amending Ordinance
as a "Planned Unit Development/Overlay Zone No. 8027 effectively allowing
(O-PUD)." In its Annex "C" which defined the the oil depots to stay in the Pandacan area;
zone boundaries, the Pandacan area was shown Manifestation and
to be within the "High Density Residential/Mixed Motion to forestall the passing of the new
Use Zone (R-3/MXD)." x x x [B]oth ordinances Ordinance filed in G.R. No. 156052
actually have a common objective, i.e., to shift
On 5 March 2009, respondent then Councilor
the zoning classification from industrial to
Arlene W. Koa, filed with the Sangguniang
commercial (Ordinance No. 8027) or mixed
Panlungsod a draft resolution entitled "An
residential commercial (Ordinance No. 8119)
Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 8119
xxxx Otherwise Known as The Manila
Comprehensive Land Use Plan and Zoning
Ordinance No. 8027 is a special law since it Ordinance of 2006 by Creating a Medium
deals specifically with a certain area described Industrial Zone (1-2) and Heavy Industrial Zone
therein (the Pandacan oil depot area) whereas (1-3) and Providing for its
Enforcement."39 Initially numbered as Draft Succeeding motions were thus deniedand/or
Ordinance No. 7177, this was later renumbered noted without action. And, after the "Very Urgent
as Ordinance No. 8187, the assailed Ordinance Motion to Stop the Mayor of the City of Manila
in these instant petitions. from Signing Draft Ordinance No. 7177 and to
Cite Him for Contempt if He Would Do So" filed
Considering that the provisions thereof run on 19 May 2009 was denied on 2 June 2009 for
contrary to Ordinance No. 8027, the petitioners being moot,43 all pleadings pertaining to the
in G.R. No. 156052 filed a "Manifestation and earlier motion against the drafting of an
Motion to: a) Stop the City Council of Manila from ordinance to amend Ordinance No. 8027 were
further hearing the amending ordinance to noted without action.44
Ordinance No. 8027; [and] b) Transfer the
monitoring of the enforcement of the Resolution The Enactment of Ordinance No. 8187
of the Honorable Court on this case dated 13 allowing the continued stay of the oil depots
February 2008 from Branch 39, Manila Regional
Trial Court to the Supreme Court."40 On 14 May 2009, during the incumbency of
former Mayor Alfredo S. Lim (Mayor Lim), who
28 April 2009 Resolution in G.R. No. 156052; succeeded Mayor Atienza, the Sangguniang
Second Motion for Reconsideration denied with Panlungsod enacted Ordinance No. 8187.45
succeeding motions likewise denied or otherwise The new Ordinance repealed, amended,
noted without action rescinded or otherwise modified Ordinance No.
8027, Section 23 of Ordinance No. 8119, and all
On 28 April 2009, pending the resolution of the other Ordinances or provisions inconsistent
Manifestation and Motion, the Court denied with therewith46 thereby allowing, once again, the
finalitythe second motion for reconsideration operation of "Pollutive/Non-Hazardous and
dated 27 February 2008 of the oil companies.41 Pollutive/Hazardous manufacturing and
processing establishments" and "Highly
It further ruled that no further pleadings shall be Pollutive/Non-Hazardous[,]
entertained in the case.42 Pollutive/Hazardous[,] Highly
Pollutive/Extremely Hazardous[,] Non-
Pollutive/Extremely Hazardous; and people within the contemplation of the
Pollutive/Extremely Hazardous; and following provisions of law:
Pollutive/Extremely Hazardous manufacturing
and processing establishments" within the newly a) Article III, Section 18 (kk)47 of
created Medium Industrial Zone (1-2) and Heavy Republic Act No. 409 otherwise known
Industrial Zone (1-3) in the Pandacan area. as the "Revised Charter of the City of
Manila," which provides that the
Thus, where the Industrial Zoneunder Ordinance Municipal Board shall have the
No. 8119 was limited to Light Industrial Zone (I- legislative power to enact all
1), Ordinance No. 8187 appended to the list a ordinances it may deem necessary
Medium Industrial Zone (I-2) and a Heavy and proper;
Industrial Zone (I-3), where petroleum refineries
and oil depots are now among those expressly b) Section 1648 of Republic Act No.
allowed. 7160 known as the Local Government
Code, which defines the scope of the
Hence these petitions. general welfare clause;
5. the human right of the child to live in an SEC. 81. Amendments to the Zoning Ordinance.
environment appropriate for physical and The proposed amendments to the Zoning
mental development[; and] Ordinance asreviewed and evaluated by the City
Planning and Development Office (CPDO)shall
6. the human right to full and equal be submitted to the City Council for approval of
participation for all persons in the majority of the Sangguniang Panlungsod
environmental decision-making and members. The amendments shall be acceptable
development planning, and in shaping and eventually approved: PROVIDED, That
decisions and policies affecting ones there is sufficient evidence and justification for
community, at the local, national and such proposal; PROVIDED FURTHER,That
international levels.59 such proposal is consistent with the development
goals, planning objectives, and strategies of the
Petitioners likewise posit that the title of Manila Comprehensive Land Use Plan. Said
Ordinance No. 8187 purports to amend or repeal
Ordinance No. 8119 when it actually intends to
amendments shall take effect immediately upon 5. x x x respondent City Mayor Alfredo S.
approval or after thirty (30) days from application. Lim [be enjoined] from issuing any permits
(business or otherwise) to all industries
Petitioners thus pray that: whose allowable uses are anchored under
the provisions of Manila Ordinance No.
1. upon filing of [the] petition, [the] case be
8187; and
referred to the Court [E]n Banc, and setting
(sic) the case for oral argument; 6. x x x respondent Mayor of Manila Alfredo
S. Lim [be ordered] to comply with the Order
2. upon the filing of [the] petition, a
of the Honorable Court in G.R. 156052
temporary restraining order be issued
dated February 13, 2008.60
enjoining the respondents from publishing
and posting Manila City Ordinance No. The Respondents Position on the Consolidated
8187 and/or posting of Manila City Petitions
Ordinance No. 8187; and/or taking any
steps to implementing (sic) and/or enforce Respondent former Mayor Lim
the same and after due hearing, the
temporary restraining order be converted to In his Memorandum,61 former Mayor Lim,
a permanent injunction; through the City Legal Officer, attacks the
petitioners lack of legal standing to sue. He
3. x x x Manila City Ordinance 8187 [be likewise points out that the petitioners failed to
declared] as null and void for being observe the principle of hierarchy of courts.
repugnant to the Constitution and existing
municipal laws and international covenants; Maintaining that Ordinance No. 8187 is valid and
constitutional, he expounds on the following
4. x x x the respondents [be ordered] to arguments:
refrain from enforcing and/or implementing
Manila City Ordinance No. 8187; On the procedural issues, he contends that: (1) it
is the function of the Sangguniang Panlungsod
to enact zoning ordinances, for which reason, it
may proceed to amend or repeal Ordinance No. Respondents Vice-Mayor Domagoso and the
8119 without prior referral to the Manila Zoning City Councilors who voted in favor of the assailed
Board of Adjustment and Appeals (MZBAA) as ordinance
prescribed under Section 80 (Procedure for Re-
Zoning) and the City Planning and Development On 14 September 2012, after the Court gave the
Office (CPDO) pursuant to Section 81 respondents several chances to submit their
(Amendments to the Zoning Ordinance) of Memorandum,62 they, through the Secretary of
Ordinance No. 8119, especially when the action the Sangguniang Panlungsod, prayed that the
actually originated from the Sangguniang Court dispense with the filing thereof.
Panlungsod itself; (2) the Sangguniang
In their Comment,63 however, respondents
Panlungsod may, in the later ordinance,
offered a position essentially similar to those
expressly repeal all or part of the zoning
proffered by former Mayor Lim.
ordinance sought to be modified; and (3) the
provision repealing Section 23 of Ordinance No. The Intervenors Position on the Consolidated
8119 is not violative of Section 26, Article VI of Petitions
the 1987 Constitution, which requires that every
bill must embrace only one subject and that such On the other hand, the oil companies sought the
shall be expressed in the title. outright dismissal of the petitions based on
alleged procedural infirmities, among others,
On the substantive issues, he posits that the incomplete requisites of judicial review, violation
petitions are based on unfounded fears; that the of the principle of hierarchy of courts, improper
assailed ordinance is a valid exercise of police remedy, submission of a defective verification
power; that it is consistent with the general and certification against forum shopping, and
welfare clause and public policy, and is not forum shopping.
unreasonable; that it does not run contrary to the
Constitution, municipal laws, and international As to the substantive issues, they maintain,
conventions; and that the petitioners failed to among others, that the assailed ordinance is
overcome the presumption of validity of the constitutional and valid; that the Sangguniang
assailed ordinance. Panlalawigan is in the best position to determine
the needs of its constituents; that it is a valid Intervening Events
exercise of legislative power; that it does not
violate health and environment-related On 28 August 2012, while the Court was awaiting
provisions of the Constitution, laws, and the submission of the Memorandum of
international conventions and treaties to which respondents Vice-Mayor Domagoso and the
the Philippines is a party; that the oil depots are councilors who voted in favor of the assailed
not likely targets of terrorists; that the scaling Ordinance, the Sangguniang Panlungsod, which
down of the operations in Pandacan pursuant to composition had already substantially changed,
the MOU has been followed; and that the people enacted Ordinance No. 828367 entitled "AN
are safe in view of the safety measures installed ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 2 OF
in the Pandacan terminals. ORDINANCE NO. 8187 BY RECLASSIFYING
Incidentally, in its Manifestation dated 30 REFINERIES AND OIL DEPOTS ARE
November 2010,64 Petron informed the Court LOCATED FROM HEAVY INDUSTRIAL (1-3)
that it will "cease [the] operation of its petroleum TO HIGH INTENSITY COMMERCIAL/MIXED
product storage facilities"65 in the Pandacan oil USE ZONE (C3/MXD).
terminal not later than January 2016 on account
of the following: The new ordinance essentially amended the
assailed ordinance to exclude the area where
2.01 Environmental issues, many of which are petroleum refineries and oil depots are located
unfounded, continually crop up and tarnish the from the Industrial Zone.
Companys image.
Ordinance No. 8283 thus permits the operation
2.02. The location of its Pandacanterminal is of the industries operating within the Industrial
continually threatened, and made uncertain Zone. However, the oil companies, whose oil
preventing long-term planning, by the changing depots are located in the High Intensity
local government composition. Indeed, the Commercial/Mixed Use Zone (C3/MXD), are
relevant zoning ordinances have been amended given until the end of January 2016 within which
three (3) times, and their validity subjected to to relocate their terminals.
Former Mayor Lim, who was then the incumbent earlier directives71 to submit the said
mayor, did not support the amendment. respondents Memorandum.
Maintaining that the removal of the oil depots
was prejudicial to public welfare, and, on account In his Compliance/Explanation with Urgent
of the pending cases in the Supreme Court, he Manifestation72 dated 13 September 2012, Atty.
vetoed Ordinance No. 8283 on 11 September Gempis explained that it was not his intention to
2012.68 show disrespect to this Court or to delay or
prejudice the disposition of the cases.
On 28 November 2012, former Mayor Lim filed a
Manifestation informing this Court that the According to him, he signed the Comment
Sangguniang Panlungsod voted to override the prepared by respondents Vice-Mayor and the
veto, and that he, in turn, returned it again with City Councilors only to attest that the pleading
his veto. He likewise directed the Sangguniang was personally signed by the respondents. He
Panlungsod to append his written reasons for his clarified that he was not designated as the legal
veto of the Ordinance, so that the same will be counsel of the respondents as, in fact, he was of
forwarded to the President for his consideration the impression that, pursuant to Section
in the event that his veto is overridden again.69 481(b)(3) of the Local Government Code,73 it is
the City Legal Officer who isauthorized to
On 11 December 2012, Shell also filed a similar represent the local government unit or any official
Manifestation.70 thereof in a litigation. It was for the same reason
that he thought that the filing of a Memorandum
Meanwhile, three days after former Mayor Lim may already be dispensed with when the City
vetoed the new ordinance, Atty. Luch R. Gempis, Legal Officer filed its own on 8 February 2010.
Jr. (Atty. Gempis), Secretary of the Sangguniang He further explained that the Ordinance subject
Panlungsod, writing on behalf of respondents of these cases was passed during the 7th
Vice-Mayor Domagoso and the City Councilors Council (2007-2010); that the composition of the
of Manila who voted in favor of the assailed 8th Council (2010-2013) had already changed
Ordinance, finally complied with this Courts after the 2010 elections; and that steps were
Resolution dated 17 July 2012 reiterating its already taken to amend the ordinance again.
Hence, he was in a dilemma as to the position of Our Ruling
the Sangguniang Panlungsod at the time he
received the Courts Resolution of 31 May 2011. We see no reason why Ordinance No. 8187
should not be stricken down insofar as the
Atty. Gempis, thus, prayed that the Court presence of the oil depots in Pandacan is
dispense with the filing of the required concerned.
memorandum in view of the passing of
Ordinance No. 8283. I
x x x "[G]rave abuse of discretion" means such Respondents submission holds true in ordinary
capricious and whimsical exercise of judgment civil proceedings. When this Court exercises its
as is equivalent to lack of jurisdiction. The abuse constitutional power of judicial review, however,
of discretion must be grave as where the power we have, by tradition, viewed the writs of
is exercised in an arbitrary or despotic manner by certiorariand prohibition as proper remedial
reason of passion or personal hostility and must vehicles to test the constitutionality of
be so patent and gross asto amount to an statutes, and indeed, of acts of other
evasion of positive duty or to a virtual refusal to branches of government. Issues of
perform the duty enjoined by or to act all in constitutional importx x x carry such
contemplation of law.102 relevance in the life of this nation that the
Court inevitably finds itself constrained to
It is pointless to discuss the matter at length in take cognizance of the case and pass upon
these instant cases of transcendental the issues raised, noncompliance with the
importance in view of the Courts letter of procedural rules
pronouncement, in Magallona v. notwithstanding. The statute sought to be
Ermita. There it held that the writs of reviewed here is one such law.104 (Emphasis
certiorariand prohibition are proper remedies to supplied; citations omitted)
test the constitutionality of statutes,
notwithstanding the following defects: Requisites of judicial review
In praying for the dismissal of the petition on For a valid exercise of the power of judicial
preliminary grounds, respondents seek a strict review, the following requisites shall concur: (1)
observance of the offices of the writs of certiorari the existence of a legal controversy; (2) legal
and prohibition, noting that the writs cannot standing to sue of the party raising the
constitutional question; (3) a plea that judicial At the bottom of the Verification and Certification
review be exercised at the earliest opportunity; against Forum Shopping of the petition in G.R.
and (4) the constitutional question is the lis mota No. 187916 is the statement of the notary public
of the case.105 to the effect that the affiant, in his presence and
after presenting "an integrally competent proof of
Only the first two requisites are put in issue in identification with signature and
these cases. 106
photograph," signed the document under
On the matter of the existence of a legal
controversy, we reject the contention that the Citing Sec. 163 of the Local Government
petitions consist of bare allegations based on Code,107 which provides that an individual
speculations, surmises, conjectures and acknowledging any document before a notary
hypothetical grounds. public shall present his Community Tax
Certificate (CTC), Chevron posits that the
The Court declared Ordinance No. 8027 valid
petitioners failure to present his CTC rendered
and constitutional and ordered its
the petition fatally defective warranting the
implementation. Withthe passing of the new
outright dismissal of the petition.
ordinance containing the contrary provisions, it
cannot be any clearer that here lies an actual We disagree.
case or controversy for judicial review. The
allegation on this, alone, is sufficient for the The verification and certification against forum
purpose. shopping are governed specifically by Sections 4
and 5,Rule 7 of the Rules of Court.
The second requisite has already been
exhaustively discussed. Section 4 provides that a pleading, when
required to be verified, shall be treated as an
Proof of identification required in the notarization unsigned pleading if it lacks a proper verification
of the verification and certification against forum while Section 5 requires that the certification to
shopping in G.R. No. 187916 be executed by the plaintiff or principal party be
under oath.
These sections, in turn, should be read together office ID, certification from the National
with Sections 6 and 12, Rule 2 of the 2004 Rules Council for the Welfare of Disable
on Notarial Practice. Persons (NCWDP), Department of
Social Welfare and Development
Section 6108 of the latter Rules, specifically, (DSWD) certification; or
likewise provides that any competent evidence of
identity specified under Section 12 thereof may (b) x x x.109
now be presented before the notary public, to wit:
Forum shopping
SEC. 12. Competent Evidence of Identity. - The
phrase "competent evidence of identity" refers to Shell contends that the petitioners in G.R. No.
the identification of an individual based on: 187836 violated the rule against forum shopping
allegedly because all the elements thereof are
(a) at least one current identification present in relation to G.R. No. 156052, to wit:
document issued by an official agency
bearing the photograph and signature 1. "identity of parties, or at least such parties
of the individual, such as but not who represent the same interests in both
limited to passport, drivers license, actions" According to Shell, the interest of
Professional Regulations Commission petitioner SJS in G.R. No. 156052 and the
ID, National Bureau of Investigation officers of SJS in G.R. No. 187836 are
clearance, police clearance, postal ID, clearly the same. Moreover, both actions
voters ID, Barangay certification, implead the incumbent mayor of the City of
Government Service and Insurance Manila as respondent. Both then
System (GSIS) e-card, Social Security respondent Mayor Atienza in G.R. No.
System (SSS) card, Philhealth card, 156052 and respondent former Mayor Lim
senior citizen card, Overseas Workers in G.R. No. 187836 are sued in their
Welfare Administration (OWWA) ID, capacity as Manila mayor.
OFW ID, seamans book, alien
2. "identity of rights asserted and relief
certificate of registration/immigrant
prayed for, the relief being founded on the
certificate of registration, government
same fact(s)" Shell contends that, in both In Spouses Cruz v. Spouses Caraos,111 the
actions, petitioners assert the same rights Court expounded on the nature of forum
to health and to a balanced and healthful shopping. Thus:
ecology relative to the fate of the Pandacan
terminal, and seek essentially the same Forum shopping is an act of a party, against
reliefs, that is, the removal of the oil depots whom an adverse judgment or order has been
from the present site. rendered in one forum, of seeking and possibly
getting a favorable opinion in another forum,
3. "the identity of the two preceding other than by appeal or special civil action for
particulars is such that any judgment certiorari. It may also be the institution of two or
rendered in the pending case, regardless of more actions or proceedings grounded on the
which party is successful, would amount to same cause on the supposition that one or the
res judicata in the other" Relative to the other court would make a favorable disposition.
filing of the Manifestation and Motion to: a) The established rule is that for forum shopping to
Stop the City Council of Manila from further exist, both actions must involve the same
hearing the amending ordinance to transactions, same essential facts and
Ordinance No. 8027 x x x (Manifestation circumstances and must raise identical causes of
and Motion) and Very Urgent Motion to Stop actions, subject matter, and issues. x x
the Mayor of the City of Manila from Signing x112 (Citations omitted) It bears to stress that the
Draft Ordinance No. 7177 [now Ordinance present petitions were initially filed, not to secure
No. 8187] and to Cite Him for Contempt if a judgment adverse to the first decision, but,
He Would Do So (Urgent Motion) both in precisely, to enforce the earlier ruling to relocate
G.R. No. 156052, Shell points out the the oil depots from the Pandacan area.
possibility that the Court would have
rendered conflicting rulings "on cases As to the matter of the denial of the petitioners
involving the same facts, parties, issues Manifestation and Urgent Motion in G.R. No.
and reliefs prayed for."110 156052, which wereboth incidental to the
enforcement of the decision favorable to them
We are not persuaded. brought about by the intervening events after the
judgment had become final and executory, and 20 November 1995, dismissing Civil Case No.
which involve the same Ordinance assailed in 95-1387 was an unqualified dismissal. More
these petitions, we so hold that the filing of the significantly, its dismissal was not based on
instant petitions is not barred by res judicata. grounds under paragraphs (f), (h), and (i) of
Section 1 of Rule 16 of the Rules of Court, which
In the same case of Spouses Cruz v. Spouses dismissal shall bar the refiling of the same action
Caraos involving the refiling of a complaint, or claim as crystallized in Section 5 of Rule 16
which had been earlier dismissed without thereof, thus:
qualification that the dismissal was with
prejudice, and which had not been decided on SEC. 5. Effect of dismissal. Subject to the right
the merits, the Court declared that such re-filing of appeal, an order granting a motion to dismiss
did not amount to forum shopping. It ratiocinated: based on paragraphs (f), (h), and (i) of section 1
hereof shall bar the refiling of the same action or
It is not controverted that the allegations of the claim.
respective complaints in both Civil Case No. 95-
1387 and Civil Case No. 96-0225 are similarly From the foregoing, it is clear that dismissals
worded, and are identical in all relevant details, under paragraphs (f), (h), and (i) of Section 1 of
including typographical errors, except for the Rule 16 of the Rules of Court constitute res
additional allegations in support of respondents judicata, to wit:
prayer for the issuance of preliminary injunction
in Civil Case No. 95-1387. It is similarly not (f) That the cause of action isbarred by a prior
disputed that both actions involve the same judgment or by the statute of limitations;
transactions; same essential facts and
circumstances; and raise identical causes of
actions, subject matter, and issues. (h) That the claim or demand set forth in the
plaintiffs pleading has been paid, waived,
abandoned, or otherwise extinguished;
x x x The dismissal of Civil Case No. 95-1387
was without prejudice. Indeed, the Order dated
(i) That the claim on which the action is founded sufficiently bar the refiling thereof in Civil Case
is unenforceable under the provisions of the No. 96-0225. As earlier underscored, the
statute of frauds. dismissal was one without prejudice. Verily, it
was not a judgment on the merits. It bears
Res judicata or bar by prior judgmentis a doctrine reiterating that a judgment on the merits is one
which holds that a matter that has been rendered after a determination of which party is
adjudicated by a court of competent jurisdiction right, as distinguished from a judgment rendered
must be deemed to have been finally and upon some preliminary or formal or merely
conclusively settled if it arises in any subsequent technical point. The dismissal of the case without
litigation between the same parties and for the prejudice indicates the absence of a decision on
same cause. Res judicata exists when the the merits and leaves the parties free to litigate
following elements are present: (a) the former the matter in a subsequent action asthough the
judgment must be final; (b) the court which dismissed action had not been
rendered judgment had jurisdiction over the commenced.115(Emphasis supplied; citations
parties and the subject matter; (3)it must be a omitted)
judgment on the merits; and (d) and there must
be, between the first and second actions, identity Considering that there is definitely no forum
ofparties, subject matter, and cause of shopping in the instant cases, we need not
action.113 (Emphasis supplied; citations omitted) discuss in detail the elements of forum shopping.
Do all these principles equally apply to the cases Expressing the same position, former Mayor Lim
at bar involving the same subject matter to justify even went to the extent of detailing the
the contrary provisions of the assailed steps123 he took prior to the signing of the
Ordinance? Ordinance, if only to show his honest intention to
make the right decision.
We answer in the negative.
