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Asymmetry as the absence of formal equilibrium of the parts,

around an idea univocal and clear.
Gian Carlo Calza

CSB Basic shall explain both

I will assume that the book is alternatives because they
ready to be bound and that all imply different patterns of
prior steps have been sewing.
carefully carried out. The For the fixing of the cover to
description refers to a full- the sewing frame, see image in
leather binding with clean-cut the website: Index - A Sewing
edges (handmade paper, Frame - CSB Basic.
parchment and vellum can also
be used). I will not work to Sewing 1
any particular dimension, The book-block is sewn to the
assuming the template to be three central straps of CSB
clear enough for each person Basic side a (see template).
to adapt it to a given size. The sewing is carried out with
kettle stitches in the normal
The cutting way (see Sewing 1). After
Asymmetry is a constant sewing, the spine is still
feature on all Crossed accessible and can be lined if
Structure bindings. desired. The thickness of the
The two parts of the CSB Basic thread should provide enough
are complementary and swell in the spine to allow
asymmetric. The number of you to round the book. I
straps will be even on one
always round by hand, not with
side and uneven on the other.
a hammer.
The two parts of this cover
are cut in just one go, each Sewing 2
one fitting perfectly in its This sewing is carried out on
counterpart. This feature
the four straps of CSB Basic
belongs only to the basic
side b (see template). In this
form; any other crossed
case the first and the last
structure has to be cut in two
strap become structural
separate pieces.
headband cores. This will add
For the cutting of the straps
see images in the website: solidity and support to the
Index - Cutting the straps. spine and will allow smooth
Cut the covers following sides opening even with heavy
a and b of the template (see volumes (see Sewings 2 & 3).
template). The two parts
include the cover itself and
The crossing
the bands both for the sewing After sewing, the straps of
and for the crossing. the two covers interlock at
the spine and can be secured
The sewing to the opposite side. See the
The sections can be sewn to bindings image in the
either half of the cover. I website: Index - CSB Basic.

Crossed Structure Binding Basic by Carmencho Arregui - www.outofbinding.com 1



This is the commonest kind of left, passing out and in the

sewing and the first that the section and over the straps
majority of us learned how to until the left end is reached.
make, as it can be used for It comes out at the kettle
many different bindings. The stitch hole on the left and
thing to be careful about, if goes up into the next section.
you are a beginner, is never
to pull the thread in the Second section
opposite direction to the The thread goes inside the
direction in which you are kettle stitch hole on the
sewing, because it is quite left, then it goes to the
easy to tear the paper. Try to right, out and in all along.
be as even as possible and do It goes out at the right hand
the stitches neither too tight kettle stitch hole. Before
nor too loose. It all comes going up to the third section
with practice. After 500 books a knot is tied with the tail
it will be almost perfect! of the starting thread which
is hanging from the first
Sewing 1 section.
See drawing and follow the
direction of the red thread, Third section
then compare the image with The thread goes inside the
your finished sewing. kettle stitch hole on the
Here follows a very schematic right and then it goes to the
description. left, out and in all along. It
goes out at the kettle stitch
First section hole on the left. Before going
The thread goes into the first up to the following section a
hole on the right (kettle kettle stitch is made by
stitch hole), and then travels slipping the needle under the

Crossed Structure Binding Basic by Carmencho Arregui - www.outofbinding.com 2

section which is below the one behind the thread in the same
which you have just sewn on; direction as the direction in
slip the needle behind the which you are sewing (usually
thread which links it to the outwards, towards the edge of
section below that, and loop the book-block.)
the thread over the needle as From this point the sewing
it emerges from between the goes on in the same way,
sections. Tighten the thread making kettle stitches at each
by tugging it upwards. NB The section before going up to the
needle must always be slipped next one.

sewing 1



Crossed Structure Binding Basic by Carmencho Arregui - www.outofbinding.com 3


Sewing 2 section a knot is tied with

See drawing and follow the the tail of the starting
direction of the red thread, thread which is hanging from
then compare the image with the first section.
your finished sewing.
Here follows a very schematic Third section
description. The thread goes into the first
hole on the right, close to
First section the right-hand strap,
The thread goes into the first encircles the strap, goes back
hole on the right, close to into the same hole as before,
the right-hand end strap, and goes out and in to the
comes out at the end of the left.
section, passes over the top The thread comes out before
of the section, encircling the the last strap, goes over it,
strap and goes back into the goes back into the section and
same hole as before (each time comes out at the same hole.
you go back through the same Before going up to the next
hole, be careful not to go section a kettle stitch is
through the thread when made by slipping the needle
inserting the needle). under the thread you have just
The thread then travels left, sewn around the strap and also
passing out and in the section catching up the thread at the
and over the other straps same point in the section
until the end strap is below the one which you have
reached. The thread comes out just sewn on. The needle then
before the last strap, passes goes back up and under the
over the top of the section to thread that emerges from the
encircle the strap and emerges upper section, making a
through the same hole. The loop.(NB The needle must be
second section is laid in slipped outwards, towards the
place. edge of the book-block).
Tighten the thread by tugging
Second section it upwards to make the
The thread goes into the first characteristic pattern that
hole on the left, close to the you can see in the image
left-hand end strap. Comes out above.
at the end of the section, From this point the sewing
passes over the top of the goes on in the same way,
section, encircling the strap making kettle stitches at each
and goes back into the same section before going up to the
hole as before. The thread one above.
goes to the right, out and in
all along. It goes out at the Sewing 3
last hole and out again after See drawing and follow the
encircling the right-hand direction of the red thread,
strap. then compare the image with
Before going up to the third your finished sewing.

Crossed Structure Binding Basic by Carmencho Arregui - www.outofbinding.com 4

Seen from the outside there is thread running over head and
no difference between Sewing 2 tail edges as well. It keeps a
and 3. The process is as consistent swell along the
before but this time the volumes spine and can be a
thread encircles each strap. good choice for larger or
This gives an all-along sewing heavier books.

sewing 2
inside each section, with the



sewing 3



Crossed Structure Binding Basic by Carmencho Arregui - www.outofbinding.com 5

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