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International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)

ISSN: 2321-0869 (O) 2454-4698 (P) Volume-7, Issue-7, July 2017

FIR Filter Design Using Mixed Algorithm

Vikash Kumar, Mr. Vaibhav Purwar
non-recursive, a repetitive delay-and-add format, and is most
Abstract A method for the design of non recursive digital often used to produce FIR filters. This structure depends upon
low pass FIR filter is proposed using GA. The main focus of the each sample of new and present value data. The number of
paper is to describe the developed and dynamic method of taps (delays) and values of the computation coefficients () are
designing finite impulse response filter with automatic rapid and selected to "weight" the data being shifted down the delay line
less error by an efficient genetic and neural approach. GA and
to create the desired amplitude response of the filter. In this
Neural are powerful global optimization algorithm introduced
in combinational optimization problems. Here, FIR filter is
configuration, there are no feedback paths to cause instability.
designed using Genetic, Neural approach by efficient coding The calculation of coefficients is not constrained to particular
schemes. The response is studied and implemented by keeping values and can be used to implement filter functions that do
values of fixed order, crossover probability and mutation not have a linear system equivalent. More taps increase the
probability. Some data group of coefficients is used to train the steepness of the filter roll-off while increasing calculation
neural network designed using generalized regression algorithm time (delay) and for high order filters, limiting bandwidth.
and rest are used as test input to neural network. GA & ANN This can be stated mathematically as:
offers a quick, simple and automatic method of designing low
pass FIR filters that are very close to optimum in terms of
magnitude response, frequency response and in terms of phase.
where, y(n) = Response of Linear Time Invariant (LTI)
Index Terms TermsGenetic Algorithm, Artificial Neural system.
Networks, Back propagation, FIR Filter, Optimization, DSP. x(k) = Input signal
h(k) = Unit sample response
N = No. of signal samples
FIR filters are simple to design and they are guaranteed to be
Filters constitute an essential part of DSP. Actually, their Bounded Input-Bounded Output (BIBO) stable. By designing
extraordinary performance is one of the main reasons which the filter taps to be symmetrical about the centre tap position,
have made DSP so popular. Filter is essentially a system or an FIR filter can be guaranteed to have linear phase response.
network that improves the quality of a signal and/or extracts This is a desirable property for many applications such as
information from the signals or separates two or more signals music and video processing.
which are previously combined Nowadays digital filters can
be used to perform many filtering tasks are replacing the B. Infinite Impulse Response (IIR) Filter
traditional role of analog filters in many applications.[7]. IIR filter is one whose impulse response is infinite [2].
Impulse response is infinite because there is feedback in the
This permits the approximation of many waveforms or
Digital Filter is an important part of digital signal processing
transfer functions that can be expressed as an infinite
(DSP) system and it usually comes in two categories: Finite
recursive series. These implementations are referred to as
Impulse Response (FIR) and Infinite Impulse Response (IIR).
Infinite Impulse Response (IIR) filters. The functions are
FIR filter is an attractive choice because of the ease of design
infinite recursive because they use previously calculated
and stability. By designing the filter taps to be symmetrical
values in future calculations to feedback in hardware systems.
about the centre tap position, a FIR filter can be guaranteed to
IIR filters can be mathematically represented as:
have linear phase. Linear phase FIR filters are also required
M is the number of feed-back taps in the IIR filter and N is the
when time domain features are specified
number of feed-forward taps. IIR Filters are useful for
A. Finite Impulse Response (FIR) high-speed designs because they typically require a lower
number of multiply compared to FIR filters. IIR filters have
Digital filter is one whose impulse response is of finite lower side lobes in stop band as compared to FIR filters.
duration [7]. The impulse response is "finite" because there is Unfortunately, IIR filters do not have linear phase and they
no feedback in the filter. If we put in an impulse (that is, a can be unstable if not designed properly. IIR filters are very
single "1" sample followed by many "0" samples), zeroes will sensitive to filter coefficient quantization errors that occur
eventually come out after the "1" sample has made its way in due to use of a finite number of bits to represent the filter
the delay line past all the coefficients. FIR (Finite Impulse coefficients. One way to reduce this sensitivity is to use a
Response) filters are implemented using a finite number "n" cascaded design.
delay taps on a delay line and "n" computation coefficients to
compute the algorithm (filter) function. The above structure is III. DESIGNING TECHNIQUES OF FIR FILTERS
Vikash Kumar, Department of Electronics & Communication, There are essentially three well-known methods for FIR filter
M.Tech Scholar, Kanpur Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India. design namely:
Mr. Vaibhav Purwar, Assistant Professor, Department of Electronics (1) The window method
& Communication, Kanpur Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India (2) The frequency sampling technique

