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Deepak Bhardwaj-Co-ordinate Geometry Made Easy-Laxmi Publications (2008) PDF

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| \ = s* CO-ORDINATE ¥ he gees GEOMETRY Made Easy Published by : FIREWALL MEDIA (An Imprint of Laxmi Publications Pot. Ltd.) 118, Golden House, Daryaganj, ‘New Delhi-110002 Phone : 011-43 68 25 00 Fax : 011-48 53 25 28 info@laxmipublications.com ‘www laxmipublications.com Copyright © 2008 by Firewall Media (An Imprint of Laxmi Publications Pvt, Lid.) All rights reserved. No part ofthis publication may be reproduced, stored ina retrieval ‘stem, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, Photocopying, recording or otherwise ethout the prior written permiesion ofthe publisher. Price : Rs, 295.00 Only. First Bditio ‘OFFICES India Usa © Bangalore 080-26 61 15 61 Boston © Chennai 044-24 34 47 28 11, Leavitt Street, Hingham, ® Cochin 0484-299 70 04 ‘MA 02043, USA © Guwahati 0361-254 96 69, 251 98 61 © Hyderabad 040-24 65 23 33 © Jalandhar — 0181-222 1272 © Kolkata 033.2227 87 73, 22.27 6247 © Lucknow 0522-220 95 78 © Mumbai 032-24 91 54 15, 24 92 78.60 © Ranchi 0a51-290 77 64 Typesetied et: Shubham Composer, N. Dell Printed at: Pack Printere, Debi. ee Pe RP Be CONTENTS Chapter Cartesian System of Rectangular Co-orrinates Straight Lines—I Straight Lines—II Circle Parabola Ellipse Hyperbole Introduction to Three Dimensional Co-ordinate Geometry BREEBBe-@ craper 1 Cartesian System of Rectangular Co-ordinates 1.1, INTRODUCTION ‘We have already studied two-dimensional co-ordinate geometry in our earlier classes, ie., upto the high school, which is also known as “Euclidean Geometry’, as itis based upon the axioms laid by famous Greek Mathematician Euclid, around 300 B.C... The approach of Euclid was named ‘syn- ‘thetic approach to geometry’. ‘Co-ordinate Geometry is that branch of mathematics which deals withthe study of geometry by ‘means of algebra. A systematic study of geometry by the use of algebra was frst carried out by French Philosopher and Mathematician Rene Descartes (1596-1650) in his book ‘La Geometrie’ which was published in 1637. He incorporated the use of tools of algebra in studying geometry by establishing 1-1 correspondence between the points ina plane and the ordered pairs of real numbers called coordi nates of the points, The distinguishing characteristic of coordinate geometry is that it uses algebraic ‘methods and equations to gain information about geometric problems. The epproach of Descartes wes ‘named ‘analytic approach to geometry’. 1.2, RECTANGULAR OR CARTESIAN CO-ORDINATE SYSTEM Let two manually perpendicalar lines X‘OX and YOY intersected each other ata fixed point 0. Thea, @ The point O is called the orig (i) XOX is called the axis of x or x-axis. Mit) YOY is called the axis of or y-axis () XOX and Y’OY taken together are called ‘co-ordinate axis or rectangular co-ordinate axis (rectangolar because they ae a ight an- gles). Let a point P be drawn inthe plane. Draw per- pendiculars PM and PN on sans and y-axis respectively. 1 Co-ordinate Geometry Made Easy The real number associated with point M on -xeanis is called x co-ordinate (abscissa) of point P ‘and the teal number associated withthe point Non y-axis is called y co-ordinate (ordinate) of point P. ‘The ordered pair ¢r, y) is called the co-ordinates ‘of the point P. In stating te co-ordinates ef « point, the abscissa precedes ihe ordinate. The two are separated by 3 comma and are enclosed in 2 dracket ( ). Thus, 2 point P whose abscissa is “x” and ordinate is written as (x.y) or P 9). ‘The position of each point of plane is uniquely determined with reference to rectangular axes by ‘means of an ordered pair of real numbers, called ‘co-ordinates of the point. Conversely, let (t, 3) be any ordered pair of real numbers. Let M and N be the points om the axes XOX and Y'OY correspond ing tothe real numbers x and y respectively. Let the perpendiculars at M and N meet at P. The point Piis unique for a given ordered pai (x,y) of real numbers. Thus, we see that there is 1-1 correspond ‘ence between the points ina plane and ordered pairs of real musnbers. 1.3. SIGN CONVENTIONS FOR CO-ORDINATES (0 For Distances along x-axis : x-coordinate (or abscissa) of a point is positive if it is measured ‘along OX ice. to the right of O and is negative if itis measured along OX’ ie. to the left of O. (i For Distances along y-axis: y-coordinate (or ordinate) of a point is postive if i is measured along OY i.e, above the x-axis and is negative if itis messured along OY" .e., below the x-axis. Note: Any point A lying on a-axis has co-ordinates (x, 0) ke. Gy. Any point B lying on y-axis has co-ondinates 0, 9) i. (ily The covordinnes ofthe origin O ae (0, 0) ordinate is zero its abscissa is 2e10. 