Personal Financial Planning - Theory and Practice
Personal Financial Planning - Theory and Practice
Personal Financial Planning - Theory and Practice
Debbie Harrison
Pearson Education Limited
Edinburgh Gate
Essex CM20 2JE
The right of Debbie Harrison to be identified as author of this work has been asserted
by her in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.
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10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
08 07 06 05
Preface xv
Acknowledgements xxi
3 Market fundamentals 39
How bubbles burst and markets crash 40
Market cycles 41
How to read economic information 42
Economic indicators 44
Impact of the economy on companies and share prices 46
Activity 3.1 47
Activity 3.2 47
7 Protection insurance 91
Life assurance 92
Income protection 95
Critical illness 97
Waiver of premium for pension plans 97
Private medical insurance 97
Long-term care 100
Activity 7.1 102
Case study 103
9 Savings 115
Taxation 116
Deposit accounts 116
National Savings & Investments (NS&I) 117
Tax-exempt special savings accounts (TESSAs) 120
Cash individual savings accounts (ISAs) 121
Gilts and bonds 121
Index linked gilts 121
Guaranteed income bonds (GIBs) 122
Permanent income bearing shares (PIBs) 123
viii Contents
11 Equities 137
How shares are grouped 138
The FTSE UK Index Series 138
Classification by sector 139
Shareholder perks 140
New issues 140
What information will a company provide? 140
How to value shares 140
Key indicators in practice 141
Dividend cover 142
The price/earnings (P/E) ratio 142
Net asset value 142
Financial gearing 143
The acid test 143
Asset backing 143
The pre-tax profit margin 143
The return on capital 144
Making comparisons 144
Buying and selling 144
Higher risk investor strategies 144
Company share schemes 146
Activity 11.1 147
Activity 11.2 147
Contents ix
17 Property 203
Buying the main family residence 204
Second homes 211
Residential homes overseas 212
Buy-to-let 212
Commercial property 214
Equity release 214
Activity 17.1 217
Activity 17.2 218
Case study 219
19 Taxation 229
Keep it legal 230
Personal tax allowances and exemptions 230
Income tax personal allowance 231
Capital gains tax 232
Inheritance tax planning 234
Domicile and residence 236
Charitable giving 237
Contents xi
Appendix 1: Glossary of terms 325
Appendix 2: AZ of websites 347
Appendix 3: How to prepare a financial plan 351
Appendix 4: Financial planning case study 357
Bibliography 379
Index 381
For students
Learning objectives for each chapter
Multiple choice questions to help test your learning
Guide to preparing a financial plan
Links to relevant sites on the web
An online glossary to explain key terms
For lecturers
Complete, downloadable Instructors Manual
PowerPoint slides that can be downloaded and used as OHTs
Also: This website has a Syllabus and Profile Manager, online help, search
functions, and email results functions.
Personal Financial Planning: Theory and Practice is the first dedicated discursive
textbook for undergraduate students studying this important subject. It is quite
distinct from the product-based UK regulatory guidebooks for practitioners and from
the consumer guides to personal finance.
What sets this text apart is the interdisciplinary approach it takes to a subject that is
regarded as an essential financial, social, and economic objective for the UK in the 21st
century; namely that each individual should achieve financial independence and
security throughout their working life, and should save sufficient funds to achieve
financial independence and security throughout retirement.
If we were to identify two points in modern economic history when a seismic shift
occurred in the balance between state, occupational and private provision of financial
services and benefits we would select the late 1970s and the late 1990s. Since the late
1970s successive governments have sought to shift the burden of financial welfare
from the state to the private sector. In the late 1990s serious faultlines began to appear
in what had hitherto been regarded as rock solid employer-sponsored pension
schemes. From this point onwards there was a marked trend away from the apparent
security of Defined benefit (DB) pension schemes to Defined contribution (DC)
schemes, and the consequential transfer of investment risk from the employer to the
individual scheme member.
By the year 2000 the personal in personal finance no longer relegated this field to
a position secondary to state and occupational welfare provision. With the withdrawal
of the state as the predominant provider of benefits, and the reduction in the security
and value of occupational benefits, personal finance is positioned as one of the most
important foundation stones for modern society and for social welfare as a whole.
The aim of the book is to help students achieve greater breadth and depth in their
understanding of all aspects of personal finance, both from an academic and a practical
perspective. With this in mind it combines technical detail with an analysis of the
economic, social and regulatory environment in which financial planning, as a blend of
services and products, is delivered in the first decade of the 21st century.
The discursive approach is important. Students should learn to question all source
material for accuracy and partiality whether this is from the media, policymakers,
independent experts or the websites of financial providers. While a great deal of the
material in this book is derived from such sources, nevertheless it is recognised and
acknowledged that each party has its own corner to fight and therefore will lend its
particular bias to any arguments and conclusions offered. This is also true of government
xvi Preface
agencies, such as the Treasury, the Inland Revenue and the Department for Work and
Pensions, which are not always united in their purposes and do not always achieve
coherence in the way they draw up policy.
Against this background, the study of personal finance is far more than an exercise
in learning tax rules, product descriptions and the contents of financial services legis-
lation. Rather, the objective of this book is to help students develop an understanding
of the changing needs of individuals within modern society, to identify trends and to
develop a questioning outlook.
Following international corporate scandals such as Enron, WorldCom and Parmalat,
we can no longer rely on major companies to provide a reliable return to shareholders,
or to support the debt they issue. In the UK we can no longer rely on highly distin-
guished institutions to thrive simply because they are household names. When the
Italian dairy foods group Parmalat collapsed in December 2003, it left creditors holding
Euro 12.5bn in debt. In the UK Equitable Life one of the worlds oldest and most
respected mutuals stands as an example to policyholders as to what may happen when
financial strength fails and when with profits becomes with losses.
The vulnerability of those relying on private sector pension schemes cannot be over-
stated. Before the Pension Protection Fund (PPF) is firmly in place (April 2005) and
it has proved its mettle there is little to protect DB occupational pension scheme
members where an employer becomes insolvent and the pension scheme is under-
funded. As the members of the former steelworkers pension scheme at Allied Steel and
Wire (ASW) know to their cost, it is possible to pay into a pension scheme for 30 years
and to end up with less than half of the promised benefits.
These types of problems are far ranging and complex. While there are no solutions
that meet the needs of individual beneficiaries, employers, the welfare system, the tax-
payer and the shareholder, nevertheless students should be prepared to engage with
these issues and be able to construct articulate arguments that suggest how a repetition
of such events can be avoided in future. I hope this book, with its research-based
approach to further learning, and the accompanying website will help students as they
develop an understanding of the causes and the impact of financial crises and gain
confidence in their ability to construct persuasive arguments, whether these support or
oppose the status quo.
In particular the following groups will find this book and its approach to personal
finance of interest and support in their studies:
Undergraduate students aged 1824 who are majoring in finance or incorporating
a personal finance planning and investment module in their curriculum. These
students need to develop an understanding of both the theory and practice set out
in the book, and to expand their own sources of information, starting with the
research recommendations provided here.
Part-time undergraduates, aged 18!, some of whom will have experience in the
financial services industry but who may lack awareness of current theory and
practice and who may also benefit from a more discursive approach to modern
financial planning.
Preface xvii
The academic course planner and lecturer, who may find this text and the
supporting website at a useful teaching aid.
Postgraduates studying financial theory, who may also find that this book
provides a useful summary of key issues and is a timely reference tool, particularly
when used in conjunction with the source material and research
Those who work in financial services, who may benefit from stepping back from
the day-to-day aspects of their work to reconsider the role of the financial planner
in a more objective light.
Policymakers, regulators and independent researchers, who may find that this
book presents the most advanced approach to financial planning available at
present, with its blend of academic discipline and practical knowledge.
It is hoped that students, lecturers, practitioners and policymakers will find that the
interactive format, the comparatively relaxed style and the blend of academic and
practical analysis combine to make this book a readily accessible resource. The
purpose is to construct and maintain a clear vision of the contemporary role of
financial planning, which is to help the individual to achieve life goals through the
adoption of a pragmatic financial strategy.
In conclusion, I hope that by using this book the reader will gain a thorough
grounding in financial planning and its role in modern society, and will enjoy the
theory every bit as much as the practice.
Debbie Harrison
How to use this book
university course demand much more than this and it is important to be able to
articulate with confidence your own views on issues such as sales commissions vs. fees,
the regulation of products vs. advice, the accountability of the management of com-
panies that fall foul of mis-selling rules, consumer education and responsibility, to give
just a few examples.
The Activities are designed to test your approach to different problems and to
encourage private research, particularly using the Internet. Case study responses to
these scenarios are not required but rather some reflection and group discussion on
what issues you might address in a particular situation. This will help you in three
important ways:
To build up your knowledge within a structured framework.
To enable you to discuss issues with confidence within the lecture and seminar
To act as revision prompts.
In addition there are detailed exercises, which are set out in several chapters. These
will require a more thorough reading and the assimilation of information, and so
should not be attempted in the early weeks of the course. Case study material and
exam-style questions from a wide and varied range of sources is provided here.
Lecturers should direct students to the most appropriate exercises for their course.
The publishers and the author would like to thank the university lecturers who
reviewed the synopsis and draft manuscript. They would also like to thank the profes-
sional institutions and financial organisations that provided technical assistance and
recommendations to ensure that the subject matter and methodology of the text
reflects the best in current thinking and practice. These include the Association of
British Insurers, Association of Private Client Investment Managers and Stockbrokers,
Barclays Capital, Bloomsbury Financial Planning, The Bureaux, the Chartered
Institute of Banking, the Chartered Insurance Institute (CII), the Debt Management
Office, Deloitte & Touche, Distribution Technology Ltd, the Ethical Investment
Research Service (EIRS), the Financial Services Authority, the Financial Times, FTSE
International, Independent Research Services, the Institute of Chartered Accountants,
the Institute of Financial Planning (IFP), the Institute of Financial Services (IFS), the
Investment Management Association, the Law Society, Lloyds of London, London
International Financial Futures and Options Exchange (LIFFE), The London Stock
Exchange (LSE), Mercer Human Resources, Moneyfacts, Money Management, the
National Association of Pension Funds (NAPF), ProShare, Standard & Poors,
William Burrows Annuities and the WM Company.
Dictionary definitions are either compiled by the author or drawn from Lamonts
Glossary, which is available as a book and online and is a valuable resource for all
students of financial planning (
Publishers acknowledgements
The publishers would like to express their gratitude to the following academics, as
well as additional anonymous reviewers, who provided invaluable feedback on this
book in the early stages of its development:
Bob Davidson, Glasgow Caledonian University
Rob Jones, University of Newcastle upon Tyne
James Mallon, Napier University
Gareth Myles, University of Exeter
We are grateful to the following for permission to reproduce copyright material:
Exhibits 1.21.4, Appendices 3 and 4 from Institute of Financial Plannings Certi-
fied Planner Licence Syllabus and Tuition Manual, 4th edition; Figures 3.1, 4.1 and
xxii Acknowledgements
Tables 4.1 and 4.2 from Barclays Capital Equity Gilt Study, 2004; Table 5.1, 6.1 and
15.1 from the FTSE group, various sources; Figures 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.4, 10.1 Cut-outs
from share services page, Financial Times, 2 April 2004; Case Studies 7.1, 9.1, 17.1,
19.1, 20.1, 22.1 from Financial Planner of the Year Awards 2003, FT Business, Money
Management; Displayed calculation in Chapter 10 from Gilts Market Private
Investors Guide, UK DMO; Figures 22.122.3 from the NAPF Annual Survey
Commentary,, National Association of Pension Funds.
The author would like to thank the following for kindly allowing her to refer
to their material: Distribution Technology, for reference to the Dynamic Planner, a
web-based financial tool, on the Bloomsbury Financial Planning website; Independent
Research Services for material from the IRS Alternative Investments Lesson in
Chapters 16 and 18; Lane Clark & Peacock for details about its DCisive lifestyle
model for DC schemes; Simon Philips for the section on intestacy in Chapter 19, from
The Deloitte & Touche Financial Planning for the Individual (Gee Publishing, 2002).
Part One
The logical starting point for a book about personal financial planning is an
examination of the material and issues with which this discipline engages. This
chapter, therefore, explores the functions of personal financial planning, considers
how a financial plan might be constructed, and critically assesses what the plan
sets out to achieve and how effective it is in meeting its objectives.
When you have completed this chapter you should be able to:
The Institute of Financial Planning (IFP), which issues the annual Certified Financial
Planner (CFP TM) licence in the UK and overseas, provides a more detailed definition.
For the IFP and its members, financial planning is the process that determines whether
and how an individual can meet financial objectives through proper management of
financial resources. The process would typically include, but is not limited to, the
following six elements:
Data gathering.
Goalobjective setting.
Identification of financial issues.
Preparation of alternatives and recommendations.
Implementation of decisions selected from the alternatives.
Revision of the plan.
In practice a financial plan must always start with a thorough assessment of the
individuals current circumstances before it can map out the steps that need to be taken
to reach the desired targets or goals. Each goal has its own time horizon. For example
a couple might make financial security in retirement their ultimate goal but along the
journey they may also want to save for education fees for their children, and to pay off
their mortgage and any other major debts.
Financial plans must be flexible because the overall objective is to meet the indi-
viduals personal objectives. Only after these are known can the individuals financial
goals be set. This means that the goals should be drawn up to match personal ambi-
tions, and not vice versa. So, I want to retire at age 60 and climb mountains is a goal.
I want to pay more into my pension plan is not, although it may become one of
the recommendations a planner makes in order to help the individual achieve their
personal ambition.
Financial planning based on the model described is a very tough discipline and
requires expertise and experience in equal measure. Personal information must be
extrapolated together with realistic economic assumptions for example about future
earnings, investment growth and inflation. Given that leading lights in the fields of
economics and econometrics constantly get these factors wrong, it is no mean feat
for a financial planner to construct a pragmatic and workable plan that takes into
account the vagaries of the economic climate and world stock markets, as well as the
idiosyncratic demands of the individual.
Chapter 1 The principles of modern financial planning 5
Scope of study
Students of personal financial planning will need to study all the traditional finan-
cial subjects such as insurance, investment, taxation, trusts, mortgages, pension plan-
ning, the interaction between state and private benefits, and estate planning, among
others. While engaging with theory and practice we must not abandon common sense,
and so I do not recommend investing for investments sake, insurance just to be on the
safe side, or setting up trusts to avoid tax where the trust is more expensive than the
tax saved. It is also important to keep in mind the need for flexibility. Higher earners,
for example, may have tremendous scope to improve their pension arrangements but
in certain cases the individual may prefer to invest a significant proportion of retire-
ment capital outside of a tax-favoured Inland Revenue-approved scheme or plan, in
order to avoid the restrictive rules on how approved pension funds can be used at
products and services, and the consumers who make the purchases. For our purposes
the term intermediary is not sufficiently specific and so it is important to understand
the fundamental difference between the traditional approach to providing financial
advice in the UK and financial planning. To stress this point it is helpful to take a
rather simplistic approach, provided we understand that in practice these roles tend to
blur. Most financial advisers sell insurance and investment products. Some do this very
well. The big firms with sophisticated websites search out the best terms and prices in
the market and use their negotiating power and economies of scale to the consumers
advantage. Discount brokers advisers of this type who offer access to a vast range of
mutual (collective) funds are a good example. Financial planners frequently use these
advisers where they have identified a financial product that will help implement a plan,
and where they cannot compete on price and speed of service.
Certain firms of financial advisers are specialists, for example in the field of retire-
ment annuities, disability insurance and long-term care. Again, planners that do not
specialise in these areas may refer clients to a specialist to ensure they receive appro-
priate advice and make an informed choice, based on the full range of products and
providers. Most firms of planners also use an external investment manager for clients
who want to invest directly in equities.
The traditional adviser is not a specialist, however. The adviser you might find in the
local high street is likely to cover the whole retail market for savings, investment,
mortgages, health insurance and retirement planning, among other services. This
breed of adviser is in decline and ultimately may become scarce rather like the corner
shop. For the modern general practitioner of the financial world to survive it is
necessary to concentrate on a core service and to form strategic alliances with
specialists in order to provide a full service.
Remuneration is an important and thorny issue for financial services, and it is
important for students to understand how the market works in order to appreciate why
the basis for the advisers remuneration may affect the range and quality of advice.
Traditionally, most adviser remuneration has been transaction-based and therefore
dependent on the sales commission from the product providers, rather than a direct fee
from the client. This is still the most common method of remuneration. Where an indi-
vidual invests a lump sum in a unit trust, for example, there would be an up-front or
initial commission. On top of this there is an annual or trail commission paid from the
first anniversary of the sale onwards until the investment is cashed in or transferred
elsewhere. Commission is expressed as a percentage of the fund and herein lies an
important aspect of the controversy, because this means that the level of remuneration
is not linked to the time spent on a case but to the value of the transaction. It might take
the same time to identify an appropriate fund for an individual with 50,000 to invest
as it does for the individual with 5,000, yet the commission of, say, 5% of the
transaction, will yield 2,500 in the former case and 250 in the latter.
Chapter 1 The principles of modern financial planning 7
separate the financial advice from the purchase of any products. This means that we
construct the plan and only then examine which products, if any, may be required to
implement it. Todays planner will operate on a timecost platform so that all charges
are set out clearly, whether these are met by fees, commission payments, or a mixture
of the two.
technical meanings and can be very subjective. Conventional theory suggests that the
two chief risks for private investors are capital loss and inflation. These are certainly
very valid but a more holistic financial planning approach considers risk in the context
of not achieving an objective. For example the annual return of a private pension fund
could be measured against an index, such as the FTSE All Share, and against similar
funds, but first and foremost it should be measured against the return needed to
achieve the desired retirement objective.
The reward for individuals who take investment risks is the total return, which is
usually expressed as a percentage increase of the original investment taking account of
both the income (yield) reinvested plus any capital growth (the rise in the market
price). This may seem an obvious point but some of the more recent financial scandals
have involved the sale of structured products that achieve the stated income or growth
target but where the total return has been far less than the amount invested (see
Chapter 13).
Inflation risk
Savings and investments that often expose the investor to inflation risk usually fall
into the safe category. For example, private investors tend to think of building society
deposit accounts as risk free. If the intention is to avoid the loss of the original capital
then, provided we stick with the well-regulated UK building societies and other deposit
takers (including Internet accounts), money on deposit should certainly be safe from
capital loss. The capital will not diminish but nor will it grow unless interest is
reinvested. However, the growth will be modest and the real return (adjusted for infla-
tion) may even be negative, depending on the relationship between prevailing rates of
interest and inflation. This does not mean individuals should ignore deposit accounts.
In practice they play a very important part in providing an easy access home for
emergency funds and for short-term savings where capital security is the primary goal
(see Chapter 9). Generally, however, over the medium to long term, deposit accounts
are often synonymous with capital erosion.
Bonds, which are issued mainly by the government (gilts) and companies (corporate
bonds), can offer the prospect of higher returns than a deposit account but with
corporate bond funds there is a risk that the borrower may dip into the investors
capital in order to maintain the flow of income. Also, like deposits, conventional
bonds do not offer any guaranteed protection against increases in inflation.
Capital risk
Historically, if we wanted to match or beat inflation over the long term we
would have had to invest in equities. However, with equities, unless a fund offers a
guarantee (and these can be costly see Chapter 13), the individuals capital certainly
is at risk.
10 The social, economic and regulatory framework for financial planning
Chapter 5 looks at diversification within a portfolio in order to reduce risk at the total portfolio
level. However, it is also important to be able to recognise the level of risk inherent in a financial
product and this is not always apparent. Most of the major mis-selling scandals in the financial
services markets are a result of naivety and misunderstanding on the part of investors, and the
disingenuous desire to mislead on the part of providers and advisers.
The following benchmarks take a very broad-brush approach to investment, which provides a
useful starting point to the assessment of an asset class, product or scheme. It does not matter
whether we are examining deposit accounts, collective funds, direct equity and bond investments
or higher risk investments such as venture capital trusts, which invest in the shares of unquoted
trading companies measuring risk against certain benchmarks helps to keep a good overall
The benchmarks will also help students to focus on the important fundamentals as opposed to
the bells and whistles, which are used so successfully in marketing literature to make products
and services look more attractive, safer, tax efficient or ethical than they really are.
Aims: What are the stated aims and benefits of the investment? Do these fit in with the
individuals aims and objectives?
Returns: Compare the potential net returns of the investment with after-tax returns on very
low-risk products such as high-interest deposit accounts, short-term conventional gilts and
National Savings & Investment low-risk products. Is the potential out-performance of the
investment really worth the additional risk?
Alternatives: Which other investments share similar characteristics? Are they simpler, cheaper
or less risky?
Investment period: For how long can the individual genuinely afford to invest the money?
Compare this with the stated investment term and then check how the charges undermine
returns in the early years. Check for any exit penalties and remember that a loyalty bonus on
an insurance product usually acts as a penalty in disguise if the individual does not continue the
investment for the required period.
Risk: What is the risk that the investment will not achieve either its own stated aims or the
individuals private objectives? What is the most he or she could lose? Is the capital andor
income stream at risk? What is the likely effect of inflation? How is the investment regulated?
What happens if the firminvestment manager defaults?
Cost: Look at the establishment costs and ongoing charges. Remember that high annual
management charges on collective funds, particularly for long-term investments, will seriously
undermine the return. With direct equity portfolios watch out for the high transaction charges
and turnover costs associated with portfolio churning (unnecessary and excessive buying and
selling to increase transaction charges).
Tax: The way the fund and the investor are taxed is important because it will affect the ultimate
return. Check for income and capital gains tax implications and consider how these might
change over the investment period; for example if the individual retires and moves from a
higher to a basic rate of taxation. As a general rule never invest purely for the sake of obtaining
tax relief; investments must be appropriate for the individuals circumstances and must be
attractive with or without the tax breaks.
Chapter 1 The principles of modern financial planning 11
Earnings, less taxation. Some planners would place this elsewhere but where
employment is stable, earnings can be seen to resemble a bondlike stream of
Savings and investments.
Property equity including the main home, second home(s), and property
purchased and let to tenants (buy-to-let). The equity value of a property is
defined as market value less mortgage.
Company share schemes.
Occupational and private pensions.
Tangible assets; for example works of art, antiques and classic cars. However,
these should only be included in the balance sheet where the owner is prepared to
part with them.
Living expenses.
Mortgages and other loans.
Credit card debts.
Education fees.
Charitable giving.
Any other items that require insurance andor maintenance.
The plan will consider the best way to achieve the stated goals and will cover the
following areas:
It identifies additional problems and issues, which must be identified and addressed.
Any assumptions made must be stated and justified, including price inflation, earnings inflation,
deposit interest rate, equity growth rates over 515 and 15! years, annuity rates.
Consideration must be given to the individuals assets and debts and this will be set out as a
net worth statement (a personal balance sheet). This should include all assets with the
ownership basis identified. Debt must be apportioned accurately.
14 The social, economic and regulatory framework for financial planning
Gross and net income and expenditure analysis, for example, as a cash flow or budget
summary. Careful identification of shortfall or surplus income over expenditure. Liquidity and a
cash reserve should be established.
Source: Based on the Institute of Financial Plannings Certified Financial Planner Licence Syllabus and Tuition Manual,
4th edition.
Are recommendations made for each of the problemsconcerns? Is each goal and objective
Are there clear explanations of how the proposed solution solves the problem? For example
does an income replacement policy actually meet the income requirements?
Is the ownership and method of arranging policies and assets clearly explained?
Source: Based on the Institute of Financial Plannings Certified Financial Planner Licence Syllabus and Tuition Manual,
4th edition.
Source: Based on the Institute of Financial Plannings Certified Financial Planner Licence Syllabus and Tuition Manual,
4th edition.
Chapter 1 The principles of modern financial planning 15
Many investors pride themselves on planning well for the known events in life but, as Robert
Burns tells us, the best laid schemes of mice and men gang aft agley. If they do the individual will
be in a state of shock and very vulnerable. At such times they may be too exhausted coping with
a bereavement, an unexpected redundancy, an injury, or forced early retirement, for example, to
be able to deal effectively with silver-tongued financial salespeople.
Life crises tend to trigger either total inactivity or ill-advised over-activity. The latter is potentially
very dangerous, particularly as the individual may be anxious to hear comforting words and
sympathetic advice. Despite the best endeavours of the chief regulator, the Financial Services
Authority (FSA), there are still far too many advisers who can spot an inheritance, a redundancy
cheque, or an insurance payment at 1,000 paces and who will try to get the vulnerable to invest it
in unsuitable long-term products before you can say sales commission. The regulators often
catch up with such activities but it can take a long time to secure compensation. In 2004, for
example, the Financial Services Compensation Scheme declared R.J. Temple in default, leaving
the way open for hundreds of investors to make a claim for the mis-selling of pensions, precipice
bonds, and split capital investment trusts. The adviser one of Britains biggest firms specialised
in counselling women who had suffered bereavement and who would therefore be in receipt of a
life assurance lump sum.
When we face a crisis our thinking is clouded. But there is an even better reason for not
investing: good financial planning for the long term can only be achieved where both the current
situation and future financial goals are known. At times of crisis only the current financial position
can be assessed and therefore long-term planning should be avoided at this stage. The planner,
therefore, will focus on the immediate needs and revisit the case at regular intervals.
In cases of redundancy, for example, we must check the value of the company redundancy
package and any other investments held and assess liquidity by dividing them into cash, easy
access, notice accounts and so on. At this stage we would urge the individual to avoid drawing on
long-term investments where there may be a penalty for early termination or where the value
depends on stock market movement and timing. We can complete the current picture by calcu-
lating the level of net income the family requires. Once we have the full picture we might suggest
a holding position for at least 6 to 12 months, find the best deposit rates and, where appropriate,
take advantage of annually limited tax and investment allowances such as Individual savings
accounts (ISAs). We would warn against splashing out on a world cruise, an expensive car and
other feel good spends.
Pension choices for the redundant are surprisingly simple: do nothing in the short term unless it
is absolutely necessary. Under normal circumstances the individual should not transfer to a
personal pension plan because it will cost money and will involve the loss of valuable guarantees.
Depending on age, the individual should line up the next career move or retirement plans before
making any decisions.
In another example, where a husband dies and the wife has not kept a close eye on the familys
finances, the planner must make sure the widow receives all of her entitlements. With a letter of
authority from the widow the planner can check through all the insurance policies. Any lump sums
can be placed on deposit for the time being until she has decided on her new objectives.
Immediate cash flow and liquidity are of particular importance. We must check the widows
financial commitments for example if there are any education fees that must be met out of
income and capital. While making provision for these bills we should also recommend that she
rewrite her will and that she should take out appropriate insurance, if necessary, to ensure that the
childrens needs are covered. We would suggest to her that she avoids making any big financial
decisions for at least six months and preferably a year.
16 The social, economic and regulatory framework for financial planning
Avoid any big decisions like moving house or starting a new business.
Check state and company benefits particularly if any new ones apply due to long-term sick-
ness or unemployment, for example.
Check all insurance policies to see if any will pay out in the circumstances.
In the case of redundancy, leave the pension with the former employer if possible at least until
a decision is made on the next job move or early retirement.
Take stock of all savings and investments plans but dont be pressured into making premature
investment decisions with any new lump sums.
Ensure adequate liquidity for any unforeseen events.
Make sure there is a sufficient amount in an easy access account to cover important existing
outgoings such as education fees, the mortgage and so on.
Activity 1.1
Buy a range of national weekend newspapers (broadsheet and tabloid) and draw up a list
of topics covered. Determine which features relate to an event in the preceding week for
example a rise in base rates, the closure of a major firm of advisers, the publication of a
consultation document that affects financial services. Consider the following questions:
How do different papers approach the subject and make it relevant to their readers?
Can you detect bias or imbalance in the arguments? Discuss.
How helpful would you say the articles are in informing readers of important events and
their rights? How would you improve coverage?
Activity 1.2
Anna Brown is 50 and has just lost her husband Dennis, who used to look after the
familys finances. What would be your initial concerns and how would you help Anna
construct an appropriate financial plan?
Activity 1.3
Alan Brandon is 45 and has just been made redundant. What would be your initial
concerns? Alan has a substantial company pension benefit with a major plc. He says he
wants to transfer this fund to a private pension plan, where he would be able to run the
investments himself. What do you think of this idea?
Chapter 1 The principles of modern financial planning 17
This chapter covered a lot of ground. It considered the objectives of financial plan-
ning and how these must take account of the individuals own goals and circumstances.
Briefly it also looked at risk, as the understanding of personal risk and the management
of this risk is central to financial planning.
Key terms
Review questions
1 Why is financial planning different from the traditional approach to selling insurance and
2 Give an example to show the difference between a personal goal and a financial goal and
explain why the personal goal must come first.
4 List three hard facts and three soft data that you would accommodate in the plan.
6 How does a life crisis, like bereavement or redundancy, change the nature of a financial
Further information
Appendix 3 has a sample questionnaire that forms part of the Institute of Financial Plannings
Certified Financial Planner Licence Syllabus and Tuition Manual, 4th edition. An increasing
number of financial planners and advisers are setting up online fact finds, which allow you
to crunch numbers for yourself to help you spot areas that need attention. A good example of
this is the Dynamic Planner at Bloomsbury Financial Planning:
The Dynamic Planner is designed by Distribution Technology Ltd (www.distribution-
Below are the main websites for information about financial planning:
The Financial Services Authority (FSA) explains how the regulation of advice works and
provides links to useful websites:
Examining bodies
The Chartered Insurance Institute is one of the main examining bodies in the financial services
market. Associateship (ACII) is its highest qualification:
The Institute of Financial Planning (IFP) is the training and examining body for the Certified
Financial Planner Licence (CFP TM) in the UK. Its highest qualification is Fellow (FIFP):
The Institute of Financial Services is the brand of the Chartered Institute of Banking (CIB) and
is a major examiner in this sector:
The Society of Financial Advisers is the financial services arm of the Chartered Insurance
Institute. Its highest level is Fellow (FSFA):
The UK Society of Investment Professionals oversees the Investment Management Certificate,
which is the benchmark examination for individuals engaged in discretionary or advisory
investment management:
Professional bodies
There is a wide range of trade organisations that promote their members interests. Students
should visit these websites to gain a perspective on the complexity of the distribution of financial
advice in the UK and also to form opinions on the vested interests at work:
IFA Promotions runs a website for fee- and commission-based advisers. It is a non-profit
organisation sponsored by a wide number of product providers:
The Association of Independent Financial Advisers (AIFA) is the independent advisers trade
Chapter 2
When you have completed this chapter you should be able to:
The second myth is that there is a National Insurance Fund that builds up a reserve
out of which all future payments can be met, irrespective of the balance between the
number of people in the labour market and the number drawing benefits. In practice,
state benefits in the UK as in most developed and many developing countries are
delivered on a pay-as-you-go (PAYG) basis, whereby the NICs of those in employment
are used to pay the benefits for those who are not. It has been many years since NICs
covered the entire social security bill in full and in practice the government relies on a
subsidy from the Treasury (ie taxes) to support the states liabilities to claimants. It is
also fair to argue that the bill for benefits is far less than potential claims would
indicate due to low take-up of means-tested benefits (see Figure 2.1 and Table 2.1).
Certainly, whatever the governments intention, the use of means testing reduces the
benefits bill compared to what it would be if we had a system of universal benefits,
which were in part reclaimed through the taxation system.
Sadly, the group that suffers most under the means-testing system are the over-70s,
since many in this thrifty generation regard benefits as a form of charity rather than a
right and will not put themselves in the role of supplicant. The sheer complexity of the
claims mechanism is also thought to deter potential beneficiaries of all ages. Evidence
for this argument is available from independent sources. For example in 2002 the
charity Age Concern said that over 1bn in means-tested benefits went unclaimed
because the system was too complicated.
1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002
Apr Apr Apr Apr Apr Apr
Claimant count Unemployed
In February 2004 the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) issued the following figures,
based on the 20012002 tax year:
Note: The minimum income guarantee has been replaced with the pensions tax credit.
Source: Financial Times, 27 February 2004.
expect to live to 49. Over more recent years, the increase in life expectancy among
older adults has been particularly dramatic. Between 1970 and 2002 in England and
Wales, life expectancy at age 65 increased by 4 years for men and 3 years for women.
By 2002, men who were aged 65 could expect to live to the age of 81, while women
could expect to live to the age of 84. The latest (2002-based) projections from the
Office for National Statistics suggest that these expectations will increase by a further
3 years by 2021 (see Figure 2.2). Despite these substantial increases in longevity, the
age of retirement has generally fallen adding considerably to the imbalance between
workers and pensioners. At the turn of the century just over 50% of men aged 5564
were active in the labour market. This figure from the Organisation of Economic
Cooperation and Development Labour Force Statistics (OECD) will not include those
in receipt of undeclared income.
1901 1926 1951 1976 2001 2026
1960 2000
Italy 9.0 17.1
Japan 5.7 17.3
Germany 10.8 17.2
France 11.6 16.1
UK 11.7 15.6
US 9.2 12.6
Canada 7.6 12.5
Even allowing for discrepancies in the assessment of the numbers in work, we can
see that the UK, like most of the developed economies, has an ageing population that
is, the number of people in retirement is rising more rapidly than the number of people
in employment (see Table 2.2). As a result, one of the most pressing issues for the
government and for society as a whole is how to achieve individual financial security
through private investments and insurances, and to reduce the reliance on state bene-
fits, which can no longer be delivered in full through the NI and taxation system.
This is a brief highlight of important changes that will be examined in more detail
in the relevant chapters, but which in aggregate demonstrate why individual private
protection insurances, education fee planning and retirement planning, among other
elements, are so important.
Historical perspective
As students of financial planning we should apply a clear and critical approach to
any discussion of regulation. Investor protection is a vital platform for a well-regulated
private sector financial services market but its success depends on a proficient and
proactive regulatory regime. The system in the UK is far from perfect, as can be seen
by the major mis-selling scandals that have riddled the system since it was introduced
in the mid-1980s: personal pensions, home income plans, endowment mortgages, split
capital investment trusts and precipice bonds have cost the industry billions of pounds
in investigations and compensation.
The original Financial Services Act (1986), from which the current system stems,
established a series of self-regulatory organisations (SROs) for different types of finan-
cial institutions and firms under the overall supervision of the Securities and
Investments Board (SIB). Self-regulation, where the industry was responsible for regu-
lating its own, was always open to criticism. When investors and the government
realised that the major perpetrators of mis-selling personal pensions, for example,
were the most powerful and influential institutions under the self-regulatory system, it
became apparent that it was irreparably compromised.
Self-regulation was replaced in 1997 with statutory independent regulation and in
1998 the government merged banking supervision (previously the remit of the Bank of
England) and investment services regulation under the SIB. The SIB formally changed
its name to the Financial Services Authority (FSA) in October 1997. More recently the
FSA has taken over responsibility for Lloyds Insurance Market and the supervision of
deposit takers, general insurance, and mortgages, among other activities.
in December 2001, the FSA became the single regulator for financial services in the
UK. The FSA board, appointed by the Treasury, consists of a chairman, a chief execu-
tive officer, two managing directors, and 11 non-executive directors, including the
deputy chairman. The board sets overall policy, but day-to-day decisions and
management of staff fall within the remit of the executive. There is also a Consumer
Panel that includes representatives of consumer organisations.
The FSAs Investment Firms Division regulates about 7,000 investment organis-
ations ranging from global operations, investment banks, major UK stockbrokers and
networks of financial advisers to individual financial advisers. It also directly regulates
many professional firms, such as lawyers and accountants, where the firms offer main-
stream investment business. Other professional firms that do not provide specific
investment advice may be regulated by their Designated professional body; for
example the Law Society for solicitors and the Institute of Actuaries for actuarial
consultants. The FSA is also responsible for supervising exchanges, such as The
London Stock Exchange, Lloyds Insurance Market, recognised overseas investment
exchanges, and market infrastructure providers, such as Recognised clearing houses.
approach is the Pensions Advisory Service. In difficult cases the service may refer cases
to the Pensions Ombudsman.
The FSCS has a default database on its website, where consumers can see if a firm
they have dealt with has been declared in default that is, not able to pay claims,
usually because it has stopped trading or is insolvent.
Surprisingly, the term mis-selling does not appear in the FSAs rulebook but it is used
to refer to an advised sale that does not meet the FSAs standards. This is a regulatory
offence and the FSA has statutory powers to investigate and impose fines. To date the
most common problem has been where a product involved a much higher level of risk
than the consumer realised, or where the product was sold with reassurances and
guarantees that it was not designed to meet. Classic examples include:
Endowment mortgages: These are combined life assurance and investment
products that aim to provide a capital sum to repay the loan by the end of the
mortgage term or on the death of the borrower (see page 162). The with profits
30 The social, economic and regulatory framework for financial planning
endowment dominated the mortgage repayment market during the 1980s and
1990s, with some 10 million policies sold during this period. One of the big
selling features of endowments in the 1970s and early 1980s was life assurance
premium relief (LAPR). This was abolished for new endowments taken out after
March 1984. By 2004 the insurance trade body the Association of British Insurers
(ABI) estimated that 70% of these policies would fail to meet their target, forcing
millions of homeowners to find other sources of capital to repay their mortgages
in full. At the time of writing over 1bn had been paid in compensation. The
point we must remember about endowments is that they are not guaranteed
products; that is, they have no mechanism to guarantee that the investment will
repay a specific sum by a specific date. A common problem in the 1990s was
where advisers selling endowments looked at past performance figures from the
equity bull market and assumed similar returns would continue in the future.
Instead, the end of the 20th century and the first years of the 21st were marked by
a long bear market and considerable market volatility.
Split capital investment trusts: These were widely sold in the 1980s and 1990s as
very low risk investments. The split refers to the fact that this special type of
investment trust has different types of shares typically two: one providing
income, and one providing a predetermined sum after a specific period (see
p. 152). Collusion between the so-called magic circle of split capital investment
trust managers led to inter-company trading and holdings, maintaining an
artificially high price and an incestuous asset allocation. In many cases these trusts
were highly geared that is, they had a high proportion of debt to equity. At the
turn of the century the bubble burst when markets fell and trusts were unable to
service the high level of bank debt. They were forced to cut dividends and as share
prices collapsed it had a knock-on effect for all trusts in the magic circle. At the
time of writing 23 trusts out of 140 in the split cap sector had collapsed, resulting
in heavy losses to private investors.
Personal pensions: In the late 1980s and early 1990s thousands of employees were
persuaded to transfer out of occupational pension schemes, where the pension was
linked to salary, to personal pensions, where the pension was linked to
stockmarket returns. At the time of writing the bill for compensation for personal
pensions and top-up plans, known as free-standing voluntary contributions, was
about 14bn.
Other products that have caused concern include:
Income drawdown: Instead of buying an annuity at retirement it is possible to
leave the personal pension fund invested and to draw an income directly. For the
wealthy with several sources of retirement income this can be beneficial,
particularly from the point of view of estate planning. However, losses can be
heavy and investors can face a greatly reduced retirement income as a result.
Precipice bonds: These offered apparently high returns but in practice downside
gearing meant that where the indices on which performance was based fell below
a certain level investors lost most of their original capital.
Chapter 2 The economic and regulatory environment 31
Equity release mortgages: These offer the elderly the opportunity to sell a part
share of their home in return for a regular income or lump sum. However, many
older people may not have understood the complexity of the arrangement.
Corporate bond funds: Income seekers have been tempted by bond funds with
high yields and have not understood the high risks associated with sub-investment
grade debt.
Financial fraud is a serious problem for the UK at present and this section looks at the most
significant fraud of this type boiler room share operations. Indeed, you would have to look as far
back as the 1980s to find a period when these share scams were as common as they are today.
32 The social, economic and regulatory framework for financial planning
Fraud is both a criminal and civil offence, which means that if found guilty the perpetrators can
be fined andor sent to prison. With a civil offence, victims can sue and recoup damages. As the
financial markets regulation has improved, financial fraud has become increasingly international
and moves from one overseas jurisdiction to another, targeting UK investors from the outside.
Financial fraud is regarded as theft by deception in the UK but it is defined and treated
differently in other jurisdictions. Whereas here it is both a criminal and civil offence, elsewhere it
might be a civil offence or just a breach of financial regulations.
The term boiler room is used to describe the high-pressure call centres from which fraudsters
target their victims to sell unattractive, often non-existent shares. The origins of the phrase date
back to 1930s America, when con artists set up investment operations in the basements of office
buildings. All they needed was a couple of phones and a smart address in the financial area of the
city and investors would assume they were dealing with respectable organisations.
A good example of financial fraud is the high-tech stocks issued by American companies in the
wake of 911 (the bombing of the World Trade Center in 2001). Typically these are start-up
companies that claim to be developing new security systems such as eyeball recognition devices.
The companies have little or no track record. Some barely exist. If you buy these shares the
chances are that the price will plummet and you will never be able to sell them again. In these
cases the stockbroker might appear to be based in Britain and even have a British telephone
number but in practice the number is likely to be rerouted to a call centre in Spain, Switzerland,
Budapest, America, or Canada, for example. Given the lucrative nature of the business, serial
fraudsters can afford to live the high life in luxurious locations where they benefit from a combi-
nation of loopholes in local law, lax financial regulation, and an overworked police force. Their
business is scams, not shares, and the anti-fraud websites point out that the same names crop up
again and again, whether they are trying to persuade you to invest in technology companies, fine
wines or diamonds.
The Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) and the FSA issue warnings about boiler rooms on
their websites and provide useful tips on how to avoid the scams. The Crimes of Persuasion
website an independent anti-fraud information service notes a particularly cunning approach
whereby the broker demonstrates the companys research skills by giving the target the name of
a share that will go up in price. When it does, the broker phones to tell the target the name of a
share that will go down in price. When that proves correct the target may feel inclined to hand over
their money. What you have no way of knowing is that the scammer began with a calling list of 200
people, Crimes of Persuasion warns. In the first call he told 100 people that the price would go
up and the other 100 that it would go down. When it went up he made a second call to the 100 who
had been given the correct forecast. Of these, 50 were told the next price move would be up and
50 were told that it would be down. The net result is a potential target of 50 convinced victims
out of just 200 contacted.
Planners should be particularly alert to the dangers of dealing with English-language share
salespeople in Barcelona the current hot spot for financial fraudsters targeting British investors.
Under Spanish law, provided a firm is only offering advice and is not actually selling shares, it does
not have to be regulated by the CNMV the Spanish equivalent of the FSA. So, the adviser talks
up the sale and when the target says they want to buy, the adviser explains that a colleague will
call to arrange the details. A separate company often in a separate jurisdiction then phones the
target and takes what is in effect an execution-only order for the shares. The victim will probably
be asked to send the cheque to a third location. Given this type of complex network the regulators
find it very difficult to decide who has committed the fraud, whose rules have been broken, and
where the deception actually took place.
It is hard to be exact about the number of share scam operations currently operating. Unlike
respectable regulated businesses, they rarely advertise their wares but prefer to cold call,
Chapter 2 The economic and regulatory environment 33
frequently the same people they have previously conned into buying wine, fine art or precious
gems. Unless a fraudulent company is closed down and the perpetrators jailed, we may never hear
about it. Financial regulators have limited scope to protect consumers in these cases, as these are
national organisations established to protect the indigenous population from its native con artists.
Fraud, by comparison, is international in scope and is no respecter of boundaries.
Indeed, the serial fraudsters make good use of the gaps between different regulatory juris-
dictions. These highly efficient, versatile people establish a boiler room in one location and if it is
discovered as is usually the case after a period of time and a sufficient number of complaints
they simply pack their bags, and change their name and address, often targeting investors in a
different country. At this point the regulator that exposed the original scam loses interest because
the people it is designed to protect are no longer threatened and responsibility is passed to the
regulator of the new jurisdiction.
Life would be much more difficult for the career con artist if the national regulators and fraud
squads automatically swapped information. The more proactive regulators and police operations
do this to an extent but the system is far from perfect. The Regulatory Intelligence Agency (RIA)
and several other anti-fraud websites are unusual in that they provide international intelligence,
but these are independent information services and have no legal powers. All they can do is warn
individual and institutional investors and try to prevent crime by helping regulators identify the
offenders who move in on their patch.
Check the FSAs list of unauthorised overseas firms targeting the UK.
Illegal activities
There are many activities that are classed as illegal but the two most relevant are:
Money laundering: This is where money from illegal sources is made to appear legal
for example by washing it through legitimate bank accounts, or investing it and then
withdrawing the capital. Following the bombing of the World Trade Center in
September 2001, the UK government, like many others, cracked down on money
laundering to try to prevent money reaching terrorist organisations.
34 The social, economic and regulatory framework for financial planning
Consumer education
To avoid future mis-selling would require a dramatic improvement in the way
products are sold, and a corresponding improvement in the level of consumer under-
standing. The Personal Finance Education Group (pfeg the acronym is lower case) is
a charity established to harness resources from the private sector to help schools teach
basic finance in the classroom. Financial capability now forms part of the national
curriculum and falls under the aegis of Personal, social and health education (PSHE).
Pfeg brings together teachers, government departments, consumer bodies, the FSA and
financial institutions in a bid to ensure teachers have suitable guidance and materials
for teaching finance. The group screens material offered by private sector institutions
and awards a quality mark where the information is instructive and unbiased.
The FSA has also pledged to improve consumer understanding and in 2004 allo-
cated 10m a year to this end. In practice it is doubtful if such a sum will achieve much
in a financial services market worth 1.8bn a year, and given that according to the
FSAs own research one-quarter of the UKs population cannot work out percentages,
while almost the same number cannot use the Yellow Pages.
Arguably, while consumer education is a laudable aim, it is likely that the FSA will
be more effective at preventing future scandals if it vets products more carefully and
engages in a dialogue with financial institutions about their intended target market
before the products hit the streets. At the time of writing there was considerable
interest among product providers in obtaining an FSA seal of approval. This would
look at inherent risk, such as complexity, volatility, and liquidity; control risk, such as
commission payments creating product bias; and consumer impact, which would
assess whether the products were suitable for the intended target. Where products
carry appropriate and very visible financial health warnings, fewer investors could
complain that they did not understand the risks.
Activity 2.1
Trace the history of a major mis-selling scandal and draw up a list of features that led to
the scandal. Find out which resources at your college and at libraries to which you have
access provide historical news searches. To what extent was the problem:
This chapter examined economic history and the development of the framework for
financial planning in the UK, with reference to the broader picture and also to the role of
the key organisations. It also looked back at the recent history of mis-selling, which
helped us to gain an awareness of why and how this particular aspect of financial services
history has a tendency to repeat itself. Fraud is on the increase and it is important that we
are aware of just how plausible and sophisticated financial fraud can be.
Key terms
Review questions
1 Consider in what ways Conservative and Labour ideology converges on key social policy.
2 Provide two examples of how the bill for state welfare and education has been reduced
in recent years.
3 Explain the difference and provide three examples for tangible and non-tangible assets.
5 What are the classic hallmarks of mis-selling? Describe what went wrong in three examples.
Further information
The regulators
Fraud websites
Market fundamentals
This chapter and the two that follow take a closer look at stock markets and the
economic factors that drive market direction.
One of the most worrying aspects of stock market investment is the tendency of
professional and private investor alike to behave like lemmings under certain
economic conditions. An economic slump can trigger a bear market; mass hysteria
can trigger a stock market crash. In practice, however, crashes are few and far
between. Of more concern and a much more likely scenario is that slow slide
into a long bear market such as the one experienced in the UK from 1999 to 2002.