The fact remains, however, that notwithstanding
We summarize the position of the Sangguniang that the conditions with respect to the operations
Panlungsodon the matter subject of these of the oil depots existing prior to the enactment
petitions. In 2001, the Sanggunian found the of Ordinance No. 8027 do not substantially differ
relocation of the Pandacan oil depots necessary. to this day, as would later be discussed, the
Hence, the enactment of Ordinance No. 8027. position of the Sangguniang Panlungsod on the
matter has thrice changed, largely depending on
In 2009, when the composition of the the new composition of the council and/or
Sanggunian had already changed, Ordinance political affiliations. The foregoing, thus, shows
that its determination of the "general welfare" of authority under the Constitution and to establish
the city does not after all gear towards the for the parties in an actual controversy the rights
protection of the people in its true sense and which that instrument secures and guarantees to
meaning, but is, one way or another, dependent them.
on the personal preference of the members who
sit in the council as to which particular sector III
among its constituents it wishes to favor.
The measures taken by the intervenors to lend
Now that the City of Manila, through the mayor support to their position that Manila is now safe
and the city councilors, has changed its view on despite the presence of the oil terminals remain
the matter, favoring the citys economic related ineffective. These have not completely removed
benefits, through the continued stay of the oil the threat to the lives of the in habitants of Manila.
terminals, over the protection of the very lives
In G.R. No. 156052, the validity and
and safety of its constituents, it is imperative for
constitutionality of Ordinance No. 8027 was
this Court to make a final determination on the
declared as a guarantee for the protection of the
basis of the facts on the table as to which specific
constitutional right to life of the residents of
right of the inhabitants of Manila should prevail.
Manila. There, the Court said that the enactment
For, in this present controversy, history reveals
of the said ordinance was a valid exercise of
that there is truly no such thing as "the will of
police power with the concurrence of the two
Manila" insofar as the general welfare of the
requisites: a lawful subject "to safeguard the
people is concerned.
rights to life, security and safety of all the
If in sacrilege, in free translation of Angara124 by inhabitants of Manila;"125 and a lawful method
Justice Laurel, we say when the judiciary the enactment of Ordinance No. 8027
mediates we do notin reality nullify or invalidate reclassifying the land use from industrial to
an act of the Manila Sangguniang Panlungsod, commercial, which effectively ends the continued
but only asserts the solemn and sacred stay of the oil depots in Pandacan.126
obligation assigned to the Court by the
In the present petitions, the respondents and the
Constitution to determine conflicting claims of
oil companies plead that the Pandacan Terminal
has never been one of the targets of terrorist of Manila who conducted an ocular
attacks;127 that the petitions were based on inspection on 22 May 2009; and
unfounded fears and mere conjectures;128and
that the possibility that it would be picked by the 2. Referring to the old MOU entered into
terrorists is nil given the security measures between the City of Manila and the DOE, on
installed thereat.129 the one hand, and the oil companies, on the
other, where the parties thereto conceded
The intervenors went on to identify the measures and acknowledged that the scale-down
taken to ensure the safety of the people even option for the Pandacan Terminal
with the presence of the Pandacan Terminals. operations is the best alternative to the
Thus: relocation of the terminals, Shell
enumeratesthe steps taken to scale down
1. Chevron claims that it, together with Shell its operations.
and Petron, continues to enhance the
safety and security features of the As to the number of main fuel tanks, the entire
terminals. They likewise adopt fire and Pandacan Terminal has already
product spill prevention measures in decommissioned twenty-eight out of sixty-four
accordance with the local standards set by tanks. Speaking for Shell alone, its LPG
the Bureau of Fire Protection, among Spheres, which it claims is the only product that
others, and with the international standards may cause explosion, was part of those
of the American Petroleum Industry ("API") decommissioned, thereby allegedly removing
and the National Fire Prevention and Safety the danger of explosion. Safety buffer zones and
Association ("NFPSA"); that since 1914, the linear/green parks were likewise created to
oil depots had not experienced "any separate the terminal from the nearest residential
incident beyond the ordinary risks and area. Shells portion of the oil depot is likewise
expectations"130 of the residents of Manila; allegedly equipped with the latest technology to
and that it received a passing grade on the ensure air-quality control and waterquality
safety measures they installed in the control, and to prevent and cope with possible oil
facilities from the representatives of the City spills with a crisis management plan in place in
the event that an oil spill occurs. Finally, Shell flammable and highly volatile products,
claims that the recommendations of EQE regardless of whether ornot the composition may
International in its Quantitative Risk Assessment cause explosions, has no place in a densely
(QRA) study, which it says is one of the leading populated area. Surely, any untoward incident in
independent risk assessment providers in the the oil depots, beit related to terrorism of
world and largest risk management consultancy, whatever origin or otherwise, would definitely
were sufficiently complied with; and that, on its cause not only destruction to properties within
own initiative, it adopted additional measures for and among the neighboring communities but
the purpose, for which reason, "the individual risk certainly mass deaths and injuries.
level resulting from any incident occurring from
the Pandacan Terminal, per the QRA study, is With regard to the scaling down of the operations
twenty (20) times lower compared to the in the Pandacan Terminals, which the oil
individual risk level of an average working or companies continue to insist to have been
domestic environment."131 validated and recognized by the MOU, the
Court,in G.R. No. 156052, has already put this
We are not persuaded. issue to rest. It specifically declared that even
assuming that the terms of the MOU and
The issue of whether or not the Pandacan Ordinance No. 8027 were inconsistent, the
Terminal is not a likely target of terrorist attacks resolutions ratifying the MOU gave it full force
has already been passed upon in G. R. No. and effect only until 30 April 2003.133
156052. Based on the assessment of the
Committee on Housing, Resettlement and Urban The steps taken by the oil companies, therefore,
Development of the City of Manila and the then remain insufficient to convince the Court that the
position of the Sangguniang Panlungsod,132 the dangers posed by the presence of the terminals
Court was convinced that the threat of terrorism in a thickly populated area have already been
is imminent. It remains so convinced. completely removed.
Even assuming that the respondents and For, given that the threat sought to be prevented
intervenors were correct, the very nature of the may strike at one point or another, no matter how
depots where millions of liters of highly remote it is as perceived by one or some, we
cannot allow the right to life to bedependent on The following facts were found by the Committee
the unlikelihood of an event. Statistics and on Housing, Resettlement and Urban
theories of probability have no place in situations Development of the City of Manila which
where the very life of not just an individual but of recommended the approval of the ordinance:
residents of big neighborhoods is at stake.
(1) the depot facilities contained 313.5
IV million liters of highly flammable and highly
volatile products which include petroleum
It is the removal of the danger to life not the mere gas, liquefied petroleum gas, aviation fuel,
subdual of risk of catastrophe, that we saw in and diesel, gasoline, kerosene and fuel oil
made us favor Ordinance No. 8027. That reason, among others;
unaffected by Ordinance No. 8187, compels the
affirmance of our Decision in G.R. No. 156052. (2) the depot is open to attack through land,
water or air;
In striking down the contrary provisions of the
assailed Ordinance relative to the continued stay (3) it is situated in a densely populated
of the oil depots, we follow the same line of place and near Malacaang Palace; and
reasoning used in G.R. No. 156052, to wit:
Ordinance No. 8027 was enacted "for the (4) in case of an explosion or conflagration
purpose of promoting sound urban planning, in the depot, the fire could spread to the
ensuring health, public safety and general neighboring communities.
welfare" of the residents of Manila. The
The ordinance was intended to safeguard the
Sanggunian was impelled to take measures to
rights to life, security and safety of all the
protect the residents of Manila from catastrophic
inhabitants of Manila and not just of a particular
devastation in case of a terrorist attack on the
class. The depot is perceived, rightly or wrongly,
Pandacan Terminals. Towards this objective, the
as a representation of western interests which
Sanggunian reclassified the area defined in the
means that it is a terrorist target. As long as it
ordinance from industrial to commercial.
(sic) there is such a target in their midst, the
residents of Manila are not safe. It therefore
became necessary to remove these terminals to The same best interest of the public guides the
dissipate the threat. According to respondent: present decision. The Pandacan oil depot
remains a terrorist target even if the contents
Such a public need became apparent after the have been lessened. In the absence of any
9/11 incident which showed that what was convincing reason to persuade this Court that the
perceived to be impossible to happen, to the life, security and safety of the inhabitants of
most powerful country in the world at that, is Manila are no longer put at risk by the presence
actually possible. The destruction of property and of the oil depots, we hold that Ordinance No.
the loss of thousands of lives on that fateful day 8187 in relation to the Pandacan Terminals is
became the impetus for a public need. Inthe invalid and unconstitutional.
aftermath of the 9/11 tragedy, the threats of
terrorism continued [such] that it became There is, therefore, no need to resolve the rest of
imperative for governments to take measures to the issues.
combat their effects.
Neither is it necessary to discuss at length the
xxxx test of police power against the assailed
ordinance. Suffice it to state that the objective
Both law and jurisprudence support the adopted by the Sangguniang Panlungsod to
constitutionality and validity of Ordinance No. promote the constituents general welfare in
8027. Without a doubt, there are no impediments terms of economic benefits cannot override the
to its enforcement and implementation. Any very basic rights to life, security and safety of the
delay is unfair to the inhabitants of the City of people.
Manila and its leaders who have categorically
expressed their desire for the relocation of the In. G.R. No. 156052, the Court explained:
terminals. Their power to chart and control their
own destiny and preserve their lives and safety Essentially, the oil companies are fighting for
should not be curtailed by the intervenors their right to property. They allege that they stand
warnings of doomsday scenarios and threats of tolose billions of pesos if forced to relocate.
economic disorder if the ordinance is However, based on the hierarchy of
enforced.134 constitutionally protected rights, the right to life
enjoys precedence over the right to property. The scope and timing of the feasible location of the
reason is obvious: life is irreplaceable, property Pandacan oil terminals and all associated
is not. When the state or LGUs exercise of police facilities and infrastructure including government
power clashes with a few individuals right to support essential for the relocation such as the
property, the former should prevail.135 necessary transportation infrastructure, land and
right of way acquisition, resettlement of displaced
We thus conclude with the very final words in residents and environmental and social
G.R. No. 156052: acceptability which shall be based on mutual
benefit of the Parties and the public.
On Wednesday, January 23, 2008, a defective
tanker containing 2,000 liters of gasoline and such that:
14,000 liters of diesel exploded in the middle of
the street a short distance from the exit gate of Now that they are being compelled to discontinue
the Pandacan Terminals, causing death, their operations in the Pandacan Terminals, they
extensive damage and a frightening cannot feign unreadiness considering that they
conflagration in the vicinity of the incident. Need had years to prepare for this eventuality.137
we say anthing about what will happen if it is the
estimated 162 to 211 million liters [or whatever is On the matter of the details of the relocation, the
left of the 26 tanks] of petroleum products in the Court gave the oil companies the following time
terminal complex will blow up?136 frames for compliance:
A TV ad proudly announces:
Otherwise, mere creatures of the State can The power of local government to "impose taxes
defeat National policies thru extermination of and fees" is always subject to "limitations" which
what local authorities may perceive to be Congress may provide by law. Since PD 1869
undesirable activities or enterprise using the remains an "operative" law until "amended,
power to tax as "a tool for regulation" (U.S. v. repealed or revoked" (Sec. 3, Art. XVIII, 1987
Sanchez, 340 US 42). Constitution), its "exemption clause" remains as
an exception to the exercise of the power of local
The power to tax which was called by Justice governments to impose taxes and fees. It cannot
Marshall as the "power to destroy" (Mc Culloch therefore be violative but rather is consistent with
v. Maryland, supra) cannot be allowed to defeat the principle of local autonomy.
an instrumentality or creation of the very entity
which has the inherent power to wield it. Besides, the principle of local autonomy under
the 1987 Constitution simply means
(e) Petitioners also argue that the Local "decentralization" (III Records of the 1987
Autonomy Clause of the Constitution will be Constitutional Commission, pp. 435-436, as
violated by P.D. 1869. This is a pointless cited in Bernas, The Constitution of the Republic
argument. Article X of the 1987 Constitution (on of the Philippines, Vol. II, First Ed., 1988, p. 374).
Local Autonomy) provides: It does not make local governments sovereign
within the state or an "imperium in imperio."
Sec. 5. Each local government unit shall
have the power to create its own source of Local Government has been described as a
revenue and to levy taxes, fees, and other political subdivision of a nation or state
charges subject to such guidelines and which is constituted by law and has
limitation as the congress may provide, substantial control of local affairs. In a
consistent with the basic policy on local unitary system of government, such as the
autonomy. Such taxes, fees and charges government under the Philippine
Constitution, local governments can only be
an intra sovereign subdivision of one Ex-Parte Solomon, 9, Cals. 440, 27 PAC
sovereign nation, it cannot be 757 following in re Ah You, 88 Cal. 99, 25
an imperium in imperio. Local government PAC 974, 22 Am St. Rep. 280, 11 LRA 480,
in such a system can only mean a measure as cited in Mc Quinllan Vol. 3 Ibid, p. 548,
of decentralization of the function of emphasis supplied)
government. (emphasis supplied)
Petitioners next contend that P.D. 1869 violates
As to what state powers should be the equal protection clause of the Constitution,
"decentralized" and what may be delegated to because "it legalized PAGCOR conducted
local government units remains a matter of gambling, while most gambling are outlawed
policy, which concerns wisdom. It is therefore a together with prostitution, drug trafficking and
political question. (Citizens Alliance for other vices" (p. 82, Rollo).
Consumer Protection v. Energy Regulatory
Board, 162 SCRA 539). We, likewise, find no valid ground to sustain this
contention. The petitioners' posture ignores the
What is settled is that the matter of regulating, well-accepted meaning of the clause "equal
taxing or otherwise dealing with gambling is a protection of the laws." The clause does not
State concern and hence, it is the sole preclude classification of individuals who may be
prerogative of the State to retain it or delegate it accorded different treatment under the law as
to local governments. long as the classification is not unreasonable or
arbitrary (Itchong v. Hernandez, 101 Phil. 1155).
As gambling is usually an offense against A law does not have to operate in equal force on
the State, legislative grant or express all persons or things to be conformable to Article
charter power is generally necessary to III, Section 1 of the Constitution (DECS v. San
empower the local corporation to deal with Diego, G.R. No. 89572, December 21, 1989).
the subject. . . . In the absence of express
grant of power to enact, ordinance The "equal protection clause" does not prohibit
provisions on this subject which are the Legislature from establishing classes of
inconsistent with the state laws are void. individuals or objects upon which different rules
(Ligan v. Gadsden, Ala App. 107 So. 733 shall operate (Laurel v. Misa, 43 O.G. 2847). The
Constitution does not require situations which the rule laid down were made
are different in fact or opinion to be treated in law mathematically exact. (Dominican Hotel v.
as though they were the same (Gomez v. Arizona, 249 US 2651).
Palomar, 25 SCRA 827).
Anent petitioners' claim that PD 1869 is contrary
Just how P.D. 1869 in legalizing gambling to the "avowed trend of the Cory Government
conducted by PAGCOR is violative of the equal away from monopolies and crony economy and
protection is not clearly explained in the petition. toward free enterprise and privatization" suffice it
The mere fact that some gambling activities like to state that this is not a ground for this Court to
cockfighting (P.D 449) horse racing (R.A. 306 as nullify P.D. 1869. If, indeed, PD 1869 runs
amended by RA 983), sweepstakes, lotteries and counter to the government's policies then it is for
races (RA 1169 as amended by B.P. 42) are the Executive Department to recommend to
legalized under certain conditions, while others Congress its repeal or amendment.
are prohibited, does not render the applicable
laws, P.D. 1869 for one, unconstitutional. The judiciary does not settle policy issues.
The Court can only declare what the law is
If the law presumably hits the evil where it and not what the law should
is most felt, it is not to be overthrown be.1wphi1 Under our system of
because there are other instances to which government, policy issues are within the
it might have been applied. (Gomez v. domain of the political branches of
Palomar, 25 SCRA 827) government and of the people themselves
as the repository of all state power.
The equal protection clause of the (Valmonte v. Belmonte, Jr., 170 SCRA
14th Amendment does not mean that all 256).
occupations called by the same name must
be treated the same way; the state may do On the issue of "monopoly," however, the
what it can to prevent which is deemed as Constitution provides that:
evil and stop short of those cases in which
harm to the few concerned is not less than Sec. 19. The State shall regulate or prohibit
the harm to the public that would insure if monopolies when public interest so
requires. No combinations in restraint of the articles the available remedy was not
trade or unfair competition shall be allowed. judicial or political. The electorate could
(Art. XII, National Economy and Patrimony) express their displeasure with the failure of
the executive and the legislature through
It should be noted that, as the provision is the language of the ballot. (Bernas, Vol. II,
worded, monopolies are not necessarily p. 2)
prohibited by the Constitution. The state must still
decide whether public interest demands that Every law has in its favor the presumption of
monopolies be regulated or prohibited. Again, constitutionality (Yu Cong Eng v. Trinidad, 47
this is a matter of policy for the Legislature to Phil. 387; Salas v. Jarencio, 48 SCRA 734;
decide. Peralta v. Comelec, 82 SCRA 30; Abbas v.
Comelec, 179 SCRA 287). Therefore, for PD
On petitioners' allegation that P.D. 1869 violates 1869 to be nullified, it must be shown that there
Sections 11 (Personality Dignity) 12 (Family) and is a clear and unequivocal breach of the
13 (Role of Youth) of Article II; Section 13 (Social Constitution, not merely a doubtful and equivocal
Justice) of Article XIII and Section 2 (Educational one. In other words, the grounds for nullity must
Values) of Article XIV of the 1987 Constitution, be clear and beyond reasonable doubt. (Peralta
suffice it to state also that these are merely v. Comelec, supra) Those who petition this Court
statements of principles and, policies. As such, to declare a law, or parts thereof, unconstitutional
they are basically not self-executing, meaning a must clearly establish the basis for such a
law should be passed by Congress to clearly declaration. Otherwise, their petition must fail.
define and effectuate such principles. Based on the grounds raised by petitioners to
challenge the constitutionality of P.D. 1869, the
In general, therefore, the 1935 provisions
Court finds that petitioners have failed to
were not intended to be self-executing
overcome the presumption. The dismissal of this
principles ready for enforcement through
petition is therefore, inevitable. But as to whether
the courts. They were rather directives
P.D. 1869 remains a wise legislation considering
addressed to the executive and the
the issues of "morality, monopoly, trend to free
legislature. If the executive and the
enterprise, privatization as well as the state
legislature failed to heed the directives of
principles on social justice, role of youth and the political departments of government: the
educational values" being raised, is up for President and the Congress.
Congress to determine.
Parenthetically, We wish to state that gambling is
As this Court held in Citizens' Alliance for generally immoral, and this is precisely so when
Consumer Protection v. Energy Regulatory the gambling resorted to is excessive. This
Board, 162 SCRA 521 excessiveness necessarily depends not only on
the financial resources of the gambler and his
Presidential Decree No. 1956, as amended family but also on his mental, social, and spiritual
by Executive Order No. 137 has, in any outlook on life. However, the mere fact that some
case, in its favor the presumption of validity persons may have lost their material fortunes,
and constitutionality which petitioners mental control, physical health, or even their lives
Valmonte and the KMU have not does not necessarily mean that the same are
overturned. Petitioners have not directly attributable to gambling. Gambling may
undertaken to identify the provisions in the have been the antecedent, but certainly not
Constitution which they claim to have been necessarily the cause. For the same
violated by that statute. This Court, consequences could have been preceded by an
however, is not compelled to speculate and overdose of food, drink, exercise, work, and even
to imagine how the assailed legislation may sex.
possibly offend some provision of the
Constitution. The Court notes, further, in WHEREFORE, the petition is DISMISSED for
this respect that petitioners have in the main lack of merit.
put in question the wisdom, justice and
expediency of the establishment of the SO ORDERED.
OPSF, issues which are not properly
addressed to this Court and which this
Court may not constitutionally pass upon.
Those issues should be addressed rather to
G.R. No. L-34915 June 24, 1983 PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR THE
CITY COUNCIL OF QUEZON CITY, petitioners, Sec. 9. At least six (6) percent of the
vs. total area of the memorial park
HON. JUDGE VICENTE G. ERICTA as Judge cemetery shall be set aside for charity
of the Court of First Instance of Rizal, Quezon burial of deceased persons who are
City, Branch XVIII; HIMLAYANG PILIPINO, paupers and have been residents of
INC., respondents. Quezon City for at least 5 years prior
to their death, to be determined by
City Fiscal for petitioners. competent City Authorities. The area
so designated shall immediately be
Manuel Villaruel, Jr. and Feliciano Tumale for
developed and should be open for
operation not later than six months
from the date of approval of the
For several years, the aforequoted section of the
This is a petition for review which seeks the Ordinance was not enforced by city authorities
reversal of the decision of the Court of First but seven years after the enactment of the
Instance of Rizal, Branch XVIII declaring Section ordinance, the Quezon City Council passed the
9 of Ordinance No. 6118, S-64, of the Quezon following resolution:
City Council null and void.
RESOLVED by the council of Quezon
Section 9 of Ordinance No. 6118, S-64, entitled assembled, to request, as it does
"ORDINANCE REGULATING THE hereby request the City Engineer,
ESTABLISHMENT, MAINTENANCE AND Quezon City, to stop any further selling
OPERATION OF PRIVATE MEMORIAL TYPE and/or transaction of memorial park
CEMETERY OR BURIAL GROUND WITHIN lots in Quezon City where the owners
THE JURISDICTION OF QUEZON CITY AND thereof have failed to donate the
required 6% space intended for Petitioners argue that the taking of the
paupers burial. respondent's property is a valid and reasonable
exercise of police power and that the land is
Pursuant to this petition, the Quezon City taken for a public use as it is intended for the
Engineer notified respondent Himlayang Pilipino, burial ground of paupers. They further argue that
Inc. in writing that Section 9 of Ordinance No. the Quezon City Council is authorized under its
6118, S-64 would be enforced charter, in the exercise of local police power, " to
make such further ordinances and resolutions
Respondent Himlayang Pilipino reacted by filing
not repugnant to law as may be necessary to
with the Court of First Instance of Rizal Branch
carry into effect and discharge the powers and
XVIII at Quezon City, a petition for declaratory
duties conferred by this Act and such as it shall
relief, prohibition and mandamus with
deem necessary and proper to provide for the
preliminary injunction (Sp. Proc. No. Q-16002)
health and safety, promote the prosperity,
seeking to annul Section 9 of the Ordinance in
improve the morals, peace, good order, comfort
question The respondent alleged that the same
and convenience of the city and the inhabitants
is contrary to the Constitution, the Quezon City
thereof, and for the protection of property
Charter, the Local Autonomy Act, and the
Revised Administrative Code.
On the other hand, respondent Himlayang
There being no issue of fact and the questions
Pilipino, Inc. contends that the taking or
raised being purely legal both petitioners and
confiscation of property is obvious because the
respondent agreed to the rendition of a judgment
questioned ordinance permanently restricts the
on the pleadings. The respondent court,
use of the property such that it cannot be used
therefore, rendered the decision declaring
for any reasonable purpose and deprives the
Section 9 of Ordinance No. 6118, S-64 null and
owner of all beneficial use of his property.
The respondent also stresses that the general
A motion for reconsideration having been
welfare clause is not available as a source of
denied, the City Government and City Council
power for the taking of the property in this case
filed the instant petition.
because it refers to "the power of promoting the and regulate such other business,
public welfare by restraining and regulating the trades, and occupation as may be
use of liberty and property." The respondent established or practised in the City.'
points out that if an owner is deprived of his (Subsections 'C', Sec. 12, R.A. 537).
property outright under the State's police power,
the property is generally not taken for public use The power to regulate does not include
but is urgently and summarily destroyed in order the power to prohibit (People vs.
to promote the general welfare. The respondent Esguerra, 81 PhiL 33, Vega vs.
cites the case of a nuisance per se or the Municipal Board of Iloilo, L-6765, May
destruction of a house to prevent the spread of a 12, 1954; 39 N.J. Law, 70, Mich. 396).
conflagration. A fortiori, the power to regulate does
not include the power to confiscate.
