Surface & Coatings Technology
Surface & Coatings Technology
Surface & Coatings Technology
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: The ability to modify the activity of polymer substrates for subsequent electroless plating is of fundamental im-
Received 25 November 2013 portance for both the homogeneous metallization of macroscopic work pieces and the fabrication of advanced
Accepted in revised form 18 January 2014 nanomaterials. In this study, we demonstrate the high exibility of a polymer activation technique based on
Available online 24 January 2014
the absorption of reducing agents, followed by metal nanoparticle precipitation in the presence of metal salt so-
lutions. We show that the process can be applied to polymers with very different chemical properties, namely
Polymer swelling
polycarbonate, poly(ethylene terephthalate), acrylonitrile butadiene styrene and polyvinyl alcohol. Furthermore,
Polymer activation the effects of important reaction parameters (type of reducing agent, metal precursor, concentration of the
Metal nanoparticles sensitization and activation solutions) on the seeding properties (particle size, shape and density) are evaluated
Electroless plating extensively. Based on these results, synthetic guidelines are provided on how the substrate activity can be
Ion-track etched polymers tailored for the successful fabrication of free-standing metal nanotubes in ion-track etched polycarbonate
Metal nanotubes templates. In addition, we demonstrate that the process can be applied to prepare polymeric lms and
three-dimensional structures for the electroless deposition of metal thin lms.
2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction metal nanoparticles (NPs) to the substrate surface to act as seeds for
the metal deposition. These so-called activation processes determine
Electroless plating is a powerful wet-chemical method for the fabri- the lm nucleation in the following plating step and are thus crucial
cation of metal thin lms on arbitrarily shaped substrates [1]. Despite its for the quality of the resulting products [712]. Therefore, much
relative simplicity just involving the immersion of a work piece in a research is focused on the optimization of existing and the development
deposition solution, electroless plating is suitable for the creation of of new activation reactions [714]. Especially in the eld of nanomaterial
macroscopic [1] as well as intricate nanoscale structures [25]. Depend- fabrication, high demands concerning the seeding have to be met. For
ing on the type of substrate and deposited metal, the obtained materials instance, plating of highly miniaturized circuit paths requires methods
can be utilized in various elds, including electronics, wear and cor- ensuring precisely patterned activation [12], while the deposition of
rosion resistance, medical technology and catalysis [1,6]. The special metal nanotubes (NTs) within the pores of hard templates depends on
properties of electrolessly plated metal nanomaterials give rise to the nanoscale homogeneity of the activation on complex shaped sub-
particularly interesting applications such as molecular separation strates [7,8].
[4] or microreactors [5]. In a previous study, we have presented that the absorption of
During electroless plating, the work piece is continuously metallized dimethylaminoborane (DMAB) by slightly swollen polycarbonate (PC)
by the autocatalytic, surface-selective reaction of a metastable pair followed by metal NP deposition is a highly versatile activation proce-
formed by a metal complex and a reducing agent [1,6]. In order to initi- dure for nanomaterial fabrication [8]. From a mechanistic point of
ate the metal lm growth, the substrate surface must be catalytically view, this method can be distinguished from other wet-chemical activa-
active towards the plating reaction. Work pieces consisting of inactive tion processes such as the commonly employed aqueous solutions
materials such as polymers require pretreatments which introduce of Sn(II) and Pd(II), which rely on the limited supercial adsorption of
the reducing agent [1,15] instead of an uptake by the polymer matrix.
Using physical absorption during the sensitization, the reducing power
Abbreviations: NP, nanoparticle; NT, nanotube; PC, polycarbonate; PET, poly(ethylene of the substrate can be adjusted in a wide range [8], and no specic
terephthalate); ABS, acrylonitrile butadiene styrene; PVA, polyvinyl alcohol; DMAB,
requirements regarding the surface functionality of the polymer are
Corresponding author. Tel.: +49 6151 166387; fax: +49 6151 166378. set (e.g. providing sites for the complexation of metal ions [10,14]).