At the risk of over-simplification, a bear market is where share prices are falling,
while a bull market is where shares are rising. A bearish investor believes share
prices are due to take a tumble, while the bullish investor believes the opposite is
After reading this chapter you will be able to:
History provides some examples that are both illuminating and, due to the passage
of time, quaintly amusing. Take the Mississippi Bubble. In the early 18th century, the
Mississippi Company held a monopoly on all French territories in North America. The
King of France and the French government were enthralled by the prospect of untold
riches promised from the New World to the extent that they allowed the Royal Bank
to issue banknotes backed, not by gold or silver as was common at the time, but by
shares in the Mississippi Company. Trow explains:
When the company crashed in 1720, the entire French monetary system was
wiped out. Even people who had not invested in the company lost out as the
bank notes became worthless. (Ibid.)
British investors suffered when the South Sea Bubble burst after the collapse of the
extraordinarily speculative South Sea Company in the 18th century. This followed a
period of extreme stock market activity, and so the sudden loss of confidence in one
major company appeared to trigger a loss of confidence in the entire market.
From these examples we can see that market crashes are devastatingly indiscrim-
inate. For tumbling together with the bubble company share prices are those of some
of the most respected companies in the economy. Nor do markets recover quickly
hence the need to take a long-term view with equities. The Wall Street Crash of 1929,
for example, saw US stocks lose almost 90% of their value. They did not regain their
pre-crash levels until the mid-1950s. Turning to more recent history, in October 1987
the UK stock market crashed with a vengeance. Although pundits still argue about the
Chapter 3 Market fundamentals 41
precise cause, the essential point is that once again greed and an unbridled speculative
frenzy had overtaken logic. Investors continued to buy shares because they failed to see
that the prices could not go on rising indefinitely.
The bubble mentality does not just apply to shares. Other assets are equally vulner-
able. A similar frenzy was characteristic of the UK housing boom in the late 1980s
when people paid excessive prices only to find themselves in the negative equity trap
once the housing bubble had burst. (Negative equity is where the value of an asset is
exceeded by the loans secured against it.) Investors today are as vulnerable as they
were in 1987. Some would argue more so, due to the increased number of leveraged
investors those who take out a loan in order to invest in the stock market. Leveraging
may sound a high-risk strategy but in practice this is precisely what homeowners do
when they arrange an interest-only mortgage backed by an endowment or Individual
savings account (ISA), for example. For this arrangement to succeed the rates of return
must be sufficient to service the loan and make a profit.
Market cycles
Chapter 4 looks at how shares are categorised into different sectors. As a general
rule the companies in a sector share certain characteristics, which make them respond
in a certain way to changes in the market cycles. This is why it is important, although
not essential, to build a portfolio which spans all the major sectors. This helps to
spread risk and avoids your portfolio crashing in a nasty way as the economy enters or
emerges from a recession. (Economic cycles are discussed later in this chapter.)
Remember though, that many of the blue chip companies which form the FTSE 100
index have considerable exposure overseas and so are not only affected by economic
cycles in the UK.
This logic is fairly sound when applied to blue chips because these businesses are
themselves well diversified and represent a spread of risk across markets (and often
continents too) within just one shareholding. However, the logic does not necessarily
extend to smaller, more speculative companies. In the run up to October 1987, for
example, some companies came to the stock market which were very speculative and
considerably overpriced. They did not recover. In this case investors got the worst of
all worlds. They paid dearly for their shares, prices fell, and they never recovered
capital value. Moreover, they did not even benefit from a decent run of dividends.
Remember also that certain market sectors are cyclical. Shares in engineering or
construction companies, for example, usually do well when the general economy is
flourishing, while shares in consumer goods companies and retailers will do well while
consumer spending is expected to rise.
The following explanation attempts to demystify some of the economic jargon of
market fundamentals but do bear in mind that these are generalisations only. If we buy
a tinpot company in the first place, no amount of economic alchemy is going to turn it
into a crock of gold.
UK Equity Risk Premium
1904 1911 1918 1925 1932 1939 1946 1953 1960 1967 1974 1981 1988 1995 2002
Figure 3.1 UK Equity risk premium: excess return of equities relative to gilts (five year annualised
Source: Barclays Capital.
The research concluded that equities are not guaranteed to outperform bonds over the
medium term, defined here as anything up to 20 years. Taking the above factors into
account, for the UK the ERP might be closer to 2.3%, while the World Index ERP is
closer to 2.9%. However, this might be a rather pessimistic view. The point for
students to appreciate is that for every economic and investment indicator, there is a
counter-argument. In particular it is always relevant to question the criteria on which
an opinion is based.
taxpayer is 15.58%. In this example, reducing debt rather than investing would
increase net wealth by 82.50 more than the ISA route.
Economic indicators
This section looks at the principles behind the key economic indicators, while
Chapter 11 considers how this information can be applied to direct equity investment.
The best source of information about economic indicators is National Statistics Online
The economy is the financial state of the nation. Certain statistics, known as
economic indicators, show the state of the economy at a particular time. The most
important economic indicators to remember are interest rates and inflation because
whatever happens to the UK economy or the world as a whole, it usually ends up
affecting one or both of these rates and this in turn has an effect on government lending
policy and companies performance, which in turn affect private investments.
Interest rates
Interest rates are important because they may affect directly the amount a company
is charged for borrowing, although the extent will depend on the structure of the debt.
The Bank of England is responsible for setting short-term interest rates and uses them
to curb or encourage spending. If we are all spending far too much (we being both
individuals and companies) then the Bank will increase interest rates to stop us
borrowing to spend. Likewise, if we are saving too much and not spending enough, the
Bank might lower interest rates to encourage more borrowing and spending.
consumer prices (HICP), better known as the Consumer prices index (CPI). The initial
level of the new CPI inflation target was set at 2% and applied from 10 December
2003. From this date the CPI has been regarded as the main UK domestic measure of
inflation for the purposes of econometrics (the application of mathematical and statis-
tical techniques to economic theories). At the time of writing the CPI was 1.4%, just
over one percentage point below RPI at 2.5% (April 2004).
HICPs were developed in the EU first to assess whether prospective members of the
European Monetary Union would pass the inflation convergence criterion, and secondly
to act as the measure of inflation used by the European Central Bank to assess price
stability in the Euro area. The main requirement therefore was for a measure that could
be used to make reliable comparisons of inflation rates across EU member states. Such
comparisons are not possible using national consumer price indices due to differences
in index coverage and construction. The HICP was developed by Eurostat the EU
statistical office in conjunction with member states.
The RPI and indices based on it, such as RPIX, continue to be published alongside
the CPI. Pensions, benefits and index-linked gilts continue to be calculated on exactly
the same basis as previously, that is, with reference to the all-items Retail prices index
(RPI) or its derivatives.
Table 3.1 Changes to the RPI and CPI baskets in March 2004
The budget deficit is similar to the PSBR but also includes income from occasional
extraordinary revenue for example from privatisations of public sector companies.
So, a cut in the budget deficit or PSBR will be good news for gilts because supply is
more limited and so prices rise. However, if the government has achieved the cut by
increasing corporate taxation, this will generally be bad news for shares.
Other factors to affect a portfolio include the health or otherwise of retail sales,
which obviously largely affects the retail stores and supermarkets, and housing starts
(the number of new homes being built), which is generally viewed as a leading
indicator of a future pick-up in the economy.
Activity 3.1
Using information provided in this chapter, discuss how you would research the market
crash of October 1987 and the long bear market that began in 2000. How can you judge
when the index returns to the pre-crash or bear market values?
Activity 3.2
Professional investors read economic indicators in order to predict the way the economy
is moving. Where would you find current and historic information about key indicators and
what might they tell us about the economy?
Select two or three indicators and track changes. See how these changes are discussed
in the press coverage; for example in the Financial Times and on national television news.
This chapter considered the key economic drivers of markets, the market cycles, and
the language used to describe the state of the economy the economic indicators. For
those students who wish or need to find out more about the economic environment,
the websites listed below will provide a useful starting point. Students for whom
economics is less important should nevertheless remember how valuable it is to
48 The social, economic and regulatory framework for financial planning
consider the factors that affect share prices and investment decisions in the wider
context. This way we can avoid the dangerous bubble mentality that can lead to
serious losses.
Key terms
Review questions
1 Explain what factors can lead to a market crash.
3 What is the equity risk premium and why might this traditional method of calculation be
4 Describe the two main types of inflation and why they differ.
Further information
This chapter explains investment terminology with the focus on asset classes,
which represent the building blocks of any portfolio whether this is for the private
investor or a multi-million pound pension fund. Once you have read this chapter you
may wish to use it as a storehouse to which you can return when you encounter
unfamiliar terms and concepts later on. The following chapter applies information
on asset classes to portfolio construction.
After reading this chapter you should be able to:
Investment literature uses a lot of confusing jargon. Commonly used (and misused)
terms include securities, stocks and shares. Securities is the general name for all
stocks and shares. What we call shares today were originally known as stocks because
they represented part ownership in the joint stock companies the precursors to
todays public limited companies (plcs). So to some extent the terms stocks and shares
are interchangeable, and we still use the terms stock markets and stockbrokers.
Broadly speaking, stocks are fixed interest securities with a redemption date, while
shares are securities with no fixed coupon or redemption date. The four main types
of securities listed and traded on The London Stock Exchange are:
UK (domestic) equities: ordinary shares issued by over 2,000 UK companies.
Overseas equities: ordinary shares issued by non-UK companies. (The term
international denotes both domestic and non-domestic.)
Gilts: bonds issued by the British government to raise money to fund any shortfall
in public expenditure.
Bonds: fixed interest stocks issued by companies and local authorities, among
If a company wants to raise finance it has two main options. It can sell part of the
ownership of the company by issuing ordinary shares (equities), or it can borrow
money by issuing bonds. Shares and bonds are bought and sold on the stock market.
1949 1953 1957 1961 1965 1969 1973 1977 1981 1985 1989 1993 1997 2001
Figure 4.1 Rolling correlation between equity real total returns and RPI
Source: Barclays Capital.
Property Equities Commodities
1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003
Figure 4.2 Rolling correlation of real annual total returns and inflation
Source: IPD, GSCI, Datastream, Barclays Capital.
depends on what we are comparing the price or the yieldearnings. As explained later
in this chapter, when bond prices rise, bond yields fall relative to the asset price. To
add to the complication, if we were to look at equity and bond yields, for example,
then generally we would say that they are positively correlated, but at the time of
writing they were negatively correlated.
For the purposes of the financial planner the most important point is to understand
the difference between assets classes that are correlated equities and bonds, for
example and asset classes that are non-correlated equitiesbonds and commercial
property, for example, and equitiesbonds and hedge funds. In theory, by introducing
52 The social, economic and regulatory framework for financial planning
Shareholder activism
It is important to remember that directors of publicly owned companies are not
owners but managers. In practice they often behave like owners, which partly accounts
for the increasing interest in shareholder activism. The best example of this activity is
where institutional investors use their voting power in very sensitive areas such as
executive pay and boardroom appointments. The key investor lobbies are the
Association of British Insurers (ABI members own about one-fifth of the UK stock
54 The social, economic and regulatory framework for financial planning
market), the National Association of Pension Funds (NAPF) and the Investment
Management Association (IMA).
Insurance companies
Pension funds
Unit trusts
Investment trusts
Public sector
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Companies go public when they are quoted on The London Stock Exchange or
Alternative Investment Market. In this way a company can raise the money it needs to
expand by issuing shares. A share or equity literally entitles the owner to a specified
share in the profits of the company and, if the company is wound up, to a specified
share of its assets. The owner of shares is entitled to the dividends the six-monthly
distribution (less frequent with many smaller companies) to shareholders of part of the
companys profits. The dividend yield on equities is the dividend paid by a company
divided by that companys share price.
There is no set redemption date for an equity, when the company is obliged to return
the original investment. If, as a shareholder, you want to convert your investment into
cash (to realise its value) you must sell your shares through a stockbroker. The price
will vary from day to day even from hour to hour so the timing of the purchase and
sale of shares is critical.
Share classes
There are different classes of shares. Most investors buy ordinary shares, which
give the holder the right to vote on the constitution of the companys board of
directors. Since this is the most common type of share, the term ordinary is usually
dropped unless it is to distinguish the shares from a different category. Voting rights
may not be of interest to a private investor but institutions that own a significant
holding in a company can and do influence the boards decisions by voting at annual
and extraordinary general meetings for example on appointments and dismissals (see
activism above).
Preference shares carry no voting rights but have a fixed dividend payment, so can
be attractive to those seeking a regular income. These shares have preference over
ordinary shareholders if the company is wound up hence the name.
There are several sub-classes of equities and equity-related investments, as follows.
if the price of the underlying security is above (for call warrants) or below (for put
warrants) the excise price of the warrant. The payout is based on the difference
between the price of the underlying security at the expiry date and the exercise price of
the warrant. Covered warrants, therefore, are a type of option (see below) except that
the downside is limited to the original investment. There is a good guide to this
complex subject at
Derivatives, as the name suggests, derive their value from the price of an underlying
security. This is the generic term given to futures contracts and options, both of which
can be used to reduce risk in an institutional fund or, in the case of options, even in a
large private portfolio. Derivatives are also used in certain types of mutual funds to
provide protection against a fall in the relevant index.
A future is an agreement (obligation) to buy or sell a given quantity of a particular
asset, at a specified future date, at a pre-agreed price. The price is fixed at the time the
contract is taken out. Futures contracts can be used by institutional funds to control
risk because they allow the manager to increase or reduce swiftly the funds exposure
to an existing asset class. Futures have also proved popular as a cost-cutting
mechanism, particularly in index tracking funds and other funds where there are rapid
changes of large asset allocations.
These contracts can be based on any number of underlying assets. In addition to
offering futures and options based on individual shares and stockmarket indices, the
London International Financial Futures and Options Exchange (LIFFE) also offers
futures and options based on bonds, interest rates, and agricultural commodities.
Futures on equities allow you to gain exposure to specific shares, whereas FTSE 100
Index Futures allow you to gain exposure to the FTSE 100 index, which tracks the
performance of the UK top 100 blue chip companies.
An option simply gives the holder the right, but not the obligation, to buy or sell a
specified underlying asset at a pre-agreed price on or before a given date. There are
two types of options calls and puts:
The buyer of a call option acquires the right, but not the obligation, to buy the
underlying asset at a fixed price. Call options generally rise in value if the price of
the underlying asset rises.
The buyer of a put option acquires the right, but not the obligation, to sell the
underlying asset at a fixed price. Put options generally rise in value if the price of
the underlying asset falls.
The buying of options involves limited risk that is to say you cannot lose any more
than the premium paid at outset. It is also possible to write (sell) options. The writing
of call options, although having a wide range of uses, is a potentially high-risk strategy
Chapter 4 Asset classes and investment styles 57
requiring a high degree of product knowledge. Since exercise of the option can involve
the writer in a substantial financial commitment, option writers are required to deposit
a margin with the broker to ensure the obligation of the contract can be met in full
if required.
Overseas equities
These are similar in principle to UK equities but there are differences in shareholder
rights. Investment overseas provides exposure to the growth in foreign markets
including younger, faster growing economies, for example China, India, Russia and
Argentina. However, these shares also expose the investor to currency fluctuations
and, in the case of developing economies, to political risk and hyperinflation. The
taxation of foreign shares can be less favourable than UK equities. In particular, some
or all of the withholding tax on dividends deducted by the foreign country may not be
UK Bonds
UK bonds are issued by borrowers. In the case of the UK government, the bonds are
known as gilt edged securities or just gilts. Where the borrower is a company we refer
to the instruments as corporate bonds. Bonds are also issued by local authorities,
overseas governments and overseas companies, among others.
In return for the loan of your money, the borrower agrees to pay a fixed rate of
interest (known as the coupon) for the agreed period and to repay your original capital
sum on a specified date, known as the maturity or redemption date. Bonds are
frequently referred to as fixed interest assets because the coupon is fixed. However,
the actual yield will depend on the price of the bond if it is traded.
UK domestic bonds are either secured on the companys underlying assets, for
example the companys property, or they are unsecured, in which case there is no
physical asset backing the bonds guarantee to pay interest and to repay the capital at
maturity. Secured bonds are known as debentures and unsecured bonds are known as
loan stocks. Since the security offered by debentures is greater than for loan stocks, the
former tend to pay a lower rate of interest.
The point to remember about fixed interest securities is that the investment return is
determined more by the prevailing interest rate than the issuing companys profit-
ability. This is because bonds compete with other interest-paying assets. In particular
the yield on bonds will generally exceed the yield on cash (deposits) in order to justify
the additional risk. Provided the issuer remains sufficiently secure to honour the future
coupon payments (the regular interest) and redemption payment (the return of the
original capital) the investor will know exactly what the return will be, provided
the bond is held to maturity.
Gilts offer the highest degree of security because they are issued by the British
government. Private investors can access government instruments via a stockbroker.
The best source of information on gilts is the Debt Management Office (DMO), which
58 The social, economic and regulatory framework for financial planning
is part of the Treasury and has been responsible for issuing gilts since April 1998
(previously they were issued by the Bank of England).
Corporate bonds tend to pay a higher yield than gilts because of the perceived add-
itional layer of risk. These bonds are classified by rating agencies (Standard & Poors,
and Moodys, for example) as investment grade (BBB and higher) or sub-investment
grade, depending on the financial stability of the borrower. As shown in Chapter 10,
sub-investment grade bonds can provide very attractive yields but these bonds are
much more risky than investment grade debt and the skill of the bond fund manager is
paramount if the fund is to avoid a run of defaults.
Traded bonds
When an individual investor or a fund manager buys a bond before its maturity date
the value of the future coupon and redemption payments will depend on the prevailing
interest rates at the time of purchase. If interest rates are rising, then the value of the
fixed interest security will fall. This is because for the same amount of capital invested,
it would be possible to get a better return elsewhere. Conversely, if interest rates are
falling, then the value of the fixed interest security will be higher because it provides a
greater stream of income than would be available from alternative sources with a
comparable risk level. Significant fluctuations in the relative value of the coupon are
more apparent with fixed interest securities that have a long period to run to maturity
since they are more likely to be traded before redemption date.
To summarise, as a general rule equities are considered more risky and volatile than
investment grade bonds because their relative value is influenced by a wide range of
factors. With bonds, provided the company or government backing the contract is
financially secure, the return on a bond held to maturity is predictable. However, it is
not predictable if the investor sells before maturity, nor is it reliable in the case of sub-
investment grade debt.
UK companies can raise money outside the UK market by issuing Eurosterling
bonds that is, bonds denominated in sterling but issued on the Eurobond market.
Contrary to its name, the Euromarkets are not confined to Europe but are inter-
national markets where borrowers and lenders are matched.
The main advantage of Eurosterling bonds, from the borrowers point of view, is
that they can reach a much wider range of potential lenders. However, generally this
is not considered as a market for direct investment by private investors in the UK due
to the size of transactions.
seekers investing for the long term, where inflation is an important issue for example
in retirement. In practice, index linked gilts are not always competitive when com-
pared with other income-generating alternatives, so the investor must decide on the
importance of the extremely low risk rating.
The return on index linked gilts in excess of retail price inflation varies but usually
it is possible to buy these securities in the market at a price which guarantees a real rate
of return to the holder, assuming that the stock is held to maturity.
Cash usually refers to deposits and money market accounts. Deposits have the
advantage that the value in monetary terms is known and is certain at all times,
provided the deposit taker is secure. What is not known is the level of interest, which
will fluctuate unless this is a fixed income account that guarantees the rate for a pre-
determined period. The relation between the interest rate for cash and the level of price
inflation is critical as this determines whether the return on capital is positive or
negative in real (after inflation) terms.
Commercial property
Property is a useful diversifier because it is not correlated with the equity and bond
markets. In investment terms, property usually refers to the ownership of commercial
land and buildings, although it can also refer to agricultural land. In the case of
commercial property the owner receives income from the rent charged to the tenant
and, over time, this rent is expected broadly to keep pace with inflation. The dominant
factor in the value of a property is the desirability or otherwise of its location.
For the private investor, property is considered a good diversifier for an equity and
bond portfolio. However, there are several problems with property. First, it is often
sold in large blocks that cannot be easily split for investment purposes. As a result,
only the larger institutional funds can afford (or are wise) to own property directly.
Second, property is a very illiquid asset and it can take several years for the right selling
conditions to arise. For the private investor, therefore, it is sensible to invest via
collective funds, which provide access to a spread of properties and where units can be
bought and sold easily.
An alternative way to invest in property is through a buy-to-let arrangement, where
the individual takes out a mortgage for a residential property that can be let to private
tenants. The merits and drawbacks of buy-to-let are discussed in Chapter 17.
Alternative investments
During the equity bear market, which began in 2000, an increasing number of
private investors started to look to different asset classes to improve their returns and
to avoid relying solely on traditional equity funds for capital growth. The two main
alternative asset classes are hedge funds and private equity. There are others that are
60 The social, economic and regulatory framework for financial planning
used mainly by institutional investors currencies and sub-investment grade debt, for
example. Alternative refers to investments that are not correlated to the two major
asset classes, equities and bonds.
As shown on page 50, non-correlation does not just mean that these assets behave
in different ways from equities and bonds. Asset classes that are not correlated demon-
strate no common pattern. They neither follow the same trajectory, nor do they follow
an inverse trajectory. In theory if you hold a range of non-correlated assets this should
improve returns and reduce volatility over the long term at total portfolio level.
However, individual asset classes might be quite volatile, so you need to get the right
Students will also come across absolute return funds, where the aim is to achieve a
positive return throughout the market cycles and irrespective of movements in the
equity and bond markets. In particular this type of fund aims to provide positive
returns even when equity markets are falling. The most common alternative invest-
ment that is run as an absolute return fund is the fund of hedge funds.
It is important to remember that alternative assets only attract this label because
of what they are not; that is, they are not conventional equity and bond investment
strategies. However, the alternatives markets are not homogenous. Even among hedge
funds, for example, there is a wide range of investment strategies; some are speculative
and some hedge risk.
Private equity
The British Venture Capital Association (BVCA) defines private equity as the equity
financing of unquoted companies at many stages in their life from start-up to the
expansion of companies of a substantial size; for example through management buy-
outs and buy-ins. Private equity represents medium- to long-term investments in
companies with growth potential. The investment capital is eventually released
through trade sales or flotation on the public markets.
The investable universe is vast. The BVCA says that private equity investors have
holdings in some 11,000 UK companies that employ almost 3m people. This represents
about 18% of the private sector workforce. By comparison, there are only about 2,200
quoted companies on The London Stock Exchange, so you can see that the scope among
private companies is impressive. Private equity funds returned 11.4% per annum over
the five years to 31 December 2002, a better performance than most other asset classes.
Of course investing directly in an unquoted company is a very high-risk strategy, as
are the specialist venture capital trusts (VCTs), which are only suitable for the very
wealthy investor who can commit for the long term. The success of the VCT will
depend heavily on the skills of the management company.
Equity-Gilts Study, it is important to view equities over the long term. Over a period
of just a few years the returns can be volatile and even negative as happened in 2000
when the total return from equities was 08.6% after adjusting for inflation. By
contrast gilts returned !6.1% in real terms. Investors keen to keep up with the com-
parative movements of gilts and equities should refer to the Financial Times, which
publishes the gilt-equity yield ratio. This tracks the yield on gilts divided by the yield
on shares. The normal range is between 2 and 2.5, so if it dips or soars well out of this
range it may indicate that shares are very expensive or that gilts are very cheap.
Market analysts use this as one of the signals to indicate that a bull (lower figure) or
bear (higher figure) market is imminent.
It is also important to keep in mind the relationship between inflation and returns.
The Barclays Capital guide points out that inflation is a key determinant of investment
returns. Stock markets may not be prepared for an inflation shock (a sudden and
unexpected change) but they adjust over time and provide a long-term hedge against
price rises. Gilts and cash are not suitable inflation hedges.
Period of investment
Historical statistics that show the long-term returns on equities, gilts, and cash
should be viewed with some caution and certainly should not be treated as a guide to
the future. While history indicates that equities generally have provided a better return
than bonds over the medium to long term, individuals who invest in the stock markets
for shorter periods can experience considerable volatility because the markets take a
tumble just before they want to get out or because the fixed costs associated with
investing undermine the return over the short term.
Dividend reinvestment
The reinvestment of dividends is an important factor in the overall return. The
Barclays study states, Dividends account for nearly two-thirds of total returns to
equities over long periods of time. The value of equities, therefore, is directly linked to
the value of the dividend flow. The interest on gilts may look attractive compared with
the yield on equities but since gilt income is fixed, the flow of income from the gilt
cannot rise over time in the same way as equity dividends (unless the gilt is index
linked but here the initial income would be quite low). See Tables 4.1 and 4.2.
Asset class % pa
Investment styles
Stock selection refers to the process where the investment manager or private
investor chooses individual securities. The decisions that drive private investors are
different from those of an institutional fund manager. This is not just because the
objectives are different. The large pension funds can be worth millions, even billions of
pounds. This means they can make a profit on minor price changes due to the sheer
volume of their transactions. Moreover, compared with a private client, institutional
funds benefit from very low dealing costs and, in the case of pension and charity funds,
operate in a tax-favoured environment. This means that what might trigger a buy or
sell transaction in the institutional market should often be interpreted as a much more
cautious hold position by the private investor.
Active management
Active investment managers aim to increase a funds value by deviating from a
specific benchmark for example a stockmarket index. There are two basic techniques
used in active stock selection. The starting point for active managers who adopt a
bottom up approach is the company in which the manager may invest. The manager
will look at in-house and external research on the companys history and potential
future prospects. This will include an examination of the strength of the balance
sheet, the companys trading history, the managements business strategy and the
priceearnings ratio (PE the market price of a share divided by the companys
earningsprofits per share in its latest 12 month trading period). From the company
analysis the manager will proceed to look at the general performance and prospects for
that sector (for example oil, retailers), any relevant factors that affect the market, and
then take into consideration what national and international economic factors.
The top down manager works in reverse, looking first at the international and
national economic factors that might affect economic growth in a country, a geo-
graphic area (for example the Tiger economies of South-East Asia) or an economic
category (emerging markets, for example) and gradually work down to the individual
Chapter 4 Asset classes and investment styles 63
Among private investors, the fundamental analyst focuses almost exclusively on indi-
vidual companies and would tend to disregard the economic climate and market con-
ditions. The technical analyst, also known as a chartist, concentrates on historical price
movements and uses these charts as a way of reading future movements in share prices.
In theory, active managers ought to be able to outperform their benchmark index
after fees. In practice, this does not happen as frequently as it should, particularly in
the well-researched markets.
Passive management
Passive managers aim to track or replicate an index; hence the reason it is also called
index tracking. Here the manager aims to emulate the performance of a particular
index by buying all or a wide sample of the constituent shares.
The passive manager does not consider the merits of each stock, of different sectors,
and economic cycles. If it is in the index then it must be represented in the fund. To
date index tracking funds have done well compared with actively managed funds,
largely because the passive managers charges are very low in comparison with the
active manager. It does have flaws, however; for example the manager must include
companies that are unethical or overpriced.
Some managers describe their style as enhanced passive. This is where they make
small deviations from the index for example excluding stocks they consider poor
value in order to generate a slightly higher return with very little additional risk.
Passive management becomes very complex when the process tries to outstrip the
index returns by deviation based on mathematical and statistical formulae. This is
known as quantitative management.
A comparatively new vehicle for institutional managers and sophisticated private
investors is the exchange-traded fund (ETF). An ETF is a basket of stocks that is used
to track an index or a particular industry sector. ETFs are extremely cheap about
half the cost of traditional index tracker funds and can be traded more easily.
Large cap
Cap is shorthand for market capitalisation, which is the total value of the companys
shares in issue in terms of its market price per share multiplied by the number of shares
issued. In the UK the companies in the FTSE 100 index are classed as large cap. In the
US the term is used to describe companies with a market capitalisation of over $5bn.
The point about large cap companies is that they tend to be more reliable in terms of
dividend yield, for example but they are well researched. This means that institutional
investors ensure the market price reflects inherent value accurately and therefore it can
be difficult for a private investor to spot pricing anomalies.
Mid cap
As the term suggests this refers to companies with a mid-ranking market capital-
isation. In the UK this usually refers to companies in the FTSE Mid 250 index. In the
64 The social, economic and regulatory framework for financial planning
US it is used for companies capitalised at between $15bn. To state the obvious, these
companies are less well researched than large cap but better researched than small cap.
Small cap
The definition of small is somewhat arbitrary but in the UK we generally use this
term for companies below the FTSE 350 (100 and 250 indices), which fall into the
FTSE Small Cap index. It is in this market and in the Alternative Investments Market
that institutional and private investors tend to find inefficiencies in share pricing;
that is, share prices that do not reflect a companys inherent value, but also greater
Value investors aim to identify shares that are underpriced by the market, so they
would look at the PE ratio and dividend yield, for example, but would analyse the
skills of the management team, among other factors. A high PE ratio might indicate
that a company is expensive but it could also indicate that it is about to increase its
earnings per share and vice versa.
Growth investors are looking for companies that they expect to achieve above
average earnings growth. As mentioned above, growth stocks tend to have a high PE
ratio compared to the market, as investors anticipate that earnings will increase in the
Activity 4.1
Examine recent press coverage of investor activism, either in a newspaper search or on
the websites of the main institutional investor organisations provided below. For example
you might consider the press coverage of executive pay and investigate why there is a
movement to prevent public companies from rewarding failure. Either as an individual
exercise or a group debate, consider the extent to which institutional investors should
influence board decisions. What are the arguments in favour and against?
Given the remuneration packages top fund managers themselves receive, do you think
that such intervention is hypocritical or is it merely an attempt to act on behalf of the
investors whose money an institution looks after? The fact that executive share options and
pension arrangements are visible in the annual accounts makes it far easier for investors
and researchers to see exactly what price a company is paying for its top brass. Get a range
of annual reports covering different sectors in the All-Share. You can download these or
request them via the Financial Times annual reports service. Details are provided on the
London Share Service pages and the website is
Chapter 4 Asset classes and investment styles 65
This chapter examined the main asset classes and showed how to distinguish
between them. It also considered briefly how shares are classified on The London
Stock Exchange. Finally it looked at different investment styles and considered what
factors drive these investors when they select companies in which to invest.
Key terms
Review questions
1 Explain why shareholder activism has become more prevalent in recent years and where
institutional investors may attempt to make changes.
3 Describe two types of derivatives and explain why they might be used by institutional
investors and private investors.
Further information
This chapter examines asset allocation in the context of the individual investors
portfolio, with reference to asset class studies and the key aim of diversification at
total portfolio level.
After reading this chapter you should be able to:
Diversification overseas
Once we have built up a core UK equity portfolio it is a good idea to diversify over-
seas. However, it is important to do this in a way that achieves genuine diversification.
70 The social, economic and regulatory framework for financial planning
Analysts divide total risk into systematic and non-systematic. Non-systematic refers
to factors that only affect that specific investment. Systematic (market risk) refers to
general market influences and movements that affect all or most investments. It is
possible to reduce non-systematic risk through diversification but this is not possible
with systematic risk.
Chapter 5 Asset allocation in portfolio construction 71
Efficient markets
A market is described as efficient where there is a large amount of analysis avail-
able to potential investors and where new information is reflected quickly in the share
prices. Generally it is considered more difficult to outperform in efficient markets.
Students will also come across the term efficient frontier. This is a graphical represent-
ation of the relationship between risk and reward, which aims to show the greatest
expected return for a given level of risk.
In the efficient markets less than 15% of UK and US domestic bond managers out-
perform the relevant index. Even in the semi-efficient UK and US equity markets, only
30% of managers achieve this distinction. By contrast, in the inefficient markets, such
as emerging market equities and Japanese equities, the percentage of managers out-
performing the index are much higher at about 45% and 60% respectively. This
would suggest that the more efficient the market, the less the opportunity for skill-
based outperformance and the more compelling the argument in favour of passive
While there is a wide range of passive equity funds, indexed bond funds are a rare
breed in the UK and only available to the larger investor. However, exchange-traded
funds (ETFs), which offer a similar profile to tracker unit trusts, are available for Euro
and US bonds and are shortly expected to cover UK bonds, so the opportunities for
index-style bond funds will increase.
Star managers
There is considerable debate about the merits of star managers those who provide
consistently good results over the medium to long term. The big discount brokers offer
profiles of top managers and suggest that provided an investor buys within a low cost
supermarket, it is cheap and simple to follow a star when they defect to a rival
organisation. We should be cautious about accepting this logic without investigation.
72 The social, economic and regulatory framework for financial planning
While an individual manager may be the key driver behind a funds performance, it is
equally important to consider the environment in which that performance was
achieved. When a manager moves we need to take a close look at the supporting
analyst and research functions in the new environment. We should also consider care-
fully any change in the managers responsibilities and level of involvement in the fund.
On promotion a talented individual might become a manager of people rather than a
manager of money and this could undermine future performance.
Reweighting a portfolio
In practice few individuals start taking interest in their investments from the very
beginning. Most gain an interest over time and after they have already built up what
may be a rather incoherent portfolio. This means that a reweighting of asset allocation
will be the planners first step after all the preliminary fact find. Here it will be
necessary to sell certain shares because they are inappropriate for the individuals
investment aims or because they represent too large a proportion of the portfolio and
therefore create a concentration of risk. Consider, for example, the type of portfolio
an individual may have if they responded to privatisation offers, received free wind-
fall shares from a demutualised building society or life assurance company, and
applied for shares through the employers share option scheme. This type of portfolio
may have done quite well in the past but it will not be representative of the FTSE All-
Share. Instead it is likely to consist of utilities (privatisation issues), financials (wind-
falls), and the sector into which the employer falls. Such a portfolio could lack
representation in important sectors like foods, pharmaceuticals, and retailers, among
It is also important to remember that if an individual intends to invest a large sum
for example an inheritance, or the proceeds from a pension or endowment plan there
is no need to complete the process in a matter of days. Timing is critical to successful
investments and in practice it could take 6 to 12 months to construct or rebalance a
Where major reweighting is necessary it will be important to consider the indi-
viduals tax position, particularly the capital gains tax (CGT) implications of selling
large chunks of shares. Tax may become more complicated if an individual is retired
or close to retirement. At this point in addition to income tax and CGT considerations
it will be necessary to give careful thought to inheritance tax (IHT) planning. Taxation
is examined in Chapter 19.
Collective funds will play an important role even if the individual has significant
capital to invest. It makes sense to use collectives to gain exposure to certain markets
smaller UK companies and overseas markets, for example. It can be risky or imprac-
tical to invest in one or two smaller companies (there are more than 400 in the
SmallCap index) unless, of course, the investor is really convinced of a companys
Chapter 5 Asset allocation in portfolio construction 73
Overseas markets can be more expensive to enter and individual share prices much
larger than they are in the UK, where companies split shares when they become
unwieldy. Swiss companies, for example, commonly have a share price of 5,000 each,
so if you have 100,000 to invest in total overseas it is not sensible to have, say, two
shares in one Swiss company. Rather, you should have 10,000 in units in a collective
Swiss blue chip fund if you are keen on Switzerland or possibly 20,000 in a European
blue chip fund, which would invest in a selection of leading European companies.
Note: The latest values of the indices can be found on the FTSE website (
Source: FTSE InternationalAPCIMS (asset allocation March 2004).
74 The social, economic and regulatory framework for financial planning
companies (for example the FTSE 100 companies), which tend to have a steadier track
record on dividends payments than some smaller companies. The point to bear in
mind here is that size and risk do not go hand in hand but represent two different deci-
sions for income seekers. Some smaller, higher risk companies can provide a high yield
but might not be appropriate for a retired income seeker. However, many retired
investors are looking not just for short-term income but also for income over 10 to 20
years. Over this period the bond and cash element would provide a stable guaranteed
income but equities are needed to provide an element of capital growth to maintain the
real value of the portfolio.
We should not assume that a client approaching retirement should automatically
switch part of the portfolio out of equities and into gilts, bonds and cash. Many
investors who retire early cannot or do not want to draw their pension immediately
either because it will not be paid until the employers official pension age of 65 or
because the pension would be substantially reduced. In this case the individual might
be looking for an immediate and high income from the portfolio rather than long-term
income and growth.
International equities play an important part in the growth portfolio in order to gain
access to different economies, both developed and developing. Having said that, if an
investor is interested in certain sectors car manufacturing for example the choice of
UK shares is very limited and therefore we may suggest US shares, for example, to
obtain the level of exposure and diversification.
Overseas investment is important but bear in mind the points mentioned above
about where to find genuine diversification. Also, foreign investment exposes the port-
folio to currency fluctuations and, in some countries, exchange control issues. Political
instability and hyperinflation may be features of emerging economies.
Finally, the weighting of bonds and cash is probably the clearest indication of the
portfolios aim. In this case the income portfolio has 45% of its assets in these classes,
while the growth portfolio has only 15%. A younger investor with a robust attitude
to risk might not even bother with this amount but go wholly for UK and foreign
For most investors, whether looking for income, growth, or a balance of the two, at
least half of the portfolio will be invested in UK shares. Although there is a tendency
to regard the FTSE 100 companies as somehow safer than medium and small
companies, it is not true to say that big is synonymous with secure. Exposure to the
FTSE 250 (the 250 largest companies by market capitalisation after the top 100) and
in particular to the SmallCap (the remaining 470 or so shares in the All-Share) can be
achieved through collective funds, or direct, depending on the individuals attitude to
risk and ability to research less well-known companies adequately.
The FTSE All-Share, which covers 98%99% of the companies that are listed on
The London Stock Exchange, has 35 sectors. Some include a large number of com-
panies representing a broad spectrum of industry Engineering & Machinery, for
example. Others are designed to categorise just a few important companies in a very
specific market.
Chapter 5 Asset allocation in portfolio construction 75
Activity 5.1
Diane Evans has just inherited 100,000 on the death of her father. She is married with
two young children and, as a university lecturer, her earnings are not high, although the
University Superannuation Scheme provides an excellent pension. Consider how best Diane
might deploy this capital. With the amount you decide to invest, provide a breakdown of the
asset allocation and the rationale for this.
Comment: To answer this question you need to draw up a mini financial plan that sets
out personal assets and liabilities. Your decision should take account of any debts (a
mortgage, for example) and any future anticipated expenses.
This chapter considered some of the important factors that we should take into
consideration when building a portfolio. Asset allocation is critical, as this will dictate
the riskreward profile. Model portfolios are a useful tool and provide benchmark
allocations for investors seeking income, growth or a balance of the two.
Key terms
Review questions
1 Explain why asset allocation is so important in the construction of a private investors
3 What is the difference between systematic and non-systematic risk? Which of these can
be reduced through diversification?
4 Describe how weightings to the main asset classes would vary in a portfolio that aims for
income, compared with a portfolio that aims for growth.
76 The social, economic and regulatory framework for financial planning
Further information
Details about the FTSE InternationalAPCIMS Private Investor Indices can be found at the FTSE
International website at where a service called On Target will allow you to
analyse the performance of the portfolios free of charge. Alternatively, the indices are available
on the APCIMS site at, and are reported in the Financial Times and other
financial newspapers and publications.
The Pensions Institute:
The Pensions Policy Institute:
Chapter 6
Performance measurement
and monitoring
This chapter provides a basic guide for students who want to read and under-
stand the financial pages, particularly as they appear in the Financial Times. This will
provide the basic information required to monitor and measure the progress of
individual shares and collective funds.
After reading this chapter you will be able to:
Portfolio measurement
Two independent services aim to provide a benchmark against which it is possible
to measure private investors portfolios. The first is the Private Investor Indices from
FTSE International and the stockbrokers association, APCIMS, and the second is
from The WM Company, one of the leading performance measurers in the insti-
tutional market. However, the latter is only available to investment managers on a
subscription basis, whereas the FTSEAPCIMS service is free (but less detailed). It
appears on the website and also in the Money FT section of the weekend Financial
Times, on the Databank page. We refer to the FTSEAPCIMS model portfolios in
Chapter 5 where we examined asset allocation (see page 73).
Chapter 6 Performance measurement and monitoring 79
We can use the FTSE International indices (income, growth and balanced), which
are published in the Financial Times, in several ways:
To make a direct comparison with a portfolio.
To use as the basis for a review of the asset allocation and structure of a portfolio
with the investment adviser.
As a benchmark against which we can compare and assess the performance of
discretionary stockbrokers.
The FTSEAPCIMS indices show what happens to a portfolio which is run like a
collection of index tracking funds each element representing the appropriate index
for UK equities, various overseas equity indices, cash and so on. Clearly, the asset
allocation of any model portfolio is to some extent arbitrary but given the expertise
of the providers, this is as good a benchmark as any and will show whether the way
that an individuals portfolio deviates from the indices actually improved returns or
undermined performance.
WMs service is quite different as it is based on actual asset mix information from a
wide range of managers, combined with the returns on the appropriate investment
indices over the quarter measured.
Both services are very useful but remember that benchmarks are only intended to
provide guidelines and should not be regarded as an absolute measure of performance.
The FTSEAPCIMS indices, for example, are designed to relate to the average
UK-based investor with a sterling denominated pool of savings. We must also
remember that investors may have potential capital gains tax liabilities that must be
taken into account, as must any advisory fees.
Collective funds
For fund comparisons it is important to measure against other funds with a similar
asset allocation and ideally a similar management style, although this can be difficult.
The trade associations for the three different types of funds are as follows and the web-
sites are given at the end of the chapter (see also Chapters 12 and 13, which examine
the structure of investment trust companies, unit trust funds and life office unit linked
Life assurance funds: the Association of British Insurers (ABI).
Unit trusts and open ended investment companies (OEICs): the Investment
Management Association (IMA).
Investment trusts: the Association of Investment Trust Companies (AITC).
These organisations are responsible for setting the criteria for each of the investment
categories, so that private and institutional investors can compare like with like.
However, the categories are largely based on minimum and maximum asset allocation
parameters and so the variation can be significant and can contain a wide range of risk
80 The social, economic and regulatory framework for financial planning
profiles, particularly in the managed fund sector for life assurance and pension funds,
for example. Also, it is important to remember that the categories do not take into
account investment style or approach to risk. This means that certain managers might
have achieved an outstanding performance only because they took bigger risks than is
typical for the fund sector as a whole.
We should check fund performance on a discrete rather than cumulative basis.
Discrete results show year-on-year performance. A good cumulative result over five
years might hide an outstanding (possibly lucky) short-term performance followed by
several years of mediocrity. Standard & Poors Fund Research is a useful resource
here. Its fund ratings are based on quantitative data (performance screening and attri-
bution, for example) and qualitative information (the managers investment process
and philosophy, the personnel and technical support, and the risk profile, structure
and size of the fund itself, for example).
For individual funds, a good place to start with research is the managers monthly
reports, which are available on their websites. Citywire is a commercial service that
measures the individual managers performance and this can provide an interesting
perspective. Many financial advisers have favourite fund managers and provide
profiles on their own websites. Be careful with advisers, however, as they may be
influenced by the level of commission they can secure from a particular fund manager.
For investment trusts a useful source of performance data is the monthly infor-
mation sheet (MIS) from the AITC, which shows the results of 100 invested in each
investment trust share and the performance of the underlying net assets. The latter is
considered a far better measure of the companys investment expertise because it
disregards the impact of market forces on the companys share price.
Periods of measurement
The costs of buying shares, whether direct or through a unit or investment trust,
combined with the short-term volatility of markets, indicates that it is most relevant to
measure performance over the medium to long term typically over a minimum
period of five years. However, regular monitoring is also important if we want to pick
up on changes in fund management style or personnel, for example.
With equity investments clearly past performance is an imperfect guide to the future
whether we hold these directly or through collective funds. However, performance
can give a good indication of a companys prospects where it is examined in
conjunction with other essential data about the company and its investment processes.
Once we have identified the funds that are appropriate in terms of asset class and
allocation it is important to assess different managers investment style. For example
was the performance achieved through a consistent ability to pick the right stocks or
did the total returns rely on occasional periods of out-performance based on a high
riskreward strategy?
It is also important to keep track of the management team responsible for the
performance. Individual managers and often whole investment teams have an
Chapter 6 Performance measurement and monitoring 81
Last Updated: 31032004 Total return % Change % Change % Change % Change % Change
Index name Index value index value 1 day 1 month 3 month 1 year 5 year
Source: FTSE.
82 The social, economic and regulatory framework for financial planning
for new smaller companies), and foreign companies. Students should also consult FTfm,
which appears as a supplement each Monday. This includes FT Fund Ratings.
Figure 6.1
Source: Financial Times, 2nd April 2004.
Previous price movements (52 week highlow): Columns four and five show the
highest and lowest prices recorded for the stock for the past 12 months. At the
weekend this figure shows the high and low for the calendar year.
Dividend yield (Yld): Column six shows the percentage return on the share. It is
calculated by dividing the gross dividend by the current share price.
Priceearnings ratio (PE): The seventh column is the market price of the share divided
by the companys earnings (profits) per share in its latest 12-month trading period. In
effect this is a measure of investor confidence since it compares the price of a stock with
the amount the company is earning in profits. Generally the higher the figure the higher
the confidence but you should only measure against companies in the same sector.
Yields and PE ratios move in opposite directions. If the share price rises, since the
gross dividend remains the same, the dividend yield falls. Also, if the share price rises,
since the earnings per share are constant, the PE ratio increases. Expect a big change
in these figures when important company announcements are made on earnings and
Volume of trading (Vol 000s): The final column shows the number of shares traded
the previous day rounded to the nearest 1,000. Dashes indicate that no trade has taken
place or that there is no data available.
Market capitalisation
Percentage price change
Dividend cover
Figure 6.2
Source: Financial Times, 19th April 2004.
Dividend cover (Div cov.): This shows the number of times the dividend could have
been paid out of net profits. The figure is a ratio of profits to dividends, calculated by
dividing the earnings per share by the gross dividend per share. Analysts regard this as
an important figure in assessing the security of the company and its ability to maintain
the level of future dividend payments.
Market capitalisation (MCap m): This is an indication of the stock market value of
the company in millions of pounds sterling. It is calculated by multiplying the number
of shares in issue by their market price. In order to calculate the number of shares in
issue from the figures listed you can divide the market capitalisation figure by the
market price. However, if there were other classes of share capital in issue, their
value would also need to be added in order to calculate the companys total market
Last ex-dividend date (Last xd): The last date the share went ex-dividend.
Cityline reference (City line): This is the reference number if you want up-to-the-
minute information from Cityline.
Price change
Initial charge
Selling price
Figure 6.3
Source: Financial Times, 2nd April 2004.
Unit trust, open-ended investment company (OEIC), and insurance company fund
prices appear under Managed Funds Service. These are funds authorised by the
Financial Services Authority and therefore can be marketed direct to the public.
Unauthorised trusts are not sold to the public but are used as internal funds by the
financial institutions.
Chapter 6 Performance measurement and monitoring 85
Unit trust and OEIC management groups are obliged to provide certain information
to unit holders and the accepted practice is to publish unit prices, together with other
important information in the Financial Times and other national newspapers. The
funds are grouped by fund manager and shown in alphabetical sequence.
Name of the investment group, its pricing system and trust names: This is shown as,
for example, Artemis Fund Managers Ltd (1200)F (UK), followed by the companys
address and telephone number for dealing or enquiries. The figure in brackets in the
heading is the basis of the companys pricing system. The figure refers to the time at
which the price was measured (using a 24-hour clock) and the basis of calculation. F
refers to forward pricing, which means orders are taken from investors and the price
of units is determined by the next valuation. All larger groups have a valuation point
each day, often at noon. So, if an investor phones through their order at 10am, the
price will be struck at noon that same day. An investor who phones at 1pm will have
to wait for a price until the following midday valuation. Some groups still deal on an
historic price basis, indicated by H. This means they buy and sell using the price
agreed at the last valuation point.