1.4, QUADRANTS ‘The coordinate aris X’OX and Y/OY divide the plane into four parts called quadrants, nurnbered I, I, ME and TV anticlockwise from OX as shown in te figure. y Cartesian System of Rectangular Co-ordinates 3 Both co-ordinates of a point in the first quadrant are positive as shown in the figure by (+, +). ‘The signs of the coordinates in the other quadrants are indicated as follows: (Quadrant ‘Sign of Co-ordinates ‘coordinate ‘yeoorinate (abscissa) (cette) 1 x>Otve y>0, tye Ho £6 0-ve yO, tye. More O-v yc0,-ve W__x>04e 1.5. DISTANCE FORMULA ‘In many problems, the distance between any two points, or the length ofthe line segment joining two points, is required which can be determined from the co-ordinates of the points. ‘The distance berween two points P (x,,y,) and Q (yy) is given by: PQ = (x -) +02 HF PQ = ¥(itference of abscissa)’ + (difference of ordinates)” ‘Tais result is knowm as ‘distance formula’ Remark : 1. The distance of a point P (x,y) from the origin © (0, 0) is given by op = y(x-0F +6-0) = Ye + 2, When the line PQ is parallel to the x-axis, the ordinates ofthe points P and Q willbe equa wes * PQ= Yla-a) HOn- w= Vie) =lanml- ‘3. When the line PQ is parallel to the yaxis, the abscissa of points P and Q will be equal. hen Xa t PQ = YH - a) +2 -m) =Vbr- =laoml 4 Coordinate Geometry Made Easy 1.6. SOME IMPORTANT POINTS 1, When three points are given and itis required to prove that they ae collinear, fe, hey ie om ‘the same line, then show that the sum of the distances berween two pairs of points is equal to the third pair of points. 2, When three points are given and iti required to prove tha they form : @ an isosceles triangle, show that two of its sides are equal. . (i) an equilateral rriangle, show that its all sides are equal, (ity a right-angled triangle, show thatthe sum ofthe squares of two sides is equal tothe square of the third side. ‘3. When four poins are given and itis required to prove that they Form (i) a square, show that all four sides are equal and diagonals are also equal. (ii) a rhombus, show that all four sides are equal and diagonals are not equal. Ait) rectangle, show tat opposite vides ere equal and diagonals are also equal. (>) a parallelogram, show that opposite sides are equal. ( aparateogram br nat a recent, how tt oposite sides are ul and agonal ee nt en 1.7, AREA OF A TRIANGLE Let ABC be a triangle with vertices A (x;, y,), B (xq, y3) and C (x, 93). Then, area of triangle ABC is given by = Area of AABC = 4 | x, 03-35) +1205 -¥) +5019) | amt nt mH yt The area of triangle ABC will come out tobe a positive quantity only when the vertices A, B, Care taken in anticlockwise direction Also, the area of a polygon can be obtained analysicaly, when coordinates of its vertices are given, ‘This can be done by dividing the polygon into disjoint triangles and then adding their areas. 1.7.1. Condition of Collineartty of Three Points ‘Three points A (xy, y,), B(x, ¥3) and C (r,, ya) lie on a Line if and only if the area of the triangle ABC is zero, Hence, thee points A (x, 9), B Uy, 93) and C (, 93) are collinear if and only if $1 Or-W +5 04-99) +4404 -99 | =O OR) FOS —ID FOL) =O and 1 and BY ‘ce. ifthe points A, B and C are collinear, then the area of triangle must be zero and vice-versa. o or, 2 Cartesian Systema of Rectangular Co-ordinates 6 1,8, SECTION FORMULAE Let A (i. ¥1) and B Gp, ,) be two distinct points, and any point P (x,y) lying on the line segment AB divides iin the ratio AP : PB. If the point P (x,y) ofthe line segment AB lis within the points A and B, then P is sid to divide AB internally, otherwise, the point P is said to divide AB externally If the point P (x, y) divides the line joining the points A (x,, y,) and B (rp, 9,) internally in the ratio . Thea, the co-ordinates of point Pare given by : mem. itm, mn men ‘The following diagram wilt belp to remember the section formula: aa Read Paw Beem) Note. 1 1 (3) the ido of the Hine joining A 9) am B i). Then, i vides AB in the rato 111 ‘The co-ordinates of mid-point P is given by Ath y uth 27 2 x= Keon ) Boe) Note. 2.1f the pol P¢,» ves the oe oinng the pos A, 3) and B,J) exteraly late ratio ‘m:n. Then, the coordinates of pine Pare given by xe MH yh ‘Note. 3, For problems in which it is required to find out the ratio when a given point divides the join of two unknown points, itis convenient to take the ratio a8: 1, for, inthis way two uskzowns ae reduced Ye one andthe formula becomes Bath y. Mth +1 unk ee ON AGG nD Pliny) Be va) 1.9. CENTROID AND INCENTRE OF A TRIANGLE - Let A Gj, 91), B ta, 2) and C Gry, ys) be the three vertices of a triangle ABC. Then, & Co-ordinate