E-mail address: (F. Muench). Also, possibly detrimental contamination with Sn like in the conventional
0257-8972/$ see front matter 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
F. Muench et al. / Surface & Coatings Technology 242 (2014) 100108 101
process can be avoided [15], and seed distributions which are dense and substrates were removed and washed (PVA: ethanol; ABS, PC and
homogeneous on the nanoscale can be achieved easily [8]. PET: water). Then, the sensitized substrates were transferred to the ac-
PC and DMAB were chosen as model polymer and reducing agent, tivation solutions, which contained AgNO3 or K2PtCl4 to produce Ag or
respectively, to provide a proof of principle for the proposed activation Pt seeds, respectively. As solvent, water was used in all cases except
mechanism [8]. However, the two fundamental steps of the technique PVA, which was activated in ethylene glycol. Unless otherwise specied,
polymer swelling and metal NP precipitation in the presence of reduc- the concentration of the metal salts was held constant at 59 mM, the
ing agents are very common phenomena. Therefore, the process same concentration which is applied in the standard activation reaction
should be transferrable to a variety of other systems, as we will show of ion-track etched PC [7]. After 15 min activation, the substrates were
in this paper. Furthermore, we will examine in detail the dependence washed with water and stored in ethanol for 2 h to remove residual
of the metal lm nucleation on the seeding properties in order to pro- reducing agent from the sensitization step. Subsequently, the sub-
vide synthetic guidelines for the optimization of activation processes, strates were immersed in the electroless plating baths. Details
emphasizing the exibility of the swelling-based activation process regarding the plating reactions can be found in the literature [5,7].
and pointing out the importance of the activation conditions for the Briey, the Ag plating bath consisted of 120 mM tartrate (reducing
consecutive synthesis of metal nanomaterials. agent), 17 mM AgNO 3 (metal source), 100 mM ethylenediamine
(ligand) and 9.5 mM triuoroacetic acid (pH adjustment). The Cu
2. Material and methods plating bath was composed of 1.2 M formaldehyde (reducing
agent), 100 mM CuSO4 (metal source), 220 mM tartrate (ligand),
2.1. Chemicals 240 mM ethylenediamine (ligand) and 230 mM NaOH (pH adjust-
ment). The Au bath used for the PVA foils was not based on water
Milli-Q water (N18 M cm at room temperature) was employed in as the solvent, but on ethylene glycol, containing 600 mM formalde-
all procedures. The following chemicals were applied without further hyde (reducing agent) and 7 mM (NH4)3[Au(SO3)2] (metal source,
purication: 1,4-dioxane (Sigma Aldrich, ACS reagent); acetone (vwr, added in the form of electroplating stock solution).
technical); AgNO3 (Grssing, p.a.); borane dimethylamine complex
(Fluka, purum); CH2Cl2 (Sigma Aldrich, puriss. p.a.); CuSO4 pentahydrate
2.4. Characterization
(Fluka, purum p.a.); ethanol (Brenntag, 99.5%); ethylene glycol (Roth,
p.a.); ethylenediamine (Fluka; puriss.); formaldehyde solution 36.5%
SEM (JSM-7401F microscope (JEOL), 510 kV acceleration voltage):
stabilized with methanol (Fluka, puriss. p.a.); K2PtCl4 (Aldrich, 99.9%
for the measurement of the nanostructures fabricated in the ion-track
trace metal basis); methanol (Aldrich, 99.8%); NaBH4 (Merck, for synthe-
etched PC by electroless plating, the polymer was dissolved with dichlo-
sis); NaOH solution 32% in water (Fluka, puriss. p.a.); (NH4)3[Au(SO3)2]
romethane and the remaining material was collected on Si wafer pieces
stock solution (Galvano Goldbad from Schtz Dental GmbH, 15 g Au
sputter-coated with Au to improve the conductivity. The metallized
99.9% per liter); N2H4 monohydrate solution 80% in water (Merck, for
PVA, ABS and PET substrates were analyzed in the presence of the poly-
synthesis); polyvinyl alcohol (Aldrich, MW: 89,00098,000); potassium
mer matrix. TEM (CM20 microscope (FEI, Eindhoven, The Netherlands),
sodium tartrate tetrahydrate (Fluka, puriss. p.a.); and triuoroacetic acid
200 kV acceleration voltage, LaB6 cathode): The nanostructure-containing
(Riedel-de Han, N 99%).