Initial charge (Init chrge): Column two indicates the percentage charge deducted.
Notes: The symbols and letters in column 3 indicate particular features of a unit
trust. For example E indicates there is an exit charge when the investor sells units, C
indicates that the managers annual charge is deducted from capital, not income. A full
list of notes, some of which may appear against figures in other columns, can be found
at the end of the Managed Funds Service section.
Selling price: This is also called the bid price and is the price at which investors sell
units back to the manager.
Buying price: This is also called the offer price and is the price at which investors
buy units.
Price change (! or 0): The sixth column compares the mid-point between the bid
and offer prices with the previous days quotation.
Yield (Yield): The last column shows the income paid by the unit trust as a per-
centage of the offer price. The quoted yield reflects income earned by the fund during
the previous 12 months and therefore relates only to past performance.
86 The social, economic and regulatory framework for financial planning
Discount or premium
Figure 6.4
Source: Financial Times, 2nd April 2004.
Investment trusts are quoted in the London Share Service section. Most of the infor-
mation is the same as for other companies, with the exception of the last two columns.
Net asset value (NAV): This is the approximate value of the underlying assets
owned by the company. The NAV is shown in pence per share.
Discount or premium (Dis or PM(0)): If the value of the underlying assets is higher
than the share price, then the trust is said to be at a discount. In other words, assuming
there is nothing untoward about the trust, the shares are likely to be good value because
their underlying value is worth more than the price you pay. If the NAV is lower than
the share price the shares are at a premium and this is shown as a negative figure.
Activity 6.1
Construct a portfolio of funds selected from the IMA listings and build up a detailed
record of performance fluctuations by monitoring your funds price changes (this would not
show the impact of dividend reinvestment). Go to the websites for the funds selected and
consult the monthly bulletins. For frequent updates check unit prices in the Managed Funds
Service in the Financial Times. On Saturdays the information appears in the Money FT
section, while on weekdays you will find these figures in the Companies and Markets
section. Compare percentage price changes with changes for an appropriate benchmark,
with reference to this chapter. So, for example, you might only need the FTSE All-Share UK
equity based unit trusts but may need others as well for more specialist or overseas funds.
If you find reading the pink pages rather daunting, a basic description of the column
headings is provided in the FT itself but a more detailed source is the Financial Times Guide
to Using the Financial Pages.
This chapter covered the main sources of performance information for individual
shares and for funds. It analysed the share and fund service pages in the Financial
Times to show how to interpret the very condensed information on prices, price
movements, and yields, among other features.
Key terms
Review questions
1 Describe three different benchmarks against which you can measure performance.
3 Explain the difference between discrete and cumulative performance and why the former
is preferable as a measure.
Further information
Further reading
Apart from the ever-growing online resources, there are several useful print sources. For
shares read the Financial Times and Investors Chronicle. The FT also covers collective funds
but there are several additional sources of reference; for example the useful articles, surveys and
statistics which appear in specialist publications such as Money Management, Bloomberg
Money and Moneywise all of which are available from newsagents. The Consumers
Association has developed a strong financial interest see Which? magazine.
See also The Financial Times Guide to Using the Financial Pages, R. Vaitilingam, Financial
Times Prentice Hall, 2001.
For a free sample copy of the AITC Monthly Information Service go to
Part Two
Protection insurance
After reading this chapter you will be able to:
Life assurance
Life assurance is one of the few comparatively simple products discussed in this
book. It is also cheap, assuming the individual is in average health.
Anyone with dependants or who shares with others the financial responsibility for
the household should take out an appropriate level of life assurance. The sum assured
that is, the amount of cover provided in return for the regular premiums should do
two things:
It should repay any outstanding loans, including the mortgage.
It should allow the family to maintain its standard of living by replacing the
insureds income in full or by topping up any other benefits they may receive.
We need to give careful consideration to the period for which the life assurance is
required. A sound approach is to cover the period during which any borrowing
remains outstanding and until the children have ceased to be dependant up to age 21
at least, if they are likely to go on to college or university. Bear in mind that both
parents of young children should have insurance. Where the partner who is at home
looking after the children dies, the cost of a full time nanny could easily run to 10,000
a year.
The basic calculation then is income requirement plus debt minus any existing
cover. Existing cover may be provided by a company pension scheme andor other
private insurances. Where an individual is covered by a company scheme they must
replace this on changing jobs and also make sure there are no gaps in cover if there is
a gap between jobs. Personal pension plans provide life cover. However, in this case
the value will not be linked to salary but instead will depend on how much is in the
fund. Where the individual only recently started a pension plan this could be very little
so it will be necessary to pay for extra life assurance while the fund is building up in
value. It is possible to do this with part of the pension contribution.
naturally the premiums tend to be higher than for term assurance. Whole of life
policies combine insurance and investment. The monthly premiums are invested and
from this fund the insurance company deducts the amounts necessary to provide the
life cover. When you die you get the fund value or the sum assured, whichever is
greater. Some policies require you to pay premiums up to the time of your death, while
others make them paid up at a certain age, after which you no longer need to pay
premiums. One common use for this type of policy is to provide a lump sum to cover
an inheritance tax liability.
The application
The premiums for life assurance will depend on the individuals age, sex and state of
health, among other factors. If the individual is overweight or smokes, premiums may
be loaded in other words the individual pays more because there is a greater chance
of an early death. Certain dangerous sports will also raise eyebrows in the under-
writing department and in turn may raise premiums. In some cases a policy may not
cover certain activities. However, if you omit or misrepresent any relevant information
then the contract could be declared void by the insurance company.
Lifestyle questions
The proposal form will ask if the individual has ever been tested for HIV (AIDS).
Where the answer is yes and the insurer refuses cover it may be worth consulting a
planner or adviser who specialises in this area. The Institute of Financial Planning and
IFA Promotion allow you to search for specialists in different areas.
Income protection
Life assurance protects the individuals family if he or she dies but it is equally
important to insure against loss of income through long-term illness or disability.
Despite the plethora of product names there are essentially two types of insurance
policy one that pays a replacement income (income protection is also known as per-
manent health insurance or PHI) and a second that pays a lump sum (critical illness).
Buying income protection ought to be an easy exercise but some of these products
are very complicated and riddled with small print. This can be very worrying, as the
last thing we want is to find out too late that certain exclusions render the policy
State benefits
Employees have very little statutory protection when it comes to long-term sickness.
The only requirement for an employer is to pay statutory sick pay from day 4 of an
employees illness to week 28. Statutory sick pay is about 65 per week, while the state
long-term incapacity benefit is about 70, although there are various supplements for
dependents. You can claim the state incapacity benefit while you are in receipt of your
income replacement benefits.
The chances of qualifying for the state incapacity benefit are slim. In April 1995 the
government changed the definition of qualifying disability from cant do own job to
cant do any job. This means that even though your medical condition prevents you
from continuing your profession, if you can sweep the streets you will be classed as fit
for work and you will not qualify for the state long-term incapacity benefit.
remain an active member of the company pension scheme and maintain eligibility to
state benefits.
Income protection only replaces income during working years, so once the indi-
vidual reaches the employers normal pension age the benefit stops and the employers
pension scheme starts to pay a retirement income.
Of course in most cases the employee would expect to return to work after a full
recovery. At this point the benefit stops and the normal salary resumes. If an employee
only partially recovers from an accident and is unable to resume the former occupation,
a good income protection scheme will provide assistance with rehabilitation.
An increasing number of employers offer income protection at a below-market rate
even though they do not make a contribution towards premiums. This type of
voluntary benefit can offer good value but employers are under no obligation to
arrange competitive terms, so caveat emptor buyer beware applies just as much as
any private purchase.
Critical illness
Critical illness insurance is quite different from income protection. This pays the
owner of the policy a tax-free lump sum on the diagnosis of a range of illnesses or
accidents. The lump sum is extremely useful if the individual becomes disabled or frail
and needs to move to special accommodation or needs to make alterations to the
Most policies use six standard definitions but these do change as medical advances
create a more positive prognosis for what in the past were considered life-threatening
conditions. The main conditions include:
Heart attack.
Coronary artery bypass surgery.
Kidney failure.
Major organ transplant.
The most common criticism of this type of insurance is that if your illness or dis-
ability is not on the list of qualifying conditions you wont get a penny, even though
you are unable to work. Some policies include permanent total disability and this is
a valuable addition.
Employment-based policies
Many employers offer group PMI as part of the employee benefits package but the
level of cover varies considerably. Due to the sharp rise in PMI premiums some
employers have increased the number of exclusions for example stress-related con-
ditions are likely to be excluded since these can be very complicated and expensive.
Employers often ask employees to pay an excess that is, the first 100 or so of any
treatment. Alternatively an employer may cover the employee but not family members.
Premiums paid by an employer are treated as a benefit in kind and are therefore
Those in a group scheme should find out what happens when they leave and want
to continue the insurance on an individual basis. This is particularly important for
those coming up to retirement, where age and the past medical treatment could result
in very high individual premiums. Some insurers offer a discount when an individual
moves from a group scheme to a private plan.
Standard cover should pay for virtually everything but if the individual wants private
alternative medicine, GP and dental treatment, for example, these features might only
be offered in a deluxe version.
Budget plans limit the insurers risk by imposing restrictions. For example a plan
might restrict the treatment to a menu of the most common operations. If your
condition qualifies, then you receive prompt treatment. If it doesnt, you dont receive
private treatment. A second method of reducing the insurers costs is to set a monetary
limit either per annum or per treatment. PMI companies claim these limits are usually
generous enough to cover most major operations but there is always the concern
that the budget might run out halfway through a course of treatment, particularly if
complications set in.
An alternative budget concept is the six week plan that provides standard levels of
cover but only if the individual cannot be treated under the NHS within six weeks of
the consultants diagnosis. A six-week wait may not sound too onerous but do bear in
mind that there may be a long delay between the GPs referral and actually seeing a
consultant unless of course you pay for a private consultation, which is unlikely to
be covered by this type of policy.
Finally, as with employers schemes, some individual plans contain costs by asking
the policyholder to agree to pay an excess that is, the first 100 or so of every claim.
This is probably the most acceptable method of cutting premiums, although the
reductions achieved are not so dramatic as under the other budget plans.
Managed care
With a managed care process the insurer monitors the claim from the outset, before
treatment has started and before the first penny has been spent. This means the
individual has to check the insurer will pay before you actually start treatment (this
is known as pre-authorisation). It may also be necessary to use certain groups of
hospitals where the insurer has negotiated special rates.
Medical history
In most cases the PMI insurer will exclude pre-existing conditions. This will be done
in one of two ways. Where the contract is fully underwritten the individual discloses a
full medical history and the insurer may impose exclusions as a result. If there is a
moratorium clause you would not need to disclose your medical history, but all pre-
existing conditions would be excluded for a period of time typically two years after
which they would also be covered. Some pre-existing conditions heart disease and
psychiatric illness, for example may be excluded permanently.
100 Putting the theory into practice
Long-term care
Long-term care (LTC) refers to care in the individuals own home or a care home
(residential or nursing) for chronic, usually permanent, conditions, and generally those
associated with old age. The average nursing home in England costs 20,400 a year,
rising to 25,000 in the South East. Residential home fees are slightly lower.
Under the NHS and Community Care Act 1993, the responsibility for assessing
need and the payment of nursing home fees shifted from what was then the
Department of Social Security (now known as the Department for Work and Pensions)
to the already financially overstretched local authorities. The rules were revised in
April 2001 and again in October 2003. Age Concern is one of several charities that
maintain very detailed fact sheets on this subject, which are updated regularly. These
also explain the interaction between care home benefits and other state benefits.
Contact details are at the end of the chapter. Remember that the rules for Scotland are
very different and there are separate leaflets from the DWP and charities to cover this.
If an individual has assets and investments worth over 20,000 they must pay the
care bill in full. Where the assets fall below this level but are above 12,250 then the
individual must pay a proportion of the fees. Below 12,250 the individual should not
have to pay anything. Having said that, if the elderly person is in a private home,
where the fees are higher than local authority homes, then they would have to make
up the difference or move.
Since 1 April 2003 the NHS in England has been responsible for meeting part of the
cost of care provided by registered nurses to all residents in homes that provide nursing
care, whether self-funded or local authority assisted. At the time of writing the benefit
was worth 40125 per week, depending on the assessment.
The value of the individuals house is not included initially in the means test but
after three months this will be taken into account unless there is a spouse or other
dependant relative still living at home. As a result many single people have to sell their
homes in order to pay the fees.
There are two ways to insure the cost of long-term care. With a pre-funded plan
the individual pays regular premiums or a lump sum ahead of the time when it may be
necessary to claim. In the case of an elderly person who is not insured, it might be
worth considering an annuity. This would guarantee a regular income to pay the
nursing home fees but it might require a substantial investment (see below).
At the time of writing only half a dozen insurance companies offered pre-funded
plans. The policies pay the benefit to the nursing home or, in some cases, to the carer.
Individuals may also qualify for help towards the cost of home alterations where this
would enable them to stay put. Annual benefit, which is tax-free, is usually limited to
about 25,000. However, most people can insure for much less than this if they have
other sources of income from pensions and investments.
To qualify for benefit the elderly person must fail two or three activities of daily
living (ADLs). ADL tests also used by social services for those who qualify for state
help include washing, dressing, feeding, continence and mobility. Cognitive impair-
ment should also be on the list, given the rapid increase in the number of sufferers of
Alzheimers disease and similar conditions.
As with income protection insurance it is possible to reduce premiums where
individuals opt for a long deferment period before receiving the first payment. This
can be anything from four weeks to two years. It is also possible to reduce premiums
if you restrict cover to a limited payment period for example two to three years.
However, whether an elderly person would enjoy peace of mind with this type of
policy is questionable. Certainly, conditions that involve cognitive impairment can
result in a lengthy stay in care.
If an elderly person wants to be sure there will be an income for the rest of their life
to pay the bills it might be worth considering a purchased life (as distinct from a
pension) annuity, although to fund this it may be necessary to sell the family home.
Where the elderly person could stay at home, provided certain care was available and
alterations were carried out, a home income plan might be more appropriate (see
Chapter 17).
Annuities are examined in Chapters 9 and 24 but briefly this type of insurance con-
tract provides a regular income for life in return for a lump sum investment. Elderly
people with disabilities would qualify for special rates, as they would have a short life
expectancy. Unlike pre-funded plans, the annuity payments are not tax-free. Part of
the income is treated as a return of capital so this is not taxed. The interest element is
taxed but this reduces with age.
There is an alternative that combines investment and insurance, but only a handful
of companies offer this type of product. Under an LTC investment plan, you pay a
lump sum into a fund from which the insurance company deducts monthly premiums
to cover the LTC risk. If you need to claim, initially you draw your agreed annual
benefit from your fund and when this is exhausted the insurer picks up the tab for as
long as you remain in care. In some cases, for an extra cost, you may be able to protect
part or all of your fund so that the insurance covers the benefit payments from the
outset. However, if you remain healthy to the end and do not make a claim, you can
pass your investment on to your dependants.
Activity 7.1
The funding of long-term care is a controversial issue. Individually or in a group, critically
evaluate the current rules that apply in England and comment on whether or not you think
they are fair.
Comment: Why might the eligibility rules be demeaning for a frail elderly person? Do you
think that the state and local authorities should fund all care home fees to a basic level or do
you think that it is fair to force the sale of an individuals home to cover the costs? What are
the implications here for inheritances? Age Concern in particular provides excellent literature
on this subject, which you should use in compiling the facts.
This chapter examined the main types of personal protection insurance that provide
financial support to the family when an individual dies or is too ill to work. It also
looked at private medical insurance, which can be used to speed up medical treatment
for acute conditions.
Key terms
Definition of disability p. 96
Enduring power of attorney p. 100
Moratorium clause p. 99
Single and joint life policy p. 93
Chapter 7 Protection insurance 103
Review questions
1 Explain the purpose of life assurance, assuming an individual has dependants or shares
with others financial responsibility for the household.
2 What is the basic calculation to determine the amount of life assurance required?
3 Explain the differences between income protection and critical illness insurance. If the
individual can only afford one policy, which would you recommend and why?
4 Describe two ways in which it is possible to reduce private medical insurance premiums.
Which do you think is the best option and why?
5 Explain the means tested rules for eligibility to state help towards care home fees.
Further information
A list of independent firms of advisers who abide by the IFACare Code of Conduct is avail-
able from: Other useful organisations, most of which provide fact sheets,
include The Association of Independent Care Advisers ( and the charities Age
Concern (, Help the Aged ( and Care and
Repair ( See page 314 for annuity specialists.
Edna Cane, 40 and a smoker, has just given birth to a daughter, Daisy. Ednas husband,
Tom, died three months ago in a car accident. Toms life assurance paid off the mortgage on
their house. He had no other protection policies. Edna has income of 3,500 in total over the
next three months whilst on maternity leave. Edna is relying on both financial and moral
support from her mother who lives nearby. Ednas monthly outgoings exceed her net
incomings by 4,000 pa. She intends to return full time to her job as a dentists receptionist
on a salary of 21,000 pa. She has 2,000 cash reserve for emergencies.
Edna regrets not looking into having more protection cover in the event of the death of
either Tom or herself. She has a 20-year level term assurance for 50,000, paying 50 per
month. Edna would like to ensure that if she became incapacitated or died, Daisy would
receive proper care. Ednas sister, Marjorie, lives in Australia and would bring Daisy up as her
104 Putting the theory into practice
own if the worst happened to Edna. Edna would like Daisy to have as many opportunities
as money could buy if she died; eg private schooling, round the world trips, music and
dancing lessons, should Daisy so wish.
Edna would like Daisy to attend a day nursery costing 120 per week when she returns to
work. The dentists practice has no income protection scheme if Edna fell ill or died. If she
became ill, Edna would like to receive private medical assistance and both herself and
Daisy to be cared for in their own home.
Edna needs help to establish what, if any, benefits she is entitled to since the death of
Tom and the birth of Daisy. Edna does not intend either to move house or to obtain another
mortgage and so would like to explore options for protection of her income stream and any
capital requirements should she become ill or die. She feels that she has sufficient retire-
ment funding. Edna will have up to 150 per month to meet her objectives when she returns
to work.
Source: Money Management, Financial Planner of the Year Awards 2003, FT Business.
A full solution to this case study is available to lecturers via the password-protected area of the
Companion Website at
Chapter 8
After reading this chapter you will be able to:
It has taken a long time for competitive banking to make a dent in the undeserved
profits of the main high street banks but the market is changing and consumers are
finally voting with their feet. In particular disgruntled account holders are turning to
Internet banks, which provide 24-hour access and allow account holders to move
money online, including the payment of bills. For busy people with work, family and
other commitments this in itself can lead to better management of cash flow because it
may be easier to find time in the evening and at the weekend to monitor accounts.
Being able to access bank details via a PC also makes it easier to shift money to higher-
interest accounts, so this should help in the general control of short-term savings.
The most important feature will be reliability. Internet banks tend to offer good value
and better rates of interest than their high street competitors but if the providers site
is frequently unavailable due to technical problems this can be very frustrating.
With any current account it is important to ensure we are paying for the right types
of services. Many people assume their bank makes no charges provided they are in
credit. Of course the very fact they are in credit means that the bank is able to lend
money overnight and on short-term loans in the institutional market and secure a good
return which is not passed on to the banks customers.
Those who tend to have a high balance in their account should consider banks that
pay a better rate of interest than the paltry amount generally offered by the main high
street banks. Some of these higher interest accounts demand a very high balance or
make an annual charge, which undermines their attractions significantly. Where they
make a charge they try to justify it by providing often unwanted insurance and other
Chapter 8 Banking and debt 107
services. It is far better to keep a closer eye on the account and siphon off any surplus
to a high interest deposit account. Again the Internet providers tend to be very
competitive and it is easy to move money between accounts online.
Most account holders find it useful to have a prearranged overdraft in case they
accidentally overdraw or need to do so for a short period. Unauthorised borrowing
usually results in a fine typically 25.
Account aggregation
Account aggregation provides information across a range of online accounts from
the various providers on one website for example this might include a current
account, a savings account, mortgage, credit cards, personal loans and reward schemes
(air miles, for example). This can be very convenient but it does involve handing over
details of personal identity numbers (PINs) so that the aggregation service can take
information from the various websites. In some cases this could break the terms of
agreements with online accounts. The FSA does not regulate account aggregation
and so it is vital to ensure the provider has rigorous security processes and offers a
clear-cut approach to any problems following a security failure.
Debt is a significant problem in the UK with total unsecured lending through
personal loans, credit cards and overdrafts estimated at 170bn at the end of 2003 a
figure that is rising rapidly. Credit card debt alone rose by 59% between 1999 and
2004, according to the independent research agency Datamonitor. Unsecured lending
is where the borrower does not have to assign an asset to which the lender has access
in the event of default. (The most obvious example of secured lending is the mortgage,
which gives the lender the right to repossess if the borrower cannot keep up interest
The Office of Fair Trading (OFT) is responsible for regulating this sector until 2005,
at which point the Financial Services Authority takes over. This is part of the major
overhaul of the 1974 Consumer Credit Act that followed a critical report from the
Commons Treasury Select Committee in December 2003, which attacked the mis-
leading advertising and terms for credit and store cards and laid part of the blame
at the OFTs door. The Consumers Association has been particularly vocal on
unfavourable credit card terms.
While careful financial planning should avoid unnecessary debts, nevertheless the
planner needs to know where an individual can look for help if they get into diffi-
culties. The organisations and websites mentioned at the end of this chapter provide a
range of useful fact sheets and guides and, importantly, spell out the individuals
rights. Debt consolidation is an attractive concept but in practice it can be an
expensive move and can extend the period of debt.
108 Putting the theory into practice
A recent development in the credit market is risk-based interest rates. This is where
the lender checks the borrowers credit rating through a credit reference company and
adjusts its interest rate upwards or downwards to reflect how promptly the individual
has met repayments in the past. Everyone who considers taking out credit or a loan
should bear in mind that if they owe money the creditor is entitled to try to get it back.
However, the lender must not put a borrower under undue pressure for example by
contacting an employer or harassing the borrower in their home.
Hire purchase
The difference between hire purchase and other forms of borrowing is that with
the former, buyers do not become the legal owners of their goods until they have
completed payments. In the case of default the supplier has a legal right to repossess
the goods where the individual has paid less than one third of the value or take the
individual to court to claim the balance. As a general rule, hire purchase is to be
Debit card
A debit card is in effect an electronic cheque. The amount of the purchase is
debited to (deducted from) the individuals account, usually two or three days later.
The statement entry will often show the name of the supplier from which you bought
the goods. Retailers, such as supermarkets, often allow shoppers to draw cash as well
as pay for goods.
Credit card
A credit card allows us to pay for goods immediately but defer actual payment until
later. The credit company will assess creditworthiness by considering an individuals
income and regular commitments. It will then set a maximum limit per month, which
the cardholder can spend to pay for goods and services. At the end of each month the
credit card provider sends a statement, which itemises all purchases and any payments
received. Users can repay the entire debt or just part of it. In fact, provided they meet
the minimum payments they can stay in debt as long as they like and pay an often
substantial rate of interest on the balance. Credit card companies even the more
respectable are little more than loan companies in disguise.
The card selected should be suitable for the individuals spending habits. If they
intend to pay in full every month and use the card just for convenience then the annual
percentage rate of interest charged (APR) is pretty irrelevant. In this case it makes
sense to look for a card that has no annual charge and that offers as long as possible
to pay the bill. Some of the new entrants from the US appear to offer good value in this
Charge card
A charge card works in a similar way to a credit card but it is necessary to repay the
balance every month.
Store cards
Most major stores or high street chains offer a credit card, which works just like any
other except you can only use it to purchase from that particular store or range of
stores. It is debatable whether such cards are of any real value much depends on
the added convenience the card provides. For example, it may offer a discount on
purchases and provide early access to sale items. The obvious drawback is that users
will tend to spend more than they might otherwise have done a point that hasnt
gone unnoticed by the retailers.
Due to the increased competition, most cards offer some sorts of perks for
example travel accident insurance and insurance against loss or damage of items you
purchase with the card. Others offer points you can trade for store vouchers or goods,
or allow you to redeem points for money off your gas bill, TV licence and phone bills.
payments and any other built-in charges. However, the calculation of the APR is
extremely complicated and there are many variables. For example some credit card
issuers charge interest from the day the purchase is noted on the individuals account.
Others charge from the date it appears on the statement, which clearly is cheaper and
may make an apparently less favourable APR more competitive.
The official technical guide to the APR is the Office of Fair Trading report
Consumer Credit Act 1974 Credit Charges and APR, which can be downloaded from
the OFT website (go to and look for publications, and then business
leaflets). This leaflet describes the Regulations rules on:
The charges included in the total charge for credit (TCC) and those excluded.
The mathematical equation used to calculate the APR.
The assumptions which must be made in certain circumstances.
The rules on showing APRs in advertisements and agreements.
The OFT leaflet includes example calculations and annexes that explain the concept
behind the method of calculating APR and the mathematical and computer methods
which can be used to carry out the calculation.
The APR is not the only factor the borrower needs to consider when choosing credit.
For example the goods might be cheaper from another store, making that a better deal
even though the credit charges are higher.
In addition to helping borrowers shop around for credit, the TCC and APR have
other uses under the Act. The TCC is used in the calculation of rebates on early settle-
ment (details of these provisions are given in the OFTs leaflet Matters arising during
the lifetime of an agreement) and to determine the charges which a credit broker
cannot make, or must return, if they do not obtain a loan for a borrower within a
specified period. The APR must also be shown in advertisements for most mortgages,
even though these are outside many of the Acts other controls (see Chapter 17).
Finally, the APR may also be an important factor when a court is asked to consider
whether an agreement is an extortionate credit bargain (details of this are available in
the OFTs leaflet Extortionate credit).
Consumer protection
Confusion over the terms of a loan and a lack of awareness of the consequences are
considered to be largely responsible for the over-borrowing among consumers. There are
certain pitfalls about which everyone should be aware before making a commitment:
Early settlement fees: in many cases there is a penalty for repaying a loan early.
APR calculations: there is still confusion between credit and store cards.
Payment protection insurance (PPI): The Consumers Association has shown that
there is widespread mis-selling of PPI, which claims to protect individuals if they
are unable to meet credit repayment because they are unable to work. This is a
limited version of income protection and is generally considered to be expensive
112 Putting the theory into practice
Debt consolidation
Debt consolidation is where an individual takes out a loan or other credit agreement
in order to pay off two or more existing debts. This process has received very negative
publicity in recent years, with licensed credit brokers earning up to 1,000 in commis-
sion per case and the so-called loan sharks even more. The cost of this sales commis-
sion is added to the borrowers repayment terms. Of particular concern is the pressure
debt consolidators impose on applicants to restructure the debt as a secured loan using
the individuals home as collateral. This puts the individuals home at risk.
The OFT has been active in raising consumer awareness and pressing lenders to
provide clear, relevant information to make debt consolidation fairer and more trans-
parent. It says that a variety of credit products can be used, including the following:
An unsecured loan.
An advance from an existing mortgage provider secured against property but
which leaves the original mortgage intact.
A second charge mortgage, which is a loan secured on a property from a lender
other than the existing mortgage provider, and which leaves the first mortgage in
A remortgage, where a new loan replaces and adds to the original.
The transfer of balances to a credit card, including the use of credit card cheques
to pay off non-credit card debts.
According to the OFT, in 2002 32bn of unsecured lending and 8.8bn of secured
personal lending were used for debt consolidation. This compares with an estimated
18.4bn of unsecured lending and 2.4bn of secured personal lending in 1999, so we
can see a dramatic rise in this activity. In March 2004 the OFT submitted a report to
the government on debt consolidation in which it observed that most borrowers do
not shop around for credit for this purpose and that two-thirds of borrowers took
whatever deal was offered by a single source. Borrowers in financial distress do not in
general seek help, either from independent agencies or from the organisations to which
they owe money.
Debtline and CCCS sites include standard forms and letters that can be used to nego-
tiate with creditors. Those who have been in debt may find it difficult to arrange
credit. In this case it is worth contacting the major credit referencing organisations
such as Experian, Call Credit and Equifax.
Activity 8.1
A common problem for borrowers arises when they misunderstand the impact on their
repayments of a dual rate loan, where there is a low APR for an introductory period, after
which the lender reverts to its standard variable rate. Find an example of this type of offer in
the press or on the Internet and consider how the APR is calculated in such cases.
Comment on whether this system is fair to the consumer. You may find it helpful to consult
the OFT report Consumer Credit Act 1974: Credit Charges and APR, which can be found
on the OFT website under publicationsbusiness leaflets. Part Three of this report includes a
section on this issue.
This chapter considered the issues that affect the choice of bank and addressed a
very important social issue; namely the risk of unmanageable debt that lies behind
some of the tempting offers from credit card and loan providers. While credit is a
useful financial tool, it should be taken very seriously indeed.
Key terms
Review questions
1 Explain the difference between a debit card, a credit card and a store card.
2 Do you think that cards linked to a charity or affinity group represent a good way to make
a charitable donation? What is the alternative?
3 What is the annual percentage rate (APR) and how is this calculated? How does the APR
differ from the total charge for credit (TCC)?
4 What are the dangers associated with debt consolidation? If an individual is concerned
about his or her level of debt what might be a sensible way to restructure?
114 Putting the theory into practice
Further information
A helpful website with a range of links is the Consumer Gateway, run by the Department for
Trade and Industry (DTI). Go to and
click on the money section.
This chapter examines the products that are aimed primarily at investors with
simple savings needs and also those looking for sources of income with full capital
protection provided in a transparent and straightforward manner.
Following the volatility of recent markets, many investors are seeking safe
havens. They are also beginning to recognise the value of inflation proofing for long-
term savings. The 2004 Barclays Capital Equity Gilt Study of investment returns
stated that inflation had nowhere to go but up after two years in which central
bankers had shown a new resolve to fight off deflation. (Deflation is a measure of
the decrease in prices in an economy over a period of time, typically based on a
basket of household goods and expenditure.)
After reading this chapter you will be able to:
Explain why it is important to align the tax treatment of the product with the
tax status of the individual, and the interest rate offered.
Describe the main savings products and point out key differences.
116 Putting the theory into practice
Given the modest income or yield on savings products, taxation is a key issue in
determining which might be most suitable for an individuals circumstances. As a
general rule non-taxpayers should not invest in products where any tax deducted
within the fund cannot be reclaimed. Having said that we must also take account
of the interest rate offered. For example the income from National Savings &
Investments Pensioners Bonds is paid gross but the income from insurance company
guaranteed bonds effectively is paid net of basic rate tax and this cannot be reclaimed.
In theory this should make the NS&I bonds a clear winner for non-taxpayers, but the
slightly higher income available on the insurance bonds can offset this tax advantage.
Depending on rates at the time, non-taxpayers should consider both products.
When the government reduces the maximum annual investment in Individual
savings accounts (ISAs) from 7,000 to 5,000 in April 2006 savers will have to look
elsewhere to replace this facility. As a result, National Savings & Investments (NS&I)
index-linked saving certificates, for example, are expected to become even more
popular than they are at present, particularly among older income seekers. It is worthy
of note that the interest on these savings certificates is linked to the Retail prices index
(RPI), despite the fact that in December 2003 the government switched to the
Consumer prices index (CPI) as the official measure of inflation. The RPI, which
includes mortgage interest repayments, is significantly higher than the CPI, which
excludes this item (see page 44).
Deposit accounts
All investors need an immediate access emergency fund to pay for unforeseen events
such as sudden repairs to the house and car. However, this is not a role for equity-
based investments. If an investor has to pull out of an equity fund in a hurry they could
lose money, particularly in the early years when the investment is working off the
effect of initial charges or when the investment manager may impose an exit charge.
Timing is an important aspect when it comes to selling equities due to the volatility of
The traditional home for cash is the building society but a growing number of
oganisations, including retailers, offer deposit accounts and there are an increasing
number of attractive Internet accounts. Students should note that whereas in the past
it was possible to gain a higher rate of interest by committing money for a number of
months, or even years, these days some of the Internet accounts that offer immediate
access are as competitive as the older-style postal accounts. Convenience of access is
important for an emergency cash fund but this does not mean you have to stick to
financial institutions that have a local outlet. The Post Office acts as a high street
presence for several Internet and non-Internet providers, while the banks and building
societies usually offer the facility for non-customers to withdraw funds using the
Chapter 9 Savings 117
Premium Bonds
Premium Bonds are UK government securities issued in units of 1 under the
National Loans Act 1968. Individuals can invest up to 30,000, in total, buying in
multiples of 10, with the minimum investment set at 100. These bonds protect the
original capital and offer the chance of monthly prizes ranging from 50 to 1m. As
at March 2004 the total fund was worth 45.7m. The odds work out at about
30,000 : 1 for each 1 bond in each monthly draw. Based on these odds an individual
who invests the full 30,000 could expect on average to receive 12 tax-free prizes per
annum. Prizes do not have to be declared on the annual tax return.
To buy Premium Bonds you have to be over 16 but you can also buy on behalf of a
child if you are the parent, guardian, grandparent or great grandparent. Bonds cannot
be held jointly and are not transferable.
The same terms apply on maturity as with a Fixed Interest Savings Certificate.
Investors can deposit between 100 and 10,000 in each issue.
Income Bonds
Income bonds pay a monthly income; they have a three-month notice period for
withdrawals, and must be held for a minimum period of one year. Investors who fail
to give the required notice will lose 90 days interest. The rate of interest is higher for
investments of 25,000 or more. Anyone aged seven or above can invest from 500 to
1m, either individually or jointly. These bonds can also be bought by trustees for up
to two personal beneficiaries.
Capital Bonds
Capital Bonds are available in series, each of which has its own guaranteed rate of
return. You can invest from 100 to 1m. Each year interest is added at a fixed rate
and reinvested. It is credited gross, so this type of bond is suitable for non-taxpayers.
Anyone aged seven or over can invest either jointly or individually. Bonds can also be
bought for children under seven and trustees can invest for up to two personal benefi-
ciaries. Taxpayers need to declare the interest on the annual return.
Investment account
This is a traditional passbook savings account with tiered rates of interest. Interest
is paid gross. The maximum investment is 100,000. Anyone aged seven or over can
invest either individually or jointly with one other person. Accounts can also be set up
for children under seven and can be held in trust for up to two personal beneficiaries
of any age. People who live outside the UK can hold one of these accounts provided
local regulations permit this. Where the individual gives one months notice, with-
drawals are penalty free. Withdrawals without notice suffer a penalty equal to the
previous 30 days interest. Interest is taxable but is credited gross. Taxpayers should
include details on the annual tax return.
market performance, via a link to an index or to a basket of shares. (For further details
on guaranteed equity bonds, see page 169.)
guarantees offered by gilts and corporate bonds only apply if you hold the bonds to
maturity. Like conventional gilts, the index linked variety is traded actively, so the
price and real value can fluctuate significantly between the issue and redemption dates.
Investors seeking absolute guarantees from their income-yielding portfolios might
consider a balance between conventional gilts, which offer a comparatively high fixed
income but no index linking of the capital value, and index linked gilts, which offer a
low initial income but protect both the income and capital from rising inflation. (Gilts
are examined in more detail in Chapter 10.)
guarantee, once they hand over the money it is gone for good, even if the annuitant
dies the following day. Annuity rates are interest rate sensitive and fluctuate
considerably. This subject is explored in more detail in Chapter 24.
This chapter examined the range of savings products that provide a safe haven for
longer-term income seekers and for those seeking a home for cash over the short to
medium term. It considered the importance of aligning the tax treatment of the
product with the tax status of the individual but noted the merits of taking the com-
parative interests rates into the equation.
Key terms
Consumer Prices Index (CPI) p. 116 Retail Prices Index (RPI) p. 116
Deflation p. 115
Review questions
1 Explain why the taxation of savings products is so important. Give an example that
shows why a mismatch between the product and the taxpayer can have adverse
2 Describe how three different products from National Savings & Investments work.
3 Explain the difference between a guaranteed income bond (GIB) and a corporate bond
fund. How might you use both products within a portfolio?
Further information
Philip, 72, and Karen, 68, Fairfax are both non-smokers, in good health and live comfortably
within their means. Recently their daughter Sarah and her husband Richard Seymour have
been struggling to make ends meet. Philip and Karen know how important it is to save for
future events but due to a long-standing medical problem with Richard, he can now only work
part time. As a result, Sarah and Richard can pay the immediate bills but cannot save for the
future. Philip and Karen wish to help them out by saving on behalf of their two grandchildren,
Rachel (4) and Colin (13). Philip and Karen are very cautious investors and have the following
assets available to meet their objectives:
National Savings series 10 capital bond taken out in Karens name on 230203 bought for
Building society savings in joint names paying 3% net interest, value # 4,000.
Premium Bonds taken out by Philip and Karen on 010280, value # 7,500 each.
Philip and Karen wish to save for three events:
1 Cash deposit each for Rachel and Colin to buy their own homes when they reach 21.
Deposit required # 10,000 each in todays terms.
2 To pay for Rachels tap dancing lessons costing 2,000 pa in todays terms between the
ages of seven and 11 (ie starting in three years time).
3 Cash deposit for Colin to buy a car when he reaches 17. Deposit required # 4,000 in
todays terms.
The couple have sufficient assets and disposable income left over to meet their own
requirements. They would like to ensure that these objectives can be met if either or both
were to die beforehand.
Philip and Karen seek your advice to help them meet their objectives with minimal disrup-
tion to the existing assets set aside for this purpose. They would like you to comment on the
suitability of these assets when recommending the best course of action to take. They have
asked you to take account of their attitude to risk (very cautious) as they have very little
investment knowledge and will only take up your recommendations if they are easy to under-
stand and implement. They would like you to explain exactly how your recommendations will
ensure that their wishes are achieved.
Source: Money Management, Financial Planner of the Year Awards 2003, FT Business.
A full solution to this case study is available to lecturers via the password-protected area of the
Companion Website at
Chapter 10
This chapter examines government bonds (gilts) and corporate bonds, both of
which are listed on The London Stock Exchange. These assets can be purchased
individually but private investors generally buy them in collective funds. Collective
funds, such as corporate bond unit trusts, can be held in an Individual savings
account (ISA).
After reading this chapter you will be able to:
Bonds defined
As described in Chapter 4, a bond is a debt instrument issued by a borrower, which
promises to repay the loan (the nominal sum) in full at a fixed date in the future (at
maturity or the redemption date). With conventional gilts and bonds the borrower
pays interest, known as the coupon, usually twice a year at a fixed rate. As a general
rule, the longer the term the higher the income but also the greater the drop in the
real value of the original capital at maturity. The two main categories of bonds are
investment grade and sub-investment grade (the latter is also known as high yield
or junk bond). Credit rating agencies such as Standard & Poors provide ratings
according to the issuers financial strength (see below).
Gilts and qualifying bonds are free of capital gains tax on any profits because the
return or yield is classed as income. However, this means that you cannot offset a loss
on bonds against capital gains.
Gilts are guaranteed by the government and are considered ultra secure. Corporate
debt is guaranteed by companies. The companys ability to service the debt and repay
the original capital is reflected in the companys credit rating. A very low credit stock
can have a very high yield. However, the potential for capital loss is equally high (see
category, AAA, to the lowest, D. Ratings from AA to CCC categories may also
include a plus (!) or minus (0) sign to show relative standing within the category.
A short-term rating is an assessment of the likelihood of timely repayment of obli-
gations considered short term in relevant markets. Short-term ratings are graded into
several categories, ranging from A-1 for the highest quality obligations to D for the
lowest. The A-1 rating may also be modified by a plus sign to distinguish the stronger
credits in that category.
In addition to long-term and short-term ratings, Standard & Poors has specific
rating definitions for preferred stock, money market funds, mutual bond funds,
financial strength and financial enhancement ratings of insurance companies, and
programme ratings for derivative product companies.
An outlook notation indicates the possible direction in which a rating may move
over the next six months to two years.
Positive: may be raised.
Negative: may be lowered.
Stable: unlikely to change.
Developing: may be raised or lowered.
A CreditWatch listing highlights the potential for short-term change in a credit rating.
It signals to investors that further analysis is being performed.
Ratings in the AAA, AA, A and BBB categories are regarded by the market as
investment grade. Ratings in the BB, B, CCC, CC and C categories are regarded
as having significant speculative characteristics. Ratings from AA to CCC may be
modified by the addition of a plus (!) or minus (0) sign to show relative standing
within the major rating categories.
Gilt-edged stocks are bonds issued by the UK government via the UK Debt
Management Office (DMO), an executive agency of the Treasury. Investors can buy
and sell gilts throughout the lifetime of the issue. The DMO website (see further infor-
mation below) is an excellent source of information for students and maintains an up-
to-date list of the gilts in issue. The most common category is the conventional gilt,
which behaves like a conventional bond and pays interest twice a year.
Of increasing interest, however, are index linked gilts, where the capital and coupon
both rise each year in line with retail prices. The advantage of this instrument is that,
whatever happens to inflation, investors overcome the uncertainty of whether an asset
will provide real growth after allowing for inflation. In other words, index linked gilts
Chapter 10 Gilts and bonds 131
provide a guaranteed real return, if held to maturity, removing both the inflation risk
of conventional fixed rate bonds and the growth uncertainty of equities. An example
of how the return on this type of gilt is calculated is on page 133.
Rump gilts refers to issues where there are very few gilts in circulation.
DMO convention is to divide gilts into the following maturity categories although
market convention is: shorts 05 years; medium 515 years.
Shorts gilts with 07 years to run to maturity.
Mediums 715 years.
Longs over 15 years.
Undated no fixed repayment date.
Certain gilts have two repayment dates for example 20122015. This means that
the government can choose to repay the gilt at any time from 2012 onwards with three
months notice, but it must repay by 2015 at the latest. It is important to note that it
is the governments choice, not the investors.
Private investors can buy gilts in several ways. They can purchase through a bank or
stockbroker that is a Gilt Edged Market Maker (GEMM). The intermediary will
charge a commission for the transaction. It is also possible to buy through the Bank of
England brokerage service direct (see Further information below) or via the Post
Office. Information on gilt prices and yields is published in the Companies and
Markets section of the Financial Times on weekdays and in FT Money and Business at
the weekend.
The coupon and nominal figures determine the level of interest but the actual return or
yield will depend on the buying price. If the buying or market price of a gilt or bond
goes up, the yield goes down because we have paid more than the nominal value and
therefore the interest rate will be smaller in comparison. So, if the nominal price is
100 and the interest rate is 10% but you buy at 120, then the interest is still only
132 Putting the theory into practice
10% of 100 that is, 10, so the yield is 8.33% (10 as a percentage of 120). If the
situation is reversed, so the nominal is 120, the interest rate 10% and you buy at
100, you will still get 10% of 120, which is 12 a yield of 12%.
Figure 10.1
Source: Financial Times, 3rd/4th April 2004.
Gilt prices shown in newspapers usually show the middle-market prices; that is, prices halfway
between the buying and selling price. Like shares, gilt prices are changing constantly and we
would need to go to a broker to get an up-to-date buying and selling price.
172.2 1 + = 404.8
The sum repaid to investors in 418% Index-Linked Treasury Stock 2030 in July
2030 would then be:
100 " 404.8135.1 # 299.6299 per 100 nominal of the gilt.
Source: Debt Management Office.
134 Putting the theory into practice
Corporate bonds
Issuers and advisers may refer to the fact that in the event of a company becoming
insolvent, bonds rank before shares in the creditors pecking order. Frankly, it is
unlikely that a company in these circumstances could afford to repay bondholders but
not shareholders. In most cases, therefore, it is wise to view this apparent additional
security with a degree of scepticism. In 2004, for example, Parmalat, the Italian dairy
food company, collapsed with $7.2bn of investment rated debt. At the time of writing
bondholders were expecting a paltry 10 cents in the Euro. One of the major concerns
that remains, post-Parmalat, is that the companys debt had a BBB0 rating from S&P,
based on allegedly misleading information provided by Parmalat management.
Whether an individual is considering buying directly or via a collective fund, there
are various risks to consider with corporate bonds in particular credit risk and
interest rate risk. A third risk is capital erosion. This can occur in funds that deduct the
annual management charge from capital instead of income a procedure that may be
used to inflate the potential yield artificially.
In response to growing demand the corporate bond market is growing in range and
complexity. This has brought with it concern over the risks to capital where, for
example, a fund is able to offer a comparatively high yield by holding sub-investment
grade bonds and debt from developing countries where the economies are unstable.
Until comparatively recently, retail bond funds would have been dominated by
AAA-rated debt, but this is no longer the case and many funds focus on BBB0, which
is the lowest level in investment grade debt, while yet others are buying into sub-
investment grade debt. While the returns on sub-investment grade debt have been very
attractive relative to AAA debt, these instruments are as risky as equities and should
be treated as such. For these reasons, we should regard the corporate bond market as
far from homogenous.
A change in interest rates will have an immediate impact on the price of individual
bonds and corporate bond funds. This is because gilts and bonds have to compete with
other interest-paying instruments. If banks and building societies raise the interest
rates on deposits, bonds and gilts will look less attractive and therefore prices will fall
to the point where the yield relative to the price is attractive once again. Rather like
index tracking funds, charges are a more significant factor in the corporate bond fund
Chapter 10 Gilts and bonds 135
selection process than is the case with equity funds. With a bond fund the gap in per-
formance between the best and the worst is small, so differences in charges are highly
Those with a substantial amount to invest can take advantage of index tracking
bond funds, although these are rare. In due course it may be possible to find exchange
traded funds (ETFs) that cover bond markets. These have some of the characteristics
of unit trusts and may offer a cheap way to track bond markets.
As a general rule the gross redemption yield is the better measure of the total
expected investment return. A high gross redemption yield might be accompanied by
a higher credit risk and often greater volatility in the capital value of the fund. The
running yield is important for investors concerned about the income they will receive.
A high running yield is often associated with capital erosion.
Activity 10.1
In a group or individually, examine two recent gilts tables from the Financial Times, with a
week or so between publication dates. Explain what each heading means. Consider how the
price change for specific issues has affected the yield both in terms of the weekly
fluctuation and the price change since issue (the issue price shown is 100).
Comment: The Debt Management Offices Private Investors Guide contains most of the
information you need to answer these questions. You can download this from the DMO
website. There is also a more detailed version on the website, UK Government Securities: A
Guide to Gilts, which you may find useful.
136 Putting the theory into practice
This chapter took a closer look at how gilts and bonds work. It examined how
the yield is calculated and why this will change where a bond or gilt is traded at a
different price from that at launch. It also considered potential problems in the corporate
bond market and discovered the potential pitfalls associated with capital erosion and
with sub-investment grade debt.
Key terms
Review questions
1 Explain why you would recommend funds rather than individual gilts and bonds to a
private investor.
2 How is the yield calculated on a traded bond or gilt? Why does a rise in the gilt price
reduce the yield?
4 What is the difference between the gross redemption and running yield?
Further information
This chapter considers direct equity investment, while Chapters 12 and 13 examine
ways of gaining an exposure to equities via collective funds. To understand the oppor-
tunities and risks associated with equity investment, we need to assimilate a large
amount of information.
After reading this chapter you will be able to:
Understand the different ways in which shares are grouped for example by
size and by market.
Explain how to value a share.
Understand the dividend yield.
Describe how we can use economic indicators to help assess a companys
Describe briefly high risk strategies such as contracts for difference and
spread betting.
