2.1 Identification of Need: System Analysis
2.1 Identification of Need: System Analysis
2.1 Identification of Need: System Analysis
In the existing system all these activities are done manually. It takes lot of time to
recruit candidates. In order to overcome this we must develop a solid platform for an Job
portal that can be rapidly customize and deployed to meet the specific needs of each
Every organization should have a separate recruitment advertisement cell. Using
the advanced technology the recruiting agency or the user can provide the all the
necessary details corresponding to the advertisement they fund in their institute or in
some newspaper, so that it reduces the paper work and administrative risks.
Once the initial investigation is done and the need for new or improved system is
established, all possible alternate solutions are chalked out. All these systems are known
as "candidate systems". All the candidate systems are then weighed and the best
alternative of all these is selected as the solution system, which is termed as the
"proposed system". The proposed system is evaluated for its feasibility. Feasibility for a
system means whether it is practical and beneficial to build that system.
The current system have all the problems which generally in count in the manual system
such as wastage of time, wastage of money, more efforts to work etc. if the responsible
person wants the full information of the total sale of various models of the vehicles at
various center at the evening then he/she can not get it. Because the current system work
manually and it is very slow same as if he/she wants the total production then it take time.
The current system can not give the fast response as needed. It also does not keep records
of grievances of the faults in the vehicles in various parts of the country. If he/she wants
the information regarding the total stock at various warehouses at his\her office then using
current system he\she can not get it.
Proposed System
We are proposing to computerize all the tasks involved. We go about the following way.
The Internet is the ideal place to recruit staff for the company and also to make awareness
by ranting the privileged to the user to post some advertisement on the Job Portal, for all
vacancies within the country published anywhere viz. in any newspaper or advertised on
the company website itself.
Unlike advertising in a paper one can change the information about the vacancy at
anytime user want and not have to wait for the next print run.
Furthermore, you can provide significantly more information about the requirements
online than would be feasible in a paper.
Employers can keep record of the number of the candidates applied for the job. It can be
taken out on paper and can be finalized for further recruitment process.
The jobs advertisement will be visible to the user or applicant only after the approval to it
by the advertisement. It has been done to maintain the security and decorum of the portal.
The buzzword and the latest trends in recruitment is the E-Recruitment. Also known as
Online recruitment, it is the use of technology or the web based tools to assist
the recruitment processes. The tool can be either a job website like
particularcompany.com, the organizations corporate web site or its own intranet. Many
big and small organizations are using Internet as a source of recruitment.
Job portals i.e. posting the position with the job description and the job specification
on the job portal and also searching for the suitable resumes posted on the site
corresponding to the opening in the organization.
A well defined and structured applicant tracking system should be integrated and
the system should have a back-end support.
stop Investigation
Various stages in system development
The proposed system is evaluated for its feasibility. Feasibility for system means whether
it is practical and beneficial to build that system.
Technical feasibility:
Can the development of the proposed system be done with current equipment, existing
software technology, and available personnel? Does it require new technology?
The developed Job portal can be efficiently developed with the existing technologies
because it includes the interactive interface with the user and database storage that can
also be designed.
Economic feasibility:
Are there sufficient benefits in creating the system to make the costs acceptable? An
important outcome of the economic feasibility study is the cost benefit analysis.
The proposed Job Portal system is going to be very much economically feasible as it is
going to designed and implemented using the technologies with the GPL- General Public
License, those are free to use like Apache Tomcat server, Java Servlets, JavaScript and
the HTML. The only cost matters in the project is the cost of the MS SQL Server 2008
and it can also be made free by using MySQL over MS SQL server.
The proposed system is economically feasible because the cost involved in purchasing
the hardware and the software are within approachable. The personal cost like salaries of
employees hired are also nominal, because working in this system need not required a
highly qualified professional. The operating-environment costs are marginal. The less
time involved also helped in its economical feasibility.
i) Cost saving benefits: This project reduces the administrative and operational cost.