Geometry Made Easy () The co-ordinates of the centroid G (The point of con- currence of three medians ofthe triangle i called cemtroid) of the triangle ABC is given by Gay =o [HB IRAN) 3 3 Inthe igure AD, BE and CF are the medians of tiangle ABC and D, E and F are the mid-poins of sides BC, CA and AB respectively. Iv should be noted that centoid G divide each median internally in the ratio 2: 1. Biay) D Chey) Ate (ii) Let A, ¥,), B (Xp, Ya) and C (ts, y3) be the three vertices of a triangle ABC. Let AD, BE and (CF be te intemal bisector ofthe angles A, B and C respectively. ‘Then, the point of concurrence of three internal bisectors of the angles of a triangle i called its incentre Aen) ‘The co-ordinates of Incentre ofa triangle ABC is given by : Vey) = 1(Sieeates sitto), a+btc " atbee where BC = a, CA = band AB = ¢. 1.10. LOCUS AND ITS EQUATION 1.10.1. Definition ee a a Locus : When.a point Pmoves unde cern conditions then the pat traced out bythe point Ps caled the loeus ofthe point. Technically, a locus represents te ‘set of all points” which lies omit. The focus ofa variable point (ry is ealled a curve 1.10.2, Equation fo the Locus of a Point If (x, ») be a general point on the locus, then an equation involving x and y which is satisfied by each, ‘point onthe locus and such that each point satisfying the equation is on the locus is called the equation of the locus. In other words, the equation to the Jocus of a point is the relation which is satisfied by the co- ordinates of every point on the locus of the point. SEHMI Solved Examples FE Example 1. Find she distance between the following pair of points A, 3); B E32) CA 2,5): B-RD Solution, (9) The co-ordinates of given poimts are : AG, 5) and B (3,2). ++ By Distance Formula, we have. Cartesian System of Rectangular Co-ordinates 7 AB = f(-3-4)+Q-5" = (CCH = JOT = (é) The co-ordinates of given points are A (2, 5) and B (-3, 7) By Distance Formula, we have ABs (3-2 407-5) = (CSO = Bs = ‘Example 2. Find the distance between the following patr of poins : OA (aaj, 2atp ; B (at; 2at,) i) A (a.cos a asin a) ; B (a cos fh a sin f) Solution. () The co-ordinates of given points are A (a4, 2a) and B (at, 2ar,) "By Distance Formula, we have B= f(a? ai = fe [a=W ral +4 =a = 8 = 6F Gra) 40 =H = a(s-1) fla thy +4 (Gi) The co-ordinates of given points are : ‘A (@c0s cr a sin a) and B (a cos B, « sin). By Distance Formula, we have AB = (a.c0sB - acosa)’ +(asinB-asina)’ = {fe (cos p= cos olf =[o (sin B= sino)? = [a (cost B + cov? Peon cos) +a (om B + sin a Dein Pein] + (2ar, - 2ar,)* 8 Corondinate Geometry Made Easy a (cos? + sia® P) +a* (cos? a+ sin? @) - 2a" (cos acon ~ainasin) = {Fra (20 oosa-B) = {iP 2d eae B) (si? A + c08A = 1; 608 (AB) = (608 A cos B + sin A sin B) = 2 [l-cos(a-B)) ~00s28 = 2h? A 1-conA = 20? 4) P= ‘Example 3. (i) Find a point on the x-axis, which is equidistant from the points (7, 6) and (3, 4). (ti) Find the reletion that muss exist berween x and y so that (r, ) 4s equidistant from (6, ~ 1) and 3). (i) Find the reason that must exist benween x and y 50 that (x,y) ls equdstant from (- 1, ~ 1) and 42). (iv) Find a point on the y-axis, which is equidistant from the points (~ 5, ~ 2) and (3, 2). ‘Solution. (i) Let the co-ordinates of given points are : A (7, 6) and B (3, 4). Let P (x, 0) be the point on.x-axls which is equidistant from A and B. . Wehave PA = PB (Pay = By @-17 + 0-67 =@-37 +@-4" Baldr $49 4+ 36= 7 -6r+9 +16 = Mar + Ge = 25-85, ~ a= guuue u =8 2 _ eco eee in, Cartesian System of Rectangular Co-ordinates (i) Let the co-ordinates of given points AG, -1) and BQ, 3). Let P (x, y) be the point which is equidistant from the points A and B. Weave, PA=PB = (PAY = (PB)? = G-F ++I =@-9+Y-3 PEMA HELE a +d dr ty 49-6 = 1dr + 2y +37 =~ dr 6y +13 ~8 4 8-4 relation. (it) Let the co-ordinates of given points are : AGL, and B 4,2). ‘Let P (x,y) be the point which is equidistant from the points A and B. ‘We have, PA =PB = (Pay = (By = e-CDP+D-G DP =@-47 + 0-2" = G+ FOF &- 4 + -2F ms Pamela e bee Bet +P dy ts = tox + 61 = Sr + 3y-9=0 ‘Which i the required relation, (ty) Let the co-ordinates of given points are : A(-5, ~ 2) and BG, 2). Le (0, ) be the point on y-axis which is equidistant from A and. Wehne, PA = PB ay = 37 O+5% +0 +27 = 0-37 +0-2F B+ P+ sy t4a 9a yPady 44 4y429=-4y 413 16 yoo2 yuuugs 10 Co-ordinate Geometry Made Easy ‘The co-ordinates of required point is (0, - 2) Example 4. If he distance berween the points (a, ~ 2) and (5, 1) 5 units, find values of a. Solution. Let the co-ordinates of given points are A (a, - 2) and B (5, 1). It is given that, distance between A and B is 5 units. By Distance Formula, we have AB=5 = {6-0} +f1--2P =s5 = (S-a)+(42)" 5 {G= a) +9 = 5 (Squaring both