138 Putting the theory into practice
The FTSE UK Index Series includes FTSE 100, FTSE 250, FTSE SmallCap, FTSE
All-Share and FTSE techMARK (technology stocks). Most of these are described,
starting on page 52. Apart from the UK series there is a global equity series (which
includes FTSE4Good, for socially responsible investors see page 190), domestic,
x-border & partner indices (which covers a range of joint ventures between FTSE
International and other index providers), bond indices and hedge fund indices, among
others. For information on these series and individual indices go to
All-Share companies that fall outside the FTSE 350 (the FTSE 100 and Mid-250
combined) are potentially more risky and volatile than the larger companies.
However, this is an area in which private investors traditionally have done well. These
companies are less sought-after by the professionals because very large funds cannot
trade in these shares easily since the size of the deal might in itself push up or depress
the share price. As a result, these companies usually are less well researched than the
FTSE 350. Beginners and the risk averse should not commit too much money to any
one company outside the 350 because this would concentrate the risk in the portfolio.
Once we get down to the Fledgling index we have to be extremely cautious. A small
company that specialises in one or two products is very vulnerable to price compe-
tition and a sudden reduction in demand. Moreover, a signal from a tip sheet (a
publication that gives buy and sell recommendations often used as a derogatory
term) to buy a small companys shares could be enough to send the price through the
roof, while a panic to sell on the part of very few investors can be enough to force the
share price down into the doldrums.
In conclusion, as planners we would suggest that intensive research and a strict
ceiling on the amount an individual invests in any one company are essential. Also,
these shares may not be very liquid, so buying and, in particular, selling can be a
Classification by sector
The sectors used by the FTSE International categorise the All-Share group com-
panies according to what they do. This is because the companies in a sector are likely
to be affected by a similar range of economic factors. For example if we are in a dire
recession people still need to eat, so companies in the Retailers, food sector might be
a good place to find some defensive stocks, while Breweries, pubs and restaurants
and Leisure and hotels might feel the pinch as consumers cut back on non-essential
items. However, stock picking purely by sector is not necessarily a good technique.
Some sectors represent a very concentrated market, whereas others transport for
example represent a diversified range of companies. The point to remember here is
that we must consider the profile of the sector and the company itself. Just because one
company is experiencing good growth does not mean that we can pick any company
in the sector and be guaranteed similar performance.
140 Putting the theory into practice
Shareholder perks
Some shares offer certain perks for example a discount at the companys stores or
free tickets to certain events. In most cases these are no more than the free gift in the
cereal box but for some sport, entertainment or other enthusiasts the perks may well
swing the decision to invest. If the perks are of interest we should check that private
investors would qualify, particularly where they use a nominee account, which means
that although they are the beneficial owners, the shares are held in the nominee
companys name.
New issues
New issues include privatisations of public sector companies and the demutualis-
ation of building societies and life assurance institutions. Demutualisation is where an
institution converts from mutual status, where it is owned by its members, to public
limited companies (plcs) owned by shareholders. Most demutualisations have been
characterised by the large windfall share payments, where free shares in the new
company were given to existing savers and borrowers.
market as a whole, and then compare its performance with its peers in the relevant
sector. If you have access to or a similar newspaper archive it is relatively
easy to check the companys recent history. This information can be used in conjunc-
tion with the annual report and accounts but bear in mind that this document will
already be out of date by the time it is published.
The second exercise is to consider how the market views the share price. This is a
more precise activity and requires an understanding of how professionals make their
calculations. For some companies it is necessary to look at the net asset value (NAV)
(investment trusts and property companies, for example). Gearing or the amount the
company has borrowed compared with what it actually owns is also an indicator of
the companys security and an investors sensitivity to company performance.
(Gearing is known as leverage in the US.)
high dividend is always worth investigating to make sure there is nothing untoward
going on behind the scenes. Look at the companys gearing (debt) to see if it is
borrowing to shore up its dividend commitment. Very high dividends can be a sign
that the company is in trouble.
Dividend cover
Remember what we learned about the term dividend cover in Chapter 3 in relation
to investment trusts. This is a stock market ratio that quantifies the amount of cash in
a companys coffers. If the dividend cover is high this means the company could afford
to pay out the dividend several times over from earnings per share. This indicates that
profits are being retained for the business. When the cover is low it means the
company had to struggle to scrape together the dividend announced and that it may
even have subsidised it from reserves.
Financial gearing
This is the ratio between the companys borrowings and its capitalisation in other
words, a ratio between what it owes and what it owns. Private investors should find
out why a company is highly geared before they invest, particularly if interest rates are
high. This is because servicing the debts could cause a considerable strain on the
companys business and profits. However, we should also consider gearing in the
context of the companys business plans. If interest rates are low, a highly geared
company which is well run can make good use of its debts for example to expand
into a new and profitable market.
Another way of looking at gearing is to consider how the profits compare with the
interest payments made to service the companys debt. The number of times profits
can cover the interest payments is known as interest cover. Company analysts suggest
that in very broad terms, a ratio of four times profits to interest owed is healthy.
A ratio of 1 : 1 is definitely not.
Asset backing
This is another way of looking at what the company would be worth if all else failed
and it became insolvent. This test is a common exercise in the analysis of a takeover
bid because the acquiring company and the shareholders need to know the real value
of assets per share in the target company in order to calculate an attractive price for
the bidding process.
Making comparisons
All of these ratios and measures must be considered in the context of a full financial
picture of the company. Obviously if we focus on just one or two, we may miss some-
thing very important or get an unbalanced view of the company.
We should bear in mind that one of the main uses of ratios is to spot where the
market ratings are inappropriate to the companys actual prospects. Clearly, to
identify this situation we would require a great deal of knowledge about the company
itself and to understand why the market has miss-priced it. For this we would need to
refer to as many sources as possible for information about markets, inflation, the
economy and individual companies.
money out of a market whether it is rising or falling or even static. Contracts for
difference are a type of derivative contract that allow the investor to bet on market
movements (see below).
The best resource on derivatives for students is at the London International
Financial Futures Exchange ( You can register for free and then use
the Learning Centre via the private investor link.
Day trading
Day trading is only for the very knowledgeable investor who can afford to take
major risks. The process involves buying and selling shares on the same day with the
aim of making a profit. Day traders rarely hold overnight positions hence the name.
Such investors require access to real-time market information, quoting and dealing
services, and these services are expensive. They are up against professional dealers who
will have access to the very best information sources.
Spread betting
Spread betting is a particularly dangerous activity although the rewards can be
spectacular. A spread is the difference between the buying and selling prices quoted by
a stock exchange dealer. The dealer buys at the lower price and sells at the higher. The
Financial Times described CFDs for private investors as a dangerous game even for
those with nerves of steel (7 June, 2003) and provided the following example:
A dealer who quoted a price of 863.5p868 for Company B would buy shares
from you at 863.5p and sell them to you at 868p. [...] Spread betting firms will
quote a slightly wider spread for example 862869 for Company B.
If your bet was that Company Bs price would fall below 862p, you would sell
or open a down bet at 862p. If Company Bs price fell and the spread moved
down to, say, 830837p, you could close out or buy back your down bet at
837p making a profit.
Conversely, you would lose money for every point the price rose above 862p.
If you decided to close the bet when the spread had moved to, say, 888894p
then you would have to do so at 894p. [...] If the down or sell bet was 20 per
point, the profit would be 500 when the price moved to 837p. But the losses
would be 640 if the price rose to 894p.
146 Putting the theory into practice
Non-executive schemes
Share option schemes allow employees to buy shares in their employers company at
less than market value. It is also possible to avoid income tax on what is effectively a
benefit in kind that is, the difference between your buying price and the market price.
The important point to remember about these schemes is that the option is a right
to buy, not an obligation. If direct investment is not appropriate, but the share price is
attractive, employees can exercise their option and sell immediately afterwards,
pocketing any profits, in most cases with no tax to pay. Between one-third and one-
Chapter 11 Equities 147
half of employees do just that. In some cases the company even provides subsidised
dealing facilities.
Under the save as you earn (SAYE) contract, for example, the employee agrees to
save between 5 and 250 each month for either three or five years, after which they
receive a tax-free bonus. With the five-year contract, if you leave your money in the
account for a further two years you qualify for an extra bonus. The option to buy is
valid for a maximum of six months after the contract matures.
The most attractive feature of the SAYE scheme is that the option price of the shares
can be fixed as low as 80% of the market value at the date the option is granted that
is, when the employee starts the contract.
There is no annual interest as such but the scheme details should set out the equiv-
alent rate by calculating what the value of the bonuses received at the end of the
contract are worth when spread over the entire savings period. It is important to assess
this rate carefully because if the individual decides not to buy the shares, this will be
the rate their savings will have earned over the period.
There are over 5,000 companies in the UK with Approved Employee Share Schemes
with about 3.5 million participating employees. These schemes offer tax benefits for
employees who participate. The best source of information on the range of company
share schemes is ProShare.
Activity 11.1
Accurate and professional reporting of a companys trading position, its profits and
losses, and its gearing position, among other facts, are key to the institutional and private
investors research. Yet despite the apparently rigorous regulation of Western stock
markets, major scandals occur. Three recent examples are Enron, Worldcom and Parmalat.
Find out what went wrong in one of these cases, determine whether a financial planner
could have spotted the irregularities, and debate whether the steps taken to prevent a
repeat of the scandal will be effective.
Activity 11.2
Using the LIFFE private investor learning centre, provide one example of how an investor
might use a futures contract in a portfolio and one example for an options contract. Explain
why you think that such strategies are suitable or otherwise for the private investor.
This chapter examined the factors an investor should consider before buying shares
in an individual company. It considered size, sector, the information provided by the
company itself, and what economic indicators can add to this perspective.
148 Putting the theory into practice
Key terms
Review questions
1 Explain why companies are categorised by size and sector.
2 What can we learn about a company from the Annual Report? Why is this information
3 Name four indicators and measures that would help you form a view about a companys
share price.
4 Describe two of the high-risk investment strategies and comment on whether you think
they are appropriate for private investors.
Further information
Collective funds 1
It would be very difficult to cover such a huge subject as collective funds (known
as mutual funds in the US) in one chapter and so this important aspect of personal
financial planning is divided into three sections. This chapter looks at the basic
structures for investment vehicles. These funds do not offer smoothing of returns
(as is offered by profits funds), protection from the downside (as is offered by
protected funds), or guaranteed income or growth (as is offered by structured
products). Nor do the managers of these funds go short that is, sell shares they do
not own a strategy used by hedge funds. All of these more complex structures and
strategies are considered in the next chapter, while Chapter 14 explains how we
can place funds inside different wrappers to improve tax andor administration
After reading this chapter you will be able to:
Most of these funds can be held in tax-efficient wrappers, such as an Individual savings
account (ISA) and Defined contribution (DC) pension schemes and plans (see
chapter 14 and 23).
Although these funds share many features in common and offer a similar broad
investment scope, there are differences in structure and taxation. The individuals
choice will depend on the finer details.
The costs
The cost of a fund is important, although as a rule the aim is to ensure competitive
pricing rather than the cheapest. There are three figures we might use to assess the cost
and for comparison purposes:
Annual management charge (AMC). This is the most frequently quoted cost and
covers the fund management charge.
Total expense ratio (TER). This shows the annual management charge plus any
other costs that might be revealed in the annual report, such as audit fees, custody
(safekeeping of assets by a third party (the custodian) usually a bank) and
Reduction in yield (RIY). This is probably the most complete measure in that it
shows the percentage reduction in the return or yield taking account of all costs
over a known investment period. This is the figure the provider must show on the
key features document for certain products.
fluctuate directly in line with the value of the underlying assets. These underlying
assets might be equities, corporate bonds, preference shares and convertibles, among
The trade organisation for these funds is the Investment Management Association
(IMA), which, among other functions, provides classification for the categories to
which funds belong for example Equity United Kingdom, Equity United Kingdom
Income, Smaller Companies, Fixed Income GBP Corporate, Equity Global and so
on. Students should visit the IMA website to get a better idea of how funds are cat-
egorised. Some of the specifications for a category are surprisingly broad for
example the Equity United Kingdom category funds must have a minimum of 80% in
the UK but can be actively and passively managed and the managers can gear by up
to 100%.
The most obvious strategy for risk management over the medium to long term is
diversification. A cautious managed fund offers modest growth potential through
exposure to different asset classes but is predominantly invested in equities and bonds,
typically with a ratio of 60 : 40. Within this category you can also find distribution
funds, which tend to have a ratio of 40 : 60 in equities and bonds and are designed
more for the income seeker. The aim of both types of fund is to exploit the inverse (or
negative) correlation between these two asset classes to provide reasonable returns
during most market conditions. The point with this type of fund is that it is completely
transparent. There are no smoothing mechanisms, caps and floors to limit how high
your investment will soar and how far it will plummet. Here you are paying for the
skill of the investment manager rather than a questionable insurance policy.
Funds of funds
In recent years there has been a massive increase in the number of funds of funds
(FoFs). The managers of unit trusts invest in other unit trusts with the objective of
selecting a winning team of managers that can achieve an aggregate return that more
than compensates for the additional layer of charges. It is also possible for fund
managers to act as managers of managers, where they appoint individual sub-
managers to run separate mandates within a fund. Although they sound very similar,
in theory at least the manager of managers should have more control over the
underlying managers.
Investment trusts
An investment trust is a British company, usually listed on the London stock market.
These companies invest in the shares of other quoted and unquoted companies in the
UK and overseas. This means they can also invest in other investment trusts to create
the equivalent of a fund of funds model.
As public companies, investment trusts are subject to company law and Stock
Exchange regulation. The prices of most quoted investment trusts are published daily
152 Putting the theory into practice
Splits were the subject of a major mis-selling scandal at the turn of the century. In
April 2004 the management groups concerned were still under investigation and
investors losses were put at 620m by the AITC. Some companies had high levels of
investment in other similar trusts (a strategy known as cross holdings); others had high
levels of borrowings. Where the two features occurred companies were in a very weak
position during the bear market (see page 30).
Chapter 12 Collective funds 1 153
There are several other types of share, each offering different features; for example
stepped preference shares, which offer dividends that rise at a predetermined rate and
a fixed redemption value which is paid when the trust is wound up.
investor dies the company might pay out 101% of the original investment or the value
of the fund, whichever is the greater.
Unit linked life assurance funds offer a similar range of investment opportunities as
unit trusts.
As mentioned, the traditional endowment is most commonly used as a repayment
vehicle for a mortgage, although sales have slowed considerably following the recent
mis-selling scandal (see page 29). The distinguishing feature of an endowment is that
it combines a significant element of life assurance with a savings plan so that if the
policyholder dies during the term of the policy the combination of the value of the
fund plus the life assurance is sufficient to repay the debt. It is possible to buy second-
hand endowments where people have sold a policy to a market maker in order to get a
higher price than would be available from the insurance company. Traded endowment
policies (TEPs) are examined on page 166.
onshore funds from 22% to 20%, but from April 2004 the tax credit for any gains
made on these investments reduced from 22% to 20%. For basic rate taxpayers the
position does not change but for higher rate taxpayers the effective rate of tax rises
from 18% to 20% (that is, 40% minus the 20% paid by insurers previously 22%).
Income tax paid within a life fund cannot be reclaimed by the investor, so generally,
these bonds are not considered suitable for non-taxpayers. Moreover, the capital gains
tax paid by the fund cannot be offset against an individuals exemption.
At the end of the investment period, the proceeds of a life assurance policy will
be treated as though the fund had already paid the equivalent of basic-rate tax. For
lower- and basic-rate payers that is the end of the story. But what happens next for
higher-rate payers depends on whether the policy is classed by the Inland Revenue as
qualifying or non-qualifying.
With a qualifying policy there is no further tax liability for higher-rate payers.
However, to attract this special tax status the policy must abide by various conditions.
First, it must be a regular premium plan where you pay a predetermined amount each
month or each year. Second, it has to be a long-term plan usually a minimum of 10
years. Third, it has to provide a substantial amount of life cover. This means that
single premium investment policies are non-qualifying, but the regular premium MIPs
may be classed as qualifying depending on the term and level of life cover provided.
Mortgage endowments, which tend to be long-term regular premium plans, usually
are qualifying due to the substantial element of life cover.
Top-slicing relief
Even with a non-qualifying life policy it may be possible to reduce or avoid the
deferred higher rate tax bill due to the effect of top slicing relief. Top slicing relief
averages the profit over the number of years the bond has been held and adds this
profit slice to an investors income in the year the bond matures. If part or all of this
falls into the higher rate bracket, it would be taxed. However, with careful tax
planning investors can avoid this liability by encashing the bond when they become
lower rate taxpayers in retirement for example.
Higher rate taxpayers who have used their full CGT allowance may also find bonds
and MIPs attractive because the 5% withdrawals do not have to be declared for
income tax purposes in the year of withdrawal.
156 Putting the theory into practice
Offshore funds
In certain cases for more wealthy, risk-tolerant investors it may be appropriate to
consider offshore funds. Whether this type of fund would be suitable will depend on
the tax jurisdiction of the fund, the way the fund itself is taxed, and the individuals
tax position.
Points to consider with offshore funds include the charges, which can be signi-
ficantly higher than the equivalent onshore fund, and the regulation. We must always
consider what protection is offered if the company collapses or the fund manager runs
off with the investors money. As a general rule for a UK investor investing in UK
securities, unit and investment trusts are likely to prove more cost effective and simpler
than offshore funds.
There are two main types of offshore insurance bond:
Distribution bonds, which pay a regular income.
Non-distribution bonds, which roll up gross (interest is reinvested without
deduction of tax).
Investors who may gain by going offshore include UK and foreign expatriates who
are non-resident for UK tax purposes and who can benefit from gross roll up non-
distribution bonds if they do not pay tax in the country where they live. Higher rate
taxpayers may also benefit from the gross roll up but you do have to pay tax when you
bring the money back into the UK, although of course you may have switched to the
basic rate tax bracket if you have retired by the time the non-distribution bond
Chapter 12 Collective funds 1 157
Open architecture
The substantial investment in technology and in developing Internet capability has
made it much easier for providers of investment products to offer what is known as an
open architecture approach to investment fund choice. This is a platform that accom-
modates the providers own range of funds and the funds of a selection of external
When it comes to selecting a good fund, there is plenty of advice on what not to do
and very little on positive selection criteria, so what follows is to some extent sub-
jective. The financial press and several firms of advisers produce surveys that highlight
the best and worst performers in the various categories of funds. We must take great
care when we examine past performance statistics because these can be very mis-
leading. What the surveys do offer is some ideas on how to screen funds, so it is worth
checking out the methodology used in the most authoritative publications Money
Management, for example.
We should also consider how funds are categorised by ratings agencies Standard
& Poors Fund Research, for example, or Moodys. Top funds in terms of research
capability and the investment management team, among other features, get an A, AA
or AAA (the highest award). Fund objectives should be clearly defined and these
objectives should be measurable, so that there are clear benchmarks against which
performance can be judged. The asset allocation, stock selection, investment style and
investment philosophy should also be set out clearly.
Although it is difficult to police the use of statistics, to ignore past performance
altogether is unwise. In many cases past performance statistics can be a useful aid to
gauge the future potential of a manager or fund, provided the performance is clearly
attributable. To have any meaning such statistics:
Must be coupled with a clear understanding of how past performance was
Must be combined with an assessment of the current investment style of the
management team.
Must relate to the individuals currently responsible.
Must relate to the current structure of the management company, which must
continue to provide the same level of technical research and other support functions.
158 Putting the theory into practice
Activity 12.1
Using a recent copy of Money Management, examine the pages that set out Standard &
Poors rated funds. Select three funds and consider how S&P applied its screening criteria.
Visit the S&P website at and the individual fund managers
sites. Compare S&Ps methodology with Citywire, which tracks the individual manager
rather than the fund. Visit the Citywire website at Now compare these
two approaches and explain the pros and cons of each method. Is there a clear relationship
between the results for top funds and the results for top managers?
This chapter examined the main structures for collective funds. It explained how the
structure affects the risk profile of the fund and how the taxation varies and may deter-
mine an investors final choice. It also considered what factors might inform the choice
of manager and how to use past performance in an appropriate way.
Key terms
Annual management charge (AMC) p. 150 Net asset value (NAV) p. 152
Capital shares p. 152 Non-qualifying p. 155
Distribution fund p. 151 Pound-cost averaging p. 157
Endowments p. 153 Qualifying p. 155
Funds of funds (FoFs) p. 151 Reduction in yield (RIY) p. 150
Income shares p. 152 Total expense ratio p. 150
Investment bonds p. 153 Zeros p. 152
Managed fund p. 151
Maximum investment plans (MIPs) p. 153
Review questions
1 Describe the four main categories of collective fund outlined in this chapter and point out
any important differences.
Further information
It is impossible for the student to read every magazine and paper. Moreover some publi-
cations lack editorial integrity and are influenced too much by pressure from advertisers.
A purely subjective selection of publications that provides good quality analysis and news
coverage of the collective fund market would put Money Management (monthly) at the top of
the list. For weekly coverage try Investment Week and Financial Adviser.
Chapter 13
Collective funds 2
This chapter covers the growing range of collective fund structures that offer a
mechanism to protect returns from stockmarket volatility andor use sophisticated
strategies to provide absolute returns. Absolute returns are positive throughout the
market cycles. This is the objective of alternative strategies that do not adhere to
any traditional benchmarks.
After reading this chapter you will be able to:
Understand the mechanisms and strategies that underpin with profits and
traded endowments, protected and structured funds, and hedge funds.
Debate the merits and drawbacks of each structure or strategy.
Argue whether you do or do not believe that the additional potential for
outperformance or the level of risk management offered is worth the additional
Discuss the potential for mis-selling complex products in the retail market.
162 Putting the theory into practice
Looking forward, the continuation of the low inflation environment dictates that
asset shares on long-term policies will continue to fall over the next few years.
However, not all companies are affected in the same way.
With profits funds must never be confused with pure equity funds. The level of equities now
held in these funds varies considerably and will provide a very different range of returns com-
pared with pure equity funds. By 2004 the average equity component had fallen from a high of
60%80% to about 25%, although there were exceptions where the equity allocation was
70%80%, where the provider had a strong balance sheet to support the risk.
Smoothing takes place over a period of many years. It is inappropriate to expect a single year
of fairly strong equity performance to compensate fully for a three-year bear market and the
impact will vary between companies.
Those companies that strove to maintain maturity payouts beyond the high inflationhigh return
years may be forced to cut bonuses more significantly than more prudent providers.
Other factors, such as profits and losses on other lines of business, are also taken into account.
Investment process
It is important to remember that good returns on with profits policies rely on
successful investment management not on the smoothing mechanism. Many of the
life offices in the with profits market have a poor reputation for asset management and
this factor should not be overlooked.
Evidence from the more successful providers indicates that investment strategies for
with profits funds should be based on a robust financial strength that gives the fund
manager the flexibility to maintain an appropriate weighting in equities throughout all
market conditions. Financially weak life offices have been forced to reduce their equity
weighting at the wrong time selling equities at much lower prices than when they
purchased. It is unlikely that some of these companies will be able to recover ground
sufficiently to generate attractive returns over the longer term. At the time of writing
about half of with profits funds were closed to new business. We can expect more
funds to follow suit and possibly a spate of takeovers within the market. Some of the
remaining mutuals may demutualise in a bid to shore up their falling financial
Success in with profits also depends on a disciplined approach to long-term invest-
ment. The asset manager should be able to attribute returns to skill and not to market
direction. A contracyclical, long-term approach to investment is ideally suited to the
requirements of the risk-averse, long-term investor. This avoids market fads, such as
the telecom, media and technology (TMT) boombust cycle, and directs new invest-
ment towards asset classes, sectors and stocks that are temporarily out of favour.
Chapter 13 Collective funds 2 165
A diverse portfolio with a general tilt towards value investments ensures the with
profits fund benefits from shares in companies that offer a track record of profitability,
good cash flow, and asset backing.
One of the controversial features at the heart of the Equitable Life crisis was the guaranteed
annuity rate (GAR), which applied to about 25% of individual pension policyholders at the time
the problem became public. Policyholders swap their pension fund at retirement for an annuity,
which provides the regular retirement income (see Chapter 24). The annuity rate that is, the level
of income an individual secures with their fund depends largely on interest rates at the time of
The company started selling individual pension policies with a guaranteed annuity rate back in
1956 and stopped in 1988 when these policies were replaced by personal pensions. The GAR
guaranteed pension investors that at retirement they would receive a minimum annuity rate or
income in return for their funds. In retrospect this was a very risky strategy on the part of Equitable
Life because it relied on interest rates remaining high. Broadly speaking, interest rates reflect the
yields on gilts the instruments insurers buy to generate the income stream to annuitants and
can be very volatile over the long term.
Throughout the 1980s double digit inflation and interest rates continued to disguise the lurking
liability in GAR policies. But by January 1994 interest rates had fallen far enough to make the
guaranteed rates typically between 9% and 12% depending on age and sex look very attractive.
At this point Equitable effectively stopped honouring the guarantee but the way it did so was
complicated. The value of a with profits policy builds up through the annual bonus or return. At
maturity (retirement in the case of pension plan holders) the company adds a final or terminal
bonus, which reflects more recent investment conditions. This can be worth over 50% of the total
166 Putting the theory into practice
What Equitable did was to cut the final bonus on the GAR policies to bring down the total fund
size. This meant it could pay the guaranteed annuity rate because it applied to a much smaller
fund. In this way the company brought GAR policyholders expectations in line with the non-GAR
Initially very few people noticed this adroit move on Equitables part because by the mid-1990s
interest rates were up again. In 1997 the government gave the Bank of England independence over
interest rates. Interest rates began to fall again and the GAR suddenly looked very attractive. It was
then that policyholders and the press began to demand that Equitable pay the full terminal bonus
and honour the GAR. The company could not afford to do so.
The Equitable policyholder pressure group was very articulate and influential and forced the
company to agree to a court case to test its decision to cut final bonuses for GAR policies. In
September 1999 the High Court upheld Equitables bonus policy, but it also granted policyholders
leave to appeal. Which they did. And they won. In a surprise reversal of the High Courts decision
in January 2000, the Appeal court ruled against Equitable Life on a majority judgment. This appeal
was upheld by five law lords in July 2000, who ruled that it was inequitable for the company to
treat policyholders in different ways.
This was the beginning of a major crisis for Equitable, which was still unresolved at the time of
writing and from which it is unlikely to emerge intact. The high exit penalty (MVA) it imposed on
those who wanted to leave increased its unpopularity. The Penrose Report of the Equitable Life
Inquiry into the mutuals problems, which reported in 2004, was very critical of the mutuals over-
bonusing, which the report argued had left it financially weak.
reflects the actual value of the contract at that point in time, so the policyholder loses
heavily. Early leavers with a unitised with profits policy could also be penalised
through the application of the market value adjuster (MVA).
The discrepancy between the intrinsic value of a policy and its much lower surrender
value led to the establishment of a secondhand market in the early 1990s where inter-
mediaries match potential buyers with sellers.
The TEP market is big and was still growing rapidly at the time of writing, although
it will not escape unscathed from the problems facing the with profits market as a
whole. The number of policies coming up for sale continues to grow, however, due to
the massive sales of endowment mortgages in the 1980s and 1990s. Sellers can usually
get 15%30% above the surrender value they would otherwise receive from the
provider, if they sell privately. This leaves enough profit to pay for the intermediarys
costs and provide an attractive deal to the purchaser.
bonus. With conventional policies, once a bonus has been allocated it is guaranteed,
provided the policy is held to maturity. Over the rest of the term the policy should
benefit from further annual bonuses and at maturity there should be a final or terminal
bonus. The formula used to estimate the value of the policy at maturity takes all of
these elements into account, assuming bonus (growth) rates stay at their current level,
to provide a value. This value is discounted back to the present and also takes account
of the premiums that must still be paid.
The calculation is complicated, as there are up to four elements that make up the
final value of a TEP at maturity. On purchase the buyer will know the value of the
sum assured and the bonuses that have been paid to date (the accrued bonuses).
However, the buyer will not know the actual rate of bonus the insurance company will
pay in the remaining years of the policy. Bonus rates are falling at present and may do
so for some years, although in some cases they may remain attractive in comparison
with other investments. The fourth element the final or terminal bonus allocated at
maturity is purely discretionary, although it can account for over 50% of the total
payout. Recently some companies have decided not to pay this bonus.
To sum up, the TEP future returns will depend largely on the ability of the insurance
company to maintain attractive annual and final bonuses. This in turn will depend on
the asset mix of the fund, the skills of the investment managers and most importantly
on the companys financial strength. The realistic balance sheet is one indicator of
the level of reserves the insurer holds that are not related to liabilities. Comparative
tables in specialist publications for intermediaries, such as Money Management, are
useful. The higher the percentage, the better the free asset ratio. Students might also
look at the credit rating awarded by Standard & Poors or Moodys. The top S&P
rating is AAA but an AA or A is perfectly satisfactory. Other analysts provide their
own rating of life office financial strength. Details of realistic balance sheets and credit
ratings should be available from the market makers that sell TEPs.
description) that rely on the movements of different stock market indices. Such invest-
ments generally fulfil their stated obligations but there is often a huge gap between the
product description, which may well provide a robust if highly technical analysis of the
risks and probabilities of returns, and the consumers perception. For example, indi-
viduals used to deposit accounts assume income is separate from and additional to
their capital deposit. However, where a Scarp advertises a high rate of income this is
not derived from interest income from cash or fixed interest investments, or dividends
from shares. In many cases the original capital is at risk as this provides the income
stream when markets fall below a certain point.
The Financial Services Authority (FSA) provides some useful examples of Scarps on
its website and students will find these and the associated FSA Factsheet helpful in
understanding the risks ( The FSAs example assumes
you have 5,000 to invest in a growth Scarp. The product might offer growth of 30%
over five years, but it may also state that if the FTSE 100 index falls by more than 20%
at the end of the term, your capital is reduced by 1% for each 1% fall in the index.
(This applies to the full amount of the fall, not just the excess over 20%.) If, after five
years, the index fell by 50%, your 5,000 would indeed receive a 30% return in the
form of growth (1,500) but your original capital would be reduced to 2,500 (ie a
50% fall in the index # a 50% fall in the original capital). In total you would get back
An income Scarp might offer 6% pa for five years but it may also state that if the
FTSE 100 falls at the end of the term your capital is reduced by 2% for each 1% fall
in the index. If, after five years, the index fell by 25%, on your initial investment of
5,000 you would have received the 6% annual income (1,500) but the capital would
have reduced to 2,500, so again you would get only 4,000 back in total.
Most of the income Scarps (previously known as precipice bonds) have disap-
peared following a mis-selling scandal, where risk-averse investors bought the bonds
as very low-risk investments, assuming that they offered something better than a
deposit account. There were only three new versions of the income Scarp on the
market at the time of writing. Dozens of growth Scarps were still active, however, and
these are designed to appeal to the risk-averse investor who wants exposure to real
assets but without the full downside potential.
Individuals keen to limit their downside should ask for clear information that helps
them judge the probability of total loss. Financial planners should devise their own
method of assessing these structured products or take advantage of an existing math-
ematical formula to determine this probability for structured products (for an
example, see the adviser Bestinvests website at For products
available at the time of writing the probability of total loss according to Bestinvest
ranged from 0% to 32%, so you can see how broad the risk-rating is in this market
and why certain products, like those that link to the Nasdaq 100 or, even riskier, the
FTSEXinhua China 25 index, are certainly not suitable for the risk-averse.
Students should keep track of new structured products that come onto the market.
For example in 20032004 we witnessed the launch of the constant protection port-
folio insurance (CPPI) products. These products link to an index or fund and the
170 Putting the theory into practice
investors money is split between the underlying fund and cash. The protection is
provided by a switching mechanism that sells units in the fund and moves into cash
when markets are falling and the reverse when markets are rising. Some products also
buy additional insurance but the key difference between a Scarp and a CPPI product is
that with the latter the capital is actually invested, whereas with a Scarp the money is
usually held in cash with a derivative providing the exposure to the relevant indices.
Alternative investments
Investments are described as alternative where the risk profile and the return of the
fund or asset do not correlate with conventional equity and bond markets. We could
use the term alternative to refer to commercial property but in the retail market
generally the term is used to describe hedge funds and private equity.
Chapter 13 Collective funds 2 171
Hedge funds
There is no statutory definition of a hedge fund. The term relates to the original
funds that used specific strategies to hedge risk usually some form of derivative,
such as an option (see page 56). The reputation of hedge funds as an extremely high-
risk strategy in part derives from the spectacular collapse of the Long Term Capital
Management (LTCM) hedge fund, which revealed in September 1998 that it had lost
a cool $2.3bn.
Today the term covers a very wide spectrum, ranging from the comparatively low-
risk strategies that actually hedge risk, to very high-risk strategies that rely on the
expertise of individual managers.
Broadly speaking we can identify certain characteristics that apply to hedge funds:
Aggressive leverage that is, heavy borrowing to invest.
The use of short selling that is, selling assets the fund has borrowed but does
not own (see below).
Performance-related fees typically an annual fee of 1%2% of the assets plus
anything from 5% to 25% of the profits.
Opaque financial information in other words, you never really know how much
you are paying.
Following an investigation in the US, market timing has been discredited. Market
timers typically bet on the value of international securities in mutual funds. Mutual
funds are only priced once per day so the market timers can end up holding securities
that have not traded for many hours. Large and rapid sales and purchases can exploit
this anomaly.
The classic hedge fund holds undervalued stocks for the medium to long term in the
same way as any active manager might. This is the long element in a longshort fund.
For a small premium hedge fund managers also borrow stocks, which they believe are
becoming overpriced, from the major institutional pension and insurance funds, many
of which indulge in stock lending to boost their own returns. The hedge manager sells
high and repurchases the stocks when the price drops so they can return them to the
stock lender on the due date. This technique is known as short selling and allows
managers to pocket the profit if the price of the stock drops. In this way these funds
can sustain the annual return in falling markets but only where the manager has out-
standing skills. In theory it exposes the investor to an unlimited liability if the price of
the stocks that are sold short shoots through the ceiling.
There are as many different styles as there are hedge fund managers. Some are
comparatively low risk but others are very risky indeed, particularly where the fund is
highly geared that is, it has borrowed heavily to invest. Charges can be much higher
than for conventional funds and more complex for example there is usually a
performance-related element for the fund manager. It is also important to appreciate
that investing in a hedge fund involves placing money with a specific manager and that
these managers tend to change jobs quite frequently.
172 Putting the theory into practice
At the time of writing, hedge funds were not authorised investments, although the
Financial Services Authority was in the process of allowing certain types of hedge
funds onshore for institutional investors and very sophisticated private investors. It
also planned to allow more flexible investment rules for authorised retail funds, so that
they can invest in illiquid assets such as private equity and property.
The authorisation of the funds in which an individual invests is important.
Individuals who have problems with any unauthorised investment cannot complain to
the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS) nor can they seek compensation from the
Financial Services Authority (FSA).
Private equity
By its very nature an unquoted company is not an authorised investment under the
Financial Services and Markets Act 2000. The British Venture Capital Association
(BVCA) defines this asset class as the equity financing of unquoted companies at many
stages in their life from start-up to the expansion of companies of substantial size, for
example through management buy-outs and buy-ins. Private equity represents
medium- to long-term investments in companies with growth potential. The invest-
ment capital is eventually released through trade sales or flotation on the public
Private equity is a huge market. The BVCA says that private equity investors have
holdings in some 11,000 UK companies that employ almost 3m people. This repre-
sents about 18% of the private sector workforce. By comparison, there are only about
Chapter 13 Collective funds 2 173
2,200 quoted companies on The London Stock Exchange. Private equity funds
returned 11.4% per annum over the five years to 31 December 2002, according to the
BVCA. This is better than most other asset classes.
Needless to say there is a downside to private equity. Investing directly in an
unquoted company is a very high-risk strategy, and the same is true of the specialist
venture capital trusts (VCTs, see below), which are only suitable for the very wealthy
investor who can commit for the long term. Venture capital is classed as a subset of
private equity, covering the early stages of funding from seed to expansion capital.
Students who want to find out more about private equity should start with the web-
sites below. The success of the VCT, as with a hedge fund, will depend heavily on the
skills of the management company.
Activity 13.1
There is nothing intrinsically wrong with most high-risk investments, provided the
investor understands the risks and can accommodate them. For this, investors require a
clear appreciation of the risk to the total return capital and income combined.
In a group discuss this comment in relation to the design and marketing of the following
products: with profits policies, endowment mortgages and structured capital-at-risk
products. How can the regulators improve the marketing and sales of complex products in
the mass market?
Key terms
Review questions
1 Which aspects of with profits policies were not well understood by investors?
2 Why did guaranteed annuity rates (GARs) prove to be a poor actuarial decision?
3 Explain how we can assess the value of a traded endowment policy (TEP). Which
aspects are known and which rely on investment assumptions?
4 Explain why structured capital at risk products are confusing for the unsophisticated
5 Which are the two main types of alternative investment for private investors? What are
the key risks?
Further information
This short chapter looks at the different ways individuals can hold investments in
order to enhance tax efficiency andor administration and monitoring flexibility.
Strictly speaking, personal pension plans, among other pension arrangements,
should also be in this chapter. However, given that the subject of pensions and
retirement planning covers such a huge area, this subject is dealt with separately in
Chapters 2124.
After reading this chapter you will be able to:
Tax-efficient wrappers
Tax-efficient wrappers, like Individual savings accounts (ISAs) and personal pension
plans (see Chapter 23), do not in themselves provide good investment performance.
What they can offer is a tax-favoured environment in which individual equities and
collective funds can be placed and where some or all income tax andor capital gains
tax is avoided legally.
The important point we must always remember is that we must set investment goals
first and only then decide which types of assets are best held in the different tax
efficient plans. This point is often misunderstood by investors towards the end of each
tax year when the ISA season gets under way and providers and advisers promote
ISAs as though they were an investment in their own right.
have capital gains, this removes much of the benefit of using ISAs to buy shares or
equity funds. Higher rate taxpayers can still benefit from holding income-paying
equities in an ISA as they avoid the additional 22.5% on gross dividends when these
are paid outside an ISA.
Investors with bonds in ISAs will still be able to reclaim the tax paid on interest
income from April 2004. This is because the income from bonds is defined as interest
and is taxed in a different way from equity income. Investors in bonds are treated as
though they have paid a 20% savings tax withheld at source. For bonds the tax credit
remains at 20%.
CAT-marked ISAs
CAT stands for charges, access and terms, and products that bear this label must
agree to abide by certain rules, set out as follows:
CAT-marked equity ISAs
Annual management maximum charge of 1%.
Minimum regular saving from 50 per month or a minimum lump sum of 500.
From April 2005 a new range of low-cost, medium-term savings products will be
launched and it will be possible to hold these within an ISA as well. This will include
a new stakeholder plan and Child Trust Fund and will replicate CAT standards that
is, incorporate such features as comparatively low charges (a maximum of 1.5%
AMC), easy access and exit, and fair terms.
Self-select ISAs
Self-select ISAs offer maximum flexibility when it comes to direct investment and
investing in funds. These plans are sold by stockbrokers and large firms of independent
financial advisers. Some are available as low-cost Internet plans.
Apart from the wider investment choice, one of the immediate benefits of the self-
select structure is that this enables the investor to make changes to the portfolio on the
same day. With packaged ISAs it can take several weeks to switch between managers.
This can be frustrating and costly in a rising market. It is also possible to hold cash
within the self-select plan and earn interest on this while waiting to reinvest the money.
The cost will depend on the advisers charges. This might be a flat annual adminis-
tration charge, which could suit the larger portfolios, or the fee might be linked to the
value of the fund (for example 0.5% per annum plus VAT). Some will have no annual
fees, but will charge for dividend collection, which, on a large portfolio, could add up
quickly. One thing to look out for is high dealing charges, especially on shares. What
Chapter 14 Tax-efficient wrappers and administration platforms 181
can appear cheap because of a low or zero annual management charge can prove
costly if there is little or no discount on unit trust purchases and if share-dealing
charges for buying and selling are in excess of 1%.
Finally, the self-select route can provide an individual with as much or as little
advice as is required. With a discretionary service the stockbroker makes all the
investment decisions; with an advisory service the investor and stockbroker discuss
investments before buying; with an execution-only service the investor makes all the
decisions and the stockbroker simply carries out these instructions.
Wrap accounts
Money Management publishes regular surveys on wraps, among many other topics,
and students should refer to these if they wish to follow market developments. At the
time of writing, wrap accounts did not represent a big market in the UK (it is huge in
the US and Australia), although providers and advisers suggest they have tremendous
potential and that we will see a major growth in this product.
A wrap account is an online platform that allows the investor to see in one place and
to aggregate the value of their total range of savings and investments. For the planner
these would bring considerable benefits as it would be possible to consider assets and
liabilities in one place and to monitor asset allocation and the underlying investments
more easily than if these are held as discrete products with separate online or paper-
based access to information.
One of the biggest problems for the development of wraps is that providers will need
to find a way of bringing on board an individuals existing products as well as any new
investments. This will require a substantial investment in technology and cooperation
between all providers. In particular, wrap providers will need to find a way to provide
automatic valuations of life and pension investments.
Fund supermarkets
In many ways fund supermarkets already represent a wrap account for collective
funds, whether these are purchased and held within or outside of an ISA andor
pension plan. Certain supermarkets offer asset allocation modellers and fund selection
tools. It comes as no surprise, therefore, that some of the providers of wraps are the
existing fund supermarkets, which have already developed the basic technology.
Activity 14.1
Visit the fund supermarket and wrap websites and compare and contrast the services
and features offered. Which do you think would be most appropriate for a financial planner
to use in conjunction with a client? Do you think that wraps will appeal to the average
investor? Justify your argument.
182 Putting the theory into practice
Key terms
Review questions
1 Explain how the tax features of ISAs have become less attractive in recent years,
particularly for basic rate taxpayers.
3 What is a fund supermarket? Visit some of the websites below to help answer this
4 What is the longer-term objective of a wrap account? Why will providers find it difficult to
accommodate an individuals existing products?
Further information
The following is a selection of providers that offer a fund supermarket andor wrap account.
The source for this information was the Money Management March 2004 survey on wrap
accounts. Only the sites that are accessible to students are mentioned here. Several Cofunds
and Transact, for example are only available to advisers.
Chapter 14 Tax-efficient wrappers and administration platforms 183
HL Vantage:
Seven IM:
The following two companies are expected to launch wrap accounts:
Lifetime Group:
Chapter 15
After reading this chapter you will be able to:
equal opportunities
greenhouse gasses
health and safety convictions
human rights
intensive farming
military contracts
newspaper production and television
nuclear power (fuel, components and construction of plants)
overseas interests (wages exploitation in emerging economies, deriving profits
from countries with poor human rights records)
ozone-depleting chemicals
political contributions
Third World involvement
tropical hardwood
waste disposal
water pollution
The major exclusions in ethical funds tend to be arms, alcohol, tobacco, gambling, animal
testing, environmental damage, pornography, and the payment of exploitative wages in developing
countries. But the list could extend almost indefinitely.
Some funds adopt a positive ethical screening approach and aim to invest in companies that
are working towards a desirable goal green companies involved in recycling or environmentally-
friendly waste disposal, for example. Environmental funds can also be regarded as ethical. Here
the choice of shares will depend on a companys environmental policy in terms of controlling
pollution, ozone depletion, deforestation and waste management, among other criteria.
Where an individual has strong ethical views and adopts a negative ethical screening
approach that is, the elimination of unethical companies they need to consider carefully where
to draw the line. It is one thing to exclude tobacco andor alcohol companies, but what about the
supermarkets that sell their products? Gambling is also a typical exclusion but does this mean all
the outlets that sell tickets for the National Lottery should be avoided? Some ethical investors
might favour pharmaceutical companies because of their groundbreaking research in the war
against cancer and AIDS, for example. Others might exclude the same companies on the grounds
that they carry out experiments on animals.
In an extreme case, even apparently innocuous products like National Savings & Investments
and gilts can cause problems because they are effectively sold by the UK government. The same
government that provides welfare for the poor is responsible for the massive expenditure on arms
and animal experiments, via public and private sector agencies and universities.
In practice, many investors settle for a broad-brush approach that eliminates the obvious
villains but does not go into the small print. Using the analogy above, this would exclude the
188 Putting the theory into practice
tobacco companies but not the supermarkets that sell cigarettes. This approach would also
screen out the companies whose primary business is armaments but could leave in companies
with a minority interest in arms.
Some element of compromise is called for in most cases and the point where this is reached will
vary from individual to individual. Ultimately investors must decide how far they are prepared to go
to identify the ethical stars and whether they are prepared to accept the resulting restriction in
investment choice. A cynic might argue that if we take ethical investment to its natural conclusion
we will end up investing purely in property. This is not a good idea, nor is it a sound argument. As
an investor in commercial property funds we have no control over the tenants appointed by the
property managers.
Pension schemes
Ethical investors should consider whether to limit their views to their private port-
folio of shares and funds or to take it further. For example members of company
pension schemes may have limited influence over the investment objectives of the
pension fund, although fortunately socially responsible investment is becoming a
much more prominent issue for institutional pension funds. Those in Defined contri-
bution (DC) schemes are usually offered a choice of funds from which to select. In
some cases there may be an ethical option.
In 20022003 EIRIS undertook a study of the 250 largest occupational pension
funds by capital value. This was the first study of its kind undertaken to ascertain
whether and how members pension funds were responding to ethicalsocially respon-
sible investment. The guide is available on the EIRIS website and allows members to
find out more about their own scheme and to learn how they can play an active role in
its evolution towards SRI.
By law, trustees of occupational schemes must state the extent to which SRI is taken
into account, if at all. They must also set out their policy that directs the exercise of
voting rights in the companies in which they invest.
Banks are very influential in the application or otherwise of SRI. They lend money
to the local community, to large businesses and to governments. Some banks take a
very positive SRI approach and also use their influence to reduce financial exclusion in
the UK and to ease Third World debt. Others may lend to organisations and regimes
that are guilty of unethical policies, environmental damage or human rights abuses.
The EIRIS website provides a very detailed guide to these issues and highlights which
banks are taking a positive approach, and it is also worth visiting Ethical Consumer at
Chapter 15 Ethical investments, pensions and banking 189
Islamic finance
Islamic finance is based on the principles of Shariah (Islamic) law. This attempts to
maximise social welfare (Maslahah) by protecting the five pillars of Islamic society:
faith, life, wealth, intellect and posterity. As a result Islamic investment excludes
companies where the primary business does not conform to these objectives. In par-
ticular the screening process will exclude companies involved in tobacco, gambling,
armaments, pork, financial institutions and pornography. Shariah law forbids paying
or receiving interest, but dividends paid on shares are acceptable.
According to EIRIS there are about 150 Islamic institutions that manage US$100bn
for customers worldwide. Western banks like Citibank, ANZ, Barclays and HSBC also
have Islamic banking arms; and FTSE International has created a Global Islamic Index
Series to measure the performance of companies that comply with Shariah law.
Alternative investments
EIRIS provides details of investments that it believes offer a distinct social value but
which are not listed on The Stock Exchange. Examples include investment in a
company that imports tropical hardwood from sustainable sources, or one involved in
fair trade with developing economies.
The attraction of such companies is that as an investor you can help them to grow.
However, the downside is that these shares may not pay dividends and can be difficult
to sell. Moreover, once you look outside the All-Share the usual warnings about small
companies apply with a vengeance.
FTSE4Good is a series of socially responsible indices launched by the FTSE Group
in 2001 and forms part of the global series. There are eight indices covering the UK,
Europe, the US and global equities, four of which are benchmark and four tradable.
For example the benchmark FTSE4Good benchmark UK index has a tradable index,
the FTSE4Good UK 50 (see Table 15.1). The excluded industries are:
Tobacco producers.
