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Guidelines BP

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BRS Form No.



The Director
Bureau of Research and Standards
Department of Public Works and Highways
EDSA, Quezon City


In accordance with the Guidelines for the Accreditation of Asphalt and Portland
Cement Concrete Batching Plant issued by DPWH, we hereby apply for assessment as a
DPWH accredited ______________________________________ batching plant.

1. Name of Applicant: ______________________________________________

2. Address: _______________________________________________________

3. Telephone Number(s): ___________________________________________

4. Address of Batching Plant if Different from No. 2: _____________________


5. Telephone Number of Batching Plant if Different from No. 3: ____________


6. Name of Duly Authorized Representative: ____________________________


7. Position of Duly Authorized Representative: __________________________


8. Plant Machinery and Laboratory Equipment/Apparatus

List down all production and test facilities. Include name of equipment, its
purpose/use, manufacture, date acquired and date placed in service (Use a separate
sheet if necessary)

9. Calibration

State the program of calibration of measuring instrument/equipment (Use a

separate sheet if necessary)

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10. List of personnel together with their qualifications.

a. Production Personnel

b. Quality Control Personnel

In the event that a certificate of accreditation is granted, we hereby agree to comply

with the Guidelines for the Accreditation of Asphalt and Portland Cement Concrete
Batching Plants and to abide by all rules and regulations promulgated by the DPWH for the
accreditation of batching plants.

Authorized Representative

Subscribed and sworn to before me this ____ day of ________________ 20___,

affiant exhibiting to me his/her Residence Certificate No. ____________________, issued at
________________ on ____________________.

Notary Public

Doc _____________
Page No. _________
Book No. ________
Series of _________

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This document prescribes the rules and regulations on the accreditation of Asphalt
and Portland Cement Concrete Batching Plants. The Bureau of Research and Standards
(BRS) shall assess the plant for conformance to these guidelines and monitor the
operation to ensure their continuous compliance with its terms and conditions.

These guidelines cover stationary or portable Asphalt and Portland Cement

Concrete Batching Plants which will seek accreditation to supply quality Asphalt/Portland
cement concrete mixes to DPWH projects.


For purposes of these Guidelines, the following definitions shall apply:

2.1 Accreditation The procedure by which the DPWH gives formal recognition under
duly established rules and regulations, that a company is competent to operate an
asphalt cement concrete batching plant or a portland cement concrete batching plant
and supply DPWH project requirements.

2.2 Asphalt Concrete Batching Plant an assembly of mechanical and electronic

equipment where aggregates, hydrated lime and additives (optional) are blended,
dried, heated and mixed with asphalt cement to produce hot mix asphalt and/or
asphalt cement with solvent to produce cold mix asphalt meeting specified

2.3 Portland Cement Concrete Batching Plant an assembly of mechanical and

electronic equipment where a satisfactory mix proportion of water, cement,
aggregates and admixtures (if necessary) are accurately measured and weighed to
produce concrete mix meeting specified requirements.

2.4 Stationary Plant a plant that is located at a permanent site.

2.5 Portable Plant a plant that can be transferred from one jobsite to another.

2.6 Inspection/Assessment evaluation of facilities, capabilities and its conformity by

measuring, observing or testing the relevant characteristics of raw materials and the
finished product in accordance with the prescribed standards.

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2.7 Certificate of Accreditation document signed by the Director of the BRS issued
to an accredited Asphalt/Portland cement concrete plants to supply quality mixes to
DPWH project.


3.1 Promulgate, consistent with the Department Order, guidelines and procedures for the
accreditation of private asphalt and portland cement concrete batching plants.

3.2 Conduct inspection/assessment on asphalt and portland cement concrete batching

plants and assess the applicants as to their compliance with these guidelines.

3.3 Issue a Certificate of Accreditation to applicants who meet the requirements for

3.4 Monitor compliance with the terms and conditions of these guidelines through
regular and unannounced visits.

3.5 Revoke the Certificate of Accreditation for non-compliance with its terms and


4.1 The applicant shall file a duly accomplished application for accreditation BRS Form
No. 2, together with certified true copies of the following documents and information
and payment of non-refundable accreditation fee based on the rated capacity of the
plant which is categorized as follows:

4.1.1 For Asphalt Cement Concrete Batching Plant

Rated Capacity Accreditation Fee

Category (Tons/hour) (Php)

Small Below 50 3,000.00

Medium 50 to below 100 4,500.00

Large 100 and above 6,000.00

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4.1.2 For Portland Cement Concrete Batching Plant

Rated Capacity Accreditation Fee

Category (Tons/hour) (Php)

Small Below 50 3,000.00

Medium 50 to below 100 4,500.00

Large 100 and above 6,000.00

4.1.3 Mayors Permit/Municipal License.

4.1.4 Articles of Partnership or Articles of Incorporation as the case maybe, duly

registered with Securities and Exchange Commission.