We find the stand of the private respondent as The ordinance in question not only
well as the decision of the respondent Judge to confiscates but also prohibits the
be well-founded. We quote with approval the operation of a memorial park
lower court's ruling which declared null and void cemetery, because under Section 13
Section 9 of the questioned city ordinance: of said ordinance, 'Violation of the
provision thereof is punishable with a
The issue is: Is Section 9 of the fine and/or imprisonment and that
ordinance in question a valid exercise upon conviction thereof the permit to
of the police power? operate and maintain a private
cemetery shall be revoked or
An examination of the Charter of
cancelled.' The confiscatory clause
Quezon City (Rep. Act No. 537), does
and the penal provision in effect deter
not reveal any provision that would
one from operating a memorial park
justify the ordinance in question
cemetery. Neither can the ordinance in
except the provision granting police
question be justified under sub-
power to the City. Section 9 cannot be
section "t", Section 12 of Republic Act
justified under the power granted to
Quezon City to tax, fix the license fee,
537 which authorizes the City Council (00) To make such further
to- ordinance and regulations
not repugnant to law as may
'prohibit the burial of the be necessary to carry into
dead within the center of effect and discharge the
population of the city and powers and duties
provide for their burial in conferred by this act and
such proper place and in such as it shall deem
such manner as the council necessary and proper to
may determine, subject to provide for the health and
the provisions of the general safety, promote, the
law regulating burial prosperity, improve the
grounds and cemeteries morals, peace, good order,
and governing funerals and comfort and convenience of
disposal of the dead.' (Sub- the city and the inhabitants
sec. (t), Sec. 12, Rep. Act thereof, and for the
No. 537). protection of property
therein; and enforce
There is nothing in the above provision
obedience thereto with such
which authorizes confiscation or as
lawful fines or penalties as
euphemistically termed by the
the City Council may
respondents, 'donation'
prescribe under the
We now come to the question whether provisions of subsection (jj)
or not Section 9 of the ordinance in of this section.
question is a valid exercise of police
We start the discussion with a
power. The police power of Quezon
restatement of certain basic principles.
City is defined in sub-section 00, Sec.
Occupying the forefront in the bill of
12, Rep. Act 537 which reads as
rights is the provision which states that
'no person shall be deprived of life, C.J. 623). It has been said that police
liberty or property without due process power is the most essential of
of law' (Art. Ill, Section 1 subparagraph government powers, at times the most
1, Constitution). insistent, and always one of the least
limitable of the powers of government
On the other hand, there are three (Ruby vs. Provincial Board, 39 PhiL
inherent powers of government by 660; Ichong vs. Hernandez, 1,7995,
which the state interferes with the May 31, 1957). This power embraces
property rights, namely-. (1) police the whole system of public regulation
power, (2) eminent domain, (3) (U.S. vs. Linsuya Fan, 10 PhiL 104).
taxation. These are said to exist The Supreme Court has said that
independently of the Constitution as police power is so far-reaching in
necessary attributes of sovereignty. scope that it has almost become
impossible to limit its sweep. As it
Police power is defined by Freund as
derives its existence from the very
'the power of promoting the public
existence of the state itself, it does not
welfare by restraining and regulating
need to be expressed or defined in its
the use of liberty and property'
scope. Being coextensive with self-
(Quoted in Political Law by Tanada
preservation and survival itself, it is the
and Carreon, V-11, p. 50). It is usually
most positive and active of all
exerted in order to merely regulate the
governmental processes, the most
use and enjoyment of property of the
essential insistent and illimitable
owner. If he is deprived of his property
Especially it is so under the modern
outright, it is not taken for public use
democratic framework where the
but rather to destroy in order to
demands of society and nations have
promote the general welfare. In police
multiplied to almost unimaginable
power, the owner does not recover
proportions. The field and scope of
from the government for injury
police power have become almost
sustained in consequence thereof (12
boundless, just as the fields of public
interest and public welfare have with the exception of a few cases
become almost all embracing and where there is a necessity to
have transcended human foresight. confiscate private property in order to
Since the Courts cannot foresee the destroy it for the purpose of protecting
needs and demands of public interest the peace and order and of promoting
and welfare, they cannot delimit the general welfare as for instance, the
beforehand the extent or scope of the confiscation of an illegally possessed
police power by which and through article, such as opium and firearms.
which the state seeks to attain or
achieve public interest and welfare. It seems to the court that Section 9 of
(Ichong vs. Hernandez, L-7995, May Ordinance No. 6118, Series of 1964 of
31, 1957). Quezon City is not a mere police
regulation but an outright confiscation.
The police power being the most It deprives a person of his private
active power of the government and property without due process of law,
the due process clause being the nay, even without compensation.
broadest station on governmental
power, the conflict between this power In sustaining the decision of the respondent
of government and the due process court, we are not unmindful of the heavy burden
clause of the Constitution is oftentimes shouldered by whoever challenges the validity of
inevitable. duly enacted legislation whether national or local
As early as 1913, this Court ruled in Case v.
It will be seen from the foregoing Board of Health (24 PhiL 250) that the courts
authorities that police power is usually resolve every presumption in favor of validity
exercised in the form of mere and, more so, where the ma corporation asserts
regulation or restriction in the use of that the ordinance was enacted to promote the
liberty or property for the promotion of common good and general welfare.
the general welfare. It does not involve
the taking or confiscation of property In the leading case of Ermita-Malate Hotel and
Motel Operators Association Inc. v. City Mayor of
Manila (20 SCRA 849) the Court speaking 111. There was an affirmation of the
through the then Associate Justice and now presumption of validity of municipal
Chief Justice Enrique M. Fernando stated ordinance as announced in the leading
Salaveria decision in Ebona v. Daet,
Primarily what calls for a reversal of [1950]85 Phil. 369.)
such a decision is the a of any
evidence to offset the presumption of We have likewise considered the
validity that attaches to a statute or principles earlier stated in Case v.
ordinance. As was expressed Board of Health supra :
categorically by Justice Malcolm 'The
presumption is all in favor of validity. ... ... Under the provisions of municipal
The action of the elected charters which are known as the
representatives of the people cannot general welfare clauses, a city, by
be lightly set aside. The councilors virtue of its police power, may adopt
must, in the very nature of things, be ordinances to the peace, safety,
familiar with the necessities of their health, morals and the best and
particular ... municipality and with all highest interests of the municipality. It
the facts and lances which surround is a well-settled principle, growing out
the subject and necessitate action. of the nature of well-ordered and
The local legislative body, by enacting society, that every holder of property,
the ordinance, has in effect given however absolute and may be his title,
notice that the regulations are holds it under the implied liability that
essential to the well-being of the his use of it shall not be injurious to the
people. ... The Judiciary should not equal enjoyment of others having an
lightly set aside legislative action when equal right to the enjoyment of their
there is not a clear invasion of property, nor injurious to the rights of
personal or property rights under the the community. An property in the
guise of police regulation. (U.S. v. state is held subject to its general
Salaveria (1918], 39 Phil. 102, at p. regulations, which are necessary to
the common good and general area of an private cemeteries for charity burial
welfare. Rights of property, like all grounds of deceased paupers and the promotion
other social and conventional rights, of health, morals, good order, safety, or the
are subject to such reasonable general welfare of the people. The ordinance is
limitations in their enjoyment as shall actually a taking without compensation of a
prevent them from being injurious, and certain area from a private cemetery to benefit
to such reasonable restraints and paupers who are charges of the municipal
regulations, established by law, as the corporation. Instead of building or maintaining a
legislature, under the governing and public cemetery for this purpose, the city passes
controlling power vested in them by the burden to private cemeteries.
the constitution, may think necessary
and expedient. The state, under the The expropriation without compensation of a
police power, is possessed with portion of private cemeteries is not covered by
plenary power to deal with all matters Section 12(t) of Republic Act 537, the Revised
relating to the general health, morals, Charter of Quezon City which empowers the city
and safety of the people, so long as it council to prohibit the burial of the dead within the
does not contravene any positive center of population of the city and to provide for
inhibition of the organic law and their burial in a proper place subject to the
providing that such power is not provisions of general law regulating burial
exercised in such a manner as to grounds and cemeteries. When the Local
justify the interference of the courts to Government Code, Batas Pambansa Blg. 337
prevent positive wrong and provides in Section 177 (q) that a Sangguniang
oppression. panlungsod may "provide for the burial of the
dead in such place and in such manner as
but find them not applicable to the facts of this prescribed by law or ordinance" it simply
case. authorizes the city to provide its own city owned
land or to buy or expropriate private properties to
There is no reasonable relation between the construct public cemeteries. This has been the
setting aside of at least six (6) percent of the total law and practise in the past. It continues to the
present. Expropriation, however, requires acknowledged by the private respondent when it
payment of just compensation. The questioned accepted the permits to commence operations.
ordinance is different from laws and regulations
requiring owners of subdivisions to set aside WHEREFORE, the petition for review is hereby
certain areas for streets, parks, playgrounds, and DISMISSED. The decision of the respondent
other public facilities from the land they sell to court is affirmed.
buyers of subdivision lots. The necessities of
public safety, health, and convenience are very
clear from said requirements which are intended
to insure the development of communities with
salubrious and wholesome environments. The
beneficiaries of the regulation, in turn, are made
to pay by the subdivision developer when
individual lots are sold to home-owners.
When a party challeges the constitutionality of a a) the grant of twenty percent (20%) discount
law, the burden of proof rests upon him. from all establishments relative to utilization of
transportation services, hotels and similar
Before us is a Petition for Prohibition2 under Rule lodging establishment[s], restaurants and
65 of the Rules of Court filed by petitioners recreation centers and purchase of medicine
Manila Memorial Park, Inc. and La Funeraria anywhere in the country: Provided, That private
Paz-Sucat, Inc., domestic corporations engaged establishments may claim the cost as tax credit;
b) a minimum of twenty percent (20%) discount On August 23, 1993, Revenue Regulations (RR)
on admission fees charged by theaters, cinema No. 02-94 was issued to implement RA 7432.
houses and concert halls, circuses, carnivals and Sections 2(i) and 4 of RR No. 02-94 provide:
other similar places of culture, leisure, and
amusement; Sec. 2. DEFINITIONS. For purposes of these
regulations: i. Tax Credit refers to the amount
c) exemption from the payment of individual representing the 20% discount granted to a
income taxes: Provided, That their annual qualified senior citizen by all establishments
taxable income does not exceed the property relative to their utilization of transportation
level as determined by the National Economic services, hotels and similar lodging
and Development Authority (NEDA) for that year; establishments, restaurants, drugstores,
recreation centers, theaters, cinema houses,
d) exemption from training fees for concert halls, circuses, carnivals and other
socioeconomic programs undertaken by the similar places of culture, leisure and amusement,
OSCA as part of its work; which discount shall be deducted by the said
establishments from their gross income for
e) free medical and dental services in
income tax purposes and from their gross sales
government establishment[s] anywhere in the
for value-added tax or other percentage tax
country, subject to guidelines to be issued by the
purposes. x x x x Sec. 4.
Department of Health, the Government Service
Insurance System and the Social Security
ESTABLISHMENTS. Private establishments,
f) to the extent practicable and feasible, the i.e., transport services, hotels and similar lodging
continuance of the same benefits and privileges establishments, restaurants, recreation centers,
given by the Government Service Insurance drugstores, theaters, cinema houses, concert
System (GSIS), Social Security System (SSS) halls, circuses, carnivals and other similar places
and PAG-IBIG, as the case may be, as are of culture[,] leisure and amusement, giving 20%
enjoyed by those in actual service. discounts to qualified senior citizens are required
to keep separate and accurate record[s] of sales
made to senior citizens, which shall include the purposes." In ordinary business language, the
name, identification number, gross tax credit represents the amount of such
sales/receipts, discounts, dates of transactions discount. However, the manner by which the
and invoice number for every transaction. The discount shall be credited against taxes has not
amount of 20% discount shall be deducted from been clarified by the revenue regulations. By
the gross income for income tax purposes and ordinary acceptation, a discount is an
from gross sales of the business enterprise "abatement or reduction made from the gross
concerned for purposes of the VAT and other amount or value of anything." To be more
percentage taxes. precise, it is in business parlance "a deduction or
lowering of an amount of money;" or "a reduction
In Commissioner of Internal Revenue v. Central from the full amount or value of something,
Luzon Drug Corporation,5 the Court declared especially a price." In business there are many
Sections 2(i) and 4 of RR No. 02-94 as erroneous kinds of discount, the most common of which is
because these contravene RA 7432,6 thus: that affecting the income statement or financial
report upon which the income tax is based.
RA 7432 specifically allows private
establishments to claim as tax credit the amount xxxx
of discounts they grant. In turn, the Implementing
Rules and Regulations, issued pursuant thereto, Sections 2.i and 4 of Revenue Regulations No.
provide the procedures for its availment. To deny (RR) 2-94 define tax credit as the 20 percent
such credit, despite the plain mandate of the law discount deductible from gross income for
and the regulations carrying out that mandate, is income tax purposes, or from gross sales for
indefensible. First, the definition given by VAT or other percentage tax purposes. In effect,
petitioner is erroneous. It refers to tax credit as the tax credit benefit under RA 7432 is related to
the amount representing the 20 percent discount a sales discount. This contrived definition is
that "shall be deducted by the said improper, considering that the latter has to be
establishments from their gross income for deducted from gross sales in order to compute
income tax purposes and from their gross sales the gross income in the income statement and
for value-added tax or other percentage tax cannot be deducted again, even for purposes of
computing the income tax. When the law says who are certain that these will be followed by the
that the cost of the discount may be claimed as courts. Courts, however, will not uphold these
a tax credit, it means that the amount when authorities interpretations when clearly absurd,
claimed shall be treated as a reduction from erroneous or improper. In the present case, the
any tax liability, plain and simple. The option to tax authorities have given the term tax credit in
avail of the tax credit benefit depends upon the Sections 2.i and 4 of RR 2-94 a meaning utterly
existence of a tax liability, but to limit the benefit in contrast to what RA 7432 provides. Their
to a sales discount which is not even identical interpretation has muddled x x x the intent of
to the discount privilege that is granted by law Congress in granting a mere discount privilege,
does not define it at all and serves no useful not a sales discount. The administrative agency
purpose. The definition must, therefore, be issuing these regulations may not enlarge, alter
stricken down. or restrict the provisions of the law it administers;
it cannot engraft additional requirements not
Laws Not Amended by Regulations contemplated by the legislature.
Second, the law cannot be amended by a mere In case of conflict, the law must prevail. A
regulation. In fact, a regulation that "operates to "regulation adopted pursuant to law is law."
create a rule out of harmony with the statute is a Conversely, a regulation or any portion thereof
mere nullity;" it cannot prevail. It is a cardinal rule not adopted pursuant to law is no law and has
that courts "will and should respect the neither the force nor the effect of law.7
contemporaneous construction placed upon a
statute by the executive officers whose duty it is On February 26, 2004, RA 92578 amended
to enforce it x x x." In the scheme of judicial tax certain provisions of RA 7432, to wit:
administration, the need for certainty and
predictability in the implementation of tax laws is SECTION 4. Privileges for the Senior Citizens.
crucial. Our tax authorities fill in the details that The senior citizens shall be entitled to the
"Congress may not have the opportunity or following:
competence to provide." The regulations these
(a) the grant of twenty percent (20%) discount
authorities issue are relied upon by taxpayers,
from all establishments relative to the utilization
of services in hotels and similar lodging SEC. 8. AVAILMENT BY ESTABLISHMENTS
establishments, restaurants and recreation OF SALES DISCOUNTS AS DEDUCTION
centers, and purchase of medicines in all FROM GROSS INCOME. Establishments
establishments for the exclusive use or enumerated in subparagraph (6) hereunder
enjoyment of senior citizens, including funeral granting sales discounts to senior citizens on the
and burial services for the death of senior sale of goods and/or services specified
citizens; thereunder are entitled to deduct the said
discount from gross income subject to the
xxxx following conditions:
The establishment may claim the discounts (1) Only that portion of the gross sales
granted under (a), (f), (g) and (h) as tax EXCLUSIVELY USED, CONSUMED OR
deduction based on the net cost of the goods ENJOYED BY THE SENIOR CITIZEN shall be
sold or services rendered: Provided, That the eligible for the deductible sales discount.
cost of the discount shall be allowed as
deduction from gross income for the same (2) The gross selling price and the sales discount
taxable year that the discount is granted. MUST BE SEPARATELY INDICATED IN THE
Provided, further, That the total amount of the OFFICIAL RECEIPT OR SALES INVOICE
claimed tax deduction net of value added tax if issued by the establishment for the sale of goods
applicable, shall be included in their gross sales or services to the senior citizen.
receipts for tax purposes and shall be subject to
proper documentation and to the provisions of (3) Only the actual amount of the discount
the National Internal Revenue Code, as granted or a sales discount not exceeding 20%
amended. of the gross selling price can be deducted from
the gross income, net of value added tax, if
To implement the tax provisions of RA 9257, the applicable, for income tax purposes, and from
Secretary of Finance issued RR No. 4-2006, the gross sales or gross receipts of the business
pertinent provision of which provides: enterprise concerned, for VAT or other
percentage tax purposes.
(4) The discount can only be allowed as The DSWD likewise issued its own Rules and
deduction from gross income for the same Regulations Implementing RA 9257, to wit:
taxable year that the discount is granted.
(5) The business establishment giving sales ESTABLISHMENTS
discounts to qualified senior citizens is required
to keep separate and accurate record[s] of sales, Article 8. Tax Deduction of Establishments.
which shall include the name of the senior The establishment may claim the discounts
citizen, TIN, OSCA ID, gross sales/receipts, granted under Rule V, Section 4 Discounts for
sales discount granted, [date] of [transaction] Establishments, Section 9, Medical and Dental
and invoice number for every sale transaction to Services in Private Facilities and Sections 10 and
senior citizen. 11 Air, Sea and Land Transportation as tax
deduction based on the net cost of the goods
(6) Only the following business establishments sold or services rendered.
which granted sales discount to senior citizens
on their sale of goods and/or services may claim Provided, That the cost of the discount shall be
the said discount granted as deduction from allowed as deduction from gross income for the
gross income, namely: same taxable year that the discount is
granted; Provided, further, That the total amount
xxxx of the claimed tax deduction net of value added
tax if applicable, shall be included in their gross
(i) Funeral parlors and similar establishments sales receipts for tax purposes and shall be
The beneficiary or any person who shall shoulder subject to proper documentation and to the
the funeral and burial expenses of the deceased provisions of the National Internal Revenue
senior citizen shall claim the discount, such as Code, as amended; Provided, finally, that the
casket, embalmment, cremation cost and other implementation of the tax deduction shall be
related services for the senior citizen upon subject to the Revenue Regulations to be issued
payment and presentation of [his] death by the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) and
certificate. approved by the Department of Finance (DOF).
Feeling aggrieved by the tax deduction scheme, CITIZENS MAY BE CLAIMED AS A TAX
petitioners filed the present recourse, praying DEDUCTION BY THE PRIVATE
that Section 4 of RA 7432, as amended by RA ESTABLISHMENTS, ARE INVALID AND
9257, and the implementing rules and UNCONSTITUTIONAL.9
regulations issued by the DSWD and the DOF be
declared unconstitutional insofar as these allow Petitioners Arguments
business establishments to claim the 20%
Petitioners emphasize that they are not
discount given to senior citizens as a tax
questioning the 20% discount granted to senior
deduction; that the DSWD and the DOF be
citizens but are only assailing the constitutionality
prohibited from enforcing the same; and that the
of the tax deduction scheme prescribed under
tax credit treatment of the 20% discount under
RA 9257 and the implementing rules and
the former Section 4 (a) of RA 7432 be
regulations issued by the DSWD and the DOF.10
Petitioners posit that the tax deduction scheme
contravenes Article III, Section 9 of the
Petitioners raise the following issues: Constitution, which provides that: "[p]rivate
property shall not be taken for public use without
A. just compensation."11
Our Ruling
The Petition lacks merit. The Petition must therefore show that "the
governmental act being challenged has a direct
There exists an actual case or controversy. adverse effect on the individual challenging it."34
We shall first resolve the procedural issue. When In this case, the tax deduction scheme
the constitutionality of a law is put in issue, challenged by petitioners has a direct adverse
judicial review may be availed of only if the effect on them. Thus, it cannot be denied that
following requisites concur: "(1) the existence of there exists an actual case or controversy.
an actual and appropriate case; (2) the existence
of personal and substantial interest on the part of The validity of the 20% senior citizen
the party raising the [question of discount and tax deduction scheme under RA
constitutionality]; (3) recourse to judicial review is 9257, as an exercise of police power of the
made at the earliest opportunity; and (4) the State, has already been settled in Carlos
[question of constitutionality] is the lis mota of the Superdrug Corporation.
