Alcomer 74 TDS
Alcomer 74 TDS
Alcomer 74 TDS
Alcomer 74
Physical Chemical
Alcomer 74 functions primarily as a rheology control agent by reducing viscosity and gel
strengths. It has been designed to offer increased thermal stability (260C) and provide better
rheology control and cost efficiency than Alcomer 72L when drilling green cement, salt or
anhydrite stringers. Its effectiveness has been proven in fresh water gel, K+ polymer, gyp, and
saturated salt muds. Alcomer 74 is effective at any pH and due to its rapid dissolution,
immediately affects the rheology of a drilling fluid. Alcomer 74 will also function as a gel
suppressor and help reduce the fluid loss in most mud systems. A highly concentrated "pill" of
Alcomer 74 will induce wall cake breakdown prior to completion, cementing or stimulation
operations. Dose requirements are typically 1/4 that of lignosulphonate with the actual amount
required dependent upon the amount of solids present in the system. Alcomer 74 has also been
found to be a very effective thinner in carbonate/bicarbonate and sulphate contaminated muds
where conventional thinners have little or no effect. Concentrations range from 0.3-3.0 kg/m3.
Alcomer 74 should be added directly to the mud system through the mixing hopper. Store away
from acids. It is advisable to use a dust mask and eye protection while mixing all products.
Alcomer 74 is slippery when spilled and should be cleaned up with an absorbent material.
8750 53 Ave NW, Edmonton AB, T6E 5G2 360, 800 6 Ave SW, Calgary AB, T2P 3G3
TEL: 780.468.4064 FAX: 780.469.1899 TEL: 403.265.4401 FAX: 403.269.5540
TOLL FREE: 800.661.2792 TOLL FREE: 800.661.1343