Because of the reduction in the use of paper, use of labors the cost also reduces.
ii) Improve-service-level benefits
Proposed system improves the systems performance because the current system is based
on manual processing while the proposed system is based on computer processing.
iv) Time-saving-benefits
It saves lots of time and provides the same result in a far lesser period of time.
Legal feasibility:
It checks if there are any legal hassle in developing the system.
The proposed system obeys all the legal responsibilities as it is designed using the GPL
IDEs only.
Operational feasibility:
Will the system be used if it is developed and implemented? Will there be resistance from
users that will undermine the possible application benefits?
It is an aspect of Project Management that focuses a lot on Project Integration. The
project plan reflects the current status of all project activities and is used to monitor and
control the project. The Project Planning tasks ensure that various elements of the Project
are coordinated and therefore guide the project execution. Project Planning helps in
-Facilitating communication
- Monitoring/measuring the project progress, and
- Provides overall documentation of assumptions/planning decisions
Project Planning spans across the various aspects of the Project. Generally Project
Planning is considered to be a process of estimating, scheduling and assigning the
projects resources in order to deliver an end product of suitable quality. However it is
much more as it can assume a very strategic role, which can determine the very success
of the project. A Project Plan is one of the crucial steps in Project Planning in General!
Typically Project Planning can include the following types of project Planning:
1) Project Scope Definition and Scope Planning
2) Project Activity Definition and Activity Sequencing
3) Time, Effort and Resource Estimation
4) Risk Factors Identification
5) Cost Estimation and Budgeting
6) Organizational and Resource Planning
7) Schedule Development
8) Quality Planning
9) Risk Management Planning
10) Project Plan Development and Execution
11) Performance Reporting
12) Planning Change Management
13) Project Rollout Planning
2) Quality Planning:
The relevant quality standards are determined for the project. This is an important aspect
of Project Planning. Based on the inputs captured in the previous steps such as the Project
Scope, Requirements, deliverables, etc. various factors influencing the quality of the final
product are determined. The processes required to deliver the Product as promised and as
per the standards are defined.
6) Schedule Development:
The time schedule for the project can be arrived at based on the activities,
interdependence and effort required for each of them. The schedule may influence the
cost estimates, the cost benefit analysis and so on.
Project Scheduling is one of the most important task of Project Planning and also the
most difficult tasks. In very large projects it is possible that several teams work on
developing the project. They may work on it in parallel. However their work may be
Popular Tools can be used for creating and reporting the schedules such as Gantt Charts
-cost Estimation" for more details. A Cost Benefit Analysis can be arrived at for the
project. Based on the Cost Estimates Budget allocation is done for the project.
Each of the Project tasks and activities are periodically monitored. The team and the
stakeholders are informed of the progress. This serves as an excellent communication
mechanism. Any delays are analyzed and the project plan may be adjusted accordingly
2.5 Project scheduling
Program evaluation and review technique (PERT) and critical path method (CPM) are
two project scheduling methods that can applied to software development.
PERT chart for this application software is illustrated below in the figure, while critical
path for this is design, Code Generation and Integration & Testing.
10th thMar 2009 20th thMar 2009 2ndndJuly 2009
10 Mar 2009 20 Mar 2009 2 July 2009
5th thjune to 10th thAug 2009 TESTING
5 june to 10 Aug 2009
15th thAug 2009
15 Aug 2009
25th thSeptember 2009
25 September 2009
Gantt Chart, which is also known as timeline chart, contains the information like time,
duration, and start date, completion date for each task. A timeline chart has been
developed for the entire project. The Gantt chart for this project is illustrated in the figure
below. All project takes have been listed in the left-handed column.
10.03.09 20.03.09 12.04.09 05.06.09 10.08.09 15.08.09 25.09.09 30.09.09
Requirements Analysis is done in order to understand the problem for which the software
system is to solve. Once the problem is analyzed and the essentials understood, the
requirements must be specified in the requirement specification document. For
requirement specification in the form of document, some specification language has to be
selected (example: English, regular expressions, tables, or a combination of these). The
requirements documents must specify all functional and performance requirements, the
formats of inputs, outputs and any required standards, and all design constraints that exits
due to political, economic environmental, and security reasons. The phase ends with
validation of requirements specified in the document. The basic purpose of validation is
to make sure that the requirements specified in the document, actually reflect the actual
requirements or needs, and that all requirements are specified. Validation is often done
through requirement review, in which a group of people including representatives of the
client, critically review the requirements specification.