Companies providing strategic parts or services for, or manufacturing, whole
nuclear weapons systems.
Companies manufacturing whole weapons systems.
Owners or operators of nuclear power stations and those mining or processing
All companies operating outside these industries are eligible for the socially
responsible screening, which covers three areas:
Environmental sustainability.
Social issues and stakeholder relations.
Human rights.
Information on the companies is based on EIRIS research and analysis under the
direction of the FTSE4Good advisory committee.
This is a very proactive index series that continues to reflect changes in the con-
sensus on what constitutes good corporate responsibility practice globally. In May
2002 the environmental criteria were raised and in March 2003 the human rights
criteria were raised. In 2004 FTSE planned to raise the criteria relating to labour
standards in the supply chain. For a more detailed explanation of the inclusion criteria
go to the FTSE4Good section of the FTSE website.
Chapter 15 Ethical investments, pensions and banking 191
Source: FTSE4Good.
192 Putting the theory into practice
Activity 15.1
Examine the London Share Services pages in the Financial Times and suggest which
sectors might be eliminated automatically from an ethical portfolio in a negative screening
approach to ethical investment. Now use the FTSE4Good and EIRIS websites to identify
individual companies within these sectors that are positively selected for the indices andor
collectives funds because they are making a contribution to ethical concerns. Comment on
the results. After this exercise have your views changed on negative and positive screening?
This chapter examined the increasingly important issue of ethical investment and
considered how ethical views or beliefs can be accommodated within a sensible finan-
cial plan. In this area it is essential that the individual fully understands the potential
impact of this approach.
Key terms
Review questions
1 Explain why it is difficult to define an ethical policy. Give two examples of companies that
might be selected or rejected for different but equally strong ethical reasons.
2 What is the impact of ethical screening on asset allocation? Your answer should consider
both company size and sector.
Further information
Low interest rates and the volatility of stock markets have led to an increased
interest in tangible unregulated assets. While in Chapter 4 we used the term
alternative to refer to absolute return funds and private equity, for example, rather
confusingly the term is also used to refer to tangible assets such as forestry and fine
wine. In other words, these are assets that have physical form, as opposed to a
solely monetary value, as is the case with an equity and units in a collective fund.
This chapter does not attempt to cover the entire range of tangible assets which
might include classic cars, antiques, fine art and virtually any collectible item but
aims merely to give the student a flavour of the attractions and potential dangers.
After reading this chapter you will be able to:
Woodland represents a long-term ethical investment that makes a positive contri-
bution to the global climate. Growing trees emit oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide
one of the major greenhouse gasses. Woodlands also offer an environment in which
flora and fauna flourish.
Britain is one of the least afforested countries in Europe. Only about 12% of the
land is planted with trees. Yet soil and climatic conditions enable Britain to grow a
wide variety of hardwoods, including beech, oak and ash, and softwoods such as
Sitka, Norway Spruce, Douglas Fir, Larch and Scots Pine. Timber is one of the few
major natural resources that is renewable. Currently new plantings are running at
approximately 5,000 hectares pa. Britain imports 90% of its timber needs. There is no
sign of a slowdown in demand and timber is again starting to compete with materials
such as plastics, steel and concrete.
There are four main uses for timber:
Timber products including hardwood veneers, laminated products, furniture,
and electricity and telephone transmission poles.
Sawn wood converted into boards and planks, building timbers, timber frames,
flooring, fencing posts, rails and so on.
Wood-based panels; for example chipboard.
Paper and pulp production.
The increase in value of a crop of growing timber is completely free from capital
gains tax.
The sale of felled timber or a crop of growing trees is free from income tax and
capital gains tax.
Forestry grants are not taxed (except annual payments under the Farm Woodland
Premium Scheme).
The whole forest may be exempt from inheritance tax (IHT) after two years of
Chapter 16 Tangible (alternative) assets 197
On the downside:
None of the expenses of preparing, planting and then maintaining the forest is tax
deductible (although the investor may be eligible for a grant to help with costs).
Any increase in the value of the actual land on which the forest is situated is liable
to capital gains tax on disposal but indexation and taper relief can reduce this
The Woodland Grant Scheme may help with the cost of planting, although to what
extent depends on the type of tree planted, the size of woodland planted and the range
of Woodland Grant Scheme grants available to the site. The scheme covers
50%100% of planting costs and grants are mostly paid as soon as planting is com-
plete. A retainer 20% of the basic grant is paid after five years if the trees are well
maintained. A further retainer of 10% is paid after ten years. If the investor is a farmer
they may be entitled to additional incentives from the Farm Woodland Premium
Scheme. This provides subsidies taxable as farm income to encourage the planting
of trees on farm land and to compensate for loss of agricultural income.
The market for timber is very long term. The ages at which commercially grown
trees are felled vary among 20 years for poplars, 4560 years for most conifers and
120 years for oaks. During the growing period thinning will be carried out to improve
the quality of the remaining trees. By the time a conifer forest is about 25 years old it
will become attractive to paper manufacturers and timber processors who want to
protect their future supplies of raw materials. From 25 years to maturity, the forest
will become increasingly attractive to individual investors perhaps because of the
inheritance tax relief available to owners of forests or the fact that proceeds from
felling the trees will be completely free from income tax.
The level of return quoted by industry experts is around 4%6% per annum in
excess of inflation and this is tax free. So it may be compared with yields of say
12%15% from other taxed investments, assuming an inflation rate of 3% and tax
rate of 40%. However, it is important to remember that trees are living things and may
be attacked by various diseases. Whats more, they may be damaged by fire or
destroyed by high winds. Careful management may reduce the risk to an acceptable
level, while insurance will also limit your potential losses through natural causes.
Given the long-term nature of this investment it is essential to consider its implications
for inheritance tax planning.
The fine wine market grew strongly in the mid-1990s but it has been damaged by a
series of frauds where people were persuaded to invest in wines and spirits that failed
to yield a profit and in some cases could have been purchased more cheaply elsewhere.
According to one of the leading experts in this field ( an
analysis of recent price movements of six leading Bordeaux properties between
198 Putting the theory into practice
September 1999 and April 2002 shows that gains are often modest. Based on price lists
from Farr Vintners, a fine wine broker, few wines from the best vintages over the past
40 years showed an annual percentage increase of more than single figures during this
While the financial press tends to cover authorised investments competently, its
analysis of wine as an investment cannot be relied upon and quotations of prospective
annual returns of 20% should be viewed with caution. Of late this market has proved
to be a rocky ride, with some huge losses on the way for those who got their timing
or their vintages wrong.
Claret, the red wine from Bordeaux, is the most important investment market.
Stocks of the great wines of Bordeaux are at their lowest levels for 30 years. The
proprietors of the Bordeaux chteaux invested heavily in the late 1980s in new cellars
and equipment. They believed they would continue to produce great wines as regularly
as they did in the 1980s and that demand for their wines would continue to increase.
Demand has continued to rise but there was no great vintage in the first half of the
1990s. That meant the chteaux had to sell off their stocks of older vintages to finance
their investments.
Provided the investor buys the right wines at the right price and the right time, this
may be a financially rewarding asset. For the individual investor, however, there are
some sensible guidelines and points worth considering:
Wine should only be a small part of the total investment portfolio for example,
It is never wise to borrow in order to invest in wine.
Like regulated investments the price of wine can fall as well as rise.
There are no dividends from investing in wine so straightforward comparisons
with a share index can be very misleading.
It is wise to seek expert advice from a reputable merchant, wine broker or auction
house before buying. These companies advertise in magazines like Decanter, Wine
and the Wine Spectator.
cellarers. Many investors were caught out in the early 1970s with the bankruptcy of
the London Wine Company. They learned the hard way that if there is no way of
identifying your wine, there is no way the receiver is going to let you have it. If a case
does not have your name on it, you cannot prove it is actually yours.
The entertainment industry provides opportunities for investments that are highly
speculative. But it also offers perks that may sway an investor with a passion for the
theatre or films, for example, who may be attracted by the prospect of attending a first
night and going to the party afterwards, possibly alongside megastars and royalty.
Lucky theatre investors may find themselves in on the ground floor of another Cats,
which has returned over 28,000 plus the original stake for every 1,000 invested
back in 1981. The international award-winning production cost around 445,000.
Distributed profits total over 20 million. Unfortunately, spectacular misses are more
frequent in this business and in recent years London theatres have been badly hit by
the drop in tourism that followed 11 September, 2001.
Investors interested in a London theatre might look for productions that offer a
promotion that will bring the audience in from the provinces, perhaps providing
coaches and hotel accommodation as part of the theatre ticket package. Foreign
tourists are also a major part of most West End audiences, but we should remember
that a production that does well in the UK provinces may not necessarily appeal to an
international audience.
The most obvious way to invest is via a theatre production company. Such com-
panies organise and administer the staging of a production, starting with finding a
suitable script or idea and continuing right up to the end of the final performance.
Once an idea has been conceived and a script has been written, the producer must find
appropriate performers to take the leading roles. He must also prepare the budget for
the production and locate a suitable theatre. Budgeting includes a contingency fund to
sustain the show until it is on its feet. The production manager also has to work out
the weekly running costs, the cost of hiring the theatre and equipment, paying the cast,
orchestra and crew wages, the creative team royalties and the marketing. Based on this
200 Putting the theory into practice
information the production manager will produce a recoupment schedule that shows
how many weeks the show must run to cover costs. The aim is to put together a
package that can recover 75% of costs within 39 weeks.
With these steps in place the manager will start to seek funding. The production
company may put up some capital but it is more common for funding to be provided
by outside backers, known as angels. Assuming the show is a success, the angels
investment is paid back first and profits are then split between the producers and the
angels. The producers will generally take 40% of the profits and the angels, 60%.
It is important for investors to understand what is being sold for example does the
investment include the role of the author, the play andor its stars as well as the role
of those behind the proposal? Celebrity authors are attractive but do not guarantee
success. Stars sell tickets, especially if they are TV names, but will be expensive and
dislike long runs. Established directorsproducers usually do better than newcomers,
seeing the best scripts first and getting the best terms from theatre owners.
To apply for producers prospectuses, visit the Theatrenet website, which explains
how being an angel works (go to the bottom right hand side of the home page at and provides links to current projects. Alternatively, contact
the Society of London Theatre (SOLT) and ask to be put on its mailing list. The Society
maintains a list of potential angels under a scheme where producers may approach
confirmed potential investors with independently approved prospectuses. The pro-
ducers are not given your details. The Society operates its list as a confidential mailing
service to give members of the public access to information (www.officiallondon Another good source of information on theatre angels can be found on
The Stage website (go to how to guides on the home page of
and look for how to invest in theatre shows).
Film financing
In the 2004 Budget the chancellor announced a major change to film financing that
takes effect in 2005. The reform introduces a tax credit of 20% against profits that is
paid directly to producers. It is designed to stamp out investment partnerships that
took advantage of the previous tax relief provisions that allowed the production costs
of a film with a budget of less than 15m to be written off over a year. Such partner-
ships tried to turn what was intended as a tax deferral mechanism into permanent tax
avoidance. Tax practitioners suggest that the move will eliminate film partnerships
and encourage financing from specialist banks and lenders, but film directors are now
looking for different ways to allow private investment to continue.
At the time of writing it was too early to tell what investment routes would remain
or be developed for the private investor. Whatever emerges, interested investors should
take care to ensure that they understand the downside and their position on recoup-
ment (division of assets in the event of closure), which should be first or possibly
second after a bank.
Chapter 16 Tangible (alternative) assets 201
This section is not so much a lesson in investing as a wealth warning. While certain
gemstones may gain in value, the market has been undermined by a series of frauds.
Professional dealers can make a handsome profit on the mark-up on stones and
jewellery shown in shop windows. This can be between 50%100% of the intrinsic
value. With this level of mark-up, there is little chance of buying new jewellery and
selling it on for a profit. Antique jewellery is potentially far more profitable, provided
you choose wisely. In the early 1990s a 60-year-old Cartier platinum and diamond
watch might have gone for 10,000 but would have been worth 14,000 at the end of
the decade. Faberg Eggs have also done remarkably well.
Unfortunately, gemstones have attracted the serial fraudsters. Some investors have
been persuaded to buy stones that they are told will sell for a profit of several hundred
percent at a later date at an auction. All too often the auction never takes place and the
company is wound up. To add insult to injury, the original scam company sells its list
of gullible investors to a second company. This company then approaches the
investors and explains that for a further investment the company can find a buyer for
the gemstones. Interested investors should watch out for glossy brochures offering
gemstones at apparently cheap prices that can be sold in due course for a remarkable
This chapter looked briefly at a range of investments that fall outside the regulatory
environment and which tend to attract enthusiasts. While such investments can
provide an attractive return it is important to look very carefully at the credentials of
the company making the sale, as certain investments such as fine wine and gemstones
have been the subject of serial frauds.
202 Putting the theory into practice
Key terms
Review questions
1 Explain the difference between regulated and non-regulated investments.
3 As a planner would you advise an investor to consider any of the assets covered in this
chapter and if so, why?
Further information
Part of the information in this chapter was drawn from the Independent Research Services
lesson on alternative investments (
The Association of Art and Antique Dealers:
The Forestry Commission:
For information about wine investment and fraud go to
The Society of London Theatre:
The Stage:
Chapter 17
This important chapter considers the various ways the private investor can buy
property as a home and as an investment. The investment category is divided into
residential buy-to-let and commercial property, which is accessed via collective
funds. The chapter concludes with equity release, where older homeowners need to
reverse the investment process and either borrow against their home or sell a
proportion of its value in order to free up some of their capital.
After reading this chapter you will be able to:
The mortgage
A mortgage is a secured loan and represents the legal charge on the property, which
the borrower gives to the lender as security. Together with any special terms and con-
ditions, the mortgage deed is the legal contract between you and the lender. The most
important features of the mortgage deed are:
The names of the parties to the contract that is, the borrower and the lender.
The amount of the loan and the borrowers acknowledgement of receipt of the loan.
A promise by the borrower to repay the loan, with interest, on the stipulated
terms. These include the amount of the initial repayments and any special terms;
for example a fixed rate or a discount on the lenders variable rate for the first
two years.
Chapter 17 Property 205
The granting of the legal charge of the property to the mortgage lender until the
loan is repaid.
The borrowers commitment, if applicable, to any insurance policies and to carry
out any repairs and alterations for example the lender may insist the house is
reroofed within the first three months of ownership to maintain the propertys
As this is a secured loan, if the borrower breaches the terms of the mortgage contract
by failing to keep up the monthly payments, the lender has the power to take
possession of the property and to sell it in order to recoup the loss. Repossessions are
a last resort but unfortunately they were an all too familiar feature of the late 1980s
and early 1990s when many borrowers had over-stretched themselves and could not
keep pace with the sharp rise in interest rates.
Provided the individual has a reasonably stable income, there will be a huge range
of mortgage facilities available and a good mortgage broker will have access to the
latest offers. The planners role is to ensure the individual takes out the best mortgage
for their circumstances, selects an appropriate term and, where possible, avoids any
mortgage packages that could present difficulties at a later date; for example early
repayment penalties. The term should reflect the period during which the individual
can afford repayments and so in most cases should not extend beyond retirement.
Shorter-term repayment mortgages result in higher monthly repayments but reduce the
overall amount paid in interest.
As with the mortgage itself, the range of repayment options has developed con-
siderably in recent years and some lenders require little more than a verbal assurance
that the borrower will save one way or another in order to repay the debt. Once it is
clear how much the buyer can afford to raise and this will depend largely on the
lenders criteria, the individuals income and the condition of the property the buyer
makes a formal offer and applies for the loan. The lender will insist on a valuation to
check that the property is priced correctly. This is not the same as a structural survey,
which is strongly recommended.
The mortgage lender will offer an advance and if the conveyancer, who looks after
the legal side of the process, is satisfied that all is in order the purchase will proceed to
exchange of contract. This is when the buyer must make a formal commitment to buy,
and the owner of the house makes a formal commitment to sell. At this stage the con-
veyancer may ask the buyer for a deposit of between 5% and 10% of the purchase
price. A few weeks later, on completion, the buyer takes ownership of the house and
must pay the balance.
Lending criteria
Lenders differ in the amount they will offer but in general this is likely to be up to
three times annual earnings, less any existing commitments such as hire purchase
agreements and other outstanding liabilities. For a joint mortgage the multiple is likely
to be three times the higher income plus once the lower, or up to two and a half times
the joint income. The lender will want to see confirmation of the income and this is
206 Putting the theory into practice
likely to take the form of a letter from the employer or, for the self-employed, copies
of audited accounts for several previous years.
Clearly the amount of debt an individual can comfortably manage will depend on
their circumstances. Couples should be careful not to over-commit themselves if they
plan to start a family in the near future and expect one of the incomes to substantially
reduce or disappear altogether for several years. It is also important to be aware of the
potential for negative equity where there is a very high loan-to-value ratio. Should
house prices fall, the loan could outstrip the market value of the property. This was
very common in the early 1990s.
The mortgage and any capital available from savings need to cover several items
other than the price of the house itself. Surveys, conveyancing fees, stamp duty, land
registry fees and the removal costs can all mount up and it is important to get an
estimate of these costs before making a formal offer.
Stamp duty is a government tax on the purchase of properties and must be paid
where the purchase price exceeds 60,000. The current rate is 1% and this is paid on
the full price, not just the tranche that exceeds 60,000. This rises to 1.5% for
purchases between 250,000 and 500,000 and 2% for houses above this level. Land
registry fees must also be paid for either registering the title to the property or the
transfer, where the title has already been registered. The fee for a 100,000150,000
house was about 350 at the time of writing. The individual will also need to consider
buildings and contents insurance, life assurance and, depending on existing cover, a
payment protection policy.
An increasing number of lenders offer self-certification mortgages, which are appro-
priate in cases where earnings may be reliable but erratic, where the standard lending
formula is not appropriate. This type of mortgage used to be offered to the self-
employed but it is increasing in popularity as more people work on short-term con-
tracts, or rely on bonuses and dividends for the bulk of their earnings. A steady income
stream from investments is also acceptable to certain lenders.
In theory self-certification should require no proof of earnings but in practice
lenders vary considerably in their requirements. Some require a minimum period of
continuous employment or ask to see at least two years accounts. Some will accept
irregular income but not investment income. Proof of residency and a previous lenders
reference may also be required.
With a repayment mortgage the monthly payments cover interest and capital so that
at the end of the mortgage term the borrower has paid off the entire debt. Where the
Chapter 17 Property 207
Interest only
The alternative to a repayment mortgage is an interest-only loan where the bor-
rower makes interest payments each month but the capital debt remains static. Most
people who borrow on this basis are either required or encouraged to save through an
investment vehicle so that by the end of the mortgage term there is sufficient capital to
repay the debt. Unless buyers opt for an endowment mortgage (almost certainly not a
good idea see page 29) they will also need to take out sufficient life assurance to
repay the loan if they (or their partner in the case of a joint mortgage) die before the
fund has grown to the required level. This can be simple term assurance or decreasing
insurance that reflects the amount of capital paid off through the repayment mortgage
or the amount saved through the investment scheme.
These days it is very rare for a new borrower not to be able to find some sort of
special deal on the interest rate but this is usually offset by a degree of inflexibility. A
typical example is where the lender insists that the borrower stick with the loan for a
minimum number of years. If the borrower repays early then there could be a penalty.
The APR must be quoted in a standard way but it does not take into account any
other costs for example if the lender insists the borrower buy its buildings insurance
in order to qualify for a lower rate of interest. Moreover, the APR quoted for fixed rate
or discount schemes only applies to the offer period; it does not take into account the
full variable rate, which will take effect after the reduced rate has finished. Nor does it
reflect the additional cost if there are early repayment penalties.
208 Putting the theory into practice
Fixed rate
This type of mortgage is particularly attractive to borrowers who want the security
of knowing what their liabilities will be for several years ahead in order to budget
accurately. Typically lenders are prepared to fix for one or two years, sometimes up
to five. When the fixed rate period ends the borrower would switch to the lenders
variable rate or might be offered the chance to fix again.
The factors that influence a decision to go for a fixed rate as a borrower are similar
to the considerations facing a saver, albeit in reverse. If general interest rates rise
the borrower will be protected from an increase in mortgage repayments for the period
of the fixed rate. However, if interest rates fall the borrower is locked into an
uncompetitively high rate.
As with savers who go for a fixed rate bond, for example, fixed rate borrowers must
watch out for early redemption (repayment) penalties. Quite often these are so high
that borrowers are forced to stay put because it is too expensive to get out, even when
they take into account much better rates elsewhere.
the upper limit, but if interest rates fall below the collar, the borrower would be
saddled with an uncompetitive package, in the same way as applies with a fixed rate.
Penalties are likely to apply if the borrower wants to remortgage to take advantage of
better rates elsewhere.
According to the independent market analyst Datamonitor, remortgaging accounts
for over 45% of total gross advances in the mortgage market and is expected to rise to
48% by 2008. This is somewhat surprising given that in all but the most straight-
forward of mortgages there tend to be penalties on early repayment. These penalties,
in theory, should make it difficult for borrowers to take advantage of new offers and
clearly they should make careful calculations before proceeding, to ensure that the
210 Putting the theory into practice
new deal plus penalties is not more expensive than the old deal. The FSA provides
comparative tables for those looking for a first mortgage or to remortgage.
CAT standards
As with Individual savings accounts (ISAs see page 178), CAT stands for certain
standards in the charges, access and terms of the mortgage. Full details of these are set
out in the FSA guide to mortgages. The important point to note about CAT-marked
mortgages (or any other CAT-marked product) is that while they may represent
reasonable value for money, they are in no way intended to be a recommendation by
the government or the FSA.
Mortgage indemnity
Financial institutions like to protect themselves if they lend more than 75% of the
value of the property. The risk they face is that if the borrower defaults they would
need to repossess the house and sell it, possibly for less than the purchase price. To
protect against such losses on a high loan to value advance, lenders require borrowers
to take out mortgage indemnity insurance, which would reimburse them for some or
all of the difference between the outstanding mortgage and the actual selling price. The
important point to remember about the mortgage indemnity fee (it might also be called
an additional security fee or high percentage loan fee) is that it protects the lender, not
the borrower.
Life assurance
Life assurance is examined in Chapter 7, but briefly this should pay off all the indi-
viduals outstanding liabilities where they would otherwise fall on to a connected
person (typically, the immediate family). The mortgage is likely to be a familys main
debt in the early years but it is important to factor in any other liabilities, whether they
are debts or regular commitments.
Payment protection
This is a variation on critical illness andor permanent health insurance (see
page 95). If the borrower suffered a chronic illness or became disabled, this type of
Chapter 17 Property 211
policy would cover the cost of the mortgage and any related costs insurances for
example. The critical illness element would provide a lump sum if the individual
suffered a major illness.
Borrowers might also be offered an accident, sickness and unemployment (ASU)
insurance. This covers the monthly mortgage payments if the individual becomes too
ill to work or is unemployed. The accident and sickness element is like a short-term
income protection policy. Unemployment insurance is available through a few
specialist insurers but generally is very expensive, so ASU may be the only way to get
it. However, individuals should treat this type of insurance as a way of buying some
breathing space if they need to reassess their finances in the light of illness or
unemployment. It does not provide a long-term replacement income.
The same caveat applies to the limited versions of income protection offered
through a mortgage protection scheme. The main point to note here is that, while the
lender is concerned to ensure the borrower maintains monthly repayments, in practice
they would need a great deal more than this to cover all the monthly outgoings and
liabilities. Full income protection is particularly important for the self-employed who
do not have access to a group scheme at work.
Second homes
An increasing number of couples buy a second home for personal use at weekends
and holidays, possibly with the intention of turning it into a retirement home. Where
a property is bought for personal use, owners may be reluctant to rent it out during
periods when it would otherwise be unoccupied. This means that there will be no
income to offset costs and that security may be a problem.
The tax position for those with more than one home is as follows. Within two years
of the second purchase you need to inform the Inland Revenue which home is your
principal residence. You can change this election at a later date. Any gain on the home
that is not the principal residence will be subject to capital gains tax. For this reason
it makes sense to choose the home most likely to increase in value as the principal
residence, as this does not have to be the place where you spend most of your time. For
the same reason, if it is likely that you will make a loss on a property then this should
not be the principal residence as this would not be an allowable loss to offset against
212 Putting the theory into practice
About 2m households rent through the private sector in the UK and according to the
letting agents there is a national shortage of rental property in every area, from the
executive home to the studio flat. Yet according to the financial press the buy-to-let
market is saturated and newcomers are finding it difficult to find suitable tenants.
Clearly any purchase for this purpose must be considered very carefully.
The objective of buy-to-let is for the investor to cover the mortgage repayments and
all other costs, and make a profit. The average gross return on rental income in Britain
today is about 8%10%. The gross return is the amount the landlord receives before
deducting the costs of letting (including the mortgage where applicable) and the
management fees, where the property is let via an agency. Where capital appreciation
exceeds retail prices inflation the owner will also achieve capital growth. However,
this outlook is over-optimistic. Such figures assume the property is let continuously. If
the individual does not choose the property with care it may stand empty for several
months at a time, which will put a serious dent in the return.
Where an individual buys residential property directly, rather than through a pooled
fund such as an authorised unit trust, they are not covered by the Financial Services
and Markets Act, even if the purchase was made through an adviser who is FSA
authorised. This means that there is no protection in the case of bad advice or if the
property turns out to be poor quality.
Taxation is discussed in Chapter 19. As far as investment property is concerned, net
rental income (income after expenses) is subject to income tax at the individuals
marginal rate (22% or 40% in 20042005). Expenses include the loan interest, but it
Chapter 17 Property 213
is possible to claim for a wear and tear allowance of 10% of the rent, less water rates,
where the property is furnished.
Any growth in the value of the property between purchase and sale is subject to
capital gains tax (CGT) although the actual amount will depend on the length of time
the individual has held the property as an investment. In due course it appears that it
will be possible to hold residential property in a personal pension, which may prove
very tax-efficient for the right investor, as the sale would be free of CGT.
Letting agents
About 50% of rentals are arranged through letting and managing agents, most but
not all of which are members of recognised professional organisations. Buy-to-let is
the initiative launched by the Association of Residential Letting Agents (ARLA) and is
supported by several major mortgage lenders. Its aim is to stimulate the rented
property market by encouraging private investors to take advantage of low interest
rates and the medium- to long-term potential for capital growth in property.
The loan
Historically investors in property who wanted to raise a loan for a buy-to-let
property found that lenders imposed a hefty surcharge on retail mortgage rates and
would not take the rental income into consideration when calculating the maximum
loan. Now many lenders offer rates comparable to those extended to owner-occupiers,
and they take the rental income into account when assessing the maximum loan that
the borrower can service.
Loans can be arranged for a single property or a mini property investment portfolio
of up to five houses and flats. Loans of between 15,000 and 1m per investor are
available for periods of between five and 45 years. Typically the loan will cover up to
80% of the valuation. Methods of servicing the loan are flexible in most cases and
mirror terms available to owner-occupiers. There are even loans which allow for over-
payment and use the surplus to provide a repayment holiday or to cover future periods
when you may be short of cash if the property is temporarily empty.
Rentals tend to be short term typically six months to three years. A good letting
agent will vet tenants carefully and make sure there is the minimum amount of time
between lets. Typically you could expect an ARLA agent to charge 10% of the rent for
finding the tenant and to cover the inventory and paperwork. For a full management
agreement, where the agent will assume full responsibility for the property, this will
cost an additional 5%7%. These fees are tax deductible.
Most lets, unless for very high rentals, are arranged under an assured shorthold
tenancy. This covers tenancies from six months upwards but usually there would be a
cap at 12 months with an option to renew. This will list all the dos and donts and set
out any rules; for example on children and pets.
Commercial property
Commercial property as an asset class behaves in a very different way from equities
and bonds and therefore represents a good diversifier (see page 59). It can generate a
useful income and can also benefit from capital growth. The simplest and, for most
investors, the only way to invest in this type of property is via collective funds.
The Investment Management Association (IMA) lists the unit trusts that invest in
commercial property, while the Association of British Insurers (ABI) lists the relevant
life and pension funds. The rules for investment vary. For example authorised property
unit trusts can invest up to 80% of assets in direct property or property company
shares. Bear in mind that where funds invest in the shares of commercial property
companies, this is quite different from investing in property directly, as you would be
exposed to the profits and losses of the business. These unit trusts also tend to hold a
higher level of cash than other unit trusts in order to maintain sufficient liquidity for
unit cancellation.
Pension funds and unit linked life funds invest in property and both types tend to
have less in cash as they are used for longer-term investment. Investment trusts can
also invest in property, as can offshore funds and limited partnerships. Partnerships
invest in a single or multiple buildings let to tenants. This usually requires a minimum
of 25,000 and is a very long-term investment.
For the taxation of different types of collective fund see Chapter 12. For personal
pensions, which are likely to be allowed to hold direct residential property from April
2006, see Chapter 23.
Equity release
There are several ways elderly home occupiers who are house rich, cash poor can
tap into the equity in their homes and use this to generate an extra income or capital
sum. For older people who do not need residential care this might be attractive, as they
dont have to sell up and move. It is possible to take the money as a regular income or
as a lump sum, depending on the scheme rules.
Chapter 17 Property 215
These schemes are complex and the implications for an elderly homeowner can be
very significant. This market is likely to increase rapidly as the government cuts the
real value of state pensions, employers reduce their commitment to occupational
schemes, and individual investors struggle to make a decent return with their Defined
contribution (DC) pensions. For many people going into retirement or who have been
retired some years, the family home is the most valuable asset by far.
The FSA has a good fact sheet on the subject, Raising money from your home,
which provides sensible advice and cautionary warnings in equal measure. Other
organisations also provide advice and these are listed at the end of the chapter.
The home income plans (HIPs see below) sold in the late 1980s led many pensioners
to make unwise investments and they were banned in 1990. But with increased longevity,
cuts in state welfare and low interest rates, asset rich, cash poor pensioners are once again
turning for financial assistance to a second generation of much more respectable equity
release plans. Following the bad publicity of the earlier plans, several providers joined
together in 1991 to form SHIP, the Safe Home Income Plans Company. The website,
listed at the end of the chapter, provides contact details for the member companies. The
code of practice offered by members of SHIP includes the following features:
You have complete security of tenure and are guaranteed the right to live in the
property for life, no matter what happens to interest rates and the stock market.
You have freedom to move house without jeopardising your financial situation.
You will be guaranteed a cash sum or fixed regular income; your money will not
be sunk into uncertain investments.
There are two basic types of safe equity release scheme those where the home-
owner negotiates a fixed rate loan against the property, known as a lifetime mortgage
and those which involve the sale of part or all of the property, known as home rever-
sion where the buyer will take the proceeds of the sale or loan out of the estate when
the individual dies and the house is sold.
Lifetime mortgage
Lifetime mortgages (also known as mortgage annuities) are still available but have
been much less popular since the 1999 Budget, which abolished tax relief on this type
of mortgage. Nevertheless, depending on the individuals age and circumstances, this
might still be an option worth considering. A lifetime mortgage allows the homeowner
to remortgage part of the value of the house usually up to 40,000 to 50,000. The
lump sum is repaid with the proceeds of the house sale when the individual dies. The
mortgage may be in the form of:
A home income plan.
An interest-only mortgage.
A roll-up mortgage, where the interest is added to the loan.
With a home income plan the lump sum secured by the mortgage is used to buy a pur-
chased life annuity from the lender, which guarantees a regular income for life. This
216 Putting the theory into practice
income pays the fixed rate of interest on the mortgage and what is left is for the indi-
vidual to spend how as they wish. The annuity rate (the annual income per 1,000) is
generally unattractive for the under-80s. Until the 1999 Budget the mortgage interest for
home income plans was net of mortgage interest relief at source (MIRAS) at the
concessionary rate of 23% but only loans taken out before April 1999 continue to
qualify. This move has made the reversion plans (see below) more suitable in most cases.
An interest-only mortgage is no different in principle from the standard variety,
except the loan will not be repaid until the borrower dies and the house is sold. The
main issue here is to be sure the individual can afford the interest payments, which may
be variable. The roll-up mortgage can look more attractive but the effect of the roll-up
of interest means that the actual loan will increase rapidly, as is shown in Table 17.1.
There are more flexible arrangements coming onto the market for example, the
drawdown mortgage, which the individual can draw upon as and when necessary.
Some lifetime mortgages include a shared appreciation element (see page 209).
Loan period 5% pa 7% pa 9% pa
Source: FSA.
Reversion plans
Under a reversion plan the homeowner sells, rather than mortgages, part of the
house but continues to live there rent free. As a rough guide, they could expect to
receive up to 50% of the value of the portion sold, as the price takes into account the
fact that the company will not be able to take the proceeds of the sale until the indi-
viduals death. Interest rates on these mortgages tend to be 1%2% higher than is
available elsewhere in the market.
There are two types of reversion plan. With a reversion annuity the purchase price
is used to buy an annuity, which provides an income for life in the same way as the
home income plan described above. The income is higher because there is no mortgage
interest to pay but because the individual has sold rather than mortgaged, they will not
gain from any rise in house prices on that portion of the property. Under the cash
option, again the homeowner sells part (or all) of the home in return for a lump sum,
which is tax free, provided the house is the main residence. The individual continues
to live there, rent free, until they die. The money could be used to buy an annuity but
this is not obligatory.
The proportion of their house an individual or couple decides to sell will depend on
how much income or capital is required. This in turn should be balanced with the
Chapter 17 Property 217
desire to pass on the value of the house to children. Having said that, those who even-
tually move into a residential or nursing home would almost certainly be expected to
use any remaining proceeds of the house to pay towards fees.
The minimum sale is usually between 40% and 50% of the value of the property
and with some companies you can sell up to 100%.
Qualifying conditions
To qualify for a reversion plan homeowners must have full ownership. Also, the
property must be in good condition, otherwise the company concerned may have
trouble selling it in the future.
Age is an important consideration and in general only the over 70s will find equity
release attractive, although some lenders consider younger applicants. Where a couple
live in the home it is important to arrange the scheme in both names to ensure that
after the first death the survivor can continue to live in the home until they die. The
annuity income is based on the yields available on gilts and corporate bonds, which are
comparatively low at present. It is also based on life expectancy, so the longer the
insurance company expects the individual to live, the lower the income it will pay.
Activity 17.1
A civil servant, age 40, married with two children, would like to reduce his mortgage
repayments now that the second baby has arrived and his wife has stopped work for a few
years. Currently the couple has a joint repayment mortgage, variable rate, with 15 years to go.
They have mortgage protection insurance and critical illness insurance, both of which policies
were sold with the existing mortgage 10 years ago. What are the points to consider here?
Comment: Your answer should take into consideration the term of the mortgage and the
different options. It should also consider what type of mortgage protection insurance, if any,
this family requires.
218 Putting the theory into practice
Activity 17.2
An elderly couple, both in their late 70s, need to increase their income. Their main asset
is the family home and so they are prepared to consider equity release. Their two main
concerns are first, what impact the additional income might have on their social security
benefits, and second, how equity release would affect their desire to pass on the value of
the house to their two children. Advise the couple on their options.
This chapter covered a great deal of important ground. The family home should not
be regarded primarily as an investment but increasingly couples are selling down at
retirement to increase their scope for investing for income, andor using equity release
for similar reasons later in retirement. The chapter looked at various ways to invest in
property and raised concerns over the growth of the buy-to-let market. It also considered
the place of a collective commercial property fund in an individuals asset allocation.
Key terms
Review questions
1 Explain the purpose of the annual percentage rate (APR) and which factors it must take
into account. What are some of the potential problems inherent in this calculation?
2 Given the very high rate of remortgaging (45% of new advances), do you think that all
cases are likely to benefit the borrower? What factors might make a remortgage difficult?
5 Explain the ways an elderly couple can gain access to the equity in their home. What are
the key issues they should address?
Chapter 17 Property 219
Further information
Kate Benjamin, 35, and Phil Cane, 37, are both non-smokers and in good health. Phil is
employed as an IT manager for a large firm of lawyers in Leeds. Kate is employed as a fulltime
nursery nurse. Phil earns 40,000 and Kate earns 20,000 gross pa. The couple lives in a
quiet leafy suburb of Leeds in a semi-detached house that they bought seven years ago.
They have a repayment mortgage with 13 years to run with an outstanding balance of
60,000. They have just finished their fixed rate period and the mortgage has reverted to the
variable rate. The house is valued at 140,000.
Kate and Phil have big plans. They have obtained planning permission to build a single
storey extension to the side of their house. Kate is a qualified piano teacher and wishes to go
part time in her existing job, to three days a week, and teach the remainder of the time using
the newly built room.
220 Putting the theory into practice
They have given the builders the go ahead and expect the costs to amount to about
20,000. They have 25,000 cash reserved to pay for these works. Kate would also like to buy
a grand piano, estimated cost 40,000, before she starts teaching. They have no cash
reserves for this and do not wish to use capital invested elsewhere. They have sufficient
disposable income to meet existing retirement and protection objectives, plus they have
approximately 400 per month left over to pay for the piano.
They have seen an advert on the television telling them about an offset mortgage and
although they dont really understand how it works, they are interested to find out more
including if it is the answer to Kates dreams, so she can buy a new piano sooner rather than
later. The couple may get married in the next five to seven years but do not feel it is a priority.
They may, however, need more capital at that time and wish to simplify their mortgage
finances now so that they can have easy access to up to a further 5,000 if they do decide to
get married. They seek your advice to help meet their objectives both now and in the future,
with minimal fuss. They would like you to explain both the pros and cons of any available
options that may meet these objectives.
Source: Money Management, Financial Planner of the Year Awards 2003, FT Business.
An additional case study relevant to this chapter is available from the Companion Website at
A full solution to this case study is available to lecturers via the password-protected area of the
Companion Website at
Chapter 18
Lloyds of London
After reading this chapter you will be able to:
Understand why individual investors (Names) have suffered such great losses.
Debate the merits of investment under the limited liability regime.
222 Putting the theory into practice
It is possible, for example, for a wealthy investor to unlock the capital in a second
or third home by using it as security. So becoming a Name need have no effect on the
individuals assets unless, of course, they are subsequently called in to pay for losses.
In the late 1980s and early 1990s Lloyds saw unprecedented losses, due to three
main factors:
Claims for asbestos, pollution and health hazards resulting from policies written
many years previously, predominantly in the US.
The spate of natural and man-made disasters between 1987 and 1992, including
the Piper Alpha explosion and the Exxon Valdez oil spillage.
A concentration of reinsurance liability. This meant that rather than spreading
catastrophe losses around the market, they were focused on a small number of
In the past Names would ride out the occasional bad year in the reasonable expect-
ation that any losses would be more than made up in the future. Unfortunately, the
224 Putting the theory into practice
losses of 7.9bn experienced between 1988 and 1992 wiped out all the profits Lloyds
had ever made in the whole of its previous 300-years history.
More recently, the terrorist bombing of the World Trade Centre on 11 September,
2001 had dramatic repercussions for many participants in the insurance and reinsur-
ance markets and Lloyds was no exception. At the time of writing Lloyds had paid
out about US$4.5bn and reserved a similar amount for further claims.
At that point it became clear that radical reform was required to keep the market
viable. Individuals had learned to their cost that investing in Lloyds as an unlimited
liability Name really did mean accepting unlimited liability for losses. Some were
forced to sell their homes to pay their liabilities. The scandals and bad years made
many forget the corollary: profits are unlimited as well. The remaining unlimited
liability members now believe that there are good years ahead for them at Lloyds and
hope to recoup their losses.
New investors should benefit from these reforms. In particular they will make it
easier to compare Lloyds with other investment opportunities. In theory, existing
Names with unlimited liability should also benefit from these reforms, whether their
intention is to stay put until they have recouped their more recent losses or to make a
longer-term commitment to Lloyds. However, in the light of damaging tensions
Chapter 18 Lloyds of London 225
between corporate and individual members, Lloyds has put pressure on Names to
convert to limited liability. Names have resisted this move because they are concerned
that they will not be able to roll-over their huge losses from recent years and offset
them against future profits. In the autumn of 2002 Lloyds entered discussions with
the Treasury and the Inland Revenue to consider the implications that arise when an
unlimited liability Name converts to limited liability. Unlimited liability Names, for
their part, remain determined to retain their existing rights. This battle between tradi-
tional Names and Lloyds has not helped investor confidence nor does it aid potential
investors in their search for information.
Investment opportunities
Now that limited liability companies are allowed to invest in Lloyds it may seem
that there is little to be gained as an outsider from investing in the market. It is in the
nature of the business that some risks are more dangerous than others. Insiders who
work in the insurance business day by day have a better chance of recognising a risk
that may turn into a liability. Many individual members, however, feel very strongly
that Lloyds success depends on their continued involvement and that individual
members have generally been more successful than corporate members as they are
more prudent, given they are investing their own money. Following the September
2002 reforms, the two options for new private investors are:
To buy shares in a Lloyds quoted company. At the end of November 2002 there
were 13 Lloyds managing agents listed on The Stock Exchange.
To invest on a limited liability basis by setting up a limited company, known as a
Nameco or a Scottish Limited Partnership.
managing agent and the capital. All the managing agents business is backed by its
own capital it takes a 100% share of the syndicates it manages. This is ideal when
insurance is doing well the ILV gets all the profit. The reverse is also true.
Once the managing agent that is to be responsible for the ILVs underwriting has
been identified a reasonably confident valuation may be made by looking at the his-
torical underwriting returns made by the syndicates the potential insurer is to manage
and the amount of capital it has now. The next step is to work out how much it will
cost to get it there. Adding that to the current valuation has often revealed cheap
A good source of information on ILVs is the Association of Lloyds Members
Lloyds Market Results and Prospects Yearbook, published by Moodys, or Moodys
own Lloyds Syndicates Ratings Guide, which includes an overview of the managing
agencies and listed Lloyds vehicles. Moodys syndicate insurance Financial Strength
Ratings allow investors to compare the prospects for Lloyds syndicates with other
insurance companies rated by the agency, as the same triple-A through to C ratings
symbols are used throughout.
The main cost of making the transition is buying capacity. Capacity is the tool used
to divide up the spoils of a syndicate, to limit the risks it takes and to determine the
amount of capital the syndicate members must provide. In that sense it is rather like
shares in a public company. It is measured in pounds and the total capacity is the
maximum amount in premiums the syndicate can take in one year. It is owned by the
members of a syndicate and is now traded through a series of auctions throughout
the summer. The idea is to work out how much capacity the firm must get hold of, and
how it will be funded by a mixture of investments, subordinated loans and re-
insurance. Then, having guessed at a price, work out how many shares will have to be
issued. Once that is done, valuation is a matter of calculating the value of the capital
and the value to the firm of the capacity, capitalising the funding costs and dividing by
the number of shares to see if the transformation will boost the share price. That may
sound tough, but once you have got hold of information about the performance of the
syndicate, your calculations though lengthy are comparatively straightforward. Of
course, there are still some dangerous pitfalls:
Bad syndicates.
Consolidation. The current trend of consolidation affects prospects for future
profitability and the continuity of certain syndicates.
Prices. Valuation depends on the insurance market and on the investment market
the latter is generally more predictable.
Timing. As mentioned above, Lloyds has made some spectacular losses over the
past decade and further losses may occur. Investment companies try to balance
their assets between insurance business and other investments, according to the
relative prospects of each.
Tax status. As they become ILVs, the investment trusts have to pay tax on their
Chapter 18 Lloyds of London 227
This chapter took a brief look at the attractions and dangers of the Lloyds of
London insurance market for very wealthy investors. Even with limited liability the
minimum investment is 0.5m and it is possible to lose the lot, so this is not a market
for the faint-hearted.
228 Putting the theory into practice
Key terms
Review questions
1 Why do we say that capital invested at Lloyds works three times over?
2 Why are the remaining unlimited liability Names so reluctant to change status to limited
3 Do you think private investors should consider a limited liability role at Lloyds and if so,
to whom might this appeal?
Further information
Taxation comes into virtually every area of personal financial planning and while
planners would not necessarily be expected to be taxation experts they must
understand the rudiments of the subject and know when to delegate to a tax
specialist. This is particularly important with trust arrangements and all arrange-
ments for individuals who are non-resident or who are not domiciled in the UK.
Pension planning forms an important aspect of this subject and its tax attractions
are considered in Chapters 22 and 23.
After reading this chapter you will be able to:
Keep it legal
The hallmark of good tax planning is that it will pass the Inland Revenues scrutiny
with flying colours, even where complicated family trust arrangements and consider-
able wealth are involved. The Revenue distinguishes between different ways taxpayers
try to minimise their tax liability. In particular we need to understand and carefully
distinguish between the terms evasion, avoidance and mitigation. Although these tend
to be used indiscriminately, their meanings are very different.
Evasion. If you deliberately omit something from your tax return, or give a false
description, that is evasion. You have not just been dishonest you have acted
criminally and could be fined or imprisoned.
Avoidance. This is on the right side of the law but can include arrangements that
use tax loopholes that is, procedures the Revenue may frown upon but has not
yet got around to closing. The Inland Revenue has cracked down on any schemes
deliberately established to avoid tax (see below).
Mitigation. If your tax saving has been encouraged by the government for
example you put your investments in an Individual savings account (ISA), or a
pension scheme that is mitigation and it is positively endorsed by the Revenue
and the government.
Table 19.1 The main personal tax allowances and exemptions for 20042005
The rate of relief for the continuing married couples allowance and maintenance relief for
people born before 6 April 1935, and for the childrens tax credit, is 10%.
Trusts 40%
Schedule F Trusts 32.5%
The 10% starting rate of Income Tax includes savings income. Where individuals have
savings income in excess of the starting rate limit they will be taxed at the lower rate of 20%
up to the basic rate limit and at the higher rate of 40% for income above the basic rate limit.
The rates of tax for dividends are 10% for income up to the basic rate limit and 32.5% for
income above the basic rate limit.
the arrangement can outweigh any tax savings. All transactions must comply with current
tax law and be carefully documented. The taxation of trusts must be considered carefully.
In 2003 the government undertook a major consultation on the taxation of family trusts
and from April 2004 the special tax rate within a trust rose from 34% to 40%.
There are three main personal allowances and exemptions and these usually rise in
line with retail prices inflation each year in the spring Budget. A full set of figures is
provided in Table 19.1, but briefly, for the 20042005 tax year, each member of a
family has:
The income tax annual personal allowance of 4,745.
The capital gains tax (CGT) annual exemption of 8,200.
The inheritance tax annual exemption for gifts of 3,000.
Most families are not tax efficient because their combined wealth both in terms of
earned income and assets tends to be concentrated in the hands of the main bread-
winner. They, therefore, are also responsible for paying most of the tax, usually at the
top rate.
One of the best ways to save on income tax is to share income between the spouses
to make use of the non-working or lower-earning spouses allowance. The most
common redistribution techniques are to give income-generating assets to the lower-
earning spouse and, where an individual runs a business, to pay the spouse a salary.
This can lead to an overall annual saving of several thousand pounds. With regard to
the salary it is important to be able to justify the payment to the Inland Revenue, and
provide evidence that it is actually paid.
It is also possible to give income producing assets to children who can make use of
their own allowances and, where necessary, their lower and basic rates of taxation.
Here it may be necessary to set up a trust, so that the income is not classed as the
parents (see page 241). Finally on this point, gift of assets must be unconditional
otherwise the Revenue will see through the arrangement and continue to tax the
individual on the assets value.
* Individuals, trustees of settlements for the disabled, and personal representatives of the
estate of a deceased person.