templates were embedded in Araldite 502 (polymerization at 60 C for
16 h) and examined as ultrathin sections (70 nm thickness, Ultracut E
2.2. Substrate preparation
ultramicrotome (ReichertJung) with a diamond knife (DKK)). AFM
(Cypher microscope (Asylum Research)): Unetched PC foils were used
For the fabrication of polymeric thin lms, the corresponding ma-
as the samples to provide a planar geometry. The measurements were
terials (polyvinyl alcohol (PVA): powder from the chemical supplier;
performed in tapping (AC) mode operating in the repulsive regime. Al
acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS): Lego bricks) were dissolved
coated Si cantilevers (PPP-Zeihr-50 (Nanosensors)) with resonance
under stirring (PVA: water as solvent; ABS: acetone as solvent) until
frequencies ranging from 98 to 177 kHz were used.
viscous, homogeneous solutions were obtained. Subsequently, the
polymer solutions were dripped onto a cleaned glass plate and
streaked slowly with a squeegee. After solvent evaporation in air 3. Results and discussion
for 24 h, the polymer samples were carefully removed from the
glass substrate. To obtain ion-track etched polymer membranes All the polymer treatments presented in this work are based on
with channel-shaped pores, PC foils (Makrofol N, Bayer Material two reaction steps, sensitization and activation [8]. First, in the sen-
Science AG, nominal thickness: 30 m) and poly(ethylene tere- sitization step, the substrate is immersed in a solution containing
phthalate) (PET) foils (Hostaphan, Hoechst AG, nominal thickness: a solvent which is able to cause a slight swelling. The second compo-
36 m) were irradiated with Au ions (energy = 11.1 MeV per nucle- nent of the solution a reducing agent diffuses into the widened
on, uence = 1 108 ions cm 2, initial charge state: Au25 +) at the polymer matrix. In the activation step, the polymer substrate is
GSI Helmholtzzentrum fr Schwerionenforschung GmbH (Darmstadt, transferred to a metal salt solution. At the surface of the substrate,
Germany). Subsequently, the PET foil was irradiated with UV light the metal ions and the reducing agent react, leading to the precipita-
(Privileg UVA lamp, 105 W, 90 min irradiation per side) to increase tion of metal NPs. These NPs constitute the seeds for consecutive
etching selectivity. Finally, the polymer foils were etched in stirred electroless plating.
NaOH solutions (50 C, PC: 6 M NaOH, PET: 4.8 M NaOH, time de- The success of a given activation protocol is inuenced by each of the
pending on desired pore diameter), thoroughly rinsed with water steps involved. In the following, we therefore present the results of the
and dried. systematic study of important reaction conditions on the seeding prop-
erties of ion-track etched PC membranes (Section 3.1). In Section 3.2,
2.3. Sensitization, activation, electroless plating differently activated PC templates are used to evaluate the effect of
the seeding on the fabrication of metal NTs. Finally, it will be shown
Glassware was cleaned with aqua regia prior to use. Sensitization that the activation process can be transferred to other polymer types
was performed by immersion of the polymer substrate in a solution of and substrate shapes (Section 3.3). The deposition of the respective
a reducing agent (type and concentration is specied in the text). De- metals in the reactions presented here (Ag and Pt particles after
pending on the polymer, different solvents are used for this procedure activation; Ag, Au and Cu lms after plating) was conrmed by EDS
(PVA, PC and ABS: methanol; PET: 1,4-dioxane). After 30 min, the (data not shown).
102 F. Muench et al. / Surface & Coatings Technology 242 (2014) 100108
3.1. Inuence of sensitization and activation solution composition on observed in the activation step, suggesting an insufcient up-
seeding take of the reducing agent. Ionic species such as the reducer
tetrahydroborate have to carry counter-ions with them in
3.1.1. PC-sensitization with various reducing agents order to maintain charge neutrality, which could hinder
We have sensitized ion-track etched PC templates with a pore diam- their diffusion into the polymer structure. Diffusion of reduc-
eter of approx. 500 nm and a thickness of 30 m with four different ing agents consisting of neutral molecules, such as DMAB or
methanolic solutions of reducing agents (2 M), namely (i) hydrazine, formaldehyde, should instead be favored and facilitate their
(ii) NaBH4, (iii) formaldehyde and (iv) DMAB. In all experiments, the uptake.
