Esiat2014 PDF
Esiat2014 PDF
Esiat2014 PDF
ABSTRACT: The Singapore Straits area is one of the busiest marine traffic regions in the world. Numerous
ships arrive, depart and travel through this region, and affect the air quality of the port environment. Our goal
is to estimate carbon dioxide (CO2) emission from Marine Traffic in the Singapore Straits, using Automatic
Identification Systems (AIS) data. Key questions such as, how much total CO2 emissions are emitted daily by
ships, which types of ships should be preferred and rewarded because of their low carbon emissions, what is
the likely impact of the long term carbon emission forecasts on Singapore Port will be analyzed. This research
will be of value to Singapore Port Authorities responsible for managing CO2 emissions at the Singapore Ports
as they can better understand how well they are progressing towards the International Maritime Organization
(IMO) green house gases (GHG) 2020 target and secondly, can make smart decisions on which type of ship or
country of ship may enter the Singapore port and thereby controlling CO2 emissions.
Figure 7. Boxplot of GT categorized by ship type on February Table 4. Comparison of relative factors contributing to overall
12, 2014. emission for Container and Liquid bulk ship types.
Ship Type Rel. Rel. Rel. fuel Rel. Rel.
no. of GT consump- Speed Emission
3.2 CO2 Emissions
ships tion (Derived)
With the highest ship traffic recorded on February Liquid 1 1 1 1 1
12, 2014, the estimated CO2 emission within the bulk
bounding area was therefore determined. Out of the Container 0.3 6.5 2.97 0.13 0.75
1725 average number of ships recorded on that day,
the proportion of liquid bulk and container ships
amount to 46% of the total ships. However, in terms
of CO2 emission, they contributed a higher percent-
age, 70.4%, of the total CO2 emissions. Refer to Ta-
ble 3 for the emissions categorized by ship type. The
CO2 emissions per GT in each ship type category is
also computed. Tugs emit 28.4 times more CO2 as
compared to Solid bulk per GT volume.
Figure 8 shows the box plot distribution of CO2
emissions categorized by ship type. The Container
ship type has higher emissions variance across the
ships as compared to Liquid bulk ship type but the
overall contribution to CO2 emission is lower. This
can be explained by comparing the relative factors
that differentiates the overall emission as shown in Figure 8. Boxplot of CO2 emissions on February 12, 2014 cate-
Table 4. Setting Liquid bulk factors with 1 as the gorized by ship type.
The CO2 emissions are also analyzed against the
ship registered country of origin. A majority of the
emissions, 28.6%, are contributed by local Singapore
registered ships although the proportion of Singa-
pore ships is much higher at 40.4%. An index of 1.0
for Singapore is created based on the ratio of per-
centage emissions and proportion of ships registered
by the country. Bahamas and Greece registered ships
emit 4.2 and 3.8 times more CO2 per ship respective-
ly as compared to Singapore registered ships. The
proportion of Singapore and Panama ships in each
ship type for the top 6 total emission ship type is as
shown in Table 6. The larger percentage of Singa-
pore ships for liquid bulk, tugs as compared to Pan-
ama explains the larger proportion of total emis- Figure 9. Boxplot of CO2 emissions on February 12, 2014, cat-
sions. Figure 9 shows the box plot distribution of egorized by country type.
CO2 emissions categorized by country of origin.
There is significant difference (p < 0.001) for CO2
emissions across the country types based on a one 3.3 Emissions Reduction
way ANOVA test. The significant emission contrib-
In this section, 3 factors, namely, 1) reduction of
utors, Singapore and Panama, seem to have a smaller Liquid and Container ship types, 2) slow stemming
variance in CO2 emission as compared to the other
of Liquid and Container ship types, 3) use of larger
countries. The exception to this observation is Indo-
GT Liquid and Container ship types, are investigated
nesia and Malaysia country types.
for their contribution to total emissions reduction.
These ship types are targeted because they contribut-
Table 5. Estimates of CO2 emission in Singapore Straits on
ed the most to the CO2 emissions.
February 12, 2014, categorized by country type.
As described in the previous section, the highest
Ship CO2 emis- Proportion %age of Rel
CO2 emissions (70.4%) come from the large propor-
Country sions of ships in emissions Index
tion of Liquid bulk and Container ship types. A 10%
(tonnes/day) %age
reduction in the total number of Liquid bulk ships
Singapore 4,123 40.4% 28.6% 1.0
will reduce total emissions by 4%. Comparatively, a
Others 3,302 23.7% 22.9% 1.4
10% reduction in Container ships will only reduce
Panama 1594 8.1% 11.0% 1.9
the total emissions by 3%.
Liberia 1391 4.7% 9.6% 2.9
By adopting slow steaming and extra slow steam-
Marshall 1172 4.0% 8.1% 2.9
ing operations, it will reduce the amount of emis-
sions. If Liquid bulk ships reduce their speed by
Hong 592 2.3% 4.1% 2.5
10%, carbon emissions will be reduced by 23.5%.
(IMO 2000), resulting in the overall emissions being
Malaysia 542 5.3% 3.8% 1.0
reduced by 9.5% using the figures (76.5% 5,814 =
Bahamas 522 1.2% 3.6% 4.2
4,448 tonnes/day) from Table 3. However, if we re-
Indonesia 514 8.3% 3.6% 0.6
simulate all the new Liquid bulk ship type speeds de-
Greece 343 0.9% 2.4% 3.8
rived from the AIS information, there will be more
Malta 337 1.1% 2.3% 3.0
ships crossing into a lower operating mode. (Table
Total 14,432 100% 100% 2) The total emission is reduced by 3.55%. For the
Container ship type, the total emission reduction is
Table 6. Proportion of Singapore and Panama ships within each 2.75% based on simulation of new speed reduction
ship type for the top 6 total emission ship types. of 10%. More intermediate operating modes and
Ship Type sort- Proportion of Sin- Proportion of Pan- ship speeds categories will increase the fuel reduc-
ed by top 6 total gapore ships ama ships tion and emissions.
emission From Table 1, due to the constant in the linear
Liquid bulk 43.0% 30.5% function, if the GT of each ship is increased and the
Container 5.2% 15.9% number of ships is then decreased, the overall fuel
Solid bulk 1.1% 17.2% consumption will reduce and therefore emissions
Tugs 42.9% 6.6% will be decreased. If each Liquid bulk ship GT is in-
General cargo 7.8% 14.6% creased by 10% (using average GT of a Liquid bulk
Passenger 0.5% 1.3% ship of 24,288), the number of ships required is de-
creased by 9.1% to maintain the overall GT of all
Liquid bulk ships. This will result in a 3.9% reduc-
tion in emission for Liquid bulk ships alone or Dong, Wu. 2009. Attach More Importance to the Economic
1.73% in overall emission reduction. Similarly for Development of Low-Carbon Ports. Port economy.
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tainer ships are expected to grow 2% respectively lar MEPC.1/Circ. 681.
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tributed 28.6% of CO2 emissions. Several operation- Trozzi, C. et al.. 1999, Actual and Future Air Pollutant Emis-
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ships, a reduction in operation speed, and an increase tria.
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based on a 2% yearly projected growth rate of these
ships. Only together with technical measures Singa-
pore Port will be able to meet the 2020 IMO CO2
emission limits. Simple analysis such as the average
number of ships per day, or per month and, infor-
mation such as the ship type, ship growth, will pro-
vide port authorities key information that they may
use when estimating, projecting and controlling the
carbon emissions along the Singapore straits.