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FIR Filter Design Using Mixed Algorithm

(3) Optimal filter design methods is usually described as a string of symbols from (0,1). These
components of the chromosomes are then labeled as genes.
A. Kaiser window
Kaiser window is a well known flexible window and widely B. Crossover
used for FIR filter design and spectrum analysis, since it The crossover operator is the most important operator of GA.
achieves close approximation to the discrete pro late In crossover, generally two chromosomes, called parents, are
spheroidal functions that have maximum energy combined together to form new chromosomes, called
concentration in the main lobe. With adjusting its two offspring. The parents are selected among existing
independent parameters, namely the window length and the chromosomes in the population with preference towards
shape parameter, it can control the spectral parameters main fitness so that offspring is expected to inherit good. By one
lobe width and ripple ratio for various applications. Side lobe from two parent point crossover method, for a chromosome of
roll-off ratio is another spectral parameter and important for length, l, a random number c between 1 and l is first
some applications. For beam forming applications, the higher generated. The first child chromosome is formed by
side lobe roll-off ratio means, that it can reject far end appending the last l-c elements of the first parent chromosome
interferences better. For filter design applications, it can to the first c elements of the second parent chromosome. The
reduce the far end attenuation for stop band energy. And for second child chromosome is formed by appending the last l-c
speech processing, it reduces the energy leak from one band elements of the second parent chromosome to the first c
to another. elements of the first parent chromosome. Probability of
B. Optimal Filter Design Methods crossover ranges from 0.6 to6 to0.95
Optimization is the act of obtaining the best results under C. Mutation
given circumstances. Optimization can be defined as the Mutation is another important operator in CGA, though it is
process of finding the condition that gives the maximum or usually considered as a background operator. It operates
minimum value of the function. If x* corresponds the independently on each individual by probabilistic perturbing
minimum value of function f(x), the same point also each bit string. The mutation operator introduces random
corresponds to maximum value of the function f(x). Thus changes in to characteristic of chromosomes. Mutation is
optimization can be taken to mean minimization since the generally applied at the gene level. There is a chance that a
maximum of the function can be found by seeking of the gene of a child is changed randomly. Generally the chances of
negative of the same number. mutation are low. Therefore, the new chromosome produced
by mutation will not be very different from the original one.
IV. GENETIC ALGORITHM Mutation is a unary operator that is usually applied with a low
A Genetic algorithm (GA) is an optimization technique that is probability An usual way to mutate used in CGA is to generate
based on the evolution theory. Instead of searching for a a random number v between 1 and l and then make a random
solution to a problem in the state space (like the traditional change in the vth element of the string with probability
search algorithms do), a GA works in the solution space and pm(0, 1) Typically, the probability for bit mutation changes
builds new, hopefully better solution based on existing ones. from 0.001 to 0.01
GA operates with a collection of chromosomes, called a
population. The population is normally randomly initialized.
The population includes
fitter and fitter solution, and eventually it converges, meaning
that it is dominated by a single solution. The general idea
behind GA is that it builds a better solution by somehow
combining the good parts of other solutions (schemata
Figure 1: One-point Crossover and Mutation operators
theory), just like nature does by combining the DNA of living
beings [10]. In GA, different operators are to generate new
solutions from existing ones. These operators are based on D. Genetic Algorithm Procedure
reproductions, Reproduction operators are crossover and
mutation. The size of each chromosome must remain the same The genetic algorithm loops over an iteration process to make
for crossover to be applied. Fittest chromosomes are selected the population evolve [12]. It consist the following steps:
in each generation to produce offspring which replace the 1. The first step consists in selecting individuals for
previous generation. The good individuals remain in the reproduction. This selection is done randomly with a
population and reproduce; while the bad individuals are probability depending on the relative fitness of the individuals
eliminated from the population. Finally the population will so that best ones are often chosen for reproduction than poor
consist only of the best individuals fulfilling the design ones.
specifications. The genetic algorithm is an artificial genetic 2. Reproduction: In the second step, offspring are bred by
system based on the process of natural selection and genetic the selected individuals. For generating new chromosomes,
operators. Genetic algorithm is a heuristic algorithm which the algorithm can use both recombination and mutation.
tries to find the optimal results by decreasing the value of the 3. Evaluation: Then the fitness of the new chromosomes is
objective function. evaluated.
A. Initialization 4. Replacement: During the last step, individuals from the
old population are killed and replaced by the new ones. The
In the initialization, the first thing to do is to decide the coding
algorithm is stopped when the population converges towards
structure. Coding for a solution, termed a chromosome in GA,
the optimal solution.