composition of the activation solution remained unchanged with (iii) Accordingly, the uncharged formaldehyde which is also less
59 mM AgNO3 as the metal precursor. aggressive than hydrazine could be successfully implemented
as a reducing agent for the activation of PC alternatively to
(i) Hydrazine sensitization led to severe embrittlement and frag- DMAB. Fig. 1a,b displays TEM images of etched ion-tracks in
mentation of the polymer foils and was thus not applicable. We PC after sensitization with 2 M formaldehyde in methanol
attribute this reactivity to the high susceptibility of PC to the and activation with AgNO3. The microtome cutting of the acti-
chemical attack of hydrazine [16]. vated template was performed approximately perpendicular
(ii) With NaBH4, the templates could be stored in the sensitization to the long axis of the tubular pores, therefore the pore
solution without signicant damage, but no color change was cross-sections exhibit sometimes an elliptical shape. Because
Fig. 1. TEM images of microtome-cut ion-track etched PC templates after Ag activation (left column: survey images; right column: magnied images of individual pore cross-sections). a),
b) Sensitization with 2 M formaldehyde, activation with 59 mM AgNO3. c), d) Sensitization with 2 M DMAB, activation with 59 mM AgNO3. e), f) Sensitization with 2 M DMAB, activation
with 10 M AgNO3.
F. Muench et al. / Surface & Coatings Technology 242 (2014) 100108
Fig. 2. AFM characterization of the PC samples activated with Ag (ac) and Pt (eg) using different amounts of DMAB in the sensitization step (0.25 M, 1 M and 2 M DMAB). The scale bar on the left refers to all AFM images. The AFM studies are
complemented by representative TEM images of the Ag (d) and Pt (h) seeds deposited after sensitization with 2 M DMAB.
104 F. Muench et al. / Surface & Coatings Technology 242 (2014) 100108
of the similar composition of the embedding resin and the poly- We attribute the higher amount of deposited Ag to the higher re-
mer matrix, the channels can only be identied by the presence ducing efciency of DMAB, as the complete oxidation of one mole-
of metal NPs on their walls. It can be seen on the images that a cule of DMAB (Eq. (1)) yields three times more electrons than the
relatively low amount of NPs was found (size ~ 50 nm), which oxidation of one formaldehyde molecule (Eq. (2)). In addition, elec-
made identications of channel walls more challenging. Interest- trochemical experiments indicate that DMAB is more easily oxidized
ingly, a halo with a contrast differing from the polymer matrix on Ag surfaces than formaldehyde [17], suggesting an improved con-
was observed near the pores (Fig. 1a). This phenomenon was version of the former reducing agent on the Ag seeds evolving during
also noted in related experiments (see Fig. 1c) and is probably activation.
caused by a change of the polymer in the region in which the dif-
fusion process during sensitization takes place.
(iv) In Fig. 1c,d, the results sensitization with uncharged DMAB, BH3 NCH3 2 H 3H2 OBOH3 NCH3 2 H2 5H 6e 1
followed by activation with 59 mM AgNO 3 are shown. In
this case, a higher number of Ag NPs were deposited, and
the channel walls could be identied more easily. Similar to
the formaldehyde-based activation, relatively large NPs in
the size range of some tens of nanometers were obtained. HCHO H2 OHCOO 3H 2e 2
Fig. 3. SEM images of the Ag nanostructures obtained from differently activated ion-track etched PC templates. a), b) Sensitization with 0.25 M DMAB and activation with a) Ag and b) Pt
(b). c), d) Sensitization with 1 M DMAB and activation with c) Ag and d) Pt. e), f) Sensitization with 2 M DMAB and activation with e) Ag and f) Pt.
