Mathematical Association of America
Mathematical Association of America
Mathematical Association of America
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The American Mathematical Monthly.
424 West7thStreet,Claremont,
foundationscomefromhislecturesat Berlin;Dedekindfirstthoughtoftheproblemofcontinuity
whileteachingat Zurich;Dini and Landau tumedto foundations whileteachinganalysis;and,
mostimportant forourpresentpurposes,so did Cauchy.Cauchy'sfoundationsof analysisappear
in thebooks based on his at
lectures the Ecole his
Polytechnique; book of 1821 was the first
exampleof thegreatFrenchtradition of Coursd'analyse.
1. A. -L. Cauchy,Coursd'analyse, Paris,1821;in Oeuvres completesd'AugustinCauchy, series2, vol.3, Paris,
1899,p. 19.
2. A. -L. Cauchy,Resumedes lesonsdonneesa l'ecoleroyalepolytechnique surle calculinfinitesimal, Paris,
1823;in Oeuvres, series2, vol.4, p. 44. Cauchyusedi fortheincrement; otherwisethenotation is his.
3. IsaacNewton, Mathematical Principles
ofNaturalPhilosophy, 3rded.,1726,tr.A. Motte,revised byFlorian
Cajori,UniversityofCalifornia Press,Berkeley, 1934,Scholium to LemmaXI, p. 39.
4. Johann OperaOmnia,IV, 8; sectionentitled
Bernoulli, "De seriebusvaria,Corollarium III," citedbyD. J.
Struik,A SourceBookin Mathematics, 1200-1800,Harvard,Cambridge, 1969,p. 321.
5. Boyer, HistoryofMathematics, p. 487;Euler'spaperis inComm.Acad.Sci.Petrop., 7, 1734-5,pp. 123-34;