sides) (S-a)? +9 =25 25 +a - Wa +9 = 25 @-1a+9=0 @-)@-9=0 anhs Example 5. )) Prove that the points (4, 4), (3,5) and (- 1, ~ I) are vertices of a right-angled triangle. (i) Show that the points (7, 10), triangle. Solution () Let the co-ordinates of the vertices of triangle ae given by : AG, 4, BG, Sand C1, - D. + By Distance Formula AB = (@-47 +(5-4)" = fn? +0)? = fiat = 2 (1-3) +13) = (64 C6? = 16486 = J and ace YE1-4 +C1-4 = JCS HCH = (BrB = LH * any = (2) (acy = (/33)' = 52 vuuvag 2, 5) and (3, ~ 4) are the vertices of an isosceles right-angled and (acy = (J50)" = 50. ‘Therefore, we observe that, sum of squares of two sides, AB and AC is equal o the square of the third side BC ie, (ecy’ = (aBy + (acy. Cartesian System of Rectangular Co-ordinates 11 ‘By converte of Pythagoras Theorem, triangle ABC is a right angled tringle and right angled aA. (iy Let the co-ordinates of the vertices of triangle are given by AQ, 10), B(-2, 5) and C 6, ~ 4 ‘By Distance formula : AB = Y(-2-77 +(5-107 = VCO +) = BFS = 108 Bc = [G42 4-4-5) = (6 +9) = (aR = /i08 and ac= {@-1 +-4-10" = (Cape? = fiers ~ (TE (aBy = (Y 708)" = 105 (BOF = (08) = 105 = (f203)' = ‘Therefore, we observe that sum of squares of two sides, AB and BC is equal to the square of the third side AC. and ac) (ACH = (AB + (BO? By converse of Pythagoras Theorem, triangle ABC right-angled triangle and right-angled aB. Also, the two sides AB= BC = /106 ‘The triangle ABC is an isosceles triangle. Example 6. (i) If (0, 0), (3, 0) and (x, y) are the vertices of an equilateral triangle. Find x and y. (Gi) The vertices of a triangle are (1, 23). (3. 0) and (~ 1. 0). Is the triangle equilateral, isosceles or seaene Solutio. () Lethe co-ardinates ofthe vertices of wiangle are given by: A. ©, 0), B (3, 0) and C (x, yp. By Distance Formula, we have, AB = f(3-0)' +(0-0F = (940 = J9=3 ay BC = y(r-3)' +(y-0) = fir-3 4 y? oe QD 12 Co-ordinate Goometry Made Easy and ac (@-0F += = Va = As itis given that, AABC isan equilateral triangle, We have, AB = BC = AC Lat AB = AC = ga (ray On squaring both sides, we get vtype ® Also, BC = AC = \o-3) +y? = (Fay ‘On squaring both sides, we get » @-3+harty = @-3 ae - Por +9—2 ( (di) Let the co-ordinates ofthe vertices of triangle are given by : A (1.2/3), BG, 0) and C (1, 0). By Distance Formula, we have, AB (e-1 +(0-2)3)" = =4 {er+-2y3) = varie Cartesian Sytem of Rectangular Coordinates 13 BC = f(-1-37 +(0-0F = [ar +0 = JT a4, ani ac= [cin +0-2)3) = (eae = (TT = ye 8. Therefore, AB = BC = AC ice, all the three sides of ABC are equal. Hence the triangle ABC isan equilateral triangle. Example 7. () An equilateral triangle has one vertex at (3,4) and another at (~ 2, 3). Find the co- ordinates ofthe third verte. (i If he two vertices of an equilateral triangle be (0,0) and (3, [3), find the third vertex. Solution, () Let the two vertices of an equilateral triangle be A (3, 4) and B (2,3). Let€ x,y) be the co-ordinates of the third vertex. + By Distance Formule, we have ap = (G42) 46-3) = (GP 0) = /BF1 = JH...) Be = (ara 6-3" @ and CA = J (x-37 +07-47° @) As it is given that ABC is an equilateral triangle. s AB = BC = CA (AB? = (BCP = (CA)? (AB) = (BC? (2) = [era 0-3" Woe tart 4+ P-6y 49 Pty tary = 13 6 . «Bcy’ = (CaP (x +2" +0-37 = Jox-3 40-4" PA +4 + POY +9 me P- Or + yt BY +16 4x-6y + 13 = - 6r-By + 25 Or +2y-12=0 Sr+y-6=0 ym 6-Sr a S) Putting this value of in equation (4), we have P+ (6 ~ Sx)" + 4x -6(6- 5x) = 13 Zeus u uuu 14 Coontinate Geometry Made Easy P+ 36 + 257-6 + 44-36 + 30K = 13 = 2? -2e-1=0 = a2 Fora quai xuson ar +x +0=0, aa-bt - po 2 ef = elt oO = en = Wd-s45f3 _ 7145/3 = an 2 2 ‘The co-ordinates of third vertex ae given by : te J3 7125/3) | (1-3 145/3 2 2 2 2 Gi) Let the two vertices of an equilateral triangle be A (0, 0) and B (3, J). Let € (, y) be the co-ordinates ofthe third vertex. 2+ ByDistance Formula, we have a= {0-07 + (3-0) = fay +(V3) = (953 ya ~-Q) artesian System of Reclangular Co-ordinates 18 ae = (r-37 +(9- 3) .@ and ac= {G-9 0-07 = {Hey 8) Asi is given that, ABC is an equilateral rangle. . AB = BC = AC = (AB)! = (BC) = (AC)? ‘ (apy! = (Ac? = (BY = (Fay = n-249 = Pte wo @ (Boy = (ac? = [ (e=3F+0- | (ry > P49 Get 43-2fFyar ty = ~6-2Y3y+12=0 = a+ fiy=6 = 97 oe ao) Putting this value of yin equation (4) we get =3:) - 2 (S3) <0 2 eG oy a BP +36 + 97 - 36x = 36 uuu 16 Co-ordinate Geometry Made Easy = £803. wen 20, $30) 6 3 _ 68 Ped = yous whee sodye GB 82 Bas OA = (AB) - (OB)? oD = OA = (2a) ~ (ay? = on = [4a -@ = {30 = J3.0 ‘The cocndinates of pict Ais (30,0) Cartesian System of Rectangular Co-ordinates: 24 Example 12, (i) Show shat the quadrilateral with vertices (3, 2), (0, 5) (~ 3, 2) and (0,3) in order isa square. (@) Show tha the four points (0, ~ 1), (6. 