F. Muench et al. / Surface & Coatings Technology 242 (2014) 100108 105
3.1.2. Inuence of the AgNO3 activation solution concentration the sensitization solution (Fig. 2a-c, e-g). Because the root mean square
In an additional experiment, we signicantly increased the concen- roughness of the bare PC surface is less than 1 nm even after sensitiza-
tration of the Ag activation solution from 59 mM AgNO3 to 10 M tion [8], the observed structures can be related to the metal NPs depos-
AgNO3, while keeping the DMAB concentration in the sensitization ited during activation. This argumentation is supported by TEM images
step constant at 2 M. Optically, we observed that the color change of of NPs created during activation (Fig. 2d,h): The particle morphology
the PC substrate after activation was stronger using the higher concen- visualized by TEM resembles the surface structure of the corresponding
tration of AgNO3. Fig. 1e,f displays TEM images of cross-sections of the AFM images. While Ag tends to form faceted, relatively large and isolat-
activated PC membrane, evidencing that a large amount of relatively ed NPs (Fig. 2d), Pt activation yields aggregates consisting of smaller
small NPs was formed completely covering the channel walls. This be- NPs (Fig. 2h).
havior might be explained by the pronounced supersaturation of Ag With the lowest DMAB concentration of 0.25 M, only few small NPs
caused by the reduction of the very concentrated AgNO3 solution by were reduced on the polymer during activation with both Ag and Pt
DMAB diffusing out of the polymer. While at low Ag concentration (Fig. 2a,e). A DMAB concentration of 1 M led to a stronger uptake of
few NPs are formed which grow during ongoing metal reduction, high the reducing agent by the polymer and thus enabled the formation of
supersaturation favors a large number of nucleation events, with less a much more dense layer of metal NPs (Fig. 2b,f). Compared to Pt, Ag
material deposited on each nucleus [18]. activation yielded a higher amount of deposited metal and larger NP
sizes. With the most concentrated sensitization solution (2 M DMAB),
3.1.3. Inuence of the DMAB sensitization solution concentration even larger, but still mostly isolated particles were found in the case of
The DMAB concentration in the sensitization solution affects the up- Ag (Fig. 2c), while extended clusters were obtained with Pt activation
take of the reducing agent by the polymer substrate [8] and thus should (Fig. 2g).
allow modication of the amount of metal precipitated during activa-
tion in a controlled manner. We investigated this issue by applying
two different activation solutions (59 mM AgNO3 and 59 mM K2PtCl4) 3.2. Inuence of the substrate activity on the electroless synthesis of metal
on three PC templates each sensitized with a different concentration NTs
of DMAB, namely 0.25 M, 1 M and 2 M.
The shape, size and density of the resulting seeds were studied by In this section, we demonstrate that the seed metal type and seed
TEM and AFM (Fig. 2). Fig. 2ac shows AFM images of the Ag- density can be utilized to tailor the substrate activity to affect the
activated samples, in Fig. 2eg the results for the Pt activation are consecutive electroless plating of metal NTs. We fabricated etched ion-
displayed. In each row, the DMAB concentration is rising from left to track PC membranes with ~ 600 nm diameter channels, and activated
right. In Fig. 2d and h, TEM images of Ag and Pt seeds obtained with 2 them using DAMB, AgNO3 and PtCl4, using identical conditions to the
M DMAB are found. experiments conducted in Section 3.1.3. Thus we obtained both Ag
The AFM measurements clearly evidence that the roughness of the and Pt seeds with three different NP loadings. After activation, all tem-
metallized polymer surface increases with the DMAB concentration in plates were subjected to electroless Ag plating for 20 h.
Fig. 4. a), b) SEM images of Cu NTs fabricated in an ion-track etched PC template sensitized with 1 M DMAB and activated with Pt seeds. c) Magnied SEM image (secondary electron
mode) of two Ag NTs (sensitization: 2 M DMAB, activation: Pt). d) SEM image of the sample shown in c) (backscattered electron mode). The Pt seeds on the outer Ag NT surface can
be clearly identied by the atomic number contrast.
106 F. Muench et al. / Surface & Coatings Technology 242 (2014) 100108
Fig. 3 shows Ag nanostructures obtained sensitization with 0.25 distribution with low particle densities within the template channels
DMAB in the case of a) Ag and b) Pt seeds. In both cases no continuous was responsible for this result, we performed electroless Cu plating on
Ag NTs were obtained due to the low density of seeds created during ac- an ion-track etched membrane activated with Pt seeds after sensitiza-
tivation (see Fig. 2a,e). However, relatively dense Ag surface lms were tion with 1 M DMAB. Fig. 4a,b evidences the formation of well-dened
formed on the outer, planar surfaces of the template foil. This result is in Cu NTs. Because an identical amount and distribution of seeds did not
agreement with previous reports [5,19,20], corroborating that the for- sufce to enable the formation of extended free-standing Ag NTs
mation of 2D lms is easier than the homogeneous coverage of extend- (Fig. 3d), the Pt NPs initiated metal lm nucleation more reliably within
ed inner surfaces poorly accessible to the reactants. the depth of the template pores when comparing Cu with Ag plating.
