Motion For Intervention
Motion For Intervention
Motion For Intervention
COMES NOW the Intervenor, by the undersigned counsel, and unto this
Honorable Court, most respectfully requests for leave to intervene in the
above-captioned case, for the following reasons:
That the Intervenor is a purchaser of some of the subdivided portions of Lot
No. _______, the subject matter ofthe above-captioned case;
That the Intervenor has a legal interest in the matter in litigation, or in the
success of the complainant, or is so situated as to be adversely affected by a
distribution or other disposition of the parcel of land, subject matter ofthe
above-captioned case;
That this intervention will not, in the least, unduly delay or prejudice the
adjudication of the rights of the original parties in the case;
That the Intervenor's rights can be fully protected in this proceeding rather
than by filing a separate proceeding.
WHEREFORE, it is most respectfully prayed that the said _____________ be
allowed to intervene in this action by filing a Complaint in Intervention, a
copy of which is attached to this motion.
_____________, Philippines, __Date__.