7). (~ 2. 3) and (8, 3) are the vertices of a rectangle, Solution. () Let the co-ordinates of given points are 9-1) evan AG, 2,B@, 5), C(-3, 2) and D (, - 1. By Distance Formula, we have B= (0-37 +6-2F = {C9 +OF = 79 = fie = 3/2 Be = {(-3-07 +@-57 = J(-3F +3) = (975 = fi = 3/2. a on cp = (043 +C1-2" BP +3) = J9ed vim ad DA={@-0)' +@+1) = {@ +O) = 999 = JB =A? AB = BC = CD = DA. ‘This implies that the quadrilateral ABCD is cither a rhombus or a square. ‘Diagonal AC = Y(-3~3)' + (2-2)' = V(- 6) +0 = 36 =6 Diagonal BD = fO—OF +C1-5F = fOr 6 = 3 =6 AC =BD “Ths al he four sides and diagonals ae equal, There- cra) fore, ABCD is a square, 0 (W) Let the co-ordinates of the points are A(@.-D,B(, 7), CC 2,3) and D @, By Distance Formula, we have AB= (6-07 +(7+1) = {OP +O = [558 = {105 = soa 22 Covontinate Geometry Made Easy cp = J@+2" +G-3" = ((lF +0 = J100 = 10. Be = [(-2-6 +0-9 = YEO +s = farts = (= 4/5 ap = (6-0 +641) = (OOF = (a = was wo - {6-9 +6-77 -{@rey = (FF = fH = 248 ac = (62-07 +40 = YER + = (4716 = J = 25 2 Wehave, AD = BC and AC = BD, This implies that quadrilateral ABCD is a parallelogram, Also, In AABD and in ABCD : (By? = (AD)? + DB? and (CD)? = (BC + (BDF ‘Thus, ABCD is rectangle. Example 13. Prove thatthe sum of the squares ofthe diagonals of a rectangle is equal the sum of he squares of ts sides. Solution. Let us suppose thatthe sides of rectangle be y and b units respectively. The co-ordinates ofthe vertices of rectangle i a sbown in the figure. 20.6) can Now, we have to show that : (Ac? + Dy" = (AB? + (BC) + (CD)? + (ADY’. LHS : > A = (Ac? + (BD? (a - OF + (-0F}] + [(a- OF + O- BF) (at +P +P + P= 2 +26 = 200 +B) ony Bao RES: = (AB? + (BCP + (CDF + (ADF = (a~ 9) + (0- OF + (a~a? + b-OF + O-aF +O = bF + 0-07 + b-0F aP+P ea +h amit we = LHS. =RHS. ' @ +e) Cartesian System of Rectangular Co-ordinates 23 Example 14. (i) Determine the centre of the circle on which the points (1, 7), (7 ue, What ts the radus ofthe circle ? (ii) Using Distance Formula, show that C (3, 3) isthe centre ofthe circle passing through the points A (6, 2), B (0, 4) and D (4, 6). Find the radius ofthe circle, Sotution () Let the points A (1, 7), B 7, ~ 1) and © G, 6) lies on a circle having centre at O (x, y) and radius We have, OA = OB = OC = r (radius). (OAy? = (0B) = (OC = 7... (1) (oay =? Gt o-F ar Pe Limetyt aay er P+ Pde My+ 5027 ..Q) (oBy =? G-P+ ote? Had Met y+ 1429=7 Payor say soe? -@) cory = 7 = @-8F + 9-97 =7 = BEGAN ty + 36-ye? > Pay 16e~12y +100 = 7 4) ‘From equations (2) and (3), we have Pobyh Be My +50 ax +y'— 1dr + 2y +50 = = 2ro My = He + 2y = 12x ~ 16y =0 and (8,6) vuugueUED > & = oS) From equations (3) and (4), we have xP +P Lae + 2y + 50 = + P= 1x By + 100 = olde + 2y = = 16r= 129 +50 = art May-50=0 = x4 17-25 =0 6 = x41(3s)-25-0 4 axa = te = 2s = 25x = 10-92 = 24 Co-ordinate Geometry Made Easy Putting this value of x in equation (S), we have yo Zayn3 ¢. The co-ordinates of centre is O (4, 3). ‘Alo, ais of cite, r= 0a = r= {OG 1F = (FHC = 418 = r= /B=5. i) The point C (3 3) is the centre of the circle passing through the points A (6, 2), B (0, 4) and DUO it cA =CB=CD By Distance Formula, we have : ca = (6-39 42-37 = rr =yori=yio 84 cB= (0-3 +4-3) = C3 +O = (941 = JO 764.8) and cp = {6-37 + 6-35 = (P+ = 5 = J it is clear that, CA = CB= CD =r (say) 0.2) Here, 1 = 10 is the radius of the circle. Example 15. (@) Let the opposite angular points af a square be (3, 4) and (1, - 1). Find the co- ondinates of the remaining angular points. (ii) The nwo opposite vertices ofa square are (2, 6) and (O, - 2). Find the co-ordinates of the other vertices, Solution (7) Let ABCD be the square with the vertices A (3, 4) and € (1, ~ 1) ‘Let (x, 9) be the co-ordinates of B * ‘AB = BC (Ce All four sides of a square are equal} (apy: = (Boy a &-F 4-47 6-1 + HP P+9-G +P + 6-H ae +12 ey HL ty ~ 6-8 +25 = 2+ 2y +2 4+ Wy-23 =0 ax = 23-10 BURG? Cartesian System of Rectangular Covondinates 25 (2) @ Now, in AABC, By Pythagoras theorem, we have (AB)? + (BC)* = (AC)? =~ 3 + G- 4 4-1 +O + 1% =G-18 +G + DF 4 9-6r ty + 16-8 ee Ld t y+ + dy =O + OF = WH Br- Gy +274 +S > cus) = 2e + 2y'-ar-6y-2 =0 = P4Pede-F-l20 uring the value of x in equation (3), we have ay-1=0 a BH OY ase ye ay 10 “ 529+ 1007 — 4607 + 67? + 1129-384 =0 Z 11g? ay + 15 20 = ay ay +5=0 = Qy-DQy-5=0 . ’ when ye *. From equation (2), we have : x = When yi s a-w(3) = From equation (2), we have :x = 1. The required vertices ofthe square are (ii) Let ABCD be the square with the vertices A (2, 6) and C (0, - 2). Letts.) be te coon of 8, ° cao AB = BC All four sides ofa square are equal) = (aby? = (acy? o > 6-2 + 9-6 = OF +g +2)? > P44 aes y+ 36-Ly=r ty ead ay = Ae + by = 36 = xt4y=9 d = ra9-4 OD Kew Been Now, In ABC, By Pythagoras