Petitioners posit that the resolution of this case
In this case, petitioners are challenging the lies in the determination of whether the legally
constitutionality of the tax deduction scheme mandated 20% senior citizen discount is an
provided in RA 9257 and the implementing rules exercise of police power or eminent domain. If it
and regulations issued by the DSWD and the is police power, no just compensation is
DOF. Respondents, however, oppose the warranted. But if it is eminent domain, the tax
Petition on the ground that there is no actual deduction scheme is unconstitutional because it
case or controversy. We do not agree with is not a peso for peso reimbursement of the 20%
respondents. An actual case or controversy discount given to senior citizens. Thus, it
exists when there is "a conflict of legal rights" or constitutes taking of private property without
"an assertion of opposite legal claims susceptible payment of just compensation. At the outset, we
of judicial resolution."33 note that this question has been settled in Carlos
Superdrug Corporation.35
By revising its pricing strategy, a business The Dissent, however, states that The
establishment can recoup any reduction of profits explanation by the majority that private
establishments can always increase their prices the assailed law is not, by itself, a ground to
to recover the mandatory discount will only declare it unconstitutional for this goes into the
encourage private establishments to adjust their wisdom and expediency of the law.
prices upwards to the prejudice of customers
who do not enjoy the 20% discount. It was The cost of most, if not all, regulatory measures
likewise suggested that if a company increases of the government on business establishments is
its prices, despite the application of the 20% ultimately passed on to the consumers but that,
discount, the establishment becomes more by itself, does not justify the wholesale
profitable than it was before the implementation nullification of these measures. It is a basic
of R.A. 7432. Such an economic justification is postulate of our democratic system of
self-defeating, for more consumers will suffer government that the Constitution is a social
from the price increase than will benefit from the contract whereby the people have surrendered
20% discount. Even then, such ability to increase their sovereign powers to the State for the
prices cannot legally validate a violation of the common good.107
eminent domain clause.106
All persons may be burdened by regulatory
But, if it is possible that the business measures intended for the common good or to
establishment, by adjusting its prices, will suffer serve some important governmental interest,
no reduction in its profits or income/gross sales such as protecting or improving the welfare of a
(or suffer some reduction but continue to operate special class of people for which the Constitution
profitably) despite giving the discount, what affords preferential concern. Indubitably, the one
would be the basis to strike down the law? If it is assailing the law has the heavy burden of proving
possible that the business establishment, by that the regulation is unreasonable, oppressive
adjusting its prices, will not be unduly burdened, or confiscatory, or has gone "too far" as to
how can there be a finding that the assailed law amount to a "taking." Yet, here, the Dissent
is an unconstitutional exercise of police power or would have this Court nullify the law without any
eminent domain? That there may be a burden proof of such nature.
placed on business establishments or the
Further, this Court is not the proper forum to
consuming public as a result of the operation of
debate the economic theories or realities that
impelled Congress to shift from the tax credit to 20% discount results in a permanent reduction in
the tax deduction scheme. It is not within our profits or income/gross sales, much less that
power or competence to judge which scheme is business establishments are forced to operate at
more or less burdensome to business a loss under the assailed law. And, even if we
establishments or the consuming public and, gratuitously assume that the 20% discount
thereafter, to choose which scheme the State results in some degree of reduction in profits or
should use or pursue. The shift from the tax income/gross sales, we cannot assume that such
credit to tax deduction scheme is a policy reduction is arbitrary, oppressive or confiscatory.
determination by Congress and the Court will To repeat, there is no actual proof to back up this
respect it for as long as there is no showing, as claim, and it could be that the loss suffered by a
here, that the subject regulation has business establishment was occasioned through
transgressed constitutional limitations. its fault or negligence in not adapting to the
Unavoidably, the lack of evidence constrains the effects of the assailed law. The law uniformly
Dissent to rely on speculative and hypothetical applies to all business establishments covered
argumentation when it states that the 20% thereunder. There is, therefore, no unjust
discount is a significant amount and not a discrimination as the aforesaid business
minimal loss (which erroneously assumes that establishments are faced with the same
the discount automatically results in a loss when constraints. The necessity of proof is all the more
it is possible that the profit margin is greater than pertinent in this case because, as similarly
20% and/or the pricing strategy can be revised to observed by Justice Velasco in his Concurring
prevent or mitigate any reduction in profits or Opinion, the law has been in operation for over
income/gross sales as illustrated above),108 and nine years now. However, the grim picture
not all private establishments make a 20% profit painted by petitioners on the unconscionable
margin (which conversely implies that there are losses to be indiscriminately suffered by
those who make more and, thus, would not be business establishments, which should have led
greatly affected by this regulation).109 to the closure of numerous business
establishments, has not come to pass. Verily, we
In fine, because of the possible scenarios cannot invalidate the assailed law based on
discussed above, we cannot assume that the assumptions and conjectures. Without adequate
proof, the presumption of constitutionality must that the 20% discount is not a minimal
prevail. IV At this juncture, we note that the loss111 and that the 20% discount forces
Dissent modified its original arguments by business establishments to operate at a loss.112
including a new paragraph, to wit:
Even the obiter in Central Luzon Drug
Section 9, Article III of the 1987 Constitution Corporation,113 which the Dissent essentially
speaks of private property without any adopts and relies on, is premised on the
distinction. It does not state that there should be permanent reduction of total revenues and the
profit before the taking of property is subject to loss that business establishments will be forced
just compensation. The private property referred to suffer in arguing that the 20% discount
to for purposes of taking could be inherited, constitutes a "taking" under the power of eminent
donated, purchased, mortgaged, or as in this domain. Thus, when the Dissent now argues that
case, part of the gross sales of private the issue of profit or loss is immaterial, it
establishments. They are all private property and contradicts itself because it later argues, in order
any taking should be attended by corresponding to justify that there is a "taking" under the power
payment of just compensation. The 20% of eminent domain in this case, that the 20%
discount granted to senior citizens belong to discount forces business establishments to
private establishments, whether these suffer a significant loss or to operate at a loss.
establishments make a profit or suffer a loss. In Second, this argument suffers from the same
fact, the 20% discount applies to non-profit flaw as the Dissent's original arguments. It is an
establishments like country, social, or golf clubs erroneous characterization of the 20% discount.
which are open to the public and not only for According to the Dissent, the 20% discount is
exclusive membership. The issue of profit or loss part of the gross sales and, hence, private
to the establishments is immaterial.110 property belonging to business establishments.
However, as previously discussed, the 20%
Two things may be said of this argument. First, it discount is not private property actually owned
contradicts the rest of the arguments of the and/or used by the business establishment. It
Dissent. After it states that the issue of profit or should be distinguished from properties like
loss is immaterial, the Dissent proceeds to argue lands or buildings actually used in the operation
of a business establishment which, if determined based on its overall effects on the
appropriated for public use, would amount to a operations of the business establishment.
"taking" under the power of eminent domain.
Instead, the 20% discount is a regulatory Again, as previously discussed, the 20%
measure which impacts the pricing and, hence, discount does not automatically result in a 20%
the profitability of business establishments. At reduction in profits, or, to align it with the term
the time the discount is imposed, no particular used by the Dissent, the 20% discount does not
property of the business establishment can be mean that a 20% reduction in gross sales
said to be "taken." That is, the State does not necessarily results. Because (1) the profit margin
acquire or take anything from the business of a product is not necessarily less than 20%, (2)
establishment in the way that it takes a piece of not all customers of a business establishment
private land to build a public road. While the 20% are senior citizens, and (3) the establishment
discount may form part of the potential profits or may revise its pricing strategy, such reduction in
income/gross sales114 of the business profits or income/gross sales may be prevented
establishment, as similarly characterized by or, in the alternative, mitigated so that the
Justice Bersamin in his Concurring Opinion, business establishment continues to operate
potential profits or income/gross sales are not profitably. Thus, even if we gratuitously assume
private property, specifically cash or money, that some degree of reduction in profits or
already belonging to the business establishment. income/gross sales occurs because of the 20%
They are a mere expectancy because they are discount, it does not follow that the regulation is
potential fruits of the successful conduct of the unreasonable, oppressive or confiscatory
business. Prior to the sale of goods or services, because the business establishment may make
a business establishment may be subject to the necessary adjustments to continue to
State regulations, such as the 20% senior citizen operate profitably. No evidence was presented
discount, which may impact the level or amount by petitioners to show otherwise. In fact, no
of profits or income/gross sales that can be evidence was presented by petitioners at all.
generated by such establishment. For this Justice Leonen, in his Concurring and Dissenting
reason, the validity of the discount is to be Opinion, characterizes "profits" (or income/gross
sales) as an inchoate right. Another way to view
it, as stated by Justice Velasco in his Concurring establishment to a reasonable return on
Opinion, is that the business establishment investment. If the business losses are not halted
merely has a right to profits. The Constitution because of the continued operation of the
adverts to it as the right of an enterprise to a regulation, this eventually leads to the
reasonable return on investment.115 destruction of the business and the total loss of
the capital invested therein. But, again,
Undeniably, this right, like any other right, may petitioners in this case failed to prove that the
be regulated under the police power of the State subject regulation is unreasonable, oppressive
to achieve important governmental objectives or confiscatory.
like protecting the interests and improving the
welfare of senior citizens. It should be noted V.
though that potential profits or income/gross
sales are relevant in police power and eminent The Dissent further argues that we erroneously
domain analyses because they may, in used price and rate of return on investment
appropriate cases, serve as an indicia when a control laws to justify the senior citizen discount
regulation has gone "too far" as to amount to a law. According to the Dissent, only profits from
"taking" under the power of eminent domain. industries imbued with public interest may be
When the deprivation or reduction of profits or regulated because this is a condition of their
income/gross sales is shown to be franchises. Profits of establishments without
unreasonable, oppressive or confiscatory, then franchises cannot be regulated permanently
the challenged governmental regulation may be because there is no law regulating their profits.
nullified for being a "taking" under the power of The Dissent concludes that the permanent
eminent domain. In such a case, it is not profits reduction of total revenues or gross sales of
or income/gross sales which are actually taken business establishments without franchises is a
and appropriated for public use. Rather, when taking of private property under the power of
the regulation causes an establishment to incur eminent domain. In making this argument, it is
losses in an unreasonable, oppressive or unfortunate that the Dissent quotes only a portion
confiscatory manner, what is actually taken is of the ponencia The subject regulation may be
capital and the right of the business said to be similar to, but with substantial
distinctions from, price control or rate of return on as temper corporate greed by controlling the rate
investment control laws which are traditionally of return on investment of these corporations
regarded as police power measures. These laws considering that they have a monopoly over the
generally regulate public utilities or goods or services that they provide to the general
industries/enterprises imbued with public interest public. The subject regulation differs therefrom in
in order to protect consumers from exorbitant or that (1) the discount does not prevent the
unreasonable pricing as well as temper establishments from adjusting the level of prices
corporate greed by controlling the rate of return of their goods and services, and (2) the discount
on investment of these corporations considering does not apply to all customers of a given
that they have a monopoly over the goods or establishment but only to the class of senior
services that they provide to the general public. citizens.
The subject regulation differs therefrom in that
(1) the discount does not prevent the Nonetheless, to the degree material to the
establishments from adjusting the level of prices resolution of this case, the 20% discount may be
of their goods and services, and (2) the discount properly viewed as belonging to the category of
does not apply to all customers of a given price regulatory measures which affects the
establishment but only to the class of senior profitability of establishments subjected thereto.
citizens. x x x116 (Emphasis supplied)
The above paragraph, in full, states The point of this paragraph is to simply show that
the State has, in the past, regulated prices and
The subject regulation may be said to be similar profits of business establishments. In other
to, but with substantial distinctions from, price words, this type of regulatory measures is
control or rate of return on investment control traditionally recognized as police power
laws which are traditionally regarded as police measures so that the senior citizen discount may
power measures. These laws generally regulate be considered as a police power measure as
public utilities or industries/enterprises imbued well. What is more, the substantial distinctions
with public interest in order to protect consumers between price and rate of return on investment
from exorbitant or unreasonable pricing as well control laws vis--vis the senior citizen discount
law provide greater reason to uphold the validity This may cover the regulation of profits or
of the senior citizen discount law. As previously income/gross sales of all businesses, without
discussed, the ability to adjust prices allows the qualification, to attain the objective of diffusing
establishment subject to the senior citizen wealth in order to protect and enhance the right
discount to prevent or mitigate any reduction of of all the people to human dignity.118
profits or income/gross sales arising from the
giving of the discount. In contrast, Thus, under the social justice policy of the
establishments subject to price and rate of return Constitution, business establishments may be
on investment control laws cannot adjust prices compelled to contribute to uplifting the plight of
accordingly. Certainly, there is no intention to say vulnerable or marginalized groups in our society
that price and rate of return on investment control provided that the regulation is not arbitrary,
laws are the justification for the senior citizen oppressive or confiscatory, or is not in breach of
discount law. Not at all. The justification for the some specific constitutional limitation. When the
senior citizen discount law is the plenary powers Dissent, therefore, states that the "profits of
of Congress. The legislative power to regulate private establishments which are non-
business establishments is broad and covers a franchisees cannot be regulated permanently,
wide array of areas and subjects. It is well within and there is no such law regulating their profits
Congress legislative powers to regulate the permanently,"119 it is assuming what it ought to
profits or income/gross sales of industries and prove. First, there are laws which, in effect,
enterprises, even those without franchises. For permanently regulate profits or income/gross
what are franchises but mere legislative sales of establishments without franchises, and
enactments? There is nothing in the Constitution RA 9257 is one such law. And, second,
that prohibits Congress from regulating the Congress can regulate such profits or
profits or income/gross sales of industries and income/gross sales because, as previously
enterprises without franchises. On the contrary, noted, there is nothing in the Constitution to
the social justice provisions of the Constitution prevent it from doing so. Here, again, it must be
enjoin the State to regulate the "acquisition, emphasized that petitioners failed to present any
ownership, use, and disposition" of property and proof to show that the effects of the assailed law
its increments.117 on their operations has been unreasonable,
oppressive or confiscatory. The permanent order to offset the effects of the increase in labor
regulation of profits or income/gross sales of cost; does this mean that the minimum wage law,
business establishments, even those without following the reasoning of the Dissent, is
franchises, is not as uncommon as the Dissent unconstitutional because the consuming public is
depicts it to be. For instance, the minimum wage effectively made to subsidize the wage of a group
law allows the State to set the minimum wage of of laborers, i.e., minimum wage earners? The
employees in a given region or geographical same reasoning can be adopted relative to the
area. Because of the added labor costs arising examples cited by the Dissent which, according
from the minimum wage, a permanent reduction to it, are valid police power regulations. Article
of profits or income/gross sales would result, 157 of the Labor Code, Sections 19 and 18 of the
assuming that the employer does not increase Social Security Law, and Section 7 of the Pag-
the prices of his goods or services. To illustrate, IBIG Fund Law would effectively increase the
suppose it costs a company P5.00 to produce a labor cost of a business establishment. This
product and it sells the same at P10.00 with a would, in turn, be integrated as part of the cost of
50% profit margin. Later, the State increases the its goods or services. Again, if the establishment
minimum wage. As a result, the company incurs does not increase its prices, the net effect would
greater labor costs so that it now costs P7.00 to be a permanent reduction in its profits or
produce the same product. The profit per product income/gross sales. Following the reasoning of
of the company would be reduced to P3.00 with the Dissent that "any form of permanent taking of
a profit margin of 30%. The net effect would be private property (including profits or
the same as in the earlier example of granting a income/gross sales) is an exercise of eminent
20% senior citizen discount. As can be seen, the domain that requires the State to pay just
minimum wage law could, likewise, lead to a compensation,"121 then these statutory
permanent reduction of profits. Does this mean provisions would, likewise, have to be declared
that the minimum wage law should, likewise, be unconstitutional. It does not matter that these
declared unconstitutional on the mere plea that it benefits are deemed part of the employees
results in a permanent reduction of profits? legislated wages because the net effect is the
Taking it a step further, suppose the company same, that is, it leads to higher labor costs and a
decides to increase the price of its product in permanent reduction in the profits or
income/gross sales of the business The Court is not oblivious of the retail side of the
establishments. pharmaceutical industry and the competitive
pricing component of the business. While the
The point then is this most, if not all, regulatory Constitution protects property rights petitioners
measures imposed by the State on business must the realities of business and the State, in
establishments impact, at some level, the latters the exercise of police power, can intervene in the
prices and/or profits or income/gross sales.123 operations of a business which may result in an
impairment of property rights in the process.
If the Court were to sustain the Dissents theory,
then a wholesale nullification of such measures Moreover, the right to property has a social
would inevitably result. The police power of the dimension. While Article XIII of the Constitution
State and the social justice provisions of the provides the percept for the protection of
Constitution would, thus, be rendered nugatory. property, various laws and jurisprudence,
There is nothing sacrosanct about profits or particularly on agrarian reform and the regulation
income/gross sales. This, we made clear in of contracts and public utilities, continously serve
Carlos Superdrug Corporation:124 as a reminder for the promotion of public good.
Police power as an attribute to promote the Undeniably, the success of the senior citizens
common good would be diluted considerably if program rests largely on the support imparted by
on the mere plea of petitioners that they will petitioners and the other private establishments
suffer loss of earnings and capital, the concerned. This being the case, the means
questioned provision is invalidated. Moreover, in employed in invoking the active participation of
the absence of evidence demonstrating the the private sector, in order to achieve the
alleged confiscatory effect of the provision in purpose or objective of the law, is reasonably
question, there is no basis for its nullification in and directly related. Without sufficient proof that
view of the presumption of validity which every Section 4(a) of R.A. No. 9257 is arbitrary, and
law has in its favor. that the continued implementation of the same
would be unconscionably detrimental to
petitioners, the Court will refrain form quashing a
legislative act.125
Petitioner moved for reconsideration but the CA imposed only on a company engaged in the
denied it. Hence, petitioner filed this case. business of fidelity bonds and other
insurance policies. Petitioner, as an HMO,
xxx xxx xxx is a service provider, not an insurance
In a decision dated June 12, 2008, the Court
denied the petition and affirmed the CAs (b) The Court, in dismissing the appeal
decision. We held that petitioners health care in CIR v. Philippine National Bank, affirmed
agreement during the pertinent period was in the in effect the CAs disposition that health
nature of non-life insurance which is a contract of care services are not in the nature of an
indemnity, citing Blue Cross Healthcare, Inc. v. insurance business.
Olivares3 and Philamcare Health Systems, Inc.
v. CA.4We also ruled that petitioners contention (c) Section 185 should be strictly construed.
that it is a health maintenance organization
(HMO) and not an insurance company is (d) Legislative intent to exclude health care
irrelevant because contracts between agreements from items subject to DST is
companies like petitioner and the beneficiaries clear, especially in the light of the
under their plans are treated as insurance amendments made in the DST law in 2002.
contracts. Moreover, DST is not a tax on the
(e) Assuming arguendo that petitioners
business transacted but an excise on the
agreements are contracts of indemnity, they
privilege, opportunity or facility offered at
are not those contemplated under Section
exchanges for the transaction of the business.
Unable to accept our verdict, petitioner filed the
(f) Assuming arguendo that petitioners
present motion for reconsideration and
agreements are akin to health insurance,
supplemental motion for reconsideration,
health insurance is not covered by Section
asserting the following arguments:
(a) The DST under Section 185 of the
National Internal Revenue of 1997 is
(g) The agreements do not fall under the the dispensation of the following medical
phrase "other branch of insurance" services to individuals who enter into health care
mentioned in Section 185. agreements with it:
(h) The June 12, 2008 decision should only Preventive medical services such as periodic
apply prospectively. monitoring of health problems, family planning
counseling, consultation and advices on diet,
(i) Petitioner availed of the tax amnesty exercise and other healthy habits, and
benefits under RA5 9480 for the taxable immunization;
year 2005 and all prior years. Therefore, the
questioned assessments on the DST are Diagnostic medical services such as routine
now rendered moot and academic.6 physical examinations, x-rays, urinalysis,
fecalysis, complete blood count, and the like and
Oral arguments were held in Baguio City on April
22, 2009. The parties submitted their Curative medical services which pertain to the
memoranda on June 8, 2009. performing of other remedial and therapeutic
processes in the event of an injury or sickness on
In its motion for reconsideration, petitioner the part of the enrolled member.10
reveals for the first time that it availed of a tax
amnesty under RA 94807(also known as the "Tax Individuals enrolled in its health care program
Amnesty Act of 2007") by fully paying the amount pay an annual membership fee. Membership is
of P5,127,149.08 representing 5% of its net on a year-to-year basis. The medical services
worth as of the year ending December 31, 2005.8 are dispensed to enrolled members in a hospital
or clinic owned, operated or accredited by
We find merit in petitioners motion for petitioner, through physicians, medical and
reconsideration. dental practitioners under contract with it. It
negotiates with such health care practitioners
Petitioner was formally registered and
regarding payment schemes, financing and other
incorporated with the Securities and Exchange
procedures for the delivery of health services.
Commission on June 30, 1987.9 It is engaged in
Except in cases of emergency, the professional
services are to be provided only by petitioner's We said in our June 12, 2008 decision that it is
physicians, i.e. those directly employed by it11 or irrelevant that petitioner is an HMO and not an
whose services are contracted by it.12 Petitioner insurer because its agreements are treated as
also provides hospital services such as room and insurance contracts and the DST is not a tax on
board accommodation, laboratory services, the business but an excise on the privilege,
operating rooms, x-ray facilities and general opportunity or facility used in the transaction of
nursing care.13 If and when a member avails of the business.15
the benefits under the agreement, petitioner
pays the participating physicians and other Petitioner, however, submits that it is of critical
health care providers for the services rendered, importance to characterize the business it is
at pre-agreed rates.14 engaged in, that is, to determine whether it is an
HMO or an insurance company, as this
To avail of petitioners health care programs, the distinction is indispensable in turn to the issue of
individual members are required to sign and whether or not it is liable for DST on its health
execute a standard health care agreement care agreements.16
embodying the terms and conditions for the
provision of the health care services. The same A second hard look at the relevant law and
agreement contains the various health care jurisprudence convinces the Court that the
services that can be engaged by the enrolled arguments of petitioner are meritorious.
member, i.e., preventive, diagnostic and curative
Section 185 of the National Internal Revenue
medical services. Except for the curative aspect
Code of 1997 (NIRC of 1997) provides:
of the medical service offered, the enrolled
member may actually make use of the health Section 185. Stamp tax on fidelity bonds and
care services being offered by petitioner at any other insurance policies. On all policies of
time. insurance or bonds or obligations of the nature
of indemnity for loss, damage, or liability
Health Maintenance Organizations Are Not
made or renewed by any person, association
Engaged In The Insurance Business
or company or corporation transacting the
business of accident, fidelity, employers
liability, plate, glass, steam boiler, burglar, interpretation which gives effect to the whole of
elevator, automatic sprinkler, or other branch of the statute its every word.18
insurance (except life, marine, inland, and fire
insurance), and all bonds, undertakings, or From the language of Section 185, it is evident
recognizances, conditioned for the performance that two requisites must concur before the DST
of the duties of any office or position, for the can apply, namely: (1) the document must be
doing or not doing of anything therein specified, a policy of insurance or an obligation in the
and on all obligations guaranteeing the validity or nature of indemnity and (2) the maker should
legality of any bond or other obligations issued be transacting the business of accident,
by any province, city, municipality, or other public fidelity, employers liability, plate, glass, steam
body or organization, and on all obligations boiler, burglar, elevator, automatic sprinkler, or
guaranteeing the title to any real estate, or other branch of insurance (except life, marine,
guaranteeing any mercantile credits, which may inland, and fire insurance).
be made or renewed by any such person,
Petitioner is admittedly an HMO. Under RA 7875
company or corporation, there shall be collected
(or "The National Health Insurance Act of 1995"),
a documentary stamp tax of fifty centavos
an HMO is "an entity that provides, offers or
(P0.50) on each four pesos (P4.00), or fractional
arranges for coverage of designated health
part thereof, of the premium charged. (Emphasis
services needed by plan members for a fixed
prepaid premium."19 The payments do not vary
It is a cardinal rule in statutory construction that with the extent, frequency or type of services
no word, clause, sentence, provision or part of a provided.
statute shall be considered surplusage or
The question is: was petitioner, as an HMO,
superfluous, meaningless, void and insignificant.
engaged in the business of insurance during the
To this end, a construction which renders every
pertinent taxable years? We rule that it was not.
word operative is preferred over that which
makes some words idle and nugatory.17 This Section 2 (2) of PD20 1460 (otherwise known as
principle is expressed in the maxim Ut magis the Insurance Code) enumerates what
valeat quam pereat, that is, we choose the
constitutes "doing an insurance business" or Various courts in the United States, whose
"transacting an insurance business:" jurisprudence has a persuasive effect on our
decisions,21 have determined that HMOs are not
a) making or proposing to make, as insurer, in the insurance business. One test that they
any insurance contract; have applied is whether the assumption of risk
and indemnification of loss (which are elements
b) making or proposing to make, as surety,
of an insurance business) are the principal object
any contract of suretyship as a vocation and
and purpose of the organization or whether they
not as merely incidental to any other
are merely incidental to its business. If these are
legitimate business or activity of the surety;
the principal objectives, the business is that of
c) doing any kind of business, including a insurance. But if they are merely incidental and
reinsurance business, specifically service is the principal purpose, then the
recognized as constituting the doing of an business is not insurance.
insurance business within the meaning of
Applying the "principal object and purpose
this Code;
test,"22 there is significant American case law
d) doing or proposing to do any business in supporting the argument that a corporation (such
substance equivalent to any of the as an HMO, whether or not organized for profit),
foregoing in a manner designed to evade whose main object is to provide the members of
the provisions of this Code. a group with health services, is not engaged in
the insurance business.