Mouse : Quantum
Minimum : 568 MHz Pentium Processor
RAM : 64 MB
Hard Disk : 4 GB
Software Configuration
1. Introduction: This website is dedicated to online Job site. The objective of this site is
to provide an opportunity to the potential users(job provider and job seeker ) who are
remotely located over a large geographical area. This site also provides automated
information in globalised form.
2. Information Description: The website act as a middleman between job provider and
job seeker. In this site the Company registers his jobs and the user searches for job and
apply for a job. The website performs necessary condition checking and selects a highest
quality human power for a particular product. The website confirms the job and pass the
information to the above said users.
3. Functional Description: Basically the website has four modules. Some of the forms
are described below :
(A) Login Module : The user enters in this module through home page if user already
registered himself on the site. He module checks his/her record and then confirms his
(B) Change Password Module : This module is also for existing user. If user
wishes to change his password the module interacts with him/her and confirms his
authenticity. After confirmation, it writes in the registration table.
(C) Forget Password Module : This module is also for existing user. If the user
forgets his/her password, the module interacts with database and flashes secret
question, which is entered by the user during registration process and asks for secret
answer. The module matches the response with the database and if it is ok the show
the password.
(D) New User Signup Module : This module is for new user. The user enters in
this module by clicking on the hyperlink on the home page and fills the registration
form. After filling the registration form he have to fill a bank form to get him
4. Behavioral Description : The event occurs in this site in two ways. One by the
submission of the form by the user and other by the web page. When the user submits a
particular form a particular servlet is called depending upon the nature of the job is to be
perform. The servlet either generates the response or updates the database or both.
Following events occur in the modules :
Module: Change Password
1. Submission of form
2. Accessing of database
3. Generation of appropriate response.
Module: Forget Password
1. Submission of form
2. Accessing of database
3. Generation of appropriate response
Module: New User Signup
1. Submission of form
2. Updating database
3. Generating appropriate response
Module: Login
1. Submission of form
2. Accessing of database
3. Generation of appropriate form
4. Submission of form
5. Updating database
5. Validation Criteria: Each HTML page and its hyperlink is examined and the
respective servlet is also examined. The connection between form (Front-end ) and
database (Backend) is examined keeping in the mind hat no garbage value could be
entered. Middleware or processing logic is also examined.
Scope of this document is to put down the requirements, clearly identifying the
information needed by the user, the source of the information and outputs expected from
the system.
The following approach is used to design this system, which is called classic life cycle
or waterfall model. This linear sequential model suggests a systematic, sequential
approach to software development that begins at the system level and progress through
analysis, design, coding, testing and maintenance. The linear sequential model
encompasses the following activities:-
2.8 Diagrams
Flow Diagram:
New Company Signup (4)
(1) New User Signup
(2) Change password
Change password (6)
(3) Forget Password
Forget Password
(1) (New company signup)
Company Information
User id, password ,
Password Re enter
Check Else
Company id
If Exists in Data
If valid
Open Company Registration
form again with filled up
Welcome page---
User id
Old password
Check uid If valid
New Password
Conf password
If valid
Change pass----
Use Case Diagram
A use case describes a sequence of actions that an outside actor interacts with in an
application. Similar scenarios make up a use case. A use case is represented by an oval
that contains a short phrase that describes an action done by the system. An actor is
represented by a stick figure. Actors define roles, not individuals. Lines are drawn
between use cases and actors or other use cases to show interaction. The default
interaction is <<communication>> between the two elements of the diagram. Other
interactions are described by the <<include>> and <<extend>> relationships, where one
use case includes or extends the functionality of another use case.