4.1.5 Quality Manual

- Companys Policy (Mission/Vision/Objectives)

- Information on physical plant layout

- List of machineries supported by evidence of ownership

- Batching procedures flow chart

- Organizational and manpower chart including key production and quality

control personnel

- Systems of Quality Control, Quality Assurance and Standards being adopted

- Calibration reports of production/measuring/testing equipment

- Companys safety programs/requirements

- Project track records

- Documents filing system

4.2 Upon submission of all the requirements BRS personnel shall inspect the plant,
evaluate personnel capabilities, observe actual production operations and evaluate
the quality control system.

4.3 The applicant shall make available to the Director of the BRS of his/her duly
authorized representatives such pertinent information in connection with the
processing of the application for accreditation and during the assessment.

4.4 The applicant shall provide access to all items of equipment/machineries and related
documents required for production, measurement and correct performance of tests.
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The plant shall:

5.1 Be legally identifiable.

5.2 Have well defined organizational structure including quality assurance activities.

5.3 Have personnel equipped with necessary education, training, technical knowledge
and experience for their assigned functions.

5.4 Have a job description for each key production and quality control personnel.

5.5 The quality control laboratory shall be headed by a registered Civil or Chemical


The plant shall:

6.1 Establish and maintain documented procedures to control and verify the design of
the product in order to ensure that the specified requirement are met and the
submitted approved design/job mix formula meet the requirements and supported by
trial mixes.

6.2 The use of admixtures shall only be allowed for such purpose provided that the use
of the same shall be approved by the approving authority and will be tested prior
to use and will not alter the requirements of portland cement.

6.3 Strictly adhere to standard specifications regarding the use of hydrated lime as one
of the main ingredients in the production of asphalt cement concrete mix.

6.4 Identify and plan the production and servicing processes which directly affect

6.5 Carry out processes such as furnishing, delivering, laying, rolling and correction
ensuring documented compliance with reference standards, codes, procedures, and
or workmanship criteria.


7.1 The plant shall have a quality control and assurance system manual that complies
with accepted standards of quality performance, technical expertise and competence.
It shall be documented as a manual which is available for use by the quality control
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7.2 The plant shall have the quality control and assurance system manual be
systematically and periodically reviewed by or in behalf of the management to
ensure the continued effectiveness of the arrangement. Such reviews shall be
recorded together with deals of any corrective action taken.

7.3 The plant laboratory shall have adequate catalogue and instruction manuals on the
use and operation of all relevant equipment, on the handling and preparation of test
items, and on standard testing techniques, where the absence of such instruction and
could jeopardize the effectiveness of the testing process.

7.4 The plant laboratory shall ensure that all incoming materials/products are not used or
processed until it has been inspected or otherwise verified as conforming to
specification requirement.

7.5 The plant shall carry out all final inspection and testing in accordance with the
quality program and/or documented procedures to complete the evidence of
conformance of the finished product to the specification requirements.


8.1 The plant shall have records of each major equipment/machinery and shall
include the following:

8.1.1 The companys identification

8.1.2 The type of production equipment/machinery with readable control indicator
8.1.3 The type of laboratory testing equipment/apparatus (Minimum Requirements
in Annex A and B)
8.1.4 The identification and serial number
8.1.5 Date acquired and date place in service
8.1.6 Current location
8.1.7 Details of maintenance
8.1.8 Date of latest calibration and calibration reports.
8.1.9 Calibration program

8.2 The plant shall have a fully air conditioned control room.

8.3 The plant shall have proper maintenance program for all equipment/machineries
to ensure protection from corrosion and other causes of deterioration. Instruction
manuals for proper maintenance for those items requiring periodic maintenance shall
be readily available.

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8.4 The plant shall remove any equipment found to be defective either due to
overloading or mishandling including calibrated equipment with doubtful results. It
shall be returned to service only after it is repaired and properly calibrated.

8.5 The plant shall have a program of calibration of all measuring and testing
equipment/apparatus and have them calibrated by a competent body who is
accredited by appropriate authority and can provide traceability to a national or
international standard.


The following terms and conditions shall be binding to all certificate holders. Any
infraction thereof shall constitute sufficient grounds for cancellation or revocation of the

9.1 The certificate holder shall at all times comply with these guidelines.

9.2 The certificate holder shall claim that it is accredited only with respect or in
accordance with these guidelines.

9.3 The certificate holder shall not use the certificate in any manner wherein the BRS
may reasonably object and shall not make any statement to the authority of the
certificate holder in no way which in the opinion of the BRS maybe misleading.