In the application of the provisions of this Code,
the fact that no profit is derived from the making The rule was enunciated in Jordan v. Group
of insurance contracts, agreements or Health Association23 wherein the Court of
transactions or that no separate or direct Appeals of the District of Columbia Circuit held
consideration is received therefore, shall not be that Group Health Association should not be
deemed conclusive to show that the making considered as engaged in insurance activities
thereof does not constitute the doing or since it was created primarily for the distribution
transacting of an insurance business.
of health care services rather than the occurrences, such as death, disaster at sea,
assumption of insurance risk. fire and tornado. It is, in this instance, to take
care of colds, ordinary aches and pains, minor ills
xxx Although Group Healths activities may be and all the temporary bodily discomforts as well
considered in one aspect as creating security as the more serious and unusual illness. To
against loss from illness or accident more truly summarize, the distinctive features of the
they constitute the quantity purchase of well- cooperative are the rendering of service, its
rounded, continuous medical service by its extension, the bringing of physician and
members. xxx The functions of such an patient together, the preventive features, the
organization are not identical with those of regularization of service as well as payment,
insurance or indemnity companies. The latter the substantial reduction in cost by quantity
are concerned primarily, if not exclusively, with purchasing in short, getting the medical job
risk and the consequences of its descent, not done and paid for; not, except incidentally to
with service, or its extension in kind, quantity or these features, the indemnification for cost
distribution; with the unusual occurrence, not the after the services is rendered. Except the last,
daily routine of living. Hazard is predominant. On these are not distinctive or generally
the other hand, the cooperative is concerned characteristic of the insurance
principally with getting service rendered to arrangement. There is, therefore, a substantial
its members and doing so at lower prices difference between contracting in this way for the
made possible by quantity purchasing and rendering of service, even on the contingency
economies in operation. Its primary purpose that it be needed, and contracting merely to
is to reduce the cost rather than the risk of stand its cost when or after it is rendered.
medical care; to broaden the service to the
individual in kind and quantity; to enlarge the That an incidental element of risk distribution or
number receiving it; to regularize it as an assumption may be present should not outweigh
everyday incident of living, like purchasing all other factors. If attention is focused only on
food and clothing or oil and gas, rather than that feature, the line between insurance or
merely protecting against the financial loss indemnity and other types of legal arrangement
caused by extraordinary and unusual and economic function becomes faint, if not
extinct. This is especially true when the contract rather than indemnity is its principal object
is for the sale of goods or services on and purpose. Certainly the objects and
contingency. But obviously it was not the purposes of the corporation organized and
purpose of the insurance statutes to regulate all maintained by the California physicians have a
arrangements for assumption or distribution of wide scope in the field of social
risk. That view would cause them to engulf service. Probably there is no more impelling
practically all contracts, particularly conditional need than that of adequate medical care on a
sales and contingent service agreements. The voluntary, low-cost basis for persons of small
fallacy is in looking only at the risk element, income. The medical profession unitedly is
to the exclusion of all others present or their endeavoring to meet that need.
subordination to it. The question turns, not Unquestionably this is service of a high
on whether risk is involved or assumed, but order and not indemnity.26 (Emphasis
on whether that or something else to which it supplied)
is related in the particular plan is its principal
object purpose.24 (Emphasis supplied) American courts have pointed out that the main
difference between an HMO and an insurance
In California Physicians Service v. company is that HMOs undertake to provide or
Garrison, the California court felt that, after arrange for the provision of medical services
scrutinizing the plan of operation as a whole of through participating physicians while insurance
the corporation, it was service rather than companies simply undertake to indemnify the
indemnity which stood as its principal purpose. insured for medical expenses incurred up to a
pre-agreed limit. Somerset Orthopedic
There is another and more compelling reason for Associates, P.A. v. Horizon Blue Cross and Blue
holding that the service is not engaged in the Shield of New Jersey27 is clear on this point:
insurance business. Absence or presence of
assumption of risk or peril is not the sole test The basic distinction between medical service
to be applied in determining its status. The corporations and ordinary health and accident
question, more broadly, is whether, looking insurers is that the former undertake to provide
at the plan of operation as a whole, service prepaid medical services through participating
physicians, thus relieving subscribers of any Consequently, the mere presence of risk would
further financial burden, while the latter only be insufficient to override the primary purpose of
undertake to indemnify an insured for medical the business to provide medical services as
expenses up to, but not beyond, the schedule of needed, with payment made directly to the
rates contained in the policy. provider of these services.29 In short, even if
petitioner assumes the risk of paying the cost of
xxx xxx xxx these services even if significantly more than
what the member has prepaid, it nevertheless
The primary purpose of a medical service
cannot be considered as being engaged in the
corporation, however, is an undertaking to
insurance business.
provide physicians who will render services to
subscribers on a prepaid basis. Hence, if there By the same token, any indemnification resulting
are no physicians participating in the medical from the payment for services rendered in case
service corporations plan, not only will the of emergency by non-participating health
subscribers be deprived of the protection providers would still be incidental to petitioners
which they might reasonably have expected purpose of providing and arranging for health
would be provided, but the corporation will, care services and does not transform it into an
in effect, be doing business solely as a health insurer. To fulfill its obligations to its members
and accident indemnity insurer without having under the agreements, petitioner is required to
qualified as such and rendering itself subject to set up a system and the facilities for the delivery
the more stringent financial requirements of the of such medical services. This indubitably shows
General Insurance Laws. that indemnification is not its sole object.
A participating provider of health care services is In fact, a substantial portion of petitioners
one who agrees in writing to render health care services covers preventive and diagnostic
services to or for persons covered by a contract medical services intended to keep members from
issued by health service corporation in return for developing medical conditions or diseases.30 As
which the health service corporation agrees an HMO, it is its obligation to maintain the good
to make payment directly to the participating health of its members. Accordingly, its health
provider.28 (Emphasis supplied)
care programs are designed to prevent or to whole and not its mere components. This is of
minimize thepossibility of any assumption of course only prudent and appropriate, taking into
risk on its part. Thus, its undertaking under its account the burdensome and strict laws, rules
agreements is not to indemnify its members and regulations applicable to insurers and other
against any loss or damage arising from a entities engaged in the insurance business.
medical condition but, on the contrary, to provide Moreover, we are also not unmindful that there
the health and medical services needed to are other American authorities who have found
prevent such loss or damage.31 particular HMOs to be actually engaged in
insurance activities.32
Overall, petitioner appears to provide insurance-
type benefits to its members (with respect to Lastly, it is significant that petitioner, as an HMO,
its curative medical services), but these are is not part of the insurance industry. This is
incidental to the principal activity of providing evident from the fact that it is not supervised by
them medical care. The "insurance-like" aspect the Insurance Commission but by the
of petitioners business is miniscule compared to Department of Health.33 In fact, in a letter dated
its noninsurance activities. Therefore, since it September 3, 2000, the Insurance
substantially provides health care services rather Commissioner confirmed that petitioner is not
than insurance services, it cannot be considered engaged in the insurance business. This
as being in the insurance business. determination of the commissioner must be
accorded great weight. It is well-settled that the
It is important to emphasize that, in adopting the interpretation of an administrative agency which
"principal purpose test" used in the above-quoted is tasked to implement a statute is accorded
U.S. cases, we are not saying that petitioners great respect and ordinarily controls the
operations are identical in every respect to those interpretation of laws by the courts. The reason
of the HMOs or health providers which were behind this rule was explained in Nestle
parties to those cases. What we are stating is Philippines, Inc. v. Court of Appeals:34
that, for the purpose of determining what "doing
an insurance business" means, we have to The rationale for this rule relates not only to the
scrutinize the operations of the business as a emergence of the multifarious needs of a modern
or modernizing society and the establishment of we ruled that petitioners health care agreements
diverse administrative agencies for addressing are contracts of indemnity and are therefore
and satisfying those needs; it also relates to the insurance contracts:
accumulation of experience and growth of
specialized capabilities by the administrative It is incorrect to say that the health care
agency charged with implementing a particular agreement is not based on loss or damage
statute. In Asturias Sugar Central, Inc. vs. because, under the said agreement, petitioner
Commissioner of Customs,35 the Court stressed assumes the liability and indemnifies its member
that executive officials are presumed to have for hospital, medical and related expenses (such
familiarized themselves with all the as professional fees of physicians). The term
considerations pertinent to the meaning and "loss or damage" is broad enough to cover the
purpose of the law, and to have formed an monetary expense or liability a member will incur
independent, conscientious and competent in case of illness or injury.
expert opinion thereon. The courts give much
Under the health care agreement, the rendition
weight to the government agency officials
of hospital, medical and professional services to
charged with the implementation of the law, their
the member in case of sickness, injury or
competence, expertness, experience and
emergency or his availment of so-called "out-
informed judgment, and the fact that they
patient services" (including physical
frequently are the drafters of the law they
examination, x-ray and laboratory tests, medical
consultations, vaccine administration and family
A Health Care Agreement Is Not An Insurance planning counseling) is the contingent event
Contract Contemplated Under Section 185 Of which gives rise to liability on the part of the
The NIRC of 1997 member. In case of exposure of the member to
liability, he would be entitled to indemnification by
Section 185 states that DST is imposed on "all petitioner.
policies of insurance or obligations of the
nature of indemnity for loss, damage, or Furthermore, the fact that petitioner must relieve
liability." In our decision dated June 12, 2008, its member from liability by paying for expenses
arising from the stipulated contingencies belies
its claim that its services are prepaid. The because taxation is a destructive power which
expenses to be incurred by each member cannot interferes with the personal and property rights of
be predicted beforehand, if they can be predicted the people and takes from them a portion of their
at all. Petitioner assumes the risk of paying for property for the support of the
the costs of the services even if they are government. Hence, tax laws may not be
significantly and substantially more than what the extended by implication beyond the clear import
member has "prepaid." Petitioner does not bear of their language, nor their operation enlarged so
the costs alone but distributes or spreads them as to embrace matters not specifically
out among a large group of persons bearing a provided.40
similar risk, that is, among all the other members
of the health care program. This is insurance.37 We are aware that, in Blue
Cross and Philamcare, the Court pronounced
We reconsider. We shall quote once again the that a health care agreement is in the nature of
pertinent portion of Section 185: non-life insurance, which is primarily a contract
of indemnity. However, those cases did not
Section 185. Stamp tax on fidelity bonds and involve the interpretation of a tax provision.
other insurance policies. On all policies of Instead, they dealt with the liability of a health
insurance or bonds or obligations of the service provider to a member under the terms of
nature of indemnity for loss, damage, or their health care agreement. Such contracts, as
liability made or renewed by any person, contracts of adhesion, are liberally interpreted in
association or company or corporation favor of the member and strictly against the
transacting the business of accident, fidelity, HMO. For this reason, we reconsider our ruling
employers liability, plate, glass, steam boiler, that Blue Cross and Philamcare are applicable
burglar, elevator, automatic sprinkler, or other here.
branch of insurance (except life, marine, inland,
and fire insurance), xxxx (Emphasis supplied) Section 2 (1) of the Insurance Code defines a
contract of insurance as an agreement whereby
In construing this provision, we should be guided one undertakes for a consideration to indemnify
by the principle that tax statutes are strictly another against loss, damage or liability arising
construed against the taxing authority.38 This is
from an unknown or contingent event. An It does not necessarily follow however, that a
insurance contract exists where the following contract containing all the four elements
elements concur: mentioned above would be an insurance
contract. The primary purpose of the parties in
1. The insured has an insurable interest; making the contract may negate the
existence of an insurance contract. For
2. The insured is subject to a risk of loss by
example, a law firm which enters into contracts
the happening of the designed peril;
with clients whereby in consideration of
3. The insurer assumes the risk; periodical payments, it promises to represent
such clients in all suits for or against them, is not
4. Such assumption of risk is part of a engaged in the insurance business. Its contracts
general scheme to distribute actual losses are simply for the purpose of rendering personal
among a large group of persons bearing a services. On the other hand, a contract by which
similar risk and a corporation, in consideration of a stipulated
amount, agrees at its own expense to defend a
5. In consideration of the insurers promise, physician against all suits for damages for
the insured pays a premium.41 malpractice is one of insurance, and the
corporation will be deemed as engaged in the
Do the agreements between petitioner and its
business of insurance. Unlike the lawyers
members possess all these elements? They do
retainer contract, the essential purpose of such a
contract is not to render personal services, but to
First. In our jurisdiction, a commentator of our indemnify against loss and damage resulting
insurance laws has pointed out that, even if a from the defense of actions for
contract contains all the elements of an malpractice.42 (Emphasis supplied)
insurance contract, if its primary purpose is the Second. Not all the necessary elements of a
rendering of service, it is not a contract of
contract of insurance are present in petitioners
agreements. To begin with, there is no loss,
damage or liability on the part of the member that
should be indemnified by petitioner as an HMO. anytime, e.g. laboratory services, x-ray, routine
Under the agreement, the member pays annual physical examination and consultations,
petitioner a predetermined consideration in vaccine administration as well as family planning
exchange for the hospital, medical and counseling, even in the absence of any peril, loss
professional services rendered by the or damage on his or her part.
petitioners physician or affiliated physician to
him. In case of availment by a member of the Fourth. In case of emergency, petitioner is
benefits under the agreement, petitioner does obliged to reimburse the member who receives
not reimburse or indemnify the member as the care from a non-participating physician or
latter does not pay any third party. Instead, it is hospital. However, this is only a very minor part
the petitioner who pays the participating of the list of services available. The assumption
physicians and other health care providers for of the expense by petitioner is not confined to the
the services rendered at pre-agreed rates. The happening of a contingency but includes
member does not make any such payment. incidents even in the absence of illness or injury.
Third xxx (c) on all policies of insurance or Section 1449 (1) eventually became Sec. 222 of
bond or obligation of the nature of indemnity Commonwealth Act No. 466 (the NIRC of 1939),
for loss, damage, or liability made or renewed which codified all the internal revenue laws of the
by any person, association, company, or Philippines. In an amendment introduced by RA
corporation transacting the business of 40 on October 1, 1946, the DST rate was
accident, fidelity, employers liability, plate increased but the provision remained
glass, steam boiler, burglar, elevator, substantially the same.
automatic sprinkle, or other branch of
insurance (except life, marine, inland, and fire Thereafter, on June 3, 1977, the same provision
insurance) xxxx (Emphasis supplied) with the same DST rate was reproduced in PD
1158 (NIRC of 1977) as Section 234. Under PDs
On February 27, 1914, Act No. 2339 (the Internal 1457 and 1959, enacted on June 11, 1978 and
Revenue Law of 1914) was enacted revising and October 10, 1984 respectively, the DST rate was
consolidating the laws relating to internal again increased.1avvphi1
revenue. The aforecited pertinent portion of
Effective January 1, 1986, pursuant to Section 45 registered HMOs with a total enrollment of more
of PD 1994, Section 234 of the NIRC of 1977 was than 2 million.49
renumbered as Section 198. And under Section
23 of EO47 273 dated July 25, 1987, it was again We can clearly see from these two histories (of
renumbered and became Section 185. the DST on the one hand and HMOs on the
other) that when the law imposing the DST was
On December 23, 1993, under RA 7660, Section first passed, HMOs were yet unknown in the
185 was amended but, again, only with respect Philippines. However, when the various
to the rate of tax. amendments to the DST law were enacted, they
were already in existence in the Philippines and
Notwithstanding the comprehensive amendment the term had in fact already been defined by RA
of the NIRC of 1977 by RA 8424 (or the NIRC of 7875. If it had been the intent of the legislature to
1997), the subject legal provision was retained impose DST on health care agreements, it could
as the present Section 185. In 2004, have done so in clear and categorical terms. It
amendments to the DST provisions were had many opportunities to do so. But it did not.
introduced by RA 924348 but Section 185 was The fact that the NIRC contained no specific
untouched. provision on the DST liability of health care
agreements of HMOs at a time they were already
On the other hand, the concept of an HMO was
known as such, belies any legislative intent to
introduced in the Philippines with the formation
impose it on them. As a matter of fact,
of Bancom Health Care Corporation in 1974. The
petitioner was assessed its DST liability only
same pioneer HMO was later reorganized and
on January 27, 2000, after more than a decade
renamed Integrated Health Care Services, Inc.
in the business as an HMO.50
(or Intercare). However, there are those who
claim that Health Maintenance, Inc. is the HMO Considering that Section 185 did not change
industry pioneer, having set foot in the since 1904 (except for the rate of tax), it would
Philippines as early as 1965 and having been be safe to say that health care agreements were
formally incorporated in 1991. Afterwards, HMOs never, at any time, recognized as insurance
proliferated quickly and currently, there are 36
contracts or deemed engaged in the business of The power of taxation is sometimes called also
insurance within the context of the provision. the power to destroy. Therefore it should be
exercised with caution to minimize injury to the
The Power To Tax Is Not The Power To proprietary rights of a taxpayer. It must be
Destroy exercised fairly, equally and uniformly, lest the
tax collector kill the "hen that lays the golden
As a general rule, the power to tax is an incident
of sovereignty and is unlimited in its range,
acknowledging in its very nature no limits, so that Legitimate enterprises enjoy the constitutional
security against its abuse is to be found only in protection not to be taxed out of existence.
the responsibility of the legislature which Incurring losses because of a tax imposition may
imposes the tax on the constituency who is to be an acceptable consequence but killing the
pay it.51 So potent indeed is the power that it was business of an entity is another matter and
once opined that "the power to tax involves the should not be allowed. It is counter-productive
power to destroy."52 and ultimately subversive of the nations thrust
towards a better economy which will ultimately
Petitioner claims that the assessed DST to date
benefit the majority of our people.59
which amounts to P376 million53 is way beyond
its net worth of P259 million.54 Respondent never Petitioners Tax Liability Was Extinguished
disputed these assertions. Given the realities on Under The Provisions Of RA 9840
the ground, imposing the DST on petitioner
would be highly oppressive. It is not the purpose Petitioner asserts that, regardless of the
of the government to throttle private business. arguments, the DST assessment for taxable
On the contrary, the government ought to years 1996 and 1997 became moot and
encourage private enterprise.55 Petitioner, just academic60 when it availed of the tax amnesty
like any concern organized for a lawful economic under RA 9480 on December 10, 2007. It
activity, has a right to maintain a legitimate paid P5,127,149.08 representing 5% of its net
business.56 As aptly held in Roxas, et al. v. CTA, worth as of the year ended December 31, 2005
et al.:57 and complied with all requirements of the tax
amnesty. Under Section 6(a) of RA 9480, it is
entitled to immunity from payment of taxes as Furthermore, we held in a recent case that DST
well as additions thereto, and the appurtenant is one of the taxes covered by the tax amnesty
civil, criminal or administrative penalties under program under RA 9480.63 There is no other
the 1997 NIRC, as amended, arising from the conclusion to draw than that petitioners liability
failure to pay any and all internal revenue taxes for DST for the taxable years 1996 and 1997 was
for taxable year 2005 and prior years.61 totally extinguished by its availment of the tax
amnesty under RA 9480.
Far from disagreeing with petitioner, respondent
manifested in its memorandum: Is The Court Bound By A Minute Resolution
In Another Case?
Section 6 of [RA 9840] provides that availment of
tax amnesty entitles a taxpayer to immunity from Petitioner raises another interesting issue in its
payment of the tax involved, including the civil, motion for reconsideration: whether this Court is
criminal, or administrative penalties provided bound by the ruling of the CA64 in CIR v.
under the 1997 [NIRC], for tax liabilities arising in Philippine National Bank65 that a health care
2005 and the preceding years. agreement of Philamcare Health Systems is not
an insurance contract for purposes of the DST.
In view of petitioners availment of the benefits of
[RA 9840], and without conceding the merits of In support of its argument, petitioner cites the
this case as discussed above, respondent August 29, 2001 minute resolution of this Court
concedes that such tax amnesty dismissing the appeal in Philippine National
extinguishes the tax liabilities of petitioner. Bank (G.R. No. 148680).66 Petitioner argues that
This admission, however, is not meant to the dismissal of G.R. No. 148680 by minute
preclude a revocation of the amnesty granted in resolution was a judgment on the merits; hence,
case it is found to have been granted under the Court should apply the CA ruling there that a
circumstances amounting to tax fraud under health care agreement is not an insurance
Section 10 of said amnesty law.62 (Emphasis contract.
It is true that, although contained in a minute
resolution, our dismissal of the petition was a
disposition of the merits of the case. When we Besides, there are substantial, not simply formal,
dismissed the petition, we effectively affirmed the distinctions between a minute resolution and a
CA ruling being questioned. As a result, our decision. The constitutional requirement under
ruling in that case has already become the first paragraph of Section 14, Article VIII of
final.67 When a minute resolution denies or the Constitution that the facts and the law on
dismisses a petition for failure to comply with which the judgment is based must be expressed
formal and substantive requirements, the clearly and distinctly applies only to decisions,
challenged decision, together with its findings of not to minute resolutions. A minute resolution is
fact and legal conclusions, are deemed signed only by the clerk of court by authority of
sustained.68 But what is its effect on other cases? the justices, unlike a decision. It does not require
the certification of the Chief Justice. Moreover,
With respect to the same subject matter and the unlike decisions, minute resolutions are not
same issues concerning the same parties, it published in the Philippine Reports. Finally, the
constitutes res judicata.69 However, if other proviso of Section 4(3) of Article VIII speaks of a
parties or another subject matter (even with the decision.73Indeed, as a rule, this Court lays down
same parties and issues) is involved, the minute doctrines or principles of law which constitute
resolution is not binding precedent. Thus, in CIR binding precedent in a decision duly signed by
v. Baier-Nickel,70 the Court noted that a previous the members of the Court and certified by the
case, CIR v. Baier-Nickel71 involving the same Chief Justice.
parties and the same issues, was previously
disposed of by the Court thru a minute resolution Accordingly, since petitioner was not a party in
dated February 17, 2003 sustaining the ruling of G.R. No. 148680 and since petitioners liability
the CA. Nonetheless, the Court ruled that the for DST on its health care agreement was not the
previous case "ha(d) no bearing" on the latter subject matter of G.R. No. 148680, petitioner
case because the two cases involved different cannot successfully invoke the minute resolution
subject matters as they were concerned with the in that case (which is not even binding
taxable income of different taxable years.72 precedent) in its favor. Nonetheless, in view of
the reasons already discussed, this does not
detract in any way from the fact that petitioners achieving its constitutional mandate of providing
health care agreements are not subject to DST. its citizens with affordable health services.
Nor does the reference by new counsel to What then is left? Clearly nothing to call for the
American state court decisions call for a different reconsideration of our decision of July 31, 1967.
Nor is there the least justification for a new trial
and reception of evidence.
The Issues
Section 4a) of RA 7432[10] grants to senior
citizens the privilege of obtaining a 20 percent
Petitioner raises the following issues for our discount on their purchase of medicine from any
consideration: private establishment in the country.[11] The latter
may then claim the cost of the discount as a tax
Whether the Court of Appeals erred in holding credit.[12] But can such credit be claimed, even
that respondent may claim the 20% sales though an establishment operates at a loss?
discount as a tax credit instead of as a deduction
from gross income or gross sales. We answer in the affirmative.
