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E DBL 018 Elastomer PDF

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Technical Data Sheet

MM-Elastomer is a material with rubber-like characteristics

(Data Sheet Version 11.0 dd. 01.04.2009)

the MetalExistenceCompany

PolymerMetall MultiMetall Ceramium Molymetall Sealium XETEX

MultiMetall P.O. Box 12 02 64 41720 Viersen Germany

Tel: +49 (0) 21 62-97 00 9-0 Fax: +49 (0) 21 62-97 00 9-11
Email: info@polymermetal.com Web: www.polymermetal.com
Technical Data Sheet Shore A hardness (DIN 53505):
MM-Elastomer 85 + Hard. EL85: 85
MM-Elastomer 65 + Hard. EL65: 65
MM-Elastomer MM-Elastomer 40 + Hard. EL40:
Density (mixed components):

MM-Elastomer 85 + Hard. EL85: 1,07 g/cm3

Product description MM-Elastomer 65 + Hard. EL65: 1,06 g/cm3
MM-Elastomer is a material with rubber-like MM-Elastomer 40 + Hard. EL40: 1,06 g/cm3
characteristics. These Urethane-Elastomer-systems unite
very good combinations of physical and chemical
properties. The range of MM-Elastomer goes from Shore Chemical resistance
A hardness 40 to 95. Using MM-Elastomer elastic Already after curing a very good resistance is existent;
connections can be created or components repaired which highest resistance is effected after curing for approx. 6
are i.e. subject to abrasion. One great advantage of MM- days at approx. 21C (alternatively for approx. 4 h at
Elastomer is, that neither primer nor conditioner is approx. 21C followed by approx. 15 h at 35 - 40C). The
required. MM-Elastomer has a good temperature resistance to chemical stress like acids, caustic solutions,
resistance and excellent bonding properties, in particular solvents, salts, gases, etc. depends on the concentration,
on metallic surfaces. temperature and duration of the exposure. Further details
can be given on request.
MM-Elastomer is a two-component-product. Object
specific conditions and the quality of the surface, to be
coated with MM-Elastomer, determine the choice of Surface preparation
application consistency which is pasty, liquid or brushable.
Mechanically rough up the surface by blasting (it is
recommended for blasting to use angular grit material;
MM-Elastomer is available in following Shore A hardness:
surface finish approx. 75 m; purity level approx. Sa 2
95: standard Elastomer with high abrasion resistance, according to Swedish standard SIS 055900 /
very good tear strength and good chemical resistance ISO 8501-1), cutting, grinding
85: production and repair of elastic parts; i.e. core boxes, Clean by sweeping, blowing off or exhausting
sealing lips
Thoroughly degrease with MM-Degreaser Z or MM-
65: production and repair of elastic parts; wearing Degreaser C or at least a good grease dissolver (ethyl
protection acetate, acetone,); dont use alcohol, benzine or paint
40: production of elastic parts; wearing protection thinner
When applying on rubber just rough up mechanically and
clean the surface
Technical data for MM-Elastomer 95
Apply a thin layer of MM-Release agent on the surfaces,
Application consistency: pasty, liquid or that should not bond with the MM-Elastomer and polish
brushable after a short drying period
Colour after curing: black
Tensile strength: 19 MPa (2755 psi)
Tear strength Diec: 470 pli Processing data for MM-Elastomer 95
Tear strength: 130 pli
Mixing ratio by: Weight Volume
Impact resilience: 42 %
MM-Elastomer 95 100 4
Breaking elongation: 330 %
Hardener EL95 30 1
Overlap shear strength
Tool Measuring cup
basis material MPa psi
- Aluminium 19 2755
Temperature Pot life Curing
- Cold rolling steel 18 2610
5 C 22 min 60 h
- GGG 20 20 2900
15 C 14 min 36 h
- GGG 40 20 2900
20 C 11 min 30 h
- Polycarbonate 6 870
25 C 9 min 24 h
- Ceramic 17 2465
30 C 8 min 20 h
- PVC 4 580
40 C 6 min 18 h
- Neoprene > 2 substr. break > 290
- Plywood > 7 substr. break > 1015
The processing shouldnt be carried out below + 5 C.
- Fibreglass > 6 substr. break > 870
- Glass 6 870
- Epoxy Graphite 11 1595 Processing data for MM-Elastomer 85
Shore A hardness (DIN 53505): 95 Mixing ratio by: Weight Volume
Linear shrinkage (ASTM D 2566): 0,001 cm/cm MM-Elastomer 85 100 4
Temperature resistance Hardener EL85 30 1
MM-Elastomer appr. -40 C to +130 C Tool Measuring cup
MM-Elastomer in water up to +80 C
MM-Elastomer in oil up to +120 C Temperature Pot life Curing
Density (mixed components): 1,07 g/cm3 20 C 14 min 5 h 30 h