The existing IT system for recruitment tend to be in the form of either job portals set up
by job centers or those which are privately run and are financed by publication fees. The
different organizations as suppliers and jobseekers as consumers are fragmented in
the online market. This means both firms and jobseekers must duplicate efforts across the
recruitment market if they are to maximize their visibility to relevant applicants and
Data model
A data model in software engineering is an abstract model that describes how data is
represented and accessed. Data models formally define data elements and relationships
among data elements for a domain of interest.
Data model explicitly determines the meaning of data, which in this case is known as
structured data (as opposed to unstructured data, for example an image, a binary file or a
natural language text, where the meaning has to be elaborated). Typical applications of
data models include database models, design of information systems, and enabling
exchange of data. Usually data models are specified in a data modeling language.[2].
A data model can be sometimes referred to as a data structure, especially in the context of
programming languages. Data models are often complemented by function models,
especially in the context of enterprise models.
Data models support data and computer systems by providing the definition and format
of data. If this is done consistently across systems then compatibility of data can be
achieved. If the same data structures are used to store and access data then different
applications can share data. The results of this are indicated above. However, systems and
interfaces often cost more than they should, to build, operate, and maintain. They may
also constrain the business rather than support it. A major cause is that the quality of the
data models implemented in systems and interfaces is poor.[3]
Business rules, specific to how things are done in a particular place, are often
fixed in the structure of a data model. This means that small changes in the way
business is conducted lead to large changes in computer systems and interfaces.
Entity types are often not identified, or incorrectly identified. This can lead to
replication of data, data structure, and functionality, together with the attendant
costs of that duplication in development and maintenance.
Data models for different systems are arbitrarily different. The result of this is that
complex interfaces are required between systems that share data. These interfaces
can account for between 25-70% of the cost of current systems.
Data cannot be shared electronically with customers and suppliers, because the
structure and meaning of data has not been standardized. For example,
engineering design data and drawings for process plant are still sometimes
exchanged on paper.
The reason for these problems is a lack of standards that will ensure that data models will
both meet business needs and be consistent.[3]
Three perspectives
The ANSI/SPARC three level architecture. This shows that a data model can be an
external model (or view), a conceptual model, or a physical model. This is not the only
way to look at data models, but it is a useful way, particularly when comparing models.[3]
A data model instance may be one of three kinds according to ANSI in 1975[4]:
Conceptual schema : describes the semantics of a domain, being the scope of the
model. For example, it may be a model of the interest area of an organization or
industry. This consists of entity classes, representing kinds of things of
significance in the domain, and relationships assertions about associations
between pairs of entity classes. A conceptual schema specifies the kinds of facts
or propositions that can be expressed using the model. In that sense, it defines the
allowed expressions in an artificial 'language' with a scope that is limited by the
scope of the model.
Logical schema : describes the semantics, as represented by a particular data
manipulation technology. This consists of descriptions of tables and columns,
object oriented classes, and XML tags, among other things.
Physical schema : describes the physical means by which data are stored. This is
concerned with partitions, CPUs, table spaces, and the like.
The significance of this approach, according to ANSI, is that it allows the three
perspectives to be relatively independent of each other. Storage technology can change
without affecting either the logical or the conceptual model. The table/column structure
can change without (necessarily) affecting the conceptual model. In each case, of course,
the structures must remain consistent with the other model. The table/column structure
may be different from a direct translation of the entity classes and attributes, but it must
ultimately carry out the objectives of the conceptual entity class structure. Early phases of
many software development projects emphasize the design of a conceptual data model.
Such a design can be detailed into a logical data model. In later stages, this model may be
translated into physical data model. However, it is also possible to implement a
conceptual model directly.
Activity Diagrams
1. Candidate/User Class
Validate Candidate Return error
Not exist
2. Delete Candidate
Return False
2. Company/User Class
Validate Company Return error
Not exist
Add record to the Return success
database message
2. Delete Company
Return False
3. Job class
yes Return message / set
status 0.
SearchJob : Search the job with the specified criteria
Return erroe message
No such job exist
JobApproval : Admin approves the job advertisement after check its genuineness.
exist No
Return with False.
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