Unit Plan
Unit Plan
Unit Plan
Performance Task: Summative Assessment: In groups students will utilize and explore the ideas that were introduced in previous
weeks to create informational and directive signs for a Tunisian National Park of their choice. The signs will describe to the users of
the park what they should do to protect the animals within the park, how to do it and why it is important. Students will need to use
their knowledge of how humans are altering the environment, how this may affect animals and how humans can promote the
conservation of animals.
This task will involve:
-Researching parks and animals in Tunisia
-Exploring conservation strategies used by parks close to home, such as Banff National Park
-Brainstorming ways in which similar strategies can be used to promote conservation in Tunisia (signs)
-Creating conservation signs, which include guidelines/warnings/rules and information for park use, that could be used in Tunisian
National Parks
-Displaying signs in school hallways & email the template of their sign to the park they chose,
Attach rubric
Wiggins, G. & McTighe, J. (1998). Understanding by design. Alexander, Virginia: Association for Supervision and
Curriculum Development.
Alberta Education. (2015). Competencies and Current Programs of Study Science. Retrieved from
Alberta Education. (2015). English Language Arts K-9: Program of studies. Retrieved from