Technical data for MM-Elastomer 85 / 65 / 40 The processing shouldnt be carried out below + 5 C.
Application consistency: liquid
Colour after curing: black

MultiMetall P.O. Box 12 02 64 41720 Viersen Germany

Tel: +49 (0) 21 62-97 00 9-0 Fax: +49 (0) 21 62-97 00 9-11
Email: info@polymermetal.com Web: www.polymermetal.com
Processing data for MM-Elastomer 65 can possibly crystallize during longer storage. By warming
Mixing ratio by: Weight Volume up at approx. 60 C the crystallization can be removed
MM-Elastomer 65 100 6 again. This has no effect on the high product quality.
Hardener EL65 20 1
Tool Measuring cup
Test resistance against wear
Temperature Pot life Curing The wear of working materials depends on a complex
20 C 12 min 30 h tribological system. In order to verify and test the
resistance against wear of MM-Elastomer 95, the erosive
The processing shouldnt be carried out below + 5 C. abrasion was measured among others. All experiments
were carried out according to Sulzer Testing No.
Processing data for MM-Elastomer 40 15758002.
MM-Elastomer 95 tool steel HV-840 mild steel 5850
Mixing ratio by: Weight Volume
MM-Elastomer 40 100 5 1,4
Hardener EL40 24 1 1,2
Tool Measuring cup

wear volume in mm3


Temperature Pot life Curing 0,8

20 C 10 min 30 h
0,6 0,5
The processing shouldnt be carried out below + 5 C. 0,4


Application instruction 0
Before mixing the components the work piece should be material
prepared in accordance with the surface preparation. Duration of test: 24 hours
Always use clean tools for the removal of the components Testing medium: water and SiC with various
to avoid a reaction within the tins. We recommend mixing different viscosities; granulation
only the quantity of material which can be processed within size 0,5 - 3,0 mm FF.
the pot life.

The available measuring cups can be used to measure the

required volume parts of the components. The big Test compressive set
measuring cup is for the use of MM-Elastomer, the small Several test pieces of cured MM-Elastomer 95 with
cup is for Hardener EL. Measuring cups must be filled to Hardener EL95 have been pressed for 30 sec. at a
marking. pressure of approx. 191 MPa. The test pieces were
compressed up to approx. 33% of their original height.
Under consideration of the mixing ratio the components After cessation of the pressure they regained approx. 95%
must be mixed very thoroughly. of their original height.

Depending on the application consistency the mixture can

be applied with a spatula, brush or any other suitable tool
by applying, pouring or injecting.

All used tools should be cleaned straight after use.

Multiple coating
A secondary or multiple coating can be applied after the
first layer has reached enough strength, whereas any
contamination on the surface of the previous coating must
be removed.