Fig. 3c,e presents free-standing Ag NTs spanning the complete thick- This result points out that the activation parameters of the substrates
ness of the template (~30 m). These tubes are obtained when a higher used in the electroless fabrication of nanomaterials must be optimized
density of Ag seeds is created by sensitization with more concentrated with respect to the applied plating solution.
DMAB solutions, namely 1 M and 2 M. We found that in the case of the employed electroless Ag plating re-
Fig. 3d,f presents Ag nanostructures obtained with increased seed action, Pt seeding led to less Ag deposition within the template com-
density in the case of Pt-seeded experiments. In these cases, only pared to Ag seeding under identical plating conditions (Fig. 3). This
short NTs are formed adjacent to the planar Ag lm on the outer tem- indicates a slower formation of the Ag lm in the Pt-activated template,
plate surface. To exclude the possibility that an inhomogeneous seed which can be explained by a reduced activity of the Pt seeds in the
Fig. 5. Characterization of the metal lms plated on different polymers after sensitization with DMAB and activation with Ag. a), b) SEM images of the nanostructured Ag lm on ion-track
etched PET. c) SEM image of the Ag lm deposited on ABS foil. d) Photograph of a Lego brick after electroless Ag plating. The light golden color of the work piece is often observed in the
case of Ag lms roughened on the nanoscale [5,29]. e), f) SEM images of the Au lm deposited on PVA foil. (For interpretation of the references to color in this gure legend, the reader is
referred to the web version of this article.)
F. Muench et al. / Surface & Coatings Technology 242 (2014) 100108 107
plating reaction. Ideally, metal deposition should occur faster on the polymer foil in the reaction solution, a color shift to blue was
seed particles than on the plated metal lm, because in this case observed in addition with a slight bronze-colored luster. SEM
substrate areas where lm nucleation has not started yet are preferred measurements conrmed the presence of a porous nanoscale
deposition sites [21]. Due to their improved activity compared to the Au lm (Fig. 5e,f).
Pt seeds, Ag seeds are therefore preferred to obtain free-standing Ag
NTs of high aspect ratio in the reaction conditions described here. In all shown experiments, metal lm adhesion which displays an es-
Despite the fact that no continuous Ag NTs were obtained in the Pt sential issue in electroless plating [1,26] was unproblematic. No delam-
activation experiments (Fig. 3b,d,f), it is important to note that the ination of the metal lms was observed after plating as well as during
outlined reaction scheme can be used to create metal NTs decorated scotch tape tests. This is expected in the case of the ion-track etched
with NPs on their outer walls consisting of a second metal (Fig. 4c,d). Bi- PC and PET templates, since the polymer foils contain a high density of
nary NTs represent an upcoming catalyst system beneting from both a pores which reliably anchor the metal lms on their surfaces. Consider-
unique morphology and synergistic effects [22,23], thus activation with ing the ABS substrates, a certain roughness was found after swelling
a seed metal differing from the NT material is an interesting and activation and plating (see Fig. 5c), which is probably the cause for the
straightforward route towards metal NTs with improved functionality. good metal lm adhesion. The bonding of the Au lm to the PVA foil
probably beneted from its nanoscale structure, because it is well
3.3. Activation protocol for different polymers known that ensuring metal adhesion is especially challenging for large
lm thicknesses [1]. Consequently, in syntheses using extended plating
In the study introducing the swelling activation technique [8], PC times and smooth PC foils not containing pores from ion-track etching,
was used because of its privileged role as a template for the deposition we frequently observed metal lm peeling. This is not surprising, since
of high aspect ratio nanomaterials such as nanowires [24] and NTs [7]. the applied reaction conditions do not increase the surface roughness
To prove the universality of the activation scheme, it is now shown of the utilized PC foils signicantly [8], which is necessary to improve
how the process can be transferred to other polymers. Three polymer mechanical bonding due to the otherwise mostly weak interactions be-
types with signicantly deviating properties were chosen, namely tween metals and polymers [1,26,27,30]. While the conservation of ne
(i) PET, (ii) ABS and (iii) PVA. For all three polymers, we used technical morphological features is important for template-based nanomaterial
polymer data sheets, and it was of high importance to choose a sensiti- fabrication, in such cases, surface-roughening pretreatments [1,30] are
zation solvent which causes slight swelling of the substrate surface required before sensitization.