The amount chargeable to CGT is added onto the top of income liable to income tax for
individuals and is charged to CGT at these rates:
CGT indexation allowance: Individuals and others within the charge to capital gains tax are not
entitled to indexation allowance for any period after April 1998. To calculate indexation
allowance up to April 1998 on disposals on or after 6 April 1998, use the table below.You work
out the indexation allowance by multiplying the amount you spent by the indexation factor.
Year Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
1982 1.047 1.006 0.992 0.987 0.986 0.985 0.987 0.977 0.967 0.971
1983 0.968 0.960 0.956 0.929 0.921 0.917 0.906 0.898 0.889 0.883 0.876 0.871
1984 0.872 0.865 0.859 0.834 0.828 0.823 0.825 0.808 0.804 0.793 0.788 0.789
1985 0.783 0.769 0.752 0.716 0.708 0.704 0.707 0.703 0.704 0.701 0.695 0.693
1986 0.689 0.683 0.681 0.665 0.662 0.663 0.667 0.662 0.654 0.652 0.638 0.632
1987 0.626 0.620 0.616 0.597 0.596 0.596 0.597 0.593 0.588 0.580 0.573 0.574
1988 0.574 0.568 0.562 0.537 0.531 0.525 0.524 0.507 0.500 0.485 0.478 0.474
1989 0.465 0.454 0.448 0.423 0.414 0.409 0.408 0.404 0.395 0.384 0.372 0.369
1990 0.361 0.353 0.339 0.300 0.288 0.283 0.282 0.269 0.258 0.248 0.251 0.252
1991 0.249 0.242 0.237 0.222 0.218 0.213 0.215 0.213 0.208 0.204 0.199 0.198
1992 0.199 0.193 0.189 0.171 0.167 0.167 0.171 0.171 0.166 0.162 0.164 0.168
1993 0.179 0.171 0.167 0.156 0.152 0.153 0.156 0.151 0.146 0.147 0.148 0.146
1994 0.151 0.144 0.141 0.128 0.124 0.124 0.129 0.124 0.121 0.120 0.119 0.114
1995 0.114 0.107 0.102 0.091 0.087 0.085 0.091 0.085 0.080 0.085 0.085 0.079
1996 0.083 0.078 0.073 0.066 0.063 0.063 0.067 0.062 0.057 0.057 0.057 0.053
1997 0.053 0.049 0.046 0.040 0.036 0.032 0.032 0.026 0.021 0.019 0.019 0.016
1998 0.019 0.014 0.011
between the original price and the selling price after making an adjustment for infla-
tion, known as the indexation allowance (see Table 19.3). This allowance applies up
to April 1998, after which taper relief applies. Taper relief reduces the rate of CGT
according to how long the individual has held the asset.
It is also possible to crystallise a capital loss if an individual sells an asset that has
lost value since purchase. Here the loss can be offset against gains in the current tax
year or it can be rolled over for use in future tax years.
As gifts between spouses are exempt from CGT the tax-efficient couple should
consider sharing assets to make use of both exemptions. Until the March 1998 Budget
it was possible to bed and breakfast shares. This involved selling shares to realise the
capital gain and to make use of the annual allowance. The following day the seller
bought back the same number of shares. In the absence of B&B it might be worth
considering a bed and spouse arrangement, where one spouse repurchases the shares
the other sells. The shares must be sold and repurchased they cannot be transferred
Clearly there is a danger during volatile markets that the share price might rise in the
interval between sale and repurchase. However, the overall objective for those with
large shareholdings is to realise capital gains at regular intervals to keep the CGT bill
within the annual exemption.
CGT exemption. Investors who receive windfall shares when a life assurance society
or building society converts from a mutual to plc status (demutualisation) should bear
in mind that the proceeds of any sales will be classed as a pure capital gain unless they
are held in a tax-exempt investment such as an Individual savings account (ISA).
standard of living. A good example of this might be where a parent pays the premiums
on a life policy for a son or daughter.
Charitable giving
If an individual wishes to give to charity they should ensure this is achieved in a tax-
efficient manner. The Charities Aid Foundation (CAF) sets out the following four
main options:
Gift Aid: For every 1 given by taxpayers, charities can claim an extra 28p from
the Inland Revenue. Donors need only confirm their tax status and address. Using
their self-assessment forms, higher rate taxpayers can claim back the additional
tax they have paid on a donation, or pass all or part of the tax rebate on to the
charity of their choice.
Payroll giving: Donors can give money out of their pre-tax earnings to a church or
charity, if their employer or pension provider is registered with a payroll giving
Gifts of quoted stocks and shares: Gifts of shares in any listed companies or units
in unit trusts and open ended investment companies (OEICs) are free of capital
gains tax and can be offset against the donors taxable income. For example an
employee earning a taxable salary of 50,000 can donate 5,000 worth of shares
to charity and pay income tax on 45,000.
Legacies: Donors can pledge a specific sum or assets to charities in their wills,
which can reduce the IHT bill on an estate.
Also, from April 2004 taxpayers will be able to donate all or part of a tax repayment
from the Inland Revenue to charity via the self-assessment tax return. The list of char-
ities participating in the scheme is available on the Inland Revenue website.
Making a will
For most people, making a will is a simple and cheap exercise, and represents a small
price to pay for peace of mind and for the ease and comfort of our family. Yet only one
in three adults bothers.
If an individual dies intestate that is, without a valid will then the laws of
intestacy will decide which of their dependants receive the estate. In particular, where
young children are involved, the individual would not have the chance to make careful
arrangements for their inheritance of capital (this would happen automatically at age
18 under the intestacy rules), and will not have appointed the executors, the trustees
and the childrens guardians who will oversee their upbringing.
Planners should remember that there are certain events that render it essential to
rewrite a will marriage or remarriage, for example. As a general guide, even if there
are no major changes relating to marriage or children, individuals should check their
will is up to date every five years.
Making a will does not involve a huge amount of work, unless the individuals
finances are very complicated. However, there are certain common mistakes that can
238 Putting the theory into practice
be easily avoided. For example, an individual should ensure full disposal of all of their
estate, otherwise the result could be partial intestacy. It is also important to make pro-
vision for the fact that one of the main beneficiaries may die before the donor. Above
all, we must consider the legal rights of dependants. If individuals do not make suit-
able provision they may be unable to claim their right to a sensible provision under the
law. In this context children refers to those born inside and outside marriage, and
adopted children, although it does not usually include stepchildren.
The will should also specify any gifts to charities or gifts of assets to particular
beneficiaries (for example jewellery to a daughtergranddaughter). The powers of the
trustees should also be set out here. There is also scope within the will to establish
burial preferences.
It is important that individuals discuss any specific role with an appointed executor
or trustee before putting it in writing. These responsibilities can be onerous or may
conflict with some other role the individual already performs. Where there are young
children, the appointment of willing and responsible guardians is essential.
Finally, if the individual owns any property overseas they should draw up a separate
will under the terms of that country, with care to ensure consistency with the UK will.
To summarise, the main disadvantages of dying intestate are as follows:
Your estate may not be distributed in accordance with your wishes.
The appointed administrators may not be people whom you personally would
have chosen or even liked.
It may take longer for the estate to be distributed, whereas when a will has been
made an executor can take up their duties immediately after death occurs.
The costs may be greater, leaving less to pass on to your beneficiaries.
Children will receive capital automatically at age 18, whereas you may have
preferred this to take place later at a less giddy age. What is more, the family
home, where your widow or widower lives, may have to be sold in order to raise
the capital.
A testamentary guardian is not appointed for young children.
Chapter 19 Taxation 239
Trusts may arise under intestacy that give rise to complications, including
statutory restrictions on the trustees power to invest and advance capital.
Where part of the residuary estate includes a dwelling house in which the surviving
spouse lived at the date of death, the spouse has the right to have the house as part of
the absolute interest or towards the capital value of the life interest, where relevant.
Under certain circumstances it is possible for a beneficiary to redirect certain
property to another person within two years of the death of the donor.
Each year in April the Revenue sends out about 8.8m self-assessment forms to tax-
payers. The administration burden for both the Revenue and the individual will reduce
if the scheme to allow about 1m people to complete a simplified tax return system
takes off in April 2005. Apart from the self-employed, employees required to complete
a return in the past will fall into the self-assessment category as will anyone whose tax
affairs are even remotely complicated (see below).
240 Putting the theory into practice
Individuals who pay income tax through the pay as you earn (PAYE) deduction at
source may not receive a return but should not assume they are automatically exempt.
Under self-assessment, the onus is on each person to check and, if necessary, to ask for
the right forms.
The basic return, which is now available online, has eight pages but many people
need additional pages or schedules for self-employment, employment and capital
gains tax, among other aspects. Apart from the website the Inland Revenue has a
helpline (0645 000 444) open weekday evenings from 5pm to 10pm, and at weekends
from 8am to 10pm.
It is a legal requirement to maintain accurate records to support a tax return. The
Revenue selects cases at random for an investigation but will automatically investigate
if it suspects an individual has paid the wrong amount. Employed taxpayers should
keep all documents for at least 22 months after the tax year to which they relate; for
the self-employed this period is five years and 10 months.
Those in the following categories must complete a self-assessment return:
Business partners.
Company directors.
Employees or pensioners with more complex affairs (see below).
Trustee and personal representatives.
January 31 is the deadline for filing the main tax return for the previous tax year.
So, 31 January 2004 was the deadline for the 20022003 tax year. This is also the
time when the first instalment is due on account for the 20032004 tax year. The
Revenue tolerates no excuses; it imposes fines for late payment. In the light of this
automatic fine schedule it is essential to get the payments in on time even if a taxpayer
is in dispute with the Revenue about the amount.
The January tax bill covers two periods. First, there may be an amount outstanding
for the previous tax year. The self-employed will already have paid two instalments for
that year in January and July so the balance may be modest. There may even be a
Second, it is necessary to pay the January instalment on account for the next tax
year. This is calculated as half of the individuals total bill for the previous tax year.
Chapter 19 Taxation 241
Students should remember that the whole system works in advance. This means that taxpayers
often pay tax for a year before they have actually calculated the correct assessment hence the
balancing of the books in January.
January 31 2004
1 Last date for filing the 20022003 return. This must include the calculation of tax owed. Penalty
for failure: 100 (200 if it is still outstanding by 31 July 2006).
2 Payment of any outstanding tax for 20022003. Penalty for failure: interest is charged on a daily
basis from 31 January (currently at 9.5% per annum) on any late payment. In addition: 5%
surcharge on tax not paid within 28 days; 10% surcharge on tax not paid within 6 months.
3 First payment on account for tax year 20032004. Penalty for failure: interest due from
31 January.
April 2004
Self-assessment tax returns for the 20032004 tax year issued.
July 31 2004
Second payment on account for 20032004. Penalty: interest due from 31 July.
September 30 2004
Submission of tax return for 20032004 if the taxpayer would prefer the Inland Revenue to
calculate the liability.
January 31 2005
Final deadline to file the 20032004 tax return with own computations. Final payment for
20032004. First payment on account for 20042005.
A planner should always consider the amounts available for investment and where
appropriate should recommend a higher riskreward, equity-based investment, given
the long-term nature of many childrens savings. A low-cost global investment trust
might be a good option here.
Generally the accounts that offer promotional materials based on childrens
favourite cartoon and fictional characters have comparatively high expenses due to the
cost of the promotion material.
Source: The information on making a will is based on Chapter 15 of The Deloitte &
Touche Financial Planning for the Individual, S. Philips, Gee Publishing, 2002.
Sections reproduced are by kind permission of the author.
Activity 19.1
Toby and Wendy are both approaching 65 and plan to retire next year. The family home is
worth 400,000, they both have adequate pension provision, and in addition they have
250,000 in a portfolio of investments. They realise that it is timely to consider estate planning.
At present in their wills they leave everything to each other on first death, and on second
death the estate is divided equally between their two children, John (44) and Caroline (37),
who each have two children in turn. Unfortunately Johns elder son Richard is physically
disabled and although very bright, will need considerable help if he wishes to go to
university when he finishes school. Toby and Wendy would like to help him.
Discuss in broad terms what steps Toby and Wendy might consider immediately and
over the coming years to help achieve their objectives.
Chapter 19 Taxation 243
This chapter covered a great deal of ground, starting with the personal tax
allowances and exemptions, and progressing through inheritance tax planning,
domicile and residence, the use of trusts, and concluding with making a will and tax-
efficient investing for children. Clearly there is considerable scope for research and
learning for the student who wishes to take a closer interest in this subject. We strongly
recommend in these cases that students consult the recommended reading below and
make full use of the Inland Revenue website.
Key terms
Review questions
1 Explain the difference between tax mitigation, avoidance and evasion. What new powers
did the Inland Revenue gain in 2004 to combat avoidance schemes?
2 Suggest two ways an individual might prevent an inheritance tax bill falling on the heirs.
4 Why is it so important that an individual makes a will? What are the consequences of
failing to do this?
244 Putting the theory into practice
Further information
A good reference text for personal taxation is The Zurich Tax Handbook, A. Foreman, Pearson,
Harlow, 2003.
The Inland Revenue:
For more information about the Child Trust Fund go to:
Debbie and Peter Jones are both 68 years old, non-smokers and in fair health. They have
planned well over the years and retired when they were 65 on a total pension annuity income
of 20,000 gross pa and 5,000 net savings income. Their pension and savings income is split
equally. Their pension incomes will reduce by half on the first death and increase in line with
Peter has just received several investments from the estate of his elder brother John, who
died in September 2002. These consist of:
Cash 100,000
UK smaller companies OEIC 16,000
European smaller companies unit trust 18,000
The couple own their own bungalow worth 100,000 in Tenby, Wales, and have wills leaving
all to each other and then to their only son George.
Both Debbie and Peter have utilised their 2003/4 capital gains tax exemptions. They wish
to invest Peters inheritance to achieve several objectives.
1 To pay for a lavish party for their ruby wedding anniversary in June 2007 at an estimated
cost of 10,000 in todays terms.
2 To invest to increase their net income by 4,000 so they can go on an extra holiday each
year in Europe.
3 To invest the remainder aggressively to accumulate the maximum capital lump sum to
pass on to George and any future grandchildren.
The expenditure amounts to 16,000 pa. They are very happy with their other limited invest-
ments and have an emergency fund held on deposit of 50,000. Peter holds 15,000 nominal
of Treasury 10% 2003 gilt.
Chapter 19 Taxation 245
Debbie and Peter require help to meet their various objectives whilst keeping overall control
of all their money in case they need it for any medical care or wish to change their minds
about letting George inherit all if he marries an unsuitable girl. The couple were not expecting
this inheritance and live comfortable, active and happy lives so they have a fairly aggressive
attitude to risk regarding its investment.
Source: Money Management, Financial Planner of the Year Awards 2003, FT Business
An additional case study relevant to this chapter is available from the Companion Website at
A full solution to this case study is available to lecturers via the password-protection area of the
Companion Website at
Chapter 20
This chapter considers the costs involved for parents who decide to send their
children to private primary and secondary schools, and for all parents whose
children go on to university. Education fee plans should not be considered in
isolation but should be fully integrated with the main financial plan. What is required
is a clear understanding of the costs, and a schedule for when the fees fall due. The
objective is to achieve an appropriate cash flow schedule, backed by a range of
suitable investments. Insurance is important but once again this should be seen in
the context of the overall financial plan.
After reading this chapter you will be able to:
Research specific school fee and further education costs using the Internet.
Suggest a series of short-, medium-, and long-term savings and investments
that can be used to generate the fees when they fall due.
Consider insurance in the context of the overall financial plan rather than as a
separate item.
248 Putting the theory into practice
constructive way for fees is essential and that means starting well ahead of the date the
child is expected to start. School fees vary considerably but at the time of writing,
secondary schools charged between 2,500 and 4,000 per term, and for full boarding
parents should expect to pay anything from 3,500 to 6,000.
Fees are usually payable in advance, although some schools operate a monthly
payment system. Typically fees increase at about 5% per annum, which is greater than
retail prices. Parents should find out about the cost of the uniform (this can be
substantial), extra-curricula activities, and any other payments for example, for
examinations, meals and school trips. ISCIS suggests all of this could add up to 10%
to your bill.
In practice most parents aim to pay the fees from a mixture of earned income and
savings. Grandparents often contribute and an injection of capital can be a very
welcome boost. Many senior schools, and a few junior schools, offer scholarships to
particularly bright children, although these rarely cover the full costs. Further financial
help may be offered through a bursary, which is a grant from the school to help with
the fees. These details are provided in the ISCIS handbook.
Which investments?
The parents attitude to risk and tax status will help define the asset allocation and
the choice of particular funds, as will the timeframe. The last point is important
because whichever investments are selected, the planner must cater for phased encash-
ment to pay the fees when they fall due.
Where there is a family trust this might also be an appropriate source of income.
Here the trustees may be able to release capital or income to help cover the costs.
250 Putting the theory into practice
If grandparents are keen to help they might set up an accumulation and maintenance
trust for their grandchildrens education fees, or alternatively transfer assets to a bare
trust, which could be administered by the parents, for example. Trusts are examined
in chapter 19.
Parents should also consider additional insurance, where necessary, to cover the cost
of education fees if one or both die or become disabled and can no longer save.
However, this is better dealt with in the overall context of the familys assets and
liabilities, rather than as a separate school fees protection policy, which is likely to be
a packaged combination of life assurance and critical illness insurance, for example.
See Chapter 7 for protection insurance.
Entry requirements
For secondary schools, money alone will not buy a place. Most independent schools
require prospective pupils to pass the Common Entrance Examination, which is
usually taken at age 11, 12 or 13. Although the exam is set centrally, the papers are
marked by the school to which you apply, and each school has its own pass mark to
ensure applicants will be able to cope with its specific academic standard.
The scope of the Common Entrance Exam is broadly in line with the national
curriculum. However, independent preparatory schools spend the last two years
preparing pupils for the exam, so clearly this gives children from independent schools
a head start. If a child attends a state junior school, parents should find out if there are
specific subjects covered, where private coaching would help their child to pass.
Before parents begin their search they should consider the following points to
narrow down the choice:
Day or boarding.
Senior, junior or both.
Single sex or co-educational.
Academic or special requirements.
Religious requirements.
Tertiary education
Even where parents are able to find good state schools for their childrens primary
and secondary education, the costs of tertiary or further education have risen dramat-
ically in recent years. At the time of writing a year at university would cost about
7,000, including the students contribution towards fees.
Students can borrow most of this through the Student Loan Company. The interest
rates on the loan are preferential and repayments are not required until the April after
the student has finished college, provided they earn at least 15,000 a year.
Chapter 20 Education fee planning 251
University fees are a political hot potato and very much on the front line of any
election campaign. It is important to keep up to date with any changes the government
plans to introduce. For the 20042005 academic year the government introduced a
range of changes to the financial support for students. Details are available at the
Department for Education and Skills website at
There is also a new interactive online service, including an application form and
entitlement calculator, at The Local Education
Authority (LEA) provides details of financial support on its website.
The local education authority (LEA) handles the applications for tuition fee support,
student loans and supplementary grants. The relevant LEA telephone number can be
found in the phone book under the local council. The LEA booklet Financial support
for students is a useful guide.
As soon as the student has an offer of a place at college or university even if this is
only conditional it is important that they apply to the local education authority for
help with fees and for a living cost loan. Even where parents do not expect to qualify
for a loan they should still make their application, otherwise the student may lose the
right to any help with tuition fees.
Tuition fees have to be paid for each year or term up front. Most colleges accept the
fees in instalments. Scottish students do not have to pay for their fees in their fourth
year at university if the degree course is the equivalent of a three-year course in other
parts of the UK.
These loans are offered on an annual basis so it is necessary to reapply each year.
Again, the first port of call is the LEA. Student loans are available to help meet living
costs while studying. Interest is pegged to the rate of inflation, so this is a cheaper
source of borrowing than the commercial banks or other lenders. The LEA will
explain the maximum loan to which the student is entitled and ask how much of this
252 Putting the theory into practice
maximum is required. Students should inform the Student Loans Company (SLC) on
what has been agreed. The SLC is responsible for actually transferring the money into
the students account at the beginning of each term.
Most students will automatically qualify for about three quarters of the maximum
loan. The remaining quarter is means tested.
The size of the loan depends on several factors, including where the student lives and
where they intend to go to college, the type and length of course, and the familys
contribution. Table 20.1 shows the maximum basic loans for 20042005. The loan is
lower in the final year of study because it does not cover the summer holiday.
Notes: London refers to the area covered by the City of London and the Metropolitan Police District. Outside
this area, students qualify for the standard rate. If the student studies abroad for eight or more weeks in a row
during any academic year as a compulsory part of the course, they may be eligible for a higher loan. If the
course lasts longer than the standard 38 weeks the student may be able to get an additional means tested
loan to cover each additional academic week. Seventy-five per cent of the maximum loan is available to all
eligible students regardless of any other income they have. The remaining 25% depends on the students
income and that of their family. This will be assessed by the LEA. The loan is repayable once the student
leaves and starts earning in excess of 15,000.
Source: DfES.
Table 20.2 shows the level of Higher Education (HE) Grant you could receive. If
your household income is in between the amounts shown, you will receive a different
amount of grant.
015,200 1,000
16,000 873
17,000 715
18,000 556
19,000 397
20,000 238
21,185 50
Source: DfES.
1 Get an application form from the LEA. For new students this is called a PN1. For continuing
students it is called a PR1. If they have not sent your child a form you should contact them to
get one. A list of LEA contact details is on Student Finance Direct website at www.student This form will also ask your child to say whether he or she wishes to take
out a student loan.
2 The LEA will inform the student whether they are eligible to receive help and if so, how much. It
will also inform parents if they are expected to contribute towards fees and living costs.
Payments are normally made at the start of the term.
3 The DfES strongly recommends that if the student needs the first instalment of financial support
to be available at the start of term, they should return the application form as soon as possible.
They can apply from the March before the start of the academic year and no later than the
beginning of July (new students) or the end of May (current students). Late applications may
result in late payments. Remember to read Financial Support for Higher Education Students
available from the LEA or from Student Finance Direct online.
Activity 20.1
Assume that parents want to save in order to send their five-year-old son to an
independent secondary school at age 11, and to university at age 18. They do not want him
to build up any student debt.
Comment: Use the figures provided in this chapter and on the websites above to
estimate the total cost to the parents. Explain which figures you are using for secondary and
university education and what factors you have assumed for inflation and investment
returns, among others. With reference to earlier chapters in this book, suggest the types of
savings and investment vehicles that might be appropriate
254 Putting the theory into practice
Review questions
1 What are the key factors to consider in order to ensure fees can be paid?
2 Would you advise a parent to take out a dedicated school fees plan?
3 What changes are taking place in further education funding in the 20042005 academic
Further information
Debbie and Martin Arthur, aged 50 and 53 respectively, are both non-smokers and in good
health. Debbie works part time as a legal secretary and earns 14,000 pa. Martin works full
time as a civil engineer and earns 31,200 pa. They have the following assets and liabilities.
Their repayment mortgage should finish in 12 years time. Their current total annual
expenditure is approximately 40,500 pa, which includes the additional costs of books,
outward bound courses and hobbies for their two children, who attend the local state school.
Their eldest child, Steven, has just applied for a job as an insurance clerk and does not wish
to enter further education. Eric, however, has just started his A levels and wishes to continue
to university to study history. The family takes annual holidays costing in the region of 2,800
pa. The cost of these holidays is taken from capital saved in their bank account. They were
advised to make wills by a previous financial adviser in January 2000 but have not done so.
Chapter 20 Education fee planning 255
The couple have an annual income deficit and are worried about paying off their credit card
bills. At the moment they pay the minimum monthly amount of 5% of the balance. The couple
would like to review their mix of assets to ensure that their income deficit is covered. They
would like to give a lump sum of 25,000 in todays terms to each child when they reach age
25. Steven has just reached his 18th birthday and Eric is 16. The couple would also like to
ensure that they have sufficient funds to help Eric with his further education. They anticipate
he would need approximately 3,000 pa (for a three-year course). They wish to pass the
remainder of their estate on to their children when the last partner dies but nothing in the
meantime other than that already detailed. The couple pay 10% of their salaries towards their
retirement provision and are happy that when they retire, the accumulated capital will be suf-
ficient to meet their income requirements. They intend to retire when Martin reaches 60. No
details of their retirement provision have been provided and they do not wish to be advised
on this area. The couple describe themselves as having a realistic attitude to investment risk,
realising that they may have to take limited equity risk in order to achieve their desired objec-
tives. Debbie has indicated that she is more cautious than Martin.
You are asked to advise Debbie and Martin about their various objectives. They would like
you to explain all the options available clearly and give clear reasons for any recommend-
ations made. They are happy to utilise all their assets to ensure their various objectives are
met, particularly the lump sum gifts.
Source: Money Management, Financial Planner of the Year Awards 2003, FT Business
A full solution to this case study is available to lecturers via the password-protected area of the
Companion Website at
Chapter 21
State pensions
Investing for retirement through pension schemes and plans is one of the most
important areas of financial planning. There are three main sources of pensions: the
state, occupational schemes and individual plans. In addition many people build up
separate savings for retirement through Individual savings accounts (ISAs), for
example, which are not bound by the pension rules and are therefore more flexible
if slightly less tax efficient.
This chapter examines the state schemes and in the two following chapters we
look at occupational schemes and individual plans. Chapter 24 explores how these
investments can be used at retirement to generate the required income and, where
appropriate, to plan for inheritance.
After reading this chapter you will be able to:
Explain how the basic state pension works and where to find further
Understand how the second tier of the state pension operates and the
eligibility rules.
Discuss why state pensions for women in particular are so complicated.
Debate the problems associated with a means-tested top-up to the basic
Find your way around the Department for Work and Pensions website
258 Putting the theory into practice
The pension is based on the entire working life, which starts at 16. The career
pattern of the vast majority of people is interrupted by further education, periods of
unemployment, periods spent not working in order to raise a family, and a whole host
of other variables, so they may have to be in work for longer than 40 years from the
starting date.
State pensions come under the general heading of social security benefits, which
also include benefits paid to people who are sick, disabled, out of work or on a very
low income. Eligibility to benefits relates to the individuals NIC record, and in some
cases will be means tested. National insurance for employees is levied at 11% on what
are known as band earnings; that is earnings between the primary threshold and the
upper earnings limit. These are 91 and 610 per week for the 20042005 tax year.
(There is also a lower earnings limit of 79, which used to be the starting threshold for
payment.) Employees also pay 1% on earnings above the upper threshold. The contri-
butions are deducted automatically from an employees pay packet while the self-
employed pay a flat rate contribution each month to the Department for Work and
Pensions, and an earnings-related supplement, which is assessed annually through the
tax return. Employers pay a slightly higher rate at 12.8% on all earnings above the
lower threshold.
Deferment of claim
It is not possible to claim the state pension before the official pension age but it is
possible to defer claiming for up to five years and earn increments of about 7.5% for
each year of delay. From 2005 at the earliest it will be possible to defer the BSP
indefinitely and the annual rate of increase for deferment will be 10.4%.
pension. Effectively this means that the employer does not provide any pension for
earnings up to the lower earnings limit or a multiple of this. Low earners and those
who do not qualify for a state pension in their own right are the groups most affected
by this practice. In these cases, the spouse might consider paying a contribution to a
Stakeholder scheme for the lower earning partner (see page 289).
Inherited SERPS
In October 2002 a new rule came into force that reduced the maximum amount of
SERPS pension from 100% to 50% a widow or widower could inherit on the death of
262 Putting the theory into practice
the spouse. This reduction does not affect anyone who was widowed before this date
or whose husbandwife reached retirement age before this date.
Pension forecasts
The calculation of the pension is undoubtedly complicated. The first step for in-
dividuals who want to find out what they can expect from the state scheme is to ask the
Department for Work and Pensions for a pension forecast (form BR19 also available
online). This should provide a fairly intelligible explanation of the entitlement. It is pos-
sible to get a pension forecast provided the individual has more than four months to go
to pensionable age. Each forecast takes between three and six weeks to process, longer
if you are widowed or divorced, where the assessment will be more complicated.
Given the complexity of the state pension system it is not surprising that from time
to time the DWP makes a mistake in the calculation of benefits. Those who suspect an
error in their social security benefit and are unsatisfied with the decision that was
made by the adjudication officer or adjudicating medical authority, can request a
review or make an appeal. The DWP leaflet If you think a decision is wrong sets out
the process.
This chapter looked at how the state pensions work and the eligibility rules. While
planners would not be expected to be able to make complex calculations based on
opaque DWP formulae, it is important to keep up to date with the main benefits rates
and know how to request more detailed information.
Chapter 21 State pensions 263
Key terms
Review questions
1 Explain how eligibility to the basic pension and to SERPS and S2P is built up.
2 What is a qualifying year and how many do you need for the BSP?
3 What are the deferment rules for those who wish to delay drawing their state pension?
4 Give three examples of why state pensions are so complex for women.
Further information
The entire tax regime for occupational and private pensions changes on 6 April
2006 (A-Day). The new tax rules are not retrospective and so for the period leading
up to A-Day and for a good while afterwards planners will need to understand both
regimes (well, the new regime and the previous eight in fact). This chapter and the
next examines the pre-A-Day regime and looks at planning exercises necessary to
avoid losing important tax benefits over the next few years.
Before looking at the structure of occupational schemes it is important that we
understand the context in which employers are attempting to deliver these valuable
employee benefits today; why these multi-million pound funds ran intro trouble; and
the events that led up to the governments decision to introduce the Pension
Protection Fund (PPF) in April 2005.
After reading this chapter you will be able to:
Explain why so many pension funds were in crisis in the early years of the 21st
Describe the role of the Pension Protection Fund.
Debate the significance of the move away from Defined benefit (DB) to Defined
contribution (DC) schemes.
Explain how different types of DB schemes work, including a sixtieths
scheme and a career average revalued earnings scheme.
Explain how DC schemes work and how to achieve optimal results.
266 Putting the theory into practice
% of private schemes
2001 2002 2003
Figure 22.1 Final salary schemes closed to new entrants during the year
Source: National Association of Pension Funds.
Chapter 22 Defined benefit occupational pension schemes 267
% of total respondents
1999 2000 2001 2002 2003
Figure 22.2 DC schemes opened for new members during the year
Source: National Association of Pension Funds.
worst cases the employer became insolvent and the employees also lost their jobs.
Understandably they were shocked to discover there was no safety net to protect them.
Employers keen to maintain the solvency of their DB schemes are taking various
steps to underpin them. Some have issued bonds as a provision on which they
can draw if necessary; almost all doubled contributions in 2004, according to the
consultant Watson Wyatt.
The reasons for the serious underfunding position of most DB schemes are legion
and in certain cases go back many years. FRS17 quantified the position at a very
vulnerable time for pension fund investment. The following factors are particularly
The decision of the Conservative government during the 1980s to tax pension
fund surpluses. These surpluses are needed for times when stock markets fall, as
they did in the late 1990s, and as schemes mature the balance between active
members paying contributions shifts in favour of retired members drawing
The 1995 Pensions Act forced schemes to provide index-linked pensions (capped
at 5% pa). While this was a valuable benefit, by making it compulsory schemes
were put under financial pressure. The Act also introduced the now discredited
Minimum Funding Requirement (MFR), as a measure of scheme solvency. The
MFR was far from adequate, to the extent that a fund that met the requirement
on winding up would only be able to pay at most 40%60% of active members
accrued benefits, and often a lot less. This is partly because the Act insisted that
those in retirement should have all of their benefits paid in full, which could wipe
out most of the fund, leaving little for those still working.
268 Putting the theory into practice
The gradual removal of advanced corporation tax (ACT) relief over successive
governments significantly reduced the return funds could achieve.
The use of pension funds by employers in the 1980s and 1990s to fund early
retirement as part of mass redundancy programmes.
Contribution holidays on the part of employers, again during the 1980s and
The bear market from 1999 to 2002, and continued low interest rates.
The cost of annuities, which has gone up due to falling interest rates.
We are living longer and therefore drawing a greater total income from pension
Similar problems for members arose with companies that went into liquidation with
underfunded schemes, like Allied Steel and Wire (ASW), which did just that in July
2002. Shortly afterwards the trustees announced that the two pension schemes that
covered the Sheerness and Cardiff plants were being wound up and that the benefits of
hundreds of members would be reduced by about 55%.
Any pension funds in excess of this limit will suffer a tax charge of 55% (known
as the recovery charge), although it is possible to protect larger funds built up
before A-Day. To assess the impact, members of DB schemes, where the pension is
expressed as a proportion of the salary at or near retirement, should multiply their
accrued pension by 20, to convert it to a monetary fund. A final salary pension
worth 75,000 pa, therefore, is equal to the 1.5m cap.
For the vast majority of people, pension tax simplification will do as the name
suggests. However, for about 5% of the working population at the top end of the
earnings scale, adapting to the new regime will require detailed planning. In the
following sections we examine the rules in force until April 2006, and we then look at
planning issues for those with substantial accrued benefits andor high earnings.
There are two main types of occupational schemes: Defined benefit (DB), also
known as final salary (although this is only one type of DB scheme); and Defined
contribution (DC), also known as money purchase. For simplicity we refer to these as
DB and DC. With a DB scheme the employer bears the investment risk and backs the
pension guarantees. With a DC scheme the investment risk falls on the member and
there are no guarantees. There are also hybrids between the two. The general trend is
away from DB and towards DC.
Stakeholder schemes
These new DC schemes, introduced in April 2001, represent a comparatively low-
cost private pension scheme for employees who do not have access to a more traditional
company scheme. Those who earn less than 30,000 can pay into both a company
scheme and stakeholder scheme. As stakeholder schemes are essentially a group of
personal pension plans, we examine them in the next chapter on page 287.
Chapter 22 Defined benefit occupational pension schemes 271
scale that this arrangement confers. Britains leading pensions organisation, the
National Association of Pension Funds (NAPF), whose members are responsible for
running about 600bn in pension scheme assets, is promoting multi-employer occupa-
tional schemes in a bid to ensure all employees have access to good quality retirement
The chief target is smaller companies, which often find it difficult to provide
adequate pensions, particularly in industries where earnings patterns are fragmented.
According to the independent research organisation the Pensions Policy Institute, in
2003 only one in seven companies with less than 50 employees offered a scheme. This
is in spite of legislation that requires all companies with five or more staff that do not
already provide a scheme to offer access to a stakeholder pension and deduct contri-
butions via the payroll. (A rather controversial aspect of stakeholder legislation is that
employers only need to provide a scheme if employees make a request.)
Multi-employer (industry-wide) schemes are not a new concept. One of the biggest
schemes in the private sector is the multi-employer Universities Superannuation
Scheme and there are also several large multi-employer arrangements that formed after
the privatisation of the railways, electricity and water industries, for example. Two
particularly innovative schemes operate in the voluntary sector and the building and
construction industry. The Pensions Trust, which runs pension schemes for 3,500
charities and voluntary organisations, has a membership of about 105,000. The
Building and Civil Engineers Benefits Scheme (B&CE) is a not for profit organisation
that provides pensions and other financial services to about 7,000 employers, through
which it has over 220,000 individual policyholders.
Multi-employer schemes have the potential to provide much more than retirement
pensions. An efficient contribution collection facility allows providers to distribute
other important benefits at attractive prices.
1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003
DB scheme-employers long-term rate
DB scheme-employers current rate
a slice of salary and the employer instead directs this into the pension scheme to
improve the level of pension. The employee does not have to pay any tax or NICs on
this slice of salary and the employer is able to reduce its NIC bill, or redirect the
savings into the scheme as a further boost to the members benefits. This is a compli-
cated strategy and must be carefully documented. In particular it is important that the
employee does not lose out on benefits linked to the level of salary, otherwise the value
of important protection insurances, for example death-in-service lump sums and dis-
ability pensions, would fall.
As with the main scheme, the income from the annuity purchased with the AVC
fund is taxable. Generally the member would take AVC benefits at the same time as
retiring from the company main scheme, although there is some flexibility in the
An important aspect of AVCs is the investment choice. Ideally the AVC provider
would offer access to other companies funds in addition to its own. It is important to
check the flexibility of the contribution structure. Some life offices lock members in to
regular monthly contributions and may apply a penalty if the member stops or reduces
From April 2001 a member of a company scheme who earns less than 30,000 can
also pay in to a stakeholder scheme under the concurrency rules. Some employees
might be better off using a stakeholder scheme as the top up rather than the AVC
scheme. In particular the stakeholder scheme is guaranteed to be low cost and have
flexible terms (see page 289). It also provides a tax-free lump sum. Many of the
discrepancies between different arrangements will disappear after April 2006.
The rules for taking the proceeds of AVCs are complex and it will depend on when
contributions started. After A-Day the rules wll be simplified.
Where AVC contributions began before 8 April 1987, the whole fund can be
taken in cash provided the total cash taken from AVC and main scheme combined
are within Revenue limits.
From 17 March 1987 the Revenue restricted the level of salary on which the tax-
free cash calculation was based. The ceiling was 100,000 so that the maximum
cash taken from AVC and main scheme pension combined was 150,000 (one
and a half times the 100,000 salary limit).
Where contributions to the AVC scheme started on or after 8 April 1987, the
whole of the fund must be taken in the form of pension although its value is taken
into consideration when the tax-free cash from the main scheme is calculated.
AVC schemes are provided by the employer. It is also possible for employees to buy
an individual top up plan known as a free-standing AVCs (FSAVCs). However, unless
the individual is looking for a much wider investment choice, AVCs are likely to be
more cost effective as the employer bears some of the running costs, whereas with a
FSAVC the individual has to bear the full burden.
In conclusion, AVCs can be attractive in certain circumstances but individuals
should bear in mind that the proceeds must be used to buy an annuity. To improve
flexibility it makes sense to use a range of investments to supplement the main pension;
for example Individual savings accounts (ISAs).
Pension transfers
This is one of the most complex pension issues. Employees who change job after two
years membership in a scheme cannot claim a refund of contributions but instead
have three main options:
Chapter 22 Defined benefit occupational pension schemes 275
Leave the pension where it is. This is known as a preserved or deferred pension
since the individuals right to draw the pension from that company scheme is
deferred until they reach pension age. By law the value of a deferred pension must
increase by retail prices (RPI) up to a cap of 5%. This is known as limited price
indexation (LPI). However, LPI is being reduced to 2.5% from April 2005.
Transfer the benefits to the new company scheme. This has the advantage of
keeping all the benefits under one roof, but the individual may not receive the
same number of years in the new scheme as they had built up in the old scheme.
This is due to the transfer value (TV) calculation, which does not have to reflect
the full value of the members benefits. The number of years bought in the new
scheme will also be reduced where the individual is gaining a significant salary
Take a transfer to a personal pension or similar arrangement. In this case the
individual would lose valuable salary-linked guarantees but would have more
flexibility over the investment of the fund, the level of income drawn, and over
inheritance tax planning (see page 000).
The decision will be based on whether the individual is more concerned to preserve
the salary-linked benefit or to take control of the investment management. For those
with substantial transfer values (TVs), a transfer to a Self-invested personal pension
(SIPP) and, at retirement, into income drawdown can offer considerable flexibility in
the investment of the fund, in the level of pension drawn and in estate planning (see
page 310).
Pension unlocking
In recent years the Inland Revenue and FSA have cracked down on the unscrupulous
practice of pension unlocking, where the individual is persuaded to transfer from a DB
scheme into a personal pension in order to receive the tax-free cash early. Usually this
would not involve a change of jobs. The advisers who promote this type of scheme
take substantial commissions from the proceeds as they did with the personal
pension mis-selling scandal of the late 1980s and early 1990s.
An individual who converts a pension fund into cash and an annuity in their early
50s would receive a very small annuity. The FSA has warned against such schemes,
which are only likely to be of benefit where the individual has a serious health condi-
tion. In this case an impaired life annuity might offer better value than the company
pension scheme. (See Chapter 24 on annuities).
About 50% of company schemes reduce the pension by integrating with the basic
state pension. Where a scheme is integrated, no pension is paid for the first slice of
salary up to the NI lower earnings limit (see page 260). No employee or employer
pension contributions are levied on this amount either.
276 Putting the theory into practice
Tax-free cash
The maximum tax-free cash available from a company pension scheme typically is
one and a half times final salary after 40 years service. This is limited in the case of
some higher earners and will depend on when the member joined the scheme.
Pre-17 March 1987 there are no restrictions.
From 17 March 1987 the Revenue restricted the level of salary on which the tax-
free cash (but not the pension) calculation was based. The ceiling was 100,000
so that the maximum cash was 150,000 (one and a half times the 100,000
salary limit).
In April 1989 the government introduced the earnings cap (see below), which
restricts the salary on which both the pension and the tax-free cash is based to
102,000 in 20042005. The maximum tax-free cash, therefore, would be
Taking tax-free cash involves giving up part of the pension a process known as
commutation. In the public sector schemes the process is different, as the lower pension
accrual (eightieths) allows automatically for the member to take full tax-free cash.
Pension increases
Company schemes typically increase pensions by 3%5% each year. The minimum
requirement to increase by LPI will change in April 2005 from a maximum of 5% to
2.5%. Most public sector pensions automatically increase in line with the full retail
prices index.
benefits. Disability pensions and private medical insurance are also common features
of the overall benefits package. However, if a member is not married it is important to
check whether their partner is still entitled to the benefits. An increasing number of
private sector schemes permit the trustees to award a discretionary pension to
unmarried partners, including same-sex partners, although few make this a guaranteed
benefit. Most public sector schemes will only pay a pension to the lawful spouse, as is
the case with the state scheme.
any contributions and there is no fund earmarked for the employee. Instead, the
pension benefits are paid out of company funds when the employee retires. At this
point the employer receives an allowance to offset corporation tax.
There is no tax liability until the member receives the benefits but at that point all
lump sums and pensions are taxed as earned income. Death benefits, as with the
FURBS, should be free of inheritance tax if paid under a discretionary trust.
The impact on FURBS of the Pensions Act 2004 and simplification 2006
Two rafts of legislation affect FURBS. First, they became less attractive after 5 April
2004 due to tax changes within the fund, which increase the level of taxation on trusts
from 34% to 40%. Second, any fund built up from contributions paid after 5 April
2006 will be taken into account for the lifetime allowance.
The third method is for the employee to redirect annual bonuses into their pension
scheme. Bonuses are not usually taken into account for the pension itself or for death
benefits, so the impact is minimal. Whether employees use AVCs, salary sacrifice
or bonuses to boost their pension this will almost certainly go into a DC scheme.
Ideally this should be set up under the main scheme trust, as this may provide greater
flexibility when it comes to taking tax-free cash on retirement.
It is important to bear in mind the value of simplicity and flexibility when planning
for the lifetime allowance. For those with over 10 years to go to retirement it might
be simplest and most efficient to fund beyond the lifetime allowance and pay the
recovery charge. Once this is paid the individual can take the excess fund as cash.
years when profits are poor. The employers contributions are tax deductible and are
not subject to employer or employee national insurance. Where the employee pays
contributions, these are limited to a maximum of 15% of salary.
SSASs currently permit a high degree of self-investment, which means members can
use up to 50% of the SSAS fund to invest in their own company. It is also possible to
take a loan from the scheme (a loan-back) provided the company pays a commercial
rate of interest. This feature is useful for smaller companies, which can find it difficult
to get good quality loans.
The rules will change after April 2006. In particular:
All pension schemes will have the same investment choice, including residential
Self-investment, where the scheme buys shares in the employers company, will be
limited to 5% of the fund value.
Loans from the scheme to employers will be limited to 50% of the fund value.
Scheme borrowing, for property purchase, for example, will be limited to 50% of
the scheme assets.
Where a scheme asset is used by members of individuals connected to them, this
will trigger a benefit-in-kind tax charge on the member.
SSASs will no longer have to appoint a pensioneer trustee to ensure the scheme
follows the trust deed and rules on winding up.
Activity 22.1
Assume you earn 60,000 pa and have been in a DB pension scheme for 20 years. Your
employer is a small IT specialist and there are rumours that the company may be in financial
difficulties. You are planning to change jobs and you are concerned about what to do with
your pension benefits. Outline your main options and consider what factors might lead you
to a conclusion. What problems does this exercise raise for those who advise on
occupational pensions, pension transfers and the security of benefits?
Chapter 22 Defined benefit occupational pension schemes 281
This chapter covered occupational pension schemes and examined the major
changes that are coming into effect between April 2004 under the Pensions Act 2004
and April 2006 under the Pension Tax Simplification. The years preceding and
following simplification will be extremely busy ones for planners and occupational
pensions consultants as they assess the best way to implement the changes.
Key terms
Review questions
1 Give a brief overview of the events that led to the severely underfunded position of
occupational pension schemes by the end of 2002.
2 Explain what steps the Pensions Act 2004 takes to re-establish the stability of
occupational schemes.
3 Describe the key features of Pension Tax Simplification. Why will this prove so
complicated for those with substantial pension funds?
4 What are the most important differences between a Defined benefit (DB) and Defined
contribution (DC) scheme?
Further information
Details about pension tax simplification can be found at the Department for Work and Pensions
Further information on multi-employer schemes: The Pensions Trust is at www.thepensions; B&CE is at
The National Association of Pension Funds
Hazel Holmes and Neil Robinson have been living together for 24 years. They are not
married. They have two children: Jason, aged 19, and John, aged 21. Hazel is 42 and Neil is
44. They are both in good health and are non-smokers.
Neil owns a 55% share in a cardboard packaging company based in Birmingham that
makes various types of packaging for numerous fast food outlets. He started the company
with two friends in 1983. He draws a salary of 80,000 pa and, in addition, receives dividends
of 50,000 pa. Hazel has been employed by an advertising agency since 1 March 1990 and
earns 60,000 pa.
The couples assets are currently valued as follows:
On 1 February 2000 Neil bought 1,200 Pearson Group and 3,000 British Airways shares.
The couples joint annual expenditure is 120,000. Neils company pays a pension contribu-
tion of 10% of his basic salary; he does not contribute personally. Hazel pays 6% of her salary
annually into her pension scheme. Her employer matches this amount. The couple have a
fairly speculative attitude to investment risk.
Three months ago the company was valued at 3m (excluding the premises). John has
shown an interest in entering the business and Neil believes he has the skills eventually to
take over the business when he retires at age 60. Jason, however, shows no interest in the
business. Neil is particularly concerned about passing on his shareholding to John and any
impact that might have on Jasons future inheritance. Neil wondered whether he should give
a small number, say 10%, of his shares to Jason. The company has outgrown its current
rented premises, and is considering purchasing an old factory unit on an industrial estate in
the West Midlands valued at 2m. The remainder of the SIPP is made up of 50% UK Equity
unit trusts and 50% in an International Equity insured fund.
The couple would like to retire when Neil reaches 60 and they anticipate their annual expen-
diture to be approximately 100,000 pa in todays terms. Neil is concerned about how his
SIPP will be affected when the new pension rules come into force and wondered if he should
do anything now to ensure that his various objectives can still be met. Neil would like to con-
sider whether the companys new premises could be held more effectively in a SIPP.
You are asked to set out the options and make recommendations for the couple to consider
when trying to meet their objectives. In all cases you are asked to explain how each recom-
mendation meets their objectives.
Source: Money Management, Financial Planner of the Year Awards 2003, FT Business.
A full solution to this case study is available to lecturers via the password-protected area of the
Companion Website at
Chapter 23
After reading this chapter you will be able to:
DC explained
With a DC pension arrangement the individual member bears the investment risk
and there is no guaranteed pension linked to salary. Students will find that when it
comes to the investment of contributions to a DC scheme or plan it will be helpful to
refer to earlier chapters that explain the important asset classes and how to build an
appropriate portfolio of shares and collective funds. The investment strategy should
take into consideration the individuals objectives at retirement, whether this is to
draw an income directly from their funds, or to convert the fund to an annuity to
provide a guaranteed income.