A distinguishing feature of the implementing To a senior citizen, the monetary effect of the
rules of RA 7432 is the private establishments privilege may be the same as that resulting from
outright deduction of the discount from the a sales discount. However, to a private
invoice price of the medicine sold to the senior establishment, the effect is different from a
citizen.[60] It is, therefore, expected that for each simple reduction in price that results from such
retail sale made under this law, the discount discount. In other words, the tax credit benefit is
period lasts no more than a day, because such not the same as a sales discount. To repeat from
discount is given -- and the net amount thereof our earlier discourse, this benefit cannot and
collected -- immediately upon perfection of the should not be treated as a tax deduction.
sale.[61] Although prompt payment is made for an
arms-length transaction by the senior citizen, the To stress, the effect of a sales discount on
real and compelling reason for the private the income statement and income tax return of
establishment giving the discount is that the law an establishment covered by RA 7432 is different
itself makes it mandatory. from that resulting from the availment or use of
its tax credit benefit. While the former is a
deduction before, the latter is a deduction after,
the income tax is computed. As mentioned granted by law -- does not define it at all and
earlier, a discount is not necessarily a sales serves no useful purpose. The definition must,
discount, and a tax credit for a simple discount therefore, be stricken down.
privilege should not be automatically treated like
a sales discount. Ubi lex non distinguit, nec nos Laws Not Amended
distinguere debemus. Where the law does not by Regulations
distinguish, we ought not to distinguish.
Second, the law cannot be amended by a mere
Sections 2.i and 4 of Revenue Regulations No. regulation. In fact, a regulation that operates to
(RR) 2-94 define tax credit as the 20 percent create a rule out of harmony with
discount deductible from gross the statute is a mere nullity;[62] it cannot prevail.
income for income tax purposes, or from gross
sales for VAT or other percentage tax purposes. It is a cardinal rule that courts will and should
In effect, the tax credit benefit under RA 7432 is respect the contemporaneous construction
related to a sales discount. This contrived placed upon a statute by the executive officers
definition is improper, considering that the latter whose duty it is to enforce it x x x.[63] In the
has to be deducted from gross sales in order to scheme of judicial tax administration, the need
compute the gross income in the income for certainty and predictability in the
statement and cannot be deducted again, even implementation of tax laws is crucial.[64] Our tax
for purposes of computing the income tax. authorities fill in the details that Congress may
not have the opportunity or competence to
When the law says that the cost of the discount provide.[65] The regulations these authorities
may be claimed as a tax credit, it means that the issue are relied upon by taxpayers, who are
amount -- when claimed -- shall be treated as a certain that these will be followed by the
reduction from any tax liability, plain and simple. courts.[66] Courts, however, will not uphold these
The option to avail of the tax credit benefit authorities interpretations when clearly absurd,
depends upon the existence of a tax liability, but erroneous or improper.
to limit the benefit to a sales discount -- which is
not even identical to the discount privilege that is
In the present case, the tax authorities have sit back and allow an important facet of tax
given the term tax credit in Sections 2.i and 4 of collection to be at the sole control and discretion
RR 2-94 a meaning utterly in contrast to what RA of the taxpayer.[73] For the tax authorities to
7432 provides. Their interpretation has muddled compel respondent to deduct the 20 percent
up the intent of Congress in granting a mere discount from either its gross income or its gross
discount privilege, not a sales discount. The sales[74] is, therefore, not only to make an
administrative agency issuing these regulations imposition without basis in law, but also to
may not enlarge, alter or restrict the provisions of blatantly contravene the law itself.
the law it administers; it cannot engraft additional
requirements not contemplated by the What Section 4.a of RA 7432 means is that
legislature.[67] the tax credit benefit is merely permissive, not
imperative. Respondent is given two options --
In case of conflict, the law must prevail.[68] A either to claim or not to claim the cost of the
regulation adopted pursuant to law is discounts as a tax credit. In fact, it may even
law.[69] Conversely, a regulation or any portion ignore the credit and simply consider the gesture
thereof not adopted pursuant to law is no law and as an act of beneficence, an expression of its
has neither the force nor the effect of law.[70] social conscience.
Availment of Tax
Credit Voluntary Granting that there is a tax liability and
respondent claims such cost as a tax credit, then
Third, the word may in the text of the the tax credit can easily be applied. If there is
statute[71] implies that the none, the credit cannot be used and will just have
availability of the tax credit benefit is neither to be carried over and revalidated[75] accordingly.
unrestricted nor mandatory.[72] There is no If, however, the business continues to operate at
absolute right conferred upon respondent, or any a loss and no other taxes are due, thus
similar taxpayer, to avail itself of the tax compelling it to close shop, the credit can never
credit remedy whenever it chooses; neither does be applied and will be lost altogether.
it impose a duty on the part of the government to
In other words, it is the existence or the lack of a
tax liability that determines whether the cost of The concept of public use is no longer confined
the discounts can be used as a tax credit. RA to the traditional notion of use by the public, but
7432 does not give respondent the unfettered held synonymous with public interest, public
right to avail itself of the credit whenever it benefit, public welfare, and public
pleases. Neither does it allow our tax convenience. The discount privilege to which
administrators to expand or contract the our senior citizens are entitled is actually a
legislative mandate. The plain meaning rule benefit enjoyed by the general public to which
or verba legis in statutory construction is thus these citizens belong. The discounts given would
applicable x x x. Where the words of a statute are have entered the coffers and formed part of
clear, plain and free from ambiguity, it must be the gross sales of the private establishments
given its literal meaning and applied without concerned, were it not for RA 7432. The
attempted interpretation.[76] permanent reduction in their total revenues is a
forced subsidy corresponding to the taking of
private property for public use or benefit.
REP. AQUINO. Oo, tax credit. Tama, Okay. REP. AQUINO. Yah.
Hospitals ba o lahat ng establishments na
covered. SEN. ANGARA. Dahil kung government, they
don't need to claim it.
THE CHAIRMAN. (Rep. Unico). Sa kuwan lang
yon, as private hospitals lang. THE CHAIRMAN. (Rep. Unico). Tax credit.
REP. AQUINO. Ano ba yung establishments na SEN. ANGARA. As a tax credit [rather] than a
covered? kuwan - deduction, Okay.
On the other hand, the case at bar assumes a . . . There the state, however powerful, does
peculiar character since the evidence sought to not as such have the access except under
the circumstances above noted, for in the to the right of seizure by process duly
traditional formulation, his house, however served.
humble, is his castle. Thus is outlawed any
unwarranted intrusion by government, The above ruling was reiterated in State v.
which is called upon to refrain from any Bryan (457 P.2d 661 [1968]) where a parking
invasion of his dwelling and to respect the attendant who searched the automobile to
privacies of his life. . . . (Cf. Schermerber v. ascertain the owner thereof found marijuana
California, 384 US 757 [1966] and Boyd v. instead, without the knowledge and participation
United States, 116 US 616 [1886]; of police authorities, was declared admissible in
Emphasis supplied). prosecution for illegal possession of narcotics.
In Burdeau v. McDowell (256 US 465 (1921), 41 And again in the 1969 case of Walker v.
S Ct. 547; 65 L.Ed. 1048), the Court there in State (429 S.W.2d 121), it was held that the
construing the right against unreasonable search and seizure clauses are restraints upon
searches and seizures declared that: the government and its agents, not upon private
individuals (citing People v. Potter, 240 Cal.
(t)he Fourth Amendment gives protection App.2d 621, 49 Cap. Rptr, 892 (1966); State v.
against unlawful searches and seizures, Brown, Mo., 391 S.W.2d 903 (1965); State v.
and as shown in previous cases, its Olsen, Or., 317 P.2d 938 (1957).
protection applies to governmental action.
Its origin and history clearly show that it was Likewise appropos is the case of Bernas v.
intended as a restraint upon the activities of US (373 F.2d 517 (1967). The Court there said:
sovereign authority, and was not intended
The search of which appellant complains,
to be a limitation upon other than
however, was made by a private citizen
governmental agencies; as against such
the owner of a motel in which appellant
authority it was the purpose of the Fourth
stayed overnight and in which he left behind
Amendment to secure the citizen in the right
a travel case containing the
of unmolested occupation of his dwelling
evidence***complained of. The search was
and the possession of his property, subject
made on the motel owner's own initiative.
Because of it, he became suspicious, called First, the factual considerations of the case at bar
the local police, informed them of the bag's readily foreclose the proposition that NBI agents
contents, and made it available to the conducted an illegal search and seizure of the
authorities. prohibited merchandise. Records of the case
clearly indicate that it was Mr. Job Reyes, the
The fourth amendment and the case law proprietor of the forwarding agency, who made
applying it do not require exclusion of search/inspection of the packages. Said
evidence obtained through a search by a inspection was reasonable and a standard
private citizen. Rather, the amendment only operating procedure on the part of Mr. Reyes as
proscribes governmental action." a precautionary measure before delivery of
packages to the Bureau of Customs or the
The contraband in the case at bar having come
Bureau of Posts (TSN, October 6 & 7, 1987, pp.
into possession of the Government without the
15-18; pp. 7-8; Original Records, pp. 119-122;
latter transgressing appellant's rights against
unreasonable search and seizure, the Court
sees no cogent reason why the same should not It will be recalled that after Reyes opened the box
be admitted against him in the prosecution of the containing the illicit cargo, he took samples of the
offense charged. same to the NBI and later summoned the agents
to his place of business. Thereafter, he opened
Appellant, however, would like this court to
the parcel containing the rest of the shipment and
believe that NBI agents made an illegal search
entrusted the care and custody thereof to the NBI
and seizure of the evidence later on used in
agents. Clearly, the NBI agents made no search
prosecuting the case which resulted in his
and seizure, much less an illegal one, contrary to
the postulate of accused/appellant.
The postulate advanced by accused/appellant
Second, the mere presence of the NBI agents did
needs to be clarified in two days. In both
not convert the reasonable search effected by
instances, the argument stands to fall on its own
Reyes into a warrantless search and seizure
weight, or the lack of it.
proscribed by the Constitution. Merely to observe
and look at that which is in plain sight is not a speech in the Bill of Rights answers the query
search. Having observed that which is open, which he himself posed, as follows:
where no trespass has been committed in aid
thereof, is not search (Chadwick v. State, 429 First, the general reflections. The protection
SW2d 135). Where the contraband articles are of fundamental liberties in the essence of
identified without a trespass on the part of the constitutional democracy. Protection
arresting officer, there is not the search that is against whom? Protection against the state.
prohibited by the constitution (US v. Lee 274 US The Bill of Rights governs the relationship
559, 71 L.Ed. 1202 [1927]; Ker v. State of between the individual and the state. Its
California 374 US 23, 10 L.Ed.2d. 726 [1963]; concern is not the relation between
Moore v. State, 429 SW2d 122 [1968]). individuals, between a private individual
and other individuals. What the Bill of Rights
In Gandy v. Watkins (237 F. Supp. 266 [1964]), does is to declare some forbidden zones in
it was likewise held that where the property was the private sphere inaccessible to any
taken into custody of the police at the specific power holder. (Sponsorship Speech of
request of the manager and where the search Commissioner Bernas , Record of the
was initially made by the owner there is no Constitutional Commission, Vol. 1, p. 674;
unreasonable search and seizure within the July 17, 1986; Emphasis supplied)
constitutional meaning of the term.
The constitutional proscription against unlawful
That the Bill of Rights embodied in the searches and seizures therefore applies as a
Constitution is not meant to be invoked against restraint directed only against the government
acts of private individuals finds support in the and its agencies tasked with the enforcement of
deliberations of the Constitutional Commission. the law. Thus, it could only be invoked against
True, the liberties guaranteed by the the State to whom the restraint against arbitrary
fundamental law of the land must always be and unreasonable exercise of power is imposed.
subject to protection. But protection against
whom? Commissioner Bernas in his sponsorship If the search is made upon the request of law
enforcers, a warrant must generally be first
secured if it is to pass the test of constitutionality.
However, if the search is made at the behest or individuals. Moreover, it must be emphasized
initiative of the proprietor of a private that the modifications introduced in the 1987
establishment for its own and private purposes, Constitution (re: Sec. 2, Art. III) relate to the
as in the case at bar, and without the intervention issuance of either a search warrant or warrant of
of police authorities, the right against arrest vis-a-vis the responsibility of the judge in
unreasonable search and seizure cannot be the issuance thereof (See Soliven v. Makasiar,
invoked for only the act of private individual, not 167 SCRA 393 [1988]; Circular No. 13 [October
the law enforcers, is involved. In sum, the 1, 1985] and Circular No. 12 [June 30, 1987]. The
protection against unreasonable searches and modifications introduced deviate in no manner as
seizures cannot be extended to acts committed to whom the restriction or inhibition against
by private individuals so as to bring it within the unreasonable search and seizure is directed
ambit of alleged unlawful intrusion by the against. The restraint stayed with the State and
government. did not shift to anyone else.
Appellant argues, however, that since the Corolarilly, alleged violations against
provisions of the 1935 Constitution has been unreasonable search and seizure may only be
modified by the present phraseology found in the invoked against the State by an individual
1987 Charter, expressly declaring as unjustly traduced by the exercise of sovereign
inadmissible any evidence obtained in violation authority. To agree with appellant that an act of
of the constitutional prohibition against illegal a private individual in violation of the Bill of Rights
search and seizure, it matters not whether the should also be construed as an act of the State
evidence was procured by police authorities or would result in serious legal complications and
private individuals (Appellant's Brief, p. 8, Rollo, an absurd interpretation of the constitution.
p. 62).
Similarly, the admissibility of the evidence
The argument is untenable. For one thing, the procured by an individual effected through
constitution, in laying down the principles of the private seizure equally applies, in pari passu, to
government and fundamental liberties of the the alleged violation, non-governmental as it is,
people, does not govern relationships between
of appellant's constitutional rights to privacy and did you investigate the accused together
communication. with the girl?
Rather than give the appearance of veracity, we Appellant's bare denial is even made more
find appellant's disclaimer as incredulous, self- suspect considering that, as per records of the
serving and contrary to human experience. It can Interpol, he was previously convicted of
easily be fabricated. An acquaintance with a possession of hashish by the Kleve Court in the
complete stranger struck in half an hour could not Federal Republic of Germany on January 1,
have pushed a man to entrust the shipment of 1982 and that the consignee of the frustrated
four (4) parcels and shell out P2,000.00 for the shipment, Walter Fierz, also a Swiss national,
purpose and for appellant to readily accede to was likewise convicted for drug abuse and is just
comply with the undertaking without first about an hour's drive from appellant's residence
ascertaining its contents. As stated by the trial in Zurich, Switzerland (TSN, October 8, 1987, p.
court, "(a) person would not simply entrust 66; Original Records, p. 244; Decision, p.
contraband and of considerable value at that as 21; Rollo, p. 93).
the marijuana flowering tops, and the cash
amount of P2,000.00 to a complete stranger like Evidence to be believed, must not only proceed
the Accused. The Accused, on the other hand, from the mouth of a credible witness, but it must
would not simply accept such undertaking to take be credible in itself such as the common
custody of the packages and ship the same from experience and observation of mankind can
a complete stranger on his mere say-so" approve as probable under the circumstances
(Decision, p. 19, Rollo, p. 91). As to why he (People v. Alto, 26 SCRA 342
readily agreed to do the errand, appellant failed [1968], citing Daggers v. Van Dyke, 37 N.J. Eg.
to explain. Denials, if unsubstantiated by clear 130; see also People v. Sarda, 172 SCRA 651
[1989]; People v. Sunga, 123 SCRA 327 [1983]);
Castaares v. CA, 92 SCRA 567 [1979]). As
records further show, appellant did not even
bother to ask Michael's full name, his complete
address or passport number. Furthermore, if
indeed, the German national was the owner of
the merchandise, appellant should have so
indicated in the contract of shipment (Exh. "B",
Original Records, p. 40). On the contrary,
appellant signed the contract as the owner and
shipper thereof giving more weight to the
presumption that things which a person
possesses, or exercises acts of ownership over,
are owned by him (Sec. 5 [j], Rule 131). At this
point, appellant is therefore estopped to claim
G.R. No. 187417, February 24, 2016
CHRISTINE JOY CAPIN- Inc. (Brent) at the time of her indefinite
CADIZ, Petitioner, v. BRENT HOSPITAL suspension from employment in 2006.
AND COLLEGES, INC., Respondent. The cause of suspension was Cadiz's
Unprofessionalism and Unethical Behavior
DECISION Resulting to Unwed Pregnancy. It appears
that Cadiz became pregnant out of
wedlock, and Brent imposed the
This is a petition for review suspension until such time that she
on certiorari1 under Rule 45 of the Rules marries her boyfriend in accordance with
of Court assailing the Resolutions dated law.
July 22, 20082 and February 24, 20093 of
the Court of Appeals (CA) in CA-G.R. SP Cadiz then filed with the Labor Arbiter
No. 02373-MIN, which dismissed the (LA) a complaint for Unfair Labor Practice,
petition filed by petitioner Christine Joy Constructive Dismissal, Non-Payment of
Capin-Cadiz (Cadiz) on the following Wages and Damages with prayer for
grounds: (1) incomplete statement of Reinstatement.4
material dates; (2) failure to attach
Ruling of the Labor Tribunals
registry receipts; and (3) failure to
indicate the place of issue of counsel's
In its Decision5 dated April 12, 2007, the
Professional Tax Receipt (PTR) and
LA found that Cadiz's indefinite
Integrated Bar of the Philippines (IBP)
suspension amounted to a constructive
official receipts.
dismissal; nevertheless, the LA ruled that
Antecedent Facts Cadiz was not illegally dismissed as there
was just cause for her dismissal, that is,
Cadiz was the Human Resource Officer of she engaged in premarital sexual
respondent Brent Hospital and Colleges, relations with her boyfriend resulting in a
pregnancy out of wedlock.6 The LA further
stated that her "immoral conduct x x x
[was] magnified as serious misconduct Cadiz appealed to the National Labor
not only by heir getting pregnant as a Relations Commission (NLRC), which
result thereof before and without affirmed the LA decision in its
marriage, but more than that, also by the Resolution9 dated December 10, 2007.
fact that Brent is an institution of the Her motion for reconsideration having
Episcopal Church in the Philippines been denied by the NLRC in its
operating both a hospital and college Resolution10 dated February 29, 2008,
where [Cadiz] was employed."7 The LA Cadiz elevated her case to the CA on
also ruled that she was not entitled to petition for certiorari under Rule 65.
reinstatement "at least until she marries
her boyfriend," to backwages and Ruling of the CA
vacation/sick leave pay. Brent, however,
manifested that it was willing to pay her The CA, however, dismissed her petition
1311 month pay. The dispositive portion outright due to technical defects in the
of the decision reads: petition: (1) incomplete statement of
material dates; (2) failure to attach
WHEREFORE, judgment is hereby registry receipts; and (3) failure to
rendered, ordering [Brent] to pay [Cadiz] indicate the place of issue of counsel's
13th month pay in the sum of Seven PTR and IBP official receipts.11 Cadiz
Thousand Nine Hundred Seventy & sought reconsideration of the assailed CA
11/100 Pesos (P7,970.11). Resolution dated July 22, 2008 but it was
denied in the assailed Resolution dated
All other charges and claims are hereby February 24, 2009.12The CA further ruled
dismissed for lack of merit. that "a perusal of the petition will reveal
that public respondent NLRC committed
SO no grave abuse of discretion amounting to
ORDERED.8ChanRoblesVirtualawlibrary lack or excess of jurisdiction x x x holding
[Cadiz's] dismissal from employment
Hence, the present petition. Cadiz argues [CADIZ'S] CLAIM FOR BACKWAGES,
Cadiz contends, among others, that
THE [NLRC] COMMITTED GRAVE ABUSE getting pregnant outside of wedlock is not
OF DISCRETION WHEN IT UPHELD THE grossly immoral, especially when both
DISMISSAL OF [CADIZ] ON THE GROUND partners do not have any legal
THAT THE INDEFINITE SUSPENSION WAS impediment to marry. Cadiz surmises that
VALID AND REQUIRED [CADIZ] TO FIRST the reason for her suspension was not
ENTER INTO MARRIAGE BEFORE SHE CAN because of her relationship with her then
BE ADMITTED BACK TO HER boyfriend but because of the resulting
EMPLOYMENT15 pregnancy. Cadiz also lambasts Brent's
III condition for her reinstatement - that she
gets married to her boyfriend - saying
that this violates the stipulation against
marriage under Article 136 of the Labor the substantial grounds raised herein.
Code. Finally, Cadiz contends that there
was substantial compliance with the rules The issue to be resolved is whether the
of procedure, and the CA should not have CA committed a reversible error in ruling
dismissed the petition.18 that: (1) Cadiz's petition is dismissible on
ground of technical deficiencies; and (2)
Brent, meanwhile, adopts and reiterates the NLRC did not commit grave abuse of
its position before the LA and the NLRC discretion in upholding her dismissal from
that Cadiz's arguments are irrational and employment.
out of context. Brent argues, among
others, that for Cadiz to limit acts of Rules of procedure are mere
immorality only to extra-marital affairs is tools designed to facilitate the
to "change the norms, beliefs, teachings attainment of justice
and practices of BRENT as a Church
institution of the x x x Episcopal Church in In dismissing outright Cadiz's petition, the
the Philippines."19 CA found the following defects: (1)
incomplete statement of material dates;
Ruling of the Court (2) failure to attach registry receipts; and
(3) failure to indicate the place of issue of
Ordinarily, the Court will simply gloss counsel's PTR and IBP official receipts.
over the arguments raised by Cadiz,
given that the main matter dealt with by Rule 46, Section 3 of the Rules of Court
the CA were the infirmities found in the states the contents of a petition filed with
petition and which caused the dismissal of the CA under Rule 65, viz, "the petition
her case before it. In view, however, of shall x x x indicate the material dates
the significance of the issues involved in showing when notice of the judgment or
Cadiz's dismissal from employment, the final order or resolution subject thereof
Court will resolve the petition including
was received, when a motion for new trial suffice. In fact, the absence of the
or reconsideration, if any, was filed and registry receipts amounts to lack of proof
when notice of the denial thereof was of service.25 Nevertheless, despite this
received." The rationale for this is to defect, the Court finds that the ends of
enable the CA to determine whether the substantial justice would be better served
petition was filed within the period fixed by relaxing the application of technical
in the rules.20 Cadiz's failure to state the rules of procedure.26 With regard to
date of receipt of the copy of the NLRC counsel's failure to indicate the place
decision, however, is not fatal to her case where the IBP and PTR receipts were
since the more important material date issued, there was substantial compliance
which must be duly alleged in a petition is with the requirement since it was
the date of receipt of the resolution of indicated in the verification and
denial of the motion for certification of non-forum shopping, as
reconsideration,21 which she has duly correctly argued by Cadiz's
complied with.22 lawyer.27cralawred
The CA also dismissed the petition for Time and again, the Court has
failure to attach the registry receipt in the emphasized that rules of procedure are
affidavit of service.23Cadiz points out, on designed to secure substantial justice.
the other hand, that the registry receipt These are mere tools to expedite the
number was indicated in the petition and decision or resolution of cases and if their
this constitutes substantial compliance strict and rigid application would frustrate
with the requirement. What the rule rather than promote substantial justice,
requires, however, is that the registry then it must be avoided.28
receipt must be appended to the paper
being served.24 Clearly, mere indication of Immorality as a just cause for
the registry receipt numbers will not termination of employment
serious misconduct not only by her
Both the LA and the NLRC upheld Cadiz's getting pregnant as a result thereof
dismissal as. one attended with just before and without marriage, but more
cause. The LA, while ruling that Cadiz's than that, also by the fact that Brent is an
indefinite suspension was tantamount to a institution of the Episcopal Church in the
constructive dismissal, nevertheless found Philippines xxx committed to "developing
that there was just cause for her competent and dedicated professionals
dismissal. According to the LA, "there was xxx and in providing excellent medical
just cause therefor, consisting in her and other health services to the
engaging in premarital sexual relations community for the Glory of God and
with Carl Cadiz, allegedly her boyfriend, Service to Humanity." x x x As if these
resulting in her becoming pregnant out of were not enough, [Cadiz] was Brent's
wedlock."29 The LA deemed said act to be Human Resource Officer charged with,
immoral, which was punishable by among others, implementing the rules of
dismissal under Brent's rules and which Brent against immoral conduct, including
likewise constituted serious misconduct premarital sexual relations, or fornication
under Article 282(a) of the Labor Code. xxx. She should have been the epitome of
The LA also opined that since Cadiz was proper conduct, but miserably failed. She
Brent's ITuman Resource Officer in charge herself engaged in premarital sexual
of implementing its rules against immoral relations, which surely scandalized the
conduct, she should have been the Brent community, x x x.31
"epitome of proper conduct."30 The LA
ruled: The NLRC, for its part, sustained the LA's
[Cadiz's] immoral conduct by having
premarital sexual relations with her The Court, however, cannot subscribe to
alleged boy friend, a former Brent worker the labor tribunals' conclusions.
and her co-employee, is magnified as
Admittedly, one of the grounds for c. Immorality, concubinage,
disciplinary action under Brent's policies is bigamy.34ChanRoblesVirtualawlibrary
immorality, which is punishable by
dismissal at first offense32 Brent's Policy Its Employee's Manual of Policies,
Manual provides: meanwhile, enumerates "[a]cts of
immorality such as scandalous behaviour,
CATEGORY IV acts of lasciviousness against any person
(patient, visitors, co-workers) within
In accordance with Republic Act No. hospital premises"35 as a ground for
1052,33 the following are just cause for discipline and discharge. Brent also relied
terminating an employment of an on Section 94 of the Manual of
employee without a definite period: Regulations for Private Schools (MRPS),
which lists "disgraceful or immoral
xxxx conduct" as a cause for terminating
2. Serious misconduct or willful
disobedience by the employee of the Thus, the question that must be resolved
orders of his employer or representative is whether Cadiz's premarital relations
in connection with his work, such as, but with her boyfriend and the resulting
not limited to the following: pregnancy out of wedlock constitute
chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary immorality. To resolve this, the Court
xxxx makes reference to the recently
promulgated case of Cheryll Santos Lens
b. Commission of immoral conduct or v. St. Scholastica 's College Westgrove
indecency within the company premises, and/or Sr. Edna Quiambao, OSB37
such as an act of lasciviousness or any
act which is sinful and vulgar in nature.
