Syllabus Edited
Syllabus Edited
Syllabus Edited
Nursing Program
Butuan City
Specific objectives Content Discussant learning References Evaluation
Within 4 hours of Mini PAR
Presentation, the audience will be able
1. obtain necessary information on Introduction and Melissa V. 10 mins Discussion Mifflin.Health Book,1991.pp.110-125 What is autism
autism spectrum disorder and be Definition of Labonete with spectrum disorder?
oriented with the different types Terms Visual Aids
of autism;
2. be acquainted with Client A’s Nursing Health Charra Clarissa 15mins Discussion Taylor, Lillis and LeMone, Fundamentals What was the first
health history History R. Luminarias with of Nursing. Philadelphia: autistic
Visual Aids Lippincott William and Wilkins, manifestation the
2005, 5th Edition.pp. 1119-1120; parents noticed?
3. Identify Client’s deviations from Physical Jamie Carmina 10mins Discussion Lippincott. Manual of Nursing Practice: Is the client able to
normal in the physical and Assessment R. Calo with Assessment. Philadelphia: Lippincott distinguish the
neurologic aspect Visual Aids William and Wilkins, 2007.pp- 1-431; difference from what
Assessment Incredibly Easy! Pocket is hot and what is
Guide. Lippincott William and Wilkins. cold?
4. Be oriented on the different Anatomy and Gurpreet Kaur 10mins Discussion Whole, Koos. Human Anatomy.pp. 200- What is the main
parts of the neurologic system Physiology with Visual 294; Kent M. Van De Grafi, Stuatrt Ira function of the
and their functions as well Aids Fox. Concepts of Human Anatomy and brain? What are its
Physiology.pp. 376-386; Atlas. The different parts and
Human Body.pp. 24-25 their functions?
5. Map out the disorder process of Pathophysiology Kryzl De Gracia 20mins Discussion Frish. Psychiatric Mental Health How does cigarette
autism and identify the with Visual Nursing.2nd Edition.pp.504-505; David smoking predispose
precipitating and predisposing Aids Suasa. How the Brain learns.California: a child to become
factors of autism Asage Publication, 3rd Edition.pp. 232- autistic?
6. Enumerate the difference in fine Developmental Marjorie 10mins Discussion Interview; Pilliteri. Maternal and Child What type of play is
and gross motor skills, play and milestones Nualla with Visual Nursing. Vol II.pp. 813-821; General the Client practicing
language between a normal and Aids Psychology and what is the
autistic child normal play
appropriate for his
chronological age?
7. Compare client’s stage in the Comparative Kamaljeet Kaur 10mins Discussion Interview; Pilliteri. Maternal and Child What stage does he
different personality Study with Visual Nursing. Vol II.pp. 813-821; General belong in piaget’s
development theories Aids Psychology cognitive
theory? In Kohlberg’s
moral theory?
8. Classify nursing intervention that Nursing Care Plan Mercy 15mins Discussion Weber. Nurse’s Handbook of Health How can we avoid or
can be rendered to clients with Labandero and with visual Assessment. Philadelphia, 6yh correct autistic
Autism April Rose aids edition.pp.75-471; Gulanic,Klopp, clients from inflicting
mantog Galanes, Puzas. Nursing Care Plans. other directed
Third Edition.pp. 65-69, 14-17 injury?
TOTAL: 100 minutes