without damaging the morphology of the work piece or even dissolve it.
4. Conclusion
(i) PET is a polyester like PC, but is characterized by a higher chem-
ical stability and thus can be applied under more aggressive con- In this study, the activation of polymer substrates sensitized by the
ditions [25]. Given the stability of PET in methanol, 1,4-dioxane absorption of reducing agents in the presence of swelling solvents was
was chosen as solvent for the sensitization of PET membranes. demonstrated to be a universal and highly exible process. By choosing
Using DMAB as the reducing agent, Ag nuclei were deposited in appropriate solvents causing a controlled modication of the polymer
the activation step, followed by electroless Ag plating. During surface without destroying the substrate morphology, four polymers
activation, the PET template turned brownish, indicating the cre- with strongly differing chemical structures were successfully activated
ation of Ag seeds. After electroless plating, a metallic gray luster for consecutive electroless plating. Also, the reducing agent and seed
appeared. The creation of a homogeneous thin lm composed metal could be varied.
of the relatively large NPs typical for electroless Ag [5] was con- The reaction conditions during sensitization and activation strongly
rmed by SEM (Fig. 5a,b). The porous structure of the template affected the formation of metal NPs. High metal loadings were obtained
was fully preserved during the treatment (Fig. 5a,b). As can be by sensitization with concentrated solutions of the strong reducing
seen in Fig. 5b, Ag deposition also took place on the inner surfaces agent DMAB. The seed particle shape, size and distribution depended
of the PET substrate. on the composition of both the sensitization and activation solutions,
(ii) ABS is an industrially important polymer frequently used for elec- with a particularly pronounced impact of the metal precursor type.
troless plating [1,26]. Due to its hydrophobic nature, etching and Because the activation quality is of major relevance for the electro-
oxidizing steps are usually required to provide adhesion for plat- less synthesis of metal thin lms and nanomaterials derived thereof,
ed metal lms and to introduce polar surface functionalities for the effect of the seeding parameters on the fabrication of free-
activation procedures [26,27]. The sensitization procedure used standing metal NTs was evaluated. To achieve this challenging prod-
for PC could directly be transferred to ABS. After being sensitized uct morphology, an appropriate seed loading proved to be necessary,
in a methanolic solution of DMAB, activation in an aqueous solu- but not sufcient. Generally, an adequate density of seeds which are
tion of AgNO3 yielded intensely brown-colored ABS substrates active in the corresponding plating reaction and ensure reliable
which could be evenly metallized by consecutive electroless plat- nucleation is required to homogeneously cover complex shaped sub-
ing (Fig. 5c,d). Dense Ag lms were obtained, as expected from strates with nanoscale metal lms.
the high seed loading indicated by the strong color shift during
activation [7]. The presence of a nanostructured Ag lm was con-
rmed with SEM (Fig. 5c). Both home-made ABS foils (Fig. 5c) Acknowledgments
and complex shaped, macroscopic work pieces such as Lego
bricks (Fig. 5d) were successfully plated. We thank Prof. Dr. Christina Trautmann (GSI Helmholtzzentrum fr
(iii) PVA is an extremely hydrophilic and biocompatible polymer [28]. Schwerionenforschung GmbH (Darmstadt, Germany)) for support with
The home-made PVA foils used for the experiments were water the irradiation experiments and for providing access to the HRSEM of
soluble. Thus, all reaction steps (sensitization, activation, electro- the materials research group. The authors highly recognize the synthe-
less plating) were performed in non-aqueous solvents. While ses performed by Sebastian Bohn.
DMAB sensitization was performed with methanol, ethylene gly-
col was used for activation because of its improved solubility of References
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