Leus involved the same personal time were both single; they engaged in
circumstances as the case at bench, albeit premarital sexual relations, which
the employer was a Catholic and resulted into pregnancy. The labor
sectarian educational institution and the tribunals characterized these as
petitioner, Cheryl 1 Santos Leus (Leus), constituting disgraceful or immoral
worked as an assistant to the school's conduct. They also sweepingly concluded
Director of the Lay Apostolate and that as Human Resource Officer, Cadiz
Community Outreach Directorate. Leus should have been the epitome of proper
was dismissed from employment by the conduct and her indiscretion "surely
school for having borne a child out of scandalized the Brent community."38
wedlock. The Court ruled in Leus that the
determination of whether a conduct is The foregoing circumstances, however, do
disgraceful or immoral involves a two- not readily equate to disgraceful and
step process: first, a consideration of the immoral conduct. Brent's Policy Manual
totality of the circumstances surrounding and Employee's Manual of Policies do not
the conduct; and second, an assessment define what constitutes immorality; it
of the said circumstances vis-a-vis the simply stated immorality as a ground for
prevailing norms of conduct, i.e., what disciplinary action. Instead, Brent
the society generally considers moral and erroneously relied on the standard
respectable. dictionary definition of fornication as a
form of illicit relation and proceeded to
In this case, the surrounding facts leading conclude that Cadiz's acts fell under such
to Cadiz's dismissal are straightforward - classification, thus constituting
she was employed as a human resources immorality.39
officer in an educational and medical
institution of the Episcopal Church of the Jurisprudence has already set the
Philippines; she and her boyfriend at that standard of morality with which an act
should be gauged - it is public and impediment to marry at the time she
secular, not religious.40 Whether a committed the alleged immoral conduct.
conduct is considered disgraceful or In fact, they eventually married on April
immoral should be made in accordance 15, 2008.42 Aside from these, the labor
with the prevailing norms of conduct, tribunals' respective conclusion that
which, as stated in Leus, refer to those Cadiz's "indiscretion" "scandalized the
conducts which are proscribed because Brent community" is speculative, at most,
they are detrimental to conditions and there is no proof adduced by Brent to
upon which depend the existence and support such sweeping conclusion. Even
progress of human society. The fact Brent admitted that it came to know of
that a particular act does not conform to Cadiz's "situation" only when her
the traditional moral views of a certain pregnancy became manifest.43 Brent also
sectarian institution is not sufficient conceded that "[a]t the time [Cadiz] and
reason to qualify such act as immoral Carl R. Cadiz were just carrying on their
unless it, likewise, does not conform to boyfriend-girlfriend relationship, there
public and secular standards. More was no knowledge or evidence by [Brent]
importantly, there must be substantial that they were engaged also in premarital
evidence to establish that premarital sex."44 This only goes to show that Cadiz
sexual relations and pregnancy out of did not flaunt her premarital relations
wedlock is considered disgraceful or with her boyfriend and it was not carried
immoral.41 on under scandalous or disgraceful
circumstances. As declared in Leus,
The totality of the circumstances of this "there is no law which penalizes an
case does not justify the conclusion that unmarried mother by reason of her sexual
Cadiz committed acts of immorality. conduct or proscribes the consensual
Similar to Leus, Cadiz and her boyfriend sexual activity between two unmarried
were both single and had no legal persons; that neither does such situation
contravene[s] any fundamental state The doctrine of management prerogative
policy enshrined in the gives an employer the right to "regulate,
Constitution."45 The fact that Brent is a according to his own discretion and
sectarian institution does not judgment, all aspects of employment,
automatically subject Cadiz to its religious including hiring, work assignments,
standard of morality absent an express working methods, the time, place and
statement in its manual of personnel manner of work, work supervision,
policy and regulations, prescribing such transfer of employees, lay-off of workers,
religious standard as gauge as these and discipline, dismissal, and recall of
regulations create the obligation on both employees."48 In this case, Brent imposed
the employee and the employer to abide on Cadiz the condition that she
by the same.46 subsequently contract marriage with her
then boyfriend for her to be reinstated.
Brent, likewise, cannot resort to the MRPS According to Brent, this is "in consonance
because the Court already stressed in with the policy against encouraging illicit
Leus that "premarital sexual relations or common-law relations that would
between two consenting adults who have subvert the sacrament of marriage."49
no impediment to marry each other, and,
consequently, conceiving a child out of Statutory law is replete with legislation
wedlock, gauged from a purely public and protecting labor and promoting equal
secular view of morality, does not amount opportunity in employment. No less than
to a disgraceful or immoral conduct under the 1987 Constitution mandates that the
Section 94(e) of the 1992 MRPS."47 "State shall afford full protection to labor,
local and overseas, organized and
Marriage as a condition for unorganized, and promote full
reinstatement employment and equality of employment
opportunities for all."50 The Labor Code of discriminatory. There is no rhyme or
the Philippines, meanwhile, provides: reason for it. It forces Cadiz to marry for
economic reasons and deprives her of the
Art. 136. Stipulation against marriage. It freedom to choose her status, which is a
shall be unlawful for an employer to privilege that inheres in her as an
require as a condition of employment or intangible and inalienable right.53 While a
continuation of employment that a marriage or no-marriage qualification
woman employee shall not get married, may be justified as a "bona fide
or to stipulate expressly or tacitly that occupational qualification," Brent must
upon getting married, a woman employee prove two factors necessitating its
shall be deemed resigned or separated, or imposition, viz: (1) that the employment
to actually dismiss, discharge, qualification is reasonably related to
discriminate or otherwise prejudice a the essential operation of the job
woman employee merely by reason of her involved; and (2) that there is a factual
marriage. basis for believing that all or substantially
all persons meeting the qualification
With particular regard to women, Republic would be unable to properly perform the
Act No. 9710 or the Magna Carta of duties of the job.54 Brent has not shown
Women51 protects women against the presence of neither of these factors.
discrimination in all matters relating to Perforce, the Court cannot uphold the
marriage and family relations, including validity of said condition.
the right to choose freely a spouse
and to enter into marriage only with Given the foregoing, Cadiz, therefore, is
their free and full consent.52 entitled to reinstatement without loss of
seniority rights, and payment of
Weighed against these safeguards, it backwages computed from the time
becomes apparent that Brent's condition compensation was withheld up to the date
is coercive, oppressive and
of actual reinstatement. Where multiplied by number of x
reinstatement is no longer viable as an years
option, separation pay should be awarded
as an alternative and as a form of in service (Aug 02 to Nov 4
financial assistance.55 In the computation 06)
of separation pay, the Court stresses
that it should not go beyond the date P36,434.80
an employee was deemed to have
The Court also finds that Cadiz is only
been actually separated from
entitled to limited backwages. Generally,
employment, or beyond the date
the computation of backwages is
when reinstatement was rendered
reckoned from the date of illegal dismissal
impossible.56 In this case, the records
until actual reinstatement.59 In case
do not show whether Cadiz already
separation pay is ordered in lieu of
severed her employment with Brent or
reinstatement or reinstatement is waived
whether she is gainfully employed
by the employee, backwages is computed
elsewhere; thus, the computation of
from the time of dismissal until the
separation pay shall be pegged based on
finality of the decision ordering separation
the findings that she was employed on
pay.60Jurisprudence further clarified that
August 16, 2002, on her own admission
the period for computing the backwages
in her complaint that she was dismissed
during the period of appeal should end on
on November 17, 2006, and that she was
the date that a higher court reversed the
earning a salary of P9,108.70 per
labor arbitration ruling of illegal
month,57 which shall then be computed at
dismissal.61 If applied in Cadiz's case,
a rate of one (1) month salary for every
then the computation of backwages
year of service,58 as follows:
should be from November 17, 2006,
which was the time of her illegal
Monthly salary P9,108.70 dismissal, until the date of promulgation
of this decision. Nevertheless, the Court finds the same without merit. A finding of
has also recognized that the constitutional illegal dismissal, by itself, does not
policy of providing full protection to labor establish bad faith to entitle an employee
is not intended to oppress or destroy to moral damages.63 Absent clear and
management.62 The Court notes that at convincing evidence showing that Cadiz's
the time of Cadiz's indefinite suspension dismissal from Brent's employ had been
from employment, Leus was yet to be carried out in an arbitrary, capricious and
decided by the Court. Moreover, Brent malicious manner, moral and exemplary
was acting in good faith and on its honest damages cannot be awarded. The Court
belief that Cadiz's pregnancy out of nevertheless grants the award of
wedlock constituted immorality. Thus, attorney's fees in the amount often
fairness and equity dictate that the award percent (10%) of the total monetary
of backwages shall only be equivalent to award, Cadiz having been forced to
one (1) year or P109,304.40, computed litigate in order to seek redress of her
as follows: grievances.64
Finally, with regard to Cadiz's prayer for Respondent Brent Hospital and Colleges,
moral and exemplary damages, the Court
Inc. is hereby ORDERED TO
PAY petitioner Christine Joy Capin-Cadiz:
Liberty is a right enshrined in the
(1) One Hundred Nine Thousand Three Constitution. However, as a testament to
Hundred Four Pesos and 40/100 the impossibility of determining what it
(P109,304.40) as backwages; truly means to be free, neither the
Constitution nor our jurisprudence has
(2) Thirty-Six Thousand Four Hundred attempted to define its metes and
Thirty-Four Pesos and 80/100 bounds. This case challenges this Court to
(P36,434.80) as separation pay; and ascertain the extent of the protection of
the right to liberty. This Court is called to
(3) Attorney's fees equivalent to ten answer the question of how free a woman
percent (10%) of the total award. is in this country to design the course of
her own life. The Constitution must be
The monetary awards granted shall earn read to grant her this freedom.
legal interest at the rate of six percent
(6%) per annum from the date of the Petitioner Christine Joy Capin-Cadiz
finality of this Decision until fully paid. (Christine Joy) worked as the Human
Resources Officer of respondent Brent
SO ORDERED Hospital and Colleges, Inc. ("Brent"). In
the course of her employment, she met
and fell in love with another Brent
employee. Both Christine Joy and her
boyfriend were single and with no legal
impediment to marry. While in the
relationship but before their marriage,
JARDELEZA, J.: Christine Joy became pregnant with her
boyfriend's child. This prompted Brent to this just cause was that Christine Joy
issue an indefinite suspension against engaged in premarital sexual relations
her. Brent cited as a ground her with her boyfriend resulting in pregnancy
unprofessionalism and unethical behavior out of wedlock. The LA also ruled that she
resulting to unwed pregnancy. Brent also was not entitled to reinstatement until
told Christine Joy that she will be she marries her boyfriend. Christine Joy
reinstated on the condition that she gets appealed the LA decision before the
married to her boyfriend who was, at that NLRC. The NLRC affirmed the LA.
time, no longer a Brent employee. Christine Joy then filed a special civil
Christine Joy eventually married her action for certiorari under Rule 65 of the
boyfriend. This notwithstanding, Christine Rules of Court before the Court of
Joy felt that Brent's condition that she get Appeals. However, the CA dismissed her
married first before it reinstates her is petition on procedural grounds.
unacceptable and an affront to the
provision of the Labor Code concerning Brent and the labor tribunals argue that
stipulations against marriage. there was just cause for Christine Joy's
dismissal because Brent's Policy Manual
Claiming that this indefinite suspension identifies acts of immorality as a ground
amounted to constructive dismissal, for disciplinary action. Brent also invokes
Christine Joy filed a complaint for illegal Section 94 of the Manual of Regulations
dismissal before the National Labor for Private Schools (MRPS) which lists
Relations Commission (NLRC). The Labor disgraceful or immoral conduct as a
Arbiter (LA) found that while the ground for terminating an employee.
indefinite suspension was indeed a
constructive dismissal, there was just I agree with my esteemed colleague
cause for Brent to terminate Christine Justice Bienvenido L. Reyes' application of
Joy's employment. According to the LA, the doctrine in Leus v. St. Scholastica's
College Westgrove.1 I take this Joy's dismissal. The MRPS is a
opportunity to contribute to the analysis department order issued by the
for cases similar to this and Leus where Department of Education (DepEd) in the
women's fundamental rights are pitted exercise of its power to regulate private
against an employer's management schools. It is thus a government issuance
prerogatives. While the ponencia views which the DepEd is authorized to issue in
the issue from the perspective of public accordance with law. Further, the labor
and secular morality, there is also a tribunals also invoke the Labor Code
constitutional dimension to this case that which provides for the just causes for
should be considered. This is a woman's termination. The Labor Code is a
right to personal autonomy as a presidential decree and has the status of
fundamental right. law. The Constitution is deemed written
into every law and government issuance.
The Constitution protects personal Hence, in the application of laws and
autonomy as part of the Due Process governmental regulations, their provisions
Clause in the Bill of Rights. Indeed, the should not be interpreted in a manner
Bill of Rights cannot be invoked against that will violate the fundamental law of
private employers.2 However, the values the land.
expressed in the Constitution cannot be
completely ignored in the just Further, the relationship between labor
adjudication of labor cases. and management is a matter imbued with
public interest. The Constitution accords
In this case, Brent's reliance on laws and protection to labor through various
governmental issuances justifies the view provisions identifying the rights of
that the Constitution should permeate a laborers. This Court has also persistently
proper adjudication of the issue. Brent emphasized the constitutional protection
invokes the MRPS to support Christine accorded to labor. In Philippine Telegraph
and Telephone Company v. NLRC,3 this and ratified it. Its bill of rights, in
Court held that the constitutional particular, is an embodiment of the most
guarantee of protection to labor and important values of the people enacting a
security of tenure are "paramount in the Constitution. Values that find expression
due process scheme."4 Thus, in that case, in a society's Constitution are not only
this Court found that the employer's accepted as moral, they are also
dismissal of a female employee because fundamental. Thus, I propose that in
of her marriage runs afoul of the right ascertaining whether an act is moral or
against discrimination afforded to women immoral, a due consideration of
workers by no less than the Constitution.5 constitutional values must be made. In
Christine Joy's case, her decision to
Finally, Leus and the ponencia explain continue her pregnancy outside of
that in determining whether a particular wedlock is a constitutionally protected
conduct may be considered as immoral in right. It is therefore not only moral, it is
the public and secular sense, courts must also a constitutional value that this Court
follow a two-step process. First, courts is duty bound to uphold.
must consider the totality of the
circumstances surrounding the conduct It is within this framework of analysis that
and second, courts must assess these I view the issue in this case.
circumstances vis-a-vis the prevailing
norms of conduct or what society Due Process and the Constitutional
generally considers as moral. I propose Right to Personal Liberty and Privacy
that in ascertaining whether the public
holds a particular conduct as moral, the Section 1 of Article III of the Bill of Rights
Constitution is a necessary and inevitable provides that no person shall be deprived
guide. The Constitution is an expression of liberty without due process of law. The
of the ideals of the society that enacted concept of the constitutional right to
liberty accepts of no precise definition and long array of authorities including epoch-
finds no specific boundaries. Indeed, making decisions of the United States
there is no one phrase or combination of Supreme Court, liberty includes the right
words that can capture what it means to of the citizen to be free to use his faculties
be free. This Court, nevertheless, as early in lawful ways; to live and work where he
as the case of Rubi v. Provincial Board of will; to earn his livelihood by any lawful
Mindoro,6 explained that liberty is not calling; to pursue any avocation, and for
merely freedom from imprisonment or that purpose, to enter into all contracts
restraint. This Court, speaking through which may be proper, necessary, and
Justice George Malcolm, said - essential to his carrying out these
purposes to a successful conclusion. The
chief elements of the guaranty are the
Civil liberty may be said to mean that right to contract, the right to choose one's
measure of freedom which may be enjoyed employment, the right to labor, and the
in a civilized community, consistently with right of locomotion.
the peaceful enjoyment of like freedom in
others. The right to liberty guaranteed by In general, it may be said that liberty
the Constitution includes the right to exist means the opportunity to do those things
and the right to be free from arbitrary which are ordinarily done by free
personal restraint or servitude. The term men.7ChanRoblesVirtualawlibrary
cannot be dwarfed into mere freedom from
physical restraint of the person of the In Morfe v. Mutuc,8 this Court held that
citizen, but is deemed to embrace the right the constitutional right to liberty includes
of man to enjoy the faculties with which he the concept of privacy. Quoting US
has been endowed by his Creator, subject Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis,
only to such restraints as are necessary for this Court explained that the right to be
the common welfare. As enunciated in a let alone is "the most comprehensive of
rights and the right most valued by of privacy protected under various
civilized men."9 Justice Enrique Fernando, provisions of the Constitution such as the
in his ponencia, even went a step further Due Process Clause, the right against
and adopted the ruling in the US Supreme unreasonable searches and seizures, the
Court case Griswold v. Connecticut.10 He liberty of abode and of changing the
said that the right to privacy is "accorded same, the right of association and the
recognition independently of its right against self-incrimination.
identification with liberty."11 He also
added that "[t]he concept of liberty would Jurisprudence directs us to the conclusion
be emasculated if it does not likewise that the constitutional right to liberty
compel respect for his personality as a does not merely refer to freedom from
unique individual whose claim to privacy physical restraint. It also includes the
and interference demands respect."12 right to be free to choose to be, in the
words of Justice Fernando, a "unique
Ople v. Torresu13 reveals how this Court individual."14 This necessarily includes the
has come to recognize privacy as a freedom to choose how a person defines
component of liberty under the Due her personhood and how she decides to
Process Clause and as a constitutional live her life. Liberty, as a constitutional
right arising from zones created by right, involves not just freedom from
several other provisions of the unjustified imprisonment. It also pertains
Constitution. Chief Justice Reynato S. to the freedom to make choices that are
Puno, for this Court, explained that intimately related to a person's own
privacy finds express recognition in definition of her humanity. The
Section 3 of Article III of the Constitution constitutional protection extended to this
which speaks of the privacy of right mandates that beyond a certain
communication and correspondence. He point, personal choices must not be
further stated that there are other facets interfered with or unduly burdened as
such interference with or burdening of the
right to choose is a breach of the right to Eisenstadt v. Baird16 extended this right
be free. to privacy to unmarried persons. In this
case, the US Supreme Court also held
In the United States, whose Constitution invalid a law prohibiting the distribution of
has heavily influenced ours, jurisprudence contraceptives to unmarried
on the meaning of personal liberty is persons. Einstadt explained that "[i]f the
much more detailed and expansive. Their right of privacy means anything, it is the
protection of the constitutional right to right of the individual, married or single,
privacy has covered marital privacy, the to be free from unwarranted
right of a woman to choose to terminate governmental intrusion into matters so
her pregnancy and sexual conduct fundamentally affecting a person as the
between unmarried persons. decision whether to bear or beget a
In Griswold v. Connecticut,15 the US
Supreme Court held that privacy is a right In the celebrated case Roe v. Wade,18 the
protected under the US Constitution. US Supreme Court again explored the
Griswold explained that the US concept of the constitutional right to
Constitution's Bill of Rights creates zones privacy. In this case, the US Supreme
of privacy which prevents interference Court affirmed that while the US
save for a limited exception. Thus, Constitution does not expressly mention a
Griswold invalidated a statute which right to privacy, its provisions create such
criminalizes the sale of contraceptives to zones of privacy which warrant
married persons, holding that marital constitutional protection. Roe added to
privacy falls within the penumbra of the the growing jurisprudence on the right to
right to privacy under the US privacy by stating that prior US Supreme
Constitution's Bill of Rights. Court cases reveal that "only personal
rights that can be deemed 'fundamental' Constitution, the American Constitutional
or 'implicit in the concept of ordered law equivalent of our Due Process Clause.
liberty,' are included in this guarantee of Affirming that a woman has the right to
personal privacy. They also make it clear choose to terminate her pregnancy as a
that the right has some extension to component of her right to
activities relating to marriage, privacy, Planned Parenthood stated that
procreation, contraception, family "[t]he destiny of the woman must be
relationships, and [child rearing] and shaped to a large extent on her own
education."19 In Roe, the US Supreme conception of her spiritual imperatives
Court held that the constitutional right to and her place in society."21
privacy also encompasses a woman's
choice whether to terminate her The US Supreme Court also ruled that the
pregnancy. right to privacy includes sexual conduct
between consenting adults. Thus,
Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pa. in Lawrence v. Texas,22 the US Supreme
v. Casey,20 which affirmed the essential Court invalidated a law criminalizing
ruling in Roe, added to this discussion on sodomy. Lawrence held that "[t]he
the right to privacy. The US Supreme petitioners are entitled to respect for their
Court repeated that the constitutional private lives. The State cannot demean
right to privacy means a protection from their existence or control their destiny by
interference so that people, married or making their private sexual conduct a
single, may be free to make the most crime. Their right to liberty under the Due
intimate and personal choices of a Process Clause gives them the full right to
lifetime. These choices, which are central engage in their conduct without
to personal dignity and autonomy, are intervention of the government."23
also central to the protection given under
the Fourteenth Amendment of the US The right to privacy as a component of
personal liberty in the Due Process Clause without marriage. These are personal
also includes the freedom to choose decisions that go into the core of how
whom to marry. This was the import of Christine Joy chooses to live her life. This
the US Supreme Court's ruling in Loving Court cannot countenance any undue
v. Virginia24 which invalidated a law burden that prejudices her right to be
prohibiting interracial marriages. This was free.
also one of the essential rulings
in Obergefell v. Hodges25 which held The Right to Choose Marriage
same-sex marriage as constitutional.