Personal pension plans, Group personal pensions (GPPs), Stakeholder schemes and
Contracted in money purchase schemes (CIMPS) are all DC arrangements. The con-
tribution and benefit rules vary, however, depending on whether the individual
belongs to a scheme based on personal pension legislation for example a Group
personal pension or Stakeholder scheme or on occupational scheme rules, such as a
Contracted in money purchase scheme. These particular rules will merge after April
2006 under Pension Tax Simplification (see page 269).
Under most DC schemes contributions are invested to build up a fund that is used
at retirement to provide a tax-free lump sum and to buy an annuity, which pays an
income for life. Annuity rates that is, the level of income each 1,000 of the fund
will buy depend largely on long dated gilt yields. It is possible to defer the annuity
purchase and to draw an income directly from the fund, keeping the rest fully invested.
Income drawdown and a similar arrangement known as phased retirement are com-
plicated, and require in equal measure a substantial fund size and expert advice.
(Annuities and drawdown are covered in the following chapter.)
To summarise, the level of income generated by a DC arrangement is not guaranteed
but will depend on several factors, including:
The level of the total employee and employer contribution.
The investment performance of the fund.
The level of charges deducted by the provider.
Annuity rates that is, the level of income the fund will secure at retirement (or
later in retirement in the case of drawdown).
salary schemes (see CIMPS below). However, most employers are choosing the Group
personal pension or Stakeholder scheme route, as these are simpler in structure and
easier to run. Under a GPP which is effectively a group of individual plans the
individual can use their plan to contract out of the State second pension and to invest
additional regular or single premiums to boost the pension provided by the National
insurance contribution (NIC) rebate (see page 290).
All DC schemes will comply with Pension Tax Simplification in April 2006 but until
then personal pension contribution limits start at 17.5% pa of net relevant earnings
(equivalent in this context to pensionable pay) for employees up to age 35, and rising
in stages to 40% for employees aged 61 and over. Employer contributions, where
applicable, must be included in these limits. There is no limit on the benefits that the
fund can secure at retirement.
Stakeholder schemes
In April 2001 the government introduced stakeholder schemes to encourage those
who do not have access to a more traditional company pension arrangement to save
for their retirement. Its intention through these and other private arrangements is to
increase the percentage of people with private pensions from 40% in 1998 to 60% by
2050. Stakeholders follow the same rules as personal pensions but to qualify for stake-
holder status they must offer moderate costs, easy access and fair terms for example
penalty-free exit. This is similar to CAT-standard Individual savings accounts (see
page 180).
One of the unusual features of the regime introduced in 2001 for all types of
personal pension, including stakeholder, is that it is possible to contribute up to
3,600 a year (2,808 after basic rate tax relief) even if an individual has no earned
income. Previously all contributions had to relate to net relevant earnings. At retire-
ment under a stakeholder, GPP or individual personal plan, it is possible to take up to
288 Putting the theory into practice
25% of the fund as tax-free cash while the remainder is used to buy a regular income
in the form of an annuity. Other retirement investment options are available for those
with a substantial fund who want to draw an income direct rather than convert to an
annuity. Options at retirement for DC schemes are examined in the following chapter.
Stakeholder schemes are mainly available through employers that do not provide a
more traditional occupational pension scheme, but they are also available directly
from many financial institutions. Clearly if an individual does not have a pension then
the stakeholder scheme provided by their company is likely to offer reasonable value
for money, particularly where the employer is prepared to make a contribution.
In practice the difference in cost between stakeholder schemes and modern personal
pension contracts is not significant, as the introduction of a 1% cap on the annual
management charge (AMC) for stakeholder schemes is used for most GPPs. In 2005
the new stakeholder schemes can charge up to 1.5%.
For those who want a larger choice of funds it may be relevant to consider multi-
manager personal pensions, although these tend to be more expensive than 1%. If cost
is an issue, several investment trusts offer personal pensions and these may be cheaper
than stakeholder schemes over the long term. Having said that, we must always be
aware that the cheapest is not necessarily the best. What we should look for is charges
that are competitive for the type of asset management provided.
Table 23.1 Annual contribution limits for personal pensions pre-April 2006
Up to 35 17.5
3645 20
4650 25
5155 30
5660 35
6174 40
* All personal pension contributions (but not the emerging pension itself) are subject to the
earnings cap, which limits the amount of salary that can be used for pension purposes to
102,000 for the 20042005 tax year.
Chapter 23 Defined contribution (DC) schemes and plans 289
the basic rate of tax. The pension provider reclaims this tax from the Inland Revenue
and credits it to the employees fund. However, individuals are responsible for
claiming any higher rate relief to which they are entitled through the annual tax return.
Retirement annuities
Many people still have Retirement annuity plans (RAPs) the predecessor to the
personal pension. After July 1988, sales of these contracts stopped but existing policy-
holders can continue to contribute to their plans.
The contribution and benefit rules for RAPs differ slightly from personal pensions,
although again, these distinctions disappear in April 2006. Retirement annuity contri-
bution limits are lower in terms of percentages than for personal pensions but the total
earnings on which these contributions are based is not subject to the earnings cap. The
limits are shown in Table 23.2.
Table 23.2 Annual contribution limits for retirement annuities pre-April 2006
Up to age 50 17.5
5155 20
5660 22.5
6174 27.5
Note: The earnings cap does not apply. It may be possible under these plans to pay a larger
contribution by mopping up unused tax relief from 6 previous years.
It is possible to make use of unused tax relief from previous tax years with a RAP to
boost the contribution in the current year. Under the carry forward rules, unused relief
from the previous six tax years can be added to the current year, once the current
years limit is reached.
Under the pre-2006 rules, depending on the individuals age at retirement and the
prevailing annuity rates, it may be possible to take more than 25% of the RAP fund as
tax-free cash because the calculation is not a straight percentage of the fund but
instead is based on the level of annuity the fund can purchase. The other main
difference between the two arrangements is that it is not possible to contract out of the
S2P with one of these older contracts for this it is necessary to use an appropriate
personal pension.
Finally, it is possible to contribute to both a personal pension and retirement
annuity, but where this is done within the same tax year the personal pension contri-
bution rules apply.
link between earnings and pension contributions. For the first time it became possible
for individuals to contribute to pension schemes and plans on behalf of others. There
are three main tax-planning opportunities here. It is possible to pay up to 3,600 pa
(2,808 after tax relief) on behalf of:
A child.
A non-earnings spousepartner.
A spousepartner who is in a company scheme but earns less than 30,000.
asset allocation, and the quality of investment management. As with any long-term
savings, asset allocation should be considered across all the individuals investments,
not just within the pension plan.
The choice of pension providers should involve an examination of the following
The financial strength of the provider. It is important to be confident that the
company can survive in what is a very competitive market, which is in the throes
of major consolidation. It is not sufficient to rely on household names.
The performance track record of the provider and of the third-party managers
available through the plan, with the emphasis on consistency over the long term
and stability of the people responsible for the performance.
The level of charges deducted throughout the investment period. Charges should
be competitive and not necessarily the cheapest, although cost is a key factor with
passive funds.
The flexibility of the contract; for example there should be no penalties for
reducing and stopping contributions, transferring the fund and early retirement.
This feature is guaranteed with stakeholder schemes.
Options at retirement
This subject is covered in the next chapter but briefly, the fund built up from the NIC
rebates in an appropriate personal pension is known as protected rights a misleading
term given that the plan itself provides no protection from stock market volatility, for
example. There are certain restrictions on what you can do with this fund at retirement.
Pre-April 2006, it cannot be used to provide tax-free cash and the pension must be
taken at the same age as the state pension, currently 65 for men and 60 for women
(rising to 65 between 2010 and 2020). The annuity purchased with the fund must
provide for a spouses pension worth 50% of the personal pension plan holders own
pension, and the annuity payments must increase, typically by 3% pa. We can expect
many of these restrictions to disappear from April 2006. There are no restrictions on
the annuity that can be purchased with the proceeds of the main plan.
It is possible to run more than one personal pension plan provided total contri-
butions fall within the limits shown in Table 23.1, but here we must consider the
impact of start up charges. It is only possible to take out one plan for the annual rebate
of NICs where the individual contracts out of the S2P. This can be reviewed on an
annual basis the only requirement is not to split the rebate for any given tax year.
the late 1980s and early 1990s will look unattractive compared with the modern
contract. In particular they may still incorporate high charges, very restrictive access to
investment management, and impose penalties if the individual wants to reduce or
stop contributions, or transfer the fund to another provider. Planners should auto-
matically check any new contracts before purchase and where necessary change an
existing contract, provided the penalties are not prohibitive.
Checklist for DC
A good DC scheme or plan should:
Invest minimum employer and employee total contributions of between
10%20% of annual salary, depending on age (the older the individual the higher
the contribution).
Delegate the investment management to an institutional fund manager that has a
proven track record.
Incur competitive administration and investment charges.
Impose no financial penalties for those who leave the scheme, reduce
contributions or retire early.
The automated switching programme (DCisive) developed by the actuarial consultant Lane
Clark & Peacock is linked primarily to the returns achieved and not to the number of years to
retirement. Broadly speaking it works as follows:
The trustee or employer sets the return target or benchmark, typically at 2% above risk-free
assets such as investment grade bonds.
The two main funds are 100% equities and 100% bonds. Member contributions are invested
initially into the equity fund.
A gradual switch to the bond fund takes place over the course of the members years to retire-
ment. This is based on a mathematical formula that takes account of performance achieved in
relation to the benchmark. The aim is to ensure that the members overall return for the entire
period in the scheme stays on target.
The better the performance the quicker the move from equities to bonds. Where performance
has been good, by retirement the member can expect to be 75% in bonds and 25% in cash. As
annuities are backed by bonds this aligns the main fund with annuity rates, while the 25% in
cash can be taken as a tax-free lump sum.
Two years before retirement, where the member is not on target for 7525%, bondscash, an
additional switching mechanism expedites the process.
Members have regular access to their funds progress. Where equity returns have been less
favourable, the member can see the impact on the desired retirement income and can change
the contribution rate or perhaps plan to work longer.
Members who want to retire early can change their retirement date, thereby accelerating the
switching process.
Those who want to retain a high equity exposure for drawdown purposes for example can
set a later planned retirement date to slow the phased switching, or simply exit the strategy at
any stage, without penalty, and take control of their investment decisions.
Pension statements
Between April 2003 and 2004 all investors with DC pensions gained the right to an
annual statement that calculates the real value, in todays prices, of the income they
Chapter 23 Defined contribution (DC) schemes and plans 295
can expect to buy with their pension fund at retirement. In the past many providers
simply set out the current fund value. The new statutory money purchase illustration
(SMPI) statements show a projection of what an individuals fund might be worth
at retirement assuming certain growth rates. In addition it will show the level of
guaranteed lifetime income the fund might secure when the individual buys an
annuity. The SMPI assumes 2.5% inflation between the date of the statement and the
individuals retirement, and a maximum real equity return of 4.5% (less for other asset
classes). In addition it assumes that the annuity purchased rises in line with retail
prices, although it is not a requirement to buy an inflation-linked annuity.
Final salary company schemes.*
Retirement annuities (the precursor to personal pensions).**
State pensions.***
Notes: * Employers should provide annual statements automatically.
** In this case it will be necessary to convert the statement to a pension in
todays prices.
*** The Department for Work and Pensions will provide a forecast on
request: ask for form BR19.
unsatisfactory it is possible to change the firm without having to change the underlying
administration arrangements.
SIPPs can also be used by partnerships and professional practices, which cannot use
company-sponsored Small self-administered schemes (SSASs see page 279). Many
firms have made use of the SIPP rules to buy new business premises for the practice in
a tax-favoured environment (see below).
An increasing number of SIPP providers run a low-cost online version. Before select-
ing a SIPP it is important to consider how frequently the individual intends to trade
and to check the annual charge (if applicable) in conjunction with dealing costs, as
these vary considerably. Planners should also consider the set up costs and the range
of services offered.
commercial rent or face an offsetting personal tax charge. Property bought purely for
investment purposes could be a very attractive prospect, as the pension fund would
provide a shelter against tax on both rental income and capital gains and there would
be no offsetting personal charge.
The borrowing rules under the new regime are less flexible as it will be possible to borrow
50% of the amount in the fund at the date the loan is taken out (pre-April 2006 this was
75% of the property value). This will apply to commercial and residential property.
Self-investment, where the scheme buys shares in the employers company, will be limited to
5% of the fund value.
Loans from the scheme to employers will be limited to 50% of the fund value.
Scheme borrowing, for property purchase, for example, will be limited to 50% of the scheme
Where a scheme asset is used by members or individuals connected to them, this will trigger a
benefit-in-kind tax charge on the member unless a commercial rent is paid.
Activity 23.1
You have been asked to help Fred, who is 39 and earns 50,000 pa, to select a pension
plan. His wife, Jane, earns 60,000 and is in the Civil Service pension scheme, which is a
defined benefit arrangement. What factors would lead you to recommend to Fred, in turn, a
stakeholder scheme, a multi-manager personal pension plan or a self-invested personal
pension (SIPP)? What asset allocation would you recommend?
Activity 23.2
Freds parents want to set up a pension for their two grandchildren, Amy and Ben, who
are aged 2 and 4. What are the main considerations in this choice? What type of plan would
you recommend? What about asset allocation?
This chapter examined the main group and individual defined contribution schemes
and considered the factors that influence the retirement income that the DC fund will
buy. While the cost of the DC arrangement is relevant, it is important to remember
298 Putting the theory into practice
that this type of pension scheme or plan is simply a tax-favoured wrapper in which the
individual holds funds and, in the case of SIPPs, individual equities and property as
well. The choice of asset allocation and the underlying funds is paramount.
Key terms
Review questions
1 Explain what a DC pension arrangement, such as a stakeholder scheme or individual
personal pension, provides at retirement.
2 How does the earnings cap affect personal pensions and retirement annuity plans pre-
April 2006?
4 What are the potential flaws in a default option under a DC scheme or plan?
5 What additional investment choices does a SIPP offer compared with a standard
personal pension?
Further information
Until recently it was assumed that members of company pension schemes would
draw their tax-free cash and guaranteed pension at the official company pension
age, while those with private plans would take their tax-free cash and use the rest
of the fund to buy an annuity, which provided the guaranteed income for life.
In this chapter we recognise that today there is a need for considerable flexibility
when it comes to the timing of drawing retirement benefits, the level of the income,
and estate planning. While flexibility and choice are both very important, it does
mean that financial planning in the run up to retirement is extremely complicated,
and for many individuals the complexity continues through a good part of the
After reading this chapter you will be able to:
Market developments
It is an undeniable fact that at retirement every investor with a Defined contribution
(DC) pension arrangement deserves access to the best products on the market to
maximise income in the most appropriate manner. This is as important for the investor
with a small fund, for whom access to the open market option (OMO) can be
restricted or even impossible, as it is for the wealthier individual who might benefit
from a well-structured combination of conventional annuities, investment linked
annuities and drawdown arrangements. Moreover, it is vital for those with a health or
lifestyle factor to secure a rate that takes this into consideration.
Financial planners are not expected to operate state-of-the-art annuity and draw-
down interactive websites. The trend in the market is for planners who might hitherto
have struggled to conduct their own annuity business to refer clients to a specialist.
This is a pragmatic approach given that the annuity and drawdown market will
become more rather than less complicated in future.
There are important regulatory issues here. The key to successful introducer busi-
ness lies in the professionalism, expertise and resources of the specialist. It also lies in
the use of a clearly worded introducer or referral agreement that satisfies the concerns
of both parties. Such agreements are in force and have been proven to work. However,
it is important for the introducing adviser to understand the nature of the service the
specialist will provide and to be comfortable with the level of contact the specialist will
have with the client. The specialist will almost certainly want to deal directly with the
client, make a full fact find, and offer a full end-to-end service. This is an important
point. If an adviser wants a specialist to take full responsibility for regulatory and
compliance issues, then clearly it must carry out a full fact find to ensure the client gets
the best results. The agreement therefore must be clear-cut and avoid any confusion
over who is responsible for what.
55 29 32
60 24 27
65 19 22
70 15 18
75 11 14
following concerns:
That they might outlive the resources set aside for retirement income and capital.
That there will be nothing left to pass on to their children when they die.
That an overly frugal approach to drawing income, combined with an
unexpectedly early death, will leave an excessive amount to their heirs at the
expense of their own lifestyle.
No investment strategy can entirely remove these threats but the risks can be managed
at a price.
Conventional annuities
Annuities represent one of the biggest markets for retired investors, who hand over
about 6bn to annuity providers each year, most of which is used to secure an income
stream that is guaranteed for life irrespective of investment returns and longevity.
This guarantee represents the insurance element of the annuity contract and is not
available through any pure investment or savings product.
Conventional annuities are not pure investments. Rather, they are bond-based
insurance contracts and it is important to understand that like any insurance product,
risk is pooled and, therefore, there are winners and losers among the members in
that pool. The risk we insure is the uncertainty over how long we will live. By annuitis-
ing the DC fund we establish a protection mechanism that will avoid the possibility
that we might outlive our capital and income. Put simply, the pooling mechanism uses
the funds of those who die early to subsidise the income of those who live longer than
average. Those blessed with longevity are the winners and benefit from what is
known as the mortality cross-subsidy.
A strong insurance element is also present in the state schemes and in DB company
pension schemes. The primary purpose of a salary linked company pension, for
example, is to guarantee an income stream that is based on the members length of
membership and salary. It has no direct link with the contributions paid or the invest-
ment returns of the fund.
In recent years the income from annuities has fallen, which has led investors to
believe that these products offer poor value for money. This is not necessarily the case.
The fall in interest rates and the increase in longevity have had a major impact on
annuity rates but they do not necessarily represent poor value for money. Double-digit
yields on annuities are associated with the 1980s when there were double-digit returns
on the stock market but also double-digit rates of inflation. The real returns and yields
on investments and savings generally fell into single figures. The point is, we cannot
look at annuity rates in isolation from economic and demographic patterns.
302 Putting the theory into practice
Of course, for those with large funds or with other sources of income in retirement,
it is worth considering a more flexible arrangement. However, an individual who opts
for anything other than a conventional annuity runs the risk of capital loss, which in
turn could reduce future income expectations. It also increases costs.
It is important to remember that provided an individuals fund is large enough, they
can divide it between different arrangements. As mentioned above, in this way an
individual could, for example, secure a basic income that is guaranteed for life through
a conventional annuity, while at the same time keep part of the fund in an arrangement
that invests in the stock markets, in the hope of increasing the income during retire-
ment andor passing on capital to heirs.
If the individual dies, the entire fund passes on to his or her dependants free of
inheritance tax. (Death benefits under DC occupational schemes rules vary.)
It is not necessary to remain with the same pension provider and a transfer might be
worthwhile if charges andor performance are unsatisfactory. Those in DC occupa-
tional pension schemes may be required to transfer to a personal pension if the scheme
rules do not allow members to defer taking benefits. Those with a large fund and who
would like a more flexible investment choice might consider transferring to a Self-
invested personal pension (SIPP), which allows the policyholder to invest directly in
equities and bonds as well as in a wide range of collective funds. A SIPP is an ideal
vehicle from which to move into income drawdown.
As soon as the individual wants to draw an income or take the tax-free cash it is
necessary to vest part or the whole of the fund. Vesting means taking the money out of
the personal pension and moving it into one of the other options outlined above.
Among other things, this releases the tax-free cash.
Women live about five years longer than men on average and so the income they
secure will generally be lower than that for a man of the same age. Those in poor
health may be able to secure a higher than average income if their condition is
expected to reduce their life expectancy.
Chapter 24 DC funds and the retirement income 305
Annuity features
When we look at annuity rates we must remember that the benchmark figures, often
quoted in tables, relate to the level of annuity for a single male that is, to an income
that remains static throughout the payment period. There are several useful features
sold as optional extras in addition to the basic annuity. Some may be essential,
depending on the individuals circumstances and preferences, but they come at a cost
in the form of a reduction in the income. Once the annuity is purchased it is not
possible to change providers or the options.
Those who are concerned about passing on their wealth cannot leave a lump sum
for a dependent but can secure a lifetime income. An alternative for those who pur-
chase their annuity later in retirement is to buy a 10-year guarantee so that the income
continues for up to a decade if they die soon after buying the annuity.
are paid to your estate. The maximum guarantee is for 10 years. The reduction in
initial income for a five-year guarantee: 1% at age 60; 5% at age 75.
Joint life annuity. This pays the individuals spouse, partner or other dependant
person a pension if he or she dies. The individuals health and life expectancy will
affect the price. Reduction in initial income for a 50% dependents pension: 12%
(assuming a male annuitant aged 60 with a spouse aged 57).
Escalating annuities. Here the income rises in line with full retail prices inflation
or at a fixed rate each year for example 3%. Reduction in initial income for a
3% annual increase or link to retail prices: 30% at age 60.
Note: Rates are intended as a guideline only to the different levels of enhancement.
They are based on a single life annuity, purchase price 50,000, no guarantee, paid
monthly in arrears.
Source: Pension Annuity Friendly SocietyWilliam Burrows Annuities.
individually underwritten. Typical conditions which qualify for an impaired life and
an enhanced rate annuity are shown in Table 24.3.
Table 24.3 Typical conditions that qualify for higher annuity rates
Impaired health:
Enhanced rate:
Manual occupation and living in the north of England among other areas
Investment-linked annuities
Increased longevity goes hand in hand with increased financial commitments in
retirement, particularly in later years when some form of residential care may be
required. With returns on traditional annuities at an historically low level, investors
who can tolerate stock market risk may be willing to consider annuities that offer the
potential to boost their future income. Having said that, any investor with a substan-
tial fund should also consider drawdown. For the wealthy investor the investment-
linked and flexible annuity is often an appropriate choice at age 75, rather than at
retirement (see below).
Currently the market for investment-linked annuities is very small and there is no
consensus among specialist annuity advisers over which type of product is the more
attractive. Several providers withdrew their with profits annuities following the diffi-
culties facing with profits policies in the late 1990s and early years of the new century.
One of the problems planners face with investment-linked annuities is the difficulty
in explaining the structure to the layperson. Even a conventional annuity, which is
associated with the dull but predictable, is complex. Impose a stock market overlay
and the product morphs into something that is incomprehensible to the average
investor. Nevertheless, those with a substantial DC fund might consider a more
flexible alternative to a bond-based conventional annuity, which provides a guaran-
teed income for life but offers limited scope for inheritance planning and no potential
for investment growth.
One way to reduce the impact of charges and investment risk is to divide the fund
between different arrangements. For example, we could consider allocating half of an
individuals fund to buy a conventional annuity to secure a basic guaranteed income,
and with the other half invest in the stock markets in the hope of increasing the indi-
viduals income during retirement, or enabling them to leave a large portion of the
fund to the heirs on death.
Clearly individual circumstances vary but as a general guideline substantial funds
means a minimum of 100,000, where there are other secure sources of income, and
at least 250,000 if this is the individuals main source. Some advisers put the figure as
high as 500,000. Given the uncertainty over these figures, a more appropriate
exercise is to consider how much guaranteed income is actually required to support the
Chapter 24 DC funds and the retirement income 309
individuals basic expenditure. This can be secured with the conventional annuity,
leaving the individual free to take more of a risk with the remainder.
A conventional annuity is more accurately described as a non-profit policy because
policyholders get a guaranteed level of income irrespective of whether the insurance
company makes a profit or loss on the funds invested. Investment-linked annuities
enable the individual to benefit from investment profits but equally, to share in the
downside risks. As with any approved pension arrangement the fund continues to
grow in a tax-favoured environment. This type of product is still an annuity, so the
fund reverts to the insurance company when the annuitant dies, unless they buy a
pension for their partner or a guarantee to ensure that the income would be paid for
at least 5 or possibly 10 years from the date of purchase.
The big advantage of annuitising the fund, however, is that the annuitant will
benefit from the mortality cross-subsidy.
Some investment-linked annuities allow you to convert to a conventional annuity at
any age up to 85, although you cannot move to a different provider at this point.
Flexible annuities
The standard investment-linked annuity usually offers a choice of funds run by the
provider. However, the latest products also offer access to a range of external
managers and clearly this is an important feature, particularly given the length of
modern retirements.
Investment choice is not the only important new feature. The new generation of
annuities (only available from Prudential, Canada Life and London & Colonial at the
time of writing) gives the individual much more control over the level of income and
the death benefits. The upper limit for the income is about the same as an individual
would get from a conventional annuity, but if they want to conserve the fund it is
possible to take as little as 50% of this figure. (After April 2006, the minimum annual
income will be a token 1, allowing annuitants complete flexibility.)
The death benefits issue is important. Under a conventional annuity it is possible to
buy a guarantee to ensure the income is paid for a minimum number of years even if
the annuitant dies. This is possible because the income is based on gilts and so the yield
is known and the cost of the guarantee can be assessed.
With an investment linked annuity the income cannot be assessed accurately
because the returns will vary. However, a flexible annuity allows the annuitant to ring-
fence a proportion of the fund that the individual wants to pass on, in the form of
income, to dependants. Under the current rules after 10 years any ring-fenced fund is
automatically converted to the main annuitised fund.
Under phased retirement the individual builds up the required annual income by
withdrawing only part of the pension fund, leaving the remaining fund invested in the
original plan. Most personal pensions are segmented, so it is possible to vest several
segments without disturbing the rest of the fund, which continues to grow (hopefully)
in the tax-favoured environment. For each segment withdrawn, 25% can be taken as
tax-free cash and 75% used to buy an annuity. This pattern is repeated each year.
Phased retirement is not suitable for investors who want to use their tax-free lump
sum for a capital project because the cash forms an important part of the annual
income. However, for those who dont need the tax-free cash, phased retirement is
particularly attractive as a means of passing on capital to their heirs, as the fund that
remains in the original personal pension unvested can go as a lump sum to the
nominated beneficiaries on death and is not subject to inheritance tax.
Under income drawdown plans the individual takes the full amount of tax-free cash
and then draws a taxable income direct from the remaining fund. The income level is
flexible although it must fall between a minimum and maximum set by the Inland
Revenue, based broadly on the annuity rate that would otherwise have been payable
at retirement. If the individual dies the fund goes to their dependants, but where it is
taken as cash there is a tax liability.
The main risk with phased retirement and drawdown as with investment-linked
annuities is the lack of any guarantee that the individuals income will remain steady.
There is little point in investing the bulk of the capital in cash and gilt funds, as these
are very unlikely to generate sufficient capital growth to cover the cost of the arrange-
ment and to outstrip what would have been payable under an annuity. The most
flexible investment vehicle for drawdown is the Self-invested personal pension (SIPP).
Phased drawdown combines the two arrangements. Here the individual draws their
income from the fund directly but makes use of the tax-free cash in the same way as for
phased retirement. It is not necessary to purchase annuities and so this increases the
death benefits but at the expense of the guaranteed income the annuities would provide.
For many people, however, it will make sense to purchase an annuity to consolidate
the income for later retirement and in this case the individual should plan ahead.
Where they plan to buy a conventional annuity it would be sensible to phase the switch
from equities and into safer asset classes well before the planned date of conversion.
An alternative would be to transfer the fund into an investment-linked or flexible
annuity or, if the fund is still sufficiently large, to divide it between different arrange-
ments according to the individuals basic income requirements and risk profile.
Activity 24.1
Mary has a DC fund worth 600,000 and this is her only source of retirement income,
apart from 40,000 held in cash and an ISA worth 50,000. She wants to keep control of her
fund and is therefore considering income drawdown. However, she needs a guaranteed
minimum income of 20,000 pa. What are Marys options and what would you recommend?
Give reasons for your answer and explain how the websites mentioned below helped.
Key terms
Review questions
1 What is the unique feature of the conventional annuity?
3 How can those in poor health or who smoke, for example, get a higher annuity rate?
Further information
Financial planning for those who plan to work or retire overseas is complex, as it
must take account of both the UK and the local tax environment. Unless financial
planners choose to specialise in this field they would not be expected to be experts
but should be aware of the circumstances that require specialist expatriate taxation
and legal advice.
After reading this chapter you should be able to:
Overseas assignments
A two-year posting to Brussels for an employee of a major multinational should
run smoothly, as the company will have a formal benefits package for all standard
overseas placements. More difficult locations are another matter. Employees posted to
the Middle East, for example, should look to their employer to cover the cost of a
speedy evacuation to get the family home safe and sound in the event of any social or
political unrest. A hardship allowance is also required for employees assigned to a
country that has an uncongenial climate, has tough rules on alcohol and entertain-
ment, or is unstable politically, where the individuals freedom of movement may be
The contract should set out clearly how the employee will be paid for tough assign-
ments. An excellent guide to all these personal safety issues is the international
consultant Mercers Quality of Living Report 2003, which assesses the political,
social, economic and medical conditions of 215 cities worldwide. The degree of
hardship is generally measured through a quality of life index that would compare
conditions in the home city with those of the assignment location. Allowances are not
the only focus, however. The amount of special leave is also important, especially in
remote locations, when regular visits to the family back home are vital for the
individuals or familys well-being.
Pension arrangements
When it comes to the standard benefits in the package we should pay particular
attention to the individuals pension arrangements, as the number of multinationals
offering a Defined benefit (DB) pension scheme for expatriates has almost halved over
the last 10 years. If the company offers a Defined contribution (DC) arrangement,
where contributions build up a fund that is used at retirement to buy an annuity, it
may be wise to seek actuarial advice to make sure that what is on offer is broadly
equivalent in value to the home package.
In some cases the employer may set up an offshore trust to fund the pension. But
even this can cause problems; for example if the country of assignment taxes employer
contributions as income. Until recently it was quite common to have an unfunded
pension promise, but, post-Enron, employees are understandably anxious to have a
funded arrangement rather than a promise that a benefit will be paid out of company
funds when they retire. With an unfunded promise, if the company becomes insolvent
the employee could be left empty-handed.
Apart from the main benefits and security considerations it is vital to consider the
cultural impact of working abroad. Employers report it is often the soft issues that
make or break an overseas assignment. Extra cash will not help the family adapt to a
very different local culture and language, so it is wise to insist on a pre-departure
intensive language course and cultural briefing for both the employee and their
partner. Where business practices differ widely it can be very limiting and potentially
Chapter 25 Working and retiring abroad 317
The big multinationals tend to have formal benefits and pay structures for expatriates, but if the
company is venturing overseas for the first time the value of the employees package will be
directly linked to his or her bargaining skills. The following checklist applies to individuals going
on a two to three year assignment accompanied by the family. The total cost to the employer is
typically up to four times base salary but can be much higher in difficult locations.
Employee benefits
Retirement pension.
Medical insurance.
Long-term disability insurance.
Accidental death and injury insurance.
Travel insurance.
Club memberships (golf, for example, if this is an important cultural feature).
Trip to host country.
Physical examinations.
318 Putting the theory into practice
Cross-cultural training.
Language lessons.
Tax briefing.
Relocation assistance
Travel to the new location.
Shipment of goods and personal effects; air freight.
Storage of goodspersonal effects in home country, if applicable.
Time off for moving.
Relocation allowance (may be in lieu of or in addition to actual relocation costs).
Sale of home or lease breaking, if there is a penalty for breaking the tenants agreement.
Temporary living expenses.
Housing and utilities allowance.
Retiring abroad
The prospect of retiring in the sun is very appealing, but if an individual or couple
want a financially healthy retirement the most important task is to arrange for all
pensions and other sources of income to be paid abroad without double tax penalties.
Expert advice on pension and inheritance tax planning is essential for would-be expat-
riates but here provide a brief overview of the steps to take before leaving the UK.
Todays flexible career patterns tend to result in a variety of retirement benefits, but
essentially there are three main sources of pension:
State schemes.
Company schemes.
Private individual plans.
State pensions
Chapter 21 deals with the UK state pensions in detail. Briefly, the pension, which
builds up through payment of National insurance contributions, is made up of two ele-
ments a basic flat rate benefit and an additional pension, which from April 2002 was
known as the State second pension. The S2P replaced SERPS (State earnings related
pension scheme) but any SERPS benefits built up to that date remain intact.
Chapter 25 Working and retiring abroad 319
The pension is paid at age 65 for men and between age 60 and 65 for women,
depending on the date of retirement. (The female state pension age is due to be raised
in line with the male pension age and there is a transition period between 2010 and
2020 to achieve this.)
Payment abroad
For those who go abroad for short periods, the Benefits Agency has special arrange-
ments that cover the payment of the pension. No action is necessary where the period
is less than three months and in this case the pension payments can be collected on
return. For periods between three and six months it is possible to arrange for the
individuals UK bank to transfer payments to a bank overseas. For periods over six
months the Benefits Agency, on request, will pay a sterling cheque to an overseas bank.
Alternatively you can collect the lump sum on your return.
For periods abroad of over 12 months, a more permanent arrangement is made to
pay the pension by automated credit transfer to the individuals overseas bank.
However, it is possible to leave the pension for up to a maximum of two years and to
collect the lump sum on return to the UK.
pensions is not recognised in certain countries and if an individual receives the benefit
while overseas it may be taxed along with the pension.
We must also remember that in most cases the income will be subject to currency
fluctuations. If the local currency in the retirement country rises against the pound,
then the value of the individuals UK pension will reduce in real terms.
Taxation of pensions
Most of the tax details need to be sorted out at the time of retirement but it is useful
to know in advance how the system works and where the pitfalls lie. Expert advice is
essential here as it is essential to be conversant with the tax and pensions rules in the
country of retirement. The object of the exercise is to pay tax on pensions and invest-
ment income just once usually in the retirement location.
Where the country has a double taxation agreement with the UK (there are over 80
of these agreements in operation), the Inland Revenue will allow pensions to be paid
gross provided the individual has a declaration from the foreign tax authorities stating
that he or she is being taxed on worldwide income.
This declaration should be sent to the individuals UK tax office. If there is a delay,
pensions will be taxed twice once in the UK, at the basic rate of income tax, and once
again in the country of retirement. However, in these cases the Inland Revenue will
repay the tax withheld when it receives the declaration from the foreign tax authority.
Individuals should not fall into the trap of thinking that if they move to a no-tax
environment they would escape with their pensions tax free. In these cases there will
Chapter 25 Working and retiring abroad 321
be no double tax treaty with the UK in operation and if there is no local equivalent of
the Inland Revenue, it will not be possible to get the declaration mentioned above. As
a result the Revenue will impose the withholding tax on all pensions paid from the UK.
Other issues
The planner should review all of the individuals investments and decide whether
some of these need to be moved to a different location either offshore or to the retire-
ment country. The UK wills should be rewritten to take account of the overseas prop-
erty, and it will also be necessary to make a will in the new location.
In many cases when the couple edge towards late retirement, with its associated
frailty, or when one of the partners dies, a return to the UK may be necessary. Ideally,
therefore, those retiring overseas will take this possibility into account and make pro-
vision for a return to smooth the passage, particularly as this is likely to be at an emo-
tionally difficult time of life.
This chapter considered some of the important taxation and personal issues that
must be addressed where an individual plans to work or retire overseas. In the case of
working overseas, while the benefits package is important it may also be necessary for
the individual and their family to receive pre-departure cultural briefings, depending
on the country of assignment. Those retiring abroad need expert tax advice that takes
account of tax practice in the UK and the country of retirement.
Key terms
Review questions
1 List six important features of the expatriate employees benefits package.
3 What step should an individual take to avoid double taxation when retiring abroad?
Further information
The Department for Work and Pensions provides leaflets and advice on retirement overseas
and lists the countries with which the UK has a social security agreement that includes payment
of the annual uprating for the state pension:
Mercer Human Resources:
Appendix 1
Glossary of terms
This section provides a brief description of the terms used in this book. For full
details refer to the index and find the relevant page where the term is used. A term in
italics used in the description will have its own entry. For broader definitions and a
more comprehensive dictionary of financial terms I recommend Lamonts Glossary
Alternative investment An asset that is not correlated to the two major classes, equities
and bonds. See correlation.
Alternative Investment Market (AIM) The market for companies that are too small to
join the Official List the main London Stock Exchange market.
Alternatively secured income (ASI) A very restricted form of income drawdown for
pensioners over age 75. On death any funds remaining in the plan must be used to
provide an income for dependants or, where it is a company-sponsored plan, the fund
can revert to the scheme for the benefit of other members.
Angel An external backer of a (usually unregulated) venture.
Annual bonus On a with profits policy this is the annual return calculated by the life
office actuary and allocated to the policy.
Annual management charge (AMC) The fund management charge.
Annual percentage rate (APR) A standard way of assimilating the different methods
credit card issuers and other lenders use to calculate the interest charged on a loan. It
should express the total credit charge as a standard measure to take into account the
size, number and frequency of the payments and any other built-in charges.
Annuitisation The process of converting a lump sum into an annuity.
Annuity Sold by insurance companies, these guarantee to pay a regular income for life
in return for a lump sum investment.
Annuity rate The annual rate of income provided by an annuity in return for the
investment of a lump sum.
Anticipated bonus rate The expected annual return on a with profits annuity. This is
used to determine the annual income.
Asset backing What a company would be worth if it became insolvent.
Asset share In a with profits fund this is the policyholders fair share of the fund, and
takes account of premiums paid, actual returns over the specific policy term to date,
deductions for expenses, plus any relevant experience built into the formula for
example mortality within the with profits policyholders pool, and profits and losses
from other lines of business.
Bed and spouse A replacement for bed and breakfast where one spouse repurchases
the shares the other sells.
Benchmark index A benchmark index is constructed for the purposes of performance
measurement by selecting a representative range of assets from the main (tradable)
Beneficiary One of two types of legal owners of the assets of a trust the other being
the trustees.
Beta A statistical measure of volatility that indicates the sensitivity of a security or
portfolio to movements in the market index.
Bid price The price at which institutions buy and at which investors sell securities and
Blue chip Refers to major companies, in particular to those in the FTSE 100. Blue is
the highest value chip in poker.
Boiler room A high-pressure call centre from which fraudsters target their victims to
sell unattractive, often non-existent, shares.
Bond A contract issued by borrowers that in return for the loan of your money, agrees
to pay a fixed rate of interest (the coupon) for the loan period and to repay the original
capital sum on a specified (maturity or redemption) date. Also referred to as fixed
interest assets because the coupon is fixed. However, the actual yield will depend on
the price of the bond if it is traded.
Bottom up An investment style that considers individual companies before looking at
the performance and prospects for the relevant sector, the local market, and national
and international economic factors.
Bubble An over-priced range of stocks or stock market as a whole, driven by panic
buying. When prices collapse the bubble is said to have burst.
Bull market Where shares are rising.
Buy-out cost The full cost of purchasing immediate and deferred annuities to meet a
pension schemes liabilities to its active and retired members.
Call option A type of derivative contract that confers the right but not the obligation
to buy a fixed number of shares at a predetermined price on a fixed date or within a
predetermined period of time.
Capital asset pricing model (CAPM) An economic model for valuing assets that
assumes that the expected excess return of a security over a risk-free asset will be in
proportion to its beta.
Capital gains tax (CGT) A tax on chargeable gains above the annual exemption. The
gain is the difference between the purchasing and selling price of an asset. There is an
adjustment for inflation, known as the indexation allowance, which applies up to
April 1998, after which taper relief applies. Taper relief reduces the rate of CGT
according to how long the individual has held the asset.
Capital gains tax allowance The amount of capital gains an individual can make in a
given tax year before becoming liable for capital gains tax (CGT).
Capital shares See split capital investment trust.
328 Appendices
Career averaged revalued earnings scheme (CARE) A type of defined benefit scheme
that links the accrual to average earnings rather than final salary.
Carry forward The facility to mop up unused tax relief from up to six previous tax
years to boost contributions to a retirement annuity plan.
Cash balance A hybrid between a defined benefit and defined contribution shceme.
Cash flow planning A strategy that ensures sufficient liquidity for known cash require-
ments, to avoid forced selling of medium- to long-term assets such as equities.
CAT-marked product A regulated product that must offer fair Charges, flexible
Access, and reasonable Terms hence CAT.
Chargeable gain See capital gains tax.
Civil offence A crime under civil law, which relates to private and civilian affairs. Civil
law aims to compensate the victim. See criminal offence.
Commission-free A financial product that does not incorporate an allowance for sales
commission in the pricing.
Commutation Swapping pension for tax-free cash in a company scheme.
Completion When a buyer takes ownership of a property and must pay the balance.
Concurrency Dual membership of a company scheme and a stakeholder or personal
pension plan.
Constant protection portfolio insurance products (CPPI) Investment products that
link to an index or fund, where the investors money is split between the underlying
fund and cash. The protection is provided by a switching mechanism that sells units in
the fund and moves into cash when markets are falling, and the reverse when markets
are rising.
Consumer Prices Index (CPI) The Harmonised Index of Consumer Prices (HICP),
better known as the CPI, was introduced in December 2003 as the main UK domestic
measure of inflation for econometrics purposes.
Contracted in money purchase scheme (CIMPS) An occupational defined contribution
pension scheme that does not contract members out of the State second pension.
Contract for difference (CFD) An agreement that allows an individual to borrow to
invest, in order to trade the price movement of a share. Here the individual does not
actually buy the share but wins or loses based on changes in the share price.
Contracyclical An investment strategy that avoids stock market fashions.
Contribution holiday A period when an employer does not contribute to the company
pension scheme.
Conventional annuity See annuity.
Convertible A type of equity that is more akin to a bond. It pays a regular income, has
a fixed redemption date and confers the right to convert to an ordinary share or pref-
erence share at a future date.
Corporate bond A bond issued by a company, which pays interest (the yield) and
returns the original capital on a predetermined redemption or maturity date.
Corporate bond funds Collective funds that hold a range of individual corporate
bonds of investment grade and, in some cases, sub-investment grade.
Correlation The relationship between two variables typically indices or asset classes.
Appendix 1 Glossary of terms 329
Day trading Buying and selling shares on the same day with the aim of making a
Debit card An electronic cheque. The amount of the purchase is debited to (deducted
from) the individuals account, usually two or three days later.
Debt consolidation Where an individual takes out a loan or other credit agreement in
order to pay off two or more existing debts.
Debt management A strategy that ensures debt is repaid over a sensible period and
that the terms of any loans are the most competitive.
Default 1. Not able to meet interest payments on a loan. 2. Not able to pay compen-
sation claims, usually because the company has stopped trading or is insolvent.
Defaultlifestyle DC investment A predetermined investment option for defined con-
tribution pension schemes and plans that makes the asset allocation and fund
management choices. See lifestyle.
Deferred pension A pension benefit usually in a former employers scheme that will
be paid when the individual reaches the schemes official pension age.
Defined benefit (DB) A type of occupational pension scheme that links the benefit to
Defined contribution (DC) A type of company and individual pension arrangement
that invests contributions to build up a fund, which generally is used to buy an annuity
at retirement.
Definition of disability The definition used to assess whether an individual qualifies
for disability income from a private insurance policy or the state.
Deflation A measure of the increase in prices in an economy over a period of time,
typically based on a basket of household goods and expenditure.
Demutualisation The process by which a mutual life company, which is owned by its
policyholders, becomes a proprietary company, which is owned by its shareholders.
330 Appendices
Earnings cap Introduced in the 1989 Budget, the cap restricts the level of earnings on
which pension contributions and, for occupational schemes, benefits are based.
Econometrics The application of mathematical and statistical techniques to economic
Economic indicators Statistical snapshots that show the state of the economy.
Efficient frontier A graphical representation of the relationship between risk and
reward, which aims to show the greatest expected return for a given level of risk.
Efficient market A capital market for which there is a large amount of analysis avail-
able to potential investors and where new information is reflected quickly in the share
Appendix 1 Glossary of terms 331
Endowment A life policy that combines investment with a substantial element of life
Endowment mortgage A combined life assurance and investment product that aims to
provide a capital sum to repay the loan by the end of the mortgage term or on the
death of the borrower, whichever is first.
Enduring power of attorney A legal document that authorises a person or persons of
the individuals choice to act on his or her behalf.
Enhanced rate annuity An annuity that pays an above-average income or rate because
the individual has a lifestyle feature, such as smoking or obesity, that will lower life
Enterprise Investments Scheme (EIS) A vehicle that provides private equity financing
to smaller companies and offers long tax-deferral opportunities.
Equity Literally a share in the ownership of a company. UK equities are the quoted
shares of companies in the UK.
Equity release An arrangement that allows elderly homeowners to sell or mortgage a
part share of their home in return for a regular income or lump sum.
Equity risk premium (ERP) The relative value of equities in comparison with lower
risk assets.
Ethical investment Also known as socially responsible investment (SRI), this is where
an investor or fund manager applies ethical, environmental andor religious screening
in the selection of funds and securities.
Ethical Investment Research Service (EIRIS) An independent research service that
maintains a database of ethical funds and individual companies, among other infor-
Eurobonds Bonds denominated in sterling but issued on the Eurobond market an
international market where borrowers and lenders are matched.
Exchange of contract A formal commitment on the purchasers part to buy, and on the
owners part to sell, a property.
Exchange traded fund (ETF) A basket of stocks that is used to track an index or a
particular industry sector.
Execution-only The sale of an investment on the request of the investor and therefore
without advice.
Executive pension plan (EPP) A supposedly fast-track pension plan for executives
that is used in certain cases instead of the main scheme.
Family income benefit (FIB) An insurance policy that provides a level or increasing
income from the date of death until the end of the insurance period.
Final results Second set of annual results produced at the listed companys financial
Financial planning certificate (FPC) The regulatory examination requirement for those
selling financial products. There are different levels, FPC1 being the most elementary.
Much higher qualifications are required for complex sales, such as sophisticated
investments and pension transfers.
332 Appendices
Gearing (leverage) Financial gearing is the ratio between the companys borrowings
and its capitalisation in other words, a ratio between what it owes and what it owns.
Appendix 1 Glossary of terms 333
Gift aid A scheme that enables employees to make regular tax-efficient deductions for
earnings that are paid to a nominated charity.
Gilt-equity yield ratio This ratio tracks the yield on gilts divided by the yield on equities.
Gilts Bonds issued by the UK government.
Gross redemption yield On a bond fund the gross redemption yield or projected total
yield takes into account both the income received and changes in the capital value of
the bonds if they are held to maturity. See running yield.
Growth investing An investment strategy where the objective is to find companies that
will achieve above average earnings growth.
Guaranteed annuity rate (GAR) This guarantees defined contribution pension
investors that at retirement they will receive a minimum annuity rate for their funds.
Guaranteed income bond (GIB) Provides a fixed rate of interest over a specific term.
Guaranteedprotected products Offer a link to the return on an index or a basket of
indices. The growth potential is limited but in return these products offer some down-
side protection.
Headline inflation The full rate of retail price inflation, including mortgage interest
Hedge fund There is no statutory definition but the term relates to the original funds
that used specific strategies to hedge risk usually some form of derivative, such as
an option. Today the term covers a very wide spectrum of strategies that are classed as
alternative investments.
High yieldjunk bond Usually refers to sub-investment grade debt.
Hire purchase A form of borrowing where the borrower does not become the legal
owner of the goods until they have completed payments.
Home income plan (HIP) A type of equity release where the lump sum secured by the
mortgage is used to buy an annuity from the lender, which guarantees a regular
income for life.
Home reversion An equity release arrangement where the homeowner sells part of the
house in return for a lump sum or an annuity, and continues to live there rent-free. On
their death the buyer recoups the proportionate value of the property, including any
capital growth.
Impaired life annuity An annuity that pays a higher than average rate because the
provider assumes the individual has a lower than average life expectancy. See enhanced
Income drawdown This allows an individual with a personal pension fund to draw an
income directly and keep the fund invested, rather than buy an annuity.