12 www.erpublication.org
International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)
ISSN: 2321-0869 (O) 2454-4698 (P) Volume-7, Issue-7, July 2017
To design a linear phase FIR filter, we must minimize the
error between actual and ideal output. There exist some forms
of error function for the filter design. One of them is the
least-squares method. We define the error function as the
error between the desired magnitude and the actual amplitude
at a certain frequency, that is

Thus we can adopt the objective function for the minimization

as total squared error across frequency domains as follows

where, M is the number of frequency interval. From eq. (3) we

can write the above equation as:

The problem is reduced to find out h (n) by minimizing the

squared error E.

F. Coefficient Encoding
The filter impulse response coefficients, h (0) to h (N), are
Figure 2 Flow Chart of GA sufficient to represent a digital FIR filter. Thus, N+1
coefficients of the filter form the genome and the particle
position in the GA and the PSO, respectively. Each
E. Application of Genetic Algorithm to FIR Filter Design coefficient is represented by a floating number in the range
A digital FIR filter is characterized by the following transfer [-1, 1], inclusive. G. Fitness Function A fitness function is a
function, particular type of objective function that is used to
summarize, as a single figure of merit. Fitness function must
be devised for each problem to be solved. Given a particular
chromosome, the fitness function returns a single numerical
fitness, figure of merit, which is supposed to be
In the above expression, N is the order of the filter and h(n)
proportional to the utility or ability of the individual
represent the filter coefficients to be determined in the design
which that chromosome represents. We use the total squared
process. Designing the FIR filters as minimum phase provides
error as the fitness function of FIR digital filter, that is:
some important advantages. Minimum phase filters have two
main advantages: Reduced filter length and Minimum group
delay. Minimum phase filters can simultaneously meet delay
and magnitude response constraints yet generally require
fewer computations and less memory than linear phase. V. ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORKS
Recently, GA has been emerged into optimum filter designs. An Artificial Neural Network (ANN) also known as Neural
The characteristics of multi-objective, coded variables and Network (NN) is a computational model based on the
natural selection make GA different from other optimization structure and function of biological neural network [1]. In
techniques. Filters designed by GA have the potential of other words ANN is computing system which is made up of a
obtaining near global optimum solution [13]. FIR digital filter number of simple processing elements (the computer
has a finite number of nonzero entries of its impulse response equivalent of neurons, Nodes) that are highly interconnected
such as h[n], n=0,1,,N. Generally assume implicitly that to each other through synaptic weights. The number of nodes,
h[n] 0 , h[0] 0. The transfer function of the FIR filter is their organization and synaptic weights of these connections
given in eq. (2) and the frequency response of form is: determine the output of the network. ANN is an adaptive
system that changes its structure/weights based on given set of
inputs and target outputs during the training phase an
produces final outputs accordingly. ANN is particularly
Consider the ideal frequency response Hd(ej) with the
effective for predicting events when the network have a large
samples divided into equal frequency interval, Thus we can
database of prior examples to draw. The common
implementation of ANN has multiple inputs, weight
associated with each input, a threshold that determine if the
neuron should fire, an activation function that determine the
where, Hd(k) is regarded as the frequency response of the output and mode of operation. The general structure of a
filter to design. Equation (4) can be rewritten as neural network has three types of layers that are
interconnected: input layer, one or more hidden layers and
output layer as shown in Figure 3.