9.4 The Certificate of Accreditation is issued for a period of two years and renewable
thereafter upon application.

9.5 The Certificate of Accreditation shall be non-transferable.

9.6 Upon termination of a Certificate of Accreditation, (however determined) the plant

forthwith shall discontinue its use and all advertising matters which contain any
reference thereto.

9.7 The Accredited Asphalt/Portland Cement Concrete Batching Plant shall make in
clear in all contracts with its clientele other than the BRS, that a satisfactory report
shall in a way imply that the product so tested and manufactured is approved by the
BRS and shall not be used nor be authorized to use, for promotional or publicly
purposes by the said client without prior, written permission from the BRS in order
to ensure that there is no misrepresentation of the BRS position.

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10.1 The certificate holder fails to comply to the requirements set forth in the certificate
as provided for in these guidelines.

10.2 The certificate holder made or incorporated false statements in connection with its
application for accreditation

10.3 Violation of the quality control and quality assurance measures not only in the plant
but also during transport and delivery of the required products.

10.4 The certificate shall be suspended, withdrawn or cancelled after the Director of the
BRS has served a notice of cancellation, stating therein the grounds for the
contemplated action and granting the certificate holder the opportunity to be heard
within fifteen (15) days from the date of receipt thereof. The decision of the
Director of the BRS shall be final and executory.


Asphalt/Portland Cement concrete plants and testing laboratories in the

Philippines are under increasing pressure by their customers to not only have a quality
and technical; management system that complies with locally accepted standards of
quality, performance, technical expertise and competence but show actual proof. In this
connection, third-party accreditation provides a formal recognition that an asphalt cement
concrete plant or Portland cement concrete batching plant is capable of meeting a
recognized standard. However, the BRS through its accreditation scheme shall recognize
a third-party evaluation of batching plant and its testing laboratorys capabilities based
on accepted international standards, but will not serve as basis for exemption from
DPWH accreditation.


Project Asphalt and Portland cement concrete batching plants shall be allowed to
supply asphalt/concrete mix to DPWH projects provided that proponents apply and pass
the requirements for accreditation as stipulated in these guidelines.

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13.1 Visits A duly authorized assessors of the BRS shall be permitted to visit the
batching plant periodically (once per year, minimum) at the discretion of the BRS to
determine that the conditions upon which the Certificate was granted are being
observed and carried out.

13.2 Monitor Testing and Production Procedures In order to monitor production

and testing procedures, the BRS may require the batching plant to carry out from
time to time production/testing activities and prepare reports.

13.3 Confidentially - All information obtained by the BRS in the operation of this
scheme of plant accreditation will be treated as confidential between the batching
plant and the BRS. Such information will not be divulged without the written
permission of the batching plant manager.

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(As Required in Item 8.1.3 of these Guidelines)
1. Sets of Sieves 1. Oven, Temperature Controlled

2. Pan and Cover 2. Set of Standard Sieves with pan and cover

3. Brush 3. Balance, Sensitive to 0.1 gm.

4. Spatula (big and small) 4. Tampering Rod 16.0mm dia.x600mm long

5. Balance (Sensitive to 0.1 g) 5. Balance and Weights (20 kg. Capacity)

6. Water Bucket 6. Cylinder/Beam Molds

7. Balance and Weight (2610gm. & 20kg.) 7. Glass bottles (approx. 350 ml graduated)

8. Oven (Thermostatically Controlled) 8. Pcynometer or calibrated volumetric flask

9. Thermometer (Calibrated) 9. Glass cylinder graduated (of suitable

10. Water capacities preferably large enough to measure

11. Heater (Hot Coil/Plate) the mixing water in a single operation

12. Filter Paper 10. Tamper

13. Penetrometer 11. Trowel, having a steel 4 to 6in.(100 to 150mm)

14. Sample Container length with straight edge

15. Transfer Disk 12. Pan

16. Stirring Rod 13. Wire Basket of 4.75 mm. mesh

17. Hammer with Pedestal 14. Water Bucket

18. Trimmer (Putty Knife) 15. Specimen Molds 50mm, cube, tight fitting

19. Set of Mold (2-1/2in. height & 4in. dia.) Compartment, 3 cube compartment

20. Pan (for batching aggregate) 16. Mixer, bowl and paddle, electrically-

21. Scoop (for batching aggregate) mechanically driven

22. Asphalt Heater (Beaker) 17. Flow Table, Flow Mold conforms ASTM

23. Mixing Spoon C-230/AASHTO T-106

24. Gloves 18. Testing Machine (Compression/Flexural)

25. Marshall Stability Apparatus with flow test Electrically-mechanically driven

26. Centrifuge Extraction Machine 19. Slump Cone Apparatus

20. Vicat Apparatus

21. Thermometer

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