Income protection insurance This pays a replacement income if the policyholder is too
ill to work.
Income shares See split capital investment trust.
Income tax allowance The amount of income an individual can earn in a given tax
year before income tax is applied.
334 Appendices
Independent financial adviser (IFA) Until the end of 2004 an IFA was an adviser who
could select products from the entire range available on both a fee or commission
basis. See depolarisation, tied agent.
Indexation allowance An adjustment for inflation on a chargeable gain. This
allowance applies for assets held up to April 1998, after which taper relief provides the
adjustment factor.
Index linked gilts Bonds issued by the UK government that guarantee to provide
interest payments (the coupon) and a redemption value that increase in line with
annual inflation.
Index tracking See passive management.
Individual savings account (ISA) Introduced in April 1999, this wrapper replaced
Personal equity plans and Tax-efficient special savings accounts for new contributions
as the mainstream tax-efficient investment apart from pension plans. Standard ISAs
can hold collective funds, but see also self-select ISAs.
Inefficient market A capital market where there is a comparatively small amount of
available research on companies and where the economic and political environment is
less predictable.
Inflation A measure of the increase in the general price of goods and services.
Inflation shock A sudden and unexpected change in the inflation rate.
Inheritance tax (IHT) A death tax on the value of an individuals estate above the nil-
rate band.
Inheritance tax allowance The amount an individual can pass on to his or her heirs
before paying inheritance tax.
Initial commission The upfront sales commission paid by a provider to an adviser.
Commission is calculated as a percentage of the investment or premium.
Insider dealingtrading This refers to an individual or company that trades in shares
when it is in possession of price-sensitive information that is not known in the market
at large.
Integration A company pension scheme can be integrated with the basic state pension
so that it does not pay any pension for the first slice of salary up to the National
insurance lower earnings limit. No employee or employer pension contributions are
levied on this amount either.
Interest cover The number of times a companys profits can cover the interest payments.
Interest in possessionlife interest trust A legal structure that allows an individual to
receive the income from an asset for life or a fixed period.
Interest-only mortgage A mortgage where the borrower makes interest payments each
month but the capital debt remains static and must be repaid in full at the end of the
loan term.
Interest rate The amount charged for borrowing.
Interim results First set of (usually) twice-yearly profit figures in a companys financial
Intermediaries People and organisations that mediate between the providers of financial
products and services, and the consumers who make the purchases.
Appendix 1 Glossary of terms 335
Intestate Where an individual dies without making a valid will the laws of intestacy
will determine the division of the estate between dependants.
Investment bond Run by insurance companies, this is similar to a maximum invest-
ment plan but is a single premium or lump sum investment. The bond usually runs for
10 years.
Investment grade debt Bonds that are rated BBB and above by credit agencies.
Investment-linked annuity An annuity that invests the capital in order to provide an
income with a stock market link.
Investment term The period to which an investment commits the individual. Early
withdrawal may incur a penalty.
Investment trust A British company, usually listed on the London stock market,
which invests in the shares of other quoted and unquoted companies in the UK and
Islamic (Shariah) finance Based on the principles of Shariah (Islamic law). This
attempts to maximise social welfare (Maslahah) by protecting the five pillars of
Islamic society: faith, life, wealth, intellect and posterity.
Joint life policy A joint life policy that covers more than one person typically a
husband and wife. It may be written to pay out if just one of the spouses dies (joint
life first death) or only when both have died (joint life second death).
Junk bond Slang for sub-investment grade bonds.
Large cap Companies with a high market capitalisation; for example those in the
FTSE 100 index.
Leasehold Ownership of property on a leasehold basis confers the right to live there
for the duration of the lease. Once the lease expires the property reverts to the free-
hold owner.
Legacy A gift by will.
Letter of creditbank guarantee Used by Lloyds investors, for example, as evidence of
the availability of capital. However, the capital can remain invested elsewhere unless
it is called upon to pay a claim.
Leveraged investors Those who borrow in order to invest in the stock market.
Lifetime allowance Under pension tax simplification, which comes into force in April
2006, this is the maximum total pension fund an individual can build up in a tax-
favoured environment. It is possible to register in advance for protection for larger funds.
Lifetime mortgagemortgage annuity An arrangement where an elderly homeowner
remortgages part of the value of the house. The lump sum is repaid with the proceeds
of the house sale when the individual dies.
Lloyds vehicle (ILV) A way of raising money at Lloyds where the company owns the
managing agent and the capital.
Loan-to-value ratio The ratio between the value of a property and the amount of the
loan secured against it.
Long-term care insurance An insurance policy that pays part or all of the fees for
residential and nursing home case.
Lower earnings limit See National insurance contributions.
336 Appendices
Managed fund A single fund that is split between different asset classes but is pre-
dominantly invested in equities and bonds.
Manager of managers An asset manager that appoints individual sub-managers to run
separate mandates within its funds.
Market capitalisation The stock market valuation of the company, which is calculated
by multiplying the number of shares in issue by their market price.
Market makers With reference to traded endowment policies these companies will buy
a policy outright and maintain the monthly premiums until they find a purchaser.
Market timing By betting on the value of international securities in mutual funds,
which are only priced once per day, market timers can gain access to securities that
have not traded for many hours and where the price has since moved.
Market value adjuster (MVA) A penalty applied on early termination of a with profits
Married womans stamp A reduced rate of national insurance contribution that
women can still pay provided they were married or widowed before April 1977. The
rate does not build up an entitlement to the basic state pension, among other benefits.
Maturityredemption date The date when a bond repays the nominal (original)
Maximum investment plans (MIPs) A life office regular monthly or annual premium
investment that usually runs for at least 10 years.
Mean expected outcome The mean is the average amount or value, so this is the
expected outcome based on a range of potential outcomes divided by the number in
the set.
Means-tested benefit A social security benefit that is only available where the indi-
vidual can prove eligibility usually by providing evidence that total earnings and
capital fall below certain levels.
Mid-cap Companies with a mid-ranking market capitalisation. In the UK this usually
refers to companies in the FTSE 250 index.
Minimum funding requirement (MFR) A now defunct method of assessing a pension
schemes ability to meet its liabilities. See scheme-specific funding.
Minimum income guarantee (MIG) A means tested benefit paid to raise a pensioners
income to a certain minimum level. Replaced in October 2003 by the pensions tax
Mis-selling An advised sale that does not meet the FSAs standards. This is a regu-
latory offence and the FSA has statutory powers to investigate and impose fines.
Mitigation Arranging your affairs to reduce the impact of taxation in ways that are
approved by the Inland Revenue.
Money laundering Where money from illegal sources is made to appear legal for
example by washing it through legitimate bank accounts, or investing it and then
withdrawing the capital.
Monte Carlo modelling See stochastic modelling.
Moratorium clause On a private medical insurance policy this method of underwriting
would not require disclosure of a full medical history but all pre-existing conditions
Appendix 1 Glossary of terms 337
would be excluded for a period of time typically two years after which they would
also be covered.
Morbidity A measure of state of health and the likelihood of illness.
Mortality A measure of life expectancy.
Mortality cross-subsidy The pooling mechanism for annuity policyholders by which
the income of those who live longer is subsidised by the early deaths.
Mortgage The contract for a secured loan that represents the legal charge on the
property. The borrower gives this to the lender as security.
Mortgage deed The legal contract between the borrower and the lender.
Mortgage indemnity insurance An insurance policy that is paid for by the borrower
but will reimburse the lender if the property is repossessed and there is a difference
between the outstanding mortgage and the actual selling price.
Mortgage interest relief at source (MIRAS) Tax relief on mortgage interest repayment
that applied to home income plan mortgages taken out before April 2000.
Multi-employerindustry-wide scheme A single occupational pension scheme to which
a range of employers have access.
Multi-manager funds Funds that invest in a range of sub-funds run by different specialist
asset managers. See fund of funds and manager of managers.
Mutual A life office owned by its policyholders.
Mutual (collective) funds Funds that spread the individuals risk by pooling the invest-
ments of many to invest in a wide spread of a particular asset class for example UK
equities, commercial property.
Name A corporate or individual member of Lloyds who puts up finance for the
insurance business.
Nameco A vehicle for investing at Lloyds that limits the individuals liability.
National insurance contributions (NICs) An additional tax on earnings between a
lower and upper level. NICs help fund social services benefits and state pensions.
National Savings & Investments (NS&I) A savings and investment institution backed
by the Treasury, which guarantees customers deposits and allows the government to
borrow public money for public spending.
Negative equity Where the value of an asset is exceeded by the loan(s) secured against
Negative ethical screening A method of screening that automatically eliminates com-
panies that are involved in certain lines of business; for example alcohol and tobacco.
Negative (inverse) correlation As one variable increases linearly, the other decreases by
the same or a similar amount. See correlation coefficient.
Net asset value (NAV) The approximate value of the underlying assets owned by the
Net relevant earnings The earnings that can be taken into account for the calculation
of a defined contribution pension contribution an individual may make. Where applic-
able the employer contribution must be taken into account for maximum contribution
338 Appendices
Net rental income The taxable income on an investment property after expenses.
Net worth statement A personal balance sheet.
Nominal The amount of capital that a bond will repay at maturity.
Non-correlation Indicates that there is no linear relationship and so the variables are
not related. See correlation coefficient.
Non-systematic risk Factors that only affect that specific investment and not the
market as a whole.
Non-tangible asset Most regulated investments under the Financial Services and
Markets Act 2000 are non-tangible in that they have no intrinsic value but represent a
financial asset; for example shares, gilts, bonds and collective funds.
Offer price The price at which institutions sell and investors buy securities and funds.
See bid price.
Offset mortgage An arrangement where there are separate accounts for the mortgage
and savings. The savings account earns no interest but its credit value is offset against
the outstanding mortgage capital and so the interest payable is reduced accordingly.
Offshore Generally refers to tax havens or locations where the tax regime is more
favourable than in the UK.
Offshore investment bond Run by offshore insurance companies. Two main types are
distribution bonds, which pay a regular income, and non-distribution bonds, which
roll up gross.
Open architecture This is a productplatform that includes the providers own range
of funds and the funds of a selection of external managers.
Open-ended investment company (OEIC) A collective fund similar to a unit trust but
with a corporate structure.
Open market option (OMO) The facility to use the fund from a personal pension or
similar defined contribution arrangement and to buy an annuity from a company
other than the original provider.
Option A derivatives contract that gives the holder the right, but not the obligation, to
buy or sell a specified underlying asset at a pre-agreed price on or before a given date.
Passive managers These aim to track or replicate an index performance (hence index
tracking) by buying all or a wide sample of the constituent shares.
Pay-as-you-go (PAYG) A system of welfare where the national insurance contri-
butions of those in work pay for the benefits of those who are unable to work or are
Pensionable pay The amount of salary on which company pension scheme contributions
and benefits are based.
Pensions tax credit A means-tested benefit, which replaced the minimum income
guarantee in October 2003, aims to help pensioners who have small private or
company pensions.
Pension tax simplification (A-Day) In April 2006 a new tax regime comes into force
for all pension arrangements.
Appendix 1 Glossary of terms 339
Pension unlocking Denounced by the FSA, here the adviser persuades a defined benefit
pension scheme member to transfer to a personal pension in order to unlock the tax-
free cash early. Advisers who promote this type of scheme take substantial commissions
from the proceeds.
Permanent income bearing shares (PIBS) These form part of the permanent capital of
a building society but have no repayment date and are more like an irredeemable loan
than ordinary equities.
Personal equity plan (PEP) The predecessor to the Individual savings account. A tax-
efficient wrapper in which to hold funds and individual securities, available for new
investment January 1987 to April 1999.
Personal pension A tax-approved investment where the proceeds are used to provide a
retirement income.
Phased drawdown A variation on income drawdown that does not involve annuitising
but makes use of tax-free cash to generate part of the income.
Phased retirement An alternative to income drawdown, here the individual vests a
small number of personal pension plan segments each year to release the tax free cash
element and to use the rest to buy an annuity to provide the required income.
Polarisation A regulatory system under which advisers were either tied to one provider
for the distribution of one or more products or were independent financial advisers
(IFAs), who could select products from the entire range available. Depolarisation
replaced polarisation at the end of 2004.
Positive correlation Where one variable increases in line with another. See correlation
Positive ethical screening An investment approach aim to identify companies that are
working towards a desirable environmental or social goal.
Potentially exempt transfer (PET) Where an individual gives away an asset and dies
within seven years, the tax assessment is based on the date of the gift and the date of
death. A sliding scale of tax rates is used, so the longer the period between the two
dates the lower the liability.
Pound-cost averaging An argument in favour of smaller regular contributions to an
investment rather than an occasional lump sum is that capital invested in small amounts
on a regular basis can even out the impact of market fluctuations. In theory the average
unit or share purchase price over a given period is lower than the arithmetical average
of the market prices.
Precipice bond A type of structured product that offers apparently high returns but in
practice downside gearing, where the indices on which performance is based fell below
a certain level, can result in overall loss of original capital.
Preference shares These carry no voting rights but have a fixed dividend payment.
Premium Bonds UK Government securities issued in units of 1 under the National
Loans Act 1968.
Premium (trading at) Where the net asset value is lower than the share price.
Pre-tax profit margin The trading profit before the deduction of depreciation,
interest payments and tax expressed as a percentage of turnover.
340 Appendices
Priceearnings (PE) ratio The market price of a share divided by the companys
earningsprofits per share in its latest 12-month trading period.
Primary and enhanced protection A way of protecting pension funds from the
recovery charge after pension tax simplification is introduced by securing in advance a
personal lifetime allowance. This is expressed as a percentage of the statutory lifetime
allowance of 1.5m.
Primary threshold The threshold at which an individual starts to pay national
insurance contributions.
Private equity The equity financing of unquoted companies.
Private medical insurance (PMI) An insurance policy that pays for private treatment
for acute curable conditions, not for emergency treatment or chronic illness.
Professional indemnity insurance (PII) A requirement for all authorised financial
firms. PII covers compensation claims against the firm for example for mis-selling.
Protectedguaranteed products Offer a link to the return on an index or a basket of
indices. The growth potential is limited but in return these products offer some down-
side protection.
Protected rights The pension fund built up from rebates of national insurance contri-
butions for those who are contracted out of the additional pension.
Public sector borrowing requirement (PSBR) The amount by which government
spending (including local authorities and nationalised industries) exceeds the income
from taxation, rates and other revenues.
Purchased life annuity (PLA) An annuity pays an income for life in return for a lump
sum investment. A PLA is bought with spare capital, as opposed to a compulsory
purchase annuity, which is bought with the proceeds of a pension arrangement.
Put option A type of derivative contract that confers the right but not the obligation to
sell a fixed number of shares at a predetermined price on a fixed date or within a
predetermined period of time.
Qualifying and non-qualifying Life assurance investment policies with different tax
treatment depending on the level of life assurance.
Realistic balance sheet A new measure of an insurance companys free assets less
liabilities. See free asset ratio.
Real return The investment return adjusted for inflation.
Real-time market information Asset prices at their current trading level.
Recoupment schedule A schedule for theatre investors, for example, that shows how
many weeks the show must run to cover costs.
Recovery charge A new tax to be introduced in April 2006. This applies to pension
funds that exceed the personal lifetime allowance and are not registered for primary or
enhanced protection.
Redemption datematurity The date when a bond repays the nominal (original capital).
Reduction in yield (RIY) The most complete measure of a collective funds cost. It
shows the percentage reduction in the return or yield, taking account of all costs. This
Appendix 1 Glossary of terms 341
is the figure the provider must show on the key features document that is provided to
Regular premium The amount paid by the investor or policyholder to an investment
or insurance policy. Usually monthly but can be annually.
Relative returnperformance Performance relative to an index or a peer group.
Repayment mortgage A mortgage where the monthly payments cover interest and
capital, so that at the end of the term the borrower has paid off the entire debt.
Resident For tax purposes a UK resident is taxed on their worldwide income. Non-
residents are taxed on income that arises in the UK but not elsewhere. Broadly,
residence is determined by the amount of time an individual spends in the UK.
Retail Prices IndexInflation (RPI) Published by the Office for National Statistics every
month, until 2003 this was the most common measure for inflation. The RPI is
calculated by constructing a basket of goods and services used by the typical house-
hold. See Consumer Prices Index.
Retirement annuity plan (RAP) The predecessor to personal pensions. No new RAPs
were sold after 1987 but it is still possible to contribute to existing plans.
Return on capital The profits before tax, divided by the shareholders funds
Reversion annuity See home reversion.
Risk In financial terms this is the standard deviation of the (arithmetic) average return.
For the private investor we usually think of risk in terms of loss of capital, and erosion
due to inflation, but also in terms of the risk of not achieving a personal investment
Risk management The control of risk in a manner that reflects the individuals circum-
stances, risk tolerance and investment horizon.
Running off period A two-year period after the end of an accounting year for a Lloyds
syndicate that provides time for outstanding claims to be settled.
Running yield For a bond fund, the running yield or projected income yield only
takes into account the current rate of income received from the bonds. No allowance
is made for any changes in the capital value, so this could mask capital erosion, for
example, if the annual charge is deducted from capital. See gross redemption yield.
Securities and Investments Board (SIB) The predecessor of the Financial Services
Authority. See self-regulatory organisation.
Self-certification mortgage In theory, a mortgage where the lender does not require
proof of earnings. In practice lenders vary considerably in their requirements.
Self-investment In pension scheme terms this is where the pension fund invests in the
shares of the sponsoring employer.
Self-regulation A system established in 1986 where the financial services institutions
were responsible for regulating their own kind. See self-regulatory organisation.
Self-regulatory organisation (SRO) The original Financial Services Act (1986) estab-
lished a series of SROs to regulate different types of financial institutions and firms
under the overall supervision of the Securities and Investments Board (SIB).
Self-select ISA An Individual savings account that can be used to hold individual
securities and cash, as well as collective funds, in a tax-favoured wrapper.
Settlor The person who transfers assets to a trust.
Shared appreciation mortgage A third party takes a share in a property and in this way
secures the relevant proportion of any gains or losses in the value of the home when it
is resold.
Shareholder activism Institutional investors use their voting power in sensitive areas
such as executive pay and boardroom appointments.
Share option schemes These allow employees to buy shares in their employer at below
market value. It is also possible to avoid income tax on what is effectively a benefit in
kind that is, the difference between the buying price and the market price.
Shares Broadly these are securities with no fixed coupon or redemption date.
Short selling Borrowing assets to sell them high, buy back at a lower price, and then
return them to the lender.
Single life policy An insurance or annuity policy that runs only for the lifetime of the
named individual, as opposed to a joint life policy, which terminates on the second
Single premium A one-off or lump sum payment to a pension or life assurance invest-
ment plan.
Sixtieth scheme A type of defined benefit pension scheme where the pension accrual is
one-sixtieth of final salary for each year of service.
Small cap Companies with a comparatively small market capitalisation. Generally
taken as those below the FTSE 350 (100 and 250 indices), which fall into the FTSE
Small Cap index.
Small self-administered scheme (SSAS) A small company pension scheme designed
primarily for family businesses.
Smoothed managed fund Operates like a unit-linked managed fund but with a
separate mechanism for a limited degree of smoothing the annual returns.
Smoothing To reduce volatility the fund manager or, in the case of a with profits fund,
the actuary, reserves some of the profits in years of good performance to boost returns
in years when investment markets are falling.
Socially responsible investment (SRI) See ethical investment.
Appendix 1 Glossary of terms 343
Split capital investment trust The split refers to a special type of investment trust that
has different types of shares typically one providing income, and one providing a
predetermined sum after a specific period.
Spread betting Taking a bet on the movement of the spread. A spread is the difference
between the buying and selling prices quoted by a stock exchange dealer. The dealer
buys at the lower price and sells at the higher.
Spread trust An investment trust at Lloyds that raises money through share issues and
joins syndicates, the aim being to boost returns by successful underwriting.
Standard variable rate Typically in relation to a mortgage where the repayments
fluctuate in line with the lenders variable rate, which in turn is affected by interest
rates set by the Bank of England.
State earnings related pension scheme (SERPS) The additional pension that was earned
on top of the basic state pension between 1978 and 2002. From April 2002 the
additional pension is the State second pension.
State second pension Also known as S2P, currently this is an earnings-related pension
that sits on top of the basic flat rate pension. Only applicable to employees who are
not contracted out via a group scheme or individual plan.
Statistical distribution of outcomes This shows the potential range of outcomes. See
mean expected outcome.
Statutory money purchase illustration (SMPI) The annual illustration of the retirement
income, in todays prices, that a defined contribution pension plan will generate.
Stepped preference shares A type of share offered by split capital investment trusts that
provides an income that is expected to rise each year at a fixed rate, plus a fixed
redemption price for the shares when the trust is wound up. Each trust offers a
different yield and annual increase, depending on the nature of the underlying assets.
Stochastic modelling An actuarial model that assesses the impact on the portfolio and
returns of random fluctuations in performance and inflation, among other factors.
Monte Carlo modelling is the modern version of this process.
Stocks Broadly these are fixed interest securities with a redemption date. See shares.
Structured products A wide range of products that offer an income or growth target
linked to one or more indices or baskets of currencies. In some cases the total return
may be less than the amount invested.
Sub-investment grade debt Bonds issued by companies that have a credit rating of
below BBB.
Syndicate An annual venture at Lloyds that is owned by its investors
Systematic risk Also known as market risk, this refers to general market influences and
movements that affect all or most investments.
Tangible assetinvestment Assets that have an intrinsic value for example paintings,
wine, gemstones. Property is also in this category. Tangible assets are not regulated
unless individuals invest via a collective fund.
Taper relief A mechanism that reduces the rate of capital gains tax according to how
long the individual has held the asset.
344 Appendices
Tax avoidance Avoiding tax by exploitation of loopholes. Generally, from April 2004,
the Inland Revenue regards special avoidance schemes as unacceptable.
Tax-efficient wrappers Products like a personal pension and an individual savings
account, which are not investments in themselves but can hold a range of investments
in a tax-favoured environment.
Tax equalisation An employers pledge to ensure an expatriate employer will be no
worse off when seconded overseas with regard to his or her tax position.
Tax evasion Deliberate omission to pay tax that is legally due. This is a criminal
Tax-exempt special savings accounts (TESSAs) A tax-free deposit account launched in
1991 and withdrawn for new investment after 5 April 1999.
Tax mitigation The use of Revenue-approved investments, allowances and exemptions
to avoid tax.
Term assurance An insurance policy that provides a tax-free cash lump sum if the
policyholder dies within the period insured.
Terminal bonus A discretionary bonus paid at maturity on a with profits policy, based
on recent performance of the fund.
Tied agent Until late in 2004 the system of regulation demanded that advisers were
either tied, where they could only sell the products of one company, or independent,
where they could select products from across the entire market. See polarisation,
TMT Technology, media and telecom shares.
Top down A strategy that first considers the international and national economic factors
that might affect economic growth in a country, a geographic area or an economic
category, and gradually work down to the individual companies. See bottom up.
Top slicing relief Averages the profit in a life assurance investment bond or maximum
investment policy over the number of years the bond has been held and adds this profit
slice to an investors income in the year the bond matures.
Total charge for credit (TCC) The interest and other charges which affect the real cost
of borrowing even if they are not payable under the credit agreement itself.
Total expense ratio (TER) This shows the annual management charge for a fund plus
any other costs such as audit fees, custody and administration.
Total return A percentage increase of the original investment taking account of both
the income (yield) reinvested, plus any capital growth (the rise in the market price).
Traded endowment policy (TEP) A secondhand with profits endowment policy.
Market makers exploit the discrepancy between the intrinsic value of a with profits
policy and its much lower surrender value by matching potential buyers with sellers.
Trail commission The sales commission paid by a product provider to an adviser on
the anniversary of the sale and each year thereafter. Commission is calculated as a
percentage of the amount invested or the premiumcontribution.
Transfer value The cash value of a Defined benefit pension that is provided when a
scheme member requests a transfer to a new employers scheme or to a Defined
contribution plan.
Appendix 1 Glossary of terms 345
Trust A legal structure that recognises there can be two owners of assets the trustees,
of whom there must be at least two and who have legal control of the assets, and the
beneficiaries, who are entitled to the income andor capital but only under the terms
of the trust.
Trustee One of two types of legal owner of trust assets the other being the beneficiaries.
See trust.
Underlying inflation The unofficial term given to the inflation rate in an economy
measured by the retail prices index minus mortgage interest payments (RPIX).
Underwater shares Shares purchased through a company scheme where the value of
shares has fallen below the price when the employee took out the option.
Unfunded unapproved retirement benefit scheme (UURBS) A pension arrangement
that employers can use for employees restricted by the earnings cap.
Unit trust A collective fund with a specific investment aim. Unit trusts are open ended,
which means they may create or cancel units on a daily basis depending on demand.
Universal benefit A social security benefit that is paid to all relevant UK residents
irrespective of earned and unearned income, plus capital.
Unlimited liability With reference to investors (Names) at Lloyds, this status meant
that in the event of a call on funds due to heavy insurance losses, the individuals
assets, including the home, must be sold if necessary to meet the bill.
Unsecured lending A loan that is not secured against an asset. See secured lending.
Upper earnings limit See National insurance contributions.
Value investing An investment style where the objective is to identify shares that are
underpriced by the market.
Venture Capital Trust (VCT) A quoted investment company that invests in unquoted
companies andor companies listed on the Alternative Investments Market.
Vesting The process of converting a pension plan into income or an income-generating
arrangement such as an annuity. Vesting enables the individual to gain access to the
tax-free cash.
Warrant A security that confers a right but not an obligation on the holder to purchase
(call warrants) or sell (put warrants) a quantity of a financial asset on a predetermined
date at a predetermined price (the strike or excise price). See covered warrant.
Whole of life A policy that combines insurance and investment in order to pay a
benefit whenever the policyholder dies. There is no specific term.
Wind up The closure of a pension scheme and distribution of the assets in accordance
with the trust deed and rules.
With profits annuity An investment-linked annuity that links the investment mainly to
the returns achieved by the underlying with profits fund.
With profits fund A fund that invests in equities, bonds and property, pays an annual
bonus or return and in addition pays a final or terminal bonus. Returns are smoothed to
avoid significant fluctuations. In the case of traditional and unitised with profits funds
the policyholder is exposed to the profits and losses of the providers other business
346 Appendices
Wrap account An online facility or platform that allows the investor to see in one
place and to aggregate the value of their total range of savings and investments.
Zero A name given to the shares of split capital investment trusts that receive no
income but entitle the owner to a potential fixed capital return when the trust is
wound up.
Appendix 2
AZ of websites
Bank of England:
Barclays Capital Equity Gilt Study:
Bloomsbury Financial Planning:
British Bankers Association:
British Venture Capital Association:
Building Societies Association:
Care and Repair:;;
348 Appendices
IFA Promotions:
Independent Research Services:
Independent Schools Council Information Service (ISCIS):
Inland Revenue:
Institute for Economic Affairs:
Institute of Actuaries:
Institute of Chartered Accountants for England and Wales:
Institute of Financial Planning:
Institute of Financial ServicesChartered Institute of Banking:
Institute of Fiscal Studies:
Investment Management Association:
Investors Chronicle:
Islamic banking:
This section is reproduced with the kind permission of the Institute of Financial Planning
and forms part of the Certified Financial Planner Licence: Syllabus and Tuition Manual,
4th edition, Paul T. Grainger, Institute of Financial Planning, Bristol, 2001.
2.1 List the clients precise goals or objectives and their priority ranking.
Include monetary values or by when dates where they are known.
2.2 List the clients preferences or constraints in terms of attitudes (especially
investment risk attitude), values and beliefs.
3.3 Subtract liabilities from assets to produce net assets or net liabilities:
3.4 Make a separate rough working note of any assets which produce income and
identify whether this is paid:
Net of tax (e.g. investor dividends)
Gross, but taxable (e.g. Gilts)
Gross, but tax-free (e.g. Peps or ISAs)
3.5 Make a separate rough working note of any assets which are potentially free
from Capital Gains Tax on disposal (e.g. principal private residence or
Gilts/Corporate loans).
3.6 Make a separate rough working note of the potential size of the estate if one
spouse/partner dies, under the circumstances of any will or lack thereof, as
described in the case study.
Appendix 3 How to prepare a financial plan 353
4.2 Identify gross income by person and frequency (e.g. per annum) under
columns headed:
4.5 Deduct expenditure per person based upon the same frequency
(e.g. per annum) as income:
4.6 Identify per person and total net surplus income after expenditure (or shortfall).
354 Appendices
7.2 Clearly explain the logic behind any assumptions used. Ensure they are in a range
of acceptability, or if not, explain why.
7.3 Prepare advice to deal with each specific issue to be dealt with within clients
requirements and/or constraints. (Normally three areas of technical advice.)
7.4 Explain why other areas are to be/have been excluded from advice.
7.5 Clearly explain why and state how the recommended course of action solves the
problem/meets the objective.
7.7 Ensure that solutions are consistent with client objectives, constraints,
attitude etc.
356 Appendices
8.1 Ensure a list of actions is included, stating who is to do what, to whom and
by when.
8.2 Ensure it is clear that a review will take place, and why. State who will initiate the
review process and by when.
10.1 Check that all CFP Licence Assessment Standards have been satisfied.
This appendix sets out a comprehensive case study of Karl and Ulrika Harvey. Your
task is to produce a holistic financial plan that comments on the issues identified in the
syllabus, with three issues being addressed in detail.
Some of the syllabus issues are clearly irrelevant in this case, such as those relating
to a business. We would suggest that you select the issues that you would like to
address in detail from the six listed below. You should comment on the other three to
at least summary level.
Personal Risk Management & Insurance
Investments (esp. Ethical Investment)
Estate Planning (inc. Wills & Trusts)
Special Needs (e.g. Long Term Care)
Taxation & National Insurance
Educational Funding
It is intended that the case study gives you all of the detail that you need in order to
complete the report. You should certainly assume that it is complete. However, in the
event that you feel that more information is essential to clarify a point or to resolve
what you consider to be an inconsistency, please telephone the IFP who will seek
clarification from the senior CFP assessor.
You should note that the file note has resulted from meeting(s) that you are deemed
to have held. Things that may appear to be inconsistent may be treated as being no
more than different peoples interpretation of relationships and circumstances.
This exam question is reproduced by permission of the Institute of Financial Planning and is taken from the
Certified Financial Planning Licence Syllabus & Tuition Pack. The net annual expenditure analysis is
provided at the end of this appendix.
358 Appendices
Karl and Ulrika have been happily married for 45 years. They met whilst Ulrika was
on holiday in the UK. They have one son, James, who was born in the UK. Karl is a
retired geologist who regularly used to spend up to six months of each year working
outside the UK.
Ulrika did not work until James was 21, but had risen to the post of manager at the
local superstore when she retired at 60. Karl has always loved the sea and has paid a
regular subscription of 10 per month to the RNLI since 1980, when he was rescued
by a lifeboat whilst on holiday on the coast of Cornwall.
Karls brother, Jim, died in February 2002. His will states that Karl should receive
70,000, made up as follows:-
5284 Lloyds TSB shares, approximate value 40,000
1274 Halifax shares, approximate value 10,000
Cash deposits of 20,000.
Karl expects to receive the bequest within the next few months.
Their son James has had a hard life. He has neither been lucky in love nor life
generally. Ulrika says the best thing that has ever happened to him was the birth of his
daughter, Susannah, in 1999. Although the mother has since left James for another
man, James has successfully won custody of Susannah.
Karl and Ulrika would like to give Susannah a good start and would dearly love to
pay for her initial education at a good private school nearby. They are concerned that
this might inhibit their future financial security, or if something happened to them,
that James might be tempted to use the money for other things and remove her from
the school. The couple would like to set aside further money to help Susannah in
future years but do not wish to jeopardise their own financial security to achieve this.
Karl and Ulrika regularly pay for all four, including James and Susannah, to go on
holidays together. They have seen some fantastic sights since Susannah was born. They
wish to continue this for as long as their health allows.
They are concerned they would become a burden to James and Susannah if they
needed medical or nursing care. They wish to remain together for as long as possible,
preferably in their own home. Karl has had some mobility problems recently and
Ulrika has paid to have a stair lift installed to help him.
The couple wish to preserve their estate for James and Susannah but wish to exercise
a degree of control on James as he is notoriously bad with money and seems to fritter
it away on the strangest things. Karl also wishes to know how best to invest his
imminent inheritance to fund their future holidays and unforeseen disasters, to ensure
their financial security in the years to come. The couple bought joint life, 5-year
guaranteed annuities with their pension arrangements when they retired. Upon death
half the pension is paid to the remaining spouse. The pensions escalate each year
by 3%.
Appendix 4 Financial planning case study 359
Child 2
Child 3
Child 4
Agricultural property
Quoted shares
Unit trusts
Partnership interest
Mortgage outstanding
Name of firm
Director or partner?
Other source(s)
Schedule D earnings/pension
Employers contribution
Members contribution
When would you really like to retire (or be financially independent)? Already retired
364 Appendices
Country of residence UK UK
National Insurance No NS 34 24 08 A NT 12 46 55 C
Self Spouse/partner
Mirror wills drawn up in 1990. First 20,000 to RNLI then remainder to spouse. If no spouse
remainder to James.
Family security on your death 1 Net total income needed in todays money
31,000 pa.
Education expenses 2
Estate planning 4
Business continuation/succession
Business planning
How concerned are you about the risk of financial loss to youyour beneficiaries
your business caused by:
1. Untimely death?
Karl and Ulrika: Not concerned.
2. Critical illnessdisability?
Karl and Ulrika: Very concerned.
1. Are you prepared to accept that capitalcontributions may fall in value and, if
so, with how much of your capital can you afford to risk a short-term fall in the
value in pursuit of medium- to long-term growth?
Karl and Ulrika: Yes, up to 20%.
2. Of this amount, how much would you wish to invest in higher-risk investments
where there may be the prospect of higher returns but also a risk of long-term
capital loss?
Karl and Ulrika: As little as possible.
6. Does this apply to any special purposes; if not, please explain any differences
in approach?
Karl and Ulrika: NA.
368 Appendices
7. Are you prepared to accept that capitalcontributions may fall in value and, if
so, with how much of your capital can you afford to risk a short-term fall in the
value in pursuit of medium- to long-term growth?
Karl and Ulrika: Yes, up to 20%.
8. Of this amount, how much would you wish to invest in higher-risk investments
where there may be the prospect of higher returns but also a risk of long-term
capital loss?
Karl and Ulrika: As little as possible.
10. How much of your capitalcontributions do you need to protect against inflation
and over what timescale?
Karl and Ulrika: As much as possible to achieve objectives.
11. How much of your capitalcontributions do you wish to generate growth and if
so what rate(s) and over what timescale?
Karl and Ulrika: Education fees until needed.
12. Does this apply to any special purposes; if not, please explain any differences
in approach?
Karl and Ulrika: NA.
Appendix 4 Financial planning case study 369
Refer to definitions below and insert your name in the appropriate box to indicate
your risk attitude to investment risk for each objective.
Relatively higher
High risk
No risk to capital No risk of capital value and accept possible loss of real value
due to inflation.
Low risk Low risk loss of capital but some inflationary risk to real value or return
based on fixed rate.
Modest risk Generally small risk of real or comparative capital loss in pursuit of
longer-term capital growth.
Relatively higher risk Some risk of real or comparative capital loss in pursuit of
longer-term capital growth.
Mortgage protection
(not endowment)
TOTAL 1,400
Electricity 200
Gas 200
Water 140
Telephone 300
Oil/Solid Fuel
TOTAL 3,500
Appendix 4 Financial planning case study 371
AA/RAC membership
Books/magazines/newspapers 180
TOTAL 5,880
372 Appendices
Clothing 600
Presents 3,000
Allowances to children/relatives
Education expenses
Life assurance
TOTAL 15,340
Appendix 4 Financial planning case study 373
Breakdown of Income Tax Calculation for Tax year Ending 5 April 2004
Investment Income
Joint Building Society Savings Interest (gross) 3,600.00 3,600.00 7,200.00 20%
Gilts 5,000 Nominal Stock (gross) (8%) 400.00 400.00
Gilts 5,000 Nominal Stock (gross) (9%) 450.00 450.00
Sub Total 4,000.00 4,050.00 8,050.00
Reduce age allowance by 1 for every 2 over 18,300. Karl is over by 3,970
Therefore, reduce 6,720 by 1,985 4,735
Ulrikas income is under 18,300 and therefore gets the additional age allowance (age 6574)
(01,960) @10% 196.00 196.00
tax at 20% on savings income 800.00 810.00
(17,53519604000) @ 22% on 11,575 for Karl 2,546.50 811.00
(9,696.801960 4050) @ 22% on 3,686.80 for Ulrika
Sub Total 3,542.50 1,817.00
You are a basic rate taxpayer at present
1. Karl has predeceased Ulrika and the situation follows Ulrikas death.
2. Karl has received the inheritance of 70,000.
3. All gifts made are within the annual exemption limits and therefore do not form part of the gross estate.
4. Both Wills make a charitable donation of 20,000 to RNLI which is not chargeable.
Assets Value
House 125,000.00
Contents / Personal Effects 16,000.00
Bank deposits 270,000.00
Investments 76,424.00
Deduct Liabilities
Mr and Mrs Harvey Long Term Care / Special Needs 1st December 2003
1. Nursing Care costs 400 per week (source Tax Briefs) in a Nursing Home
2. For individual costings I have assumed costs for occasional assistance of 3 days in your home.
75 per day or 100 per day if assistance is needed for both of you.
3. Karl will need care assistance first as he is in poorer health.
4. If you both go into a home I have assumed a contingency of 4,000 each for things not provided by
the home and increases in fees.
5. You will qualify for the higher rate of Attendance Allowance. Currently, 57.20 per week.
6. You both wish to preserve your estate for James and Susannah and do not wish to deplete your estate
with high care fees.
7. Your applications following medicals will be successful.
You only have a shortfall if either of you or both of you need care in a Nursing Home and my
recommendation is that you plan for this eventuality by implementing long-term care cover that will
pay you the benefit directly rather than the carer or nursing home. This way you have the option to stay
in your home or move into a nursing home.
Therefore, to consider effecting Long Term Care Plans to cover a shortfall of 5,000 each
The estimated monthly costs (source BUPA Care) are:
Karl 89.75 per month 1,077.00
Ulrika 91.58 per month 1,098.96
Couples discount is available on premiums
Premiums and Benefits can escalate at RPI subject to a maximum of 15%
376 Appendices
2003 / 2004
September 2004 4 years 5 months 2004 / 2005 4,725.00 4,590.00 9 months
September 2005 5 years 5 months 2005 / 2006 4,961.00 4,635.00 21 months
September 2006 6 years 5 months 2006 / 2007 5,209.00 4,680.00 33 months
September 2007 7 years 5 months 2007 / 2008 5,470.00 4,785.00 45 months
September 2008 8 years 5 months 2008 / 2009 5,743.00 4,825.00 57 months
September 2009 9 years 5 months 2009 / 2010 6,030.00 4,808.00 69 months
September 2010 10 years 5 months 2010 / 2011 6,332.00 4,940.00 81 months
Fees are 1,500 per term starting Autumn 2004 until Summer 2010.
Fees escalate each year by 5%.
As previously mentioned the calculations can be reviewed should reality prove different.
Deposit Rate 4%
3 year certificates 3.65%
5 year certificates 3.75%
Appendix 4 Financial planning case study 377
Mr and Mrs Harvey Revised Income Tax Calculations 1st December 2003
Breakdown of Income Tax Calculation for Tax year Ending 5 April 2004
Investment Income
Joint Building Society Savings Interest (gross) 280.00 5,560.00 5,840.00 20%
Gilts 5,000 Nominal Stock (gross) (8%) 400.00 400.00
Gilts 5,000 Nominal Stock (gross) (9%) 450.00 450.00
Sub Total 680.00 6,010.00 6,690.00
Reduce age allowance by 1 for every 2 over 18,300. Karl is over by 650
Therefore, reduce 6,720 by 325 6,395
Ulrikas income is under 18,300 and therefore gets the additional age allowance (age 6574)
(01,960) @10% 196.00 196.00
tax at 20% on savings income 136.00 1,202.00
(12,5551960680) @ 22% on 9,915 for Karl 2,181.30 811.00
(11,6571960 6010) @ 22% on 3,687 for Ulrika
Sub Total 2,513.30 2,209.00
You are a basic rate taxpayer at present
1. House is held as tenants in common.
2. Bank deposits are setup as below.
3. Deed of Variation created for the proceeds of Jims Will.
4. You have made a gift into an A&M trust to fund Susannas future Education fees.
5. Both Wills make a charitable donation of 20,000 to RNLI which is not chargeable.
Deduct Liabilities -
If Karl dies first the value of his estate currently 99,212 will pass into the discretionary trust created
under his Will.
If Ulrika dies first the NRB currently 255,000 will pass into the discretionary trust created under her Will.
The monetary value need not be transferred into the trust as the value could be satisfied as an IOU.
Arnott, Robert, and Bernstein, Peter. What Risk Premium is Normal? Financial
Analysts Journal, MarchApril 2002.
Blake, David. Financial System Requirements for Successful Pension Reform, published
on The Pensions Institute website, June 2003 (
Brett, Michael. How to Read the Financial Pages, Random House, London, 2003.
Brinson, Gary, Hood, L. Randolf, and Beebower, Gilbert. Determinants of Portfolio
Performance, Financial Analysts Journal, JulyAugust 1986.
Dimson, Elroy, Marsh, Paul, and Staunton, Mike. London Business School.
Foreman, A. The Zurich Tax Handbook, Pearson, Harlow, 2003.
Grainger, Paul T. Certified Financial Planner Licence: Syllabus and Tuition Manual,
4th edition, Institute of Financial Planning, Bristol, 2001.
National Association of Pension Funds, Annual Survey 2003.
OECD Labour Force Statistics, 19822002: 2003 edition, distributed in the UK by
Databeuro Limited (
Trow, Stuart. Bluff Your Way in Economics, Ravette Publishing, 1996.
Vaitilingam, Romesh. The Financial Times Guide to Using the Financial Pages,
Financial Times Prentice Hall, 2001.
Philips, S. The Deloitte & Touche Financial Planning for the Individual, Gee
Publishing, London, 2002.
FTSE All-Small 53, 332 home income plans (HIPs) 215, 21516, 333
FTSE Fledgling 53, 139, 332 home reversion 215, 21617, 333
FTSE SmallCap 52, 74, 139, 189, 332
FTSE techMARK 139, 332 illegal activities 334
FTSE4Good 139, 186, 1901, 332 impaired life annuities 3068, 333
private investor indices (with APCIMS) income bonds 119
734, 789, 81 income drawdown 30, 275, 286, 303,
fund supermarkets 181, 332 31013, 333
fundamental analysts 63 income portfolio 734
funded unapproved retirement benefit income protection insurance 956, 333
schemes (FURBS) 2778, 332 income shares 152, 343
funds of funds (FoFs) 151, 170, 332 income tax allowances 2312, 333
funds of hedge funds 60, 172 increasing term assurance 93
futures 56, 332 independent financial advisers 27, 334
index linked gilts 589, 1212, 1301,
gearing (leverage) 141, 143, 152, 332 1324, 334
gemstones 201 index-linked savings certificates 116, 11819
gift aid 237, 333 index tracking (passive management) 63,
gifts of quoted stocks and shares 237 135, 338
gilt edged market makers (GEMMs) 131 indexation allowance 233, 334
gilt-equity yield ratio 61, 333 indexed bond funds 71
gilts 9, 50, 578, 121, 128, 1301, 333 indices
assessing gilt income 1314 comparison with 78
index linked 589, 1212, 1301, 1324, FTSE indices see FTSE indices
334 individual savings accounts (ISAs) 134,
price fluctuations in traded gilts 130 17881
yields compared with other investments 134 cash 118, 121, 179, 180
gross redemption yield 135, 333 contribution rules 179
group income protection schemes 956 self-select 144, 179, 1801, 342
group personal pensions (GPPs) 2867 taxation 116
growth investing 64, 333 industry-wide pension schemes 2712, 337
growth portfolio 734 inefficient markets 71, 334
guaranteed annuity rate (GAR) 1656, 333 inflation 446, 117, 334
guaranteed income bonds (GIBs) 1223, 333 comparing performance with 78
guaranteed period 3056 inflation risk 9
guaranteed products 16870, 333, 340 inflation shock 61, 334
headline inflation 44, 333 guide to reading financial pages 816
hedge funds 5960, 1712, 174, 333 how to read economic information 424
high risk investor strategies 1446 provided by listed companies 140
high yield (junk) bonds 128, 333, 335, 343 real-time market information 145, 340
higher earners 2779 sources 5
higher education 2503 inheritance tax (IHT) 93, 2345, 334
Higher Education Grant 2523 inheritance tax allowance 231, 234, 334
hire purchase 108, 333 initial commission 6, 334
historical context 226 Inland Revenue 230, 240
HIVAIDS 94 see also taxation
386 Index
market risk (systematic risk) 70, 343 National Savings & Investments (NS&I)
market timing 171, 336 116, 11720, 337
market value adjuster (MVA) 1634, 336 negative (inverse) correlation 50, 337
married couples pension 260 negative equity 41, 337
married womans stamp 259, 336 negative ethical screening 187, 337
maturity (redemption date) 128, 336, 340 net asset value (NAV) 86, 141, 142, 152,
maxi-ISAs 179 337
maximum investment plans (MIPs) 1534, net relevant earnings 287, 337
336 net rental income 21213, 338
mean expected outcome 689, 336 net worth statement 13, 14, 338
means-tested benefits 23, 24, 336 new issues 140
medical examination 94 NHS and Community Care Act 1993 100
mid cap 634, 336 nominal 128, 1312, 338
mini-ISAs 118, 179 non-correlation 50, 60, 338
Minimum Funding Requirement (MFR) 267, non-distribution bonds 156, 338
268, 336 non-qualifying policies 155, 340
minimum income guarantee (MIG) 260, 336 non-systematic risk 70, 338
mis-selling 26, 2933, 336 non-tangible assets 27, 338
response to 313 nursingcare homes 1002
Mississippi Bubble 40
mitigation 230, 336, 344 occupational pension schemes 302
model portfolios 734, 789, 81 crisis 2668
money laundering 33, 336 defined benefit 26583, 329
moratorium clauses 99, 3367 integrated pension schemes 2601, 275,
morbidity 12, 337 334
mortality 12, 337 retiring abroad 31920
mortality cross-subsidy 301, 302, 337 see also defined contribution schemes
mortgage annuities 21516, 335 October 1987 crash 401, 42
mortgage deed 2045, 337 offer price 85, 338
mortgage indemnity insurance 210, 337 Office of Fair Trading (OFT) 107
mortgage interest relief at source (MIRAS) offset mortgages 209, 338
218, 337 offshore 156, 338
mortgages 20411, 213, 337 offshore investment bonds 156, 338
multi-employer pension schemes 2712, 337 open architecture 157, 338
multi-manager funds 170, 293, 337 open-ended investment companies (OEICs)
mutual (collective) funds see collective funds 1501, 153, 338
mutual status 140, 337 open market option (OMO) 300, 305, 338
options 567, 338
Namecos 225, 227, 337 ordinary shares 55
Names 222, 2234, 225, 337 overseas assignments 31618, 320
National Association of Pension Funds overseas equities 50, 57
(NAPF) 54 overseas markets 6970, 73
National Debtline 11213 overseas property 212
National Health Service (NHS) 98
national insurance contributions (NICs) passive management (index tracking) 63,
223, 258, 337 135, 338
contribution record 2589 pay-as-you-go (PAYG) 23, 338
388 Index