theorem, we have (AB? + BOF = (ACF &-2F + - OF + e077 + + 2)? = O-2) + 2-67 Ped a +P 4 36-y trey tat aya sot 2x? + 2y? ae - By = 24 P4y-2r-4y-2=0 8) Putting the value of x in equation (3), we have (9-4) + 97-20-4y)-4y-12 = 0 sous > 81+ 16)? Ty + y= 18 + By-dy-12=0 = Ty? ~ 68y + 51 = 0 = a4 +30 = O- 0-3 +0 = yes re 9- 49) ‘when Lax=9-4() = 9-425 when yo 3ax=9-4G)99-12=-3, ‘The required vertices ofthe square are (5,1) and (~3, 3). Example 16.1 iste mio ofthe side BCof ring ABC, then, prove th: (aay + Uc? = 2 (AD) + (EF) ‘Sobution, Let the length of side BC is 2@ and is taken along x-axis. Ivis given that D is the mid-point of BC. Let y-axis bo the perpendicular to DC from D as shown in the figure. s. The co-ordinates of points B and C are (~ 2, 0) and (@, 0) respectively. Let Ana» Now, we have to show that (ABY? + (ACY = 2 (AD? + (CY) Aun em g cao Cartesian System of Rectangular Covordinates 27 os LHS. : (ABy + (AGF = & + 0)? + = 0) + e- a)? + OF aPad starlet ea toxrty arts aterd a1 +y +) o RES. 2[ADY + CY] = 2[ax- OF + Y-0) + (2-0) + 0-OF') a2 +e +a} | LHS. = RES. ‘Example 17. () Fad the area ofthe irangle whose vertices are (1, 6), (3, 0) and (- 3, ~ 7). (i) Find the area of the triangle whose vertices are (1, 2), (=2, 3) and (~3, ~ 4). (Ui) Find the area ofthe triangle whose vertices are (4,4), (3, ~ 2) and (- 3, 16). Solution. (2 Let the vertices of the triangle are A = (r,,y\) = (1, 6), B= (ty, 3) = (3, 0) and C= by, ¥9) = C3,-7. ‘Area of ABC = 1402-9) +205-9) +2501-99 | 11@ +1 +3C67-6+-3)6-| 2 =H iresemen) = 5 17-39-18] Ly soja 1-201 Ls0 = 2519, is (ii) Let the vertices of the triangle are A = (x), y) = (1, 2), B = Gy, y2) = (- 2, 3) and C= Gs ys) = 3-4) 2 ‘sea of AABC = 2 fm, 2-99 +2 05-¥) +45 001-99 | = FUB-CH+EDE4S-D+EH2-9| 1 = 7 1G 44-266-3-D] 1 1 L 74124 -ixn- its. pl TFiRe 3] m5 [22] = 5 x22 = A sq. um id Please Try Yourself. Ans. 27. sq, units 28 Coordinate Geometry Made Easy Solution. Let the vertices ofthe tiangle are A= (x, ¥;) = (kk 2) B= (i,9) = + 2,4 +2) and C = Gy, 99) = (E+ 3,0). 2. Theareaof ABC = 4 [5,099 +42 05-9) +4501-¥9 | -+ [kG +2-8 + (+2) R= +2) + R43) E-2-k-2) | oF [tk tk 4d 12] a) = basse ‘Thus, Area of ABC is independent of Example 19. (i) Find the aren of quadrilateral whose vertices are (2, 1), (6, 0), (5, ~ 2) and 3-0. (i) Find the area of quadiritateral whose vertices are (~ 4,5). (0, 7), (5. ~ 5) and (- 4, ~2). (ii) Find the area of quadrileierat ABCD whose vertices are A (1, 1), B (7, ~ 3, C (12, 2) and D2. Solution. (?) Let the vertices ofthe quadrilateral are A (2, 1), B (6, 0), € (5, ~2) and D(-3, - 1). Join AC. ‘Area of quadrilateral ABCD = Area of AABC + Area of AACD a) area of AABC = } [2042 +662-D+5U-0)| y Atea of = 4 |.x102-93) +2 03-9) #5 1-22 ca 4669451 ay ! wed 1 wd iaeuesy > Aren of AABC = 4.5 sq. units 1 @ Aa E160) ‘Area of SACD HD+) +S E1-1 FEA +2] Te AreaofA = $ 1x4 G2-39 +82 03-9) #3501799 IT Cartesian System of Rectangular Co-ordinates 29 1261) +562)-33)| -2-10-9/ +4 |-atj= baat > Area of AACD = 10.5 sq. units @) ‘From (1), (2) and (3), we have Area of Quadrilateral ABCD = 4.5 + 10.5 51g i (i) Let the vertices of the quadrilateral are A (- 4, 5), B (0, 7), C (5, ~ $) and D (- 4, - 2). tin AC. 2 Arnot ind ABCD « Aref AARC + Ara ACD 0 prot sabe = 2 | 6-90-65) #065-9 456-9 1102-99 + 03-9) +5 01-9) II 1 ene = 7 1-47 +9) 404562] 1 z 48-10] 1 ob ios) = bse => Area of ABC = 29 sq, units Aas fen @ Area of AACD = 2 | -4)E5-CD) + (492-9 +696-E5)] Gy Area of 8 = 4 [x1 2-99) +22 03-90 +45 01-99) II = hie Oeste t5E7-46545) | 12-35-40 => Area of AACD bcs = 31500 0 80 Co-ordinate Geometry Made Easy From equations (1), (2) and (3), we have ‘Area of quadrilateral ABCD = 29 + 31.5 = 60.5 sq. unis. i Please Try Yourself. ‘Ans. 132 sq. units. Example 20. For what value ofx, the area of the triangle formed by the points (5, - 1), t, 4) and (6,3) is 5.5 q. units Solution. Let the vertices of the triangle are A = (ry. yy) = (S, - 1, B = Gras.) = Or 4) and C = G9) = 6.3). & ‘Area of AAB $18 G2-¥) +0 05-7) 4501-99 | $1563 420-6) +661-4) | ISM +x6 +) +665] [524-0] +2 \4e-2s| But itis given that Area of SABC = 5.5 sq. units, 2 Wetave, f [ar-25 | =55 = Lar-25) 21 s Either x= 25 = U1 orde-25 == 11 = arm 11 + 28orax = -11 +25 = 4x = 3Gordx = 1d = sorx= 2 Example 21. (i) Show that the points (~ 1, - 1), (2, 3) and (8, 11) lie on a line. ii) Show shat the points A (b, ¢ + a), B (c, a + B) and C (a, b + c) are collinear. Solution. (() Let A (- 1, ~ 1), B (2. 