You Say You Want A Revolution
You Say You Want A Revolution
You Say You Want A Revolution
In the 1600s and 1700s, several events combined to What if the government fails to do that? According to
change the lives of people around the world. The Age of Locke, then the people have the right to overthrow the
Exploration brought many new goods from eastern Asia government, by force if necessary.
to Europe. Goods also moved from the Americas to
Wow! Imagine you are a king in that time. Lockes ideas
Africa, Europe and Asia. People and things were moving
would be rebellious. If people took these ideas
around the globe faster than ever before. It wasnt just
seriously, they might even start a revolution!
people and things moving, though. New ideas were also
flowing over the globe.
Causes of revolution in the Atlantic
During the Age of Exploration, Europeans began to
colonize other parts of the world. At the same time,
Enlightenment thinkers started to question the idea of The Enlightenment thinkers had been expressing these
liberty. They were thinking about what liberty actually ideas for a long time, but they were just talked about.
meant. For some Enlightenment thinkers, liberty meant Now, events in Europe and the Americas led people to
popular sovereignty. question their governments. People had a reason to put
finally those ideas into action.
Popular sovereignty is the idea that the people of a
country need to support the government in order for The Seven Years' War in Europe was known in North
the government to be legal. Think about that for a America as the French and Indian War. It is one major
moment. In the 1700s, almost all of the governments in event that led to revolutions around the world.
the world were ruled by kings and queens. Nobody In the Seven Years' War, Great Britain defeated France.
voted for who would be king. The people did not have a As a result, Britain gained all of Frances territories in
say. Canada and India. The British won, but they owed
Where did this idea of liberty or popular sovereignty money from the war.
come from? Great Britain had to pay back what they owed. To do it
English philosopher John Locke (1632-1704) is famous they made the American colonists pay for the war. The
for his idea of liberty. Locke believed that All people colonists benefited from the victory, because the new
have the natural rights of life, liberty, and property. territory made them safer. How would the colonists pay
for the war? Taxes.
Lets break down Lockes statement. Locke believed
that once were born, we have the right to a good life.
He also said that we are all equal. Finally, he said that
we have a right to keep our own money and
possessions (property). No government can take these
away from us.
Together, the rich and religious leaders were only about Father Hidalgos revolt was unsuccessful, but his ideas
3 percent of the population. That means the common fueled more resistance to Spains rule in Mexico. In
people made up 97 percent of the population. 1821, Mexico finally won its independence from Spain.
Lastly, lets look at Venezuela. It was another Spanish Taxes on food and native people were ended, and so
colony where several groups struggled for liberty. Each was slavery. All of the different groups achieved the
group had its own definition of liberty and its own goals. liberty they desired.
The ideas of John Locke and other Enlightenment
thinkers of the late 1600s and 1700s released
revolutionary ideas that many of the thinkers could not
have expected.