The Labor Code contains provisions
I propose that our reading of the pertaining to stipulations against
constitutional right to personal liberty and marriage. Specifically, Article 134 states
privacy should approximate how personal that it is unlawful for employers to require
liberty as a concept has developed in the as a condition for employment or
US as adopted in our jurisprudence. continuation of employment that a
woman employee shall not get married.
At the heart of this case are two rights This provision also prohibits the dismissal
that are essential to the concept of of a woman employee by reason of her
personal liberty and privacy, if they are to marriage. This Court, in the case
be given any meaning at all. Brent's act of Philippine Telegraph and Telephone
of dismissing Christine Joy because of her Company v. NLRC,26 has applied this
pregnancy out of wedlock, with the provision and found illegal the dismissal
condition that she will be reinstated if she of a woman employee because of a
marries her then boyfriend, unduly condition in her contract that she remains
burdens first, her right to choose whether single during her employment. Christine
to marry, and second, her right to decide Joy's case involves the reverse, albeit the
whether she will bear and rear her child effect is as burdensome and as odious.
by jurisprudence. These rights pertain to
In constructively dismissing Christine Joy the freedom to make personal choices
and promising her reinstatement provided that define a human being's life and
she marries her boyfriend, Brent has personhood. The decision to marry and to
breached not a mere statutory prohibition whom are two of the most important
but a constitutional right. While as I have choices that a woman can make in her
already explained, there is jurisprudence life. In the words of the US Supreme
to the effect that the Bill of Rights cannot Court in Obergefell "[n]o union is more
be invoked against a private employer, profound than marriage, for it embodies
Brent's act of invoking the MRPS and the the highest ideals of love, fidelity,
Labor Code brings this case within the devotion, sacrifice, and family. In forming
ambit of the Constitution. In arguing that a marital union, two people become
immorality is a just cause for dismissal something greater than once they
under the MRPS and the Labor Code, were."27 The State has no business
Brent is effectively saying that these interfering with this choice. Neither can it
government issuances violate the sanction any undue burden of the right to
constitutional right to personal liberty and make these choices. Brent, in
privacy. This interpretation cannot be conditioning Christine Joy's reinstatement
countenanced. The Constitution is on her marriage, has effectively burdened
deemed written into these government her freedom. She was forced to choose to
issuances and as such, they must be lose her job or marry in order to keep it.
construed to recognize the protection By invoking the MRPS and the Labor
vested by the Bill of Rights. Code, Brent is, in effect, saying that this
kind of compelled choice is sanctioned by
As I have already discussed, the rights to the State. Contrary to this position, the
personal liberty and privacy are embodied State cannot countenance placing a
in the Due Process Clause and expounded woman employee in a situation where she
will have to give up one right (the right to Code and the MRPS that disregards the
marry as a component of personal liberty Constitution.
and privacy) for another (the right to
employment). This is not the kind of Christine Joy has the right to decide how
State that we are in. Nor is it the kind of she will rear her child. If this choice
values that our Constitution stands for. involves being a single mother for now or
for good, no law or government issuance
The Right to Bear and Rear may be used to interfere with this
a Child outside of Marriage decision. Christine Joy, and all other
women similarly situated, should find
The Labor Code prohibits the refuge in the protection extended by the
discriminatory act of discharging a woman Constitution.
on account of her pregnancy.28Brent, in
constructively dismissing Christine Joy The Constitution highlights the value of
because of her pregnancy, violated this the family as the foundation of the
prohibition. Brent, however, attempts to nation.29 Complementary to this, the
evade this prohibition by claiming that it Family Code of the Philippines provides
was not the mere fact of Christine Joy's that marriage is the foundation of the
pregnancy that caused her dismissal. family.30 Indeed, our laws and tradition
Rather, according to Brent, it is her recognize that children are usually reared
pregnancy outside of wedlock that and families built within the confines of
justified her termination as immorality is marriage. The Constitution and the laws,
a just cause under the MRPS and the however, merely express an ideal. While
Labor Code. In doing so, Brent not only marriage is the ideal starting point of a
violated the law, it even went further and family, there is no constitutional or
asked the labor tribunals and the judiciary statutory provision limiting the definition
to lend an interpretation to the Labor of a family or preventing any attempt to
deviate from our traditional template of In my proposed reading of the
what a family should be. constitutional right to personal liberty and
privacy, Christine Joy and other women
In other jurisdictions, there is a growing similarly situated are free to be single
clamor for laws to be readjusted to suit mothers by choice. This cannot be
the needs of a rising class of women - curtailed in the workplace through
single mothers by choice. These countries discriminatory policies against pregnancy
are faced with the same predicament that out of wedlock. The Constitution allows
Brent confronted in this case - their rules women in this country to design the
have lagged behind the demands of the course of their own lives. They are free to
times. Nevertheless, in our jurisdiction, chart their own destinies.
the Constitution remains as the guide to
ascertain how new situations are to be Constitution and Public Secular Morality
dealt with. In Christine Joy's case, the
Constitution tells us that her right to I finally propose that in applying the two-
personal liberty and privacy protects her tier test in Leus and in the ponencia, the
choice as to whether she will raise her Constitution should be considered as a
child in a marriage. Brent, in dismissing gauge of what the public deems as moral.
Christine Joy because of her pregnancy In this case, there is a constitutionally
outside of wedlock, unduly burdened her declared value to protecting the right to
right to choose. Again, the MRPS and the choose to marry and the right to be a
Labor Code cannot be used to justify single mother by choice. This is our
Brent's acts. These government issuances people's determination of what is moral.
respect the Constitution and abide by it. Thus, in the incisive analysis of Justice
Any contrary interpretation cannot be Reyes, whenever this right to choose is
countenanced. involved, the Constitution compels us to
find that the act is constitutionally
protected, and as such, is necessarily Josephus Q. Ramas and Elizabeth
moral in the public and secular sense. Dimaano, respondents.
ACCORDINGLY, I vote to grant the
Petition.chanroblesvirtuallawlibrary CARPIO, J.:
The Case
Petitioner is partly right in its arguments. We hold that the Bill of Rights under the 1973
Constitution was not operative during the
The EDSA Revolution took place on 23-25 interregnum. However, we rule that the
February 1986. As succinctly stated in President protection accorded to individuals under the
Aquinos Proclamation No. 3 dated 25 March Covenant and the Declaration remained in effect
1986, the EDSA Revolution was done in during the interregnum.
defiance of the provisions of the 1973
Constitution.[41] The resulting government was During the interregnum, the directives and
indisputably a revolutionary government bound orders of the revolutionary government were the
by no constitution or legal limitations except supreme law because no constitution limited the
treaty obligations that the revolutionary extent and scope of such directives and
government, as the de jure government in the orders. With the abrogation of the 1973
Philippines, assumed under international law. Constitution by the successful revolution, there
was no municipal law higher than the directives
and orders of the revolutionary
government. Thus, during the interregnum, a of a people to cast out their rulers, change their
person could not invoke any exclusionary right policy or effect radical reforms in their system of
under a Bill of Rights because there was neither government or institutions by force or a general
a constitution nor a Bill of Rights during the uprising when the legal and constitutional
interregnum. As the Court explained in Letter of methods of making such change have proved
Associate Justice Reynato S. Puno:[42] inadequate or are so obstructed as to be
unavailable. It has been said that the locus of
A revolution has been defined as the complete positive law-making power lies with the people of
overthrow of the established government in any the state and from there is derived the right of the
country or state by those who were previously people to abolish, to reform and to alter any
subject to it or as a sudden, radical and existing form of government without regard to the
fundamental change in the government or existing constitution.
political system, usually effected with violence or
at least some acts of violence. In Kelsen's book, xxx
General Theory of Law and State, it is defined as
that which occurs whenever the legal order of a It is widely known that Mrs. Aquinos rise to
community is nullified and replaced by a new the presidency was not due to constitutional
order . . . a way not prescribed by the first order processes; in fact, it was achieved in
itself. violation of the provisions of the 1973
Constitution as a Batasang Pambansa
It was through the February 1986 revolution, a resolution had earlier declared Mr. Marcos as
relatively peaceful one, and more popularly the winner in the 1986 presidential
known as the people power revolution that the election. Thus it can be said that the
Filipino people tore themselves away from an organization of Mrs. Aquinos Government which
existing regime. This revolution also saw the was met by little resistance and her control of the
unprecedented rise to power of the Aquino state evidenced by the appointment of the
government. Cabinet and other key officers of the
administration, the departure of the Marcos
From the natural law point of view, the right of Cabinet officials, revamp of the Judiciary and the
revolution has been defined as an inherent right
Military signaled the point where the legal Government,[43] petitioner Baseco, while
system then in effect, had ceased to be conceding there was no Bill of Rights during the
obeyed by the Filipino. (Emphasis supplied) interregnum, questioned the continued validity of
the sequestration orders upon adoption of the
To hold that the Bill of Rights under the 1973 Freedom Constitution in view of the due process
Constitution remained operative during the clause in its Bill of Rights. The Court ruled that
interregnum would render void all sequestration the Freedom Constitution, and later the 1987
orders issued by the Philippine Commission on Constitution, expressly recognized the validity
Good Government (PCGG) before the adoption of sequestration orders, thus:
of the Freedom Constitution. The sequestration
orders, which direct the freezing and even the If any doubt should still persist in the face of the
take-over of private property by mere executive foregoing considerations as to the validity and
issuance without judicial action, would violate the propriety of sequestration, freeze and takeover
due process and search and seizure clauses of orders, it should be dispelled by the fact that
the Bill of Rights. these particular remedies and the authority of the
During the interregnum, the government in PCGG to issue them have received constitutional
power was concededly a revolutionary approbation and sanction. As already
government bound by no constitution. No one mentioned, the Provisional or Freedom
could validly question the sequestration orders Constitution recognizes the power and duty of
as violative of the Bill of Rights because there the President to enact measures to achieve the
was no Bill of Rights during the mandate of the people to . . . (r)ecover ill-gotten
interregnum. However, upon the adoption of the properties amassed by the leaders and
Freedom Constitution, the sequestered supporters of the previous regime and protect the
companies assailed the sequestration orders as interest of the people through orders of
contrary to the Bill of Rights of the Freedom sequestration or freezing of assets or accounts.
Constitution. And as also already adverted to, Section 26,
Article XVIII of the 1987 Constitution treats of,
In Bataan Shipyard & Engineering Co. Inc. and ratifies the authority to issue sequestration
vs. Presidential Commission on Good
or freeze orders under Proclamation No. 3 dated should be allowed to make some legal
March 25, 1986. shortcuts, another word for niceties or
The framers of both the Freedom Constitution Now, if everything the PCGG is doing is
and the 1987 Constitution were fully aware that legal, why is it asking the CONCOM for
the sequestration orders would clash with the Bill special protection? The answer is
of Rights. Thus, the framers of both constitutions clear. What they are doing will not stand
had to include specific language recognizing the the test of ordinary due process, hence
validity of the sequestration orders. The following they are asking for protection, for
discourse by Commissioner Joaquin G. Bernas exceptions. Grandes malos, grandes
during the deliberations of the Constitutional remedios, fine, as the saying stands, but
Commission is instructive: let us not say grandes malos, grande y
malos remedios. That is not an allowable
FR. BERNAS: Madam President, there is
extrapolation. Hence, we should not give
something schizophrenic about the arguments in
the exceptions asked for, and let me
defense of the present amendment.
elaborate and give three reasons:
For instance, I have carefully studied
First, the whole point of the February
Minister Salongas lecture in the Gregorio
Revolution and of the work of the
Araneta University Foundation, of which all
CONCOM is to hasten constitutional
of us have been given a copy. On the one
normalization. Very much at the heart of
hand, he argues that everything the
the constitutional normalization is the full
Commission is doing is traditionally legal.
effectivity of the Bill of Rights. We cannot,
This is repeated by Commissioner Romulo
in one breath, ask for constitutional
also. Minister Salonga spends a major
normalization and at the same time ask for
portion of his lecture developing that
a temporary halt to the full functioning of
argument. On the other hand, almost as an
what is at the heart of constitutionalism.
afterthought, he says that in the end what
That would be hypocritical; that would be a
matters are the results and not the legal
repetition of Marcosian protestation of due
niceties, thus suggesting that the PCGG
process and rule of law. The New Society
word for that is backsliding. It is tragic repeated verbatim by another staunch
when we begin to backslide even before Christian like Commissioner Tingson, it
we get there. becomes doubly disturbing and even
Second, this is really a corollary of the first. discombobulating. The argument makes
Habits tend to become ingrained. The the PCGG an auctioneer, placing the Bill of
committee report asks for extraordinary Rights on the auction block. If the price is
exceptions from the Bill of Rights for six right, the search and seizure clause will be
months after the convening of Congress, sold. Open your Swiss bank account to us
and Congress may even extend this and we will award you the search and
longer. seizure clause. You can keep it in your
Good deeds repeated ripen into virtue; bad private safe.
deeds repeated become vice. What the Alternatively, the argument looks on the
committee report is asking for is that we present government as hostage to the
should allow the new government to hoarders of hidden wealth. The hoarders
acquire the vice of disregarding the Bill of will release the hidden health if the ransom
Rights. price is paid and the ransom price is the
Vices, once they become ingrained, Bill of Rights, specifically the due process
become difficult to shed. The practitioners in the search and seizure clauses. So,
of the vice begin to think that they have a there is something positively revolving
vested right to its practice, and they will about either argument. The Bill of Rights is
fight tooth and nail to keep the franchise. not for sale to the highest bidder nor can it
That would be an unhealthy way of be used to ransom captive dollars. This
consolidating the gains of a democratic nation will survive and grow strong, only if
revolution. it would become convinced of the values
Third, the argument that what matters are enshrined in the Constitution of a price that
the results and not the legal niceties is an is beyond monetary estimation.
argument that is very disturbing. When it For these reasons, the honorable course
comes from a staunch Christian like for the Constitutional Commission is to
Commissioner Salonga, a Minister, and delete all of Section 8 of the committee
report and allow the new Constitution to adopted the amendment as Section 26,[44] Article
take effect in full vigor. If Section 8 is XVIII of the 1987 Constitution. The framers of the
deleted, the PCGG has two options. First, Constitution were fully aware that absent Section
it can pursue the Salonga and the Romulo 26, sequestration orders would not stand the test
argument that what the PCGG has been of due process under the Bill of Rights.
doing has been completely within the pale Thus, to rule that the Bill of Rights of the 1973
of the law. If sustained, the PCGG can go Constitution remained in force during the
on and should be able to go on, even interregnum, absent a constitutional provision
without the support of Section 8. If not excepting sequestration orders from such Bill of
sustained, however, the PCGG has only Rights, would clearly render all sequestration
one honorable option, it must bow to the orders void during the
majesty of the Bill of Rights. interregnum. Nevertheless, even during the
The PCGG extrapolation of the law is interregnum the Filipino people continued to
defended by staunch Christians. Let me enjoy, under the Covenant and the Declaration,
conclude with what another Christian almost the same rights found in the Bill of Rights
replied when asked to toy around with the of the 1973 Constitution.
law. From his prison cell, Thomas More
said, "I'll give the devil benefit of law for my The revolutionary government, after installing
nations safety sake. I ask the Commission itself as the de jure government, assumed
to give the devil benefit of law for our responsibility for the States good faith
nations sake. And we should delete compliance with the Covenant to which the
Section 8. Philippines is a signatory. Article 2(1) of the
Thank you, Madam President. (Emphasis Covenant requires each signatory State to
supplied) respect and to ensure to all individuals within its
territory and subject to its jurisdiction the
Despite the impassioned plea by rights[45] recognized in the present
Commissioner Bernas against the amendment Covenant. Under Article 17(1) of the Covenant,
excepting sequestration orders from the Bill of R the revolutionary government had the duty to
ights, the Constitutional Commission still insure that [n]o one shall be subjected to arbitrary
or unlawful interference with his privacy, family, jure government, the revolutionary government
home or correspondence. could not escape responsibility for the States
The Declaration, to which the Philippines is good faith compliance with its treaty obligations
also a signatory, provides in its Article 17(2) that under international law.
[n]o one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his It was only upon the adoption of the
property. Although the signatories to the Provisional Constitution on 25 March 1986 that
Declaration did not intend it as a legally binding the directives and orders of the revolutionary
document, being only a declaration, the Court government became subject to a higher
has interpreted the Declaration as part of the municipal law that, if contravened, rendered such
generally accepted principles of international law directives and orders void. The Provisional
and binding on the State.[46] Thus, the Constitution adopted verbatim the Bill of Rights
revolutionary government was also obligated of the 1973 Constitution.[48] The Provisional
under international law to observe the rights[47] of Constitution served as a self-limitation by the
individuals under the Declaration. revolutionary government to avoid abuses of the
The revolutionary government did not absolute powers entrusted to it by the people.
repudiate the Covenant or the Declaration during During the interregnum when no constitution
the interregnum. Whether the revolutionary or Bill of Rights existed, directives and orders
government could have repudiated all its issued by government officers were valid so long
obligations under the Covenant or the as these officers did not exceed the authority
Declaration is another matter and is not the issue granted them by the revolutionary government.
here. Suffice it to say that the Court considers the The directives and orders should not have also
Declaration as part of customary international violated the Covenant or the Declaration. In this
law, and that Filipinos as human beings are case, the revolutionary government
proper subjects of the rules of international law presumptively sanctioned the warrant since the
laid down in the Covenant. The fact is the revolutionary government did not repudiate
revolutionary government did not repudiate the it. The warrant, issued by a judge upon proper
Covenant or the Declaration in the same way it application, specified the items to be searched
repudiated the 1973 Constitution. As the de
and seized. The warrant is thus valid with respect A. During the conversation right after
to the items specifically described in the warrant. the conduct of said raid, I was
However, the Constabulary raiding team informed that the reason why they
seized items not included in the warrant. As also brought the other items not
admitted by petitioners witnesses, the raiding included in the search warrant was
team confiscated items not included in the because the money and other
warrant, thus: jewelries were contained in attach
cases and cartons with markings
Direct Examination of Capt. Rodolfo Sebastian Sony Trinitron, and I think three (3)
AJ AMORES vaults or steel safes. Believing that
the attach cases and the steel
Q. According to the search warrant, safes were containing firearms,
you are supposed to seize only for they forced open these containers
weapons. What else, aside from only to find out that they contained
the weapons, were seized from the money.
house of Miss Elizabeth Dimaano?
A. The communications equipment,
money in Philippine currency and Q. You said you found money instead
US dollars, some jewelries, land of weapons, do you know the
titles, sir. reason why your team seized this
Q. Now, the search warrant speaks money instead of weapons?
only of weapons to be seized from A. I think the overall team leader and
the house of Elizabeth the other two officers assisting him
Dimaano. Do you know the reason decided to bring along also the
why your team also seized other money because at that time it was
properties not mentioned in said already dark and they felt most
search warrant? secured if they will bring that
because they might be suspected
also of taking money out of those Q. And this party believed there were
items, your Honor.[49] weapons deposited in the house of
Miss Elizabeth Dimaano?
Cross-examination A. Yes, your Honor.
Atty. Banaag
Q. And they so swore before the
Q. Were you present when the search Municipal Trial Judge?
warrant in connection with this case A. Yes, your Honor.
was applied before the Municipal Q. But they did not mention to you, the
Trial Court of Batangas, Branch 1? applicant for the
A. Yes, sir. search warrant, any other
Q. And the search warrant applied for properties or contraband which
by you was for the search and could be found in the residence of
seizure of five (5) baby armalite Miss Elizabeth Dimaano?
rifles M-16 and five (5) boxes of A. They just gave us still unconfirmed
ammunition? report about some hidden items, for
A. Yes, sir. instance, the communications
equipment and money. However, I
xxx did not include that in the
application for search warrant
AJ AMORES considering that we have not
Q. Before you applied for a search established concrete evidence
warrant, did you conduct about that. So when
surveillance in the house of Miss Q. So that when you applied for search
Elizabeth Dimaano? warrant, you had reason to believe
A. The Intelligence Operatives that only weapons were in the
conducted surveillance house of Miss Elizabeth Dimaano?
together with the MSU elements, A. Yes, your Honor.[50]
your Honor.
xxx the search warrant, like for
instance, jewelries. Why did you
Q. You stated that a .45 caliber pistol seize the jewelries?
was seized along with one A. I think it was the decision of the
armalite rifle M-16 and how many overall team leader and his
ammunition? assistant to bring along also the
A. Forty, sir. jewelries and other items, sir. I do
Q. And this became the subject of your not really know where it was taken
complaint with the issuing Court, but they brought along also these
with the fiscals office who charged articles. I do not really know their
Elizabeth Dimaano for Illegal reason for bringing the same, but I
Possession of Firearms and just learned that these were taken
Ammunition? because they might get lost if they
A. Yes, sir. will just leave this behind.
Q. Do you know what happened to that xxx
A. I think it was dismissed, sir. Q. How about the money seized by
Q. In the fiscals office? your raiding team, they were not
A. Yes, sir. also included in the search
Q. Because the armalite rifle you A. Yes sir, but I believe they were also
seized, as well as the .45 caliber taken considering that the money
pistol had a Memorandum Receipt was discovered to be contained in
in the name of Felino Melegrito, is attach cases. These attach cases
that not correct? were suspected to be containing
A. I think that was the reason, sir. pistols or other high powered
Q. There were other articles seized firearms, but in the course of the
which were not included in search the contents turned out to
be money. So the team leader also them.However, we do not declare that such
decided to take this considering person is the lawful owner of these items, merely
that they believed that if they will that the search and seizure warrant could not be
just leave the money behind, it used as basis to seize and withhold these items
might get lost also. from the possessor. We thus hold that these
Q. That holds true also with respect to items should be returned immediately to
the other articles that were seized Dimaano.
by your raiding team, like Transfer WHEREFORE, the petition for certiorari
Certificates of Title of lands? is DISMISSED. The questioned Resolutions of
A. Yes, sir. I think they were contained the Sandiganbayan dated 18 November 1991
in one of the vaults that were and 25 March 1992 in Civil Case No. 0037,
opened.[51] remanding the records of this case to the
It is obvious from the testimony of Captain Ombudsman for such appropriate action as the
Sebastian that the warrant did not include the evidence may warrant, and referring this case to
monies, communications equipment, jewelry and the Commissioner of the Bureau of Internal
land titles that the raiding team confiscated. The Revenue for a determination of any tax liability of
search warrant did not particularly describe these respondent Elizabeth Dimaano, are AFFIRMED.
items and the raiding team confiscated them on SO ORDERED.
its own authority. The raiding team had no legal
basis to seize these items without showing that
these items could be the subject of warrantless
search and seizure.[52] Clearly, the raiding team
exceeded its authority when it seized these
The seizure of these items was therefore void,
and unless these items are contraband per
se,[53] and they are not, they must be returned to
the person from whom the raiding seized