3) and C (8, 11) be the given points. Area of ABC = > [4 02-99) +2203-9) +401 -») | [-1G-1D +201-C 9) +8C1-3)| [I-16 4201+ +864] Cartesian System of Rectangular Co-ordinates 31 | B+ 24-32| =0 Points A, B and C are collinear (i Let (b,c +), Bic, a +b) and C (a, b + ¢) are the given points, ‘Area of AABC = > | x; 2-93) +2 03-1) +501 -») | |bG@+b-b-9 +e) +c-c-a) tale +a-a-H)] |b@-0 +e@-a) +a(¢-B)| | babe + be ~ac + ac~ ab | Joj=o0 Points A, B and C are collinear. Example 22. (i) Find the value of x ifthe points (x, ~ 1), (5, 7) ond (8, 11) are colineor. () For what value of x will the points (2x, 2: + 2) (3, 2 + D, (2.x + 1) le ona line, Solution, (i) Let A (x, 1), B (5, 7) and C (8, 11) be the given points, 1 Area of A ABC = 5 |x 0:-¥) $2039) +3 01-¥9) | = bixo-myssar-emsser-a1 HE l-aesaiey+ece| 1 1 wh tet @-eed jes ti coer nl eb jeapfeet pe Peaxfret|a2xet| i z Now, the given pins are colnar i nl only ithe area of ABC = = 2jx#1/=0 = [rst] adore taom (LAA Qs, 2x +2),BG,2r + 1) andC (1, + I) be the given pois Area of ABC = 3 x, 03-99 +520s-9) #44099 | = acter + + 1+ 310+ )-@e43) + 12+ 2) +O [@+3Ex-D+1] [ae -ae-3 41] =} [2e-3r-2) Now, the given point ae collinear if and only i he area of AABC = 0 L flat-ar-2|=0 > 2?-3x-2| =0 = 2-3-2 =0 5 34 J9518 < _34f8 _ 32s +a 345 3-5 = — Fora quadrats equation, attic+c=0 “ ao Example 23. The co-ordinates of points P, Q. R and S are (~ 3, 5), (4, ~ 2). (®, 39) and (6, 3) respectively and the areas of triangles POR and QRS are inthe ratio 2 : 3. Find the value of p. Solution, Let P (- 3, 5), Q (4, ~2), R (P, 3p) and S (6, 3) be the given points. ‘Area of APQR = 3 1212-99) + 203-99) + 4301-99 | 1 3-2-3) + 4Gp-9) + pS-C2)] 163)@2-3p) +4Gp-5) + P6421 16 +9 + 12p-20+ 7p = Area of APQR = = | 28-14 | ao) Also, Area of AQRS = > | 1 Q2-¥9) +42.05-91) +4301 -¥») | Cartesian System of Rectangular Co-ordinates 33 = $14G7-3) +7 B-C} +6¢2-3)| = Flap 2+ 76 +2-12- 1ep| = Ep + 59-12-18 | 1 =1 ype De +2 ppl = 5 1 Do +20) L | sy lelilp ty | — ven of agns = |p +241 2 Now itis given that: Areaof PQR _ 2 Areaof AQRS = 3 1 4 )mp-4| ‘ 7 2? {By using equations (1) and @)) Flp+24 > mp-4| 2 peed | 3 rp-146 2 = pr ~*3 = Either o _2 2p -14 ptm 3 pie = 38-14) =2p +24) => 3 (28p-14) = -2(p + 24) = - = Example 24. The co-ordinates of A, B, Care (6, 3), (~ 3, 5) and (4, ~ 2) respectively and P isthe ‘point (sy) shove that APBC _|x+y- ‘ABC 7" Solution, Let A(6,3), B(- 3, 3) and C (4, ~ 2) are the given points and co-ordinates of point P be ey». 84 Coordinate Geometry Made Easy * Area of APBC = 35 (92-5) #42 (1-1) +4 (1 -¥4)] = Heae2-yrao-aea-c29) HE dC2-N 44-9) +4542) = F164 37-4 4y-204 70 1 1 Area of APOC = | e+ Ty= 14 |e [x ty-2| ) 1 Also, Area of AABC = > | 1 02 3s) + 32.0591) +.5.01-92) | = $ 166-6 +6962-9440-9] = F166 +9 +CDCH +469] 8 2 1 Area of BABC = 5/424 15-8 |= 3 [49| = . @ Dividing equation (1) by (2), we have : 1 apec _ ¥1#+¥-21 ase 7 2 = Wsty-2) _|sty-2| 2 7 Example 25. () If A (1, 2) and B (3, 8) be Iwo given points, find a point P such thet | PA | = | PB | and aPAB' = 10. (i) A, B are two points (3,4) and (5, ~ 2). Find a point P such that PA = PB and APAB = 10. Solution. () Let A (1, 2) and B 3, 8) be the given points, Let (r, ) be the co-ordinates of point P. 2 1PA |= | PB | on PA? = FBP @-1P + 9-2 = 4-3 +0 -8F PHL ty tangy 2 +96 ty + 64-1 24 De dy 4S wt + PG by +73 = Be ay +5 = =r 16) +73 e+ By-66 =0 x+3y-17=0 x3ye17 ° no, ‘Area of APAB = 10, ‘Area of triangle = 4 |x, (2-3) +42 04-94) +35 04-0 zuuuruuuys Cartesian System of Rectangular Corordinaies 35 a $ 116-9 +30-2+20-9| 10 Layo dy-6-6e1 10 |-6r+2y +2) =20 -6r+2y+2= 220 -Brtyti= x10 Either -3r+y=-11 -r+y=9 From equations (2) and (3), we have reSyed Also, from equations (2) and (5), we have rook ‘The co-ordinates of required point Pare cither (5, 4) or 1, 6). i) Lat A @, 4) and B (5, ~ 2) be the given pois. Let (x, be the co-ordinates of point P. [PA] =| PB) ~@ PA? = PB? @-3) + -4 = @- 5 +O +27 PH 9-Gr Hy + 16-B8y =H 25-1 HP Hd dy ac-ay=4 xe3ye = @ . ‘Area of APAB = 10 young @ 6 Zuusugs: = i [24-62 4302-9 450-9] =10 = [x4 +2)-6-3y + 5y-20| = 20 | 6x +2y-26| =20 = [3e+y-13| =10 = Brty- 135410 = Either atyeB ~~) ® u arty=3 From equations (2) and (3), we have redyn2 ‘And, from equation (2) and (4), we have re Toe cocdinates of required point Pare ctber (7,2) or (1, 0). 36 Co-ordinate Geometry Made Easy Example 26. Ifthe vertices ofa triangle have integral co-ordinates, prove that ihe triangle cannot be equilateral, Solution. Let A (,y:). B (tp )3) and C (ty, yy) be the vertices ofa triangle ABC. La Sod 1,2, 3, a imegers. 1 s Area of ABC = 5 1.4, 02-9) +4 05-9) 4504-99 | ‘= some rational number Let, if posible, AABC be an equilateral triangle sects sac = LE ie? 4 FB cap a (aay B . (a+ we integer) += an irrational number ‘which is a contradiction, because area ofa triangle is always 2 rational number. (ur supposition is wrong. ABC cannot be equilateral, Example 27, The vertices of a quadrilateral are (6, 3), (~ 3, 5), (4. ~ 2) and (x, 3x) and are denoted by A, B, Cand D respectively. Find the values ofx so that the area of triangle ABC is double ‘the area of triangle DBC. Solution. Let A (6, 3), B (- 3, 5), C (4, ~ 2) and D (x, 3x) be the vertices of the quadrilateral 10279) +203-) +4 O-W 1 Area of ABC = 165-2) +-92-3)+46-5] 165+2)+69-D+4-2] 49 ‘Area of AABC = [2415-8] =F) 49)-2 wo Area of ADBC = [4 02-99 +2.05-9) +45. 