This is an evidence for the extraordinary positive

Working security compressive set of MM-Elastomer 95.
Avoid eye and skin contact. In case of skin contact, wash
thoroughly with soap and water. In case of eye contact,
rinse thoroughly with water. Order information
No. Product Unit
Storage 951 MM-Elastomer 95, pasty 370 g
Both components (MM-Elastomer + Hardener EL) can be 952 MM-Elastomer 95, liquid 370 g
stored for at least 1 year, if kept at temperatures below 953 MM-Elastomer 95, brushable 370 g
25 C. The materials do not lose their high quality 962 Hardener EL95, liquid 110 g
performance after repeated openings of the containers, if 956 MM-Elastomer 85, liquid 370 g
the containers (especially regarding Hardener EL) are 964 Hardener EL85, liquid 110 g
tightly closed again immediately after usage. The base 958 MM-Elastomer 65, liquid 370 g
components of MM-Elastomer 65 and MM-Elastomer 40 966 Hardener EL65, liquid 74 g
960 MM-Elastomer 40,liquid 370 g

MultiMetall P.O. Box 12 02 64 41720 Viersen Germany

Tel: +49 (0) 21 62-97 00 9-0 Fax: +49 (0) 21 62-97 00 9-11
Email: info@polymermetal.com Web: www.polymermetal.com
968 Hardener EL40, liquid 89 g Availability
Technical data sheets are generally available in German
No. Accessories Unit or English language. MM-Elastomer is only produced in
10 Degreaser Z, liquid 1000 ml Germany and delivered worldwide within short time by
11 Degreaser Z, liquid 250 ml MultiMetall. In addition to that our products are
14 MM-Release agent, liquid 100 ml internationally available from many MultiMetall-partners.
Ask for further products from MultiMetall.
The consistency of the mixture #951 with Hardener EL95
is pasty. The MM-products #952 and #953 do have liquid
consistencies, but #952 can be injected and #953 is Note
brushable. The product information and instructions provided in this
leaflet were prepared to the best of our knowledge and
MM-Elastomer 85, 65 and 40 have liquid application serve information purposes only. We recommend that
consistencies. Therefore these materials are pourable or appropriate tests are carried out prior to application in
injectable. order to ensure that the products and methods fulfil the
purpose desired by the user. In this procedure, the given
Economicalness Used quantity Area Volume data may serve as a basis. Application and processing of
Elastomer 95 or 85 370 g 480 g 0,450 m2 450 cm3 the products lie outside our possible control and are
Hard. EL95 or 85 110 g therefore the sole responsibility of the user.
Elastomer 95 or 85 769 g 1000 g 0,936 m2 936 cm3
Hard. EL95 or 85 231 g
Elastomer 95 or 85 822 g 1068 g 1 m2 1000 cm3 MultiMetall
Hard. EL95 or 85 246 g
the MetalExistenceCompany
The areas were achieved at a layer thickness of 1 mm.
Data Sheet Version 11.0 dd. 01.04.2009
Economicalness Used quantity Area Volume
copyright MultiMetall
MM-Elastomer 65 370 g 0444 g 0,420 m2 420 cm3
Hardener EL65 74 g
MM-Elastomer 65 833 g 1000 g 0,946 m2 946 cm3
Hardener EL65 167 g
MM-Elastomer 65 881 g 1057 g 1 m2 1000 cm3
Hardener EL65 176 g
The areas were achieved at a layer thickness of 1 mm.

Economicalness Used quantity Area Volume

MM-Elastomer 40 370 g 459 g 0,432 m2 432 cm3
Hardener EL40 89 g
MM-Elastomer 40 806 g 1000 g 0,942 m2 942 cm3
Hardener EL40 194 g
MM-Elastomer 40 856 g 1062 g 1 m2 1000 cm3
Hardener EL40 206 g
The areas were achieved at a layer thickness of 1 mm.

MultiMetall P.O. Box 12 02 64 41720 Viersen Germany

Tel: +49 (0) 21 62-97 00 9-0 Fax: +49 (0) 21 62-97 00 9-11
Email: info@polymermetal.com Web: www.polymermetal.com

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