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Unit Plan

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Unit Plan

Understanding By Design Framework

Course Interdisciplinary Education. Grade Level Grade 3

Subject Science, Social Studies, ELA Time Frame 3 weeks

Kaitlyn J, Tamra F, Nicole J, Robyn
Developed by L, Nadia S

Stage 1 Desired Results

Content Standard (s) (Front Matter)
Enduring Understandings/Big Ideas: Essential Questions: How can we change our world for the better?
-Students will understand that change is inevitable. Content specific - Changes impact our ways of adaptations.
-Learn how humans and animals adapt to change. -How do humans adapt their environment?
- Human intervention can lead to loss of animal habitat -How do animals adapt to change?
and animals extinction. -How does life cycle of Polar Bear adapts to change?
- Conservation strategies. -Change is inevitable. It is how we adapt to change that is important .
-Our contribution on creating safe environment. -What are the changes in our community and city due to human
-Identifying geographical aspects of change in Canada and adaptations?
Tunisia. -Your ideas on conservation of animals with minimal disruptions.
- What actions can be taken as a global citizen
Prior Knowledge:
Related misconceptions (Grade 2)
- Changes can be avoided. Science 2.10 Describe the general structure and life habits of small
- Humans and animals have no affect on each other crawling and flying animals; e.g., insects, spiders, worms, slugs; and
- Only animals consumed by humans need to be apply this knowledge to interpret local species that have been
conserved. observed. (PoS)
-36 Use, safely, a variety of tools, techniques and materials in
construction activities.
Social Science 2.1-Canadas dynamic communities:
Students will have an understanding and appreciation of how
geography, culture, language, heritage, economics and resources shape
and change Canada's communities.
2.2: A Community in the Past:
Students will have an understanding and appreciation of how a
community emerged, and of how the various interactions and
cooperation among peoples ensure the continued growth and vitality
of the community.
2.S.8 - demonstrate skills of oral, written and visual literacy
2.S.7 - apply the research process:
2.S.6 - develop age-appropriate behavior for social involvement as
responsible citizens contributing to their community.

Unit Emphasis: Change, Adaptations, Conservation, Global Citizenship

Knowledge objectives (general outcomes): Students will be able to:
ELA Discover how indigenous people value the land and the
1.1 Discover and Explore
Understand how geography affects out lives in Calgary
1.2 Clarify and extend
Understand how geography affects the lives of people in
2.1 Use Strategies and Cues
2.2 Respond to Texts
Distinguish similarities and differences between the
2.4 Create Original Text
environment in Calgary and Tunisia and what concerns we
3.3 Explore Record and Evaluate share
3.4 Share and Review Understand how humans change their environment to suit
their needs
5.1 Respect Others and Strengthen
Describe the life cycle and growth of a polar bear
Understand how animals adapt to their environment
Science Describe how animals form different climates adapt
Topic E: Animal Life Cycles differently
3-10 Describe the appearances and life cycles of Understand the differences between adapting to the
some common animals, and identify their environment and adapting the environment
adaptations to different environments Understand how our community shows concern for the
3-11 Identify requirements for animal care. environment
Recognize that conservation is important for animal survival
3.11.7 Identify examples of environmental and create strategies
conditions that may threaten animal survival, and Create conservation strategies for Tunisia and justify them
identify examples of extinct animals. Recognize
that habitat preservation can help maintain
animal populations, and identify ways that
student actions can assist habitat preservation.
Social Studies
3.1.3 Examine the geographic characteristics that
shape communities in other parts of the world.
o In what ways do the people in the
communities depend on, adapt to and
change the environment in which they
live and work?
o How does the physical geography
influence the human activities in the
3.2.1 Appreciate elements of global citizenship.
3.2.2- What are some environmental concerns
that Canada and communities around the world
3.S.6 Develop age-appropriate behaviour for
social involvement as a responsible citizens
contributing to their community.
3.S.1 evaluate ideas and information from
different points of view
3.2 Students will demonstrate an understanding
and appreciation of Canadas roles and
responsibilities in global citizenship in relationship
to communities in India, Tunisia, Ukraine and

Stage 2 Assessment Evidence

Formative Assessment
An Ongoing Formative Assessment will be done throughout the week with guided questions and scaffolding at all times to serve the
purpose of the task. Guided questions and the rubric will be in place constantly to orally check students understanding of the topic
and on their ability to come up with positive actions and ideas on conservation of animal through inquiry.
Forms of summative assessments:
-Exit slips
-Reflection journal
- Discussion
-Peer assessment
-Self assessment

Performance Task: Summative Assessment: In groups students will utilize and explore the ideas that were introduced in previous
weeks to create informational and directive signs for a Tunisian National Park of their choice. The signs will describe to the users of
the park what they should do to protect the animals within the park, how to do it and why it is important. Students will need to use
their knowledge of how humans are altering the environment, how this may affect animals and how humans can promote the
conservation of animals.
This task will involve:
-Researching parks and animals in Tunisia
-Exploring conservation strategies used by parks close to home, such as Banff National Park
-Brainstorming ways in which similar strategies can be used to promote conservation in Tunisia (signs)
-Creating conservation signs, which include guidelines/warnings/rules and information for park use, that could be used in Tunisian
National Parks
-Displaying signs in school hallways & email the template of their sign to the park they chose,

Attach rubric

*Rubric can be found on website, under heading Summative Assessment

Student Self-Assessments: Students will use the rubrics Other Evidence (assessments)
and oral feedback from the teacher. Peer Feedback: Students will provide feedback orally through
comments, suggestions at the end of the task.

Differentiation ELL Benchmarks

ELL Level 3
Oral interaction Speaking:
Visual aid Vocabulary: Utility words, Subject specific words, descriptive
Literacy Loop words
Strategic grouping Sentence Structure: Questions and statements
Vocabulary (with visual aid) Strategic: Circumlocution, providing examples
Multimodal expression Writing:
Scaffolding Vocabulary: Utility words, subject specific words, descriptive
Indigenous words
Holistic (broader picture- rather than discipline Sentence Structure: Simple detailed sentences and compound
segregated) sentences
Indigenous material
Indigenous perspective (guest speaker)
Other needs
Multimodal material
Option to type over printing
Strategic grouping
Opportunities for multimodal expression of
Opportunities for challenges

Adapted by Jeff Turner (2016) from:

Wiggins, G. & McTighe, J. (1998). Understanding by design. Alexander, Virginia: Association for Supervision and
Curriculum Development.

Alberta Education. (2015). Competencies and Current Programs of Study Science. Retrieved from

Alberta Education. (2015). Social Studies: program of studies k to 3. Retrieved from


Alberta Education. (2015). English Language Arts K-9: Program of studies. Retrieved from

Learn Alberta. (n.d.). ESL Benchmarks. Retrieved from http://www.learnalberta.ca/content/eslapb/search.html

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