01-99 | 1@3)(62-3) +4Gr-5) +45-(2) | [649r4 124-20446+2)] Bie Bie Sie ee le Be ae Cartesian System of Rectangular Co-ordinates 37 [6+ 9+ 12r- 2047] =F lair p = Fes | eats = A axe 42e-1 2) But, itis given that: ‘Area of ABC = 2 (Area of ADBC) — [. By using equations (1) and (2)) 9 = Beraia-r 2-20 2-1) 9 = Be wiat 7 = jantp=2 1 = aetaat = Biter or z 1 = or tan = or 3 a = ond i. Example 28. Find the co-ordinates of the point which divides the line segment joining the points A, ~2) and B (9, 6) in the ratio 3:1. Solution. Let P (ey) be the required point which divides the line segment joining the points AG, ~2) and B @, 6) in the ratio 3:1 By Section Formula, we have NY 2 a a Bx941Ks | 745 a8 2 ae ae et Pkt a8 3x64 (1-2) 2 a exer lne?} +a ‘The required point is P (8, 4). Example 29. (i) Find the mid-point of the line joining (3, 5) and (- 7, - 3). (ty Find the co-ordinates ofthe midpoint ofthe line segment fobning the pots A (~ 2, - 5) and BG.-J. = sand DIAG, 5) and B (~ 7, - 3) be the co-ordinates of end-points of AB. and 38 Coordinate Geometry Made Easy Let P (, ) be the mid-point of AB. a : By Section Formula, we have ou 3-7-4 ‘The required point is P(- 2, 1) (ii) Let A 2, 5) and B G, ~ 1) be the co-ordinates of end points of AB. ‘Let P (x, y) be the mid-point of AB, 1 By Seen Foal, te ON -2+ tanta = 243 1 Kaa Pa” ba-1) 2 72 5+) ant 2 + Therap (!.~3) Example 30. () Find the co-ordinates ofthe point which divides the fin af PQ tn the ratio 2: 3 ‘internally and externally, the co-ordinates of P and Q being (2, ~ 1) and (- 3, 4) respectively. Also {find the co-ordinates of mid-point of PO. (i) Find a point on the line joining poines (0,4) and (2, 0 dividing the line segment (o) insernalty in reso 2 : 3. (©) externally in ratio 3 +2 Solution. () Let R (x, y) be the required point which divides the join of poins P (2, oes atniy nate By Sect Porm ae foro ga 2X C9432 606 | ao a ' 2 ° g 2x4+3x0) _ 8-3 _ 5 23 ‘The required point is R , 1) Let $ (x,y) be the required point which divides the jolt of points P (2, ~ 1) and Q (~ 3, 4) external inthe rio? 3. ‘By Section Formula, we have: . { mw oN is 7 sen ro) and y Cartesian System of Rectangular Co-ordinates 39 ot yo PAID 843 Ly 2 The required point is $ (12, ~ L1),. Let M (3) be the mid-point of PQ. By Section Formula, we have : ne : oN 4st - Fay wen ata. and y= itt 2 Merman or ‘é) (a) Lat P Gx, y) be the required point which divides the join of points A (0, 4) and B @, 0) {internally in the ratio 2: 3. By Section Formula, we have ga 2X2#3K0 | 440 at \ 2xO+3x4 _ O12 _ 12 2 = 2xOe3nd -2 —_____----- a ys 7 5S AG4) Pen 3.0) 2 Menaictacae (4.2) @) Let Q (x, y) be the required point which divides the joint of points A (0, 4) and B (2, 0) externally in the ratio 3: 2, By Section Formula, we have > 3x2-2x0 _ 6-0 _¢ 3-2 a2 3x0-2x4 _ 0-8 3-2 T ‘The required point is Q (6, - 8). Example 31. Find the co-ordinates of the points which divides the join of (1, 7) and (~5, 6) in she ratio (i) 1: 2 internally i) 3 : 2 externally, Solution. () Let P (x, ») be the required point which divides the join of A (1, 7) and R (- 5, 6) {internally in the ratio 1: By Section Formula, we have : we PxS)4201 542 3 * 142 -—____*+ _. Aga) ear 32.0) 40. Co-ordinate Geometry Made Easy we EET fy » eet There pis (-12). atin raya (Gi Let Q (x 9 be the required point which divides te join of A (1,7) and B (-5, 6) externally inthe ratio 3 : 2 + By Section Formula, we have 3x dy Co) rT) “The required point is (17,4). Example 32. Find the co-ordinates af the point which divides the join of : (i) (2, 3) and (5, ~ 3) in the ratio of 1 ; 2 internally. @) (2, 1) and (3, 5) in the ratio of 2 : 3 externally. Solution. Please try youre Ans. (9 @, 1) ©, -7). Example 33. The fine segment joining the points (3, ~ 1) and (6, 5) is trisected. Find the co- ordinaes of points of risection. Solution. Let A (3, ~ 1) and B (6,5) be the given point of ine segment AB. Let P and Q be the points of trsction i. (vides AB in three equal pats). or oT) ? @ Ba8) =PQ= =pps AP it Since, AP = PQ = QB=> 2AP = PB=> 5 = > P (x, ») divides AB internally in the ratio L: 2. By Section Formula, we have ow, 6)42%3 -646 4 1 2 1+? > —_+______. Ae=) Pay @ Bros, _1xS42KCD 5-2 3 L 12 3 30h Co-ordinates of P¢s, y) = (0,1) Now, PQ and QB are equal, = Qis the mid-point of PB. and y

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