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FIR Filter Design Using Mixed Algorithm

Figure 3: General Structure of Neural Network Figure 5: Radial basis function

There are some algorithms that can be used to train an ANN

such as: Back Propagation, Radial-basis Function, an Support
Vector learning, etc. The Back Propagation is the simplest but
it has one disadvantage that it can take large number of
iterations to converge to the desired solution [3]. In Radial
Basis Function (RBF) network the hidden neurons compute
radial basis functions of the inputs, which are similar to kernel
functions in kernel regression. Speech has popularized kernel
regressions, which he calls a General Regression Neural
Network (GRNN) [3]. General Regression Neural Network
(GRNN) is a variation of Radial Basis Function (RBF)
network that is based on the Nadaraya Watson kernel
regression. The main features of GRNN are fast training time Figure 6: Generalized regression neural network
and it can also model nonlinear function. GRNN being firstly
proposed by Sprecht in 1991 is a feed forward neural network VI. PROPOSED WORK
model base on non linear regression theory. It approximates
the function through activating neurons. In GRNN transfer There is a method for designing low pass Finite Impulse
function of hidden layer is radial basis function. Response filter with ideal magnitude response, small phase
variation, small pass band ripple, high attenuation in stop
band and minimum transition bandwidth.

Filter Type Low Pass Filter

Generation Number 200

Mutation Ratio 0.25
Pass Band Cut off Frequency 2500(HZ)
Stop Band Cut off Frequency 3000(HZ)
Pass Band Ripple 0.015
Stop Band Ripple 0.15
Sampling Frequency 12000(HZ)
Table 1: Initial conditions for designing low pass fir filter
Ideal Low pass filter passes all the signals that are below the
cut off frequency and stop all others.

Here, there is a flat pass band below pass band frequency (P)
=2500 Hz and flat attenuation band above stop band
frequency (s) =3000 Hz. Here we have applied Genetic
Algorithm with two parents and three parents separately on
filter response which is obtained by using Kaiser Window.
Then the results are studied and compared .When we are
using only two parents, we get the magnitude response versus
frequency curve as shown in Fig.7, Fig.9. But, when we are
using three parents, we get a better magnitude response versus
Figure 4: Feed forward back propagation neural network
frequency curve as shown in Fig.8, Fig.10.

14 www.erpublication.org
International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)
ISSN: 2321-0869 (O) 2454-4698 (P) Volume-7, Issue-7, July 2017
outputs obtained it is clear that GA offers a quick, simple and
automatic method of designing low pass FIR filters that are
very close to optimum in terms of magnitude response,
frequency response and in terms of phase variation. From the
outputs obtained it is clear that more better results in ANN
offers a quick, simple and automatic method of designing low
pass FIR filters that are very close and ripple free to optimum
in terms of magnitude response, frequency response and in
terms of phase variation.
A technique of using three parents using Kaiser Window, GA
and ANN has been proposed and outputs are compared with
the outputs obtained using two parents using Kaiser Window,
Figure 7: Magnitude Response of FIR Filter using two Parents GA and ANN. We have obtained various outputs by changing
at 200 generations with 3 attempts the generations and attempts. It has been observed that a
better response is achieved when three parents are used
instead of two. Best response is obtained in figure (7),(8),(9)
and (10),where 200 generations are taken with three attempts.
With the help of GA, the number of operations in design
process is reduced and coefficient calculation is easily done.

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Mr. Vaibhav Purwar, Assistant Professor, Department of Electronics
crossover probability and mutation probability. From the
& Communication, Kanpur Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India

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