RMC No 89-2017
RMC No 89-2017
RMC No 89-2017
,l:go P.^,t,--
UCI ?\ZAV tt
E Quezon City
RECE Y,ffff
October 20. 2017
For the information and guidance of all concerned. this Circular is issued to
amend the provisions in RMC No. 51-2007 on the processing of claims for issuance of
tax refund/Tcc. except claims processed under the jurisdiction of the Large Taxpavers
Service (LTS) and the Legal Service.
1. A1l claims by direct exporters shall be filed with and processed by the VAT
Credit Audit Division (VCAD). except for taxpayers under the jurisdiction of
the LTS, who have the option to fiie with the concerned LT Division where
they are registered or with the VCAD.
2. The electronic Letters of Authority (eLAs) invoiving claims filed with the
VCAD shali be approved and signed by the Assistant Comrnissioner
Assessment Service (ACIR - AS).
3. All claims processed by the VCAD shail be reviewed by the Tax Audit Review
Division (TARD) prior to approval of the claim.
or Approvins Revenue
Arnount Clairned Amount Granted
Not more than Below P 50,000,000.00 ACIR - AS
P 75,000,000.00
1 . All claims filed with and processed b,v the RDO shall be reviewed b1, the
concerned Assessment Division prior to transmittal to the Regional Director.
2. The Regional Director shall be the authorized approving official fbr claims
amounting to Ten Miilion (10M) Pesos and below. For clairns exceeding 10M
Pesos. the repofis on said claims shall be signed by the Regional Director'. who
shall l'ecommend the approval/issuance of the tax refund/Tcc.
3. The docket of the claim shall be transmitted to the TARD for further review
prior to approval of the revenue officials in accordance witl-r the thresholds set
in item I.4 hereof.
IIL Existing claims from Regional Offices exceeding P 1,000,000.00 (1M Pesos) in the
possession of the National Office
IV. Time frame to process claims for VAT refund/TCC under Section 112 (A) of the
National internal Revenue Code of 1991 (Tax Code), as ainended
1. The 1 20-day period prescribed under 1 12 (C) of the Tax Code, as amended,
shall start from the actual date of filing of the application.
For this purpose, no VAT refund/TCC docket shall be accepted by the National
Office beyond the BO-day period prescribed herein, regardless of the date when
the eLA was issued, except for justifiable reasons. e-9., fortuitous events,
unexpected suspension of work or declared holidays. etc.
_). The TARD shali ensure that the docket of the claim shall be transmitted to the
approving official not laterthan one hundred (100) da1,s from the filing of the
application for VAT refund/TCC.
In the absence of a dul1,' appointed DCIR - OG. claims for tax refund/TCC fbr
approval of the said official shall be approved by the CiR.
All internal revenue otficials and employees concerned are hereb)'enjoir-red to give
this Circular as u,ide a publicity as possible.
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